1 /*
2  * smtp.h
3  *
4  * This file is part of msmtp, an SMTP client.
5  *
6  * Copyright (C) 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016,
7  * 2018, 2019, 2020
8  * Martin Lambers <marlam@marlam.de>
9  *
10  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
13  *   (at your option) any later version.
14  *
15  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  *   GNU General Public License for more details.
19  *
20  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21  *   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22  */
24 #ifndef SMTP_H
25 #define SMTP_H
27 #include <stdio.h>
29 #include "list.h"
30 #include "readbuf.h"
31 #ifdef HAVE_TLS
32 # include "mtls.h"
33 #endif /* HAVE_TLS */
36 /* SMTP errors */
38 /*
39  * If a function with an 'errstr' argument returns a value != SMTP_EOK,
40  * '*errstr' either points to an allocates string containing an error
41  * description or is NULL.
42  * If such a function returns SMTP_EOK, 'errstr' will not be changed.
43  */
44 #define SMTP_EOK                0       /* no error */
45 #define SMTP_EIO                1       /* Input/output error */
46 #define SMTP_EPROTO             2       /* Protocol violation */
47 #define SMTP_EINVAL             3       /* Invalid input data */
48 #define SMTP_EUNAVAIL           4       /* Requested service unavailable */
49 #define SMTP_EAUTHFAIL          5       /* Authentication failed */
50 #define SMTP_ELIBFAILED         6       /* An underlying library failed */
51 #define SMTP_EINSECURE          7       /* The requested action would be
52                                            insecure */
54 /* SMTP sub protocols */
55 #define SMTP_PROTO_SMTP         0       /* default: SMTP / ESMTP */
56 #define SMTP_PROTO_LMTP         1       /* LMTP, RFC 2033 */
59 /* SMTP capabilities */
61 #define SMTP_CAP_STARTTLS               (1 << 0)
62 #define SMTP_CAP_DSN                    (1 << 1)
63 #define SMTP_CAP_PIPELINING             (1 << 2)
64 #define SMTP_CAP_SIZE                   (1 << 3)
65 #define SMTP_CAP_AUTH                   (1 << 4)
66 #define SMTP_CAP_AUTH_PLAIN             (1 << 5)
67 #define SMTP_CAP_AUTH_LOGIN             (1 << 6)
68 #define SMTP_CAP_AUTH_CRAM_MD5          (1 << 7)
69 #define SMTP_CAP_AUTH_DIGEST_MD5        (1 << 8)
70 #define SMTP_CAP_AUTH_SCRAM_SHA_1       (1 << 9)
71 #define SMTP_CAP_AUTH_GSSAPI            (1 << 10)
72 #define SMTP_CAP_AUTH_EXTERNAL          (1 << 11)
73 #define SMTP_CAP_AUTH_NTLM              (1 << 12)
74 #define SMTP_CAP_AUTH_OAUTHBEARER       (1 << 13)
75 #define SMTP_CAP_AUTH_XOAUTH2           (1 << 14)
76 #define SMTP_CAP_ETRN                   (1 << 15)
77 #define SMTP_CAP_AUTH_SCRAM_SHA_256     (1 << 16)
80 /*
81  * This structure describes the capabilities of an SMTP server.
82  * 'flags' is a combination of the SMTP_CAP_* values above.
83  * If (flags & SMTP_CAP_SIZE), 'size' contains the max size of a message that
84  * the SMTP server will accept (0 means there is no limit).
85  */
86 typedef struct
87 {
88     int flags;
89     long size;
90 } smtp_cap_t;
92 /*
93  * This structure represents an SMTP server. Do not access it directly.
94  */
95 typedef struct
96 {
97     int fd;
98 #ifdef HAVE_TLS
99     mtls_t mtls;
100 #endif /* HAVE_TLS */
101     readbuf_t readbuf;
102     int protocol;
103     smtp_cap_t cap;
104     FILE *debug;
105 } smtp_server_t;
108 /*
109  * smtp_new()
110  *
111  * Create a new smtp_server_t. If 'debug' is not NULL, the complete
112  * conversation with the SMTP server will be logged to the referenced file.
113  * Beware: this log may contain user passwords.
114  * 'protocol' must be one of the SMTP_PROTO_* constants.
115  */
116 smtp_server_t smtp_new(FILE *debug, int protocol);
118 /*
119  * smtp_connect()
120  *
121  * Connect to a SMTP server. See net_open_socket().
122  * If 'server_canonical_name' is not NULL, a pointer to a string containing the
123  * canonical hostname of the server will be stored in '*server_canonical_name',
124  * or NULL if this information is not available.
125  * If 'server_address' is not NULL, a pointer to a string containing the
126  * network address of the server will be stored in '*server_address',
127  * or NULL if this information is not available.
128  * Both strings are allocated.
130  * Success: NET_EOK
131  */
132 int smtp_connect(smtp_server_t *srv,
133         const char *socketname,
134         const char *proxy_host, int proxy_port,
135         const char *host, int port, const char *source_ip, int timeout,
136         char **server_canonical_name, char **server_address,
137         char **errstr);
139 /*
140  * smtp_msg_status()
141  *
142  * Returns the three digit status code of the SMTP server message 'msg', which
143  * *must* be a valid SMTP server message.
144  */
145 int smtp_msg_status(list_t *msg);
147 /*
148  * smtp_get_greeting()
149  *
150  * Get the greeting message from the SMTP server.
151  * If 'buf' is not NULL, it will contain a pointer to an allocated string
152  * containing the identificatin string of the SMTP server (untrusted data!)
153  * Used error codes: SMTP_EIO, SMTP_EPROTO
154  */
155 int smtp_get_greeting(smtp_server_t *srv, list_t **errmsg, char **buf,
156         char **errstr);
158 /*
159  * smtp_init()
160  *
161  * Initialize an SMTP session with the connected SMTP server 'srv'
162  * (via the SMTP EHLO/HELO command). This function must be used after
163  * the server is connected and before any mail is send. It must also be used
164  * (a second time) after TLS is started via the STARTTLS command.
165  * This function determines the capabilities of the SMTP server.
166  * 'ehlo_domain' is the parameter for the EHLO/HELO command. If you don't know
167  * what to use, use "localhost".
168  * 'error_msg' contains an error message from the SMTP server or NULL.
169  * Used error codes: SMTP_EIO, SMTP_EPROTO, SMTP_EINVAL
170  */
171 int smtp_init(smtp_server_t *srv, const char *ehlo_domain, list_t **msg,
172         char **errstr);
174 /*
175  * smtp_tls_init()
176  *
177  * Prepare TLS encryption. See tls_init() for a description of the arguments.
178  * Used error codes: TLS_ELIBFAILED, TLS_EFILE
179  * Success: TLS_EOK
180  */
181 #ifdef HAVE_TLS
182 int smtp_tls_init(smtp_server_t *srv,
183         const char *tls_key_file, const char *tls_cert_file, const char *pin,
184         const char *tls_trust_file, const char *tls_crl_file,
185         const unsigned char *tls_sha256_fingerprint,
186         const unsigned char *tls_sha1_fingerprint,
187         const unsigned char *tls_md5_fingerprint,
188         int min_dh_prime_bits,
189         const char *priorities,
190         const char *hostname,
191         int no_certcheck,
192         char **errstr);
193 #endif /* HAVE_TLS */
195 /*
196  * smtp_tls_starttls()
197  *
198  * Announce the start of TLS encryption with an initialized SMTP server,
199  * using the STARTTLS command.
200  * Use this function after smtp_init(). The SMTP server must have the
201  * SMTP_CAP_STARTTLS capability.
202  * Call smtp_tls() afterwards. Finally, call smtp_init() again (the SMTP server
203  * might advertise different capabilities when TLS is active, for example
204  * cleartext authentication mechanisms).
205  * 'error_msg' contains the error message from the SMTP server or NULL.
206  * Used error codes: SMTP_EIO, SMTP_EPROTO, SMTP_EINVAL
207  */
208 #ifdef HAVE_TLS
209 int smtp_tls_starttls(smtp_server_t *srv, list_t **error_msg, char **errstr);
210 #endif /* HAVE_TLS */
212 /*
213  * smtp_tls()
214  *
215  * Start TLS with a connected SMTP server.
216  * Use this function either after smtp_connect() for SMTP servers
217  * that use TLS without the STARTTLS command (service smtps; default port 465),
218  * or after smtp_tls_starttls() for SMTP servers that support the STARTTLS
219  * command.
220  * See tls_start() for a description of the arguments.
222  * Success: TLS_EOK
223  */
224 #ifdef HAVE_TLS
225 int smtp_tls(smtp_server_t *srv,
226         mtls_cert_info_t *tci, char **tls_parameter_description, char **errstr);
227 #endif /* HAVE_TLS */
229 /*
230  * smtp_client_supports_authmech()
231  *
232  * Returns 1 if the authentication mechanism is supported by the underlying
233  * authentication code and 0 otherwise.
234  */
235 int smtp_client_supports_authmech(const char *mech);
237 /*
238  * smtp_server_supports_authmech()
239  *
240  * Returns 1 if the authentication mechanism is supported by the SMTP server
241  * and 0 otherwise.
242  */
243 int smtp_server_supports_authmech(smtp_server_t *srv, const char *mech);
245 /*
246  * smtp_auth()
247  *
248  * Authentication.
249  * Use smtp_client_supports_authmech() and smtp_server_supports_authmech()
250  * to find out which authentication mechanisms are available.
251  * The special value "" for 'auth_mech' causes the function to choose the best
252  * authentication method supported by the server, unless TLS is incative and the
253  * method sends cleartext passwords. In this case, the function fails with
255  * The hostname is the name of the SMTP server. It may be needed for
256  * authentication.
257  * The port is port number SMTP server accepts connections on. It may be needed
258  * for authentication.
259  * The ntlmdomain may be NULL (even if you use NTLM authentication).
260  * If 'password' is NULL, but the authentication method needs a password,
261  * the 'password_callback' function is called (if 'password_callback' is not
262  * NULL). It is expected to return a * password in an allocated buffer or NULL
263  * (if it fails).
264  * 'error_msg' contains the error message from the SMTP server or NULL.
267  */
268 int smtp_auth(smtp_server_t *srv,
269         const char *hostname,
270         unsigned short port,
271         const char *user,
272         const char *password,
273         const char *ntlmdomain,
274         const char *auth_mech,
275         char *(*password_callback)(const char *hostname, const char *user),
276         list_t **error_msg,
277         char **errstr);
279 /*
280  * smtp_envelope()
281  *
282  * Sends the mail envelope (sender, recipients, ...)
283  * The mail data must be sent immediately afterwards with smtp_send_mail()
284  * envelope_from:       The envelope from address
285  * recipients:          The list of recipients
286  * dsn_notify:          Delivery Status Notification request string (see man
287  *                      page) or NULL. The SMTP server must support
288  *                      SMTP_CAP_DSN.
289  * dsn_return:          Either "HDRS", "FULL" or NULL. The SMTP server must
290  *                      support SMTP_CAP_DSN.
291  * error_msg:           If an error occurs, this will contain the SMTP server
292  *                      message (or NULL)
294  */
295 int smtp_send_envelope(smtp_server_t *srv,
296         const char *envelope_from,
297         list_t *recipients,
298         const char *dsn_notify,
299         const char *dsn_return,
300         list_t **error_msg,
301         char **errstr);
303 /*
304  * smtp_send_mail()
305  *
306  * Sends a mail via the SMTP server 'srv'.
307  * You can use this function more than once to send the mail in chunks.
308  * When you're done, call smtp_end_mail().
309  * keep_from, keep_to, keep_cc, keep_bcc:
310  * These flags signal if the corresponding header should be kept or removed.
311  * You typically want to set keep_from, keep_to, keep_cc, but not keep_bcc.
312  * You should set all flags when sending mail data without preceding headers,
313  * to avoid accidental removal of mail body contents.
314  * mailf:       The file containing the mail
315  * mailsize:    This counter will be increased by the number of bytes
316  *              of the mail (as transferred to the SMTP server) in case
317  *              of successful delivery; the contents are undefined in
318  *              case of failure).
319  * error_msg:   If an error occurs, this will contain the SMTP server
320  *              message (or NULL)
321  * Used error codes: SMTP_EIO
322  */
323 int smtp_send_mail(smtp_server_t *srv, FILE *mailf,
324         int keep_from, int keep_to, int keep_cc, int keep_bcc,
325         long *mailsize, char **errstr);
327 /*
328  * smtp_end_mail()
329  *
330  * Sends a single dot on a line to the SMTP server, signalling that the
331  * transmission of mail data is complete.
332  * This function only works for the SMTP protocol; for LMTP, use
333  * smtp_end_mail_lmtp() instead.
334  * Unlike other functions, this function always returns the SMTP server's
335  * message, unless the return code is SMTP_EIO.
336  * Used error codes: SMTP_EIO, SMTP_EUNAVAIL
337  */
338 int smtp_end_mail(smtp_server_t *srv, list_t **msg, char **errstr);
340 /*
341  * smtp_end_mail_lmtp()
342  *
343  * This function only works for the LMTP protocol; for SMTP, use
344  * smtp_end_mail() instead.
345  *
346  * It sends a single dot on a line to the SMTP server, signalling that the
347  * transmission of mail data is complete.
348  *
349  * The server sends one reply per recipient (therefore 'recipients' must be
350  * the same list that was given to smtp_send_envelope()).
351  *
352  * If all of these replies are positive, SMTP_EOK will be returned.
353  * If an IO error occurred, SMTP_EIO will be returned (as always).
354  * In both cases, 'errstrs' and 'error_msgs' will be NULL.
355  *
356  * If one or more of the replies are negative, SMTP_EUNAVAIL will be returned,
357  * and 'errstrs' and 'error_msgs' will contain one entry for each entry in the
358  * 'recipients' list. If the corresponding recipient caused a positive reply,
359  * both the 'errstrs' and 'error_msgs' entries will be NULL; if it caused a
360  * negative reply, the 'errstrs' entry will contain an error message and the
361  * 'error_msgs' entry will contain the negative reply.
362  *
363  * Used error codes: SMTP_EIO, SMTP_EUNAVAIL
364  */
365 int smtp_end_mail_lmtp(smtp_server_t *srv,
366         list_t *recipients,
367         list_t **errstrs,
368         list_t **error_msgs,
369         char **errstr);
371 /*
372  * smtp_etrn()
373  *
374  * Send a Remote Message Queue Starting request to the SMTP server via the ETRN
375  * command (RFC 1985).
377  */
378 int smtp_etrn(smtp_server_t *srv, const char *etrn_argument,
379         list_t **msg, char **errstr);
381 /*
382  * smtp_quit()
383  *
384  * Sends the QUIT command to the SMTP server 'srv' to end the current session.
385  * Use smtp_close() after this function.
386  * Used error codes: SMTP_EIO, SMTP_EPROTO, SMTP_EINVAL
387  */
388 int smtp_quit(smtp_server_t *srv, char **errstr);
390 /*
391  * smtp_close()
392  *
393  * Closes the connection to the SMTP server 'srv'.
394  * 'srv' is unusable afterwards; reinitialize it with smtp_new() if you want
395  * to reuse it.
396  */
397 void smtp_close(smtp_server_t *srv);
399 /*
400  * smtp_exitcode()
401  *
402  * Translate SMTP_* error code to an error code from sysexits.h
403  */
404 int smtp_exitcode(int smtp_error_code);
406 #endif