2#   CheMPS2: a spin-adapted implementation of DMRG for ab initio quantum chemistry
3#   Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Sebastian Wouters
5#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8#   (at your option) any later version.
10#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13#   GNU General Public License for more details.
15#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16#   with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17#   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20import numpy as np
21cimport numpy as np
22from libcpp.string cimport string
23from libcpp cimport bool
26cimport Init
27cimport ConvScheme
28cimport Ham
29cimport Prob
30cimport Corr
31cimport TwoRDM
32cimport ThreeRDM
33cimport DMRGsolver
34cimport DMRGSCFopt
35cimport DMRGSCF
36cimport FullCI
38cdef class PyInitialize:
39    cdef Init.Initialize * thisptr
40    def __cinit__(self):
41        self.thisptr = new Init.Initialize()
42    def __dealloc__(self):
43        del self.thisptr
44    def Init(self):
45        self.thisptr.Init()
47cdef class PyConvergenceScheme:
48    cdef ConvScheme.ConvergenceScheme * thisptr
49    def __cinit__(self, int nInstructions):
50        self.thisptr = new ConvScheme.ConvergenceScheme(nInstructions)
51    def __dealloc__(self):
52        del self.thisptr
53    def setInstruction(self, int instruction, int D, double Econv, int nMax, double noisePrefactor):
54        self.thisptr.setInstruction(instruction, D, Econv, nMax, noisePrefactor)
55    def set_instruction(self, int instruction, int D, double Econv, int nMax, double noisePrefactor, double dvdson_rtol):
56        self.thisptr.set_instruction(instruction, D, Econv, nMax, noisePrefactor, dvdson_rtol)
57    def getD(self, int instruction):
58        return self.thisptr.get_D(instruction)
59    def getEconv(self, int instruction):
60        return self.thisptr.get_energy_conv(instruction)
61    def getMaxSweeps(self, int instruction):
62        return self.thisptr.get_max_sweeps(instruction)
63    def getNoisePrefactor(self, int instruction):
64        return self.thisptr.get_noise_prefactor(instruction)
65    def getDavidsonRTOL(self, int instruction):
66        return self.thisptr.get_dvdson_rtol(instruction)
68cdef class PyHamiltonian:
69    cdef Ham.Hamiltonian * thisptr
70    def __cinit__(self, int Norbitals, int nGroup, np.ndarray[int, ndim=1, mode="c"] OrbIrreps not None, string filename='none'):
71        if ( filename.compare('none')==0 ):
72            assert OrbIrreps.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
73            assert OrbIrreps.shape[0] == Norbitals
74            self.thisptr = new Ham.Hamiltonian(Norbitals, nGroup, &OrbIrreps[0])
75        else:
76            self.thisptr = new Ham.Hamiltonian(filename, nGroup)
77    def __dealloc__(self):
78        del self.thisptr
79    def getL(self):
80        return self.thisptr.getL()
81    def getNGroup(self):
82        return self.thisptr.getNGroup()
83    def getOrbitalIrrep(self, int orb):
84        return self.thisptr.getOrbitalIrrep(orb)
85    def setEconst(self, double value):
86        self.thisptr.setEconst(value)
87    def setTmat(self, int index1, int index2, double value):
88        self.thisptr.setTmat(index1, index2, value)
89    def setVmat(self, int index1, int index2, int index3, int index4, double value):
90        self.thisptr.setVmat(index1, index2, index3, index4, value)
91    def getEconst(self):
92        return self.thisptr.getEconst()
93    def getTmat(self, int index1, int index2):
94        return self.thisptr.getTmat(index1, index2)
95    def getVmat(self, int index1, int index2, int index3, int index4):
96        return self.thisptr.getVmat(index1, index2, index3, index4)
97    def save(self):
98        self.thisptr.save()
99    def read(self):
100        self.thisptr.read()
101    def writeFCIDUMP(self, string filename, int Nelec, int TwoS, int TargetIrrep):
102        self.thisptr.writeFCIDUMP( filename, Nelec, TwoS, TargetIrrep )
104cdef class PyProblem:
105    cdef Prob.Problem * thisptr
106    def __cinit__(self, PyHamiltonian Hami, int TwoS, int N, int Irrep):
107        self.thisptr = new Prob.Problem(Hami.thisptr, TwoS, N, Irrep)
108    def __dealloc__(self):
109        del self.thisptr
110    def gL(self):
111        return self.thisptr.gL()
112    def gSy(self):
113        return self.thisptr.gSy()
114    def gIrrep(self, int orb):
115        return self.thisptr.gIrrep(orb)
116    def gTwoS(self):
117        return self.thisptr.gTwoS()
118    def gN(self):
119        return self.thisptr.gN()
120    def gIrrep(self):
121        return self.thisptr.gIrrep()
122    def gEconst(self):
123        return self.thisptr.gEconst()
124    def gMxElement(self, int index1, int index2, int index3, int index4):
125        return self.thisptr.gMxElement(index1, index2, index3, index4)
126    def setMxElement(self, int index1, int index2, int index3, int index4, double value):
127        self.thisptr.setMxElement(index1, index2, index3, index4, value)
128    def SetupReorderD2h(self):
129        self.thisptr.SetupReorderD2h()
131cdef class PyDMRG:
132    cdef DMRGsolver.DMRG * thisptr
133    def __cinit__(self, PyProblem Probl, PyConvergenceScheme OptScheme, bool makechkpt=False, string tmpfolder='/tmp'):
134        self.thisptr = new DMRGsolver.DMRG(Probl.thisptr, OptScheme.thisptr, makechkpt, tmpfolder)
135    def __dealloc__(self):
136        del self.thisptr
137    def Solve(self):
138        return self.thisptr.Solve()
139    def PreSolve(self):
140        self.thisptr.PreSolve()
141    def calc2DMandCorrelations(self):
142        self.thisptr.calc2DMandCorrelations()
143    def calc_rdms_and_correlations(self, bool do_3rdm):
144        self.thisptr.calc_rdms_and_correlations( do_3rdm )
145    def deleteStoredMPS(self):
146        self.thisptr.deleteStoredMPS()
147    def deleteStoredOperators(self):
148        self.thisptr.deleteStoredOperators()
149    def activateExcitations(self, int nExcitations):
150        self.thisptr.activateExcitations(nExcitations)
151    def newExcitation(self, const double Eshift):
152        self.thisptr.newExcitation(Eshift)
153    #Access functions of the Corr.Correlations class
154    def getCspin(self, int row, int col):
155        return self.thisptr.getCorrelations().getCspin_HAM(row, col)
156    def getCdens(self, int row, int col):
157        return self.thisptr.getCorrelations().getCdens_HAM(row, col)
158    def getCspinflip(self, int row, int col):
159        return self.thisptr.getCorrelations().getCspinflip_HAM(row, col)
160    def getCdirad(self, int row, int col):
161        return self.thisptr.getCorrelations().getCdirad_HAM(row, col)
162    def getMutInfo(self, int row, int col):
163        return self.thisptr.getCorrelations().getMutualInformation_HAM(row, col)
164    def getSingleOrbEntropy(self, int index):
165        return self.thisptr.getCorrelations().SingleOrbitalEntropy_HAM(index)
166    def getMutInfoDistance(self, int power):
167        return self.thisptr.getCorrelations().MutualInformationDistance(power)
168    def printCorrelations(self):
169        self.thisptr.getCorrelations().Print()
170    #Access functions of the TwoDM class
171    def get2DMA(self, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4):
172        return self.thisptr.get2DM().getTwoDMA_HAM(i1, i2, i3, i4)
173    def get2DMB(self, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4):
174        return self.thisptr.get2DM().getTwoDMB_HAM(i1, i2, i3, i4)
175    def get2DMenergy(self):
176        return self.thisptr.get2DM().energy()
177    def getDoubleTrace2DMA(self):
178        return self.thisptr.get2DM().trace()
179    #Access functions of the ThreeDM class
180    def get3DM(self, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6):
181        return self.thisptr.get3DM().get_ham_index(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6)
182    def Symm4RDM(self, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] output not None, int ham_orb1, int ham_orb2, bool last_case):
183        assert output.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
184        self.thisptr.Symm4RDM(&output[0], ham_orb1, ham_orb2, last_case)
185    def getFCIcoefficient(self, np.ndarray[int, ndim=1, mode="c"] alpha not None, np.ndarray[int, ndim=1, mode="c"] beta not None):
186        assert alpha.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
187        assert  beta.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
188        return self.thisptr.getFCIcoefficient(&alpha[0],&beta[0])
190cdef class PyDMRGSCFoptions:
191    cdef DMRGSCFopt.DMRGSCFoptions * thisptr
192    def __cinit__(self):
193        self.thisptr = new DMRGSCFopt.DMRGSCFoptions()
194    def __dealloc__(self):
195        del self.thisptr
196    def getDoDIIS(self):
197        return self.thisptr.getDoDIIS()
198    def getDIISGradientBranch(self):
199        return self.thisptr.getDIISGradientBranch()
200    def getNumDIISVecs(self):
201        return self.thisptr.getNumDIISVecs()
202    def getStoreDIIS(self):
203        return self.thisptr.getStoreDIIS()
204    def getMaxIterations(self):
205        return self.thisptr.getMaxIterations()
206    def getGradientThreshold(self):
207        return self.thisptr.getGradientThreshold()
208    def getStoreUnitary(self):
209        return self.thisptr.getStoreUnitary()
210    def getWhichActiveSpace(self):
211        return self.thisptr.getWhichActiveSpace()
212    def getDumpCorrelations(self):
213        return self.thisptr.getDumpCorrelations()
214    def getStateAveraging(self):
215        return self.thisptr.getStateAveraging()
216    def setDoDIIS(self, bool val):
217        self.thisptr.setDoDIIS(val)
218    def setDIISGradientBranch(self, double val):
219        self.thisptr.setDIISGradientBranch(val)
220    def setNumDIISVecs(self, int val):
221        self.thisptr.setNumDIISVecs(val)
222    def setStoreDIIS(self, bool val):
223        self.thisptr.setStoreDIIS(val)
224    def setMaxIterations(self, int val):
225        self.thisptr.setMaxIterations(val)
226    def setGradientThreshold(self, double val):
227        self.thisptr.setGradientThreshold(val)
228    def setStoreUnitary(self, bool val):
229        self.thisptr.setStoreUnitary(val)
230    def setWhichActiveSpace(self, int val):
231        self.thisptr.setWhichActiveSpace(val)
232    def setDumpCorrelations(self, bool val):
233        self.thisptr.setDumpCorrelations(val)
234    def setStateAveraging(self, bool val):
235        self.thisptr.setStateAveraging(val)
237cdef class PyCASSCF:
238    cdef DMRGSCF.CASSCF * thisptr
239    def __cinit__(self, PyHamiltonian theHam, np.ndarray[int, ndim=1, mode="c"] DOCC not None, np.ndarray[int, ndim=1, mode="c"] SOCC not None, np.ndarray[int, ndim=1, mode="c"] NOCC not None, np.ndarray[int, ndim=1, mode="c"] NDMRG not None, np.ndarray[int, ndim=1, mode="c"] NVIRT not None):
240        assert  DOCC.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
241        assert  SOCC.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
242        assert  NOCC.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
243        assert NDMRG.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
244        assert NVIRT.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
245        self.thisptr = new DMRGSCF.CASSCF(theHam.thisptr, &DOCC[0], &SOCC[0], &NOCC[0], &NDMRG[0], &NVIRT[0])
246    def __dealloc__(self):
247        del self.thisptr
248    def solve(self, int Nel, int TwoS, int Irrep, PyConvergenceScheme OptScheme, int rootNum, PyDMRGSCFoptions theDMRGSCFopts):
249        return self.thisptr.solve(Nel, TwoS, Irrep, OptScheme.thisptr, rootNum, theDMRGSCFopts.thisptr)
250    def caspt2(self, int Nel, int TwoS, int Irrep, PyConvergenceScheme OptScheme, int rootNum, PyDMRGSCFoptions theDMRGSCFopts, double IPEA, double IMAG, bool PSEUDOCANONICAL):
251        return self.thisptr.caspt2(Nel, TwoS, Irrep, OptScheme.thisptr, rootNum, theDMRGSCFopts.thisptr, IPEA, IMAG, PSEUDOCANONICAL)
252    def solve_fci(self, int Nel, int TwoS, int Irrep, int rootNum, PyDMRGSCFoptions theDMRGSCFopts):
253        return self.thisptr.solve(Nel, TwoS, Irrep, NULL, rootNum, theDMRGSCFopts.thisptr)
254    def caspt2_fci(self, int Nel, int TwoS, int Irrep, int rootNum, PyDMRGSCFoptions theDMRGSCFopts, double IPEA, double IMAG, bool PSEUDOCANONICAL):
255        return self.thisptr.caspt2(Nel, TwoS, Irrep, NULL, rootNum, theDMRGSCFopts.thisptr, IPEA, IMAG, PSEUDOCANONICAL)
256    def deleteStoredUnitary(self):
257        self.thisptr.deleteStoredUnitary()
258    def deleteStoredDIIS(self):
259        self.thisptr.deleteStoredDIIS()
261cdef class PyFCI:
262    cdef FullCI.FCI * thisptr
263    def __cinit__(self, PyHamiltonian theHam, unsigned int Nel_up, unsigned int Nel_down, int TargetIrrep, double maxMemWorkMB=100.0, int FCIverbose=1):
264        self.thisptr = new FullCI.FCI(theHam.thisptr, Nel_up, Nel_down, TargetIrrep, maxMemWorkMB, FCIverbose)
265    def __dealloc__(self):
266        del self.thisptr
267    def getVecLength(self):
268        return self.thisptr.getVecLength(0)
269    def LowestEnergyDeterminant(self):
270        return self.thisptr.LowestEnergyDeterminant()
271    def GSDavidson(self, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] inoutput not None):
272        assert inoutput.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
273        Energy = self.thisptr.GSDavidson(&inoutput[0])
274        return Energy
275    def CalcSpinSquared(self, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] GSvector not None):
276        assert GSvector.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
277        SpinSquared = self.thisptr.CalcSpinSquared(&GSvector[0])
278        return SpinSquared
279    def Fill2RDM(self, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] GSvector not None, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] TwoRDM not None):
280        assert GSvector.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
281        assert   TwoRDM.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
282        EnergyByContraction = self.thisptr.Fill2RDM(&GSvector[0], &TwoRDM[0])
283        return EnergyByContraction
284    def Fill3RDM(self, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] GSvector not None, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] ThreeRDM not None):
285        assert GSvector.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
286        assert ThreeRDM.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
287        self.thisptr.Fill3RDM(&GSvector[0], &ThreeRDM[0])
288    def Fill4RDM(self, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] GSvector not None, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] FourRDM not None):
289        assert GSvector.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
290        assert  FourRDM.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
291        self.thisptr.Fill4RDM(&GSvector[0], &FourRDM[0])
292    def Diag4RDM(self, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] GSvector not None, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] ThreeRDM not None, unsigned int ham_orbz, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] output not None):
293        assert GSvector.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
294        assert ThreeRDM.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
295        assert   output.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
296        self.thisptr.Diag4RDM(&GSvector[0], &ThreeRDM[0], ham_orbz, &output[0])
297    def FillRandom(self, unsigned int vecLength, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] vector not None):
298        assert vector.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
299        self.thisptr.FillRandom(vecLength, &vector[0])
300    def getFCIcoefficient(self, np.ndarray[int, ndim=1, mode="c"] alpha not None, np.ndarray[int, ndim=1, mode="c"] beta not None, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] GSvector not None):
301        assert    alpha.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
302        assert     beta.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
303        assert GSvector.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
304        return self.thisptr.getFCIcoeff(&alpha[0], &beta[0], &GSvector[0])
305    def RetardedGF(self, double omega, double eta, int orb_alpha, int orb_beta, bool isUp, double GSenergy, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] GSvector not None, PyHamiltonian Hami):
306        cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] RePart = np.zeros([1])
307        cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] ImPart = np.zeros([1])
308        assert GSvector.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
309        assert   RePart.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
310        assert   ImPart.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
311        self.thisptr.RetardedGF(omega, eta, orb_alpha, orb_beta, isUp, GSenergy, &GSvector[0], Hami.thisptr, &RePart[0], &ImPart[0])
312        return (RePart[0], ImPart[0])
313    def RetardedGF_addition(self, double omega, double eta, int orb_alpha, int orb_beta, bool isUp, double GSenergy, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] GSvector not None, PyHamiltonian Hami, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] Re2RDM not None, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] Im2RDM not None, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] Add2RDM not None):
314        cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] RePart = np.zeros([1])
315        cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] ImPart = np.zeros([1])
316        assert GSvector.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
317        assert   RePart.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
318        assert   ImPart.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
319        assert   Re2RDM.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
320        assert   Im2RDM.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
321        assert  Add2RDM.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
322        self.thisptr.RetardedGF_addition(omega, eta, orb_alpha, orb_beta, isUp, GSenergy, &GSvector[0], Hami.thisptr, &RePart[0], &ImPart[0], &Re2RDM[0], &Im2RDM[0], &Add2RDM[0])
323        return (RePart[0], ImPart[0])
324    def RetardedGF_removal(self, double omega, double eta, int orb_alpha, int orb_beta, bool isUp, double GSenergy, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] GSvector not None, PyHamiltonian Hami, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] Re2RDM not None, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] Im2RDM not None, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] Rem2RDM not None):
325        cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] RePart = np.zeros([1])
326        cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] ImPart = np.zeros([1])
327        assert GSvector.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
328        assert   RePart.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
329        assert   ImPart.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
330        assert   Re2RDM.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
331        assert   Im2RDM.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
332        assert  Rem2RDM.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
333        self.thisptr.RetardedGF_removal(omega, eta, orb_alpha, orb_beta, isUp, GSenergy, &GSvector[0], Hami.thisptr, &RePart[0], &ImPart[0], &Re2RDM[0], &Im2RDM[0], &Rem2RDM[0])
334        return (RePart[0], ImPart[0])
335    def GFmatrix_add(self, double alpha, double beta, double eta, np.ndarray[int, ndim=1, mode="c"] orbsLeft not None, np.ndarray[int, ndim=1, mode="c"] orbsRight not None, bool isUp, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] GSvector not None, PyHamiltonian Hami):
336        cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] RePart = np.zeros([len(orbsLeft)*len(orbsRight)])
337        cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] ImPart = np.zeros([len(orbsLeft)*len(orbsRight)])
338        assert  GSvector.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
339        assert    RePart.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
340        assert    ImPart.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
341        assert  orbsLeft.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
342        assert orbsRight.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
343        self.thisptr.GFmatrix_addition(alpha, beta, eta, &orbsLeft[0], len(orbsLeft), &orbsRight[0], len(orbsRight), isUp, &GSvector[0], Hami.thisptr, &RePart[0], &ImPart[0])
344        return ( RePart, ImPart )
345    def GFmatrix_rem(self, double alpha, double beta, double eta, np.ndarray[int, ndim=1, mode="c"] orbsLeft not None, np.ndarray[int, ndim=1, mode="c"] orbsRight not None, bool isUp, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] GSvector not None, PyHamiltonian Hami):
346        cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] RePart = np.zeros([len(orbsLeft)*len(orbsRight)])
347        cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] ImPart = np.zeros([len(orbsLeft)*len(orbsRight)])
348        assert  GSvector.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
349        assert    RePart.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
350        assert    ImPart.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
351        assert  orbsLeft.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
352        assert orbsRight.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
353        self.thisptr.GFmatrix_removal(alpha, beta, eta, &orbsLeft[0], len(orbsLeft), &orbsRight[0], len(orbsRight), isUp, &GSvector[0], Hami.thisptr, &RePart[0], &ImPart[0])
354        return ( RePart, ImPart )
355    def DensityResponseGF(self, double omega, double eta, int orb_alpha, int orb_beta, double GSenergy, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] GSvector not None):
356        cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] RePart = np.zeros([1])
357        cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] ImPart = np.zeros([1])
358        assert GSvector.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
359        assert   RePart.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
360        assert   ImPart.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
361        self.thisptr.DensityResponseGF(omega, eta, orb_alpha, orb_beta, GSenergy, &GSvector[0], &RePart[0], &ImPart[0])
362        return (RePart[0], ImPart[0])
363    def DensityResponseGF_forward(self, double omega, double eta, int orb_alpha, int orb_beta, double GSenergy, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] GSvector not None, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] Re2RDM not None, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] Im2RDM not None, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] Dens2RDM not None):
364        cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] RePart = np.zeros([1])
365        cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] ImPart = np.zeros([1])
366        assert GSvector.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
367        assert   RePart.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
368        assert   ImPart.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
369        assert   Re2RDM.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
370        assert   Im2RDM.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
371        assert Dens2RDM.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
372        self.thisptr.DensityResponseGF_forward(omega, eta, orb_alpha, orb_beta, GSenergy, &GSvector[0], &RePart[0], &ImPart[0], &Re2RDM[0], &Im2RDM[0], &Dens2RDM[0])
373        return (RePart[0], ImPart[0])
374    def DensityResponseGF_backward(self, double omega, double eta, int orb_alpha, int orb_beta, double GSenergy, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] GSvector not None, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] Re2RDM not None, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] Im2RDM not None, np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] Dens2RDM not None):
375        cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] RePart = np.zeros([1])
376        cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=1, mode="c"] ImPart = np.zeros([1])
377        assert GSvector.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
378        assert   RePart.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
379        assert   ImPart.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
380        assert   Re2RDM.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
381        assert   Im2RDM.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
382        assert Dens2RDM.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
383        self.thisptr.DensityResponseGF_backward(omega, eta, orb_alpha, orb_beta, GSenergy, &GSvector[0], &RePart[0], &ImPart[0], &Re2RDM[0], &Im2RDM[0], &Dens2RDM[0])
384        return (RePart[0], ImPart[0])