1 /* Copyright 2004,2007,2008,2014 IPB, Universite de Bordeaux, INRIA & CNRS
2 **
3 ** This file is part of the Scotch software package for static mapping,
4 ** graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering.
5 **
6 ** This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law
7 ** and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can
8 ** use, modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the
9 ** CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
10 ** URL: "http://www.cecill.info".
11 **
12 ** As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
13 ** modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided
14 ** only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of
15 ** the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
16 ** liability.
17 **
18 ** In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
19 ** with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
20 ** software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
21 ** that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
22 ** therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
23 ** professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
24 ** encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards
25 ** their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their
26 ** systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and
27 ** operate it in the same conditions as regards security.
28 **
29 ** The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
30 ** knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
31 */
32 /************************************************************/
33 /**                                                        **/
34 /**   NAME       : parser.h                                **/
35 /**                                                        **/
36 /**   AUTHOR     : Francois PELLEGRINI                     **/
37 /**                                                        **/
38 /**   FUNCTION   : These lines are the declarations for    **/
39 /**                the strategy lexical and syntactic      **/
40 /**                analyzer.                               **/
41 /**                                                        **/
42 /**   DATES      : # Version 3.1  : from : 07 nov 1995     **/
43 /**                                 to     02 may 1996     **/
44 /**                # Version 3.2  : from : 07 oct 1996     **/
45 /**                                 to     19 oct 1996     **/
46 /**                # Version 3.3  : from : 01 oct 1998     **/
47 /**                                 to     01 oct 1998     **/
48 /**                # Version 4.0  : from : 20 dec 2001     **/
49 /**                                 to     11 jun 2004     **/
50 /**                # Version 5.1  : from : 20 feb 2008     **/
51 /**                                 to     20 feb 2008     **/
52 /**                # Version 6.0  : from : 30 sep 2014     **/
53 /**                                 to     30 sep 2014     **/
54 /**                                                        **/
55 /************************************************************/
57 /*
58 **  The defines.
59 */
61 #define PARSERSTRINGLEN             256           /*+ Length of parser strings +*/
63 /*
64 **  The type definitions.
65 */
67 /*+ Strategy node types. +*/
69 typedef enum StratNodeType_ {
70   STRATNODECONCAT,                                /*+ Concatenation node       +*/
71   STRATNODECOND,                                  /*+ Condition node           +*/
72   STRATNODEEMPTY,                                 /*+ Empty strategy           +*/
73   STRATNODEMETHOD,                                /*+ Method                   +*/
74   STRATNODESELECT,                                /*+ Selection node           +*/
75   STRATNODENBR                                    /*+ Number of strategy nodes +*/
76 } StratNodeType;
78 /*+ Method and graph parameter types. +*/
80 typedef int StratParamType;                       /*+ Same type as enum +*/
82 #define STRATPARAMCASE              0             /*+ Character; TRICK: FIRST +*/
83 #define STRATPARAMDOUBLE            1             /*+ Double floating-point   +*/
84 #define STRATPARAMINT               2             /*+ Integer                 +*/
85 #define STRATPARAMLOG               3             /*+ Logical value           +*/
86 #define STRATPARAMSTRAT             4             /*+ Strategy                +*/
87 #define STRATPARAMSTRING            5             /*+ String of characters    +*/
89 #define STRATPARAMDEPRECATED        8             /*+ Indicates deprecated parameter; can be merged with the above +*/
91 /*+ Test types, ordered by ascending priority,
92     for proper writing of parentheses. Initial
93     value should be zero for proper indexing.  +*/
95 typedef enum StratTestType_ {
96   STRATTESTOR = 0,                                /*+ Or operator             +*/
97   STRATTESTAND,                                   /*+ And operator            +*/
98   STRATTESTNOT,                                   /*+ Not operator            +*/
99   STRATTESTEQ,                                    /*+ Equal-to operator       +*/
100   STRATTESTGT,                                    /*+ Greater-than operator   +*/
101   STRATTESTLT,                                    /*+ Less-than operator      +*/
102   STRATTESTADD,                                   /*+ Addition operator       +*/
103   STRATTESTSUB,                                   /*+ Subtraction operator    +*/
104   STRATTESTMUL,                                   /*+ Multiplication operator +*/
105   STRATTESTMOD,                                   /*+ Modulus operator        +*/
106   STRATTESTVAL,                                   /*+ Constant value          +*/
107   STRATTESTVAR,                                   /*+ Variable                +*/
108   STRATTESTNBR                                    /*+ Number of test nodes    +*/
109 } StratTestType;
111 /*+ Method characteristics. +*/
113 typedef struct StratMethodTab_ {
114   int                       meth;                 /*+ Method number in method table    +*/
115   char *                    name;                 /*+ Method name                      +*/
116   int                    (* func) ();             /*+ Pointer to bipartitioning method +*/
117   void *                    data;                 /*+ Pointer to default parameters    +*/
118 } StratMethodTab;
120 /*+ Method parameter characteristics. +*/
122 typedef struct StratParamTab_ {
123   int                       meth;                 /*+ Method number in method table    +*/
124   StratParamType            type;                 /*+ Parameter type                   +*/
125   char *                    name;                 /*+ Parameter name                   +*/
126   byte *                    database;             /*+ Pointer to data base in method   +*/
127   byte *                    dataofft;             /*+ Pointer to data offset in method +*/
128   void *                    datasltr;             /*+ Pointer to data selector         +*/
129 } StratParamTab;
131 /*+ Strategy characteristics. +*/
133 typedef struct StratTab_ {
134   StratMethodTab *          methtab;              /*+ Pointer to method table    +*/
135   StratParamTab *           paratab;              /*+ Pointer to parameter table +*/
136   StratParamTab *           condtab;              /*+ Pointer to condition table +*/
137 } StratTab;
139 /*+ Concatenation strategy node. +*/
141 typedef struct StratNodeConcat_ {                 /*+ Concatenation node                        +*/
142   struct Strat_ *           strat[2];             /*+ Pointers to the two strategies to combine +*/
143 } StratNodeConcat;
145 /*+ Condition and test strategy nodes. +*/
147 typedef union StratTestVal_ {                     /*+ Constant value +*/
148   double                    valdbl;               /*+ Double value   +*/
149   INT                       valint;               /*+ Integer value  +*/
150   int                       vallog;               /*+ Logical value  +*/
151 } StratTestVal;
153 typedef struct StratTestVar_ {                    /*+ Condition variable                     +*/
154   const StratTab *          datatab;              /*+ Pointer to data parameter table        +*/
155   int                       datadisp;             /*+ Displacement with respect to beginning +*/
156 } StratTestVar;
158 typedef struct StratTest_ {                       /*+ Test node +*/
159   StratTestType             typetest;             /*+ Test type +*/
160   StratParamType            typenode;             /*+ Node type +*/
161   union {
162     struct StratTest_ *     test[2];              /*+ Logical/relational branches +*/
163     StratTestVal            val;                  /*+ Value                       +*/
164     StratTestVar            var;                  /*+ Variable                    +*/
165   } data;
166 } StratTest;
168 typedef struct StratNodeCond_ {                   /*+ Test node            +*/
169   StratTest *               test;                 /*+ Test condition       +*/
170   struct Strat_ *           strat[2];             /*+ Then/else strategies +*/
171 } StratNodeCond;
173 /*+ Data structure of the empty strategy operator node. +*/
175 typedef struct StratNodeEmpty_ {                  /*+ Empty node +*/
176   byte                      dummy;                /*+ Dummy data +*/
177 } StratNodeEmpty;
179 /*+ Data structure of the empty strategy operator node. +*/
181 typedef double StratNodeMethodData[10];           /*+ Reserved padded space for method data */
183 typedef struct StratNodeMethod_ {                 /*+ Method node           +*/
184   int                       meth;                 /*+ Index in method table +*/
185   StratNodeMethodData       data;                 /*+ Method data           +*/
186 } StratNodeMethod;
188 /*+ Data structure of the selection strategy operator node. +*/
190 typedef struct StratNodeSelect_ {                 /*+ Selection node                         +*/
191   struct Strat_ *           strat[2];             /*+ Pointers to the two strategies to test +*/
192 } StratNodeSelect;
194 /*+ The strategy node data structure. +*/
196 typedef struct Strat_ {
197   const StratTab *          tabl;                 /*+ Pointer to parsing strategy table +*/
198   StratNodeType             type;                 /*+ Method type                       +*/
199   union {                                         /*+ Method data                       +*/
200     double                  padding;              /*+ Padding for double alignment      +*/
201     StratNodeConcat         concat;               /*+ Concatenation node data           +*/
202     StratNodeCond           cond;                 /*+ Condition node data               +*/
203     StratNodeEmpty          empty;                /*+ Empty node data                   +*/
204     StratNodeMethod         method;               /*+ Method node data                  +*/
205     StratNodeSelect         select;               /*+ Selection node data               +*/
206   } data;
207 } Strat;
209 /*
210 **  The external declarations.
211 */
213 extern Strat                stratdummy;           /*+ Dummy empty strategy node +*/
215 /*
216 **  The function prototypes.
217 */
219 #ifndef PARSER
220 #define static
221 #endif
223 Strat *                     stratInit           (const StratTab * const , const char * const);
224 int                         stratExit           (Strat * const);
225 int                         stratSave           (const Strat * const, FILE * const);
227 int                         stratTestEval       (const StratTest * const, StratTest * const, const void * const);
228 static int                  stratTestEvalCast   (StratTest * const, StratTest * const);
229 int                         stratTestExit       (StratTest * const);
230 int                         stratTestSave       (const StratTest * const, FILE * const);
232 #undef static