1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 1998, 2000-2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 SINTEF ICT,
3  * Applied Mathematics, Norway.
4  *
5  * Contact information: E-mail: tor.dokken@sintef.no
6  * SINTEF ICT, Department of Applied Mathematics,
7  * P.O. Box 124 Blindern,
8  * 0314 Oslo, Norway.
9  *
10  * This file is part of SISL.
11  *
12  * SISL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
13  * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
14  * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
15  * License, or (at your option) any later version.
16  *
17  * SISL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20  * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
21  *
22  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
23  * License along with SISL. If not, see
24  * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25  *
26  * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public
27  * License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every data
28  * file that is created or manipulated using SISL.
29  *
30  * Other Usage
31  * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
32  * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
33  * develop commercial activities involving the SISL library without
34  * disclosing the source code of your own applications.
35  *
36  * This file may be used in accordance with the terms contained in a
37  * written agreement between you and SINTEF ICT.
38  */
40 #include "sisl-copyright.h"
42 /*
43  *
44  * $Id:
45  *
46  */
47 #define S1505
49 #include "sislP.h"
52 void
s1505(const SISLSurf * ps1,int ider,int m1,int m2,double * ebder1,double * ebder2,int * ileft1,int * ileft2,double eder[],double norm[],int * jstat)53 s1505(const SISLSurf *ps1,int ider,int m1, int m2,double *ebder1,double
54       *ebder2, int *ileft1,int *ileft2,double eder[],double norm[],int *jstat)
55 #else
56 void s1505(ps1,ider,m1,m2,ebder1,ebder2,ileft1,ileft2,eder,norm,jstat)
57      SISLSurf   *ps1;
58      int    ider;
59      int m1;
60      int m2;
61      double *ebder1;
62      double *ebder2;
63      int    *ileft1;
64      int    *ileft2;
65      double eder[];
66      double norm[];
67      int    *jstat;
68 #endif
69 /*
70 *********************************************************************
71 *
72 *********************************************************************
73 *
74 * PURPOSE    : Evaluate the surface pointed at by ps1 over an m1 * m2
75 *              grid, assuming that the B-splines have been
76 *              pre-evaluated, by s1504, over that grid.
77 *              The knots et1 and et2 and grid points (x[i],y[j]) are not needed.
78 *              Compute ider derivatives.
79 *
80 * INPUT      : ps1    - Pointer to the surface to evaluate.
81 *              ider   - Number of derivatives to calculate.
82 *                       < 0 : No derivative calculated.
83 *                       = 0 : Position calculated.
84 *                       = 1 : Position and first derivative calculated.
85 *                       etc.
86 *              m1     - Number of grid points in first direction.
87 *              m2     - Number of grid points in first direction.
88 *              ileft1 - Array of indexes to the intervals in the knotvector
89 *                       in the first parameter direction where each subsequence
90 *                       of k1 non-zero B-splines are located.
91 *              ileft2 - Array of indexes to the intervals in the knotvector
92 *                       in the second parameter direction where each subsequence
93 *                       of k2 non-zero B-splines are located.
94 *              ebder1 - Triple array of dimension [(ider+1)*k1*m1] containing
95 *                       values of the k1 nonzero B-splines and their
96 *                       derivatives at the points x[0],...,x[m1-1]
97 *                       (i.e. pre-evaluated B-splines).
98 *                       These numbers are stored in the following order:
99 *                       First the (ider+1) derivatives of the first nonzero
100 *                       B-spline at x[0]. Then the (ider+1) derivatives of
101 *                       the second nonzero B-spline at x[0], etc.
102 *                       Later we repeat for x[1],... etc.
103 *
104 *              ebder2 - Triple array of dimension [(ider+1)*k2*m2] containing
105 *                       values of the k2 nonzero B-splines and their
106 *                       derivatives at the points y[0],...,y[m2-1]
107 *
108 * OUTPUT     : eder   - Array where the derivatives of the surface
109 *                       are placed, dimension
110 *                         idim * ((ider+1)(ider+2) / 2) * m1 * m2.
111 *                       The sequence is position,
112 *                       first derivative in first parameter direction,
113 *                       first derivative in second parameter direction,
114 *                       (2,0) derivative, (1,1) derivative, (0,2)
115 *                       derivative, etc. at point (x[0],y[0]),
116 *                       followed by the same information at (x[1],y[0]),
117 *                       etc.
118 *              norm   - Normals of surface. Is calculated if ider >= 1.
119 *                       Dimension is idim*m1*m2.
120 *                       The normals are not normalized.
121 *              jstat  - status messages
122 *                          = 2      : Surface is degenerate
123 *                                     at some point, normal
124 *                                     has zero length.
125 *                          = 1      : Surface is close to
126 *                                     degenerate at some point
127 *                                     Angle between tangents,
128 *                                     less than angular tolerance.
129 *                          = 0      : ok
130 *                          < 0      : error
131 *
132 * METHOD     : The code and method is similar to that of s1421 except that
133 *              the B-splines and their derivatives have already been
134 *              calculated (and are given in ebder1 and ebder2) and
135 *              we evaluate over a whole grid rather than at one point.
136 *              The method is to find the control points and control derivatives
137 *              of each isocurve in x (fixed y value). We then
138 *              evaluate at each x value along the isocurve.
139 *
140 * CALLS      : s6err     - Error handling routine
141 *              s6strider - Make derivative of rational expression
142 *
143 * WRITTEN BY : Michael Floater, SINTEF, May 1998.
144 *********************************************************************
145 */
146 {
147   int kstat=0;        /* Local status variable.                          */
148   int kpos=0;         /* The position of error.                          */
149   int i1,i2;          /* Loop variables. */
150   int i1pos,i2pos;    /* Offset indexes. */
151   int kn1,kn2;        /* The number of B-splines accociated with the knot
152 			 vectors st1 and st2.                            */
153   int kk1,kk2;        /* The polynomial order of the surface in the two
154 			 directions.                                     */
155   int kdim;           /* The dimension of the space in which the surface
156 			 lies. Equivalently, the number of components
157 			 of each B-spline coefficient.                   */
158   int kleft1,kleft2;  /* Local versions of knot intervals.            */
159   int ki,kx,kjh;      /* Control variables in for loops and for stepping
160 			 through arrays.                                 */
161   int kih2;           /* Index for stepping through ebder2. */
162   int ky,kl,kl1,kl2;  /* Control variables in for loops and for stepping
163 			 through arrays.                                 */
164   double *scoef;      /* The B-spline coefficients of the surface.
165 			 This is an array of dimension [kn2*kn1*kdim].   */
166   double tt;          /* Dummy variable used for holding an array element
167 			 in a for loop.                                  */
168   double *ew=SISL_NULL;    /* Pointer to an array of dimension [kn1*(ider+1)*kdim]
169 			 which will be used to store the result of the first
170 			 matrix multiplication. */
171   double *sder=SISL_NULL;  /* Pointer to array used for storage of points, if
172 			 rational has room for homogenous coordinates. */
173   double *enorm=SISL_NULL; /* Array for surface normal. */
174   int size;           /* Space occupied by points and derivs at one eval. */
175   int sizeh;          /* Space occupied by homogeneous points and derivs . */
176   int size1,size2;    /* Useful variables. */
177   int ederpos;       /* Index of position in eder. */
178   int normpos;       /* Index of position in norm. */
180   int knumb2;         /* Necessary size of ew */
182   int tot,temp;       /* Temporary variables. */
184   kn1 = ps1 -> in1;
185   kn2 = ps1 -> in2;
186   kk1 = ps1 -> ik1;
187   kk2 = ps1 -> ik2;
188   kdim = ps1 -> idim;
189   /* Check the input. */
191   if (kdim < 1) goto err102;
192   if (kk1 < 1) goto err115;
193   if (kn1 < kk1 || kn2 < kk2) goto err116;
194   if (ider < 0) goto err178;
196   *jstat = 0;
198   if (ps1->ikind == 2 || ps1->ikind == 4)
199   {
200     scoef = ps1 -> rcoef;
201     kdim +=1;
202   }
203   else
204   {
205     scoef = ps1 -> ecoef;
206   }
207   sizeh = kdim*(ider+1)*(ider+2)/2;
208   if((sder=newarray(sizeh,DOUBLE)) == SISL_NULL) goto err101;
209   if((enorm=newarray(ps1->idim,DOUBLE)) == SISL_NULL) goto err101;
211   size = ps1->idim*(ider+1)*(ider+2)/2;
212   size1 = (ider+1)*kk1;
213   size2 = (ider+1)*kk2;
215   /* Allocate space for B-spline values and derivatives and one work array. */
217   knumb2 = kn1*(ider+1)*kdim;
218   if((ew=newarray(knumb2,DOUBLE)) == SISL_NULL) goto err101;
220   ederpos = 0;
221   normpos = 0;
223   /* Run through grid points in the y direction. */
224   for(i2=0, i2pos=0; i2<m2; i2++, i2pos += size2)
225   {
226     kleft2 = ileft2[i2];
228     /* Compute the control points (and control derivatives
229        of the v = x[i2] isocurve. */
231     /* Set all the elements of ew to 0. */
232     for(ki=0; ki<knumb2; ki++) ew[ki] = DZERO;
234     /* ki steps through the appropriate kk2 rows of B-spline coefficients
235        while kih2 steps through the B-spline value and derivatives for the
236        B-spline given by ki.            */
238     kih2 = i2pos;
239     for (ki=kleft2-kk2+1; ki<=kleft2; ki++)
240     {
241       /* kx counts through the ider+1 derivatives to be computed.
242          kjh steps through ew once for each ki to accumulate the
243          contribution from the different B-splines.
244          kl1 points to the first component of the first B-spline coefficient
245          in row no. ki of the B-spline coefficient matrix.
246       */
248       kjh = 0; kl1 = kdim*ki*kn1;
249       for (kx=0; kx<=ider; kx++)
250       {
251         /* The value of the B-spline derivative is stored in tt while
252            kl2 steps through the kdim components of all the B-spline
253            coefficients that multiply nonzero B-splines along st1.
254         */
256         tt = ebder2[kih2++]; kl2 = kl1;
257         for (kl=0; kl<kdim*kn1; kl++,kjh++,kl2++)
258         {
259            ew[kjh] += scoef[kl2]*tt;
260         }
261       }
262     }
264     /* Run through grid points in the x direction
265        evaluating along the iso-curve defined by y = y[i2]. */
266     for(i1=0, i1pos=0; i1<m1; i1++, i1pos += size1)
267     {
268       kleft1 = ileft1[i1];
270       /* Set all the elements of sder to 0. */
271       for(ki=0; ki<sizeh; ki++) sder[ki] = DZERO;
273       for(ky=0; ky<=ider; ky++)
274       {
275 	kl1 = kdim * (ky * kn1 + kleft1 - kk1 + 1);
276 	for(kx=0; kx<=ider-ky; kx++)
277 	{
278           tot = kx + ky;
279           temp = ((tot * (tot+1)) >> 1) + ky;
280 	  kjh = temp * kdim;
282 	  for(ki=0; ki<kk1; ki++)
283           {
284 	    tt = ebder1[i1pos + (ider+1) * ki + kx];
285 	    for(kl=0; kl<kdim; kl++)
286 	    {
287 	      sder[kjh+kl] += ew[kl1 + kdim * ki + kl] * tt;
288 	    }
289           }
290         }
291       }
293       /* If rational surface calculate the derivatives based on
294          derivatives in homogenous coordinates */
296       if (ps1->ikind == 2 || ps1->ikind == 4)
297       {
298         s6strider(sder,ps1->idim,ider,eder+ederpos,&kstat);
299         if (kstat<0) goto error;
300       }
301       else
302       {
303         for(ki=0; ki<sizeh; ki++) eder[ederpos+ki] = sder[ki];
304       }
306       /* Calculate normal if idim==3 and ider>0. */
308       if (ider>0 && ps1->idim ==3)
309         {
311           s6crss(eder+ederpos+ps1->idim,eder+ederpos+2*ps1->idim,enorm);
313           s6norm(enorm,3,norm+normpos,&kstat);
314          }
316       ederpos += size;
317       normpos += 3;
318     }
319   }
321   goto out;
323   /* Not enough memory. */
324  err101: *jstat = -101;
325   s6err("s1505",*jstat,kpos);
326   goto out;
328   /* kdim less than 1. */
329  err102: *jstat = -102;
330   s6err("s1505",*jstat,kpos);
331   goto out;
333   /* Polynomial order less than 1. */
334  err115: *jstat = -115;
335   s6err("s1505",*jstat,kpos);
336   goto out;
338   /* Fewer B-splines than the order. */
339  err116: *jstat = -116;
340   s6err("s1505",*jstat,kpos);
341   goto out;
343   /* Illegal derivative requested. */
344  err178: *jstat = -178;
345   s6err("s1221",*jstat,kpos);
346   goto out;
348   /* Error in lower level routine.  */
350  error:  *jstat = kstat;
351   s6err("s1505",*jstat,kpos);
352   goto out;
354  out:
355   /* Free memory. */
356   if(sder != SISL_NULL) freearray(sder);
357   if(enorm != SISL_NULL) freearray(enorm);
358   if (ew != SISL_NULL) freearray(ew);
360     return;
361 }