1 #ifndef AS_STYLE_H
2 #define AS_STYLE_H
4 #include "afterstep.h"
6 #ifdef __cplusplus
7 extern "C" {
8 #endif
10 struct wild_reg_exp;
12 /*  we clean up flags usage in style and use :
13  *  set_flags/flags pair instead of  on_flags/off_flags
14  */
15 /* this are flags defining that particular value is set and enable/disabled */
16 #define STYLE_ICON              (1 << 0)   /* also goes into style->icon_file */
17 #define STYLE_STARTUP_DESK      (1 << 1)   /* also goes into style->Desk */
18 #define STYLE_BORDER_WIDTH      (1 << 2)   /* style->border_width */
19 #define STYLE_HANDLE_WIDTH      (1 << 3)   /* style->resize_width */
20 #define STYLE_DEFAULT_GEOMETRY  (1 << 4)   /* to override PPosition's geometry */
21 #define STYLE_VIEWPORTX         (1 << 5)   /* style->ViewportX */
22 #define STYLE_VIEWPORTY         (1 << 6)   /* style->ViewportY */
23 #define STYLE_GRAVITY           (1 << 7)   /* if user wants us to override gravity from WM_NORMAL_HINTS */
24 #define STYLE_LAYER             (1 << 8)   /* style->layer - layer is defined */
25 #define STYLE_FRAME             (1 << 9)   /* style->frame - frame is defined */
26 #define STYLE_WINDOWBOX         (1 << 10)  /* style->windowbox - windowbox is defined */
27 #define STYLE_WINDOW_OPACITY    (1 << 11)  /* style->window_opacity - opacity of the window is defined */
30 /* this are pure flags */
31 #define STYLE_PAGER		(1 << 4)
32 #define STYLE_IGNORE_RESTACK	(1 << 5)   /* if set - client will not be able to rise/lower
33 											  the window */
34 #define STYLE_FULLSCREEN		(1 << 6)
35 #define STYLE_KDE_HINTS         (1 << 7)    /* if set - then we should honor KDE Hints */
36 #define STYLE_CURRENT_VIEWPORT  (1 << 8)   /* Ignore ConfigRequests for the client */
37 #define STYLE_IGNORE_CONFIG     (1 << 9)   /* Ignore ConfigRequests for the client */
38 #define STYLE_LONG_LIVING       (1 << 10)
39 #define STYLE_STICKY            (1 << 11)
40 #define STYLE_TITLE             (1 << 12)
41 #define STYLE_CIRCULATE         (1 << 13)
42 #define STYLE_WINLIST           (1 << 14)
43 #define STYLE_START_ICONIC      (1 << 15)
44 #define STYLE_ICON_TITLE        (1 << 16)
45 #define STYLE_FOCUS             (1 << 17)
46 #define STYLE_AVOID_COVER       (1 << 18)
47 #define STYLE_VERTICAL_TITLE    (1 << 19)    /* if this window has a vertical titlebar */
48 #define STYLE_HANDLES           (1 << 20)
49 #define STYLE_PPOSITION         (1 << 21)    /* if set - then we should honor PPosition */
50 #define STYLE_GROUP_HINTS       (1 << 22)    /* if set - then we should use Group Hint for initial placement */
51 #define STYLE_TRANSIENT_HINTS   (1 << 23)    /* if set - then we should use Transient Hint for initial placement */
52 #define STYLE_MOTIF_HINTS       (1 << 24)    /* if set - then we should honor Motif Hints */
53 #define STYLE_GNOME_HINTS       (1 << 25)    /* if set - then we should honor Gnome Hints */
54 #define STYLE_EXTWM_HINTS       (1 << 26)    /* if set - then we should honor Extended WM Hints */
55 #define STYLE_XRESOURCES_HINTS  (1 << 27)    /* if set - then we should honor data from .XDefaults */
56 #define STYLE_FOCUS_ON_MAP      (1 << 28)    /* if set - window will be focused as soon as its mapped */
59 /* the following is needed for MATCH_ enum - see styledb.c for more */
60 #define STYLE_MYSTYLES          (1 << 29)   /*  */
61 #define STYLE_BUTTONS           (1 << 30)   /*  */
62 #define STYLE_FLAGS             (1 << 31)   /*  */
70 /************************************************************************************
71  * Data structure definitions :
72  ************************************************************************************/
73 /*
74  * This one is used to read up data from the config file/ save data into config file
75  * ( basically just an interface with libASConfig )
76  */
77 typedef struct name_list
78 {
79   struct name_list *next;	/* pointer to the next list elemaent structure */
80   char *name;			/* the name of the window */
82   /* new approach :
83    * If flag is set in both set_flags and flags
84    - then it is present in config and value is On
85    * If flag is set in set_flags but not in flags
86    - then it is present in config and value is Off
87    * if flag is not set in set_flags
88    - then it is not present in config and value is Undefined
89    */
90   unsigned long set_flags;
91   unsigned long flags;
92   /* flag that defines which of the following data members are set in config: */
93   unsigned long set_data_flags;
95   char *icon_file;		/* icon name */
96   ASGeometry default_geometry ;
97   int Desk;			/* Desktop number */
98   int layer;			/* layer number */
99   int ViewportX, ViewportY;
101   int border_width;
102   int resize_width;
103   int gravity ;
105   char *window_styles[BACK_STYLES];
106   char *frame_name;
107   char *windowbox_name;
109   int   window_opacity;
111   unsigned long on_buttons;
112   unsigned long off_buttons;
113 }
114 name_list;
116 /*
117  * this is somewhat compiled/preprocessed version, suitable for database storin,
118  * and searching through:
119  */
120 typedef struct ASDatabaseRecord
121 {
122   unsigned long magic ;         /* magic number identifying valid record */
124   struct wild_reg_exp *regexp ;
125   unsigned long set_flags;      /* (set_flags&flags) will get you flags that are ON */
126   unsigned long flags;          /* (set_flags&(~flags)) will get you flags that are OFF */
127   unsigned long set_buttons;    /* (set_buttons&buttons) will get you buttons that are ON */
128   unsigned long buttons;        /* (set_buttons&(~buttons)) will get you buttons that are OFF */
129   unsigned long set_data_flags; /* flag that defines which of the following data members are set in config: */
130   ASGeometry default_geometry ;
131   int desk;                     /* Startup Desktop number */
132   int layer;                    /* Startup layer number */
133   int viewport_x, viewport_y;   /* Startup viewport */
134   int border_width;
135   int resize_width;
136   int gravity;
138   char *icon_file;
139   char *frame_name;
140   char *windowbox_name;
141   int   window_opacity;
143   char *window_styles[BACK_STYLES];
144   Bool  own_strings ;
146 }ASDatabaseRecord;
148 typedef struct ASDatabase
149 {
150 	size_t allocated_num ;
152 	ASDatabaseRecord *styles_table ;/* list of all available styles excluding default */
153 	size_t            styles_num ;  /* number of entries in above table */
154 	size_t            default_styles_idx ;  /* number of entries in above table */
156 	ASDatabaseRecord  style_default;/* this one is not included in above table to speed up search */
158 	int *match_list ;               /* indexes of matched styles in last search (-1 default style)*/
159 }ASDatabase;
161 /************************************************************************************
162  * This is the high level interface that should be used by application to
163  * sort through and find matches in the Database :
164  ************************************************************************************/
165 ASDatabaseRecord *make_asdb_record ( name_list * nl, struct wild_reg_exp *regexp,
166 									 ASDatabaseRecord *reusable_memory );
167 /* NULL terminated list of names/aliases sorted in order of descending importance */
168 ASDatabaseRecord *fill_asdb_record (ASDatabase *db, char **names,
169 									ASDatabaseRecord *reusable_memory, Bool dup_strings);
170 void destroy_asdb_record(ASDatabaseRecord *rec, Bool reusable);
171 ASDatabaseRecord *get_asdb_record (ASDatabase * db, int index);
172 Bool is_default_asdb_record( ASDatabase * db, ASDatabaseRecord *db_rec );
175 ASDatabase* build_asdb( name_list *nl );
176 void destroy_asdb( ASDatabase **db );
177 /*
178  * Note that Database cannot be build on stack
179  * But Record can. Make sure not to destroy something you should not.
180  */
182 void print_asdb_matched_rec( stream_func func, void *stream, ASDatabase *db, ASDatabaseRecord *db_rec );
183 void print_asdb( stream_func func, void *stream, ASDatabase *db );
184 void print_asdb_match_list( stream_func func, void *stream, ASDatabase *db );
185 void print_asdb_record( stream_func func, void *stream, ASDatabaseRecord *db_rec, const char *prompt );
187 /************************************************************************************
188  * this are low level functions typically used by configuration management facilities
189  * like ASCP and such :
190  ************************************************************************************/
191 void style_init (name_list * nl);
192 name_list *style_new (name_list ** tail);
193 /* this one just copies all the pointers, without allocating any more memory */
194 void style_copy (name_list * to, name_list * from);
195 /* this one actually allocates memory for copies of the strings : */
196 name_list *style_dup (name_list * from);
197 void style_delete (name_list * style, name_list ** phead);
198 void delete_name_list ( name_list **head);
200 /* This one will have to go : */
201 struct ASWindow;
202 void style_fill_by_name (name_list * nl, struct ASWindow *t);
204 #ifdef __cplusplus
205 }
206 #endif
210 #endif /* AS_STYLE_H */