1 /* Copyright 2004,2007-2012,2014,2015 IPB, Universite de Bordeaux, INRIA & CNRS
2 **
3 ** This file is part of the Scotch software package for static mapping,
4 ** graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering.
5 **
6 ** This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law
7 ** and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can
8 ** use, modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the
9 ** CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
10 ** URL: "http://www.cecill.info".
11 **
12 ** As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
13 ** modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided
14 ** only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of
15 ** the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
16 ** liability.
17 **
18 ** In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
19 ** with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
20 ** software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
21 ** that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
22 ** therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
23 ** professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
24 ** encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards
25 ** their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their
26 ** systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and
27 ** operate it in the same conditions as regards security.
28 **
29 ** The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
30 ** knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
31 */
32 /************************************************************/
33 /**                                                        **/
34 /**   NAME       : library.h                               **/
35 /**                                                        **/
36 /**   AUTHOR     : Francois PELLEGRINI                     **/
37 /**                Jun-Ho HER (v6.0)                       **/
38 /**                Sebastien FOURESTIER (v6.0)             **/
39 /**                                                        **/
40 /**   FUNCTION   : Declaration file for the LibScotch      **/
41 /**                static mapping and sparse matrix block  **/
42 /**                ordering library.                       **/
43 /**                                                        **/
44 /**   DATES      : # Version 3.2  : from : 07 sep 1996     **/
45 /**                                 to     22 aug 1998     **/
46 /**                # Version 3.3  : from : 02 oct 1998     **/
47 /**                                 to     31 may 1999     **/
48 /**                # Version 3.4  : from : 10 oct 1999     **/
49 /**                                 to     15 nov 2001     **/
50 /**                # Version 4.0  : from : 11 dec 2001     **/
51 /**                                 to     20 dec 2005     **/
52 /**                # Version 5.0  : from : 26 apr 2006     **/
53 /**                                 to   : 20 feb 2008     **/
54 /**                # Version 5.1  : from : 30 nov 2007     **/
55 /**                                 to   : 07 aug 2011     **/
56 /**                # Version 6.0  : from : 12 sep 2008     **/
57 /**                                 to     28 feb 2015     **/
58 /**                                                        **/
59 /************************************************************/
61 #ifndef SCOTCH_H
62 #define SCOTCH_H
64 /*
65 **  The type and structure definitions.
66 */
68 /*+ Version flags. +*/
74 /*+ Integer type. +*/
76 typedef DUMMYIDX SCOTCH_Idx;
78 typedef DUMMYINT SCOTCH_Num;
80 #define SCOTCH_NUMMAX               DUMMYMAXINT
83 /*+ Coarsening flags +*/
85 #define SCOTCH_COARSENNONE          0x0000
86 #define SCOTCH_COARSENFOLD          0x0100
87 #define SCOTCH_COARSENFOLDDUP       0x0300
88 #define SCOTCH_COARSENNOMERGE       0x4000
90 /*+ Strategy string parametrization values +*/
92 #define SCOTCH_STRATDEFAULT         0x0000
93 #define SCOTCH_STRATQUALITY         0x0001
94 #define SCOTCH_STRATSPEED           0x0002
95 #define SCOTCH_STRATBALANCE         0x0004
96 #define SCOTCH_STRATSAFETY          0x0008
97 #define SCOTCH_STRATSCALABILITY     0x0010
98 #define SCOTCH_STRATRECURSIVE       0x0100
99 #define SCOTCH_STRATREMAP           0x0200
100 #define SCOTCH_STRATLEVELMAX        0x1000
101 #define SCOTCH_STRATLEVELMIN        0x2000
102 #define SCOTCH_STRATLEAFSIMPLE      0x4000
103 #define SCOTCH_STRATSEPASIMPLE      0x8000
105 /*+ Opaque objects. The dummy sizes of these
106 objects, computed at compile-time by program
107 "dummysizes", are given as double values for
108 proper padding                               +*/
110 typedef struct {
111   double                    dummy[DUMMYSIZEARCH];
112 } SCOTCH_Arch;
114 typedef struct {
115   double                    dummy[DUMMYSIZEGEOM];
116 } SCOTCH_Geom;
118 typedef struct {
119   double                    dummy[DUMMYSIZEGRAPH];
120 } SCOTCH_Graph;
122 typedef struct {
123   double                    dummy[DUMMYSIZEMESH];
124 } SCOTCH_Mesh;
126 typedef struct {
127   double                    dummy[DUMMYSIZEMAP];
128 } SCOTCH_Mapping;
130 typedef struct {
131   double                    dummy[DUMMYSIZEORDER];
132 } SCOTCH_Ordering;
134 typedef struct {
135   double                    dummy[DUMMYSIZESTRAT];
136 } SCOTCH_Strat;
138 /*
139 **  The function prototypes.
140 */
142 #ifdef __cplusplus
143 extern "C" {
144 #endif /* __cplusplus */
146 SCOTCH_Arch *               SCOTCH_archAlloc    (void);
147 int                         SCOTCH_archInit     (SCOTCH_Arch * const);
148 void                        SCOTCH_archExit     (SCOTCH_Arch * const);
149 int                         SCOTCH_archLoad     (SCOTCH_Arch * const, FILE * const);
150 int                         SCOTCH_archSave     (const SCOTCH_Arch * const, FILE * const);
151 int                         SCOTCH_archBuild    (SCOTCH_Arch * const, const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Strat * const);
152 char *                      SCOTCH_archName     (const SCOTCH_Arch * const);
153 SCOTCH_Num                  SCOTCH_archSize     (const SCOTCH_Arch * const);
154 int                         SCOTCH_archVar      (const SCOTCH_Arch * const);
155 int                         SCOTCH_archCmplt    (SCOTCH_Arch * const, const SCOTCH_Num);
156 int                         SCOTCH_archCmpltw   (SCOTCH_Arch * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num * const);
157 int                         SCOTCH_archHcub     (SCOTCH_Arch * const, const SCOTCH_Num);
158 int                         SCOTCH_archMesh2    (SCOTCH_Arch * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num);
159 int                         SCOTCH_archMesh3    (SCOTCH_Arch * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num);
160 int                         SCOTCH_archTleaf    (SCOTCH_Arch * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const);
161 int                         SCOTCH_archTorus2   (SCOTCH_Arch * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num);
162 int                         SCOTCH_archTorus3   (SCOTCH_Arch * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num);
163 int                         SCOTCH_archVcmplt   (SCOTCH_Arch * const);
164 int                         SCOTCH_archVhcub    (SCOTCH_Arch * const);
166 void                        SCOTCH_errorProg    (const char * const);
167 void                        SCOTCH_errorPrint   (const char * const, ...);
168 void                        SCOTCH_errorPrintW  (const char * const, ...);
170 SCOTCH_Geom *               SCOTCH_geomAlloc    (void);
171 int                         SCOTCH_geomInit     (SCOTCH_Geom * const);
172 void                        SCOTCH_geomExit     (SCOTCH_Geom * const);
173 void                        SCOTCH_geomData     (const SCOTCH_Geom * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, double ** const);
175 SCOTCH_Graph *              SCOTCH_graphAlloc   (void);
176 int                         SCOTCH_graphInit    (SCOTCH_Graph * const);
177 void                        SCOTCH_graphExit    (SCOTCH_Graph * const);
178 void                        SCOTCH_graphFree    (SCOTCH_Graph * const);
179 int                         SCOTCH_graphLoad    (SCOTCH_Graph * const, FILE * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num);
180 int                         SCOTCH_graphSave    (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, FILE * const);
181 int                         SCOTCH_graphBuild   (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const);
182 int                         SCOTCH_graphCoarsen (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const double);
183 int                         SCOTCH_graphCoarsenBuild (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num, SCOTCH_Num * const);
184 int                         SCOTCH_graphColor   (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num);
185 SCOTCH_Num                  SCOTCH_graphBase    (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Num baseval);
186 int                         SCOTCH_graphCheck   (const SCOTCH_Graph * const);
187 void                        SCOTCH_graphSize    (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
188 void                        SCOTCH_graphData    (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num ** const, SCOTCH_Num ** const, SCOTCH_Num ** const, SCOTCH_Num ** const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num ** const, SCOTCH_Num ** const);
189 void                        SCOTCH_graphStat    (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, double * const, double * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, double * const, double * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, double * const, double * const);
190 int                         SCOTCH_graphGeomLoadChac (SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Geom * const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
191 int                         SCOTCH_graphGeomLoadHabo (SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Geom * const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
192 int                         SCOTCH_graphGeomLoadMmkt (SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Geom * const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
193 int                         SCOTCH_graphGeomLoadScot (SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Geom * const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
194 int                         SCOTCH_graphGeomSaveChac (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Geom * const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
195 int                         SCOTCH_graphGeomSaveMmkt (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Geom * const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
196 int                         SCOTCH_graphGeomSaveScot (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Geom * const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
198 int                         SCOTCH_graphMapInit (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Mapping * const, const SCOTCH_Arch * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
199 void                        SCOTCH_graphMapExit (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Mapping * const);
200 int                         SCOTCH_graphMapLoad (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Mapping * const, FILE * const);
201 int                         SCOTCH_graphTabLoad (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, FILE * const);
202 int                         SCOTCH_graphMapSave (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Mapping * const, FILE * const);
203 int                         SCOTCH_graphMapView (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Mapping * const, FILE * const);
204 int                         SCOTCH_graphRemapView (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Mapping * const, const SCOTCH_Mapping * const, const double, SCOTCH_Num *, FILE * const);
205 int                         SCOTCH_graphRemapViewRaw (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Mapping * const, const SCOTCH_Mapping * const, const double, SCOTCH_Num *, FILE * const);
206 int                         SCOTCH_graphMapCompute (SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Mapping * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const);
207 int                         SCOTCH_graphMapFixedCompute (SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Mapping * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const);
208 int                         SCOTCH_graphRemapCompute (SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Mapping * const, SCOTCH_Mapping * const, const double, const SCOTCH_Num *, SCOTCH_Strat * const);
209 int                         SCOTCH_graphRemapFixedCompute (SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Mapping * const, SCOTCH_Mapping * const, const double, const SCOTCH_Num *, SCOTCH_Strat * const);
210 int                         SCOTCH_graphMap     (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Arch * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
211 int                         SCOTCH_graphMapFixed (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Arch * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
212 int                         SCOTCH_graphRemap   (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Arch * const, SCOTCH_Num *, const double, const SCOTCH_Num *, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
213 int                         SCOTCH_graphRemapFixed (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Arch * const, SCOTCH_Num *, const double, const SCOTCH_Num *, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
214 int                         SCOTCH_graphPart    (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Num, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
215 int                         SCOTCH_graphPartFixed (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Num, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
216 int                         SCOTCH_graphPartOvl (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Num, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
217 int                         SCOTCH_graphRepart  (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Num, SCOTCH_Num * const, const double, const SCOTCH_Num *, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
218 int                         SCOTCH_graphRepartFixed (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Num, SCOTCH_Num * const, const double, const SCOTCH_Num *, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
220 int                         SCOTCH_graphOrderInit (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Ordering * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
221 void                        SCOTCH_graphOrderExit (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Ordering * const);
222 int                         SCOTCH_graphOrderLoad (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Ordering * const, FILE * const);
223 int                         SCOTCH_graphOrderSave (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Ordering * const, FILE * const);
224 int                         SCOTCH_graphOrderSaveMap (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Ordering * const, FILE * const);
225 int                         SCOTCH_graphOrderSaveTree (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Ordering * const, FILE * const);
226 int                         SCOTCH_graphOrderCompute (SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Ordering * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const);
227 int                         SCOTCH_graphOrderComputeList (SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Ordering * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const);
228 int                         SCOTCH_graphOrderFactor (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Ordering * const, SCOTCH_Graph * const);
229 int                         SCOTCH_graphOrderView (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Ordering * const, FILE * const);
230 int                         SCOTCH_graphOrder   (SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
231 int                         SCOTCH_graphOrderList (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
232 int                         SCOTCH_graphOrderCheck (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Ordering * const);
234 SCOTCH_Mapping *            SCOTCH_mapAlloc     (void);
236 void                        SCOTCH_memFree      (void * const);
237 SCOTCH_Idx                  SCOTCH_memCur       (void);
238 SCOTCH_Idx                  SCOTCH_memMax       (void);
240 int                         SCOTCH_meshInit     (SCOTCH_Mesh * const);
241 void                        SCOTCH_meshExit     (SCOTCH_Mesh * const);
242 int                         SCOTCH_meshLoad     (SCOTCH_Mesh * const, FILE * const, const SCOTCH_Num);
243 int                         SCOTCH_meshSave     (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, FILE * const);
244 int                         SCOTCH_meshBuild    (SCOTCH_Mesh * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num * const);
245 int                         SCOTCH_meshCheck    (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const);
246 void                        SCOTCH_meshSize     (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
247 void                        SCOTCH_meshData     (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num ** const, SCOTCH_Num ** const, SCOTCH_Num ** const, SCOTCH_Num ** const, SCOTCH_Num ** const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num ** const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
248 void                        SCOTCH_meshStat     (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, double * const, double * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, double * const, double * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, double * const, double * const);
249 int                         SCOTCH_meshGraph    (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, SCOTCH_Graph * const);
250 int                         SCOTCH_meshGeomLoadHabo (SCOTCH_Mesh * const, SCOTCH_Geom * const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
251 int                         SCOTCH_meshGeomLoadScot (SCOTCH_Mesh * const, SCOTCH_Geom * const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
252 int                         SCOTCH_meshGeomSaveScot (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, const SCOTCH_Geom * const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
254 int                         SCOTCH_meshOrderInit (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, SCOTCH_Ordering * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
255 void                        SCOTCH_meshOrderExit (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, SCOTCH_Ordering * const);
256 int                         SCOTCH_meshOrderSave (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, const SCOTCH_Ordering * const, FILE * const);
257 int                         SCOTCH_meshOrderSaveMap (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, const SCOTCH_Ordering * const, FILE * const);
258 int                         SCOTCH_meshOrderSaveTree (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, const SCOTCH_Ordering * const, FILE * const);
259 int                         SCOTCH_meshOrderCompute (SCOTCH_Mesh * const, SCOTCH_Ordering * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const);
260 int                         SCOTCH_meshOrderComputeList (SCOTCH_Mesh * const, SCOTCH_Ordering * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const);
261 int                         SCOTCH_meshOrder    (SCOTCH_Mesh * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
262 int                         SCOTCH_meshOrderList (SCOTCH_Mesh * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
263 int                         SCOTCH_meshOrderCheck (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, const SCOTCH_Ordering * const);
265 int                         SCOTCH_numSizeof    (void);
267 SCOTCH_Ordering *           SCOTCH_orderAlloc   (void);
269 void                        SCOTCH_randomReset  (void);
270 void                        SCOTCH_randomSeed   (SCOTCH_Num);
272 SCOTCH_Strat *              SCOTCH_stratAlloc   (void);
273 int                         SCOTCH_stratInit    (SCOTCH_Strat * const);
274 void                        SCOTCH_stratExit    (SCOTCH_Strat * const);
275 void                        SCOTCH_stratFree    (SCOTCH_Strat * const);
276 int                         SCOTCH_stratSave    (const SCOTCH_Strat * const, FILE * const);
277 int                         SCOTCH_stratGraphBipart (SCOTCH_Strat * const, const char * const);
278 int                         SCOTCH_stratGraphMap (SCOTCH_Strat * const, const char * const);
279 int                         SCOTCH_stratGraphMapBuild (SCOTCH_Strat * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num, const double);
280 int                         SCOTCH_stratGraphClusterBuild (SCOTCH_Strat * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num, const double, const double);
281 int                         SCOTCH_stratGraphPartOvl (SCOTCH_Strat * const, const char * const);
282 int                         SCOTCH_stratGraphPartOvlBuild (SCOTCH_Strat * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num, const double);
283 int                         SCOTCH_stratGraphOrder (SCOTCH_Strat * const, const char * const);
284 int                         SCOTCH_stratGraphOrderBuild (SCOTCH_Strat * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num, const double);
285 int                         SCOTCH_stratMeshOrder (SCOTCH_Strat * const, const char * const);
286 int                         SCOTCH_stratMeshOrderBuild (SCOTCH_Strat * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const double);
288 void                        SCOTCH_version      (int * const, int * const, int * const);
290 #ifdef __cplusplus
291 }
292 #endif /* __cplusplus */
294 #endif /* SCOTCH_H */