1 /*
2  * light.h
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 1989, 1991, Craig E. Kolb
5  * All rights reserved.
6  *
7  * This software may be freely copied, modified, and redistributed
8  * provided that this copyright notice is preserved on all copies.
9  *
10  * You may not distribute this software, in whole or in part, as part of
11  * any commercial product without the express consent of the authors.
12  *
13  * There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness of this software
14  * for any purpose.  It is provided solely "as is".
15  *
16  * $Id: light.h,v 4.0 91/07/17 14:35:10 kolb Exp Locker: kolb $
17  *
18  * $Log:	light.h,v $
19  * Revision 4.0  91/07/17  14:35:10  kolb
20  * Initial version.
21  *
22  */
23 #ifndef LIGHT_H
24 #define LIGHT_H
26 #include "libobj/geom.h"
28 #define SHADOW_NONE	001
29 #define SHADOW_TRANSP	002
30 #define SHADOW_CSG	004
31 #define SHADOW_CACHE	010
32 #define SHADOW_BLUR	020
34 #define NOSHADOWS(f)	((f) & SHADOW_NONE)
35 #define SHADOWTRANSP(f)	((f) & SHADOW_TRANSP)
36 #define SHADOWCSG(f)	((f) & SHADOW_CSG)
37 #define SHADOWCACHE(f)	((f) & SHADOW_CACHE)
38 #define SHADOWBLUR(f)	((f) & SHADOW_BLUR)
40 #define SHADOW_EPSILON	(4. * EPSILON)
42 typedef char * LightRef;
44 typedef struct {
45 	struct Geom *obj;	/* Pointer to cached object */
46 	RSMatrix trans;	/* World-to-object transformation */
47 	char dotrans;		/* TRUE if above trans is non-identity */
48 } ShadowCache;
50 typedef struct {
51 	int	(*intens)();	/* intensity method */
52 	void	(*dir)(),	/* direction method */
53 		(*user)();	/* user-defined method */
54 } LightMethods;
56 typedef struct Light {
57 	Color color;		/* Light source color & intensity */
58 	int shadow;		/* Does light source cast shadows? */
59 	LightRef light;		/* Pointer to light information */
60 	LightMethods *methods;	/* Light source methods */
61 	ShadowCache *cache;	/* Shadow cache, if any */
62 	struct Light *next;	/* Next light in list */
63 } Light;
65 extern LightMethods	*LightMethodsCreate();
66 extern Light	*LightCreate();
67 extern void	LightAllocateCache(), LightAddToDefined();
68 extern int	LightIntens(), LightDirection();
69 extern void	ShadowSetOptions(), ShadowStats();
71 #endif /* LIGHT_H */