2--                                                                          --
3--                     ASIS UTILITY LIBRARY COMPONENTS                      --
4--                                                                          --
5--                       A S I S _ U L . C O M M O N                        --
6--                                                                          --
7--                                 S p e c                                  --
8--                                                                          --
9--                    Copyright (C) 2004-2016, AdaCore                      --
10--                                                                          --
11-- Asis Utility Library (ASIS UL) is free software; you can redistribute it --
12-- and/or  modify  it  under  terms  of  the  GNU General Public License as --
13-- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your --
14-- option)  any later version.  ASIS UL  is distributed in the hope that it --
15-- will  be  useful,  but  WITHOUT  ANY  WARRANTY; without even the implied --
17-- GNU  General Public License for more details. You should have received a --
18-- copy of the  GNU General Public License  distributed with GNAT; see file --
19-- COPYING3. If not,  go to http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy --
20-- of the license.                                                          --
21--                                                                          --
22-- GNATCHECK is maintained by AdaCore (http://www.adacore.com).             --
23--                                                                          --
26--  This package defines entities that are of general interest and can be used
27--  in more than one component of the tool
29--  When using this package, keep in mind that it computes the name of the
30--  tool as a part of its elaboration, and if the tool name contains a path
31--  information, the full absolute name of the directory the tool is located in
32--  is added to the beginning of the PATH environment variable. This is done
33--  to make it possible to use a tool belonging (or related)) to a particular
34--  version  GNAT compiler in case when more than one GNAT version is
35--  installed - the idea is that when a tool calls a compiler to create a tree
36--  file, this compiler should be from the same GNAT version as the tool
37--  itself. See the body (Set_Tool_Name_And_Path routine) for all details.
39--  Note, that on Windows the system implicitly adds a full path to a command
40--  name even if the real tool invocation does not contain any path information
41--  for the tool name, so in case Windows the directory where the tool
42--  executable is located will allways be prepended to the path.
44with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
46with Asis;
48package ASIS_UL.Common is
50   pragma Elaborate_Body (ASIS_UL.Common);
52   Tool_Name : String_Access;
53   --  Used to generate error messages and to define the compiler to be used
54   --  to create the trees. Is set as the name of the tool that is actually
55   --  called (that is, as the result of Ada.Command_Line.Command_Name). This
56   --  name is used in the diagnostic messages generated by the tool
57   --  (preserving the casing of the result returned by
58   --  Ada.Command_Line.Command_Name).
59   --
60   --  The tool name given in the command line should satisfy the following
61   --  rules:
62   --
63   --  - if the name contains the minus sign ('-'), the part of the name before
64   --    the rightmost '-' should be the name of the cross platform the tool
65   --    is supposed to be used for
66   --
67   --  - if the name starts from "gnaamp", it is treated as the name of the
68   --    tool to be used for AAMP compiler, in this case if the name contains
69   --    a '-' sign, this minus is treated as a part of the tool name with
70   --    no possible relation to the name of the cross platform.
71   --
72   --  This variable is initialized during the elaboration of this package, a
73   --  tool may change it afterwards. If the tool is invoked with directory
74   --  information, this directory information is stripped away when setting
75   --  the value for Tool_Name, but the directory where the tool is invoked is
76   --  added in front of the path. Here we are using the same approach as
77   --  gnatmake. See E709-001. Note that the tool name is always converted to
78   --  lower case.
80   Target_From_Command_Line : String_Access;
81   --  Target as it is specified by the command-line '--target=...' option.
82   --  Remains equal to null if no '--target=...' option is specified.
84   Target_From_Project : String_Access;
85   --  Target as it is specified by the 'Target attribute in the argument
86   --  project file. Remains equal to null if there is no 'Target attribute
87   --  in the project file.
89   Gcc_To_Call : String_Access;
90   --  This variable is supposed to contain the full path to gcc to be used to
91   --  create trees, it is initialized during the elaboration of this package,
92   --  a tool may change it afterwards. If this is set to null, the standard
93   --  gcc installation is used (if any).
94   --  The value of this variable is detected during elaboration, just after
95   --  detecting Tool_Name.
97   Gnatmake_To_Call : String_Access;
98   --  This variable is supposed to contain the full path to gnatmake to be
99   --  used namely as gnatmake, but not the tree creator for ASIS Context.
100   --  This is needed by gnatelim and is probably needed by some other tools.
101   --  The value of this variable is detected during elaboration, just after
102   --  detecting Tool_Name.
104   Use_Gnatmake_To_Compile : Boolean := False;
105   --  This flag indicates that gnatmake (as 'gnatmake -c -u -f ...') should be
106   --  used to create the tree instead of gcc.
108   Gprbuild_To_Call : String_Access;
109   --  Full pathname of the executable for gprbuild, which is called in
110   --  --incremental mode.
112   Fatal_Error : exception;
113   --  This exception should be raised when there is no sense any more to do
114   --  any work in the tool. When raising this exception, one has to generate
115   --  the "fatal" diagnostic message.
117   Parameter_Error : exception;
118   --  Is raised when an error is detected for the parameters supplied for the
119   --  tool (includes both wrong parameters and wrong combinations of correct
120   --  parameters).
122   Non_Implemented_Error : exception;
123   --  This exception is raised if the execution comes to some part of the tool
124   --  that has not been completely implemented yet.
126   Tool_Failures : Natural := 0;
127   --  Counter for tool failures a tool has recovered from
129   Illegal_File_Detected : Boolean := False;
130   --  Flag indicating if there was at least one non-successful compilation
131   --  during the tool invocation.
133   The_Context : Asis.Context;
134   --  The Context for all the ASIS processing made by the tools. May be
135   --  associated, opened, closed and dissociated several times during one
136   --  tool run.
138   The_CU : Asis.Compilation_Unit;
139   --  The ASIS Compilation Unit corresponding to the unit represented by the
140   --  source being processed.
142   Arg_File : String_Access;
143   --  The name of the source to process. May be set in different ways, but
144   --  if it is non-null, it should contain the name of an existing file with
145   --  full directory information in normalized absolute form.
147   Tree_File : String_Access;
148   --  The name of the tree file created in the temporary directory
150   Project_File_Obsolete : String_Access;
151   --  The name of the project file used to locate sources and to compile
152   --  for the tree. It is supposed that after reading and checking the tool
153   --  parameters this variable is either null (in case if no project file is
154   --  used) or it points to the full name of the existing project file with
155   --  path information in absolute form.
156   --
157   --  ???This is obsolete (see Use_Project_File_Obsolete below).
159   Multiple_File_Mode : Boolean := True;
160   --  This flag may be used by tools that use Source file table to check if
161   --  they have several or only one file to process. The tool should itself
162   --  set this file if it wants to use it. If this file is OFF, no source
163   --  trace is generated in non-verbise mode.
165   function Detect_Target return String;
166   --  Detects if this is a cross version of the tool by analyzing its name.
167   --  In case if it is a cross version, returns the prefix of the name
168   --  detecting the specific cross version, otherwise returns an empty
169   --  string  (in case if the tool name starts with "gnaamp", returns "AAMP")
171   function Get_Global_Report_Dir return String;
172   --  Returns the path to the directory to place the global results into (the
173   --  path is ended with a directory separator). Returns null string if
174   --  No_Object_Dir is ON.
176   procedure Set_Global_Report_Dir (Dir : String);
177   --  Stores S as the path to the directory to place the global results into.
179   Ada_Version_Changed : Boolean := False;
180   --  Indicates if the language version is changed by tool parameters. We
181   --  need this flag because we may need to restore the default that is
182   --  changed in project analysis environment
184   Preprocessing_Allowed : Boolean := True;
185   --  Indicates if a tool can use preprcessor-related GNAT options when
186   --  compiling a source for the tree. If needed, this flag should be changed
187   --  before parsing tool arguments, because we can get prepeocessor-specific
188   --  options from a project file.
190   -----------------------------------
191   -- Project support in ASIS tools --
192   -----------------------------------
194   --  The basic idea of providing the project support for ASIS tools is to
195   --  use not GCC, but GNATMAKE to create the tree for the ASIS part of the
196   --  tool and by means of this to use the project support embedded in
197   --  GNATMAKE. That is, if the tool has a parameter -Pproject_file, then
198   --  to create the tree we use:
199   --
200   --    $gnatmake -c -f -u -Pproject_file_1 -gnatct ...
201   --
202   --  The main problem with this approach is that the tree file is placed in
203   --  the directory that is defined as an object directory in the project
204   --  file, so we have to do something to get the tree created in the
205   --  temporarry directory the tool creates for all its compilations. There
206   --  are two solutions for this problem:
208   --  (1) to add '-cargs -o .' to the gnatmake arguments to redirect the
209   --      gnatmake output into the current dir (gnatmake is called from the
210   --      temporary dir created by the tool).
212   --  (2) to create in the temporary dir a new project file with the following
213   --      content:
214   --
215   --         project Temp extends "full_name_of_project_file" is
216   --            for Object_Dir use ".";
217   --         end Temp;
218   --
219   --      and to use this new project file as the argument of the gnatmake
220   --      call
222   --  The main problem with the first approach is that in case if the argument
223   --  file has not been compiled before (with generating the corresponding
224   --  ALI file, that call ends up with the diagnostic messages like:
225   --
226   --    gnatmake: "p.ali" WARNING: ALI or object file not found after compile
227   --    gnatmake: "c:\atre-tests\projects\p.ads" compilation error
228   --
229   --  and no tree file is generated.
231   --  At the moment we implement both approaches. The tool can select the
232   --  needed approach of the project support by setting the
233   --  Project_Support_Type variable below
235   type Project_Support_Types is (No_Tmp_Project_File, Use_Tmp_Project_File);
237   Project_Support_Type : Project_Support_Types := Use_Tmp_Project_File;
239   procedure Process_Project_File (Project_File_Name : String);
240   pragma Obsolescent (Process_Project_File);
241   --  This procedure analyzes the parameter of -P tool option. First, it
242   --  checks that Project_File_Name really exists, and if it is, stores
243   --  the full normalized name of this file as the value of
244   --  ASIS_UL.Common.Project_File, otherwise Parameter_Error is raised.
245   --  If No_Tmp_Project_File project support mode is set, this procedure
246   --  adds '-P<full_proj_file_name> option to the set of compiler/gnatmake
247   --  options used to create the tree. This procedure also tries to locate
248   --  gnatmake and raises Parameter_Error if this attempt fails.
249   --  If all the checks are successful, Use_Project_File_Obsolete is set ON.
251   Use_Project_File_Obsolete : Boolean := False;
252   --  Flag indicating if a project file is used when compiling sources for
253   --  the trees. With a project file, we should not try to check from a
254   --  short file name if the file exists and we should not use full file
255   --  names.
256   --
257   --  ???This flag and related code is obsolete, but we can't remove it,
258   --  because it is still used by ada2java.
260end ASIS_UL.Common;