1 /*
2  *  (c) 2004 Iowa State University
3  *      see the LICENSE file in the top level directory
4  */
6 /*
7 	Added RotateMoleculeGL routine and code to generate the angle strings and trackball - BMB July 2001
8 	Corrected Create3DGLPICT for resolutions other than 72 dpi - BMB Feb 2002
9 */
11 #include <new>
12 #include <string.h>
13 #include <iostream>
14 #include <algorithm>
15 #include <wx/stdpaths.h>
17 #include "Globals.h"
18 #include "MoleculeData.h"
19 #include "Frame.h"
20 #include "SurfaceTypes.h"
21 #include "Math3D.h"
22 #include "InputData.h"
23 #include "MolDisplayWin.h"
24 #include "mpGLCanvas.h"
25 #include "mmp_gl.h"
26 #include "glf.h"
27 #include "Prefs.h"
28 #include "Progress.h"
29 #include "patterns.h"
30 #include "Files.h"
31 #include "Gradient.h"
33 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 void DrawPipeCylinder(float length, GLUquadric *quadric, unsigned int ncaps,
38 					  GLuint sphere_list, float radius, long quality);
39 void DrawPipeSpheres(const WinPrefs& Prefs, float length, float scale_factor,
40 					 bool is_masked, GLuint sphere_list);
41 void DashedQuadFromLine(const CPoint3D& pt1, const CPoint3D& pt2, float width,
42 						float m[16], const CPoint3D& x_world, float offset,
43 						GLuint length_anno_tex_id, const WinPrefs * Prefs,
44 						bool draw_label = true);
45 void DrawAngleAnnotation(const CPoint3D *pt1, const CPoint3D *pt2,
46 						 const CPoint3D *pt3, const WinPrefs *Prefs,
47 						 GLuint length_anno_tex_id, CPoint3D *ambig_axis = NULL);
48 void CreateCylinderFromLine(GLUquadricObj * qobj, const CPoint3D & lineStart,
49 							const CPoint3D & lineEnd, float lineWidth,
50 							int nslices = 4, int nstacks = 1, bool cap = false);
51 void DrawRotationAxis(const CPoint3D & lineStart, const CPoint3D & lineEnd,
52 					  const int & order);
53 void DrawInversionPoint(void);
54 void DrawTranslucentPlane(const CPoint3D & origin, const CPoint3D & p1,
55 						  const CPoint3D & p2);
56 void DrawArrow(const float & length, const float & width, const int & quality);
57 void DrawSceneString(const float scale_factor, const float shift_x,
58 		             const float shift_y, const float shift_z,
59 					 const wxString& label);
60 void DrawString(const char *str);
62 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
64 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
66 const GLubyte stippleMask[128] = {
67 	0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
68 	0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
69 	0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
70 	0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
71 	0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
72 	0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
73 	0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
74 	0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
75 	0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
76 	0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
77 	0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
78 	0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
79 	0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
80 	0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
81 	0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
82 	0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
83 };
85 GLfloat d_specular[] = {0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0};
86 GLfloat d_shininess = 1.0;
87 GLfloat d_diffuse[] = {0.02f,0.02f,0.02f,0.8f};
88 GLfloat d_ambient[] = {0.1f,0.1f,0.1f,0.8f};
90 GLfloat l_emissive[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
91 GLfloat l_specular[] = {0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0};
92 GLfloat l_shininess = 80.0;
93 GLfloat l_diffuse[] = {0.2f,0.2f,0.2f,0.8f};
94 GLfloat l_ambient[] = {0.1f,0.1f,0.1f,0.8f};
96 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 /**
101  * This function frees any transparent geometries and any active display
102  * lists.  It should be called when the view changes (which alters sort order
103  * of transparent surfaces), surfaces are updated, or the display list content
104  * has been altered.  It does not remake any lists.
105  */
ReleaseLists()106 void MolDisplayWin::ReleaseLists() {
107 	triangleCount = 0;
109 	delete[] transpTriList;
110 	transpTriList = NULL;
111 	delete[] transpSortVertex;
112 	transpSortVertex = NULL;
113 	delete[] transpIndex;
114 	transpIndex = NULL;
116 	if (MainListActive) {
117 		glDeleteLists(MainDisplayList, 1);
118 		MainListActive = false;
119 	}
120 	if (SurfaceListActive) {
121 		glDeleteLists(SurfaceDisplayList, 1);
122 		SurfaceListActive = false;
123 	}
124 }
126 /**
127  Display a transformation annotation, optionally consisting of Euler
128  angles and an outline of the trackball's footprint.
129  */
ShowRotation(bool ShowAngles,bool ShowTrackball)130 void MolDisplayWin::ShowRotation(bool ShowAngles, bool ShowTrackball) {
132 	GLint matrixMode;
133 	glGetIntegerv(GL_MATRIX_MODE, &matrixMode);
134 	glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
135 	glPushMatrix();
136 	glLoadIdentity();
137 	glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
138 	glPushMatrix();
139 	glLoadIdentity();
140 	wxRect DisplayRect = glCanvas->GetRect();
141 	long hsize = DisplayRect.GetWidth();
142 	long vsize = DisplayRect.GetHeight();
143 	glScalef(2.0f / hsize, -2.0f /  vsize, 1.0);
144 	glTranslatef(-hsize / 2.0f, -vsize / 2.0f, 0.0);
146 	glColor3fv(fg_color);
148 	if (ShowAngles) {
149 		char AngleString[50];
150 		float psi, phi, theta;
151 		MatrixToEulerAngles(MainData->TotalRotation, &psi, &phi, &theta);
152 		sprintf((char *)AngleString, "%.2f, %.2f, %.2f, Scale:%.2f",
153 				psi, phi, theta, MainData->WindowSize);
155 		DrawStaticLabel(AngleString, 10, -20);
156 	}
158 	//Draw the trackball outline
159 	if (ShowTrackball) {
160 		wxPoint sphereCenter;
161 		long sphereRadius;
162 		sphereCenter.x = hsize / 2;
163 		sphereCenter.y = vsize / 2;
164 		if (sphereCenter.x >= sphereCenter.y)
165 			sphereRadius   = (long) (((float) sphereCenter.x) * 0.9);
166 		else
167 			sphereRadius   = (long) (((float) sphereCenter.y) * 0.9);
168 		long NumDivisions = (long) (20.0 * (1.0 + sphereRadius / 200.0));
169 		float divarc = (2 * kPi) / NumDivisions;
171 		glLineWidth(1);
172 		glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
173 		glVertex3d(sphereCenter.x - sphereRadius, sphereCenter.y, 0.0);
174 		for (int i=0; i<NumDivisions; i++) {
175 			float x = sphereCenter.x - (sphereRadius*cos(i*divarc));
176 			float y = sphereCenter.y + (sphereRadius*sin(i*divarc));
177 			glVertex3d(x, y, 0.0);
178 		}
179 		glEnd();
180 	}
181 	glPopMatrix(); // GL_MODELVIEW
182 	glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
183 	glPopMatrix();
184 	glMatrixMode(matrixMode);
186 }
188 /**
189  * Draws molecular structures, surfaces, and annotations.
190  * @pre Context, projection, and viewport have been set.
191  */
DrawGL(int do_shader)192 void MolDisplayWin::DrawGL(int do_shader) {
193 	if (GLUpdateInProgress) return;	//a previous call in the stack is already updating this window. Do not repeat.
195 	GLUpdateInProgress = true;	//set the flag to prevent calls from updating at the same time.
197 	// Make (0, 0, WindowSize) the origin.  Moves geometry away from camera.
198 	glTranslatef(0, 0, -MainData->WindowSize);
200 	if ((Prefs->ShowAtomicSymbolLabels() || Prefs->ShowAtomNumberLabels()) &&
201 		(shader_program == 0 || do_shader)) {
202 		glMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE);
203 		glPushMatrix();
204 		glLoadIdentity();
205 		glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
206 		DrawLabel();
207 		glMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE);
208 		glPopMatrix();
209 		glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
210 	}
212 	glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
214 	// Rotate about the origin (the molecule's centroid).
215 	glMultMatrixf((const GLfloat *) &(MainData->TotalRotation));
217 	// Make the molecule's centroid the origin.
218 	glTranslatef(-MainData->Centroid.x, -MainData->Centroid.y,
219 	             -MainData->Centroid.z);
221 	// We're in a good space to draw the axis.  We've rotated, but we haven't
222 	// moved around for the molecule yet.
223 	if (MainData->ShowAxis()) AddAxisGL();
225 	if (GLEW_VERSION_2_0 && do_shader) {
226 		GLint mode;
227 		glGetIntegerv(GL_RENDER_MODE, &mode);
228 		if (Prefs->GetShaderMode() && mode == GL_RENDER) {
229 			glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, depth_tex_id);
230 			glUseProgram(shader_program);
231 		}
232 	}
234 	//Draw the main molecular geometry
235 	if (MainData->cFrame->NumAtoms > 0) {
236 		if (MainListActive) {
237 			glCallList(MainDisplayList);
238 		} else { // build the main display list
239 			// Suppress this temporarily because double- and triple-bond display
240 			// requires a transformation depending on the current viewing
241 			// transformation.
242 			// MainDisplayList = glGenLists(1);
243 			// glNewList(MainDisplayList, GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE);
244 			DrawMoleculeCoreGL();
245 			// glEndList();
246 			// MainListActive = true;
247 		}
248 	}
250 	if (GLEW_VERSION_2_0) {
251 		glUseProgram(0);
252 	}
254 	if (MainData->GetAnnotationCount() > 0) {
255 		glMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE);
256 		glPushMatrix();
257 		glLoadIdentity();
258 		glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
259 		glLoadName(MMP_ANNOTATION);
260 		glPushName(0);
261 		std::vector<Annotation *>::const_iterator anno;
262 		glDisable(GL_BLEND);
263 		glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
264 		int anno_id = 0;
265 		for (anno = MainData->Annotations.begin();
266 			 anno != MainData->Annotations.end(); anno++) {
267 			glLoadName(anno_id + 1);
268 			glColor3fv(fg_color);
269 			(*anno)->draw(this);
270 			anno_id++;
271 		}
272 		glPopName();
273 		glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
274 		glMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE);
275 		glPopMatrix();
276 		glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
277 	}
279 	if (GLEW_VERSION_2_0 && Prefs->GetShaderMode() && do_shader) {
280 		glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, depth_tex_id);
281 		glUseProgram(shader_program);
282 	}
284 	// Add any surfaces
285 	Surface * lSurface = MainData->cFrame->SurfaceList;
286 	haveTransparentSurfaces = false;
288 	glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_EMISSION, l_emissive);
289 	glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, l_specular);
290 	glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, 30.0f);
292 	glEnable(GL_RESCALE_NORMAL);
293 	int surf_id = 0;
294 	while (lSurface) {
295 		++surf_id;
296 		if (lSurface->GetVisibility()) {
297 			if (!lSurface->isTransparent()) {
298 				lSurface->Draw3DGL(MainData, Prefs, NULL);
299 			} else {
300 				haveTransparentSurfaces = true;
301 			}
302 		}
303 		lSurface = lSurface->GetNextSurface();
304 	}
305 	glDisable(GL_RESCALE_NORMAL);
307 	if (Prefs->ShowSymmetryOperators()) {
308 		if (GLEW_VERSION_2_0) {
309 			glUseProgram(0);
310 		}
311 		glMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE);
312 		glPushMatrix();
313 		glLoadIdentity();
314 		glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
315 		AddSymmetryOperators();
316 		glMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE);
317 		glPopMatrix();
318 		glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
319 		if (GLEW_VERSION_2_0 && Prefs->GetShaderMode() && do_shader) {
320 			glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, depth_tex_id);
321 			glUseProgram(shader_program);
322 		}
323 	}
325 	//Transparent surfaces have to be depth sorted and drawn last.
326 	if (haveTransparentSurfaces) {
327 		glEnable(GL_BLEND);
329 		Surface * lSurface = MainData->cFrame->SurfaceList;
330 		if (! transpTriList) {
331 			long totalTriCount = 0;
332 			while (lSurface) {
333 				if (lSurface->GetVisibility() && lSurface->isTransparent()) {
334 					totalTriCount += lSurface->getTriangleCount();
335 				}
336 				lSurface = lSurface->GetNextSurface();
337 			}
338 			transpTriList = new myGLTriangle[totalTriCount];
339 			transpSortVertex = new float[totalTriCount];
340 			transpIndex = new long[totalTriCount];
341 			triangleCount = totalTriCount;
343 			lSurface = MainData->cFrame->SurfaceList;
344 			long triStartCount = 0;
345 			while (lSurface) {
346 				if (lSurface->GetVisibility() && lSurface->isTransparent()) {
347 					triStartCount += lSurface->Draw3DGL(MainData, Prefs,
348 											&(transpTriList[triStartCount]));
349 				}
350 				lSurface = lSurface->GetNextSurface();
351 			}
352 			for (int i=0; i<triangleCount; i++) transpIndex[i] = i;
353 			SortTransparentTriangles();
354 		}
355 		DrawTransparentTriangles();
356 		glDisable(GL_BLEND);
357 	}
359 	if (GLEW_VERSION_2_0) {
360 		glUseProgram(0);
361 	}
363 	/* glPopMatrix(); // unrotated scene */
365 	if (lasso_has_area) {
366 		int canvas_width, canvas_height;
368 		glEnable(GL_BLEND);
371 		glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
372 		glPushMatrix();
373 		glLoadIdentity();
375 		glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
376 		glPushMatrix();
377 		glLoadIdentity();
379 		glCanvas->GetClientSize(&canvas_width, &canvas_height);
380 		gluOrtho2D(0, canvas_width, 0, canvas_height);
382 		glColor4f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.4f);
383 		glRectf(lasso_start.x, lasso_start.y, lasso_end.x, lasso_end.y);
385 		glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
386 		glEnable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE);
387 		glLineStipple(3, (GLushort) 43690);
388 		glColor4f(fg_color[0], fg_color[1], fg_color[2], 0.9f);
389 		glLineWidth(2.0f);
390 		glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
391 			glVertex2f(lasso_start.x, lasso_start.y);
392 			glVertex2f(lasso_end.x, lasso_start.y);
393 			glVertex2f(lasso_end.x, lasso_end.y);
394 			glVertex2f(lasso_start.x, lasso_end.y);
395 		glEnd();
396 		glLineWidth(1.0f);
397 		glDisable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE);
398 		glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
400 		glPopMatrix();
402 		glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
403 		glPopMatrix();
405 		glDisable(GL_BLEND);
406 	}
408 	glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
410 	if (do_rotate_annotation) {
411 		glMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE);
412 		glPushMatrix();
413 		glLoadIdentity();
414 		glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
415 		ShowRotation(Prefs->GetShowAngles() && !rotate_timer.IsRunning(),
416 					 !rotate_timer.IsRunning());
417 		glMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE);
418 		glPopMatrix();
419 		glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
420 	}
421 	GLUpdateInProgress = false;	//reset the flag to allow updates.
422 }
draw(const MolDisplayWin * win) const424 void AnnotationLength::draw(const MolDisplayWin * win) const {
425 	MoleculeData * maindata = win->GetData();
426 	Frame * cFrame = maindata->GetCurrentFramePtr();
427 	WinPrefs * Prefs = win->GetPrefs();
428 	//validate the atom references for this frame
429 	if ((atoms[0] < 0)||(atoms[0] >= cFrame->GetNumAtoms())) return;
430 	if ((atoms[1] < 0)||(atoms[1] >= cFrame->GetNumAtoms())) return;
432 	GLdouble modelview[16];
433 	GLdouble proj[16];
434 	GLint viewport[4];
435 	glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelview);
436 	glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, proj);
437 	glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
439 	CPoint3D lookat_eye = CPoint3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
440 	CPoint3D up_eye = CPoint3D(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
441 	CPoint3D lookat_world;
442 	CPoint3D up_world;
443 	CPoint3D r;
444 	float m[16];
445 	Matrix4D mv_inv;
447 	// What we want to do here is make the annotation always face the
448 	// viewer.  The computations below compute a rotation matrix to align
449 	// to the camera.  This only needs to be computed once for all
450 	// annotations since the camera doesn't change positions.
452 	// Invert just the rotation portion of the modelview matrix.  This is
453 	// much faster than inverting an arbitrary matrix.
454 	mv_inv[0][0] = modelview[0];
455 	mv_inv[0][1] = modelview[4];
456 	mv_inv[0][2] = modelview[8];
457 	mv_inv[0][3] = 0.0f;
458 	mv_inv[1][0] = modelview[1];
459 	mv_inv[1][1] = modelview[5];
460 	mv_inv[1][2] = modelview[9];
461 	mv_inv[1][3] = 0.0f;
462 	mv_inv[2][0] = modelview[2];
463 	mv_inv[2][1] = modelview[6];
464 	mv_inv[2][2] = modelview[10];
465 	mv_inv[2][3] = 0.0f;
466 	mv_inv[3][0] = 0.0f;
467 	mv_inv[3][1] = 0.0f;
468 	mv_inv[3][2] = 0.0f;
469 	mv_inv[3][3] = 1.0f;
471 	// Transform the eye space vectors to world coordinates, and find
472 	// a third vector to form a basis set.
473 	Rotate3DPt(mv_inv, lookat_eye, &lookat_world);
474 	Rotate3DPt(mv_inv, up_eye, &up_world);
475 	CrossProduct3D(&lookat_world, &up_world, &r);
477 	m[0] = r.x;
478 	m[1] = r.y;
479 	m[2] = r.z;
480 	m[3] = 0.0f;
482 	m[4] = up_world.x;
483 	m[5] = up_world.y;
484 	m[6] = up_world.z;
485 	m[7] = 0.0f;
487 	m[8] = lookat_world.x;
488 	m[9] = lookat_world.y;
489 	m[10] = lookat_world.z;
490 	m[11] = 0.0f;
492 	m[12] = m[13] = m[14] = 0.0f;
493 	m[15] = 1.0f;
495 	// x_world will indicate what vector in world coordinates will effect
496 	// a direction in the eye's x direction.  This is the direction in
497 	// which the length label will appear.
498 	CPoint3D x_eye;
499 	CPoint3D x_world;
500 	x_eye.x = 1.0f;
501 	x_eye.y = 0.0f;
502 	x_eye.z = 0.0f;
503 	Rotate3DPt(mv_inv, x_eye, &x_world);
505 	int bond_id;
506 	float bond_size;
508 	bond_id = cFrame->BondExists(atoms[0], atoms[1]);
510 	// If a bond exists between the two atoms, we need to push out the
511 	// length label accordingly.
512 	GLdouble BondSize = Prefs->GetQD3DBondWidth();
513 	if (bond_id > -1) {
514 		bond_size = BondSize / MAX(cFrame->GetBondOrder(bond_id), 1.0f) *
515 		3.5f * cFrame->GetBondOrder(bond_id) / 2.0f;
516 		if (cFrame->GetBondOrder(bond_id) > 1) {
517 			bond_size *= 1.5;
518 		}
519 	} else {
520 		bond_size = 0.0f;
521 	}
523 	CPoint3D pt1, pt2;
524 	cFrame->GetAtomPosition(atoms[0], pt1);
525 	cFrame->GetAtomPosition(atoms[1], pt2);
527 	// Draw the dashed line and label.
528 	DashedQuadFromLine(pt1, pt2, BondSize * 0.25, m, x_world, bond_size,
529 		win->GetLengthTexId(), Prefs);
530 }
draw(const MolDisplayWin * win) const532 void AnnotationAngle::draw(const MolDisplayWin * win) const {
534 	MoleculeData *maindata = win->GetData();
535 	Frame *cFrame = maindata->GetCurrentFramePtr();
537 	// Validate the atom references for this frame
538 	if ((atoms[0] < 0)||(atoms[0] >= cFrame->GetNumAtoms())) return;
539 	if ((atoms[1] < 0)||(atoms[1] >= cFrame->GetNumAtoms())) return;
540 	if ((atoms[2] < 0)||(atoms[2] >= cFrame->GetNumAtoms())) return;
542 	CPoint3D atom1_pos, atom2_pos, atom3_pos;
544 	cFrame->GetAtomPosition(atoms[0], atom1_pos);
545 	cFrame->GetAtomPosition(atoms[1], atom2_pos);
546 	cFrame->GetAtomPosition(atoms[2], atom3_pos);
548 	DrawAngleAnnotation(&atom1_pos, &atom2_pos, &atom3_pos, win->GetPrefs(),
549 						win->GetLengthTexId());
551 }
draw(const MolDisplayWin * win) const553 void AnnotationDihedral::draw(const MolDisplayWin * win) const {
555 	MoleculeData *maindata = win->GetData();
556 	Frame *cFrame = maindata->GetCurrentFramePtr();
558 	//validate the atom references for this frame
559 	if ((atoms[0] < 0)||(atoms[0] >= cFrame->GetNumAtoms())) return;
560 	if ((atoms[1] < 0)||(atoms[1] >= cFrame->GetNumAtoms())) return;
561 	if ((atoms[2] < 0)||(atoms[2] >= cFrame->GetNumAtoms())) return;
562 	if ((atoms[3] < 0)||(atoms[3] >= cFrame->GetNumAtoms())) return;
564 	CPoint3D atom1_pos;
565 	CPoint3D atom2_pos;
566 	CPoint3D atom3_pos;
567 	CPoint3D atom4_pos;
568 	CPoint3D vec[2];
569 	CPoint3D vec2;
570 	CPoint3D normal1;
571 	CPoint3D normal2;
572 	CPoint3D binormal1;
573 	CPoint3D binormal2;
574 	Matrix4D plane2xy;
575 	float angle;
576 	GLfloat color[4];
578 	glGetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_COLOR, color);
580 	cFrame->GetAtomPosition(atoms[0], atom1_pos);
581 	cFrame->GetAtomPosition(atoms[1], atom2_pos);
582 	cFrame->GetAtomPosition(atoms[2], atom3_pos);
583 	cFrame->GetAtomPosition(atoms[3], atom4_pos);
585 	// The first three atoms (1, 2, 3) form one plane.  The last three
586 	// (2, 3, 4) form the second plane.  We want to find the angle
587 	// between those two planes, for that is the dihedral angle.
589 	// Find the first plane's normal by finding the vectors between its
590 	// points and calculating the normal from them.
591 	vec[0] = atom1_pos - atom3_pos;
592 	Normalize3D(&vec[0]);
594 	vec2 = atom2_pos - atom3_pos;
595 	Normalize3D(&vec2);
597 	CrossProduct3D(&vec[0], &vec2, &normal1);
599 	// Find the second plane.  The two planes share a vector between
600 	// atoms 2 and 3, so we just reuse that from the first plane.
601 	vec[1] = atom4_pos - atom3_pos;
602 	Normalize3D(&vec[1]);
604 	CrossProduct3D(&vec[1], &vec2, &normal2);
606 	// Okay, we've drawn the planes.  Now we want to draw an angle
607 	// annotation between them.  The angle annotation should span
608 	// from the midpoint on one half-circle's arc to the midpoint on
609 	// the other half circles arc.  These can be found by considering
610 	// the vector between atoms 2 and 3 as the tangent vector, and
611 	// find the the binormal as the crossproduct of tangent and normal.
612 	CrossProduct3D(&vec2, &normal1, &binormal1);
613 	CrossProduct3D(&vec2, &normal2, &binormal2);
615 	Normalize3D(&binormal1);
616 	Normalize3D(&binormal2);
618 	// Figure out the actual points from the vector displacements.
619 	CPoint3D pt1 = atom3_pos + binormal1;
620 	CPoint3D pt3 = atom3_pos + binormal2;
622 	Matrix4D m;
623 	CPoint3D pt1_eye;
624 	CPoint3D pt3_eye;
625 	int id;
627 	glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, (float *) m);
628 	Rotate3DPt(m, pt1, &pt1_eye);
629 	Rotate3DPt(m, pt3, &pt3_eye);
631 	id = pt3_eye.z < pt1_eye.z;
634 	glEnable(GL_BLEND);
635 	glDepthMask(GL_FALSE);
636 	for (int j = 0; j <= 1; j++, id = (id + 1) % 2) {
637 		// Make this plane look like the x-y plane for easier circle
638 		// drawing.  The vector from atom3 to atom2 should look like
639 		// the positive x-axis.
640 		SetPlaneRotation(plane2xy, vec2, vec[id]);
642 		glPushMatrix();
643 		glTranslatef(atom3_pos.x, atom3_pos.y, atom3_pos.z);
644 		glMultMatrixf((GLfloat *) plane2xy);
646 		glColor4f(color[0] - 0.3f, color[1] - 0.3f, color[2] - 0.3f, 0.2f);
647 		glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN);
648 		glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
649 		for (angle = 0.0f; angle <= 3.1416f; angle += 0.01f) {
650 			glVertex3f(cos(angle), sin(angle), 0.0f);
651 		}
652 		glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
653 		glEnd();
655 		glColor4f(color[0] - 0.6f, color[1] - 0.06f, color[2] - 0.06f, 0.2f);
656 		glLineWidth(2.0f);
657 		glBegin(GL_LINES);
658 			glVertex3f(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
659 			glVertex3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
660 		glEnd();
661 		glLineWidth(1.0f);
663 		glPopMatrix();
664 	}
666 	glDepthMask(GL_TRUE);
667 	glDisable(GL_BLEND);
669 	glColor4f(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1.0f);
670 	DrawAngleAnnotation(&pt1, &atom3_pos, &pt3, win->GetPrefs(),
671 						win->GetLengthTexId(), &normal1);
673 }
draw(const MolDisplayWin * win) const675 void AnnotationMarker::draw(const MolDisplayWin * win) const {
677 	float m[16];
678 	float angle;
679 	float ca1, sa1;
680 	float ca2, sa2;
681 	float invert1[3];
682 	float invert2[3];
683 	CPoint3D atom_pos;
684 	float radius;
686 	MoleculeData *maindata = win->GetData();
687 	Frame *cFrame = maindata->GetCurrentFramePtr();
688 	WinPrefs * Prefs = win->GetPrefs();
690 	// Validate the atom reference for this frame.
691 	if (atoms[0] < 0 || atoms[0] >= cFrame->GetNumAtoms()) return;
693 	float AtomScale = Prefs->GetAtomScale();
694 	long curAtomType = cFrame->GetAtomType(atoms[0]) - 1;
696 	radius = AtomScale * Prefs->GetAtomSize(curAtomType);
698 	cFrame->GetAtomPosition(atoms[0], atom_pos);
700 	glPushMatrix();
701 	glTranslatef(atom_pos.x, atom_pos.y, atom_pos.z);
703 	// RGBColor * BackgroundColor = Prefs->GetBackgroundColorLoc();
705 	// invert1[0] = 1.0f - BackgroundColor->red / 65536.0f;
706 	// invert1[1] = 1.0f - BackgroundColor->green / 65536.0f;
707 	// invert1[2] = 1.0f - BackgroundColor->blue / 65536.0f;
708 	invert1[0] = invert1[1] = invert1[2] = 0.0f;
710 	glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, m);
711 	glLineWidth(3.0f);
713 	invert2[0] = 0.0f;
714 	invert2[1] = 1.0f;
715 	invert2[2] = 0.0f;
717 	glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP);
718 	for (angle = 0.0f; angle <= 6.24f; angle += 0.1f) {
719 		ca1 = cos(angle) * (radius + 0.03f);
720 		sa1 = sin(angle) * (radius + 0.03f);
721 		ca2 = cos(angle) * (radius + 0.08f);
722 		sa2 = sin(angle) * (radius + 0.08f);
723 		glColor3fv(invert1);
724 		glVertex3f(ca1 * m[0] + sa1 * m[1],
725 					ca1 * m[4] + sa1 * m[5],
726 					ca1 * m[8] + sa1 * m[9]);
727 		glColor3fv(invert2);
728 		glVertex3f(ca2 * m[0] + sa2 * m[1],
729 					ca2 * m[4] + sa2 * m[5],
730 					ca2 * m[8] + sa2 * m[9]);
731 	}
732 	ca1 = cos(0.0f) * (radius + 0.03f);
733 	sa1 = sin(0.0f) * (radius + 0.03f);
734 	ca2 = cos(0.0f) * (radius + 0.08f);
735 	sa2 = sin(0.0f) * (radius + 0.08f);
736 	glColor3fv(invert1);
737 	glVertex3f(ca1 * m[0] + sa1 * m[1],
738 				ca1 * m[4] + sa1 * m[5],
739 				ca1 * m[8] + sa1 * m[9]);
740 	glColor3fv(invert2);
741 	glVertex3f(ca2 * m[0] + sa2 * m[1],
742 				ca2 * m[4] + sa2 * m[5],
743 				ca2 * m[8] + sa2 * m[9]);
744 	glEnd();
746 	glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP);
747 	for (angle = 0.0f; angle <= 6.24f; angle += 0.1f) {
748 		ca1 = cos(angle) * (radius + 0.08f);
749 		sa1 = sin(angle) * (radius + 0.08f);
750 		ca2 = cos(angle) * (radius + 0.13f);
751 		sa2 = sin(angle) * (radius + 0.13f);
752 		glColor3fv(invert2);
753 		glVertex3f(ca1 * m[0] + sa1 * m[1],
754 					ca1 * m[4] + sa1 * m[5],
755 					ca1 * m[8] + sa1 * m[9]);
756 		glColor3fv(invert1);
757 		glVertex3f(ca2 * m[0] + sa2 * m[1],
758 					ca2 * m[4] + sa2 * m[5],
759 					ca2 * m[8] + sa2 * m[9]);
760 	}
761 	ca1 = cos(0.0f) * (radius + 0.08f);
762 	sa1 = sin(0.0f) * (radius + 0.08f);
763 	ca2 = cos(0.0f) * (radius + 0.13f);
764 	sa2 = sin(0.0f) * (radius + 0.13f);
765 	glColor3fv(invert2);
766 	glVertex3f(ca1 * m[0] + sa1 * m[1],
767 				ca1 * m[4] + sa1 * m[5],
768 				ca1 * m[8] + sa1 * m[9]);
769 	glColor3fv(invert1);
770 	glVertex3f(ca2 * m[0] + sa2 * m[1],
771 				ca2 * m[4] + sa2 * m[5],
772 				ca2 * m[8] + sa2 * m[9]);
773 	glEnd();
774 	glLineWidth(1.0f);
775 	glPopMatrix();
776 }
DrawStaticLabel(const char * label,GLfloat x,GLfloat y)778 void MolDisplayWin::DrawStaticLabel(const char *label, GLfloat x, GLfloat y) {
779 	int canvasWidth, canvasHeight;
781 	glCanvas->GetSize(&canvasWidth, &canvasHeight);
782 	glColor3fv(fg_color);
784 	GLint matrixMode;
785 	glGetIntegerv(GL_MATRIX_MODE, &matrixMode);
787 	glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
788 	glPushMatrix();
789 	glLoadIdentity();
790 	gluOrtho2D(0, canvasWidth, 0, canvasHeight);
792 	glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
793 	glPushMatrix();
794 	glLoadIdentity();
796 	if (x < 0) x = canvasWidth + x;
797 	if (y < 0) y = canvasHeight + y;
799 	glTranslatef(x, y, 0.0f);
800 	glScalef(300, 300, 1);
802 	glLoadName(MMP_NULL);
804 	// glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
805 	glfStartBitmapDrawing();
807 	glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_DST_ALPHA);
808 	glEnable(GL_BLEND);
809 	glfDrawBMaskString(label);
810 	glDisable(GL_BLEND);
812 	glfStopBitmapDrawing();
813 	// glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
815 	glFlush();
817 	glPopMatrix(); // GL_MODELVIEW
819 	glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
820 	glPopMatrix();
822 	glMatrixMode(matrixMode);
823 }
DrawLabel()825 void MolDisplayWin::DrawLabel() {
826 	Frame * lFrame=MainData->cFrame;
827 	mpAtom * lAtoms = lFrame->Atoms;
828 	long NumAtoms = lFrame->NumAtoms;
829 	float AtomScale = Prefs->GetAtomScale();
830 	GLdouble BondSize = Prefs->GetQD3DBondWidth();
831 	float LabelSize = Prefs->GetAtomLabelSize();
832 	glfStringCentering(true);
834 	wxString atomLabel;
835 	long CurrentAtomType;
836 	CPoint3D origPt, transPt;
837 	if (!Prefs->DrawWireFrame() || Prefs->ColorBondHalves()) {
838 		glLoadName(MMP_ATOM);
839 		glPushName(0);
840 		for (long iatom=0; iatom<NumAtoms; iatom++) {
841 			if (lAtoms[iatom].GetInvisibility()) continue;	//Atom is invisible so skip
843 			atomLabel.Clear();
845 			CurrentAtomType = lAtoms[iatom].GetType() - 1;
847 			//!!! retrieve atom label
848 			if ( Prefs->ShowAtomicSymbolLabels() )
849 			Prefs->GetAtomLabel(CurrentAtomType, atomLabel);
851 			if (Prefs->ShowAtomNumberLabels() ) {
852 				wxString tmpStr;
854 				tmpStr.Printf(wxT("%ld"), iatom+1);
855 				atomLabel.Append(tmpStr);
856 			}
858 			float radius;
859 			if (!Prefs->DrawWireFrame()) radius = AtomScale*Prefs->GetAtomSize(CurrentAtomType);
860 			else radius = BondSize;
862 			if (radius<0.01) continue;	//skip really small spheres
864 			RGBColor * AtomColor = Prefs->GetAtomColorLoc(CurrentAtomType);
865 			float red, green, blue;
866 			red = AtomColor->red/65536.0;
867 			green = AtomColor->green/65536.0;
868 			blue = AtomColor->blue/65536.0;
870 			// Find atom's position in world coordinates.  Move there for
871 			// drawing label screen-aligned.
872 			origPt = lAtoms[iatom].Position;
873 			origPt -= MainData->Centroid;
874 			Rotate3DPt(MainData->TotalRotation, origPt, &transPt);
876 			glPushMatrix();
877 			glTranslatef(transPt.x, transPt.y, transPt.z+(radius+0.01));
879 			glColor3f(1-red, 1-green, 1-blue);
880 			glScalef((0.1+0.08*radius)*LabelSize, (0.1+0.08*radius)*LabelSize, 1);
881 			glLoadName(iatom+1);
882 			glfDrawSolidString(atomLabel.mb_str(wxConvUTF8));
883 			glPopMatrix();
884 		}
885 		glPopName();
886 	}
887 	glfStringCentering(false);
888 }
SortTransparentTriangles(void)890 void MolDisplayWin::SortTransparentTriangles(void) {
891 	CPoint3D tempV;
892 	for (int i=0; i<triangleCount; i++) {
893 		Rotate3DPt(MainData->TotalRotation, transpTriList[i].v1,
894 			&(tempV));
895 		transpSortVertex[i] = tempV.z;	//We only need to save the z coordinate to sort
896 	}
897 	bool done = false;
898 	long maxcount = triangleCount-1;
899 	while (!done) {
900 		done = true;
901 		for (int i=0; i<maxcount; i++) {
902 			long tempi = transpIndex[i];
903 			long tempj = transpIndex[i+1];
904 			if (transpSortVertex[tempi] > transpSortVertex[tempj]) {
905 				transpIndex[i] = tempj;
906 				transpIndex[i+1] = tempi;
907 				done = false;
908 			}
909 		}
910 		maxcount--;
911 	}
912 }
DrawTransparentTriangles(void)914 void MolDisplayWin::DrawTransparentTriangles(void) {
915 	glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
916 	for (long itri=0; itri<triangleCount; itri++) {
917 		long itriIndex = transpIndex[itri];
919 		glColor4f(transpTriList[itriIndex].r1, transpTriList[itriIndex].g1,
920 				  transpTriList[itriIndex].b1, transpTriList[itriIndex].a1);
921 		glNormal3f(transpTriList[itriIndex].n1.x,
922 				   transpTriList[itriIndex].n1.y, transpTriList[itriIndex].n1.z);
923 		glVertex3d(transpTriList[itriIndex].v1.x, transpTriList[itriIndex].v1.y,
924 			transpTriList[itriIndex].v1.z);
926 		glColor4f(transpTriList[itriIndex].r2, transpTriList[itriIndex].g2,
927 				  transpTriList[itriIndex].b2, transpTriList[itriIndex].a2);
928 		glNormal3f(transpTriList[itriIndex].n2.x,
929 				   transpTriList[itriIndex].n2.y, transpTriList[itriIndex].n2.z);
930 		glVertex3d(transpTriList[itriIndex].v2.x, transpTriList[itriIndex].v2.y,
931 				   transpTriList[itriIndex].v2.z);
933 		glColor4f(transpTriList[itriIndex].r3, transpTriList[itriIndex].g3,
934 				  transpTriList[itriIndex].b3, transpTriList[itriIndex].a3);
935 		glNormal3f(transpTriList[itriIndex].n3.x,
936 				   transpTriList[itriIndex].n3.y, transpTriList[itriIndex].n3.z);
937 		glVertex3d(transpTriList[itriIndex].v3.x, transpTriList[itriIndex].v3.y,
938 				   transpTriList[itriIndex].v3.z);
939 	}
940 	glEnd();	//End of triangle creation
941 }
DrawMoleculeCoreGL(void)943 void MolDisplayWin::DrawMoleculeCoreGL(void) {
945 	GLUquadric *core_obj;
946 	core_obj = gluNewQuadric();
948 	// gluQuadricDrawStyle(qobj, GLU_FILL); //or GLU_LINE
949 	/* gluQuadricOrientation(core_obj, GLU_OUTSIDE); */
950 	/* gluQuadricNormals(core_obj, GLU_SMOOTH); //GLU_FLAT GLU_NONE */
952 	Frame *lFrame = MainData->cFrame;
953 	mpAtom *lAtoms = lFrame->Atoms;
954 	Bond *lBonds = lFrame->Bonds;
955 	long NumAtoms = lFrame->NumAtoms;
956 	long NumBonds = lFrame->NumBonds;
957 	float AtomScale = Prefs->GetAtomScale();
958 	float Quality = Prefs->GetQD3DAtomQuality();
959 	// For really large systems the size of the individual atoms and bonds gets small so there doesn't
960 	// seem to be a need for the quality to remain high. This is an attempt to silently degrade the display quality
961 	// to improve performance.
962 	// Could disable the reduction when printing if this ends up causing a noticable issue
963 	int QualReduce = MainData->WindowSize;
964 	QualReduce /= 15;	//truncate the division
965 	Quality -= QualReduce;
966 	Quality = MAX(Quality, 2);	//Don't go below 2
968 	bool draw_subdued;
969 	glEnable(GL_RESCALE_NORMAL);
970 	if (!Prefs->DrawWireFrame()) {
971 		glLoadName(MMP_ATOM);
972 		glPushName(0);
973 		for (long iatom=0; iatom<NumAtoms; iatom++) {
975 			if (lAtoms[iatom].GetInvisibility()) continue;	//Atom is invisible so skip
976 			if (Prefs->ShowEFPWireFrame()&&lAtoms[iatom].IsEffectiveFragment()) continue;
977 			long curAtomType = lAtoms[iatom].GetType() - 1;
979 			float radius = AtomScale * Prefs->GetAtomSize(curAtomType);
980 			if (radius < 0.01) continue;	//skip really small spheres
982 			/* glPushMatrix(); // atom center */
983 			/* glCallList(sphere_list); */
984 			/* glPopMatrix(); // atom center */
986 			glPushMatrix(); // molecule origin
987 			glTranslatef(lAtoms[iatom].Position.x,
988 						 lAtoms[iatom].Position.y,
989 						 lAtoms[iatom].Position.z);
991 			if (InSymmetryEditMode() && !lAtoms[iatom].IsSymmetryUnique()) {
992 				glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, d_specular);
993 				glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, d_shininess);
994 				glLoadName(0);
995 				glColor3fv(fg_color);
996 				glEnable(GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE);
997 				glPolygonStipple(stippleMask);
998 				gluSphere(core_obj, radius*1.01, (long)(1.5*Quality), (long)(Quality));
999 				glDisable(GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE);
1000 				glPopMatrix(); // molecule origin
1001 				continue;
1002 			}
1004 			glLoadName(iatom + 1);
1005 			draw_subdued = mHighliteState && !lAtoms[iatom].GetSelectState();
1007 			if (draw_subdued) {
1008 				glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, d_specular);
1009 				glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, d_shininess);
1010 			} else {
1011 				glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, l_specular);
1012 				glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, l_shininess);
1013 			}
1015 			if (Prefs->Show2DPattern()) {
1016 				short patternindex = Prefs->GetAtomPattern(lAtoms[iatom].GetType()-1);
1017 				//The 0th pattern is assumed to be solid so no need to draw
1018 				if ((patternindex>0)&&(patternindex<kNumPatterns)) {
1019 					glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
1020 					glEnable(GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE);
1021 					glPolygonStipple(atomMaskPatterns[patternindex]);
1022 					glPushMatrix(); // atom center
1023 					glScalef(radius, radius, radius);
1024 					glCallList(sphere_list);
1025 					glPopMatrix(); // atom center
1026 					glDisable(GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE);
1027 				}
1028 			}
1030 			if (draw_subdued) {
1031 				glColor3f(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
1032 				glEnable(GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE);
1033 				glPolygonStipple(stippleMask);
1034 				glPushMatrix(); // atom center
1035 				glScalef(radius * 1.01f, radius * 1.01f, radius * 1.01f);
1036 				glCallList(sphere_list);
1037 				glPopMatrix(); // atom center
1038 				glDisable(GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE);
1039 			}
1041 			Prefs->ChangeColorAtomColor(curAtomType+1);
1043 			if (draw_subdued) {
1044 				glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, d_specular);
1045 				glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, d_shininess);
1046 			} else {
1047 				glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, l_specular);
1048 				glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, l_shininess);
1049 			}
1051 			glPushMatrix(); // atom center
1052 			glScalef(radius, radius, radius);
1053 			glCallList(sphere_list);
1054 			glPopMatrix(); // atom center
1056 			if (InEditMode() && show_bond_sites) {
1057 				glPushMatrix();
1058 				DrawBondingSites(iatom, radius, core_obj);
1059 				glPopMatrix();
1060 			}
1062 			glPopMatrix(); // molecular origin
1063 		}
1064 		glPopName();
1065 	}
1067 	GLdouble modelview[16];
1068 	GLdouble proj[16];
1069 	GLint viewport[4];
1071 	glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelview);
1072 	glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, proj);
1073 	glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
1075 	// bonds as cylinders
1076 	// In wireframe mode with bonds colored by atom color we simply scink the
1077 	// atom radius to the bond size and get a nice rounded end cap. If bonds
1078 	// are not colored by atom color then the sphere is skipped and a simple
1079 	// disk closes off the cylinder
1080 	glLoadName(MMP_BOND);
1081 	glPushName(0);
1082 	for (long ibond = 0; ibond < NumBonds; ibond++) {
1084 		if (!InSymmetryEditMode() ||
1085 			(lAtoms[lBonds[ibond].Atom1].IsSymmetryUnique() &&
1086 			 lAtoms[lBonds[ibond].Atom2].IsSymmetryUnique())) {
1087 			glLoadName(ibond + 1);
1088 		} else {
1089 			glLoadName(0);
1090 		}
1092 		if (mHighliteState && !lBonds[ibond].GetSelectState()) {
1093 			glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, d_specular);
1094 			glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, d_shininess);
1095 		} else {
1096 			glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, l_specular);
1097 			glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, l_shininess);
1098 		}
1100 		DrawBond(lBonds[ibond], lAtoms[lBonds[ibond].Atom1],
1101 				 lAtoms[lBonds[ibond].Atom2], *Prefs, core_obj,
1102 				 modelview, proj, viewport, sphere_list,
1103 				 mHighliteState, InSymmetryEditMode());
1105 	}
1106 	glPopName();
1107 	glDisable(GL_RESCALE_NORMAL);
1109 	glLoadName(0);  //only atoms and bonds are selectable
1110 	                //so give a NULL name value to the rest of the geometries
1112 	if (MainData->GetDrawMode() && lFrame->Vibs) { //Add the current normal mode, if active
1113 		float VectorScale = Prefs->GetVectorScale();
1115 		long cmode = (lFrame->NumAtoms)*(lFrame->Vibs->CurrentMode);
1117 		glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, l_specular);
1118 		glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, 30.0f);
1119 		Prefs->ChangeColorVectorColor();
1121 		CPoint3D NormStart = CPoint3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
1122 		for (long iatom=0; iatom<NumAtoms; iatom++) {
1124 			if (lAtoms[iatom].GetInvisibility()) continue;	//Atom is invisible so skip
1125 			CPoint3D NMode = (lFrame->Vibs->NormMode[iatom + cmode]);
1126 			NMode *= VectorScale;
1127 			float length = NMode.Magnitude();
1128 			if (length > 0.1) {
1129 				CPoint3D NModeVector;
1130 				Matrix4D rotMat;
1131 				NModeVector.x = NMode.x/length;
1132 				NModeVector.y = NMode.y/length;
1133 				NModeVector.z = NMode.z/length;
1134 				float VectorWidth = (0.03 + 0.005*length);
1135 				//Set up vectors for the shaft of the normal mode
1136 				CPoint3D VStart;
1137 				long curAtomType = lAtoms[iatom].Type - 1;
1139 				float radius;
1140 				if (Prefs->DrawWireFrame()) radius = 0.0;
1141 				else radius = AtomScale*Prefs->GetAtomSize(curAtomType);
1142 				VStart.x = lAtoms[iatom].Position.x + NModeVector.x*0.95*radius;
1143 				VStart.y = lAtoms[iatom].Position.y + NModeVector.y*0.95*radius;
1144 				VStart.z = lAtoms[iatom].Position.z + NModeVector.z*0.95*radius;
1145 				float HeadRadius = 2 * VectorWidth;
1146 				if (2*HeadRadius > length) HeadRadius = length/2.0;
1147 				// float HeadRatio = (length-HeadRadius)/length;
1148 				GLfloat ShaftLength = length - HeadRadius;
1150 				SetRotationMatrix(rotMat, &NormStart, &NModeVector);
1151 				rotMat[3][0] = VStart.x;
1152 				rotMat[3][1] = VStart.y;
1153 				rotMat[3][2] = VStart.z;
1154 				glPushMatrix();
1155 				glMultMatrixf((const GLfloat *) &rotMat);
1157 				gluCylinder(core_obj, VectorWidth, VectorWidth, ShaftLength, (long)(Quality), (long)(0.5*Quality));
1158 				glPopMatrix();
1159 				rotMat[3][0] = VStart.x + NModeVector.x * ShaftLength;
1160 				rotMat[3][1] = VStart.y + NModeVector.y * ShaftLength;
1161 				rotMat[3][2] = VStart.z + NModeVector.z * ShaftLength;
1162 				glPushMatrix();
1163 				glMultMatrixf((const GLfloat *) &rotMat);
1164 				gluDisk(core_obj, 0.0, 2*VectorWidth, (long)(Quality), 2);
1165 				gluCylinder(core_obj, 2*VectorWidth, 0.0, HeadRadius, (long)(Quality), 3);
1166 				glPopMatrix();
1167 			}
1168 		}
1169 	}
1171 	if (MainData->GradientVectorAvailable() && Prefs->DisplayGradient()) { //Add the gradient arrows, if active
1172 		float VectorScale = Prefs->GetGradientScale();
1173 //		float GradMax = sqrt(1.0/lFrame->Gradient->GetMaximum());
1174 //		float GradMax = lFrame->Gradient->GetMaximum()*10000.0;
1175 		float GradMax = 0.01/lFrame->Gradient->GetMaximum();
1176 		float widthFactor = 5.0 + log10f(lFrame->Gradient->GetMaximum());
1177 		if (widthFactor < 0.0) widthFactor = 0.0;
1178 		VectorScale *= GradMax;
1179 		if (Prefs->InvertGradient()) VectorScale *= -1.0;
1181 		glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, l_specular);
1182 		glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, 30.0f);
1183 		Prefs->ChangeColorGradientColor();
1185 		CPoint3D NormStart = CPoint3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
1186 		for (long iatom=0; iatom<NumAtoms; iatom++) {
1188 			if (lAtoms[iatom].GetInvisibility()) continue;	//Atom is invisible so skip
1189 			CPoint3D NMode;
1190 			lFrame->RetrieveAtomGradient(iatom, NMode);
1191 			NMode *= VectorScale;
1192 			float length = NMode.Magnitude();
1193 			if (length > 0.1) {
1194 				CPoint3D NModeVector;
1195 				Matrix4D rotMat;
1196 				NModeVector.x = NMode.x/length;
1197 				NModeVector.y = NMode.y/length;
1198 				NModeVector.z = NMode.z/length;
1199 				float VectorWidth = (0.02+0.03*widthFactor + 0.005*length);
1200 				//Set up vectors for the shaft of the normal mode
1201 				CPoint3D VStart;
1202 				long curAtomType = lAtoms[iatom].Type - 1;
1204 				float radius;
1205 				if (Prefs->DrawWireFrame()) radius = 0.0;
1206 				else radius = AtomScale*Prefs->GetAtomSize(curAtomType);
1207 				VStart.x = lAtoms[iatom].Position.x + NModeVector.x*0.95*radius;
1208 				VStart.y = lAtoms[iatom].Position.y + NModeVector.y*0.95*radius;
1209 				VStart.z = lAtoms[iatom].Position.z + NModeVector.z*0.95*radius;
1210 				float HeadRadius = 2 * VectorWidth;
1211 				if (2*HeadRadius > length) HeadRadius = length/2.0;
1212 				// float HeadRatio = (length-HeadRadius)/length;
1213 				GLfloat ShaftLength = length - HeadRadius;
1215 				SetRotationMatrix(rotMat, &NormStart, &NModeVector);
1216 				rotMat[3][0] = VStart.x;
1217 				rotMat[3][1] = VStart.y;
1218 				rotMat[3][2] = VStart.z;
1219 				glPushMatrix();
1220 				glMultMatrixf((const GLfloat *) &rotMat);
1222 				gluCylinder(core_obj, VectorWidth, VectorWidth, ShaftLength, (long)(Quality), (long)(0.5*Quality));
1223 				glPopMatrix();
1224 				rotMat[3][0] = VStart.x + NModeVector.x * ShaftLength;
1225 				rotMat[3][1] = VStart.y + NModeVector.y * ShaftLength;
1226 				rotMat[3][2] = VStart.z + NModeVector.z * ShaftLength;
1227 				glPushMatrix();
1228 				glMultMatrixf((const GLfloat *) &rotMat);
1229 				gluDisk(core_obj, 0.0, 2*VectorWidth, (long)(Quality), 2);
1230 				gluCylinder(core_obj, 2*VectorWidth, 0.0, HeadRadius, (long)(Quality), 3);
1231 				glPopMatrix();
1232 			}
1233 		}
1234 	}
1235 	gluDeleteQuadric(core_obj);	//finally delete the quadric object
1236 }
ChangeColorBondColor(long order) const1238 void WinPrefs::ChangeColorBondColor(long order) const {
1239 	float red, green, blue;
1240 	red = BondColors[order].red/65536.0;
1241 	green = BondColors[order].green/65536.0;
1242 	blue = BondColors[order].blue/65536.0;
1243 	glColor3f(red, green, blue);
1244 }
ChangeColorAtomColor(long atomtype,float alpha) const1246 void WinPrefs::ChangeColorAtomColor(long atomtype, float alpha) const {
1247 	float red, green, blue;
1248 	red = AtomColors[atomtype-1].red/65536.0;
1249 	green = AtomColors[atomtype-1].green/65536.0;
1250 	blue = AtomColors[atomtype-1].blue/65536.0;
1251 	glColor4f(red, green, blue, alpha);
1252 }
ChangeColorVectorColor(void) const1254 void WinPrefs::ChangeColorVectorColor(void) const {
1255 	float red, green, blue;
1256 	red = VectorColor.red/65536.0;
1257 	green = VectorColor.green/65536.0;
1258 	blue = VectorColor.blue/65536.0;
1259 	glColor3f(red, green, blue);
1260 }
ChangeColorGradientColor(void) const1262 void WinPrefs::ChangeColorGradientColor(void) const {
1263 	float red, green, blue;
1264 	red = GradientColor.red/65536.0;
1265 	green = GradientColor.green/65536.0;
1266 	blue = GradientColor.blue/65536.0;
1267 	glColor3f(red, green, blue);
1268 }
GetAtomColorInverse(long atomtype,float rgb[3]) const1270 void WinPrefs::GetAtomColorInverse(long atomtype, float rgb[3]) const {
1271 	rgb[0] = 1.0f - AtomColors[atomtype-1].red / 65536.0f;
1272 	rgb[1] = 1.0f - AtomColors[atomtype-1].green / 65536.0f;
1273 	rgb[2] = 1.0f - AtomColors[atomtype-1].blue / 65536.0f;
1274 }
DrawHydrogenBond(const Bond & bond,const mpAtom & atom1,const mpAtom & atom2,const WinPrefs & Prefs,GLUquadric *,GLuint sphere_list,bool highlighting_on)1276 void MolDisplayWin::DrawHydrogenBond(const Bond& bond, const mpAtom& atom1,
1277 									 const mpAtom& atom2,
1278 									 const WinPrefs& Prefs,
1279 									 GLUquadric */*quadric*/, GLuint sphere_list,
1280 									 bool highlighting_on) {
1281 	CPoint3D	v1, v2, offset;
1283 	Prefs.ChangeColorBondColor(kHydrogenBond);
1284 	GLdouble BondSize = Prefs.GetQD3DBondWidth() * 0.5;
1285 	offset = atom2.Position - atom1.Position;
1287 	//Plot as a series of spheres
1288 	CPoint3D	NormalOffset, NormEnd, NormStart = CPoint3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
1289 	Matrix4D	rotMat;
1291 	float length = offset.Magnitude();
1292 	if (length>0.00001) {
1293 		NormalOffset.x = offset.x/length;
1294 		NormalOffset.y = offset.y/length;
1295 		NormalOffset.z = offset.z/length;
1296 	} else
1297 		NormalOffset.x=NormalOffset.y=NormalOffset.z=0.0;
1298 	NormEnd = v2;
1299 	Normalize3D(&NormEnd);
1300 	SetRotationMatrix(rotMat, &NormStart, &NormalOffset);
1301 	rotMat[3][0] = atom1.Position.x;
1302 	rotMat[3][1] = atom1.Position.y;
1303 	rotMat[3][2] = atom1.Position.z;
1305 	glPushMatrix();
1306 	glMultMatrixf((const GLfloat *) &rotMat);
1307 	float pos=0.75*BondSize;
1308 	glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, pos);
1309 	while (pos < length) {
1310 		glPushMatrix();
1311 		glScalef(BondSize, BondSize, BondSize);
1312 		Prefs.ChangeColorBondColor(kHydrogenBond);
1313 		glCallList(sphere_list);
1314 		if (highlighting_on && !bond.GetSelectState()) {
1315 			glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
1316 			glEnable(GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE);
1317 			glPolygonStipple(stippleMask);
1319 			glPushMatrix();
1320 			glScalef(1.01f, 1.01f, 1.01f);
1321 			glCallList(sphere_list);
1322 			glPopMatrix();
1323 			glDisable(GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE);
1324 		}
1325 		glPopMatrix();
1326 		glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, 2.5*BondSize);
1327 		pos += 2.5*BondSize;
1328 	}
1329 	glPopMatrix();
1330 }
AddAxisGL(void)1332 void MolDisplayWin::AddAxisGL(void) {
1333 	glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL);
1334 	glColor3fv(fg_color);
1336 	glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_EMISSION, l_emissive);
1337 	glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, l_specular);
1338 	glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, 30.0f);
1340 	long Quality = (long)(Prefs->GetQD3DAtomQuality());
1341 	float VectorWidth = 0.02;
1343 	CPoint3D vector = CPoint3D(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
1344 	CPoint3D NormStart = CPoint3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
1346 	// Z-axis
1347 	glPushMatrix();
1348 	glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, -MainData->MaxSize);
1349 	DrawArrow(2*MainData->MaxSize, VectorWidth, Quality);
1350 	glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, 2.0f * MainData->MaxSize);
1351 	DrawSceneString(0.3f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, wxT("z"));
1352 	glPopMatrix();
1354 	// X-axis
1355 	Matrix4D	rotMat;
1356 	SetRotationMatrix(rotMat, &NormStart, &vector);
1357 	rotMat[3][0] = -MainData->MaxSize;
1358 	glPushMatrix();
1359 	glMultMatrixf((const GLfloat *) &rotMat);
1360 	DrawArrow(2*MainData->MaxSize, VectorWidth, Quality);
1361 	glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, 2.0f * MainData->MaxSize);
1362 	DrawSceneString(0.3f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, wxT("x"));
1363 	glPopMatrix();
1365 	// Y-axis
1366 	vector.x = 0.0;
1367 	vector.y = 1.0;
1368 	SetRotationMatrix(rotMat, &NormStart, &vector);
1369 	rotMat[3][1] = -MainData->MaxSize;
1370 	glPushMatrix();
1371 	glMultMatrixf((const GLfloat *) &rotMat);
1372 	DrawArrow(2*MainData->MaxSize, VectorWidth, Quality);
1373 	glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, 2.0f * MainData->MaxSize);
1374 	DrawSceneString(0.3f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, wxT("y"));
1375 	glPopMatrix();
1376 }
AddSymmetryOperators(void)1378 void MolDisplayWin::AddSymmetryOperators(void) {
1379 	//Add planes, rotation axis's, etc as appropriate for the selected symmetry point group
1380 	//This routine attempts to match the GAMESS assumptions on symmetry
1381 	// z is the principle rotation axis (if any)
1382 	// x is a perpendicular two-fold axis (if any),
1383 	// xz is the sigma-v plane (if any), and
1384 	// xy is the sigma-h plane (if any).
1386 	if (!MainData->InputOptions) return;
1387 	if (!MainData->InputOptions->Data) return;
1388 	CPoint3D origin = CPoint3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
1389 	CPoint3D p1 = CPoint3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), p2 = CPoint3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
1390 	switch (MainData->InputOptions->Data->GetPointGroup()) {
1391 		case GAMESS_CS: //single sigma-h plane - XY plane
1392 			origin.x = origin.y = - MainData->MaxSize;
1393 			p1.x = MainData->MaxSize;
1394 			p1.y = - p1.x;
1395 			p2.x = -MainData->MaxSize;
1396 			p2.y = -p2.x;
1397 			DrawTranslucentPlane(origin, p1, p2);
1398 			break;
1399 		case GAMESS_CI:
1400 			DrawInversionPoint();
1401 			break;
1402 		case GAMESS_CNH:
1403 		{
1404 			int order = MainData->InputOptions->Data->GetPointGroupOrder();
1405 			if (order <= 2) order = 2;
1406 			if ((order == 2)||(order == 4)||(order == 6)) DrawInversionPoint();
1407 			origin.x = origin.y = - MainData->MaxSize;
1408 			p1.x = MainData->MaxSize;
1409 			p1.y = - p1.x;
1410 			p2.x = -MainData->MaxSize;
1411 			p2.y = -p2.x;
1412 			DrawTranslucentPlane(origin, p1, p2);
1413 			origin.x = origin.y = p1.x = p1.y = 0.0;
1414 			origin.z = -MainData->MaxSize;
1415 			p1.z = MainData->MaxSize;
1416 			DrawRotationAxis(origin, p1, order);
1417 		}
1418 			break;
1419 		case GAMESS_CNV:	//CN axis plus N sigma-v planes
1420 		{
1421 			int order = MainData->InputOptions->Data->GetPointGroupOrder();
1422 			if (order <= 2) order = 2;
1423 			for (int i=0; i<order; i++) {
1424 				origin.x = - cos(kPi * i/order) * MainData->MaxSize;
1425 				origin.y = - sin(kPi * i/order) * MainData->MaxSize;
1426 				origin.z = - MainData->MaxSize;
1427 				p1.x = - origin.x;
1428 				p1.y = - origin.y;
1429 				p1.z = origin.z;
1430 				p2.x = origin.x;
1431 				p2.y = origin.y;
1432 				p2.z = - origin.z;
1433 				DrawTranslucentPlane(origin, p1, p2);
1434 			}
1435 			origin.x = origin.y = p1.x = p1.y = 0.0;
1436 		}
1437 		//	break;	//let this roll through to pick up the axis
1438 		case GAMESS_CN:
1439 		{
1440 			int order = MainData->InputOptions->Data->GetPointGroupOrder();
1441 			if (order <= 2) order = 2;
1442 			origin.z = -MainData->MaxSize;
1443 			p1.z = MainData->MaxSize;
1444 			DrawRotationAxis(origin, p1, order);
1445 		}
1446 			break;
1447 		case GAMESS_S2N:
1448 			break;
1449 		case GAMESS_DND:
1450 		{
1451 			int order = MainData->InputOptions->Data->GetPointGroupOrder();
1452 			if (order <= 2) order = 2;
1453 			if ((order == 3)||(order == 5)) DrawInversionPoint();
1454 			origin.x = origin.y = p1.x = p1.y = 0.0;
1455 			origin.z = -MainData->MaxSize;
1456 			p1.z = MainData->MaxSize;
1457 			DrawRotationAxis(origin, p1, order);
1458 			//Set of order C2 axis perpendicular to primary axis
1459 			for (int i=0; i<order; i++) {
1460 				origin.x = - cos(kPi * i/order) * MainData->MaxSize;
1461 				origin.y = - sin(kPi * i/order) * MainData->MaxSize;
1462 				origin.z = 0.0;
1463 				p1.x = - origin.x;
1464 				p1.y = - origin.y;
1465 				p1.z = origin.z;
1466 				DrawRotationAxis(origin, p1, 2);
1467 			}
1468 				//There are order count of planes bisecting the C2 axis
1469 			for (int i=0; i<order; i++) {
1470 				origin.x = - cos(kPi * i/order + kPi/(2*order)) * MainData->MaxSize;
1471 				origin.y = - sin(kPi * i/order + kPi/(2*order)) * MainData->MaxSize;
1472 				origin.z = -MainData->MaxSize;
1473 				p1.x = - origin.x;
1474 				p1.y = - origin.y;
1475 				p1.z = origin.z;
1476 				p2.x = origin.x;
1477 				p2.y = origin.y;
1478 				p2.z = - origin.z;
1479 				DrawTranslucentPlane(origin, p1, p2);
1480 			}
1481 		}
1482 			break;
1483 		case GAMESS_DNH:
1484 		{
1485 			int order = MainData->InputOptions->Data->GetPointGroupOrder();
1486 			if (order <= 2) order = 2;
1487 			if ((order == 2)||(order == 4)||(order == 6)) DrawInversionPoint();
1488 			origin.x = origin.y = - MainData->MaxSize;
1489 			p1.x = MainData->MaxSize;
1490 			p1.y = - p1.x;
1491 			p2.x = -MainData->MaxSize;
1492 			p2.y = -p2.x;
1493 			DrawTranslucentPlane(origin, p1, p2);
1494 		}
1495 //			break;
1496 		case GAMESS_DN:
1497 		{
1498 			int order = MainData->InputOptions->Data->GetPointGroupOrder();
1499 			if (order <= 2) order = 2;
1500 			origin.x = origin.y = p1.x = p1.y = 0.0;
1501 			origin.z = -MainData->MaxSize;
1502 			p1.z = MainData->MaxSize;
1503 			DrawRotationAxis(origin, p1, order);
1504 			//Set of order C2 axis perpendicular to primary axis
1505 			for (int i=0; i<order; i++) {
1506 				origin.x = - cos(kPi * i/order) * MainData->MaxSize;
1507 				origin.y = - sin(kPi * i/order) * MainData->MaxSize;
1508 				origin.z = 0.0;
1509 				p1.x = - origin.x;
1510 				p1.y = - origin.y;
1511 				p1.z = origin.z;
1512 				DrawRotationAxis(origin, p1, 2);
1513 			}
1514 		}
1515 			break;
1516 /*		case GAMESS_TD:
1517 			break;
1518 		case GAMESS_TH:
1519 		{
1520 			DrawInversionPoint();
1521 		}
1522 			break;
1523 		case GAMESS_T:
1524 			break;
1525 		case GAMESS_OH:
1526 		{
1527 			DrawInversionPoint();
1528 		}
1529 			break;
1530 		case GAMESS_O:
1531 			break;
1532 			*/
1533 		default:	//The rest are not implemented.
1534 			break;
1535 	}
1536 }
Draw3DGL(MoleculeData * MainData,WinPrefs *,myGLTriangle *,unsigned int)1538 long Surf1DBase::Draw3DGL(MoleculeData *MainData, WinPrefs */*Prefs*/, myGLTriangle *, unsigned int /*shader_program*/) {
1540 	if (Visible) {
1541 		// Update the grid if needed, then display
1542 		if (!Grid) Update(MainData);
1543 	}
1545 	glLoadName(MMP_1DSURFACE);
1546 	glPushName(GetSurfaceID()+1);
1548 	glPushName(1);
1550 	glPushMatrix();
1551 	glTranslatef(Start.x, Start.y, Start.z);
1552 	glScalef(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f);
1553 	glCallList(MainData->MolWin->GetSphereList());
1554 	glPopMatrix();
1556 	glLoadName(2);
1557 	glPushMatrix();
1558 	glTranslatef(End.x, End.y, End.z);
1559 	glScalef(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f);
1560 	glCallList(MainData->MolWin->GetSphereList());
1561 	glPopMatrix();
1563 	CPoint3D vec = End - Start;
1564 	CPoint3D perp;
1565 	OrthoVector(vec, perp);
1566 	vec *= 1.0f / (NumGridPoints - 1);
1567 	CPoint3D curr_pt = Start;
1568 	CPoint3D next_pt;
1570 	// Find a vector perpendicular to both view direction and the vector from
1571 	// Start to End projected onto the screen plane.  The graph will be pushed
1572 	// away along this perpendicular vector so that it can always be seen, no
1573 	// matter the rotation.
1574 	const Matrix4D& rot = MainData->GetRotationMatrix();
1575 	CPoint3D normal(rot[0][2], rot[1][2], rot[2][2]);
1576 	CPoint3D projected_start = Start;
1577 	CPoint3D projected_end = End;
1578 	ProjectToPlane(normal, Start, projected_start);
1579 	ProjectToPlane(normal, Start, projected_end);
1580 	CPoint3D projected_vec = projected_end - projected_start;
1581 	CrossProduct3D(&projected_vec, &normal, &perp);
1582 	Normalize3D(&perp);
1584 	glLoadName(0);
1585 	float range_factor;
1586 	if (GridMax > MaxContourValue) {
1587 		range_factor = 1.0f / (MaxContourValue - GridMin);
1588 	} else {
1589  		range_factor = 1.0f / (GridMax - GridMin);
1590 	}
1592 	float red;
1593 	float curr_val, next_val;
1594 	curr_val = Grid[0] > MaxContourValue ? MaxContourValue : Grid[0];
1596 #if 1
1597 	GLUquadricObj *quadric = gluNewQuadric();
1598 	CreateCylinderFromLine(quadric, Start, End, 0.02f, 5, 5, false);
1600 	for (int i = 0; i < NumGridPoints - 1; ++i) {
1601 		next_val = Grid[i + 1] > MaxContourValue ? MaxContourValue : Grid[i + 1];
1602 		next_pt = curr_pt + vec;
1603 		red = (curr_val - GridMin) * range_factor;
1604 		glColor3f(red, 0.0f, 1.0f - red);
1605 		CreateCylinderFromLine(quadric, curr_pt + perp * (curr_val * Scale),
1606 							   next_pt + perp * (next_val * Scale),
1607 							   0.05f, 5, 5, true);
1608 		curr_val = next_val;
1609 		curr_pt = next_pt;
1610 	}
1612 	glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
1613 	if (fabs(Grid[0]) > 1e-6f) {
1614 		glPushMatrix();
1615 		glTranslatef(next_pt.x, next_pt.y, next_pt.z);
1616 		glScalef(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f);
1617 		glCallList(MainData->MolWin->GetSphereList());
1618 		glPopMatrix();
1620 		curr_val = Scale * (Grid[0] > MaxContourValue ? MaxContourValue : Grid[0]);
1621 		CreateCylinderFromLine(quadric, Start, Start + perp * curr_val,
1622 							   0.02f, 5, 5, true);
1623 	}
1625 	if (fabs(Grid[NumGridPoints - 1]) > 1e-6f) {
1626 		curr_val = Scale * (Grid[NumGridPoints - 1] > MaxContourValue ? MaxContourValue : Grid[NumGridPoints - 1]);
1627 		CreateCylinderFromLine(quadric, End, End + perp * curr_val,
1628 							   0.02f, 5, 5, true);
1629 	}
1631 	gluDeleteQuadric(quadric);
1632 #else
1633 	if (GLEW_VERSION_2_0 && Prefs->GetShaderMode()) {
1634 		glUseProgram(0);
1635 	}
1637 	glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
1638 	glBegin(GL_QUADS);
1639 	for (int i = 0; i < NumGridPoints - 1; ++i) {
1640 		next_val = Grid[i + 1] > MaxContourValue ? MaxContourValue : Grid[i + 1];
1641 		next_pt = curr_pt + vec;
1642 		red = (curr_val - GridMin) * range_factor;
1643 		glColor3f(red, 0.0f, 1.0f - red);
1644 		glVertex3f(curr_pt.x - perp.x * 0.045f,
1645 				   curr_pt.y - perp.y * 0.045f,
1646 				   curr_pt.z - perp.z * 0.045f);
1647 		glVertex3f(curr_pt.x + perp.x * 0.045f,
1648 				   curr_pt.y + perp.y * 0.045f,
1649 				   curr_pt.z + perp.z * 0.045f);
1650 		red = (Grid[i + 1] - GridMin) * range_factor;
1651 		glColor3f(red, 0.0f, 1.0f - red);
1652 		glVertex3f(next_pt.x + perp.x * 0.045f,
1653 				   next_pt.y + perp.y * 0.045f,
1654 				   next_pt.z + perp.z * 0.045f);
1655 		glVertex3f(next_pt.x - perp.x * 0.045f,
1656 				   next_pt.y - perp.y * 0.045f,
1657 				   next_pt.z - perp.z * 0.045f);
1658 		curr_pt = next_pt;
1659 		curr_val = next_val;
1660 	}
1661 	glEnd();
1662 	glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
1664 	if (GLEW_VERSION_2_0 && Prefs->GetShaderMode()) {
1665 		glUseProgram(shader_program);
1666 	}
1667 #endif
1669 	glPopName();
1670 	glPopName();
1671 	return 0;
1672 }
Draw3DGL(MoleculeData * MainData,WinPrefs * Prefs,myGLTriangle *,unsigned int)1674 long Surf2DBase::Draw3DGL(MoleculeData * MainData, WinPrefs * Prefs, myGLTriangle *, unsigned int /*shader_program*/) {
1675 	if (Visible) {
1676 			//Update the grid if needed, then contour and display
1677 		if (!Grid) Update(MainData);
1678 		if (Grid) Contour2DGrid3DGL(MainData, Prefs);
1679 		if (ShowPlottingPlane()) DrawTranslucentPlane(Origin, Origin+XInc*(NumGridPoints-1), Origin+YInc*(NumGridPoints-1));
1680 	}
1681 	return 0;
1682 }
Contour2DGrid3DGL(MoleculeData *,WinPrefs * Prefs)1684 void Surf2DBase::Contour2DGrid3DGL(MoleculeData * , WinPrefs * Prefs)
1685 {
1686 		//Scan the Grid producing the contours
1687 	float	TestPoint1, TestPoint2, TestPoint3, TestPoint4, XGridValue, YGridValue, ZGridValue;
1688 	CPoint3D	Contour[4];
1689 	Boolean		HasPoint[4];
1691 	long NumPoints = NumGridPoints;
1692 	float * lGrid = Grid;
1694 	CPoint3D	XGridMin, XGridInc, YGridInc;
1695 	XGridMin = Origin;
1696 //	XGridMin *= kBohr2AngConversion;
1697 	XGridInc = XInc;
1698 //	XGridInc *= kBohr2AngConversion;
1699 	YGridInc = YInc;
1700 //	YGridInc *= kBohr2AngConversion;
1702 	float ContourValueInc = MaxContourValue/(NumContours+1);
1703 	long NumPosContours = (long)(fabs(GridMax)/ContourValueInc) + 1;
1704 	long NumNegContours = (long)(fabs(GridMin)/ContourValueInc) + 1;
1706 	CPoint3D	lineStart, lineEnd;
1707 	float ContourValue = 0.0;
1708 	float lineWidth = Prefs->GetQD3DLineWidth();
1709 	GLUquadricObj * qobj = NULL;
1710 		Boolean UseLines = true;
1711 	if (lineWidth > 0.0001) {
1712 		UseLines = false;
1713 		qobj = gluNewQuadric();
1714 		if (!qobj) throw std::bad_alloc();
1715 	}
1716 	long n;
1717 	Boolean Dash = GetDashLine();
1718 	// GLenum error = glGetError();
1719 	if (UseLines) {
1720 		glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
1721 		glLineWidth(1);
1722 		glBegin(GL_LINES);
1723 		// error = glGetError();	//maybe clear off odd errors...
1724 	}
1725 	glColor3f(0.65, 0.65, 0.65);	//Setup for the gray zero contour color
1727 		//Go up to NumContours+1 to allow for the zero contour
1728 	for (long iContour=0; iContour<=NumContours; iContour++) {
1729 		for (int pass=0; pass<2; pass++) {
1730 			if (iContour==0) {	//0 value contour
1731 				pass++;	//only need one 0 contour!
1732 					//Plot zero value contour only if requested
1733 				if (!(SurfOptions&1)) continue;
1734 			} else {
1735 				ContourValue *= -1.0;
1736 				if (pass==0) {
1737 					if (!ContourBothPosNeg()) continue;
1738 					if (iContour > NumNegContours) continue;
1739 					glColor3f((float)NegColor.red/65536, (float)NegColor.green/65536, (float)NegColor.blue/65536);
1740 				} else {
1741 					if (iContour > NumPosContours) continue;
1742 					glColor3f((float)PosColor.red/65536, (float)PosColor.green/65536, (float)PosColor.blue/65536);
1743 				}
1744 			}
1745 			n=NumGridPoints;
1746 			for (long i=1; i<NumPoints; i++) {
1747 				XGridValue = XGridMin.x + i*XGridInc.x;
1748 				YGridValue = XGridMin.y + i*XGridInc.y;
1749 				ZGridValue = XGridMin.z + i*XGridInc.z;
1750 				for (long j=1; j<NumPoints; j++) {
1751 					XGridValue += YGridInc.x;
1752 					YGridValue += YGridInc.y;
1753 					ZGridValue += YGridInc.z;
1754 					n++;
1755 					for (int i=0; i<4; i++) HasPoint[i]=false;
1757 					TestPoint1 = lGrid[n]-ContourValue;
1758 					TestPoint2 = lGrid[n-1]-ContourValue;
1759 					TestPoint3 = lGrid[n-NumPoints]-ContourValue;
1760 					TestPoint4 = lGrid[n-1-NumPoints]-ContourValue;
1762 					if ((TestPoint1*TestPoint2)<0.0) {
1763 						HasPoint[0]=true;
1764 						Contour[0].x = XGridValue - YGridInc.x*(TestPoint1/(TestPoint1-TestPoint2));
1765 						Contour[0].y = YGridValue - YGridInc.y*(TestPoint1/(TestPoint1-TestPoint2));
1766 						Contour[0].z = ZGridValue - YGridInc.z*(TestPoint1/(TestPoint1-TestPoint2));
1767 					}
1768 					if ((TestPoint1*TestPoint3)<0.0) {
1769 						HasPoint[1]=true;
1770 						Contour[1].x = XGridValue - XGridInc.x*(TestPoint1/(TestPoint1-TestPoint3));
1771 						Contour[1].y = YGridValue - XGridInc.y*(TestPoint1/(TestPoint1-TestPoint3));
1772 						Contour[1].z = ZGridValue - XGridInc.z*(TestPoint1/(TestPoint1-TestPoint3));
1773 					}
1774 					if ((TestPoint2*TestPoint4)<0.0) {
1775 						HasPoint[2]=true;
1776 						Contour[2].x = XGridValue-YGridInc.x - XGridInc.x*(TestPoint2/(TestPoint2-TestPoint4));
1777 						Contour[2].y = YGridValue-YGridInc.y - XGridInc.y*(TestPoint2/(TestPoint2-TestPoint4));
1778 						Contour[2].z = ZGridValue-YGridInc.z - XGridInc.z*(TestPoint2/(TestPoint2-TestPoint4));
1779 					}
1780 					if ((TestPoint3*TestPoint4)<0.0) {
1781 						HasPoint[3]=true;
1782 						Contour[3].x = XGridValue-XGridInc.x - YGridInc.x*(TestPoint3/(TestPoint3-TestPoint4));
1783 						Contour[3].y = YGridValue-XGridInc.y - YGridInc.y*(TestPoint3/(TestPoint3-TestPoint4));
1784 						Contour[3].z = ZGridValue-XGridInc.z - YGridInc.z*(TestPoint3/(TestPoint3-TestPoint4));
1785 					}
1787 					if (HasPoint[0]) {
1788 						lineStart = Contour[0];
1789 						if (HasPoint[1] || HasPoint[2]) {
1790 							if (HasPoint[1]) {
1791 								lineEnd = Contour[1];
1792 								if ((pass==0)&&Dash) {
1793 									lineEnd.x = lineStart.x + (lineEnd.x-lineStart.x)/2.0;
1794 									lineEnd.y = lineStart.y + (lineEnd.y-lineStart.y)/2.0;
1795 									lineEnd.z = lineStart.z + (lineEnd.z-lineStart.z)/2.0;
1796 								}
1797 								if (UseLines) {
1798 									glVertex3d(lineStart.x, lineStart.y, lineStart.z);
1799 									glVertex3d(lineEnd.x, lineEnd.y, lineEnd.z);
1800 								} else {
1801 									CreateCylinderFromLine(qobj, lineStart, lineEnd, lineWidth);
1802 								}
1803 							}
1804 							if (HasPoint[2]) {
1805 								lineEnd = Contour[2];
1806 								if ((pass==0)&&Dash) {
1807 									lineEnd.x = lineStart.x + (lineEnd.x-lineStart.x)/2.0;
1808 									lineEnd.y = lineStart.y + (lineEnd.y-lineStart.y)/2.0;
1809 									lineEnd.z = lineStart.z + (lineEnd.z-lineStart.z)/2.0;
1810 								}
1811 								if (UseLines) {
1812 									glVertex3d(lineStart.x, lineStart.y, lineStart.z);
1813 									glVertex3d(lineEnd.x, lineEnd.y, lineEnd.z);
1814 								} else {
1815 									CreateCylinderFromLine(qobj, lineStart, lineEnd, lineWidth);
1816 								}
1817 							}
1818 						} else if (HasPoint[3]) {
1819 							lineEnd = Contour[3];
1820 							if ((pass==0)&&Dash) {
1821 								lineEnd.x = lineStart.x + (lineEnd.x-lineStart.x)/2.0;
1822 								lineEnd.y = lineStart.y + (lineEnd.y-lineStart.y)/2.0;
1823 								lineEnd.z = lineStart.z + (lineEnd.z-lineStart.z)/2.0;
1824 							}
1825 							if (UseLines) {
1826 								glVertex3d(lineStart.x, lineStart.y, lineStart.z);
1827 								glVertex3d(lineEnd.x, lineEnd.y, lineEnd.z);
1828 							} else {
1829 								CreateCylinderFromLine(qobj, lineStart, lineEnd, lineWidth);
1830 							}
1831 						}
1832 					}
1833 					if (HasPoint[1]) {
1834 						if (HasPoint[3]) {
1835 							lineStart = Contour[1];
1836 							lineEnd = Contour[3];
1837 							if ((pass==0)&&Dash) {
1838 								lineEnd.x = lineStart.x + (lineEnd.x-lineStart.x)/2.0;
1839 								lineEnd.y = lineStart.y + (lineEnd.y-lineStart.y)/2.0;
1840 								lineEnd.z = lineStart.z + (lineEnd.z-lineStart.z)/2.0;
1841 							}
1842 							if (UseLines) {
1843 								glVertex3d(lineStart.x, lineStart.y, lineStart.z);
1844 								glVertex3d(lineEnd.x, lineEnd.y, lineEnd.z);
1845 							} else {
1846 								CreateCylinderFromLine(qobj, lineStart, lineEnd, lineWidth);
1847 							}
1848 						} else if (HasPoint[2] && !HasPoint[0]) {
1849 							lineStart = Contour[1];
1850 							lineEnd = Contour[2];
1851 							if ((pass==0)&&Dash) {
1852 								lineEnd.x = lineStart.x + (lineEnd.x-lineStart.x)/2.0;
1853 								lineEnd.y = lineStart.y + (lineEnd.y-lineStart.y)/2.0;
1854 								lineEnd.z = lineStart.z + (lineEnd.z-lineStart.z)/2.0;
1855 							}
1856 							if (UseLines) {
1857 								glVertex3d(lineStart.x, lineStart.y, lineStart.z);
1858 								glVertex3d(lineEnd.x, lineEnd.y, lineEnd.z);
1859 							} else {
1860 								CreateCylinderFromLine(qobj, lineStart, lineEnd, lineWidth);
1861 							}
1862 						}
1863 					}
1864 					if (HasPoint[2]&&HasPoint[3]) {
1865 						lineStart = Contour[2];
1866 						lineEnd = Contour[3];
1867 						if ((pass==0)&&Dash) {
1868 							lineEnd.x = lineStart.x + (lineEnd.x-lineStart.x)/2.0;
1869 							lineEnd.y = lineStart.y + (lineEnd.y-lineStart.y)/2.0;
1870 							lineEnd.z = lineStart.z + (lineEnd.z-lineStart.z)/2.0;
1871 						}
1872 						if (UseLines) {
1873 							glVertex3d(lineStart.x, lineStart.y, lineStart.z);
1874 							glVertex3d(lineEnd.x, lineEnd.y, lineEnd.z);
1875 						} else {
1876 							CreateCylinderFromLine(qobj, lineStart, lineEnd, lineWidth);
1877 						}
1878 					}
1879 				}
1880 				n++;
1881 			}
1882 		}
1883 		ContourValue += ContourValueInc;
1884 	}
1885 	if (UseLines) {
1886 		glEnd();
1887 		// error = glGetError();	//This is here to clear off odd errors.
1888 		glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
1889 	} else {
1890 		if (qobj) gluDeleteQuadric(qobj);	//finally delete the quadric object
1891 	}
1892 }
getTriangleCount(void) const1894 long General3DSurface::getTriangleCount(void) const {
1895 	long result = NumPosContourTriangles;
1896 	if (Mode & 4) result += NumNegContourTriangles;
1897 	return result;
1898 }
Draw3DGL(MoleculeData * MainData,WinPrefs * Prefs,myGLTriangle * transpTri,unsigned int)1900 long General3DSurface::Draw3DGL(MoleculeData * MainData, WinPrefs * Prefs, myGLTriangle * transpTri, unsigned int /*shader_program*/) {
1901 	long result=0;
1902 	if (Visible) {
1903 		if (ContourHndl && VertexList) {
1904 			if (SolidSurface()) {
1905 				if (UseSurfaceNormals()&&SurfaceNormals) {
1906 					result = CreateSolidSurface(ContourHndl, SurfaceNormals, VertexList,
1907 									NumPosContourTriangles, &PosColor, List, &NegColor, MaxMEPValue, MainData, transpTri);
1908 					if ((Mode & 4)&&(NumNegContourTriangles > 0))
1909 						result += CreateSolidSurface(ContourHndl,
1910 													 SurfaceNormals, &(VertexList[3*NumPosContourTriangles]),
1911 													 NumNegContourTriangles, &NegColor, List, &PosColor, MaxMEPValue, MainData, &(transpTri[result]));
1912 				} else {
1913 					result = CreateSolidSurface(ContourHndl, NULL, VertexList,
1914 												NumPosContourTriangles, &PosColor, List, &NegColor, MaxMEPValue, MainData, transpTri);
1915 					if ((Mode & 4)&&(NumNegContourTriangles > 0))
1916 						result += CreateSolidSurface(ContourHndl,
1917 													 NULL, &(VertexList[3*NumPosContourTriangles]),
1918 													 NumNegContourTriangles, &NegColor, List, &PosColor, MaxMEPValue, MainData, &(transpTri[result]));
1919 				}
1920 			} else if (WireFrameSurface()) {
1921 				CreateWireSurface(ContourHndl, NULL, VertexList,
1922 								  NumPosContourTriangles, &PosColor, List, &NegColor, MaxMEPValue, MainData, Prefs);
1923 				if (ContourBothPosNeg()&&(NumNegContourTriangles > 0))
1924 					CreateWireSurface(ContourHndl, NULL,
1925 									  &(VertexList[3*NumPosContourTriangles]),
1926 									  NumNegContourTriangles, &NegColor, List, &PosColor, MaxMEPValue, MainData, Prefs);
1927 			}
1928 		}
1929 	}
1930 	return result;
1931 }
Draw3DGL(MoleculeData * MainData,WinPrefs * Prefs,myGLTriangle * transpTri,unsigned int)1932 long TEDensity3DSurface::Draw3DGL(MoleculeData * MainData, WinPrefs * Prefs, myGLTriangle * transpTri, unsigned int /*shader_program*/) {
1933 	long result = 0;
1934 	if (Visible) {
1935 		if (ContourHndl && VertexList) {
1936 			if (SolidSurface()) {
1937 				if ((UseSurfaceNormals())&&SurfaceNormals) {
1938 					result = CreateSolidSurface(ContourHndl, SurfaceNormals, VertexList,
1939 												NumPosContourTriangles,
1940 												&PosColor, List, &NegColor, MaxMEPValue, MainData, transpTri);
1941 				} else {
1942 					result = CreateSolidSurface(ContourHndl, NULL, VertexList,
1943 												NumPosContourTriangles,
1944 												&PosColor, List, &NegColor, MaxMEPValue, MainData, transpTri);
1945 				}
1946 			} else if (WireFrameSurface()) {
1947 				CreateWireSurface(ContourHndl, NULL, VertexList,
1948 								  NumPosContourTriangles,
1949 								  &PosColor, List, &NegColor, MaxMEPValue, MainData, Prefs);
1950 			}
1951 		}
1952 	}
1953 	return result;
1954 }
Draw3DGL(MoleculeData * MainData,WinPrefs * Prefs,myGLTriangle * transpTri,unsigned int)1955 long Orb3DSurface::Draw3DGL(MoleculeData * MainData, WinPrefs * Prefs, myGLTriangle * transpTri, unsigned int /*shader_program*/) {
1956 	long result=0;
1957 	if (Visible && (PlotOrb>=0)) {
1958 		if (ContourHndl && VertexList) {
1959 			if (SolidSurface()) {
1960 				if ((UseSurfaceNormals())&&SurfaceNormals) {
1961 					result = CreateSolidSurface(ContourHndl,
1962 												SurfaceNormals, VertexList, NumPosContourTriangles,
1963 												&PosColor, NULL, NULL, 1.0, MainData, transpTri);
1964 					result += CreateSolidSurface(ContourHndl,
1965 												 SurfaceNormals,
1966 												 &(VertexList[3*NumPosContourTriangles]),
1967 												 NumNegContourTriangles, &NegColor,
1968 												 NULL, NULL, 1.0, MainData, &(transpTri[result]));
1969 				} else {
1970 					result = CreateSolidSurface(ContourHndl, NULL, VertexList,
1971 												NumPosContourTriangles,
1972 												&PosColor, NULL, NULL, 1.0, MainData, transpTri);
1973 					result += CreateSolidSurface(ContourHndl,
1974 												 NULL, &(VertexList[3*NumPosContourTriangles]),
1975 												 NumNegContourTriangles, &NegColor, NULL, NULL, 1.0, MainData, &(transpTri[result]));
1976 				}
1977 			} else if (WireFrameSurface()) {
1978 				CreateWireSurface(ContourHndl, NULL, VertexList, NumPosContourTriangles,
1979 								  &PosColor, NULL, NULL, 1.0, MainData, Prefs);
1980 				CreateWireSurface(ContourHndl, NULL,
1981 								  &(VertexList[3*NumPosContourTriangles]),
1982 								  NumNegContourTriangles, &NegColor, NULL, NULL, 1.0, MainData, Prefs);
1983 			}
1984 		}
1985 	}
1986 	return result;
1987 }
Draw3DGL(MoleculeData * MainData,WinPrefs * Prefs,myGLTriangle * transpTri,unsigned int)1988 long MEP3DSurface::Draw3DGL(MoleculeData * MainData, WinPrefs * Prefs, myGLTriangle * transpTri, unsigned int /*shader_program*/) {
1989 	long result=0;
1990 	if (Visible) {
1991 		if (ContourHndl && VertexList) {
1992 			if (SolidSurface()) {
1993 				if ((UseSurfaceNormals())&&SurfaceNormals) {
1994 					result = CreateSolidSurface(ContourHndl, SurfaceNormals,
1995 												VertexList, NumPosContourTriangles,
1996 												&PosColor, NULL, NULL, 1.0, MainData, transpTri);
1997 					result += CreateSolidSurface(ContourHndl, SurfaceNormals,
1998 												 &(VertexList[3*NumPosContourTriangles]),
1999 												 NumNegContourTriangles, &NegColor, NULL, NULL, 1.0, MainData, &(transpTri[result]));
2000 				} else {
2001 					result = CreateSolidSurface(ContourHndl, NULL, VertexList, NumPosContourTriangles,
2002 												&PosColor, NULL, NULL, 1.0, MainData, transpTri);
2003 					result += CreateSolidSurface(ContourHndl,
2004 												 NULL, &(VertexList[3*NumPosContourTriangles]),
2005 												 NumNegContourTriangles, &NegColor, NULL, NULL, 1.0, MainData, &(transpTri[result]));
2006 				}
2007 			} else if (WireFrameSurface()) {
2008 				CreateWireSurface(ContourHndl, NULL, VertexList, NumPosContourTriangles,
2009 								  &PosColor, NULL, NULL, 1.0, MainData, Prefs);
2010 				CreateWireSurface(ContourHndl, NULL,
2011 								  &(VertexList[3*NumPosContourTriangles]),
2012 								  NumNegContourTriangles, &NegColor, NULL, NULL, 1.0, MainData, Prefs);
2013 			}
2014 		}
2015 	}
2016 	return result;
2017 }
CreateWireSurface(CPoint3D * Vertices,CPoint3D * Normals,long * VertexList,long NumTriangles,RGBColor * SurfaceColor,float * SurfaceValue,RGBColor * NColor,float MaxSurfaceValue,MoleculeData * MainData,const WinPrefs * Prefs)2019 void Surf3DBase::CreateWireSurface(CPoint3D * Vertices, CPoint3D * Normals, long * VertexList,
2020 		long NumTriangles, RGBColor * SurfaceColor, float * SurfaceValue,
2021 		RGBColor * NColor, float MaxSurfaceValue, MoleculeData * MainData, const WinPrefs * Prefs)
2022 {
2023 	glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);
2024 	glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
2025 	glLineWidth(Prefs->GetLineWidth());
2026 	CreateSolidSurface(Vertices, Normals, VertexList,
2027 		NumTriangles, SurfaceColor, SurfaceValue, NColor, MaxSurfaceValue, MainData, NULL);
2028 	glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
2029 	glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
2031 /*	glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
2032 	glLineWidth(1);
2033 	//This code works only slightly better than the above code on the Intel Macs with ATI hardware.
2034 	//It seems to miss some lines?
2035 	CreateWireFrameSurfaceWithLines(Vertices, VertexList,
2036 					   NumTriangles, SurfaceColor, SurfaceValue, NColor, MaxSurfaceValue, MainData);
2037 //	glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
2038 	*/
2039 }
SetSurfaceColor(const float & surfaceValue,const RGBColor * pColor,const RGBColor * nColor,float & red,float & green,float & blue) const2041 void Surf3DBase::SetSurfaceColor(const float & surfaceValue, const RGBColor * pColor, const RGBColor * nColor,
2042 								float & red, float & green, float & blue) const {
2043 	float	localVal = surfaceValue;
2044 	if (UseRGBColoration()) {
2045 		if (InvertRGBColoration()) localVal *= -1.0;
2046 		if (localVal < 0.0) {
2047 			if (localVal < -1.0) localVal = -1.0;
2048 			red = 0.0;
2049 			green = localVal + 1.0;
2050 			blue = -localVal;
2051 		} else {
2052 			if (localVal > 1.0) localVal = 1.0;
2053 			red = localVal;
2054 			green = 1 - localVal;
2055 			blue = 0.0;
2056 		}
2057 	} else {	//color based on +/- color intensity
2058 		if (localVal>=0) {
2059 			if (localVal > 1.0) localVal = 1.0;
2060 			if (pColor) {
2061 				red = ((float) pColor->red/65536)*localVal;
2062 				green = ((float) pColor->green/65536)*localVal;
2063 				blue = ((float) pColor->blue/65536)*localVal;
2064 			} else {
2065 				red = ((float) PosColor.red/65536)*localVal;
2066 				green = ((float) PosColor.green/65536)*localVal;
2067 				blue = ((float) PosColor.blue/65536)*localVal;
2068 			}
2069 		} else {
2070 			localVal *= -1.0;
2071 			if (localVal > 1.0) localVal = 1.0;
2072 			if (nColor) {
2073 				red = ((float) nColor->red/65536)*localVal;
2074 				green = ((float) nColor->green/65536)*localVal;
2075 				blue = ((float) nColor->blue/65536)*localVal;
2076 			} else {	//Hopefully the following is never used
2077 				red = ((float) NegColor.red/65536)*localVal;
2078 				green = ((float) NegColor.green/65536)*localVal;
2079 				blue = ((float) NegColor.blue/65536)*localVal;
2080 			}
2081 		}
2082 	}
2083 }
CreateSolidSurface(CPoint3D * Vertices,CPoint3D * Normals,long * vList,long NumTriangles,RGBColor * SurfaceColor,float * SurfaceValue,RGBColor * NColor,float MaxSurfaceValue,MoleculeData *,myGLTriangle * transpTri)2085 long Surf3DBase::CreateSolidSurface(CPoint3D * Vertices, CPoint3D * Normals, long * vList,
2086 		long NumTriangles, RGBColor * SurfaceColor, float * SurfaceValue,
2087 		RGBColor * NColor, float MaxSurfaceValue, MoleculeData * , myGLTriangle * transpTri)
2088 {
2089 	long				v1, v2, v3, result=0;
2090 	GLfloat				alpha=1.0, red, green, blue, xnorm, ynorm, znorm;
2092 	red = (float) SurfaceColor->red/65536.0;
2093 	green = (float) SurfaceColor->green/65536.0;
2094 	blue = (float) SurfaceColor->blue/65536.0;
2095 	red = MIN(red, 1.0);
2096 	blue = MIN(blue, 1.0);
2097 	green = MIN(green, 1.0);
2098 	red = MAX(red, 0.0);
2099 	blue = MAX(blue, 0.0);
2100 	green = MAX(green, 0.0);
2101 	long * VertexList = vList;
2102 	if (isTransparent()) {
2103 		alpha = (100 - Transparency) / 100.0f;
2104 		if (!transpTri) return 0;	//transparncy requires a different draw method
2105 		result = NumTriangles;
2106 	}
2108 	if (!SurfaceValue) {	//If we are not using surface coloring setup the color once for all the triangles
2109 		glColor4f(red, green, blue, alpha);
2110 	}
2113 	if (!transpTri)
2114 		glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
2115 	for (long itri=0; itri<NumTriangles; itri++) {
2116 		v1 = VertexList[3*itri];
2117 		v2 = VertexList[3*itri+1];
2118 		v3 = VertexList[3*itri+2];
2120 		if (Normals) {
2121 			xnorm = Normals[v1].x;
2122 			ynorm = Normals[v1].y;
2123 			znorm = Normals[v1].z;
2124 		} else {	//compute a simple triangle normal for all three vertices
2125 			float qx = Vertices[v2].x - Vertices[v1].x;
2126 			float qy = Vertices[v2].y - Vertices[v1].y;
2127 			float qz = Vertices[v2].z - Vertices[v1].z;
2128 			float px = Vertices[v3].x - Vertices[v1].x;
2129 			float py = Vertices[v3].y - Vertices[v1].y;
2130 			float pz = Vertices[v3].z - Vertices[v1].z;
2131 			xnorm = -(py*qz - pz*qy);
2132 			ynorm = -(pz*qx - px*qz);
2133 			znorm = -(px*qy - py*qx);
2135 			float len = 1.0/sqrt( xnorm*xnorm + ynorm*ynorm + znorm*znorm );
2136 			xnorm *= len;
2137 			ynorm *= len;
2138 			znorm *= len;
2139 		}
2140 		if (SurfaceValue) {
2141 			float temp = SurfaceValue[v1];
2142 			temp /= MaxSurfaceValue;
2143 			SetSurfaceColor(temp, SurfaceColor, NColor, red, green, blue);
2144 			if (!transpTri)
2145 				glColor4f(red, green, blue, alpha);
2146 		}
2148 		if (!transpTri) {
2149 			glNormal3f(xnorm, ynorm, znorm);
2150 			glVertex3d(Vertices[v1].x, Vertices[v1].y, Vertices[v1].z);
2151 		} else {
2152 			transpTri[itri].v1 = Vertices[v1];
2153 			transpTri[itri].n1.x = xnorm;
2154 			transpTri[itri].n1.y = ynorm;
2155 			transpTri[itri].n1.z = znorm;
2156 			transpTri[itri].r1 = red;
2157 			transpTri[itri].g1 = green;
2158 			transpTri[itri].b1 = blue;
2159 			transpTri[itri].a1 = alpha;
2160 		}
2162 		if (Normals) {
2163 			xnorm = Normals[v2].x;
2164 			ynorm = Normals[v2].y;
2165 			znorm = Normals[v2].z;
2166 		}
2167 		if (SurfaceValue) {
2168 			float temp = SurfaceValue[v2];
2169 			temp /= MaxSurfaceValue;
2170 			SetSurfaceColor(temp, SurfaceColor, NColor, red, green, blue);
2171 			if (!transpTri)
2172 				glColor4f(red, green, blue, alpha);
2173 		}
2174 		if (!transpTri) {
2175 			glNormal3f(xnorm, ynorm, znorm);
2176 			glVertex3d(Vertices[v2].x, Vertices[v2].y, Vertices[v2].z);
2177 		} else {
2178 			transpTri[itri].v2 = Vertices[v2];
2179 			transpTri[itri].n2.x = xnorm;
2180 			transpTri[itri].n2.y = ynorm;
2181 			transpTri[itri].n2.z = znorm;
2182 			transpTri[itri].r2 = red;
2183 			transpTri[itri].g2 = green;
2184 			transpTri[itri].b2 = blue;
2185 			transpTri[itri].a2 = alpha;
2186 		}
2188 		if (Normals) {
2189 			xnorm = Normals[v3].x;
2190 			ynorm = Normals[v3].y;
2191 			znorm = Normals[v3].z;
2192 		}
2193 		if (SurfaceValue) {
2194 			float temp = SurfaceValue[v3];
2195 			temp /= MaxSurfaceValue;
2196 			SetSurfaceColor(temp, SurfaceColor, NColor, red, green, blue);
2197 			if (!transpTri)
2198 				glColor4f(red, green, blue, alpha);
2199 		}
2200 		if (!transpTri) {
2201 			glNormal3f(xnorm, ynorm, znorm);
2202 			glVertex3d(Vertices[v3].x, Vertices[v3].y, Vertices[v3].z);
2203 		} else {
2204 			transpTri[itri].v3 = Vertices[v3];
2205 			transpTri[itri].n3.x = xnorm;
2206 			transpTri[itri].n3.y = ynorm;
2207 			transpTri[itri].n3.z = znorm;
2208 			transpTri[itri].r3 = red;
2209 			transpTri[itri].g3 = green;
2210 			transpTri[itri].b3 = blue;
2211 			transpTri[itri].a3 = alpha;
2212 		}
2213 	}
2214 	if (!transpTri)
2215 		glEnd();	//End of triangle creation
2216 	return result;
2217 }
CreateWireFrameSurfaceWithLines(CPoint3D * Vertices,long * vList,long NumTriangles,RGBColor * SurfaceColor,float * SurfaceValue,RGBColor * NColor,float MaxSurfaceValue,MoleculeData *)2218 long Surf3DBase::CreateWireFrameSurfaceWithLines(CPoint3D * Vertices, long * vList,
2219 									long NumTriangles, RGBColor * SurfaceColor, float * SurfaceValue,
2220 									RGBColor * NColor, float MaxSurfaceValue, MoleculeData * )
2221 {
2222 	long				v1, v2, v3, result=0;
2223 	GLfloat				alpha=1.0, red, green, blue;
2225 	red = (float) SurfaceColor->red/65536.0;
2226 	green = (float) SurfaceColor->green/65536.0;
2227 	blue = (float) SurfaceColor->blue/65536.0;
2228 	red = MIN(red, 1.0);
2229 	blue = MIN(blue, 1.0);
2230 	green = MIN(green, 1.0);
2231 	red = MAX(red, 0.0);
2232 	blue = MAX(blue, 0.0);
2233 	green = MAX(green, 0.0);
2234 	long * VertexList = vList;
2236 	if (!SurfaceValue) {	//If we are not using surface coloring setup the color once for all the triangles
2237 		glColor4f(red, green, blue, alpha);
2238 	}
2240 	glLineWidth(1);
2241 	glBegin(GL_LINES);
2242 	for (long itri=0; itri<NumTriangles; itri++) {
2243 		v1 = VertexList[3*itri];
2244 		v2 = VertexList[3*itri+1];
2245 		v3 = VertexList[3*itri+2];
2247 		if (SurfaceValue) {
2248 			float temp = SurfaceValue[v1];
2249 			temp /= MaxSurfaceValue;
2250 			SetSurfaceColor(temp, SurfaceColor, NColor, red, green, blue);
2251 			glColor4f(red, green, blue, alpha);
2252 		}
2254 		glVertex3d(Vertices[v1].x, Vertices[v1].y, Vertices[v1].z);
2256 		if (SurfaceValue) {
2257 			float temp = SurfaceValue[v2];
2258 			temp /= MaxSurfaceValue;
2259 			SetSurfaceColor(temp, SurfaceColor, NColor, red, green, blue);
2260 			glColor4f(red, green, blue, alpha);
2261 		}
2263 		glVertex3d(Vertices[v2].x, Vertices[v2].y, Vertices[v2].z);
2264 			//Once for 1-2, once for 2-3
2265 		glVertex3d(Vertices[v2].x, Vertices[v2].y, Vertices[v2].z);
2267 		if (SurfaceValue) {
2268 			float temp = SurfaceValue[v3];
2269 			temp /= MaxSurfaceValue;
2270 			SetSurfaceColor(temp, SurfaceColor, NColor, red, green, blue);
2271 			glColor4f(red, green, blue, alpha);
2272 		}
2273 		glVertex3d(Vertices[v3].x, Vertices[v3].y, Vertices[v3].z);
2275 		glVertex3d(Vertices[v3].x, Vertices[v3].y, Vertices[v3].z);
2277 		if (SurfaceValue) {
2278 			float temp = SurfaceValue[v1];
2279 			temp /= MaxSurfaceValue;
2280 			SetSurfaceColor(temp, SurfaceColor, NColor, red, green, blue);
2281 			glColor4f(red, green, blue, alpha);
2282 		}
2284 		glVertex3d(Vertices[v1].x, Vertices[v1].y, Vertices[v1].z);
2285 	}
2286 	glEnd();	//End of Line creation
2287 	return result;
2288 }
2290 //Utility function to create a line made up of a variable width cylinder. the GLUquadricObj must be preallocated
CreateCylinderFromLine(GLUquadricObj * qobj,const CPoint3D & lineStart,const CPoint3D & lineEnd,float lineWidth,int nslices,int nstacks,bool cap)2291 void CreateCylinderFromLine(GLUquadricObj *qobj, const CPoint3D& lineStart, const CPoint3D& lineEnd,
2292 							float lineWidth, int nslices, int nstacks, bool cap) {
2294 	if (qobj == NULL) return;
2296 	CPoint3D offset;
2297 	CPoint3D NormalOffset(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
2298 	CPoint3D NormStart(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
2299 	Matrix4D rotMat;
2301 	offset = lineEnd - lineStart;
2302 	float length = offset.Magnitude();
2303 	if (length>0.00001) {
2304 		NormalOffset.x = offset.x/length;
2305 		NormalOffset.y = offset.y/length;
2306 		NormalOffset.z = offset.z/length;
2307 	}
2309 	SetRotationMatrix(rotMat, &NormStart, &NormalOffset);
2310 	rotMat[3][0] = lineStart.x;
2311 	rotMat[3][1] = lineStart.y;
2312 	rotMat[3][2] = lineStart.z;
2314 	glPushMatrix();
2315 	glMultMatrixf((const GLfloat *) &rotMat);
2316 	gluCylinder(qobj, lineWidth, lineWidth, length, nslices, nstacks);
2317 	if (cap) {
2318 		glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, length);
2319 		gluSphere(qobj, lineWidth, nslices, nstacks);
2320 		/* gluDisk(qobj, 0.0, lineWidth, nslices, 2); */
2321 	}
2322 	glPopMatrix();
2323 }
DashedQuadFromLine(const CPoint3D & pt1,const CPoint3D & pt2,float width,float m[16],const CPoint3D &,float offset,GLuint length_anno_tex_id,const WinPrefs * Prefs,bool draw_label)2325 void DashedQuadFromLine(const CPoint3D& pt1,
2326 						const CPoint3D& pt2, float width, float m[16],
2327 						const CPoint3D& /*x_world*/, float offset,
2328 						GLuint length_anno_tex_id,
2329 						const WinPrefs * Prefs, bool draw_label) {
2331 	float len;
2332 	GLdouble scr_coords1[3];  // Screen coordinates of pt1
2333 	GLdouble scr_coords2[3];  // Screen coordinates of pt2
2334 	CPoint3D scr_vec;		  // Screen space vector between atoms
2335 	GLdouble perp_obj[3];	  // Object coords on vector perp. to scr_vec
2336 	CPoint3D offset_vec;	  // Direction to shift bond cylinders
2337 	GLdouble modelview[16];
2338 	GLdouble proj[16];
2339 	GLint viewport[4];
2341 	glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelview);
2342 	glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, proj);
2343 	glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
2345 	// Find screen coordinates of one point.
2346 	gluProject(pt1.x, pt1.y, pt1.z, modelview, proj, viewport,
2347 				&(scr_coords1[0]), &(scr_coords1[1]), &(scr_coords1[2]));
2349 	// Find screen coordinates of other atom.
2350 	gluProject(pt2.x, pt2.y, pt2.z, modelview, proj, viewport,
2351 				&(scr_coords2[0]), &(scr_coords2[1]), &(scr_coords2[2]));
2353 	// Find vector perpendicular to vector between two screen points and
2354 	// normalize it so we can scalar multiply it later.  We flip and
2355 	// negate the slope of the line between the two screen coordinates to
2356 	// get the slope of the perpendicular line.
2357 	scr_vec.x = scr_coords2[1] - scr_coords1[1];
2358 	scr_vec.y = scr_coords1[0] - scr_coords2[0];
2359 	scr_vec.z = 0;
2360 	scr_vec *= 1 / scr_vec.Magnitude();
2362 	// Now find a point on the perpendicular vector with pt1's depth
2363 	// and get its object coordinates.
2364 	gluUnProject(scr_coords1[0] + scr_vec.x * 10,
2365 					scr_coords1[1] + scr_vec.y * 10,
2366 					scr_coords1[2],
2367 					modelview, proj, viewport,
2368 					&(perp_obj[0]), &(perp_obj[1]), &(perp_obj[2]));
2370 	// Finally, we see what direction all bond cylinders must be offset
2371 	// so that they will always stay in view.
2372 	offset_vec.x = perp_obj[0] - pt1.x;
2373 	offset_vec.y = perp_obj[1] - pt1.y;
2374 	offset_vec.z = perp_obj[2] - pt1.z;
2375 	offset_vec *= 1 / offset_vec.Magnitude();
2377 	len = (pt2 - pt1).Magnitude();
2379 	CPoint3D new_pt1a;
2380 	CPoint3D new_pt1b;
2381 	CPoint3D new_pt2a;
2382 	CPoint3D new_pt2b;
2384 	new_pt1a.x = pt1.x + offset_vec.x * width;
2385 	new_pt1a.y = pt1.y + offset_vec.y * width;
2386 	new_pt1a.z = pt1.z + offset_vec.z * width;
2387 	new_pt1b.x = pt1.x - offset_vec.x * width;
2388 	new_pt1b.y = pt1.y - offset_vec.y * width;
2389 	new_pt1b.z = pt1.z - offset_vec.z * width;
2390 	new_pt2a.x = pt2.x + offset_vec.x * width;
2391 	new_pt2a.y = pt2.y + offset_vec.y * width;
2392 	new_pt2a.z = pt2.z + offset_vec.z * width;
2393 	new_pt2b.x = pt2.x - offset_vec.x * width;
2394 	new_pt2b.y = pt2.y - offset_vec.y * width;
2395 	new_pt2b.z = pt2.z - offset_vec.z * width;
2397 	glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
2398 	glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.5f);
2400 	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, length_anno_tex_id);
2401 	glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
2402 	glBegin(GL_QUADS);
2403 		glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 1.0f);
2404 		glVertex3f(new_pt1a.x, new_pt1a.y, new_pt1a.z);
2405 		glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 0.0f);
2406 		glVertex3f(new_pt1b.x, new_pt1b.y, new_pt1b.z);
2407 		glTexCoord2f(len / (5.0f * width), 0.0f);
2408 		glVertex3f(new_pt2b.x, new_pt2b.y, new_pt2b.z);
2409 		glTexCoord2f(len / (5.0f * width), 1.0f);
2410 		glVertex3f(new_pt2a.x, new_pt2a.y, new_pt2a.z);
2411 	glEnd();
2412 	glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
2413 	glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
2415 	if (draw_label) {
2416 		char len_label[40];
2417 		float LabelSize = Prefs->GetAnnotationLabelSize();
2419 		// We move the midpoint of the line and align the viewer to draw the
2420 		// text.
2421 		glPushMatrix();
2422 		glTranslatef((pt1.x + pt2.x) / 2.0f,
2423 					 (pt1.y + pt2.y) / 2.0f,
2424 					 (pt1.z + pt2.z) / 2.0f);
2425 		glMultMatrixf(m);
2427 		// Move out for the kind of bond that exists between the atoms.
2428 		glTranslatef(-offset - 0.01f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
2430 		glScalef(-5.0f * LabelSize, 5.0f * LabelSize, 0.1f);
2432 		// This apparently is some magic number.  GLF doesn't start drawing the
2433 		// string at the origin, doesn't consider the anchor point, and doesn't
2434 		// consider the bounding box it returns.  So, we have a magic number.
2435 		// It is indirectly dependent on LabelSize from the scaling above, so
2436 		// it looks constant even though it is not.
2437 		glTranslatef(0.004f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
2439 		sprintf(len_label, "%.2f", len);
2440 		DrawString(len_label);
2442 		glPopMatrix();
2443 	}
2445 }
DrawRotationAxis(const CPoint3D & lineStart,const CPoint3D & lineEnd,const int & order)2447 void DrawRotationAxis(const CPoint3D & lineStart, const CPoint3D & lineEnd, const int & order) {
2449 	float plane_emissive[] = { 0.0, 0.3, 0.7, 0.2 };
2450 //	float plane_diffuse[] = { 0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.3 };
2451 	float plane_specular[] = { 0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0 };
2453 	glPushAttrib(GL_LIGHTING_BIT);
2455 	int imageWidth =16;
2456 	//Our width needs to be a power of two. So orders 1, 2 and 4 are no problem. Other orders such as 3
2457 	//must be padded out to the next higher power of two.
2458 	int repeat = order;
2459 	if (order == 3) repeat = 4;
2460 	if (order > 4) repeat = 8;
2461 	GLubyte bw[16][16] ={	{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
2462 	{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
2463 	{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,255,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
2464 	{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,255,128,0,0,0,0,0,0},
2465 	{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,255,255,0,0,0,0,0,0},
2466 	{0,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,128,0,0,0,0,0},
2467 	{0,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,0,0,0,0},
2468 	{0,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,128,0,0,0},
2469 	{0,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,128,0,0,0},
2470 	{0,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,0,0,0,0},
2471 	{0,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,128,0,0,0,0,0},
2472 	{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,255,255,0,0,0,0,0,0},
2473 	{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,255,128,0,0,0,0,0,0},
2474 	{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,255,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
2475 	{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
2476 	{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}};
2477 	GLubyte * testimage = new GLubyte[imageWidth*imageWidth*repeat*4];
2478 	int padding = ((repeat - order)*16)/order;
2479 	int remainder = ((repeat - order)*16)-(padding*order);
2480 	int p = 0;
2481 	for (int i=0; i<imageWidth; i++) {
2482 		for (int o=0; o<order; o++) {
2483 			for (int j=0; j<imageWidth; j++) {
2484 				testimage[p] = bw[i][j];
2485 				testimage[p + 1] = bw[i][j];
2486 				testimage[p + 2] = bw[i][j];
2487 				testimage[p + 3] = bw[i][j];
2488 				if (bw[i][j] == 0) testimage[p + 3]=178;
2489 				p+=4;
2490 			}
2491 			for (int t=0; t<padding; t++) {
2492 				testimage[p] = 0;
2493 				testimage[p + 1] = 0;
2494 				testimage[p + 2] = 0;
2495 				testimage[p + 3] = 178;
2496 				p+=4;
2497 			}
2498 		}
2499 		for (int t=0; t<remainder; t++) {
2500 			testimage[p] = 0;
2501 			testimage[p + 1] = 0;
2502 			testimage[p + 2] = 0;
2503 			testimage[p + 3] = 178;
2504 			p+=4;
2505 		}
2506 	}
2507 	glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
2508 	GLuint texname;
2509 	glGenTextures(1, &texname);
2510 	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texname);
2517 	glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, imageWidth*repeat, imageWidth, 0, GL_RGBA,
2518 				 GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, testimage);
2520 	glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_EMISSION, plane_emissive);
2521 	glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, plane_specular);
2522 	glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, 30.0f);
2523 	glColor4f(0, .64, .85, 0.7);
2524 	/* glColor4fv(plane_diffuse); */
2526 	glEnable(GL_BLEND);
2528 	glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
2531 	GLUquadricObj * qobj = NULL;
2532 	qobj = gluNewQuadric();
2534 	CPoint3D	offset, NormalOffset, NormEnd, NormStart = CPoint3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
2535 	Matrix4D	rotMat;
2537 	offset.x =  lineEnd.x - lineStart.x;
2538 	offset.y =  lineEnd.y - lineStart.y;
2539 	offset.z =  lineEnd.z - lineStart.z;
2540 	float length = offset.Magnitude();
2541 	if (length>0.00001) {
2542 		NormalOffset.x = offset.x/length;
2543 		NormalOffset.y = offset.y/length;
2544 		NormalOffset.z = offset.z/length;
2545 	} else
2546 		NormalOffset.x=NormalOffset.y=NormalOffset.z=0.0;
2547 	NormEnd = lineEnd;
2548 	Normalize3D(&NormEnd);
2549 	SetRotationMatrix(rotMat, &NormStart, &NormalOffset);
2550 	rotMat[3][0] = lineStart.x;
2551 	rotMat[3][1] = lineStart.y;
2552 	rotMat[3][2] = lineStart.z;
2554 	glPushMatrix();
2555 	glMultMatrixf((const GLfloat *) &rotMat);
2556 	gluQuadricTexture(qobj, GL_TRUE);
2557 	gluCylinder(qobj, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 12, 1);
2558 	glTranslatef(0, 0, 0.2);
2559 	glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
2560 	gluQuadricTexture(qobj, GL_FALSE);
2561 	gluCylinder(qobj, 0.1, 0.1, length-0.4, 12, 1);
2562 	glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
2563 	glTranslatef(0, 0, length-0.4);
2564 	gluQuadricTexture(qobj, GL_TRUE);
2565 	gluCylinder(qobj, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 12, 1);
2566 	glPopMatrix();
2568 	if (qobj) gluDeleteQuadric(qobj);	//finally delete the quadric object
2570 	glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
2571 	glDisable(GL_BLEND);
2572 	glDeleteTextures(1, &texname);
2574 	glPopAttrib();
2576 	delete[] testimage;
2577 }
2579 //Draw a translucent plane
DrawTranslucentPlane(const CPoint3D & origin,const CPoint3D & p1,const CPoint3D & p2)2580 void DrawTranslucentPlane(const CPoint3D & origin, const CPoint3D & p1, const CPoint3D & p2) {
2582 	float plane_emissive[] = { 0.0, 0.3, 0.7, 0.2 };
2583 //	float plane_diffuse[] = { 0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.3 };
2584 	float plane_specular[] = { 0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0 };
2585 	glPushAttrib(GL_LIGHTING_BIT);
2586 	Matrix4D rotationMatrix;
2588 	CPoint3D vec1 = p1 - origin;
2589 	CPoint3D vec2 = p2 - origin;
2590 	float s1Length = vec1.Magnitude();
2591 	float s2Length = vec2.Magnitude();
2592 	SetPlaneRotation(rotationMatrix, vec1, vec2);
2594 	glPushMatrix();
2595 	glTranslatef(origin.x, origin.y, origin.z);
2596 	glMultMatrixf((const GLfloat *) &rotationMatrix);
2598 	// Symmetry planes are viewed from either side, so if we should either
2599 	// light both sides or light neither.  Neither is simpler.
2600 	glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
2603 	glEnable(GL_BLEND);
2604 	glDepthMask(GL_FALSE);
2606 	glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_EMISSION, plane_emissive);
2607 	glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, plane_specular);
2608 	glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, 30.0f);
2609 	glColor4f(0, .64, .85, 0.3);
2610 	glRectf(0, 0, s1Length, s2Length);
2611 	glDisable(GL_BLEND);
2613 	glColor4f(0, .64, .85, 1);
2614 	glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);
2615 	glLineWidth(1);
2616 	glRectf(0, 0, s1Length, s2Length);
2617 	glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
2618 	glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
2620 	glDepthMask(GL_TRUE);
2621 	glPopAttrib();
2623 	glPopMatrix();
2624 }
DrawInversionPoint(void)2626 void DrawInversionPoint(void) {
2627 	GLUquadricObj * qobj = NULL;
2628 	qobj = gluNewQuadric();
2629 //	float sphere_emissive[] = { 0.0, 0.3, 0.7, 0.2 };
2630 //	float sphere_diffuse[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
2631 	float sphere_specular[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
2633 	glPushAttrib(GL_LIGHTING_BIT);
2635 	glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, 128.0);
2636 //	glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_EMISSION, sphere_emissive);
2637 	glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, sphere_specular);
2638 	glColor4f(.7, .7, .7, 1.0);
2640 	//Assume the inversion point is at the origin
2641 	gluSphere(qobj, 0.2, 30, 20);	//Create and draw the sphere
2643 	//Add several arrows to indicate the inversion...
2644 	float plane_emissive[] = { 0.0, 0.3, 0.7, 0.2 };
2645 //	float plane_diffuse[] = { 0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.3 };
2646 	float plane_specular[] = { 0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0 };
2647 	glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_EMISSION, plane_emissive);
2648 	glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, plane_specular);
2649 	glColor4f(0, .64, .85, 0.7);
2652 	glEnable(GL_BLEND);
2654 	gluCylinder(qobj, 0.02, 0.02, 0.6, 12, 1);
2655 	glPushMatrix();
2656 	glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, 0.6);
2657 	gluDisk(qobj, 0.0, 0.06, 12, 2);
2658 	gluCylinder(qobj, 0.06, 0.0, 0.07, 12, 3);
2659 	glPopMatrix();
2661 	glPushMatrix();
2662 	Matrix4D	rotMat;
2663 	CPoint3D			vector = CPoint3D(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0), NormStart = CPoint3D(0.0f, 0.0f,1.0f);
2664 	InitRotationMatrix(rotMat);
2665 	rotMat[2][2] = -1;
2666 	glMultMatrixf((const GLfloat *) &rotMat);
2667 	DrawArrow(0.7, 0.02, 12);
2668 	glPopMatrix();
2669 	glPushMatrix();
2670 	SetRotationMatrix(rotMat, &NormStart, &vector);
2671 	glMultMatrixf((const GLfloat *) &rotMat);
2672 	DrawArrow(0.7, 0.02, 12);
2673 	glPopMatrix();
2674 	glPushMatrix();
2675 	rotMat[2][0] *= -1.0;
2676 	glMultMatrixf((const GLfloat *) &rotMat);
2677 	DrawArrow(0.7, 0.02, 12);
2678 	glPopMatrix();
2679 	vector.x = 0.0;
2680 	vector.y = 1.0;
2681 	glPushMatrix();
2682 	SetRotationMatrix(rotMat, &NormStart, &vector);
2683 	glMultMatrixf((const GLfloat *) &rotMat);
2684 	DrawArrow(0.7, 0.02, 12);
2685 	glPopMatrix();
2686 	glPushMatrix();
2687 	rotMat[2][1] *= -1.0;
2688 	glMultMatrixf((const GLfloat *) &rotMat);
2689 	DrawArrow(0.7, 0.02, 12);
2690 	glPopMatrix();
2692 	glDisable(GL_BLEND);
2693 	glPopAttrib();
2694 	if (qobj) gluDeleteQuadric(qobj);	//finally delete the quadric object
2695 }
DrawArrow(const float & length,const float & width,const int & quality)2697 void DrawArrow(const float & length, const float & width, const int & quality) {
2698 		//Draw an arrow with arrow head at far end.
2700 	GLUquadricObj * qobj = NULL;
2701 	qobj = gluNewQuadric();
2702 	gluDisk(qobj, 0.0, width, quality, 2);
2703 	gluCylinder(qobj, width, width, length-3.5*width, quality, 1);
2704 	glPushMatrix();
2705 	glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, length-2.5*width);
2706 	gluDisk(qobj, 0.0, 3*width, quality, 2);
2707 	gluCylinder(qobj, 3*width, 0.0, 3.5*width, quality, 2);
2708 	glPopMatrix();
2709 	if (qobj) gluDeleteQuadric(qobj);	//finally delete the quadric object
2710 }
2712 /**
2713  * This draws a dashed angle between the three specified points and
2714  * marks the angle's degrees with a text label.  The angle goes from
2715  * pt1 to pt2 to pt3.  To complicate things a bit, we draw each dash
2716  * so that it is aligned to the screen so the viewer can always see it.
2717  */
DrawAngleAnnotation(const CPoint3D * pt1,const CPoint3D * pt2,const CPoint3D * pt3,const WinPrefs * Prefs,GLuint length_anno_tex_id,CPoint3D * ambig_axis)2718 void DrawAngleAnnotation(const CPoint3D *pt1, const CPoint3D *pt2,
2719 						 const CPoint3D *pt3, const WinPrefs *Prefs,
2720 						 GLuint length_anno_tex_id, CPoint3D *ambig_axis) {
2722 	CPoint3D vec1;
2723 	CPoint3D vec2;
2724 	Matrix4D plane2xy;
2725 	float min_len;
2726 	float len1;
2727 	float len2;
2728 	float angle;
2729 	float m[16];
2730 	float chord_len;
2731 	float x_eye[3];
2732 	float y_eye[3];
2733 	float delta;
2735 	// First we get vectors representing the angle.
2736 	vec1 = *pt1 - *pt2;
2737 	vec2 = *pt3 - *pt2;
2739 	// We need to find the shorter of the two vectors so that we know how far
2740 	// along each vector we can draw the annotation.  And with the lengths
2741 	// saved, we can go ahead and normalize.
2742 	len1 = vec1.Magnitude();
2743 	len2 = vec2.Magnitude();
2744 	min_len = MIN(len1, len2);
2746 	vec1 = vec1 * (1.0f / len1);
2747 	vec2 = vec2 * (1.0f / len2);
2749 	// Grab the angle.
2750 	float dot = DotProduct3D(&vec1, &vec2);
2751 	angle = acos(dot);
2753 	// If two vectors are not (anti-)parallel, drawing the annotation is easy.
2754 	// We move into the space where vec1 is the x-axis and vec2 is in the
2755 	// xy-plane.  In this space we can draw a circular segment with simple
2756 	// geometry.
2757 	if (fabs(dot) < 0.999999f) {
2758 		SetPlaneRotation(plane2xy, vec1, vec2);
2759 	}
2761 	// If they are (anti-)parallel, there're many possible planes we can move
2762 	// into.
2763 	else {
2765 		// acos doesn't tolerate values whose absolute values are > 1, which
2766 		// might happen because of precision errors.  So, we fix the angle.
2767 		angle = dot > 0.0f ? 0.0f : kPi;
2769 		// For dihedral annotations, we push the normal of the dihedral planes
2770 		// into the new space's xy-plane.
2771 		if (ambig_axis) {
2772 			SetPlaneRotation(plane2xy, vec1, *ambig_axis);
2773 		}
2775 		// For angle annotations, we try to keep them as visible as possible.
2776 		// We keep vec1 as the x-axis in our new space, and we try to put
2777 		// either the screen's x- or y-axis in the new space's xy-plane.
2778 		else {
2779 			glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, m);
2780 			CPoint3D vec3;
2781 			vec3.x = m[0];
2782 			vec3.y = m[4];
2783 			vec3.z = m[8];
2785 			if (fabs(DotProduct3D(&vec1, &vec2)) < 0.999999f) {
2786 				SetPlaneRotation(plane2xy, vec1, vec3);
2787 			} else {
2788 				vec3.x = m[1];
2789 				vec3.y = m[5];
2790 				vec3.z = m[9];
2791 				SetPlaneRotation(plane2xy, vec1, vec3);
2792 			}
2793 		}
2794 	}
2796 	glPushMatrix();
2798 	// We move to the center vertex and transform into the space described
2799 	// above.
2800 	glTranslatef(pt2->x, pt2->y, pt2->z);
2801 	glMultMatrixf((const GLfloat *) &plane2xy);
2803 	// We want screen-aligned dashes.  So we want to draw quads that extend in
2804 	// the x- and y-directions in eye space.  Since we draw in object space, we
2805 	// must figure out what the eye's x- and y- axes are there.  To do that,
2806 	// all we have to do is grab the first two axes from the inverse of the
2807 	// modelview matrix.
2808 	glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, m);
2810 	x_eye[0] = m[0];
2811 	x_eye[1] = m[4];
2812 	x_eye[2] = m[8];
2814 	y_eye[0] = m[1];
2815 	y_eye[1] = m[5];
2816 	y_eye[2] = m[9];
2818 	GLdouble BondSize = Prefs->GetQD3DBondWidth();
2819 	CPoint3D origin(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
2821 	// How long should each dash be, and how often do we want them?
2822 	chord_len = BondSize * 0.25f * 10.0f;
2823 	delta = angle / (min_len * angle / chord_len);
2825 	float ca = cos(angle);
2826 	float sa = sin(angle);
2828 	// First we draw the dashes along each side.
2829 	DashedQuadFromLine(origin, CPoint3D(min_len, 0.0f, 0.0f),
2830 					   BondSize * 0.25f, m,
2831 					   CPoint3D(x_eye[0], x_eye[1], x_eye[2]),
2832 					   0.0f, length_anno_tex_id, Prefs, false);
2833 	DashedQuadFromLine(CPoint3D(min_len * ca, min_len * sa, 0.0f), origin,
2834 					   BondSize * 0.25f, m,
2835 					   CPoint3D(x_eye[0], x_eye[1], x_eye[2]),
2836 					   0.0f, length_anno_tex_id, Prefs, false);
2838 	// Then we draw a series of chords that approximates the angle's arc.
2839 	float next_delta;
2840 	for (float i = 0.0f; i < angle; i += delta) {
2842 		// We want the chord to go from the current slice of the pie to the
2843 		// next, but since the slice angle is constant and the anno angle may
2844 		// not be a multiple of the slice angle, we don't want to overshoot the
2845 		// anno angle.  Also, we subtract off an epsilon so that the texture
2846 		// doesn't start to repeat.
2847 		next_delta = MIN(i + delta, angle) - 0.01f;
2849 		DashedQuadFromLine(CPoint3D(min_len * cos(i), min_len * sin(i), 0.0f),
2850 						   CPoint3D(min_len * cos(next_delta), min_len * sin(next_delta), 0.0f),
2851 						   BondSize * 0.25f, m,
2852 						   CPoint3D(x_eye[0], x_eye[1], x_eye[2]),
2853 						   0.0f, length_anno_tex_id, Prefs, false);
2854 	}
2856 	CPoint3D lookat_eye = CPoint3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
2857 	CPoint3D up_eye = CPoint3D(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
2858 	CPoint3D lookat_world;
2859 	CPoint3D up_world;
2860 	CPoint3D r;
2862 	Matrix4D mv_inv;
2864 	// Invert just the rotation portion of the modelview matrix.  We can't
2865 	// use InverseMatrix because it considers the translation factors.
2866 	// We don't want the translation factors because we want to transform
2867 	// a vector, and Rotate3DPt transforms only points (and not vectors).
2868 	mv_inv[0][0] = m[0];
2869 	mv_inv[0][1] = m[4];
2870 	mv_inv[0][2] = m[8];
2871 	mv_inv[0][3] = 0.0f;
2872 	mv_inv[1][0] = m[1];
2873 	mv_inv[1][1] = m[5];
2874 	mv_inv[1][2] = m[9];
2875 	mv_inv[1][3] = 0.0f;
2876 	mv_inv[2][0] = m[2];
2877 	mv_inv[2][1] = m[6];
2878 	mv_inv[2][2] = m[10];
2879 	mv_inv[2][3] = 0.0f;
2880 	mv_inv[3][0] = 0.0f;
2881 	mv_inv[3][1] = 0.0f;
2882 	mv_inv[3][2] = 0.0f;
2883 	mv_inv[3][3] = 1.0f;
2885 	// Transform the eye space vectors to world coordinates, and find
2886 	// a third vector to form a basis set.
2887 	Rotate3DPt(mv_inv, lookat_eye, &lookat_world);
2888 	Rotate3DPt(mv_inv, up_eye, &up_world);
2889 	CrossProduct3D(&lookat_world, &up_world, &r);
2891 	m[0] = r.x;
2892 	m[1] = r.y;
2893 	m[2] = r.z;
2894 	m[3] = 0.0f;
2896 	m[4] = up_world.x;
2897 	m[5] = up_world.y;
2898 	m[6] = up_world.z;
2899 	m[7] = 0.0f;
2901 	m[8] = lookat_world.x;
2902 	m[9] = lookat_world.y;
2903 	m[10] = lookat_world.z;
2904 	m[11] = 0.0f;
2906 	m[12] = m[13] = m[14] = 0.0f;
2907 	m[15] = 1.0f;
2909 	char angle_label[40];
2910 	sprintf(angle_label, "%.2f", angle * 180.f / kPi);
2911 	glTranslatef(min_len * cos(angle * 0.5f),
2912 				 min_len * sin(angle * 0.5f), 0.0f);
2913 	glMultMatrixf(m);
2914 	float LabelSize = Prefs->GetAnnotationLabelSize();
2915 	glTranslatef(-0.1f + chord_len, 0.0f, 0.0f);
2916 	glScalef(-5.0f * LabelSize, 5.0f * LabelSize, 0.1f);
2918 	// glfDrawSolidString(angle_label);
2919 	DrawString(angle_label);
2921 	glPopMatrix();
2923 }
DrawSceneString(const float scale_factor,const float shift_x,const float shift_y,const float shift_z,const wxString & label)2925 void DrawSceneString(const float scale_factor, const float shift_x,
2926 		             const float shift_y, const float shift_z,
2927 					 const wxString& label) {
2929 	// This function draws a string (label) at the origin of the current
2930 	// coordinate system, offset by shift_[xyz] and aligned with the screen.
2931 	// Right before the string is drawn, the coordinate system is uniformly
2932 	// scaled by scale_factor (since glf draws in a larger coordinate system
2933 	// than we want).
2934 	//
2935 	// It's assumed that the color and coordinate system are in the correct
2936 	// state when this function is called.  It's also assumed that lighting is
2937 	// turned on.  The assumed state is restored before the function returns.
2939 	float m[16];                              // OpenGL matrix
2940 	Matrix4D mv_inv;                          // Inverse of modelview matrix
2941 	CPoint3D lookat_eye = CPoint3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Lookat vector in eye-space
2942 	CPoint3D lookat_world;                    //   transformed to world-space
2943 	CPoint3D up_eye = CPoint3D(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);     // Up vector in eye-space
2944 	CPoint3D up_world;                        //   transformed to world-space
2945 	CPoint3D r;                               // Right vector in world-space
2947 	// Invert just the rotation portion of the modelview matrix.  This is
2948 	// much faster than inverting an arbitrary matrix.
2949 	glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, m);
2950 	mv_inv[0][0] = m[0];
2951 	mv_inv[0][1] = m[4];
2952 	mv_inv[0][2] = m[8];
2953 	mv_inv[0][3] = 0.0f;
2954 	mv_inv[1][0] = m[1];
2955 	mv_inv[1][1] = m[5];
2956 	mv_inv[1][2] = m[9];
2957 	mv_inv[1][3] = 0.0f;
2958 	mv_inv[2][0] = m[2];
2959 	mv_inv[2][1] = m[6];
2960 	mv_inv[2][2] = m[10];
2961 	mv_inv[2][3] = 0.0f;
2962 	mv_inv[3][0] = 0.0f;
2963 	mv_inv[3][1] = 0.0f;
2964 	mv_inv[3][2] = 0.0f;
2965 	mv_inv[3][3] = 1.0f;
2967 	// Transform the eye space vectors to world coordinates, and find
2968 	// a third vector to form a basis set.
2969 	Rotate3DPt(mv_inv, lookat_eye, &lookat_world);
2970 	Rotate3DPt(mv_inv, up_eye, &up_world);
2971 	CrossProduct3D(&lookat_world, &up_world, &r);
2973 	// Enter the basis into a new modelview matrix.
2974 	m[0] = r.x;
2975 	m[1] = r.y;
2976 	m[2] = r.z;
2977 	m[3] = 0.0f;
2979 	m[4] = up_world.x;
2980 	m[5] = up_world.y;
2981 	m[6] = up_world.z;
2982 	m[7] = 0.0f;
2984 	m[8] = lookat_world.x;
2985 	m[9] = lookat_world.y;
2986 	m[10] = lookat_world.z;
2987 	m[11] = 0.0f;
2989 	m[12] = m[13] = m[14] = 0.0f;
2990 	m[15] = 1.0f;
2992 	glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
2994 	// Undo the rotation by multiplying by the inverse.  Then shift, scale, and
2995 	// draw the string.
2996 	glPushMatrix();
2997 	glMultMatrixf(m);
2998 	glTranslatef(shift_x, shift_y, shift_z);
2999 	glScalef(-scale_factor, scale_factor, scale_factor);
3000 	glfDrawSolidString(label.mb_str());
3001 	glPopMatrix();
3003 	glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
3005 }
DrawString(const char * str)3007 void DrawString(const char *str) {
3008 	// glfDrawSolidString(str);
3010 	glfStartBitmapDrawing();
3012 	glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_DST_ALPHA);
3013 	glEnable(GL_BLEND);
3014 	glfDrawBMaskString(str);
3015 	glDisable(GL_BLEND);
3017 	glfStopBitmapDrawing();
3018 }
3020 #define CYL_RADIUS 0.05f
3021 #include <algorithm>
DrawBondingSites(long iatom,float radius,GLUquadricObj * qobj,int site_id,CPoint3D * vector)3022 void MolDisplayWin::DrawBondingSites(long iatom, float radius, GLUquadricObj *qobj, int site_id, CPoint3D * vector) {
3024 	// This function either draws remaining bonding sites for the specified
3025 	// atom or returns the vector along the atom's specified bonding site.  If
3026 	// site_vec is 0, drawing is done.  Otherwise, the normalized vector for
3027 	// the site_vec is returned.
3029 	Frame *lFrame=MainData->cFrame;
3030 	mpAtom *lAtoms = lFrame->Atoms;
3031 	Bond *lBonds = lFrame->Bonds;
3032 	long NumBonds = lFrame->NumBonds;
3034 	short coordination = lAtoms[iatom].GetCoordinationNumber();
3035 	std::vector<Bond *> bonds;
3036 	int bonded_atoms[6];
3037 	CPoint3D vecs[6];
3038 	unsigned int i;
3040 	bonds.reserve(6);
3042 	if (coordination == 0) return;
3044 	// First we grab all bonds pertaining to the atom.  If the number of bonds
3045 	// exceeds five, then there's no point in showing any bonding sites since
3046 	// the atom is either full or overfull.
3047 	for (i = 0; i < NumBonds; i++) {
3048 		if (((iatom == lBonds[i].Atom1) || (iatom == lBonds[i].Atom2)) &&
3049 			(lBonds[i].Order > kHydrogenBond)) {
3050 			bonds.push_back(&lBonds[i]);
3051 		}
3052 	}
3054 	if (bonds.size() >= coordination) {
3055 		return;
3056 	}
3058 	// Test to see if any bond sites are unused, if not return.
3059 	// if (bonds.size() >= coordination) return;
3061 	// We sort the bonds by bond order, and figure out what the atom opposite
3062 	// this one is.  We'll need this info to find the vector between the two
3063 	// atoms.
3064 	std::sort(bonds.begin(), bonds.end(), Bond::RefLessThan);
3065 	for (i = 0; i < bonds.size(); i++) {
3066 		bonded_atoms[i] = (iatom == bonds[i]->Atom1) ?
3067 							bonds[i]->Atom2 : bonds[i]->Atom1;
3068 	}
3070 	// Calculate vectors from central atom to each bonded atom.
3071 	for (i = 0; i < bonds.size(); i++) {
3072 		vecs[i] = lAtoms[bonded_atoms[i]].Position - lAtoms[iatom].Position;
3073 		Normalize3D(&vecs[i]);
3074 	}
3076 	int lpCount = lAtoms[iatom].GetLonePairCount();
3078 	CPoint3D origin = CPoint3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
3079 	float c, s, b;
3081 	Matrix4D rot;
3082 	InitRotationMatrix(rot);
3083 	CPoint3D b1Offset(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
3084 	if (bonds.size() > 0) {	//orient our frame to the primary bond
3085 		b1Offset = lAtoms[bonded_atoms[0]].Position - lAtoms[iatom].Position;
3086 		Normalize3D(&b1Offset);
3087 		CPoint3D target(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
3088 		SetRotationMatrix(rot, &target, &b1Offset);
3089 	}
3091 	if (site_id == 0) {
3092 		glPushName(0);
3093 		glColor3f(0.9f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
3094 	}
3096 #define DO_SITE(vec, vec_site) \
3097 				if (site_id == 0) { \
3098 					glLoadName(vec_site); \
3099 					CreateCylinderFromLine(qobj, origin, \
3100 										   vec * 2.0f * radius, \
3101 										   CYL_RADIUS, 10, 3, true); \
3102 				} else if (site_id == vec_site) { \
3103 					*vector = vec; \
3104 					return; \
3105 				}
3107 	// If we get here, we know that there are some unbonded sites.
3108 	switch (coordination+lpCount) {
3110 		// Configuration will be linear.
3111 		case 1:
3112 			{
3113 				CPoint3D v(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
3114 				DO_SITE(v, 1);
3115 			}
3116 			break;
3118 		// Configuration will be linear.
3119 		case 2:
3120 			{
3121 				// If we have no bonds yet of the 2 possible, we draw a site
3122 				// along the y-axis and its inverse.
3123 				if (bonds.size() == 0) {
3124 					CPoint3D v(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
3125 					DO_SITE(v, 1);
3126 					if (lpCount < 1) {DO_SITE(v * -1.0f, 2);}
3127 				}
3129 				else if (bonds.size() == 1) {
3130 					DO_SITE(vecs[0] * -1.0f, 2);
3131 				}
3132 			}
3133 			break;
3135 		// Configuration will be planar triangular.
3136 		case 3:
3137 			if (bonds.size() == 0) {
3138 				CPoint3D v(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
3139 				DO_SITE(v, 1);
3140 			}
3142 			if (lpCount < 2) {
3143 				CPoint3D v3;
3144 				if (bonds.size() >= 2) {	//Setup the 3rd vector to have an equal angle to both bonds
3145 					//Just add the two bond vectors and invert
3146 					// CPoint3D offset = lAtoms[secondaryBondedAtm].Position - lAtoms[iatom].Position;
3147 					// Normalize3D(&offset);
3148 					// v3 = b1Offset + offset;
3149 					// Normalize3D(&v3);
3150 					v3 = (vecs[0] + vecs[1]) * -1.0f;
3151 					Normalize3D(&v3);
3152 				} else { //Draw the 2nd position
3153 					b = sqrt(3.0f / 4.0f);
3154 					CPoint3D v2(-b, -0.5f, 0.0f), temp(b, -0.5f, 0.0f);
3155 					Rotate3DOffset(rot,temp,&v3);
3156 					temp = v2;
3157 					Rotate3DOffset(rot,temp,&v2);
3158 					//When dealing with a single bond check the bonded atom for bonds and align them as
3159 					//appropriate
3160 					if (bonds.size() == 1) {
3161 						bool test = false;
3162 						CPoint3D OtherBondVector;
3163 						for (long i=0; i<NumBonds; i++) {
3164 							if ((bonded_atoms[0] == lBonds[i].Atom1)&&(lBonds[i].Order > kHydrogenBond)&&
3165 								(lBonds[i].Atom2 != iatom)) {
3166 								OtherBondVector = lAtoms[lBonds[i].Atom2].Position - lAtoms[bonded_atoms[0]].Position;
3167 								test = true;
3168 								break;
3169 							} else if ((bonded_atoms[0] == lBonds[i].Atom2)&&(lBonds[i].Order > kHydrogenBond)&&
3170 									   (lBonds[i].Atom1 != iatom)) {
3171 								OtherBondVector = lAtoms[lBonds[i].Atom1].Position - lAtoms[bonded_atoms[0]].Position;
3172 								test = true;
3173 								break;
3174 							}
3175 						}
3176 						if (test) {
3177 							Normalize3D(&OtherBondVector);
3178 							float dp = DotProduct3D(&OtherBondVector, &b1Offset);
3179 							if (fabs(dp) < 0.99) {
3180 								CPoint3D cross;
3181 								CrossProduct3D(&b1Offset, &OtherBondVector, &cross);
3182 								Normalize3D(&cross);
3183 								CrossProduct3D(&b1Offset, &cross, &OtherBondVector);
3184 								v2 = b1Offset*-0.5 + OtherBondVector*-0.866025;
3185 								v3 = b1Offset*-0.5 + OtherBondVector*0.866025;
3186 							}
3187 						}
3188 					}
3189 					if (bonds.size() <= 1) {
3190 						DO_SITE(v2, 2);
3191 					}
3192 				}
3193 				if (lpCount < 1) {
3194 					DO_SITE(v3, 3);
3195 				}
3196 			}
3197 			break;
3199 		case 4:
3200 			if (bonds.size() == 0) {
3201 				CPoint3D v(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
3202 				DO_SITE(v, 1);
3203 			}
3204 			if (lpCount < 3) {
3206 				// If three bonds are already formed, we calculate the fourth
3207 				// as the sum of the three, inverted.
3208 				if (bonds.size() == 3) {
3209 					//obtain the bond vector by summing the bond vectors, normalize and invert
3210 					CPoint3D sum(0.0,0.0,0.0), temp, bonds[3];
3211 					int found=0;
3212 					for (int i=0; i<NumBonds; i++) {
3213 						if (lBonds[i].Atom1 == iatom) {
3214 							temp = lAtoms[lBonds[i].Atom2].Position - lAtoms[iatom].Position;
3215 							Normalize3D(&temp);
3216 							bonds[found] = temp;
3217 							found++;
3218 						} else if (lBonds[i].Atom2 == iatom) {
3219 							temp = lAtoms[lBonds[i].Atom1].Position - lAtoms[iatom].Position;
3220 							Normalize3D(&temp);
3221 							bonds[found] = temp;
3222 							found++;
3223 						}
3224 					}
3225 					CrossProduct3D(&(bonds[0]),&(bonds[1]),&sum);
3226 					Normalize3D(&sum);
3227 					float direction = DotProduct3D(&sum,&(bonds[2]));
3228 					if (direction > 0.0) direction = -1.0;
3229 					else direction = 1.0;
3230 					CrossProduct3D(&(bonds[1]),&(bonds[2]),&temp);
3231 					Normalize3D(&temp);
3232 					sum += temp;
3233 					CrossProduct3D(&(bonds[2]),&(bonds[0]),&temp);
3234 					Normalize3D(&temp);
3235 					sum += temp;
3236 					Normalize3D(&sum);
3237 					sum *= direction;
3238 					DO_SITE(sum, 4);
3239 				}
3241 				// If only one bond is already formed, we calculate the second, third
3242 				// and fourth as ....
3243 				else if (bonds.size() < 2) {
3244 					c = -1.0f/3.0f;	//cos(109.5)
3245 					s = sqrt(1.0f-(c*c)); //sin(109.5)
3246 					b = s * sin(kPi/3.0);
3247 					CPoint3D v2, temp(0.0f, c, s), v3(b, c, -0.5*s), v4(-b, c, -0.5*s);
3248 					Rotate3DOffset(rot,temp,&v2);
3249 					DO_SITE(v2, 2);
3250 					if (lpCount < 2) {
3251 						temp = v3;
3252 						Rotate3DOffset(rot,temp,&v3);
3253 						DO_SITE(v3, 3);
3254 						if (lpCount < 1) {
3255 							temp = v4;
3256 							Rotate3DOffset(rot,temp,&v4);
3257 							DO_SITE(v4, 4);
3258 						}
3259 					}
3260 				}
3262 				// If two bonds are already formed, we calculate the
3263 				// remaining two as ...
3264 				else {
3265 					CPoint3D offset = lAtoms[bonded_atoms[1]].Position - lAtoms[iatom].Position;
3266 					Normalize3D(&offset);
3267 					CPoint3D cross;
3268 					CrossProduct3D(&b1Offset,&offset,&cross);
3269 					offset += b1Offset;
3270 					offset *= -1.0f;
3271 					Normalize3D(&offset);
3272 					Normalize3D(&cross);
3273 					CPoint3D v3t;
3274 					float c = cos(0.5*acos(-1.0f/3.0f));	//cos(109.5/2)
3275 					float s = sqrt(1.0f-(c*c)); //sin(109.5/2)
3276 					v3t = offset*c + cross*s;
3277 					Normalize3D(&v3t);
3278 					DO_SITE(v3t, 3);
3279 					if (lpCount == 0) {
3280 						v3t = offset*c - cross*s;
3281 						Normalize3D(&v3t);
3282 						DO_SITE(v3t, 4);
3283 					}
3284 				}
3285 			}
3286 			break;
3288 		case 5:
3289 			// Here axial and equitorial sites are different. LPs should go in
3290 			// axial sites first.
3291 			// Hmm... Unclear why the previous comment was made. LPs prefer to be as far from other
3292 			// items as possible so should be in equitorial positions since axial are 90 degrees from
3293 			// 3 sites while equitorial are 90 degrees from 2 sites and 120 degrees from 2 sites.
3295 			if (bonds.size() == 0) {
3296 				float c = sqrtf(3) / 2.0f;
3297 				CPoint3D axial(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
3298 				CPoint3D equat1(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
3299 				CPoint3D equat2(c, 0.0f, 0.5f);
3300 				CPoint3D equat3(-c, 0.0f, 0.5f);
3302 				DO_SITE(axial, 4);
3303 				if (lpCount < 4) {
3304 					DO_SITE(axial * -1.0f, 5);
3305 					if (lpCount < 3) {
3306 						DO_SITE(equat1, 1);
3307 						if (lpCount < 2) {
3308 							DO_SITE(equat2, 2);
3309 							if (lpCount < 1) {DO_SITE(equat3, 3);}
3310 						}
3311 					}
3312 				}
3313 			}
3315 			else if (bonds.size() == 1) {
3317 				CPoint3D equat1;
3318 				CPoint3D equat2;
3319 				CPoint3D equat3;
3320 				Matrix4D rotate_mat;
3322 				OrthoVector(vecs[0], equat1);
3323 				RotateAroundAxis(rotate_mat, vecs[0], 120.0f);
3324 				Rotate3DPt(rotate_mat, equat1, &equat2);
3325 				Normalize3D(&equat2);
3326 				equat3 = (equat1 + equat2) * -1.0f;
3327 				Normalize3D(&equat3);
3329 				DO_SITE(vecs[0] * -1.0f, 5);
3330 				if (lpCount < 3) {
3331 					DO_SITE(equat1, 1);
3332 					if (lpCount < 2) {
3333 						DO_SITE(equat2, 2);
3334 						if (lpCount < 1) {DO_SITE(equat3, 3);}
3335 					}
3336 				}
3337 			}
3339 			else if (bonds.size() == 2) {
3341 				float dot = DotProduct3D(&vecs[0], &vecs[1]);
3343 				// If the two vectors are close to orthogonal, we assume the
3344 				// primary bond is axial and the secondary equitorial.
3345 				if (fabs(dot) < 0.25f) {
3346 					Matrix4D rotate_mat;
3347 					CPoint3D equat2;
3348 					CPoint3D equat3;
3350 					if (lpCount < 3) {
3351 						DO_SITE(vecs[0] * -1.0f, 5);
3352 						if (lpCount < 2) {
3353 							RotateAroundAxis(rotate_mat, vecs[0], 120.0f);
3354 							Rotate3DPt(rotate_mat, vecs[1], &equat2);
3355 							Normalize3D(&equat2);
3356 							equat3 = (vecs[1] + equat2) * -1.0f;
3357 							Normalize3D(&equat3);
3359 							DO_SITE(equat2, 2);
3360 							if (lpCount < 1) {DO_SITE(equat3, 3);}
3361 						}
3362 					}
3363 				} else {
3364 					if (lpCount < 3) {
3365 						CPoint3D equat1;
3366 						CPoint3D equat2;
3367 						CPoint3D equat3;
3368 						Matrix4D rotate_mat;
3370 						OrthoVector(vecs[0], equat1);
3371 						RotateAroundAxis(rotate_mat, vecs[0], 120.0f);
3372 						Rotate3DPt(rotate_mat, equat1, &equat2);
3373 						Normalize3D(&equat2);
3374 						equat3 = (equat1 + equat2) * -1.0f;
3375 						Normalize3D(&equat3);
3377 						DO_SITE(equat1, 1);
3378 						if (lpCount < 2) {
3379 							DO_SITE(equat2, 2);
3380 							if (lpCount < 1) {DO_SITE(equat3, 3);}
3381 						}
3382 					}
3383 				}
3384 			}
3386 			else if (bonds.size() == 3) {
3388 				float dot12 = DotProduct3D(&vecs[0], &vecs[1]);
3389 				float dot13 = DotProduct3D(&vecs[0], &vecs[2]);
3390 				float dot23 = DotProduct3D(&vecs[1], &vecs[2]);
3392 				// Two vectors are opposite, meaning two are axial.
3393 				if (dot12 < -0.75 || dot13 < -0.75f || dot23 < -0.75f) {
3395 					CPoint3D cross1;
3396 					CPoint3D cross2;
3397 					CPoint3D equat2;
3398 					CPoint3D equat3;
3399 					int axial_id=0;
3400 					int equat_id=1;
3401 					Matrix4D rotate_mat;
3403 					if (dot12 < -0.75) {
3404 						axial_id = 0;
3405 						equat_id = 2;
3406 					} else if (dot13 < -0.75f) {
3407 						axial_id = 0;
3408 						equat_id = 1;
3409 					} else if (dot23 < -0.75f) {
3410 						axial_id = 1;
3411 						equat_id = 0;
3412 					}
3414 					CrossProduct3D(&vecs[axial_id], &vecs[equat_id], &cross1);
3415 					CrossProduct3D(&cross1, &vecs[equat_id], &cross2);
3416 					Normalize3D(&cross2);
3418 					RotateAroundAxis(rotate_mat, cross2, 120.0f);
3419 					Rotate3DPt(rotate_mat, vecs[equat_id], &equat2);
3420 					equat3 = (equat2 + vecs[equat_id]) * -1.0f;
3421 					// Don't need to normalize equat3 since it is by
3422 					// construction.
3424 					DO_SITE(equat2, 4);
3425 					if (lpCount < 1) {DO_SITE(equat3, 5);}
3426 				}
3428 				else if (fabs(dot12) < 0.25f || fabs(dot13) < 0.25f ||
3429 						 fabs(dot23) < 0.25f) {
3431 					int axial_id=0;
3432 					int equat1_id=1;
3433 					int equat2_id=2;
3435 					if (fabs(dot12) < 0.25) {
3436 						equat1_id = 2;
3437 						if (fabs(dot13) < 0.25f) {
3438 							axial_id = 0;
3439 							equat2_id = 1;
3440 						} else {
3441 							axial_id = 1;
3442 							equat2_id = 0;
3443 						}
3444 					} else if (fabs(dot13) < 0.25f) {
3445 						equat1_id = 1;
3446 						if (fabs(dot12) < 0.25f) {
3447 							axial_id = 0;
3448 							equat2_id = 2;
3449 						} else {
3450 							axial_id = 2;
3451 							equat2_id = 0;
3452 						}
3453 					} else if (fabs(dot23) < 0.25f) {
3454 						equat1_id = 0;
3455 						if (fabs(dot13) < 0.25f) {
3456 							axial_id = 2;
3457 							equat2_id = 1;
3458 						} else {
3459 							axial_id = 1;
3460 							equat2_id = 2;
3461 						}
3462 					}
3464 					CPoint3D cross;
3465 					CPoint3D equat3;
3467 					CrossProduct3D(&vecs[equat1_id], &vecs[equat2_id], &cross);
3468 					Normalize3D(&cross);
3469 					if (DotProduct3D(&cross, &vecs[axial_id]) > 0.0f) {
3470 						cross *= -1.0f;
3471 					}
3473 					equat3 = (vecs[equat1_id] + vecs[equat2_id]) * -1.0f;
3474 					Normalize3D(&equat3);
3476 					DO_SITE(cross, 5);
3477 					if (lpCount < 1) {DO_SITE(equat3, 4);}
3478 				}
3480 				else {
3481 					CPoint3D cross;
3483 					CrossProduct3D(&vecs[0], &vecs[1], &cross);
3484 					Normalize3D(&cross);
3486 					DO_SITE(cross, 4);
3487 					if (lpCount < 1) {DO_SITE(cross * -1.0f, 5);}
3488 				}
3490 			}
3492 			else if (bonds.size() == 4) {
3494 				float dot_ij;
3495 				bool is_axial = false;
3496 				bool is_equatorial;
3497 				int i, j;
3499 				for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
3500 					is_equatorial = false;
3501 					for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
3502 						if (i == j) continue;
3504 						dot_ij = DotProduct3D(&vecs[i], &vecs[j]);
3506 						// Vector has an antiparallel mate, so we can't stop
3507 						// now.
3508 						if (dot_ij < -0.75) {
3509 							is_axial = true;
3510 							break;
3511 						}
3513 						// Vector has a non-orthogonal mate (which must also
3514 						// be non-antiparallel if we got here), so it can't
3515 						// be an axial vector.
3516 						else if (fabs(dot_ij) > 0.25) {
3517 							is_equatorial = true;
3518 							break;
3519 						}
3520 					}
3522 					if (is_axial) {
3523 						CPoint3D equat3;
3524 						int ids[4] = {0, 1, 2, 3};
3525 						int tmp;
3526 						tmp = ids[0]; ids[0] = i; ids[i] = tmp;
3527 						tmp = ids[1]; ids[1] = j; ids[j] = tmp;
3528 						equat3 = (vecs[ids[2]] + vecs[ids[3]]) * -1.0f;
3529 						Normalize3D(&equat3);
3530 						DO_SITE(equat3, 5);
3531 						break;
3532 					} else if (!is_equatorial) {
3533 						DO_SITE(vecs[i] * -1.0f, 5);
3534 						break;
3535 					}
3536 				}
3538 				if (!is_axial && is_equatorial) {
3539 					CPoint3D cross;
3540 					CrossProduct3D(&vecs[0], &vecs[1], &cross);
3541 					Normalize3D(&cross);
3542 					DO_SITE(cross, 5);
3543 				}
3544 			}
3546 			break;
3547 		case 6:
3549 			if (bonds.size() == 0) {
3550 				CPoint3D e1(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
3551 				CPoint3D e2(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
3552 				CPoint3D e3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
3554 				DO_SITE(e1, 1);
3555 				if (lpCount < 5) {
3556 					DO_SITE(e1 * -1.0f, 2);
3557 					if (lpCount < 4) {
3558 						DO_SITE(e2, 3);
3559 						if (lpCount < 3) {
3560 							DO_SITE(e2 * -1.0f, 4);
3561 							if (lpCount < 2) {
3562 								DO_SITE(e3, 5);
3563 								if (lpCount < 1) {DO_SITE(e3 * -1.0f, 6);}
3564 							}
3565 						}
3566 					}
3567 				}
3568 			}
3570 			else if (bonds.size() == 1) {
3571 				CPoint3D ortho;
3572 				CPoint3D cross;
3574 				OrthoVector(vecs[0], ortho);
3575 				CrossProduct3D(&vecs[0], &ortho, &cross);
3577 				DO_SITE(vecs[0] * -1.0f, 2);
3578 				if (lpCount < 4) {
3579 					DO_SITE(ortho, 3);
3580 					if (lpCount < 3) {
3581 						DO_SITE(ortho * -1.0f, 4);
3582 						if (lpCount < 2) {
3583 							DO_SITE(cross, 5);
3584 							if (lpCount < 1) {DO_SITE(cross * -1.0f, 6);}
3585 						}
3586 					}
3587 				}
3588 			}
3590 			else if (bonds.size() == 2) {
3592 				// Use their dot product to determine if they're orthogonal or
3593 				// otherwise.
3594 				float dot = DotProduct3D(&vecs[0], &vecs[1]);
3596 				// If the two existing bonds are closer to being orthogonal
3597 				// than parallel (or antiparallel), then we have four bonds
3598 				// to compute.  One bond will be the inverse of the primary
3599 				// bond, two will be the cross product and its inverse of the
3600 				// two bonds, and the fourth will be another cross product,
3601 				// this time using the primary bond and the first cross
3602 				// product.  It might make more sense to use the inverse of
3603 				// the secondary bond instead, but doing it this way makes at
3604 				// least 5 of the 6 bonds octahedrally aligned.
3605 				if (fabs(dot) < 0.7f) {
3606 					CPoint3D cross;
3607 					CPoint3D cross2;
3608 					CrossProduct3D(&vecs[0], &vecs[1], &cross);
3609 					Normalize3D(&cross);
3610 					CrossProduct3D(&vecs[0], &cross, &cross2);
3611 					Normalize3D(&cross2);
3613 					if (DotProduct3D(&cross2, &vecs[1]) > 0.0f) {
3614 						cross2 *= -1.0f;
3615 					}
3617 					DO_SITE(vecs[0] * -1.0f, 3);
3618 					if (lpCount < 3) {
3619 						DO_SITE(cross2, 4);
3620 						if (lpCount < 2) {
3621 							DO_SITE(cross, 5);
3622 							if (lpCount < 1) {DO_SITE(cross * -1.0f, 6);}
3623 						}
3624 					}
3625 				}
3627 				// Otherwise, the two existing bonds must be antiparallel.
3628 				// In that case, we calculate the other four bonds like so:
3629 				// one bond is chosen from the many that are orthogonal to
3630 				// the primary bond, the next is its inverse, and the last
3631 				// two are the crossproduct and its inverse of the primary
3632 				// bond and its orthogonal mate.
3633 				else {
3634 					CPoint3D ortho;
3635 					CPoint3D cross;
3637 					OrthoVector(vecs[0], ortho);
3638 					CrossProduct3D(&vecs[0], &ortho, &cross);
3639 					Normalize3D(&cross);
3641 					DO_SITE(ortho, 3);
3642 					if (lpCount < 3) {
3643 						DO_SITE(ortho * -1.0f, 4);
3644 						if (lpCount < 2) {
3645 							DO_SITE(cross, 5);
3646 							if (lpCount < 1) {DO_SITE(cross * -1.0f, 6);}
3647 						}
3648 					}
3649 				}
3651 			}
3653 			else if (bonds.size() == 3) {
3655 				float dot12 = DotProduct3D(&vecs[0], &vecs[1]);
3656 				float dot13 = DotProduct3D(&vecs[0], &vecs[2]);
3657 				float dot23 = DotProduct3D(&vecs[1], &vecs[2]);
3659 				// If all three vectors are close to pairwise orthogonal, then
3660 				// they form a basis.  Unfortunately, they may not be exactly
3661 				// independent.  Since we want to suggest orthogonal sites, we
3662 				// choose the primary vector's inverse as the first site.  The
3663 				// second is calculated as the cross product of the primary
3664 				// and secondary bonds, and the third is the cross product of
3665 				// the primary bond and the first cross product.  This makes
3666 				// all three orthogonal.
3667 				if (fabs(dot12) < 0.7f && fabs(dot13) < 0.7f &&
3668 					fabs(dot23) < 0.7f) {
3670 					CPoint3D cross1, cross2;
3671 					CrossProduct3D(&vecs[0], &vecs[1], &cross1);
3672 					Normalize3D(&cross1);
3673 					CrossProduct3D(&vecs[0], &cross1, &cross2);
3674 					Normalize3D(&cross2);
3676 					// The cross products should point in the opposite
3677 					// direction of the existing bonds, so we may need to
3678 					// flip them since they can end up coincident with them.
3679 					if (DotProduct3D(&cross1, &vecs[2]) > 0.0f) {
3680 						cross1 = cross1 * -1.0f;
3681 					}
3683 					if (DotProduct3D(&cross2, &vecs[1]) > 0.0f) {
3684 						cross2 = cross2 * -1.0f;
3685 					}
3687 					DO_SITE(vecs[0] * -1.0f, 4);
3688 					if (lpCount < 2) {
3689 						DO_SITE(cross1, 5);
3690 						if (lpCount < 1) {DO_SITE(cross2, 6);}
3691 					}
3692 				}
3694 				// Otherwise, two of the three bonds are antiparallel.  In this
3695 				// case, we figure out which bond doesn't have an inverse and
3696 				// one that does.  The first suggested bond is the inverse of
3697 				// the unopposed bond, and the second and third are the cross
3698 				// product and its inverse of the unpaired bond and one of the
3699 				// paired bonds.
3700 				else {
3701 					CPoint3D paired_vec;
3702 					CPoint3D ortho_vec;
3704 					if (dot12 < -0.7f) {
3705 						paired_vec = vecs[0];
3706 						ortho_vec = vecs[2];
3707 					} else if (dot13 < -0.7f) {
3708 						paired_vec = vecs[0];
3709 						ortho_vec = vecs[1];
3710 					} else {
3711 						paired_vec = vecs[2];
3712 						ortho_vec = vecs[0];
3713 					}
3715 					CPoint3D cross;
3716 					CrossProduct3D(&paired_vec, &ortho_vec, &cross);
3717 					Normalize3D(&cross);
3719 					DO_SITE(ortho_vec * -1.0f, 4);
3720 					if (lpCount < 2) {
3721 						DO_SITE(cross, 5);
3722 						if (lpCount < 1) {DO_SITE(cross * -1.0f, 6);}
3723 					}
3724 				}
3726 			}
3728 			else if (bonds.size() == 4) {
3730 				int i, j;
3731 				int nuninverted = 0;
3732 				int uninverted[2];
3733 				int ortho1 = -1, ortho2 = -1;
3734 				bool has_no_inverse;
3736 				for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
3737 					has_no_inverse = true;
3738 					for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
3739 						if (i != j) {
3740 							if (DotProduct3D(&vecs[i], &vecs[j]) < -0.7f) {
3741 								has_no_inverse = false;
3742 								break;
3743 							} else {
3744 								ortho1 = i;
3745 								ortho2 = j;
3746 							}
3747 						}
3748 					}
3749 					if (has_no_inverse) {
3750 						uninverted[nuninverted] = i;
3751 						nuninverted++;
3752 					}
3753 				}
3755 				if (nuninverted == 2) {
3756 					DO_SITE(vecs[uninverted[0]] * -1.0f, 5);
3757 					if (lpCount == 0) {DO_SITE(vecs[uninverted[1]] * -1.0f, 6);}
3758 				}
3760 				else {
3761 					CPoint3D cross;
3762 					CrossProduct3D(&vecs[ortho1], &vecs[ortho2], &cross);
3763 					Normalize3D(&cross);
3765 					DO_SITE(cross, 5);
3766 					if (lpCount == 0) {DO_SITE(cross * -1.0f, 6);}
3767 				}
3769 			}
3771 			else if (bonds.size() == 5) {
3773 				int i, j;
3774 				bool has_no_inverse;
3776 				// If there isn't an uninverted bond, just go opposite the
3777 				// primary bond.
3778 				int uninverted = 0;
3780 				for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
3781 					has_no_inverse = true;
3782 					for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
3783 						if (i != j) {
3784 							if (DotProduct3D(&vecs[i], &vecs[j]) < -0.7f) {
3785 								has_no_inverse = false;
3786 								break;
3787 							}
3788 						}
3789 					}
3790 					if (has_no_inverse) {
3791 						uninverted = i;
3792 						break;
3793 					}
3794 				}
3796 				DO_SITE(vecs[uninverted] * -1.0f, 6);
3797 			}
3799 			break;
3800 	}
3802 	if (site_id == 0) {
3803 		glPopName();
3804 	}
3806 }
3808 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
DrawBond(const Bond & bond,const mpAtom & atom1,const mpAtom & atom2,const WinPrefs & Prefs,GLUquadric * quadric,GLdouble * modelview,GLdouble * proj,GLint * viewport,GLuint sphere_list,bool highlighting_on,bool cap_dependent)3810 void MolDisplayWin::DrawBond(const Bond& bond, const mpAtom& atom1,
3811 							 const mpAtom& atom2, const WinPrefs& Prefs,
3812 							 GLUquadric *quadric, GLdouble *modelview,
3813 							 GLdouble *proj, GLint *viewport,
3814 							 GLuint sphere_list, bool highlighting_on,
3815 							 bool cap_dependent) {
3817 	CPoint3D v1, v2, offset, NormalOffset, NormEnd;
3818 	CPoint3D NormStart(0, 0, 1);
3819 	Matrix4D rotMat;
3820 	long Quality = (long) Prefs.GetQD3DAtomQuality();
3821 	float AtomScale = Prefs.GetAtomScale();
3822 	GLdouble BondSize = Prefs.GetQD3DBondWidth() * 0.5;
3824 	BondOrder logical_order = bond.Order;
3826 	if (logical_order == kAromaticBond) logical_order = kDoubleBond;
3827 	if (!Prefs.ColorBondHalves()) logical_order = kSingleBond;	//only generate multiple pipes when colored by atom color
3829 	GLdouble tmpBondSize = BondSize / MAX(logical_order, 1);
3830 	if (logical_order > 1) tmpBondSize *= 1.5;
3831 	GLdouble baseBondOffset = -1.75 * tmpBondSize * (MAX(logical_order, 1) - 1);
3833 	if (atom1.GetInvisibility() || atom2.GetInvisibility()) return;
3835 	// If this is a bond that's going to need multiple pipes, we want each pipe
3836 	// to be shifted in screen space so that all pipes are visible all the
3837 	// time.
3838 	CPoint3D offset_vec;     // Direction to shift bond cylinders
3839 	if (logical_order > 1) {
3840 		GLdouble scr_coords1[3]; // Screen coordinates of atom1
3841 		GLdouble scr_coords2[3]; // Screen coordinates of atom2
3842 		CPoint3D scr_vec;        // Screen space vector between atoms
3843 		GLdouble perp_obj[3];    // Object coords on vector perp. to scr_vec
3845 		// Find screen coordinates of one atom.
3846 		gluProject(atom1.Position.x, atom1.Position.y, atom1.Position.z,
3847 				   modelview, proj, viewport,
3848 				   &(scr_coords1[0]), &(scr_coords1[1]), &(scr_coords1[2]));
3850 		// Find screen coordinates of other atom.
3851 		gluProject(atom2.Position.x, atom2.Position.y, atom2.Position.z,
3852 				   modelview, proj, viewport,
3853 				   &(scr_coords2[0]), &(scr_coords2[1]), &(scr_coords2[2]));
3855 		// Find vector perpendicular to vector between two screen points and
3856 		// normalize it so we can scalar multiply it later.  We flip and
3857 		// negate the slope of the line between the two screen coordinates to
3858 		// get the slop of the perpendicular line.
3859 		scr_vec.x = scr_coords2[1] - scr_coords1[1];
3860 		scr_vec.y = scr_coords1[0] - scr_coords2[0];
3861 		scr_vec.z = 0;
3862 		scr_vec *= 1.0f / scr_vec.Magnitude();
3864 		// Now find a point on the perpendicular vector with atom1's depth
3865 		// and get its object coordinates.
3866 		gluUnProject(scr_coords1[0] + scr_vec.x * 10.0f,
3867 					 scr_coords1[1] + scr_vec.y * 10.0f,
3868 					 scr_coords1[2],
3869 					 modelview, proj, viewport,
3870 					 &(perp_obj[0]), &(perp_obj[1]), &(perp_obj[2]));
3872 		// Finally, we see what direction all bond cylinders must be offset
3873 		// so that they will always stay in view.
3874 		offset_vec = CPoint3D(perp_obj[0], perp_obj[1], perp_obj[2]) -
3875 					 atom1.Position;
3876 		offset_vec *= 1.0f / offset_vec.Magnitude();
3877 	}
3879 	// If there's only one pipe, we need no offset.
3880 	else {
3881 		offset_vec = CPoint3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
3882 	}
3884 	// For each "sub-bond" between these two atoms...
3885 	for (int ipipe = 0; ipipe < MAX(logical_order, 1); ++ipipe) {
3887 		v1 = atom1.Position + offset_vec * baseBondOffset +
3888 			 offset_vec * tmpBondSize * ipipe * 3.5;
3889 		v2 = atom2.Position + offset_vec * baseBondOffset +
3890 			 offset_vec * tmpBondSize * ipipe * 3.5;
3892 		offset = v2 - v1;
3893 		float length = offset.Magnitude();
3894 		if (length > 0.00001) {
3895 			NormalOffset = offset * (1.0f / length);
3896 		} else {
3897 			NormalOffset = CPoint3D(0, 0, 0);
3898 		}
3900 		SetRotationMatrix(rotMat, &NormStart, &NormalOffset);
3902 		rotMat[3][0] = v1.x;
3903 		rotMat[3][1] = v1.y;
3904 		rotMat[3][2] = v1.z;
3906 		glPushMatrix(); // bond pipe
3907 		glMultMatrixf((const GLfloat *) &rotMat);
3909 		// Both hydrogen bonds and one part of the aromatic bond and drawn
3910 		// as a line of spheres.
3911 		if (bond.Order == kHydrogenBond ||
3912 			(bond.Order == kAromaticBond && ipipe == 1)) {
3913 			DrawPipeSpheres(Prefs, length, BondSize,
3914 							highlighting_on && !bond.GetSelectState(),
3915 							sphere_list);
3916 			glPopMatrix(); // bond pipe
3917 			continue;
3918 		}
3920 		// Now, if a bond is selected but not this one, we need to draw an
3921 		// encapsulating cylinder to mask it out.
3922 		if (highlighting_on && !bond.GetSelectState()) {
3924 			glEnable(GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE);
3925 			glPolygonStipple(stippleMask);
3927 			glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
3928 			DrawPipeCylinder(length, quadric, Prefs.DrawWireFrame() ? 3 : 0,
3929 							 sphere_list, tmpBondSize * 1.01f, Quality);
3931 			glDisable(GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE);
3933 		}
3935 		// We may need to draw two cylinders if the user wants the bonds
3936 		// colored according to their element.
3937 		if (Prefs.ColorBondHalves()) {
3938 			// Center the color change at the middle of the visible part of the
3939 			// bond.
3940 			float radius1 = AtomScale*Prefs.GetAtomSize(atom1.GetType() - 1);
3941 			float radius2 = AtomScale*Prefs.GetAtomSize(atom2.GetType() - 1);
3942 			float percent1 = radius1/length;
3943 			float percent2 = radius2/length;
3944 			float centerPercent = 0.5 + 0.5 * (percent1 - percent2);
3946 			// Draw first half.
3947 			Prefs.ChangeColorAtomColor(atom1.GetType());
3948 			DrawPipeCylinder(length * centerPercent, quadric,
3949 							 (Prefs.DrawWireFrame() ||
3950 							  (cap_dependent && !atom1.IsSymmetryUnique()) ||
3951 							  (Prefs.ShowEFPWireFrame() &&
3952 							   atom1.IsEffectiveFragment())) ? 1 : 0,
3953 							 sphere_list,
3954 							 tmpBondSize, Quality);
3956 			// Draw second half starting at the weighted halfway point.
3957 			glPushMatrix(); // halfway point
3958 			glTranslatef(0.0f, 0.0f, length * centerPercent);
3959 			Prefs.ChangeColorAtomColor(atom2.GetType());
3960 			DrawPipeCylinder(length * (1.0f - centerPercent), quadric,
3961 							 (Prefs.DrawWireFrame() ||
3962 							  (cap_dependent && !atom2.IsSymmetryUnique()) ||
3963 							  (Prefs.ShowEFPWireFrame() &&
3964 							   atom2.IsEffectiveFragment())) ? 2 : 0,
3965 							 sphere_list, tmpBondSize, Quality);
3966 			glPopMatrix(); // halfway point
3968 		}
3970 		// We only need to draw one cylinder the whole length of a bond since
3971 		// the user's not interested in coloring each half differently.
3972 		else {
3973 			Prefs.ChangeColorBondColor(bond.Order);
3974 			DrawPipeCylinder(length, quadric,
3975 							 (Prefs.DrawWireFrame() ||
3976 							  (cap_dependent &&
3977 							   (!atom1.IsSymmetryUnique() ||
3978 							    !atom2.IsSymmetryUnique())) ||
3979 							  (Prefs.ShowEFPWireFrame() &&
3980 							   (atom1.IsEffectiveFragment() ||
3981 								atom2.IsEffectiveFragment()))) ? 3 : 0,
3982 							 sphere_list, tmpBondSize, Quality);
3983 		}
3985 		glPopMatrix(); // bond pipe
3986 	}
3988 }
3990 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3991 /**
3992  * This function draws a series of spheres from the origin along the negative
3993  * z-axis for length units.  The spheres are optionally drawn with a hatching
3994  * mask.
3995  * @param Prefs Prefences used to determine sphere color.
3996  * @param length Distance along z-axis along which to draw spheres.
3997  * @param scale_factor Size of spheres relative to current transform.
3998  * @param is_masked Flag indicating whether to draw stippled overlay to mask
3999  *                  spheres.
4000  * @param sphere_list Preassembled display list that draws a sphere.
4001  */
DrawPipeSpheres(const WinPrefs & Prefs,float length,float scale_factor,bool is_masked,GLuint sphere_list)4003 void DrawPipeSpheres(const WinPrefs& Prefs, float length, float scale_factor,
4004 					 bool is_masked, GLuint sphere_list) {
4006 	glPushMatrix(); // offset from origin
4008 	// Plot as a series of spheres, starting slightly offset from the origin.
4009 	float pos = 0.75f * scale_factor;
4010 	glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, pos);
4011 	while (pos < length) {
4012 		glPushMatrix(); // scaled sphere location
4013 		glScalef(scale_factor, scale_factor, scale_factor);
4015 		Prefs.ChangeColorBondColor(kHydrogenBond);
4016 		glCallList(sphere_list);
4018 		if (is_masked) {
4019 			glEnable(GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE);
4020 			glPolygonStipple(stippleMask);
4021 			glPushMatrix(); // stipple-scaled sphere location
4022 			glScalef(1.01f, 1.01f, 1.01f);
4023 			glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
4024 			glCallList(sphere_list);
4025 			glPopMatrix(); // stipple-scaled sphere location
4026 			glDisable(GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE);
4027 		}
4029 		glPopMatrix(); // scaled sphere location
4031 		glTranslatef(0.0f, 0.0f, 2.5f * scale_factor);
4032 		pos += 2.5f * scale_factor;
4033 	}
4035 	glPopMatrix(); // offset from origin
4037 }
4039 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4040 /**
4041  * Draws a cylinder from the current transformation's origin along negative z
4042  * axis for length units.  Assumes modeling transformation is in place, and
4043  * OpenGL commands are ready to be issued.  Useful for drawing bond pipes that
4044  * are optionally capped.
4045  * @param length Extent of the cylinder along the z-axis.
4046  * @param quadric Preallocated GLU quadric object.
4047  * @param ncaps Number of end caps to draw.  Should be 1 to draw endcap only at
4048  *              origin, 2 only at the opposite end, and 3 to draw both.
4049  * @param sphere_list Preassembled display list id for drawing endcaps, which
4050  * 					  should be valid if ncaps != 0.
4051  * @param radius Radius of cylinder.
4052  * @param quality Measure of "facetedness" of cylinder's geometric
4053  * 				  representation.
4054  */
DrawPipeCylinder(float length,GLUquadric * quadric,unsigned int ncaps,GLuint sphere_list,float radius,long quality)4056 void DrawPipeCylinder(float length, GLUquadric *quadric, unsigned int ncaps,
4057 					  GLuint sphere_list, float radius, long quality) {
4059 	gluCylinder(quadric, radius, radius, length, quality,
4060 				(long) (0.5f * quality));
4062 	// Draw sphere at end0 if requested.
4063 	if (ncaps & 1) {
4064 		glPushMatrix(); // end0
4065 		glScalef(radius, radius, radius);
4066 		glCallList(sphere_list);
4067 		glPopMatrix(); // end0
4068 	}
4070 	// Draw sphere at end1 if requested.
4071 	if (ncaps & 2) {
4072 		glPushMatrix(); // end1
4073 		glTranslatef(0.0f, 0.0f, length);
4074 		glScalef(radius, radius, radius);
4075 		glCallList(sphere_list);
4076 		glPopMatrix(); // end1
4077 	}
4079 }
4081 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
GetShaderProgramFromFiles(const std::string & vert_filename,const std::string & frag_filename)4083 GLuint GetShaderProgramFromFiles(const std::string& vert_filename,
4084                                  const std::string& frag_filename) {
4086 	std::string vert_src;
4087 	std::string frag_src;
4089 	if (!vert_filename.empty()) {
4090 		if (!FileToString(vert_filename, vert_src)) {
4091 			return 0;
4092 		}
4093 	}
4095 	if (!frag_filename.empty()) {
4096 		if (!FileToString(frag_filename, frag_src)) {
4097 			return 0;
4098 		}
4099 	}
4101 	return GetShaderProgram(vert_src, frag_src);
4103 }
4105 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
GetShaderProgram(const std::string & vert_src,const std::string & frag_src)4107 GLuint GetShaderProgram(const std::string& vert_src,
4108 						const std::string& frag_src) {
4110 	GLuint shader_prog = 0;
4112 	GLint succeeded;
4113 	char *log;
4114 	GLint log_length=0;
4115 	GLint chars_written;
4117 	shader_prog = glCreateProgram();
4119 	if (vert_src.length()) {
4120 		GLuint vert_shader;
4121 		const char *v2 = &vert_src.c_str()[0];
4123 		// Vertex shader.
4124 		vert_shader = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
4125 		glShaderSource(vert_shader, 1, &v2, NULL);
4126 		glCompileShader(vert_shader);
4127 		glGetShaderiv(vert_shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &succeeded);
4129 		glGetShaderiv(vert_shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &log_length);
4130 		if (log_length > 1) {
4131 			log = new char[log_length];
4132 			glGetShaderInfoLog(vert_shader, log_length, &chars_written, log);
4133 			std::cout << "log: " << log << std::endl;
4134 			delete[] log;
4135 		}
4137 		if (succeeded != GL_TRUE) {
4138 			std::cout << "Vertex Program: " << vert_src << std::endl;
4139 			wxLogMessage(wxT("Something went wrong with the shader."));
4140 		}
4142 		glAttachShader(shader_prog, vert_shader);
4143 	}
4145 	// Fragment shader.
4146 	if (frag_src.length()) {
4147 		GLuint frag_shader;
4148 		const char *f2 = &frag_src.c_str()[0];
4149 		frag_shader = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
4150 		glShaderSource(frag_shader, 1, &f2, NULL);
4152 		glCompileShader(frag_shader);
4153 		glGetShaderiv(frag_shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &succeeded);
4155 		glGetShaderiv(frag_shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &log_length);
4156 		if (log_length > 1) {
4157 			log = new char[log_length];
4158 			glGetShaderInfoLog(frag_shader, log_length, &chars_written, log);
4159 			std::cout << "log: " << log << std::endl;
4160 			delete[] log;
4161 		}
4163 		if (succeeded != GL_TRUE) {
4164 			std::cout << "Fragment Program: " << frag_src << std::endl;
4165 			wxLogMessage(wxT("Something went wrong with the shader."));
4166 		}
4168 		glAttachShader(shader_prog, frag_shader);
4169 	}
4171 	glLinkProgram(shader_prog);
4172 	glGetProgramiv(shader_prog, GL_LINK_STATUS, &succeeded);
4173 	if (succeeded != GL_TRUE) {
4174 		char *log;
4175 		GLint log_length;
4176 		GLint chars_written;
4177 		glGetProgramiv(shader_prog, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &log_length);
4178 		if (log_length) {
4179 			log = new char[log_length];
4180 			glGetProgramInfoLog(shader_prog, log_length, &chars_written, log);
4181 			std::cout << "log: " << log << std::endl;
4182 			delete[] log;
4183 			exit(1);
4184 		} else {
4185 			wxLogMessage(wxT("Something went wrong with the shader program."));
4186 		}
4187 	}
4189 	return shader_prog;
4191 }
4193 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4195 /**
4196  This function (re)generates any structures that are dependent on preference
4197  settings. It should be called when preferences change. It assumes that a valid
4198  OpenGL context exists and is current, so it should not be called by a parent's
4199  constructor.
4200  */
DoPrefDependent()4201 void MolDisplayWin::DoPrefDependent() {
4203 	// All atoms are drawn using one display list that draws a sphere.
4204 	// We delete any current list and create it anew.
4205 	if (sphere_list) {
4206 		glDeleteLists(sphere_list, 1);
4207 	}
4209 	GLUquadric *quad = gluNewQuadric();
4210 	gluQuadricOrientation(quad, GLU_OUTSIDE);
4211 	gluQuadricNormals(quad, GLU_SMOOTH);
4213 	sphere_list = glGenLists(1);
4214 	glNewList(sphere_list, GL_COMPILE);
4216 #if 1
4217 	float *verts;
4218 	int *faces;
4219 	int nverts;
4220 	int nfaces;
4221 	float *normals;
4222 	int nlevels;
4224 	// We do some funny mapping from display quality (2 - 40) to number of
4225 	// subdivisions.  2 maps to 0 levels, while all other values are mapped
4226 	// such that 13 -> 3 levels and 40 -> 7 levels.  Levels >7 recurse too
4227 	// much.
4228 	if (Prefs->GetQD3DAtomQuality() == 2) {
4229 		nlevels = 0;
4230 	} else {
4231 		nlevels = (int) ((Prefs->GetQD3DAtomQuality() - 13.0f) *
4232 						 (4.0f / 27.0f) + 3.0f);
4233 	}
4235 	GenerateOctahedron(nlevels, &verts, nverts, &faces, nfaces, &normals);
4236 	glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, verts);
4238 	glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
4239 	glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
4240 	glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, verts);
4241 	glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, normals);
4242 	glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, nfaces * 3, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, faces);
4243 	glDisableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
4244 	glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
4246 	delete[] verts;
4247 	delete[] faces;
4248 	delete[] normals;
4249 #else
4250 	gluSphere(quad, 1.0f, (long) (1.5f * Prefs->GetQD3DAtomQuality()),
4251 			  (long) (Prefs->GetQD3DAtomQuality()));
4252 #endif
4254 	glEndList();
4256 	gluDeleteQuadric(quad);
4258 	// Set the background color to the user's preference.
4259 	RGBColor *BackgroundColor = Prefs->GetBackgroundColorLoc();
4260 	float red, green, blue;
4261 	red = (float) BackgroundColor->red / 65536;
4262 	green = (float) BackgroundColor->green / 65536;
4263 	blue = (float) BackgroundColor->blue / 65536;
4264 	glClearColor(red, green, blue, 1.0f);
4266 	// The foreground color is white or black, whichever has better contrast given
4267 	// the background color.
4268 	long backMagnitude = BackgroundColor->red + BackgroundColor->green + BackgroundColor->blue;
4269 	if (backMagnitude > 70000)
4270 		fg_color[0] = fg_color[1] = fg_color[2] = 0.0f;
4271 	else
4272 		fg_color[0] = fg_color[1] = fg_color[2] = 1.0f;
4274 	// Setup two lights on either side of the camera.
4275 	float fillBrightness = Prefs->GetQD3DFillBrightness();
4276 	float PointBrightness = Prefs->GetQD3DPointBrightness();
4277 	GLfloat diffuse[4]  = {fillBrightness, fillBrightness, fillBrightness, 0.0f};
4278 	GLfloat specular[4] = {PointBrightness, PointBrightness, PointBrightness, 0.0f};
4279 	GLfloat ambient[4] = {0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0};
4281 	// Make sure we're in eye space so that the lights always
4282 	// illuminate the visible scene.
4283 	glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
4284 	glLoadIdentity();
4286 	glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, ambient);
4287 	glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, diffuse);
4288 	glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPECULAR, specular);
4289 	glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light_pos);
4290 	glEnable(GL_LIGHT0);
4292 	/* position[0] = -6.0; */
4293 	/* ambient[0] = ambient[1] = ambient[2] = 0.0f; */
4294 	/* glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_AMBIENT, ambient); */
4295 	/* glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, diffuse); */
4296 	/* glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_SPECULAR, specular); */
4297 	/* glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, position); */
4298 	/* glEnable(GL_LIGHT1); */
4300 	if (GLEW_VERSION_2_0) {
4301 		if (depth_fbo) {
4302 			glDeleteFramebuffersEXT(1, &(depth_fbo));
4303 			depth_fbo = 0;
4304 		}
4306 		wxString vector_font, bitmap_font;
4307 		wxStandardPathsBase & gStdPaths = wxStandardPaths::Get();
4308 #if wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 8, 0)
4309 		wxString pathname = gStdPaths.GetResourcesDir();
4310 #else
4311 		wxString pathname = gStdPaths.GetDataDir();
4312 #ifdef __WXMAC__
4313 		//wxWidgets has a funny idea of where the resources are stored. It locates them as "SharedSupport"
4314 		//but xcode is putting them in Resources.
4315 		pathname.Remove(pathname.Length() - 13);
4316 		pathname += wxT("Resources");
4317 #endif
4318 #endif
4320 		std::string vpath, fpath;
4321 		if (Prefs->GetShaderMode() == 1) {
4322 			vpath = std::string(pathname.ToAscii()) + "/perpixel_dirlight_v.glsl";
4323 			fpath = std::string(pathname.ToAscii()) + "/perpixel_dirlight_f.glsl";
4324 			shader_program = GetShaderProgramFromFiles(vpath, fpath);
4325 		} else if (Prefs->GetShaderMode() == 2) {
4326 			vpath = std::string(pathname.ToAscii()) + "/shadows_v.glsl";
4327 			fpath = std::string(pathname.ToAscii()) + "/shadows_f.glsl";
4328 			shader_program = GetShaderProgramFromFiles(vpath, fpath);
4330 			glGenTextures(1, &(depth_tex_id));
4331 			glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, depth_tex_id);
4344 			glGenFramebuffersEXT(1, &depth_fbo);
4345 			glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, depth_fbo);
4346 			glFramebufferTexture2DEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT,
4348 									  depth_tex_id, 0);
4349 			glDrawBuffer(GL_NONE);
4350 			glReadBuffer(GL_NONE);
4352 			GLenum status = glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT);
4353 			if (status != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT) {
4354 				std::cout << "Bad status: << " << (int) status << std::endl;
4355 			}
4357 			glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0);
4358 		}
4360 		if (shader_program) {
4361 			glUseProgram(shader_program);
4363 			CPoint3D lightvec(light_pos[0], light_pos[1], light_pos[2]);
4364 			Normalize3D(&lightvec);
4365 			GLint light_pos_loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader_program, "light_dir");
4366 			if (light_pos_loc >= 0) {
4367 				glUniform3f(light_pos_loc, lightvec.x, lightvec.y, lightvec.z);
4368 			} else {
4369 				std::cerr << "Can't set shader uniforms." << std::endl;
4370 			}
4372 			GLint uniform_loc = glGetUniformLocation(shader_program, "depth_map");
4373 			if (uniform_loc >= 0) {
4374 				glUniform1i(uniform_loc, 0);
4375 			}
4377 			glUseProgram(0);
4378 		}
4379 	}
4381 }