1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Sergey Lyubka <valenok@gmail.com>
3  * All rights reserved
4  *
5  * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
6  * Sergey Lyubka wrote this file.  As long as you retain this notice you
7  * can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
8  * this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.
9  *
10  * $Id: shttpd.h,v 1.18 2008/08/23 08:34:50 drozd Exp $
11  */
16 #ifdef __cplusplus
17 extern "C" {
18 #endif /* __cplusplus */
20 struct ubuf {
21 	char		*buf;		/* Buffer pointer		*/
22 	int		len;		/* Size of a buffer		*/
23 	int		num_bytes;	/* Bytes processed by callback	*/
24 };
26 /*
27  * This structure is passed to the user callback function
28  */
29 struct shttpd_arg {
30 	void		*priv;		/* Private! Do not touch!	*/
31 	void		*state;		/* User state			*/
32 	void		*user_data;	/* Data from register_uri()	*/
33 	struct ubuf	in;		/* Input is here, POST data	*/
34 	struct ubuf	out;		/* Output goes here		*/
36 	unsigned int	flags;
37 #define	SHTTPD_END_OF_OUTPUT	1	/* No more data do send		*/
38 #define	SHTTPD_CONNECTION_ERROR	2	/* Server closed the connection	*/
39 #define	SHTTPD_MORE_POST_DATA	4	/* arg->in has incomplete data	*/
40 #define	SHTTPD_POST_BUFFER_FULL	8	/* arg->in has max data		*/
41 #define	SHTTPD_SSI_EVAL_TRUE	16	/* SSI eval callback must set it*/
42 #define	SHTTPD_SUSPEND		32	/* User wants to suspend output	*/
43 };
45 /*
46  * User callback function. Called when certain registered URLs have been
47  * requested. These are the requirements to the callback function:
48  *
49  * 1. It must copy data into 'out.buf' buffer, not more than 'out.len' bytes,
50  *	and record how many bytes are copied, into 'out.num_bytes'
51  * 2. It must not call any blocking functions
52  * 3. It must set SHTTPD_END_OF_OUTPUT flag when there is no more data to send
53  * 4. For POST requests, it must process the incoming data (in.buf) of length
54  *	'in.len', and set 'in.num_bytes', which is how many bytes of POST
55  *	data was processed and can be discarded by SHTTPD.
56  * 5. If callback allocates arg->state, to keep state, it must deallocate it
57  *    at the end of coonection SHTTPD_CONNECTION_ERROR or SHTTPD_END_OF_OUTPUT
58  * 6. If callback function wants to suspend until some event, it must store
59  *	arg->priv pointer elsewhere, set SHTTPD_SUSPEND flag and return. When
60  *	the event happens, user code should call shttpd_wakeup(priv).
61  *	It is safe to call shttpd_wakeup() from any thread. User code must
62  *	not call shttpd_wakeup once the connection is closed.
63  */
64 typedef void (*shttpd_callback_t)(struct shttpd_arg *);
66 /*
67  * shttpd_init		Initialize shttpd context
68  * shttpd_fini		Dealocate the context, close all connections
69  * shttpd_set_option	Set new value for option
70  * shttpd_register_uri	Setup the callback function for specified URL
71  * shttpd_poll		Do connections processing
72  * shttpd_version	return string with SHTTPD version
73  * shttpd_get_var	Fetch POST/GET variable value by name. Return value len
74  * shttpd_get_header	return value of the specified HTTP header
75  * shttpd_get_env	return values for the following	pseudo-variables:
78  * shttpd_printf	helper function to output data
79  * shttpd_handle_error	register custom HTTP error handler
80  * shttpd_wakeup	clear SHTTPD_SUSPEND state for the connection
81  */
83 struct shttpd_ctx;
85 struct shttpd_ctx *shttpd_init(int argc, char *argv[]);
86 int shttpd_set_option(struct shttpd_ctx *, const char *opt, const char *val);
87 void shttpd_fini(struct shttpd_ctx *);
88 void shttpd_register_uri(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *uri,
89 		shttpd_callback_t callback, void *const user_data);
90 void shttpd_poll(struct shttpd_ctx *, int milliseconds);
91 const char *shttpd_version(void);
92 int shttpd_get_var(const char *var, const char *buf, int buf_len,
93 		char *value, int value_len);
94 const char *shttpd_get_header(struct shttpd_arg *, const char *header_name);
95 const char *shttpd_get_env(struct shttpd_arg *, const char *name);
96 void shttpd_get_http_version(struct shttpd_arg *,
97 		unsigned long *major, unsigned long *minor);
98 size_t shttpd_printf(struct shttpd_arg *, const char *fmt, ...);
99 void shttpd_handle_error(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, int status,
100 		shttpd_callback_t func, void *const data);
101 void shttpd_register_ssi_func(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *name,
102 		shttpd_callback_t func, void *const user_data);
103 void shttpd_wakeup(const void *priv);
104 int shttpd_join(struct shttpd_ctx *, fd_set *, fd_set *, int *max_fd);
105 int  shttpd_socketpair(int sp[2]);
107 #ifdef __cplusplus
108 }
109 #endif /* __cplusplus */