2#   MailScanner - SMTP Email Processor
3#   Copyright (C) 2002  Julian Field
5#   $Id: SA.pm 5090 2011-03-23 17:50:47Z sysjkf $
7#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10#   (at your option) any later version.
12#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15#   GNU General Public License for more details.
17#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19#   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
21#      https://www.mailscanner.info
24package MailScanner::SA;
26use strict 'vars';
27use strict 'refs';
28no  strict 'subs'; # Allow bare words for parameter %'s
29#use English; # Needed for $PERL_VERSION to work in all versions of Perl
31use IO::Pipe;
32use POSIX qw(:signal_h); # For Solaris 9 SIG bug workaround
33use DBI;
34use Compress::Zlib;
36use vars qw($VERSION);
38### The package version, both in 1.23 style *and* usable by MakeMaker:
39$VERSION = substr q$Revision: 5090 $, 10;
41# Attributes are
45my($LOCK_SH) = 1;
46my($LOCK_EX) = 2;
47my($LOCK_NB) = 4;
48my($LOCK_UN) = 8;
50my $SAversion;           # SpamAssassin version number
51my @SAsuccessqueue;      # queue of failure history
52my $SAsuccessqsum;       # current sum of history queue
54my($SAspamtest, $SABayesLock, $SABayesRebuildLock, $SpamAssassinInstalled);
56my($SQLiteInstalled, $cachedbh, $cachefilename, $NextCacheExpire);
58my $HamCacheLife      = 30*60;    # Lifetime of non-spam from first seen
59my $SpamCacheLife     = 5*60;     # Lifetime of low-scoring spam from first seen
60my $HighSpamCacheLife = 3*60*60;  # Lifetime of high spam from last seen
61my $VirusesCacheLife  = 48*60*60; # Lifetime of viruses from last seen
62my $ExpireFrequency   = 10*60;    # How often to run the expiry of the cache
64sub CreateTempDir {
65  my($runasuser,$satmpdir) = @_;
67  # Create the $TMPDIR for SpamAssassin if necessary, then check we can
68  # write to it. If not, change to /tmp.
69  lstat $satmpdir;
70  unless (-d _) {
71    unlink $satmpdir;
72    mkdir $satmpdir or warn "Could not create SpamAssassin temporary directory $satmpdir, $!";
73  }
74  chmod 0755, $satmpdir unless $satmpdir =~ /^\/tmp/;
75  chown $runasuser, -1, $satmpdir;
77  $ENV{'TMPDIR'} = $satmpdir;
80sub initialise {
81  my($RebuildBayes, $WantLintOnly) = @_; # Start by rebuilding the Bayes database?
83  my(%settings, $val, $val2, $prefs);
85  # Initialise the class variables
86  @SAsuccessqueue = ();
87  $SAsuccessqsum  = 0;
89  # If the "debug-sa" command-line flag was given, then we want to print out
90  # the current time at the start of each line that is sent to STDERR,
91  # in particular the stuff from SpamAssassin.
92  if ($MailScanner::SA::Debug) {
93    my $result;
94    # Do a trial run of awk to see if it is going to work on this system.
95    eval {
96      $result = `echo 'Hello,World' | awk '{printf \"%s %s\\n\", strftime(\"%T\"), \$0}' 2>&1`;
97      #print "Result is \"$result\"\n";
98    };
99    #print "Eval result = \"$@\"\n";
101    # If the trial worked...
102    if ($result =~ /\d+:\d.*Hello,World/) {
103      #print STDERR "It Succeeded!\n";
104      #select STDERR; $| = 1;
105      # Re-open STDERR with the current time stuck on the front of each line.
106      # It should work okay as we have just tried it out.
107      open STDERR, "| awk '{printf \"%s %s\\n\", strftime(\"%T\"), \$0}'";
108      select STDOUT;
109    } else {
110      print STDERR "\n\n*****\n";
111      print STDERR "If 'awk' (with support for the function strftime) was\n";
112      print STDERR "available on your \$PATH then all the SpamAssassin debug\n";
113      print STDERR "output would have the current time added to the start of\n";
114      print STDERR "every line, making debugging far easier.\n*****\n\n";
115    }
116  }
118  # Can't just do this when sendmail.pl loads, as we are still running as
119  # root then & spamassassin will get confused when we are later running
120  # as something else.
122  # Only do this if we want to use SpamAssassin and therefore have it installed.
123  # Justin Mason advises only creating 1 Mail::SpamAssassin object, so I do it
124  # here while we are starting up.
126  # N.B. SpamAssassin will use home dir defined in ENV{HOME}
127  #      'if $ENV{HOME} =~ /\//'
128  # So, set ENV{HOME} to desired directory, or undef it to force it to get home
129  # using getpwnam of $> (EUID)
131  unless (MailScanner::Config::IsSimpleValue('usespamassassin') &&
132          !MailScanner::Config::Value('usespamassassin')) {
133    $settings{post_config_text} = MailScanner::ConfigSQL::ReturnSpamAssassinConfig();
134    $settings{dont_copy_prefs} = 1; # Removes need for home directory
135    # This file is now read directly by SpamAssassin's normal startup code.
136    #$prefs = MailScanner::Config::Value('spamassassinprefsfile');
137    #$settings{userprefs_filename} = $prefs if defined $prefs;
138    $val = $MailScanner::SA::Debug;
139    $settings{debug} = $val;
140    # for unusual bayes and auto whitelist database locations
141    $val = MailScanner::Config::Value('spamassassinuserstatedir');
142    $settings{userstate_dir} = $val if $val ne "";
143    $val = MailScanner::Config::Value('spamassassinlocalrulesdir');
144    $settings{LOCAL_RULES_DIR} = $val if $val ne "";
145    $val = MailScanner::Config::Value('spamassassinlocalstatedir');
146    $settings{LOCAL_STATE_DIR} = $val if $val ne "";
147    $val = MailScanner::Config::Value('spamassassindefaultrulesdir');
148    $settings{DEF_RULES_DIR} = $val if $val ne "";
149    $val = MailScanner::Config::Value('spamassassininstallprefix');
151    # For version 3 onwards, shouldn't cause problems with earlier code
152    $val2 = MailScanner::Config::Value('spamassassinautowhitelist');
153    $settings{use_auto_whitelist} = $val2?1:0;
154    $settings{save_pattern_hits} = 1;
156    if ($val ne "") { # ie. if SAinstallprefix is set
157      # for finding rules in the absence of the above settings
158      $settings{PREFIX} = $val;
159      # for finding the SpamAssassin libraries
160      # Use unshift rather than push so that their given location is
161      # always searched *first* and not last in the include path.
162      #my $perl_vers = $PERL_VERSION < 5.006 ? $PERL_VERSION
163      #                                      : sprintf("%vd",$PERL_VERSION);
164      my $perl_vers = $] < 5.006 ? $] : sprintf("%vd",$^V);
165      unshift @INC, "$val/lib/perl5/site_perl/$perl_vers";
166    }
167    # Now we have the path built, try to find the SpamAssassin modules
168    my $required_sa_class = 'Mail::SpamAssassin';
169    unless (eval "require $required_sa_class") {
170      MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("You want to use SpamAssassin but have not installed it.");
171      MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("I will run without SpamAssassin for now, you will not detect much spam until you install SpamAssassin.");
172      $SpamAssassinInstalled = 0;
173      return;
174    }
176    # SpamAssassin "require"d okay.
177    $SpamAssassinInstalled = 1;
179    # Find the version number
180    $SAversion = $Mail::SpamAssassin::VERSION + 0.0;
182    #
183    # Load the SQLite support for the SA data cache
184    #
185    $SQLiteInstalled = 0;
186    unless (MailScanner::Config::IsSimpleValue('usesacache') &&
187            !MailScanner::Config::Value('usesacache')) {
188      unless (eval "require DBD::SQLite") {
189        MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("WARNING: You are trying to use the SpamAssassin cache but your DBI and/or DBD::SQLite Perl modules are not properly installed!");
190        $SQLiteInstalled = 0;
191      } else {
192        $SQLiteInstalled = 1;
193        unless (eval "require Digest::MD5") {
194          MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("WARNING: You are trying to use the SpamAssassin cache but your Digest::MD5 Perl module is not properly installed!");
195          $SQLiteInstalled = 0;
196        } else {
197          MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("Using SpamAssassin results cache");
198          $SQLiteInstalled = 1;
199          #
200          #
201          # Put the SA cache database initialisation code here!
202          #
203          #
204          $MailScanner::SA::cachefilename = MailScanner::Config::Value("sacache");
205          $MailScanner::SA::cachedbh = DBI->connect(
206                                  "dbi:SQLite:$MailScanner::SA::cachefilename",
207                                  "","",{PrintError=>0,InactiveDestroy=>1});
208          $NextCacheExpire = $ExpireFrequency+time;
209          if ($MailScanner::SA::cachedbh) {
210            MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("Connected to SpamAssassin cache database");
211            # Rebuild all the tables and indexes. The PrintError=>0 will make it
212            # fail quietly if they already exist.
213            # Speed up writes at the cost of database integrity. Only tmp data!
214            $MailScanner::SA::cachedbh->do("PRAGMA default_synchronous = OFF");
215            $MailScanner::SA::cachedbh->do("CREATE TABLE cache (md5 TEXT, count INTEGER, last TIMESTAMP, first TIMESTAMP, sasaysspam INT, sahighscoring INT, sascore FLOAT, saheader BLOB, salongreport BLOB, virusinfected INT)");
216            $MailScanner::SA::cachedbh->do("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX md5_uniq ON cache(md5)");
217            $MailScanner::SA::cachedbh->do("CREATE INDEX last_seen_idx ON cache(last)");
218            $MailScanner::SA::cachedbh->do("CREATE INDEX first_seen_idx ON cache(first)");
219            #my $sacDB = MailScanner::Config::Value("sacache");
220		    #chmod 0660, $sacDB;
221            $SQLiteInstalled = 1;
222            SetCacheTimes();
223            # Now expire all the old tokens
224            CacheExpire() unless $WantLintOnly;
225          } else {
226            MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("Could not create SpamAssassin cache database %s", $MailScanner::SA::cachefilename);
227            $SQLiteInstalled = 0;
228            print STDERR "Could not create SpamAssassin cache database $MailScanner::SA::cachefilename\n" if $WantLintOnly;
229          }
230        }
231      }
232    }
234    $MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest = new Mail::SpamAssassin(\%settings);
236    if ($WantLintOnly) {
237      my $errors = $MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest->lint_rules();
238      if ($errors) {
239        print STDERR "SpamAssassin reported an error.\n";
240        $MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest->debug_diagnostics();
241      } else {
242        print STDERR "SpamAssassin reported no errors.\n";
243      }
244      return;
245    }
247    # Rebuild the Bayes database if it is due
248    $MailScanner::SA::BayesRebuildLock = MailScanner::Config::Value(
249                          'lockfiledir') . '/MS.bayes.rebuild.lock';
250    $MailScanner::SA::BayesRebuildStartLock =
251      MailScanner::Config::Value('lockfiledir') . '/MS.bayes.starting.lock';
252    $MailScanner::SA::WaitForRebuild = MailScanner::Config::Value('bayeswait');
253    $MailScanner::SA::DoingBayesRebuilds = MailScanner::Config::Value('bayesrebuild');
254    if ($RebuildBayes) {
255      #MailScanner::Log::InfoLog('SpamAssassin Bayes database rebuild preparing');
256      # Tell the other children that we are trying to start a rebuild
257      my $RebuildStartH = new FileHandle;
258      unless ($RebuildStartH->open("+>$MailScanner::SA::BayesRebuildStartLock")) {
259        MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("Bayes rebuild process could not write to " .
260                                  "%s to signal starting",
261                                  $MailScanner::SA::BayesRebuildStartLock);
262      }
263      # 20090107 Get exclusive lock on the startlock
264      #flock($RebuildStartH, $LOCK_EX);
265      flock($RebuildStartH, $LOCK_EX);
266      $RebuildStartH->seek(0,0);
267      $RebuildStartH->autoflush();
268      print $RebuildStartH "1\n";
269      flock($RebuildStartH, $LOCK_UN);
270      $RebuildStartH->close();
272      # Get an exclusive lock on the bayes rebuild lock file
273      my $RebuildLockH = new FileHandle;
274      if ($RebuildLockH->open("+>$MailScanner::SA::BayesRebuildLock")) {
275        flock($RebuildLockH, $LOCK_EX)
276          or MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("Failed to get exclusive lock on %s, %s",
277                       $MailScanner::SA::BayesRebuildLock, $!);
279        # Do the actual expiry run
280        $0 = 'MailScanner: rebuilding Bayes database';
281        MailScanner::Log::InfoLog('SpamAssassin Bayes database rebuild starting');
282        eval {
283          $MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest->init(1) if $SAversion<3;
284          $MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest->init_learner({
285                          force_expire => 1,
286                          learn_to_journal => 0,
287                          wait_for_lock => 1,
288                          caller_will_untie => 1});
289          $MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest->rebuild_learner_caches({
290                          verbose => 0,
291                          showdots => 0});
292          $MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest->finish_learner();
293        };
294        MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("SpamAssassin Bayes database rebuild " .
295                                  "failed with error: %s", $@)
296          if $@;
298        # Unlock the "starting" lock
299        $RebuildStartH = new FileHandle;
300        $RebuildStartH->open("+>$MailScanner::SA::BayesRebuildStartLock");
301        flock($RebuildStartH, $LOCK_EX);
302        $RebuildStartH->seek(0,0);
303        $RebuildStartH->autoflush();
304        print $RebuildStartH "0\n";
305        flock($RebuildStartH, $LOCK_UN);
306        $RebuildStartH->close();
307        # Unlock the bayes rebuild lock file
308        #20090107 unlink($MailScanner::SA::BayesRebuildLock);
309        flock($RebuildLockH, $LOCK_UN);
310        $RebuildLockH->close();
311        MailScanner::Log::InfoLog('SpamAssassin Bayes database rebuild completed');
312      }
314      # Now the rebuild has properly finished, we let the other children back
315      #20090107 unlink $MailScanner::SA::BayesRebuildStartLock;
316      $RebuildStartH->close();
317    }
319    if (MailScanner::Config::Value('spamassassinautowhitelist')) {
320      # JKF 14/6/2002 Enable the auto-whitelisting functionality
321      MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("Enabling SpamAssassin auto-whitelist functionality...");
322      if ($SAversion<3) {
323        require Mail::SpamAssassin::DBBasedAddrList;
324        # create a factory for the persistent address list
325        my $addrlistfactory = Mail::SpamAssassin::DBBasedAddrList->new();
326        $MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest->set_persistent_address_list_factory
327                                                        ($addrlistfactory);
328      }
329    }
331    # If the Bayes database lock file is still present due to the process
332    # being killed, we must delete it. The difficult bit is finding it.
333    # Wrap this in an eval for those using old versions of SA which don't
334    # have the Bayes engine at all.
335    eval {
336      my $t = $MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest;
337      $MailScanner::SA::SABayesLock = $t->sed_path($t->{conf}->{bayes_path}) .
338                                      '.lock';
339      #print STDERR "SA bayes lock is $MailScanner::SA::SABayesLock\n";
340    };
342    #print STDERR "Bayes lock is at $MailScanner::SA::SABayesLock\n";
343    # JKF 7/1/2002 Commented out due to it causing false positives
344    # JKF 7/6/2002 Now has a config switch
345    # JKF 12/6/2002 Remember to read the prefs file
346    #if (MailScanner::Config::Value('compilespamassassinonce')) {
347    # Saves me recompiling all the modules every time
349    # Need to delete lock file now or compile_now may never return
350    unlink $MailScanner::SA::SABayesLock;
352    # If they are using MCP at all, then we need to compile SA differently
353    # here due to object clashes within SA.
354    if (MailScanner::Config::IsSimpleValue('mcpchecks') &&
355       !MailScanner::Config::Value('mcpchecks')) {
356      # They are definitely not using MCP
357      $MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest->compile_now();
358    } else {
359      # They are possibly using MCP somewhere
360      # Next line should have a 0 parameter in it
361      #$MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest->compile_now(0);
362      $MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest->read_scoreonly_config($prefs);
363    }
364    #print STDERR "In initialise, spam report is \"" .
365    #      $MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest->{conf}->{report_template} . "\"\n";
366    #JKF$MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest->compile_now();
368    # Apparently this doesn't do anything after compile_now()
369    #$MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest->read_scoreonly_config($prefs);
370  }
372  # Turn off warnings again, as SpamAssassin switches them on
373  $^W = 0;
376# Set all the cache expiry timings from the cachetiming conf option
377sub SetCacheTimes {
378  my $line = MailScanner::Config::Value('cachetiming');
379  $line =~ s/^\D+//;
380  return unless $line;
381  my @numbers = split /\D+/, $line;
382  return unless @numbers;
384  $HamCacheLife      = $numbers[0] if $numbers[0];
385  $SpamCacheLife     = $numbers[1] if $numbers[1];
386  $HighSpamCacheLife = $numbers[2] if $numbers[2];
387  $VirusesCacheLife  = $numbers[3] if $numbers[3];
388  $ExpireFrequency   = $numbers[4] if $numbers[4];
390  #print STDERR "Timings are \"" . join(' ',@numbers) . "\"\n";
394# Constructor.
395sub new {
396  my $type = shift;
397  my $this = {};
399  bless $this, $type;
400  return $this;
403# Do the SpamAssassin checks on the passed in message
404sub Checks {
405  my $message = shift;
407  # If they never actually installed SpamAssassin, then just bail out quietly.
408  return (0,0,"",0,"") unless $SpamAssassinInstalled;
410  my($dfhandle, $SAReqHits, $HighScoreVal);
411  my($dfilename, $dfile, @WholeMessage, $SAResult, $SAHitList);
412  my($HighScoring, $SAScore, $maxsize, $SAReport, $GSHits);
413  my $GotFromCache = undef; # Did the result come from the cache?
414  $SAReqHits = MailScanner::Config::Value('reqspamassassinscore',$message)+0.0;
415  $HighScoreVal = MailScanner::Config::Value('highspamassassinscore',$message);
416  $GSHits = $message->{gshits} || 0.0;
418  # Bail out and fake a miss if too many consecutive SA checks failed
419  my $maxfailures = MailScanner::Config::Value('maxspamassassintimeouts');
421  # If we get maxfailures consecutive timeouts, then disable the
422  # SpamAssassin RBL checks in an attempt to get it working again.
423  # If it continues to time out for another maxfailures consecutive
424  # attempts, then disable it completely.
425  if ($maxfailures>0) {
426    if ($SAsuccessqsum>=2*$maxfailures) {
427      return (0,0,
428        sprintf(MailScanner::Config::LanguageValue($message,'sadisabled'),
429        2*$maxfailures), 0);
430    } elsif ($SAsuccessqsum>$maxfailures) {
431      $MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest->{conf}->{local_tests_only} = 1;
432    } elsif ($SAsuccessqsum==$maxfailures) {
433      $MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest->{conf}->{local_tests_only} = 1;
434      MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("Disabling SpamAssassin network checks");
435    }
436  }
438  # If the Bayes rebuild is in progress, then either wait for it to
439  # complete, or just bail out as we are busy.
440  # Get a shared lock on the bayes rebuild lock file.
441  # If we don't want to wait for it, then do a non-blocking call and
442  # just return if it couldn't be locked.
443  my $BayesIsLocked = 0;
444  my($RebuildLockH, $Lockopen);
445  if ($MailScanner::SA::DoingBayesRebuilds) {
446    # If the lock file exists at all, do not try to get a lock on it.
447    # Shared locks are handed out even when someone else is trying to
448    # get an exclusive lock, so long as at least 1 other shared lock
449    # already exists.
450    #20090107 if (-e $MailScanner::SA::BayesRebuildStartLock) {
451      my $fh = new FileHandle;
452      $fh->open("+<" . $MailScanner::SA::BayesRebuildStartLock);
453      flock($fh, $LOCK_EX);
454      $fh->seek(0,0);
455      my $line = <$fh>;
456      flock($fh, $LOCK_UN);
457      $fh->close();
459      if ($line =~ /1/) {
460      # Do we wait for Bayes rebuild to occur?
461      if ($MailScanner::SA::WaitForRebuild) {
462        $0 = 'MailScanner: waiting for Bayes rebuild';
463        # Wait quietly for the file to disappear
464        # This must not take more than 1 hour or we are in trouble!
465        #MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("Waiting for rebuild start request to disappear");
466        my $waiter = 0;
467        for ($waiter = 0; $waiter<3600 && $line =~ /1/; $waiter+=30) {
468             #-e $MailScanner::SA::BayesRebuildStartLock; $waiter+=10) {
469          sleep 30;
470          $fh = new FileHandle;
471          $fh->open("+<" . $MailScanner::SA::BayesRebuildStartLock);
472          flock($fh, $LOCK_EX);
473          $fh->seek(0,0);
474          $line = <$fh>;
475          flock($fh, $LOCK_UN);
476          $fh->close();
477          #MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("Waiting for start request to disappear");
478        }
479        # Did it take too long?
480        #unlink $MailScanner::SA::BayesRebuildStartLock if $waiter>=3590;
481        if ($waiter>=4000) {
482          $fh = new FileHandle;
483          $fh->open("+>" . $MailScanner::SA::BayesRebuildStartLock);
484          flock($fh, $LOCK_EX);
485          $fh->seek(0,0);
486          $fh->autoflush();
487          print $fh "0\n";
488          flock($fh, $LOCK_UN);
489          $fh->close();
490        }
491        #MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("Start request has disappeared");
492        $0 = 'MailScanner: checking with SpamAssassin';
493      } else {
494        # Return saying we are skipping SpamAssassin this time
495        return (0,0, 'SpamAssassin rebuilding', 0);
496      }
497      }
499    $Lockopen = 0;
500    $RebuildLockH = new FileHandle;
502    if (open($RebuildLockH, "+>" . $MailScanner::SA::BayesRebuildLock)) {
503      print $RebuildLockH "SpamAssassin Bayes database locked for use by " .
504            "MailScanner $$\n";
505      #MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("Bayes lock is $RebuildLockH");
506      #MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("Bayes lock is read-write");
507      $Lockopen = 1;
508      #The lock file already exists, so just open for reading
509    } elsif (open($RebuildLockH, $MailScanner::SA::BayesRebuildLock)) {
510      #MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("Bayes lock is $RebuildLockH");
511      #MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("Bayes lock is read-only");
512      $Lockopen = 1;
513    } else {
514      # Could not open the file at all
515      $Lockopen = 0;
516      MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("Could not open Bayes rebuild lock file %s, %s",
517                                $MailScanner::SA::BayesRebuildLock, $!);
518    }
520    if ($Lockopen) {
521      #MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("Bayes lock is open");
522      if ($MailScanner::SA::WaitForRebuild) {
523        # Do a normal lock and wait for it
524        flock($RebuildLockH, $LOCK_SH) or
525          MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("At start of SA checks could not get " .
526            "shared lock on %s, %s", $MailScanner::SA::BayesRebuildLock, $!);
527        $BayesIsLocked = 1;
528      } else {
529      #MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("Bayes lock2 is %s", $RebuildLockH);
530        if (flock($RebuildLockH, ($LOCK_SH | $LOCK_NB))) {
531      #MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("Got non-blocking shared lock on Bayes lock");
532          $BayesIsLocked = 1;
533        } else {
534      #MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("Skipping Bayes due to %s", $!);
535          $RebuildLockH->close();
536          #MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("Skipping SpamAssassin while waiting for Bayes database to rebuild");
537          return (0,0, 'SpamAssassin rebuilding', 0);
538        }
539      }
540    } else {
541      MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("At start of SA checks could not open %s, %s",
542        $MailScanner::SA::BayesRebuildLock, $!);
543    }
544  }
546  $maxsize = MailScanner::Config::Value('maxspamassassinsize');
548  # Construct the array of lines of the header and body of the message
549  # JKF 30/1/2002 Don't chop off the line endings. Thanks to Andreas Piper
550  #               for this.
551  # For SpamAssassin 3 we add the "EnvelopeFrom" header to make SPF work
552  my $fromheader = MailScanner::Config::Value('envfromheader', $message);
553  $fromheader =~ s/:$//;
555  # Build a list of all the headers, so we can remove any $fromheader that
556  # is already in there.
557  my @SAheaders = $global::MS->{mta}->OriginalMsgHeaders($message, "\n");
558  @SAheaders = grep !/^$fromheader\:/i, @SAheaders;
559  @SAheaders = grep !/^\s*$/, @SAheaders; # ditch blank lines
561  # Fix for RP_8BIT rule issue by Steve Freegard
562  #push(@WholeMessage, $fromheader . ': ' . $message->{from} . "\n")
563  unshift(@SAheaders, $fromheader . ': ' . $message->{from} . "\n")
564    if $fromheader;
566  # Add the spamvirusreport to the input to SA.
567  # The header name should be documented in the MailScanner.conf docs.
568  my $svheader = MailScanner::Config::Value('spamvirusheader', $message);
569  if ($svheader && $message->{spamvirusreport}) {
570    $svheader =~ s/:$//;
571    #push(@WholeMessage, $svheader . ': ' . $message->{spamvirusreport} . "\n");
572    unshift(@SAheaders, $svheader . ': ' . $message->{spamvirusreport} . "\n");
573    #print STDERR "Added $svheader: " . $message->{spamvirusreport} . "\n";
574  }
576  # Return-Path header should only be present on final delivery.
577  # See RFC5321 Section 4.4.
578  # Sendmail appears to add a placeholder Return-Path header which it uses
579  # for expansion later, unfortunately this placeholder uses high-bit chars.
580  # So we remove the header and create one from the envelope for SA.
581  @SAheaders = grep !/^Return-Path\:/i, @SAheaders;
582  unshift(@SAheaders, 'Return-Path: <' . $message->{from} . ">\n");
584  #push(@WholeMessage, $global::MS->{mta}->OriginalMsgHeaders($message, "\n"));
585  push(@WholeMessage, @SAheaders);
586  #print STDERR "Headers are : " . join(', ', @WholeMessage) . "\n";
587  unless (@WholeMessage) {
588    flock($RebuildLockH, $LOCK_UN) if $BayesIsLocked;
589    $RebuildLockH->close() if $MailScanner::SA::DoingBayesRebuilds;
590    return (0,0, MailScanner::Config::LanguageValue($message, 'sanoheaders'), 0);
591  }
593  push(@WholeMessage, "\n");
595  my(@WholeBody);
596  $message->{store}->ReadBody(\@WholeBody, $maxsize);
597  push(@WholeMessage, @WholeBody);
599  # Work out the MD5 sum of the body
600  my($testcache,$md5,$md5digest);
601  if ($SQLiteInstalled) {
602    $testcache = MailScanner::Config::Value("usesacache",$message);
603    $testcache = ($testcache =~ /1/)?1:0;
604    $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
605    eval { $md5->add(@WholeBody) };
606    if ($@ ne "" || @WholeBody<=1) {
607      # The eval failed
608      $md5digest = "unknown";
609      $testcache = 0;
610    } else {
611      # The md5->add worked okay, so use the results
612      # Get the MD5 digest of the message body
613      $md5digest = $md5->hexdigest;
614    }
616    # Store it for later
617    $message->{md5} = $md5digest;
618    #print STDERR "MD5 digest is $md5digest\n";
619  } else {
620    $testcache = 0;
621    #print STDERR "Not going to use cache\n";
622  }
624  # Now construct the SpamAssassin object for version < 3
625  my $spammail;
626  $spammail = Mail::SpamAssassin::NoMailAudit->new('data'=>\@WholeMessage)
627    if $SAversion<3;
629  if ($testcache) {
630    if (my $cachehash = CheckCache($md5digest)) {
631      #print STDERR "Cache hit for " . $message->{id} . "\n";
632      MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("SpamAssassin cache hit for message %s", $message->{id});
633      # Read the cache result and update the timestamp *****
634      #($SAResult, $HighScoring, $SAHitList, $SAScore, $SAReport) =
635      #($cachehash->{sasaysspam}, $cachehash->{sahighscoring},
636      # uncompress($cachehash->{saheader}),   $cachehash->{sascore},
637      # uncompress($cachehash->{salongreport}));
638#     ($SAResult, $HighScoring, $SAHitList, $SAScore, $SAReport) =
639#     ($cachehash->{sasaysspam}, $cachehash->{sahighscoring},
640#      uncompress($cachehash->{saheader}),   $cachehash->{sascore},
641#      uncompress($cachehash->{salongreport}));
642      ($SAHitList, $SAScore, $SAReport) = (
643        uncompress($cachehash->{saheader}),   $cachehash->{sascore},
644        uncompress($cachehash->{salongreport})
645      );
647      # calculate SAResult and HighScoring from actual message
648      ($SAResult, $HighScoring) = SATest_spam( $message, $GSHits, $SAScore );
650      # Log the fact we got it from the cache. Must not add the "cached"
651      # word on the front here or it will be put into the cache itself!
652      $GotFromCache = 1;
654      # Need to make sure that any differences in scores are being utilized
655      if ($SAScore >= $SAReqHits) {
656        $SAResult = 1;
657        $SAHitList =~ s/required ([\d\.]+)\,/required $SAReqHits\,/;
658        $HighScoring= 1 if !$HighScoring && $SAScore >= $HighScoreVal;
659      } elsif ($SAScore < $SAReqHits) {
660        $SAResult = 0;
661        $SAHitList =~ s/required ([\d\.]+)\,/required $SAReqHits\,/;
662        $HighScoring = 0 if $HighScoring && $SAScore < $HighScoreVal;
663      }
665      #print STDERR "Cache results are $SAResult, $HighScoring, $SAHitList, $SAScore, $SAReport\n";
666      # Unlock and close the lockfile
667      flock($RebuildLockH, $LOCK_UN) if $MailScanner::SA::DoingBayesRebuilds; # $BayesIsLocked;
668      $RebuildLockH->close() if $MailScanner::SA::DoingBayesRebuilds;
669    } else {
670      # Do the actual SpamAssassin call
671      #print STDERR "Cache miss for " . $message->{id} . "\n";
673      # Test it for spam-ness
674      if ($SAversion<3) {
675        ($SAResult, $HighScoring, $SAHitList, $SAScore, $SAReport)
676          = SAForkAndTest($GSHits, $MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest,
677                          $spammail, $message);
678      } else {
679        #print STDERR "Check 1, report template = \"" .
680        #      $MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest->{conf}->{report_template} . "\"\n";
681        ($SAResult, $HighScoring, $SAHitList, $SAScore, $SAReport)
682          = SAForkAndTest($GSHits, $MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest,
683                          \@WholeMessage, $message);
684      }
686      # Log the fact we didn't get it from the cache. Must not add the
687      # "not cached" word on the front here or it will be put into the
688      # cache itself!
689      $GotFromCache = 0;
691      #MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("Done SAForkAndTest");
692      #print STDERR "SAResult = $SAResult\nHighScoring = $HighScoring\n" .
693      #             "SAHitList = $SAHitList\n";
695      # Write the record to the cache *****
696      # Don't cache "timed out" results.
697      if ($SAHitList ne MailScanner::Config::LanguageValue($message, 'satimedout')) {
698        CacheResult($md5digest, $SAResult, $HighScoring,
699                    compress($SAHitList), $SAScore, compress($SAReport));
700      }
703      # Unlock and close the lockfile
704      flock($RebuildLockH, $LOCK_UN) if $MailScanner::SA::DoingBayesRebuilds; # $BayesIsLocked;
705      $RebuildLockH->close() if $MailScanner::SA::DoingBayesRebuilds;
706    }
708    # Add the cached / not cached tag to $SAHitList if appropriate
709    if (defined($GotFromCache)) {
710      if ($GotFromCache) {
711        $SAHitList = MailScanner::Config::LanguageValue($message, 'cached')
712                     . ', ' . $SAHitList;
713      } else {
714        $SAHitList = MailScanner::Config::LanguageValue($message, 'notcached')
715                     . ', ' . $SAHitList;
716      }
717    }
719  } else {
720    # No cache here
722    # Test it for spam-ness
723    if ($SAversion<3) {
724      ($SAResult, $HighScoring, $SAHitList, $SAScore, $SAReport)
725        = SAForkAndTest($GSHits, $MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest,
726                        $spammail, $message);
727    } else {
728      #print STDERR "Check 1, report template = \"" .
729      #      $MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest->{conf}->{report_template} . "\"\n";
730      ($SAResult, $HighScoring, $SAHitList, $SAScore, $SAReport)
731        = SAForkAndTest($GSHits, $MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest,
732                        \@WholeMessage, $message);
733    }
734    #MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("Done SAForkAndTest");
735    #print STDERR "SAResult = $SAResult\nHighScoring = $HighScoring\n" .
736    #             "SAHitList = $SAHitList\n";
737    # Unlock and close the lockfile
738    flock($RebuildLockH, $LOCK_UN) if $MailScanner::SA::DoingBayesRebuilds; # $BayesIsLocked;
739    $RebuildLockH->close() if $MailScanner::SA::DoingBayesRebuilds;
740  }
743  return ($SAResult, $HighScoring, $SAHitList, $SAScore, $SAReport);
746# Look up the passed MD5 in the cache database and return true/false
747sub CheckCache {
748 my $md5 = shift;
750 my($sql, $sth);
751 $sql = "SELECT md5, count, last, first, sasaysspam, sahighscoring, sascore, saheader, salongreport FROM cache WHERE md5=?";
752 my $hash = $MailScanner::SA::cachedbh->selectrow_hashref($sql,undef,$md5);
754 if (defined($hash)) {
755  # Cache hit!
756  #print STDERR "Cache hit $hash!\n";
757  # Update the counter and timestamp
758  $sql = "UPDATE cache SET count=count+1, last=strftime('%s','now') WHERE md5=?";
759  $sth = $MailScanner::SA::cachedbh->prepare($sql);
760  $sth->execute($md5);
761  return $hash;
762 } else {
763  # Cache miss... we'll create the cache record after SpamAssassin has run.
764  #print STDERR "Cache miss!\n";
765  return undef;
766 }
769# Check to see if the cache should have an expiry run done, do it if so.
770sub CheckForCacheExpire {
771  # Check to see if a cache expiry run is needed
772  CacheExpire() if $NextCacheExpire<=time;
773  # NextCacheExpire is updated by CacheExpire() so not needed here.
776sub CacheResult {
777 my ($md5, $SAResult, $HighScoring, $SAHitList, $SAScore, $SAReport) = @_;
779 my $dbh = $MailScanner::SA::cachedbh;
780#print STDERR "dbh is $dbh and cachedbh is $MailScanner::SA::cachedbh\n";
782 my $sql = "INSERT INTO cache (md5, count, last, first, sasaysspam, sahighscoring, sascore, saheader, salongreport) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
783 my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
784 #print STDERR "$sth, $@\n";
785 my $now = time;
786 $sth->execute($md5,1,$now,$now,
787               $SAResult, $HighScoring, $SAScore, $SAHitList, $SAReport);
790# Expire records from the cache database
791sub CacheExpire {
792  my $expire1 = shift || $HamCacheLife;  # non-spam
793  my $expire2 = shift || $SpamCacheLife; # low-scoring spam
794  my $expire3 = shift || $HighSpamCacheLife; # everything else except viruses
795  my $expire4 = shift || $VirusesCacheLife; # viruses
797  return unless $SQLiteInstalled;
799  my $sth = $MailScanner::SA::cachedbh->prepare("
800   DELETE FROM cache WHERE (
801   (sasaysspam=0 AND virusinfected<1 AND first<=(strftime('%s','now')-?)) OR
802   (sasaysspam>0 AND sahighscoring=0 AND virusinfected<1 AND first<=(strftime('%s','now')-?)) OR
803   (sasaysspam>0 AND sahighscoring>0 AND virusinfected<1 AND last<=(strftime('%s','now')-?)) OR
804   (virusinfected>=1 AND last<=(strftime('%s','now')-?))
805  )");
806  MailScanner::Log::DieLog("Database complained about this: %s. I suggest you delete your %s file and let me re-create it for you", $DBI::errstr, MailScanner::Config::Value("sacache")) unless $sth;
807  my $rows = $sth->execute($expire1, $expire2, $expire3, $expire4);
808  $sth->finish;
810  MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("Expired %s records from the SpamAssassin cache", $rows) if $rows>0;
812  # This is when we should do our next cache expiry (20 minutes from now)
813  $NextCacheExpire = time + $ExpireFrequency;
816# Add the virus information to the cache entry so we can keep infected
817# attachment details a lot longer than normal spam.
818sub AddVirusStats {
819 my($message) = @_;
820 #my $virus;
821 return unless $message;
823 return unless $SQLiteInstalled &&
824               MailScanner::Config::Value("usesacache",$message) =~ /1/;
826 my $sth = $MailScanner::SA::cachedbh->prepare('UPDATE cache SET virusinfected=? WHERE md5=?');
828 ## Also print 1 line for each report about this message. These lines
829 ## contain all the info above, + the attachment filename and text of
830 ## each report.
831 #my($file, $text, @report_array);
832 #while(($file, $text) = each %{$message->{allreports}}) {
833 # $file = "the entire message" if $file eq "";
834 # # Use the sanitised filename to avoid problems caused by people forcing
835 # # logging of attachment filenames which contain nasty SQL instructions.
836 # $file = $message->{file2safefile}{$file} or $file;
837 # $text =~ s/\n/ /;  # Make sure text report only contains 1 line
838 # $text =~ s/\t/ /; # and no tab characters
839 # push (@report_array, $text);
840 #}
841 #
842 #my $reports = join(",",@report_array);
843 ## This regexp only works for clamav
844 #if ($reports =~ /(.+) contains (\S+)/) { $virus = $2; }
846 $sth->execute($message->{virusinfected},
847               $message->{md5}) or MailScanner::Log::WarnLog($DBI::errstr);
852# Fork and test with SpamAssassin. This implements a timeout on the execution
853# of the SpamAssassin checks, which occasionally take a *very* long time to
854# terminate due to regular expression backtracking and other nasties.
855sub SAForkAndTest {
856  my($GSHits, $Test, $Mail, $Message) = @_;
858  my($pipe);
859  my($SAHitList, $SAHits, $SAReqHits, $IsItSpam, $IsItHighScore, $AutoLearn);
860  my($HighScoreVal, $pid2delete, $IncludeScores, $SAReport, $queuelength);
861  my $PipeReturn = 0;
863  #print STDERR "Check 2, is \"" . $Test->{conf}->{report_template} . "\"\n";
865  $IncludeScores = MailScanner::Config::Value('listsascores', $Message);
866  $queuelength = MailScanner::Config::Value('satimeoutlen', $Message);
868  $pipe = new IO::Pipe
869    or MailScanner::Log::DieLog('Failed to create pipe, %s, try reducing ' .
870                  'the maximum number of unscanned messages per batch', $!);
871  #$readerfh = new FileHandle;
872  #$writerfh = new FileHandle;
873  #($readerfh, $writerfh) = FileHandle::pipe;
875  my $pid = fork();
876  die "Can't fork: $!" unless defined($pid);
878  if ($pid == 0) {
879    # In the child
880    my($spamness, $SAResult, $HitList, @HitNames, $Hit);
881    $pipe->writer();
882    #close($readerfh);
883    #POSIX::setsid();
884    #select($writerfh);
885    #$| = 1; # Line buffering, not block buffering
886    $pipe->autoflush();
887    # Do the actual tests and work out the integer result
888    if ($SAversion<3) {
889      $spamness = $Test->check($Mail);
890    } else {
891      my $mail = $Test->parse($Mail, 1);
892      $spamness = $Test->check($mail);
893    }
894    print $pipe ($SAversion<3?$spamness->get_hits():$spamness->get_score())
895                . "\n";
896    $HitList  = $spamness->get_names_of_tests_hit();
897    if ($IncludeScores) {
898      @HitNames = split(/\s*,\s*/, $HitList);
899      $HitList  = "";
900      foreach $Hit (@HitNames) {
901        $HitList .= ($HitList?', ':'') . $Hit . ' ' .
902                    sprintf("%1.2f", $spamness->{conf}->{scores}->{$Hit});
903      }
904    }
905    # Get the autolearn status
906    if ($SAversion<3) {
907      # Old code
908      if (!defined $spamness->{auto_learn_status}) {
909        $AutoLearn = "no";
910      } elsif ($spamness->{auto_learn_status}) {
911        $AutoLearn = "spam";
912      } else {
913        $AutoLearn = "not spam";
914      }
915    } else {
916      # New code
917      $spamness->learn();
918      $AutoLearn = $spamness->{auto_learn_status};
919      $AutoLearn = 'no' if $AutoLearn eq 'failed' || $AutoLearn eq "";
920      $AutoLearn = 'not spam' if $AutoLearn eq 'ham';
921    }
922    #if (!defined $spamness->{auto_learn_status} || $spamness->{auto_learn_status} eq 'no') {
923    #     $AutoLearn = "no";
924    #} elsif ($spamness->{auto_learn_status}) {
925    #      $AutoLearn = "spam";
926    #} else {
927    #      $AutoLearn = "not spam";
928    #}
929    #sleep 30 if rand(3)>=2.0;
930    print $pipe $AutoLearn . "\n";
932    print $pipe $HitList . "\n";
933    # JKF New code here to print out the full spam report
934    $HitList = $spamness->get_report();
935    $HitList =~ tr/\n/\0/;
936    print $pipe $HitList . "\n";
937    $spamness->finish();
938    $pipe->close();
939    $pipe = undef;
940    exit 0; # $SAResult;
941  }
943  eval {
944    $pipe->reader();
945    local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Command Timed Out" };
946    alarm MailScanner::Config::Value('spamassassintimeout');
947    $SAHits = <$pipe>;
948    #print STDERR "Read SAHits = $SAHits " . scalar(localtime) . "\n";
949    $AutoLearn = <$pipe>;
950    $SAHitList = <$pipe>;
951    $SAReport  = <$pipe>;
952    #print STDERR "Read SAHitList = $SAHitList " . scalar(localtime) . "\n";
953    # Not sure if next 2 lines should be this way round...
954    $pipe->close();
955    waitpid $pid, 0;
956    ## JKF 4.71.7 waitpid $pid, 0;
957    #my $kid;
958    #do {
959    #  $kid = waitpid(-1,&POSIX::WNOHANG);
960    #} until $kid == -1;
961    ## JKF 4.71.7 end
962    $PipeReturn = $?;
963    alarm 0;
964    $pid = 0;
965    chomp $SAHits;
966    chomp $AutoLearn;
967    chomp $SAHitList;
968    $SAHits = $SAHits + 0.0;
969    #$safailures = 0; # This was successful so zero counter
970    # We got a result so store a success
971    push @SAsuccessqueue, 0;
972    # Roll the queue along one
973    $SAsuccessqsum += (shift @SAsuccessqueue)?1:-1
974          if @SAsuccessqueue>$queuelength;
975    #print STDERR "Success: sum = $SAsuccessqsum\n";
976    $SAsuccessqsum = 0 if $SAsuccessqsum<0;
977  };
978  alarm 0;
979  # Workaround for bug in perl shipped with Solaris 9,
980  # it doesn't unblock the SIGALRM after handling it.
981  eval {
982    my $unblockset = POSIX::SigSet->new(SIGALRM);
983    sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, $unblockset)
984      or die "Could not unblock alarm: $!\n";
985  };
987  # Construct the hit-list including the score we got.
988  my($longHitList);
989  $SAReqHits = MailScanner::Config::Value('reqspamassassinscore',$Message)+0.0;
990  $longHitList = MailScanner::Config::LanguageValue($Message, 'score') . '=' .
991                 ($SAHits+0.0) . ', ' .
992                 MailScanner::Config::LanguageValue($Message, 'required') .' ' .
993                 $SAReqHits;
994  $longHitList .= ", autolearn=$AutoLearn" unless $AutoLearn eq 'no';
995  $longHitList .= ", $SAHitList" if $SAHitList;
996  $SAHitList = $longHitList;
998  # Note to self: I only close the KID in the parent, not in the child.
1000  # Catch failures other than the alarm
1001  MailScanner::Log::DieLog("SpamAssassin failed with real error: $@")
1002    if $@ and $@ !~ /Command Timed Out/;
1004  # In which case any failures must be the alarm
1005  if ($pid>0) {
1006    $pid2delete = $pid;
1007    my $maxfailures = MailScanner::Config::Value('maxspamassassintimeouts');
1008    # Increment the "consecutive" counter
1009    #$safailures++;
1010    if ($maxfailures>0) {
1011      # We got a failure
1012      push @SAsuccessqueue, 1;
1013      $SAsuccessqsum++;
1014      # Roll the queue along one
1015      $SAsuccessqsum += (shift @SAsuccessqueue)?1:-1
1016        if @SAsuccessqueue>$queuelength;
1017      #print STDERR "Failure: sum = $SAsuccessqsum\n";
1018      $SAsuccessqsum = 1 if $SAsuccessqsum<1;
1020      if ($SAsuccessqsum>$maxfailures && @SAsuccessqueue>=$queuelength) {
1021        MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("SpamAssassin timed out (with no network" .
1022                     " checks) and was killed, failure %d of %d",
1023                     $SAsuccessqsum, $maxfailures*2);
1024      } else {
1025        MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("SpamAssassin timed out and was killed, " .
1026                     "failure %d of %d", $SAsuccessqsum, $maxfailures);
1027      }
1028    } else {
1029      MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("SpamAssassin timed out and was killed");
1030    }
1032    # Make the report say SA was killed
1033    $SAHitList = MailScanner::Config::LanguageValue($Message, 'satimedout');
1034    $SAHits = 0;
1036    # Kill the running child process
1037    my($i);
1038    kill 15, $pid; # Was -15
1039    # Wait for up to 10 seconds for it to die
1040    for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++) {
1041      sleep 1;
1042      waitpid($pid, &POSIX::WNOHANG);
1043      ($pid=0),last unless kill(0, $pid);
1044      kill 15, $pid; # Was -15
1045    }
1046    # And if it didn't respond to 11 nice kills, we kill -9 it
1047    if ($pid) {
1048      kill 9, $pid; # Was -9
1049      waitpid $pid, 0; # 2.53
1050    }
1052    # As the child process must now be dead, remove the Bayes database
1053    # lock file if it exists. Only delete the lock file if it mentions
1054    # $pid2delete in its contents.
1055    if ($pid2delete && $MailScanner::SA::SABayesLock) {
1056      my $lockfh = new FileHandle;
1057      if ($lockfh->open($MailScanner::SA::SABayesLock)) {
1058        my $line = $lockfh->getline();
1059        chomp $line;
1060        $line =~ /(\d+)$/;
1061        my $pidinlock = $1;
1062        if ($pidinlock =~ /$pid2delete/) {
1063          unlink $MailScanner::SA::SABayesLock;
1064          MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("Delete bayes lockfile for %s",$pid2delete);
1065        }
1066        $lockfh->close();
1067      }
1068    }
1069    #unlink $MailScanner::SA::SABayesLock if $MailScanner::SA::SABayesLock;
1070  }
1071  #MailScanner::Log::WarnLog("8 PID is $pid");
1073  # SpamAssassin is known to play with the umask
1074  umask 0077; # Safety net
1076  # The return from the pipe is a measure of how spammy it was
1077  MailScanner::Log::DebugLog("SpamAssassin returned $PipeReturn");
1079  #$PipeReturn = $PipeReturn>>8;
1080  #if ($SAHits && ($SAHits+$GSHits>=$SAReqHits)) {
1081  #  $IsItSpam = 1;
1082  #} else {
1083  #  $IsItSpam = 0;
1084  #}
1085  #$HighScoreVal = MailScanner::Config::Value('highspamassassinscore',$Message);
1086  #if ($SAHits && $HighScoreVal>0 && ($SAHits+$GSHits>=$HighScoreVal)) {
1087  #  $IsItHighScore = 1;
1088  #} else {
1089  #  $IsItHighScore = 0;
1090  #}
1091  #print STDERR "Check 3, is \"" . $Test->{conf}->{report_template} . "\"\n";
1092  ($IsItSpam, $IsItHighScore) = SATest_spam( $Message, $GSHits, $SAHits );
1094  return ($IsItSpam, $IsItHighScore, $SAHitList, $SAHits, $SAReport);
1098# Subroutine to calculate whether the mail is SPAM or not
1100sub SATest_spam
1102	my ( $Message, $GSHits, $SAHits ) = @_;
1103	my ( $IsItSpam, $IsItHighScore ) = (0,0);
1105	my $SAReqHits = 0.0 + MailScanner::Config::Value(
1106		'reqspamassassinscore', $Message
1107	);
1108	if ( $SAHits && ($SAHits+$GSHits >= $SAReqHits) )
1109	{
1110		$IsItSpam = 1;
1111	}
1113	my $HighScoreVal = 0.0 + MailScanner::Config::Value(
1114		'highspamassassinscore', $Message
1115	);
1116	if ( $SAHits && $HighScoreVal>0 && ($SAHits+$GSHits >= $HighScoreVal) )
1117	{
1118		$IsItHighScore = 1;
1119	}
1121	return ( $IsItSpam, $IsItHighScore );
1125sub SATest {
1126  my($GSHits, $Test, $Mail, $Message) = @_;
1128  my($SAHitList, $SAHits, $SAReqHits, $IsItSpam, $IsItHighScore, $AutoLearn);
1129  my($HighScoreVal, $pid2delete, $IncludeScores, $SAReport, $queuelength);
1130  my $PipeReturn = 0;
1132  $IncludeScores = MailScanner::Config::Value('listsascores', $Message);
1133  $queuelength = MailScanner::Config::Value('satimeoutlen', $Message);
1135  my($spamness, $SAResult, $HitList, @HitNames, $Hit);
1136  # Do the actual tests and work out the integer result
1137  if ($SAversion<3) {
1138    $spamness = $Test->check($Mail);
1139  } else {
1140    my $mail = $Test->parse($Mail, 1);
1141    $spamness = $Test->check($mail);
1142  }
1143  # 1st output is get_hits or get_score \n
1144  $SAHits = ($SAversion<3?$spamness->get_hits():$spamness->get_score()) + 0.0;
1145  $HitList  = $spamness->get_names_of_tests_hit();
1146  if ($IncludeScores) {
1147    @HitNames = split(/\s*,\s*/, $HitList);
1148    $HitList  = "";
1149    foreach $Hit (@HitNames) {
1150      $HitList .= ($HitList?', ':'') . $Hit . ' ' .
1151                  sprintf("%1.2f", $spamness->{conf}->{scores}->{$Hit});
1152    }
1153  }
1154  # Get the autolearn status
1155  if ($SAversion<3) {
1156    # Old code
1157    if (!defined $spamness->{auto_learn_status}) {
1158      $AutoLearn = "no";
1159    } elsif ($spamness->{auto_learn_status}) {
1160      $AutoLearn = "spam";
1161    } else {
1162      $AutoLearn = "not spam";
1163    }
1164  } else {
1165    # New code
1166    $spamness->learn();
1167    $AutoLearn = $spamness->{auto_learn_status};
1168    $AutoLearn = 'no' if $AutoLearn eq 'failed' || $AutoLearn eq "";
1169    $AutoLearn = 'not spam' if $AutoLearn eq 'ham';
1170  }
1171  # 3rd output is $HitList \n
1172  $SAHitList = $HitList;
1173  # JKF New code here to print out the full spam report
1174  $HitList = $spamness->get_report();
1175  $HitList =~ tr/\n/\0/;
1176  # 4th output is $HitList \n which is now full spam report
1177  $SAReport = $HitList . "\n";
1178  $spamness->finish();
1180  #print STDERR "Read SAHits = $SAHits " . scalar(localtime) . "\n";
1182  # Construct the hit-list including the score we got.
1183  my($longHitList);
1184  $SAReqHits = MailScanner::Config::Value('reqspamassassinscore',$Message)+0.0;
1185  $longHitList = MailScanner::Config::LanguageValue($Message, 'score') . '=' .
1186                 ($SAHits+0.0) . ', ' .
1187                 MailScanner::Config::LanguageValue($Message, 'required') .' ' .
1188                 $SAReqHits;
1189  $longHitList .= ", autolearn=$AutoLearn" unless $AutoLearn eq 'no';
1190  $longHitList .= ", $SAHitList" if $SAHitList;
1191  $SAHitList = $longHitList;
1193  # SpamAssassin is known to play with the umask
1194  umask 0077; # Safety net
1196  if ($SAHits && ($SAHits+$GSHits>=$SAReqHits)) {
1197    $IsItSpam = 1;
1198  } else {
1199    $IsItSpam = 0;
1200  }
1201  $HighScoreVal = MailScanner::Config::Value('highspamassassinscore',$Message);
1202  if ($SAHits && $HighScoreVal>0 && ($SAHits+$GSHits>=$HighScoreVal)) {
1203    $IsItHighScore = 1;
1204  } else {
1205    $IsItHighScore = 0;
1206  }
1207  return ($IsItSpam, $IsItHighScore, $SAHitList, $SAHits, $SAReport);