1 /*
2  * pssl.h
3  *
4  * Secure Sockets Layer channel interface class.
5  *
6  * Portable Windows Library
7  *
8  * Copyright (c) 1993-2002 Equivalence Pty. Ltd.
9  *
10  * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
11  * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
12  * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
13  * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
14  *
15  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
16  * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
17  * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
18  * under the License.
19  *
20  * The Original Code is Portable Windows Library.
21  *
22  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Equivalence Pty. Ltd.
23  *
24  * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
25  *
26  * $Revision: 25519 $
27  * $Author: rjongbloed $
28  * $Date: 2011-04-06 03:26:18 -0500 (Wed, 06 Apr 2011) $
29  */
31 #ifndef PTLIB_PSSL_H
32 #define PTLIB_PSSL_H
34 #ifdef P_USE_PRAGMA
35 #pragma interface
36 #endif
38 #include <ptlib/sockets.h>
41 struct ssl_st;
42 struct ssl_ctx_st;
43 struct x509_st;
44 struct evp_pkey_st;
45 struct dh_st;
47 enum PSSLFileTypes {
48   PSSLFileTypePEM,
49   PSSLFileTypeASN1,
51 };
54 /**Private key for SSL.
55    This class embodies a common environment for all private keys used by the
56    PSSLContext and PSSLChannel classes.
57   */
58 class PSSLPrivateKey : public PObject
59 {
60   PCLASSINFO(PSSLPrivateKey, PObject);
61   public:
62     /**Create an empty private key.
63       */
64     PSSLPrivateKey();
66     /**Create a new RSA private key.
67       */
68     PSSLPrivateKey(
69       unsigned modulus,   ///< Number of bits
70       void (*callback)(int,int,void *) = NULL,  ///< Progress callback function
71       void *cb_arg = NULL                       ///< Argument passed to callback
72     );
74     /**Create a new private key given the file.
75        The type of the private key can be specified explicitly, or if
76        PSSLFileTypeDEFAULT it will be determined from the file extension,
77        ".pem" is a text file, anything else eg ".der" is a binary ASN1 file.
78       */
79     PSSLPrivateKey(
80       const PFilePath & keyFile,  ///< Private key file
81       PSSLFileTypes fileType = PSSLFileTypeDEFAULT  ///< Type of file to read
82     );
84     /**Create private key from the binary ASN1 DER encoded data specified.
85       */
86     PSSLPrivateKey(
87       const BYTE * keyData,   ///< Private key data
88       PINDEX keySize          ///< Size of private key data
89     );
91     /**Create private key from the binary ASN1 DER encoded data specified.
92       */
93     PSSLPrivateKey(
94       const PBYTEArray & keyData  ///< Private key data
95     );
97     /**Create a copy of the private key.
98       */
99     PSSLPrivateKey(
100       const PSSLPrivateKey & privKey
101     );
103     /**Create a copy of the private key.
104       */
105     PSSLPrivateKey & operator=(
106       const PSSLPrivateKey & privKay
107     );
109     /**Destroy and release storage for private key.
110       */
111     ~PSSLPrivateKey();
113     /**Get internal OpenSSL private key structure.
114       */
115     operator evp_pkey_st *() const { return key; }
117     /**Create a new private key.
118      */
119     PBoolean Create(
120       unsigned modulus,   ///< Number of bits
121       void (*callback)(int,int,void *) = NULL,  ///< Progress callback function
122       void *cb_arg = NULL                       ///< Argument passed to callback
123     );
125     /**Get the certificate as binary ASN1 DER encoded data.
126       */
127     PBYTEArray GetData() const;
129     /**Get the certificate as ASN1 DER base64 encoded data.
130       */
131     PString AsString() const;
133     /**Load private key from file.
134        The type of the private key can be specified explicitly, or if
135        PSSLFileTypeDEFAULT it will be determined from the file extension,
136        ".pem" is a text file, anything else eg ".der" is a binary ASN1 file.
137       */
138     PBoolean Load(
139       const PFilePath & keyFile,  ///< Private key file
140       PSSLFileTypes fileType = PSSLFileTypeDEFAULT  ///< Type of file to read
141     );
143     /**Save private key to file.
144        The type of the private key can be specified explicitly, or if
145        PSSLFileTypeDEFAULT it will be determined from the file extension,
146        ".pem" is a text file, anything else eg ".der" is a binary ASN1 file.
147       */
148     PBoolean Save(
149       const PFilePath & keyFile,  ///< Private key file
150       PBoolean append = false,        ///< Append to file
151       PSSLFileTypes fileType = PSSLFileTypeDEFAULT  ///< Type of file to write
152     );
155   protected:
156     evp_pkey_st * key;
157 };
160 /**Certificate for SSL.
161    This class embodies a common environment for all certificates used by the
162    PSSLContext and PSSLChannel classes.
163   */
164 class PSSLCertificate : public PObject
165 {
166   PCLASSINFO(PSSLCertificate, PObject);
167   public:
168     /**Create an empty certificate.
169       */
170     PSSLCertificate();
172     /**Create a new certificate given the file.
173        The type of the certificate key can be specified explicitly, or if
174        PSSLFileTypeDEFAULT it will be determined from the file extension,
175        ".pem" is a text file, anything else eg ".der" is a binary ASN1 file.
176       */
177     PSSLCertificate(
178       const PFilePath & certFile, ///< Certificate file
179       PSSLFileTypes fileType = PSSLFileTypeDEFAULT  ///< Type of file to read
180     );
182     /**Create certificate from the binary ASN1 DER encoded data specified.
183       */
184     PSSLCertificate(
185       const BYTE * certData,  ///< Certificate data
186       PINDEX certSize        ///< Size of certificate data
187     );
189     /**Create certificate from the binary ASN1 DER encoded data specified.
190       */
191     PSSLCertificate(
192       const PBYTEArray & certData  ///< Certificate data
193     );
195     /**Create certificate from the ASN1 DER base64 encoded data specified.
196       */
197     PSSLCertificate(
198       const PString & certString  ///< Certificate data as string
199     );
201     /**Create a copy of the certificate.
202       */
203     PSSLCertificate(
204       const PSSLCertificate & cert
205     );
207     /**Create a copy of the certificate.
208       */
209     PSSLCertificate & operator=(
210       const PSSLCertificate & cert
211     );
213     /**Destroy and release storage for certificate.
214       */
215     ~PSSLCertificate();
217     /**Get internal OpenSSL X509 structure.
218       */
219     operator x509_st *() const { return certificate; }
221     /**Create a new root certificate.
222        The subject name is a string of the form "/name=value/name=value" where
223        name is a short name for the field and value is a string value for the
224        field for example:
225           "/C=ZA/SP=Western Cape/L=Cape Town/O=Thawte Consulting cc"
226           "/OU=Certification Services Division/CN=Thawte Server CA"
227           "/Email=server-certs@thawte.com"
228      */
229     PBoolean CreateRoot(
230       const PString & subject,    ///< Subject name for certificate
231       const PSSLPrivateKey & key  ///< Key to sign certificate with
232     );
234     /**Get the certificate as binary ASN1 DER encoded data.
235       */
236     PBYTEArray GetData() const;
238     /**Get the certificate as ASN1 DER base64 encoded data.
239       */
240     PString AsString() const;
242     /**Load certificate from file.
243        The type of the certificate key can be specified explicitly, or if
244        PSSLFileTypeDEFAULT it will be determined from the file extension,
245        ".pem" is a text file, anything else eg ".der" is a binary ASN1 file.
246       */
247     PBoolean Load(
248       const PFilePath & certFile, ///< Certificate file
249       PSSLFileTypes fileType = PSSLFileTypeDEFAULT  ///< Type of file to read
250     );
252     /**Save certificate to file.
253        The type of the certificate key can be specified explicitly, or if
254        PSSLFileTypeDEFAULT it will be determined from the file extension,
255        ".pem" is a text file, anything else eg ".der" is a binary ASN1 file.
256       */
257     PBoolean Save(
258       const PFilePath & keyFile,  ///< Certificate key file
259       PBoolean append = false,        ///< Append to file
260       PSSLFileTypes fileType = PSSLFileTypeDEFAULT  ///< Type of file to write
261     );
264   protected:
265     x509_st * certificate;
266 };
269 /**Diffie-Hellman parameters for SSL.
270    This class embodies a set of Diffie Helman parameters as used by
271    PSSLContext and PSSLChannel classes.
272   */
273 class PSSLDiffieHellman : public PObject
274 {
275   PCLASSINFO(PSSLDiffieHellman, PObject);
276   public:
277     /**Create an empty set of Diffie-Hellman parameters.
278       */
279     PSSLDiffieHellman();
281     /**Create a new set of Diffie-Hellman parameters given the file.
282        The type of the file can be specified explicitly, or if
283        PSSLFileTypeDEFAULT it will be determined from the file extension,
284        ".pem" is a text file, anything else eg ".der" is a binary ASN1 file.
285       */
286     PSSLDiffieHellman(
287       const PFilePath & dhFile, ///< Diffie-Hellman parameters file
288       PSSLFileTypes fileType = PSSLFileTypeDEFAULT  ///< Type of file to read
289     );
291     /**Create a set of Diffie-Hellman parameters.
292       */
293     PSSLDiffieHellman(
294       const BYTE * pData, ///< P data
295       PINDEX pSize,       ///< Size of P data
296       const BYTE * gData, ///< G data
297       PINDEX gSize        ///< Size of G data
298     );
300     /**Create a copy of the Diffie-Hellman parameters.
301       */
302     PSSLDiffieHellman(
303       const PSSLDiffieHellman & dh
304     );
306     /**Create a copy of the Diffie-Hellman parameters.
307       */
308     PSSLDiffieHellman & operator=(
309       const PSSLDiffieHellman & dh
310     );
312     /**Destroy and release storage for Diffie-Hellman parameters.
313       */
314     ~PSSLDiffieHellman();
316     /**Get internal OpenSSL DH structure.
317       */
318     operator dh_st *() const { return dh; }
320     /**Load Diffie-Hellman parameters from file.
321        The type of the file can be specified explicitly, or if
322        PSSLFileTypeDEFAULT it will be determined from the file extension,
323        ".pem" is a text file, anything else eg ".der" is a binary ASN1 file.
324       */
325     PBoolean Load(
326       const PFilePath & dhFile, ///< Diffie-Hellman parameters file
327       PSSLFileTypes fileType = PSSLFileTypeDEFAULT  ///< Type of file to read
328     );
330   protected:
331     dh_st * dh;
332 };
335 /**Context for SSL channels.
336    This class embodies a common environment for all connections made via SSL
337    using the PSSLChannel class. It includes such things as the version of SSL
338    and certificates, CA's etc.
339   */
340 class PSSLContext {
341   public:
342     enum Method {
343       SSLv23,
344       SSLv3,
345       TLSv1
346     };
348     /**Create a new context for SSL channels.
349        An optional session ID may be provided in the context. This is used
350        to identify sessions across multiple channels in this context. The
351        session ID is a completely arbitrary block of data. If sessionId is
352        non NULL and idSize is zero, then sessionId is assumed to be a pointer
353        to a C string.
354        The default SSL method is SSLv23
355       */
356     PSSLContext(
357       const void * sessionId = NULL,  ///< Pointer to session ID
358       PINDEX idSize = 0               ///< Size of session ID
359     );
360     PSSLContext(
361       Method method,                  ///< SSL connection method
362       const void * sessionId = NULL,  ///< Pointer to session ID
363       PINDEX idSize = 0               ///< Size of session ID
364     );
366     /**Clean up the SSL context.
367       */
368     ~PSSLContext();
370     /**Get the internal SSL context structure.
371       */
372     operator ssl_ctx_st *() const { return context; }
374     /**Set the path to locate CA certificates.
375       */
376     PBoolean SetCAPath(
377       const PDirectory & caPath   ///< Directory for CA certificates
378     );
380     /**Set the CA certificate file.
381       */
382     PBoolean SetCAFile(
383       const PFilePath & caFile    ///< CA certificate file
384     );
386     /**Use the certificate specified.
387       */
388     PBoolean UseCertificate(
389       const PSSLCertificate & certificate
390     );
392     /**Use the private key specified.
393       */
394     PBoolean UsePrivateKey(
395       const PSSLPrivateKey & key
396     );
398     /**Use the Diffie-Hellman parameters specified.
399       */
400     PBoolean UseDiffieHellman(
401       const PSSLDiffieHellman & dh
402     );
404     /**Set the available ciphers to those listed.
405       */
406     PBoolean SetCipherList(
407       const PString & ciphers   ///< List of cipher names.
408     );
410   protected:
411     void Construct(Method method, const void * sessionId, PINDEX idSize);
412     ssl_ctx_st * context;
413 };
416 /**This class will start a secure SSL based channel.
417   */
418 class PSSLChannel : public PIndirectChannel
419 {
420   PCLASSINFO(PSSLChannel, PIndirectChannel)
421   public:
422     /**Create a new channel given the context.
423        If no context is given a default one is created.
424       */
425     PSSLChannel(
426       PSSLContext * context = NULL,   ///< Context for SSL channel
427       PBoolean autoDeleteContext = false  ///< Flag for context to be automatically deleted.
428     );
429     PSSLChannel(
430       PSSLContext & context           ///< Context for SSL channel
431     );
433     /**Close and clear the SSL channel.
434       */
435     ~PSSLChannel();
437     // Overrides from PChannel
438     virtual PBoolean Read(void * buf, PINDEX len);
439     virtual PBoolean Write(const void * buf, PINDEX len);
440     virtual PBoolean Close();
Shutdown(ShutdownValue)441     virtual PBoolean Shutdown(ShutdownValue) { return true; }
442     virtual PString GetErrorText(ErrorGroup group = NumErrorGroups) const;
443     virtual PBoolean ConvertOSError(int error, ErrorGroup group = LastGeneralError);
445     // New functions
446     /**Accept a new inbound connection (server).
447        This version expects that the indirect channel has already been opened
448        using Open() beforehand.
449       */
450     PBoolean Accept();
452     /**Accept a new inbound connection (server).
453       */
454     PBoolean Accept(
455       PChannel & channel  ///< Channel to attach to.
456     );
458     /**Accept a new inbound connection (server).
459       */
460     PBoolean Accept(
461       PChannel * channel,     ///< Channel to attach to.
462       PBoolean autoDelete = true  ///< Flag for if channel should be automatically deleted.
463     );
466     /**Connect to remote server.
467        This version expects that the indirect channel has already been opened
468        using Open() beforehand.
469       */
470     PBoolean Connect();
472     /**Connect to remote server.
473       */
474     PBoolean Connect(
475       PChannel & channel  ///< Channel to attach to.
476     );
478     /**Connect to remote server.
479       */
480     PBoolean Connect(
481       PChannel * channel,     ///< Channel to attach to.
482       PBoolean autoDelete = true  ///< Flag for if channel should be automatically deleted.
483     );
485     /**Use the certificate specified.
486       */
487     PBoolean UseCertificate(
488       const PSSLCertificate & certificate
489     );
491     /**Use the private key file specified.
492       */
493     PBoolean UsePrivateKey(
494       const PSSLPrivateKey & key
495     );
497     enum VerifyMode {
498       VerifyNone,
499       VerifyPeer,
500       VerifyPeerMandatory,
501     };
503     void SetVerifyMode(
504       VerifyMode mode
505     );
GetContext()507     PSSLContext * GetContext() const { return context; }
509     virtual PBoolean RawSSLRead(void * buf, PINDEX & len);
511   protected:
512     /**This callback is executed when the Open() function is called with
513        open channels. It may be used by descendent channels to do any
514        handshaking required by the protocol that channel embodies.
516        The default behaviour "connects" the channel to the OpenSSL library.
518        @return
519        Returns true if the protocol handshaking is successful.
520      */
521     virtual PBoolean OnOpen();
523   protected:
524     PSSLContext * context;
525     PBoolean          autoDeleteContext;
526     ssl_st      * ssl;
527 };
529 #endif // PTLIB_PSSL_H
532 // End Of File ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////