1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License.
3 // See LICENSE file in top directory for details.
4 //
5 // Copyright (c) 2016 Jeongnim Kim and QMCPACK developers.
6 //
7 // File developed by: Ken Esler, kpesler@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
8 //                    Miguel Morales, moralessilva2@llnl.gov, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
9 //                    Jeremy McMinnis, jmcminis@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
10 //                    Jeongnim Kim, jeongnim.kim@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
11 //                    Mark Dewing, markdewing@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
12 //                    Mark A. Berrill, berrillma@ornl.gov, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
13 //
14 // File created by: Jeongnim Kim, jeongnim.kim@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
15 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
18 #include "Particle/MCWalkerConfiguration.h"
19 #include "ParticleBase/ParticleUtility.h"
20 #include "ParticleBase/RandomSeqGenerator.h"
21 #include "Message/Communicate.h"
22 #include "WaveFunctionTester.h"
23 #include "QMCDrivers/DriftOperators.h"
24 #include "LongRange/StructFact.h"
25 #include "OhmmsData/AttributeSet.h"
26 #include "OhmmsData/ParameterSet.h"
27 #include "QMCWaveFunctions/SPOSet.h"
28 #include "QMCWaveFunctions/Fermion/SlaterDet.h"
29 #include "QMCWaveFunctions/OrbitalSetTraits.h"
30 #include "Numerics/DeterminantOperators.h"
31 #include "Numerics/SymmetryOperations.h"
32 #include <sstream>
34 namespace qmcplusplus
35 {
36 using WP = WalkerProperties::Indexes;
WaveFunctionTester(MCWalkerConfiguration & w,TrialWaveFunction & psi,QMCHamiltonian & h,ParticleSetPool & ptclPool,Communicate * comm)38 WaveFunctionTester::WaveFunctionTester(MCWalkerConfiguration& w,
39                                        TrialWaveFunction& psi,
40                                        QMCHamiltonian& h,
41                                        ParticleSetPool& ptclPool,
42                                        Communicate* comm)
43     : QMCDriver(w, psi, h, comm, "WaveFunctionTester"),
44       PtclPool(ptclPool),
45       checkRatio("no"),
46       checkClone("no"),
47       checkHamPbyP("no"),
48       wftricks("no"),
49       checkEloc("no"),
50       checkBasic("yes"),
51       checkRatioV("no"),
52       deltaParam(0.0),
53       toleranceParam(0.0),
54       outputDeltaVsError(false),
55       checkSlaterDet(true)
56 {
57   m_param.add(checkRatio, "ratio");
58   m_param.add(checkClone, "clone");
59   m_param.add(checkHamPbyP, "hamiltonianpbyp");
60   m_param.add(sourceName, "source");
61   m_param.add(wftricks, "orbitalutility");
62   m_param.add(checkEloc, "printEloc");
63   m_param.add(checkBasic, "basic");
64   m_param.add(checkRatioV, "virtual_move");
65   m_param.add(deltaParam, "delta");
66   m_param.add(toleranceParam, "tolerance");
67   m_param.add(checkSlaterDetOption, "sd");
69   deltaR.resize(w.getTotalNum());
70   makeGaussRandom(deltaR);
71 }
~WaveFunctionTester()73 WaveFunctionTester::~WaveFunctionTester() {}
75 /*!
76  * \brief Test the evaluation of the wavefunction, gradient and laplacian
77  by comparing to the numerical evaluation.
78  *
79  Use the finite difference formulas formulas
80  \f[
81  \nabla_i f({\bf R}) = \frac{f({\bf R+\Delta r_i}) - f({\bf R})}{2\Delta r_i}
82  \f]
83  and
84  \f[
85  \nabla_i^2 f({\bf R}) = \sum_{x,y,z} \frac{f({\bf R}+\Delta x_i)
86  - 2 f({\bf R}) + f({\bf R}-\Delta x_i)}{2\Delta x_i^2},
87  \f]
88  where \f$ f = \ln \Psi \f$ and \f$ \Delta r_i \f$ is a
89  small displacement for the ith particle.
90 */
run()92 bool WaveFunctionTester::run()
93 {
94   //DistanceTable::create(1);
95   char fname[16];
96   sprintf(fname, "wftest.%03d", OHMMS::Controller->rank());
97   fout.open(fname);
98   fout.precision(15);
100   app_log() << "Starting a Wavefunction tester.  Additional information in " << fname << std::endl;
102   put(qmcNode);
104   RandomGenerator_t* Rng1        = new RandomGenerator_t();
105   H.setRandomGenerator(Rng1);
107   if (checkSlaterDetOption == "no")
108     checkSlaterDet = false;
109   if (checkRatio == "yes")
110   {
111     //runRatioTest();
112     runRatioTest2();
113   }
114   else if (checkClone == "yes")
115     runCloneTest();
116   else if (checkEloc != "no")
117     printEloc();
118   else if (sourceName.size() != 0)
119   {
120     runGradSourceTest();
121     // runZeroVarianceTest();
122   }
123   else if (checkRatio == "deriv")
124   {
125     makeGaussRandom(deltaR);
126     deltaR *= 0.2;
127     runDerivTest();
128     runDerivNLPPTest();
129   }
130   else if (checkRatio == "derivclone")
131     runDerivCloneTest();
132   else if (wftricks == "rotate")
133     runwftricks();
134   else if (wftricks == "plot")
135     runNodePlot();
136   else if (checkBasic == "yes")
137     runBasicTest();
138   else if (checkRatioV == "yes")
139     runRatioV();
140   else
141     app_log() << "No wavefunction test specified" << std::endl;
143   //RealType ene = H.evaluate(W);
144   //app_log() << " Energy " << ene << std::endl;
145   return true;
146 }
runCloneTest()148 void WaveFunctionTester::runCloneTest()
149 {
150   app_log() << " ===== runCloneTest =====\n";
151   for (int iter = 0; iter < 4; ++iter)
152   {
153     app_log() << "Clone" << iter << std::endl;
154     ParticleSet* w_clone         = new MCWalkerConfiguration(W);
155     TrialWaveFunction* psi_clone = Psi.makeClone(*w_clone);
156     QMCHamiltonian* h_clone      = H.makeClone(*w_clone, *psi_clone);
157     h_clone->setPrimary(false);
158     int nat = W.getTotalNum();
159     MCWalkerConfiguration::PropertyContainer_t Properties(0,0,1,WP::MAXPROPERTIES);
160     //pick the first walker
161     MCWalkerConfiguration::Walker_t* awalker = *(W.begin());
162     //copy the properties of the working walker
163     Properties = awalker->Properties;
164     W.R        = awalker->R;
165     W.update();
166     ValueType logpsi1 = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
167     RealType eloc1    = H.evaluate(W);
168     w_clone->R        = awalker->R;
169     w_clone->update();
170     ValueType logpsi2 = psi_clone->evaluateLog(*w_clone);
171     RealType eloc2    = h_clone->evaluate(*w_clone);
172     app_log() << "Testing walker-by-walker functions " << std::endl;
173     app_log() << "log (original) = " << logpsi1 << " energy = " << eloc1 << std::endl;
174     app_log() << "log (clone)    = " << logpsi2 << " energy = " << eloc2 << std::endl;
175     app_log() << "Testing pbyp functions " << std::endl;
176     Walker_t::WFBuffer_t& wbuffer(awalker->DataSet);
177     wbuffer.clear();
178     app_log() << "  Walker Buffer State current=" << wbuffer.current() << " size=" << wbuffer.size() << std::endl;
179     Psi.registerData(W, wbuffer);
180     wbuffer.allocate();
181     Psi.copyFromBuffer(W, wbuffer);
182     Psi.evaluateLog(W);
183     logpsi1 = Psi.updateBuffer(W, wbuffer, false);
184     eloc1   = H.evaluate(W);
185     app_log() << "  Walker Buffer State current=" << wbuffer.current() << " size=" << wbuffer.size() << std::endl;
186     wbuffer.clear();
187     app_log() << "  Walker Buffer State current=" << wbuffer.current() << " size=" << wbuffer.size() << std::endl;
188     psi_clone->registerData(W, wbuffer);
189     wbuffer.allocate();
190     Psi.copyFromBuffer(W, wbuffer);
191     Psi.evaluateLog(W);
192     logpsi2 = Psi.updateBuffer(W, wbuffer, false);
193     eloc2   = H.evaluate(*w_clone);
194     app_log() << "  Walker Buffer State current=" << wbuffer.current() << " size=" << wbuffer.size() << std::endl;
195     app_log() << "log (original) = " << logpsi1 << " energy = " << eloc1 << std::endl;
196     app_log() << "log (clone)    = " << logpsi2 << " energy = " << eloc2 << std::endl;
197     delete h_clone;
198     delete psi_clone;
199     delete w_clone;
200   }
201 }
printEloc()203 void WaveFunctionTester::printEloc()
204 {
205   app_log() << " ===== printEloc =====\n";
206   ParticleSetPool::PoolType::iterator p;
207   for (p = PtclPool.getPool().begin(); p != PtclPool.getPool().end(); p++)
208     app_log() << "ParticelSet = " << p->first << std::endl;
209   // Find source ParticleSet
210   ParticleSetPool::PoolType::iterator pit(PtclPool.getPool().find(sourceName));
211   if (pit == PtclPool.getPool().end())
212     APP_ABORT("Unknown source \"" + sourceName + "\" in printEloc in WaveFunctionTester.");
213   ParticleSet& source = *((*pit).second);
214   app_log() << "Source = " << sourceName << "  " << (*pit).first << std::endl;
215   int nel     = W.getTotalNum();
216   int ncenter = source.getTotalNum();
217   //    int ncenter = 3;
218   //    std::cout <<"number of centers: " <<source.getTotalNum() << std::endl;
219   //    std::cout <<"0: " <<source.R[0] << std::endl;
220   //    std::cout <<"1: " <<source.R[1] << std::endl;
221   //    std::cout <<"2: " <<source.R[2] << std::endl;
222   MCWalkerConfiguration::PropertyContainer_t Properties(0,0,1,WP::MAXPROPERTIES);;
223   //pick the first walker
224   MCWalkerConfiguration::Walker_t* awalker = *(W.begin());
225   //copy the properties of the working walker
226   Properties = awalker->Properties;
227   W.R        = awalker->R;
228   W.update();
229   //ValueType psi = Psi.evaluate(W);
230   ValueType logpsi = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
231   RealType eloc    = H.evaluate(W);
232   app_log() << "  Logpsi: " << logpsi << std::endl;
233   app_log() << "  HamTest "
234             << "  Total " << eloc << std::endl;
235   for (int i = 0; i < H.sizeOfObservables(); i++)
236     app_log() << "  HamTest " << H.getObservableName(i) << " " << H.getObservable(i) << std::endl;
237   //RealType psi = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
238   //int iat=0;
239   double maxR = 1000000.0;
240   std::vector<int> closestElectron(ncenter);
241   for (int iat = 0; iat < ncenter; iat++)
242   {
243     maxR = 10000000;
244     for (int k = 0; k < nel; k++)
245     {
246       double dx = std::sqrt((W.R[k][0] - source.R[iat][0]) * (W.R[k][0] - source.R[iat][0]) +
247                             (W.R[k][1] - source.R[iat][1]) * (W.R[k][1] - source.R[iat][1]) +
248                             (W.R[k][2] - source.R[iat][2]) * (W.R[k][2] - source.R[iat][2]));
249       if (dx < maxR)
250       {
251         maxR                 = dx;
252         closestElectron[iat] = k;
253       }
254     }
255   }
256   //    closestElectron[iat]=1;
257   std::ofstream out("eloc.dat");
258   double x, dx = 1.0 / 499.0;
259   for (int k = 0; k < 500; k++)
260   {
261     x = -0.5 + k * dx;
262     out << x << "  ";
263     for (int iat = 0; iat < ncenter; iat++)
264     {
265       PosType tempR             = W.R[closestElectron[iat]];
266       W.R[closestElectron[iat]] = source.R[iat];
267       //        W.R[closestElectron[iat]]=0.0;
268       W.R[closestElectron[iat]][0] += x;
269       W.update();
270       ValueType logpsi_p = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
271       ValueType ene      = H.evaluate(W);
272       out << ene << "  ";
273       W.R[closestElectron[iat]] = source.R[iat];
274       //        W.R[closestElectron[iat]]=0.0;
275       W.R[closestElectron[iat]][1] += x;
276       W.update();
277       logpsi_p = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
278       ene      = H.evaluate(W);
279       out << ene << "  ";
280       W.R[closestElectron[iat]] = source.R[iat];
281       //        W.R[closestElectron[iat]]=0.0;
282       W.R[closestElectron[iat]][2] += x;
283       W.update();
284       logpsi_p = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
285       ene      = H.evaluate(W);
286       out << ene << "  ";
287       W.R[closestElectron[iat]] = tempR;
288     }
289     out << std::endl;
290   }
291   out.close();
292 }
295 class FiniteDifference : public QMCTraits
296 {
297 public:
298   enum FiniteDiffType
299   {
300     FiniteDiff_LowOrder,  // use simplest low-order formulas
301     FiniteDiff_Richardson // use Richardson extrapolation
302   };
FiniteDifference(FiniteDiffType fd_type=FiniteDiff_Richardson)303   FiniteDifference(FiniteDiffType fd_type = FiniteDiff_Richardson) : m_RichardsonSize(10), m_fd_type(fd_type) {}
305   int m_RichardsonSize;
308   FiniteDiffType m_fd_type;
310   struct PositionChange
311   {
312     int index; // particle index
313     PosType r;
314   };
315   typedef std::vector<PositionChange> PosChangeVector;
316   typedef std::vector<ValueType> ValueVector;
319   /** Generate points to evaluate */
320   void finiteDifferencePoints(RealType delta, MCWalkerConfiguration& W, PosChangeVector& positions);
322   /** Compute finite difference after log psi is computed for each point */
323   void computeFiniteDiff(RealType delta,
324                          PosChangeVector& positions,
325                          ValueVector& values,
326                          ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t& G_fd,
327                          ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t& L_fd);
329   void computeFiniteDiffLowOrder(RealType delta,
330                                  PosChangeVector& positions,
331                                  ValueVector& values,
332                                  ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t& G_fd,
333                                  ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t& L_fd);
335   void computeFiniteDiffRichardson(RealType delta,
336                                    PosChangeVector& positions,
337                                    ValueVector& values,
338                                    ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t& G_fd,
339                                    ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t& L_fd);
340 };
finiteDifferencePoints(RealType delta,MCWalkerConfiguration & W,PosChangeVector & positions)343 void FiniteDifference::finiteDifferencePoints(RealType delta, MCWalkerConfiguration& W, PosChangeVector& positions)
344 {
345   // First position is the central point
346   PositionChange p;
347   p.index = 0;
348   p.r     = W.R[0];
349   positions.push_back(p);
351   int nat = W.getTotalNum();
352   for (int iat = 0; iat < nat; iat++)
353   {
354     PositionChange p;
355     p.index    = iat;
356     PosType r0 = W.R[iat];
358     for (int idim = 0; idim < OHMMS_DIM; idim++)
359     {
360       p.r       = r0;
361       p.r[idim] = r0[idim] - delta;
362       positions.push_back(p);
364       p.r       = r0;
365       p.r[idim] = r0[idim] + delta;
366       positions.push_back(p);
368       if (m_fd_type == FiniteDiff_Richardson)
369       {
370         RealType dd = delta / 2;
371         for (int nr = 0; nr < m_RichardsonSize; nr++)
372         {
373           p.r       = r0;
374           p.r[idim] = r0[idim] - dd;
375           positions.push_back(p);
377           p.r       = r0;
378           p.r[idim] = r0[idim] + dd;
379           positions.push_back(p);
381           dd = dd / 2;
382         }
383       }
384     }
385   }
386 }
computeFiniteDiff(RealType delta,PosChangeVector & positions,ValueVector & values,ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t & G_fd,ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t & L_fd)389 void FiniteDifference::computeFiniteDiff(RealType delta,
390                                          PosChangeVector& positions,
391                                          ValueVector& values,
392                                          ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t& G_fd,
393                                          ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t& L_fd)
394 {
395   assert(positions.size() == values.size());
396   if (positions.size() == 0)
397     return;
399   ValueType logpsi = values[0];
401   if (m_fd_type == FiniteDiff_LowOrder)
402   {
403     computeFiniteDiffLowOrder(delta, positions, values, G_fd, L_fd);
404   }
405   else if (m_fd_type == FiniteDiff_Richardson)
406   {
407     computeFiniteDiffRichardson(delta, positions, values, G_fd, L_fd);
408   }
409 }
computeFiniteDiffLowOrder(RealType delta,PosChangeVector & positions,ValueVector & values,ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t & G_fd,ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t & L_fd)411 void FiniteDifference::computeFiniteDiffLowOrder(RealType delta,
412                                                  PosChangeVector& positions,
413                                                  ValueVector& values,
414                                                  ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t& G_fd,
415                                                  ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t& L_fd)
416 {
417   ValueType logpsi = values[0];
419   // lowest order derivative formula
420   ValueType c1 = 1.0 / delta / 2.0;
421   ValueType c2 = 1.0 / delta / delta;
423   const RealType twoD(2 * OHMMS_DIM);
424   const int pt_per_deriv = 2; // number of points per derivative
425   for (int pt_i = 1; pt_i < values.size(); pt_i += pt_per_deriv * OHMMS_DIM)
426   {
427     GradType g0;
428     ValueType lap0 = 0.0;
429     for (int idim = 0; idim < OHMMS_DIM; idim++)
430     {
431       int idx            = pt_i + idim * pt_per_deriv;
432       ValueType logpsi_m = values[idx];
433       ValueType logpsi_p = values[idx + 1];
435       g0[idim] = logpsi_p - logpsi_m;
436       lap0 += logpsi_p + logpsi_m;
437     }
439     int iat    = positions[pt_i].index;
440     GradType g = c1 * g0;
441     G_fd[iat]  = g;
443     ValueType lap = c2 * (lap0 - twoD * logpsi);
444     //ValueType lap = c2*(lap0 - 2.0*OHMMS_DIM*logpsi);
445     L_fd[iat] = lap;
446   }
447 }
449 // Use Richardson extrapolation to compute the derivatives.
450 // The 'delta' parameter should not be small, as with fixed
451 // order finite difference methods.  The algorithm  will zoom
452 // in on the right size of parameter.
computeFiniteDiffRichardson(RealType delta,PosChangeVector & positions,ValueVector & values,ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t & G_fd,ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t & L_fd)453 void FiniteDifference::computeFiniteDiffRichardson(RealType delta,
454                                                    PosChangeVector& positions,
455                                                    ValueVector& values,
456                                                    ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t& G_fd,
457                                                    ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t& L_fd)
458 {
459   RealType tol     = 1e-7;
460   ValueType logpsi = values[0];
462   const int pt_per_deriv = 2 * (m_RichardsonSize + 1); // number of points per derivative
463   for (int pt_i = 1; pt_i < values.size(); pt_i += pt_per_deriv * OHMMS_DIM)
464   {
465     GradType g0;
466     GradType gmin;
467     ValueType lmin;
468     std::vector<GradType> g_base(m_RichardsonSize + 1);
469     std::vector<GradType> g_rich(m_RichardsonSize + 1);
470     std::vector<GradType> g_prev(m_RichardsonSize + 1);
472     std::vector<ValueType> l_base(m_RichardsonSize + 1);
473     std::vector<ValueType> l_rich(m_RichardsonSize + 1);
474     std::vector<ValueType> l_prev(m_RichardsonSize + 1);
476     // Initial gradients and Laplacians at different deltas.
477     RealType dd = delta;
478     const ValueType ctwo(2);
479     for (int inr = 0; inr < m_RichardsonSize + 1; inr++)
480     {
481       RealType twodd = 2 * dd;
482       RealType ddsq  = dd * dd;
483       l_base[inr]    = 0.0;
484       for (int idim = 0; idim < OHMMS_DIM; idim++)
485       {
486         int idx            = pt_i + idim * pt_per_deriv + 2 * inr;
487         ValueType logpsi_m = values[idx];
488         ValueType logpsi_p = values[idx + 1];
489         g_base[inr][idim]  = (logpsi_p - logpsi_m) / twodd;
490         l_base[inr] += (logpsi_p + logpsi_m - ctwo * logpsi) / ddsq;
491         //g_base[inr][idim] = (logpsi_p - logpsi_m)/dd/2.0;
492         //l_base[inr] += (logpsi_p + logpsi_m - 2.0*logpsi)/(dd*dd);
493       }
494       dd = dd / 2;
495     }
497     // Gradient
499     g_prev[0]    = g_base[0];
500     RealType fac = 1;
501     bool found   = false;
502     for (int inr = 1; inr < m_RichardsonSize + 1; inr++)
503     {
504       g_rich[0] = g_base[inr];
506       fac *= 4;
507       for (int j = 1; j < inr + 1; j++)
508       {
509         g_rich[j] = g_rich[j - 1] + (g_rich[j - 1] - g_prev[j - 1]) / (fac - 1);
510       }
512       RealType err1 = 0.0;
513       RealType norm = 0.0;
514       for (int idim = 0; idim < OHMMS_DIM; idim++)
515       {
516         err1 += std::abs(g_rich[inr][idim] - g_prev[inr - 1][idim]);
517         norm += std::abs(g_prev[inr - 1][idim]);
518       }
520       RealType err_rel = err1 / norm;
522       // Not sure about the best stopping criteria
523       if (err_rel < tol)
524       {
525         gmin  = g_rich[inr];
526         found = true;
527         break;
528       }
529       g_prev = g_rich;
530     }
532     if (!found)
533     {
534       gmin = g_rich[m_RichardsonSize];
535     }
538     // Laplacian
539     // TODO: eliminate the copied code between the gradient and Laplacian
540     //       computations.
542     l_prev[0] = l_base[0];
544     fac   = 1;
545     found = false;
546     for (int inr = 1; inr < m_RichardsonSize + 1; inr++)
547     {
548       l_rich[0] = l_base[inr];
550       fac *= 4;
551       for (int j = 1; j < inr + 1; j++)
552       {
553         l_rich[j] = l_rich[j - 1] + (l_rich[j - 1] - l_prev[j - 1]) / (fac - 1);
554       }
556       RealType err1    = std::abs(l_rich[inr] - l_prev[inr - 1]);
557       RealType err_rel = std::abs(err1 / l_prev[inr - 1]);
559       if (err_rel < tol)
560       {
561         lmin  = l_rich[inr];
562         found = true;
563         break;
564       }
565       l_prev = l_rich;
566     }
568     if (!found)
569     {
570       lmin = l_rich[m_RichardsonSize];
571     }
573     int iat   = positions[pt_i].index;
574     G_fd[iat] = gmin;
575     L_fd[iat] = lmin;
576   }
577 }
579 // Compute numerical gradient and Laplacian
computeNumericalGrad(RealType delta,ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t & G_fd,ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t & L_fd)580 void WaveFunctionTester::computeNumericalGrad(RealType delta,
581                                               ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t& G_fd, // finite difference
582                                               ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t& L_fd)
583 {
584   FiniteDifference fd(FiniteDifference::FiniteDiff_LowOrder);
585   //FiniteDifference fd(FiniteDifference::FiniteDiff_Richardson);
586   FiniteDifference::PosChangeVector positions;
588   fd.finiteDifferencePoints(delta, W, positions);
590   FiniteDifference::ValueVector logpsi_vals;
591   FiniteDifference::PosChangeVector::iterator it;
593   for (it = positions.begin(); it != positions.end(); it++)
594   {
595     PosType r0     = W.R[it->index];
596     W.R[it->index] = it->r;
597     W.update();
598     RealType logpsi0 = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
599 #if defined(QMC_COMPLEX)
600     RealType phase0  = Psi.getPhase();
601     ValueType logpsi = std::complex<OHMMS_PRECISION>(logpsi0, phase0);
602 #else
603     ValueType logpsi = logpsi0;
604 #endif
605     logpsi_vals.push_back(logpsi);
607     W.R[it->index] = r0;
608     W.update();
609     Psi.evaluateLog(W);
610   }
612   fd.computeFiniteDiff(delta, positions, logpsi_vals, G_fd, L_fd);
613 }
615 // Usually
616 // lower_iat = 0
617 // upper_iat = nat
checkGradients(int lower_iat,int upper_iat,ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t & G,ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t & L,ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t & G_fd,ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t & L_fd,std::stringstream & log,int indent)618 bool WaveFunctionTester::checkGradients(int lower_iat,
619                                         int upper_iat,
620                                         ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t& G,
621                                         ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t& L,
622                                         ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t& G_fd,
623                                         ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t& L_fd,
624                                         std::stringstream& log,
625                                         int indent /* = 0 */)
626 {
627   ParticleSet::Scalar_t rel_tol = 1e-3;
628   ParticleSet::Scalar_t abs_tol = 1e-7;
629   if (toleranceParam > 0.0)
630   {
631     rel_tol = toleranceParam;
632   }
634   bool all_okay = true;
635   std::string pad(4 * indent, ' ');
638   for (int iat = lower_iat; iat < upper_iat; iat++)
639   {
640     ParticleSet::Scalar_t L_err       = std::abs(L[iat] - L_fd[iat]);
641     ParticleSet::Scalar_t L_rel_denom = std::max(std::abs(L[iat]), std::abs(L_fd[iat]));
642     ParticleSet::Scalar_t L_err_rel   = std::abs(L_err / L_rel_denom);
644     if (L_err_rel > rel_tol && L_err > abs_tol)
645     {
646       if (L_err_rel > rel_tol)
647       {
648         log << pad << "Finite difference Laplacian exceeds relative tolerance (" << rel_tol << ") for particle " << iat
649             << std::endl;
650       }
651       else
652       {
653         log << pad << "Finite difference Laplacian exceeds absolute tolerance (" << abs_tol << ") for particle " << iat
654             << std::endl;
655       }
656       log << pad << "  Analytic    = " << L[iat] << std::endl;
657       log << pad << "  Finite diff = " << L_fd[iat] << std::endl;
658       log << pad << "  Error       = " << L_err << "  Relative Error = " << L_err_rel << std::endl;
659       all_okay = false;
660     }
662     ParticleSet::Scalar_t G_err_rel[OHMMS_DIM];
663     for (int idim = 0; idim < OHMMS_DIM; idim++)
664     {
665       ParticleSet::Scalar_t G_err       = std::abs(G[iat][idim] - G_fd[iat][idim]);
666       ParticleSet::Scalar_t G_rel_denom = std::max(std::abs(G[iat][idim]), std::abs(G_fd[iat][idim]));
667       G_err_rel[idim]                   = std::abs(G_err / G[iat][idim]);
669       if (G_err_rel[idim] > rel_tol && G_err > abs_tol)
670       {
671         if (G_err_rel[idim] > rel_tol)
672         {
673           log << pad << "Finite difference gradient exceeds relative tolerance (" << rel_tol << ") for particle "
674               << iat;
675         }
676         else
677         {
678           log << pad << "Finite difference gradient exceeds absolute tolerance (" << abs_tol << ") for particle "
679               << iat;
680         }
681         log << " component " << idim << std::endl;
682         log << pad << "  Analytic    = " << G[iat][idim] << std::endl;
683         log << pad << "  Finite diff = " << G_fd[iat][idim] << std::endl;
684         log << pad << "  Error       = " << G_err << "  Relative Error = " << G_err_rel[idim] << std::endl;
685         all_okay = false;
686       }
687     }
689     fout << pad << "For particle #" << iat << " at " << W.R[iat] << std::endl;
690     fout << pad << "Gradient      = " << std::setw(12) << G[iat] << std::endl;
691     fout << pad << "  Finite diff = " << std::setw(12) << G_fd[iat] << std::endl;
692     fout << pad << "  Error       = " << std::setw(12) << G[iat] - G_fd[iat] << std::endl;
693     fout << pad << "  Relative Error = ";
694     for (int idim = 0; idim < OHMMS_DIM; idim++)
695     {
696       fout << G_err_rel[idim] << " ";
697     }
698     fout << std::endl << std::endl;
699     fout << pad << "Laplacian     = " << std::setw(12) << L[iat] << std::endl;
700     fout << pad << "  Finite diff = " << std::setw(12) << L_fd[iat] << std::endl;
701     fout << pad << "  Error       = " << std::setw(12) << L[iat] - L_fd[iat] << "  Relative Error = " << L_err_rel
702          << std::endl
703          << std::endl;
704   }
705   return all_okay;
706 }
checkGradientAtConfiguration(MCWalkerConfiguration::Walker_t * W1,std::stringstream & fail_log,bool & ignore)708 bool WaveFunctionTester::checkGradientAtConfiguration(MCWalkerConfiguration::Walker_t* W1,
709                                                       std::stringstream& fail_log,
710                                                       bool& ignore)
711 {
712   int nat = W.getTotalNum();
713   ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t G(nat), G1(nat);
714   ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t L(nat), L1(nat);
716   W.loadWalker(*W1, true);
718   // compute analytic values
719   Psi.evaluateLog(W);
720   G = W.G;
721   L = W.L;
723   // Use a single delta with a fairly large tolerance
724   //computeNumericalGrad(delta, G1, L1);
726   RealType delta = 1.0e-4;
727   if (deltaParam > 0.0)
728   {
729     delta = deltaParam;
730   }
731   FiniteDifference fd(FiniteDifference::FiniteDiff_LowOrder);
732   //RealType delta = 1.0;
733   //FiniteDifference fd(FiniteDifference::FiniteDiff_Richardson);
735   FiniteDifference::PosChangeVector positions;
737   fd.finiteDifferencePoints(delta, W, positions);
739   FiniteDifference::ValueVector logpsi_vals;
740   FiniteDifference::PosChangeVector::iterator it;
742   for (it = positions.begin(); it != positions.end(); it++)
743   {
744     PosType r0     = W.R[it->index];
745     W.R[it->index] = it->r;
746     W.update();
747     RealType logpsi0 = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
748     RealType phase0  = Psi.getPhase();
749 #if defined(QMC_COMPLEX)
750     ValueType logpsi = std::complex<OHMMS_PRECISION>(logpsi0, phase0);
751 #else
752     ValueType logpsi = logpsi0;
753 #endif
754     logpsi_vals.push_back(logpsi);
756     W.R[it->index] = r0;
757     W.update();
758     Psi.evaluateLog(W);
759   }
761   fd.computeFiniteDiff(delta, positions, logpsi_vals, G1, L1);
763   fout << "delta = " << delta << std::endl;
765   // TODO - better choice of tolerance
766   // TODO - adjust delta and tolerance based on precision of wavefunction
768   bool all_okay = checkGradients(0, nat, G, L, G1, L1, fail_log);
769   //  RealType tol = 1e-3;
770   //  if (toleranceParam> 0.0)
771   //  {
772   //    tol = toleranceParam;
773   //  }
775   for (int iorb = 0; iorb < Psi.getOrbitals().size(); iorb++)
776   {
777     WaveFunctionComponent* orb = Psi.getOrbitals()[iorb];
779     ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t G(nat), tmpG(nat), G1(nat);
780     ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t L(nat), tmpL(nat), L1(nat);
783     LogValueType logpsi1 = orb->evaluateLog(W, G, L);
785     fail_log << "WaveFunctionComponent " << iorb << " " << orb->ClassName << " log psi = " << logpsi1 << std::endl;
787     FiniteDifference::ValueVector logpsi_vals;
788     FiniteDifference::PosChangeVector::iterator it;
789     for (it = positions.begin(); it != positions.end(); it++)
790     {
791       PosType r0     = W.R[it->index];
792       W.R[it->index] = it->r;
793       W.update();
794       ParticleSet::SingleParticlePos_t zeroR;
795       W.makeMove(it->index, zeroR);
797       LogValueType logpsi0 = orb->evaluateLog(W, tmpG, tmpL);
798 #if defined(QMC_COMPLEX)
799       ValueType logpsi(logpsi0.real(), logpsi0.imag());
800 #else
801       ValueType logpsi = std::real(logpsi0);
802 #endif
803       logpsi_vals.push_back(logpsi);
804       W.rejectMove(it->index);
806       W.R[it->index] = r0;
807       W.update();
808     }
809     fd.computeFiniteDiff(delta, positions, logpsi_vals, G1, L1);
811     fout << "  WaveFunctionComponent " << iorb << " " << orb->ClassName << std::endl;
813     if (!checkGradients(0, nat, G, L, G1, L1, fail_log, 1))
814     {
815       all_okay = false;
816     }
818     if (!checkSlaterDet)
819       continue; // skip SlaterDet check if <backflow> is present
820     // DiracDeterminantWithBackflow::evaluateLog requires a call to BackflowTransformation::evaluate in its owning SlaterDetWithBackflow to work correctly.
821     SlaterDet* sd = dynamic_cast<SlaterDet*>(orb);
822     if (sd)
823     {
824       for (int isd = 0; isd < sd->Dets.size(); isd++)
825       {
826         ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t G(nat), tmpG(nat), G1(nat);
827         ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t L(nat), tmpL(nat), L1(nat);
828         DiracDeterminantBase& det = *sd->Dets[isd];
829         LogValueType logpsi2      = det.evaluateLog(W, G, L); // this won't work with backflow
830         fail_log << "  Slater Determiant " << isd << " (for particles " << det.getFirstIndex() << " to "
831                  << det.getLastIndex() << ") log psi = " << logpsi2 << std::endl;
832         // Should really check the condition number on the matrix determinant.
833         // For now, just ignore values that too small.
834         if (std::real(logpsi2) < -40.0)
835         {
836           ignore = true;
837         }
838         FiniteDifference::ValueVector logpsi_vals;
839         FiniteDifference::PosChangeVector::iterator it;
840         for (it = positions.begin(); it != positions.end(); it++)
841         {
842           PosType r0     = W.R[it->index];
843           W.R[it->index] = it->r;
844           W.update();
846           LogValueType logpsi0 = det.evaluateLog(W, tmpG, tmpL);
847 #if defined(QMC_COMPLEX)
848           ValueType logpsi(logpsi0.real(), logpsi0.imag());
849 #else
850           ValueType logpsi = std::real(logpsi0);
851 #endif
852           logpsi_vals.push_back(logpsi);
854           W.R[it->index] = r0;
855           W.update();
856         }
857         fd.computeFiniteDiff(delta, positions, logpsi_vals, G1, L1);
859         if (!checkGradients(det.getFirstIndex(), det.getLastIndex(), G, L, G1, L1, fail_log, 2))
860         {
861           all_okay = false;
862         }
864 #if 0
865         // Testing single particle orbitals doesn't work yet - probably something
866         // with setup after setting the position.
867         std::map<std::string, SPOSetPtr>::iterator spo_it = sd->mySPOSet.begin();
868         for (; spo_it != sd->mySPOSet.end(); spo_it++)
869         {
870           SPOSetPtr spo = spo_it->second;
871           fail_log << "      SPO set = " << spo_it->first <<  " name = " << spo->className;
872           fail_log << " orbital set size = " << spo->size();
873           fail_log << " basis set size = " << spo->getBasisSetSize() << std::endl;
875           ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t G(nat), tmpG(nat), G1(nat);
876           ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t L(nat), tmpL(nat), L1(nat);
877           RealType logpsi3 = det.evaluateLog(W, G, L);
878           FiniteDifference::ValueVector logpsi_vals;
879           FiniteDifference::PosChangeVector::iterator it;
880           for (it = positions.begin(); it != positions.end(); it++)
881           {
882             PosType r0 = W.R[it->index];
883             W.R[it->index] = it->r;
884             W.update();
885             ParticleSet::SingleParticlePos_t zeroR;
886             W.makeMove(it->index,zeroR);
888             SPOSet::ValueVector_t psi(spo->size());
890             spo->evaluate(W, it->index, psi);
891             ValueType logpsi = psi[0];
892             logpsi_vals.push_back(logpsi);
894             W.rejectMove(it->index);
895             W.R[it->index] = r0;
896             W.update();
897           }
898           fd.computeFiniteDiff(delta, positions, logpsi_vals, G1, L1);
900           if (!checkGradients(det.getFirstIndex(), det.getLastIndex(), G, L, G1, L1, fail_log, 3))
901           {
902             all_okay = false;
903           }
904         }
905 #endif
906       }
907     }
908   }
909   return all_okay;
910 }
runBasicTest()912 void WaveFunctionTester::runBasicTest()
913 {
914   int nat = W.getTotalNum();
915   fout << "Numerical gradient and Laplacian test" << std::endl;
917   std::stringstream fail_log;
918   bool all_okay = true;
919   int fails     = 0;
920   int nconfig   = 0;
921   int nignore   = 0;
923   MCWalkerConfiguration::iterator Wit(W.begin());
924   for (; Wit != W.end(); Wit++)
925   {
926     fout << "Walker # " << nconfig << std::endl;
927     std::stringstream fail_log1;
928     bool ignore    = false;
929     bool this_okay = checkGradientAtConfiguration(*Wit, fail_log1, ignore);
930     if (ignore)
931     {
932       nignore++;
933     }
934     if (!this_okay && !ignore)
935     {
936       fail_log << "Walker # " << nconfig << std::endl;
937       fail_log << fail_log1.str();
938       fail_log << std::endl;
939       fails++;
940       all_okay = false;
941     }
942     nconfig++;
943   }
945   app_log() << "Number of samples = " << nconfig << std::endl;
946   app_log() << "Number ignored (bad positions) = " << nignore << std::endl << std::endl;
947   app_log() << "Number of fails = " << fails << std::endl << std::endl;
949   if (!all_okay)
950   {
951     std::string fail_name("wf_fails.dat");
952     app_log() << "More detail on finite difference failures in " << fail_name << std::endl;
953     std::ofstream eout(fail_name.c_str());
954     eout << fail_log.str();
955     eout.close();
956   }
958   app_log() << "Finite difference test: " << (all_okay ? "PASS" : "FAIL") << std::endl;
960   // Compute approximation error vs. delta.
961   if (outputDeltaVsError)
962   {
963     double delta   = 1.0;
964     bool inputOkay = true;
966     std::ofstream dout(DeltaVsError.outputFile.c_str());
968     int iat = DeltaVsError.particleIndex;
969     int ig  = DeltaVsError.gradientComponentIndex;
971     if (iat < 0 || iat >= nat)
972     {
973       dout << "# Particle index (" << iat << ") is out of range (0 - " << nat - 1 << ")" << std::endl;
974       inputOkay = false;
975     }
977     if (ig < 0 || ig >= OHMMS_DIM)
978     {
979       dout << "# Gradient component index (" << ig << ") is out of range (0 - " << OHMMS_DIM - 1 << ")" << std::endl;
980       inputOkay = false;
981     }
983     if (inputOkay)
984     {
985       dout << "# Particle = " << iat << " Gradient component = " << ig << std::endl;
986       dout << "#" << std::setw(11) << "delta" << std::setw(14) << "G_err_rel" << std::setw(14) << "L_err_rel"
987            << std::endl;
988       ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t G(nat), G1(nat);
989       ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t L(nat), L1(nat);
990       for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
991       {
992         // compute analytic values
993         G = W.G;
994         L = W.L;
995         Psi.evaluateLog(W);
997         computeNumericalGrad(delta, G1, L1);
998         ParticleSet::Scalar_t L_err     = std::abs(L[iat] - L1[iat]);
999         ParticleSet::Scalar_t L_err_rel = std::abs(L_err / L[iat]);
1000         ParticleSet::Scalar_t G_err     = std::abs(G[iat][ig] - G1[iat][ig]);
1001         ParticleSet::Scalar_t G_err_rel = std::abs(G_err / G[iat][ig]);
1002         dout << std::setw(12) << delta;
1003         dout << std::setw(14) << std::abs(G_err_rel) << std::setw(14) << std::abs(L_err_rel);
1004         dout << std::endl;
1005         delta *= std::sqrt(0.1);
1006       }
1007     }
1008     dout.close();
1009   }
1011   fout << "Ratio test" << std::endl;
1013   RealType tol        = 1e-3;
1014   RealType ratio_tol  = 1e-9;
1015   bool any_ratio_fail = false;
1016   makeGaussRandom(deltaR);
1017   fout << "deltaR:" << std::endl;
1018   fout << deltaR << std::endl;
1019   fout << "Particle       Ratio of Ratios     Computed Ratio   Internal Ratio" << std::endl;
1020   //testing ratio alone
1021   for (int iat = 0; iat < nat; iat++)
1022   {
1023     W.update();
1024     //ValueType psi_p = log(std::abs(Psi.evaluate(W)));
1025     RealType psi_p   = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1026     RealType phase_p = Psi.getPhase();
1027     W.makeMove(iat, deltaR[iat]);
1028     //W.update();
1029     ValueType aratio   = Psi.calcRatio(W, iat);
1030     RealType phaseDiff = Psi.getPhaseDiff();
1031     W.rejectMove(iat);
1032     Psi.rejectMove(iat);
1033     W.R[iat] += deltaR[iat];
1034     W.update();
1035     //ValueType psi_m = log(std::abs(Psi.evaluate(W)));
1036     RealType psi_m   = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1037     RealType phase_m = Psi.getPhase();
1039 #if defined(QMC_COMPLEX)
1040     RealType ratioMag = std::exp(psi_m - psi_p);
1041     RealType dphase   = phase_m - phase_p;
1042     if (phaseDiff < 0.0)
1043       phaseDiff += 2.0 * M_PI;
1044     if (phaseDiff > 2.0 * M_PI)
1045       phaseDiff -= 2.0 * M_PI;
1046     if (dphase < 0.0)
1047       dphase += 2.0 * M_PI;
1048     if (dphase > 2.0 * M_PI)
1049       dphase -= 2.0 * M_PI;
1050     ValueType ratDiff = std::complex<OHMMS_PRECISION>(ratioMag * std::cos(dphase), ratioMag * std::sin(dphase));
1051     // TODO - test complex ratio against a tolerance
1052     fout << iat << " " << aratio / ratDiff << " " << ratDiff << " " << aratio << std::endl;
1053     fout << "     ratioMag " << std::abs(aratio) / ratioMag << " " << ratioMag << std::endl;
1054     fout << "     PhaseDiff " << phaseDiff / dphase << " " << phaseDiff << " " << dphase << std::endl;
1055 #else
1056     RealType ratDiff = std::exp(psi_m - psi_p) * std::cos(phase_m - phase_p);
1057     fout << iat << " " << aratio / ratDiff << " " << ratDiff << " " << aratio << std::endl;
1058     if (std::abs(aratio / ratDiff - 1.0) > ratio_tol)
1059     {
1060       app_log() << "Wavefunction ratio exceeds tolerance " << tol << ") for particle " << iat << std::endl;
1061       app_log() << "  Internally computed ratio = " << aratio << std::endl;
1062       app_log() << "  Separately computed ratio = " << ratDiff << std::endl;
1063       any_ratio_fail = true;
1064     }
1065 #endif
1066   }
1067   app_log() << "Ratio test: " << (any_ratio_fail ? "FAIL" : "PASS") << std::endl;
1068 }
runRatioTest()1070 void WaveFunctionTester::runRatioTest()
1071 {
1072 #if 0
1073   int nat = W.getTotalNum();
1074   ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t Gp(nat), dGp(nat);
1075   ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t Lp(nat), dLp(nat);
1076   bool checkHam=(checkHamPbyP == "yes");
1077   Tau=0.025;
1078   MCWalkerConfiguration::iterator it(W.begin()), it_end(W.end());
1079   while (it != it_end)
1080   {
1081     makeGaussRandom(deltaR);
1082     Walker_t::WFBuffer_t tbuffer;
1083     W.R = (**it).R+Tau*deltaR;
1084     (**it).R=W.R;
1085     W.update();
1086     RealType logpsi=Psi.registerData(W,tbuffer);
1087     RealType ene;
1088     if (checkHam)
1089       ene = H.registerData(W,tbuffer);
1090     else
1091       ene = H.evaluate(W);
1092     (*it)->DataSet=tbuffer;
1093     //RealType ene = H.evaluate(W);
1094     (*it)->resetProperty(logpsi,Psi.getPhase(),ene,0.0,0.0,1.0);
1095     H.saveProperty((*it)->getPropertyBase());
1096     ++it;
1097     app_log() << "  HamTest " << "  Total " <<  ene << std::endl;
1098     for (int i=0; i<H.sizeOfObservables(); i++)
1099       app_log() << "  HamTest " << H.getObservableName(i) << " " << H.getObservable(i) << std::endl;
1100   }
1101   fout << "  Update using drift " << std::endl;
1102   bool pbyp_mode=true;
1103   for (int iter=0; iter<4; ++iter)
1104   {
1105     int iw=0;
1106     it=W.begin();
1107     while (it != it_end)
1108     {
1109       fout << "\nStart Walker " << iw++ << std::endl;
1110       Walker_t& thisWalker(**it);
1111       W.loadWalker(thisWalker,pbyp_mode);
1112       Walker_t::WFBuffer_t& w_buffer(thisWalker.DataSet);
1113       Psi.copyFromBuffer(W,w_buffer);
1114       H.copyFromBuffer(W,w_buffer);
1115 //             Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1116       RealType eold(thisWalker.Properties(WP::LOCALENERGY));
1117       RealType logpsi(thisWalker.Properties(LOGPSI));
1118       RealType emixed(eold), enew(eold);
1119       makeGaussRandom(deltaR);
1120       //mave a move
1121       RealType ratio_accum(1.0);
1122       for (int iat=0; iat<nat; iat++)
1123       {
1124         PosType dr(Tau*deltaR[iat]);
1125         PosType newpos(W.makeMove(iat,dr));
1126         //RealType ratio=Psi.ratio(W,iat,dGp,dLp);
1127         W.dG=0;
1128         W.dL=0;
1129         RealType ratio=Psi.ratio(W,iat,W.dG,W.dL);
1130         Gp = W.G + W.dG;
1131         //RealType enew = H.evaluatePbyP(W,iat);
1132         if (checkHam)
1133           enew = H.evaluatePbyP(W,iat);
1134         if (ratio > Random())
1135         {
1136           fout << " Accepting a move for " << iat << std::endl;
1137           fout << " Energy after a move " << enew << std::endl;
1138           W.G += W.dG;
1139           W.L += W.dL;
1140           W.acceptMove(iat);
1141           Psi.acceptMove(W,iat);
1142           if (checkHam)
1143             H.acceptMove(iat);
1144           ratio_accum *= ratio;
1145         }
1146         else
1147         {
1148           fout << " Rejecting a move for " << iat << std::endl;
1149           W.rejectMove(iat);
1150           Psi.rejectMove(iat);
1151           //H.rejectMove(iat);
1152         }
1153       }
1154       fout << " Energy after pbyp = " << H.getLocalEnergy() << std::endl;
1155       RealType newlogpsi_up = Psi.evaluateLog(W,w_buffer);
1156       W.saveWalker(thisWalker);
1157       RealType ene_up;
1158       if (checkHam)
1159         ene_up= H.evaluate(W,w_buffer);
1160       else
1161         ene_up = H.evaluate(W);
1162       Gp=W.G;
1163       Lp=W.L;
1164       W.R=thisWalker.R;
1165       W.update();
1166       RealType newlogpsi=Psi.updateBuffer(W,w_buffer,false);
1167       RealType ene = H.evaluate(W);
1168       thisWalker.resetProperty(newlogpsi,Psi.getPhase(),ene);
1169       //thisWalker.resetProperty(std::log(psi),Psi.getPhase(),ene);
1170       fout << iter << "  Energy by update = "<< ene_up << " " << ene << " "  << ene_up-ene << std::endl;
1171       fout << iter << " Ratio " << ratio_accum*ratio_accum
1172             << " | " << std::exp(2.0*(newlogpsi-logpsi)) << " "
1173             << ratio_accum*ratio_accum/std::exp(2.0*(newlogpsi-logpsi)) << std::endl
1174             << " new log(psi) updated " << newlogpsi_up
1175             << " new log(psi) calculated " << newlogpsi
1176             << " old log(psi) " << logpsi << std::endl;
1177       fout << " Gradients " << std::endl;
1178       for (int iat=0; iat<nat; iat++)
1179         fout << W.G[iat]-Gp[iat] << W.G[iat] << std::endl; //W.G[iat] << G[iat] << std::endl;
1180       fout << " Laplacians " << std::endl;
1181       for (int iat=0; iat<nat; iat++)
1182         fout << W.L[iat]-Lp[iat] << " " << W.L[iat] << std::endl;
1183       ++it;
1184     }
1185   }
1186   fout << "  Update without drift : for VMC useDrift=\"no\"" << std::endl;
1187   for (int iter=0; iter<4; ++iter)
1188   {
1189     it=W.begin();
1190     int iw=0;
1191     while (it != it_end)
1192     {
1193       fout << "\nStart Walker " << iw++ << std::endl;
1194       Walker_t& thisWalker(**it);
1195       W.loadWalker(thisWalker,pbyp_mode);
1196       Walker_t::WFBuffer_t& w_buffer(thisWalker.DataSet);
1197       //Psi.updateBuffer(W,w_buffer,true);
1198       Psi.copyFromBuffer(W,w_buffer);
1199       RealType eold(thisWalker.Properties(WP::LOCALENERGY));
1200       RealType logpsi(thisWalker.Properties(LOGPSI));
1201       RealType emixed(eold), enew(eold);
1202       //mave a move
1203       RealType ratio_accum(1.0);
1204       for (int substep=0; substep<3; ++substep)
1205       {
1206         makeGaussRandom(deltaR);
1207         for (int iat=0; iat<nat; iat++)
1208         {
1209           PosType dr(Tau*deltaR[iat]);
1210           PosType newpos(W.makeMove(iat,dr));
1211           RealType ratio=Psi.ratio(W,iat);
1212           RealType prob = ratio*ratio;
1213           if (prob > Random())
1214           {
1215             fout << " Accepting a move for " << iat << std::endl;
1216             W.acceptMove(iat);
1217             Psi.acceptMove(W,iat);
1218             ratio_accum *= ratio;
1219           }
1220           else
1221           {
1222             fout << " Rejecting a move for " << iat << std::endl;
1223             W.rejectMove(iat);
1224             Psi.rejectMove(iat);
1225           }
1226         }
1227         RealType logpsi_up = Psi.updateBuffer(W,w_buffer,false);
1228         W.saveWalker(thisWalker);
1229         RealType ene = H.evaluate(W);
1230         thisWalker.resetProperty(logpsi_up,Psi.getPhase(),ene);
1231       }
1232       Gp=W.G;
1233       Lp=W.L;
1234       W.update();
1235       RealType newlogpsi=Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1236       fout << iter << " Ratio " << ratio_accum*ratio_accum
1237             << " | " << std::exp(2.0*(newlogpsi-logpsi)) << " "
1238             << ratio_accum*ratio_accum/std::exp(2.0*(newlogpsi-logpsi)) << std::endl
1239             << " new log(psi) " << newlogpsi
1240             << " old log(psi) " << logpsi << std::endl;
1241       fout << " Gradients " << std::endl;
1242       for (int iat=0; iat<nat; iat++)
1243       {
1244         fout << W.G[iat]-Gp[iat] << W.G[iat] << std::endl; //W.G[iat] << G[iat] << std::endl;
1245       }
1246       fout << " Laplacians " << std::endl;
1247       for (int iat=0; iat<nat; iat++)
1248       {
1249         fout << W.L[iat]-Lp[iat] << " " << W.L[iat] << std::endl;
1250       }
1251       ++it;
1252     }
1253   }
1254   //for(it=W.begin();it != it_end; ++it)
1255   //{
1256   //  Walker_t& thisWalker(**it);
1257   //  Walker_t::WFBuffer_t& w_buffer((*it)->DataSet);
1258   //  w_buffer.rewind();
1259   //  W.updateBuffer(**it,w_buffer);
1260   //  RealType logpsi=Psi.updateBuffer(W,w_buffer,true);
1261   //}
1262 #endif
1263 }
runRatioTest2()1265 void WaveFunctionTester::runRatioTest2()
1266 {
1267   app_log() << " ===== runRatioTest2 =====\n";
1268   int nat = W.getTotalNum();
1269   ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t Gp(nat), dGp(nat);
1270   ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t Lp(nat), dLp(nat);
1271   Tau = 0.025;
1272   MCWalkerConfiguration::iterator it(W.begin()), it_end(W.end());
1273   for (; it != it_end; ++it)
1274   {
1275     makeGaussRandom(deltaR);
1276     Walker_t::WFBuffer_t tbuffer;
1277     (**it).R += Tau * deltaR;
1278     W.loadWalker(**it, true);
1279     Psi.registerData(W, tbuffer);
1280     tbuffer.allocate();
1281     Psi.copyFromBuffer(W, tbuffer);
1282     Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1283     RealType logpsi = Psi.updateBuffer(W, tbuffer, false);
1284     RealType ene    = H.evaluate(W);
1285     (*it)->DataSet  = tbuffer;
1286     //RealType ene = H.evaluate(W);
1287     (*it)->resetProperty(logpsi, Psi.getPhase(), ene, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
1288     H.saveProperty((*it)->getPropertyBase());
1289     app_log() << "  HamTest "
1290               << "  Total " << ene << std::endl;
1291     for (int i = 0; i < H.sizeOfObservables(); i++)
1292       app_log() << "  HamTest " << H.getObservableName(i) << " " << H.getObservable(i) << std::endl;
1293   }
1294   for (int iter = 0; iter < 20; ++iter)
1295   {
1296     int iw = 0;
1297     it     = W.begin();
1298     //while(it != it_end)
1299     for (; it != it_end; ++it)
1300     {
1301       fout << "\nStart Walker " << iw++ << std::endl;
1302       Walker_t& thisWalker(**it);
1303       W.loadWalker(thisWalker, true);
1304       Walker_t::WFBuffer_t& w_buffer(thisWalker.DataSet);
1305       Psi.copyFromBuffer(W, w_buffer);
1306       RealType eold(thisWalker.Properties(WP::LOCALENERGY));
1307       RealType logpsi(thisWalker.Properties(WP::LOGPSI));
1308       Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1309       ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t realGrad(W.G);
1310       makeGaussRandom(deltaR);
1311       //mave a move
1312       for (int iat = 0; iat < nat; iat++)
1313       {
1314         TinyVector<ParticleSet::SingleParticleValue_t, OHMMS_DIM> grad_now = Psi.evalGrad(W, iat);
1315         GradType grad_new;
1316         for (int sds = 0; sds < 3; sds++)
1317           fout << realGrad[iat][sds] - grad_now[sds] << " ";
1318         PosType dr(Tau * deltaR[iat]);
1319         W.makeMove(iat, dr);
1320         ValueType ratio2 = Psi.calcRatioGrad(W, iat, grad_new);
1321         W.rejectMove(iat);
1322         Psi.rejectMove(iat);
1323         W.makeMove(iat, dr);
1324         ValueType ratio1 = Psi.calcRatio(W, iat);
1325         //Psi.rejectMove(iat);
1326         W.rejectMove(iat);
1327         fout << "  ratio1 = " << ratio1 << " ration2 = " << ratio2 << std::endl;
1328       }
1329     }
1330   }
1331   //for(it=W.begin();it != it_end; ++it)
1332   //{
1333   //  Walker_t& thisWalker(**it);
1334   //  Walker_t::WFBuffer_t& w_buffer((*it)->DataSet);
1335   //  w_buffer.rewind();
1336   //  W.updateBuffer(**it,w_buffer);
1337   //  RealType logpsi=Psi.updateBuffer(W,w_buffer,true);
1338   //}
1339 }
1341 template<typename T, unsigned D>
randomize(ParticleAttrib<TinyVector<T,D>> & displ,T fac)1342 inline void randomize(ParticleAttrib<TinyVector<T, D>>& displ, T fac)
1343 {
1344   T* rv = &(displ[0][0]);
1345   assignUniformRand(rv, displ.size() * D, Random);
1346   for (int i = 0; i < displ.size() * D; ++i)
1347     rv[i] = fac * (rv[i] - 0.5);
1348 }
runRatioV()1350 void WaveFunctionTester::runRatioV()
1351 {
1352 #if 0
1353   app_log() << "WaveFunctionTester::runRatioV " << std::endl;
1354   int nat = W.getTotalNum();
1355   Tau=0.025;
1357   //create a VP with 8 virtual moves
1358   VirtualParticleSet vp(&W,8);
1359   W.enableVirtualMoves();
1361   //cheating
1362   const ParticleSet& ions=W.DistTables[1]->origin();
1363   DistanceTableData* dt_ie=W.DistTables[1];
1364   double Rmax=2.0;
1366   ParticleSet::ParticlePos_t sphere(8);
1367   std::vector<RealType> ratio_1(8), ratio_v(8);
1368   MCWalkerConfiguration::iterator it(W.begin()), it_end(W.end());
1369   while (it != it_end)
1370   {
1371     makeGaussRandom(deltaR);
1372     Walker_t::WFBuffer_t tbuffer;
1373     W.R = (**it).R+Tau*deltaR;
1374     (**it).R=W.R;
1375     W.update();
1376     RealType logpsi=Psi.registerData(W,tbuffer);
1378     W.initVirtualMoves();
1380     for(int iat=0; iat<ions.getTotalNum(); ++iat)
1381     {
1382       for(int nn=dt_ie->M[iat],iel=0; nn<dt_ie->M[iat+1]; nn++,iel++)
1383       {
1384         RealType r(dt_ie->r(nn));
1385         if(r>Rmax) continue;
1386         randomize(sphere,(RealType)0.5);
1388         for(int k=0; k<sphere.size(); ++k)
1389         {
1390           W.makeMoveOnSphere(iel,sphere[k]);
1391           ratio_1[k]=Psi.ratio(W,iel);
1392           W.rejectMove(iel);
1393           Psi.resetPhaseDiff();
1394         }
1396         vp.makeMoves(iel,sphere);
1398         Psi.evaluateRatios(vp,ratio_v);
1400         app_log() << "IAT = " << iat << " " << iel << std::endl;
1401         for(int k=0; k<sphere.size(); ++k)
1402         {
1403           app_log() << ratio_1[k]/ratio_v[k] << " " << ratio_1[k] << std::endl;
1404         }
1405         app_log() << std::endl;
1406       }
1407     }
1408     ++it;
1409   }
1410 #endif
1411 }
runGradSourceTest()1413 void WaveFunctionTester::runGradSourceTest()
1414 {
1416   app_log() << " ===== runGradSourceTest =====\n";
1417   ParticleSetPool::PoolType::iterator p;
1418   for (p = PtclPool.getPool().begin(); p != PtclPool.getPool().end(); p++)
1419     app_log() << "ParticelSet = " << p->first << std::endl;
1420   // Find source ParticleSet
1421   ParticleSetPool::PoolType::iterator pit(PtclPool.getPool().find(sourceName));
1422   app_log() << pit->first << std::endl;
1423   // if(pit == PtclPool.getPool().end())
1424   //   APP_ABORT("Unknown source \"" + sourceName + "\" WaveFunctionTester.");
1425   ParticleSet& source = *((*pit).second);
1426   RealType delta      = 0.00001;
1427   ValueType c1        = 1.0 / delta / 2.0;
1428   ValueType c2        = 1.0 / delta / delta;
1429   int nat             = W.getTotalNum();
1430   ParticleSet::ParticlePos_t deltaR(nat);
1431   MCWalkerConfiguration::PropertyContainer_t Properties(0,0,1,WP::MAXPROPERTIES);;
1432   //pick the first walker
1433   MCWalkerConfiguration::Walker_t* awalker = *(W.begin());
1434   //copy the properties of the working walker
1435   Properties = awalker->Properties;
1436   //sample a new walker configuration and copy to ParticleSet::R
1437   //makeGaussRandom(deltaR);
1438   W.R = awalker->R;
1439   //W.R += deltaR;
1440   W.update();
1441   //ValueType psi = Psi.evaluate(W);
1442   ValueType logpsi = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1443   RealType eloc    = H.evaluate(W);
1444   H.auxHevaluate(W);
1445   app_log() << "  HamTest "
1446             << "  Total " << eloc << std::endl;
1447   for (int i = 0; i < H.sizeOfObservables(); i++)
1448     app_log() << "  HamTest " << H.getObservableName(i) << " " << H.getObservable(i) << std::endl;
1449   //RealType psi = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1450   ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t G(nat), G1(nat);
1451   ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t L(nat), L1(nat);
1452   G = W.G;
1453   L = W.L;
1455   //This code computes d/dR \ln \Psi_T using the evalGradSource method, and
1456   // by finite difference.  Results are saved in grad_ion and grad_ion_FD respectively.
1458   int nions = source.getTotalNum();
1459   ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t grad_ion(nions), grad_ion_FD(nions);
1460   for (int iat = 0; iat < nions; iat++)
1461   {
1462     grad_ion[iat] = Psi.evalGradSource(W, source, iat);
1463     PosType rI    = source.R[iat];
1464     for (int iondim = 0; iondim < 3; iondim++)
1465     {
1466       source.R[iat][iondim] = rI[iondim] + delta;
1467       source.update();
1468       W.update();
1470       ValueType log_p = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1472       source.R[iat][iondim] = rI[iondim] - delta;
1473       source.update();
1474       W.update();
1475       ValueType log_m = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1477       //symmetric finite difference formula for gradient.
1478       grad_ion_FD[iat][iondim] = c1 * (log_p - log_m);
1480       //reset everything to how it was.
1481       source.R[iat][iondim] = rI[iondim];
1482       source.update();
1483       W.update();
1484     }
1485     //this lastone makes sure the distance tables correspond to unperturbed source.
1486   }
1489   for (int isrc = 0; isrc < 1 /*source.getTotalNum()*/; isrc++)
1490   {
1491     TinyVector<ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t, OHMMS_DIM> grad_grad;
1492     TinyVector<ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t, OHMMS_DIM> lapl_grad;
1493     TinyVector<ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t, OHMMS_DIM> grad_grad_FD;
1494     TinyVector<ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t, OHMMS_DIM> lapl_grad_FD;
1495     for (int dim = 0; dim < OHMMS_DIM; dim++)
1496     {
1497       grad_grad[dim].resize(nat);
1498       lapl_grad[dim].resize(nat);
1499       grad_grad_FD[dim].resize(nat);
1500       lapl_grad_FD[dim].resize(nat);
1501     }
1502     Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1503     GradType grad_log = Psi.evalGradSource(W, source, isrc, grad_grad, lapl_grad);
1504     ValueType log     = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1505     //grad_log = Psi.evalGradSource (W, source, isrc);
1506     for (int iat = 0; iat < nat; iat++)
1507     {
1508       PosType r0 = W.R[iat];
1509       GradType gFD[OHMMS_DIM];
1510       GradType lapFD = ValueType();
1511       for (int eldim = 0; eldim < 3; eldim++)
1512       {
1513         W.R[iat][eldim] = r0[eldim] + delta;
1514         W.update();
1515         ValueType log_p       = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1516         GradType gradlogpsi_p = Psi.evalGradSource(W, source, isrc);
1517         W.R[iat][eldim]       = r0[eldim] - delta;
1518         W.update();
1519         ValueType log_m       = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1520         GradType gradlogpsi_m = Psi.evalGradSource(W, source, isrc);
1521         lapFD += gradlogpsi_m + gradlogpsi_p;
1522         gFD[eldim] = gradlogpsi_p - gradlogpsi_m;
1523         W.R[iat]   = r0;
1524         W.update();
1525         //Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1526       }
1527       const ValueType six(6);
1528       for (int iondim = 0; iondim < OHMMS_DIM; iondim++)
1529       {
1530         for (int eldim = 0; eldim < OHMMS_DIM; eldim++)
1531           grad_grad_FD[iondim][iat][eldim] = c1 * gFD[eldim][iondim];
1532         lapl_grad_FD[iondim][iat] = c2 * (lapFD[iondim] - six * grad_log[iondim]);
1533       }
1534     }
1535     for (int dimsrc = 0; dimsrc < OHMMS_DIM; dimsrc++)
1536     {
1537       for (int iat = 0; iat < nat; iat++)
1538       {
1539         fout << "For particle #" << iat << " at " << W.R[iat] << std::endl;
1540         fout << "Grad Gradient  = " << std::setw(12) << grad_grad[dimsrc][iat] << std::endl
1541              << "  Finite diff  = " << std::setw(12) << grad_grad_FD[dimsrc][iat] << std::endl
1542              << "  Error        = " << std::setw(12) << grad_grad_FD[dimsrc][iat] - grad_grad[dimsrc][iat] << std::endl
1543              << std::endl;
1544         fout << "Grad Laplacian = " << std::setw(12) << lapl_grad[dimsrc][iat] << std::endl
1545              << "  Finite diff  = " << std::setw(12) << lapl_grad_FD[dimsrc][iat] << std::endl
1546              << "  Error        = " << std::setw(12) << lapl_grad_FD[dimsrc][iat] - lapl_grad[dimsrc][iat] << std::endl
1547              << std::endl;
1548       }
1549     }
1550     fout << "==== BEGIN Ion Gradient Check ====\n";
1551     for (int iat = 0; iat < nions; iat++)
1552     {
1553       fout << "For ion      #" << iat << " at " << source.R[iat] << std::endl;
1554       fout << "Gradient       = " << std::setw(12) << grad_ion[iat] << std::endl
1555            << "  Finite diff  = " << std::setw(12) << grad_ion_FD[iat] << std::endl
1556            << "  Error        = " << std::setw(12) << grad_ion_FD[iat] - grad_ion[iat] << std::endl
1557            << std::endl;
1558     }
1559     fout << "==== END Ion Gradient Check  ====\n";
1560     fout.flush();
1561   }
1562 }
runZeroVarianceTest()1565 void WaveFunctionTester::runZeroVarianceTest()
1566 {
1567   app_log() << " ===== runZeroVarianceTest =====\n";
1568   ParticleSetPool::PoolType::iterator p;
1569   for (p = PtclPool.getPool().begin(); p != PtclPool.getPool().end(); p++)
1570     app_log() << "ParticelSet = " << p->first << std::endl;
1571   // Find source ParticleSet
1572   ParticleSetPool::PoolType::iterator pit(PtclPool.getPool().find(sourceName));
1573   app_log() << pit->first << std::endl;
1574   // if(pit == PtclPool.getPool().end())
1575   //   APP_ABORT("Unknown source \"" + sourceName + "\" WaveFunctionTester.");
1576   ParticleSet& source = *((*pit).second);
1577   int nat             = W.getTotalNum();
1578   ParticleSet::ParticlePos_t deltaR(nat);
1579   MCWalkerConfiguration::PropertyContainer_t Properties(0,0,1,WP::MAXPROPERTIES);;
1580   //pick the first walker
1581   MCWalkerConfiguration::Walker_t* awalker = *(W.begin());
1582   //copy the properties of the working walker
1583   Properties = awalker->Properties;
1584   //sample a new walker configuration and copy to ParticleSet::R
1585   //makeGaussRandom(deltaR);
1586   W.R = awalker->R;
1587   //W.R += deltaR;
1588   W.update();
1589   //ValueType psi = Psi.evaluate(W);
1590   ValueType logpsi = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1591   RealType eloc    = H.evaluate(W);
1592   //RealType psi = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1593   ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t G(nat), G1(nat);
1594   ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t L(nat), L1(nat);
1595   G = W.G;
1596   L = W.L;
1597   PosType r1(5.0, 2.62, 2.55);
1598   W.R[1] = PosType(4.313, 5.989, 4.699);
1599   W.R[2] = PosType(5.813, 4.321, 4.893);
1600   W.R[3] = PosType(4.002, 5.502, 5.381);
1601   W.R[4] = PosType(5.901, 5.121, 5.311);
1602   W.R[5] = PosType(5.808, 4.083, 5.021);
1603   W.R[6] = PosType(4.750, 5.810, 4.732);
1604   W.R[7] = PosType(4.690, 5.901, 4.989);
1605   for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++)
1606     W.R[i] -= PosType(2.5, 2.5, 2.5);
1607   char fname[32];
1608   sprintf(fname, "ZVtest.%03d.dat", OHMMS::Controller->rank());
1609   FILE* fzout = fopen(fname, "w");
1610   TinyVector<ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t, OHMMS_DIM> grad_grad;
1611   TinyVector<ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t, OHMMS_DIM> lapl_grad;
1612   TinyVector<ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t, OHMMS_DIM> grad_grad_FD;
1613   TinyVector<ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t, OHMMS_DIM> lapl_grad_FD;
1614   for (int dim = 0; dim < OHMMS_DIM; dim++)
1615   {
1616     grad_grad[dim].resize(nat);
1617     lapl_grad[dim].resize(nat);
1618     grad_grad_FD[dim].resize(nat);
1619     lapl_grad_FD[dim].resize(nat);
1620   }
1621   for (r1[0] = 0.0; r1[0] < 5.0; r1[0] += 1.0e-4)
1622   {
1623     W.R[0] = r1;
1624     fprintf(fzout, "%1.8e %1.8e %1.8e ", r1[0], r1[1], r1[2]);
1625     RealType log = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1626 //        ValueType psi = std::cos(Psi.getPhase())*std::exp(log);//*W.PropertyList[SIGN];
1627 #if defined(QMC_COMPLEX)
1628     RealType ratioMag = std::exp(log);
1629     ValueType psi =
1630         std::complex<OHMMS_PRECISION>(ratioMag * std::cos(Psi.getPhase()), ratioMag * std::sin(Psi.getPhase()));
1631 #else
1632     ValueType psi = std::cos(Psi.getPhase()) * std::exp(log); //*W.PropertyList[SIGN];
1633 #endif
1634     double E = H.evaluate(W);
1635     //double KE = E - W.PropertyList[LOCALPOTENTIAL];
1636     double KE = -0.5 * (Sum(W.L) + Dot(W.G, W.G));
1637 #if defined(QMC_COMPLEX)
1638     fprintf(fzout, "%16.12e %16.12e %16.12e ", psi.real(), psi.imag(), KE);
1639 #else
1640     fprintf(fzout, "%16.12e %16.12e ", psi, KE);
1641 #endif
1642     for (int isrc = 0; isrc < source.getTotalNum(); isrc++)
1643     {
1644       GradType grad_log = Psi.evalGradSource(W, source, isrc, grad_grad, lapl_grad);
1645       for (int dim = 0; dim < OHMMS_DIM; dim++)
1646       {
1647         double ZV = 0.5 * Sum(lapl_grad[dim]) + Dot(grad_grad[dim], W.G);
1648 #if defined(QMC_COMPLEX)
1649         fprintf(fzout, "%16.12e %16.12e %16.12e ", ZV, grad_log[dim].real(), grad_log[dim].imag());
1650 #else
1651         fprintf(fzout, "%16.12e %16.12e ", ZV, grad_log[dim]);
1652 #endif
1653       }
1654     }
1655     fprintf(fzout, "\n");
1656   }
1657   fclose(fzout);
1658 }
put(xmlNodePtr q)1661 bool WaveFunctionTester::put(xmlNodePtr q)
1662 {
1663   myNode          = q;
1664   xmlNodePtr tcur = q->children;
1665   while (tcur != NULL)
1666   {
1667     std::string cname((const char*)(tcur->name));
1668     if (cname == "delta_output")
1669     {
1670       outputDeltaVsError = true;
1671       DeltaVsError.put(tcur);
1672     }
1673     tcur = tcur->next;
1674   }
1676   bool success = putQMCInfo(q);
1678   return success;
1679 }
runDerivTest()1681 void WaveFunctionTester::runDerivTest()
1682 {
1683   app_log() << " ===== runDerivTest =====\n";
1684   app_log() << " Testing derivatives" << std::endl;
1685   int nat = W.getTotalNum();
1686   MCWalkerConfiguration::PropertyContainer_t Properties(0,0,1,WP::MAXPROPERTIES);;
1687   //pick the first walker
1688   MCWalkerConfiguration::Walker_t* awalker = *(W.begin());
1689   //copy the properties of the working walker
1690   Properties = awalker->Properties;
1691   //sample a new walker configuration and copy to ParticleSet::R
1692   W.R = awalker->R + deltaR;
1694   fout << "Position " << std::endl << W.R << std::endl;
1696   //W.R += deltaR;
1697   W.update();
1698   //ValueType psi = Psi.evaluate(W);
1699   ValueType logpsi = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1700   RealType eloc    = H.evaluate(W);
1701   app_log() << "  HamTest "
1702             << "  Total " << eloc << std::endl;
1703   for (int i = 0; i < H.sizeOfObservables(); i++)
1704     app_log() << "  HamTest " << H.getObservableName(i) << " " << H.getObservable(i) << std::endl;
1705   //RealType psi = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1706   ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t G(nat), G1(nat);
1707   ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t L(nat), L1(nat);
1708   G = W.G;
1709   L = W.L;
1710   fout << "Gradients" << std::endl;
1711   for (int iat = 0; iat < W.R.size(); iat++)
1712   {
1713     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1714       fout << W.G[iat][i] << "  ";
1715     fout << std::endl;
1716   }
1717   fout << "Laplaians" << std::endl;
1718   for (int iat = 0; iat < W.R.size(); iat++)
1719   {
1720     fout << W.L[iat] << "  ";
1721     fout << std::endl;
1722   }
1723   opt_variables_type wfVars, wfvar_prime;
1724   //build optimizables from the wavefunction
1725   wfVars.clear();
1726   Psi.checkInVariables(wfVars);
1727   wfVars.resetIndex();
1728   Psi.checkOutVariables(wfVars);
1729   wfvar_prime = wfVars;
1730   wfVars.print(fout);
1731   int Nvars = wfVars.size();
1732   std::vector<ValueType> Dsaved(Nvars);
1733   std::vector<ValueType> HDsaved(Nvars);
1734   std::vector<RealType> PGradient(Nvars);
1735   std::vector<RealType> HGradient(Nvars);
1736   Psi.resetParameters(wfVars);
1737   logpsi = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1739   //reuse the sphere
1740   H.setPrimary(false);
1742   eloc = H.evaluate(W);
1743   Psi.evaluateDerivatives(W, wfVars, Dsaved, HDsaved);
1744   RealType FiniteDiff    = 1e-6;
1745   QMCTraits::RealType dh = 1.0 / (2.0 * FiniteDiff);
1746   for (int i = 0; i < Nvars; i++)
1747   {
1748     for (int j = 0; j < Nvars; j++)
1749       wfvar_prime[j] = wfVars[j];
1750     wfvar_prime[i] = wfVars[i] + FiniteDiff;
1751     //     Psi.checkOutVariables(wfvar_prime);
1752     Psi.resetParameters(wfvar_prime);
1753     Psi.reset();
1754     W.update();
1755     W.G                 = 0;
1756     W.L                 = 0;
1757     RealType logpsiPlus = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1758     H.evaluate(W);
1759     RealType elocPlus = H.getLocalEnergy() - H.getLocalPotential();
1760     wfvar_prime[i]    = wfVars[i] - FiniteDiff;
1761     //     Psi.checkOutVariables(wfvar_prime);
1762     Psi.resetParameters(wfvar_prime);
1763     Psi.reset();
1764     W.update();
1765     W.G                  = 0;
1766     W.L                  = 0;
1767     RealType logpsiMinus = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1768     H.evaluate(W);
1769     RealType elocMinus = H.getLocalEnergy() - H.getLocalPotential();
1770     PGradient[i]       = (logpsiPlus - logpsiMinus) * dh;
1771     HGradient[i]       = (elocPlus - elocMinus) * dh;
1772   }
1773   Psi.resetParameters(wfVars);
1774   fout << std::endl << "Deriv  Numeric Analytic" << std::endl;
1775   for (int i = 0; i < Nvars; i++)
1776     fout << i << "  " << PGradient[i] << "  " << std::real(Dsaved[i]) << "  " << (PGradient[i] - std::real(Dsaved[i]))
1777          << std::endl;
1778   fout << std::endl << "Hderiv  Numeric Analytic" << std::endl;
1779   for (int i = 0; i < Nvars; i++)
1780     fout << i << "  " << HGradient[i] << "  " << std::real(HDsaved[i]) << "  " << (HGradient[i] - std::real(HDsaved[i]))
1781          << std::endl;
1782 }
runDerivNLPPTest()1785 void WaveFunctionTester::runDerivNLPPTest()
1786 {
1787   app_log() << " ===== runDerivNLPPTest =====\n";
1788   char fname[16];
1789   sprintf(fname, "nlpp.%03d", OHMMS::Controller->rank());
1790   std::ofstream nlout(fname);
1791   nlout.precision(15);
1793   app_log() << " Testing derivatives" << std::endl;
1794   int nat = W.getTotalNum();
1795   MCWalkerConfiguration::PropertyContainer_t Properties(0,0,1,WP::MAXPROPERTIES);;
1796   //pick the first walker
1797   MCWalkerConfiguration::Walker_t* awalker = *(W.begin());
1798   //copy the properties of the working walker
1799   Properties = awalker->Properties;
1800   //sample a new walker configuration and copy to ParticleSet::R
1801   W.R = awalker->R + deltaR;
1803   //W.R += deltaR;
1804   W.update();
1805   //ValueType psi = Psi.evaluate(W);
1806   ValueType logpsi = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1807   RealType eloc    = H.evaluate(W);
1809   app_log() << "  HamTest "
1810             << "  Total " << eloc << std::endl;
1811   for (int i = 0; i < H.sizeOfObservables(); i++)
1812     app_log() << "  HamTest " << H.getObservableName(i) << " " << H.getObservable(i) << std::endl;
1814   //RealType psi = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1815   ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t G(nat), G1(nat);
1816   ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t L(nat), L1(nat);
1817   G = W.G;
1818   L = W.L;
1819   nlout << "Gradients" << std::endl;
1820   for (int iat = 0; iat < W.R.size(); iat++)
1821   {
1822     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1823       nlout << W.G[iat][i] << "  ";
1824     nlout << std::endl;
1825   }
1826   nlout << "Laplaians" << std::endl;
1827   for (int iat = 0; iat < W.R.size(); iat++)
1828   {
1829     nlout << W.L[iat] << "  ";
1830     nlout << std::endl;
1831   }
1832   opt_variables_type wfVars, wfvar_prime;
1833   //build optimizables from the wavefunction
1834   wfVars.clear();
1835   Psi.checkInVariables(wfVars);
1836   wfVars.resetIndex();
1837   Psi.checkOutVariables(wfVars);
1838   wfvar_prime = wfVars;
1839   wfVars.print(nlout);
1840   int Nvars = wfVars.size();
1841   std::vector<ValueType> Dsaved(Nvars);
1842   std::vector<ValueType> HDsaved(Nvars);
1843   std::vector<RealType> PGradient(Nvars);
1844   std::vector<RealType> HGradient(Nvars);
1845   Psi.resetParameters(wfVars);
1847   logpsi = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1849   //reuse the sphere for non-local pp
1850   H.setPrimary(false);
1852   std::vector<RealType> ene(4), ene_p(4), ene_m(4);
1853   Psi.evaluateDerivatives(W, wfVars, Dsaved, HDsaved);
1855   ene[0] = H.evaluateValueAndDerivatives(W, wfVars, Dsaved, HDsaved, true);
1856   app_log() << "Check the energy " << eloc << " " << H.getLocalEnergy() << " " << ene[0] << std::endl;
1858   RealType FiniteDiff    = 1e-6;
1859   QMCTraits::RealType dh = 1.0 / (2.0 * FiniteDiff);
1860   for (int i = 0; i < Nvars; i++)
1861   {
1862     for (int j = 0; j < Nvars; j++)
1863       wfvar_prime[j] = wfVars[j];
1864     wfvar_prime[i] = wfVars[i] + FiniteDiff;
1865     Psi.resetParameters(wfvar_prime);
1866     Psi.reset();
1867     W.update();
1868     W.G                 = 0;
1869     W.L                 = 0;
1870     RealType logpsiPlus = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1871     RealType elocPlus   = H.evaluateVariableEnergy(W, true);
1873     //H.evaluate(W);
1874     //RealType elocPlus=H.getLocalEnergy()-H.getLocalPotential();
1876     wfvar_prime[i] = wfVars[i] - FiniteDiff;
1877     Psi.resetParameters(wfvar_prime);
1878     Psi.reset();
1879     W.update();
1880     W.G                  = 0;
1881     W.L                  = 0;
1882     RealType logpsiMinus = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1883     RealType elocMinus   = H.evaluateVariableEnergy(W, true);
1885     //H.evaluate(W);
1886     //RealType elocMinus = H.getLocalEnergy()-H.getLocalPotential();
1888     PGradient[i] = (logpsiPlus - logpsiMinus) * dh;
1889     HGradient[i] = (elocPlus - elocMinus) * dh;
1890   }
1892   nlout << std::endl << "Deriv  Numeric Analytic" << std::endl;
1893   for (int i = 0; i < Nvars; i++)
1894     nlout << i << "  " << PGradient[i] << "  " << Dsaved[i] << "  " << (PGradient[i] - Dsaved[i]) << std::endl;
1895   nlout << std::endl << "Hderiv  Numeric Analytic" << std::endl;
1896   for (int i = 0; i < Nvars; i++)
1897     nlout << i << "  " << HGradient[i] << "  " << HDsaved[i] << "  " << (HGradient[i] - HDsaved[i]) << std::endl;
1898 }
runDerivCloneTest()1901 void WaveFunctionTester::runDerivCloneTest()
1902 {
1903   app_log() << " ===== runDerivCloneTest =====\n";
1904   app_log() << " Testing derivatives clone" << std::endl;
1905   RandomGenerator_t* Rng1        = new RandomGenerator_t();
1906   RandomGenerator_t* Rng2        = new RandomGenerator_t();
1907   (*Rng1)                        = (*Rng2);
1908   MCWalkerConfiguration* w_clone = new MCWalkerConfiguration(W);
1909   TrialWaveFunction* psi_clone   = Psi.makeClone(*w_clone);
1910   QMCHamiltonian* h_clone        = H.makeClone(*w_clone, *psi_clone);
1911   h_clone->setRandomGenerator(Rng2);
1912   H.setRandomGenerator(Rng1);
1913   h_clone->setPrimary(true);
1914   int nat = W.getTotalNum();
1915   ParticleSet::ParticlePos_t deltaR(nat);
1916   //pick the first walker
1917   MCWalkerConfiguration::Walker_t* awalker = *(W.begin());
1918   //   MCWalkerConfiguration::Walker_t* bwalker = *(w_clone->begin());
1919   //   bwalker->R = awalker->R;
1920   W.R = awalker->R;
1921   W.update();
1922   w_clone->R = awalker->R;
1923   w_clone->update();
1924   opt_variables_type wfVars;
1925   //build optimizables from the wavefunction
1926   //   wfVars.clear();
1927   Psi.checkInVariables(wfVars);
1928   wfVars.resetIndex();
1929   Psi.checkOutVariables(wfVars);
1930   wfVars.print(fout);
1931   int Nvars = wfVars.size();
1932   opt_variables_type wfvar_prime;
1933   //   wfvar_prime.insertFrom(wfVars);
1934   //   wfvar_prime.clear();
1935   psi_clone->checkInVariables(wfvar_prime);
1936   wfvar_prime.resetIndex();
1937   for (int j = 0; j < Nvars; j++)
1938     wfvar_prime[j] = wfVars[j];
1939   psi_clone->checkOutVariables(wfvar_prime);
1940   wfvar_prime.print(fout);
1941   psi_clone->resetParameters(wfvar_prime);
1942   Psi.resetParameters(wfVars);
1943   std::vector<ValueType> Dsaved(Nvars, 0), og_Dsaved(Nvars, 0);
1944   std::vector<ValueType> HDsaved(Nvars, 0), og_HDsaved(Nvars, 0);
1945   std::vector<RealType> PGradient(Nvars, 0), og_PGradient(Nvars, 0);
1946   std::vector<RealType> HGradient(Nvars, 0), og_HGradient(Nvars, 0);
1947   ValueType logpsi2 = psi_clone->evaluateLog(*w_clone);
1948   RealType eloc2    = h_clone->evaluate(*w_clone);
1949   psi_clone->evaluateDerivatives(*w_clone, wfvar_prime, Dsaved, HDsaved);
1950   ValueType logpsi1 = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
1951   RealType eloc1    = H.evaluate(W);
1952   Psi.evaluateDerivatives(W, wfVars, og_Dsaved, og_HDsaved);
1953   app_log() << "log (original) = " << logpsi1 << " energy = " << eloc1 << std::endl;
1954   for (int i = 0; i < H.sizeOfObservables(); i++)
1955     app_log() << "  HamTest " << H.getObservableName(i) << " " << H.getObservable(i) << std::endl;
1956   app_log() << "log (clone)    = " << logpsi2 << " energy = " << eloc2 << std::endl;
1957   for (int i = 0; i < h_clone->sizeOfObservables(); i++)
1958     app_log() << "  HamTest " << h_clone->getObservableName(i) << " " << h_clone->getObservable(i) << std::endl;
1959   //   app_log()<<" Saved quantities:"<< std::endl;
1960   //   for(int i=0;i<Nvars;i++) app_log()<<Dsaved[i]<<" "<<og_Dsaved[i]<<"         "<<HDsaved[i]<<" "<<og_HDsaved[i]<< std::endl;
1961   RealType FiniteDiff    = 1e-6;
1962   QMCTraits::RealType dh = 1.0 / (2.0 * FiniteDiff);
1963   for (int i = 0; i < Nvars; i++)
1964   {
1965     for (int j = 0; j < Nvars; j++)
1966       wfvar_prime[j] = wfVars[j];
1967     wfvar_prime[i] = wfVars[i] + FiniteDiff;
1968     psi_clone->resetParameters(wfvar_prime);
1969     psi_clone->reset();
1970     w_clone->update();
1971     w_clone->G          = 0;
1972     w_clone->L          = 0;
1973     RealType logpsiPlus = psi_clone->evaluateLog(*w_clone);
1974     h_clone->evaluate(*w_clone);
1975     RealType elocPlus = h_clone->getLocalEnergy() - h_clone->getLocalPotential();
1976     wfvar_prime[i]    = wfVars[i] - FiniteDiff;
1977     psi_clone->resetParameters(wfvar_prime);
1978     psi_clone->reset();
1979     w_clone->update();
1980     w_clone->G           = 0;
1981     w_clone->L           = 0;
1982     RealType logpsiMinus = psi_clone->evaluateLog(*w_clone);
1983     h_clone->evaluate(*w_clone);
1984     RealType elocMinus = h_clone->getLocalEnergy() - h_clone->getLocalPotential();
1985     PGradient[i]       = (logpsiPlus - logpsiMinus) * dh;
1986     HGradient[i]       = (elocPlus - elocMinus) * dh;
1987   }
1988   fout << "CLONE" << std::endl;
1989   fout << std::endl << "   Deriv  Numeric Analytic" << std::endl;
1990   for (int i = 0; i < Nvars; i++)
1991     fout << i << "  " << PGradient[i] << "  " << std::real(Dsaved[i]) << "  "
1992          << (PGradient[i] - std::real(Dsaved[i])) / PGradient[i] << std::endl;
1993   fout << std::endl << "   Hderiv  Numeric Analytic" << std::endl;
1994   for (int i = 0; i < Nvars; i++)
1995     fout << i << "  " << HGradient[i] << "  " << std::real(HDsaved[i]) << "  "
1996          << (HGradient[i] - std::real(HDsaved[i])) / HGradient[i] << std::endl;
1997   for (int i = 0; i < Nvars; i++)
1998   {
1999     for (int j = 0; j < Nvars; j++)
2000       wfvar_prime[j] = wfVars[j];
2001     wfvar_prime[i] = wfVars[i] + FiniteDiff;
2002     Psi.resetParameters(wfvar_prime);
2003     Psi.reset();
2004     W.update();
2005     W.G                 = 0;
2006     W.L                 = 0;
2007     RealType logpsiPlus = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
2008     H.evaluate(W);
2009     RealType elocPlus = H.getLocalEnergy() - H.getLocalPotential();
2010     wfvar_prime[i]    = wfVars[i] - FiniteDiff;
2011     Psi.resetParameters(wfvar_prime);
2012     Psi.reset();
2013     W.update();
2014     W.G                  = 0;
2015     W.L                  = 0;
2016     RealType logpsiMinus = Psi.evaluateLog(W);
2017     H.evaluate(W);
2018     RealType elocMinus = H.getLocalEnergy() - H.getLocalPotential();
2019     PGradient[i]       = (logpsiPlus - logpsiMinus) * dh;
2020     HGradient[i]       = (elocPlus - elocMinus) * dh;
2021   }
2022   fout << "ORIGINAL" << std::endl;
2023   fout << std::endl << "   Deriv  Numeric Analytic" << std::endl;
2024   for (int i = 0; i < Nvars; i++)
2025     fout << i << "  " << PGradient[i] << "  " << std::real(Dsaved[i]) << "  "
2026          << (PGradient[i] - std::real(Dsaved[i])) / PGradient[i] << std::endl;
2027   fout << std::endl << "   Hderiv  Numeric Analytic" << std::endl;
2028   for (int i = 0; i < Nvars; i++)
2029     fout << i << "  " << HGradient[i] << "  " << std::real(HDsaved[i]) << "  "
2030          << (HGradient[i] - std::real(HDsaved[i])) / HGradient[i] << std::endl;
2031 }
runwftricks()2032 void WaveFunctionTester::runwftricks()
2033 {
2034   std::vector<WaveFunctionComponent*>& Orbitals = Psi.getOrbitals();
2035   app_log() << " Total of " << Orbitals.size() << " orbitals." << std::endl;
2036   int SDindex(0);
2037   for (int i = 0; i < Orbitals.size(); i++)
2038     if ("SlaterDet" == Orbitals[i]->ClassName)
2039       SDindex = i;
2040   SPOSetPtr Phi   = dynamic_cast<SlaterDet*>(Orbitals[SDindex])->getPhi();
2041   int NumOrbitals = Phi->getBasisSetSize();
2042   app_log() << "Basis set size: " << NumOrbitals << std::endl;
2043   std::vector<int> SPONumbers(0, 0);
2044   std::vector<int> irrepRotations(0, 0);
2045   std::vector<int> Grid(0, 0);
2046   xmlNodePtr kids = myNode->children;
2047   std::string doProj("yes");
2048   std::string doRotate("yes");
2049   std::string sClass("C2V");
2050   ParameterSet aAttrib;
2051   aAttrib.add(doProj, "projection");
2052   aAttrib.add(doRotate, "rotate");
2053   aAttrib.put(myNode);
2054   while (kids != NULL)
2055   {
2056     std::string cname((const char*)(kids->name));
2057     if (cname == "orbitals")
2058     {
2059       putContent(SPONumbers, kids);
2060     }
2061     else if (cname == "representations")
2062     {
2063       putContent(irrepRotations, kids);
2064     }
2065     else if (cname == "grid")
2066       putContent(Grid, kids);
2067     kids = kids->next;
2068   }
2069   ParticleSet::ParticlePos_t R_cart(1);
2070   R_cart.setUnit(PosUnit::Cartesian);
2071   ParticleSet::ParticlePos_t R_unit(1);
2072   R_unit.setUnit(PosUnit::Lattice);
2073   //       app_log()<<" My crystals basis set is:"<< std::endl;
2074   //       std::vector<std::vector<RealType> > BasisMatrix(3, std::vector<RealType>(3,0.0));
2075   //
2076   //       for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
2077   //       {
2078   //         R_unit[0][0]=0;
2079   //         R_unit[0][1]=0;
2080   //         R_unit[0][2]=0;
2081   //         R_unit[0][i]=1;
2082   //         W.convert2Cart(R_unit,R_cart);
2083   //         app_log()<<"basis_"<<i<<":  ("<<R_cart[0][0]<<", "<<R_cart[0][1]<<", "<<R_cart[0][2]<<")"<< std::endl;
2084   //         for (int j=0;j<3;j++) BasisMatrix[j][i]=R_cart[0][j];
2085   //       }
2086   int Nrotated(SPONumbers.size());
2087   app_log() << " Projected orbitals: ";
2088   for (int i = 0; i < Nrotated; i++)
2089     app_log() << SPONumbers[i] << " ";
2090   app_log() << std::endl;
2091   //indexing trick
2092   //       for(int i=0;i<Nrotated;i++) SPONumbers[i]-=1;
2093   SymmetryBuilder SO;
2094   SO.put(myNode);
2095   SymmetryGroup symOp(*SO.getSymmetryGroup());
2096   //       SO.changeBasis(InverseBasisMatrix);
2097   OrbitalSetTraits<ValueType>::ValueVector_t values;
2098   values.resize(NumOrbitals);
2099   RealType overG0(1.0 / Grid[0]);
2100   RealType overG1(1.0 / Grid[1]);
2101   RealType overG2(1.0 / Grid[2]);
2102   std::vector<RealType> NormPhi(Nrotated, 0.0);
2103   int totsymops = symOp.getSymmetriesSize();
2104   Matrix<RealType> SymmetryOrbitalValues;
2105   SymmetryOrbitalValues.resize(Nrotated, totsymops);
2106   int ctabledim = symOp.getClassesSize();
2107   Matrix<double> projs(Nrotated, ctabledim);
2108   Matrix<double> orthoProjs(Nrotated, Nrotated);
2109   std::vector<RealType> brokenSymmetryCharacter(totsymops);
2110   for (int k = 0; k < Nrotated; k++)
2111     for (int l = 0; l < totsymops; l++)
2112       brokenSymmetryCharacter[l] += irrepRotations[k] * symOp.getsymmetryCharacter(l, irrepRotations[k] - 1);
2113   //       app_log()<<"bsc: ";
2114   //       for(int l=0;l<totsymops;l++) app_log()<<brokenSymmetryCharacter[l]<<" ";
2115   //       app_log()<< std::endl;
2116   //       for(int l=0;l<totsymops;l++) brokenSymmetryCharacter[l]+=0.5;
2117   if ((doProj == "yes") || (doRotate == "yes"))
2118   {
2119     OrbitalSetTraits<ValueType>::ValueVector_t identityValues(values.size());
2120     //Loop over grid
2121     for (int i = 0; i < Grid[0]; i++)
2122       for (int j = 0; j < Grid[1]; j++)
2123         for (int k = 0; k < Grid[2]; k++)
2124         {
2125           //Loop over symmetry classes and small group operators
2126           for (int l = 0; l < totsymops; l++)
2127           {
2128             R_unit[0][0] = overG0 * RealType(i); // R_cart[0][0]=0;
2129             R_unit[0][1] = overG1 * RealType(j); // R_cart[0][1]=0;
2130             R_unit[0][2] = overG2 * RealType(k); // R_cart[0][2]=0;
2131             //                 for(int a=0; a<3; a++) for(int b=0;b<3;b++) R_cart[0][a]+=BasisMatrix[a][b]*R_unit[0][b];
2132             W.convert2Cart(R_unit, R_cart);
2133             symOp.TransformSinglePosition(R_cart, l);
2134             W.R[0] = R_cart[0];
2135             values = 0.0;
2136             //evaluate orbitals
2137             //                 Phi->evaluate(W,0,values);
2138             Psi.evaluateLog(W);
2139             // YYYY: is the following two lines still maintained?
2140             //for(int n=0; n<NumOrbitals; n++)
2141             //  values[n] = Phi->t_logpsi(0,n);
2142             if (l == 0)
2143             {
2144               identityValues = values;
2145 #if defined(QMC_COMPLEX)
2146               for (int n = 0; n < Nrotated; n++)
2147                 NormPhi[n] += totsymops * real(values[SPONumbers[n]] * values[SPONumbers[n]]);
2148 #else
2149               for (int n = 0; n < Nrotated; n++)
2150                 NormPhi[n] += totsymops * (values[SPONumbers[n]] * values[SPONumbers[n]]);
2151 #endif
2152             }
2153             //now we have phi evaluated at the rotated/inverted/whichever coordinates
2154             for (int n = 0; n < Nrotated; n++)
2155             {
2156               int N = SPONumbers[n];
2157 #if defined(QMC_COMPLEX)
2158               RealType phi2 = real(values[N] * identityValues[N]);
2159 #else
2160               RealType phi2 = (values[N] * identityValues[N]);
2161 #endif
2162               SymmetryOrbitalValues(n, l) += phi2;
2163             }
2164             for (int n = 0; n < Nrotated; n++)
2165               for (int p = 0; p < Nrotated; p++)
2166               {
2167                 int N = SPONumbers[n];
2168                 int P = SPONumbers[p];
2169 #if defined(QMC_COMPLEX)
2170                 orthoProjs(n, p) += 0.5 * real(identityValues[N] * values[P] + identityValues[P] * values[N]) *
2171                     brokenSymmetryCharacter[l];
2172 #else
2173                 orthoProjs(n, p) +=
2174                     0.5 * (identityValues[N] * values[P] + identityValues[P] * values[N]) * brokenSymmetryCharacter[l];
2175 #endif
2176               }
2177           }
2178         }
2179     for (int n = 0; n < Nrotated; n++)
2180       for (int l = 0; l < totsymops; l++)
2181         SymmetryOrbitalValues(n, l) /= NormPhi[n];
2182     for (int n = 0; n < Nrotated; n++)
2183       for (int l = 0; l < Nrotated; l++)
2184         orthoProjs(n, l) /= std::sqrt(NormPhi[n] * NormPhi[l]);
2185     //       if (true){
2186     //         app_log()<< std::endl;
2187     //         for(int n=0;n<Nrotated;n++) {
2188     //           for(int l=0;l<totsymops;l++) app_log()<<SymmetryOrbitalValues(n,l)<<" ";
2189     //           app_log()<< std::endl;
2190     //         }
2191     //       app_log()<< std::endl;
2192     //       }
2193     for (int n = 0; n < Nrotated; n++)
2194     {
2195       if (false)
2196         app_log() << " orbital #" << SPONumbers[n] << std::endl;
2197       for (int i = 0; i < ctabledim; i++)
2198       {
2199         double proj(0);
2200         for (int j = 0; j < totsymops; j++)
2201           proj += symOp.getsymmetryCharacter(j, i) * SymmetryOrbitalValues(n, j);
2202         if (false)
2203           app_log() << "  Rep " << i << ": " << proj;
2204         projs(n, i) = proj < 1e-4 ? 0 : proj;
2205       }
2206       if (false)
2207         app_log() << std::endl;
2208     }
2209     if (true)
2210     {
2211       app_log() << "Printing Projection Matrix" << std::endl;
2212       for (int n = 0; n < Nrotated; n++)
2213       {
2214         for (int l = 0; l < ctabledim; l++)
2215           app_log() << projs(n, l) << " ";
2216         app_log() << std::endl;
2217       }
2218       app_log() << std::endl;
2219     }
2220     if (true)
2221     {
2222       app_log() << "Printing Coefficient Matrix" << std::endl;
2223       for (int n = 0; n < Nrotated; n++)
2224       {
2225         for (int l = 0; l < ctabledim; l++)
2226           app_log() << std::sqrt(projs(n, l)) << " ";
2227         app_log() << std::endl;
2228       }
2229       app_log() << std::endl;
2230     }
2231     if (doRotate == "yes")
2232     {
2233       //         app_log()<<"Printing Broken Symmetry Projection Matrix"<< std::endl;
2234       //           for(int n=0;n<Nrotated;n++) {
2235       //             for(int l=0;l<Nrotated;l++) app_log()<<orthoProjs(n,l)<<" ";
2236       //             app_log()<< std::endl;
2237       //           }
2238       char JOBU('A');
2239       char JOBVT('A');
2240       int vdim = Nrotated;
2241       Vector<double> Sigma(vdim);
2242       Matrix<double> U(vdim, vdim);
2243       Matrix<double> VT(vdim, vdim);
2244       int lwork = 8 * Nrotated;
2245       std::vector<double> work(lwork, 0);
2246       int info(0);
2247       dgesvd(&JOBU, &JOBVT, &vdim, &vdim, orthoProjs.data(), &vdim, Sigma.data(), U.data(), &vdim, VT.data(), &vdim,
2248              &(work[0]), &lwork, &info);
2249       app_log() << "Printing Rotation Matrix" << std::endl;
2250       for (int n = 0; n < vdim; n++)
2251       {
2252         for (int l = 0; l < vdim; l++)
2253           app_log() << VT(l, n) << " ";
2254         app_log() << std::endl;
2255       }
2256       app_log() << std::endl << "Printing Eigenvalues" << std::endl;
2257       for (int n = 0; n < vdim; n++)
2258         app_log() << Sigma[n] << " ";
2259       app_log() << std::endl;
2260     }
2261   }
2262 }
runNodePlot()2264 void WaveFunctionTester::runNodePlot()
2265 {
2266   app_log() << " ===== runNodePlot =====\n";
2267   xmlNodePtr kids = myNode->children;
2268   std::string doEnergy("no");
2269   ParameterSet aAttrib;
2270   aAttrib.add(doEnergy, "energy");
2271   aAttrib.put(myNode);
2272   std::vector<int> Grid;
2273   while (kids != NULL)
2274   {
2275     std::string cname((const char*)(kids->name));
2276     if (cname == "grid")
2277       putContent(Grid, kids);
2278     kids = kids->next;
2279   }
2280   ParticleSet::ParticlePos_t R_cart(1);
2281   R_cart.setUnit(PosUnit::Cartesian);
2282   ParticleSet::ParticlePos_t R_unit(1);
2283   R_unit.setUnit(PosUnit::Lattice);
2284   Walker_t& thisWalker(**(W.begin()));
2285   W.loadWalker(thisWalker, true);
2286   Walker_t::WFBuffer_t& w_buffer(thisWalker.DataSet);
2287   Psi.copyFromBuffer(W, w_buffer);
2288 #if OHMMS_DIM == 2
2289   assert(Grid.size() == 2);
2290   char fname[16];
2291   //       sprintf(fname,"loc.xy");
2292   //       std::ofstream e_out(fname);
2293   //       e_out.precision(6);
2294   //       e_out<<"#e  x  y"<< std::endl;
2295   int nat = W.getTotalNum();
2296   int nup = W.getTotalNum() / 2; //std::max(W.getSpeciesSet().findSpecies("u"),W.getSpeciesSet().findSpecies("d"));
2297                                  //       for(int iat(0);iat<nat;iat++)
2298                                  //         e_out<<iat<<" "<<W[0]->R[iat][0]<<" "<<W[0]->R[iat][1]<< std::endl;
2299   RealType overG0(1.0 / Grid[0]);
2300   RealType overG1(1.0 / Grid[1]);
2301   for (int iat(0); iat < nat; iat++)
2302   {
2303     W.update();
2304     std::stringstream fn;
2305     fn << RootName.c_str() << ".ratios." << iat << ".py";
2306     std::ofstream plot_out(fn.str().c_str());
2307     plot_out.precision(6);
2308     //         plot_out<<"#e  x  y  ratio"<< std::endl;
2309     R_unit[0][0] = 1.0;
2310     R_unit[0][1] = 1.0;
2311     W.convert2Cart(R_unit, R_cart);
2312     RealType xmax = R_cart[0][0];
2313     RealType ymax = R_cart[0][1];
2314     plot_out << "import matplotlib\n";
2315     plot_out << "import numpy as np\n";
2316     plot_out << "import matplotlib.cm as cm\n";
2317     plot_out << "import matplotlib.mlab as mlab\n";
2318     plot_out << "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n";
2319     plot_out << std::endl;
2320     plot_out << "matplotlib.rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'out'\n";
2321     plot_out << "matplotlib.rcParams['ytick.direction'] = 'out'\n";
2322     plot_out << std::endl;
2323     plot_out << "x = np.arange(0, " << xmax << ", " << xmax * overG0 << ")\n";
2324     plot_out << "y = np.arange(0, " << ymax << ", " << ymax * overG1 << ")\n";
2325     plot_out << "X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)\n";
2326     plot_out << "Z = [";
2327     for (int i = 0; i < Grid[0]; i++)
2328     {
2329       plot_out << "[ ";
2330       for (int j = 0; j < Grid[1]; j++)
2331       {
2332         R_unit[0][0] = overG0 * RealType(i);
2333         R_unit[0][1] = overG1 * RealType(j);
2334         W.convert2Cart(R_unit, R_cart);
2335         PosType dr(R_cart[0] - W.R[iat]);
2336         W.makeMove(iat, dr);
2337         ValueType aratio = Psi.calcRatio(W, iat);
2338         W.rejectMove(iat);
2339         Psi.rejectMove(iat);
2340         plot_out << aratio << ", ";
2341       }
2342       plot_out << "], ";
2343     }
2344     plot_out << "]\n";
2345     plot_out << "up_y=[";
2346     for (int ix(0); ix < nup; ix++)
2347     {
2348       RealType yy(W[0]->R[ix][0]);
2349       while (yy > xmax)
2350         yy -= xmax;
2351       while (yy < 0)
2352         yy += xmax;
2353       plot_out << yy << ", ";
2354     }
2355     plot_out << "]\n";
2356     plot_out << "up_x=[";
2357     for (int ix(0); ix < nup; ix++)
2358     {
2359       RealType yy(W[0]->R[ix][1]);
2360       while (yy > ymax)
2361         yy -= ymax;
2362       while (yy < 0)
2363         yy += ymax;
2364       plot_out << yy << ", ";
2365     }
2366     plot_out << "]\n";
2367     plot_out << "dn_y=[";
2368     for (int ix(nup); ix < nat; ix++)
2369     {
2370       RealType yy(W[0]->R[ix][0]);
2371       while (yy > xmax)
2372         yy -= xmax;
2373       while (yy < 0)
2374         yy += xmax;
2375       plot_out << yy << ", ";
2376     }
2377     plot_out << "]\n";
2378     plot_out << "dn_x=[";
2379     for (int ix(nup); ix < nat; ix++)
2380     {
2381       RealType yy(W[0]->R[ix][1]);
2382       while (yy > ymax)
2383         yy -= ymax;
2384       while (yy < 0)
2385         yy += ymax;
2386       plot_out << yy << ", ";
2387     }
2388     plot_out << "]\n";
2389     plot_out << "matplotlib.rcParams['contour.negative_linestyle'] = 'solid'\n";
2390     plot_out << "plt.figure()\n";
2391     plot_out << "CS = plt.contourf(X, Y, Z, 5, cmap=cm.gray)\n";
2392     plot_out << "CS2 = plt.contour(X, Y, Z, colors='k',levels=[0])\n";
2393     plot_out << "PTu = plt.scatter(up_x,up_y, c='r', marker='o')\n";
2394     plot_out << "PTd = plt.scatter(dn_x,dn_y, c='b', marker='d')\n";
2395     plot_out << "plt.clabel(CS2, fontsize=9, inline=1)\n";
2396     plot_out << "plt.title('2D Nodal Structure')\n";
2397     plot_out << "plt.xlim(0," << ymax * (1.0 - overG1) << ")\n";
2398     plot_out << "plt.ylim(0," << xmax * (1.0 - overG0) << ")\n";
2399     fn.str("");
2400     fn << RootName.c_str() << ".ratios." << iat << ".png";
2401     plot_out << "plt.savefig('" << fn.str().c_str() << "', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.01 )\n";
2402   }
2403 #elif OHMMS_DIM == 3
2404 //         assert(Grid.size()==3);
2405 //
2406 //         RealType overG0(1.0/Grid[0]);
2407 //         RealType overG1(1.0/Grid[1]);
2408 //         RealType overG2(1.0/Grid[2]);
2409 //         int iat(0);
2410 //         W.update();
2411 //         plot_out<<"#e  x  y  z  ratio"<< std::endl;
2412 //
2413 //         for(int i=0;i<Grid[0];i++)
2414 //           for(int j=0;j<Grid[1];j++)
2415 //           for(int k=0;k<Grid[2];k++)
2416 //           {
2417 //             R_unit[iat][0]=overG0*RealType(i);
2418 //             R_unit[iat][1]=overG1*RealType(j);
2419 //             R_unit[iat][2]=overG2*RealType(k);
2420 //             W.convert2Cart(R_unit,R_cart);
2421 //             PosType dr(R_cart[iat]-W.R[iat]);
2422 //
2423 //             W.makeMove(iat,dr);
2424 //             RealType aratio = Psi.ratio(W,iat);
2425 //             W.rejectMove(iat);
2426 //             Psi.rejectMove(iat);
2427 //             plot_out<<iat<<" "<<R_cart[iat][0]<<" "<<R_cart[iat][1]<<" "<<R_cart[iat][2]<<" "<<aratio<<" "<< std::endl;
2428 //           }
2429 #endif
2430 }
FiniteDiffErrData()2432 FiniteDiffErrData::FiniteDiffErrData() : particleIndex(0), gradientComponentIndex(0), outputFile("delta.dat") {}
put(xmlNodePtr q)2434 bool FiniteDiffErrData::put(xmlNodePtr q)
2435 {
2436   ParameterSet param;
2437   param.add(outputFile, "file");
2438   param.add(particleIndex, "particle_index");
2439   param.add(gradientComponentIndex, "gradient_index");
2440   bool s = param.put(q);
2441   return s;
2442 }
2445 } // namespace qmcplusplus