1 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
2 FILE:	    custom.h
3 CONTENTS:   definitions for globals structures and variables
4 	    file organized - defines, typedefs, globals.
5 DATE:	    Jan 29, 1988
7 	    Feb 13, 1988 - changed numBinsX & numBinsY -> maxBinX
8 		and maxBinY.  Also redefine LOCBOX to be termbox.
9 	    Feb 19, 1988 - changed aveChanWid to DOUBLE from int.
10 	    Oct 21, 1988 - remove Hweight and Vweight from DIMBOX.
11 	    Oct 26, 1988 - updated FIXEDBOX for neighborhoods.
12 		changed PATHNETPTR to generic pointer and added
13 		groupbox to cell data structure.
14 	    Dec  3, 1988 - added PSETPTR record for timing driven code
15 			 - add list of paths to cell record.
16 	    Jan 20, 1989 - added softPinArrayG for softcells.
17 	    Feb 26, 1989 - added G suffix for all global variables.
18 			 - changed SetBin to SETBIN so looks like macro.
19 			 - added CUSTOM_H compile switch.
20 	    Mar 01, 1989 - remove netctr variable.
21 			 - made iteration a global variable.
22 	    Mar 02, 1989 - moved start_overlap, end_overlap, etc. to
23 		penalties.c
24 	    Mar 07, 1989 - added numinstancesG to list of cell info.
25 	    Mar 12, 1989 - added group_nested field to CELLBOX so
26 		that groups can be hierarchical.
27 	    Mar 16, 1989 - rewrote entire netlist data structures.
28 		Deleted unnecessary data structures.
29 	    Mar 30, 1989 - changed tile datastructure and MOVEBOX.
30 	    May 18, 1989 - added layer and HOWMANYORIENTs.
31 	    May 18, 1989 - removed extraneous variables.  Added pad
32 		control variables and defines.
33 	    Jul 19, 1989 - added numstdcellG global for avoiding work.
34 	    Oct 18, 1989 - removed pitch and track_spacing. Added
35 		two wire factors - one for each direction.
36 	    Mar 28, 1990 - major rewrite of softcell code.
37 	    Apr 11, 1990 - changed group record.
38 	    Nov 23, 1990 - changed mean_cellAreaG and dev_cellareaG
39 		to doubles.
40 	    Sun Dec 16 00:27:36 EST 1990 - modified to handle analog
41 		information.
42 	    Thu Jan 17 00:45:41 PST 1991 - added numpins to VERTBOX.
43 	    Mon Feb  4 02:03:45 EST 1991 - added new definitions to
44 		make a correct softpin placer.
45 	    Wed Feb 13 23:34:29 EST 1991 - rewrote pad code.
46 	    Sat Feb 23 00:19:51 EST 1991 - finalized pad data structure
47 		to be like placepad algorithm.
48 	    Thu Apr 18 01:30:38 EDT 1991 - got rid of grid variables
49 		now use library function.
50 	    Sun May  5 14:22:05 EDT 1991 - now user can set origin.
51 	    Mon May  6 02:34:54 EDT 1991 - added lo and hi pos to
52 		make pin placement better.
53 	    Thu Aug 22 22:08:22 CDT 1991 - added unique_classG to fix
54 		problem with fixed cells.
55 ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
56 /* *****************************************************************
57    "@(#) custom.h (Yale) version 3.15 8/22/91"
58 ***************************************************************** */
59 #ifndef CUSTOM_H
60 #define CUSTOM_H
62 #include <main.h>
63 #include <analog.h>
65 #ifndef CUSTOM_DEFS
66 #define EXTERN extern
68 #else
69 #define EXTERN
70 #endif
72 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
74 ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
75 #define SETBINX(x) (( (TrybinG=((x)-binXOffstG)/binWidthXG)<0 ) ? 0 : \
76                    ((TrybinG>maxBinXG) ? maxBinXG : TrybinG ))
77 #define SETBINY(x) (( (TrybinG=((x)-binYOffstG)/binWidthYG)<0 ) ? 0 : \
78                    ((TrybinG>maxBinYG) ? maxBinYG : TrybinG ))
79 #define PICK_INT(l,u) (((l)<(u)) ? ((RAND % ((u)-(l)+1))+(l)) : (l))
81 #define deltaX  2
82 #define deltaY  2
83 #define EXPCELLPERBIN   5   /* we expect no more than 5 cells in a bin */
84 #define HOWMANYORIENT   8
86 /* control for pad spacing */
87 #define UNIFORM_PADS  0
88 #define VARIABLE_PADS 1
89 #define ABUT_PADS     2
90 #define EXACT_PADS    3
92 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
94 ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
95 typedef struct glistbox {  /* generic list */
96     union {
97 	INT net ;      /* make code easier to read */
98 	INT path ;
99 	INT cell ;
100 	INT side ;
101     } p ;
102     struct glistbox *next ;
105 typedef struct movebox {
106     INT   xcenter ;
107     INT   ycenter ;
108     INT   r ;
109     INT   l ;
110     INT   t ;
111     INT   b ;
112     DOUBLE   rw ;  /* the tile weights */
113     DOUBLE   lw ;
114     DOUBLE   tw ;
115     DOUBLE   bw ;
116     INT   binR ;
117     INT   binL ;
118     INT   binT ;
119     INT   binB ;
120     INT   cell ;
121     INT   orient ;
122     INT   numtiles ;
123     BOOL  loaded_previously ;
126 typedef struct eq_pinbox {   /*  for hard equiv pins and addequiv pins */
127     char *pinname          ; /*         equivalent pin name            */
128     INT *restrict1          ;  /* softpin is restricted to these sides  */
129     INT *txpos             ; /* array of cell instance xpos. cell rel. */
130     INT *typos             ; /* array of cell instance ypos. cell rel. */
131     INT layer              ; /* layer of the equivalent pin            */
132     struct eq_pinbox *next;  /*    pointer to next equivalent pin      */
135 typedef struct sbox {
136     struct pinbox **children;  /* array of the pin's children           */
137     struct pinbox *parent;     /* pointer back to softpin pinbox        */
138     INT    *restrict1        ;  /* softpin is restricted to these sides  */
139     INT    hierarchy        ;  /* type of pin root leaf, subroot etc    */
140     INT    side             ;  /* current side of the softpin           */
141     BOOL   permute          ;  /* true if rank ordered                  */
142     BOOL   ordered          ;  /* true if ordered in a group            */
143     BOOL   fixed            ;  /* true if rank is fixed                 */
144     INT    lo_pos           ;  /* low valid position                    */
145     INT    hi_pos           ;  /* hi valid position                     */
146     FLOAT  lowerbound       ;  /* bounds of a pingroup                  */
147     FLOAT  upperbound       ;  /* upper bound of a pin group            */
150 typedef struct pinbox {
151     struct pinbox *next    ; /*       next pin for this net            */
152     struct pinbox *nextpin ; /*       next pin for this cell           */
153     SOFTBOXPTR    softinfo ; /* soft pin info if appl. otherwise NULL  */
154     char *pinname          ; /*               pin record               */
155     INT pin                ; /*          global index of pin           */
156     INT net                ; /*          global index of net           */
157     INT cell               ; /*          global index of cell          */
158     INT xpos               ; /*           global x position            */
159     INT ypos               ; /*           global y position            */
160     INT instance           ; /*      current cell instance             */
161     INT txpos_new          ; /* proposed cell relative position of pin */
162     INT typos_new          ; /* proposed cell relative position of pin */
163     INT txpos              ; /* current cell relative position of pin  */
164     INT typos              ; /* current cell relative position of pin  */
165     INT *txpos_orig        ; /* orig array of cell inst xpos. cell rel.*/
166     INT *typos_orig        ; /* orig array of cell inst ypos. cell rel.*/
167     INT newx               ; /* scratch for determining new global xpos*/
168     INT newy               ; /* scratch for determining new global ypos*/
169     INT flag               ;
170     INT skip               ;
171     INT layer              ; /*        layer information               */
172     INT type               ;  /* softpin, hardpin, equiv pin           */
173     FLOAT *timing          ; /* array of timing information for a pin  */
174     SOFTBOXPTR *soft_inst  ; /* array of spin info if appl. o.w. NULL  */
175     EQUIVPTR   eqptr       ; /*        list of equivalent pins         */
176     ANALOGPTR analog       ; /* analog information if given            */
177     ANALOGPTR *ainst       ; /* analog instance information            */
178 /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
179     Note: For all pins t?pos_orig is what the user gave us.  We need
180     to use original position to calculate new pin position for aspect
181     ratio moves for softcells and for outputing pin information to
182     global router for hard pins.  T?pos is the current x and y
183     positions of the pin and for hard cells it is the average of all
184     the equivs for a pin and for softcells it is the current position
185     due to the current aspect ratio.  For softcell, softinfo is valid
186     otherwise it is NULL.
187    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
190 typedef struct tilebox {
191     DOUBLE lweight ;
192     DOUBLE rweight ;
193     DOUBLE bweight ;
194     DOUBLE tweight ;
195     INT left       ;   /* current tile sides */
196     INT right      ;
197     INT bottom     ;
198     INT top        ;
199     INT orig_left      ;/* original tile sides specified by user */
200     INT orig_right     ;/* for hard cell left = orig_left, that is */
201     INT orig_bottom    ;/* sides don't change throughout run. But for */
202     INT orig_top       ;/* soft cells use this to calculate current side*/
203     struct tilebox *next ; /* next tile in list */
206 typedef struct psidebox {
207     INT length   ;
208     DOUBLE pincount;
209     INT vertical ;
210     INT position ;
211 } PSIDEBOX ;
213 typedef struct {
214     INT   r ;
215     INT   l ;
216     INT   t ;
217     INT   b ;
220 typedef struct {
221     INT   *x ;                /* the current positions of vertices */
222     INT   *x_orig ;           /* the original positions of vertices */
223     INT   *x_new ;            /* the proposed positions of the vertices */
224     INT   *y ;                /* the current positions of vertices */
225     INT   *y_orig ;           /* the original positions of vertices */
226     INT   *y_new ;            /* the proposed positions of the vertices */
227     FLOAT *numpins;           /* number of pins on each side */
230 typedef struct {
232     INT   xcenter ;
233     INT   ycenter ;
234     BOOL  leftNotRight ;
235     BOOL  bottomNotTop ;
236     INT   xloc1 ;              /* for fixing cell within a neighborhood */
237     INT   yloc1 ;              /* remembers relative position to core */
238     INT   xloc2 ;
239     INT   yloc2 ;
240     BOOL  leftNotRight2 ;
241     BOOL  bottomNotTop2 ;
242     INT   x1, y1 ;             /* global position */
243     INT   x2, y2 ;
244     INT   xspan ;             /* for speed of calculation */
245     INT   yspan ;
248 typedef struct pad_rec {
249     INT    cellnum          ;  /* index in carray */
250     INT    length           ;
251     INT    height           ;
252     INT    position         ;  /* linear placement position for a side */
253     INT    tiebreak         ;  /* ideal location to place the pad */
254     INT    *children        ;  /* added for pad code */
255     INT    padside          ;  /* current side */
256     INT    padtype          ;  /* type of pad - pad or padgroup */
257     INT    hierarchy        ;  /* type of pad - root, lead, pad, etc */
258     INT    lo_pos           ;  /* low valid position -1 if every valid */
259     INT    hi_pos           ;  /* hi valid position PINFINITY if valid */
260     BOOL   ordered          ;  /* whether a pad is ordered in a group */
261     BOOL   permute          ;  /* whether rank is to be enforced */
262     BOOL   fixed            ;  /* whether pad is fixed on a side */
263     BOOL   valid_side[5]    ;  /* valid side a pad may be placed */
264     DOUBLE lowerbound       ;
265     DOUBLE upperbound       ;
268 typedef struct {            /* keeps track of group information */
269     FIXEDBOXPTR fixed       ;  /* the groups neighborhood */
270     GLISTPTR cells          ;  /* the cells of a group */
273 typedef struct {
274     char **name_inst        ;  /* array of names for each instance      */
275     INT numinstances        ;  /* number of instances for this cell     */
276     INT *numtile_inst       ;  /* number of tiles for each instance     */
277     INT *numsides           ;  /* array of number of sides for inst.    */
278     TILEBOXPTR *tile_inst   ;  /* array of tile lists for each inst     */
279     BOUNBOXPTR **bounBox    ;  /* the bbox in each view 0 each inst     */
280     VERTBOXPTR *vert_inst   ;  /* array of vertices of cell orient 0    */
283 typedef struct cellbox {
284     char *cname             ;
285     INT cellnum             ;
286     INT class               ;
287     INT xcenter             ;
288     INT ycenter             ;
289     INT orientList[9]       ;
290     INT orient              ;
291     INT numpins             ;  /* number of pins for this cell          */
292     INT numtiles            ;  /* number of tiles in current instance   */
293     INT numsides            ;  /* number of sides for the current inst  */
294     INT cur_inst            ;  /* current instance of cell [0,numinst]  */
295     BOOL softflag           ;  /* TRUE if it is a soft cell             */
296     CELLTYPE celltype       ;  /* custom, soft , pad etc                */
297     GLISTPTR paths          ;  /* paths of a cell                       */
298     GLISTPTR nets           ;  /* all the nets that a cell is on        */
299     FIXEDBOXPTR fixed       ;  /* cell can't move if non NULL           */
300     INSTBOXPTR  instptr     ;  /* valid if cell has instances           */
301     PADBOXPTR padptr        ;  /* if pad -  pad attributes              */
302     GROUPBOXPTR  group      ;  /* whether cell belongs to a group       */
303     BOOL   group_nested     ;  /* shows whether this cell is nested     */
304     DOUBLE orig_aspect      ;  /* original aspect ratio                 */
305     DOUBLE aspect           ;  /* current aspect ratio                  */
306     DOUBLE aspUB            ;  /* aspect ratio upper bound              */
307     DOUBLE aspLB            ;  /* aspect ration lower bound             */
308     TILEBOXPTR tiles        ;  /* current tiles of a cell-head of list  */
309     VERTBOXPTR vertices     ;  /* array of vertices of cell orient 0    */
310     BOOL       boun_valid   ;  /* boundary calc. - use delayed calc.    */
311     BOUNBOXPTR *bounBox     ;  /* the bounding box excluding routing    */
312     PINBOXPTR  pinptr       ;  /* all the pins of a cell                */
313     PINBOXPTR  *softpins    ;  /* all the pins including softpingroups  */
316 typedef struct netbox {
317     char *nname             ;  /* net name */
318     PINBOXPTR  pins         ;  /* pins of this net */
319     GLISTPTR   paths        ;  /* paths which this net belongs */
320     INT skip                ;
321     INT xmin                ;
322     INT newxmin             ;
323     INT xmax                ;
324     INT newxmax             ;
325     INT ymin                ;
326     INT nflag               ;
327     INT newymin             ;
328     INT ymax                ;
329     INT newymax             ;
330     INT numpins             ;
331     INT Bnum                ;  /* no. of pins on the bottom edge of bb */
332     INT Lnum                ;  /* no. of pins on the left edge of bb */
333     INT Rnum                ;  /* no. of pins on the right edge of bb */
334     INT Tnum                ;  /* no. of pins on the top edge of bb */
335     INT newBnum             ;  /* no. of pins on the bottom edge of bb */
336     INT newLnum             ;  /* no. of pins on the left edge of bb */
337     INT newRnum             ;  /* no. of pins on the right edge of bb */
338     INT newTnum             ;  /* no. of pins on the top edge of bb */
339     INT newhalfPx           ;  /* new half perimeter bounding box for x */
340     INT newhalfPy           ;  /* new half perimeter bounding box for y */
341     INT halfPx              ;  /* current half perimeter bounding box for x */
342     INT halfPy              ;  /* current half perimeter bounding box for y */
343     FLOAT driveFactor       ;  /* driver strength of this net */
344     FLOAT max_driver        ;  /* largest driver on this net */
345     FLOAT min_driver        ;  /* smallest driver on this net */
346     ANETPTR analog_info     ;  /* for analog nets */
349 typedef struct kbox {
350     INT cap ;
351     INT HV ;
352     INT sp ;
353     INT x ;
354     INT y ;
355 } KBOX , *KBOXPTR ;
357 typedef struct pathbox {
358     INT lo_path_len ;     /* lower bound on the calculated half perim */
359     INT hi_path_len ;     /* upper bound on the calculated half perim */
360     INT new_lo_path_len ; /* new low path */
361     INT new_hi_path_len ; /* new upper path */
362     INT priority ;
363     INT upper_bound ;
364     INT lower_bound ;
365     GLISTPTR nets ;
366     struct pathbox *next ;  /* build a list first then array for speed */
369 typedef struct binbox {
370     INT left ;
371     INT right ;
372     INT top ;
373     INT bottom ;
374     INT penalty ;
375     INT nupenalty ;
376     INT *cells ;   /* array of cells in bin */
377     INT space ;    /* size of binbox->cells array */
378 } BINBOX ,
381 typedef struct psetrec {
382     INT  member; /* integer for determining membership */
383     INT  path ;  /* data */
384     struct psetrec *next ;
385 } PSETBOX, *PSETPTR ; /* path set record */
387 /* ----------------------------------------------------------
388    The global variable definitions
389 ---------------------------------------------------------- */
390 EXTERN CELLBOXPTR *cellarrayG   ;
391 EXTERN CELLBOXPTR *activeCellarrayG ; /* cells that are active */
392 EXTERN CELLBOXPTR *softPinArrayG ;    /* softcells that have pins */
393 EXTERN NETBOXPTR  *netarrayG     ;    /* array of nets */
394 EXTERN PATHPTR    *patharrayG ;       /* array of paths */
395 EXTERN PINBOXPTR  *termarrayG  ;      /* array of pins */
396 EXTERN BINBOXPTR  **binptrG ;         /* overlap data structure */
397 EXTERN INT **net_cap_matchG ;         /* set of match nets */
398 EXTERN INT **net_res_matchG ;         /* set of match nets */
400 /* ----------------------------------------------------------
401    The global variable definitions for Jimmy's controller.
402 ---------------------------------------------------------- */
403 EXTERN INT d_costG;
404 EXTERN DOUBLE init_accG;
405 EXTERN DOUBLE ratioG ;
408 /* ----------------------------------------------------------
409    global definitions for overlap calculations
410 ---------------------------------------------------------- */
411 /* move box array */
412 EXTERN MOVEBOXPTR *old_aposG, *new_aposG, *old_bposG, *new_bposG ;
413 /* first element of move box array */
414 EXTERN MOVEBOXPTR old_apos0G, new_apos0G, old_bpos0G, new_bpos0G ;
415 EXTERN BINBOXPTR  newbptrG; /* *** bin cell ptr *** */
416 EXTERN INT *newCellListG ;  /* *** bin cell list *** */
417 EXTERN INT TrybinG ;        /* used in setBin calculations */
419 /* ----------------------------------------------------------
420    global definitions for configuration calculations
421 ---------------------------------------------------------- */
422 EXTERN INT bdxlengthG , bdylengthG ;
423 EXTERN INT blocklG , blockrG , blocktG , blockbG ;
424 EXTERN INT blockmxG , blockmyG ;
425 EXTERN INT halfXspanG , halfYspanG ;
426 EXTERN DOUBLE chipaspectG ;
428 /* ----------------------------------------------------------
429     cells are arranged in cellarray in the following fashion:
430     1. - core cells - custom and softcells 1..numcells.
431     1a.- core cells may have instances. so add numinstances to all below.
432     2. - super cells - numcells+1..numcells+numsupercells.
433     3. - pad cells - numcells+numsupercells+11..
434 		      numcells+numsupercells+numpads.
435     4  - pad groups - numcells+numsupercells+numpads+1..
436 		      numcells+numpads+numpadgroups
437     5. - padmacros - always four-for channel graph generator. see outgeo.c.
438     We have the following definitions to simplify region indexes:
439 	endsuper = numcells + numsupercells + numinstances ;
440 	endpads = numcells+numsupercells+numpads ;
441 	endpadgrps = numcells+numsupercells+numpads+numpadgroups ;
442 	totalcells = numcells+numsupercells+numpads+numpadgroups+NUMPADMACROS ;
443 ---------------------------------------------------------- */
444 EXTERN INT numcellsG  ;
445 EXTERN INT numpadsG   ;
446 EXTERN INT totalpadsG ;
447 EXTERN INT numsoftG   ;
448 EXTERN INT numstdcellG ;
449 EXTERN INT numpadgroupsG ;
450 EXTERN INT numinstancesG ;
451 EXTERN INT numsupercellsG  ;
452 EXTERN INT numpathsG  ;
453 EXTERN INT endpadsG ;
454 EXTERN INT endpadgrpsG ;
455 EXTERN INT endsuperG ;
456 EXTERN INT totalcellsG;
457 EXTERN INT activecellsG;  /* number of active cells not fixed or merged */
458 EXTERN INT numnetsG ;
459 EXTERN INT numpinsG ;
460 EXTERN INT maxBinXG   ;
461 EXTERN INT maxBinYG   ;
462 EXTERN INT binWidthXG ;
463 EXTERN INT binWidthYG ;
464 EXTERN INT binXOffstG ;
465 EXTERN INT binYOffstG ;
466 EXTERN INT maxWeightG ;
467 EXTERN INT baseWeightG;
468 EXTERN DOUBLE mean_cellAreaG ;
469 EXTERN DOUBLE dev_cellAreaG  ;
470 EXTERN DOUBLE slopeXG    ;
471 EXTERN DOUBLE slopeYG    ;
472 EXTERN DOUBLE basefactorG;
473 EXTERN DOUBLE aveChanWidG;
474 EXTERN DOUBLE wireFactorXG;
475 EXTERN DOUBLE wireFactorYG;
477 /* ----------------------------------------------------------
478    global definitions for cost function
479 ---------------------------------------------------------- */
480 EXTERN INT penaltyG   ;
481 EXTERN INT binpenalG  ;
482 EXTERN INT funccostG  ;
483 EXTERN INT offsetG    ;
484 EXTERN INT timingcostG ;
485 EXTERN INT timingpenalG ;
486 EXTERN DOUBLE coreFactorG ;
487 EXTERN DOUBLE lapFactorG ;
488 EXTERN DOUBLE timeFactorG ;
489 EXTERN DOUBLE vertical_wire_weightG ;
490 EXTERN DOUBLE vertical_path_weightG ;
492 /* annealing stuff */
494 EXTERN FILE *fpoG ;
495 EXTERN INT randVarG ;
496 EXTERN INT attmaxG  ;
497 EXTERN INT iterationG ;
499 EXTERN DOUBLE pinsPerLenG ;
500 EXTERN INT layersFactorG ;
501 EXTERN INT unique_classG ;
503 /* ----------------------------------------------------------
504    global definitions for calculated statistics
505 ---------------------------------------------------------- */
506 EXTERN INT perimG ;
507 EXTERN INT totChanLenG ;
508 EXTERN INT totNetLenG  ;
509 EXTERN DOUBLE aveCellSideG ;
510 EXTERN DOUBLE expandExtraG ;
512 EXTERN INT flipsG ;
513 EXTERN DOUBLE avg_funcG , avgsG ;
515 EXTERN INT iwireG, iwirexG , iwireyG , icostG ;
516 EXTERN INT fwireG, fwirexG , fwireyG , fcostG ;
518 /* control for pad code */
519 EXTERN INT padspacingG ;  /* may be UNIFORM, VARIABLE, or ABUT */
520 EXTERN BOOL contiguousG ;
521 EXTERN BOOL external_pad_programG ; /* TRUE for calling placepads */
522 EXTERN INT min_pad_spacingG ;
523 EXTERN INT coreG[2][2] ;
524 EXTERN INT perdimG[2] ;
525 EXTERN PADBOXPTR *padarrayG ;   /* array of all the pads and padgroups */
526 EXTERN PADBOXPTR *sortarrayG ;  /* the sorted array of pads */
527 EXTERN PADBOXPTR *placearrayG ; /* array where the pads will be placed */
529 /* control gridding of cells */
530 EXTERN BOOL gridGivenG ;
531 EXTERN BOOL gridCellsG ;
532 EXTERN BOOL coreGivenG ;
533 EXTERN INT  x_originG, y_originG ;
536 #undef EXTERN
539 #endif /* CUSTOM_H */