1 /*=========================================================================
2  *
3  *  Copyright Insight Software Consortium
4  *
5  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
10  *
11  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *  limitations under the License.
16  *
17  *=========================================================================*/
18 #ifndef itkQuadEdgeMesh_hxx
19 #define itkQuadEdgeMesh_hxx
20 #include "itkQuadEdgeMesh.h"
21 #include <limits>
22 #include <vector>
24 namespace itk
25 {
26 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
27 const typename QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::PointIdentifier
28 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::m_NoPoint =
29   std::numeric_limits< PointIdentifier >::max();
31 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
32 const typename QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::CellIdentifier
33 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::m_NoFace =
34   std::numeric_limits< CellIdentifier >::max();
36 /**
37  * Restore the mesh to its initial state. Useful for data pipeline updates
38  * without memory re-allocation.
39  */
40 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
41 void
42 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
Initialize()43 ::Initialize()
44 {
45   itkDebugMacro("Mesh Initialize method ");
46   Clear();
47   Superclass::Initialize();
48 }
50 /**
51  * Clear all this mesh by deleting all contained edges which as
52  * a side effect deletes adjacent faces
53  */
54 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
55 void
56 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
Clear()57 ::Clear()
58 {
59   if ( this->GetEdgeCells() )
60     {
61     CellsContainerIterator cellIterator = this->GetEdgeCells()->Begin();
62     while ( !this->GetEdgeCells()->empty() )
63       {
64       auto * edgeToDelete = dynamic_cast< EdgeCellType * >( cellIterator.Value() );
65       this->LightWeightDeleteEdge(edgeToDelete);
66       cellIterator = this->GetEdgeCells()->Begin();
67       }
68     }
70   // Clear the points potentialy left behind by LightWeightDeleteEdge():
71   if ( this->GetPoints() )
72     {
73     this->GetPoints()->clear();
74     }
75   this->ClearFreePointAndCellIndexesLists();  // to start at index 0
76 }
78 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
79 void
80 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
Graft(const DataObject * data)81 ::Graft(const DataObject *data)
82 {
83   this->Superclass::Graft(data);
84   const auto * mesh = dynamic_cast< const Self * >( data );
86   if ( !mesh )
87     {
88     // pointer could not be cast back down
89     itkExceptionMacro( << "itk::QuadEdgeMesh::CopyInformation() cannot cast "
90                        << typeid( data ).name() << " to "
91                        << typeid( Self * ).name() );
92     }
94   this->m_FreePointIndexes = mesh->m_FreePointIndexes;
95   this->m_FreeCellIndexes = mesh->m_FreeCellIndexes;
96   this->ClearCellsContainer();
97   this->m_EdgeCellsContainer = mesh->m_EdgeCellsContainer;
98   this->m_NumberOfFaces = mesh->m_NumberOfFaces;
99   this->m_NumberOfEdges = mesh->m_NumberOfEdges;
100 }
102 /**
103  * \brief The one and only method to modify the edge connectivity.
104  */
105 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
106 typename QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::PointIdentifier
107 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
Splice(QEPrimal * a,QEPrimal * b)108 ::Splice(QEPrimal *a, QEPrimal *b)
109 {
110   bool            SplitingOrigin = a->IsInOnextRing(b);
111   PointIdentifier resultingOriginId;
113   if ( SplitingOrigin )
114     {
115     // see TODO's entry dated 2006-01-24
116     /* We consider the following situation which depicts the Onext()
117     * ring around the point Origin (which is both a->GetOrigin() and
118     * b->GetOrigin():
119     *
120     *              \         /
121     *               \       /
122     *               e3     e2              counter-clockwise
123     *                 \   /                Onext() order.
124     *                  \ /
125     *      -----b------Org------a----
126     *                  / \
127     *                 /   \
128     *                /     \
129     *               /       \
130     *              /         \
131     *            e5           e6
132     *            /             \
133     *           /               \
134     *
135     * The result of this method is then:
136     *
137     *         \         /
138     *          \       /
139     *          e3     e2
140     *            \   /
141     *             \ /
142     * ----b------newOrg
143     *
144     *                  Org------a-----
145     *                  / \
146     *                 /   \
147     *                /     \
148     *               /       \
149     *              /         \
150     *            e5           e7
151     *            /             \
152     *           /               \
153     */
155     // Handle connectivity at QEQuadEdge level:
156     a->Splice(b);
158     ////////// Handle the geometrical references:
159     // Make sure the Origin's edge entry doesn't point to an entry edge
160     // that isn't any more in the Onext ring:
161     PointIdentifier orgId = a->GetOrigin();
162     PointType       org = this->GetPoint(orgId);
163     org.SetEdge(a);
164     this->SetPoint(orgId, org);
166     // Create a newOrigin point by duplicating the geometry of Origin...
167     PointType newOrigin  = org;
168     newOrigin.SetEdge(b);
169     PointIdentifier newOriginId = this->AddPoint(newOrigin);
171     // ...and inform Onext ring of b that their Origin() have changed:
172     typename QEPrimal::IteratorGeom it;
173     for ( it = b->BeginGeomOnext(); it != b->EndGeomOnext(); it++ )
174       {
175       it.Value()->SetOrigin(newOriginId);
176       }
177     resultingOriginId = newOriginId;
178     }
179   else
180     {
181     // see TODO's entry dated 2006-01-24
182     /* We consider the following situation which depicts the Onext()
183     * rings around the point Origin = a->GetOrigin() and
184     * oldOrigin = b->GetOrigin():
185     *
186     *         \         /
187     *          \       /
188     *          e3     e2
189     *            \   /
190     *             \ /
191     * ----b------oldOrg
192     *
193     *                  Org------a-----
194     *                  / \
195     *                 /   \
196     *                /     \
197     *               /       \
198     *              /         \
199     *            e5           e7
200     *            /             \
201     *           /               \
202     *
203     *
204     * The result of this method is then:
205     *
206     *              \         /
207     *               \       /
208     *               e3     e2              counter-clockwise
209     *                 \   /                Onext() order.
210     *                  \ /
211     *      -----b------Org------a----
212     *                  / \
213     *                 /   \
214     *                /     \
215     *               /       \
216     *              /         \
217     *            e5           e6
218     *            /             \
219     *           /               \
220     *
221     * Note: in this case we must handle the geometry first and
222     *       then the connectivity.
223     */
225     // Since this is the geometrical version of Splice() we
226     // have additional geometrical information that we should use
227     // to check the correctness of the situation.
229     /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
230     // First, consider the vertices: Origin and oldOrigin must be different.
231     PointIdentifier oldOriginId = b->GetOrigin();
232     PointIdentifier orgId = a->GetOrigin();
234     if ( oldOriginId == orgId )
235       {
236       itkDebugMacro("Trying to fuse the same point!");
237       return ( m_NoPoint );
238       }
240     /** \todo Compare the geometry of the two points and accept
241      * splicing when their geometry matches. We could fix
242      * an epsilon threshold distance above which the two points
243      * are considered distinct.
244      * PointType org = this->GetPoint(orgId);
245      */
246     PointType oldOrigin = this->GetPoint(oldOriginId);
249     /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
250     /* We are done with the vertices and we might need to consider the
251     * possible initial adjacent face[s]. We shall accept to proceed
252     * with Splicing if and only if the following conditions are met:
253     * [1] a and b both share the SAME Left face,
254     * [2] a and b and in the same Lnext() ring,
255     * [3] a and b are not too close followers in the Lnext() ring
256     *    [this is to avoid to create a face with only two edges which
257     *     is equivalent to two different edges adjacent to the same two
258     *     vertices].
259     *
260     *                   V ---<-b---- V
261     *                  /              \
262     *                 /                \
263     *                /              a.Lnext().Lnext()
264     *               /                    \
265     *              /        Face          \
266     *             V                        V
267     *              \     a.Splice(b)      /
268     *               \     is OK          /
269     *                \               a.Lnext()
270     *                 \                /
271     *                  \              /
272     *                   V ----a->--- V
273     *
274     * Basically, we accept to proceed with spliting if there is a
275     * single face on the left and this face is at least an hexagone
276     * and the vertices we wish to splice are at least two vertices aside.
277     */
279     FaceRefType aLeftFace = a->GetLeft();
280     FaceRefType bLeftFace = b->GetLeft();
282     bool MustReconstructFace = false;
283     if ( ( aLeftFace == m_NoFace && bLeftFace != m_NoFace )
284          || ( aLeftFace != m_NoFace && bLeftFace == m_NoFace ) )
285       {
286       itkDebugMacro("Face on one side but not the other. Cancel.");
287       return ( m_NoPoint );
288       }
290     if ( aLeftFace != m_NoFace && bLeftFace != m_NoFace )
291       {
292       if ( ( aLeftFace == bLeftFace )
293            && ( a->GetLnext() != b )
294            && ( a->GetLnext()->GetLnext() != b )
295            && ( b->GetLnext() != a )
296            && ( b->GetLnext()->GetLnext() != a )
297            && ( a->IsInLnextRing(b) )
298            && ( b->IsInLnextRing(a) ) )
299         {
300         this->DeleteFace(aLeftFace);
301         MustReconstructFace = true;
302         }
303       else
304         {
305         itkDebugMacro("Face is not at least and hexagon.");
306         return ( m_NoPoint );
307         }
308       }
310     // Notice that when aLeftFace == m_NoFace and bLeftFace == m_NoFace
311     // we simply proceed... (with MustReconstructFace initialy set to
312     // false.
314     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
315     // Handle connectivity at QEQuadEdge level:
316     a->Splice(b);
318     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
319     // Back to dealing with the geometrical references. First
320     // make sure the oldOrigin's edge entry won't be used any more:
321     oldOrigin.SetEdge( (QEPrimal *)nullptr );
322     this->SetPoint(oldOriginId, oldOrigin);
324     // We need to inform the edges ranging from a->Onext() to b that
325     // their Origin() have changed. Let's over do it (read, be lazy) and
326     // inform the full Onext() ring:
327     typename QEPrimal::IteratorGeom it;
328     for ( it = a->BeginGeomOnext(); it != a->EndGeomOnext(); it++ )
329       {
330       it.Value()->SetOrigin(orgId);
331       }
332     resultingOriginId = oldOriginId;
334     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
335     // Now that we are done with the handling of the geometry of
336     // vertices proceed with the geometry of the faces. When we
337     // are spliting a face (through Splicing) we must construct two
338     // new faces:
339     if ( MustReconstructFace )
340       {
341       this->AddFace(a);
342       this->AddFace(b);
343       }
344     }
346   this->Modified();
347   return resultingOriginId;
348 }
350 /**
351  */
352 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
353 void QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
SetCell(CellIdentifier cId,CellAutoPointer & cell)354 ::SetCell(CellIdentifier cId, CellAutoPointer & cell)
355 {
356   (void)cId;
358   // NOTE ALEX: should add some checking to be sure everything went fine
359   EdgeCellType *   qe;
360   PolygonCellType *pe;
362   // The QuadEdgeMeshCellTypes first
363   if ( ( qe = dynamic_cast< EdgeCellType * >( cell.GetPointer() ) ) )
364     {
365     // NOTE ALEX: here
366     this->AddEdge( qe->GetQEGeom()->GetOrigin(),
367                    qe->GetQEGeom()->GetDestination() );
368     cell.ReleaseOwnership();
369     delete qe;
370     }
371   else if ( ( pe = dynamic_cast< PolygonCellType * >( cell.GetPointer() ) ) )
372     {
373     PointIdList             points;
374     PointIdInternalIterator pit = pe->InternalPointIdsBegin();
375     PointIdInternalIterator pend = pe->InternalPointIdsEnd();
376     while ( pit != pend )
377       {
378       points.push_back(*pit);
379       ++pit;
380       }
381     // NOTE ALEX: here
382     this->AddFaceWithSecurePointList(points);
383     cell.ReleaseOwnership();
384     delete pe;
385     }
386   else // non-QE cell, i.e. original itk cells for example
387     {
388     PointIdentifier numPoint = cell->GetNumberOfPoints();
389     PointIdIterator pointId = cell->PointIdsBegin();
390     PointIdIterator endId = cell->PointIdsEnd();
391     // Edge
392     if ( numPoint == 2 )
393       {
394       if ( ( pointId ) && ( endId ) && ( pointId != endId ) )
395         {
396         PointIdIterator temp = pointId++;
397         // NOTE ALEX: here
398         this->AddEdge(*pointId, *temp);
399         }
400       }
401     // polygons
402     else if ( cell->GetDimension() == 2 )
403       {
404       PointIdList points;
405       while ( pointId != endId )
406         {
407         points.push_back(*pointId);
408         ++pointId;
409         }
410       // NOTE ALEX: here
411       this->AddFace(points);
412       }
413     cell.ReleaseOwnership();
414     delete ( cell.GetPointer() );
415     }
416 }
418 /**
419  */
420 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
421 typename QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::PointIdentifier
422 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
FindFirstUnusedPointIndex()423 ::FindFirstUnusedPointIndex()
424 {
425   PointIdentifier pid = 0;
426   PointIdentifier maxpid = this->GetNumberOfPoints();
428   if ( !m_FreePointIndexes.empty() )
429     {
430     // find the first valid free ID
431     do
432       {
433       pid = m_FreePointIndexes.front();
434       if ( pid < maxpid )
435         {
436         m_FreePointIndexes.pop();
437         return ( pid );
438         }
439       else
440         {
441         m_FreePointIndexes.pop();
442         }
443       }
444     while ( !m_FreePointIndexes.empty() );
445     }
447   if ( m_FreePointIndexes.empty() )
448     {
449     pid = this->GetNumberOfPoints();
450     if ( pid != 0 )
451       {
452       PointsContainerConstIterator last = this->GetPoints()->End();
453       last--;
454       pid = last.Index() + 1;
455       }
456     }
457   return ( pid );
458 }
461 /**
462  *  The point container being a map, after deleting a point
463  *  it is very likely that one index will be missing.
464  *  This method "squeeze" the indexes by relocating the points
465  *  and their data from the end of their respective container
466  *  to the "empty" locations.
467  */
468 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
469 void
470 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
SqueezePointsIds()471 ::SqueezePointsIds()
472 {
474   // sanity check
475   if( m_FreePointIndexes.empty() )
476     {
477     return;
478     }
480   // Get hold on the last point in the container
481   PointsContainerPointer points = this->GetPoints();
482   PointsContainerConstIterator last = points->End();
483   --last;
485   // Check if there is any data
486   PointDataContainerPointer pointData = this->GetPointData();
487   bool HasPointData = ( pointData->Size() != 0 );
489   // if there is get hold on the last point's data
490   PointDataContainerIterator lastData = pointData->End();
491   if( HasPointData )
492     {
493     --lastData;
494     }
496   // Some Temp var to be used in the while loop
497   PointIdentifier FilledPointID;
498   QEType* EdgeRingEntry;
499   QEType* EdgeRingIter;
501   // for all the free indexes and while there is any gap
502   while( ( !m_FreePointIndexes.empty() )
503     && ( last.Index() >= this->GetNumberOfPoints() ) )
504     {
506     // duplicate last point into the empty slot and pop the id from freeID list
507     FilledPointID = AddPoint( GetPoint( last.Index( ) ) );
509     // same thing for the data if any
510     if( HasPointData )
511       {
512       pointData->SetElement(
513         FilledPointID,
514         pointData->GetElement( lastData.Index( ) )
515         );
516       }
518     // make sure that all the edges/faces now refer to the new ID
519     // i.e. enforce the integrity at the QE level now.
520     EdgeRingEntry = GetPoint( last.Index( ) ).GetEdge( );
521     if( EdgeRingEntry )
522       {
523       EdgeRingIter  = EdgeRingEntry;
524       do
525         {
526         EdgeRingIter->SetOrigin( FilledPointID );
527         EdgeRingIter = EdgeRingIter->GetOnext( );
528         }
529       while( EdgeRingIter != EdgeRingEntry );
530       }
532     // pop the duplicated point from the container, increment iterator
533     points->DeleteIndex( last.Index( ) );
534     last = points->End();
535     --last;
537     // same thing for data, if any
538     if( HasPointData )
539       {
540       pointData->DeleteIndex( lastData.Index() );
541       lastData = pointData->End();
542       --lastData;
543       }
545     }
547 }
549 /**
550  */
551 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
552 typename QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::PointIdentifier
553 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
AddPoint(const PointType & p)554 ::AddPoint(const PointType & p)
555 {
556   PointIdentifier pid = this->FindFirstUnusedPointIndex();
558   this->SetPoint(pid, p);
559   return ( pid );
560 }
562 /**
563  */
564 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
565 void QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
DeletePoint(const PointIdentifier & pid)566 ::DeletePoint(const PointIdentifier & pid)
567 {
568   // We suppose point index is valid
569   // otherwise we should test with
570   // this->GetPoints()->IndexExists( pid );
571   PointType pointToDelete = this->GetPoint( pid);
573   // Check that there is no cell that use this point anymore
574   // i.e. that the o-next-ring is empty
575   if( pointToDelete.GetEdge() )
576     {
577     itkDebugMacro("Point is not isolated.");
578     return;
579     }
581   // Remove the point from the points container
582   this->GetPoints()->DeleteIndex( pid );
584   // Check if there is associated poindata and eventually delete them
585   if( this->GetPointData()->Size() > 0 )
586     {
587     this->GetPointData()->DeleteIndex( pid );
588     }
590   // store the delete index to later squeeze the ID list
591   // needed to write files that expect incremental IDs
592   // like vtk
593   m_FreePointIndexes.push( pid );
594 }
596 /**
597  */
598 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
599 typename QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::PointType
600 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
GetPoint(const PointIdentifier & pid) const601 ::GetPoint(const PointIdentifier & pid) const
602 {
603   return ( this->GetPoints()->GetElement(pid) );
604 }
606 /**
607  */
608 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
609 typename QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::VectorType
610 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
GetVector(const PointIdentifier & pid) const611 ::GetVector(const PointIdentifier & pid) const
612 {
613   return ( this->GetPoint(pid).GetVectorFromOrigin() );
614 }
616 /**
617  */
618 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
619 typename QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::CellIdentifier
620 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
FindFirstUnusedCellIndex()621 ::FindFirstUnusedCellIndex()
622 {
623   CellIdentifier cid;
625   if ( m_FreeCellIndexes.empty() )
626     {
627     cid = this->GetNumberOfCells();
629     if ( cid != 0 )
630       {
631       CellsContainerIterator last = this->GetCells()->End();
632       last--;
633       cid = last.Index() + 1;
634       }
635     }
636   else
637     {
638     cid = m_FreeCellIndexes.front();
639     m_FreeCellIndexes.pop();
640     }
642   return ( cid );
643 }
645 /**
646  *\brief  Construct a new edge ending at points with identifiers given
647  *        as arguments.
648  * @param  orgPid first endpoint (origin) of the edge to Add.
649  * @param destPid second endpoint (destination) of the edge to Add.
650  * @sa \ref GeometricalQuadEdge::InsertAfterNextBorderEdgeWithUnsetLeft
651  */
652 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
653 typename QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::QEPrimal *
654 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
AddEdge(const PointIdentifier & orgPid,const PointIdentifier & destPid)655 ::AddEdge(const PointIdentifier & orgPid, const PointIdentifier & destPid)
656 {
657   // Make sure the points are different
658   if ( orgPid == destPid )
659     {
660     itkDebugMacro("Creating an edge between the same point.");
661     return ( (QEPrimal *)nullptr );
662     }
664   // Make sure the points are already in the QuadEdgeMesh container:
665   if ( !( this->GetPoints()->IndexExists(orgPid) )
666        || !( this->GetPoints()->IndexExists(destPid) ) )
667     {
668     itkDebugMacro("One of the points not in the PointSet.");
669     return ( (QEPrimal *)nullptr );
670     }
672   // Make sure the edge is not already in the container
673   QEPrimal *e = this->FindEdge(orgPid, destPid);
674   if ( e != (QEPrimal *)nullptr )
675     {
676     itkDebugMacro("Edge already in QuadEdgeMesh.");
677     return e;
678     }
680   // Check if the points have room to receive a new edge
681   QEPrimal *eOrigin     = this->GetPoint(orgPid).GetEdge();
683   if ( eOrigin )
684     {
685     if ( eOrigin->IsOriginInternal() )
686       {
687       itkDebugMacro("No room for a new edge in the Origin() ring.");
688       return ( (QEPrimal *)nullptr );
689       }
690     }
692   QEPrimal *eDestination = this->GetPoint(destPid).GetEdge();
694   if ( eDestination )
695     {
696     if ( eDestination->IsOriginInternal() )
697       {
698       itkDebugMacro("No room for a new edge in the Destination() ring.");
699       return ( (QEPrimal *)nullptr );
700       }
701     }
703   return AddEdgeWithSecurePointList(orgPid, destPid);
704 }
706 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
707 typename QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::QEPrimal *
708 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
AddEdgeWithSecurePointList(const PointIdentifier & orgPid,const PointIdentifier & destPid)709 ::AddEdgeWithSecurePointList(const PointIdentifier & orgPid, const PointIdentifier & destPid)
710 {
711   PointsContainerPointer points = this->GetPoints();
713   PointType& pOrigin       = points->ElementAt(orgPid);
714   PointType& pDestination  = points->ElementAt(destPid);
716   QEPrimal *eOrigin       = pOrigin.GetEdge();
717   QEPrimal *eDestination  = pDestination.GetEdge();
719   // Ok, there's room and the points exist
720   auto * newEdge = new EdgeCellType();
721   QEPrimal *    newEdgeGeom = newEdge->GetQEGeom();
723   newEdgeGeom->SetOrigin (orgPid);
724   newEdgeGeom->SetDestination(destPid);
726   if ( !eOrigin )
727     {
728     pOrigin.SetEdge(newEdgeGeom);
729     }
730   else
731     {
732     eOrigin->InsertAfterNextBorderEdgeWithUnsetLeft(newEdgeGeom);
733     }
735   if ( !eDestination )
736     {
737     pDestination.SetEdge( newEdgeGeom->GetSym() );
738     }
739   else
740     {
741     eDestination->InsertAfterNextBorderEdgeWithUnsetLeft(
742       newEdgeGeom->GetSym() );
743     }
745   // Add it to the container
746   this->PushOnContainer(newEdge);
748   return ( newEdgeGeom );
749 }
751 /**
752  */
753 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
754 void
755 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
PushOnContainer(EdgeCellType * newEdge)756 ::PushOnContainer(EdgeCellType *newEdge)
757 {
758   CellIdentifier eid = 0;
760   if ( !this->GetEdgeCells()->empty() )
761     {
762     CellsContainerConstIterator last = this->GetEdgeCells()->End();
763     --last;
764     eid = last.Index() + 1;
765     }
766   newEdge->SetIdent(eid);
767   CellAutoPointer pEdge;
768   pEdge.TakeOwnership(newEdge);
769   this->SetEdgeCell(eid, pEdge);
770   m_NumberOfEdges++;
771 }
773 /**
774  */
775 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
776 void
777 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
DeleteEdge(const PointIdentifier & orgPid,const PointIdentifier & destPid)778 ::DeleteEdge(const PointIdentifier & orgPid, const PointIdentifier & destPid)
779 {
780   // Check if the edge exists
781   QEPrimal *e = this->FindEdge(orgPid, destPid);
783   if ( e == (QEPrimal *)nullptr )
784     {
785     itkDebugMacro("Edge missing in mesh.");
786     return;
787     }
789   this->DeleteEdge(e);
790 }
792 /**
793  */
794 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
795 void
796 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
DeleteEdge(QEPrimal * e)797 ::DeleteEdge(QEPrimal *e)
798 {
799   const PointIdentifier & orgPid  = e->GetOrigin();
800   const PointIdentifier & destPid = e->GetDestination();
802   PointsContainerPointer points = this->GetPoints();
804   // Check if the Origin point's edge ring entry should be changed
805   PointType& pOrigin = points->ElementAt(orgPid);
807   if ( pOrigin.GetEdge() == e )
808     {
809     if ( !e->IsOriginDisconnected() )
810       {
811       pOrigin.SetEdge( e->GetOprev() );
812       }
813     else
814       {
815       pOrigin.SetEdge( (QEPrimal *)nullptr );
816       }
817     }
819   // Same for the Destination point
820   PointType& pDestination = points->ElementAt(destPid);
822   if ( pDestination.GetEdge() == e->GetSym() )
823     {
824     if ( !e->IsDestinationDisconnected() )
825       {
826       pDestination.SetEdge( e->GetLnext() );
827       }
828     else
829       {
830       pDestination.SetEdge( (QEPrimal *)nullptr );
831       }
832     }
834   // This container serves to avoid the MS .net bug when
835   // one wants to delete a map element using a map::iterator.
836   // Normally, if we delete a map element using an iterator,
837   // it should keep the iterator validity but .net doesn't
838   // like it, so we delay the cell deletion to a later loop.
839   using DeleteCellsCont = std::list< CellIdentifier >;
840   DeleteCellsCont cellsToDelete;
842   // Delete all references to 'e' in the cell container
843   CellsContainerIterator cit = this->GetCells()->Begin();
844   const CellsContainerIterator cend = this->GetCells()->End();
846   while ( cit != cend )
847     {
848     auto * pcell = dynamic_cast< PolygonCellType * >( cit.Value() );
849     bool             toDelete = false;
850     if ( pcell != (PolygonCellType *)nullptr )
851       {
852       QEPrimal *edge = pcell->GetEdgeRingEntry();
853       typename QEPrimal::IteratorGeom it  = edge->BeginGeomLnext();
854       const typename QEPrimal::IteratorGeom end = edge->EndGeomLnext();
856       while ( it != end && !toDelete )
857         {
858         toDelete = ( ( it.Value() == e )
859                      || ( it.Value()->GetSym() == e ) );
860         ++it;
861         }
863       if ( toDelete )
864         {
865         --m_NumberOfFaces;
866         // handle QE level, i.e. for the polygon, just unset the faces
867         it = edge->BeginGeomLnext();
868         while ( it != end )
869           {
870           it.Value()->UnsetLeft();
871           ++it;
872           }
873         }
874       }
876     // if the current face is to be deleted,
877     // put it in the second container
878     // and keep the Id for next cell insertion
879     if ( toDelete )
880       {
881       cellsToDelete.push_back( cit.Index() );
882       m_FreeCellIndexes.push( cit.Index() );
883       }
884     ++cit;
885     }
887   // we checked all the cells i nthe container
888   // now delete the elements in the map
889   auto dit = cellsToDelete.begin();
890   const typename DeleteCellsCont::iterator dend = cellsToDelete.end();
891   while ( dit != dend )
892     {
893     const CellType *cellToBeDeleted = this->GetCells()->GetElement(*dit);
894     delete cellToBeDeleted;
895     this->GetCells()->DeleteIndex(*dit);
896     ++dit;
897     }
899   // now delete the edge in the edge container
900   CellType *edgeCellToDelete = this->GetEdgeCells()->ElementAt( e->GetIdent() );
901   this->GetEdgeCells()->DeleteIndex( e->GetIdent() );
902   delete edgeCellToDelete;
903   --m_NumberOfEdges;
905   // Now, disconnect it and let the garbage collector do the rest
906   this->Modified();
907 }
909 /**
910  * Delete the incoming edge and all LOCAL references to this edge.
911  * By local we mean the ones we can reasonably be aware of i.e.
912  * the adjacent faces (that we also delete) and the adjacent points
913  * (when the incoming edge is their Onext ring entry).
914  * This is to be opposed to \ref DeleteEdge that searches for ALL
915  * references to the incoming edge (which is a much heavier process
916  * because one as to make an exhaustive search in the CellContainer).
917  * \note: when deleting the adjacent faces we also handle the
918  *        suppression of the references to those faces in the Lnext()
919  *        and Rnext() rings.
920  * \warning Nothing is done to remove the potential isolated points
921  *        left by this edge deletion (the caller might want to recycle
922  *        them). Hence it is the caller's responsibility to manage the
923  *        clean-up of adjacent points (when necessary).
924  */
925 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
926 void
927 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
LightWeightDeleteEdge(EdgeCellType * edgeCell)928 ::LightWeightDeleteEdge(EdgeCellType *edgeCell)
929 {
930   if ( !edgeCell )
931     {
932     return;
933     }
935   QEPrimal *e = edgeCell->GetQEGeom();
937   if ( !e )
938     {
939     return;
940     }
941   const PointIdentifier & orgPid  = e->GetOrigin();
942   const PointIdentifier & destPid = e->GetDestination();
944   PointsContainerPointer points = this->GetPoints();
946   if ( orgPid != e->m_NoPoint &&  destPid != e->m_NoPoint )
947     {
948     // ------------------------------------------------------------------
949     // First make sure the points are not pointing to the edge we are
950     // trying to delete.
952     // Check if the Origin point's edge ring entry is the edge we are
953     // trying to delete. When this is the case shift the Origin edge entry
954     // to another edge and when no other edge is available leave it
955     // to nullptr.
956     PointType& pOrigin = points->ElementAt(orgPid);
958     if ( pOrigin.GetEdge() == e )
959       {
960       if ( !e->IsOriginDisconnected() )
961         {
962         pOrigin.SetEdge( e->GetOprev() );
963         }
964       else
965         {
966         pOrigin.SetEdge( (QEPrimal *)nullptr );
967         }
968       }
970     // Same thing for the Destination point:
971     PointType& pDestination = points->ElementAt(destPid);
973     if ( pDestination.GetEdge() == e->GetSym() )
974       {
975       if ( !e->IsDestinationDisconnected() )
976         {
977         pDestination.SetEdge( e->GetLnext() );
978         }
979       else
980         {
981         pDestination.SetEdge( (QEPrimal *)nullptr );
982         }
983       }
984     // ------------------------------------------------------------------
985     // Second we need to destroy the adjacent faces (both GetLeft()
986     // and GetRight() when they exist) because their very definition
987     // makes reference to the edge we are trying to delete:
988     if ( e->IsLeftSet() )
989       {
990       this->DeleteFace( e->GetLeft() );
991       }
993     if ( e->IsRightSet() )
994       {
995       this->DeleteFace( e->GetRight() );
996       }
998     /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
999     // Third we need to remove from the container the EdgeCell
1000     // representing the edge we are trying to destroy at the itk
1001     // level.
1002     this->GetEdgeCells()->DeleteIndex( edgeCell->GetIdent() );
1003     edgeCell->SetIdent(0);
1005     // Eventually, we disconnect (at the QuadEdge level) the edge we
1006     // are trying to delete and we delete it.
1007     e->Disconnect();
1008     }
1010   --m_NumberOfEdges;
1011   delete edgeCell;
1012   this->Modified();
1013 }
1015 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
1016 void
1017 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
LightWeightDeleteEdge(QEPrimal * e)1018 ::LightWeightDeleteEdge(QEPrimal *e)
1019 {
1020   if ( !e )
1021     {
1022     return;
1023     }
1024   const PointIdentifier & orgPid  = e->GetOrigin();
1025   if ( orgPid == e->m_NoPoint )
1026     {
1027     // org not set
1028     return;
1029     }
1031   const PointIdentifier & destPid = e->GetDestination();
1032   if ( destPid == e->m_NoPoint )
1033     {
1034     // dest not set
1035     return;
1036     }
1038   CellIdentifier LineIdent = e->GetIdent();
1039   if ( LineIdent != m_NoPoint )
1040     {
1041     auto * edgeCell = dynamic_cast< EdgeCellType * >( this->GetEdgeCells()->GetElement(LineIdent) );
1042     this->LightWeightDeleteEdge(edgeCell);
1043     }
1044   else
1045     {
1046     itkDebugMacro("Edge Not found. LineIdent not set?");
1047     return;
1048     }
1049 }
1051 /**
1052  */
1053 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
1054 void
1055 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
DeleteFace(FaceRefType faceToDelete)1056 ::DeleteFace(FaceRefType faceToDelete)
1057 {
1058   CellsContainerPointer cells = this->GetCells();
1059   CellType* c;
1061   if( !cells->GetElementIfIndexExists( faceToDelete, &c ) )
1062     {
1063     itkDebugMacro("No such face in container");
1064     return;
1065     }
1067   auto * cellToDelete = dynamic_cast< PolygonCellType * >( c );
1068   if ( !cellToDelete )
1069     {
1070     itkDebugMacro("This Id does not correspond to a face (should be an edge)");
1071     return;
1072     }
1074   // Iterate on the edges adjacent to face and remove references to
1075   // to this face:
1076   QEPrimal *e = cellToDelete->GetEdgeRingEntry();
1078   if ( faceToDelete != e->GetLeft() )
1079     {
1080     e = e->GetSym();
1081     }
1083   if ( faceToDelete != e->GetLeft() )
1084     {
1085     itkDebugMacro("Neither e nor e->Sym() are the correct face");
1086     return;
1087     }
1089   typename QEPrimal::IteratorGeom       it  = e->BeginGeomLnext();
1090   const typename QEPrimal::IteratorGeom end = e->EndGeomLnext();
1092   while( it != end )
1093     {
1094     it.Value()->UnsetLeft();
1095     ++it;
1096     }
1098   cells->DeleteIndex(faceToDelete);
1099   delete cellToDelete;
1101   --m_NumberOfFaces;
1103   this->Modified();
1104 }
1106 /**
1107  */
1108 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
1109 typename QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::QEPrimal *
1110 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
GetEdge() const1111 ::GetEdge() const
1112 {
1113   if ( this->GetEdgeCells()->empty() )
1114     {
1115     return ( (QEPrimal *)nullptr );
1116     }
1118   const CellsContainer* edgeCells = this->GetEdgeCells();
1119   CellsContainerConstIterator cit = edgeCells->Begin();
1120   auto * e = dynamic_cast< EdgeCellType * >( cit.Value() );
1122   return ( e->GetQEGeom() );
1123 }
1125 /**
1126  */
1127 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
1128 typename QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::QEPrimal *
1129 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
GetEdge(const CellIdentifier & eid) const1130 ::GetEdge(const CellIdentifier & eid) const
1131 {
1132   CellType* c;
1134   if( !this->GetEdgeCells()->GetElementIfIndexExists( eid, &c ) )
1135     {
1136     itkDebugMacro("No such edge in container");
1137     return ( (QEPrimal *)nullptr );
1138     }
1140   auto * e = dynamic_cast< EdgeCellType * >( c );
1141   return ( e->GetQEGeom() );
1142 }
1144 /**
1145  */
1146 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
1147 typename QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::QEPrimal *
1148 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
FindEdge(const PointIdentifier & pid0) const1149 ::FindEdge(const PointIdentifier & pid0) const
1150 {
1151   PointType p = this->GetPoint(pid0);
1153   return ( p.GetEdge() );
1154 }
1156 /**
1157  */
1158 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
1159 typename QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::QEPrimal *
1160 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
FindEdge(const PointIdentifier & pid0,const PointIdentifier & pid1) const1161 ::FindEdge(const PointIdentifier & pid0, const PointIdentifier & pid1) const
1162 {
1163   QEPrimal *initialEdge = this->GetPoint(pid0).GetEdge();
1165   if ( initialEdge )
1166     {
1167     typename QEPrimal::IteratorGeom it  = initialEdge->BeginGeomOnext();
1168     typename QEPrimal::IteratorGeom end = initialEdge->EndGeomOnext();
1169     while ( it != end )
1170       {
1171       if ( it.Value()->GetDestination() == pid1 )
1172         {
1173         return ( dynamic_cast< QEPrimal * >( it.Value() ) );
1174         }
1175       ++it;
1176       }
1177     }
1178   return ( static_cast< QEPrimal * >( nullptr ) );
1179 }
1181 /**
1182  */
1183 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
1184 typename QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::EdgeCellType *
1185 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
FindEdgeCell(const PointIdentifier & pid0,const PointIdentifier & pid1) const1186 ::FindEdgeCell(const PointIdentifier & pid0, const PointIdentifier & pid1) const
1187 {
1188   auto * result = (EdgeCellType *)nullptr;
1189   QEPrimal *    EdgeGeom = FindEdge(pid0, pid1);
1191   if ( EdgeGeom != (QEPrimal *)nullptr )
1192     {
1193     CellIdentifier LineIdent = EdgeGeom->GetIdent();
1194     if ( LineIdent != m_NoPoint )
1195       {
1196       result = dynamic_cast< EdgeCellType * >(
1197         this->GetEdgeCells()->GetElement(LineIdent) );
1198       }
1199     }
1200   return ( result );
1201 }
1203 /**
1204  */
1205 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
1206 typename QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::QEPrimal *
1207 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
AddFace(const PointIdList & points)1208 ::AddFace(const PointIdList & points)
1209 {
1210   size_t N = points.size();
1212 #ifndef NDEBUG
1214   // Check that there are no duplicate points
1215   for ( size_t i = 0; i < N; i++ )
1216     {
1217     typename PointIdList::const_iterator itr = points.begin();
1218     typename PointIdList::const_iterator end = points.end();
1219     PointIdentifier count = NumericTraits< PointIdentifier >::ZeroValue();
1220     const PointIdentifier pointId = points[i];
1221     while ( itr != end )
1222       {
1223       if ( *itr == pointId )
1224         {
1225         ++count;
1226         }
1227       ++itr;
1228       }
1229     if ( count != 1 )
1230       {
1231       itkDebugMacro("Point " << i << " is duplicated");
1232       return ( (QEPrimal *)nullptr );
1233       }
1234     }
1236   PointsContainerPointer pointsContainer = this->GetPoints();
1238   // Check that all points exist
1239   for ( size_t i = 0; i < N; i++ )
1240     {
1241     if ( !pointsContainer->IndexExists(points[i]) )
1242       {
1243       itkDebugMacro("Point " << i << " is missing in the mesh");
1244       return (QEPrimal *)nullptr;
1245       }
1246     }
1247 #endif
1249   // Check if existing edges have no face on the left.
1250   for ( size_t i = 0; i < N; i++ )
1251     {
1252     PointIdentifier pid0 = points[i];
1253     PointIdentifier pid1 = points[ ( i + 1 ) % N ];
1255     QEPrimal *edge = this->FindEdge(pid0, pid1);
1257     if ( edge )
1258       {
1259       if ( edge->IsLeftSet() )
1260         {
1261         itkDebugMacro("Edge [" << i << " " << ( ( i + 1 ) % N )
1262                                << " has a left face.");
1263         return (QEPrimal *)nullptr;
1264         }
1265       }
1266     }
1268   return AddFaceWithSecurePointList(points);
1269 }
1271 /**
1272  */
1273 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
1274 typename QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::QEPrimal *
1275 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
AddFaceWithSecurePointList(const PointIdList & points)1276 ::AddFaceWithSecurePointList(const PointIdList & points)
1277 {
1278   return AddFaceWithSecurePointList(points, true);
1279 }
1281 /**
1282  */
1283 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
1284 typename QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::QEPrimal *
1285 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
AddFaceWithSecurePointList(const PointIdList & points,bool CheckEdges)1286 ::AddFaceWithSecurePointList(const PointIdList & points, bool CheckEdges)
1287 {
1288   const auto numberOfPoints = static_cast< PointIdentifier >( points.size() );
1290   using QEList = std::vector< QEPrimal * >;
1291   QEList FaceQEList( numberOfPoints, nullptr );
1293   // Now create edge list and create missing edges if needed.
1294   for ( PointIdentifier i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++ )
1295     {
1296     PointIdentifier pid0 = points[i];
1297     PointIdentifier pid1 = points[( i + 1 ) % numberOfPoints];
1298     QEPrimal *      edge = this->FindEdge(pid0, pid1);
1300     if ( !edge && CheckEdges )
1301       {
1302       QEPrimal *entry = this->AddEdgeWithSecurePointList(pid0, pid1);
1303       if ( entry == (QEPrimal *)nullptr )
1304         {
1305         return ( entry );
1306         }
1307       FaceQEList[i] = entry;
1308       }
1309     else
1310       {
1311       //FIXME throw exception here if !edge
1312       FaceQEList[i] = edge;
1313       }
1314     }
1316   // Reorder all Onext rings
1317   QEPrimal *e1;
1318   QEPrimal *e0 = FaceQEList.back();
1320   auto fIt = FaceQEList.begin();
1321   auto fEnd = FaceQEList.end();
1323   while( fIt != fEnd )
1324     {
1325     e1 = e0->GetSym();
1326     e0 = *fIt;
1328     e0->ReorderOnextRingBeforeAddFace(e1);
1329     ++fIt;
1330     }
1332   // all edges are ready to receive a face on the left
1333   QEPrimal *entry = FaceQEList.front();
1335   if ( !entry )
1336     {
1337     // FIXME throw exception here instead
1338     itkDebugMacro("entry == nullptr");
1339     return (QEPrimal *)nullptr;
1340     }
1342   this->AddFace(entry);
1344   return ( entry );
1345 }
1347 /**
1348  * We here make the strong assumption that the caller was wise enough
1349  * to build/handle the connectivity at the QE level. This method
1350  * simply creates a new PolygonCell and assigns it as the left face
1351  * of all edges in the Lnext ring of the incoming argument.
1352  */
1353 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
1354 void
1355 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
AddFace(QEPrimal * entry)1356 ::AddFace(QEPrimal *entry)
1357 {
1358   // Create the cell and add it to the container
1359   auto * faceCell = new PolygonCellType(entry);
1360   CellIdentifier   fid = this->FindFirstUnusedCellIndex();
1362   faceCell->SetIdent(fid);
1364   // Associate the above generated CellIndex as the default FaceRefType
1365   // of the new face [ i.e. use the itk level CellIdentifier as the
1366   // GeometricalQuadEdge::m_Origin of dual edges (edges of type QEDual) ].
1367   typename QEPrimal::IteratorGeom it  = entry->BeginGeomLnext();
1368   typename QEPrimal::IteratorGeom end = entry->EndGeomLnext();
1370   while( it != end )
1371     {
1372     it.Value()->SetLeft(fid);
1373     ++it;
1374     }
1376   ++m_NumberOfFaces;
1377   CellAutoPointer face;
1378   face.TakeOwnership(faceCell);
1379   this->Superclass::SetCell(fid, face);
1380 }
1382 /**
1383  * Add a triangle face to this QuadEdgeMesh.
1384  * @param aPid \ref PointIdentifier of first point
1385  * @param bPid \ref PointIdentifier of second point
1386  * @param cPid \ref PointIdentifier of third point
1387  */
1388 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
1389 typename QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::QEPrimal *
1390 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
AddFaceTriangle(const PointIdentifier & aPid,const PointIdentifier & bPid,const PointIdentifier & cPid)1391 ::AddFaceTriangle(
1392   const PointIdentifier & aPid,
1393   const PointIdentifier & bPid,
1394   const PointIdentifier & cPid)
1395 {
1396   PointIdList points( 3 );
1398   points[0] = aPid;
1399   points[1] = bPid;
1400   points[2] = cPid;
1401   return this->AddFace(points);
1402 }
1404 /**
1405  */
1406 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
1407 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
QuadEdgeMesh()1408 ::QuadEdgeMesh():m_NumberOfFaces(0), m_NumberOfEdges(0)
1409 {
1410   m_EdgeCellsContainer = CellsContainer::New();
1411 }
1413 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
1414 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
~QuadEdgeMesh()1415 ::~QuadEdgeMesh()
1416 {
1417   this->ClearCellsContainer();
1418 }
1420 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
1421 void
1422 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
ClearCellsContainer()1423 ::ClearCellsContainer()
1424 {
1425   if ( m_EdgeCellsContainer->GetReferenceCount() == 1 )
1426     {
1427     CellsContainerIterator EdgeCell = m_EdgeCellsContainer->Begin();
1428     CellsContainerIterator EdgeEnd  = m_EdgeCellsContainer->End();
1429     while ( EdgeCell != EdgeEnd )
1430       {
1431       const CellType *EdgeCellToBeDeleted = EdgeCell->Value();
1432       delete EdgeCellToBeDeleted;
1433       ++EdgeCell;
1434       }
1435     m_EdgeCellsContainer->Initialize();
1436     }
1437 }
1439 /**
1440  */
1441 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
1442 typename QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::CoordRepType
1443 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
ComputeEdgeLength(QEPrimal * e)1444 ::ComputeEdgeLength(QEPrimal *e)
1445 {
1446   const PointsContainer *points = this->GetPoints();
1448   const PointType org  = points->GetElement( e->GetOrigin() );
1449   const PointType dest = points->GetElement( e->GetDestination() );
1451   return org.EuclideanDistanceTo(dest);
1452 }
1454 /**
1455  * \brief Compute the total number of USED points. This differs from
1456  * \ref Mesh::GetNumberOfPoints() that will return the total number of
1457  * points including the ones that have no entry in the edge ring.
1458  *
1459  * \note This method is an optional utility of the class: its
1460  * understanding is not useful at first contact with the class.
1461  */
1462 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
1463 typename QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::PointIdentifier
1464 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
ComputeNumberOfPoints() const1465 ::ComputeNumberOfPoints() const
1466 {
1467   const PointsContainer *points = this->GetPoints();
1469   if ( !points )
1470     {
1471     itkDebugMacro("No point container");
1472     return ( 0 );
1473     }
1475   PointIdentifier  numberOfPoints = NumericTraits<PointIdentifier>::ZeroValue();
1476   PointsContainerConstIterator pointIterator = points->Begin();
1477   PointsContainerConstIterator pointEnd = points->End();
1479   while ( pointIterator != pointEnd )
1480     {
1481     if ( pointIterator.Value().GetEdge() )
1482       {
1483       ++numberOfPoints;
1484       }
1485     ++pointIterator;
1486     }
1488   return ( numberOfPoints );
1489 }
1491 /**
1492  * \brief Compute the total number of faces.
1493  *
1494  * \note This method is an optional utility of the class: its
1495  * understanding is not useful at first contact with the class.
1496  */
1497 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
1498 typename QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::CellIdentifier
1499 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
ComputeNumberOfFaces() const1500 ::ComputeNumberOfFaces() const
1501 {
1502   CellIdentifier  numberOfFaces = NumericTraits<CellIdentifier>::ZeroValue();
1503   CellsContainerConstIterator cellIterator = this->GetCells()->Begin();
1504   CellsContainerConstIterator cellEnd      = this->GetCells()->End();
1506   PointIdentifier NumOfPoints;
1508   while ( cellIterator != cellEnd )
1509     {
1510     NumOfPoints = cellIterator.Value()->GetNumberOfPoints();
1511     if ( NumOfPoints > 2 )
1512       {
1513       ++numberOfFaces;
1514       }
1515     ++cellIterator;
1516     }
1518   return ( numberOfFaces );
1519 }
1521 /**
1522  * \brief Compute the total number of edges.
1523  *
1524  * \note This method is an optional utility of the class: it's
1525  *       understanding is not useful at first contact with the class.
1526  */
1527 template< typename TPixel, unsigned int VDimension, typename TTraits >
1528 typename QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >::CellIdentifier
1529 QuadEdgeMesh< TPixel, VDimension, TTraits >
ComputeNumberOfEdges() const1530 ::ComputeNumberOfEdges() const
1531 {
1532   return static_cast< CellIdentifier >( this->GetEdgeCells()->size() );
1533 }
1534 } // namespace itk
1536 #endif