2-- |
3-- Module    : Data.SBV.Control.Types
4-- Copyright : (c) Levent Erkok
5-- License   : BSD3
6-- Maintainer: erkokl@gmail.com
7-- Stability : experimental
9-- Types related to interactive queries
12{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Werror #-}
14module Data.SBV.Control.Types (
15       CheckSatResult(..)
16     , Logic(..)
17     , SMTOption(..), isStartModeOption, isOnlyOnceOption, setSMTOption
18     , SMTInfoFlag(..)
19     , SMTErrorBehavior(..)
20     , SMTReasonUnknown(..)
21     , SMTInfoResponse(..)
22     ) where
24import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
26-- | Result of a 'Data.SBV.Control.checkSat' or 'Data.SBV.Control.checkSatAssuming' call.
27data CheckSatResult = Sat                   -- ^ Satisfiable: A model is available, which can be queried with 'Data.SBV.Control.getValue'.
28                    | DSat (Maybe String)   -- ^ Delta-satisfiable: A delta-sat model is available. String is the precision info, if available.
29                    | Unsat                 -- ^ Unsatisfiable: No model is available. Unsat cores might be obtained via 'Data.SBV.Control.getUnsatCore'.
30                    | Unk                   -- ^ Unknown: Use 'Data.SBV.Control.getUnknownReason' to obtain an explanation why this might be the case.
31                    deriving (Eq, Show)
33-- | Collectable information from the solver.
34data SMTInfoFlag = AllStatistics
35                 | AssertionStackLevels
36                 | Authors
37                 | ErrorBehavior
38                 | Name
39                 | ReasonUnknown
40                 | Version
41                 | InfoKeyword String
43-- | Behavior of the solver for errors.
44data SMTErrorBehavior = ErrorImmediateExit
45                      | ErrorContinuedExecution
46                      deriving Show
48-- | Reason for reporting unknown.
49data SMTReasonUnknown = UnknownMemOut
50                      | UnknownIncomplete
51                      | UnknownTimeOut
52                      | UnknownOther      String
54-- | Trivial rnf instance
55instance NFData SMTReasonUnknown where rnf a = seq a ()
57-- | Show instance for unknown
58instance Show SMTReasonUnknown where
59  show UnknownMemOut     = "memout"
60  show UnknownIncomplete = "incomplete"
61  show UnknownTimeOut    = "timeout"
62  show (UnknownOther s)  = s
64-- | Collectable information from the solver.
65data SMTInfoResponse = Resp_Unsupported
66                     | Resp_AllStatistics        [(String, String)]
67                     | Resp_AssertionStackLevels Integer
68                     | Resp_Authors              [String]
69                     | Resp_Error                SMTErrorBehavior
70                     | Resp_Name                 String
71                     | Resp_ReasonUnknown        SMTReasonUnknown
72                     | Resp_Version              String
73                     | Resp_InfoKeyword          String [String]
74                     deriving Show
76-- Show instance for SMTInfoFlag maintains smt-lib format per the SMTLib2 standard document.
77instance Show SMTInfoFlag where
78  show AllStatistics        = ":all-statistics"
79  show AssertionStackLevels = ":assertion-stack-levels"
80  show Authors              = ":authors"
81  show ErrorBehavior        = ":error-behavior"
82  show Name                 = ":name"
83  show ReasonUnknown        = ":reason-unknown"
84  show Version              = ":version"
85  show (InfoKeyword s)      = s
87-- | Option values that can be set in the solver, following the SMTLib specification <http://smtlib.cs.uiowa.edu/language.shtml>.
89-- Note that not all solvers may support all of these!
91-- Furthermore, SBV doesn't support the following options allowed by SMTLib.
93--    * @:interactive-mode@                (Deprecated in SMTLib, use 'ProduceAssertions' instead.)
94--    * @:print-success@                   (SBV critically needs this to be True in query mode.)
95--    * @:produce-models@                  (SBV always sets this option so it can extract models.)
96--    * @:regular-output-channel@          (SBV always requires regular output to come on stdout for query purposes.)
97--    * @:global-declarations@             (SBV always uses global declarations since definitions are accumulative.)
99-- Note that 'SetLogic' and 'SetInfo' are, strictly speaking, not SMTLib options. However, we treat it as such here
100-- uniformly, as it fits better with how options work.
101data SMTOption = DiagnosticOutputChannel   FilePath
102               | ProduceAssertions         Bool
103               | ProduceAssignments        Bool
104               | ProduceProofs             Bool
105               | ProduceInterpolants       Bool
106               | ProduceUnsatAssumptions   Bool
107               | ProduceUnsatCores         Bool
108               | RandomSeed                Integer
109               | ReproducibleResourceLimit Integer
110               | SMTVerbosity              Integer
111               | OptionKeyword             String  [String]
112               | SetLogic                  Logic
113               | SetInfo                   String  [String]
114               deriving Show
116-- | Can this command only be run at the very beginning? If 'True' then
117-- we will reject setting these options in the query mode. Note that this
118-- classification follows the SMTLib document.
119isStartModeOption :: SMTOption -> Bool
120isStartModeOption DiagnosticOutputChannel{}   = False
121isStartModeOption ProduceAssertions{}         = True
122isStartModeOption ProduceAssignments{}        = True
123isStartModeOption ProduceProofs{}             = True
124isStartModeOption ProduceInterpolants{}       = True
125isStartModeOption ProduceUnsatAssumptions{}   = True
126isStartModeOption ProduceUnsatCores{}         = True
127isStartModeOption RandomSeed{}                = True
128isStartModeOption ReproducibleResourceLimit{} = False
129isStartModeOption SMTVerbosity{}              = False
130isStartModeOption OptionKeyword{}             = True  -- Conservative.
131isStartModeOption SetLogic{}                  = True
132isStartModeOption SetInfo{}                   = False
134-- | Can this option be set multiple times? I'm only making a guess here.
135-- If this returns True, then we'll only send the last instance we see.
136-- We might need to update as necessary.
137isOnlyOnceOption :: SMTOption -> Bool
138isOnlyOnceOption DiagnosticOutputChannel{}   = True
139isOnlyOnceOption ProduceAssertions{}         = True
140isOnlyOnceOption ProduceAssignments{}        = True
141isOnlyOnceOption ProduceProofs{}             = True
142isOnlyOnceOption ProduceInterpolants{}       = True
143isOnlyOnceOption ProduceUnsatAssumptions{}   = True
144isOnlyOnceOption ProduceUnsatCores{}         = True
145isOnlyOnceOption RandomSeed{}                = False
146isOnlyOnceOption ReproducibleResourceLimit{} = False
147isOnlyOnceOption SMTVerbosity{}              = False
148isOnlyOnceOption OptionKeyword{}             = False -- This is really hard to determine. Just being permissive
149isOnlyOnceOption SetLogic{}                  = True
150isOnlyOnceOption SetInfo{}                   = False
152-- SMTLib's True/False is spelled differently than Haskell's.
153smtBool :: Bool -> String
154smtBool True  = "true"
155smtBool False = "false"
157-- | Translate an option setting to SMTLib. Note the SetLogic/SetInfo discrepancy.
158setSMTOption :: SMTOption -> String
159setSMTOption = cvt
160  where cvt (DiagnosticOutputChannel   f) = opt   [":diagnostic-output-channel",   show f]
161        cvt (ProduceAssertions         b) = opt   [":produce-assertions",          smtBool b]
162        cvt (ProduceAssignments        b) = opt   [":produce-assignments",         smtBool b]
163        cvt (ProduceProofs             b) = opt   [":produce-proofs",              smtBool b]
164        cvt (ProduceInterpolants       b) = opt   [":produce-interpolants",        smtBool b]
165        cvt (ProduceUnsatAssumptions   b) = opt   [":produce-unsat-assumptions",   smtBool b]
166        cvt (ProduceUnsatCores         b) = opt   [":produce-unsat-cores",         smtBool b]
167        cvt (RandomSeed                i) = opt   [":random-seed",                 show i]
168        cvt (ReproducibleResourceLimit i) = opt   [":reproducible-resource-limit", show i]
169        cvt (SMTVerbosity              i) = opt   [":verbosity",                   show i]
170        cvt (OptionKeyword          k as) = opt   (k : as)
171        cvt (SetLogic                  l) = logic l
172        cvt (SetInfo                k as) = info  (k : as)
174        opt   xs = "(set-option " ++ unwords xs ++ ")"
175        info  xs = "(set-info "   ++ unwords xs ++ ")"
177        logic Logic_NONE = "; NB. not setting the logic per user request of Logic_NONE"
178        logic l          = "(set-logic " ++ show l ++ ")"
180-- | SMT-Lib logics. If left unspecified SBV will pick the logic based on what it determines is needed. However, the
181-- user can override this choice using a call to 'Data.SBV.setLogic' This is especially handy if one is experimenting with custom
182-- logics that might be supported on new solvers. See <http://smtlib.cs.uiowa.edu/logics.shtml> for the official list.
183data Logic
184  = AUFLIA             -- ^ Formulas over the theory of linear integer arithmetic and arrays extended with free sort and function symbols but restricted to arrays with integer indices and values.
185  | AUFLIRA            -- ^ Linear formulas with free sort and function symbols over one- and two-dimentional arrays of integer index and real value.
186  | AUFNIRA            -- ^ Formulas with free function and predicate symbols over a theory of arrays of arrays of integer index and real value.
187  | LRA                -- ^ Linear formulas in linear real arithmetic.
188  | QF_ABV             -- ^ Quantifier-free formulas over the theory of bitvectors and bitvector arrays.
189  | QF_AUFBV           -- ^ Quantifier-free formulas over the theory of bitvectors and bitvector arrays extended with free sort and function symbols.
190  | QF_AUFLIA          -- ^ Quantifier-free linear formulas over the theory of integer arrays extended with free sort and function symbols.
191  | QF_AX              -- ^ Quantifier-free formulas over the theory of arrays with extensionality.
192  | QF_BV              -- ^ Quantifier-free formulas over the theory of fixed-size bitvectors.
193  | QF_IDL             -- ^ Difference Logic over the integers. Boolean combinations of inequations of the form x - y < b where x and y are integer variables and b is an integer constant.
194  | QF_LIA             -- ^ Unquantified linear integer arithmetic. In essence, Boolean combinations of inequations between linear polynomials over integer variables.
195  | QF_LRA             -- ^ Unquantified linear real arithmetic. In essence, Boolean combinations of inequations between linear polynomials over real variables.
196  | QF_NIA             -- ^ Quantifier-free integer arithmetic.
197  | QF_NRA             -- ^ Quantifier-free real arithmetic.
198  | QF_RDL             -- ^ Difference Logic over the reals. In essence, Boolean combinations of inequations of the form x - y < b where x and y are real variables and b is a rational constant.
199  | QF_UF              -- ^ Unquantified formulas built over a signature of uninterpreted (i.e., free) sort and function symbols.
200  | QF_UFBV            -- ^ Unquantified formulas over bitvectors with uninterpreted sort function and symbols.
201  | QF_UFIDL           -- ^ Difference Logic over the integers (in essence) but with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.
202  | QF_UFLIA           -- ^ Unquantified linear integer arithmetic with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.
203  | QF_UFLRA           -- ^ Unquantified linear real arithmetic with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.
204  | QF_UFNRA           -- ^ Unquantified non-linear real arithmetic with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.
205  | QF_UFNIRA          -- ^ Unquantified non-linear real integer arithmetic with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.
206  | UFLRA              -- ^ Linear real arithmetic with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.
207  | UFNIA              -- ^ Non-linear integer arithmetic with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.
208  | QF_FPBV            -- ^ Quantifier-free formulas over the theory of floating point numbers, arrays, and bit-vectors.
209  | QF_FP              -- ^ Quantifier-free formulas over the theory of floating point numbers.
210  | QF_FD              -- ^ Quantifier-free finite domains.
211  | QF_S               -- ^ Quantifier-free formulas over the theory of strings.
212  | Logic_ALL          -- ^ The catch-all value.
213  | Logic_NONE         -- ^ Use this value when you want SBV to simply not set the logic.
214  | CustomLogic String -- ^ In case you need a really custom string!
216-- The show instance is "almost" the derived one, but not quite!
217instance Show Logic where
218  show AUFLIA          = "AUFLIA"
219  show AUFLIRA         = "AUFLIRA"
220  show AUFNIRA         = "AUFNIRA"
221  show LRA             = "LRA"
222  show QF_ABV          = "QF_ABV"
223  show QF_AUFBV        = "QF_AUFBV"
224  show QF_AUFLIA       = "QF_AUFLIA"
225  show QF_AX           = "QF_AX"
226  show QF_BV           = "QF_BV"
227  show QF_IDL          = "QF_IDL"
228  show QF_LIA          = "QF_LIA"
229  show QF_LRA          = "QF_LRA"
230  show QF_NIA          = "QF_NIA"
231  show QF_NRA          = "QF_NRA"
232  show QF_RDL          = "QF_RDL"
233  show QF_UF           = "QF_UF"
234  show QF_UFBV         = "QF_UFBV"
235  show QF_UFIDL        = "QF_UFIDL"
236  show QF_UFLIA        = "QF_UFLIA"
237  show QF_UFLRA        = "QF_UFLRA"
238  show QF_UFNRA        = "QF_UFNRA"
239  show QF_UFNIRA       = "QF_UFNIRA"
240  show UFLRA           = "UFLRA"
241  show UFNIA           = "UFNIA"
242  show QF_FPBV         = "QF_FPBV"
243  show QF_FP           = "QF_FP"
244  show QF_FD           = "QF_FD"
245  show QF_S            = "QF_S"
246  show Logic_ALL       = "ALL"
247  show Logic_NONE      = "Logic_NONE"
248  show (CustomLogic l) = l
250{-# ANN type SMTInfoResponse ("HLint: ignore Use camelCase" :: String) #-}
251{-# ANN type Logic           ("HLint: ignore Use camelCase" :: String) #-}