1 /*
2 ** Copyright (C) 2004-2020 by Carnegie Mellon University.
3 **
5 ** See license information in ../../LICENSE.txt
7 */
9 /*
10 **  probeconf.h
11 **
12 **    Functions to parse a probe configuration file and use the
13 **    results.
14 **
15 */
17 #ifndef _PROBECONF_H
18 #define _PROBECONF_H
19 #ifdef __cplusplus
20 extern "C" {
21 #endif
23 #include <silk/silk.h>
25 RCSIDENTVAR(rcsID_PROBECONF_H, "$SiLK: probeconf.h ef14e54179be 2020-04-14 21:57:45Z mthomas $");
27 #include <silk/silk_types.h>
29 /**
30  *  @file
31  *
32  *    Functions to parse a probe configuration file and use the
33  *    results.
34  *
35  *    This file is part of libflowsource.
36  *
37  *
38  *    Lifecycle:
39  *
40  *    The application calls skpcSetup() to initialize the
41  *    skpc data structures and memory.
42  *
43  *    The application should call skpcParse() to parse the
44  *    application's configuration file.  skpcParse() will create
45  *    sensors (if any) and probes.  The probes are created and checked
46  *    for validity--this means they have all the data they require.
47  *    If valid they are added to the list maintained by the skpc.
48  *    If not valid, they are destroyed.
49  *
50  *    Once the probes have been created, the application can use
51  *    skpcProbeIteratorBind() and skpcProbeIteratorNext() to process
52  *    each probe.
53  *
54  *    Finally, the application calls skpcTeardown() to destroy
55  *    the probes, sensors, and to fee all memory.
56  *
57  *    Note that skpc allows one to create a "temporary" sensor;
58  *    i.e., a sensor that will only exist as long as the application
59  *    is running; this is useful for testing a new sensor without
60  *    requiring a complete recompile of SiLK.  However, "temporary"
61  *    sensors will NOT be available to the analysis applications.  For
62  *    the analysis applications to know about a sensor, it MUST be
63  *    listed in the sensorInfo[] array.
64  */
67 /**
68  *    Values for the type of a probe.
69  */
70 typedef enum {
72     PROBE_ENUM_IPFIX = 10,
75     PROBE_ENUM_SFLOW = 16,
76     PROBE_ENUM_SILK = 15
77 } skpc_probetype_t;
80 /**
81  *    Possible protocols
82  */
83 typedef enum {
84     SKPC_PROTO_UNSET = 0,
85     SKPC_PROTO_TCP = 1,
86     SKPC_PROTO_UDP = 2,
87 #if 0
88     /* not sure if these should be here; we'll decide when we add SSL
89      * support */
93 #endif
94     SKPC_PROTO_SCTP = 3
95 } skpc_proto_t;
98 /*
99  *    Supported "quirks" for special record handling.
100  */
102 /**
103  *    Value returned by skpcProbeGetQuirks() to denote that no quirks
104  *    are set.
105  */
106 #define SKPC_QUIRK_NONE                 0x00
108 /**
109  *    Quirks flag to support checking for firewall event codes, such
110  *    as those returned by the Cisco ASA series of routers.
111  */
112 #define SKPC_QUIRK_FW_EVENT             0x01
114 /**
115  *    Quirks flag to support flow records that do not contain a valid
116  *    packets field, such as those from the Cisco ASA series of
117  *    routers.
118  */
119 #define SKPC_QUIRK_ZERO_PACKETS         0x02
121 /**
122  *    Quirks flag to force processing of NetFlow v9/IPFIX records
123  *    whose templates do not contain any IP addresses.
124  */
125 #define SKPC_QUIRK_MISSING_IPS          0x04
127 /**
128  *    Quirks flag to handle NetFlow v9 from a SonicWall appliance
129  *    where the sysUpTime field in the header is reported in seconds
130  *    instead of in milliseconds.  Since SiLK 3.14.0.
131  */
132 #define SKPC_QUIRK_NF9_SYSUPTIME_SECS   0x08
134 /**
135  *    Quirks flag to handle NetFlow v9 from an appliance where the
136  *    OUT_BYTES and OUT_PKTS info elements contain volume counts for
137  *    traffic going in the reverse direction of IN_BYTES and IN_PKTS.
138  *    Versions of libfixbuf prior to 1.8.0 treated those elements as
139  *    reverse-volume elements; starting in 1.8.0, they are treated as
140  *    post-volume elements.  Since SiLK 3.17.2.
141  */
142 #define SKPC_QUIRK_NF9_OUT_IS_REVERSE   0x10
144 /*#define SKPC_QUIRK_     0x20*/
145 /*#define SKPC_QUIRK_     0x40*/
146 /*#define SKPC_QUIRK_     0x80*/
149 /**
150  *    The type for network ids
151  */
152 typedef size_t skpc_network_id_t;
154 /**
155  *    The maximum possible network ID
156  */
157 #define SKPC_NETWORK_ID_MAX     ((skpc_network_id_t)254)
159 /**
160  *    The invalid network ID
161  */
162 #define SKPC_NETWORK_ID_INVALID ((skpc_network_id_t)255)
165 /**
166  *   Which "side" of the record we look at when testing its flow
167  *   interfaces, whether
168  *
169  *   -- its source is a particular network; i.e., it is COMING FROM an
170  *      internet cloud.  For this case, look at its source IP or input
171  *      SNMP interface.
172  *
173  *   -- its destination is a particular network; i.e., it is GOING TO
174  *      a cloud.  For this case, look at the destination IP or output
175  *      SNMP interface.
176  */
177 typedef enum {
178     SKPC_DIR_SRC = 0, SKPC_DIR_DST = 1
179 } skpc_direction_t;
182 /**
183  *    The "type" of value that the probe stores in the input and
184  *    output fields.
185  *
186  *    A value of 'SKPC_IFVALUE_SNMP' signifies that those fields hold
187  *    the index of the interface (ifIndex) where the flows entered and
188  *    left the router, respectively.
189  *
190  *    A value of 'SKPC_IFVALUE_VLAN' signifies that those fields hold
191  *    the vlanIds for the source and destination networks,
192  *    respectively.  If only vlan Id is available, the 'input' is set
193  *    to that value and the 'output' is set to 0.
194  */
195 typedef enum {
196     SKPC_IFVALUE_SNMP = 0,
198 } skpc_ifvaluetype_t;
201 /*  Forward declaration */
202 typedef struct skpc_sensor_st skpc_sensor_t;
205 /**
206  *    The network definition.
207  *
208  *    Maps a name to an ID.
209  */
210 typedef struct skpc_network_st {
211     char               *name;
212     skpc_network_id_t   id;
213 } skpc_network_t;
216 /**
217  *    The probe definition.
218  *
219  *    A probe tells how to collect data and the type of data.  For
220  *    example, IPFIX data from machine as TCP to port
221  *    9999.  A probe is associated with one or more sensors.
222  */
223 typedef struct skpc_probe_st {
225     /** List of sensors to which this probe belongs, and a count of
226      * those sensors */
227     skpc_sensor_t         **sensor_list;
228     size_t                  sensor_count;
230     /** The host:port combination on which this probe should listen for
231      * data, as an IP address and a port-number. */
232     sk_sockaddr_array_t     *listen_addr;
234     /** The list of host that this probe should accept connections
235      * from.  Length is in the accept_from_addr_count member. */
236     sk_sockaddr_array_t    **accept_from_addr;
238     /** The unix domain socket on which this probe should listen for
239      * data, as a UNIX pathname */
240     char                   *unix_domain_path;
242     /** A file name from which to read flow data */
243     char                   *file_source;
245     /** A directory path name to poll in order to find files from which
246      * to read flow data */
247     char                   *poll_directory;
249     /** the name of the probe */
250     const char             *probe_name;
252     /** length of the accept_from_addr array */
253     uint32_t                accept_from_addr_count;
255     /** Probe quirks */
256     uint8_t                 quirks;
258     /** Probe logging flags */
259     uint8_t                 log_flags;
261     /** Probe protocol */
262     skpc_proto_t            protocol;
264     /** Probe type */
265     skpc_probetype_t        probe_type;
267     /** Type of the interface value */
268     skpc_ifvaluetype_t      ifvaluetype;
270     /** Has probe been verified */
271     unsigned                verified :1;
273 } skpc_probe_t;
276 /**
277  *  A 'group'
278  *
279  *    A 'group' may contain one of the following: (1)a list of
280  *    interface numbers, (2)a list of IPWildcards, (3)an IPset.
281  *
282  *    A group is created by giving it a list containing values or
283  *    previously defined groups.
284  */
285 typedef enum {
290 } skpc_group_type_t;
292 /**
293  *    Number of different types of groups.
294  */
295 #define SKPC_NUM_GROUP_TYPES 3
297 typedef struct skpc_group_st {
298     /** groups have an optional name */
299     char               *g_name;
300     /** the contents of the group */
301     union skpc_group_value_un {
302         /** A bitmap of SK_SNMP_INDEX_LIMIT bits. */
303         sk_bitmap_t        *map;
304         /** A list containing pointers to skIPWildcard_t. */
305         skIPWildcard_t    **ipblock;
306         /** Vectory of IPWildcards used while building group.  This is
307          * replaced by the 'ipblock' once the group is frozen. */
308         sk_vector_t        *vec;
309         /** An IPset */
310         skipset_t          *ipset;
311     }                   g_value;
312     /** number of items in the group */
313     uint32_t            g_itemcount;
314     /** the type of the group */
315     skpc_group_type_t   g_type;
316     /** once frozen, a group cannot be changed */
317     int8_t              g_is_frozen;
318 } skpc_group_t;
322 /**
323  *  The 'decider'.
324  *
325  *    This describes the logic that the sensor will use to determine
326  *    (decide) the flowtype (class/type) of each flow.  The type will
327  *    depend on whether the sensor.conf file lists interfaces,
328  *    ipblocks, or IPsets for the sensor.
329  */
330 typedef enum {
331     /** no interface, ipblock, or ipset values seen */
332     SKPC_UNSET,
333     /** *-interface (SNMP) value seen */
335     /** *-ipblock value seen */
337     /** ipblock is inverted */
339     /** *-ipset value seen */
340     SKPC_IPSET,
341     /** ipset is inverted */
343     /** sensor.conf has "*-interface remainder" line */
345     /** sensor.conf has "*-ipblock remainder" line */
347     /** sensor.conf has "*-ipset remainder" line */
349 } skpc_netdecider_type_t;
351 typedef struct skpc_netdecider_st {
352     skpc_netdecider_type_t  nd_type;
353     const skpc_group_t     *nd_group;
354 } skpc_netdecider_t;
356 /**    number of 'decider' types */
360 /**
361  *  A filter
362  *
363  *    A filter is similar to the decider in that it accepts a list of
364  *    interfaces, ipblocks, or IPsets.  However, instead of being used
365  *    to decide the flowtype, a filter is used to determine whether
366  *    rwflowpack should even consider the flow.  A filter can match
367  *    the 'source' (either source IP or input interface), the
368  *    'destination' (either destination IP or output interface), or
369  *    'any' (any of the above).  Filters are set in the sensor.conf
370  *    file by using the 'discard-when' and 'discard-unless'
371  *    statements.
372  */
373 typedef enum {
375 } skpc_filter_type_t;
377 typedef struct skpc_filter_st {
378     /** the value to use as the filter */
379     const skpc_group_t     *f_group;
380     /** the part of the flow record to use */
381     skpc_filter_type_t      f_type;
382     /** the type of the group in 'f_group' */
383     skpc_group_type_t       f_group_type;
384     /** if non-zero, discard flows that match the value in 'f_group'.
385      * if zero, discard flows that do NOT match the value */
386     unsigned                f_discwhen :1;
387 } skpc_filter_t;
389 /**    number of 'filter' types */
394 /**
395  *  The sensor definition.
396  *
397  *    The sensor takes the flows from one or more probes and
398  *    determines how to pack them---i.e., their flowtype or
399  *    class/type.
400  */
401 struct skpc_sensor_st {
403     /** An array of network-deciders, one for each of the networks
404      * defined for this site.  For example, a normal border router
405      * that has the INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, and NULL networks would have 3
406      * valid elements. */
407     skpc_netdecider_t  *decider;
408     size_t              decider_count;
410     /** An array of probes associated with this sensor and the number
411      * of entries in that list */
412     skpc_probe_t      **probe_list;
413     size_t              probe_count;
415     /** the name of the sensor */
416     char               *sensor_name;
418     /** An array of filters and the count. */
419     skpc_filter_t      *filter;
420     size_t              filter_count;
422     /** A list (and a count of the elements in the list) that contains
423      * the IP addresses of the ISP's this probe talks to. */
424     uint32_t           *isp_ip_list;
425     size_t              isp_ip_count;
427     /** The source and destination networks, if they have been set to a
428      * fixed value. */
429     skpc_network_id_t   fixed_network[2];
431     /** The sensor ID as defined in the silk.conf file. */
432     sk_sensor_id_t      sensor_id;
433 };
436 /**
437  *  Iterators over probes and sensors
438  */
439 typedef struct skpc_probe_iter_st {
440     size_t cur;
441 } skpc_probe_iter_t;
443 typedef struct skpc_sensor_iter_st {
444     size_t cur;
445 } skpc_sensor_iter_t;
449 /*
450  *  *****  Probe configuration  **************************************
451  */
454 /**
455  *    Initialize the probe configuration data structures.
456  */
457 int
458 skpcSetup(
459     void);
462 /**
463  *    Destroy all probes and sensors and free all memory used by the
464  *    probe configuration.
465  */
466 void
467 skpcTeardown(
468     void);
471 /**
472  *    Parse the probe configuration file 'filename'.  This should only
473  *    be called one time.
474  *
475  *    This function will parse the configuration file and create
476  *    sensors and probes.
477  */
478 int
479 skpcParse(
480     const char         *filename,
481     int               (*site_sensor_verify_fn)(skpc_sensor_t *sensor));
484 /**
485  *    Return the count of created and verified probes.
486  */
487 size_t
488 skpcCountProbes(
489     void);
492 /**
493  *    Bind 'probe_iter' to loop over all the probes that have been
494  *    defined.  Returns 0 on success, or -1 on error.
495  */
496 int
497 skpcProbeIteratorBind(
498     skpc_probe_iter_t  *probe_iter);
501 /**
502  *    If the probe iterator 'probe_iter' has exhausted all probes,
503  *    leave 'probe' untouched and return 0; otherwise, fill 'probe'
504  *    with a pointer to the next verified probe and return 1.  Returns
505  *    -1 on error (such as NULL input).  The caller should not modify
506  *    or free the probe.
507  */
508 int
509 skpcProbeIteratorNext(
510     skpc_probe_iter_t      *probe_iter,
511     const skpc_probe_t    **probe);
514 /**
515  *    Returns the probe named 'probe_name'.  Returns NULL if not
516  *    found.  The caller should not modify nor free the return value.
517  */
518 const skpc_probe_t *
519 skpcProbeLookupByName(
520     const char         *probe_name);
523 /**
524  *    Return the count of created and verified sensors.
525  */
526 size_t
527 skpcCountSensors(
528     void);
531 /**
532  *    Bind 'sensor_iter' to loop over all the sensors that have been
533  *    defined.  Returns 0 on success, or -1 on error.
534  */
535 int
536 skpcSensorIteratorBind(
537     skpc_sensor_iter_t *sensor_iter);
540 /**
541  *    If the sensor iterator 'sensor_iter' has exhausted all sensors,
542  *    leave 'sensor' untouched and return 0; otherwise, fill 'sensor'
543  *    with a pointer to the next verified sensor and return 1.  Returns
544  *    -1 on error (such as NULL input).  The caller should not modify
545  *    or free the sensor.
546  */
547 int
548 skpcSensorIteratorNext(
549     skpc_sensor_iter_t     *sensor_iter,
550     const skpc_sensor_t   **sensor);
553 /**
554  *    Appends to 'sensor_vec' the sensors whose ID is 'sensor_id'.
555  *    Returns the number of sensors added to 'sensor_vec'.  Returns -1
556  *    to indicate invalid input or memory error appending to the
557  *    vector.  'sensor_vec' should be a vector having elements of size
558  *    sizeof(skpc_sensor_t*).  The caller should not modify nor free
559  *    the values appended to the vector.
560  */
561 int
562 skpcSensorLookupByID(
563     sk_sensor_id_t      sensor_id,
564     sk_vector_t        *sensor_vec);
567 /**
568  *    Appends to 'sensor_vec' the sensors whose name is 'sensor_name'.
569  *    Returns the number of sensors added to 'sensor_vec'.  Returns -1
570  *    to indicate invalid input or memory error appending to the
571  *    vector.  'sensor_vec' should be a vector having elements of size
572  *    sizeof(skpc_sensor_t*).  The caller should not modify nor free
573  *    the values appended to the vector.
574  */
575 int
576 skpcSensorLookupByName(
577     const char         *sensor_name,
578     sk_vector_t        *sensor_vec);
581 /**
582  *    Given a printable representation of a probe, return the probe
583  *    type.
584  *
585  *    Return PROBE_ENUM_INVALID when given an unrecognized name.
586  */
587 skpc_probetype_t
588 skpcProbetypeNameToEnum(
589     const char         *name);
591 /**
592  *    Return the printable respresentation of the probe type.
593  *
594  *    Return NULL when given an illegal value.
595  */
596 const char *
597 skpcProbetypeEnumtoName(
598     skpc_probetype_t    type);
601 /**
602  *    Given a printable representation of a protocol, return the
603  *    protocol.
604  *
605  *    Return SKPC_PROTO_UNSET when given an unrecognized name.
606  */
607 skpc_proto_t
608 skpcProtocolNameToEnum(
609     const char         *name);
611 /**
612  *    Return the printable respresentation of the protocol.
613  *
614  *    Return NULL when given an illegal value.
615  */
616 const char *
617 skpcProtocolEnumToName(
618     skpc_proto_t        proto);
621 /*
622  *  *****  Networks  ***************************************************
623  */
626 /**
627  *    Add a (id, name) pair to the list of networks used when
628  *    determining the flowtype (class/type) of a flow record.
629  */
630 int
631 skpcNetworkAdd(
632     skpc_network_id_t   network_id,
633     const char         *name);
635 /**
636  *    Return the network object that was created with the name
637  *    attribute set to 'name'.  Returns NULL if no such network
638  *    exists.
639  */
640 const skpc_network_t *
641 skpcNetworkLookupByName(
642     const char         *name);
645 /**
646  *    Return the network object that was created with the id attribute
647  *    set to 'id'.  Returns NULL if no such network exists.
648  */
649 const skpc_network_t *
650 skpcNetworkLookupByID(
651     skpc_network_id_t   network_id);
655 /*
656  *  *****  Probes  *****************************************************
657  *
658  *
659  *  Flows are stored by SENSOR; a SENSOR is a logical construct made
660  *  up of one or more physical PROBES.
661  *
662  *  A probe collects flows in one of three ways:
663  *
664  *  1.  The probe can listen to network traffic.  For this case,
665  *  skpcProbeGetListenOnSockaddr() will return the port on which to
666  *  listen for traffic and the IP address that the probe should bind()
667  *  to.  In addition, the skpcProbeGetAcceptFromHost() method will
668  *  give the IP address from which the probe should accept
669  *  connections.
670  *
671  *  2.  The probe can listen on a UNIX domain socket.  The
672  *  skpcProbeGetListenOnUnixDomainSocket() method returns the pathname
673  *  to the socket.
674  *
675  *  3.  The probe can read from a file.  The skpcProbeGetFileSource()
676  *  method returns the name of the file.
677  *
678  *  A probe is not valid it has been set to use one and only one of
679  *  these collection methods.
680  *
681  *  Once the probe has collected a flow, it needs to determine whether
682  *  the flow represents incoming traffic, outgoing traffic, ACL
683  *  traffic, etc.  The packLogicDetermineFlowtype() will take an
684  *  'rwrec' and the probe where the record was collected and use the
685  *  external, internal, and null interface values and the list of ISP
686  *  IPs to update the 'flow_type' field on the rwrec.  The rwrec's
687  *  sensor id ('sID') field is also updated.
688  *
689  */
692 /**
693  *    Create a new probe of type 'probe_type' and set the referent of
694  *    'probe' to the newly allocated probe.  Return 0 on success.
695  *    Return -1 if 'probe_type' is unknown or if the allocation fails.
696  */
697 int
698 skpcProbeCreate(
699     skpc_probe_t      **probe,
700     skpc_probetype_t    probe_type);
703 /**
704  *    Destroy the probe at '**probe' and free all memory.  Sets *probe
705  *    to NULL.  Does nothing if 'probe' or the location it points to
706  *    is NULL.
707  */
708 void
709 skpcProbeDestroy(
710     skpc_probe_t      **probe);
713 /**
714  *    Return the name of a probe.  The caller should not modify the
715  *    name, and does not need to free() it.
716  */
717 #define skpcProbeGetName(m_probe)       ((m_probe)->probe_name)
718 #ifndef skpcProbeGetName
719 const char *
720 skpcProbeGetName(
721     const skpc_probe_t *probe);
722 #endif  /* skpcProbeGetName */
725 /**
726  *    Set the name of a probe.  The probe name must
727  *    meet all the requirements of a sensor name.  Each probe that is
728  *    a collection point for a single sensor must have a unique name.
729  *
730  *    The function makes a copy of 'name' and returns 0 on
731  *    success, non-zero on memory allocation failure.
732  */
733 int
734 skpcProbeSetName(
735     skpc_probe_t       *probe,
736     const char         *name);
739 /**
740  *    Return the type of the probe.  Before it is set by the user, the
741  *    probe's type is PROBE_ENUM_INVALID.
742  */
743 #define skpcProbeGetType(m_probe)       ((m_probe)->probe_type)
744 #ifndef skpcProbeGetType
745 skpc_probetype_t
746 skpcProbeGetType(
747     const skpc_probe_t *probe);
748 #endif  /* skpcProbeGetType */
751 /**
752  *    Get the probe's protocol.  Before it is set by the user, the
753  *    probe's protocol is SKPC_PROTO_UNSET.
754  */
755 #define skpcProbeGetProtocol(m_probe)   ((m_probe)->protocol)
756 #ifndef skpcProbeGetProtocol
757 skpc_proto_t
758 skpcProbeGetProtocol(
759     const skpc_probe_t *probe);
760 #endif  /* skpcProbeGetProtocol */
762 /**
763  *    Set the probe's protocol.
764  */
765 int
766 skpcProbeSetProtocol(
767     skpc_probe_t       *probe,
768     skpc_proto_t        skpc_protocol);
771 /**
772  *    Get the probe's logging-flags.
773  */
774 #define skpcProbeGetLogFlags(m_probe)   ((m_probe)->log_flags)
775 #ifndef skpcProbeGetLogFlags
776 uint8_t
777 skpcProbeGetLogFlags(
778     const skpc_probe_t *probe);
779 #endif  /* skpcProbeGetLogFlags */
781 /**
782  *    Add 'log_flag' to the logging flags for 'probe'; these logging
783  *    flags refer to log messages regarding NetFlow v5 missing
784  *    packets, NetFlow v5 bad packets, NetFlow v9/IPFIX firewall
785  *    events, NetFlow v9/IPFIX sampling Options Template, and record
786  *    timestamps.
787  *
788  *    Before setting any log-flags on 'probe', the caller should call
789  *    skpcProbeClearLogFlags() to remove all flags.
790  *
791  *    Return 0 on success.  Return -1 if 'log_flag' is not recognized
792  *    for this particular probe.  Return -2 if 'log_flag' conflicts
793  *    with an existing log-flag on 'probe'; for example, it is an
794  *    error to specify "none" when any of the probe's log-flags are
795  *    set.
796  */
797 int
798 skpcProbeAddLogFlag(
799     skpc_probe_t       *probe,
800     const char         *log_flag);
803 /**
804  *    Clear all the "log-flag" settings on 'probe'.
805  */
806 int
807 skpcProbeClearLogFlags(
808     skpc_probe_t       *probe);
811 /**
812  *    Determine whether the probe is currently configured to store
813  *    SNMP interfaces or VLAN tags.
814  */
815 #define skpcProbeGetInterfaceValueType(m_probe) \
816     ((m_probe)->ifvaluetype)
817 #ifndef skpcProbeGetInterfaceValueType
818 skpc_ifvaluetype_t
819 skpcProbeGetInterfaceValueType(
820     const skpc_probe_t *probe);
821 #endif  /* skpcProbeGetInterfaceValueType */
824 /**
825  *    Set the type of value that the probe stores in the 'input' and
826  *    'output' fields on the SiLK flow records; specifically SNMP
827  *    values or VLAN tags.
828  *
829  *    If not set by the user, the probe stores the SNMP interfaces in
830  *    the input and output fields.
831  */
832 int
833 skpcProbeSetInterfaceValueType(
834     skpc_probe_t       *probe,
835     skpc_ifvaluetype_t  interface_value_type);
838 /**
839  *    Return a bitmap that specifies any special (or "peculiar" or
840  *    "quirky") data handling for the probe.
841  */
842 #define skpcProbeGetQuirks(m_probe)     ((uint32_t)((m_probe)->quirks))
843 #ifndef skpcProbeGetQuirks
844 uint32_t
845 skpcProbeGetQuirks(
846     const skpc_probe_t *probe);
847 #endif  /* skpcProbeGetQuirks */
850 /**
851  *    Add 'quirk' to the special data handling directives for 'probe'.
852  *
853  *    Before setting any quirks on 'probe', the caller should call
854  *    skpcProbeClearQuirks() to remove all quirks.
855  *
856  *    Return 0 on success.  Return -1 if 'quirk' is not recognized for
857  *    this particular probe.  Return -2 if 'quirk' conflicts with an
858  *    existing quirk on 'probe'; for example, it is an error to
859  *    specify "none" when any of the probe's quirk are set.
860  */
861 int
862 skpcProbeAddQuirk(
863     skpc_probe_t       *probe,
864     const char         *quirk);
867 /**
868  *    Clear all the quirk settings on 'probe'.
869  */
870 int
871 skpcProbeClearQuirks(
872     skpc_probe_t       *probe);
875 /**
876  *    Get the port on which the probe listens for
877  *    connections, and, for multi-homed hosts, the IP address that the
878  *    probe should consider to be its IP.  The IP address is in host
879  *    byte order.
880  *
881  *    When getting the information, the caller may pass in locations
882  *    to be filled with the address and port; either parameter may be
883  *    NULL to ignore that value.
884  *
885  *    The probe simply stores the address; it does not manipulate
886  *    it in any way.
887  *
888  *    If the IP address to listen as is not set, the function
889  *    returns INADDR_ANY in the 'out_addr'.  If the port has not been
890  *    set, the 'get' function returns -1 and neither 'out' parameter
891  *    is modified.
892  */
893 int
894 skpcProbeGetListenOnSockaddr(
895     const skpc_probe_t         *probe,
896     const sk_sockaddr_array_t **addr);
898 /**
899  *    Set the port on which the probe listens for connections, and,
900  *    for multi-homed hosts, the IP address that the probe should
901  *    consider to be its IP.  The probe takes ownership of the 'addr'
902  *    object.
903  *
904  *    To specify the host(s) that may connect to this probe, use the
905  *    skpcProbeSetAcceptFromHost() function.
906  *
907  *    When setting the information, the 'addr' must be non-zero and
908  *    the port must be valid.
909  *
910  *    The probe simply stores the address; it does not manipulate
911  *    it in any way.
912  */
913 int
914 skpcProbeSetListenOnSockaddr(
915     skpc_probe_t           *probe,
916     sk_sockaddr_array_t    *addr);
919 /**
920  *    Get the unix domain socket on which the
921  *    probe listens for connections.
922  *
923  *    The caller should neither modify nor free the value returned by
924  *    the 'get' method.  The 'get' method returns NULL if the 'set'
925  *    method has not yet been called.
926  */
927 const char *
928 skpcProbeGetListenOnUnixDomainSocket(
929     const skpc_probe_t *probe);
931 /**
932  *    Set the unix domain socket on which the
933  *    probe listens for connections.
934  *
935  *    The 'set' method will make a copy of the 'u_socket' value.
936  */
937 int
938 skpcProbeSetListenOnUnixDomainSocket(
939     skpc_probe_t       *probe,
940     const char         *u_socket);
943 /**
944  *    Get the file name from which to read data.
945  *
946  *    The caller should neither modify nor free the value returned by
947  *    the 'get' method.  The 'get' method returns NULL if the 'set'
948  *    method has not yet been called.
949  */
950 const char *
951 skpcProbeGetFileSource(
952     const skpc_probe_t *probe);
954 /**
955  *    Set the file name from which to read data.
956  *
957  *    The 'set' function will make a copy of the 'pathname' value.
958  */
959 int
960 skpcProbeSetFileSource(
961     skpc_probe_t       *probe,
962     const char         *pathname);
965 /**
966  *    Get the name of the directory to poll for
967  *    files containing flow records.
968  *
969  *    The caller should neither modify nor free the value returned by
970  *    the 'get' method.  The 'get' method returns NULL if the 'set'
971  *    method has not yet been called.
972  */
973 const char *
974 skpcProbeGetPollDirectory(
975     const skpc_probe_t *probe);
977 /**
978  *    Set the name of the directory to poll for
979  *    files containing flow records.
980  *
981  *    The 'set' function will make a copy of the 'pathname' value.
982  */
983 int
984 skpcProbeSetPollDirectory(
985     skpc_probe_t       *probe,
986     const char         *pathname);
989 /**
990  *    Get the hosts that are allowed to connect to 'probe'.
991  *
992  *    The function stores the address of an array of
993  *    sk_sockaddr_array_t* objects in the location referenced by
994  *    'addr_array'.  The return value is the length of that array.
995  *
996  *    The caller must not modify the values in the 'addr_array'.
997  *
998  *    If the get function is called before the set function, the
999  *    location referenced by 'addr_array' is set to NULL and 0 is
1000  *    returned.
1001  *
1002  *    If 'addr_array' is NULL, the number of addresses is returned.
1003  */
1004 uint32_t
1005 skpcProbeGetAcceptFromHost(
1006     const skpc_probe_t             *probe,
1007     const sk_sockaddr_array_t    ***addr_array);
1009 /**
1010  *    Set the host(s) that are allowed to connect to 'probe'.  The
1011  *    'addr_vec' argument must be a vector whose elements are
1012  *    sk_sockaddr_array_t*.  The function copies the
1013  *    sk_sockaddr_array_t* elements from 'addr_vec' onto the 'probe'
1014  *    and takes ownership of the sk_sockaddr_array_t*.  The caller is
1015  *    responsible for destroying the 'addr_vec' vector.
1016  *
1017  *    Any previous accept-from-host values are removed.
1018  *
1019  *    The probe simply stores the host_address; it does not manipulate
1020  *    it in any way.
1021  */
1022 int
1023 skpcProbeSetAcceptFromHost(
1024     skpc_probe_t           *probe,
1025     const sk_vector_t      *addr_vec);
1028 /**
1029  *    Return a count of sensors that are using this probe.
1030  */
1031 #define skpcProbeGetSensorCount(m_probe)    ((m_probe)->sensor_count)
1032 #ifndef skpcProbeGetSensorCount
1033 size_t
1034 skpcProbeGetSensorCount(
1035     const skpc_probe_t *probe);
1036 #endif  /* skpcProbeGetSensorCount */
1039 /**
1040  *    Return 1 if probe has been verified; 0 otherwise.
1041  */
1042 int
1043 skpcProbeIsVerified(
1044     const skpc_probe_t *probe);
1047 /**
1048  *    Verify the 'probe' is valid.  For example, that it's name is
1049  *    unique among all probes, and that if it is an IPFIX probe,
1050  *    verify that a listen-on-port has been specified.
1051  *
1052  *    When 'is_ephemeral' is specified, the function only verifies
1053  *    that is name is unique.  If the name is unique, the probe will
1054  *    be added to the global list of probes, but skpcProbeIsVerified()
1055  *    on the probe will return 0.
1056  *
1057  *    If valid, add the probe to the list of probes and return 0.
1058  *    Otherwise return non-zero.
1059  */
1060 int
1061 skpcProbeVerify(
1062     skpc_probe_t       *probe,
1063     int                 is_ephemeral);
1066 /**
1067  *    Print a one line summary of 'probe' using the print function
1068  *    'printer'.
1069  */
1070 void
1071 skpcProbePrint(
1072     const skpc_probe_t *probe,
1073     sk_msg_fn_t         printer);
1078 /*
1079  *  *****  Sensors  ****************************************************
1080  */
1083 /**
1084  *    Create a new sensor and fill in 'sensor' with the address of
1085  *    the newly allocated sensor.
1086  */
1087 int
1088 skpcSensorCreate(
1089     skpc_sensor_t     **sensor);
1092 /**
1093  *    Destroy the sensor at '**sensor' and free all memory.  Sets
1094  *    *sensor to NULL.  Does nothing if 'sensor' or the location it
1095  *    points to is NULL.
1096  */
1097 void
1098 skpcSensorDestroy(
1099     skpc_sensor_t     **sensor);
1102 /**
1103  *    Get the numeric ID of the sensor, as determined by the silk.conf
1104  *    file.
1105  */
1106 #define skpcSensorGetID(m_sensor)       ((m_sensor)->sensor_id)
1107 #ifndef skpcSensorGetID
1108 sk_sensor_id_t
1109 skpcSensorGetID(
1110     const skpc_sensor_t    *sensor);
1111 #endif  /* skpcSensorGetID */
1113 /**
1114  *    Get the name of the sensor.  The caller should not modify the
1115  *    name, and does not need to free() it.
1116  */
1117 #define skpcSensorGetName(m_sensor)     ((m_sensor)->sensor_name)
1118 #ifndef skpcSensorGetName
1119 const char *
1120 skpcSensorGetName(
1121     const skpc_sensor_t    *sensor);
1122 #endif  /* skpcSensorGetName */
1124 /**
1125  *    Set the name of a sensor.  The function makes a copy of 'name'
1126  *    and returns 0 on success, non-zero on memory allocation failure.
1127  */
1128 int
1129 skpcSensorSetName(
1130     skpc_sensor_t      *sensor,
1131     const char         *name);
1134 /**
1135  *    Add a new filter (discard-when, discard-unless) to 'sensor'.
1136  *    'filter_type' specifies what part of the record to match
1137  *    (source, destination, or any).
1138  *
1139  *    If 'is_discardwhen_list' is non-zero, the caller is adding a
1140  *    filter that, when matched, causes rwflowpack to discard the
1141  *    flow.  Otherwise, not matching the filter causes the flow to be
1142  *    discarded.
1143  *
1144  *    When 'is_wildcard_list' is non-zero, the type of 'group' must be
1145  *    SKPC_GROUP_IPBLOCK and it must contain skIPWildcard_t* objects.
1146  *    Otherwise, the type of 'group' must be SKPC_GROUP_INTERFACE and
1147  *    it must contain numbers to treat as SNMP interface IDs.  The
1148  *    'group' must be frozen and it must contain values, otherwise the
1149  *    function returns -1.
1150  *
1151  *    Return 0 on success.  Return -1 on memory allocation error or
1152  *    when a filter for the specified 'filter_type' already exists.
1153  */
1154 int
1155 skpcSensorAddFilter(
1156     skpc_sensor_t      *sensor,
1157     const skpc_group_t *group,
1158     skpc_filter_type_t  filter_type,
1159     int                 is_discardwhen_list,
1160     skpc_group_type_t   group_type);
1163 /**
1164  *    Get the IP addresses of the ISP routers
1165  *    that this sensor receives data from.
1166  *
1167  *    The method returns the length of the list of ISP-IPs.  If
1168  *    the 'out_ip_list' parameter is provided, it will be modified to point to
1169  *    the list of IP addresses (a C-array).  The caller should NOT
1170  *    modify the ISP-IP list that she receives, nor should she free()
1171  *    it.  When the 'get' method is called before the 'set' method, 0
1172  *    is returned and the out parameter is not modified.
1173  */
1174 uint32_t
1175 skpcSensorGetIspIps(
1176     const skpc_sensor_t    *sensor,
1177     const uint32_t        **out_ip_list);
1179 /**
1180  *    Set the IP addresses of the ISP routers
1181  *    that this sensor receives data from.  When flows are sent to the
1182  *    null-interface, these IP addresses are used to distinguish
1183  *    between flows that were ACL'ed and those that were probably
1184  *    IP-routing messages sent from the ISP to this sensor.
1185  *
1186  *    The method takes a vector of uint32_t's containing the
1187  *    list of IP addresses.  The function will copy the values from
1188  *    the vector.  It returns 0 on success, or -1 on memory allocation
1189  *    errors.
1190  */
1191 int
1192 skpcSensorSetIspIps(
1193     skpc_sensor_t      *sensor,
1194     const sk_vector_t  *isp_ip_vec);
1197 /**
1198  *    Specify that for all traffic seen at 'sensor' the direction
1199  *    'dir' of all traffic is assigned to the network 'network_id'.
1200  *    The list of 'network_id's is defined by the
1201  *    packing logic plug-in that is specified on the rwflowpack
1202  *    command line.
1203  *
1204  *    Here, "network" refers to one of the domains that are being
1205  *    monitored by the router or other flow collection software.  For
1206  *    example, a border router joins the internal and external
1207  *    networks, and a flow whose source IP is specified in the list of
1208  *    external network addresses will be considered incoming.
1209  *
1210  *    For example, to configure 'sensor' so that all its traffic is
1211  *    incoming (coming from the external network and going to the
1212  *    internal network), one would call this function twice, once to
1213  *    set the SKPC_DIR_SRC to 'external' and again to set the
1214  *    SKPC_DIR_DST to 'internal'.
1215  *
1216  *    This function conflicts with skpcSensorSetNetworkGroup().
1217  */
1218 int
1219 skpcSensorSetNetworkDirection(
1220     skpc_sensor_t      *sensor,
1221     skpc_network_id_t   network_id,
1222     skpc_direction_t    dir);
1225 /**
1226  *    Function to set the list of interfaces or IPs associated with
1227  *    the network 'network_id' to those in the group 'group'.  The
1228  *    list of 'network_id's is defined by the packing logic plug-in
1229  *    that is specified on the rwflowpack command line.
1230  *
1231  *    Here, "network" refers to one of the domains that are being
1232  *    monitored by the router or other flow collection software.  For
1233  *    example, a border router joins the internal and external
1234  *    networks, and a flow whose source IP is specified in the list of
1235  *    external network addresses will be considered incoming.
1236  *
1237  *    The 'group' must be frozen.
1238  *
1239  *    The function returns 0 on success, or -1 if the group is NULL,
1240  *    not frozen, or empty.
1241  *
1242  *    The skpcSensorSetNetworkGroup() function will return an error if
1243  *    it is called multiple times for the same network or if
1244  *    the skpcSensorSetNetworkDirection() function has already assigned all
1245  *    source or destination traffic to this 'network_id'.
1246  */
1247 int
1248 skpcSensorSetNetworkGroup(
1249     skpc_sensor_t      *sensor,
1250     skpc_network_id_t   network_id,
1251     const skpc_group_t *ip_group);
1254 /**
1255  *    Sets the list of interfaces or IPs that are part of the network
1256  *    'network_id' to all those that not assigned to another
1257  *    interface.  The list of 'network_id's is defined by the packing
1258  *    logic plug-in that is specified on the rwflowpack command line.
1259  */
1260 int
1261 skpcSensorSetNetworkRemainder(
1262     skpc_sensor_t      *sensor,
1263     skpc_network_id_t   network_id,
1264     skpc_group_type_t   group_type);
1267 /**
1268  *    Sets the group of SNMP interfaces that connect to the network
1269  *    whose ID is 'network_id' to 0, the SNMP interface value used by
1270  *    Cisco to designate a non-routed flow.  The network may not have
1271  *    been previously set.  Return 0 on success, or non-zero on
1272  *    failure.
1273  */
1274 int
1275 skpcSensorSetDefaultNonrouted(
1276     skpc_sensor_t      *sensor,
1277     skpc_network_id_t   network_id);
1280 /**
1281  *    Appends to 'out_probe_vec' all the probes defined on 'sensor'.
1282  *    Returns the number of probes defined on 'sensor'.  Returns 0 if
1283  *    no probes are defined or if there is a memory error appending
1284  *    the probes to the vector.  If 'out_probe_vec' is NULL, the count
1285  *    of probes on sensors is returned.  'out_probe_vec' should be a
1286  *    vector having elements of size sizeof(skpc_probe_t*).  The
1287  *    caller should not modify nor free the values appended to the
1288  *    vector.
1289  */
1290 uint32_t
1291 skpcSensorGetProbes(
1292     const skpc_sensor_t    *sensor,
1293     sk_vector_t            *out_probe_vec);
1296 /**
1297  *    Copy the probes listed in 'probe_vec' onto 'sensor'.
1298  *
1299  *    Return 0 on success, or -1 if 'probe_vec' is NULL or empty, or
1300  *    if memory allocation fails.
1301  */
1302 int
1303 skpcSensorSetProbes(
1304     skpc_sensor_t      *sensor,
1305     const sk_vector_t  *probe_vec);
1308 /**
1309  *    Count the number of SNMP interfaces that have been mapped to a
1310  *    flowtype on 'sensor'.  Will exclude the network ID
1311  *    'ignored_network_id'; pass SKPC_NETWORK_ID_INVALID or a negative
1312  *    value in that parameter to ensure that all SNMP interfaces are
1313  *    counted.
1314  */
1315 uint32_t
1316 skpcSensorCountNetflowInterfaces(
1317     const skpc_sensor_t    *sensor,
1318     int                     ignored_network_id);
1321 /**
1322  *    Test 'rwrec' against the 'network_id' interfaces---either the
1323  *    SNMP values or the IP-block values---on the 'sensor'.  The value
1324  *    'rec_dir' tells the function whether to check if the rwrec was
1325  *    coming from the specified 'network_id' or going to that network.
1326  *
1327  *    The function returns 1 if there is a match, -1 if there was not
1328  *    a match, and 0 if neither an IP block list nor an SNMP interface
1329  *    list was defined for the 'network_id'.
1330  *
1331  *    If 'rec_dir' is SKPC_DIR_SRC, the function checks the record's
1332  *    sIP against the list of IP blocks for the 'network_id'.  If no
1333  *    IP blocks are defined for the specified 'network_id' on this
1334  *    'sensor', the function checks the record's SNMP input interface
1335  *    against the list of SNMP interfaces for the 'network_id'.  When
1336  *    'rec_dir' is SKPC_DIR_DST, the record's dIP and SNMP output
1337  *    values are checked.
1338  */
1339 int
1340 skpcSensorTestFlowInterfaces(
1341     const skpc_sensor_t    *sensor,
1342     const rwRec            *rwrec,
1343     skpc_network_id_t       network_id,
1344     skpc_direction_t        rec_dir);
1347 /**
1348  *    Check whether 'rwrec' matches the filters specified on 'sensor'.
1349  *    Return 0 if the flow should be packed, or non-zero to discard
1350  *    the flow.
1351  *
1352  *    When 'rwrec' matches any "discard-when" filter on 'sensor', this
1353  *    function returns non-zero.  Otherwise, if no "discard-unless"
1354  *    filters exist, the function returns 0.
1355  *
1356  *    If any "discard-unless" filters exist on 'sensor', 'rwrec' must
1357  *    match EVERY one of them for the function to return 0.
1358  */
1359 int
1360 skpcSensorCheckFilters(
1361     const skpc_sensor_t    *sensor,
1362     const rwRec            *rwrec);
1365 /**
1366  *    Verify that 'sensor' is valid.  For example, that if its probe
1367  *    is an IPFIX probe, the sensor has ipblocks are defined, etc.  If
1368  *    'site_sensor_verify_fn' is defined, it will be called to verify
1369  *    the sensor for the current site.  That function should return 0
1370  *    if the sensor is valid, or non-zero if not valid.
1371  *
1372  *    Returns 0 if it is valid, non-zero otherwise.
1373  */
1374 int
1375 skpcSensorVerify(
1376     skpc_sensor_t      *sensor,
1377     int               (*site_sensor_verify_fn)(skpc_sensor_t *sensor));
1381 /*
1382  *  *****  Groups  *****************************************************
1383  */
1386 /**
1387  *    Create a new group and fill in 'group' with the address of the
1388  *    newly allocated group.
1389  */
1390 int
1391 skpcGroupCreate(
1392     skpc_group_t      **group);
1395 /**
1396  *    Destroy the group at '**group' and free all memory.  Sets *group
1397  *    to NULL.  Does nothing if 'group' or the location it points to
1398  *    is NULL.
1399  */
1400 void
1401 skpcGroupDestroy(
1402     skpc_group_t      **group);
1405 /**
1406  *    Specifies that no changes can be made to the group (other than
1407  *    destroying it).  Returns 0 on success, or -1 if there is a
1408  *    memory allocation failure.  (Freezing a group may allocate
1409  *    memory as data is rearranged in the group.)
1410  *
1411  *    Freezing a frozen group is no-op, and the function returns 0.
1412  */
1413 int
1414 skpcGroupFreeze(
1415     skpc_group_t       *group);
1418 /**
1419  *    Get the name of a group.
1420  *
1421  *    A group can be anonymous---that is, not have a name.  These
1422  *    groups are created when an interface or ipblock list is specified
1423  *    outside of a "group" block; for example, by listing integers (or
1424  *    multiple groups) on in "internal-interfaces" statement.  For
1425  *    these groups, the name is NULL.
1426  *
1427  *    The function returns the name of the group.  The caller
1428  *    should not modify the name, and does not need to free() it.
1429  */
1430 const char *
1431 skpcGroupGetName(
1432     const skpc_group_t *group);
1434 /**
1435  *    Set the name of a group.  A group name must
1436  *    meet all the requirements of a sensor name.
1437  *
1438  *    The set function makes a copy of 'name' and returns 0 on
1439  *    success, non-zero on memory allocation failure.  The set
1440  *    function also returns non-zero if the group is frozen (see
1441  *    skpcGroupFreeze()).
1442  */
1443 int
1444 skpcGroupSetName(
1445     skpc_group_t       *group,
1446     const char         *group_name);
1449 /**
1450  *    Get the groups's type; that is, whether it stores IP-blocks or
1451  *    interface values.
1452  *
1453  *    Until it has been set, the group's type is SKPC_GROUP_UNSET.
1454  */
1455 skpc_group_type_t
1456 skpcGroupGetType(
1457     const skpc_group_t *group);
1459 /**
1460  *    Set the groups's type.
1461  *
1462  *    The set function returns -1 if the type of the group has been
1463  *    previously set or if the group is frozen (see
1464  *    skpcGroupFreeze()).
1465  */
1466 int
1467 skpcGroupSetType(
1468     skpc_group_t       *group,
1469     skpc_group_type_t   group_type);
1472 /**
1473  *    Add the values in 'vec' to the group 'group'.  If the type of
1474  *    'group' is SKPC_GROUP_INTERFACE, 'vec' should contain
1475  *    uint32_t's.  If the type of 'group' is SKPC_GROUP_IPBLOCK, 'vec'
1476  *    should contain pointers to skIPWildcard_t.
1477  *
1478  *    When 'vec' contains skIPWildcard_t*, this function assumes
1479  *    ownership of the data and will free the skIPWildcard_t when
1480  *    skpcTeardown() is called.
1481  *
1482  *    The function returns 0 on success.  It also returns 0 when 'vec'
1483  *    is NULL or contains no elements.
1484  *
1485  *    Return -1 if the group is frozen, if the group's type is
1486  *    SKPC_GROUP_UNSET, if the size of elements in the 'vec' is not
1487  *    consistent with the group's type, or if there is a memory
1488  *    allocation error.
1489  */
1490 int
1491 skpcGroupAddValues(
1492     skpc_group_t       *group,
1493     const sk_vector_t  *vec);
1496 /**
1497  *    Add the contents of group 'g' to group 'group'.
1498  *
1499  *    Return 0 on success.  Also return 0 if 'g' is NULL or if
1500  *    contains no items.
1501  *
1502  *    Return -1 if 'group' is frozen, if 'g' is NOT frozen, if the
1503  *    groups' types are different, or if there is a memory allocation
1504  *    error.
1505  */
1506 int
1507 skpcGroupAddGroup(
1508     skpc_group_t       *group,
1509     const skpc_group_t *g);
1512 /**
1513  *    Return 1 if 'group' is frozen; 0 otherwise.
1514  */
1515 int
1516 skpcGroupIsFrozen(
1517     const skpc_group_t *group);
1520 /**
1521  *    Returns the group named 'group_name'.  Returns NULL if not found
1522  *    of if 'group_name' is NULL.  The returned group is frozen.
1523  */
1524 skpc_group_t *
1525 skpcGroupLookupByName(
1526     const char         *group_name);
1529 /**
1530  *    Return the printable respresentation of the group type.
1531  *
1532  *    Return NULL when given an illegal value.
1533  */
1534 const char *
1535 skpcGrouptypeEnumtoName(
1536     skpc_group_type_t   type);
1539 #ifdef __cplusplus
1540 }
1541 #endif
1542 #endif /* _PROBECONF_H */
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