1// Copyright 2019 Istio Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
7//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
15package outboundtrafficpolicy
17import (
18	"bytes"
19	"fmt"
20	"html/template"
21	"io/ioutil"
22	"path"
23	"reflect"
24	"testing"
25	"time"
27	"istio.io/istio/pkg/test/echo/common"
28	"istio.io/istio/pkg/test/env"
29	util "istio.io/istio/tests/integration/mixer"
31	envoyAdmin "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/admin/v3"
33	"istio.io/istio/pkg/config/protocol"
34	"istio.io/istio/pkg/test/framework"
35	"istio.io/istio/pkg/test/framework/components/echo"
36	"istio.io/istio/pkg/test/framework/components/echo/echoboot"
37	"istio.io/istio/pkg/test/framework/components/environment/kube"
38	"istio.io/istio/pkg/test/framework/components/galley"
39	"istio.io/istio/pkg/test/framework/components/namespace"
40	"istio.io/istio/pkg/test/framework/components/pilot"
41	"istio.io/istio/pkg/test/framework/components/prometheus"
42	"istio.io/istio/pkg/test/framework/resource"
43	"istio.io/istio/pkg/test/util/retry"
44	"istio.io/istio/pkg/test/util/structpath"
47const (
48	// This service entry exists to create conflicts on various ports
49	// As defined below, the tcp-conflict and https-conflict ports are 9443 and 9091
50	ServiceEntry = `
51apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
52kind: ServiceEntry
54  name: http
56  hosts:
57  - istio.io
58  location: MESH_EXTERNAL
59  ports:
60  - name: http-for-https
61    number: 9443
62    protocol: HTTP
63  - name: http-for-tcp
64    number: 9091
65    protocol: HTTP
66  resolution: DNS
68	SidecarScope = `
69apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
70kind: Sidecar
72  name: restrict-to-service-entry-namespace
74  egress:
75  - hosts:
76    - "{{.ImportNamespace}}/*"
77    - "istio-system/*"
78  outboundTrafficPolicy:
79    mode: "{{.TrafficPolicyMode}}"
82	Gateway = `
83apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
84kind: Gateway
86  name: istio-egressgateway
88  selector:
89    istio: egressgateway
90  servers:
91  - port:
92      number: 80
93      name: http
94      protocol: HTTP
95    hosts:
96    - "some-external-site.com"
98apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
99kind: VirtualService
101  name: route-via-egressgateway
103  hosts:
104    - "some-external-site.com"
105  gateways:
106  - istio-egressgateway
107  - mesh
108  http:
109    - match:
110      - gateways:
111        - mesh # from sidecars, route to egress gateway service
112        port: 80
113      route:
114      - destination:
115          host: istio-egressgateway.istio-system.svc.cluster.local
116          port:
117            number: 80
118        weight: 100
119    - match:
120      - gateways:
121        - istio-egressgateway
122        port: 80
123      route:
124      - destination:
125          host: destination.{{.AppNamespace}}.svc.cluster.local
126          port:
127            number: 80
128        weight: 100
129      headers:
130        request:
131          add:
132            handled-by-egress-gateway: "true"
136// TestCase represents what is being tested
137type TestCase struct {
138	Name     string
139	PortName string
140	Host     string
141	Gateway  bool
142	Expected Expected
145// Expected contains the metric and query to run against
146// prometheus to validate that expected telemetry information was gathered;
147// as well as the http response code
148type Expected struct {
149	Metric          string
150	PromQueryFormat string
151	ResponseCode    []string
154// TrafficPolicy is the mode of the outbound traffic policy to use
155// when configuring the sidecar for the client
156type TrafficPolicy string
158const (
159	AllowAny     TrafficPolicy = "ALLOW_ANY"
160	RegistryOnly TrafficPolicy = "REGISTRY_ONLY"
163// String implements fmt.Stringer
164func (t TrafficPolicy) String() string {
165	return string(t)
168// We want to test "external" traffic. To do this without actually hitting an external endpoint,
169// we can import only the service namespace, so the apps are not known
170func createSidecarScope(t *testing.T, tPolicy TrafficPolicy, appsNamespace namespace.Instance, serviceNamespace namespace.Instance, g galley.Instance) {
171	tmpl, err := template.New("SidecarScope").Parse(SidecarScope)
172	if err != nil {
173		t.Errorf("failed to create template: %v", err)
174	}
176	var buf bytes.Buffer
177	if err := tmpl.Execute(&buf, map[string]string{"ImportNamespace": serviceNamespace.Name(), "TrafficPolicyMode": tPolicy.String()}); err != nil {
178		t.Errorf("failed to create template: %v", err)
179	}
180	if err := g.ApplyConfig(appsNamespace, buf.String()); err != nil {
181		t.Errorf("failed to apply service entries: %v", err)
182	}
185func mustReadCert(t *testing.T, f string) string {
186	b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(env.IstioSrc, "tests/testdata/certs", f))
187	if err != nil {
188		t.Fatalf("failed to read %v: %v", f, err)
189	}
190	return string(b)
193// We want to test "external" traffic. To do this without actually hitting an external endpoint,
194// we can import only the service namespace, so the apps are not known
195func createGateway(t *testing.T, appsNamespace namespace.Instance, serviceNamespace namespace.Instance, g galley.Instance) {
196	tmpl, err := template.New("Gateway").Parse(Gateway)
197	if err != nil {
198		t.Fatalf("failed to create template: %v", err)
199	}
201	var buf bytes.Buffer
202	if err := tmpl.Execute(&buf, map[string]string{"AppNamespace": appsNamespace.Name()}); err != nil {
203		t.Fatalf("failed to create template: %v", err)
204	}
205	if err := g.ApplyConfig(serviceNamespace, buf.String()); err != nil {
206		t.Fatalf("failed to apply gateway: %v. template: %v", err, buf.String())
207	}
210// TODO support native environment for registry only/gateway. Blocked by #13177 because the listeners for native use static
211// routes and this test relies on the dynamic routes sent through pilot to allow external traffic.
213func RunExternalRequest(cases []*TestCase, prometheus prometheus.Instance, mode TrafficPolicy, t *testing.T) {
215	// Testing of Blackhole and Passthrough clusters:
216	// Setup of environment:
217	// 1. client and destination are deployed to app-1-XXXX namespace
218	// 2. client is restricted to talk to destination via Sidecar scope where outbound policy is set (ALLOW_ANY, REGISTRY_ONLY)
219	//    and clients' egress can only be to service-2-XXXX/* and istio-system/*
220	// 3. a namespace service-2-YYYY is created
221	// 4. A gateway is put in service-2-YYYY where its host is set for some-external-site.com on port 80 and 443
222	// 3. a VirtualService is also created in service-2-XXXX to:
223	//    a) route requests for some-external-site.com to the istio-egressgateway
224	//       * if the request on port 80, then it will add an http header `handled-by-egress-gateway`
225	//    b) from the egressgateway it will forward the request to the destination pod deployed in the app-1-XXX
226	//       namespace
228	// Test cases:
229	// 1. http case:
230	//    client -------> Hits listener cluster
231	//    Metric is istio_requests_total i.e. HTTP
232	//
233	// 2. https case:
234	//    client ----> Hits no listener -> -> ALLOW_ANY/REGISTRY_ONLY
235	//    Metric is istio_tcp_connections_closed_total i.e. TCP
236	//
237	// 3. https conflict case:
238	//    client ----> Hits listener
239	//    Metric is istio_tcp_connections_closed_total i.e. TCP
240	//
241	// 4. http_egress
242	//    client ) ---HTTP request (Host: some-external-site.com----> Hits listener ->
243	//      VS Routing (add Egress Header) --> Egress Gateway --> destination
244	//    Metric is istio_requests_total i.e. HTTP with destination as destination
245	//
246	// 5. TCP
247	//    client ---TCP request at port 9090----> Matches no listener -> -> ALLOW_ANY/REGISTRY_ONLY
248	//    Metric is istio_tcp_connections_closed_total i.e. TCP
249	//
250	// 5. TCP conflict
251	//    client ---TCP request at port 9091 ----> Hits listener ->  ALLOW_ANY/REGISTRY_ONLY
252	//    Metric is istio_tcp_connections_closed_total i.e. TCP
253	//
254	framework.
255		NewTest(t).
256		Run(func(ctx framework.TestContext) {
257			client, dest := setupEcho(t, ctx, mode)
259			for _, tc := range cases {
260				t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
261					if _, kube := ctx.Environment().(*kube.Environment); !kube && tc.Gateway {
262						t.Skip("Cannot run gateway in native environment.")
263					}
264					retry.UntilSuccessOrFail(t, func() error {
265						resp, err := client.Call(echo.CallOptions{
266							Target:   dest,
267							PortName: tc.PortName,
268							Headers: map[string][]string{
269								"Host": {tc.Host},
270							},
271						})
273						// the expected response from a blackhole test case will have err
274						// set; use the length of the expected code to ignore this condition
275						if err != nil && len(tc.Expected.ResponseCode) != 0 {
276							return fmt.Errorf("request failed: %v", err)
277						}
279						codes := make([]string, 0, len(resp))
280						for _, r := range resp {
281							codes = append(codes, r.Code)
282						}
283						if !reflect.DeepEqual(codes, tc.Expected.ResponseCode) {
284							return fmt.Errorf("got codes %q, expected %q", codes, tc.Expected.ResponseCode)
285						}
287						for _, r := range resp {
288							if _, f := r.RawResponse["Handled-By-Egress-Gateway"]; tc.Gateway && !f {
289								return fmt.Errorf("expected to be handled by gateway. response: %+v", r.RawResponse)
290							}
291						}
292						return nil
293					}, retry.Delay(time.Second), retry.Timeout(20*time.Second))
295					if tc.Expected.Metric != "" {
296						util.ValidateMetric(t, prometheus, tc.Expected.PromQueryFormat, tc.Expected.Metric, 1)
297					}
298				})
299			}
300		})
303func setupEcho(t *testing.T, ctx resource.Context, mode TrafficPolicy) (echo.Instance, echo.Instance) {
304	g := galley.NewOrFail(t, ctx, galley.Config{})
305	p := pilot.NewOrFail(t, ctx, pilot.Config{Galley: g})
307	appsNamespace := namespace.NewOrFail(t, ctx, namespace.Config{
308		Prefix: "app",
309		Inject: true,
310	})
311	serviceNamespace := namespace.NewOrFail(t, ctx, namespace.Config{
312		Prefix: "service",
313		Inject: true,
314	})
316	var client, dest echo.Instance
317	echoboot.NewBuilderOrFail(t, ctx).
318		With(&client, echo.Config{
319			Service:   "client",
320			Namespace: appsNamespace,
321			Subsets:   []echo.SubsetConfig{{}},
322			Pilot:     p,
323			Galley:    g,
324		}).
325		With(&dest, echo.Config{
326			Service:   "destination",
327			Namespace: appsNamespace,
328			Subsets:   []echo.SubsetConfig{{}},
329			Pilot:     p,
330			Galley:    g,
331			Ports: []echo.Port{
332				{
333					// Plain HTTP port, will match no listeners and fall through
334					Name:         "http",
335					Protocol:     protocol.HTTP,
336					ServicePort:  80,
337					InstancePort: 8080,
338				},
339				{
340					// HTTPS port, will match no listeners and fall through
341					Name:         "https",
342					Protocol:     protocol.HTTPS,
343					ServicePort:  443,
344					InstancePort: 8443,
345					TLS:          true,
346				},
347				{
348					// HTTPS port, there will be an HTTP service defined on this port that will match
349					Name:        "https-conflict",
350					Protocol:    protocol.HTTPS,
351					ServicePort: 9443,
352					TLS:         true,
353				},
354				{
355					// TCP port, will match no listeners and fall through
356					Name:        "tcp",
357					Protocol:    protocol.TCP,
358					ServicePort: 9090,
359				},
360				{
361					// TCP port, there will be an HTTP service defined on this port that will match
362					Name:        "tcp-conflict",
363					Protocol:    protocol.TCP,
364					ServicePort: 9091,
365				},
366			},
367			TLSSettings: &common.TLSSettings{
368				// Echo has these test certs baked into the docker image
369				RootCert:   mustReadCert(t, "cacert.pem"),
370				ClientCert: mustReadCert(t, "cert.crt"),
371				Key:        mustReadCert(t, "cert.key"),
372			},
373		}).BuildOrFail(t)
375	// External traffic should work even if we have service entries on the same ports
376	createSidecarScope(t, mode, appsNamespace, serviceNamespace, g)
377	if err := g.ApplyConfig(serviceNamespace, ServiceEntry); err != nil {
378		t.Errorf("failed to apply service entries: %v", err)
379	}
381	if _, kube := ctx.Environment().(*kube.Environment); kube {
382		createGateway(t, appsNamespace, serviceNamespace, g)
383	}
384	if err := WaitUntilNotCallable(client, dest); err != nil {
385		t.Fatalf("failed to apply sidecar, %v", err)
386	}
387	return client, dest
390func clusterName(target echo.Instance, port echo.Port) string {
391	cfg := target.Config()
392	return fmt.Sprintf("outbound|%d||%s.%s.svc.%s", port.ServicePort, cfg.Service, cfg.Namespace.Name(), cfg.Domain)
395// Wait for the destination to NOT be callable by the client. This allows us to simulate external traffic.
396// This essentially just waits for the Sidecar to be applied, without sleeping.
397func WaitUntilNotCallable(c echo.Instance, dest echo.Instance) error {
398	accept := func(cfg *envoyAdmin.ConfigDump) (bool, error) {
399		validator := structpath.ForProto(cfg)
400		for _, port := range dest.Config().Ports {
401			clusterName := clusterName(dest, port)
402			// Ensure that we have an outbound configuration for the target port.
403			err := validator.NotExists("{.configs[*].dynamicActiveClusters[?(@.cluster.Name == '%s')]}", clusterName).Check()
404			if err != nil {
405				return false, err
406			}
407		}
409		return true, nil
410	}
412	workloads, _ := c.Workloads()
413	// Wait for the outbound config to be received by each workload from Pilot.
414	for _, w := range workloads {
415		if w.Sidecar() != nil {
416			if err := w.Sidecar().WaitForConfig(accept, retry.Timeout(time.Second*10)); err != nil {
417				return err
418			}
419		}
420	}
422	return nil