3REM Purpose:	Illustrate draping of an image over topography
4REM GMT modules:	grdcut, grdedit, grdgradient, grdconvert, grdtrack, grdview
5REM GMT modules:	coast, text, plot3d, makecpt
6REM DOS calls:	echo, del
7REM Credits:	Original by Stephan Eickschen
9gmt begin ex32
10	REM Here we get and convert the flag of Europe directly from the web through grdconvert using
11	REM GDAL support. We take into account the dimension of the flag (1000x667 pixels)
12	REM for a ratio of 3x2.
13	REM Because GDAL support will not be standard for most users, we have stored
14	REM the result, @euflag.nc in this directory.
16	set Rflag=-R3/9/50/54
17	REM gmt grdconvert \
18	REM   http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b7/Flag_of_Europe.svg/1000px-Flag_of_Europe.svg.png=gd \
19	REM   euflag.nc=ns
20	REM gmt grdedit euflag.nc -fg %Rflag%
22	REM Now get the topography for the same area, mask out the oceans and store it as topo_32.nc.
24	gmt grdcut @earth_relief_30s_p %Rflag% -Gtopo_32.nc=ns
25	gmt grdcut @earth_mask_30s_p %Rflag% -Gmask_32.nc=ns
26	gmt grdmath topo_32.nc mask_32.nc 0 GT 0 NAN MUL = topo_32.nc
28	REM The color map assigns "Reflex Blue" to the lower half of the 0-255 range and
29	REM "Yellow" to the upper half.
30	gmt makecpt -C0/51/153,255/204/0 -T0,127,255 -N
32	REM The next step is the plotting of the image.
33	REM We use gmt grdview to plot the topography, euflag.nc to give the color, and illum.nc to give
34	REM the shading.
35	set Rplot=%Rflag%/-10/790
36	gmt grdview topo_32.nc -JM13c %Rplot% -C -G@euflag.nc -I+a0/270+ne0.6 -Qc -JZ1c -p157.5/30
38	REM We now add borders. Because we have a 3-D plot, we want them to be plotted "at elevation".
39	REM So we write out the borders, pipe them through grdtrack and then plot them with plot3d.
40	gmt coast %Rflag% -Df -M -N1 | gmt grdtrack -Gtopo_32.nc -s+a | gmt plot3d %Rplot% -JZ -p -W1p,white
42	REM Finally, we add dots and names for three cities.
43	REM Again, gmt grdtrack is used to put the dots "at elevation".
44	echo 05:41:27 50:51:05 Maastricht	> cities.txt
45	echo 04:21:00 50:51:00 Bruxelles	>> cities.txt
46	echo 07:07:03 50:43:09 Bonn			>> cities.txt
48	gmt grdtrack -Gtopo_32.nc cities.txt | gmt plot3d %Rplot% -JZ -p -Sc7p -W1p,white -Gred
49	gmt text -JZ -p -F+f12p,Helvetica-Bold,red+jRM -Dj0.1i/0 cities.txt
51	REM cleanup
52	del cities.txt
53gmt end show