1 // =============================================================================
2 // PROJECT CHRONO - http://projectchrono.org
3 //
4 // Copyright (c) 2014 projectchrono.org
5 // All rights reserved.
6 //
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
8 // in the LICENSE file at the top level of the distribution and at
9 // http://projectchrono.org/license-chrono.txt.
10 //
11 // =============================================================================
12 // Authors: Alessandro Tasora, Radu Serban
13 // =============================================================================
15 #include <cmath>
17 #include "chrono/core/ChQuaternion.h"
18 #include "chrono/core/ChMatrix33.h"
20 namespace chrono {
22 ChApi const ChQuaternion<double> QNULL(0., 0., 0., 0.);
23 ChApi const ChQuaternion<double> QUNIT(1., 0., 0., 0.);
25 ChApi const ChQuaternion<double> Q_ROTATE_Y_TO_X(CH_C_SQRT_1_2,				0,				0, -CH_C_SQRT_1_2 );
26 ChApi const ChQuaternion<double> Q_ROTATE_Y_TO_Z(CH_C_SQRT_1_2, CH_C_SQRT_1_2,				0,				0 );
27 ChApi const ChQuaternion<double> Q_ROTATE_X_TO_Y(CH_C_SQRT_1_2,				0,				0,	CH_C_SQRT_1_2 );
28 ChApi const ChQuaternion<double> Q_ROTATE_X_TO_Z(CH_C_SQRT_1_2,				0, -CH_C_SQRT_1_2,				0 );
29 ChApi const ChQuaternion<double> Q_ROTATE_Z_TO_Y(CH_C_SQRT_1_2,-CH_C_SQRT_1_2,				0,				0 );
30 ChApi const ChQuaternion<double> Q_ROTATE_Z_TO_X(CH_C_SQRT_1_2,				0,  CH_C_SQRT_1_2,				0 );
32 ChApi const ChQuaternion<double> Q_FLIP_AROUND_X(0., 1., 0., 0.);
33 ChApi const ChQuaternion<double> Q_FLIP_AROUND_Y(0., 0., 1., 0.);
34 ChApi const ChQuaternion<double> Q_FLIP_AROUND_Z(0., 0., 0., 1.);
36 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Qlength(const ChQuaternion<double> & q)39 double Qlength(const ChQuaternion<double>& q) {
40     return (sqrt(pow(q.e0(), 2) + pow(q.e1(), 2) + pow(q.e2(), 2) + pow(q.e3(), 2)));
41 }
Qscale(const ChQuaternion<double> & q,double fact)43 ChQuaternion<double> Qscale(const ChQuaternion<double>& q, double fact) {
44     ChQuaternion<double> result;
45     result.e0() = q.e0() * fact;
46     result.e1() = q.e1() * fact;
47     result.e2() = q.e2() * fact;
48     result.e3() = q.e3() * fact;
49     return result;
50 }
Qadd(const ChQuaternion<double> & qa,const ChQuaternion<double> & qb)52 ChQuaternion<double> Qadd(const ChQuaternion<double>& qa, const ChQuaternion<double>& qb) {
53     ChQuaternion<double> result;
54     result.e0() = qa.e0() + qb.e0();
55     result.e1() = qa.e1() + qb.e1();
56     result.e2() = qa.e2() + qb.e2();
57     result.e3() = qa.e3() + qb.e3();
58     return result;
59 }
Qsub(const ChQuaternion<double> & qa,const ChQuaternion<double> & qb)61 ChQuaternion<double> Qsub(const ChQuaternion<double>& qa, const ChQuaternion<double>& qb) {
62     ChQuaternion<double> result;
63     result.e0() = qa.e0() - qb.e0();
64     result.e1() = qa.e1() - qb.e1();
65     result.e2() = qa.e2() - qb.e2();
66     result.e3() = qa.e3() - qb.e3();
67     return result;
68 }
70 // Return the norm two of the quaternion. Euler's parameters have norm = 1
Qnorm(const ChQuaternion<double> & q)71 ChQuaternion<double> Qnorm(const ChQuaternion<double>& q) {
72     double invlength;
73     invlength = 1 / (Qlength(q));
74     return Qscale(q, invlength);
75 }
77 // Return the conjugate of the quaternion [s,v1,v2,v3] is [s,-v1,-v2,-v3]
Qconjugate(const ChQuaternion<double> & q)78 ChQuaternion<double> Qconjugate(const ChQuaternion<double>& q) {
79     ChQuaternion<double> res;
80     res.e0() = q.e0();
81     res.e1() = -q.e1();
82     res.e2() = -q.e2();
83     res.e3() = -q.e3();
84     return (res);
85 }
87 // Return the product of two quaternions. It is non-commutative (like cross product in vectors).
Qcross(const ChQuaternion<double> & qa,const ChQuaternion<double> & qb)88 ChQuaternion<double> Qcross(const ChQuaternion<double>& qa, const ChQuaternion<double>& qb) {
89     ChQuaternion<double> res;
90     res.e0() = qa.e0() * qb.e0() - qa.e1() * qb.e1() - qa.e2() * qb.e2() - qa.e3() * qb.e3();
91     res.e1() = qa.e0() * qb.e1() + qa.e1() * qb.e0() - qa.e3() * qb.e2() + qa.e2() * qb.e3();
92     res.e2() = qa.e0() * qb.e2() + qa.e2() * qb.e0() + qa.e3() * qb.e1() - qa.e1() * qb.e3();
93     res.e3() = qa.e0() * qb.e3() + qa.e3() * qb.e0() - qa.e2() * qb.e1() + qa.e1() * qb.e2();
94     return (res);
95 }
97 // Get the quaternion from an angle of rotation and an axis, defined in _abs_ coords.
98 // The axis is supposed to be fixed, i.e. it is constant during rotation.
99 // The 'axis' vector must be normalized.
Q_from_AngAxis(double angle,const ChVector<double> & axis)100 ChQuaternion<double> Q_from_AngAxis(double angle, const ChVector<double>& axis) {
101     ChQuaternion<double> quat;
102     double halfang;
103     double sinhalf;
105     halfang = (angle * 0.5);
106     sinhalf = sin(halfang);
108     quat.e0() = cos(halfang);
109     quat.e1() = axis.x() * sinhalf;
110     quat.e2() = axis.y() * sinhalf;
111     quat.e3() = axis.z() * sinhalf;
112     return (quat);
113 }
115 // Get the quaternion from a source vector and a destination vector which specifies
116 // the rotation from one to the other.  The vectors do not need to be normalized.
Q_from_Vect_to_Vect(const ChVector<double> & fr_vect,const ChVector<double> & to_vect)117 ChQuaternion<double> Q_from_Vect_to_Vect(const ChVector<double>& fr_vect, const ChVector<double>& to_vect) {
118     const double ANGLE_TOLERANCE = 1e-6;
119     ChQuaternion<double> quat;
120     double halfang;
121     double sinhalf;
122     ChVector<double> axis;
124     double lenXlen = fr_vect.Length() * to_vect.Length();
125     axis = fr_vect % to_vect;
126     double sinangle = ChClamp(axis.Length() / lenXlen, -1.0, +1.0);
127     double cosangle = ChClamp(fr_vect ^ to_vect / lenXlen, -1.0, +1.0);
129     // Consider three cases: Parallel, Opposite, non-collinear
130     if (std::abs(sinangle) == 0.0 && cosangle > 0) {
131         // fr_vect & to_vect are parallel
132         quat.e0() = 1.0;
133         quat.e1() = 0.0;
134         quat.e2() = 0.0;
135         quat.e3() = 0.0;
136     } else if (std::abs(sinangle) < ANGLE_TOLERANCE && cosangle < 0) {
137         // fr_vect & to_vect are opposite, i.e. ~180 deg apart
138         axis = fr_vect.GetOrthogonalVector() + (-to_vect).GetOrthogonalVector();
139         axis.Normalize();
140         quat.e0() = 0.0;
141         quat.e1() = ChClamp(axis.x(), -1.0, +1.0);
142         quat.e2() = ChClamp(axis.y(), -1.0, +1.0);
143         quat.e3() = ChClamp(axis.z(), -1.0, +1.0);
144     } else {
145         // fr_vect & to_vect are not co-linear case
146         axis.Normalize();
147         halfang = 0.5 * ChAtan2(cosangle, sinangle);
148         sinhalf = sin(halfang);
150         quat.e0() = cos(halfang);
151         quat.e1() = sinhalf* axis.x();
152         quat.e2() = sinhalf* axis.y();
153         quat.e3() = sinhalf* axis.z();
154     }
155     return (quat);
156 }
Q_from_AngZ(double angleZ)158 ChQuaternion<double> Q_from_AngZ(double angleZ) {
159     return Q_from_AngAxis(angleZ, VECT_Z);
160 }
Q_from_AngX(double angleX)161 ChQuaternion<double> Q_from_AngX(double angleX) {
162     return Q_from_AngAxis(angleX, VECT_X);
163 }
Q_from_AngY(double angleY)164 ChQuaternion<double> Q_from_AngY(double angleY) {
165     return Q_from_AngAxis(angleY, VECT_Y);
166 }
Q_from_NasaAngles(const ChVector<double> & mang)168 ChQuaternion<double> Q_from_NasaAngles(const ChVector<double>& mang) {
169     ChQuaternion<double> mq;
170     double c1 = cos(mang.z() / 2);
171     double s1 = sin(mang.z() / 2);
172     double c2 = cos(mang.x() / 2);
173     double s2 = sin(mang.x() / 2);
174     double c3 = cos(mang.y() / 2);
175     double s3 = sin(mang.y() / 2);
176     double c1c2 = c1 * c2;
177     double s1s2 = s1 * s2;
178     mq.e0() = c1c2 * c3 + s1s2 * s3;
179     mq.e1() = c1c2 * s3 - s1s2 * c3;
180     mq.e2() = c1 * s2 * c3 + s1 * c2 * s3;
181     mq.e3() = s1 * c2 * c3 - c1 * s2 * s3;
182     return mq;
183 }
Q_to_NasaAngles(const ChQuaternion<double> & q1)185 ChVector<double> Q_to_NasaAngles(const ChQuaternion<double>& q1) {
186     ChVector<double> mnasa;
187     double sqw = q1.e0() * q1.e0();
188     double sqx = q1.e1() * q1.e1();
189     double sqy = q1.e2() * q1.e2();
190     double sqz = q1.e3() * q1.e3();
191     // heading
192     mnasa.z() = atan2(2.0 * (q1.e1() * q1.e2() + q1.e3() * q1.e0()), (sqx - sqy - sqz + sqw));
193     // bank
194     mnasa.y() = atan2(2.0 * (q1.e2() * q1.e3() + q1.e1() * q1.e0()), (-sqx - sqy + sqz + sqw));
195     // attitude
196     mnasa.x() = asin(-2.0 * (q1.e1() * q1.e3() - q1.e2() * q1.e0()));
197     return mnasa;
198 }
Q_from_Euler123(const ChVector<double> & ang)200 ChQuaternion<double> Q_from_Euler123(const ChVector<double>& ang) {
201 	ChQuaternion<double> q;
202     double t0 = cos(ang.z() * 0.5);
203 	double t1 = sin(ang.z() * 0.5);
204 	double t2 = cos(ang.x() * 0.5);
205 	double t3 = sin(ang.x() * 0.5);
206 	double t4 = cos(ang.y() * 0.5);
207 	double t5 = sin(ang.y() * 0.5);
209 	q.e0() = t0 * t2 * t4 + t1 * t3 * t5;
210 	q.e1() = t0 * t3 * t4 - t1 * t2 * t5;
211 	q.e2() = t0 * t2 * t5 + t1 * t3 * t4;
212 	q.e3() = t1 * t2 * t4 - t0 * t3 * t5;
214 	return q;
215 }
Q_to_Euler123(const ChQuaternion<double> & mq)217 ChVector<double> Q_to_Euler123(const ChQuaternion<double>& mq) {
218 	ChVector<double> euler;
219     double sq0 = mq.e0() * mq.e0();
220     double sq1 = mq.e1() * mq.e1();
221     double sq2 = mq.e2() * mq.e2();
222     double sq3 = mq.e3() * mq.e3();
223     // roll
224     euler.x() = atan2(2 * (mq.e2() * mq.e3() + mq.e0() * mq.e1()), sq3 - sq2 - sq1 + sq0);
225     // pitch
226     euler.y() = -asin(2 * (mq.e1() * mq.e3() - mq.e0() * mq.e2()));
227     // yaw
228     euler.z() = atan2(2 * (mq.e1() * mq.e2() + mq.e3() * mq.e0()), sq1 + sq0 - sq3 - sq2);
230 	return euler;
231 }
Q_to_AngAxis(const ChQuaternion<double> & quat,double & angle,ChVector<double> & axis)233 void Q_to_AngAxis(const ChQuaternion<double>& quat, double& angle, ChVector<double>& axis) {
234     if (std::abs(quat.e0()) < 0.99999999) {
235         double arg = acos(quat.e0());
236         double invsine = 1 / sin(arg);
237         ChVector<double> vtemp;
238         vtemp.x() = invsine * quat.e1();
239         vtemp.y() = invsine * quat.e2();
240         vtemp.z() = invsine * quat.e3();
241         angle = 2 * arg;
242         axis = Vnorm(vtemp);
243     } else {
244         axis.x() = 1;
245         axis.y() = 0;
246         axis.z() = 0;
247         angle = 0;
248     }
249 }
251 // Get the quaternion time derivative from the vector of angular speed, with w specified in _absolute_ coords.
Qdt_from_Wabs(const ChVector<double> & w,const ChQuaternion<double> & q)252 ChQuaternion<double> Qdt_from_Wabs(const ChVector<double>& w, const ChQuaternion<double>& q) {
253     ChQuaternion<double> qw;
254     double half = 0.5;
256     qw.e0() = 0;
257     qw.e1() = w.x();
258     qw.e2() = w.y();
259     qw.e3() = w.z();
261     return Qscale(Qcross(qw, q), half);  // {q_dt} = 1/2 {0,w}*{q}
262 }
264 // Get the quaternion time derivative from the vector of angular speed, with w specified in _local_ coords.
Qdt_from_Wrel(const ChVector<double> & w,const ChQuaternion<double> & q)265 ChQuaternion<double> Qdt_from_Wrel(const ChVector<double>& w, const ChQuaternion<double>& q) {
266     ChQuaternion<double> qw;
267     double half = 0.5;
269     qw.e0() = 0;
270     qw.e1() = w.x();
271     qw.e2() = w.y();
272     qw.e3() = w.z();
274     return Qscale(Qcross(q, qw), half);  // {q_dt} = 1/2 {q}*{0,w_rel}
275 }
277 // Get the quaternion first derivative from the vector of angular acceleration with a specified in _absolute_ coords.
Qdtdt_from_Aabs(const ChVector<double> & a,const ChQuaternion<double> & q,const ChQuaternion<double> & q_dt)278 ChQuaternion<double> Qdtdt_from_Aabs(const ChVector<double>& a,
279                                      const ChQuaternion<double>& q,
280                                      const ChQuaternion<double>& q_dt) {
281     ChQuaternion<double> ret;
282     ret.Qdtdt_from_Aabs(a, q, q_dt);
283     return ret;
284 }
286 //	Get the quaternion second derivative from the vector of angular acceleration with a specified in _relative_ coords.
Qdtdt_from_Arel(const ChVector<double> & a,const ChQuaternion<double> & q,const ChQuaternion<double> & q_dt)287 ChQuaternion<double> Qdtdt_from_Arel(const ChVector<double>& a,
288                                      const ChQuaternion<double>& q,
289                                      const ChQuaternion<double>& q_dt) {
290     ChQuaternion<double> ret;
291     ret.Qdtdt_from_Arel(a, q, q_dt);
292     return ret;
293 }
295 // Get the time derivative from a quaternion, a speed of rotation and an axis, defined in _abs_ coords.
Qdt_from_AngAxis(const ChQuaternion<double> & quat,double angle_dt,const ChVector<double> & axis)296 ChQuaternion<double> Qdt_from_AngAxis(const ChQuaternion<double>& quat, double angle_dt, const ChVector<double>& axis) {
297     ChVector<double> W;
299     W = Vmul(axis, angle_dt);
301     return Qdt_from_Wabs(W, quat);
302 }
304 // Get the second time derivative from a quaternion, an angular acceleration and an axis, defined in _abs_ coords.
Qdtdt_from_AngAxis(double angle_dtdt,const ChVector<double> & axis,const ChQuaternion<double> & q,const ChQuaternion<double> & q_dt)305 ChQuaternion<double> Qdtdt_from_AngAxis(double angle_dtdt,
306                                         const ChVector<double>& axis,
307                                         const ChQuaternion<double>& q,
308                                         const ChQuaternion<double>& q_dt) {
309     ChVector<double> Acc;
311     Acc = Vmul(axis, angle_dtdt);
313     return Qdtdt_from_Aabs(Acc, q, q_dt);
314 }
316 // Check if two quaternions are equal
Qequal(const ChQuaternion<double> & qa,const ChQuaternion<double> & qb)317 bool Qequal(const ChQuaternion<double>& qa, const ChQuaternion<double>& qb) {
318     return qa == qb;
319 }
321 // Check if quaternion is not null
Qnotnull(const ChQuaternion<double> & qa)322 bool Qnotnull(const ChQuaternion<double>& qa) {
323     return (qa.e0() != 0) || (qa.e1() != 0) || (qa.e2() != 0) || (qa.e3() != 0);
324 }
326 // Given the imaginary (vectorial) {e1 e2 e3} part of a quaternion,
327 // find the entire quaternion q = {e0, e1, e2, e3}.
328 // Note: singularities are possible.
ImmQ_complete(const ChVector<double> & qimm)329 ChQuaternion<double> ImmQ_complete(const ChVector<double>& qimm) {
330     ChQuaternion<double> mq;
331     mq.e1() = qimm.x();
332     mq.e2() = qimm.y();
333     mq.e3() = qimm.z();
334     mq.e0() = sqrt(1 - mq.e1() * mq.e1() - mq.e2() * mq.e2() - mq.e3() * mq.e3());
335     return mq;
336 }
338 // Given the imaginary (vectorial) {e1 e2 e3} part of a quaternion time derivative,
339 // find the entire quaternion q = {e0, e1, e2, e3}.
340 // Note: singularities are possible.
ImmQ_dt_complete(const ChQuaternion<double> & mq,const ChVector<double> & qimm_dt)341 ChQuaternion<double> ImmQ_dt_complete(const ChQuaternion<double>& mq, const ChVector<double>& qimm_dt) {
342     ChQuaternion<double> mqdt;
343     mqdt.e1() = qimm_dt.x();
344     mqdt.e2() = qimm_dt.y();
345     mqdt.e3() = qimm_dt.z();
346     mqdt.e0() = (-mq.e1() * mqdt.e1() - mq.e2() * mqdt.e2() - mq.e3() * mqdt.e3()) / mq.e0();
347     return mqdt;
348 }
350 // Given the imaginary (vectorial) {e1 e2 e3} part of a quaternion second time derivative,
351 // find the entire quaternion q = {e0, e1, e2, e3}.
352 // Note: singularities are possible.
ImmQ_dtdt_complete(const ChQuaternion<double> & mq,const ChQuaternion<double> & mqdt,const ChVector<double> & qimm_dtdt)353 ChQuaternion<double> ImmQ_dtdt_complete(const ChQuaternion<double>& mq,
354                                         const ChQuaternion<double>& mqdt,
355                                         const ChVector<double>& qimm_dtdt) {
356     ChQuaternion<double> mqdtdt;
357     mqdtdt.e1() = qimm_dtdt.x();
358     mqdtdt.e2() = qimm_dtdt.y();
359     mqdtdt.e3() = qimm_dtdt.z();
360     mqdtdt.e0() = (-mq.e1() * mqdtdt.e1() - mq.e2() * mqdtdt.e2() - mq.e3() * mqdtdt.e3() - mqdt.e0() * mqdt.e0() -
361                    mqdt.e1() * mqdt.e1() - mqdt.e2() * mqdt.e2() - mqdt.e3() * mqdt.e3()) /
362                   mq.e0();
363     return mqdtdt;
364 }
366 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Angle_to_Quat(AngleSet angset,const ChVector<double> & mangles)369 ChQuaternion<double> Angle_to_Quat(AngleSet angset, const ChVector<double>& mangles) {
370     ChQuaternion<double> res;
371     ChMatrix33<> Acoord;
373     switch (angset) {
374         case AngleSet::EULERO:
375             Acoord.Set_A_Eulero(mangles);
376             break;
377         case AngleSet::CARDANO:
378             Acoord.Set_A_Cardano(mangles);
379             break;
380         case AngleSet::HPB:
381             Acoord.Set_A_Hpb(mangles);
382             break;
383         case AngleSet::RXYZ:
384             Acoord.Set_A_Rxyz(mangles);
385             break;
386         case AngleSet::RODRIGUEZ:
387             Acoord.Set_A_Rodriguez(mangles);
388             break;
389         default:
390             break;
391     }
392     res = Acoord.Get_A_quaternion();
393     return res;
394 }
Quat_to_Angle(AngleSet angset,const ChQuaternion<double> & mquat)396 ChVector<double> Quat_to_Angle(AngleSet angset, const ChQuaternion<double>& mquat) {
397     ChVector<double> res;
398     ChMatrix33<> Acoord(mquat);
400     switch (angset) {
401         case AngleSet::EULERO:
402             res = Acoord.Get_A_Eulero();
403             break;
404         case AngleSet::CARDANO:
405             res = Acoord.Get_A_Cardano();
406             break;
407         case AngleSet::HPB:
408             res = Acoord.Get_A_Hpb();
409             break;
410         case AngleSet::RXYZ:
411             res = Acoord.Get_A_Rxyz();
412             break;
413         case AngleSet::RODRIGUEZ:
414             res = Acoord.Get_A_Rodriguez();
415             break;
416         default:
417             break;
418     }
419     return res;
420 }
AngleDT_to_QuatDT(AngleSet angset,const ChVector<double> & mangles,const ChQuaternion<double> & q)422 ChQuaternion<double> AngleDT_to_QuatDT(AngleSet angset,
423                                        const ChVector<double>& mangles,
424                                        const ChQuaternion<double>& q) {
425     ChQuaternion<double> res;
426     ChQuaternion<double> q2;
427     ChVector<double> ang1, ang2;
429     ang1 = Quat_to_Angle(angset, q);
430     ang2 = Vadd(ang1, Vmul(mangles, BDF_STEP_HIGH));
431     q2 = Angle_to_Quat(angset, ang2);
432     res = Qscale(Qsub(q2, q), 1 / BDF_STEP_HIGH);
434     return res;
435 }
AngleDTDT_to_QuatDTDT(AngleSet angset,const ChVector<double> & mangles,const ChQuaternion<double> & q)437 ChQuaternion<double> AngleDTDT_to_QuatDTDT(AngleSet angset,
438                                            const ChVector<double>& mangles,
439                                            const ChQuaternion<double>& q) {
440     ChQuaternion<double> res;
441     ChQuaternion<double> qa, qb;
442     ChVector<double> ang0, angA, angB;
444     ang0 = Quat_to_Angle(angset, q);
445     angA = Vsub(ang0, Vmul(mangles, BDF_STEP_HIGH));
446     angB = Vadd(ang0, Vmul(mangles, BDF_STEP_HIGH));
447     qa = Angle_to_Quat(angset, angA);
448     qb = Angle_to_Quat(angset, angB);
449     res = Qscale(Qadd(Qadd(qa, qb), Qscale(q, -2)), 1 / BDF_STEP_HIGH);
451     return res;
452 }
Angle_to_Angle(AngleSet setfrom,AngleSet setto,const ChVector<double> & mangles)454 ChVector<double> Angle_to_Angle(AngleSet setfrom, AngleSet setto, const ChVector<double>& mangles) {
455     ChVector<double> res;
456     ChMatrix33<> Acoord;
458     switch (setfrom) {
459         case AngleSet::EULERO:
460             Acoord.Set_A_Eulero(mangles);
461             break;
462         case AngleSet::CARDANO:
463             Acoord.Set_A_Cardano(mangles);
464             break;
465         case AngleSet::HPB:
466             Acoord.Set_A_Hpb(mangles);
467             break;
468         case AngleSet::RXYZ:
469             Acoord.Set_A_Rxyz(mangles);
470             break;
471         case AngleSet::RODRIGUEZ:
472             Acoord.Set_A_Rodriguez(mangles);
473             break;
474         default:
475             break;
476     }
478     switch (setto) {
479         case AngleSet::EULERO:
480             res = Acoord.Get_A_Eulero();
481             break;
482         case AngleSet::CARDANO:
483             res = Acoord.Get_A_Cardano();
484             break;
485         case AngleSet::HPB:
486             res = Acoord.Get_A_Hpb();
487             break;
488         case AngleSet::RXYZ:
489             res = Acoord.Get_A_Rxyz();
490             break;
491         case AngleSet::RODRIGUEZ:
492             res = Acoord.Get_A_Rodriguez();
493             break;
494         default:
495             break;
496     }
497     return res;
498 }
500 // Get the X axis of a coordsystem, given the quaternion which
501 // represents the alignment of the coordsystem.
VaxisXfromQuat(const ChQuaternion<double> & quat)502 ChVector<double> VaxisXfromQuat(const ChQuaternion<double>& quat) {
503     ChVector<double> res;
504     res.x() = (pow(quat.e0(), 2) + pow(quat.e1(), 2)) * 2 - 1;
505     res.y() = ((quat.e1() * quat.e2()) + (quat.e0() * quat.e3())) * 2;
506     res.z() = ((quat.e1() * quat.e3()) - (quat.e0() * quat.e2())) * 2;
507     return res;
508 }
510 }  // end namespace chrono