1from statsmodels.compat.pandas import Substitution, is_int_index
3import datetime as dt
4from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union
6import numpy as np
7import pandas as pd
9from statsmodels.base.data import PandasData
10from statsmodels.iolib.summary import SimpleTable, Summary
11from statsmodels.tools.docstring import Docstring, Parameter, indent
12from statsmodels.tsa.base.prediction import PredictionResults
13from statsmodels.tsa.base.tsa_model import get_index_loc, get_prediction_index
14from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import STL, DecomposeResult
15from statsmodels.tsa.statespace.kalman_filter import _check_dynamic
17DateLike = Union[int, str, dt.datetime, pd.Timestamp, np.datetime64]
19ds = Docstring(STL.__doc__)
21    "endog",
22    Parameter(
23        "model",
24        "Model",
25        [
26            "The model used to forecast endog after the seasonality has been "
27            "removed using STL"
28        ],
29    ),
32    "model",
33    Parameter(
34        "model_kwargs",
35        "Dict[str, Any]",
36        [
37            "Any additional arguments needed to initialized the model using "
38            "the residuals produced by subtracting the seasonality."
39        ],
40    ),
42_stl_forecast_params = ds.extract_parameters(
43    [
44        "endog",
45        "model",
46        "model_kwargs",
47        "period",
48        "seasonal",
49        "trend",
50        "low_pass",
51        "seasonal_deg",
52        "trend_deg",
53        "low_pass_deg",
54        "robust",
55        "seasonal_jump",
56        "trend_jump",
57        "low_pass_jump",
58    ]
61ds = Docstring(STL.fit.__doc__)
62_fit_params = ds.extract_parameters(["inner_iter", "outer_iter"])
65@Substitution(stl_forecast_params=indent(_stl_forecast_params, "    "))
66class STLForecast:
67    r"""
68        Model-based forecasting using STL to remove seasonality
70        Forecasts are produced by first subtracting the seasonality
71        estimated using STL, then forecasting the deseasonalized
72        data using a time-series model, for example, ARIMA.
74        Parameters
75        ----------
76    %(stl_forecast_params)s
78        See Also
79        --------
80        statsmodels.tsa.arima.model.ARIMA
81            ARIMA modeling.
82        statsmodels.tsa.ar_model.AutoReg
83            Autoregressive modeling supporting complex deterministics.
84        statsmodels.tsa.exponential_smoothing.ets.ETSModel
85            Additive and multiplicative exponential smoothing with trend.
86        statsmodels.tsa.statespace.exponential_smoothing.ExponentialSmoothing
87            Additive exponential smoothing with trend.
89        Notes
90        -----
91        If :math:`\hat{S}_t` is the seasonal component, then the deseasonalize
92        series is constructed as
94        .. math::
96            Y_t - \hat{S}_t
98        The trend component is not removed, and so the time series model should
99        be capable of adequately fitting and forecasting the trend if present. The
100        out-of-sample forecasts of the seasonal component are produced as
102        .. math::
104            \hat{S}_{T + h} = \hat{S}_{T - k}
106        where :math:`k = m - h + m \lfloor (h-1)/m \rfloor` tracks the period
107        offset in the full cycle of 1, 2, ..., m where m is the period length.
109        This class is mostly a convenience wrapper around ``STL`` and a
110        user-specified model. The model is assumed to follow the standard
111        statsmodels pattern:
113        * ``fit`` is used to estimate parameters and returns a results instance,
114          ``results``.
115        * ``results`` must exposes a method ``forecast(steps, **kwargs)`` that
116          produces out-of-sample forecasts.
117        * ``results`` may also exposes a method ``get_prediction`` that produces
118          both in- and out-of-sample predictions.
120        Examples
121        --------
122        >>> import numpy as np
123        >>> import pandas as pd
124        >>> from statsmodels.tsa.api import STLForecast
125        >>> from statsmodels.tsa.arima.model import ARIMA
126        >>> from statsmodels.datasets import macrodata
127        >>> ds = macrodata.load_pandas()
128        >>> data = np.log(ds.data.m1)
129        >>> base_date = f"{int(ds.data.year[0])}-{3*int(ds.data.quarter[0])+1}-1"
130        >>> data.index = pd.date_range(base_date, periods=data.shape[0], freq="QS")
132        Generate forecasts from an ARIMA
134        >>> stlf = STLForecast(data, ARIMA, model_kwargs={"order": (2, 1, 0)})
135        >>> res = stlf.fit()
136        >>> forecasts = res.forecast(12)
138        Generate forecasts from an Exponential Smoothing model with trend
139        >>> from statsmodels.tsa.statespace import exponential_smoothing
140        >>> ES = exponential_smoothing.ExponentialSmoothing
141        >>> config = {"trend": True}
142        >>> stlf = STLForecast(data, ES, model_kwargs=config)
143        >>> res = stlf.fit()
144        >>> forecasts = res.forecast(12)
145    """
147    def __init__(
148        self,
149        endog,
150        model,
151        *,
152        model_kwargs=None,
153        period=None,
154        seasonal=7,
155        trend=None,
156        low_pass=None,
157        seasonal_deg=1,
158        trend_deg=1,
159        low_pass_deg=1,
160        robust=False,
161        seasonal_jump=1,
162        trend_jump=1,
163        low_pass_jump=1,
164    ):
165        self._endog = endog
166        self._stl_kwargs = dict(
167            period=period,
168            seasonal=seasonal,
169            trend=trend,
170            low_pass=low_pass,
171            seasonal_deg=seasonal_deg,
172            trend_deg=trend_deg,
173            low_pass_deg=low_pass_deg,
174            robust=robust,
175            seasonal_jump=seasonal_jump,
176            trend_jump=trend_jump,
177            low_pass_jump=low_pass_jump,
178        )
179        self._model = model
180        self._model_kwargs = {} if model_kwargs is None else model_kwargs
181        if not hasattr(model, "fit"):
182            raise AttributeError("model must expose a ``fit``  method.")
184    @Substitution(fit_params=indent(_fit_params, " " * 8))
185    def fit(self, *, inner_iter=None, outer_iter=None, fit_kwargs=None):
186        """
187        Estimate STL and forecasting model parameters.
189        Parameters
190        ----------\n%(fit_params)s
191        fit_kwargs : Dict[str, Any]
192            Any additional keyword arguments to pass to ``model``'s ``fit``
193            method when estimating the model on the decomposed residuals.
195        Returns
196        -------
197        STLForecastResults
198            Results with forecasting methods.
199        """
200        fit_kwargs = {} if fit_kwargs is None else fit_kwargs
201        stl = STL(self._endog, **self._stl_kwargs)
202        stl_fit: DecomposeResult = stl.fit(
203            inner_iter=inner_iter, outer_iter=outer_iter
204        )
205        model_endog = stl_fit.trend + stl_fit.resid
206        mod = self._model(model_endog, **self._model_kwargs)
207        res = mod.fit(**fit_kwargs)
208        if not hasattr(res, "forecast"):
209            raise AttributeError(
210                "The model's result must expose a ``forecast`` method."
211            )
212        return STLForecastResults(stl, stl_fit, mod, res, self._endog)
215class STLForecastResults:
216    """
217    Results for forecasting using STL to remove seasonality
219    Parameters
220    ----------
221    stl : STL
222        The STL instance used to decompose the data.
223    result : DecomposeResult
224        The result of applying STL to the data.
225    model : Model
226        The time series model used to model the non-seasonal dynamics.
227    model_result : Results
228        Model results instance supporting, at a minimum, ``forecast``.
229    """
231    def __init__(
232        self, stl: STL, result: DecomposeResult, model, model_result, endog
233    ) -> None:
234        self._stl = stl
235        self._result = result
236        self._model = model
237        self._model_result = model_result
238        self._endog = np.asarray(endog)
239        self._nobs = self._endog.shape[0]
240        self._index = getattr(endog, "index", pd.RangeIndex(self._nobs))
241        if not (
242            isinstance(self._index, (pd.DatetimeIndex, pd.PeriodIndex))
243            or is_int_index(self._index)
244        ):
245            try:
246                self._index = pd.to_datetime(self._index)
247            except ValueError:
248                self._index = pd.RangeIndex(self._nobs)
250    @property
251    def period(self) -> int:
252        """The period of the seasonal component"""
253        return self._stl.period
255    @property
256    def stl(self) -> STL:
257        """The STL instance used to decompose the time series"""
258        return self._stl
260    @property
261    def result(self) -> DecomposeResult:
262        """The result of applying STL to the data"""
263        return self._result
265    @property
266    def model(self) -> Any:
267        """The model fit to the additively deseasonalized data"""
268        return self._model
270    @property
271    def model_result(self) -> Any:
272        """The result class from the estimated model"""
273        return self._model_result
275    def summary(self) -> Summary:
276        """
277        Summary of both the STL decomposition and the model fit.
279        Returns
280        -------
281        Summary
282            The summary of the model fit and the STL decomposition.
284        Notes
285        -----
286        Requires that the model's result class supports ``summary`` and
287        returns a ``Summary`` object.
288        """
289        if not hasattr(self._model_result, "summary"):
290            raise AttributeError(
291                "The model result does not have a summary attribute."
292            )
293        summary: Summary = self._model_result.summary()
294        if not isinstance(summary, Summary):
295            raise TypeError(
296                "The model result's summary is not a Summary object."
297            )
298        summary.tables[0].title = (
299            "STL Decomposition and " + summary.tables[0].title
300        )
301        config = self._stl.config
302        left_keys = ("period", "seasonal", "robust")
303        left_data = []
304        left_stubs = []
305        right_data = []
306        right_stubs = []
307        for key in config:
308            new = key.capitalize()
309            new = new.replace("_", " ")
310            if new in ("Trend", "Low Pass"):
311                new += " Length"
312            is_left = any(key.startswith(val) for val in left_keys)
313            new += ":"
314            stub = f"{new:<23s}"
315            val = f"{str(config[key]):>13s}"
316            if is_left:
317                left_stubs.append(stub)
318                left_data.append([val])
319            else:
320                right_stubs.append(" " * 6 + stub)
321                right_data.append([val])
322        tab = SimpleTable(
323            left_data, stubs=tuple(left_stubs), title="STL Configuration"
324        )
325        tab.extend_right(SimpleTable(right_data, stubs=right_stubs))
326        summary.tables.append(tab)
327        return summary
329    def _get_seasonal_prediction(
330        self,
331        start: Optional[DateLike],
332        end: Optional[DateLike],
333        dynamic: Union[bool, DateLike],
334    ) -> np.ndarray:
335        """
336        Get STLs seasonal in- and out-of-sample predictions
338        Parameters
339        ----------
340        start : int, str, or datetime, optional
341            Zero-indexed observation number at which to start forecasting,
342            i.e., the first forecast is start. Can also be a date string to
343            parse or a datetime type. Default is the the zeroth observation.
344        end : int, str, or datetime, optional
345            Zero-indexed observation number at which to end forecasting, i.e.,
346            the last forecast is end. Can also be a date string to
347            parse or a datetime type. However, if the dates index does not
348            have a fixed frequency, end must be an integer index if you
349            want out of sample prediction. Default is the last observation in
350            the sample.
351        dynamic : bool, int, str, or datetime, optional
352            Integer offset relative to `start` at which to begin dynamic
353            prediction. Can also be an absolute date string to parse or a
354            datetime type (these are not interpreted as offsets).
355            Prior to this observation, true endogenous values will be used for
356            prediction; starting with this observation and continuing through
357            the end of prediction, forecasted endogenous values will be used
358            instead.
360        Returns
361        -------
362        ndarray
363            Array containing the seasibak predictions.
364        """
365        data = PandasData(pd.Series(self._endog), index=self._index)
366        if start is None:
367            start = 0
368        (start, end, out_of_sample, prediction_index) = get_prediction_index(
369            start, end, self._nobs, self._index, data=data
370        )
372        if isinstance(dynamic, (str, dt.datetime, pd.Timestamp)):
373            dynamic, _, _ = get_index_loc(dynamic, self._index)
374            dynamic = dynamic - start
375        elif dynamic is True:
376            dynamic = 0
377        elif dynamic is False:
378            # If `dynamic=False`, then no dynamic predictions
379            dynamic = None
380        nobs = self._nobs
381        dynamic, _ = _check_dynamic(dynamic, start, end, nobs)
382        in_sample_end = end + 1 if dynamic is None else dynamic
383        seasonal = np.asarray(self._result.seasonal)
384        predictions = seasonal[start:in_sample_end]
385        oos = np.empty((0,))
386        if dynamic is not None:
387            num = out_of_sample + end + 1 - dynamic
388            oos = self._seasonal_forecast(num, None, offset=dynamic)
389        elif out_of_sample:
390            oos = self._seasonal_forecast(out_of_sample, None)
391            oos_start = max(start - nobs, 0)
392            oos = oos[oos_start:]
393        predictions = np.r_[predictions, oos]
394        return predictions
396    def _seasonal_forecast(
397        self, steps: int, index: Optional[pd.Index], offset=None
398    ) -> Union[pd.Series, np.ndarray]:
399        """
400        Get the seasonal component of the forecast
402        Parameters
403        ----------
404        steps : int
405            The number of steps required.
406        index : pd.Index
407            A pandas index to use. If None, returns an ndarray.
408        offset : int
409            The index of the first out-of-sample observation. If None, uses
410            nobs.
412        Returns
413        -------
414        seasonal : {ndarray, Series}
415            The seasonal component.
416        """
418        period = self.period
419        seasonal = np.asarray(self._result.seasonal)
420        offset = self._nobs if offset is None else offset
421        seasonal = seasonal[offset - period : offset]
422        seasonal = np.tile(seasonal, steps // period + ((steps % period) != 0))
423        seasonal = seasonal[:steps]
424        if index is not None:
425            seasonal = pd.Series(seasonal, index=index)
426        return seasonal
428    def forecast(
429        self, steps: int = 1, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]
430    ) -> Union[np.ndarray, pd.Series]:
431        """
432        Out-of-sample forecasts
434        Parameters
435        ----------
436        steps : int, str, or datetime, optional
437            If an integer, the number of steps to forecast from the end of the
438            sample. Can also be a date string to parse or a datetime type.
439            However, if the dates index does not have a fixed frequency, steps
440            must be an integer. Default
441        **kwargs
442            Additional arguments may required for forecasting beyond the end
443            of the sample. These arguments are passed into the time series
444            model results' ``forecast`` method.
446        Returns
447        -------
448        forecast : {ndarray, Series}
449            Out of sample forecasts
450        """
451        forecast = self._model_result.forecast(steps=steps, **kwargs)
452        index = forecast.index if isinstance(forecast, pd.Series) else None
453        return forecast + self._seasonal_forecast(steps, index)
455    def get_prediction(
456        self,
457        start: Optional[DateLike] = None,
458        end: Optional[DateLike] = None,
459        dynamic: Union[bool, DateLike] = False,
460        **kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
461    ):
462        """
463        In-sample prediction and out-of-sample forecasting
465        Parameters
466        ----------
467        start : int, str, or datetime, optional
468            Zero-indexed observation number at which to start forecasting,
469            i.e., the first forecast is start. Can also be a date string to
470            parse or a datetime type. Default is the the zeroth observation.
471        end : int, str, or datetime, optional
472            Zero-indexed observation number at which to end forecasting, i.e.,
473            the last forecast is end. Can also be a date string to
474            parse or a datetime type. However, if the dates index does not
475            have a fixed frequency, end must be an integer index if you
476            want out of sample prediction. Default is the last observation in
477            the sample.
478        dynamic : bool, int, str, or datetime, optional
479            Integer offset relative to `start` at which to begin dynamic
480            prediction. Can also be an absolute date string to parse or a
481            datetime type (these are not interpreted as offsets).
482            Prior to this observation, true endogenous values will be used for
483            prediction; starting with this observation and continuing through
484            the end of prediction, forecasted endogenous values will be used
485            instead.
486        **kwargs
487            Additional arguments may required for forecasting beyond the end
488            of the sample. These arguments are passed into the time series
489            model results' ``get_prediction`` method.
491        Returns
492        -------
493        PredictionResults
494            PredictionResults instance containing in-sample predictions,
495            out-of-sample forecasts, and prediction intervals.
496        """
497        pred = self._model_result.get_prediction(
498            start=start, end=end, dynamic=dynamic, **kwargs
499        )
500        seasonal_prediction = self._get_seasonal_prediction(
501            start, end, dynamic
502        )
503        mean = pred.predicted_mean + seasonal_prediction
504        try:
505            var_pred_mean = pred.var_pred_mean
506        except (AttributeError, NotImplementedError):
507            # Allow models that do not return var_pred_mean
508            import warnings
510            warnings.warn(
511                f"The variance of the predicted mean is not available using "
512                f"the {self.model.__class__.__name__} model class.",
513                UserWarning,
514            )
515            var_pred_mean = np.nan + mean.copy()
516        return PredictionResults(
517            mean, var_pred_mean, dist="norm", row_labels=pred.row_labels
518        )