1 /*
2  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
3  * it under the terms of either:
4  *
5  *   a) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
6  *      Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any
7  *      later version,
8  *
9  *   OR
10  *
11  *   b) The two-clause BSD license.
12  *
13  * These licenses can be found with the distribution in the file LICENSES
14  */
19 #ifndef INC_SPF_DNS_RR
20 #define INC_SPF_DNS_RR
22 #include "spf_dns.h"
24 /**
25  * Data from a DNS RR.
26  *
27  * The strings in this union are usually  malloc'ed larger than the
28  * size of the union.  Only create pointers to it!
29  */
30 typedef
31 union
32 {
33     struct in_addr	a;
34     char			ptr[1];
35     char			mx[1];
36     char			txt[1];
37     struct in6_addr	aaaa;
38 } SPF_dns_rr_data_t;
40 /**
41  * A DNS packet.
42  *
43  * This structure does not semantically match the DNS packet
44  * structure. It assumes that only one RR type was of interest,
45  * and that all RRs in the packet are of that type.
46  *
47  * This is also used in spf_dns_zone.c
48  */
49 typedef
50 struct SPF_dns_rr_struct
51 {
52     /* query information */
53     char				*domain;		/**< FQDN queried for.		*/
54     size_t				 domain_buf_len;/**< Alloced size of domain.	*/
56     ns_type				 rr_type;		/**< Type of RR queried for.	*/
58     /* answer information */
59     int					 num_rr;	/**< Number of RR returned in RR.	*/
60     SPF_dns_rr_data_t	**rr;		/**< RR set returned.		*/
61     size_t				*rr_buf_len;/**< Alloced size of each RR.	*/
62     int					 rr_buf_num;/**< Number of RR allocated.	*/
64     time_t				 ttl;		/**< Raw TTL.			*/
65     time_t				 utc_ttl;	/**< TTL adjusted to UTC.		*/
66     SPF_dns_stat_t		 herrno;	/**< h_error returned from query.	*/
68     /* misc information */
69     void				*hook;		/**< Used by DNS layers.		*/
70     SPF_dns_server_t	*source;	/**< Which layer created this RR.  */
71 } SPF_dns_rr_t;
73 SPF_dns_rr_t	*SPF_dns_rr_new(void);
74 void			 SPF_dns_rr_free(SPF_dns_rr_t *spfrr);
75 SPF_dns_rr_t	*SPF_dns_rr_new_init(SPF_dns_server_t *spf_dns_server,
76 						const char *domain,
77 						ns_type rr_type, int ttl,
78 						SPF_dns_stat_t herrno);
79 SPF_dns_rr_t	*SPF_dns_rr_new_nxdomain(SPF_dns_server_t *spf_dns_server,
80 						const char *domain);
82 SPF_errcode_t	 SPF_dns_rr_buf_realloc(SPF_dns_rr_t *spfrr,
83 						int idx, size_t len );
84 SPF_errcode_t	 SPF_dns_rr_dup(SPF_dns_rr_t **dstp, SPF_dns_rr_t *src);
87 #endif