4Author: Chad Fulton
5License: Simplified-BSD
7from warnings import warn
9import numpy as np
10import pandas as pd
12from statsmodels.compat.pandas import Appender
14from statsmodels.tools.tools import Bunch
15from statsmodels.tools.data import _is_using_pandas
16from statsmodels.tools.decorators import cache_readonly
17import statsmodels.base.wrapper as wrap
19from statsmodels.tsa.arima.specification import SARIMAXSpecification
20from statsmodels.tsa.arima.params import SARIMAXParams
21from statsmodels.tsa.tsatools import lagmat
23from .initialization import Initialization
24from .mlemodel import MLEModel, MLEResults, MLEResultsWrapper
25from .tools import (
26    companion_matrix, diff, is_invertible, constrain_stationary_univariate,
27    unconstrain_stationary_univariate,
28    prepare_exog, prepare_trend_spec, prepare_trend_data)
31class SARIMAX(MLEModel):
32    r"""
33    Seasonal AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average with eXogenous regressors
34    model
36    Parameters
37    ----------
38    endog : array_like
39        The observed time-series process :math:`y`
40    exog : array_like, optional
41        Array of exogenous regressors, shaped nobs x k.
42    order : iterable or iterable of iterables, optional
43        The (p,d,q) order of the model for the number of AR parameters,
44        differences, and MA parameters. `d` must be an integer
45        indicating the integration order of the process, while
46        `p` and `q` may either be an integers indicating the AR and MA
47        orders (so that all lags up to those orders are included) or else
48        iterables giving specific AR and / or MA lags to include. Default is
49        an AR(1) model: (1,0,0).
50    seasonal_order : iterable, optional
51        The (P,D,Q,s) order of the seasonal component of the model for the
52        AR parameters, differences, MA parameters, and periodicity.
53        `D` must be an integer indicating the integration order of the process,
54        while `P` and `Q` may either be an integers indicating the AR and MA
55        orders (so that all lags up to those orders are included) or else
56        iterables giving specific AR and / or MA lags to include. `s` is an
57        integer giving the periodicity (number of periods in season), often it
58        is 4 for quarterly data or 12 for monthly data. Default is no seasonal
59        effect.
60    trend : str{'n','c','t','ct'} or iterable, optional
61        Parameter controlling the deterministic trend polynomial :math:`A(t)`.
62        Can be specified as a string where 'c' indicates a constant (i.e. a
63        degree zero component of the trend polynomial), 't' indicates a
64        linear trend with time, and 'ct' is both. Can also be specified as an
65        iterable defining the non-zero polynomial exponents to include, in
66        increasing order. For example, `[1,1,0,1]` denotes
67        :math:`a + bt + ct^3`. Default is to not include a trend component.
68    measurement_error : bool, optional
69        Whether or not to assume the endogenous observations `endog` were
70        measured with error. Default is False.
71    time_varying_regression : bool, optional
72        Used when an explanatory variables, `exog`, are provided
73        to select whether or not coefficients on the exogenous regressors are
74        allowed to vary over time. Default is False.
75    mle_regression : bool, optional
76        Whether or not to use estimate the regression coefficients for the
77        exogenous variables as part of maximum likelihood estimation or through
78        the Kalman filter (i.e. recursive least squares). If
79        `time_varying_regression` is True, this must be set to False. Default
80        is True.
81    simple_differencing : bool, optional
82        Whether or not to use partially conditional maximum likelihood
83        estimation. If True, differencing is performed prior to estimation,
84        which discards the first :math:`s D + d` initial rows but results in a
85        smaller state-space formulation. See the Notes section for important
86        details about interpreting results when this option is used. If False,
87        the full SARIMAX model is put in state-space form so that all
88        datapoints can be used in estimation. Default is False.
89    enforce_stationarity : bool, optional
90        Whether or not to transform the AR parameters to enforce stationarity
91        in the autoregressive component of the model. Default is True.
92    enforce_invertibility : bool, optional
93        Whether or not to transform the MA parameters to enforce invertibility
94        in the moving average component of the model. Default is True.
95    hamilton_representation : bool, optional
96        Whether or not to use the Hamilton representation of an ARMA process
97        (if True) or the Harvey representation (if False). Default is False.
98    concentrate_scale : bool, optional
99        Whether or not to concentrate the scale (variance of the error term)
100        out of the likelihood. This reduces the number of parameters estimated
101        by maximum likelihood by one, but standard errors will then not
102        be available for the scale parameter.
103    trend_offset : int, optional
104        The offset at which to start time trend values. Default is 1, so that
105        if `trend='t'` the trend is equal to 1, 2, ..., nobs. Typically is only
106        set when the model created by extending a previous dataset.
107    use_exact_diffuse : bool, optional
108        Whether or not to use exact diffuse initialization for non-stationary
109        states. Default is False (in which case approximate diffuse
110        initialization is used).
111    **kwargs
112        Keyword arguments may be used to provide default values for state space
113        matrices or for Kalman filtering options. See `Representation`, and
114        `KalmanFilter` for more details.
116    Attributes
117    ----------
118    measurement_error : bool
119        Whether or not to assume the endogenous
120        observations `endog` were measured with error.
121    state_error : bool
122        Whether or not the transition equation has an error component.
123    mle_regression : bool
124        Whether or not the regression coefficients for
125        the exogenous variables were estimated via maximum
126        likelihood estimation.
127    state_regression : bool
128        Whether or not the regression coefficients for
129        the exogenous variables are included as elements
130        of the state space and estimated via the Kalman
131        filter.
132    time_varying_regression : bool
133        Whether or not coefficients on the exogenous
134        regressors are allowed to vary over time.
135    simple_differencing : bool
136        Whether or not to use partially conditional maximum likelihood
137        estimation.
138    enforce_stationarity : bool
139        Whether or not to transform the AR parameters
140        to enforce stationarity in the autoregressive
141        component of the model.
142    enforce_invertibility : bool
143        Whether or not to transform the MA parameters
144        to enforce invertibility in the moving average
145        component of the model.
146    hamilton_representation : bool
147        Whether or not to use the Hamilton representation of an ARMA process.
148    trend : str{'n','c','t','ct'} or iterable
149        Parameter controlling the deterministic
150        trend polynomial :math:`A(t)`. See the class
151        parameter documentation for more information.
152    polynomial_ar : ndarray
153        Array containing autoregressive lag polynomial lags, ordered from
154        lowest degree to highest. The polynomial begins with lag 0.
155        Initialized with ones, unless a coefficient is constrained to be
156        zero (in which case it is zero).
157    polynomial_ma : ndarray
158        Array containing moving average lag polynomial lags, ordered from
159        lowest degree to highest. Initialized with ones, unless a coefficient
160        is constrained to be zero (in which case it is zero).
161    polynomial_seasonal_ar : ndarray
162        Array containing seasonal moving average lag
163        polynomial lags, ordered from lowest degree
164        to highest. Initialized with ones, unless a
165        coefficient is constrained to be zero (in which
166        case it is zero).
167    polynomial_seasonal_ma : ndarray
168        Array containing seasonal moving average lag
169        polynomial lags, ordered from lowest degree
170        to highest. Initialized with ones, unless a
171        coefficient is constrained to be zero (in which
172        case it is zero).
173    polynomial_trend : ndarray
174        Array containing trend polynomial coefficients,
175        ordered from lowest degree to highest. Initialized
176        with ones, unless a coefficient is constrained to be
177        zero (in which case it is zero).
178    k_ar : int
179        Highest autoregressive order in the model, zero-indexed.
180    k_ar_params : int
181        Number of autoregressive parameters to be estimated.
182    k_diff : int
183        Order of integration.
184    k_ma : int
185        Highest moving average order in the model, zero-indexed.
186    k_ma_params : int
187        Number of moving average parameters to be estimated.
188    seasonal_periods : int
189        Number of periods in a season.
190    k_seasonal_ar : int
191        Highest seasonal autoregressive order in the model, zero-indexed.
192    k_seasonal_ar_params : int
193        Number of seasonal autoregressive parameters to be estimated.
194    k_seasonal_diff : int
195        Order of seasonal integration.
196    k_seasonal_ma : int
197        Highest seasonal moving average order in the model, zero-indexed.
198    k_seasonal_ma_params : int
199        Number of seasonal moving average parameters to be estimated.
200    k_trend : int
201        Order of the trend polynomial plus one (i.e. the constant polynomial
202        would have `k_trend=1`).
203    k_exog : int
204        Number of exogenous regressors.
206    Notes
207    -----
208    The SARIMA model is specified :math:`(p, d, q) \times (P, D, Q)_s`.
210    .. math::
212        \phi_p (L) \tilde \phi_P (L^s) \Delta^d \Delta_s^D y_t = A(t) +
213            \theta_q (L) \tilde \theta_Q (L^s) \zeta_t
215    In terms of a univariate structural model, this can be represented as
217    .. math::
219        y_t & = u_t + \eta_t \\
220        \phi_p (L) \tilde \phi_P (L^s) \Delta^d \Delta_s^D u_t & = A(t) +
221            \theta_q (L) \tilde \theta_Q (L^s) \zeta_t
223    where :math:`\eta_t` is only applicable in the case of measurement error
224    (although it is also used in the case of a pure regression model, i.e. if
225    p=q=0).
227    In terms of this model, regression with SARIMA errors can be represented
228    easily as
230    .. math::
232        y_t & = \beta_t x_t + u_t \\
233        \phi_p (L) \tilde \phi_P (L^s) \Delta^d \Delta_s^D u_t & = A(t) +
234            \theta_q (L) \tilde \theta_Q (L^s) \zeta_t
236    this model is the one used when exogenous regressors are provided.
238    Note that the reduced form lag polynomials will be written as:
240    .. math::
242        \Phi (L) \equiv \phi_p (L) \tilde \phi_P (L^s) \\
243        \Theta (L) \equiv \theta_q (L) \tilde \theta_Q (L^s)
245    If `mle_regression` is True, regression coefficients are treated as
246    additional parameters to be estimated via maximum likelihood. Otherwise
247    they are included as part of the state with a diffuse initialization.
248    In this case, however, with approximate diffuse initialization, results
249    can be sensitive to the initial variance.
251    This class allows two different underlying representations of ARMA models
252    as state space models: that of Hamilton and that of Harvey. Both are
253    equivalent in the sense that they are analytical representations of the
254    ARMA model, but the state vectors of each have different meanings. For
255    this reason, maximum likelihood does not result in identical parameter
256    estimates and even the same set of parameters will result in different
257    loglikelihoods.
259    The Harvey representation is convenient because it allows integrating
260    differencing into the state vector to allow using all observations for
261    estimation.
263    In this implementation of differenced models, the Hamilton representation
264    is not able to accommodate differencing in the state vector, so
265    `simple_differencing` (which performs differencing prior to estimation so
266    that the first d + sD observations are lost) must be used.
268    Many other packages use the Hamilton representation, so that tests against
269    Stata and R require using it along with simple differencing (as Stata
270    does).
272    If `filter_concentrated = True` is used, then the scale of the model is
273    concentrated out of the likelihood. A benefit of this is that there the
274    dimension of the parameter vector is reduced so that numerical maximization
275    of the log-likelihood function may be faster and more stable. If this
276    option in a model with measurement error, it is important to note that the
277    estimated measurement error parameter will be relative to the scale, and
278    is named "snr.measurement_error" instead of "var.measurement_error". To
279    compute the variance of the measurement error in this case one would
280    multiply `snr.measurement_error` parameter by the scale.
282    If `simple_differencing = True` is used, then the `endog` and `exog` data
283    are differenced prior to putting the model in state-space form. This has
284    the same effect as if the user differenced the data prior to constructing
285    the model, which has implications for using the results:
287    - Forecasts and predictions will be about the *differenced* data, not about
288      the original data. (while if `simple_differencing = False` is used, then
289      forecasts and predictions will be about the original data).
290    - If the original data has an Int64Index, a new RangeIndex will be created
291      for the differenced data that starts from one, and forecasts and
292      predictions will use this new index.
294    Detailed information about state space models can be found in [1]_. Some
295    specific references are:
297    - Chapter 3.4 describes ARMA and ARIMA models in state space form (using
298      the Harvey representation), and gives references for basic seasonal
299      models and models with a multiplicative form (for example the airline
300      model). It also shows a state space model for a full ARIMA process (this
301      is what is done here if `simple_differencing=False`).
302    - Chapter 3.6 describes estimating regression effects via the Kalman filter
303      (this is performed if `mle_regression` is False), regression with
304      time-varying coefficients, and regression with ARMA errors (recall from
305      above that if regression effects are present, the model estimated by this
306      class is regression with SARIMA errors).
307    - Chapter 8.4 describes the application of an ARMA model to an example
308      dataset. A replication of this section is available in an example
309      IPython notebook in the documentation.
311    References
312    ----------
313    .. [1] Durbin, James, and Siem Jan Koopman. 2012.
314       Time Series Analysis by State Space Methods: Second Edition.
315       Oxford University Press.
316    """
318    def __init__(self, endog, exog=None, order=(1, 0, 0),
319                 seasonal_order=(0, 0, 0, 0), trend=None,
320                 measurement_error=False, time_varying_regression=False,
321                 mle_regression=True, simple_differencing=False,
322                 enforce_stationarity=True, enforce_invertibility=True,
323                 hamilton_representation=False, concentrate_scale=False,
324                 trend_offset=1, use_exact_diffuse=False, dates=None,
325                 freq=None, missing='none', validate_specification=True,
326                 **kwargs):
328        self._spec = SARIMAXSpecification(
329            endog, exog=exog, order=order, seasonal_order=seasonal_order,
330            trend=trend, enforce_stationarity=None, enforce_invertibility=None,
331            concentrate_scale=concentrate_scale, dates=dates, freq=freq,
332            missing=missing, validate_specification=validate_specification)
333        self._params = SARIMAXParams(self._spec)
335        # Save given orders
336        order = self._spec.order
337        seasonal_order = self._spec.seasonal_order
338        self.order = order
339        self.seasonal_order = seasonal_order
341        # Model parameters
342        self.seasonal_periods = seasonal_order[3]
343        self.measurement_error = measurement_error
344        self.time_varying_regression = time_varying_regression
345        self.mle_regression = mle_regression
346        self.simple_differencing = simple_differencing
347        self.enforce_stationarity = enforce_stationarity
348        self.enforce_invertibility = enforce_invertibility
349        self.hamilton_representation = hamilton_representation
350        self.concentrate_scale = concentrate_scale
351        self.use_exact_diffuse = use_exact_diffuse
353        # Enforce non-MLE coefficients if time varying coefficients is
354        # specified
355        if self.time_varying_regression and self.mle_regression:
356            raise ValueError('Models with time-varying regression coefficients'
357                             ' must integrate the coefficients as part of the'
358                             ' state vector, so that `mle_regression` must'
359                             ' be set to False.')
361        # Lag polynomials
362        self._params.ar_params = -1
363        self.polynomial_ar = self._params.ar_poly.coef
364        self._polynomial_ar = self.polynomial_ar.copy()
366        self._params.ma_params = 1
367        self.polynomial_ma = self._params.ma_poly.coef
368        self._polynomial_ma = self.polynomial_ma.copy()
370        self._params.seasonal_ar_params = -1
371        self.polynomial_seasonal_ar = self._params.seasonal_ar_poly.coef
372        self._polynomial_seasonal_ar = self.polynomial_seasonal_ar.copy()
374        self._params.seasonal_ma_params = 1
375        self.polynomial_seasonal_ma = self._params.seasonal_ma_poly.coef
376        self._polynomial_seasonal_ma = self.polynomial_seasonal_ma.copy()
378        # Deterministic trend polynomial
379        self.trend = trend
380        self.trend_offset = trend_offset
381        self.polynomial_trend, self.k_trend = prepare_trend_spec(self.trend)
382        self._polynomial_trend = self.polynomial_trend.copy()
383        self._k_trend = self.k_trend
384        # (we internally use _k_trend for mechanics so that the public
385        # attribute can be overridden by subclasses)
387        # Model orders
388        # Note: k_ar, k_ma, k_seasonal_ar, k_seasonal_ma do not include the
389        # constant term, so they may be zero.
390        # Note: for a typical ARMA(p,q) model, p = k_ar_params = k_ar - 1 and
391        # q = k_ma_params = k_ma - 1, although this may not be true for models
392        # with arbitrary log polynomials.
393        self.k_ar = self._spec.max_ar_order
394        self.k_ar_params = self._spec.k_ar_params
395        self.k_diff = int(order[1])
396        self.k_ma = self._spec.max_ma_order
397        self.k_ma_params = self._spec.k_ma_params
399        self.k_seasonal_ar = (self._spec.max_seasonal_ar_order *
400                              self._spec.seasonal_periods)
401        self.k_seasonal_ar_params = self._spec.k_seasonal_ar_params
402        self.k_seasonal_diff = int(seasonal_order[1])
403        self.k_seasonal_ma = (self._spec.max_seasonal_ma_order *
404                              self._spec.seasonal_periods)
405        self.k_seasonal_ma_params = self._spec.k_seasonal_ma_params
407        # Make internal copies of the differencing orders because if we use
408        # simple differencing, then we will need to internally use zeros after
409        # the simple differencing has been performed
410        self._k_diff = self.k_diff
411        self._k_seasonal_diff = self.k_seasonal_diff
413        # We can only use the Hamilton representation if differencing is not
414        # performed as a part of the state space
415        if (self.hamilton_representation and not (self.simple_differencing or
416           self._k_diff == self._k_seasonal_diff == 0)):
417            raise ValueError('The Hamilton representation is only available'
418                             ' for models in which there is no differencing'
419                             ' integrated into the state vector. Set'
420                             ' `simple_differencing` to True or set'
421                             ' `hamilton_representation` to False')
423        # Model order
424        # (this is used internally in a number of locations)
425        self._k_order = max(self.k_ar + self.k_seasonal_ar,
426                            self.k_ma + self.k_seasonal_ma + 1)
427        if self._k_order == 1 and self.k_ar + self.k_seasonal_ar == 0:
428            # Handle time-varying regression
429            if self.time_varying_regression:
430                self._k_order = 0
432        # Exogenous data
433        (self._k_exog, exog) = prepare_exog(exog)
434        # (we internally use _k_exog for mechanics so that the public attribute
435        # can be overridden by subclasses)
436        self.k_exog = self._k_exog
438        # Redefine mle_regression to be true only if it was previously set to
439        # true and there are exogenous regressors
440        self.mle_regression = (
441            self.mle_regression and exog is not None and self._k_exog > 0
442        )
443        # State regression is regression with coefficients estimated within
444        # the state vector
445        self.state_regression = (
446            not self.mle_regression and exog is not None and self._k_exog > 0
447        )
448        # If all we have is a regression (so k_ar = k_ma = 0), then put the
449        # error term as measurement error
450        if self.state_regression and self._k_order == 0:
451            self.measurement_error = True
453        # Number of states
454        k_states = self._k_order
455        if not self.simple_differencing:
456            k_states += (self.seasonal_periods * self._k_seasonal_diff +
457                         self._k_diff)
458        if self.state_regression:
459            k_states += self._k_exog
461        # Number of positive definite elements of the state covariance matrix
462        k_posdef = int(self._k_order > 0)
463        # Only have an error component to the states if k_posdef > 0
464        self.state_error = k_posdef > 0
465        if self.state_regression and self.time_varying_regression:
466            k_posdef += self._k_exog
468        # Diffuse initialization can be more sensistive to the variance value
469        # in the case of state regression, so set a higher than usual default
470        # variance
471        if self.state_regression:
472            kwargs.setdefault('initial_variance', 1e10)
474        # Handle non-default loglikelihood burn
475        self._loglikelihood_burn = kwargs.get('loglikelihood_burn', None)
477        # Number of parameters
478        self.k_params = (
479            self.k_ar_params + self.k_ma_params +
480            self.k_seasonal_ar_params + self.k_seasonal_ma_params +
481            self._k_trend +
482            self.measurement_error +
483            int(not self.concentrate_scale)
484        )
485        if self.mle_regression:
486            self.k_params += self._k_exog
488        # We need to have an array or pandas at this point
489        self.orig_endog = endog
490        self.orig_exog = exog
491        if not _is_using_pandas(endog, None):
492            endog = np.asanyarray(endog)
494        # Update the differencing dimensions if simple differencing is applied
495        self.orig_k_diff = self._k_diff
496        self.orig_k_seasonal_diff = self._k_seasonal_diff
497        if (self.simple_differencing and
498           (self._k_diff > 0 or self._k_seasonal_diff > 0)):
499            self._k_diff = 0
500            self._k_seasonal_diff = 0
502        # Internally used in several locations
503        self._k_states_diff = (
504            self._k_diff + self.seasonal_periods * self._k_seasonal_diff
505        )
507        # Set some model variables now so they will be available for the
508        # initialize() method, below
509        self.nobs = len(endog)
510        self.k_states = k_states
511        self.k_posdef = k_posdef
513        # Initialize the statespace
514        super(SARIMAX, self).__init__(
515            endog, exog=exog, k_states=k_states, k_posdef=k_posdef, **kwargs
516        )
518        # Set the filter to concentrate out the scale if requested
519        if self.concentrate_scale:
520            self.ssm.filter_concentrated = True
522        # Set as time-varying model if we have time-trend or exog
523        if self._k_exog > 0 or len(self.polynomial_trend) > 1:
524            self.ssm._time_invariant = False
526        # Initialize the fixed components of the statespace model
527        self.ssm['design'] = self.initial_design
528        self.ssm['state_intercept'] = self.initial_state_intercept
529        self.ssm['transition'] = self.initial_transition
530        self.ssm['selection'] = self.initial_selection
531        if self.concentrate_scale:
532            self.ssm['state_cov', 0, 0] = 1.
534        # update _init_keys attached by super
535        self._init_keys += ['order', 'seasonal_order', 'trend',
536                            'measurement_error', 'time_varying_regression',
537                            'mle_regression', 'simple_differencing',
538                            'enforce_stationarity', 'enforce_invertibility',
539                            'hamilton_representation', 'concentrate_scale',
540                            'trend_offset'] + list(kwargs.keys())
541        # TODO: I think the kwargs or not attached, need to recover from ???
543        # Initialize the state
544        if self.ssm.initialization is None:
545            self.initialize_default()
547    def prepare_data(self):
548        endog, exog = super(SARIMAX, self).prepare_data()
550        # Perform simple differencing if requested
551        if (self.simple_differencing and
552           (self.orig_k_diff > 0 or self.orig_k_seasonal_diff > 0)):
553            # Save the original length
554            orig_length = endog.shape[0]
555            # Perform simple differencing
556            endog = diff(endog.copy(), self.orig_k_diff,
557                         self.orig_k_seasonal_diff, self.seasonal_periods)
558            if exog is not None:
559                exog = diff(exog.copy(), self.orig_k_diff,
560                            self.orig_k_seasonal_diff, self.seasonal_periods)
562            # Reset the ModelData datasets and cache
563            self.data.endog, self.data.exog = (
564                self.data._convert_endog_exog(endog, exog))
566            # Reset indexes, if provided
567            new_length = self.data.endog.shape[0]
568            if self.data.row_labels is not None:
569                self.data._cache['row_labels'] = (
570                    self.data.row_labels[orig_length - new_length:])
571            if self._index is not None:
572                if self._index_int64:
573                    self._index = pd.RangeIndex(start=1, stop=new_length + 1)
574                elif self._index_generated:
575                    self._index = self._index[:-(orig_length - new_length)]
576                else:
577                    self._index = self._index[orig_length - new_length:]
579        # Reset the nobs
580        self.nobs = endog.shape[0]
582        # Cache the arrays for calculating the intercept from the trend
583        # components
584        self._trend_data = prepare_trend_data(
585            self.polynomial_trend, self._k_trend, self.nobs, self.trend_offset)
587        return endog, exog
589    def initialize(self):
590        """
591        Initialize the SARIMAX model.
593        Notes
594        -----
595        These initialization steps must occur following the parent class
596        __init__ function calls.
597        """
598        super(SARIMAX, self).initialize()
600        # Cache the indexes of included polynomial orders (for update below)
601        # (but we do not want the index of the constant term, so exclude the
602        # first index)
603        self._polynomial_ar_idx = np.nonzero(self.polynomial_ar)[0][1:]
604        self._polynomial_ma_idx = np.nonzero(self.polynomial_ma)[0][1:]
605        self._polynomial_seasonal_ar_idx = np.nonzero(
606            self.polynomial_seasonal_ar
607        )[0][1:]
608        self._polynomial_seasonal_ma_idx = np.nonzero(
609            self.polynomial_seasonal_ma
610        )[0][1:]
612        # Save the indices corresponding to the reduced form lag polynomial
613        # parameters in the transition and selection matrices so that they
614        # do not have to be recalculated for each update()
615        start_row = self._k_states_diff
616        end_row = start_row + self.k_ar + self.k_seasonal_ar
617        col = self._k_states_diff
618        if not self.hamilton_representation:
619            self.transition_ar_params_idx = (
620                np.s_['transition', start_row:end_row, col]
621            )
622        else:
623            self.transition_ar_params_idx = (
624                np.s_['transition', col, start_row:end_row]
625            )
627        start_row += 1
628        end_row = start_row + self.k_ma + self.k_seasonal_ma
629        col = 0
630        if not self.hamilton_representation:
631            self.selection_ma_params_idx = (
632                np.s_['selection', start_row:end_row, col]
633            )
634        else:
635            self.design_ma_params_idx = (
636                np.s_['design', col, start_row:end_row]
637            )
639        # Cache indices for exog variances in the state covariance matrix
640        if self.state_regression and self.time_varying_regression:
641            idx = np.diag_indices(self.k_posdef)
642            self._exog_variance_idx = ('state_cov', idx[0][-self._k_exog:],
643                                       idx[1][-self._k_exog:])
645    def initialize_default(self, approximate_diffuse_variance=None):
646        """Initialize default"""
647        if approximate_diffuse_variance is None:
648            approximate_diffuse_variance = self.ssm.initial_variance
649        if self.use_exact_diffuse:
650            diffuse_type = 'diffuse'
651        else:
652            diffuse_type = 'approximate_diffuse'
654            # Set the loglikelihood burn parameter, if not given in constructor
655            if self._loglikelihood_burn is None:
656                k_diffuse_states = self.k_states
657                if self.enforce_stationarity:
658                    k_diffuse_states -= self._k_order
659                self.loglikelihood_burn = k_diffuse_states
661        init = Initialization(
662            self.k_states,
663            approximate_diffuse_variance=approximate_diffuse_variance)
665        if self.enforce_stationarity:
666            # Differencing operators are at the beginning
667            init.set((0, self._k_states_diff), diffuse_type)
668            # Stationary component in the middle
669            init.set((self._k_states_diff,
670                      self._k_states_diff + self._k_order),
671                     'stationary')
672            # Regression components at the end
673            init.set((self._k_states_diff + self._k_order,
674                      self._k_states_diff + self._k_order + self._k_exog),
675                     diffuse_type)
676        # If we're not enforcing a stationarity, then we cannot initialize a
677        # stationary component
678        else:
679            init.set(None, diffuse_type)
681        self.ssm.initialization = init
683    @property
684    def initial_design(self):
685        """Initial design matrix"""
686        # Basic design matrix
687        design = np.r_[
688            [1] * self._k_diff,
689            ([0] * (self.seasonal_periods - 1) + [1]) * self._k_seasonal_diff,
690            [1] * self.state_error, [0] * (self._k_order - 1)
691        ]
693        if len(design) == 0:
694            design = np.r_[0]
696        # If we have exogenous regressors included as part of the state vector
697        # then the exogenous data is incorporated as a time-varying component
698        # of the design matrix
699        if self.state_regression:
700            if self._k_order > 0:
701                design = np.c_[
702                    np.reshape(
703                        np.repeat(design, self.nobs),
704                        (design.shape[0], self.nobs)
705                    ).T,
706                    self.exog
707                ].T[None, :, :]
708            else:
709                design = self.exog.T[None, :, :]
710        return design
712    @property
713    def initial_state_intercept(self):
714        """Initial state intercept vector"""
715        # TODO make this self._k_trend > 1 and adjust the update to take
716        # into account that if the trend is a constant, it is not time-varying
717        if self._k_trend > 0:
718            state_intercept = np.zeros((self.k_states, self.nobs))
719        else:
720            state_intercept = np.zeros((self.k_states,))
721        return state_intercept
723    @property
724    def initial_transition(self):
725        """Initial transition matrix"""
726        transition = np.zeros((self.k_states, self.k_states))
728        # Exogenous regressors component
729        if self.state_regression:
730            start = -self._k_exog
731            # T_\beta
732            transition[start:, start:] = np.eye(self._k_exog)
734            # Autoregressive component
735            start = -(self._k_exog + self._k_order)
736            end = -self._k_exog if self._k_exog > 0 else None
737        else:
738            # Autoregressive component
739            start = -self._k_order
740            end = None
742        # T_c
743        if self._k_order > 0:
744            transition[start:end, start:end] = companion_matrix(self._k_order)
745            if self.hamilton_representation:
746                transition[start:end, start:end] = np.transpose(
747                    companion_matrix(self._k_order)
748                )
750        # Seasonal differencing component
751        # T^*
752        if self._k_seasonal_diff > 0:
753            seasonal_companion = companion_matrix(self.seasonal_periods).T
754            seasonal_companion[0, -1] = 1
755            for d in range(self._k_seasonal_diff):
756                start = self._k_diff + d * self.seasonal_periods
757                end = self._k_diff + (d + 1) * self.seasonal_periods
759                # T_c^*
760                transition[start:end, start:end] = seasonal_companion
762                # i
763                for i in range(d + 1, self._k_seasonal_diff):
764                    transition[start, end + self.seasonal_periods - 1] = 1
766                # \iota
767                transition[start, self._k_states_diff] = 1
769        # Differencing component
770        if self._k_diff > 0:
771            idx = np.triu_indices(self._k_diff)
772            # T^**
773            transition[idx] = 1
774            # [0 1]
775            if self.seasonal_periods > 0:
776                start = self._k_diff
777                end = self._k_states_diff
778                transition[:self._k_diff, start:end] = (
779                    ([0] * (self.seasonal_periods - 1) + [1]) *
780                    self._k_seasonal_diff)
781            # [1 0]
782            column = self._k_states_diff
783            transition[:self._k_diff, column] = 1
785        return transition
787    @property
788    def initial_selection(self):
789        """Initial selection matrix"""
790        if not (self.state_regression and self.time_varying_regression):
791            if self.k_posdef > 0:
792                selection = np.r_[
793                    [0] * (self._k_states_diff),
794                    [1] * (self._k_order > 0), [0] * (self._k_order - 1),
795                    [0] * ((1 - self.mle_regression) * self._k_exog)
796                ][:, None]
798                if len(selection) == 0:
799                    selection = np.zeros((self.k_states, self.k_posdef))
800            else:
801                selection = np.zeros((self.k_states, 0))
802        else:
803            selection = np.zeros((self.k_states, self.k_posdef))
804            # Typical state variance
805            if self._k_order > 0:
806                selection[0, 0] = 1
807            # Time-varying regression coefficient variances
808            for i in range(self._k_exog, 0, -1):
809                selection[-i, -i] = 1
810        return selection
812    def clone(self, endog, exog=None, **kwargs):
813        return self._clone_from_init_kwds(endog, exog=exog, **kwargs)
815    @property
816    def _res_classes(self):
817        return {'fit': (SARIMAXResults, SARIMAXResultsWrapper)}
819    @staticmethod
820    def _conditional_sum_squares(endog, k_ar, polynomial_ar, k_ma,
821                                 polynomial_ma, k_trend=0, trend_data=None,
822                                 warning_description=None):
823        k = 2 * k_ma
824        r = max(k + k_ma, k_ar)
826        k_params_ar = 0 if k_ar == 0 else len(polynomial_ar.nonzero()[0]) - 1
827        k_params_ma = 0 if k_ma == 0 else len(polynomial_ma.nonzero()[0]) - 1
829        residuals = None
830        if k_ar + k_ma + k_trend > 0:
831            try:
832                # If we have MA terms, get residuals from an AR(k) model to use
833                # as data for conditional sum of squares estimates of the MA
834                # parameters
835                if k_ma > 0:
836                    Y = endog[k:]
837                    X = lagmat(endog, k, trim='both')
838                    params_ar = np.linalg.pinv(X).dot(Y)
839                    residuals = Y - np.dot(X, params_ar)
841                # Run an ARMA(p,q) model using the just computed residuals as
842                # data
843                Y = endog[r:]
845                X = np.empty((Y.shape[0], 0))
846                if k_trend > 0:
847                    if trend_data is None:
848                        raise ValueError('Trend data must be provided if'
849                                         ' `k_trend` > 0.')
850                    X = np.c_[X, trend_data[:(-r if r > 0 else None), :]]
851                if k_ar > 0:
852                    cols = polynomial_ar.nonzero()[0][1:] - 1
853                    X = np.c_[X, lagmat(endog, k_ar)[r:, cols]]
854                if k_ma > 0:
855                    cols = polynomial_ma.nonzero()[0][1:] - 1
856                    X = np.c_[X, lagmat(residuals, k_ma)[r-k:, cols]]
858                # Get the array of [ar_params, ma_params]
859                params = np.linalg.pinv(X).dot(Y)
860                residuals = Y - np.dot(X, params)
861            except ValueError:
862                if warning_description is not None:
863                    warning_description = ' for %s' % warning_description
864                else:
865                    warning_description = ''
866                warn('Too few observations to estimate starting parameters%s.'
867                     ' All parameters except for variances will be set to'
868                     ' zeros.' % warning_description)
869                # Typically this will be raised if there are not enough
870                # observations for the `lagmat` calls.
871                params = np.zeros(k_trend + k_ar + k_ma, dtype=endog.dtype)
872                if len(endog) == 0:
873                    # This case usually happens when there are not even enough
874                    # observations for a complete set of differencing
875                    # operations (no hope of fitting, just set starting
876                    # variance to 1)
877                    residuals = np.ones(k_params_ma * 2 + 1, dtype=endog.dtype)
878                else:
879                    residuals = np.r_[
880                        np.zeros(k_params_ma * 2, dtype=endog.dtype),
881                        endog - np.mean(endog)]
883        # Default output
884        params_trend = []
885        params_ar = []
886        params_ma = []
887        params_variance = []
889        # Get the params
890        offset = 0
891        if k_trend > 0:
892            params_trend = params[offset:k_trend + offset]
893            offset += k_trend
894        if k_ar > 0:
895            params_ar = params[offset:k_params_ar + offset]
896            offset += k_params_ar
897        if k_ma > 0:
898            params_ma = params[offset:k_params_ma + offset]
899            offset += k_params_ma
900        if residuals is not None:
901            if len(residuals) > 1:
902                params_variance = (residuals[k_params_ma:] ** 2).mean()
903            else:
904                params_variance = np.var(endog)
906        return (params_trend, params_ar, params_ma,
907                params_variance)
909    @property
910    def start_params(self):
911        """
912        Starting parameters for maximum likelihood estimation
913        """
915        # Perform differencing if necessary (i.e. if simple differencing is
916        # false so that the state-space model will use the entire dataset)
917        trend_data = self._trend_data
918        if not self.simple_differencing and (
919           self._k_diff > 0 or self._k_seasonal_diff > 0):
920            endog = diff(self.endog, self._k_diff,
921                         self._k_seasonal_diff, self.seasonal_periods)
922            if self.exog is not None:
923                exog = diff(self.exog, self._k_diff,
924                            self._k_seasonal_diff, self.seasonal_periods)
925            else:
926                exog = None
927            trend_data = trend_data[:endog.shape[0], :]
928        else:
929            endog = self.endog.copy()
930            exog = self.exog.copy() if self.exog is not None else None
931        endog = endog.squeeze()
933        # Although the Kalman filter can deal with missing values in endog,
934        # conditional sum of squares cannot
935        if np.any(np.isnan(endog)):
936            mask = ~np.isnan(endog).squeeze()
937            endog = endog[mask]
938            if exog is not None:
939                exog = exog[mask]
940            if trend_data is not None:
941                trend_data = trend_data[mask]
943        # Regression effects via OLS
944        params_exog = []
945        if self._k_exog > 0:
946            params_exog = np.linalg.pinv(exog).dot(endog)
947            endog = endog - np.dot(exog, params_exog)
948        if self.state_regression:
949            params_exog = []
951        # Non-seasonal ARMA component and trend
952        (params_trend, params_ar, params_ma,
953         params_variance) = self._conditional_sum_squares(
954            endog, self.k_ar, self.polynomial_ar, self.k_ma,
955            self.polynomial_ma, self._k_trend, trend_data,
956            warning_description='ARMA and trend')
958        # If we have estimated non-stationary start parameters but enforce
959        # stationarity is on, start with 0 parameters and warn
960        invalid_ar = (
961            self.k_ar > 0 and
962            self.enforce_stationarity and
963            not is_invertible(np.r_[1, -params_ar])
964        )
965        if invalid_ar:
966            warn('Non-stationary starting autoregressive parameters'
967                 ' found. Using zeros as starting parameters.')
968            params_ar *= 0
970        # If we have estimated non-invertible start parameters but enforce
971        # invertibility is on, raise an error
972        invalid_ma = (
973            self.k_ma > 0 and
974            self.enforce_invertibility and
975            not is_invertible(np.r_[1, params_ma])
976        )
977        if invalid_ma:
978            warn('Non-invertible starting MA parameters found.'
979                 ' Using zeros as starting parameters.')
980            params_ma *= 0
982        # Seasonal Parameters
983        _, params_seasonal_ar, params_seasonal_ma, params_seasonal_variance = (
984            self._conditional_sum_squares(
985                endog, self.k_seasonal_ar, self.polynomial_seasonal_ar,
986                self.k_seasonal_ma, self.polynomial_seasonal_ma,
987                warning_description='seasonal ARMA'))
989        # If we have estimated non-stationary start parameters but enforce
990        # stationarity is on, warn and set start params to 0
991        invalid_seasonal_ar = (
992            self.k_seasonal_ar > 0 and
993            self.enforce_stationarity and
994            not is_invertible(np.r_[1, -params_seasonal_ar])
995        )
996        if invalid_seasonal_ar:
997            warn('Non-stationary starting seasonal autoregressive'
998                 ' Using zeros as starting parameters.')
999            params_seasonal_ar *= 0
1001        # If we have estimated non-invertible start parameters but enforce
1002        # invertibility is on, raise an error
1003        invalid_seasonal_ma = (
1004            self.k_seasonal_ma > 0 and
1005            self.enforce_invertibility and
1006            not is_invertible(np.r_[1, params_seasonal_ma])
1007        )
1008        if invalid_seasonal_ma:
1009            warn('Non-invertible starting seasonal moving average'
1010                 ' Using zeros as starting parameters.')
1011            params_seasonal_ma *= 0
1013        # Variances
1014        params_exog_variance = []
1015        if self.state_regression and self.time_varying_regression:
1016            # TODO how to set the initial variance parameters?
1017            params_exog_variance = [1] * self._k_exog
1018        if (self.state_error and type(params_variance) == list and
1019                len(params_variance) == 0):
1020            if not (type(params_seasonal_variance) == list and
1021                    len(params_seasonal_variance) == 0):
1022                params_variance = params_seasonal_variance
1023            elif self._k_exog > 0:
1024                params_variance = np.inner(endog, endog)
1025            else:
1026                params_variance = np.inner(endog, endog) / self.nobs
1027        params_measurement_variance = 1 if self.measurement_error else []
1029        # We want to bound the starting variance away from zero
1030        params_variance = np.atleast_1d(max(np.array(params_variance), 1e-10))
1032        # Remove state variance as parameter if scale is concentrated out
1033        if self.concentrate_scale:
1034            params_variance = []
1036        # Combine all parameters
1037        return np.r_[
1038            params_trend,
1039            params_exog,
1040            params_ar,
1041            params_ma,
1042            params_seasonal_ar,
1043            params_seasonal_ma,
1044            params_exog_variance,
1045            params_measurement_variance,
1046            params_variance
1047        ]
1049    @property
1050    def endog_names(self, latex=False):
1051        """Names of endogenous variables"""
1052        diff = ''
1053        if self.k_diff > 0:
1054            if self.k_diff == 1:
1055                diff = r'\Delta' if latex else 'D'
1056            else:
1057                diff = (r'\Delta^%d' if latex else 'D%d') % self.k_diff
1059        seasonal_diff = ''
1060        if self.k_seasonal_diff > 0:
1061            if self.k_seasonal_diff == 1:
1062                seasonal_diff = ((r'\Delta_%d' if latex else 'DS%d') %
1063                                 (self.seasonal_periods))
1064            else:
1065                seasonal_diff = ((r'\Delta_%d^%d' if latex else 'D%dS%d') %
1066                                 (self.k_seasonal_diff, self.seasonal_periods))
1067        endog_diff = self.simple_differencing
1068        if endog_diff and self.k_diff > 0 and self.k_seasonal_diff > 0:
1069            return (('%s%s %s' if latex else '%s.%s.%s') %
1070                    (diff, seasonal_diff, self.data.ynames))
1071        elif endog_diff and self.k_diff > 0:
1072            return (('%s %s' if latex else '%s.%s') %
1073                    (diff, self.data.ynames))
1074        elif endog_diff and self.k_seasonal_diff > 0:
1075            return (('%s %s' if latex else '%s.%s') %
1076                    (seasonal_diff, self.data.ynames))
1077        else:
1078            return self.data.ynames
1080    params_complete = [
1081        'trend', 'exog', 'ar', 'ma', 'seasonal_ar', 'seasonal_ma',
1082        'exog_variance', 'measurement_variance', 'variance'
1083    ]
1085    @property
1086    def param_terms(self):
1087        """
1088        List of parameters actually included in the model, in sorted order.
1090        TODO Make this an dict with slice or indices as the values.
1091        """
1092        model_orders = self.model_orders
1093        # Get basic list from model orders
1094        params = [
1095            order for order in self.params_complete
1096            if model_orders[order] > 0
1097        ]
1098        # k_exog may be positive without associated parameters if it is in the
1099        # state vector
1100        if 'exog' in params and not self.mle_regression:
1101            params.remove('exog')
1103        return params
1105    @property
1106    def param_names(self):
1107        """
1108        List of human readable parameter names (for parameters actually
1109        included in the model).
1110        """
1111        params_sort_order = self.param_terms
1112        model_names = self.model_names
1113        return [
1114            name for param in params_sort_order for name in model_names[param]
1115        ]
1117    @property
1118    def state_names(self):
1119        # TODO: we may be able to revisit these states to get somewhat more
1120        # informative names, but ultimately probably not much better.
1121        # TODO: alternatively, we may be able to get better for certain models,
1122        # like pure AR models.
1123        k_ar_states = self._k_order
1124        if not self.simple_differencing:
1125            k_ar_states += (self.seasonal_periods * self._k_seasonal_diff +
1126                            self._k_diff)
1127        names = ['state.%d' % i for i in range(k_ar_states)]
1129        if self._k_exog > 0 and self.state_regression:
1130            names += ['beta.%s' % self.exog_names[i]
1131                      for i in range(self._k_exog)]
1133        return names
1135    @property
1136    def model_orders(self):
1137        """
1138        The orders of each of the polynomials in the model.
1139        """
1140        return {
1141            'trend': self._k_trend,
1142            'exog': self._k_exog,
1143            'ar': self.k_ar,
1144            'ma': self.k_ma,
1145            'seasonal_ar': self.k_seasonal_ar,
1146            'seasonal_ma': self.k_seasonal_ma,
1147            'reduced_ar': self.k_ar + self.k_seasonal_ar,
1148            'reduced_ma': self.k_ma + self.k_seasonal_ma,
1149            'exog_variance': self._k_exog if (
1150                self.state_regression and self.time_varying_regression) else 0,
1151            'measurement_variance': int(self.measurement_error),
1152            'variance': int(self.state_error and not self.concentrate_scale),
1153        }
1155    @property
1156    def model_names(self):
1157        """
1158        The plain text names of all possible model parameters.
1159        """
1160        return self._get_model_names(latex=False)
1162    @property
1163    def model_latex_names(self):
1164        """
1165        The latex names of all possible model parameters.
1166        """
1167        return self._get_model_names(latex=True)
1169    def _get_model_names(self, latex=False):
1170        names = {
1171            'trend': None,
1172            'exog': None,
1173            'ar': None,
1174            'ma': None,
1175            'seasonal_ar': None,
1176            'seasonal_ma': None,
1177            'reduced_ar': None,
1178            'reduced_ma': None,
1179            'exog_variance': None,
1180            'measurement_variance': None,
1181            'variance': None,
1182        }
1184        # Trend
1185        if self._k_trend > 0:
1186            trend_template = 't_%d' if latex else 'trend.%d'
1187            names['trend'] = []
1188            for i in self.polynomial_trend.nonzero()[0]:
1189                if i == 0:
1190                    names['trend'].append('intercept')
1191                elif i == 1:
1192                    names['trend'].append('drift')
1193                else:
1194                    names['trend'].append(trend_template % i)
1196        # Exogenous coefficients
1197        if self._k_exog > 0:
1198            names['exog'] = self.exog_names
1200        # Autoregressive
1201        if self.k_ar > 0:
1202            ar_template = '$\\phi_%d$' if latex else 'ar.L%d'
1203            names['ar'] = []
1204            for i in self.polynomial_ar.nonzero()[0][1:]:
1205                names['ar'].append(ar_template % i)
1207        # Moving Average
1208        if self.k_ma > 0:
1209            ma_template = '$\\theta_%d$' if latex else 'ma.L%d'
1210            names['ma'] = []
1211            for i in self.polynomial_ma.nonzero()[0][1:]:
1212                names['ma'].append(ma_template % i)
1214        # Seasonal Autoregressive
1215        if self.k_seasonal_ar > 0:
1216            seasonal_ar_template = (
1217                '$\\tilde \\phi_%d$' if latex else 'ar.S.L%d'
1218            )
1219            names['seasonal_ar'] = []
1220            for i in self.polynomial_seasonal_ar.nonzero()[0][1:]:
1221                names['seasonal_ar'].append(seasonal_ar_template % i)
1223        # Seasonal Moving Average
1224        if self.k_seasonal_ma > 0:
1225            seasonal_ma_template = (
1226                '$\\tilde \\theta_%d$' if latex else 'ma.S.L%d'
1227            )
1228            names['seasonal_ma'] = []
1229            for i in self.polynomial_seasonal_ma.nonzero()[0][1:]:
1230                names['seasonal_ma'].append(seasonal_ma_template % i)
1232        # Reduced Form Autoregressive
1233        if self.k_ar > 0 or self.k_seasonal_ar > 0:
1234            reduced_polynomial_ar = reduced_polynomial_ar = -np.polymul(
1235                self.polynomial_ar, self.polynomial_seasonal_ar
1236            )
1237            ar_template = '$\\Phi_%d$' if latex else 'ar.R.L%d'
1238            names['reduced_ar'] = []
1239            for i in reduced_polynomial_ar.nonzero()[0][1:]:
1240                names['reduced_ar'].append(ar_template % i)
1242        # Reduced Form Moving Average
1243        if self.k_ma > 0 or self.k_seasonal_ma > 0:
1244            reduced_polynomial_ma = np.polymul(
1245                self.polynomial_ma, self.polynomial_seasonal_ma
1246            )
1247            ma_template = '$\\Theta_%d$' if latex else 'ma.R.L%d'
1248            names['reduced_ma'] = []
1249            for i in reduced_polynomial_ma.nonzero()[0][1:]:
1250                names['reduced_ma'].append(ma_template % i)
1252        # Exogenous variances
1253        if self.state_regression and self.time_varying_regression:
1254            if not self.concentrate_scale:
1255                exog_var_template = ('$\\sigma_\\text{%s}^2$' if latex
1256                                     else 'var.%s')
1257            else:
1258                exog_var_template = (
1259                    '$\\sigma_\\text{%s}^2 / \\sigma_\\zeta^2$' if latex
1260                    else 'snr.%s')
1261            names['exog_variance'] = [
1262                exog_var_template % exog_name for exog_name in self.exog_names
1263            ]
1265        # Measurement error variance
1266        if self.measurement_error:
1267            if not self.concentrate_scale:
1268                meas_var_tpl = (
1269                    '$\\sigma_\\eta^2$' if latex else 'var.measurement_error')
1270            else:
1271                meas_var_tpl = (
1272                    '$\\sigma_\\eta^2 / \\sigma_\\zeta^2$' if latex
1273                    else 'snr.measurement_error')
1274            names['measurement_variance'] = [meas_var_tpl]
1276        # State variance
1277        if self.state_error and not self.concentrate_scale:
1278            var_tpl = '$\\sigma_\\zeta^2$' if latex else 'sigma2'
1279            names['variance'] = [var_tpl]
1281        return names
1283    def transform_params(self, unconstrained):
1284        """
1285        Transform unconstrained parameters used by the optimizer to constrained
1286        parameters used in likelihood evaluation.
1288        Used primarily to enforce stationarity of the autoregressive lag
1289        polynomial, invertibility of the moving average lag polynomial, and
1290        positive variance parameters.
1292        Parameters
1293        ----------
1294        unconstrained : array_like
1295            Unconstrained parameters used by the optimizer.
1297        Returns
1298        -------
1299        constrained : array_like
1300            Constrained parameters used in likelihood evaluation.
1302        Notes
1303        -----
1304        If the lag polynomial has non-consecutive powers (so that the
1305        coefficient is zero on some element of the polynomial), then the
1306        constraint function is not onto the entire space of invertible
1307        polynomials, although it only excludes a very small portion very close
1308        to the invertibility boundary.
1309        """
1310        unconstrained = np.array(unconstrained, ndmin=1)
1311        constrained = np.zeros(unconstrained.shape, unconstrained.dtype)
1313        start = end = 0
1315        # Retain the trend parameters
1316        if self._k_trend > 0:
1317            end += self._k_trend
1318            constrained[start:end] = unconstrained[start:end]
1319            start += self._k_trend
1321        # Retain any MLE regression coefficients
1322        if self.mle_regression:
1323            end += self._k_exog
1324            constrained[start:end] = unconstrained[start:end]
1325            start += self._k_exog
1327        # Transform the AR parameters (phi) to be stationary
1328        if self.k_ar_params > 0:
1329            end += self.k_ar_params
1330            if self.enforce_stationarity:
1331                constrained[start:end] = (
1332                    constrain_stationary_univariate(unconstrained[start:end])
1333                )
1334            else:
1335                constrained[start:end] = unconstrained[start:end]
1336            start += self.k_ar_params
1338        # Transform the MA parameters (theta) to be invertible
1339        if self.k_ma_params > 0:
1340            end += self.k_ma_params
1341            if self.enforce_invertibility:
1342                constrained[start:end] = (
1343                    -constrain_stationary_univariate(unconstrained[start:end])
1344                )
1345            else:
1346                constrained[start:end] = unconstrained[start:end]
1347            start += self.k_ma_params
1349        # Transform the seasonal AR parameters (\tilde phi) to be stationary
1350        if self.k_seasonal_ar > 0:
1351            end += self.k_seasonal_ar_params
1352            if self.enforce_stationarity:
1353                constrained[start:end] = (
1354                    constrain_stationary_univariate(unconstrained[start:end])
1355                )
1356            else:
1357                constrained[start:end] = unconstrained[start:end]
1358            start += self.k_seasonal_ar_params
1360        # Transform the seasonal MA parameters (\tilde theta) to be invertible
1361        if self.k_seasonal_ma_params > 0:
1362            end += self.k_seasonal_ma_params
1363            if self.enforce_invertibility:
1364                constrained[start:end] = (
1365                    -constrain_stationary_univariate(unconstrained[start:end])
1366                )
1367            else:
1368                constrained[start:end] = unconstrained[start:end]
1369            start += self.k_seasonal_ma_params
1371        # Transform the standard deviation parameters to be positive
1372        if self.state_regression and self.time_varying_regression:
1373            end += self._k_exog
1374            constrained[start:end] = unconstrained[start:end]**2
1375            start += self._k_exog
1376        if self.measurement_error:
1377            constrained[start] = unconstrained[start]**2
1378            start += 1
1379            end += 1
1380        if self.state_error and not self.concentrate_scale:
1381            constrained[start] = unconstrained[start]**2
1382            # start += 1
1383            # end += 1
1385        return constrained
1387    def untransform_params(self, constrained):
1388        """
1389        Transform constrained parameters used in likelihood evaluation
1390        to unconstrained parameters used by the optimizer
1392        Used primarily to reverse enforcement of stationarity of the
1393        autoregressive lag polynomial and invertibility of the moving average
1394        lag polynomial.
1396        Parameters
1397        ----------
1398        constrained : array_like
1399            Constrained parameters used in likelihood evaluation.
1401        Returns
1402        -------
1403        constrained : array_like
1404            Unconstrained parameters used by the optimizer.
1406        Notes
1407        -----
1408        If the lag polynomial has non-consecutive powers (so that the
1409        coefficient is zero on some element of the polynomial), then the
1410        constraint function is not onto the entire space of invertible
1411        polynomials, although it only excludes a very small portion very close
1412        to the invertibility boundary.
1413        """
1414        constrained = np.array(constrained, ndmin=1)
1415        unconstrained = np.zeros(constrained.shape, constrained.dtype)
1417        start = end = 0
1419        # Retain the trend parameters
1420        if self._k_trend > 0:
1421            end += self._k_trend
1422            unconstrained[start:end] = constrained[start:end]
1423            start += self._k_trend
1425        # Retain any MLE regression coefficients
1426        if self.mle_regression:
1427            end += self._k_exog
1428            unconstrained[start:end] = constrained[start:end]
1429            start += self._k_exog
1431        # Transform the AR parameters (phi) to be stationary
1432        if self.k_ar_params > 0:
1433            end += self.k_ar_params
1434            if self.enforce_stationarity:
1435                unconstrained[start:end] = (
1436                    unconstrain_stationary_univariate(constrained[start:end])
1437                )
1438            else:
1439                unconstrained[start:end] = constrained[start:end]
1440            start += self.k_ar_params
1442        # Transform the MA parameters (theta) to be invertible
1443        if self.k_ma_params > 0:
1444            end += self.k_ma_params
1445            if self.enforce_invertibility:
1446                unconstrained[start:end] = (
1447                    unconstrain_stationary_univariate(-constrained[start:end])
1448                )
1449            else:
1450                unconstrained[start:end] = constrained[start:end]
1451            start += self.k_ma_params
1453        # Transform the seasonal AR parameters (\tilde phi) to be stationary
1454        if self.k_seasonal_ar > 0:
1455            end += self.k_seasonal_ar_params
1456            if self.enforce_stationarity:
1457                unconstrained[start:end] = (
1458                    unconstrain_stationary_univariate(constrained[start:end])
1459                )
1460            else:
1461                unconstrained[start:end] = constrained[start:end]
1462            start += self.k_seasonal_ar_params
1464        # Transform the seasonal MA parameters (\tilde theta) to be invertible
1465        if self.k_seasonal_ma_params > 0:
1466            end += self.k_seasonal_ma_params
1467            if self.enforce_invertibility:
1468                unconstrained[start:end] = (
1469                    unconstrain_stationary_univariate(-constrained[start:end])
1470                )
1471            else:
1472                unconstrained[start:end] = constrained[start:end]
1473            start += self.k_seasonal_ma_params
1475        # Untransform the standard deviation
1476        if self.state_regression and self.time_varying_regression:
1477            end += self._k_exog
1478            unconstrained[start:end] = constrained[start:end]**0.5
1479            start += self._k_exog
1480        if self.measurement_error:
1481            unconstrained[start] = constrained[start]**0.5
1482            start += 1
1483            end += 1
1484        if self.state_error and not self.concentrate_scale:
1485            unconstrained[start] = constrained[start]**0.5
1486            # start += 1
1487            # end += 1
1489        return unconstrained
1491    def _validate_can_fix_params(self, param_names):
1492        super(SARIMAX, self)._validate_can_fix_params(param_names)
1493        model_names = self.model_names
1495        items = [
1496            ('ar', 'autoregressive', self.enforce_stationarity,
1497                '`enforce_stationarity=True`'),
1498            ('seasonal_ar', 'seasonal autoregressive',
1499                self.enforce_stationarity, '`enforce_stationarity=True`'),
1500            ('ma', 'moving average', self.enforce_invertibility,
1501                '`enforce_invertibility=True`'),
1502            ('seasonal_ma', 'seasonal moving average',
1503                self.enforce_invertibility, '`enforce_invertibility=True`')]
1505        for name, title, condition, condition_desc in items:
1506            names = set(model_names[name] or [])
1507            fix_all = param_names.issuperset(names)
1508            fix_any = len(param_names.intersection(names)) > 0
1509            if condition and fix_any and not fix_all:
1510                raise ValueError('Cannot fix individual %s parameters when'
1511                                 ' %s. Must either fix all %s parameters or'
1512                                 ' none.' % (title, condition_desc, title))
1514    def update(self, params, transformed=True, includes_fixed=False,
1515               complex_step=False):
1516        """
1517        Update the parameters of the model
1519        Updates the representation matrices to fill in the new parameter
1520        values.
1522        Parameters
1523        ----------
1524        params : array_like
1525            Array of new parameters.
1526        transformed : bool, optional
1527            Whether or not `params` is already transformed. If set to False,
1528            `transform_params` is called. Default is True..
1530        Returns
1531        -------
1532        params : array_like
1533            Array of parameters.
1534        """
1535        params = self.handle_params(params, transformed=transformed,
1536                                    includes_fixed=includes_fixed)
1538        params_trend = None
1539        params_exog = None
1540        params_ar = None
1541        params_ma = None
1542        params_seasonal_ar = None
1543        params_seasonal_ma = None
1544        params_exog_variance = None
1545        params_measurement_variance = None
1546        params_variance = None
1548        # Extract the parameters
1549        start = end = 0
1550        end += self._k_trend
1551        params_trend = params[start:end]
1552        start += self._k_trend
1553        if self.mle_regression:
1554            end += self._k_exog
1555            params_exog = params[start:end]
1556            start += self._k_exog
1557        end += self.k_ar_params
1558        params_ar = params[start:end]
1559        start += self.k_ar_params
1560        end += self.k_ma_params
1561        params_ma = params[start:end]
1562        start += self.k_ma_params
1563        end += self.k_seasonal_ar_params
1564        params_seasonal_ar = params[start:end]
1565        start += self.k_seasonal_ar_params
1566        end += self.k_seasonal_ma_params
1567        params_seasonal_ma = params[start:end]
1568        start += self.k_seasonal_ma_params
1569        if self.state_regression and self.time_varying_regression:
1570            end += self._k_exog
1571            params_exog_variance = params[start:end]
1572            start += self._k_exog
1573        if self.measurement_error:
1574            params_measurement_variance = params[start]
1575            start += 1
1576            end += 1
1577        if self.state_error and not self.concentrate_scale:
1578            params_variance = params[start]
1579        # start += 1
1580        # end += 1
1582        # Update lag polynomials
1583        if self.k_ar > 0:
1584            if self._polynomial_ar.dtype == params.dtype:
1585                self._polynomial_ar[self._polynomial_ar_idx] = -params_ar
1586            else:
1587                polynomial_ar = self._polynomial_ar.real.astype(params.dtype)
1588                polynomial_ar[self._polynomial_ar_idx] = -params_ar
1589                self._polynomial_ar = polynomial_ar
1591        if self.k_ma > 0:
1592            if self._polynomial_ma.dtype == params.dtype:
1593                self._polynomial_ma[self._polynomial_ma_idx] = params_ma
1594            else:
1595                polynomial_ma = self._polynomial_ma.real.astype(params.dtype)
1596                polynomial_ma[self._polynomial_ma_idx] = params_ma
1597                self._polynomial_ma = polynomial_ma
1599        if self.k_seasonal_ar > 0:
1600            idx = self._polynomial_seasonal_ar_idx
1601            if self._polynomial_seasonal_ar.dtype == params.dtype:
1602                self._polynomial_seasonal_ar[idx] = -params_seasonal_ar
1603            else:
1604                polynomial_seasonal_ar = (
1605                    self._polynomial_seasonal_ar.real.astype(params.dtype)
1606                )
1607                polynomial_seasonal_ar[idx] = -params_seasonal_ar
1608                self._polynomial_seasonal_ar = polynomial_seasonal_ar
1610        if self.k_seasonal_ma > 0:
1611            idx = self._polynomial_seasonal_ma_idx
1612            if self._polynomial_seasonal_ma.dtype == params.dtype:
1613                self._polynomial_seasonal_ma[idx] = params_seasonal_ma
1614            else:
1615                polynomial_seasonal_ma = (
1616                    self._polynomial_seasonal_ma.real.astype(params.dtype)
1617                )
1618                polynomial_seasonal_ma[idx] = params_seasonal_ma
1619                self._polynomial_seasonal_ma = polynomial_seasonal_ma
1621        # Get the reduced form lag polynomial terms by multiplying the regular
1622        # and seasonal lag polynomials
1623        # Note: that although the numpy np.polymul examples assume that they
1624        # are ordered from highest degree to lowest, whereas our are from
1625        # lowest to highest, it does not matter.
1626        if self.k_seasonal_ar > 0:
1627            reduced_polynomial_ar = -np.polymul(
1628                self._polynomial_ar, self._polynomial_seasonal_ar
1629            )
1630        else:
1631            reduced_polynomial_ar = -self._polynomial_ar
1632        if self.k_seasonal_ma > 0:
1633            reduced_polynomial_ma = np.polymul(
1634                self._polynomial_ma, self._polynomial_seasonal_ma
1635            )
1636        else:
1637            reduced_polynomial_ma = self._polynomial_ma
1639        # Observation intercept
1640        # Exogenous data with MLE estimation of parameters enters through a
1641        # time-varying observation intercept (is equivalent to simply
1642        # subtracting it out of the endogenous variable first)
1643        if self.mle_regression:
1644            self.ssm['obs_intercept'] = np.dot(self.exog, params_exog)[None, :]
1646        # State intercept (Harvey) or additional observation intercept
1647        # (Hamilton)
1648        # SARIMA trend enters through the a time-varying state intercept,
1649        # associated with the first row of the stationary component of the
1650        # state vector (i.e. the first element of the state vector following
1651        # any differencing elements)
1652        if self._k_trend > 0:
1653            data = np.dot(self._trend_data, params_trend).astype(params.dtype)
1654            if not self.hamilton_representation:
1655                self.ssm['state_intercept', self._k_states_diff, :] = data
1656            else:
1657                # The way the trend enters in the Hamilton representation means
1658                # that the parameter is not an ``intercept'' but instead the
1659                # mean of the process. The trend values in `data` are meant for
1660                # an intercept, and so must be transformed to represent the
1661                # mean instead
1662                if self.hamilton_representation:
1663                    data /= np.sum(-reduced_polynomial_ar)
1665                # If we already set the observation intercept for MLE
1666                # regression, just add to it
1667                if self.mle_regression:
1668                    self.ssm.obs_intercept += data[None, :]
1669                # Otherwise set it directly
1670                else:
1671                    self.ssm['obs_intercept'] = data[None, :]
1673        # Observation covariance matrix
1674        if self.measurement_error:
1675            self.ssm['obs_cov', 0, 0] = params_measurement_variance
1677        # Transition matrix
1678        if self.k_ar > 0 or self.k_seasonal_ar > 0:
1679            self.ssm[self.transition_ar_params_idx] = reduced_polynomial_ar[1:]
1680        elif not self.ssm.transition.dtype == params.dtype:
1681            # This is required if the transition matrix is not really in use
1682            # (e.g. for an MA(q) process) so that it's dtype never changes as
1683            # the parameters' dtype changes. This changes the dtype manually.
1684            self.ssm['transition'] = self.ssm['transition'].real.astype(
1685                params.dtype)
1687        # Selection matrix (Harvey) or Design matrix (Hamilton)
1688        if self.k_ma > 0 or self.k_seasonal_ma > 0:
1689            if not self.hamilton_representation:
1690                self.ssm[self.selection_ma_params_idx] = (
1691                    reduced_polynomial_ma[1:]
1692                )
1693            else:
1694                self.ssm[self.design_ma_params_idx] = reduced_polynomial_ma[1:]
1696        # State covariance matrix
1697        if self.k_posdef > 0:
1698            if not self.concentrate_scale:
1699                self['state_cov', 0, 0] = params_variance
1700            if self.state_regression and self.time_varying_regression:
1701                self.ssm[self._exog_variance_idx] = params_exog_variance
1703        return params
1705    def _get_extension_time_varying_matrices(
1706            self, params, exog, out_of_sample, extend_kwargs=None,
1707            transformed=True, includes_fixed=False, **kwargs):
1708        """
1709        Get time-varying state space system matrices for extended model
1711        Notes
1712        -----
1713        We need to override this method for SARIMAX because we need some
1714        special handling in the `simple_differencing=True` case.
1715        """
1717        # Get the appropriate exog for the extended sample
1718        exog = self._validate_out_of_sample_exog(exog, out_of_sample)
1720        # Get the tmp endog, exog
1721        if self.simple_differencing:
1722            nobs = self.data.orig_endog.shape[0] + out_of_sample
1723            tmp_endog = np.zeros((nobs, self.k_endog))
1724            if exog is not None:
1725                tmp_exog = np.c_[self.data.orig_exog.T, exog.T].T
1726            else:
1727                tmp_exog = None
1728        else:
1729            tmp_endog = np.zeros((out_of_sample, self.k_endog))
1730            tmp_exog = exog
1732        # Create extended model
1733        if extend_kwargs is None:
1734            extend_kwargs = {}
1735        if not self.simple_differencing and self.k_trend > 0:
1736            extend_kwargs.setdefault(
1737                'trend_offset', self.trend_offset + self.nobs)
1738        extend_kwargs.setdefault('validate_specification', False)
1739        mod_extend = self.clone(
1740            endog=tmp_endog, exog=tmp_exog, **extend_kwargs)
1741        mod_extend.update(params, transformed=transformed,
1742                          includes_fixed=includes_fixed,)
1744        # Retrieve the extensions to the time-varying system matrices and
1745        # put them in kwargs
1746        for name in self.ssm.shapes.keys():
1747            if name == 'obs' or name in kwargs:
1748                continue
1749            original = getattr(self.ssm, name)
1750            extended = getattr(mod_extend.ssm, name)
1751            so = original.shape[-1]
1752            se = extended.shape[-1]
1753            if ((so > 1 or se > 1) or (
1754                    so == 1 and self.nobs == 1 and
1755                    np.any(original[..., 0] != extended[..., 0]))):
1756                kwargs[name] = extended[..., -out_of_sample:]
1758        return kwargs
1761class SARIMAXResults(MLEResults):
1762    """
1763    Class to hold results from fitting an SARIMAX model.
1765    Parameters
1766    ----------
1767    model : SARIMAX instance
1768        The fitted model instance
1770    Attributes
1771    ----------
1772    specification : dictionary
1773        Dictionary including all attributes from the SARIMAX model instance.
1774    polynomial_ar : ndarray
1775        Array containing autoregressive lag polynomial coefficients,
1776        ordered from lowest degree to highest. Initialized with ones, unless
1777        a coefficient is constrained to be zero (in which case it is zero).
1778    polynomial_ma : ndarray
1779        Array containing moving average lag polynomial coefficients,
1780        ordered from lowest degree to highest. Initialized with ones, unless
1781        a coefficient is constrained to be zero (in which case it is zero).
1782    polynomial_seasonal_ar : ndarray
1783        Array containing seasonal autoregressive lag polynomial coefficients,
1784        ordered from lowest degree to highest. Initialized with ones, unless
1785        a coefficient is constrained to be zero (in which case it is zero).
1786    polynomial_seasonal_ma : ndarray
1787        Array containing seasonal moving average lag polynomial coefficients,
1788        ordered from lowest degree to highest. Initialized with ones, unless
1789        a coefficient is constrained to be zero (in which case it is zero).
1790    polynomial_trend : ndarray
1791        Array containing trend polynomial coefficients, ordered from lowest
1792        degree to highest. Initialized with ones, unless a coefficient is
1793        constrained to be zero (in which case it is zero).
1794    model_orders : list of int
1795        The orders of each of the polynomials in the model.
1796    param_terms : list of str
1797        List of parameters actually included in the model, in sorted order.
1799    See Also
1800    --------
1801    statsmodels.tsa.statespace.kalman_filter.FilterResults
1802    statsmodels.tsa.statespace.mlemodel.MLEResults
1803    """
1804    def __init__(self, model, params, filter_results, cov_type=None,
1805                 **kwargs):
1806        super(SARIMAXResults, self).__init__(model, params, filter_results,
1807                                             cov_type, **kwargs)
1809        self.df_resid = np.inf  # attribute required for wald tests
1811        # Save _init_kwds
1812        self._init_kwds = self.model._get_init_kwds()
1814        # Save model specification
1815        self.specification = Bunch(**{
1816            # Set additional model parameters
1817            'seasonal_periods': self.model.seasonal_periods,
1818            'measurement_error': self.model.measurement_error,
1819            'time_varying_regression': self.model.time_varying_regression,
1820            'simple_differencing': self.model.simple_differencing,
1821            'enforce_stationarity': self.model.enforce_stationarity,
1822            'enforce_invertibility': self.model.enforce_invertibility,
1823            'hamilton_representation': self.model.hamilton_representation,
1824            'concentrate_scale': self.model.concentrate_scale,
1825            'trend_offset': self.model.trend_offset,
1827            'order': self.model.order,
1828            'seasonal_order': self.model.seasonal_order,
1830            # Model order
1831            'k_diff': self.model.k_diff,
1832            'k_seasonal_diff': self.model.k_seasonal_diff,
1833            'k_ar': self.model.k_ar,
1834            'k_ma': self.model.k_ma,
1835            'k_seasonal_ar': self.model.k_seasonal_ar,
1836            'k_seasonal_ma': self.model.k_seasonal_ma,
1838            # Param Numbers
1839            'k_ar_params': self.model.k_ar_params,
1840            'k_ma_params': self.model.k_ma_params,
1842            # Trend / Regression
1843            'trend': self.model.trend,
1844            'k_trend': self.model.k_trend,
1845            'k_exog': self.model.k_exog,
1847            'mle_regression': self.model.mle_regression,
1848            'state_regression': self.model.state_regression,
1849        })
1851        # Polynomials
1852        self.polynomial_trend = self.model._polynomial_trend
1853        self.polynomial_ar = self.model._polynomial_ar
1854        self.polynomial_ma = self.model._polynomial_ma
1855        self.polynomial_seasonal_ar = self.model._polynomial_seasonal_ar
1856        self.polynomial_seasonal_ma = self.model._polynomial_seasonal_ma
1857        self.polynomial_reduced_ar = np.polymul(
1858            self.polynomial_ar, self.polynomial_seasonal_ar
1859        )
1860        self.polynomial_reduced_ma = np.polymul(
1861            self.polynomial_ma, self.polynomial_seasonal_ma
1862        )
1864        # Distinguish parameters
1865        self.model_orders = self.model.model_orders
1866        self.param_terms = self.model.param_terms
1867        start = end = 0
1868        for name in self.param_terms:
1869            if name == 'ar':
1870                k = self.model.k_ar_params
1871            elif name == 'ma':
1872                k = self.model.k_ma_params
1873            elif name == 'seasonal_ar':
1874                k = self.model.k_seasonal_ar_params
1875            elif name == 'seasonal_ma':
1876                k = self.model.k_seasonal_ma_params
1877            else:
1878                k = self.model_orders[name]
1879            end += k
1880            setattr(self, '_params_%s' % name, self.params[start:end])
1881            start += k
1882        # GH7527, all terms must be defined
1883        all_terms = ['ar', 'ma', 'seasonal_ar', 'seasonal_ma', 'variance']
1884        for name in set(all_terms).difference(self.param_terms):
1885            setattr(self, '_params_%s' % name, np.empty(0))
1887        # Handle removing data
1888        self._data_attr_model.extend(['orig_endog', 'orig_exog'])
1890    def extend(self, endog, exog=None, **kwargs):
1891        kwargs.setdefault('trend_offset', self.nobs + 1)
1892        return super(SARIMAXResults, self).extend(endog, exog=exog, **kwargs)
1894    @cache_readonly
1895    def arroots(self):
1896        """
1897        (array) Roots of the reduced form autoregressive lag polynomial
1898        """
1899        return np.roots(self.polynomial_reduced_ar)**-1
1901    @cache_readonly
1902    def maroots(self):
1903        """
1904        (array) Roots of the reduced form moving average lag polynomial
1905        """
1906        return np.roots(self.polynomial_reduced_ma)**-1
1908    @cache_readonly
1909    def arfreq(self):
1910        """
1911        (array) Frequency of the roots of the reduced form autoregressive
1912        lag polynomial
1913        """
1914        z = self.arroots
1915        if not z.size:
1916            return
1917        return np.arctan2(z.imag, z.real) / (2 * np.pi)
1919    @cache_readonly
1920    def mafreq(self):
1921        """
1922        (array) Frequency of the roots of the reduced form moving average
1923        lag polynomial
1924        """
1925        z = self.maroots
1926        if not z.size:
1927            return
1928        return np.arctan2(z.imag, z.real) / (2 * np.pi)
1930    @cache_readonly
1931    def arparams(self):
1932        """
1933        (array) Autoregressive parameters actually estimated in the model.
1934        Does not include seasonal autoregressive parameters (see
1935        `seasonalarparams`) or parameters whose values are constrained to be
1936        zero.
1937        """
1938        return self._params_ar
1940    @cache_readonly
1941    def seasonalarparams(self):
1942        """
1943        (array) Seasonal autoregressive parameters actually estimated in the
1944        model. Does not include nonseasonal autoregressive parameters (see
1945        `arparams`) or parameters whose values are constrained to be zero.
1946        """
1947        return self._params_seasonal_ar
1949    @cache_readonly
1950    def maparams(self):
1951        """
1952        (array) Moving average parameters actually estimated in the model.
1953        Does not include seasonal moving average parameters (see
1954        `seasonalmaparams`) or parameters whose values are constrained to be
1955        zero.
1956        """
1957        return self._params_ma
1959    @cache_readonly
1960    def seasonalmaparams(self):
1961        """
1962        (array) Seasonal moving average parameters actually estimated in the
1963        model. Does not include nonseasonal moving average parameters (see
1964        `maparams`) or parameters whose values are constrained to be zero.
1965        """
1966        return self._params_seasonal_ma
1968    @Appender(MLEResults.summary.__doc__)
1969    def summary(self, alpha=.05, start=None):
1970        # Create the model name
1972        # See if we have an ARIMA component
1973        order = ''
1974        if self.model.k_ar + self.model.k_diff + self.model.k_ma > 0:
1975            if self.model.k_ar == self.model.k_ar_params:
1976                order_ar = self.model.k_ar
1977            else:
1978                order_ar = list(self.model._spec.ar_lags)
1979            if self.model.k_ma == self.model.k_ma_params:
1980                order_ma = self.model.k_ma
1981            else:
1982                order_ma = list(self.model._spec.ma_lags)
1983            # If there is simple differencing, then that is reflected in the
1984            # dependent variable name
1985            k_diff = 0 if self.model.simple_differencing else self.model.k_diff
1986            order = '(%s, %d, %s)' % (order_ar, k_diff, order_ma)
1987        # See if we have an SARIMA component
1988        seasonal_order = ''
1989        has_seasonal = (
1990            self.model.k_seasonal_ar +
1991            self.model.k_seasonal_diff +
1992            self.model.k_seasonal_ma
1993        ) > 0
1994        if has_seasonal:
1995            tmp = int(self.model.k_seasonal_ar / self.model.seasonal_periods)
1996            if tmp == self.model.k_seasonal_ar_params:
1997                order_seasonal_ar = (
1998                    int(self.model.k_seasonal_ar / self.model.seasonal_periods)
1999                )
2000            else:
2001                order_seasonal_ar = list(self.model._spec.seasonal_ar_lags)
2002            tmp = int(self.model.k_seasonal_ma / self.model.seasonal_periods)
2003            if tmp == self.model.k_ma_params:
2004                order_seasonal_ma = tmp
2005            else:
2006                order_seasonal_ma = list(self.model._spec.seasonal_ma_lags)
2007            # If there is simple differencing, then that is reflected in the
2008            # dependent variable name
2009            k_seasonal_diff = self.model.k_seasonal_diff
2010            if self.model.simple_differencing:
2011                k_seasonal_diff = 0
2012            seasonal_order = ('(%s, %d, %s, %d)' %
2013                              (str(order_seasonal_ar), k_seasonal_diff,
2014                               str(order_seasonal_ma),
2015                               self.model.seasonal_periods))
2016            if not order == '':
2017                order += 'x'
2018        model_name = (
2019            '%s%s%s' % (self.model.__class__.__name__, order, seasonal_order)
2020            )
2021        return super(SARIMAXResults, self).summary(
2022            alpha=alpha, start=start, title='SARIMAX Results',
2023            model_name=model_name
2024        )
2027class SARIMAXResultsWrapper(MLEResultsWrapper):
2028    _attrs = {}
2029    _wrap_attrs = wrap.union_dicts(MLEResultsWrapper._wrap_attrs,
2030                                   _attrs)
2031    _methods = {}
2032    _wrap_methods = wrap.union_dicts(MLEResultsWrapper._wrap_methods,
2033                                     _methods)
2034wrap.populate_wrapper(SARIMAXResultsWrapper, SARIMAXResults)  # noqa:E305