1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 1998, 2000-2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 SINTEF ICT,
3  * Applied Mathematics, Norway.
4  *
5  * Contact information: E-mail: tor.dokken@sintef.no
6  * SINTEF ICT, Department of Applied Mathematics,
7  * P.O. Box 124 Blindern,
8  * 0314 Oslo, Norway.
9  *
10  * This file is part of SISL.
11  *
12  * SISL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
13  * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
14  * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
15  * License, or (at your option) any later version.
16  *
17  * SISL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20  * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
21  *
22  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
23  * License along with SISL. If not, see
24  * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25  *
26  * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public
27  * License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every data
28  * file that is created or manipulated using SISL.
29  *
30  * Other Usage
31  * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
32  * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
33  * develop commercial activities involving the SISL library without
34  * disclosing the source code of your own applications.
35  *
36  * This file may be used in accordance with the terms contained in a
37  * written agreement between you and SINTEF ICT.
38  */
40 #include "sisl-copyright.h"
43 #define S1966
45 #include "sislP.h"
s1966(double ep[],int im1,int im2,int idim,int ipar,double epar1[],double epar2[],double eeps[],int nend[],int iopen1,int iopen2,double edgeps[],double afctol,int iopt,int itmax,int ik1,int ik2,SISLSurf ** rs,double emxerr[],int * jstat)48 void s1966(double ep[],int im1,int im2,int idim,int ipar,double epar1[],
49 	   double epar2[],double eeps[],int nend[],int iopen1,int iopen2,
50 	   double edgeps[],double afctol,int iopt,int itmax,
51 	   int ik1,int ik2,SISLSurf **rs,double emxerr[],int *jstat)
52 #else
53 void s1966(ep,im1,im2,idim,ipar,epar1,epar2,eeps,nend,iopen1,iopen2,
54            edgeps,afctol,iopt,itmax,ik1,ik2,
55            rs,emxerr,jstat)
56      double ep[];
57      int    im1;
58      int    im2;
59      int    idim;
60      int    ipar;
61      double epar1[];
62      double epar2[];
63      double eeps[];
64      int    nend[];
65      int    iopen1;
66      int    iopen2;
67      double edgeps[];
68      double afctol;
69      int    iopt;
70      int    itmax;
71      int    ik1;
72      int    ik2;
73      SISLSurf   **rs;
74      double emxerr[];
75      int    *jstat;
76 #endif
77 /*
78 ********************************************************************
79 *
80 * Purpose: To compute a tensor-product spline-approximation of order
81 *          (ik1,ik2) to the rectangular array of idim-dimensional
82 *          points given by ep.
83 *
84 * Input : Ep     - Array (length idim*im1*im2) containing the points
85 *                  to be approximated.
86 *         Im1    - The no. of points in first parameter-direction.
87 *         Im2    - The no. of points in second parameter-direction.
88 *         Idim   - The no. of components of each input-point.
89 *                  The approximation will be a parametric surface
90 *                  situated in the idim-dimensional euclidean space
91 *                  (usually 3).
92 *         Ipar   - Flag determining the parametrization of the data points:
93 *                   = 1: Mean accumulated cord-length parameterization.
94 *                   = 2: Uniform parametrization.
95 *                   = 3: Parametrization given by epar1 and epar2.
96 *         Epar1  - Array (length im1) containing a parametrization
97 *                  in the first parameter-direction. (Will only
98 *                  be used if ipar=3).
99 *         Epar2  - Array (length im2) containing a parametrization
100 *                  in the second parameter-direction. (Will only
101 *                  be used if ipar=3).
102 *         Eeps   - Array (length idim) containing the max. permissible
103 *                  deviation of the approximation from the given data
104 *                  points, in each of the components. More specifically,
105 *                  the approximation will not deviate more than eeps(kdim)
106 *                  in component no. kdim, from the bilinear approximation
107 *                  to the data.
108 *         Nend   - Array (length 4) giving the no. of derivatives to be
109 *                  kept fixed along each edge of the bilinear interpolant.
110 *                  The numbering of the edges is the same as for edgeps below.
111 *                  All the derivatives of order < (nend(i)-1) will be kept
112 *                  fixed along the edge i. Hence nend(i)=0 indicates that
113 *                  nothing is to be kpet fixed along edge i. (Used by the
114 *                  data reduction routine.)
115 *                  To be kept fixed here means to have error less than edgeps.
116 *                  In general, it is impossible to remove any knots and keep
117 *                  an edge completely fixed.
118 *         iopen1 - Open/closed parameter in first parameter direction.
119 *                      =  1 : Produce open surface.
120 *                      =  0 : Produce closed, non-periodic surface if possible.
121 *                      = -1 : Produce closed, periodic surface if possible.
122 *                  NB! The surface will be closed/periodic only if the first
123 *                      and last column of data points are (approximately) equal.
124 *         iopen2 - Open/closed parameter in second parameter direction.
125 *                      =  1 : Produce open surface.
126 *                      =  0 : Produce closed, non-periodic surface if possible.
127 *                      = -1 : Produce closed, periodic surface if possible.
128 *                  NB! The surface will be closed/periodic only if the first
129 *                      and last row of data points are (approximately) equal.
130 *         Edgeps - Array (length idim*4) containing the max. deviation from
131 *                  the bilinear interpolant which is acceptable along the
132 *                  edges of the surface.
133 *                  Edgeps(1,i):edgeps(idim,i) gives the tolerance along
134 *                  the edge corresponding to the i-th parameter having
135 *                  one of it`s extremal-values.
136 *                   i=1: min value of first parameter.
137 *                   i=2: max value of first parameter.
138 *                   i=3: min value of second parameter.
139 *                   i=4: max value of second parameter.
140 *                  (Used by the data-reduction routine.)
141 *                  Edgeps(kp,i) will only have significance if nend(i)>0.
142 *         Afctol - 0.0 >= afctol <= 1.0.
143 *                  Afctol indicates how the tolerance is to be shared
144 *                  between the two data-reduction stages. For the linear
145 *                  reduction, a tolerance of afctol*eeps will be used,
146 *                  while a tolerance of (1.0-afctol)*eeps will be used
147 *                  during the final data reduction (similarly for edgeps.)
148 *                  Default is 0.
149 *          Iopt  - Flag indicating the order in which the data-reduction
150 *                  is to be performed:
151 *                   = 1: Remove knots inparameter-direction 1 only.
152 *                   = 2: Remove knots inparameter-direction 2 only.
153 *                   = 3: Remove knots first in parameter-direction 1 and
154 *                        then in parameter-direction 2.
155 *                   = 4: Remove knots first in parameter-direction 2 and
156 *                        then in parameter-direction 1.
157 *         Itmax  - Max. no. of iterations in the data-reduction.
158 *         Ik1    - The order of the approximation in first
159 *                  parameter-directon.
160 *         Ik2    - The order of the approximation in second
161 *                  parameter-directon.
162 *
163 * Output:
164 *         Jstat  - Output status:
165 *                   < 0 : Error.
166 *                   = 0 : Ok.
167 *                   > 0 : Warning:
168 *         Rs     - Pointer to surface.
169 *         Emxerr - Array (length idim) (allocated outside this routine.)
170 *                  containing the error in the approximation to the data.
171 *                  This is guaranteed upper bound on the max. deviation
172 *                  in each component, between the final approximation
173 *                  and the bilinear spline-approximation to the original data.
174 *
175 * Method:
176 *        First the bilinear interpolant to the data is computed, using the
177 *        parameterization given by ipar, and knots are removed from this
178 *        initial approximation by a call to the data-reduction routine for
179 *        surfaces. Then the order is raised to (ik1,ik2) and the final data
180 *        reduction is performed.
181 *-
182 * Calls: s1965, s1350, s6chpar, s6err.
183 *
184 * Written by: C.R.Birkeland, Si, April 1993.
185 * Changed by: Per OEyvind, SINTEF, 1994-11.
186 *             Removed following memory leaks:
187 *              1) Improper use of copy flag to newSurf()
188 *              2) Forgetting to free temp array after using icopy == 1
189 * Changed and renamed by : Vibeke Skytt, SINTEF Oslo, 02.95. Introduced
190 *                                                            periodicity.
191 **********************************************************************
192 */
193 {
194   int in1,in2;                /* Number of vertices                   */
195   int newin1, newin2;
196   int fouridim=4*idim;
197   int i;                      /* Loop control parameters              */
198   int stat=0, kpos=0;         /* Error message parameters             */
199   double *par1 = SISL_NULL;
200   double *par2 = SISL_NULL;
201   double *knot1 = SISL_NULL;       /* Knot vectors in 1 and 2. par.dir.    */
202   double *knot2 = SISL_NULL;
203   double *error1 = SISL_NULL;      /* Arrays for error storage             */
204   double *error2 = SISL_NULL;
205   double *maxerr = SISL_NULL;
206   double *newcoeff = SISL_NULL;    /* Coefficients array                   */
207   SISLCurve *ocurve1 = SISL_NULL;  /* Used to store local curves           */
208   SISLCurve *ocurve2 = SISL_NULL;
209   SISLSurf *osurf1 = SISL_NULL;    /* Used to store local surfaces         */
210   SISLSurf *osurf2 = SISL_NULL;
212   /* Check Input */
214   if (im1 < 2 || im2 < 2 || ik1 < 1 || ik2 < 1 || idim < 1)
215     goto err103;
216   if (ipar < 1 || ipar > 3) ipar = 1;
218   if (ipar != 3)
219     {
220       /* Generate parametrization */
222       s1528(idim, im1, im2, ep, ipar, SISL_CRV_OPEN, SISL_CRV_OPEN,
223 	    &par1, &par2, &stat);
224       if (stat<0) goto error;
225     }
226   else
227     {
228       /* Parametrization is passed as parameter */
230       par1 = epar1;
231       par2 = epar2;
232     }
234   /* Represent input (points) as a surface of
235    * order 2 (linear) in both directions.
236    * First, generate knot vectors */
238   knot1 = newarray(im1+2, DOUBLE);
239   knot2 = newarray(im2+2, DOUBLE);
240   if(knot1 == SISL_NULL || knot2 == SISL_NULL) goto err101;
241   memcopy(&knot1[1],par1,im1,DOUBLE);
242   memcopy(&knot2[1],par2,im2,DOUBLE);
243   knot1[0] = knot1[1];
244   knot2[0] = knot2[1];
245   knot1[im1+1] = knot1[im1];
246   knot2[im2+1] = knot2[im2];
247   osurf1 = newSurf(im1, im2, 2, 2, knot1, knot2, ep,
248 		   1,idim, 1);
249   if (osurf1 == SISL_NULL) goto err101;
250   if (knot1 != SISL_NULL) freearray(knot1); knot1 = SISL_NULL;
251   if (knot2 != SISL_NULL) freearray(knot2); knot2 = SISL_NULL;
253   /* Compute tolerance vectors for linear reduction
254    * Both max deviation of surface and max dev. of edges */
256   maxerr = newarray(idim, DOUBLE);
257   error1 = newarray(idim, DOUBLE);
258   error2 = newarray(fouridim, DOUBLE);
259   if (error1 == SISL_NULL || error2 == SISL_NULL || maxerr == SISL_NULL)
260     goto err101;
261   for (i=0; i<fouridim; i++)
262     {
263       edgeps[i] = MIN(edgeps[i], eeps[(i+idim)%idim]);
264       error2[i] = afctol * edgeps[i];
265     }
266   for (i=0; i<idim; i++)
267     error1[i] = afctol*eeps[i];
269   /* Perform datareduction on the bilinear interpolant */
271   s1965(osurf1, error1, nend, SISL_CRV_OPEN, SISL_CRV_OPEN, error2,
272 	iopt, itmax, &osurf2, maxerr, &stat);
273   if (stat<0) goto error;
275   in1 = osurf2->in1;
276   in2 = osurf2->in2;
278   /* Free surface osurf1 */
280   if(osurf1 != SISL_NULL)
281     {
282       freeSurf(osurf1);
283       osurf1 = SISL_NULL;
284     }
286   /* Piecewise linear interpolant to the reduced
287    * bilinear interpolant expressed as a surface
288    * of orders ik1 and ik2 */
290   /* Second parameter direction */
292   s1350(osurf2->ecoef,&(osurf2->et2)[1], in2,
293 	in1 * idim, ik2, &ocurve1, &stat);
294   if (stat<0) goto error;
296   newin2 = ocurve1->in;
298   /* Transpose result, store new coefficients in
299    * array newcoeff */
301   if( (newcoeff = newarray(idim * in1 * newin2, DOUBLE)) == SISL_NULL )
302     goto err101;
303   s6chpar(ocurve1->ecoef, in1, newin2, idim, newcoeff);
305   /* First parameter direction */
307   s1350(newcoeff, &(osurf2->et1)[1], in1,
308 	idim*newin2, ik1, &ocurve2, &stat);
309   if (stat<0) goto error;
310   newin1 = ocurve2->in;
312   /* Free surface osurf2 */
314   if(osurf2 != SISL_NULL)
315     {
316       freeSurf(osurf2);
317       osurf2 = SISL_NULL;
318     }
320   /* Transpose back and get coefficients of bilinear
321    * approximatoin surface of orders ik1 and ik2     */
323   newcoeff = increasearray(newcoeff,
324 			   idim * newin1 * newin2, DOUBLE);
325   if (newcoeff == SISL_NULL) goto err101;
326   s6chpar(ocurve2->ecoef, newin2, newin1, idim, newcoeff);
328   /* Store results as a surface */
330   osurf1 = newSurf(newin1, newin2, ik1, ik2, ocurve2->et,
331 		   ocurve1->et, newcoeff, 1, idim, 1);
333   if (newcoeff != SISL_NULL) freearray(newcoeff); newcoeff = SISL_NULL;
335   if (osurf1 == SISL_NULL) goto err101;
337   /* Set periodicity flag. */
339   osurf1->cuopen_1 = ocurve2->cuopen;
340   osurf1->cuopen_2 = ocurve1->cuopen;
342   /* Compute tolerance for final datareduction */
344   for (i=0; i<fouridim; i++)
345     error2[i] = edgeps[i]-error2[i];
346   for (i=0; i<idim; i++)
347     error1[i] = eeps[i]-maxerr[i];
349   /* Perform final datareduction step */
351   s1965(osurf1, error1, nend, iopen1, iopen2, error2, iopt, itmax,
352 	rs, emxerr, &stat);
353   if (stat<0) goto error;
355   /* Compute total (and final) error */
357   for(i=0; i<idim; i++)
358     emxerr[i] += maxerr[i];
360   /* Success */
362   *jstat = 0;
363   goto out;
365   /* Empty array. */
367  err101:
368   *jstat = -101;
369   s6err("s1966",*jstat,kpos);
370   goto out;
372   /* Error in input */
374  err103:
375   *jstat = -103;
376   s6err("s1966",*jstat,kpos);
377   goto out;
379   /* Error in lower level routine. */
381  error:
382   *jstat = stat;
383   s6err("s1966",*jstat,kpos);
384   goto out;
386   /* Exit */
388  out:
389   /* Free SISL-curves allocated in this routine */
391   if(ocurve1 != SISL_NULL) freeCurve(ocurve1);
392   if(ocurve2 != SISL_NULL) freeCurve(ocurve2);
394   /* Free SISL-surfaces allocated in this routine */
396   if(osurf1 != SISL_NULL) freeSurf(osurf1);
398   /* Free arrays */
400   if(error1 != SISL_NULL) freearray(error1);
401   if(error2 != SISL_NULL) freearray(error2);
402   if(maxerr != SISL_NULL) freearray(maxerr);
404   if (ipar != 3)
405     {
406       freearray(par1);
407       freearray(par2);
408     }
410   return;
411 }