2Solves robust LQ control problems.
5from textwrap import dedent
6import numpy as np
7from .lqcontrol import LQ
8from .quadsums import var_quadratic_sum
9from scipy.linalg import solve, inv, det
10from .matrix_eqn import solve_discrete_lyapunov
13class RBLQ:
14    r"""
15    Provides methods for analysing infinite horizon robust LQ control
16    problems of the form
18    .. math::
20        \min_{u_t}  \sum_t \beta^t {x_t' R x_t + u_t' Q u_t }
22    subject to
24    .. math::
26        x_{t+1} = A x_t + B u_t + C w_{t+1}
28    and with model misspecification parameter theta.
30    Parameters
31    ----------
32    Q : array_like(float, ndim=2)
33        The cost(payoff) matrix for the controls.  See above for more.
34        Q should be k x k and symmetric and positive definite
35    R : array_like(float, ndim=2)
36        The cost(payoff) matrix for the state.  See above for more. R
37        should be n x n and symmetric and non-negative definite
38    A : array_like(float, ndim=2)
39        The matrix that corresponds with the state in the state space
40        system.  A should be n x n
41    B : array_like(float, ndim=2)
42        The matrix that corresponds with the control in the state space
43        system.  B should be n x k
44    C : array_like(float, ndim=2)
45        The matrix that corresponds with the random process in the
46        state space system.  C should be n x j
47    beta : scalar(float)
48        The discount factor in the robust control problem
49    theta : scalar(float)
50        The robustness factor in the robust control problem
52    Attributes
53    ----------
54    Q, R, A, B, C, beta, theta : see Parameters
55    k, n, j : scalar(int)
56        The dimensions of the matrices
58    """
60    def __init__(self, Q, R, A, B, C, beta, theta):
62        # == Make sure all matrices can be treated as 2D arrays == #
63        A, B, C, Q, R = list(map(np.atleast_2d, (A, B, C, Q, R)))
64        self.A, self.B, self.C, self.Q, self.R = A, B, C, Q, R
65        # == Record dimensions == #
66        self.k = self.Q.shape[0]
67        self.n = self.R.shape[0]
68        self.j = self.C.shape[1]
69        # == Remaining parameters == #
70        self.beta, self.theta = beta, theta
71        # == Check for case of no control (pure forecasting problem) == #
72        self.pure_forecasting = True if not Q.any() and not B.any() else False
74    def __repr__(self):
75        return self.__str__()
77    def __str__(self):
78        m = """\
79        Robust linear quadratic control system
80          - beta (discount parameter)   : {b}
81          - theta (robustness factor)   : {th}
82          - n (number of state variables)   : {n}
83          - k (number of control variables) : {k}
84          - j (number of shocks)            : {j}
85        """
86        return dedent(m.format(b=self.beta, n=self.n, k=self.k, j=self.j,
87                               th=self.theta))
89    def d_operator(self, P):
90        r"""
91        The D operator, mapping P into
93        .. math::
95            D(P) := P + PC(\theta I - C'PC)^{-1} C'P.
97        Parameters
98        ----------
99        P : array_like(float, ndim=2)
100            A matrix that should be n x n
102        Returns
103        -------
104        dP : array_like(float, ndim=2)
105            The matrix P after applying the D operator
107        """
108        C, theta = self.C, self.theta
109        I = np.identity(self.j)
110        S1 = np.dot(P, C)
111        S2 = np.dot(C.T, S1)
113        dP = P + np.dot(S1, solve(theta * I - S2, S1.T))
115        return dP
117    def b_operator(self, P):
118        r"""
119        The B operator, mapping P into
121        .. math::
123            B(P) := R - \beta^2 A'PB(Q + \beta B'PB)^{-1}B'PA + \beta A'PA
125        and also returning
127        .. math::
129            F := (Q + \beta B'PB)^{-1} \beta B'PA
131        Parameters
132        ----------
133        P : array_like(float, ndim=2)
134            A matrix that should be n x n
136        Returns
137        -------
138        F : array_like(float, ndim=2)
139            The F matrix as defined above
140        new_p : array_like(float, ndim=2)
141            The matrix P after applying the B operator
143        """
144        A, B, Q, R, beta = self.A, self.B, self.Q, self.R, self.beta
145        S1 = Q + beta * np.dot(B.T, np.dot(P, B))
146        S2 = beta * np.dot(B.T, np.dot(P, A))
147        S3 = beta * np.dot(A.T, np.dot(P, A))
148        F = solve(S1, S2) if not self.pure_forecasting else np.zeros(
149            (self.k, self.n))
150        new_P = R - np.dot(S2.T, F) + S3
152        return F, new_P
154    def robust_rule(self, method='doubling'):
155        """
156        This method solves the robust control problem by tricking it
157        into a stacked LQ problem, as described in chapter 2 of Hansen-
158        Sargent's text "Robustness."  The optimal control with observed
159        state is
161        .. math::
163            u_t = - F x_t
165        And the value function is :math:`-x'Px`
167        Parameters
168        ----------
169        method : str, optional(default='doubling')
170            Solution method used in solving the associated Riccati
171            equation, str in {'doubling', 'qz'}.
173        Returns
174        -------
175        F : array_like(float, ndim=2)
176            The optimal control matrix from above
177        P : array_like(float, ndim=2)
178            The positive semi-definite matrix defining the value
179            function
180        K : array_like(float, ndim=2)
181            the worst-case shock matrix K, where
182            :math:`w_{t+1} = K x_t` is the worst case shock
184        """
185        # == Simplify names == #
186        A, B, C, Q, R = self.A, self.B, self.C, self.Q, self.R
187        beta, theta = self.beta, self.theta
188        k, j = self.k, self.j
189        # == Set up LQ version == #
190        I = np.identity(j)
191        Z = np.zeros((k, j))
193        if self.pure_forecasting:
194            lq = LQ(-beta*I*theta, R, A, C, beta=beta)
196            # == Solve and convert back to robust problem == #
197            P, f, d = lq.stationary_values(method=method)
198            F = np.zeros((self.k, self.n))
199            K = -f[:k, :]
201        else:
202            Ba = np.hstack([B, C])
203            Qa = np.vstack([np.hstack([Q, Z]), np.hstack([Z.T, -beta*I*theta])])
204            lq = LQ(Qa, R, A, Ba, beta=beta)
206            # == Solve and convert back to robust problem == #
207            P, f, d = lq.stationary_values(method=method)
208            F = f[:k, :]
209            K = -f[k:f.shape[0], :]
211        return F, K, P
213    def robust_rule_simple(self, P_init=None, max_iter=80, tol=1e-8):
214        """
215        A simple algorithm for computing the robust policy F and the
216        corresponding value function P, based around straightforward
217        iteration with the robust Bellman operator.  This function is
218        easier to understand but one or two orders of magnitude slower
219        than self.robust_rule().  For more information see the docstring
220        of that method.
222        Parameters
223        ----------
224        P_init : array_like(float, ndim=2), optional(default=None)
225            The initial guess for the value function matrix.  It will
226            be a matrix of zeros if no guess is given
227        max_iter : scalar(int), optional(default=80)
228            The maximum number of iterations that are allowed
229        tol : scalar(float), optional(default=1e-8)
230            The tolerance for convergence
232        Returns
233        -------
234        F : array_like(float, ndim=2)
235            The optimal control matrix from above
236        P : array_like(float, ndim=2)
237            The positive semi-definite matrix defining the value
238            function
239        K : array_like(float, ndim=2)
240            the worst-case shock matrix K, where
241            :math:`w_{t+1} = K x_t` is the worst case shock
243        """
244        # == Simplify names == #
245        A, B, C, Q, R = self.A, self.B, self.C, self.Q, self.R
246        beta, theta = self.beta, self.theta
247        # == Set up loop == #
248        P = np.zeros((self.n, self.n)) if P_init is None else P_init
249        iterate, e = 0, tol + 1
250        while iterate < max_iter and e > tol:
251            F, new_P = self.b_operator(self.d_operator(P))
252            e = np.sqrt(np.sum((new_P - P)**2))
253            iterate += 1
254            P = new_P
255        I = np.identity(self.j)
256        S1 = P.dot(C)
257        S2 = C.T.dot(S1)
258        K = inv(theta * I - S2).dot(S1.T).dot(A - B.dot(F))
260        return F, K, P
262    def F_to_K(self, F, method='doubling'):
263        """
264        Compute agent 2's best cost-minimizing response K, given F.
266        Parameters
267        ----------
268        F : array_like(float, ndim=2)
269            A k x n array
270        method : str, optional(default='doubling')
271            Solution method used in solving the associated Riccati
272            equation, str in {'doubling', 'qz'}.
274        Returns
275        -------
276        K : array_like(float, ndim=2)
277            Agent's best cost minimizing response for a given F
278        P : array_like(float, ndim=2)
279            The value function for a given F
281        """
282        Q2 = self.beta * self.theta
283        R2 = - self.R - np.dot(F.T, np.dot(self.Q, F))
284        A2 = self.A - np.dot(self.B, F)
285        B2 = self.C
286        lq = LQ(Q2, R2, A2, B2, beta=self.beta)
287        neg_P, neg_K, d = lq.stationary_values(method=method)
289        return -neg_K, -neg_P
291    def K_to_F(self, K, method='doubling'):
292        """
293        Compute agent 1's best value-maximizing response F, given K.
295        Parameters
296        ----------
297        K : array_like(float, ndim=2)
298            A j x n array
299        method : str, optional(default='doubling')
300            Solution method used in solving the associated Riccati
301            equation, str in {'doubling', 'qz'}.
303        Returns
304        -------
305        F : array_like(float, ndim=2)
306            The policy function for a given K
307        P : array_like(float, ndim=2)
308            The value function for a given K
310        """
311        A1 = self.A + np.dot(self.C, K)
312        B1 = self.B
313        Q1 = self.Q
314        R1 = self.R - self.beta * self.theta * np.dot(K.T, K)
315        lq = LQ(Q1, R1, A1, B1, beta=self.beta)
316        P, F, d = lq.stationary_values(method=method)
318        return F, P
320    def compute_deterministic_entropy(self, F, K, x0):
321        r"""
323        Given K and F, compute the value of deterministic entropy, which
324        is
326        .. math::
328            \sum_t \beta^t x_t' K'K x_t`
330        with
332        .. math::
334            x_{t+1} = (A - BF + CK) x_t
336        Parameters
337        ----------
338        F : array_like(float, ndim=2)
339            The policy function, a k x n array
340        K : array_like(float, ndim=2)
341            The worst case matrix, a j x n array
342        x0 : array_like(float, ndim=1)
343            The initial condition for state
345        Returns
346        -------
347        e : scalar(int)
348            The deterministic entropy
350        """
351        H0 = np.dot(K.T, K)
352        C0 = np.zeros((self.n, 1))
353        A0 = self.A - np.dot(self.B, F) + np.dot(self.C, K)
354        e = var_quadratic_sum(A0, C0, H0, self.beta, x0)
356        return e
358    def evaluate_F(self, F):
359        """
360        Given a fixed policy F, with the interpretation :math:`u = -F x`, this
361        function computes the matrix :math:`P_F` and constant :math:`d_F`
362        associated with discounted cost :math:`J_F(x) = x' P_F x + d_F`
364        Parameters
365        ----------
366        F : array_like(float, ndim=2)
367            The policy function, a k x n array
369        Returns
370        -------
371        P_F : array_like(float, ndim=2)
372            Matrix for discounted cost
373        d_F : scalar(float)
374            Constant for discounted cost
375        K_F : array_like(float, ndim=2)
376            Worst case policy
377        O_F : array_like(float, ndim=2)
378            Matrix for discounted entropy
379        o_F : scalar(float)
380            Constant for discounted entropy
382        """
383        # == Simplify names == #
384        Q, R, A, B, C = self.Q, self.R, self.A, self.B, self.C
385        beta, theta = self.beta, self.theta
387        # == Solve for policies and costs using agent 2's problem == #
388        K_F, P_F = self.F_to_K(F)
389        I = np.identity(self.j)
390        H = inv(I - C.T.dot(P_F.dot(C)) / theta)
391        d_F = np.log(det(H))
393        # == Compute O_F and o_F == #
394        AO = np.sqrt(beta) * (A - np.dot(B, F) + np.dot(C, K_F))
395        O_F = solve_discrete_lyapunov(AO.T, beta * np.dot(K_F.T, K_F))
396        ho = (np.trace(H - 1) - d_F) / 2.0
397        tr = np.trace(np.dot(O_F, C.dot(H.dot(C.T))))
398        o_F = (ho + beta * tr) / (1 - beta)
400        return K_F, P_F, d_F, O_F, o_F