1 /* -*- Mode: C++; -*- */
2 // VER: $Id: ANN.h,v 1.3 2005/08/05 09:02:57 berniw Exp $
3 // copyright (c) 2004 by Christos Dimitrakakis <dimitrak@idiap.ch>
4 /***************************************************************************
5  *                                                                         *
6  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
7  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
8  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
9  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
10  *                                                                         *
11  ***************************************************************************/
13 #ifndef ANN_H
14 #define ANN_H
16 #include <assert.h>
17 #include <stdio.h>
18 #include <stdlib.h>
19 #include <math.h>
20 #include <learning/learn_debug.h>
21 #include <learning/string_utils.h>
22 #include <learning/List.h>
23 #include <learning/real.h>
25 /** \file ANN.h
26     \brief A neural network implementation.
28     A neural network is a parametric function composed of a number of
29     'layers'. Each layer can be expressed as a function \f$g(y)
30     =g(\sum_i w_i f_i (x))\f$, where the \f$w\f$ are a set of weights
31     and \f$f(\cdot)\f$ is a set of basis functions. The basis
32     functions can be fixed or they can be another layer. The neural
33     network can be adapted to minimise some cost criterion \f$C\f$
34     (defined on some data) via gradient descent. The gradient of the
35     cost with respect to the data is \f$\partial C/\partial x\f$. By
36     expanding this with the chain rule, we have: \f$\partial
37     C/\partial x = \partial g/\partial y \partial y/\partial w
38     \partial w/\partial x\f$.
39 */
41 /** \brief A linear connection between two neural elements.
43 It is used to express the sum weights in
44 \f$y = \sum_i w_i f_i (x)\f$.
45 This type of connection currently also supports eligibility traces
46 gradient descent updates, batch updates and variance estimates.
47 */
48 typedef struct Connection_ {
49 	int c; ///< connected?
50 	real w; ///< weight
51 	real dw; ///< Weight-change
52 	real e; ///< eligibility;
53 	real v; ///<variance estimate
54 } Connection;
56 /** \brief An RBF connection between two neural elements.
58 It is used to express:
59 \f$y = \sum_i \big((m_i-f_i(x)) w_i\big)^2\f$.
60 This type of connection has no extra features. When an RBF connection is created through the standard high-level function AddRBFHiddenLayer, then the layer output is \f$g(y) = e^y\f$.
61 */
62 typedef struct RBFConnection_ {
63 	real w; ///< weight (=\f$1/\sigma\f$)
64 	real m; ///< mean
65 } RBFConnection;
67 /// \brief A collection of connections from one layer to another, plus
68 /// management functions and data.
69 typedef struct Layer_ {
70 	int n_inputs; ///< number of inputs
71 	int n_outputs; ///< number of outputs
72 	real* x; ///< inputs;
73 	real* y; ///< outputs
74 	real* z; ///< activation
75 	real* d; ///< derivatives
76 	Connection* c; ///< connections
77 	RBFConnection* rbf; ///< rbf connections (if any)
78 	real a; ///< learning rate
79 	real lambda; ///< eligibility decay
80 	real zeta; ///< variance update smoothness.
81 	bool batch_mode; ///< do not update weights immediately
82 	void (*forward) (struct Layer_* current_layer, bool stochastic); ///< forward calculation
83 	real (*backward) (LISTITEM* p, real* d, bool use_eligibility, real TD); ///< partial derivative calculation
84 	real (*f) (real x); ///< activation function
85 	real (*f_d) (real x); ///< derivative of activation function
86 } Layer;
88 /// \brief ANN management structure.
89 typedef struct ANN_ {
90 	int n_inputs; ///< number of inputs
91 	int n_outputs; ///< number of outputs
92 	LIST* c; ///< connection layers
93 	real* x; ///< unit inputs
94 	real* y; ///< unit activations
95 	real* t; ///< targets
96 	real* d; ///< delta vector
97 	real a; ///< learning rate
98 	real lambda; ///< eligibility trace decay
99 	real zeta; ///< variance update smoothness
100 	real* error; ///< errors
101 	bool batch_mode; ///< use batch mode
102 	bool eligibility_traces; ///< use eligibility
103 } ANN;
106 /**************** User-level API ******************/
107 /* Object Management Interface */
108 extern ANN* NewANN(int n_inputs, int n_outputs);
109 extern int DeleteANN(ANN* ann);
110 extern ANN* LoadANN(char* filename);
111 extern ANN* LoadANN(FILE* f);
112 extern int SaveANN(ANN* ann, char* filename);
113 extern int SaveANN(ANN* ann, FILE* f);
115 /* Setup Inteface */
116 extern int ANN_AddHiddenLayer(ANN* ann, int n_nodes);
117 extern int ANN_AddRBFHiddenLayer (ANN* ann, int n_nodes);
118 extern int ANN_Init(ANN* ann);
119 extern void ANN_SetOutputsToTanH(ANN* ann);
120 extern void ANN_SetOutputsToLinear(ANN* ann);
121 extern void ANN_SetLearningRate(ANN* ann, real a);
122 extern void ANN_SetLambda(ANN * ann, real lambda);
123 extern void ANN_SetZeta(ANN * ann, real lambda);
124 extern void ANN_Reset(ANN* ann);
126 /* Functionality Interface */
127 extern real ANN_Input(ANN* ann, real* x);
128 extern real ANN_StochasticInput(ANN * ann, real * x);
129 extern real ANN_Train(ANN* ann, real* x, real* t);
130 extern real ANN_Delta_Train(ANN * ann, real* delta, real TD = 0.0);
131 extern void ANN_SetBatchMode(ANN* ann, bool batch);
132 extern void ANN_BatchAdapt(ANN* ann);
133 extern real ANN_Test(ANN* ann, real* x, real* t);
134 extern real* ANN_GetOutput(ANN* ann);
135 extern real ANN_GetError(ANN* ann);
136 extern real* ANN_GetErrorVector(ANN* ann);
138 /********* Low-level code **********/
140 /* Sub-object management functions */
141 extern Layer* ANN_AddLayer (ANN* ann, int n_inputs, int n_outputs, real* x);
142 extern Layer* ANN_AddRBFLayer (ANN* ann, int n_inputs, int n_outputs, real* x);
143 extern void ANN_FreeLayer (void* l);
144 extern void ANN_FreeLayer (Layer* l);
146 /* Calculations */
147 extern void ANN_CalculateLayerOutputs (Layer* current_layer, bool stochastic=false);
148 extern real ANN_Backpropagate (LISTITEM* p, real* d, bool use_eligibility=false, real TD = 0.0);
149 extern void ANN_RBFCalculateLayerOutputs (Layer* current_layer, bool stochastic=false);
150 extern real ANN_RBFBackpropagate (LISTITEM* p, real* d, bool use_eligibility=false, real TD = 0.0);
151 extern void ANN_LayerBatchAdapt (Layer* l);
153 /* Output functions and derivatives */
154 extern real Exp (real x);
155 extern real Exp_d (real x);
156 extern real htan (real x);
157 extern real htan_d (real x);
158 extern real dtan (real x);
159 extern real dtan_d (real x);
160 extern real linear (real x);
161 extern real linear_d (real x);
163 /* Debugging functions */
164 extern real ANN_LayerShowWeights (Layer* l);
165 extern real ANN_ShowWeights(ANN* ann);
166 extern void ANN_ShowOutputs(ANN* ann);
167 extern real ANN_ShowInputs(ANN* ann);
168 extern real ANN_LayerShowInputs(Layer* l);
169 #endif /* ANN_H */