1 /* Copyright 2008-2012 IPB, Universite de Bordeaux, INRIA & CNRS
2 **
3 ** This file is part of the Scotch software package for static mapping,
4 ** graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering.
5 **
6 ** This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law
7 ** and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can
8 ** use, modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the
9 ** CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
10 ** URL: "http://www.cecill.info".
11 **
12 ** As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
13 ** modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided
14 ** only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of
15 ** the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
16 ** liability.
17 **
18 ** In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
19 ** with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
20 ** software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
21 ** that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
22 ** therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
23 ** professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
24 ** encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards
25 ** their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their
26 ** systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and
27 ** operate it in the same conditions as regards security.
28 **
29 ** The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
30 ** knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
31 */
32 /************************************************************/
33 /**                                                        **/
34 /**   NAME       : library_dgraph_map.c                    **/
35 /**                                                        **/
36 /**   AUTHOR     : Francois PELLEGRINI                     **/
37 /**                                                        **/
38 /**   FUNCTION   : This module is the API for the distri-  **/
39 /**                buted graph mapping routines of the     **/
40 /**                libSCOTCH library.                      **/
41 /**                                                        **/
42 /**   DATES      : # Version 5.1  : from : 12 jun 2008     **/
43 /**                                 to     31 aug 2011     **/
44 /**                # Version 6.0  : from : 14 nov 2012     **/
45 /**                                 to     29 nov 2012     **/
46 /**                                                        **/
47 /************************************************************/
49 /*
50 **  The defines and includes.
51 */
53 #define LIBRARY
55 #include "module.h"
56 #include "common.h"
57 #include "parser.h"
58 #include "dgraph.h"
59 #include "arch.h"
60 #include "dmapping.h"
61 #include "kdgraph.h"
62 #include "kdgraph_map_st.h"
63 #include "library_dmapping.h"
64 #include "ptscotch.h"
66 /************************************/
67 /*                                  */
68 /* These routines are the C API for */
69 /* the parallel mapping routines.   */
70 /*                                  */
71 /************************************/
73 /*+ This routine initializes an API opaque
74 *** mapping with respect to the given source
75 *** graph and the locations of output parameters.
76 *** It returns:
77 *** - 0   : on success.
78 *** - !0  : on error.
79 +*/
81 int
SCOTCH_dgraphMapInit(const SCOTCH_Dgraph * const grafptr,SCOTCH_Dmapping * const mappptr,const SCOTCH_Arch * const archptr,SCOTCH_Num * const termloctab)82 SCOTCH_dgraphMapInit (
83 const SCOTCH_Dgraph * const grafptr,              /*+ Graph to map                    +*/
84 SCOTCH_Dmapping * const     mappptr,              /*+ Mapping structure to initialize +*/
85 const SCOTCH_Arch * const   archptr,              /*+ Target architecture used to map +*/
86 SCOTCH_Num * const          termloctab)           /*+ Mapping array                   +*/
87 {
88   LibDmapping * restrict  srcmappptr;
91   if (sizeof (SCOTCH_Dmapping) < sizeof (LibDmapping)) {
92     errorPrint ("SCOTCH_dgraphMapInit: internal error");
93     return     (1);
94   }
95 #endif /* SCOTCH_DEBUG_LIBRARY1 */
97   srcmappptr = (LibDmapping *) mappptr;
98   srcmappptr->termloctab = ((termloctab == NULL) || ((void *) termloctab == (void *) grafptr)) ? NULL : termloctab;
99   return (dmapInit (&srcmappptr->m, (Arch *) archptr));
100 }
102 /*+ This routine frees an API mapping.
103 *** It returns:
104 *** - VOID  : in all cases.
105 +*/
107 void
SCOTCH_dgraphMapExit(const SCOTCH_Dgraph * const grafptr,SCOTCH_Dmapping * const mappptr)108 SCOTCH_dgraphMapExit (
109 const SCOTCH_Dgraph * const grafptr,
110 SCOTCH_Dmapping * const     mappptr)
111 {
112   dmapExit (&((LibDmapping *) mappptr)->m);
113 }
115 /*+ This routine saves the contents of
116 *** the given mapping to the given stream.
117 *** It returns:
118 *** - 0   : on success.
119 *** - !0  : on error.
120 +*/
122 int
SCOTCH_dgraphMapSave(const SCOTCH_Dgraph * const grafptr,const SCOTCH_Dmapping * const mappptr,FILE * const stream)123 SCOTCH_dgraphMapSave (
124 const SCOTCH_Dgraph * const   grafptr,            /*+ Graph to map    +*/
125 const SCOTCH_Dmapping * const mappptr,            /*+ Mapping to save +*/
126 FILE * const                  stream)             /*+ Output stream   +*/
127 {
128   return (dmapSave (&((LibDmapping *) mappptr)->m, (Dgraph *) grafptr, stream));
129 }
131 /*+ This routine computes a mapping
132 *** of the API mapping structure with
133 *** respect to the given strategy.
134 *** It returns:
135 *** - 0   : on success.
136 *** - !0  : on error.
137 +*/
139 int
SCOTCH_dgraphMapCompute(SCOTCH_Dgraph * const grafptr,SCOTCH_Dmapping * const mappptr,SCOTCH_Strat * const stratptr)140 SCOTCH_dgraphMapCompute (
141 SCOTCH_Dgraph * const       grafptr,              /*+ Graph to map       +*/
142 SCOTCH_Dmapping * const     mappptr,              /*+ Mapping to compute +*/
143 SCOTCH_Strat * const        stratptr)             /*+ Mapping strategy   +*/
144 {
145   Kdgraph                 mapgrafdat;             /* Effective mapping graph     */
146   Kdmapping               mapmappdat;             /* Initial mapping domain      */
147   const Strat *           mapstratptr;            /* Pointer to mapping strategy */
148   LibDmapping * restrict  srcmappptr;
149   Dgraph *                srcgrafptr;
150   int                     o;
152   srcgrafptr = (Dgraph *) grafptr;
153   srcmappptr = (LibDmapping *) mappptr;
156   if (dgraphCheck (srcgrafptr) != 0) {
157     errorPrint ("SCOTCH_dgraphMapCompute: invalid input graph");
158     return     (1);
159   }
160 #endif /* SCOTCH_DEBUG_DGRAPH2 */
162   if (*((Strat **) stratptr) == NULL) {           /* Set default mapping strategy if necessary */
163     ArchDom             archdomnorg;
165     archDomFrst (&srcmappptr->m.archdat, &archdomnorg);
166     if (archVar (&srcmappptr->m.archdat))
167       SCOTCH_stratDgraphClusterBuild (stratptr, 0, srcgrafptr->procglbnbr, 1, 1.0, 0.05);
168     else
169       SCOTCH_stratDgraphMapBuild (stratptr, 0, srcgrafptr->procglbnbr, archDomSize (&srcmappptr->m.archdat, &archdomnorg), 0.05);
170   }
171   mapstratptr = *((Strat **) stratptr);
172   if (mapstratptr->tabl != &kdgraphmapststratab) {
173     errorPrint ("SCOTCH_dgraphMapCompute: not a parallel graph mapping strategy");
174     return     (1);
175   }
177   intRandInit ();                                 /* Check that random number generator is initialized */
179   if (kdgraphInit (&mapgrafdat, srcgrafptr, &srcmappptr->m) != 0)
180     return (1);
181   mapmappdat.mappptr = &srcmappptr->m;
183   if (((o = kdgraphMapSt (&mapgrafdat, &mapmappdat, mapstratptr)) == 0) && /* Perform mapping */
184       (srcmappptr->termloctab != NULL))
185     o = dmapTerm (&srcmappptr->m, &mapgrafdat.s, srcmappptr->termloctab); /* Use "&mapgrafdat.s" to take advantage of ghost arrays */
186   kdgraphExit (&mapgrafdat);
188   return (o);
189 }
191 /*+ This routine computes a mapping of the
192 *** given graph structure onto the given
193 *** target architecture with respect to the
194 *** given strategy.
195 *** It returns:
196 *** - 0   : on success.
197 *** - !0  : on error.
198 +*/
200 int
SCOTCH_dgraphMap(SCOTCH_Dgraph * const grafptr,const SCOTCH_Arch * const archptr,SCOTCH_Strat * const stratptr,SCOTCH_Num * const termloctab)201 SCOTCH_dgraphMap (
202 SCOTCH_Dgraph * const       grafptr,              /*+ Graph to map        +*/
203 const SCOTCH_Arch * const   archptr,              /*+ Target architecture +*/
204 SCOTCH_Strat * const        stratptr,             /*+ Mapping strategy    +*/
205 SCOTCH_Num * const          termloctab)           /*+ Mapping array       +*/
206 {
207   SCOTCH_Dmapping     mappdat;
208   int                 o;
210   SCOTCH_dgraphMapInit (grafptr, &mappdat, archptr, termloctab);
211   o = SCOTCH_dgraphMapCompute (grafptr, &mappdat, stratptr);
212   SCOTCH_dgraphMapExit (grafptr, &mappdat);
214   return (o);
215 }
217 /*+ This routine computes a partition of
218 *** the given graph structure with respect
219 *** to the given strategy.
220 *** It returns:
221 *** - 0   : on success.
222 *** - !0  : on error.
223 +*/
225 int
SCOTCH_dgraphPart(SCOTCH_Dgraph * const grafptr,const SCOTCH_Num partnbr,SCOTCH_Strat * const stratptr,SCOTCH_Num * const termloctab)226 SCOTCH_dgraphPart (
227 SCOTCH_Dgraph * const       grafptr,              /*+ Graph to map     +*/
228 const SCOTCH_Num            partnbr,              /*+ Number of parts  +*/
229 SCOTCH_Strat * const        stratptr,             /*+ Mapping strategy +*/
230 SCOTCH_Num * const          termloctab)           /*+ Mapping array    +*/
231 {
232   SCOTCH_Arch         archdat;
233   int                 o;
235   SCOTCH_archInit  (&archdat);
236   SCOTCH_archCmplt (&archdat, partnbr);
237   o = SCOTCH_dgraphMap (grafptr, &archdat, stratptr, termloctab);
238   SCOTCH_archExit  (&archdat);
240   return (o);
241 }
243 /*+ This routine parses the given
244 *** mapping strategy.
245 *** It returns:
246 *** - 0   : if string successfully scanned.
247 *** - !0  : on error.
248 +*/
250 int
SCOTCH_stratDgraphMap(SCOTCH_Strat * const stratptr,const char * const string)251 SCOTCH_stratDgraphMap (
252 SCOTCH_Strat * const        stratptr,
253 const char * const          string)
254 {
255   if (*((Strat **) stratptr) != NULL)
256     stratExit (*((Strat **) stratptr));
258   if ((*((Strat **) stratptr) = stratInit (&kdgraphmapststratab, string)) == NULL) {
259     errorPrint ("SCOTCH_stratDgraphMap: error in parallel mapping strategy");
260     return     (1);
261   }
263   return (0);
264 }
266 /*+ This routine provides predefined
267 *** mapping strategies.
268 *** It returns:
269 *** - 0   : if string successfully initialized.
270 *** - !0  : on error.
271 +*/
273 int
SCOTCH_stratDgraphMapBuild(SCOTCH_Strat * const stratptr,const SCOTCH_Num flagval,const SCOTCH_Num procnbr,const SCOTCH_Num partnbr,const double kbalval)274 SCOTCH_stratDgraphMapBuild (
275 SCOTCH_Strat * const        stratptr,             /*+ Strategy to create              +*/
276 const SCOTCH_Num            flagval,              /*+ Desired characteristics         +*/
277 const SCOTCH_Num            procnbr,              /*+ Number of processes for running +*/
278 const SCOTCH_Num            partnbr,              /*+ Number of expected parts        +*/
279 const double                kbalval)              /*+ Desired imbalance ratio         +*/
280 {
281   char                bufftab[8192];              /* Should be enough */
282   char                bbaltab[32];
283   char                kbaltab[32];
284   char                verttab[32];
285   Gnum                vertnbr;
286   char *              difpptr;
287   char *              difsptr;
288   char *              exapptr;
289   char *              exasptr;
290   char *              muceptr;
292   sprintf (kbaltab, "%lf", kbalval);
293   sprintf (bbaltab, "%lf", kbalval);
295   vertnbr = MAX (2000 * procnbr, 10000);
296   vertnbr = MIN (vertnbr, 100000);
297   sprintf (verttab, GNUMSTRING, vertnbr);
299   strcpy (bufftab, "r{bal=<KBAL>,sep=m{vert=<VERT>,asc=b{bnd=<DIFP><MUCE><EXAP>,org=<MUCE><EXAP>},low=q{strat=(<BIPA>m{vert=80,low=h{pass=10}f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80},asc=b{bnd=<DIFS>f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80},org=f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80}}})<EXAS>},seq=q{strat=(<BIPA>m{vert=80,low=h{pass=10}f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80},asc=b{bnd=<DIFS>f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80},org=f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80}}})<EXAS>}},seq=r{bal=<KBAL>,poli=S,sep=(<BIPA>m{vert=80,low=h{pass=10}f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80},asc=b{bnd=<DIFS>f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80},org=f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80}}})<EXAS>}}");
300   stringSubst (bufftab, "<BIPA>", ((flagval & SCOTCH_STRATSPEED) != 0) ? ""
301                : "m{vert=80,low=h{pass=10}f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80},asc=b{bnd=<DIFS>f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80},org=f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80}}}|");
303   if ((flagval & SCOTCH_STRATSCALABILITY) != 0)
304     muceptr = "/(edge<10000000)?q{strat=f};";     /* Multi-centralization */
305   else
306     muceptr = "q{strat=f}";
308   if ((flagval & SCOTCH_STRATBALANCE) != 0) {
309     exapptr = "x{bal=0}";
310     exasptr = "f{bal=0}";
311   }
312   else {
313     exapptr = "x{bal=<KBAL>}";                    /* Parallel exactifier  */
314     exasptr = "";
315   }
317   if ((flagval & SCOTCH_STRATSAFETY) != 0) {
318     difpptr = "";
319     difsptr = "";
320   }
321   else {
322     difpptr = "(d{pass=40}|)";
323     difsptr = "(d{pass=40}|)";
324   }
326   stringSubst (bufftab, "<MUCE>", muceptr);
327   stringSubst (bufftab, "<EXAP>", exapptr);
328   stringSubst (bufftab, "<EXAS>", exasptr);
329   stringSubst (bufftab, "<DIFP>", difpptr);
330   stringSubst (bufftab, "<DIFS>", difsptr);
331   stringSubst (bufftab, "<BBAL>", bbaltab);
332   stringSubst (bufftab, "<KBAL>", kbaltab);
333   stringSubst (bufftab, "<VERT>", verttab);
335   if (SCOTCH_stratDgraphMap (stratptr, bufftab) != 0) {
336     errorPrint ("SCOTCH_stratDgraphMapBuild: error in parallel mapping strategy");
337     return     (1);
338   }
340   return (0);
341 }
343 /*+ This routine provides predefined
344 *** clustering strategies.
345 *** It returns:
346 *** - 0   : if string successfully initialized.
347 *** - !0  : on error.
348 +*/
350 int
SCOTCH_stratDgraphClusterBuild(SCOTCH_Strat * const stratptr,const SCOTCH_Num flagval,const SCOTCH_Num procnbr,const SCOTCH_Num pwgtval,const double densval,const double bbalval)351 SCOTCH_stratDgraphClusterBuild (
352 SCOTCH_Strat * const        stratptr,             /*+ Strategy to create              +*/
353 const SCOTCH_Num            flagval,              /*+ Desired characteristics         +*/
354 const SCOTCH_Num            procnbr,              /*+ Number of processes for running +*/
355 const SCOTCH_Num            pwgtval,              /*+ Threshold part load             +*/
356 const double                densval,              /*+ Threshold density value         +*/
357 const double                bbalval)              /*+ Maximum imbalance ratio         +*/
358 {
359   char                bufftab[8192];              /* Should be enough */
360   char                bbaltab[32];
361   char                denstab[32];
362   char                pwgttab[32];
363   char                verttab[32];
364   Gnum                vertnbr;
365   char *              difpptr;
366   char *              difsptr;
367   char *              exapptr;
368   char *              exasptr;
369   char *              muceptr;
371   sprintf (bbaltab, "%lf", bbalval);
372   sprintf (denstab, "%lf", densval);
373   sprintf (pwgttab, GNUMSTRING, pwgtval);
375   vertnbr = MAX (2000 * procnbr, 10000);
376   vertnbr = MIN (vertnbr, 100000);
377   sprintf (verttab, GNUMSTRING, vertnbr);
379   strcpy (bufftab, "r{sep=/((load><PWGT>)&!(edge>vert*<DENS>*(vert-1)))?m{vert=<VERT>,asc=b{bnd=<DIFP><MUCE><EXAP>,org=<MUCE><EXAP>},low=q{strat=(<BIPA>m{vert=80,low=h{pass=10}f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80},asc=b{bnd=<DIFS>f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80},org=f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80}}})<EXAS>},seq=q{strat=/((load><PWGT>)&!(edge>vert*<DENS>*(vert-1)))?(<BIPA>m{vert=80,low=h{pass=10}f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80},asc=b{bnd=<DIFS>f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80},org=f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80}}})<EXAS>;}};,seq=r{sep=/((load><PWGT>)&!(edge>vert*<DENS>*(vert-1)))?(<BIPA>m{vert=80,low=h{pass=10}f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80},asc=b{bnd=<DIFS>f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80},org=f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80}}})<EXAS>;}}");
380   stringSubst (bufftab, "<BIPA>", ((flagval & SCOTCH_STRATSPEED) != 0) ? ""
381                : "m{vert=80,low=h{pass=10}f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80},asc=b{bnd=<DIFS>f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80},org=f{bal=<BBAL>,move=80}}}|");
383   if ((flagval & SCOTCH_STRATSCALABILITY) != 0)
384     muceptr = "/(edge<10000000)?q{strat=f};";     /* Multi-centralization */
385   else
386     muceptr = "q{strat=f}";
388   if ((flagval & SCOTCH_STRATBALANCE) != 0) {
389     exapptr = "x{bal=0}";
390     exasptr = "f{bal=0}";
391   }
392   else {
393     exapptr = "x{bal=<BBAL>}";                    /* Parallel exactifier  */
394     exasptr = "";
395   }
397   if ((flagval & SCOTCH_STRATSAFETY) != 0) {
398     difpptr = "";
399     difsptr = "";
400   }
401   else {
402     difpptr = "(d{pass=40}|)";
403     difsptr = "(d{pass=40}|)";
404   }
406   stringSubst (bufftab, "<MUCE>", muceptr);
407   stringSubst (bufftab, "<EXAP>", exapptr);
408   stringSubst (bufftab, "<EXAS>", exasptr);
409   stringSubst (bufftab, "<DIFP>", difpptr);
410   stringSubst (bufftab, "<DIFS>", difsptr);
411   stringSubst (bufftab, "<BBAL>", bbaltab);
412   stringSubst (bufftab, "<DENS>", denstab);
413   stringSubst (bufftab, "<PWGT>", pwgttab);
414   stringSubst (bufftab, "<VERT>", verttab);
416   if (SCOTCH_stratDgraphMap (stratptr, bufftab) != 0) {
417     errorPrint ("SCOTCH_stratDgraphClusterBuild: error in parallel mapping strategy");
418     return     (1);
419   }
421   return (0);
422 }