1 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // Copyright (C) 2014
3 //              David Freese, W1HKJ
4 //              Fernando M. Maresca,
5 //
6 // This file is part of flrig.
7 //
8 // flrig is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
11 // (at your option) any later version.
12 //
13 // flrig is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 // GNU General Public License for more details.
17 //
18 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 // aunsigned long int with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 /*
22  * Note for anyone wishing to expand on the command set.
23  *
24  * A rejected command is responded to by a three character sequence "Zy\r".
25  * where the y is the letter of the command in error
26  * you need to check for that response
27  *
28 */
30 #include "TT588.h"
31 #include "support.h"
32 #include "math.h"
34 #include "debug.h"
35 // fer, debugging purpose
36 #include <iostream>
37 #include <typeinfo>
39 static const char TT588name_[] = "Omni-VII";
41 //static const char *TT588modes_[] = { "D-USB", "USB", "LSB", "CW", "AM", "FM", NULL}
42 //static const char TT588mode_chr[] =  { '1', '1', '2', '3', '0', '4' };
43 //static const char TT588mode_type[] = { 'U', 'U', 'L', 'L', 'U', 'U' };
44 static const char *TT588modes_[] = {
45 		"AM", "USB", "LSB", "CWU", "FM", "CWL", "FSK", NULL};
46 static const char TT588mode_chr[] =  { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6' };
47 static const char TT588mode_type[] = { 'U', 'U', 'L', 'U', 'U', 'L', 'L' };
49 // filter # is 37 - index
50 static const char *TT588_widths[] = {
51 "200",   "250",  "300",  "350",  "400",  "450",  "500",  "600",  "700",  "800",
52 "900",  "1000", "1200", "1400", "1600", "1800", "2000", "2200", "2400", "2500",
53 "2600", "2800", "3000", "3200", "3400", "3600", "3800", "4000", "4500", "5000",
54 "5500", "6000", "6500", "7000", "7500", "8000", "9000", "12000", NULL};
55 static int TT588_bw_vals[] = {
56  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,
57 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,
58 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,
59 31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,
62 static const int TT588_numeric_widths[] = {
63 200,   250,  300,  350,  400,  450,  500,  600,  700,  800,
64 900,  1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000, 2200, 2400, 2500,
65 2600, 2800, 3000, 3200, 3400, 3600, 3800, 4000, 4500, 5000,
66 5500, 6000, 6500, 7000, 7500, 8000, 9000, 12000, 0};
69 static char TT588setFREQA[]		= "*Annnn\r";
70 static char TT588setFREQB[]		= "*Bnnnn\r";
71 //static char TT588setAGC[]		= "*Gn\r";
72 static char TT588setSQLCH[]		= "*Hc\r";
73 static char TT588setRF[]		= "*Ic\r";
74 static char TT588setATT[]		= "*Jc\r";
75 static char TT588setNB[]		= "*Knar\r";
76 static char TT588setMODE[]		= "*Mnn\r";
77 static char TT588setSPLIT[]		= "*Nn\r";
78 static char TT588setPBT[]		= "*Pxx\r";
79 static char TT588setVOL[]		= "*Un\r";
80 static char TT588setBW[]		= "*Wx\r";
82 // these C1* and C2* commands are for ethernet only
83 //static char TT588setPOWER[]	= "*C1Xn\r";
84 //static char TT588setPREAMP[]	= "*C1Zn\r";
85 //static char TT588getPOWER[]		= "?C1X\r";
86 //static char TT588getPREAMP[]	= "?C1Z\r";
87 // set pout is not available under serial interface
88 //static char TT588setPOWER[]	= "*C1Xn\r";
89 // F command gets fwd and ref power
90 //static char TT588getFWDPWR[]	= "?F\r";
91 static char TT588getPOWER[]		= "?F\r";
93 static char TT588getFREQA[]		= "?A\r";
94 static char TT588getFREQB[]		= "?B\r";
95 //static char TT588getAGC[]		= "?G\r";
96 static char TT588getSQLCH[]		= "?H\r";
97 static char TT588getRF[]		= "?I\r";
98 static char TT588getATT[]		= "?J\r";
99 static char TT588getNB[]		= "?K\r";
100 static char TT588getMODE[]		= "?M\r";
101 static char TT588getSPLIT[]		= "?N\r";
102 static char TT588getPBT[]		= "?P\r";
103 static char TT588getSMETER[]	= "?S\r";
104 static char TT588getVOL[]		= "?U\r";
105 static char TT588getBW[]		= "?W\r";
107 //static char TT588getFWDPWR[]	= "?F\r";
108 //static char TT588getREFPWR[]	= "?R\r";
110 static char TT588setXMT[]		= "*Tnn\r";
112 static GUI tt588_widgets[]= {
113 	{ (Fl_Widget *)btnVol,        2, 125,  50 },
114 	{ (Fl_Widget *)sldrVOLUME,   54, 125, 156 },
115 	{ (Fl_Widget *)sldrRFGAIN,   54, 145, 156 },
116 	{ (Fl_Widget *)sldrMICGAIN, 266, 125, 156 },
117 	{ (Fl_Widget *)sldrSQUELCH, 266, 145, 156 },
118 	{ (Fl_Widget *)NULL,          0,   0,   0 }
119 };
RIG_TT588()121 RIG_TT588::RIG_TT588() {
122 // base class values
123 	name_ = TT588name_;
124 	modes_ = TT588modes_;
125 	bandwidths_ = TT588_widths;
126 	bw_vals_ = TT588_bw_vals;
128 	widgets = tt588_widgets;
130 	comm_baudrate = BR57600;
131 	stopbits = 1;
132 	comm_retries = 2;
133 	comm_wait = 20;
134 	comm_timeout = 50;
135 	comm_echo = false;
136 	comm_rtscts = true;
137 	comm_rtsplus = false;
138 	comm_dtrplus = true;
139 	comm_catptt = true;// false;
140 	comm_rtsptt = false;
141 	comm_dtrptt = false;
142 	serloop_timing = 200;
144 	def_mode = modeB = modeA = A.imode = B.iBW = 1;
145 	def_bw = bwB = bwA = A.iBW = B.iBW = 15;
146 	def_freq = freqB = freqA = A.freq = B.freq = 14070000;
147 	max_power = 100;
148 	pbt = 0;
149 	VfoAdj = progStatus.vfo_adj;
150 	vfo_corr = 0;
152 	atten_level = 0;
153 	nb_ = 0;
154 	an_ = 0;
156 	has_preamp_control =
157 	has_bpf_center =
158 	has_power_control = // must be in REMOTE mode
159 	has_micgain_control = // must be in REMOTE mode
160 	has_tune_control =
161 	has_vfo_adj = false;
163 	can_change_alt_vfo =
165 //	has_auto_notch =
166 //	has_notch_control =
168 	has_split =
169 	has_split_AB =
170 	has_smeter =
171 	has_power_out =
172 	has_swr_control =
173 	has_volume_control =
174 	has_rf_control =
175 	has_attenuator_control =
176 	has_ifshift_control =
177 	has_sql_control =
178 	has_ptt_control =
179 	has_bandwidth_control =
180 	has_noise_control =
181 	has_mode_control = true;
183 	precision = 1;
184 	ndigits = 8;
186 }
initialize()188 void RIG_TT588::initialize()
189 {
190 	tt588_widgets[0].W = btnVol;
191 	tt588_widgets[1].W = sldrVOLUME;
192 	tt588_widgets[2].W = sldrRFGAIN;
193 	tt588_widgets[3].W = sldrMICGAIN;
194 	tt588_widgets[4].W = sldrSQUELCH;
196 	VfoAdj = progStatus.vfo_adj;
197 }
shutdown()199 void RIG_TT588::shutdown()
200 {
201 	set_if_shift(0);
202 }
check()204 bool RIG_TT588::check ()
205 {
206 	cmd = TT588getFREQA;
207 	int ret = waitN(6, 100, "check");
208 	if (ret < 6) return false;
209 	return true;
210 }
get_vfoA()212 unsigned long int RIG_TT588::get_vfoA ()
213 {
214 	cmd = TT588getFREQA;
215 	int ret = waitN(6, 100, "get vfo A");
216 	if (ret >= 6) {
217         /*
218          whenever 41 is in the freq. value answered, we don't want to use that index
219          for an offset. (reproduce: freq. set around 21 MHz, then drag
220          the wf to change freq. up and down.)
221         */
222 		size_t p = replystr.rfind("A");
223 		if (p != string::npos) {
224 			int f = 0;
225 			for (size_t n = 1; n < 5; n++)
226 				f = f*256 + (unsigned char)replystr[n];
227 			freqA = f;
228 		}
229 	}
230 	return (unsigned long int)(freqA - vfo_corr);
231 }
set_vfoA(unsigned long int freq)233 void RIG_TT588::set_vfoA (unsigned long int freq)
234 {
235 	freqA = freq;
236 	vfo_corr = (freq / 1e6) * VfoAdj + 0.5;
237 	unsigned long int xfreq = freqA + vfo_corr;
238 	cmd = TT588setFREQA;
239 	cmd[5] = xfreq & 0xff; xfreq = xfreq >> 8;
240 	cmd[4] = xfreq & 0xff; xfreq = xfreq >> 8;
241 	cmd[3] = xfreq & 0xff; xfreq = xfreq >> 8;
242 	cmd[2] = xfreq & 0xff;
243 	sendCommand(cmd);
244 	showresp(WARN, HEX, "set vfo A", cmd, replystr);
245 	return ;
246 }
get_vfoB()248 unsigned long int RIG_TT588::get_vfoB()
249 {
250 	cmd = TT588getFREQB;
251 	int ret = waitN(6, 100, "get vfo B");
252 	if (ret >= 6) {
253 		size_t p = replystr.rfind("B");
254 		if (p != string::npos) {
255 			int f = 0;
256 			for (size_t n = 1; n < 5; n++)
257 				f = f*256 + (unsigned char)replystr[n];
258 			freqB = f;
259 		}
260 	}
261 	return (unsigned long int)(freqB - vfo_corr);
262 }
set_vfoB(unsigned long int freq)264 void RIG_TT588::set_vfoB (unsigned long int freq)
265 {
266 	freqB = freq;
267 	vfo_corr = (freq / 1e6) * VfoAdj + 0.5;
268 	unsigned long int xfreq = freqB + vfo_corr;
269 	cmd = TT588setFREQB;
270 	cmd[5] = xfreq & 0xff; xfreq = xfreq >> 8;
271 	cmd[4] = xfreq & 0xff; xfreq = xfreq >> 8;
272 	cmd[3] = xfreq & 0xff; xfreq = xfreq >> 8;
273 	cmd[2] = xfreq & 0xff;
274 	sendCommand(cmd);
275 	showresp(WARN, HEX, "set vfo B", cmd, replystr);
276 	return ;
277 }
setVfoAdj(double v)279 void RIG_TT588::setVfoAdj(double v)
280 {
281 	VfoAdj = v;
282 }
set_modeA(int val)284 void RIG_TT588::set_modeA(int val)
285 {
286 	modeA = val;
287 	cmd = TT588setMODE;
288 	cmd[2] = TT588mode_chr[modeA];
289 	cmd[3] = TT588mode_chr[modeB];
290 	sendCommand(cmd);
291 	showresp(WARN, HEX, "set mode A", cmd, replystr);
292 }
set_modeB(int val)294 void RIG_TT588::set_modeB(int val)
295 {
296 	modeB = val;
297 	cmd = TT588setMODE;
298 	cmd[2] = TT588mode_chr[modeA];
299 	cmd[3] = TT588mode_chr[modeB];
300 	sendCommand(cmd);
301 	showresp(WARN, HEX, "set mode B", cmd, replystr);
302 }
get_modeA()304 int RIG_TT588::get_modeA()
305 {
306 	cmd = TT588getMODE;
307 	int ret = waitN(4, 100, "get mode A");
308 	if (ret < 4) return modeA;
309 	size_t p = replystr.rfind("M");
310 	if (p == string::npos) return modeA;
311 	modeA = replystr[p + 1] - '0';
312 	return modeA;
313 }
get_modeB()315 int RIG_TT588::get_modeB()
316 {
317 	cmd = TT588getMODE;
318 	int ret = waitN(4, 100, "get mode B");
319 	if (ret < 4) return modeB;
320 	size_t p = replystr.rfind("M");
321 	if (p == string::npos) return modeB;
322 	modeB = replystr[p + 2] - '0';
323 	return modeB;
324 }
get_modetype(int n)326 int RIG_TT588::get_modetype(int n)
327 {
328 	return TT588mode_type[n];
329 }
set_bwA(int val)331 void RIG_TT588::set_bwA(int val)
332 {
333 	bwA = val;
334 	cmd = TT588setBW;
335 	cmd[2] = 37 - val;
336 	sendCommand(cmd);
337 	showresp(WARN, HEX, "set BW A", cmd, replystr);
338     set_if_shift(pbt);
339 }
set_bwB(int val)341 void RIG_TT588::set_bwB(int val)
342 {
343 	bwB = val;
344 	cmd = TT588setBW;
345 	cmd[2] = 37 - val;
346 	sendCommand(cmd);
347 	showresp(WARN, HEX, "set BW B", cmd, replystr);
348     set_if_shift(pbt);
349 }
get_bwA()351 int RIG_TT588::get_bwA()
352 {
353 	cmd = TT588getBW;
354 	int ret = waitN(3, 100, "get BW A");
355 	if (ret < 3) return 37 - bwA;
356 	size_t p = replystr.rfind("W");
357 	if (p == string::npos) return 37 - bwA;
358 	bwA = (int)(replystr[p + 1] & 0x7F);
359 	return 37 - bwA;
360 }
get_bwB()362 int RIG_TT588::get_bwB()
363 {
364 	cmd = TT588getBW;
365 	int ret = waitN(3, 100, "get BW B");
366 	if (ret < 3) return 37 - bwB;
367 	size_t p = replystr.rfind("W");
368 	if (p == string::npos) return 37 - bwB;
369 	bwB = (int)(replystr[p + 1] & 0x7F);
370 	return 37 - bwB;
371 }
adjust_bandwidth(int m)373 int  RIG_TT588::adjust_bandwidth(int m)
374 {
375 	if (m == 0) return 35; // AM
376 	if (m == 1 || m == 2) return 22; // LSB-USB
377 	if (m == 3 || m == 5) return 9;
378 	if (m == 6) return 0;
379 	if (m == 4) return 25;
380 	return 22;
381 }
def_bandwidth(int m)383 int  RIG_TT588::def_bandwidth(int m)
384 {
385 	return adjust_bandwidth(m);
386 }
set_if_shift(int val)388 void RIG_TT588::set_if_shift(int val)
389 {
390 	pbt = val;
391 	cmd = TT588setPBT;
392 	short int si = val;
393 	int bpval = progStatus.bpf_center - 200 - TT588_numeric_widths[bwA]/2;
394 	if ((modeA == 1 || modeA == 2) && progStatus.use_bpf_center)
395 		si += (bpval > 0 ? bpval : 0);
396 	cmd[2] = (si & 0xff00) >> 8;
397 	cmd[3] = (si & 0xff);
398 	sendCommand(cmd);
399 	showresp(WARN, HEX, "set pbt", cmd, replystr);
400 }
get_if_shift(int & val)402 bool RIG_TT588::get_if_shift(int &val)
403 {
404 	cmd = TT588getPBT;
405 	int ret = waitN(4, 100, "get pbt");
406 	val = pbt;
407 	if (ret >= 4) {
408 		size_t p = replystr.rfind("P");
409 		if (p != string::npos) {
410 			val = ((replystr[p + 1] & 0xFF) << 8) | (replystr[p+2] & 0xFF);
411 			if (val > 0x7FFF) val -= 0x10000;
412 		}
413 	}
414 	return (val == 0 ? false : true);
415 }
get_if_min_max_step(int & min,int & max,int & step)417 void RIG_TT588::get_if_min_max_step(int &min, int &max, int &step)
418 {
419 	min = -2500;
420 	max = 2500;
421 	step = 10;
422 }
next_attenuator()424 int  RIG_TT588::next_attenuator()
425 {
426 	switch (atten_level) {
427 		case 0: return 1;
428 		case 1: return 2;
429 		case 2: return 3;
430 		case 3: return 0;
431 	}
432 	return 0;
433 }
set_attenuator(int val)435 void RIG_TT588::set_attenuator(int val)
436 {
437 	atten_level = val;
438 	cmd = TT588setATT;
440 	cmd[2] = '0' + atten_level;
441 	switch (atten_level) {
442 		case 0: atten_label("0 dB", false); break;
443 		case 1: atten_label("6 dB", true); break;
444 		case 2: atten_label("12 dB", true); break;
445 		case 3: atten_label("18 dB", true); break;
446 	}
447 	sendCommand(cmd);
448 	showresp(WARN, HEX, "set att", cmd, replystr);
449 }
get_attenuator()452 int RIG_TT588::get_attenuator()
453 {
454 	cmd = TT588getATT;
455 	int ret = waitN(3, 100, "get att");
456 	int val = atten_level;
457 	if (ret >= 3) {
458 		size_t p = replystr.rfind("J");
459 		if (p != string::npos) val = (replystr[p + 1] - '0');
460 	}
461 	if (atten_level != val) atten_level = val;
462 	switch (atten_level) {
463 		case 0: atten_label("0 dB", false); break;
464 		case 1: atten_label("6 dB", true); break;
465 		case 2: atten_label("12 dB", true); break;
466 		case 3: atten_label("18 dB", true); break;
467 	}
468 	return atten_level;
469 }
get_smeter()471 int RIG_TT588::get_smeter()
472 {
473 	int sval = 0;
474 	float fval = 0;
475 	cmd = TT588getSMETER;
476 	int ret = waitN(6, 100, "get smeter");
477 	if (ret < 6) return sval;
478 	size_t p = replystr.rfind("S");
479 	if (p == string::npos) return sval;
481 	sscanf(&replystr[p + 1], "%4x", &sval);
482 	fval = sval/256.0;
483 	sval = (int)(fval * 100.0 / 18.0);
484 	if (sval > 100) sval = 100;
485 	return sval;
486 }
get_volume_control()488 int RIG_TT588::get_volume_control()
489 {
490 	cmd = TT588getVOL;
491 	int ret = waitN(3, 100, "get vol");
492 	if (ret < 3) return progStatus.volume;
493 	size_t p = replystr.rfind("U");
494 	if (p == string::npos) return progStatus.volume;
496 	return (int)((replystr[p + 1] & 0x7F) / 1.27);
497 }
set_volume_control(int vol)499 void RIG_TT588::set_volume_control(int vol)
500 {
501 	cmd = TT588setVOL;
502 	cmd[2] = 0x7F & (int)(vol * 1.27);
503 	sendCommand(cmd);
504 	showresp(WARN, HEX, "set vol", cmd, replystr);
505 }
set_rf_gain(int val)507 void RIG_TT588::set_rf_gain(int val)
508 {
509 	cmd = TT588setRF;
510 	cmd[2] = 0x7F & (int)(val * 1.27);
511 	sendCommand(cmd);
512 	showresp(WARN, HEX, "set rfgain", cmd, replystr);
513 }
get_rf_gain()515 int  RIG_TT588::get_rf_gain()
516 {
517 	cmd = TT588getRF;
518 	int ret = waitN(3, 100, "get rfgain");
519 	if (ret < 3) return 100;
520 	size_t p = replystr.rfind("I");
521 	if (p == string::npos) return 100;
522 	return (int)((replystr[p+1] & 0x7F) / 1.27);
523 }
525 // Tranceiver PTT on/off
set_PTT_control(int val)527 void RIG_TT588::set_PTT_control(int val)
528 {
529 	cmd = TT588setXMT;
530 	if (val) {
531 		cmd[2] = 0x04;
532 		cmd[3] = 0;
533 	} else {
534 		cmd[2] = 0;
535 		cmd[3] = 0;
536 	}
537 	sendCommand(cmd);
538 	showresp(WARN, HEX, "set PTT", cmd, replystr);
539 }
get_power_out()541 int RIG_TT588::get_power_out()
542 {
543 	cmd = TT588getPOWER;
544 	int ret = waitN(4, 100, "get pout");
545 	if (ret < 4) return 0;
546 	size_t p = replystr.rfind("F");
547 	if (p == string::npos) return 0;
548 	fwdpwr = replystr[p + 1] & 0x7F;
549 	refpwr = replystr[p + 2] & 0x7F;
550     // it looks like it never returns reflected power < 1
551     refpwr -= 1;
552 	fwdv = sqrtf(fwdpwr);
553 	refv = sqrtf(refpwr);
554 	return fwdpwr;
555 }
get_swr()556 int RIG_TT588::get_swr()
557 {
558     float swr = (fwdv + refv)/(fwdv - refv) ;
559     swr -= 1;
560 	swr *= 25.0;
561 	if (swr < 0) swr = 0;
562 	if (swr > 100) swr = 100;
563 	return (int)swr;
564 }
set_squelch(int val)565 void RIG_TT588::set_squelch(int val)
566 {
567 	cmd = TT588setSQLCH;
568 	cmd[2] = (unsigned char)(val * 1.27);
569 	sendCommand(cmd);
570 	showresp(WARN, HEX, "set sql", cmd, replystr);
571 }
get_squelch()573 int  RIG_TT588::get_squelch()
574 {
575 	cmd = TT588getSQLCH;
576 	int ret = waitN(3, 100, "get sql");
577 	if (ret < 3) return 0;
578 	size_t p = replystr.rfind("H");
579 	if (p == string::npos) return 0;
580 	return (int)((replystr[p+1] & 0x7F) / 1.27);
581 }
set_noise(bool val)583 void RIG_TT588::set_noise(bool val)
584 {
585 	static char nblabel[] = "NB ";
586 	nb_++;
587 	if (nb_ == 8) nb_ = 0;
588 	nblabel[2] = '0' + nb_;
589 	nb_label(nblabel, nb_ ? true : false);
590 	cmd = TT588setNB;
591 	cmd[2] = (unsigned char)nb_;
592 	cmd[3] = 0;
593 	cmd[4] = (unsigned char)an_;
594 	sendCommand(cmd);
595 	showresp(WARN, HEX, "set NB", cmd, replystr);
596 }
get_noise()598 int  RIG_TT588::get_noise()
599 {
600 	cmd = TT588getNB;
601 	int ret = waitN(5, 100, "get NB");
602 	if (ret < 5) return nb_;
603 	size_t p = replystr.rfind("K");
604 	if (p == string::npos) return nb_;
605 	int val = replystr[p+1];
606 	if (nb_ != val) nb_ = val;
607 	static char nblabel[] = "NB ";
608 	nblabel[2] = '0' + nb_;
609 	nb_label(nblabel, nb_ ? true : false);
610 	return nb_;
611 }
613 /*
614 void RIG_TT588::set_auto_notch(int val)
615 {
616 	static char anlabel[] = "AN ";
617 	an_++;
618 	if (an_ == 10) an_ = 0;
619 	anlabel[2] = '0' + an_;
620 	auto_notch_label(anlabel, an_ > 0 ? true : false);
621 	cmd = TT588setNB;
622 	cmd[2] = (unsigned char)nb_;
623 	cmd[3] = 0;
624 	cmd[4] = (unsigned char)an_;
625 	sendCommand(cmd);
626 }
628 int  RIG_TT588::get_auto_notch()
629 {
630 	cmd = TT588getNB;
631 	int ret = sendCommand(cmd);
632 	showresp(WARN, HEX, "get AN", cmd, replystr);
633 	int val = an_;
634 	if (ret >= 5) {
635 		size_t p = replystr.rfind("K");
636 		if (p != string::npos) val = replystr[p+3];
637 	}
638 	if (an_ != val) an_ = val;
639 	static char anlabel[] = "AN ";
640 	anlabel[2] = '0' + an_;
641 	auto_notch_label(anlabel, an_ ? true : false);
642 	return an_;
643 }
644 */
set_split(bool val)646 void RIG_TT588::set_split(bool val)
647 {
648 	cmd = TT588setSPLIT;
649 	cmd[2] = val == true ? 1 : 0;
650 	sendCommand(cmd);
651 	showresp(WARN, HEX, "set split", cmd, replystr);
652 }
get_split()654 int RIG_TT588::get_split()
655 {
656 	cmd = TT588getSPLIT;
657 	int ret = waitN(3, 100, "get split");
658 	if (ret == 3)
659 		return (replystr[1] == 0x01);
660 	return false;
661 }
663 /*
664 int  RIG_TT588::get_power_control(void)
665 {
666 	cmd = TT588getPOWER;
667 	int ret = waitN(7, 100, "get pc");
668 	if (ret == 7) {
669 		int pc = replystr[3] & 0x7F;
670 		return (int)ceil(pc / 1.27);
671 	}
672 	return 0;
673 }
675 void RIG_TT588::set_power_control(double val)
676 {
677 	cmd = TT588setPOWER;
678 	cmd[4] = ((int)(val * 1.27) & 0x7f);
679 	sendCommand(cmd);
680 	showresp(WARN, HEX, "set pc", cmd, replystr);
681 }
683 int  RIG_TT588::get_preamp()
684 {
685 	cmd = TT588getPREAMP;
686 	int ret = waitN(5, 100, "get preamp");
687 	if (ret == 5)
688 		return replystr[3];
689 	return 0;
690 }
692 void RIG_TT588::set_preamp(int val)
693 {
694 	cmd = TT588setPREAMP;
695 	cmd[4] = (val == 0 ? 0 : 1);
696 	sendCommand(cmd);
697 	showresp(WARN, HEX, "set preamp", cmd, replystr);
698 }
699 */