1 /*
2  * XCFun, an arbitrary order exchange-correlation library
3  * Copyright (C) 2020 Ulf Ekström and contributors.
4  *
5  * This file is part of XCFun.
6  *
7  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
8  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
9  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
10  *
11  * For information on the complete list of contributors to the
12  * XCFun library, see: <https://xcfun.readthedocs.io/>
13  */
15 #include "config.hpp"
16 #include "constants.hpp"
17 #include "functional.hpp"
18 #include "pw92eps.hpp"
20 /*! Common code for SCAN and SCAN-like functionals
21  *
22  *  Implemented by James Furness,
23  *
24  *  SCAN    - J. Sun, A. Ruzsinszky, and J. P. Perdew, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 036402
25  * (2015) rSCAN   - A. P. Bartok and J. R. Yates, J. Chem. Phys. 150, 161101 (2019)
26  *  r2SCAN  - J Furness, A Kaplan, J Ning, J Perdew, & J Sun; J. Chem. Phys. Lett.;
27  * Accepted (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c02405)
28  *
29  *  The r++SCAN (aka "rppSCAN") and r4SCAN functionals are relatives of r2SCAN. They
30  * are not recommended for general use.
31  *
32  *  r++SCAN, r4SCAN - J Furness, A Kaplan, J Ning, J Perdew, & J Sun; in preparation.
33  */
35 namespace SCAN_eps {
36 template <class num>
37 static num get_SCAN_Fx(const num,
38                        const num,
39                        const num,
40                        const int,
41                        const int,
42                        const int);
43 template <class num>
44 static num SCAN_X_Fx(const num, const num, const parameter, const int, const int);
45 template <class num>
46 static num r2SCAN_C(const densvars<num> &, const int, const int, const int);
47 template <class num>
48 static num scan_ec0(const num,
49                     const num,
50                     const num,
51                     const parameter,
52                     const parameter,
53                     const parameter);
54 template <class num>
55 static num lda_0(const num, const parameter, const parameter, const parameter);
56 template <class num>
57 static num scan_ec1(const num,
58                     const num,
59                     const num,
60                     const parameter[8],
61                     const parameter,
62                     const parameter,
63                     const parameter,
64                     const parameter,
65                     const int);
66 template <class num>
67 static void get_lsda1(const num, const num, const num, num &, num &);
68 template <class num>
69 static void gcor2(const parameter[6], const num, const num, num &, num &);
fx_unif(const num & d)71 template <class num> static num fx_unif(const num & d) {
72   return (-0.75 * pow(3 / PI, 1.0 / 3.0)) * pow(d, 4.0 / 3.0);
73 }
75 template <class num>
get_SCAN_Fx(const num d_n,const num d_g,const num d_tau,const int IALPHA,const int IINTERP,const int IDELFX)76 static num get_SCAN_Fx(const num d_n,
77                        const num d_g,
78                        const num d_tau,
79                        const int IALPHA,
80                        const int IINTERP,
81                        const int IDELFX) {
82   const parameter ETA = 1.0e-3;
83   const parameter TAU_R = 1.0e-4;
84   const parameter A_REG = 1.0e-3;
86   num tauw = d_g / (8.0 * d_n);
88   num tauUnif = 0.0;
89   if (IALPHA == 1) {
90     tauUnif = ((3.0 / 10.0) * pow(3 * PI2, 2.0 / 3.0) * pow(d_n, 5.0 / 3.0)) + TAU_R;
91   } else {
92     tauUnif = (0.3 * pow(3 * PI2, 2.0 / 3.0) * pow(d_n, 5.0 / 3.0));
93   }
95   num alpha = 0.0;
96   if (IALPHA == 0) {
97     // alpha (SCAN)
98     if (abs(d_tau - tauw) > 1.0e-14) {
99       alpha = (d_tau - tauw) / tauUnif;
100     }
102   } else if (IALPHA == 1) {
103     // alpha' (rSCAN)
104     alpha = (d_tau - tauw) / tauUnif;
105     alpha = pow(alpha, 3) / (pow2(alpha) + A_REG);
107   } else if (IALPHA == 2) {
108     // \bar{alpha} (r2SCAN, r4SCAN)
109     if (abs(d_tau - tauw) > 1.0e-14) {
110       alpha = (d_tau - tauw) / (tauUnif + ETA * tauw);
111     }
113   } else {
114     // Unknown IALPHA choice
115     printf("ERROR: Unknown IALPHA %d\n", IALPHA);
116   }
118   num p = 0.0;
119   if (abs(d_g) > 1.0e-16) {
120     p = d_g /
121         (4.0 * pow(3.0 * PI2, 2.0 / 3.0) * pow(d_n, 8.0 / 3.0));
122   } else {
123     p = 1e-16/
124         (4.0 * pow(3.0 * PI2, 2.0 / 3.0) * pow(d_n, 8.0 / 3.0));
125   }
127   num Fx = SCAN_X_Fx(p, alpha, ETA, IINTERP, IDELFX);
129   return Fx;
130 }
132 template <class num>
SCAN_X_Fx(const num p,const num alpha,const parameter ETA,const int IINTERP,const int IDELFX)133 static num SCAN_X_Fx(const num p,
134                      const num alpha,
135                      const parameter ETA,
136                      const int IINTERP,
137                      const int IDELFX) {
138   const parameter A1 = 4.9479;
139   const parameter K1 = 0.065;
140   const parameter K0 = 0.174;
141   const parameter MU = 10.0 / 81.0;
143   const parameter IE_PARAMS[8] = {1.0,
144                                   -0.667,
145                                   -0.4445555,
146                                   -0.663086601049,
147                                   1.451297044490,
148                                   -0.887998041597,
149                                   0.234528941479,
150                                   -0.023185843322};
151   const parameter CFX1 = 0.667;
152   const parameter CFX2 = 0.8;
153   const parameter CFDX1 = 1.24;
155   const parameter D_DAMP2 = 0.361;
156   const parameter DX_DAMP4_P = 0.232;
157   const parameter DX_DAMP4_A = 0.232;
158   const parameter B1 = 0.156632;
159   const parameter B2 = 0.12083;
160   const parameter B3 = 0.5;
161   const parameter B4 = MU * MU / K1 - 0.112654;
163   const parameter ALPHA_GE = 20.0 / 27.0 + ETA * 5.0 / 3.0;
165   // Interpolation function
166   num oma = 1.0 - alpha;
167   num ief = 0.0;
168   if (IINTERP == 0) {
169     // SCAN
170     if (alpha < 1.0) {
171       ief = exp(-CFX1 * alpha / oma);
172     } else {
173       ief = -CFDX1 * exp(CFX2 / oma);
174     }
175   } else if (IINTERP == 1) {
176     // rSCAN
177     if (alpha < 1.0e-13) {
178       ief = exp(-CFX1 * alpha / oma);
179     } else if (alpha < 2.5) {
180       for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
181         ief += IE_PARAMS[i] * pow(alpha, i);
182       }
183     } else {
184       ief = -CFDX1 * exp(CFX2 / oma);
185     }
186   } else {
187     printf("ERROR: Unknown IINTERP %d\n", IINTERP);
188   }
190   // Single orbital enhancement
191   num h0x = 1.0 + K0;
193   // Slowly varying enhancement
194   num del_f2 = 0.0;
195   num C2 = 0.0;
196   num h1x = 0.0;
198   if (IDELFX == 0) {
199     // 2nd and 4th order gradient expansion corrections for SCAN interpolation
200     num wfac = B4 * pow2(p) * exp(-B4 * p / MU);
201     num vfac = B1 * p + B2 * oma * exp(-B3 * pow2(oma));
202     num yfac = MU * p + wfac + pow2(vfac);
204     h1x = 1.0 + K1 - K1 / (1.0 + yfac / K1);
205   } else if (IDELFX == 1 || IDELFX == 2) {
206     // 2nd order GE corrections for rSCAN interpolation
207     for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
208       del_f2 += i * IE_PARAMS[i];
209     }
210     C2 = -del_f2 * (1.0 - h0x);
212     num damp = exp(-pow2(p) / pow(D_DAMP2, 4));
213     h1x = 1.0 + K1 - K1 / (1.0 + p * (MU + ALPHA_GE * C2 * damp) / K1);
214   } else {
215     printf("ERROR: Unknown IDELFX %d\n", IDELFX);
216   }
218   // Scaling correction
219   num gx = 1.0 - exp(-A1 / pow(p, 1.0 / 4.0));
221   // 4th order gradient enhancement
222   num del_fx = 0.0;
223   if (IDELFX == 2) {
224     // 4th order correction for rSCAN interpolation (r4SCAN)
225     num eta_term = ETA * 3.0 / 4.0 + 2.0 / 3.0;
227     num del_f4 = 0.0;
228     for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
229       del_f4 += i * (i - 1) * IE_PARAMS[i];
230     }
232     num C_aa = 73.0 / 5000.0 - 0.5 * del_f4 * (h0x - 1.0);
233     num C_pa = 511.0 / 13500 - 73.0 / 1500.0 * ETA - del_f2 * (ALPHA_GE * C2 + MU);
234     num C_pp = 146.0 / 2025.0 * pow2(eta_term) - 73.0 / 405.0 * eta_term +
235                pow2(ALPHA_GE * C2 + MU) / K1;
237     num order_1 = C2 * (oma - ALPHA_GE * p);
238     num t1 = order_1 + C_aa * pow2(oma) + C_pa * p * oma + C_pp * pow2(p);
240     num damp_4_t1 = 2.0 * pow2(alpha) / (1.0 + pow(alpha, 4));
241     num damp_4_t2 =
242         exp(-pow2(oma) / pow2(DX_DAMP4_A) - pow2(p) / pow(DX_DAMP4_P, 4));
243     num damp_4 = damp_4_t1 * damp_4_t2;
245     del_fx = t1 * damp_4;
246   }
248   num fx = (h1x + ief * (h0x - h1x) + del_fx) * gx;
250   return fx;
251 }
253 template <class num>
SCAN_C(const densvars<num> & d,const int IALPHA,const int IINTERP,const int IDELEC)254 static num SCAN_C(const densvars<num> & d,
255                   const int IALPHA,
256                   const int IINTERP,
257                   const int IDELEC) {
259   const parameter CFC1 = 0.64;
260   const parameter CFC2 = 1.5;
261   const parameter CFDC1 = 0.7;
262   const parameter IE_PARAMS[8] = {1.0,
263                                   -0.64,
264                                   -0.4352,
265                                   -1.535685604549,
266                                   3.061560252175,
267                                   -1.915710236206,
268                                   0.516884468372,
269                                   -0.051848879792};
271   const parameter ETA = 1.0e-3;
272   const parameter TAU_R = 1.0e-4;
273   const parameter A_REG = 1.0e-3;
275   const parameter B1C = 0.0285764;
276   const parameter B2C = 0.0889;
277   const parameter B3C = 0.125541;
279   num rs = pow(4.0 * PI * d.n / 3.0, -(1.0 / 3.0));
280   num sqrtrs = 0.0;
281   if (abs(rs) > 1.0e-16) {
282     sqrtrs = sqrt(rs);
283   }
285   num ds_z = ufunc(d.zeta, 5.0 / 3.0) / 2.0;
287   num s = sqrt(d.gnn) / (2.0 * pow(3.0 * PI2, 1.0 / 3.0) * pow(d.n, 4.0 / 3.0));
289   num tueg_con = 3.0 / 10.0 * pow(3.0 * PI2, 2.0 / 3.0);
290   num tueg = 0.0;
291   if (IALPHA == 1) {
292     tueg = (tueg_con * pow(d.n, 5.0 / 3.0) + TAU_R) * ds_z;
293   } else {
294     tueg = tueg_con * pow(d.n, 5.0 / 3.0) * ds_z;
295   }
297   num tauw = d.gnn / (8.0 * d.n);
299   num alpha = 0.0;
300   if (IALPHA == 0) {
301     // alpha (SCAN)
302     if (abs(d.tau - tauw) > 1.0e-14) {
303       alpha = (d.tau - tauw) / tueg;
304     }
306   } else if (IALPHA == 1) {
307     // alpha' (rSCAN)
308     alpha = (d.tau - tauw) / tueg;
309     alpha = pow(alpha, 3) / (pow2(alpha) + A_REG);
311   } else if (IALPHA == 2) {
312     // \bar{alpha} (r2SCAN, r4SCAN)
313     if (abs(d.tau - tauw) > 1.0e-14) {
314       alpha = (d.tau - tauw) / (tueg + ETA * tauw);
315     }
317   } else {
318     // Unknown IALPHA choice
319     printf("ERROR: Unknown IALPHA %d\n", IALPHA);
320   }
322   // Interpolation function
323   num oma = 1.0 - alpha;
324   num ief = 0.0;
325   if (IINTERP == 0) {
326     // SCAN
327     if (alpha < 1.0) {
328       ief = exp(-CFC1 * alpha / oma);
329     } else {
330       ief = -CFDC1 * exp(CFC2 / oma);
331     }
332   } else if (IINTERP == 1) {
333     // rSCAN
334     if (alpha < 1.0e-13) {
335       ief = exp(-CFC1 * alpha / oma);
336     } else if (alpha < 2.5) {
337       for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
338         ief += IE_PARAMS[i] * pow(alpha, i);
339       }
340     } else {
341       ief = -CFDC1 * exp(CFC2 / oma);
342     }
343   } else {
344     printf("ERROR: Unknown IINTERP %d\n", IINTERP);
345   }
347   num ec0 = scan_ec0(rs, s, d.zeta, B1C, B2C, B3C);
348   num ec1 = scan_ec1(rs, s, d.zeta, IE_PARAMS, ETA, B1C, B2C, B3C, IDELEC);
350   num eps_c = (ec1 + ief * (ec0 - ec1)) * d.n;
352   return eps_c;
353 }
355 template <class num>
scan_ec0(const num rs,const num s,const num zeta,const parameter B1C,const parameter B2C,const parameter B3C)356 static num scan_ec0(const num rs,
357                     const num s,
358                     const num zeta,
359                     const parameter B1C,
360                     const parameter B2C,
361                     const parameter B3C) {
362   const parameter CHI_LD = 0.12802585262625815;
364   num eclda = lda_0(rs, B1C, B2C, B3C);
366   num dx_z = ufunc(zeta, 4.0 / 3.0) / 2.0;
367   num gc_z = (1.0 - 2.363 * (dx_z - 1.0)) * (1 - pow(zeta, 12));
369   num w0 = exp(-eclda / B1C) - 1.0;
371   num ginf = 1.0 / pow(1.0 + 4.0 * CHI_LD * s * s, 1.0 / 4.0);
373   num h0 = B1C * log(1.0 + w0 * (1.0 - ginf));
375   return (eclda + h0) * gc_z;
376 }
378 template <class num>
lda_0(const num rs,const parameter B1C,const parameter B2C,const parameter B3C)379 static num lda_0(const num rs,
380                  const parameter B1C,
381                  const parameter B2C,
382                  const parameter B3C) {
384   return -B1C / (1.0 + B2C * sqrt(rs) + B3C * rs);
385 }
387 template <class num>
scan_ec1(const num rs,const num s,const num zeta,const parameter IE_PARAMS[8],const parameter ETA,const parameter B1C,const parameter B2C,const parameter B3C,const int IDELEC)388 static num scan_ec1(const num rs,
389                     const num s,
390                     const num zeta,
391                     const parameter IE_PARAMS[8],
392                     const parameter ETA,
393                     const parameter B1C,
394                     const parameter B2C,
395                     const parameter B3C,
396                     const int IDELEC) {
397   const parameter BETA_MB = 0.066725;
398   const parameter AFACTOR = 0.1;
399   const parameter BFACTOR = 0.1778;
400   const parameter GAMMA = 0.031090690869655;
401   const parameter AFIX_T = sqrt(PI / 4.0) * pow(9.0 * PI / 4.0, 1.0 / 6.0);
402   const parameter D_DAMP2 = 0.361;
404   num dx_z = ufunc(zeta, 4.0 / 3.0) / 2.0;
405   num gc_z = (1.0 - 2.363 * (dx_z - 1.0)) * (1 - pow(zeta, 12));
406   num phi = ufunc(zeta, 2.0 / 3.0) / 2.0;
407   num phi3 = pow(phi, 3);
409   num sqrtrs = sqrt(rs);
411   num eclda0 = lda_0(rs, B1C, B2C, B3C);
413   num eclsda1 = 0.0;
414   num d_eclsda1_drs = 0.0;
415   get_lsda1(rs, sqrtrs, zeta, eclsda1, d_eclsda1_drs);
417   num t = AFIX_T * s / (sqrtrs * phi);
419   num w1 = exp(-eclsda1 / (GAMMA * phi3)) - 1.0;
421   num beta = BETA_MB * (1.0 + AFACTOR * rs) / (1.0 + BFACTOR * rs);
422   num y = beta / (GAMMA * w1) * pow2(t);
424   num del_y = 0.0;
425   if (IDELEC == 0) {
426     // No correction for 2nd order GE in correlation (SCAN)
427     del_y = 0.0;
428   } else if (IDELEC == 1 || IDELEC == 2) {
429     // correcting terms for 2nd order GE with rSCAN interpolation
430     // Note that IDELEC = 1 is identical to 2
432     num p = s * s;
433     num ds_z = ufunc(zeta, 5.0 / 3.0) / 2.0;
435     num del_f2 = 0.0;
436     for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
437       del_f2 += i * IE_PARAMS[i];
438     }
440     num eclsda0 = eclda0 * gc_z;
441     num d_eclsda0_drs = gc_z * (B3C + B2C / (2.0 * sqrtrs)) * pow2(eclda0) / B1C;
443     num t1 = del_f2 / (27.0 * GAMMA * ds_z * phi3 * w1);
444     num t2 = 20.0 * rs * (d_eclsda0_drs - d_eclsda1_drs);
445     num t3 = 45.0 * ETA * (eclsda0 - eclsda1);
447     num k = t1 * (t2 - t3);
449     num damp = exp(-pow2(p) / pow(D_DAMP2, 4));
451     del_y = k * p * damp;
452   } else {
453     printf("ERROR: Unrecognised IDELEC %d\n", IDELEC);
454   }
456   num g_y = 1.0 / pow(1.0 + 4.0 * (y - del_y), 1.0 / 4.0);
458   num h1 = GAMMA * phi3 * log(1.0 + w1 * (1.0 - g_y));
460   return eclsda1 + h1;
461 }
463 template <class num>
get_lsda1(const num rs,const num sqrtrs,const num zeta,num & eclda1,num & d_eclda1_drs)464 static void get_lsda1(const num rs,
465                       const num sqrtrs,
466                       const num zeta,
467                       num & eclda1,
468                       num & d_eclda1_drs) {
469   const parameter GAM = 0.51984209978974632953442121455650;
470   const parameter FZZ = 8.0 / (9.0 * GAM);
471   const parameter p_eu[6] = {
472       0.03109070, 0.213700, 7.59570, 3.58760, 1.63820, 0.492940};
473   const parameter p_ep[6] = {
474       0.015545350, 0.205480, 14.11890, 6.19770, 3.36620, 0.625170};
475   const parameter p_alfm[6] = {
476       0.01688690, 0.111250, 10.3570, 3.62310, 0.880260, 0.496710};
478   num eu = 0.0;
479   num deudrs = 0.0;
480   gcor2(p_eu, rs, sqrtrs, eu, deudrs);
481   num ep = 0.0;
482   num depdrs = 0.0;
483   gcor2(p_ep, rs, sqrtrs, ep, depdrs);
484   num alfm = 0.0;
485   num dalfmdrs = 0.0;
486   gcor2(p_alfm, rs, sqrtrs, alfm, dalfmdrs);
488   num z3 = pow(zeta, 3);
489   num z4 = zeta * z3;
491   num f = (ufunc(zeta, 4.0 / 3.0) - 2.0) / GAM;
493   eclda1 = eu * (1.0 - f * z4) + ep * f * z4 - alfm * f * (1.0 - z4) / FZZ;
494   d_eclda1_drs =
495       (1.0 - z4 * f) * deudrs + z4 * f * depdrs - (1.0 - z4) * f * dalfmdrs / FZZ;
496   return;
497 }
499 template <class num>
gcor2(const parameter P[6],const num rs,const num sqrtrs,num & GG,num & GGRS)500 static void gcor2(const parameter P[6],
501                   const num rs,
502                   const num sqrtrs,
503                   num & GG,
504                   num & GGRS) {
505   enum IDX { A, A1, B1, B2, B3, B4 };
507   num Q0 = -2.0 * P[A] * (1.0 + P[A1] * rs);
508   num Q0RS = -2.0 * P[A] * P[A1];
510   num Q1 = 2.0 * P[A] * sqrtrs *
511            (P[B1] + sqrtrs * (P[B2] + sqrtrs * (P[B3] + P[B4] * sqrtrs)));
512   num Q1RS = P[A] * (2.0 * P[B2] + P[B1] / sqrtrs + 3.0 * P[B3] * sqrtrs +
513                      4.0 * P[B4] * rs);
515   num Q2 = log(1.0 + 1.0 / Q1);
516   num Q2RS = -Q1RS / ((1.0 + 1.0 / Q1) * pow2(Q1));
518   GG = Q0 * Q2;
519   GGRS = Q0 * Q2RS + Q2 * Q0RS;
520   return;
521 }
522 } // namespace SCAN_eps