1      subroutine  vib_thermo(rtdb,nat,nat3,
2     &    eigvals,masses,coords,scr)
3      implicit none
4#include "errquit.fh"
6* $Id$
8* routine to compute the thermodynamic properties under the
9* rigid rotor harmonic approximation:
11* See:
12* 1. "Statistical Mechanics" by Donald A. McQuarrie, Chapters 5,6,8,
13*     Publisher Harper and Row, (c) 1976
14* 2.
17#include "rtdb.fh"
18#include "mafdecls.fh"
19#include "util.fh"
20#include "stdio.fh"
21#include "inp.fh"
23      integer rtdb ! [input] rtdb handle
24      integer nat  ! [input] number of atoms
25      integer nat3 ! [input] 3*nat
26      double precision eigvals(nat3) ! [input] eigenvalues (in cm**-1)
27      double precision masses(nat)   ! [input] mass of atoms (in amu)
28      double precision coords(3,nat) ! [input] atomic coordinates (in a.u.)
29      double precision scr(*)
31      integer i, j, count, error
32      integer iat
33      integer len_theory
34      integer nopen, multiplicity
35      logical linear
36      double precision com(3) ! center of mass coordinates
37      double precision Inertia(3,3), Inertia2(3,3), rx, ry, rz
38      double precision VdI(3,3)
39      double precision Ivals(3), Ivecs(3,3), Itri(3*4/2)
40      double precision total_mass, xmass
41      double precision H_trans , G_trans , S_trans , Cp_trans , Cv_trans
42      double precision H_rot   , G_rot   , S_rot   , Cp_rot   , Cv_rot
43      double precision H_vib   , G_vib   , S_vib   , Cp_vib   , Cv_vib
44      double precision H_elec  , G_elec  , S_elec  , Cp_elec  , Cv_elec
45      double precision H_total , G_total , S_total , Cp_total , Cv_total
46      double precision Temp
47      double precision R_gas
48      double precision Pi
49      double precision Sigma
50      character*32 theory
51      character*50 my_string
53      double precision thresh
54      parameter (thresh=1.0d-3)
55c::-statement function
56      logical is_it_close_to
57      double precision value,test
58      intrinsic abs
59*---          is value close to test?
60      is_it_close_to(value,test) = (abs(value-test).lt.thresh)
62* -- until it is working
63      if (nat.gt.0) return
65      Pi = 2.0d00*acos(0.0d00)
66      H_trans  = 0.0d00
67      H_rot    = 0.0d00
68      H_vib    = 0.0d00
69      H_elec   = 0.0d00
70      H_total  = 0.0d00
71      G_trans  = 0.0d00
72      G_rot    = 0.0d00
73      G_vib    = 0.0d00
74      G_elec   = 0.0d00
75      G_total  = 0.0d00
76      S_trans  = 0.0d00
77      S_rot    = 0.0d00
78      S_vib    = 0.0d00
79      S_elec   = 0.0d00
80      S_total  = 0.0d00
81      Cp_trans = 0.0d00
82      Cp_rot   = 0.0d00
83      Cp_vib   = 0.0d00
84      Cp_elec  = 0.0d00
85      Cp_total = 0.0d00
86      Cv_trans = 0.0d00
87      Cv_rot   = 0.0d00
88      Cv_vib   = 0.0d00
89      Cv_elec  = 0.0d00
90      Cv_total = 0.0d00
91*-- electronic component
92      my_string = ' '
93      theory = ' '
94      if (.not.rtdb_cget(rtdb, 'task:theory', 1, theory)) call errquit
95     &      ('vib_thermo: could not read task:theory',911, RTDB_ERR)
96      len_theory = inp_strlen(theory)
97      my_string = theory(1:len_theory) // ':nopen'
98      nopen = 0
99      if (.not.rtdb_get(rtdb,my_string,mt_int,1,nopen)) then
100        write(luout,*)' theory is :',theory(1:len_theory)
101        call errquit('vib_thermo: could not read --theory--:nopen',911,
102     &       RTDB_ERR)
103      endif
104      multiplicity = nopen + 1
105      S_elec  = R_gas*log(dble(multiplicity))
106      H_elec  = 0.0d00
107      Cp_elec = 0.0d00
108      Cv_elec = 0.0d00
109      G_elec  = H_elec - Temp * S_elec
110*-- rotational component
111*- compute total mass and center of mass
112      call dfill(3,0.0d00,com,1)
113      total_mass = 0.0d00
114      do iat = 1,nat
115        xmass = masses(iat)
116        total_mass = total_mass + xmass
117        com(1) = com(1) + xmass*coords(1,iat)
118        com(2) = com(2) + xmass*coords(2,iat)
119        com(3) = com(3) + xmass*coords(3,iat)
120      enddo
121      call dscal(3,(1.0d00/total_mass),com,1)
123      write(luout,*)' Coordinates '
124      call output(coords,1,3,1,3,3,3,1)
125      write(luout,*)' Center of Mass :',com
127      call dfill((3*3),0.0d00,Inertia,1)
128      do iat = 1,nat
129        xmass = masses(iat)
130        rx = coords(1,iat) - com(1)
131        ry = coords(2,iat) - com(2)
132        rz = coords(3,iat) - com(3)
133        Inertia(1,1) = Inertia(1,1) +
134     &        xmass*(ry*ry + rz*rz)
135        Inertia(2,1) = Inertia(2,1) -
136     &        xmass*ry*rx
137        Inertia(3,1) = Inertia(3,1) -
138     &        xmass*rz*rx
139        Inertia(2,2) = Inertia(2,2) +
140     &        xmass*(rx*rx + rz*rz)
141        Inertia(3,2) = Inertia(3,2) -
142     &        xmass*rz*ry
143        Inertia(3,3) = Inertia(3,3) +
144     &        xmass*(rx*rx + ry*ry)
145      enddo
146      Inertia(1,2) = Inertia(2,1)
147      Inertia(1,3) = Inertia(3,1)
148      Inertia(2,3) = Inertia(3,2)
149      write(luout,*)' Raw Inertial Matrix'
150      call output(Inertia,1,3,1,3,3,3,1)
151* set up triangular matrix
152      count = 0
153      do i = 1,3
154        do j = 1,i
155          count = count + 1
156          Itri(count) = Inertia(i,j)
157        enddo
158      enddo
159* diagonilze Inertia Matrix (parinoia)
160      call dfill(3,0.0d00,Ivals,1)
161      call dfill((3*3),0.0d00,Ivecs,1)
162      call vib_sjacobi(3,3,Itri,Ivals,Ivecs,error)
163      if (error.ne.0) call errquit('vib_thermo: vib_sjacobi failed',911,
164     &       UNKNOWN_ERR)
166      write(luout,*) 'eigenvalues of Inertia Matrix'
167      call output(Ivals,1,3,1,1,3,1,1)
168      write(luout,*) 'eigenvectors of Inertia Matrix'
169      call output(Ivecs,1,3,1,3,3,3,1)
170* form "diagonal" matrix
171      call dfill((3*3),0.0d00,Inertia2,1)
172      call dgemm('t','n',3,3,3,1.0d00,Ivecs,3,Inertia,3,0.0d00,VdI,3)
173      call dgemm('n','n',3,3,3,1.0d00,VdI,3,Ivecs,3,0.0d00,Inertia2,3)
174      write(luout,*)' Diagonalized Inertial Matrix'
175      call output(Inertia2,1,3,1,3,3,3,1)
177      linear = is_it_close_to(Ivals(1),0.0d00) .and.
178     &         is_it_close_to((abs(Ivals(2)-Ivals(3))),0.0d00)
180      sigma = 1
181      if (linear) then
182        S_rot = R_gas*(1 + log(Ivals(2)/Sigma*1.0d00))
183        if (rtdb_put(rtdb,'vib:linear',mt_log,1,.true.))
184     &    call errquit('vib_thermo: failed to set linear',555, RTDB_ERR)
185      else
186      endif
188      end