1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //            Copyright (C) 2004-2011 by The Allacrost Project
3 //            Copyright (C) 2012-2016 by Bertram (Valyria Tear)
4 //                         All Rights Reserved
5 //
6 // This code is licensed under the GNU GPL version 2. It is free software
7 // and you may modify it and/or redistribute it under the terms of this license.
8 // See https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for details.
9 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
11 /** ****************************************************************************
12 *** \file    map_tiles.h
13 *** \author  Tyler Olsen, roots@allacrost.org
14 *** \author  Yohann Ferreira, yohann ferreira orange fr
15 *** \brief   Header file for map mode tile management.
16 ***
17 *** This code encapsulates everything related to tiles and tile management in
18 *** map mode.
19 *** ***************************************************************************/
21 #ifndef __MAP_TILES_HEADER__
22 #define __MAP_TILES_HEADER__
24 #include "modes/map/map_utils.h"
26 #include "script/script_read.h"
28 namespace vt_video {
29 class ImageDescriptor;
30 class AnimatedImage;
31 }
33 namespace vt_map
34 {
36 class MapMode;
38 namespace private_map
39 {
41 //! \brief Layer types: Drawn before, along, or after the map objects according to their types.
42 enum LAYER_TYPE {
43     GROUND_LAYER = 0,
44     SKY_LAYER = 1,
45     INVALID_LAYER = 2
46 };
48 class Layer
49 {
50 public:
51     LAYER_TYPE layer_type;
52     // Represents the tile indeces: i.e: tiles[y][x] = tile_id at (x,y)
53     std::vector< std::vector<int16_t> > tiles;
Layer()55     Layer():
56         layer_type(GROUND_LAYER)
57     {}
58 };
60 /** ****************************************************************************
61 *** \brief A helper class to MapMode responsible for all tile data and operations
62 ***
63 *** This class is responsible for loading, updating, and drawing all tile images
64 *** and managing the tile grid. The TileSupervisor does <b>not</b> manage the map
65 *** collision grid, which is used by map objects and sprites.
66 ***
67 *** Maps have a minimum size of 24 rows and 32 columns of tiles. Theoretically
68 *** there is no upper limit on size.
69 *** ***************************************************************************/
70 class TileSupervisor
71 {
72     friend class vt_map::MapMode;
74 public:
75     TileSupervisor();
77     ~TileSupervisor();
79     /** \brief Handles all operations on loading tilesets and tile images from the map data file
80     *** \param map_file A reference to the Lua file containing the map data
81     *** \note The map file should already be opened with no Lua tables open
82     **/
83     bool Load(vt_script::ReadScriptDescriptor &map_file);
85     //! \brief Updates all animated tile images
86     void Update();
88     /** \brief Draws the various tile layers to the screen
89     *** \param frame A pointer to the computed information required to draw this frame
90     ***
91     *** \note This function does not reset the coordinate system and hence require
92     *** that the proper coordinate system is already set prior to these function
93     *** calls (0.0f, SCREEN_COLS, SCREEN_ROWS, 0.0f). These functions do make
94     *** modifications to the blending draw flag and the draw cursor position
95     *** which are not restored by the function upon its return, so take measures
96     *** to retain this information before calling these functions if necessary.
97     **/
98     //@{
99     void DrawLayers(const MapFrame *frame, const LAYER_TYPE &layer_type);
100     //@}
102 private:
103     /** \brief The number of columns of tiles in the map.
104     *** This number must be greater than or equal to 32 for the map to be valid.
105     **/
106     uint16_t _num_tile_on_x_axis;
108     /** \brief The number of rows of tiles in the map.
109     *** This number must be greater than or equal to 24 for the map to be valid.
110     **/
111     uint16_t _num_tile_on_y_axis;
113     //! \brief The map tile layers
114     std::vector<Layer> _tile_grid;
116     //! \brief Contains the image objects for all map tiles, both still and animated.
117     std::vector<vt_video::ImageDescriptor *> _tile_images;
119     /** \brief Contains all of the animated tile images used on the map.
120     *** The purpose of this vector is to easily update all tile animations without stepping through the
121     *** _tile_images vector, which contains both still and animated images.
122     **/
123     std::vector<vt_video::AnimatedImage *> _animated_tile_images;
124 }; // class TileSupervisor
126 } // namespace private_map
128 } // namespace vt_map
130 #endif // __MAP_TILES_HEADER__