1{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
6{- | These declarations allow the use of a DirectionalSeq, which is a
7   Seq that uses a phantom type to identify the ordering of the
8   elements in the sequence (Forward or Reverse).  The constructors
9   are not exported from this module so that a DirectionalSeq can only
10   be constructed by the functions in this module.
13module Matterhorn.Types.DirectionalSeq where
15import           Prelude ()
16import           Matterhorn.Prelude
18import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
21data Chronological
22data Retrograde
23class SeqDirection a where
24  type ReverseDirection a
25instance SeqDirection Chronological
26  where type ReverseDirection Chronological = Retrograde
27instance SeqDirection Retrograde
28  where type ReverseDirection Retrograde = Chronological
30data SeqDirection dir => DirectionalSeq dir a =
31    DSeq { dseq :: Seq a }
32         deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
34emptyDirSeq :: DirectionalSeq dir a
35emptyDirSeq = DSeq mempty
37appendDirSeq :: DirectionalSeq dir a -> DirectionalSeq dir a -> DirectionalSeq dir a
38appendDirSeq a b = DSeq $ mappend (dseq a) (dseq b)
40onDirectedSeq :: SeqDirection dir => (Seq a -> Seq b)
41              -> DirectionalSeq dir a -> DirectionalSeq dir b
42onDirectedSeq f = DSeq . f . dseq
44-- | Uses a start-predicate and and end-predicate to
45-- identify (the first matching) subset that is delineated by
46-- start-predicate and end-predicate (inclusive).  It will then call
47-- the passed operation function on the subset messages to get back a
48-- (possibly modified) set of messages, along with an extracted value.
49-- The 'onDirSeqSubset' function will replace the original subset of
50-- messages with the set returned by the operation function and return
51-- the resulting message list along with the extracted value.
53onDirSeqSubset :: SeqDirection dir =>
54                 (e -> Bool) -> (e -> Bool)
55               -> (DirectionalSeq dir e -> (DirectionalSeq dir e, a))
56               -> DirectionalSeq dir e
57               -> (DirectionalSeq dir e, a)
58onDirSeqSubset startPred endPred op entries =
59    let ml = dseq entries
60        (bl, ml1) = Seq.breakl startPred ml
61        (ml2, el) = Seq.breakl endPred ml1
62        -- move match from start of el to end of ml2
63        (ml2', el') = if not (Seq.null el)
64                      then (ml2 <> Seq.take 1 el, Seq.drop 1 el)
65                      else (ml2, el)
66        (ml3, rval) = op $ DSeq ml2'
67    in (DSeq bl `appendDirSeq` ml3 `appendDirSeq` DSeq el', rval)
69-- | dirSeqBreakl splits the DirectionalSeq into a tuple where the
70-- first element is the (possibly empty) DirectionalSeq of all
71-- elements from the start for which the predicate returns false; the
72-- second tuple element is the remainder of the list, starting with
73-- the first element for which the predicate matched.
74dirSeqBreakl :: SeqDirection dir =>
75               (e -> Bool) -> DirectionalSeq dir e
76             -> (DirectionalSeq dir e, DirectionalSeq dir e)
77dirSeqBreakl isMatch entries =
78    let (removed, remaining) = Seq.breakl isMatch $ dseq entries
79    in (DSeq removed, DSeq remaining)
81-- | dirSeqPartition splits the DirectionalSeq into a tuple of two
82-- DirectionalSeq elements: the first contains all elements for which
83-- the predicate is true and the second contains all elements for
84-- which the predicate is false.
85dirSeqPartition :: SeqDirection dir =>
86                  (e -> Bool) -> DirectionalSeq dir e
87                -> (DirectionalSeq dir e, DirectionalSeq dir e)
88dirSeqPartition isMatch entries =
89    let (match, nomatch) = Seq.partition isMatch $ dseq entries
90    in (DSeq match, DSeq nomatch)
93withDirSeqHead :: SeqDirection dir => (e -> r) -> DirectionalSeq dir e -> Maybe r
94withDirSeqHead op entries =
95    case Seq.viewl (dseq entries) of
96      Seq.EmptyL -> Nothing
97      e Seq.:< _ -> Just $ op e