1--  GHDL Run Time (GRT) - signals management.
2--  Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 Tristan Gingold
4--  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
7--  (at your option) any later version.
9--  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12--  GNU General Public License for more details.
14--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15--  along with this program.  If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
17--  As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this
18--  unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable,
19--  this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be
20--  covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not
21--  however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be
22--  covered by the GNU Public License.
23with System;
24with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
25with Grt.Table;
26with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
27with Grt.Rtis; use Grt.Rtis;
28limited with Grt.Processes;
29pragma Elaborate_All (Grt.Table);
31package Grt.Signals is
32   pragma Suppress (All_Checks);
34   --  Kind of a signal.
35   type Kind_Signal_Type is
36     (Kind_Signal_No, Kind_Signal_Register, Kind_Signal_Bus);
38   --  Kind of transaction.
39   type Transaction_Kind is
40     (
41      --  Normal transaction, with a value.
42      Trans_Value,
43      --  Normal transaction, with a pointer to a value (direct assignment).
44      Trans_Direct,
45      --  Null transaction.
46      Trans_Null,
47      --  Like a normal transaction, but without a value due to check error.
48      Trans_Error
49     );
51   type Transaction;
52   type Transaction_Acc is access Transaction;
53   type Transaction (Kind : Transaction_Kind) is record
54      --  Line for error.  Put here to compact the record.
55      Line : Ghdl_I32;
57      Next : Transaction_Acc;
58      Time : Std_Time;
59      case Kind is
60         when Trans_Value =>
61            Val : aliased Value_Union;
62         when Trans_Direct =>
63            Val_Ptr : Ghdl_Value_Ptr;
64         when Trans_Null =>
65            null;
66         when Trans_Error =>
67            --  Filename for error.
68            File : Ghdl_C_String;
69      end case;
70   end record;
72   type Process_Acc is access Grt.Processes.Process_Type;
74   --  A driver is bound to a process (PROC) and contains a list of
75   --  transactions.
76   type Driver_Type is record
77      First_Trans : Transaction_Acc;
78      Last_Trans : Transaction_Acc;
79      Proc : Process_Acc;
80   end record;
82   type Driver_Acc is access all Driver_Type;
83   type Driver_Fat_Array is array (Ghdl_Index_Type) of aliased Driver_Type;
84   type Driver_Arr_Ptr is access Driver_Fat_Array;
86   --  Function access type used to evaluate the guard expression.
87   type Guard_Func_Acc is access function (This : System.Address)
88                                          return Ghdl_B1;
89   pragma Convention (C, Guard_Func_Acc);
91   --  Simply linked list of processes to be resumed in case of events.
93   type Ghdl_Signal;
94   type Ghdl_Signal_Ptr is access Ghdl_Signal;
96   function To_Ghdl_Signal_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
97     (Source => System.Address, Target => Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
99   type Signal_Fat_Array is array (Ghdl_Index_Type) of Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
100   type Signal_Arr_Ptr is access Signal_Fat_Array;
102   function To_Signal_Arr_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
103     (Source => System.Address, Target => Signal_Arr_Ptr);
105   --  List of processes to wake-up in case of event on the signal.
106   type Action_List;
107   type Action_List_Acc is access Action_List;
109   type Action_List (Dynamic : Boolean) is record
110      --  Next action for the current signal.
111      Next : Action_List_Acc;
113      --  Process to wake-up.
114      Proc : Process_Acc;
116      case Dynamic is
117         when True =>
118            --  For a non-sensitized process.  Action_List elements are put
119            --  in two lists: the Event_List of signals (so that the process
120            --  can be resumed in case of event on the signal), and the
121            --  Sensitivity list of the process (so that the chain can be
122            --  removed once the process is resumed).
123            --  Components Next and Prev are for the Event_List of signal Sig.
124            --  Component Chain is for the Sensitivity list of process Proc.
126            --  Previous action (to speed-up removing from the chain).
127            Prev : Action_List_Acc;
129            --  Signal (to remove this record from the signal event list).
130            Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
132            --  Chain of signals for the process.
133            Chain : Action_List_Acc;
134         when False =>
135            null;
136      end case;
137   end record;
139   --  Resolution function.
140   --  There is a wrapper around resolution functions to simplify the call
141   --  from GRT.
142   --  INSTANCE is the opaque parameter given when the resolver is
143   --   registers (RESOLV_INST).
144   --  VAL is the signal (which may be composite).
145   --  BOOL_VEC is an array of NBR_DRV booleans (bytes) and indicates
146   --  non-null drivers.  There are VEC_LEN non-null drivers.  So the number
147   --  of values is VEC_LEN + NBR_PORTS.  This number of values is the length
148   --  of the array for the resolution function.
149   type Resolver_Acc is access procedure
150     (Instance : System.Address;
151      Val : System.Address;
152      Bool_Vec : System.Address;
153      Vec_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
154      Nbr_Drv : Ghdl_Index_Type;
155      Nbr_Ports : Ghdl_Index_Type);
157   --  On some platforms, GNAT use a descriptor (instead of a trampoline) for
158   --  nested subprograms. This descriptor contains the address of the
159   --  subprogram and the address of the chain. An unaligned pointer to this
160   --  descriptor (address + 1) is then used for 'Access, and every indirect
161   --  call check for unaligned address.
162   --
163   --  Disable this feature (as a resolver is never a nested subprogram), so
164   --  code generated by ghdl is compatible with ghdl runtimes built with
165   --  gnat.
166   pragma Convention (C, Resolver_Acc);
168   --  How to compute resolved signal.
169   type Resolved_Signal_Type is record
170      Resolv_Proc : Resolver_Acc;
171      Resolv_Inst : System.Address;
172      Resolv_Ptr : System.Address;
173      Sig_Range : Sig_Table_Range;
174      Disconnect_Time : Std_Time;
175   end record;
177   type Resolved_Signal_Acc is access Resolved_Signal_Type;
179   type Conversion_Func_Acc is access procedure (Instance : System.Address);
180   pragma Convention (C, Conversion_Func_Acc);
182   function To_Conversion_Func_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
183     (Source => System.Address, Target => Conversion_Func_Acc);
185   --  Signal conversion data.
186   type Sig_Conversion_Type is record
187      --  Function which performs the conversion.
188      Func : System.Address;
189      Instance : System.Address;
191      Src : Sig_Table_Range;
192      Dest : Sig_Table_Range;
193   end record;
194   type Sig_Conversion_Acc is access Sig_Conversion_Type;
196   type Forward_Build_Type is record
197      Src : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
198      Targ : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
199   end record;
200   type Forward_Build_Acc is access Forward_Build_Type;
202   --  Used to order the signals for the propagation of signals values.
203   type Propag_Order_Flag is
204     (
205      --  The signal was not yet ordered.
206      Propag_None,
207      --  The signal is being ordered for driving value.
208      --  This stage is used to catch loop (which can not occur).
209      Propag_Being_Driving,
210      --  The signal has been ordered for driving value.
211      Propag_Driving,
212      --  The signal is being ordered for effective value.
213      Propag_Being_Effective,
214      --  The signal has completly been ordered.
215      Propag_Done);
217   --  Each signal belongs to a signal_net.
218   --  Signals on the same net must be updated in order.
219   --  Signals on different nets have no direct relation-ship, and thus may
220   --  be updated without order.
221   --  Net NO_SIGNAL_NET is special: it groups all lonely signals.
222   type Signal_Net_Type is new Integer range -3 .. Integer'Last;
223   subtype Signal_Net_Defined is Signal_Net_Type
224     range 1 .. Signal_Net_Type'Last;
225   --  No propagation for the signals on these nets:
226   No_Signal_Net : constant Signal_Net_Type := 0;
227   Net_One_Driver : constant Signal_Net_Type := -1;
228   Net_One_Direct : constant Signal_Net_Type := -2;
229   Net_One_Resolved : constant Signal_Net_Type := -3;
231   type Ghdl_Signal_Data (Mode_Sig : Mode_Signal_Type := Mode_Signal)
232   is record
233      case Mode_Sig is
234         when Mode_Signal_User =>
235            Nbr_Drivers : Ghdl_Index_Type;
236            Drivers : Driver_Arr_Ptr;
238            --  Signal which defines the effective value of this signal,
239            --  if any.
240            Effective : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
242            --  Null if not resolved.
243            Resolv : Resolved_Signal_Acc;
245         when Mode_Conv_In
246           | Mode_Conv_Out =>
247            --  Conversion paramaters for conv_in, conv_out.
248            Conv : Sig_Conversion_Acc;
250         when Mode_Stable
251           | Mode_Quiet
252           | Mode_Delayed =>
253            --  Time parameter for 'stable, 'quiet or 'delayed
254            Time : Std_Time;
255            Attr_Trans : Transaction_Acc;
257         when Mode_Guard =>
258            --  Guard function and instance used to compute the
259            --  guard expression.
260            Guard_Func : Guard_Func_Acc;
261            Guard_Instance : System.Address;
263         when Mode_Transaction
264           | Mode_End =>
265            null;
266      end case;
267   end record;
268   pragma Suppress (Discriminant_Check, On => Ghdl_Signal_Data);
270   type Ghdl_Signal_Flags is record
271      --  Status of the ordering.
272      Propag : Propag_Order_Flag;
274      --  Kind of the signal (none, bus or register).
275      Sig_Kind : Kind_Signal_Type;
277      --  If set, the signal has an active direct driver.
278      Is_Direct_Active : Boolean;
280      --  If set, the signal is dumped in a GHW file.
281      Is_Dumped : Boolean;
283      --  Set when an event occurred.
284      --  Only reset by GHW file dumper.
285      RO_Event : Boolean;
287      --  True if the signal is being forced.
288      --  Set by force, cleared by release unless Is_Force_Scheduled is set.
289      Is_Drv_Forced : Boolean;
290      Is_Eff_Forced : Boolean;
292      --  True if a force is being scheduled for the current cycle.
293      --  This flag is set when a force is applied and cleared when all force
294      --  are applied.  The purpose of it is to discard release for the same
295      --  cycle as force have the priority over release.
296      Is_Drv_Force_Scheduled : Boolean;
297      Is_Eff_Force_Scheduled : Boolean;
299      --  Set only on an implicit signal when the signal will stay active on
300      --  the next cycle.  For example, 'Quiet(0ns) or 'Stable(0ns) are
301      --  generally active for 2 cycles, as they are first False and then True.
302      Implicit_Active_Next : Boolean;
304      --  Set if the signal has already been visited.  When outside of the
305      --  algorithm that use it, it must be cleared.
306      Seen : Boolean;
307   end record;
308   pragma Pack (Ghdl_Signal_Flags);
310   type Ghdl_Signal is record
311      --  Fields known by the compilers.
312      Driving_Value : aliased Value_Union;
313      Last_Value : Value_Union;
314      Last_Event : Std_Time;
315      Last_Active : Std_Time;
317      Value_Ptr : Ghdl_Value_Ptr;
319      Event : Boolean;
320      Active : Boolean;
322      --  If set, the activity of the signal is required by the user.
323      Has_Active : Boolean;
325      --  Internal fields.
326      --  NOTE: keep above fields (components) in sync with translation.
328      --  Values mode of this signal.
329      Mode : Mode_Type;
331      --  Misc flags.
332      Flags : Ghdl_Signal_Flags;
334      --  Net of the signal.
335      Net : Signal_Net_Type;
337      --  Chain of signals that will be active in the next delta-cycle.
338      --  (Also used to build nets).
339      Link : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
341      --  Chain of signals whose active flag was set.  Used to clear the active
342      --  flag at the end of the delta cycle.
343      Alink : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
345      --  Chain of signals that have a projected waveform in the real future.
346      Flink : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
348      --  List of processes to resume when there is an event on
349      --  this signal.
350      Event_List : Action_List_Acc;
352      --  For user signals: the sources of a signals are drivers
353      --  and connected ports.
354      --  For implicit signals: PORTS is used as dependence list.
355      Nbr_Ports : Ghdl_Index_Type;
356      Ports : Signal_Arr_Ptr;
358      --  Mode of the signal (in, out ...)
359      --Mode_Signal : Mode_Signal_Type;
360      S : Ghdl_Signal_Data;
361   end record;
363   --  Each simple signal declared can be accessed by SIG_TABLE.
364   package Sig_Table is new Grt.Table
365     (Table_Component_Type => Ghdl_Signal_Ptr,
366      Table_Index_Type => Sig_Table_Index,
367      Table_Low_Bound => 0,
368      Table_Initial => 128);
370   --  Read the value pointed by VALUE_PTR.  It cannot be simply deferred as
371   --  pointer alignment may not be correct.
372   function Read_Value (Value_Ptr : Ghdl_Value_Ptr; Mode : Mode_Type)
373     return Value_Union;
375   --  Elementary propagation computation.
376   --  See LRM 12.6.2 and 12.6.3
377   type Propagation_Kind_Type is
378     (
379      --  How to compute driving value:
380      --  Default value.
381      Drv_Error,
383      --  One source, a driver and not resolved:
384      --  the driving value is the driver.
385      Drv_One_Driver,
387      --  Same as previous, and the effective value is the driving value.
388      Eff_One_Driver,
390      --  One source, a port and not resolved:
391      --  the driving value is the driving value of the port.
392      --  Dependence.
393      Drv_One_Port,
395      --  Same as previous, and the effective value is the driving value.
396      Eff_One_Port,
398      --  Several sources or resolved:
399      --  signal is not composite.
400      Drv_One_Resolved,
401      Eff_One_Resolved,
403      --  Use the resolution function, signal is composite.
404      Drv_Multiple,
406      --  Same as previous, but the effective value is the previous value.
407      Eff_Multiple,
409      --  The effective value is the actual associated.
410      Eff_Actual,
412      --  Sig must be updated but does not belong to the same net.
413      --  Forward is needed because an implicit signal may be active or not
414      --  if one of its source is.
415      Imp_Forward,
416      Imp_Forward_Build,
418      --  Implicit guard signal.
419      --  Its value must be evaluated after the effective value of its
420      --  dependences.
421      Imp_Guard,
423      --  Implicit stable.
424      --  Its value must be evaluated after the effective value of its
425      --  dependences.
426      Imp_Stable,
428      --  Implicit quiet.
429      --  Its value must be evaluated after the driving value of its
430      --  dependences.
431      Imp_Quiet,
433      --  Implicit transaction.
434      --  Its value must be evaluated after the driving value of its
435      --  dependences.
436      Imp_Transaction,
438      --  Implicit delayed
439      --  Its value must be evaluated after the driving value of its
440      --  dependences.
441      Imp_Delayed,
443      --  in_conversion.
444      --  Pseudo-signal which is set by conversion function.
445      In_Conversion,
446      Out_Conversion,
448      --  End of propagation.
449      Prop_End
450      );
452   type Propagation_Type (Kind : Propagation_Kind_Type := Drv_Error) is record
453      case Kind is
454         when Drv_Error =>
455            null;
456         when Drv_One_Driver
457           | Eff_One_Driver
458           | Drv_One_Port
459           | Eff_One_Port
460           | Imp_Forward
461           | Imp_Guard
462           | Imp_Quiet
463           | Imp_Transaction
464           | Imp_Stable
465           | Imp_Delayed
466           | Eff_Actual
467           | Eff_One_Resolved
468           | Drv_One_Resolved =>
469            Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
470         when Drv_Multiple
471           | Eff_Multiple =>
472            Resolv : Resolved_Signal_Acc;
473         when In_Conversion
474           | Out_Conversion =>
475            Conv : Sig_Conversion_Acc;
476         when Imp_Forward_Build =>
477            Forward : Forward_Build_Acc;
478         when Prop_End =>
479            Updated : Boolean;
480      end case;
481   end record;
483   package Propagation is new Grt.Table
484     (Table_Component_Type => Propagation_Type,
485      Table_Index_Type => Signal_Net_Type,
486      Table_Low_Bound => 1,
487      Table_Initial => 128);
489   --  Get the signal index of PTR.
490   function Signal_Ptr_To_Index (Ptr : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr) return Sig_Table_Index;
492   --  Compute propagation order of signals.
493   procedure Order_All_Signals;
495   --  Initialize the package (mainly the lists).
496   procedure Init;
498   --  Initialize all signals.
499   procedure Init_Signals;
501   --  Return the next time at which a driver becomes active.
502   --  SIDE EFFECT: this function updates the ghdl_signal_active_chain.
503   --  Note: the ghdl_signal_active_chain must be emptied before running
504   --  processes as they assume that if signals are on a list, they are on the
505   --  ghdl_signal_active_chain.
506   function Find_Next_Time (Tn : Std_Time) return Std_Time;
508   --  Empty the next_signal_active_chain.
509   procedure Flush_Active_Chain;
511   --  Update all active signals.
512   procedure Update_Signals;
514   --  Set the effective value of signal SIG to VAL.
515   --  If the value is different from the previous one, resume processes.
516   procedure Set_Effective_Value (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_Value_Ptr);
518   --  Add PROC in the list of processes to be resumed in case of event on
519   --  SIG.
520   procedure Resume_Process_If_Event
521     (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Proc : Process_Acc);
523   --  Creating a signal:
524   --  1a) call Ghdl_Signal_Name_Rti (CTXT and ADDR are unused) to register
525   --      the RTI for the whole signal (in particular the mode and the
526   --      has_active flag)
527   --  or
528   --  1b) call Ghdl_Signal_Set_Mode to register the mode and the has_active
529   --      flag.  In that case, the signal has no name.
530   --
531   --  2) call Ghdl_Create_Signal_XXX for each non-composite element
533   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Name_Rti (Sig : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
534                                   Ctxt : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
535                                   Addr : System.Address);
537   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Set_Mode (Mode : Mode_Signal_Type;
538                                   Kind : Kind_Signal_Type;
539                                   Has_Active : Boolean);
541   --  FIXME: document.
542   --  Merge RTI with SIG: adjust the has_active flag of SIG according to RTI.
543   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Merge_Rti (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
544                                    Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access);
546   --  Assigning a waveform to a signal:
547   --
548   --  For simple waveform (sig <= val), the short form can be used:
549   --    Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_XX (Sig, Val);
550   --  For all other forms
551   --  SIG <= reject R inertial V1 after T1, V2 after T2, ...:
552   --    Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_XX (SIG, R, V1, T1);
553   --    Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_XX (SIG, V2, T2);
554   --    ...
555   --  If the delay mechanism is transport, they R = 0,
556   --  if there is no rejection time, the mechanism is internal and R = T1.
558   --  Performs some internal checks on signals (transaction order).
559   --  Internal_error is called in case of error.
560   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Internal_Checks;
562   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_Error (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
563                                              File : Ghdl_C_String;
564                                              Line : Ghdl_I32);
565   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_Error (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
566                                             Rej : Std_Time;
567                                             After : Std_Time;
568                                             File : Ghdl_C_String;
569                                             Line : Ghdl_I32);
570   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_Error (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
571                                            After : Std_Time;
572                                            File : Ghdl_C_String;
573                                            Line : Ghdl_I32);
575   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Direct_Assign (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
577   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Set_Disconnect (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
578                                         Time : Std_Time);
580   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Disconnect (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
582   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Release_Eff (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
583   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Release_Drv (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
585   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_Null (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
586                                            Rej : Std_Time;
587                                            After : Std_Time);
589   function Ghdl_Signal_Driving (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr) return Ghdl_B1;
591   function Ghdl_Create_Signal_B1 (Val_Ptr : Ghdl_Value_Ptr;
592                                   Resolv_Func : Resolver_Acc;
593                                   Resolv_Inst : System.Address)
594                                  return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
595   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Init_B1 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Init_Val : Ghdl_B1);
596   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Associate_B1 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_B1);
597   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_B1 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
598                                           Val : Ghdl_B1);
599   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_B1 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
600                                          Rej : Std_Time;
601                                          Val : Ghdl_B1;
602                                          After : Std_Time);
603   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_B1 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
604                                         Val : Ghdl_B1;
605                                         After : Std_Time);
606   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Add_Port_Driver_B1 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
607                                             Val : Ghdl_B1);
608   function Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_B1 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
609                                         return Ghdl_B1;
610   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Force_Driving_B1 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
611                                           Val : Ghdl_B1);
612   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Force_Effective_B1 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
613                                             Val : Ghdl_B1);
615   function Ghdl_Create_Signal_E8 (Val_Ptr : Ghdl_Value_Ptr;
616                                   Resolv_Func : Resolver_Acc;
617                                   Resolv_Inst : System.Address)
618                                  return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
619   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Init_E8 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Init_Val : Ghdl_E8);
620   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Associate_E8 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_E8);
621   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_E8 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
622                                           Val : Ghdl_E8);
623   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_E8 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
624                                          Rej : Std_Time;
625                                          Val : Ghdl_E8;
626                                          After : Std_Time);
627   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_E8 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
628                                         Val : Ghdl_E8;
629                                         After : Std_Time);
630   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Add_Port_Driver_E8 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
631                                             Val : Ghdl_E8);
632   function Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_E8 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
633                                         return Ghdl_E8;
634   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Force_Driving_E8 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
635                                           Val : Ghdl_E8);
636   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Force_Effective_E8 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
637                                             Val : Ghdl_E8);
639   function Ghdl_Create_Signal_E32 (Val_Ptr : Ghdl_Value_Ptr;
640                                    Resolv_Func : Resolver_Acc;
641                                    Resolv_Inst : System.Address)
642                                   return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
643   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Init_E32 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Init_Val : Ghdl_E32);
644   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Associate_E32 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_E32);
645   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_E32 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
646                                           Val : Ghdl_E32);
647   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_E32 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
648                                          Rej : Std_Time;
649                                          Val : Ghdl_E32;
650                                          After : Std_Time);
651   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_E32 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
652                                         Val : Ghdl_E32;
653                                         After : Std_Time);
654   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Add_Port_Driver_E32 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
655                                              Val : Ghdl_E32);
656   function Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_E32 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
657                                         return Ghdl_E32;
658   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Force_Driving_E32 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
659                                            Val : Ghdl_E32);
660   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Force_Effective_E32 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
661                                              Val : Ghdl_E32);
663   function Ghdl_Create_Signal_I32 (Val_Ptr : Ghdl_Value_Ptr;
664                                    Resolv_Func : Resolver_Acc;
665                                    Resolv_Inst : System.Address)
666                                   return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
667   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Init_I32 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Init_Val : Ghdl_I32);
668   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Associate_I32 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_I32);
669   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_I32 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
670                                            Val : Ghdl_I32);
671   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I32 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
672                                           Rej : Std_Time;
673                                           Val : Ghdl_I32;
674                                           After : Std_Time);
675   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_I32 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
676                                          Val : Ghdl_I32;
677                                          After : Std_Time);
678   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Add_Port_Driver_I32 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
679                                              Val : Ghdl_I32);
680   function Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_I32 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
681                                         return Ghdl_I32;
682   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Force_Driving_I32 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
683                                            Val : Ghdl_I32);
684   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Force_Effective_I32 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
685                                              Val : Ghdl_I32);
687   function Ghdl_Create_Signal_I64 (Val_Ptr : Ghdl_Value_Ptr;
688                                    Resolv_Func : Resolver_Acc;
689                                    Resolv_Inst : System.Address)
690                                   return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
691   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Init_I64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Init_Val : Ghdl_I64);
692   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Associate_I64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_I64);
693   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_I64 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
694                                            Val : Ghdl_I64);
695   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I64 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
696                                           Rej : Std_Time;
697                                           Val : Ghdl_I64;
698                                           After : Std_Time);
699   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_I64 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
700                                          Val : Ghdl_I64;
701                                          After : Std_Time);
702   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Add_Port_Driver_I64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
703                                              Val : Ghdl_I64);
704   function Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_I64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
705                                          return Ghdl_I64;
706   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Force_Driving_I64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
707                                            Val : Ghdl_I64);
708   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Force_Effective_I64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
709                                              Val : Ghdl_I64);
711   function Ghdl_Create_Signal_F64 (Val_Ptr : Ghdl_Value_Ptr;
712                                    Resolv_Func : Resolver_Acc;
713                                    Resolv_Inst : System.Address)
714                                   return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
715   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Init_F64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Init_Val : Ghdl_F64);
716   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Associate_F64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_F64);
717   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_F64 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
718                                            Val : Ghdl_F64);
719   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_F64 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
720                                           Rej : Std_Time;
721                                           Val : Ghdl_F64;
722                                           After : Std_Time);
723   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_F64 (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
724                                          Val : Ghdl_F64;
725                                          After : Std_Time);
726   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Add_Port_Driver_F64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
727                                              Val : Ghdl_F64);
728   function Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_F64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
729                                         return Ghdl_F64;
730   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Force_Driving_F64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
731                                           Val : Ghdl_F64);
732   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Force_Effective_F64 (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
733                                              Val : Ghdl_F64);
735   --  Add a driver to SIGN for the current process.
736   procedure Ghdl_Process_Add_Driver (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
738   --  Add a direct driver for the current process.  This is an optimization
739   --  that could be used when a driver has no projected waveforms.
740   --
741   --  Assignment using direct driver:
742   --  * the driver value is set
743   --  * put the signal on the signal_active_chain, if the signal will
744   --    be active and if not already on the chain.
745   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Add_Direct_Driver (Sign : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
746                                            Drv : Ghdl_Value_Ptr);
748   --  Used for connexions:
749   --  SRC is a source for TARG.
750   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Add_Source (Targ : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
751                                     Src : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
753   --  The effective value of TARG is the effective value of SRC.
754   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Effective_Value (Targ : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
755                                          Src : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
757   --  Conversions.  In order to do conversion from A to B, an intermediate
758   --  signal T must be created.  The flow is A -> T -> B.
759   --  The link from A -> T is a conversion, added by one of the two
760   --  following procedures.  The type of A and T is different.
761   --  The link from T -> B is a normal connection: either an effective
762   --  one (for in conversion) or a source (for out conversion).
764   --  Add an in conversion (from SRC to DEST using function FUNC).
765   --  The effective value can be read and writen directly.
766   procedure Ghdl_Signal_In_Conversion (Func : System.Address;
767                                        Instance : System.Address;
768                                        Src : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
769                                        Src_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
770                                        Dst : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
771                                        Dst_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type);
773   --  Add an out conversion.
774   --  The driving value can be read and writen directly.
775   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Out_Conversion (Func : System.Address;
776                                         Instance : System.Address;
777                                         Src : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
778                                         Src_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
779                                         Dst : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
780                                         Dst_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type);
782   --  Mark the next (and not yet created) NBR_SIG signals as resolved.
783   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Create_Resolution (Proc : Resolver_Acc;
784                                            Instance : System.Address;
785                                            Sig : System.Address;
786                                            Nbr_Sig : Ghdl_Index_Type);
788   --  Create a new 'stable (VAL) signal.  The prefixes are set by
789   --  ghdl_signal_attribute_register_prefix.
790   function Ghdl_Create_Stable_Signal
791     (Val_Ptr : Ghdl_Value_Ptr; Val : Std_Time) return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
792   --  Create a new 'quiet (VAL) signal.  The prefixes are set by
793   --  ghdl_signal_attribute_register_prefix.
794   function Ghdl_Create_Quiet_Signal
795     (Val_Ptr : Ghdl_Value_Ptr; Val : Std_Time) return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
796   --  Create a new 'transaction signal.  The prefixes are set by
797   --  ghdl_signal_attribute_register_prefix.
798   function Ghdl_Create_Transaction_Signal
799     (Val_Ptr : Ghdl_Value_Ptr) return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
801   --  Create a new SIG'delayed (VAL) signal (for a scalar signal).
802   function Ghdl_Create_Delayed_Signal
803     (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Val_Ptr : Ghdl_Value_Ptr; Val : Std_Time)
804     return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
806   --  Add SIG in the set of prefix for the last created signal.
807   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Attribute_Register_Prefix (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
809   --  Create a new implicitly defined GUARD signal.
810   function Ghdl_Signal_Create_Guard
811     (Val_Ptr : Ghdl_Value_Ptr; This : System.Address; Proc : Guard_Func_Acc)
812     return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
814   --  Add SIG to the list of referenced signals that appear in the guard
815   --  expression.
816   procedure Ghdl_Signal_Guard_Dependence (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
818   --  Return number of ports/drivers.
819   function Ghdl_Signal_Get_Nbr_Ports (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
820                                      return Ghdl_Index_Type;
821   function Ghdl_Signal_Get_Nbr_Drivers (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)
822                                        return Ghdl_Index_Type;
824   --  Read a source (port or driver) from a signal.  This is used by
825   --  resolution functions.
826   function Ghdl_Signal_Read_Port
827     (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Index : Ghdl_Index_Type)
828     return Ghdl_Value_Ptr;
829   function Ghdl_Signal_Read_Driver
830     (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr; Index : Ghdl_Index_Type)
831     return Ghdl_Value_Ptr;
833   --  Statistics.
834   Nbr_Active : Ghdl_I32;
835   Nbr_Events: Ghdl_I32;
836   function Get_Nbr_Future return Ghdl_I32;
838   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Name_Rti,
839                  "__ghdl_signal_name_rti");
840   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Merge_Rti,
841                  "__ghdl_signal_merge_rti");
843   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_Error,
844                  "__ghdl_signal_simple_assign_error");
845   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_Error,
846                  "__ghdl_signal_start_assign_error");
847   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_Error,
848                  "__ghdl_signal_next_assign_error");
850   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_Null,
851                  "__ghdl_signal_start_assign_null");
853   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Direct_Assign,
854                  "__ghdl_signal_direct_assign");
856   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Set_Disconnect,
857                  "__ghdl_signal_set_disconnect");
858   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Disconnect,
859                  "__ghdl_signal_disconnect");
861   pragma Export (Ada, Ghdl_Signal_Driving,
862                  "__ghdl_signal_driving");
864   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Release_Eff,
865                  "__ghdl_signal_release_eff");
866   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Release_Drv,
867                  "__ghdl_signal_release_drv");
869   pragma Export (Ada, Ghdl_Create_Signal_B1,
870                  "__ghdl_create_signal_b1");
871   pragma Export (Ada, Ghdl_Signal_Init_B1,
872                  "__ghdl_signal_init_b1");
873   pragma Export (Ada, Ghdl_Signal_Associate_B1,
874                  "__ghdl_signal_associate_b1");
875   pragma Export (Ada, Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_B1,
876                  "__ghdl_signal_simple_assign_b1");
877   pragma Export (Ada, Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_B1,
878                  "__ghdl_signal_start_assign_b1");
879   pragma Export (Ada, Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_B1,
880                  "__ghdl_signal_next_assign_b1");
881   pragma Export (Ada, Ghdl_Signal_Add_Port_Driver_B1,
882                  "__ghdl_signal_add_port_driver_b1");
883   pragma Export (Ada, Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_B1,
884                  "__ghdl_signal_driving_value_b1");
885   pragma Export (Ada, Ghdl_Signal_Force_Driving_B1,
886                  "__ghdl_signal_force_drv_b1");
887   pragma Export (Ada, Ghdl_Signal_Force_Effective_B1,
888                  "__ghdl_signal_force_eff_b1");
890   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Create_Signal_E8,
891                  "__ghdl_create_signal_e8");
892   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Init_E8,
893                  "__ghdl_signal_init_e8");
894   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Associate_E8,
895                  "__ghdl_signal_associate_e8");
896   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_E8,
897                  "__ghdl_signal_simple_assign_e8");
898   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_E8,
899                  "__ghdl_signal_start_assign_e8");
900   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_E8,
901                  "__ghdl_signal_next_assign_e8");
902   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Add_Port_Driver_E8,
903                  "__ghdl_signal_add_port_driver_e8");
904   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_E8,
905                  "__ghdl_signal_driving_value_e8");
906   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Force_Driving_E8,
907                  "__ghdl_signal_force_drv_e8");
908   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Force_Effective_E8,
909                  "__ghdl_signal_force_eff_e8");
911   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Create_Signal_E32,
912                  "__ghdl_create_signal_e32");
913   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Init_E32,
914                  "__ghdl_signal_init_e32");
915   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Associate_E32,
916                  "__ghdl_signal_associate_e32");
917   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_E32,
918                  "__ghdl_signal_simple_assign_e32");
919   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_E32,
920                  "__ghdl_signal_start_assign_e32");
921   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_E32,
922                  "__ghdl_signal_next_assign_e32");
923   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Add_Port_Driver_E32,
924                  "__ghdl_signal_add_port_driver_e32");
925   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_E32,
926                  "__ghdl_signal_driving_value_e32");
927   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Force_Driving_E32,
928                  "__ghdl_signal_force_drv_e32");
929   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Force_Effective_E32,
930                  "__ghdl_signal_force_eff_e32");
932   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Create_Signal_I32,
933                  "__ghdl_create_signal_i32");
934   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Init_I32,
935                  "__ghdl_signal_init_i32");
936   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Associate_I32,
937                  "__ghdl_signal_associate_i32");
938   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_I32,
939                  "__ghdl_signal_simple_assign_i32");
940   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I32,
941                  "__ghdl_signal_start_assign_i32");
942   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_I32,
943                  "__ghdl_signal_next_assign_i32");
944   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Add_Port_Driver_I32,
945                  "__ghdl_signal_add_port_driver_i32");
946   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_I32,
947                  "__ghdl_signal_driving_value_i32");
948   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Force_Driving_I32,
949                  "__ghdl_signal_force_drv_i32");
950   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Force_Effective_I32,
951                  "__ghdl_signal_force_eff_i32");
953   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Create_Signal_I64,
954                  "__ghdl_create_signal_i64");
955   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Init_I64,
956                  "__ghdl_signal_init_i64");
957   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Associate_I64,
958                  "__ghdl_signal_associate_i64");
959   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_I64,
960                  "__ghdl_signal_simple_assign_i64");
961   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I64,
962                  "__ghdl_signal_start_assign_i64");
963   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_I64,
964                  "__ghdl_signal_next_assign_i64");
965   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Add_Port_Driver_I64,
966                  "__ghdl_signal_add_port_driver_i64");
967   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_I64,
968                  "__ghdl_signal_driving_value_i64");
969   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Force_Driving_I64,
970                  "__ghdl_signal_force_drv_i64");
971   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Force_Effective_I64,
972                  "__ghdl_signal_force_eff_i64");
974   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Create_Signal_F64,
975                  "__ghdl_create_signal_f64");
976   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Init_F64,
977                  "__ghdl_signal_init_f64");
978   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Associate_F64,
979                  "__ghdl_signal_associate_f64");
980   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Simple_Assign_F64,
981                  "__ghdl_signal_simple_assign_f64");
982   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_F64,
983                  "__ghdl_signal_start_assign_f64");
984   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Next_Assign_F64,
985                  "__ghdl_signal_next_assign_f64");
986   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Add_Port_Driver_F64,
987                  "__ghdl_signal_add_port_driver_f64");
988   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_F64,
989                  "__ghdl_signal_driving_value_f64");
990   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Force_Driving_F64,
991                  "__ghdl_signal_force_drv_f64");
992   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Force_Effective_F64,
993                  "__ghdl_signal_force_eff_f64");
995   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Process_Add_Driver,
996                  "__ghdl_process_add_driver");
997   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Add_Direct_Driver,
998                  "__ghdl_signal_add_direct_driver");
1000   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Add_Source,
1001                  "__ghdl_signal_add_source");
1002   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Effective_Value,
1003                  "__ghdl_signal_effective_value");
1004   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_In_Conversion,
1005                  "__ghdl_signal_in_conversion");
1006   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Out_Conversion,
1007                  "__ghdl_signal_out_conversion");
1009   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Create_Resolution,
1010                  "__ghdl_signal_create_resolution");
1012   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Create_Stable_Signal,
1013                  "__ghdl_create_stable_signal");
1014   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Create_Quiet_Signal,
1015                  "__ghdl_create_quiet_signal");
1016   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Create_Transaction_Signal,
1017                  "__ghdl_create_transaction_signal");
1018   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Attribute_Register_Prefix,
1019                  "__ghdl_signal_attribute_register_prefix");
1020   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Create_Delayed_Signal,
1021                  "__ghdl_create_delayed_signal");
1023   pragma Export (Ada, Ghdl_Signal_Create_Guard,
1024                  "__ghdl_signal_create_guard");
1025   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Guard_Dependence,
1026                  "__ghdl_signal_guard_dependence");
1028   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Get_Nbr_Ports,
1029                  "__ghdl_signal_get_nbr_ports");
1030   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Get_Nbr_Drivers,
1031                  "__ghdl_signal_get_nbr_drivers");
1032   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Read_Port,
1033                  "__ghdl_signal_read_port");
1034   pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Signal_Read_Driver,
1035                  "__ghdl_signal_read_driver");
1036end Grt.Signals;