1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 1998, 2000-2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 SINTEF ICT,
3  * Applied Mathematics, Norway.
4  *
5  * Contact information: E-mail: tor.dokken@sintef.no
6  * SINTEF ICT, Department of Applied Mathematics,
7  * P.O. Box 124 Blindern,
8  * 0314 Oslo, Norway.
9  *
10  * This file is part of SISL.
11  *
12  * SISL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
13  * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
14  * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
15  * License, or (at your option) any later version.
16  *
17  * SISL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20  * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
21  *
22  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
23  * License along with SISL. If not, see
24  * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25  *
26  * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public
27  * License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every data
28  * file that is created or manipulated using SISL.
29  *
30  * Other Usage
31  * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
32  * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
33  * develop commercial activities involving the SISL library without
34  * disclosing the source code of your own applications.
35  *
36  * This file may be used in accordance with the terms contained in a
37  * written agreement between you and SINTEF ICT.
38  */
40 #include "sisl-copyright.h"
42 /*
43  *
44  * $Id: s1227.c,v 1.2 2001-03-19 15:58:42 afr Exp $
45  *
46  */
49 #define S1227
51 #include "sislP.h"
54 void
s1227(SISLCurve * pc1,int ider,double ax,int * ileft,double eder[],int * jstat)55 s1227(SISLCurve *pc1,int ider,double ax,int *ileft,double eder[],int *jstat)
56 #else
57 void s1227(pc1,ider,ax,ileft,eder,jstat)
58      SISLCurve  *pc1;
59      int    ider;
60      double ax;
61      int    *ileft;
62      double eder[];
63      int    *jstat;
64 #endif
65 /*
66 *********************************************************************
67 *
68 *********************************************************************
69 *
70 * PURPOSE    : To compute the value and ider first derivatives of the
71 *              B-spline curve pointed to by pc1, at the point with
72 *              parameter value ax from the left hand side.
73 *
74 *
75 *
76 * INPUT      : pc1    - Pointer to the curve for which position
77 *                       and derivatives are to be computed.
78 *              ider   - The number of derivatives to compute.
79 *                       < 0 : Error.
80 *                       = 0 : Compute position.
81 *                       = 1 : Compute position and first derivative.
82 *                       etc.
83 *              ax     - The parameter value at which to compute
84 *                       position and derivatives.
85 *
86 *
87 *
88 * INPUT/OUTPUT : ileft - Pointer to the interval in the knot vector
89 *                        where ax is located. If et is the knot vector,
90 *                        the relation
91 *
92 *                          et[ileft] < ax <= et[ileft+1]
93 *
94 *                        should hold. (If ax == et[ik-1] then ileft should
95 *                        be ik-1. Here in is the number of B-spline
96 *                        coefficients.)
97 *                        If ileft does not have the right value upon
98 *                        entry to the routine, its value will be changed
99 *                        to the value satisfying the above condition.
100 *
101 *
102 *
103 * OUTPUT     : eder   - Double array of dimension [(ider+1)*idim]
104 *                       containing the position and derivative vectors.
105 *                       (idim is the number of components of each B-spline
106 *                       coefficient, i.e. the dimension of the Euclidean
107 *                       space in which the curve lies.)
108 *                       These vectors are stored in the following order:
109 *                       First the idim components of the position vector,
110 *                       then the idim components of the tangent vector,
111 *                       then the idim components of the second derivative
112 *                       vector, and so on.
113 *                       (The C declaration of eder as a two dimensional array
114 *                       would therefore be eder[ider+1,idim].)
115 *              jstat  - Status messages
116 *                                         > 0      : Warning.
117 *                                         = 0      : Ok.
118 *                                         < 0      : Error.
119 *
120 *
121 * METHOD     : First we find if the parameter ax is at a knot value, if
122 *              so we artificially shortens the curve to end at this value.
123 *              Then the traditional calculation from the right hand side
124 *              can be used.
125 *
126 *              Suppose that the given curve is of the form
127 *
128 *                   f(x) = sum(i) c(i) B(i,k)(x)
129 *
130 *              where c are the B-spline coefficients and B(i,k)(x) the
131 *              B-splines accociated with the knot vector et.
132 *              (For idim > 1 this is a vector equation with idim
133 *              components; however, the B-spline is not a vector.)
134 *              It is known that for a given value of x there are at most
135 *              k (the order of the splines) nonzero B-splines.
136 *              If ileft has the correct value these B-splines will be
137 *
138 *              B(ileft-k+1,k),B(ileft+k+2,k),...,B(ileft,k).
139 *
140 *              The position and derivatives are computed by
141 *              first computing the values and derivatives of all the
142 *              B-splines at x, and then multiplying and summing.
143 *
145 *
146 *-
147 * CALLS      : compbder - Computes B-spline values and derivatives at
148 *                         a given point.
149 *
150 * WRITTEN BY : Knut Moerken, University of Oslo, August 1988.
151 * MODIFIED BY : Mike Floater, SI, Oslo, Norway, April 1991 for rational case.
152 * REVISED BY : Johannes Kaasa, SI, Aug. 92 (In case of NURBS the maximum
153 *              derivative is not set equal order).
154 *
155 *********************************************************************
156 */
157 {
158   int kind;           /* Type of curve                                   */
159   int kstat=0;        /* Local status variable.                          */
160   int kpos=0;         /* The position of the error.                      */
161   int kn;             /* The number of B-splines, i.e., the dimension of
162 			 the spline space associated with the knot
163 			 vector.                                         */
164   int kk;             /* The polynomial order of the curve.              */
165   int kmult;          /* Multiplicity of knot value                      */
166   int kdim;           /* The dimension of the space in which the curve
167 			 lies. Equivalently, the number of components
168 			 of each B-spline coefficient.                   */
169   int kleft=0;        /* Local version of ileft which is used in order to
170 			 avoid the pointer.                              */
171   int kder;           /* Local version of ider. Since derivatives of order
172 			 higher than kk-1 are all zero, we set
173 			 kder = min(kk-1,ider).                          */
174   int ki,kj,kih,kjh;  /* Control variables in for loops and for stepping
175 			 through arrays.                                 */
176   int kl,kl1,kl2;     /* Control variables in for loops and for stepping
177 			 through arrays.                                 */
178   double *st;         /* Pointer to the first element of the knot vector
179 			 of the curve. The knot vector has [kn+kk]
180 			 elements.                                       */
181   double *scoef;      /* Pointer to the first element of the curve's
182 			 B-spline coefficients. This is assumed to be an
183 			 array with [kn*kdim] elements stored in the
184 			 following order:
185 			 First the kdim components of the first B-spline
186 			 coefficient, then the kdim components of the
187 			 second B-spline coefficient and so on.          */
188   double tt;          /* Dummy variable used for holding an array element
189 			 in a for loop.                                  */
190   double *ebder=SISL_NULL; /* Pointer to an array of dimension [kk*(ider+1)]
191 		       which will contain the values and ider first derivatives
192 			 of the kk nonzero B-splines at ax.
193 			 These are stored in the following order:
194 			 First the value, 1. derivative etc. of the
195 			 first nonzero B-spline, then the same for the
196 			 second nonzero B-spline and so on.              */
197   double *sder=SISL_NULL;  /* Pointer to array used for storage of points, if
198 			 non rational sder points to eder, if rational sder
199 			 has to be allocated to make room for the homogenous
200 			 coordinate */
202   /* Copy curve attributes to local parameters.  */
204   kn = pc1 -> in;
205   kk = pc1 -> ik;
206   st = pc1 -> et;
207   scoef = pc1 -> ecoef;
208   kdim = pc1 -> idim;
209   kind = pc1 ->ikind;
211   if (kind == 2 || kind == 4)
212     {
213       scoef = pc1 -> rcoef;
214       kdim +=1;
215       sder = newarray(kdim*(ider+1),DOUBLE);
216       if (sder==SISL_NULL) goto err101;
217     }
218   else
219     {
220       scoef = pc1 -> ecoef;
221       sder = eder;
222     }
224   /* Check the input. */
226   if (kdim < 1) goto err102;
228   if (kk < 1) goto err110;
230   if (kn < kk) goto err111;
232   /* Find in which interval ax lies */
234   s1219(st,kk,kn,&kleft,ax,&kstat);
235   if (kstat<0) goto error;
237   /* To force the derivative to be taken from the left we artificially
238      shorten the curve if ax==st[kleft]  */
240   kmult = s6knotmult(st,kk,kn,&kleft,ax,&kstat);
241   if (kstat < 0) goto error;
244   if (ax == st[kleft] && kleft > kk-1) kn = kleft-kmult+1;
245   if (st[kk-1] == st[kk] || st[kn-1] == st[kn]) goto err112;
247   if (ider < 0) goto err178;
249   if (pc1->ikind == 1 || pc1->ikind == 3)
250     kder = min(kk-1,ider);
251   else
252     kder = ider;
254   /* Allocate space for B-spline values and derivatives. */
256   ebder = newarray(kk*(kder+1),DOUBLE);
257   if (ebder == SISL_NULL) goto err101;
259   /* Set all the elements of sder to 0. */
261   for (ki=0; ki<(ider+1)*kdim; ki++) sder[ki] = (double)0.0;
263   /* Compute the values and derivatives of the nonzero B-splines and
264      update ileft if necessary.                                      */
266   s1220(st,kk,kn,ileft,ax,kder,ebder,&kstat);
268   if (kstat < 0) goto error;
270   kleft = *ileft;
272   /* Multiply together as indicated above. */
274   /* ki steps through the appropriate kk B-spline coefficients while kih steps
275      through the B-spline value and derivatives for the B-spline given by ki.*/
277   kih = 0;
278   for (ki=kleft-kk+1; ki<=kleft; ki++)
279     {
281       /* kj counts through the kder+1 derivatives to be computed.
282 	 kjh steps through sder once for each ki to accumulate the contribution
283 	 from the different B-splines.
284 	 kl1 points to the first component of B-spline coefficient no. ki. */
286       kjh = 0; kl1 = kdim*ki;
287       for (kj=0; kj<=kder; kj++)
288 	{
290 	  /* The value of the B-spline derivative is stored in tt while
291 	     kl2 steps through the idim components of this B-spline
292 	     coefficient.                                                */
294 	  tt = ebder[kih++]; kl2 = kl1;
295 	  for (kl=0; kl<kdim; kl++,kjh++,kl2++)
296 	    {
297 	      sder[kjh] += scoef[kl2]*tt;
298 	    }
299 	}
300     }
302   /* Free memory. */
304   /* If rational curve calculate the derivatives based on derivatives in
305      homogenous coordinates */
307   if (kind == 2 || kind == 4)
308     {
309       s6ratder(sder,pc1->idim,ider,eder,&kstat);
310       if (kstat<0) goto error;
311       freearray(sder);
312     }
314   freearray(ebder);
316   /* Successful computations.  */
318   *jstat = 0;
319   goto out;
321   /* Not enough memory. */
322  err101: *jstat = -101;
323   s6err("S1227",*jstat,kpos);
324   goto out;
326   /* kdim less than 1. */
327  err102: *jstat = -102;
328   s6err("S1227",*jstat,kpos);
329   goto out;
331   /* Polynomial order less than 1. */
332  err110: *jstat = -110;
333   s6err("S1227",*jstat,kpos);
334   goto out;
336   /* Fewer B-splines than the order. */
337  err111: *jstat = -111;
338   s6err("S1227",*jstat,kpos);
339   goto out;
341   /* Error in knot vector.
342      (The first or last interval of the knot vector is empty.) */
343  err112: *jstat = -112;
344   s6err("S1227",*jstat,kpos);
345   goto out;
347   /* Illegal derivative requested. */
348  err178: *jstat = -178;
349   s6err("S1227",*jstat,kpos);
350   goto out;
352   /* Error in lower level routine.  */
354  error:  *jstat = kstat;
355   s6err("S1227",*jstat,kpos);
356   goto out;
358  out: return;
359 }