4 /* A lazy macro to free a DList */
5 #define SUMA_FREE_DLIST(striplist) {   \
6    if (striplist) {  dlist_destroy(striplist); SUMA_free(striplist); }  \
7    striplist = NULL; \
8 }
11 #ifdef isfinite
12 # define SUMA_IS_GOOD_FLOAT(x) isfinite(x) /* stolen from Bob's thd_floatscan.c */
13 #else
14 # define SUMA_IS_GOOD_FLOAT(x) finite(x)
15 #endif
17 /*!   sqrt(2 pi) and 1/sqrt(2 pi) */
18 #define SQ_2PI 2.50662827463100024161
19 #define iSQ_2PI 0.39894228040143270286
22 /*! Return a random number from a gaussian distribution of mean m and std s
23     Based on parser.c and parser_int.c functions unif_ and gran_1*/
24 #define SUMA_GRAN(m,s)  \
25          ( m + \
26            (drand48() + drand48() + drand48() + drand48() + \
27             drand48() + drand48() + drand48() + drand48() + \
28             drand48() + drand48() + drand48() + drand48() - 6.0) * s)
31 /* return integer between 0 and t-1 */
32 #define SUMA_IRAN(t) (lrand48() % (t))
34 /*! get a random color */
35 #define SUMA_RAND_COL(i,r,g,b,a) {\
36    if ((i)>=0) srand((unsigned)(i));   \
37    (r) =  (float) (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX;   \
38    (g) =  (float) (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX;   \
39    (b) =  (float) (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX;   \
40    (a) =  (float) (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX;   \
41 }
43 /*!
44    Macro to create a new ID code at random (when strn = NULL) or a hash of a string
45    written mostly to allow for the allocation of newcode with SUMA's functions
46 */
47 #define SUMA_NEW_ID(newcode, istrn) { \
48    char *strn=(char*)istrn; /* a trick to quiet compiler warnings like  \
49    warning: the address of 'stmp' will always evaluate as 'true'\
50    when 'stmp' is a string of the type char [] */\
51    if ((newcode)) { SUMA_S_Err("newcode pointer must be null"); } \
52    else if (!(strn)) { (newcode) = (char*)SUMA_calloc(SUMA_IDCODE_LENGTH, sizeof(char)); UNIQ_idcode_fill((newcode)); } \
53    else {   char *m_tmp; m_tmp = UNIQ_hashcode((strn)); (newcode) = SUMA_copy_string(m_tmp); free(m_tmp); m_tmp = NULL; }  \
54 }
56 #define SUMA_PUT_ID_ATTR(nel,name,strn) { \
57    if (strn) { \
58       char *m_tmp; m_tmp = UNIQ_hashcode((strn));  \
59       NI_set_attribute(nel, name,m_tmp); free(m_tmp); \
60    } else { \
61       char m_sbuf[SUMA_IDCODE_LENGTH]; \
62       UNIQ_idcode_fill(m_sbuf); \
63       NI_set_attribute(nel, name, m_sbuf); \
64    }  \
65 }
68 #define SUMA_WHAT_ENDIAN(End){   \
69    int m_one = 1;   \
70    /* From RickR's Imon */ \
71    End = (*(char *)&m_one == 1) ? LSB_FIRST : MSB_FIRST;   \
72 }
74 #define SUMA_OTHER_ENDIAN(End){   \
75    End = (End == LSB_FIRST) ? MSB_FIRST : LSB_FIRST;   \
76 }
78 /* nonzero if not power of 2 (from GLUT-3.7's advanced97/volume.c)*/
79 #define SUMA_NOTPOW2(num) ((num) & (num - 1))
81 #define SUMA_SWAP_THIS(nip,chnk){   \
82    if (chnk == 4) SUMA_swap_4( nip ) ;  \
83       else if (chnk == 8) SUMA_swap_8( nip ) ;  \
84       else if (chnk == 2) SUMA_swap_2( nip ) ;  \
85       else { SUMA_SL_Err ("No swapping performed.") } \
86 }
87 /*!
88    \brief a macro for reading one number at a time from a file
89    \param nip (void *) where values go
90    \param fp (FILE *)
91    \param ex (int) value returned by fread
92    \param chnk (int) sizeof(TYPE_YOU_READ)
94    \sa SUMA_READ_NUM_BS
95 */
96 #define SUMA_READ_NUM(nip, fp, ex, chnk)  \
97 {  \
98    ex = fread (nip, chnk, 1, fp); \
99 }
100 /*!
101    SUMA_READ_NUM with swapping
102 */
103 #define SUMA_READ_NUM_BS(nip, fp, ex, chnk)  \
104 {  \
105    SUMA_READ_NUM(nip, fp, ex, chnk); \
106    if (chnk == 4) SUMA_swap_4( nip ) ;  \
107       else if (chnk == 8) SUMA_swap_8( nip ) ;  \
108       else if (chnk == 2) SUMA_swap_2( nip ) ;  \
109       else { SUMA_SL_Err ("No swapping performed.") } \
110 }
111 /*!
112    \brief a macro for reading one integer from a file pointer.
114    \param nip (int *)
115    \param bs (int) 0: no swap, 1 swap
116    \param fp (FILE *)
117    \param ex (int) value returned by fread
118 */
119 #define SUMA_READ_INT(nip, bs, fp, ex)  \
120 {  static int m_chnk = sizeof(int);\
121    ex = fread (nip, m_chnk, 1, fp); \
122    if (bs) {   \
123       if (m_chnk == 4) SUMA_swap_4( nip ) ;  \
124       else if (m_chnk == 8) SUMA_swap_8( nip ) ;  \
125       else if (m_chnk == 2) SUMA_swap_2( nip ) ; /* keep compiler quiet about using swap_2 */ \
126       else { SUMA_SL_Err ("No swapping performed.") } \
127    }  \
128 }
129 #define SUMA_READ_FLOAT(nip, bs, fp, ex)  \
130 {  static int m_chnk = sizeof(float);\
131    ex = fread (nip, m_chnk, 1, fp); \
132    if (bs) {   \
133       if (m_chnk == 4) SUMA_swap_4( nip ) ;  \
134       else if (m_chnk == 8) SUMA_swap_8( nip ) ;  \
135       else { SUMA_SL_Err ("No swapping performed.") } \
136    }  \
137 }
139 #define SUMA_SWAP_VEC(vec,N_alloc,chnk) {\
140    int m_i; \
141       if (chnk == 4) { for (m_i=0; m_i<N_alloc; ++m_i) SUMA_swap_4(&(vec[m_i])); } \
142       else if (chnk == 2) { for (m_i=0; m_i<N_alloc; ++m_i) SUMA_swap_2(&(vec[m_i])); }   \
143       else if (chnk == 8) { for (m_i=0; m_i<N_alloc; ++m_i) SUMA_swap_8(&(vec[m_i])); }   \
144       else { SUMA_SL_Err("Bad chnk");   }   \
145 }
147 #define SUMA_NODELIST_XY_NEGATE(v, n) {   \
148    int m_n3 = 3*n, m_n=0; \
149    while (m_n < m_n3) {\
150       v[m_n] = -v[m_n]; m_n++;\
151       v[m_n] = -v[m_n]; m_n += 2;\
152    }\
153 }
155 #define SUMA_CHECK_NULL_STR(str) ((str) ? (str) : "(NULL)")
158 #define SUMA_IS_STRICT_POS(a)   ( ((a) > 0) ? 1 : 0 )
160 #define SUMA_IS_POS(a)   ( ((a) >= 0) ? 1 : 0 )
162 #define SUMA_IS_STRICT_NEG(a)   ( ((a) < 0) ? 1 : 0 )
164 #define SUMA_IS_NEG(a)   ( ((a) <= 0) ? 1 : 0 )
166 #define SUMA_SIGN(a) ( ((a) < 0) ? -1 : 1 )
168 #define SUMA_SIGN_CHAR(p)  ( ( (p) < 0 ) ? '-' : '+' )
170 #define SUMA_MIN_PAIR(a,b)   ( ((a) <= (b)) ? (a) : (b) )
172 #define SUMA_MAX_PAIR(a,b)   ( ((a) <= (b)) ? (b) : (a) )
174 #define SUMA_ABS(a) ( ((a) < 0 ) ? (-(a)) : (a) )
176 #define SUMA_COMPLEX_ADD(a,b,m) {   \
177    (m).r = (a).r+(b).r; \
178    (m).i = (a).i+(b).i;   }
179 #define SUMA_COMPLEX_REAL_ADD(a,b,m) {   \
180    (m).r = (a).r+(b); \
181    (m).i = (a).i;   }
182 #define SUMA_COMPLEX_MULT(a,b,m) {  \
183    (m).r = (a).r*(b).r - (a).i*(b).i; \
184    (m).i = (a).i*(b).r + (a).r*(b).i;  }
185 #define SUMA_COMPLEX_SCALE(a,f,m) {\
186    (m).r = (a).r*(f); \
187    (m).i = (a).i*(f);     }
188 #define SUMA_COMPLEX_S2(a) ((a).r*(a).r+(a).i*(a).i)
189 #define SUMA_COMPLEX_ABS(a) sqrt(SUMA_COMPLEX_S2(a))
191 #define SUMA_COMPLEX_INV(a,ai) { \
192    double m_a=SUMA_COMPLEX_S2(a); \
193    ai.r = a.r/m_a;   ai.i = -a.i/m_a; \
194 }
196 /*! Transpose a 4x4 matrix */
197 #define SUMA_TRANSP_4MATRIX(mm){\
198    double tt;\
199    tt=mm[1][0]; mm[1][0] = mm[0][1]; mm[0][1]=tt;  \
200    tt=mm[2][0]; mm[2][0] = mm[0][2]; mm[0][2]=tt;  \
201    tt=mm[3][0]; mm[3][0] = mm[0][3]; mm[0][3]=tt;  \
202    tt=mm[1][2]; mm[1][2] = mm[2][1]; mm[2][1]=tt;  \
203    tt=mm[1][3]; mm[1][3] = mm[3][1]; mm[3][1]=tt;  \
204    tt=mm[3][2]; mm[3][2] = mm[2][3]; mm[2][3]=tt;  \
205 }
207 /*! invert a 4x4 affine xform matrix */
208 #define SUMA_INV_44ROTATIONMATRIX(xform) \
209 {  \
210    static mat44 A, A0;  \
211       LOAD_MAT44( A0, \
212                xform[0][0], xform[0][1], xform[0][2], xform[0][3],    \
213                xform[1][0], xform[1][1], xform[1][2], xform[1][3],    \
214                xform[2][0], xform[2][1], xform[2][2], xform[2][3]   );  \
215       A = nifti_mat44_inverse(A0);  \
216       UNLOAD_MAT44(A,   \
217                xform[0][0], xform[0][1], xform[0][2], xform[0][3],    \
218                xform[1][0], xform[1][1], xform[1][2], xform[1][3],    \
219                xform[2][0], xform[2][1], xform[2][2], xform[2][3]   );  \
220 }
222 #define SUMA_INV_V12MATRIX(vxform) \
223 {  \
224    static mat44 A, A0;  \
225       LOAD_MAT44( A0, \
226                V[0], V[1], V[2], V[3],    \
227                V[4], V[5], V[6], V[7],    \
228                V[8], V[9], V[10], V[11]   );  \
229       A = nifti_mat44_inverse(A0);  \
230       UNLOAD_MAT44(A,   \
231                V[0], V[1], V[2], V[3],    \
232                V[4], V[5], V[6], V[7],    \
233                V[8], V[9], V[10], V[11]   );  \
234 }
236 #define SUMA_POW2(a) ((a)*(a))
238 #define SUMA_POW3(a) ((a)*(a)*(a))
240 #define SUMA_R2D(a) ( (a)*180.0/SUMA_PI )
242 #define SUMA_ROUND(a) ( ((a) < 0 ) ? (int)((a)-0.5) : (int)((a)+0.5) )
244 #define SUMA_CEIL_POS(a) ( ( ((a) - (int)(a)) == 0.0 ) ? (int)(a) : ((int)(a)+1) )
245 #define SUMA_CEIL(a) ( ((a) < 0 ) ? (int)(a) : SUMA_CEIL_POS(a) )
247 #define SUMA_3D_2_1D_index AFNI_3D_to_1D_index
249 #define SUMA_1D_2_3D_index AFNI_1D_to_3D_index
251 /*!
252    \brief Returns the two points that are at a distance d from P1 along the direction of U
254    Input paramters :
255    \param U (float *) 3x1 vector specifying directions  along x, y, z axis
256                       U does not have to be normalized
257    \param P1 (float *) 3x1 vector containing the XYZ of P1
258    \param d (float) distance from P1
259    \param P2 (float 2x3) 2D array to hold the two points equidistant from P1
260             along U (first row) and -U (second row).
261             I recommend you initialize P2 to all zeros.
265    {
266       float P1[3] = { 54.255009, 85.570129, -4.534704 };
267       float Un[3] = { -0.525731, -0.850651, 0.000000 };
268       float U[3] =   { -2.6287  , -4.2533 ,        0 };
269       float d = 25, P2[2][3];
271       SUMA_POINT_AT_DISTANCE(U, P1, d,  P2);
272       fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"P2 [%f %f %f]\n   [%f %f %f]\n", P2[0][0], P2[0][1], P2[0][2], P2[1][0], P2[1][1], P2[1][2]);
273       SUMA_POINT_AT_DISTANCE_NORM(Un, P1, d,  P2);  use this macro if you have a normalized direction vector ...
274       fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"P2 [%f %f %f]\n   [%f %f %f]\n", P2[0][0], P2[0][1], P2[0][2], P2[1][0], P2[1][1], P2[1][2]);
275    }
277 */
278 #define SUMA_POINT_AT_DISTANCE(U, P1, d, P2){   \
279    float m_n, m_Un[3];  \
280    SUMA_NORM_VEC(U, 3, m_n); \
281    if (m_n) {  \
282       if (m_n != 1.0) { \
283          m_Un[0] = (U[0]) / (m_n); m_Un[1] = (U[1]) / (m_n); m_Un[2] = (U[2]) / (m_n); \
284          SUMA_POINT_AT_DISTANCE_NORM(m_Un, P1, d, P2);   \
285       } else { SUMA_POINT_AT_DISTANCE_NORM(U, P1, d, P2); } \
286    }  \
287 }
288 /*!
289    \brief Returns the two points that are at a distance d from P1 along the direction of U
291    Input paramters :
292    \param U (float *) 3x1 vector specifying directions  along x, y, z axis
293                       U MUST BE A UNIT VECTOR
294    \param P1 (float *) 3x1 vector containing the XYZ of P1
295    \param d (float) distance from P1
296    \param P2 (float 2x3) 2D array to hold the two points equidistant from P1
297             along U (first row) and -U (second row).
298             I recommend you initialize P2 to all zeros.
302    {
303       float P1[3] = { 54.255009, 85.570129, -4.534704 };
304       float Un[3] = { -0.525731, -0.850651, 0.000000 };
305       float U[3] =   { -2.6287  , -4.2533 ,        0 };
306       float d = 25, P2[2][3];
308       SUMA_POINT_AT_DISTANCE(U, P1, d,  P2);
309       fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"P2 [%f %f %f]\n   [%f %f %f]\n",
310                P2[0][0], P2[0][1], P2[0][2], P2[1][0], P2[1][1], P2[1][2]);
311       SUMA_POINT_AT_DISTANCE_NORM(Un, P1, d,  P2);  use this macro if you have a normalized direction vector ...
312       fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"P2 [%f %f %f]\n   [%f %f %f]\n",
313                P2[0][0], P2[0][1], P2[0][2], P2[1][0], P2[1][1], P2[1][2]);
314    }
316 */
317 #define SUMA_POINT_AT_DISTANCE_NORM(U, P1, d, P2){ \
318    P2[0][0] = (d) * U[0]; P2[1][0] = -(d) * U[0]; P2[0][0] += P1[0]; P2[1][0] += P1[0]; \
319    P2[0][1] = (d) * U[1]; P2[1][1] = -(d) * U[1]; P2[0][1] += P1[1]; P2[1][1] += P1[1]; \
320    P2[0][2] = (d) * U[2]; P2[1][2] = -(d) * U[2]; P2[0][2] += P1[2]; P2[1][2] += P1[2]; \
321 }
323 /*!
324    \brief SUMA_FROM_BARYCENTRIC(u, v, p1, p2, p3, p)
325    change from barycentric coordinates.
326 */
327 #define SUMA_FROM_BARYCENTRIC(u, v, p1, p2, p3, p){   \
328    (p)[0] = (p1)[0] + (u) * ((p2)[0] - (p1)[0] ) + (v) * ((p3)[0] - (p1)[0]);  \
329    (p)[1] = (p1)[1] + (u) * ((p2)[1] - (p1)[1] ) + (v) * ((p3)[1] - (p1)[1]);  \
330    (p)[2] = (p1)[2] + (u) * ((p2)[2] - (p1)[2] ) + (v) * ((p3)[2] - (p1)[2]);  \
331 }
333 /*!
334    \brief calculate spherical coordinates from cartesian.
335    Assuming coords are centered on 0 0 0.
336    c XYZ coordinates in cartesian
337    s rtp Rho, theta (azimuth), phi (elevation) in spherical
338    \sa SUMA_Cart2Sph
339    \sa SUMA_SPH_2_CART
340 */
341 #define SUMA_CART_2_SPH(c,s){\
342    SUMA_NORM_VEC(c, 3, s[0]); \
343    s[1] = atan2(c[1], c[0]); /* theta (azimuth) */ \
344    s[2] = atan2(c[2],sqrt(c[0]*c[0]+c[1]*c[1])); /* phi (elevation)*/  \
345 }
347 /*!
348    \brief calculate cartesian coordinates from spherical.
349    Assuming coords are centered on 0 0 0.
350    s rtp Rho, theta (azimuth), phi (elevation) in spherical
351    c XYZ coordinates in cartesian
352    \sa SUMA_CART_2_SPH
353 */
354 #define SUMA_SPH_2_CART(s,c){\
355    c[0] = s[0] * cos(s[2]) * cos(s[1]) ;  \
356    c[1] = s[0] * cos(s[2]) * sin(s[1]) ;  \
357    c[2] = s[0] * sin(s[2]);   \
358 }
359 /* largest absolute value */
360 #define SUMA_LARG_ABS(a, b) ( ( fabs((double)(a)) > fabs((double)(b)) ) ? fabs((double)(a)) : fabs((double)(b)) )
362 /*! the 1D index of element
363    [r][c] in a row major matrix
364    of nc columns */
365 #define SRM(r,c,nc) ((nc)*(r)+(c))
366 /*! the 1D index of element
367    [r][c] in a column major matrix
368    of nr rows */
369 #define SCM(r,c,nr) ((r)+(nr)*(c))
372 #define SUMA_WRAP_VALUE(v, min, max)   \
373    {  \
374       if (v > max) v = min;   \
375       else if (v < min) v = max; \
376    }
378 #define SUMA_CLIP_VALUE(v, min, max)   \
379    {  \
380       if (v > max) v = max;   \
381       else if (v < min) v = min; \
382    }
384 #define SUMA_CLIP_UB(v, max)   \
385    {  \
386       if (v > max) v = max;   \
387    }
389 #define SUMA_CLIP_LB(v, min)   \
390    {  \
391       if (v < min) v = min; \
392    }
394 /*! determines the distance and side of the plane that a point is located
395 see also SUMA_Surf_Plane_Intersect
396 if Dist = 0, point on plane, if Dist > 0 point above plane (along normal), if Dist < 0 point is below plane
397 */
398 #define SUMA_DIST_FROM_PLANE(P1, P2, P3, P, Dist){  \
399    static float m_Eq[4];   \
400    SUMA_Plane_Equation ( P1, P2, P3, m_Eq); \
401    Dist = m_Eq[0] * P[0] + m_Eq[1] * P[1] + m_Eq[2] * P[2] + m_Eq[3] ;   \
402 }
404 #define SUMA_DIST_FROM_PLANE_EQ(Eq, P) ( Eq[0] * P[0] + Eq[1] * P[1] + \
405                                          Eq[2] * P[2] + Eq[3] )
408 #define SUMA_DIST_FROM_PLANE2(P1, P2, P3, P, Dist, InAirSpace, dot){  \
409    static float m_Eq[4], m_P2[3], m_U[3], m_Un;   \
410    SUMA_Plane_Equation ( P1, P2, P3, m_Eq); \
411    Dist = m_Eq[0] * P[0] + m_Eq[1] * P[1] + m_Eq[2] * P[2] + m_Eq[3] ;   \
412    m_P2[0] = m_Eq[0]+P[0]; m_P2[1] = m_Eq[1]+P[1]; m_P2[2] = m_Eq[2]+P[2]; \
413    InAirSpace = SUMA_MT_isIntersect_Triangle (\
414                      P, m_P2, P1, P2, P3, NULL, NULL, NULL);\
415    m_P2[0]=(P1[0]+P2[0]+P3[0])/3.0; \
416    m_P2[1]=(P1[1]+P2[1]+P3[1])/3.0; \
417    m_P2[2]=(P1[2]+P2[2]+P3[2])/3.0; \
418    SUMA_UNIT_VEC(m_P2, P, m_U, m_Un); \
419    SUMA_NORM(m_Un, m_Eq); \
420    dot = m_Eq[0]*m_U[0]/m_Un + m_Eq[1]*m_U[1]/m_Un + m_Eq[2]*m_U[2]/m_Un;\
421 }
423 /*!
424    Equation of a plane given its normal and a point
425    See also SUMA_Plane_Equation
426 */
427 #define SUMA_PLANE_NORMAL_POINT(N, P, Eq) {   \
428    Eq[0] = N[0]; Eq[1] = N[1]; Eq[2] = N[2]; \
429    Eq[3] = -(Eq[0]*P[0] + Eq[1]*P[1] + Eq[2]*P[2]);   \
430 }
432 #define SUMA_MARK_PLANE_NOT_SET(P) { (P)[0] = 0.0; (P)[1] = 0.0; \
433                                      (P)[2] = 0.0; (P)[2] = 0.0; }
434 /* Is equation of plane marked as not set? */
435 #define SUMA_PLANE_NOT_SET(P) (!(P) || \
436                                 ((P)[0] == 0.0 && (P)[1] == 0.0 && \
437                                  (P)[2] == 0.0 && (P)[2] == 0.0))
440 /*!
441    Shift a plane to pass through P
442    See also SUMA_Plane_Equation
443 */
444 #define SUMA_SHIFT_PLANE_TO_P(Eq, P) {   \
445    Eq[3] = -(Eq[0]*P[0] + Eq[1]*P[1] + Eq[2]*P[2]);   \
446 }
448 /*!
449    determines the bounding box for a triangle
450 */
451 #define SUMA_TRIANGLE_BOUNDING_BOX(n1, n2, n3, min_v, max_v){  \
452    min_v[0] = SUMA_MIN_PAIR( (n1)[0], (n2)[0]); min_v[0] = SUMA_MIN_PAIR( (n3)[0], min_v[0]);   \
453    min_v[1] = SUMA_MIN_PAIR( (n1)[1], (n2)[1]); min_v[1] = SUMA_MIN_PAIR( (n3)[1], min_v[1]);   \
454    min_v[2] = SUMA_MIN_PAIR( (n1)[2], (n2)[2]); min_v[2] = SUMA_MIN_PAIR( (n3)[2], min_v[2]);   \
455    max_v[0] = SUMA_MAX_PAIR( (n1)[0], (n2)[0]); max_v[0] = SUMA_MAX_PAIR( (n3)[0], max_v[0]);   \
456    max_v[1] = SUMA_MAX_PAIR( (n1)[1], (n2)[1]); max_v[1] = SUMA_MAX_PAIR( (n3)[1], max_v[1]);   \
457    max_v[2] = SUMA_MAX_PAIR( (n1)[2], (n2)[2]); max_v[2] = SUMA_MAX_PAIR( (n3)[2], max_v[2]);   \
458 }
460 /*!
461    \brief find out if a point p on the line formed by points p0 and p1 is between p0 and p1
462    ans = SUMA_IS_POINT_IN_SEGMENT(p, p0, p1);
463    if ans then p is between p0 and p1
464    p, p0, p1 (float *) xyz of points
466    - NOTE: macro does not check that three points are colinear (as they should be)!
467 */
468 #define SUMA_IS_POINT_IN_SEGMENT(p, p0, p1)  (  (  \
469             (  \
470                (p[0] >  p0[0] && p[0] <  p1[0]) ||   \
471                (p[0] <  p0[0] && p[0] >  p1[0]) ||   \
472                (SUMA_ABS(p[0] - p0[0]) < 0.00000001 || \
473                 SUMA_ABS(p[0] - p1[0]) < 0.00000001 ) \
474             )\
475                                                    && \
476             (  \
477                (p[1] >  p0[1] && p[1] <  p1[1]) ||   \
478                (p[1] <  p0[1] && p[1] >  p1[1]) ||   \
479                (SUMA_ABS(p[1] - p0[1]) < 0.00000001 || \
480                 SUMA_ABS(p[1] - p1[1]) < 0.00000001 ) \
481             )\
482                                                    && \
483             (  \
484                (p[2] >  p0[2] && p[2] <  p1[2]) ||   \
485                (p[2] <  p0[2] && p[2] >  p1[2]) ||   \
486                (SUMA_ABS(p[2] - p0[2]) < 0.00000001 || \
487                 SUMA_ABS(p[2] - p1[2]) < 0.00000001 ) \
488             )\
489                                    ) ? 1 : 0 )
491 /*!
492    \brief Project point N onto plane Eq
493 */
494    #define SUMA_PROJECT_ONTO_PLANE(Eq,N,P) {\
495       double cn = (Eq)[0]*(Eq)[0]+(Eq)[1]*(Eq)[1]+(Eq)[2]*(Eq)[2];  \
496       if (cn != 0.0f) { \
497          cn  = ((Eq)[0]*(N)[0]+(Eq)[1]*(N)[1]+(Eq)[2]*(N)[2]+(Eq)[3])/cn;   \
498          (P)[0] = (N)[0] - (Eq)[0] * cn;  \
499          (P)[1] = (N)[1] - (Eq)[1] * cn;  \
500          (P)[2] = (N)[2] - (Eq)[2] * cn;  \
501       }  else { \
502          (P)[0] = (P)[1] = (P)[2] = 0.0;  \
503       }  \
504    }
506 /*!
507    \brief Project point C onto line with direction U (unit vector)and passing
508    through the origin, projection is in P. It is like using
509       SUMA_PROJECT_C_ONTO_AB with A being the origin, and B being U
510 */
511 #define SUMA_PROJECT_ONTO_DIR(U,C,P) {\
512    double f;   \
513    f = (U[0]*C[0]+U[1]*C[1]+U[2]*C[2]);\
514    P[0] = f*U[0]; P[1]=f*U[1]; P[2]=f*U[2];\
515 }
517 /*!
518    \brief Project point C onto vector AB, projection is in P, fractional distance
519           of projection from A is in f
520 */
521 #define SUMA_PROJECT_C_ONTO_AB(C, A, B, P, f) {\
522    static double AB[3], AC[3], AP[3], ABdAC, ABdAB;  \
523    AB[0]=B[0]-A[0]; AB[1]=B[1]-A[1]; AB[2]=B[2]-A[2]; \
524    AC[0]=C[0]-A[0]; AC[1]=C[1]-A[1]; AC[2]=C[2]-A[2]; \
525    ABdAC = (AB[0]*AC[0]+AB[1]*AC[1]+AB[2]*AC[2]);\
526    ABdAB = (AB[0]*AB[0]+AB[1]*AB[1]+AB[2]*AB[2]);\
527    if (ABdAB) {\
528       f = ABdAC/ABdAB; \
529       AP[0] = f*AB[0]; AP[1]=f*AB[1]; AP[2]=f*AB[2];\
530       P[0] = AP[0]+A[0]; P[1] = AP[1]+A[1]; P[2] = AP[2]+A[2]; \
531    } else {\
532       f=0; P[0] = P[1] = P[2] = 0.0;   \
533    }\
534 }
535 /* Same as  SUMA_PROJECT_C_ONTO_AB but external variable to contain vector AB.*/
536 #define SUMA_PROJECT_C_ONTO_ABv(C, A, B, P, f, AB) {\
537    static double AC[3], AP[3], ABdAC, ABdAB;  \
538    AB[0]=B[0]-A[0]; AB[1]=B[1]-A[1]; AB[2]=B[2]-A[2]; \
539    AC[0]=C[0]-A[0]; AC[1]=C[1]-A[1]; AC[2]=C[2]-A[2]; \
540    ABdAC = (AB[0]*AC[0]+AB[1]*AC[1]+AB[2]*AC[2]);\
541    ABdAB = (AB[0]*AB[0]+AB[1]*AB[1]+AB[2]*AB[2]);\
542    if (ABdAB) {\
543       f = ABdAC/ABdAB; \
544       AP[0] = f*AB[0]; AP[1]=f*AB[1]; AP[2]=f*AB[2];\
545       P[0] = AP[0]+A[0]; P[1] = AP[1]+A[1]; P[2] = AP[2]+A[2]; \
546    } else {\
547       f=0; P[0] = P[1] = P[2] = 0.0;   \
548    }\
549 }
552 /*!
553    \brief intersection of line defined by point N and direction U
554    and plane Eq
555    P is the resultant intersection point and ispar = 1 if
556    line is parallel to the plane.
559 */
560 #define SUMA_LINE_PLANE_INTERSECT(U,N,Eq,P,ispar) {\
561    double m_dot, m_fr; \
562    SUMA_S_Warn("UNTESTED-2");   \
563    dot = SUMA_MT_DOT(U,Eq);   \
564    ispar = 0;  \
565    if (dot != 0.0f) m_fr = -(Eq[0]*N[0]+Eq[1]*N[1]+Eq[2]*N[2]+Eq[3])/dot;  \
566    else ispar = 1;   \
567    P[0] = N[0]+m_fr*U[0]; P[1] = N[1]+m_fr*U[1]; P[2] = N[2]+m_fr*U[2]; \
568 }
570 /*!
571    \brief Reset quaternion values for default 3D view
572 */
573 #define SUMA_HOME_QUAT(vw,qq) { \
574    float m_a[3];  \
575    switch (vw) {\
576       case SUMA_2D_Z0: \
577          m_a[0] = 1.0; m_a[1] = 0.0; m_a[2] = 0.0; \
578          axis_to_quat(m_a, 0, qq);  \
579          break;   \
580       case SUMA_2D_Z0L: \
581          m_a[0] = 1.0; m_a[1] = 0.0; m_a[2] = 0.0; \
582          axis_to_quat(m_a, SUMA_PI, qq);  \
583          break;   \
584       case SUMA_3D_Z0:  \
585          m_a[0] = 1.0; m_a[1] = 0.0; m_a[2] = 0.0; \
586          axis_to_quat(m_a, 0, qq);  \
587          break;   \
588       default: \
589       case SUMA_3D:  \
590          *((qq)  ) =  0.252199; *((qq)+1) = -0.129341;  \
591          *((qq)+2) = -0.016295; *((qq)+3) = 0.958854; \
592          break;   \
593    }  \
594 }
596 /*!
597    \brief Intersection of a segment with a plane
598    \param p1 x y z of point 1
599    \param p2 x y z of point 2
600    \param Eq equation of plane
601    \param Hit: On exit: 1 segment interects plane
602                         0 segment does not intersect plane
603    \param pinter: On exit:  x y z of intersection point (0,0,0) if no intersection
605    Note: Macro is not efficient to use when intersection if between entire surface
606    and plane. For that use SUMA_Surf_Plane_Intersect
607 */
608 #define SUMA_SEGMENT_PLANE_INTERSECT(p1, p2, Eq, Hit, pinter) {   \
609    double m_p1, m_p2, m_u;   \
610    m_p1 = Eq[0] * p1[0] + Eq[1] * p1[1] + Eq[2] * p1[2] + Eq[3];  \
611    m_p2 = Eq[0] * p2[0] + Eq[1] * p2[1] + Eq[2] * p2[2] + Eq[3];  \
612    /* fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"m_p1=%f, m_p2 = %f\n", m_p1, m_p2); */\
613    if ((SUMA_SIGN(m_p1)) != (SUMA_SIGN(m_p2)) ) {   \
614       Hit = 1; \
615       m_u = -m_p1 / (m_p2 - m_p1);  \
616       pinter[0] = p1[0] + m_u * ( p2[0] - p1[0] );   \
617       pinter[1] = p1[1] + m_u * ( p2[1] - p1[1] );   \
618       pinter[2] = p1[2] + m_u * ( p2[2] - p1[2] );   \
619    }  else {   \
620       Hit = 0; \
621       pinter[0] = pinter[1] = pinter[2] = 0.0;  \
622    }  \
623 }
625 #define SUMA_SET_GL_RENDER_MODE(m_PolyMode)  \
626    {  \
627       switch (m_PolyMode) {   \
628                case SRM_Fill: \
629                   glEnable (GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL);  \
630                   glPolygonOffset(1.0, 1.0); \
631                      /* Polygon offset is needed to deal with rendering
632                      lines that are coplanar with filled polygons.
633                      Without polygon offset, lines can get stripy under
634                      certain angles, quite ugly. The effect is known as
635                      stitching, bleeding, or Z fighting.
636              http://www.opengl.org/resources/faq/technical/polygonoffset.htm */ \
637                   glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);   \
638                   break;   \
639                case SRM_Line:  \
640                   glDisable (GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL);  \
641                   glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);   \
642                   break;   \
643                case SRM_Points:  \
644                   glDisable (GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL);  \
645                   glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_POINT);  \
646                   break;   \
647                case SRM_ViewerDefault: \
648                   break;   \
649                case SRM_Hide: \
650                   break;   \
651                default: \
652       fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Wrong Rendering Mode.\n", FuncName);   \
653                   break;   \
654             }  \
655    }
657 #define SUMA_SET_GL_RENDER_MODE_TRACK(m_PolyMode, m_ust)  \
658    {  float m_fv[4]={0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};\
659       DList *m_st=m_ust;   \
660       switch (m_PolyMode) {   \
661                case SRM_Fill: \
662                   SUMA_GLStateTrack("set", &m_st, FuncName, \
663                       "GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL", (void *)1); \
664                                  /* glEnable (GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL);  */\
665                   m_fv[0] = 1.0; m_fv[1] = 1.0; \
666                   SUMA_GLStateTrack("set", &m_st, FuncName, \
667                       "glPolygonOffset", (void *)m_fv); \
668                                  /* glPolygonOffset(1.0, 1.0); */\
669                      /* Polygon offset is needed to deal with rendering
670                      lines that are coplanar with filled polygons.
671                      Without polygon offset, lines can get stripy under
672                      certain angles, quite ugly. The effect is known as
673                      stitching, bleeding, or Z fighting.
674              http://www.opengl.org/resources/faq/technical/polygonoffset.htm */ \
675                   m_fv[0] = GL_FRONT_AND_BACK; m_fv[1] = GL_FILL; \
676                   SUMA_GLStateTrack("set", &m_st, FuncName, \
677                       "glPolygonMode", (void *)m_fv); \
678                         /* glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);  */ \
679                   break;   \
680                case SRM_Line:  \
681                   SUMA_GLStateTrack("set", &m_st, FuncName, \
682                       "GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL", (void *)0); \
683                         /* glDisable (GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); */ \
684                   m_fv[0] = GL_FRONT_AND_BACK; m_fv[1] = GL_LINE; \
685                   SUMA_GLStateTrack("set", &m_st, FuncName, \
686                       "glPolygonMode", (void *)m_fv); \
687                         /* glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); */  \
688                   break;   \
689                case SRM_Points:  \
690                   SUMA_GLStateTrack("set", &m_st, FuncName, \
691                       "GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL", (void *)0); \
692                         /* glDisable (GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); */ \
693                   m_fv[0] = GL_FRONT_AND_BACK; m_fv[1] = GL_POINT; \
694                   SUMA_GLStateTrack("set", &m_st, FuncName, \
695                       "glPolygonMode", (void *)m_fv); \
696                         /*  glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_POINT); */ \
697                   break;   \
698                case SRM_ViewerDefault: \
699                   break;   \
700                case SRM_Hide: \
701                   break;   \
702                default: \
703       fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Wrong Rendering Mode.\n", FuncName);   \
704                   break;   \
705             }  \
706    }
708 #define SUMA_SET_GL_TRANS_MODE(m_TransMode, m_ust, btp)  \
709    {  DList *m_st=m_ust; \
710       if (m_TransMode == STM_0) { \
711          /* classic rendering, no polygon stippling*/ \
712          SUMA_LH("Setting GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE off");\
713          SUMA_GLStateTrack("set", &m_st, FuncName, \
714                       "GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE", (void *)0); \
715                   /* glDisable(GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE);  */ \
716          if (0) {/* ZSS March 11 2014 */  \
717             SUMA_LH("Setting GL_DEPTH_TEST on");   \
718             SUMA_GLStateTrack("set", &m_st, FuncName, \
719                       "GL_DEPTH_TEST", (void *)1); \
720                   /* glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); */  } \
721       } else { \
722          SUMA_LH("Setting GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE on");\
723          SUMA_GLStateTrack("set", &m_st, FuncName, \
724                       "GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE", (void *)1); \
725          glPolygonStipple(SUMA_StippleMask_shift(m_TransMode, btp));   \
726          if (0) { SUMA_LH("Setting GL_DEPTH_TEST off");   \
727                   SUMA_GLStateTrack("set", &m_st,  \
728                       FuncName, "GL_DEPTH_TEST", (void *)0); }\
729       }   \
730    }
732 #define SUMA_GLX_BUF_SWAP(sv) {\
733    if ((sv)->X->DOUBLEBUFFER) {  \
734        if ((sv)->DO_PickMode) {   \
735          glFlush(); \
736        } else { \
737          glXSwapBuffers((sv)->X->DPY, XtWindow((sv)->X->GLXAREA));\
738        } \
739    } else { \
740       glFlush();\
741    }  \
742 }
744 #define SUMA_NEW_MASKSTATE() (SUMAg_CF->X ? (++SUMAg_CF->X->MaskStateID):0)
746 /*!
747    \brief Get the pointer for the last visited viewer
748 */
749 #define SUMA_LAST_VIEWER (SUMAg_CF->PointerLastInViewer >=0 && SUMAg_N_SVv >1 ? \
750                              &(SUMAg_SVv[SUMAg_CF->PointerLastInViewer]) : \
751                              &(SUMAg_SVv[0]))
753 /*!
754    \brief SO->Show is not quite not the end of the story
755 */
756 #define SO_SHOWING(SO,sv) ( SO->Show && SO->PolyMode != SRM_Hide && (SO->PolyMode != SRM_ViewerDefault || sv->PolyMode != SRM_Hide) && (SO->TransMode != STM_ViewerDefault || sv->TransMode != STM_16))
758 #define MDO_SHOWING(MDO,sv) (  (MDO) && (MDO)->SO && (sv) && \
759                                (SO_SHOWING((MDO)->SO,sv)) )
760 /*!
761    \brief set polymode
762 */
763 #define SUMA_SET_SO_POLYMODE(SO,i){ \
764    if (i < 0 || i >= SRM_N_RenderModes) { SO->PolyMode = SRM_ViewerDefault; }\
765    else { SO->PolyMode = i; } \
766    if (SO->PolyMode == SRM_Hide) { SO->Show = NOPE; } \
767    else { SO->Show = YUP; }\
768 }
770 /*!
771    \brief calculates the average 'radius' of a surface.
772    avg(dist(node_i,center));
773 */
774 #define SUMA_SO_RADIUS(SO, r){ \
775    int m_i, m_i3; \
776    float m_dx, m_dy, m_dz; \
777    r = 0.0; \
778    for (m_i=0; m_i<SO->N_Node; ++m_i) {   \
779       m_i3 = 3 * m_i;  \
780       m_dx = SO->NodeList[m_i3  ] - SO->Center[0];   \
781       m_dy = SO->NodeList[m_i3+1] - SO->Center[1];   \
782       m_dz = SO->NodeList[m_i3+2] - SO->Center[2];   \
783       r += sqrt( (m_dx * m_dx) + (m_dy * m_dy) + (m_dz * m_dz)); \
784    }  \
785    r /= (float)SO->N_Node; \
786 }
788 /*!
789    \brief calculates the farthest point on a surface from its center.
790    max(dist(node_i,center));
791 */
792 #define SUMA_SO_MAX_MIN_DIST(SO, DD, NN, dd, nn){ \
793    int m_i, m_i3=0; \
794    float m_dx, m_dy, m_dz; double m_Dm, m_d, m_dm; \
795    dd = 0.0; DD = 0.0; m_dm=11111111110.0; m_Dm=0.0; nn = -1; NN = -1;\
796    for (m_i=0; m_i<SO->N_Node; ++m_i) {   \
797       m_dx = SO->NodeList[m_i3++] - SO->Center[0];   \
798       m_dy = SO->NodeList[m_i3++] - SO->Center[1];   \
799       m_dz = SO->NodeList[m_i3++] - SO->Center[2];   \
800       m_d = (m_dx * m_dx) + (m_dy * m_dy) + (m_dz * m_dz);  \
801       if (m_d > m_Dm) { m_Dm = m_d; NN = m_i; }  \
802       else if (m_d < m_dm) { m_dm = m_d; nn = m_i; }  \
803    }  \
804    if (NN > -1) DD = sqrt(m_Dm); \
805    if (nn > -1) dd = sqrt(m_dm); \
806 }
808 /*!
809    A macro to recalculate a surface object's normals
810 */
812    SUMA_SURF_NORM m_SN;   \
813    if (SO->NodeNormList) SUMA_free(SO->NodeNormList); \
814       SO->NodeNormList = NULL;   \
815    if (SO->FaceNormList) SUMA_free(SO->FaceNormList); \
816       SO->FaceNormList = NULL;   \
817    set_surf_norm_quiet(1); \
818    m_SN = SUMA_SurfNorm(SO->NodeList,  SO->N_Node, \
819                         SO->FaceSetList, SO->N_FaceSet );  \
820    SO->NodeNormList = m_SN.NodeNormList; \
821    SO->FaceNormList = m_SN.FaceNormList; \
822    SO->glar_NodeNormList = (GLfloat *) SO->NodeNormList; \
823                         /* just copy the pointer, not the data */\
824    SO->glar_FaceNormList = (GLfloat *) SO->FaceNormList;  \
825 }
827 /*!
828    A macro to recalculate a surface object's normals
829 */
831    if (SO->PolyArea) SUMA_free(SO->PolyArea); SO->PolyArea=NULL; \
832    if (!SUMA_SurfaceMetrics_eng(SO, "PolyArea", NULL, 0, \
833                                 SUMAg_CF->DsetList)) {   \
834       SUMA_S_Err("Failed to recompute poly areas");   \
835    }  \
836 }\
841 }
843 /*!
844    Pause prompt, stdin
845 */
846 #define SUMA_PAUSE_PROMPT_STDIN(s) { int m_jnk; fprintf(SUMA_STDOUT,"Pausing: %s  ...", s); fflush(SUMA_STDOUT); m_jnk = getchar(); fprintf(SUMA_STDOUT,"\n"); fflush(SUMA_STDOUT);}
848 #define SUMA_PAUSE_PROMPT(s) {    \
849    XtAppContext    m_app; \
850    Widget m_w;   \
851    XEvent m_ev;  \
852    XtInputMask m_pp; \
853    int m_ii=0, m_wkill=1;  \
854    if (SUMAg_SVv && SUMAg_SVv[0].X->TOPLEVEL){\
855       m_w = SUMAg_SVv[0].X->TOPLEVEL; \
856       m_wkill = 0;  \
857    }  else { \
858       m_w = XtOpenApplication(&m_app, FuncName, \
859                            NULL, 0, &m_ii, NULL,  \
860                            SUMA_get_fallbackResources(), \
861                            topLevelShellWidgetClass, NULL, 0); \
862    }  \
863    if (m_w)  { \
864       SUMA_PauseForUser(m_w, s, \
865                         SWP_POINTER_OFF, &m_app, 0, -1.0);  \
866       if (m_wkill) {    \
867          /* This is set when the top level widget is created  */ \
868          /* and there is no XtAppMainLoop to process events and */\
869          /* ensure that the destroyed widget gets off of the screen */\
870          /* so you'll need to do the event processing yourself */\
871          /* or you'll end up with ghostly windows if events come in */\
872          /* too rapidly */    \
873          /* A simpler call to XtAppNextEvent(app, &ev); was enough */   \
874          /* to cause the widget to go away, but not when events are */  \
875          /* piling up. Not too surprising since events are not getting */  \
876          /* processed. The while statement seems to do the trick */  \
877          while ((m_pp = XtAppPending(m_app))) {  \
878             XtAppProcessEvent(m_app, m_pp); \
879          } \
880          XtDestroyWidget(m_w);  \
881       }; \
882    }  else {\
883       SUMA_PAUSE_PROMPT_STDIN(s);   \
884    }  \
885 }
887 /*!
888    A macro to recalculate a surface's center and its bounding box
889 */
890 #define SUMA_DIM_CENTER(SO){  \
891    SUMA_MIN_MAX_SUM_VECMAT_COL (SO->NodeList, SO->N_Node, SO->NodeDim, SO->MinDims, SO->MaxDims, SO->Center);  \
892    SO->Center[0] /= SO->N_Node;  \
893    SO->Center[1] /= SO->N_Node;  \
894    SO->Center[2] /= SO->N_Node;  \
895    SUMA_MIN_VEC (SO->MinDims, 3, SO->aMinDims );   \
896    SUMA_MAX_VEC (SO->MaxDims, 3, SO->aMaxDims);    \
897 }
899 /*!
900    A macro to scale the surface so that the largest bounding box size is SZ
901 */
903    float m_lg , m_lg1 , m_lg2 ;   \
904    double scl = 1.0; \
905    int m_i_mx, m_i, m_itop;  \
906    m_i_mx = 0; \
907    m_lg  = SO->MaxDims[0] - SO->Center[0]; \
908    m_lg1 = SO->MaxDims[1] - SO->Center[1], \
909    m_lg2 = SO->MaxDims[2] - SO->Center[2];   \
910    m_itop = SO->NodeDim * SO->N_Node;  \
911    if (m_lg < m_lg1) { m_lg = m_lg1; m_i_mx = 1; } \
912    if (m_lg < m_lg2) { m_lg = m_lg2; m_i_mx = 2; } \
913    if (m_lg > 0.0) { \
914       scl = (double)SZ / 2.0 / (double)m_lg;   \
915       for (m_i=0; m_i < m_itop; ++m_i) { SO->NodeList[m_i] = (float)(scl*(double)SO->NodeList[m_i]); }   \
916       for (m_i=0; m_i < 3; ++m_i) { \
917          SO->MinDims[m_i] = (float)(scl*(double)SO->MinDims[m_i]);   \
918          SO->MaxDims[m_i] = (float)(scl*(double)SO->MaxDims[m_i]);   \
919          SO->Center[m_i]  = (float)(scl*(double)SO->Center[m_i]);   \
920       }  \
921       SO->aMinDims = (float)(scl*(double)SO->aMinDims);  \
922       SO->aMaxDims = (float)(scl*(double)SO->aMaxDims);  \
923    }\
924 }
926 /*! calculate the centroid of a triangular faceset */
927 #define SUMA_FACE_CENTROID(SO, ifc, c){   \
928    static int m_n1, m_n2, m_n3;  \
929    m_n1 =  SO->FaceSetList[3*ifc]; m_n2 = SO->FaceSetList[3*ifc+1]; m_n3 = SO->FaceSetList[3*ifc+2];   \
930    c[0] = (SO->NodeList[3*m_n1]   + SO->NodeList[3*m_n2]   + SO->NodeList[3*m_n3]  )/3; \
931    c[1] = (SO->NodeList[3*m_n1+1] + SO->NodeList[3*m_n2+1] + SO->NodeList[3*m_n3+1])/3; \
932    c[2] = (SO->NodeList[3*m_n1+2] + SO->NodeList[3*m_n2+2] + SO->NodeList[3*m_n3+2])/3; \
933 }
935 /*!
936    A macro to find the third node forming a triangle
937 */
938 #define SUMA_THIRD_TRIANGLE_NODE(n1,n2,t,facelist,n3){  \
939    static int m_t3;  \
940    m_t3 = 3 * t;  \
941    n3 = -1; \
942    do {  \
943       if (facelist[m_t3] != n1 && facelist[m_t3] != n2) n3 = facelist[m_t3];  \
944       else ++m_t3;   \
945    }   while (n3 < 0);  \
946 }
948 /*!
949    A macro to find the two other nodes forming a triangle
950 */
951 #define SUMA_TWO_OTHER_TRIANGLE_NODES(n1,t,facelist,n2,n3){  \
952    static int m_t3;  \
953    m_t3 = 3 * t;  \
954    n2 = n3 = -1;  \
955    if (facelist[m_t3  ] == n1) {   \
956       n2 = facelist[m_t3+1];  \
957       n3 = facelist[m_t3+2];  \
958    } else if (facelist[m_t3+1] == n1) { \
959       n2 = facelist[m_t3  ];  \
960       n3 = facelist[m_t3+2];  \
961    } else if (facelist[m_t3+2] == n1) { \
962       n2 = facelist[m_t3  ];  \
963       n3 = facelist[m_t3+1];  \
964    } \
965 }
969 /*!
970    A macro version of SUMA_FindEdge
971    Use function for robust error checking.
972    Here you are on your own.
974    you should make sure n1 < n2
975    you should initialize iseg to -1 before calling the macro
977 */
978 /* NEW VERSION: Bug found in previous one (_OLD),
979    it is possible that m_eloc is -1 at initialization: m_eloc = m_EL->ELloc[m_n1];
980    see below for fix
981 */
982 #define SUMA_FIND_EDGE(m_EL, m_n1, m_n2, m_iseg)  \
983 {  int m_eloc = m_EL->ELloc[m_n1];   \
984    if (m_eloc >= 0) {  /* It is possible that m_n1 has m_EL->ELloc[m_n1] = -1, this happens when m_n1 is surrounded by nodes of lower indices */\
985       for (m_eloc=m_EL->ELloc[m_n1]; m_eloc<m_EL->N_EL; ++m_eloc) {  \
986          /* fprintf(stderr, "%d/%d\n", m_eloc, m_EL->N_EL); */\
987          if (m_EL->EL[m_eloc][0] != m_n1) break;   \
988          if (m_EL->EL[m_eloc][1] == m_n2) m_iseg = m_eloc;   \
989       }   \
990    }  \
991 }
992 #define SUMA_FIND_EDGE_OLD(m_EL, m_n1, m_n2, m_iseg)  \
993 {  int m_eloc ;   \
994    m_eloc = m_EL->ELloc[m_n1];  \
995    do {  \
996       if (m_EL->EL[m_eloc][1] == m_n2) m_iseg = m_eloc;   \
997       ++m_eloc;  \
998    } while (m_EL->EL[m_eloc][0] == m_n1 && m_eloc < m_EL->N_EL);  \
999 }
1001 /*!
1002    Macro that sets Ntail to be the index of the last node of the last ROIdatum in a
1003    DrawnROI. Ntail is -1 if the macro fails
1004 */
1005 #define SUMA_DRAWN_ROI_TAIL_NODE(D_ROI, Ntail)  \
1006    {\
1007       DListElmt *m_Tail=NULL; \
1008       SUMA_ROI_DATUM *m_ROId=NULL; \
1009       Ntail = -1; \
1010       m_Tail = dlist_tail(D_ROI->ROIstrokelist); \
1011       if (m_Tail) {  \
1012          m_ROId = (SUMA_ROI_DATUM *)m_Tail->data;  \
1013          if (m_ROId->N_n) Ntail = m_ROId->nPath[m_ROId->N_n-1];   \
1014       }  \
1015    }
1017 /*!
1018    Macro that sets Nhead to be the index of the 1st node of the 1st ROIdatum in a
1019    DrawnROI. Nhead is -1 if the macro fails
1020 */
1021 #define SUMA_DRAWN_ROI_HEAD_NODE(D_ROI, Nhead)  \
1022    {\
1023       DListElmt *m_Head=NULL; \
1024       SUMA_ROI_DATUM *m_ROId=NULL; \
1025       Nhead = -1; \
1026       m_Head = dlist_head(D_ROI->ROIstrokelist); \
1027       if (m_Head) {  \
1028          m_ROId = (SUMA_ROI_DATUM *)m_Head->data;  \
1029          if (m_ROId->N_n) Nhead = m_ROId->nPath[0];   \
1030       }  \
1031    }
1033 /*! is 3x4 xform an indentity matrix? */
1034 #define SUMA_IS_XFORM_IDENTITY(Xform)  \
1035       (  Xform[0][0] == 1.0 && Xform[1][1] == 1.0 && Xform[2][2] == 1.0 && \
1036          Xform[0][3] == 0.0 && Xform[1][3] == 0.0 && Xform[2][3] == 0.0 && \
1037          Xform[0][1] == 0.0 && Xform[0][2] == 0.0 &&  \
1038          Xform[1][0] == 0.0 && Xform[1][2] == 0.0 &&  \
1039          Xform[2][0] == 0.0 && Xform[2][1] == 0.0 )   ? 1:0
1041 /* definitions for SUMA_MT_intersect */
1042 #define SUMA_MT_CROSS(m_MTCR_dest,m_MTCR_v1,m_MTCR_v2) \
1043           m_MTCR_dest[0]=m_MTCR_v1[1]*m_MTCR_v2[2]-m_MTCR_v1[2]*m_MTCR_v2[1]; \
1044           m_MTCR_dest[1]=m_MTCR_v1[2]*m_MTCR_v2[0]-m_MTCR_v1[0]*m_MTCR_v2[2]; \
1045           m_MTCR_dest[2]=m_MTCR_v1[0]*m_MTCR_v2[1]-m_MTCR_v1[1]*m_MTCR_v2[0];
1046 #define SUMA_MT_DOT(m_MTDOT_v1,m_MTDOT_v2) (m_MTDOT_v1[0]*m_MTDOT_v2[0]+m_MTDOT_v1[1]*m_MTDOT_v2[1]+m_MTDOT_v1[2]*m_MTDOT_v2[2])
1047 #define SUMA_MT_SUB(m_MTSUB_dest,m_MTSUB_v1,m_MTSUB_v2) \
1048           m_MTSUB_dest[0]=m_MTSUB_v1[0]-m_MTSUB_v2[0]; \
1049           m_MTSUB_dest[1]=m_MTSUB_v1[1]-m_MTSUB_v2[1]; \
1050           m_MTSUB_dest[2]=m_MTSUB_v1[2]-m_MTSUB_v2[2];
1051 #define SUMA_NORM(m_NORM_dest, m_NORM_v1) \
1052           m_NORM_dest= sqrt(m_NORM_v1[0]*m_NORM_v1[0]+\
1053                             m_NORM_v1[1]*m_NORM_v1[1]+\
1054                             m_NORM_v1[2]*m_NORM_v1[2]);
1055 #define SUMA_NORM3(m_NORM_v1) ( sqrt(*((m_NORM_v1)  ) * *((m_NORM_v1)  )+\
1056                                      *((m_NORM_v1)+1) * *((m_NORM_v1)+1)+\
1057                                      *((m_NORM_v1)+2) * *((m_NORM_v1)+2) ) )
1058 #define SUMA_TRI_AREA(m_TRIAREA_n0,m_TRIAREA_n1,m_TRIAREA_n2, m_TRIAREA_A)  {\
1059       float m_TRIAREA_dv[3], m_TRIAREA_dw[3], m_TRIAREA_cross[3];  \
1060       SUMA_MT_SUB (m_TRIAREA_dv, m_TRIAREA_n1, m_TRIAREA_n0);  \
1061       SUMA_MT_SUB (m_TRIAREA_dw, m_TRIAREA_n2, m_TRIAREA_n0);  \
1062       SUMA_MT_CROSS(m_TRIAREA_cross,m_TRIAREA_dv,m_TRIAREA_dw);   \
1063       SUMA_NORM(m_TRIAREA_A, m_TRIAREA_cross); \
1064       m_TRIAREA_A *= 0.5; \
1065    }
1067 /*!
1068    XYZ: vector of coordinates
1069    nrm: unit normal vector of axis of rotaion
1070    phi: angle of rotation, counterclockwise, in radians
1071    XYZr: vector to contain rotated coordinates
1072    Equation from: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/RotationFormula.html
1073       Note that this equation subtracts the last term, the cross product.
1074       The website equation adds the last term.
1075       This change permits counterclockwise angle of rotation and the proper axis of rotation.
1076    See also RotateAboutAxis.m
1077 */
1079 #define SUMA_ROTATE_ABOUT_AXIS(xyz, nrm, phi, xyzr)  { \
1080    double m_cop, m_sip, m_dop, m_cro[3], m_1cop;   \
1081    m_cop = cos(phi); m_1cop = 1 - m_cop; m_sip = sin(phi);   \
1082    SUMA_MT_CROSS(m_cro, xyz, nrm);  \
1083    m_dop = SUMA_MT_DOT(nrm,xyz);   \
1084    xyzr[0] = xyz[0]*m_cop + nrm[0] * m_dop * m_1cop - m_cro[0] * m_sip; \
1085    xyzr[1] = xyz[1]*m_cop + nrm[1] * m_dop * m_1cop - m_cro[1] * m_sip; \
1086    xyzr[2] = xyz[2]*m_cop + nrm[2] * m_dop * m_1cop - m_cro[2] * m_sip; \
1087 }
1089 /*!
1090 SUMA_3D_Rotation_Matrix(P1, P2, M, alpha, nrm)
1091 Generate the rotation matrix for moving from P1 to P2.
1092 For rotation about a specified origin and direction.
1093 Rotation through angle alpha about an axis m_u.  Alpha is always positive and counterclockwise.
1094 P1, P2: intial and final vector location
1095 m_alpha: angle between P1 and P2
1096 m_u: axis of rotation and cross product of P1, P2
1097 mn_u: magnitude of axis of rotation needed to normalize the axis of rotation
1098 m_M: 3x3 rotation matrix
1099 Equations based on matlab script AxisRotate3D.m
1100 */
1102 #define SUMA_3D_Rotation_Matrix(P1, P2, M, m_alpha, m_u)  { \
1103    static double m_x, m_y, m_z, m_mag_u; \
1104    static double m_xy_vera, m_xz_vera, m_yz_vera; \
1105    static double m_cosa, m_sina, m_vera; \
1106    SUMA_ANGLE_DIST_NC(P2 , P1, m_alpha, m_u); \
1107    m_mag_u = sqrt( m_u[0]*m_u[0] + m_u[1]*m_u[1] + m_u[2]*m_u[2] ); \
1108    if( m_mag_u > 0.000000001 ) { m_u[0] = m_u[0]/m_mag_u ;  m_u[1] = m_u[1]/m_mag_u ; m_u[2] = m_u[2]/m_mag_u ;}; \
1109    m_x = m_u[0]; m_y = m_u[1]; m_z = m_u[2]; \
1110    m_cosa = cos(m_alpha); m_sina = sin(m_alpha); m_vera = 1 - m_cosa; \
1111    m_xy_vera = m_x * m_y * m_vera; m_xz_vera = m_x * m_z * m_vera; m_yz_vera = m_y * m_z * m_vera;\
1112    \
1113    M[0][0] = m_cosa + m_x * m_x * m_vera; \
1114    M[0][1] = m_xy_vera - m_z * m_sina; \
1115    M[0][2] = m_xz_vera + m_y * m_sina; \
1116    M[1][0] = m_xy_vera + m_z * m_sina; \
1117    M[1][1] = m_cosa + m_y * m_y * m_vera; \
1118    M[1][2] = m_yz_vera - m_x * m_sina; \
1119    M[2][0] = m_xz_vera - m_y*m_sina; \
1120    M[2][1] = m_yz_vera + m_x*m_sina; \
1121    M[2][2] = m_cosa + m_z * m_z * m_vera; \
1122 }
1124 /*!
1125 SUMA_3Dax_Rotation_Matrix(Ax, Alpha, M)
1126 Generate the rotation matrix for rotating an angle Alpha
1127 around unit length axis Ax.
1128 M: 3x3 rotation matrix
1129 */
1131 #define SUMA_3Dax_Rotation_Matrix(AX, m_alpha, M)  { \
1132    static double m_x, m_y, m_z, m_mag_u; \
1133    static double m_xy_vera, m_xz_vera, m_yz_vera; \
1134    static double m_cosa, m_sina, m_vera; \
1135    m_x = AX[0]; m_y = AX[1]; m_z = AX[2]; \
1136    m_cosa = cos(m_alpha); m_sina = sin(m_alpha); m_vera = 1 - m_cosa; \
1137    m_xy_vera = m_x * m_y * m_vera; \
1138    m_xz_vera = m_x * m_z * m_vera; m_yz_vera = m_y * m_z * m_vera;\
1139    \
1140    M[0][0] = m_cosa + m_x * m_x * m_vera; \
1141    M[0][1] = m_xy_vera - m_z * m_sina; \
1142    M[0][2] = m_xz_vera + m_y * m_sina; \
1143    M[1][0] = m_xy_vera + m_z * m_sina; \
1144    M[1][1] = m_cosa + m_y * m_y * m_vera; \
1145    M[1][2] = m_yz_vera - m_x * m_sina; \
1146    M[2][0] = m_xz_vera - m_y*m_sina; \
1147    M[2][1] = m_yz_vera + m_x*m_sina; \
1148    M[2][2] = m_cosa + m_z * m_z * m_vera; \
1149 }
1152 /*!
1153 SUMA_ANGLE_DIST(p2,p1,cent,a,nrm)
1154 SUMA_ANGLE_DIST_NC(p2,p1,a, nrm)
1155 calculate angular distance between two points
1156 on a sphere.
1157 For the _NC version, the sphere is centered on
1158 0 0 0 and has a radius of 1
1159 p1 and p2 are the XYZ of the two points
1160 cent is the center of the sphere
1161 and 'a' is the angle in radians between them.
1162 m_cr contains the cross product p1 cross p2
1163 Tx to tip from JHU's Applied Physics Laboratory web page
1164 */
1165 #define SUMA_ANGLE_DIST_NC(m_p2,m_p1,a, m_cr)   \
1166    {\
1167       double m_p2r[3];   \
1168       static double m_mag; \
1169       SUMA_MT_CROSS(m_cr, m_p1, m_p2); \
1170       a = atan2(sqrt(m_cr[0]*m_cr[0]+m_cr[1]*m_cr[1]+m_cr[2]*m_cr[2]),SUMA_MT_DOT(m_p2, m_p1)); \
1171    }
1173 #define SUMA_ANGLE_DIST(p2,p1,cent,a,m_cr)   \
1174    {\
1175       double m_p1[3],m_p2[3],m_np1, m_np2;   \
1176       SUMA_MT_SUB(m_p1, p1, cent);  SUMA_NORM(m_np1, m_p1); if (m_np1) { m_p1[0] /= m_np1; m_p1[1] /= m_np1; m_p1[2] /= m_np1; }\
1177       SUMA_MT_SUB(m_p2, p2, cent);  SUMA_NORM(m_np2, m_p2); if (m_np2) { m_p2[0] /= m_np2; m_p2[1] /= m_np2; m_p2[2] /= m_np2; }\
1178       SUMA_MT_CROSS(m_cr, m_p2, m_p1); \
1179       a = atan2(sqrt(m_cr[0]*m_cr[0]+m_cr[1]*m_cr[1]+m_cr[2]*m_cr[2]),SUMA_MT_DOT(m_p2, m_p1)); \
1180    }
1182 /*!
1183 SUMA_SINC(alpha)
1184 calculate the sinc function.
1185 alpha is an angle in radians
1186 sinc is the value of the function at alpha
1187 */
1188 #define SUMA_SINC(alpha, sinc) \
1189    {\
1190       if( alpha < 0.0000001 ) { sinc = 1.0; }   \
1191       else { sinc = sin(alpha) / alpha ; }   \
1192    }
1194 /*!
1195    \brief SUMA_EULER_SO (SO, eu)
1196    computes the euler number = N  - E + F
1197    eu = SO->N_Node - SO->EL->N_Distinct_Edges + SO->N_FaceSet
1198    eu = 2 for closed surfaces
1199    -1000 --> NULL SO
1200    -1001 --> NULL SO->EL
1201 */
1203 #define SUMA_EULER_SO(SO, eu) { \
1204    if (!SO) { eu = -1000; }   \
1205    else if (!SO->EL) { eu = -1001; }   \
1206    else eu = SO->N_Node - SO->EL->N_Distinct_Edges + SO->N_FaceSet; \
1207 }
1209 /*!
1211    \brief   SUMA_IS_IN_VEC(vec, nel, val, loc);
1212    \param vec pointer to vector of at least nel elements
1213    \param nel (int) number of elements to check in vec
1214    \param val value to look for in vec
1215    \param loc (int) index in vec where val was found. -1 if nothing was found
1216 */
1217 #define SUMA_IS_IN_VEC(m_vec, m_nel, m_val, m_loc) { \
1218    int m_i=0;\
1219    m_loc = -1;\
1220    while (m_i < m_nel) {   \
1221       if (m_vec[m_i] == m_val) { \
1222          m_loc = m_i;   \
1223          m_i = m_nel;   \
1224       }  else {   \
1225          ++ m_i;  \
1226       }  \
1227    }  \
1228 }
1230 #define SUMA_DBG_IN_NOTIFY(m_fname) { \
1231    int m_i;\
1232    ++SUMAg_CF->InOut_Level;   \
1233    for (m_i=0; m_i < SUMAg_CF->InOut_Level; ++m_i) fprintf (SUMA_STDERR," ");\
1234    fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"--dbg: Entered %s (lvl %d).\n", m_fname, SUMAg_CF->InOut_Level); \
1235 }
1237 #define SUMA_DBG_OUT_NOTIFY(m_fname) { \
1238    int m_i;\
1239    for (m_i=0; m_i < SUMAg_CF->InOut_Level; ++m_i) fprintf (SUMA_STDERR," ");\
1240    fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"--dbg: Left    %s (lvl %d).\n", m_fname, SUMAg_CF->InOut_Level); \
1241    --SUMAg_CF->InOut_Level;   \
1242 }
1245 /*! \def SUMA_REPORT_WICH_WIDGET_SV(m_w)
1246 \brief SUMA_REPORT_WICH_WIDGET_SV macro for determining what type of widget m_w is and which sv it belongs to
1247 */
1248 #define SUMA_REPORT_WICH_WIDGET_SV(m_w) {\
1249    int m_i = 0;   \
1250    SUMA_SurfaceViewer *m_sv = NULL;   \
1251    int m_svi = -1;   \
1252    while (m_i < SUMA_MAX_SURF_VIEWERS) {   \
1253       /* the series of if statements should be else-ifs but I left them like that for debugging purposes */ \
1254       if (SUMAg_SVv[m_i].X->GLXAREA == m_w) {   \
1255          fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"SUMA_REPORT_WICH_WIDGET_SV: %p is GLXAREA widget in Surface Viewer %d.\n", m_w, m_i); \
1256          m_svi = m_i;   \
1257       }  \
1258       if (SUMAg_SVv[m_i].X->TOPLEVEL == m_w) {  \
1259          fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"SUMA_REPORT_WICH_WIDGET_SV: %p is TOPLEVEL widget in Surface Viewer %d.\n", m_w, m_i); \
1260          m_svi = m_i;   \
1261       }  \
1262       if (SUMAg_SVv[m_i].X->FORM == m_w) {   \
1263          fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"SUMA_REPORT_WICH_WIDGET_SV: %p is FORM widget in Surface Viewer %d.\n", m_w, m_i); \
1264          m_svi = m_i;   \
1265       }  \
1266       if (SUMAg_SVv[m_i].X->FRAME == m_w) {   \
1267          fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"SUMA_REPORT_WICH_WIDGET_SV: %p is FRAME widget in Surface Viewer %d.\n", m_w, m_i); \
1268          m_svi = m_i;   \
1269       }   \
1270          ++m_i;   \
1271    }   \
1272 }
1275 /*! \def SUMA_ANY_WIDGET2SV(m_w, m_sv, m_svi)
1276 \brief SUMA_ANY_WIDGET2SV macro for determining the SurfaceViewer structure containing any of the following widgets: GLXAREA, TOPLEVEL, FORM, FRAME. The macro searches all the SurfaceViewer structures in SUMAg_SVv.
1278    m_w the widget in question
1279    m_sv a pointer to SUMA_SurfaceViewer structure. This pointer is NULL if no matching SurfaceViewer structure is found in SUMAg_SVv
1280    m_svi the index of m_sv in SUMAg_SVv vector of Surface Viewer structures. m_sv = &(SUMAg_SVv[m_svi]). -1 if no match was found
1281 */
1283 #define SUMA_ANY_WIDGET2SV(m_w, m_sv, m_svi) {\
1284    int m_i = 0;   \
1285    m_sv = NULL;   \
1286    m_svi = -1;   \
1287    while (m_i < SUMA_MAX_SURF_VIEWERS) {   \
1288       if (SUMAg_SVv[m_i].X->GLXAREA == m_w || SUMAg_SVv[m_i].X->TOPLEVEL == m_w || SUMAg_SVv[m_i].X->FORM == m_w || SUMAg_SVv[m_i].X->FRAME == m_w) {   \
1289          m_svi = m_i;   \
1290          m_sv = &(SUMAg_SVv[m_i]);   \
1291          m_i = SUMA_MAX_SURF_VIEWERS; \
1292       }  else {   \
1293          ++m_i;   \
1294       }   \
1295    }   \
1296 }
1298 /*! \def SUMA_GLXAREA_WIDGET2SV(m_w, m_sv, m_svi)
1299 \brief SUMA_GLXAREA_WIDGET2SV macro for determining the SurfaceViewer structure containing the widget: GLXAREA. The macro searches all the SurfaceViewer structures in SUMAg_SVv.
1301    m_w the widget in question
1302    m_sv a pointer to SUMA_SurfaceViewer structure. This pointer is NULL if no matching SurfaceViewer structure is found in SUMAg_SVv
1303    m_svi the index of m_sv in SUMAg_SVv vector of Surface Viewer structures. m_sv = &(SUMAg_SVv[m_svi]). -1 if no match was found
1304 */
1306 #define SUMA_GLXAREA_WIDGET2SV(m_w, m_sv, m_svi) {\
1307    int m_i = 0;   \
1308    m_sv = NULL;   \
1309    m_svi = -1;   \
1310    while (m_i < SUMA_MAX_SURF_VIEWERS) {   \
1311       if (SUMAg_SVv[m_i].X->GLXAREA == m_w) {   \
1312          m_svi = m_i;   \
1313          m_sv = &(SUMAg_SVv[m_i]);   \
1314          m_i = SUMA_MAX_SURF_VIEWERS;   \
1315       }  else {   \
1316          ++m_i;   \
1317       }   \
1318    }   \
1319 }
1321 /*!
1322    Find the closest node in SO to coordinate xyz
1323    distance^2 is stored in d and nc is the index of the
1324    the closest node
1325 */
1326 #define SUMA_CLOSEST_NODE(SO, xyz, nc, d) {  \
1327    double m_dxyz = 1023734552736672366372.0; \
1328    float *m_p; \
1329    int m_n=0;  \
1330    nc = -1; \
1331    d = m_dxyz; \
1332    for (m_n=0; m_n<SO->N_Node; ++m_n) {   \
1333       m_p = &(SO->NodeList[SO->NodeDim*m_n]);   \
1334       SUMA_SEG_LENGTH_SQ(m_p, xyz, m_dxyz); \
1335       if (d < m_dxyz) {   \
1336          d = m_dxyz; nc = m_n; \
1337       }  \
1338    }  \
1339 }
1340 #define SUMA_CLOSEST_NODE_VEC(SO, xyz, nc, d, dv) {  \
1341    double m_dxyz = 1023734552736672366372.0; \
1342    double m_dv[3];\
1343    float *m_p; \
1344    int m_n=0;  \
1345    nc = -1; \
1346    d = m_dxyz; \
1347    for (m_n=0; m_n<SO->N_Node; ++m_n) {   \
1348       m_p = &(SO->NodeList[SO->NodeDim*m_n]);   \
1349       m_dv[0] = m_p[0] - xyz[0]; \
1350       m_dv[1] = m_p[1] - xyz[1]; \
1351       m_dv[2] = m_p[2] - xyz[2]; \
1352       m_dxyz = m_dv[0]*m_dv[0]+\
1353                m_dv[1]*m_dv[1]+\
1354                m_dv[2]*m_dv[2]; \
1355       if (d > m_dxyz) {   \
1356          d=m_dxyz; nc = m_n; \
1357          dv[0]=m_dv[0]; dv[1]=m_dv[1]; dv[2]=m_dv[2];\
1358       }  \
1359    }  \
1360 }
1362 /* Some macros are taken from DSP_in_C examples in
1363 C Language Algorithms for Digital Signal Processing
1364 by
1365 Bruce Kimball, Paul Embree and Bruce Kimble
1366 1991, Prentice Hall
1367 */
1369 /*! \def SUMA_SEG_LENGTH(a,b, dist)
1370 \brief SUMA_SEG_LENGTH macro for a segment's length
1371    a pointer to xyz coordinates
1372    b pointer to xyz coordinates
1373    dist (float) sqrt( (m_b[0] - m_a[0]) * (m_b[0] - m_a[0])
1374                      +(m_b[1] - m_a[1]) * (m_b[1] - m_a[1])
1375                      +(m_b[2] - m_a[2]) * (m_b[2] - m_a[2]) );
1376 */
1377 #define SUMA_SEG_LENGTH(m_a, m_b, m_dist) {         \
1378    m_dist = sqrt(  (m_b[0] - m_a[0]) * (m_b[0] - m_a[0])     \
1379                   +(m_b[1] - m_a[1]) * (m_b[1] - m_a[1])     \
1380                   +(m_b[2] - m_a[2]) * (m_b[2] - m_a[2]) );    \
1381 }
1383 /*! \def SUMA_SEG_LENGTH_SQ(a,b, dist)
1384 \brief SUMA_SEG_LENGTH_SQ macro for a segment's squared length
1385    a pointer to xyz coordinates
1386    b pointer to xyz coordinates
1387    dist (float)      ( (m_b[0] - m_a[0]) * (m_b[0] - m_a[0])
1388                      +(m_b[1] - m_a[1]) * (m_b[1] - m_a[1])
1389                      +(m_b[2] - m_a[2]) * (m_b[2] - m_a[2]) );
1390 */
1391 #define SUMA_SEG_LENGTH_SQ(m_a, m_b, m_dist) {         \
1392    m_dist =   (m_b[0] - m_a[0]) * (m_b[0] - m_a[0])     \
1393              +(m_b[1] - m_a[1]) * (m_b[1] - m_a[1])     \
1394              +(m_b[2] - m_a[2]) * (m_b[2] - m_a[2]) ;    \
1395 }
1397 /*! \def SUMA_NORM_VEC(a,nel, norm)
1398 \brief SUMA_NORM_VEC macro for vectors's norm (sqrt of sum of squares)
1399    a pointer to vector
1400    nel number of elements in vector
1401    norm (float) norm of a
1402 */
1403 #define SUMA_NORM_VEC(a,nel,norm) { \
1404    int m_I; \
1405    norm = 0.0; \
1406    for (m_I = 0; m_I < nel; m_I++) { \
1407       norm += a[m_I]*a[m_I];    \
1408    } \
1409    norm = sqrt(norm); \
1410 }
1412 /*!
1413    Make vector have unit norm
1414 */
1415 #define SUMA_UNITIZE_VEC(a,nel) {\
1416    double m_norm=0.0;   \
1417    int m_I=0;  \
1418    for (m_I = 0; m_I < nel; m_I++) { \
1419       m_norm += a[m_I]*a[m_I];    \
1420    } \
1421    m_norm = sqrt(m_norm); \
1422    if (m_norm != 0.0f) {   \
1423       for (m_I = 0; m_I < nel; m_I++) {\
1424          a[m_I] /= m_norm; \
1425       }  \
1426    }  \
1427 }
1429 /*! \def SUMA_MIN_VEC(a,nel, amin)
1430 \brief SUMA_MIN_VEC macro for minimum
1431    a pointer to vector
1432    nel number of elements in vector
1433    amin minimum of a (make sure types of a and amin match)
1434 */
1435 #define SUMA_MIN_VEC(a,nel,amin) { \
1436    int m_I; \
1437    amin = a[0]; \
1438    for (m_I = 1; m_I < nel; m_I++) { \
1439       if (a[m_I] < amin) amin = a[m_I];    \
1440    } \
1441 }
1443 /*! \def SUMA_MIN_LOC_VEC(a,nel, amin, minloc)
1444 \brief SUMA_MIN_VEC macro for minimum identification and location
1445    a pointer to vector
1446    nel (int) number of elements in vector
1447    amin minimum of a (make sure types of a and amin match)
1448    minloc (int) index into a where the minimum was found
1449 */
1450 #define SUMA_MIN_LOC_VEC(a,nel,amin, minloc) { \
1451    int m_I; \
1452    amin = a[0]; \
1453    minloc = 0; \
1454    for (m_I = 1; m_I < nel; m_I++) { \
1455       if (a[m_I] < amin) { \
1456          amin = a[m_I];    \
1457          minloc = m_I; \
1458       } \
1459    } \
1460 }
1462 /*! \def SUMA_MAX_VEC(a,nel,amax)
1463 \brief SUMA_MAX_VEC macro for minimum
1464    a pointer to vector
1465    nel number of elements in vector
1466    amax maximum of a (make sure types of a and amax match)
1467 */
1468 #define SUMA_MAX_VEC(a,nel,amax) { \
1469    int m_I; \
1470    amax = a[0]; \
1471    for (m_I = 1; m_I < nel; m_I++) { \
1472       if (a[m_I] > amax) amax = a[m_I];    \
1473    } \
1474 }
1476 /*
1477    Replace value in a with forward sum of w values
1478    if (avg) then divide resultant vector by w
1479    Only nel - w +1 values are set in the output
1480       a[k] = S(a[k]+...a[k+w-1])
1481 */
1482 #define SUMA_MOVING_SUM(a,nel,w,avg, seal) {  \
1483    int m_I=w; double mbuf0, mbuf1;   \
1484    if (w < nel) { \
1485       mbuf0 = a[0]; for (m_I=1; m_I<w; ++m_I) a[0]+=a[m_I];    \
1486       m_I = 1; \
1487       while (m_I+w <= nel) {  \
1488          mbuf1 = a[m_I];   \
1489          a[m_I] = a[m_I-1] - mbuf0 +a[m_I+w-1]; mbuf0 = mbuf1; \
1490          ++m_I;   \
1491       }  \
1492       if (avg) { for (m_I=0; m_I<nel-w+1; ++m_I) a[m_I] /= (double)w; } \
1493       if (seal) for (m_I=nel-w+1; m_I<nel; ++m_I) a[m_I] = 0;   \
1494    }\
1495 }
1497 #define SUMA_MEAN_VEC(a,nel,amean,nozero) { \
1498    int m_I, m_c=0;  double m_mean=0.0; \
1499    amean = 0;  \
1500    if (nozero) {\
1501       for (m_I = 0; m_I < nel; m_I++) { \
1502          if (a[m_I]!=0.0f) { ++m_c; m_mean += a[m_I]; }\
1503       }\
1504       if (m_c) amean = m_mean/m_c;  \
1505    } else { \
1506       for (m_I = 0; m_I < nel; m_I++) { \
1507          m_mean += a[m_I]; \
1508       }\
1509       if (nel) amean = m_mean/nel;  \
1510    }\
1511 }
1513 #define SUMA_MEAN_STD_VEC(a,nel,amean, astd, nozero) { \
1514    int m_I, m_c=0;  double m_std=0.0, m_mmmm=0.0, dd=0.0;\
1515    SUMA_MEAN_VEC(a,nel,m_mmmm,nozero); \
1516    amean=m_mmmm; astd=0;  \
1517    if (nozero) {\
1518       for (m_I = 0; m_I < nel; m_I++) { \
1519          if (a[m_I]!=0.0f) { ++m_c; dd=(a[m_I]-m_mmmm); m_std += dd*dd; }\
1520       }\
1521       if (m_c > 1) astd = sqrt(m_std/(m_c-1));  \
1522    } else { \
1523       for (m_I = 0; m_I < nel; m_I++) { \
1524          dd=(a[m_I]-m_mmmm); m_std += dd*dd; \
1525       }\
1526       if (nel > 1) astd = sqrt(m_std/(nel-1));  \
1527    }\
1528 }
1532 /*! \def SUMA_MIN_MAX_VEC(a,nel,amin, amax, aminloc, amaxloc)
1533 \brief SUMA_MIN_MAX_VEC macro for minimum and maximum
1534    a pointer to vector
1535    nel number of elements in vector
1536    amin minimum of a (make sure types of a and amin match)
1537    amax maximum of a (make sure types of a and amax match)
1538    aminloc index where minimum is found
1539    amaxloc index where maximum is found
1540 */
1541 #define SUMA_MIN_MAX_VEC(a,nel, amin, amax, aminloc, amaxloc) { \
1542    int m_I; \
1543    amaxloc = 0; \
1544    amax = a[0]; \
1545    aminloc = 0; \
1546    amin = a[0];\
1547    for (m_I = 1; m_I < nel; m_I++) { \
1548       if (a[m_I] > amax) { amax = a[m_I]; amaxloc = m_I; }    \
1549       else { if (a[m_I] < amin) { amin = a[m_I]; aminloc = m_I; } }    \
1550    } \
1551 }
1552 #define SUMA_MIN_MAX_CVEC(a,nel, amin, amax, aminloc, amaxloc, phase) { \
1553    int m_I; \
1554    double m_abs; \
1555    amaxloc = 0; \
1556    aminloc = 0; \
1557    if (phase) {   \
1558       amax = CARG(a[0]); \
1559       amin = CARG(a[0]); \
1560    }  else {   \
1561       amax = CABS(a[0]); \
1562       amin = CABS(a[0]); \
1563    }  \
1564    for (m_I = 1; m_I < nel; m_I++) { \
1565       if (phase) {   \
1566          m_abs = CARG((a[m_I])); \
1567       } else {   \
1568          m_abs = CABS((a[m_I])); \
1569       }\
1570       if (m_abs > amax) { amax = m_abs; amaxloc = m_I; }    \
1571       else { if (m_abs < amin) { amin = m_abs; aminloc = m_I; } }    \
1572    } \
1573 }
1575 #define SUMA_MIN_MAX_VEC_STRIDE(a,nel, amin, amax, aminloc, amaxloc, stride) { \
1576    int m_I; \
1577    amaxloc = 0; \
1578    amax = a[0]; \
1579    aminloc = 0; \
1580    amin = a[0];\
1581    for (m_I = stride; m_I < nel; m_I = m_I+stride) { \
1582       if (a[m_I] > amax) { amax = a[m_I]; amaxloc = m_I; }    \
1583       else { if (a[m_I] < amin) { amin = a[m_I]; aminloc = m_I; } }    \
1584    } \
1585 }
1587 #define SUMA_MIN_MAX_CVEC_STRIDE(a,nel, amin, amax, aminloc, amaxloc, stride, phase) { \
1588    int m_I; \
1589    double m_abs; \
1590    complex m_c; \
1591    amaxloc = 0; \
1592    aminloc = 0; \
1593    if (phase) {   \
1594       amax = CARG(a[0]); \
1595       amin = CARG(a[0]); \
1596    }  else {   \
1597       amax = CABS(a[0]); \
1598       amin = CABS(a[0]); \
1599    }  \
1600    for (m_I = stride; m_I < nel; m_I = m_I+stride) { \
1601       if (phase) {   \
1602          m_abs = CARG((a[m_I])); \
1603       } else {   \
1604          m_abs = CABS((a[m_I])); \
1605       }\
1606       if ( m_abs > amax) { amax = m_abs; amaxloc = m_I; }    \
1607       else { if (m_abs < amin) { amin = m_abs; aminloc = m_I; } }    \
1608    } \
1609 }
1611 /*
1612 SUMA_ADD_VEC macro:
1617 SUMA_ADD_VEC(a,b,c,len,typea,typeb,typec)
1619     a       pointer to first vector.
1620     b       pointer to second vector.
1621     c       pointer to result vector.
1622     len     length of vectors (integer).
1623     typea   legal C type describing the type of a data.
1624     typeb   legal C type describing the type of b data.
1625     typec   legal C type describing the type of c data.
1626 */
1628 #ifndef SUMA_ADD_VEC
1629 #define SUMA_ADD_VEC(a,b,c,len,typea,typeb,typec) {  \
1630                   typea *_PTA = a;  \
1631                   typeb *_PTB = b;  \
1632                   typec *_PTC = c;  \
1633                   int m_IX;  \
1634                       for(m_IX = 0 ; m_IX < (len) ; m_IX++)  \
1635                           *_PTC++ = (typec)((*_PTA++) + (*_PTB++));  \
1636                   }
1638 #endif
1640 /*
1641 SUMA_SUB_VEC macro:
1646 SUMA_SUB_VEC(a,b,c,len,typea,typeb,typec)
1648     a       pointer to first vector.
1649     b       pointer to second vector.
1650     c       pointer to result vector.
1651     len     length of vectors (integer).
1652     typea   legal C type describing the type of a data.
1653     typeb   legal C type describing the type of b data.
1654     typec   legal C type describing the type of c data.
1656 */
1658 #ifndef SUMA_SUB_VEC
1659 #define SUMA_SUB_VEC(a,b,c,len,typea,typeb,typec) {  \
1660                   typea *_PTA = a;  \
1661                   typeb *_PTB = b;  \
1662                   typec *_PTC = c;  \
1663                   int m_IX;  \
1664                       for(m_IX = 0 ; m_IX < (len) ; m_IX++)  \
1665                           *_PTC++ = (typec)((*_PTA++) - (*_PTB++));  \
1666                   }
1667 #endif
1668 /*
1669 SUMA_MULT_VEC macro:
1674 SUMA_MULT_VEC(a,b,c,len,typea,typeb,typec)
1676     a       pointer to first vector.
1677     b       pointer to second vector.
1678     c       pointer to result vector.
1679     len     length of vectors (integer).
1680     typea   legal C type describing the type of a data.
1681     typeb   legal C type describing the type of b data.
1682     typec   legal C type describing the type of c data.
1684 WARNING: The input data vectors are not cast to the type of c.
1685          This means that at least one of the input types must
1686          be able to represent the individual products without
1687          overflow.
1689 */
1691 #ifndef SUMA_MULT_VEC
1692 #define SUMA_MULT_VEC(a,b,c,len,typea,typeb,typec) {  \
1693                    typea *_PTA = a;  \
1694                    typeb *_PTB = b;  \
1695                    typec *_PTC = c;  \
1696                    int m_IX;  \
1697                        for(m_IX = 0 ; m_IX < (len) ; m_IX++)  \
1698                            *_PTC++ = (typec)((*_PTA++) * (*_PTB++));  \
1699                    }
1700 #endif
1702 /*
1703 SUMA_SUM_VEC macro:
1708 SUMA_SUM_VEC(a,s,len,typea)
1710     a       pointer to first vector.
1711     s       variable used to store result (not a pointer).
1712     len     length of vector (integer).
1713     typea   legal C type describing the type of a data.
1715 */
1717 #ifndef SUMA_SUM_VEC
1718 #define SUMA_SUM_VEC(a,s,len,typea) {  \
1719                        typea *_PTA = a;  \
1720                        int m_IX;  \
1721                        s = (*_PTA++);  \
1722                        for(m_IX = 1 ; m_IX < (len) ; m_IX++)  \
1723                            s += (*_PTA++);  \
1724                    }
1725 #endif
1727 /*
1728 SUMA_SCALE_VEC macro:
1732 (of typeb).
1734 SUMA_SCALE_VEC(a,b,s,len,typea,typeb)
1736     a       pointer to input vector.
1737     b       pointer to output vector.
1738     s       variable used to scale output vector (not a pointer).
1739     len     length of vectors (integer).
1740     typea   legal C type describing the type of a data.
1741     typeb   legal C type describing the type of b data.
1743 */
1745 #ifndef SUMA_SCALE_VEC
1746 #define SUMA_SCALE_VEC(a,b,s,len,typea,typeb) {  \
1747                        typea *_PTA = (typea *)a;  \
1748                        typeb *_PTB = (typeb *)b;  \
1749                        int m_IX;  \
1750                        for(m_IX = 0 ; m_IX < (len) ; m_IX++)  \
1751                            *(_PTB)++ = (typeb)(s * (*(_PTA)++));  \
1752                     }
1753 #endif
1755 /* SUMA_EXTRACT_VEC macro:
1757 copies a[ind] into b where ind is a vector of indices
1759 SUMA_EXTRACT_VEC (a,b,ind,len)
1761    a      pointer to input vector
1762    b     pointer to output vector
1763    ind   vector containing the indices of the values in a to copy to b
1764    len   the length of ind (which is that of b too)
1767 */
1770 #define SUMA_EXTRACT_VEC(a,b,ind,len,typea,typeb) {  \
1771                        typea *_PTA = (typea *)a;  \
1772                        typeb *_PTB = (typeb *)b;  \
1773                        int m_IX;  \
1774                        for(m_IX = 0 ; m_IX < (len) ; m_IX++)  \
1775                          _PTB[m_IX] = _PTA[ind[m_IX]];   \
1776                     }
1779 /* SUMA_CAT_VEC macro :
1780 concatenates two vectors and b together such that a = [a b];
1782 SUMA_CAT_VEC(a,b, catata, lenb,typea,typeb)
1783    a       pointer to first vector
1784    b       pointer to second vector
1785    catata  index indicating where b is to be concatenated
1786            to a at. if catata = 6, then a[6] = b[0]
1787            and a[7] = b[1] etc ...
1788            make sure that you allocate enough space for a
1789    lenb  number of values in b
1791     typea   legal C type describing the type of a data.
1792     typeb   legal C type describing the type of b data.
1794 */
1796 #define SUMA_CAT_VEC(a,b, catata, lenb,typea,typeb) { \
1797                        typea *_PTA = (typea *)a;  \
1798                        typeb *_PTB = (typeb *)b;  \
1799                        int m_IX;  \
1800                        _PTA = _PTA + catata; \
1801                        for(m_IX = 0 ; m_IX < (lenb) ; m_IX++)  \
1802                            *(_PTA)++ = (typea)(*(_PTB)++);  \
1803                     }
1806 /*!
1809 SUMA_GET_MAT_ROW(a,b,row,cols,typea,typeb)
1811     a       pointer to input 2D matrix.
1812     b       pointer to resultant 1D vector.
1813     row     index of row to extract from a
1814     cols    number of columns in matrix a
1815     typea   legal C type describing the type of a
1816     typeb   legal C type describing the type of b
1818 */
1819 #define SUMA_GET_MAT_ROW(a,b,row,cols,typea,typeb) {  \
1820                  typea **_AMX = (typea **)a;  \
1821                  typeb *_PTB = (typeb *)b;  \
1822                  typea *_PTA;  \
1823                  int _JX;  \
1824                      _PTA = _AMX[row];  \
1825                      for(_JX = 0 ; _JX < cols ; _JX++)  \
1826                          *_PTB++ = (typeb) (*_PTA++);  \
1827              }
1829 /*!
1832 SUMA_GET_MAT_COL(a,b, col, rows,typea,typeb)
1834     a       pointer to input 2D matrix.
1835     b       pointer to resultant 1D vector.
1836     col     index of column in matrix a to extract to b
1837     rows     number of rows to  in a
1838     typea   legal C type describing the type of a
1839     typeb   legal C type describing the type of b
1841 */
1843 #define SUMA_GET_MAT_COL(a,b,col , rows, typea,typeb) {  \
1844                  typea **_AMX = (typea **)a;  \
1845                  typeb *_PTB = (typeb *)b;  \
1846                  typea *_PTA;  \
1847                  int m_IX,_JX;  \
1848                  for(m_IX = 0 ; m_IX < rows ; m_IX++) {  \
1849                      _PTA = _AMX[m_IX ] ;  \
1850                      for(_JX = 0 ; _JX < col ; _JX++)  \
1851                          _PTA++; \
1852                      *_PTB++ = (typeb)(*_PTA++);  \
1853                  }  \
1854              }
1857 /*! \def SUMA_MIN_MAT_COL(a, rows, cols, amin)
1858 \brief SUMA_MIN_MAT_COL macro for minimum of each column in a matrix
1859    a pointer to matrix (**)
1860    rows number of rows
1861    cols number of cols
1862    amin minimum of each column in a (make sure types of a and amin match)
1863 */
1864 #define SUMA_MIN_MAT_COL(a, rows, cols, amin) { \
1865                   int m_IX, _JX;   \
1866                   for (m_IX = 0; m_IX < cols ; m_IX++) {   \
1867                      amin[m_IX]=a[0][m_IX];   \
1868                      for (_JX = 1 ; _JX < rows ; _JX++)  \
1869                         if (a[_JX][m_IX] < amin[m_IX]) amin[m_IX] = a[_JX][m_IX];\
1870                      }\
1871                   }
1874 /*! \def SUMA_MAX_MAT_COL(a, rows, cols, amax)
1875 \brief SUMA_MAX_MAT_COL macro for maximum of each column in a matrix
1876    a pointer to matrix (**)
1877    rows number of rows
1878    cols number of cols
1879    amax maximum of each column in a (make sure types of a and amin match)
1880 */
1881 #define SUMA_MAX_MAT_COL(a, rows, cols, amax) { \
1882                   int m_IX, _JX;   \
1883                   for (m_IX = 0; m_IX < cols ; m_IX++) {   \
1884                      amax[m_IX]=a[0][m_IX];   \
1885                      for (_JX = 1 ; _JX < rows ; _JX++)  \
1886                         if (a[_JX][m_IX] > amax[m_IX]) amax[m_IX] = a[_JX][m_IX];\
1887                   }\
1888                }
1890 /*! \def SUMA_MIN_MAX_SUM_MAT_COL(a, rows, cols, amin, amax, asum)
1891 \brief  SUMA_MIN_MAX_SUM_MAT_COL macro for minimum, maximum and sum of each column in a matrix
1892    a pointer to matrix (**)
1893    rows number of rows
1894    cols number of cols
1895    amin minimum of each column in a (make sure types of a and amin match)
1896    amax maximum of each column in a (make sure types of a and amin match)
1897    asum sum of each column in a (the mean is not computed because the / operation would then depend on the type of a)
1899 */
1900 #define SUMA_MIN_MAX_SUM_MAT_COL(a, rows, cols, amin, amax, asum) { \
1901                   int m_IX, _JX;   \
1902                   for (m_IX = 0; m_IX < cols ; m_IX++) {   \
1903                      amax[m_IX]=a[0][m_IX];   \
1904                      amin[m_IX]=a[0][m_IX];   \
1905                      asum[m_IX]=a[0][m_IX];   \
1906                      for (_JX = 1 ; _JX < rows ; _JX++) { \
1907                         if (a[_JX][m_IX] > amax[m_IX]) amax[m_IX] = a[_JX][m_IX];\
1908                         if (a[_JX][m_IX] < amin[m_IX]) amin[m_IX] = a[_JX][m_IX];\
1909                         asum[m_IX] += a[_JX][m_IX];   \
1910                      }   \
1911                   }\
1912                }
1914 /*! \def SUMA_MIN_MAX_SUM_VECMAT_COL(a, rows, cols, amin, amax, asum)
1915 \brief  SUMA_MIN_MAX_SUM_VECMAT_COL macro for minimum, maximum and sum of each column in a matrix stored in vector format
1916    matrix    1 2 3
1917             4 5 6
1918    is stored as 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...
1920    a pointer to vector containing rwos x cols elements
1921    rows number of rows
1922    cols number of cols
1923    amin minimum of each column in a (make sure types of a and amin match)
1924    amax maximum of each column in a (make sure types of a and amin match)
1925    asum sum of each column in a (the mean is not computed because the / operation would then depend on the type of a)
1928 */
1929 #define SUMA_MIN_MAX_SUM_VECMAT_COL(a, rows, cols, amin, amax, asum) { \
1930                   int m_IX, m_JX, m_id;   \
1931                   for (m_IX = 0; m_IX < (cols) ; m_IX++) {   \
1932                      (amax)[m_IX]=(a)[m_IX];   \
1933                      (amin)[m_IX]=(a)[m_IX];   \
1934                      (asum)[m_IX]=(a)[m_IX];   \
1935                      for (m_JX = 1 ; m_JX < (rows) ; m_JX++) { \
1936                         m_id = (cols) * m_JX + m_IX;   \
1937                         if ((a)[m_id] > (amax)[m_IX]) (amax)[m_IX] = (a)[m_id];\
1938                         if ((a)[m_id] < (amin)[m_IX]) (amin)[m_IX] = (a)[m_id];\
1939                         (asum)[m_IX] += (a)[m_id];   \
1940                      }   \
1941                   }   \
1942                }
1943 /*! \def SUMA_MIN_MAX_SUM_VECMAT_MASK_COL(a, rows, cols, rowmask, amin, amax, asum)
1944 \brief  SUMA_MIN_MAX_SUM_VECMAT_MASK_COL macro for minimum, maximum and sum of each column in a matrix stored in vector format
1945    ONLY rows n where rowmask[n] is not 0 are used
1946    matrix    1 2 3
1947             4 5 6
1948             7 8 9
1949    is stored as 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9...
1951    a pointer to vector containing rwos x cols elements
1952    rows number of rows
1953    cols number of cols
1954    rowmask pointer to vector containing rows x 1 mask values
1955    amin minimum of each column in a (make sure types of a and amin match)
1956    amax maximum of each column in a (make sure types of a and amin match)
1957    asum sum of each column in a (the mean is not computed because the / operation would then depend on the type of a)
1959 */
1960 #define SUMA_MIN_MAX_SUM_VECMAT_MASK_COL(a, rows, cols, rowmask, amin, amax, asum) { \
1961                   int m_IX, m_JX, m_id, m_start_row=0;   \
1962                   m_JX = 0;   \
1963                   while (!m_start_row && m_JX < rows) {  \
1964                      if (rowmask[m_JX]) m_start_row = m_JX+1;  \
1965                      ++m_JX;  \
1966                   }  \
1967                   --m_start_row; \
1968                   for (m_IX = 0; m_IX < cols ; m_IX++) {   \
1969                      amax[m_IX]=a[cols * m_start_row + m_IX];   \
1970                      amin[m_IX]=a[cols * m_start_row + m_IX];   \
1971                      asum[m_IX]=a[cols * m_start_row + m_IX];   \
1972                      ++m_start_row; \
1973                      for (m_JX = m_start_row ; m_JX < rows ; m_JX++) { \
1974                         if (rowmask[m_JX]) { \
1975                            m_id = cols * m_JX + m_IX;   \
1976                            if (a[m_id] > amax[m_IX]) amax[m_IX] = a[m_id];\
1977                            if (a[m_id] < amin[m_IX]) amin[m_IX] = a[m_id];\
1978                            asum[m_IX] += a[m_id];   \
1979                         }  \
1980                      }   \
1981                   }   \
1982                }
1984 /*!
1985 SUMA_MAT_TO_VEC MACRO rearranges a matrix into a vector
1986 one row after the other:
1988 SUMA_MAT_TO_VEC(a,b,rows,cols,typea,typeb)
1990     a       pointer to input 2D matrix.
1991     b       pointer to resultant D matrix.
1992     rows    number of rows in matrix a
1993     cols    number of columns in matrix a
1994     typea   legal C type describing the type of a
1995     typeb   legal C type describing the type of b
1997 */
1998 #define SUMA_MAT_TO_VEC(a,b,rows,cols,typea,typeb) {  \
1999                  typea **_AMX = (typea **)a;  \
2000                  typeb *_PTB = (typeb *)b;  \
2001                  typea *_PTA;  \
2002                  int m_IX,_JX;  \
2003                  for(m_IX = 0 ; m_IX < rows ; m_IX++) {  \
2004                      _PTA = _AMX[m_IX ];  \
2005                      for(_JX = 0 ; _JX < cols ; _JX++)  \
2006                          *_PTB++ = (typeb) (*_PTA++);  \
2007                  }  \
2008              }
2011 /*
2012 SUMA_COPY_VEC macro: copies the contents of vector a into vector b
2014 SUMA_COPY_VEC(a,b,len,typea,typeb)
2016     a       pointer to input vector.
2017     b       pointer to output vector.
2018     len     length of vectors (integer).
2019     typea   legal C type describing the type of a data.
2020     typeb   legal C type describing the type of b data.
2022 */
2024 #define SUMA_COPY_VEC(a,b,len,typea,typeb) {  \
2025                        typea *_PTA = (typea *)a;  \
2026                        typeb *_PTB = (typeb *)b;  \
2027                        int m_IX;  \
2028                        for(m_IX = 0 ; m_IX < (len) ; m_IX++)  \
2029                            *(_PTB)++ = (typeb)(*(_PTA)++);  \
2030                     }
2032 #define SUMA_VEC_DIFF3(a, b) ((   ((a)[0] != (b)[0]) || ((a)[1] != (b)[1]) \
2033                                || ((a)[2] != (b)[2]) ) ? 1:0 )
2034 #define SUMA_VEC_DIFF4(a, b) ((   ((a)[0] != (b)[0]) || ((a)[1] != (b)[1]) \
2035                                || ((a)[2] != (b)[2]) || ((a)[3] != (b)[3]))\
2036                                                        ? 1:0 )
2038 /*!
2039    SUMA_INIT_VEC macro: initializes values in a vector
2040    SUMA_INIT_VEC(a,len,val,typea)
2041 */
2042 #define SUMA_INIT_VEC(a,len,val,typea) {  \
2043    int m_i; \
2044    for (m_i = 0; m_i < (len) ; m_i ++) \
2045       a[m_i] = (typea)val; \
2046 }
2048 #define SUMA_COPY_VALUE_IN_VEC(a, b, ia, ib, typea, typeb) { \
2049          typea *_PTA = (typea *)a;  \
2050          typeb *_PTB = (typeb *)b;  \
2051          _PTB[ib] = (typeb)_PTA[ia]; \
2052 }
2054 #define SUMA_ASSIGN_VALUE_IN_VEC(a, ia, typea, val) { \
2055          typea *_PTA = (typea *)a;  \
2056          _PTA[ia] = (typea)val; \
2057 }
2060 /*!
2061 SUMA_DOTP_VEC macro:
2066 SUMA_DOTP_VEC(a,b,s,len,typea,typeb)
2068     a       pointer to first vector.
2069     b       pointer to second vector.
2070     s       variable used to store result (not a pointer).
2071     len     length of vectors (integer).
2072     typea   legal C type describing the type of a data.
2073     typeb   legal C type describing the type of b data.
2075 WARNING: The input data vectors are not cast to the type of s.
2076          This means that at least one of the input types must
2077          be able to represent the individual products without
2078          overflow.
2080 */
2082 #define SUMA_DOTP_VEC(a,b,s,len,typea,typeb) {  \
2083                        typea *_PTA = a;  \
2084                        typeb *_PTB = b;  \
2085                        int m_IX;  \
2086                        s = (*_PTA++) * (*_PTB++);  \
2087                        for(m_IX = 1 ; m_IX < (len) ; m_IX++)  \
2088                            s += (*_PTA++) * (*_PTB++);  \
2089                    }
2091 /*!
2092    \brief Macro to calculate the unit direction vector U from P1-->P2 and
2093    the distance Un between P1 and P2.
2094    If Un is 0, U is all zeros
2095    \param P1/P2 (float *) 3-elements arrays containing XYZ of P1 and P2
2096    \param U (float *) 3-elements array to contain unit direction vector
2097    \param Un (float) the norm of |P1--P2|
2098 */
2099 #define SUMA_UNIT_VEC(P1, P2, U, Un){  \
2100       /* Calculate normalized unit vector of line formed by P1, P2 */   \
2101       U[0] = P2[0] - P1[0];   \
2102       U[1] = P2[1] - P1[1];   \
2103       U[2] = P2[2] - P1[2];   \
2104       Un = sqrt(U[0]*U[0] + U[1]*U[1] + U[2]*U[2]);   \
2105       if (Un) {   \
2106          U[0] /= Un; U[1] /= Un; U[2] /= Un; \
2107       }else {  \
2108          U[0] = U[1] = U[2] = 0; \
2109       }  \
2110    }  \
2112 /*!
2113    Pick a color based on the direction of the unit vector
2114    between pa and pb. Direction sign ignored
2115 */
2116 #define SUMA_SEG_DELTA_COL(pa,pb,U, Un) {\
2117    SUMA_UNIT_VEC(pa, pb, U, Un); \
2118    U[0] = SUMA_ABS(U[0]);        \
2119    U[1] = SUMA_ABS(U[1]);        \
2120    U[2] = SUMA_ABS(U[2]); U[3]=1.0; \
2121 }
2123 /*!
2124    \brief Macro to calculate normal of a triangle
2125    \params P1, P2, P3: XYZ coordinates forming triangle
2126    \param norm: Contains UN-NORMALIZED normal upon return
2127    use SUMA_TRI_NORM_NORM for normalized normals
2128 */
2129 #define SUMA_TRI_NORM(P1, P2, P3, norm){  \
2130    double m_d1[3], m_d2[3];   \
2131    m_d1[0] = P1[0] - P2[0];   \
2132    m_d2[0] = P2[0] - P3[0];   \
2133    m_d1[1] = P1[1] - P2[1];   \
2134    m_d2[1] = P2[1] - P3[1];   \
2135    m_d1[2] = P1[2] - P2[2];   \
2136    m_d2[2] = P2[2] - P3[2];   \
2137    norm[0] = m_d1[1]*m_d2[2] - m_d1[2]*m_d2[1]; \
2138    norm[1] = m_d1[2]*m_d2[0] - m_d1[0]*m_d2[2]; \
2139    norm[2] = m_d1[0]*m_d2[1] - m_d1[1]*m_d2[0]; \
2140 }
2141 #define SUMA_TRI_NORM_NORM(P1, P2, P3, norm){  \
2142    double m_d; \
2143    SUMA_TRI_NORM(P1, P2, P3, norm); \
2144    m_d = sqrt(norm[0]*norm[0]+norm[1]*norm[1]+norm[2]*norm[2]);  \
2145    if (m_d == 0.0f) { norm[0] = norm[1] = norm[2] = 0.0; } \
2146    else { norm[0] /= m_d; norm[1] /= m_d; norm[2] /= m_d;}  \
2147 }
2150 /*!
2151    \brief Macro to calculate the distance Un from P1-->P2 a
2152    \param P1/P2 (float *) 3-elements arrays containing XYZ of P1 and P2
2153    \param Un (float) the norm of |P1--P2|
2154 */
2155 #define SUMA_SEG_NORM(P1, P2, Un){  \
2156       static double m_dx, m_dy,m_dz;   \
2157       /* Calculate normalized unit vector of line formed by P1, P2 */   \
2158       m_dx = P2[0] - P1[0];   \
2159       m_dy = P2[1] - P1[1];   \
2160       m_dz = P2[2] - P1[2];   \
2161       Un = sqrt(m_dx*m_dx + m_dy*m_dy + m_dz*m_dz);   \
2162    }  \
2164    /*!
2167    SUMA_MULT_MAT(a,b,c,rowsa,colsa,colsb,typea,typeb,typec)
2169        a       pointer to first matirx.
2170        b       pointer to second matrix.
2171        c       pointer to result matrix.
2172        rowsa   number of rows in matrix a
2173        colsa   number of columns in matrix a
2174        colsb   number of columns in matrix b
2175        typea   legal C type describing the type of a
2176        typeb   legal C type describing the type of b
2177        typec   legal C type describing the type of c
2179    */
2181    #define SUMA_MULT_MAT(a,b,c,rowsa,colsa,colsb,typea,typeb,typec) {  \
2182                     typea **_AMX = (typea **)a;  \
2183                     typeb **_BMX = (typeb **)b;  \
2184                     typec **_CMX = (typec **)c;  \
2185                     typea *_PTA;  \
2186                     typeb *_PTB;  \
2187                     typec *_PTC;  \
2188                     int m_IX,_JX,_KX;  \
2189                     for(m_IX = 0 ; m_IX < rowsa ; m_IX++) {  \
2190                         _PTC = _CMX[m_IX];  \
2191                         _PTB = _BMX[0];  \
2192                         for(_JX = 0 ; _JX < colsb ; _JX++) {  \
2193                             _PTA = _AMX[m_IX];  \
2194                             *_PTC = (*_PTA++) * (*_PTB++);  \
2195                             for(_KX = 1 ; _KX < colsa ; _KX++)  \
2196                                 *_PTC += (*_PTA++)* _BMX[_KX][_JX];  \
2197                             _PTC++;  \
2198                         }  \
2199                     }  \
2200                 }
2203    /*!
2206    SUMA_ADD_MAT(a,b,c,rowsa,colsa,typea,typeb,typec)
2208        a       pointer to first matirx.
2209        b       pointer to second matrix.
2210        c       pointer to result matrix.
2211        rowsa   number of rows in matrix a
2212        colsa   number of columns in matrix a
2213        typea   legal C type describing the type of a
2214        typeb   legal C type describing the type of b
2215        typec   legal C type describing the type of c
2217    */
2219    #define SUMA_ADD_MAT(a,b,c,rowsa,colsa,typea,typeb,typec) {  \
2220                     typea **_AMX = (typea **)a;  \
2221                     typeb **_BMX = (typeb **)b;  \
2222                     typec **_CMX = (typec **)c;  \
2223                     int m_IX,_JX;  \
2224                     for(m_IX = 0 ; m_IX < rowsa ; m_IX++) {  \
2225                         for(_JX = 0 ; _JX < colsa ; _JX++) {  \
2226                             _CMX[m_IX][_JX] = _AMX[m_IX][_JX] + _BMX[m_IX][_JX];  \
2227                         }  \
2228                     }  \
2229                 }
2231    /*!
2234    SUMA_SUB_MAT(a,b,c,rowsa,colsa,typea,typeb,typec)
2236        a       pointer to first matirx.
2237        b       pointer to second matrix.
2238        c       pointer to result matrix.
2239        rowsa   number of rows in matrix a
2240        colsa   number of columns in matrix a
2241        typea   legal C type describing the type of a
2242        typeb   legal C type describing the type of b
2243        typec   legal C type describing the type of c
2245    */
2247    #define SUMA_SUB_MAT(a,b,c,rowsa,colsa,typea,typeb,typec) {  \
2248                     typea **_AMX = (typea **)a;  \
2249                     typeb **_BMX = (typeb **)b;  \
2250                     typec **_CMX = (typec **)c;  \
2251                     int m_IX,_JX;  \
2252                     for(m_IX = 0 ; m_IX < rowsa ; m_IX++) {  \
2253                         for(_JX = 0 ; _JX < colsa ; _JX++) {  \
2254                             _CMX[m_IX][_JX] = _AMX[m_IX][_JX] - _BMX[m_IX][_JX];  \
2255                         }  \
2256                     }  \
2257                 }
2260    /*!
2263    SUMA_TRANSP_MAT(a,b,rowsa,colsa,typea,typeb)
2265        a       pointer to first matirx.
2266        b       pointer to result matrix.
2267        rowsa   number of rows in matrix a
2268        colsa   number of columns in matrix a
2269        typea   legal C type describing the type of a
2270        typeb   legal C type describing the type of b
2272    */
2274    #define SUMA_TRANSP_MAT(a,b,rowsa,colsa,typea,typeb) {  \
2275                     typea **_AMX = (typea **)a;  \
2276                     typeb **_BMX = (typeb **)b;  \
2277                     int m_IX,_JX;  \
2278                     for(m_IX = 0 ; m_IX < rowsa ; m_IX++) {  \
2279                         for(_JX = 0 ; _JX < colsa ; _JX++) {  \
2280                             _BMX[_JX][m_IX] = _AMX[m_IX][_JX];  \
2281                         }  \
2282                     }  \
2283                 }
2285    /*!
2286       SUMA_RGBmat_2_GLCOLAR4 copies an N x 3 RGB matrix into a 4N x 1 GL color array format
2287       SUMA_RGBmat_2_GLCOLAR4(RGBmat, glcolar, N)
2288       RGBmat (float **) N x 3 matrix of RGB values
2289       glcolar (GLfloat *) (4 N) x 1 vector
2290       *** Mar 17 04:
2291       Added the SUMA_RGBvec versions using RGBvec instead of RGBmat.
2292    */
2294    #define SUMA_RGBmat_2_GLCOLAR4(RGBmat, glcolar, nrgb) {\
2295       int m_I, m_I4 = 0; \
2296       for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2297          glcolar[m_I4] = RGBmat[m_I][0]; ++m_I4;\
2298          glcolar[m_I4] = RGBmat[m_I][1]; ++m_I4;\
2299          glcolar[m_I4] = RGBmat[m_I][2]; ++m_I4;\
2300          ++m_I4;\
2301       }\
2302    }
2303    #define SUMA_RGBvec_2_GLCOLAR4(RGBvec, glcolar, nrgb) {\
2304       int m_I, m_I4 = 0, m_I3=0; \
2305       for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2306          glcolar[m_I4] = RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2307          glcolar[m_I4] = RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2308          glcolar[m_I4] = RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2309          ++m_I4;\
2310       }\
2311    }
2313    /*!
2314       SUMA_GLCOLAR4_2_RGBmat copies 4N x 1 GL color array into an N x 3 RGB matrix format
2316       SUMA_GLCOLAR4_2_RGBmat (glcolar, RGBmat, N)
2317       glcolar (GLfloat *) (4 N) x 1 vector
2318       RGBmat (float **) N x 3 matrix of RGB values
2319       *** Mar 17 04:
2320       Added the SUMA_RGBvec versions using RGBvec instead of RGBmat.
2321    */
2323    #define SUMA_GLCOLAR4_2_RGBmat(glcolar, RGBmat, nrgb) {\
2324       int m_I, m_I4 = 0; \
2325       for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2326          RGBmat[m_I][0] = glcolar[m_I4]; ++m_I4;\
2327          RGBmat[m_I][1] = glcolar[m_I4]; ++m_I4;\
2328          RGBmat[m_I][2] = glcolar[m_I4]; ++m_I4;\
2329          ++m_I4;\
2330       }\
2331    }
2332    #define SUMA_GLCOLAR4_2_RGBvec(glcolar, RGBvec, nrgb) {\
2333       int m_I, m_I4 = 0, m_I3=0; \
2334       for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2335          RGBvec[m_I3] = glcolar[m_I4]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2336          RGBvec[m_I3] = glcolar[m_I4]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2337          RGBvec[m_I3] = glcolar[m_I4]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2338          ++m_I4;\
2339       }\
2340    }
2343    /*!
2344       SUMA_FillBlanks_GLCOLAR4
2345       fills nodes that received no color with the Nocolor Color
2346       SUMA_FillBlanks_GLCOLAR4(isColored, N_Nodes, R, G, B, glcolar)
2347       isColored (SUMA_Boolean) N_Nodes x 1 vector indicating that a node was colored.
2348       N_Nodes (int) total number of nodes
2349       R, G, B (float 0..1) RGB values of NoColor color
2350       glcolar (GLfloat *) (4 N_Nodes) x 1 vector
2351    */
2353    #define SUMA_FillBlanks_GLCOLAR4(isColored, N_Nodes, R, G, B, glcolar) {\
2354       int m_I, m_I4; \
2355       for (m_I=0; m_I < N_Nodes; ++m_I) {\
2356          if (!isColored[m_I]) {\
2357             m_I4 = 4*m_I; \
2358             glcolar[m_I4] = R; ++m_I4;\
2359             glcolar[m_I4] = G; ++m_I4;\
2360             glcolar[m_I4] = B; ++m_I4;\
2361          }\
2362       }\
2363    }
2365    /*!
2366       This macro used to be called: SUMA_RGBmat_FullNoGlobNoLoc2_GLCOLAR4_opacity
2367       SUMA_RGB_FnGnL_AR4op_opacity
2368       copies an N x 3 RGB matrix into a 4N x 1 GL color array format
2369       F (Full) means that N is equal to all the nodes in the surface
2370       nG (NoGlob) means no opacity is applied to the color values (fully opaque)
2371       nL (NoLocal) means no local gain (per node) is applied to the color values
2373       SUMA_RGB_FnGnL_AR4op(RGBmat, glcolar, N, add)
2374       RGBmat (float **) N x 3 matrix of RGB values
2375       glcolar (GLfloat *) (4 N) x 1 vector
2376       isColored (SUMA_Boolean) N_Nodes x 1 vector indicating that a node was colored. ONLY YUP/1 are placed
2377       *** Mar 17 04:
2378       Added the SUMA_RGBv versions using RGBvec instead of RGBmat.
2380    */
2382    #define SUMA_RGB_FnGnL_AR4op(RGBmat, glcolar, nrgb, isColored) {\
2383       int m_I, m_I4 = 0; \
2384          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2385             isColored[m_I] = YUP;\
2386             glcolar[m_I4] = RGBmat[m_I][0]; ++m_I4;\
2387             glcolar[m_I4] = RGBmat[m_I][1]; ++m_I4;\
2388             glcolar[m_I4] = RGBmat[m_I][2]; ++m_I4;\
2389             ++m_I4;\
2390          }\
2391    }
2393    #define SUMA_RGBv_FnGnL_AR4op(RGBvec, glcolar, nrgb, isColored) {\
2394       int m_I, m_I4 = 0, m_I3=0; \
2395          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2396             isColored[m_I] = YUP;\
2397             glcolar[m_I4] = RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2398             glcolar[m_I4] = RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2399             glcolar[m_I4] = RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2400             ++m_I4;\
2401          }\
2402    }
2403    /*!
2404       This macro used to be called: SUMA_RGBmat_FullGlobNoLoc2_GLCOLAR4_opacity
2405       SUMA_RGB_FGnL_AR4op
2406       copies an N x 3 RGB matrix into a 4N x 1 GL color array format
2407       F (Full) means that N is equal to all the nodes in the surface
2408       G (Glob) means an opacity is applied to the color values
2409       nL (NoLocal) means no local gain (per node) is applied to the color values
2411       SUMA_RGB_FGnL_AR4op(RGBmat, glcolar, N, opacity, add)
2412       RGBmat (float **) N x 3 matrix of RGB values
2413       glcolar (GLfloat *) (4 N) x 1 vector
2414       opacity (float) an opacity factor applied to each color R, G, B values in the entire list before adding it
2415             to a pre-exising color opacity is not applied to the color of nodes that had not been colored thus far.
2416       isColored (SUMA_Boolean) N_Nodes x 1 vector indicating that a node was colored. ONLY YUP/1 are placed
2418       *** Dec 04 03:
2419       Variant SUMA_RGB_FGnL_AR4op2
2420       removed opacity scaling of RGBmat[m_I] and added clipping to 1.0
2421       *** Mar 17 04:
2422       Added the SUMA_RGBv versions using RGBvec instead of RGBmat.
2423    */
2425    #define SUMA_RGB_FGnL_AR4op(RGBmat, glcolar, nrgb, opacity, isColored) {\
2426       int m_I, m_I4 = 0; \
2427       float m_of;\
2428       m_of = 1-opacity;\
2429          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2430             if (isColored[m_I]) {   \
2431                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + opacity * RGBmat[m_I][0]; ++m_I4;\
2432                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + opacity * RGBmat[m_I][1]; ++m_I4;\
2433                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + opacity * RGBmat[m_I][2]; ++m_I4;\
2434             } else { /* not yet colored */\
2435                glcolar[m_I4] = RGBmat[m_I][0]; ++m_I4;\
2436                glcolar[m_I4] = RGBmat[m_I][1]; ++m_I4;\
2437                glcolar[m_I4] = RGBmat[m_I][2]; ++m_I4;\
2438                isColored[m_I] = YUP;\
2439             }  \
2440             ++m_I4;\
2441          }\
2442    }
2443    #define SUMA_RGBv_FGnL_AR4op(RGBvec, glcolar, nrgb, opacity, isColored) {\
2444       int m_I, m_I4 = 0, m_I3 = 0; \
2445       float m_of;\
2446       m_of = 1-opacity;\
2447          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2448             if (isColored[m_I]) {   \
2449                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + opacity * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2450                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + opacity * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2451                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + opacity * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2452             } else { /* not yet colored */\
2453                glcolar[m_I4] = RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2454                glcolar[m_I4] = RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2455                glcolar[m_I4] = RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2456                isColored[m_I] = YUP;\
2457             }  \
2458             ++m_I4;\
2459          }\
2460    }
2461    #define SUMA_RGB_FGnL_AR4op2(RGBmat, glcolar, nrgb, opacity, isColored) {\
2462       int m_I, m_I4 = 0; \
2463       float m_of;\
2464       m_of = 1-opacity;\
2465          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2466             if (isColored[m_I]) {   \
2467                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + RGBmat[m_I][0]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4;\
2468                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + RGBmat[m_I][1]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4;\
2469                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + RGBmat[m_I][2]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4;\
2470             } else { /* not yet colored */\
2471                glcolar[m_I4] = RGBmat[m_I][0]; ++m_I4;\
2472                glcolar[m_I4] = RGBmat[m_I][1]; ++m_I4;\
2473                glcolar[m_I4] = RGBmat[m_I][2]; ++m_I4;\
2474                isColored[m_I] = YUP;\
2475             }  \
2476             ++m_I4;\
2477          }\
2478    }
2479    #define SUMA_RGBv_FGnL_AR4op2(RGBvec, glcolar, nrgb, opacity, isColored) {\
2480       int m_I, m_I4 = 0, m_I3 = 0; \
2481       float m_of;\
2482       m_of = 1-opacity;\
2483          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2484             if (isColored[m_I]) {   \
2485                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + RGBvec[m_I3]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2486                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + RGBvec[m_I3]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2487                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + RGBvec[m_I3]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2488             } else { /* not yet colored */\
2489                glcolar[m_I4] = RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2490                glcolar[m_I4] = RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2491                glcolar[m_I4] = RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2492                isColored[m_I] = YUP;\
2493             }  \
2494             ++m_I4;\
2495          }\
2496    }
2497    /*!
2498     This macro used to be called: SUMA_RGBmat_FullGlobLoc2_GLCOLAR4_opacity
2499          but name was too long for some compilers
2501       SUMA_RGB_FGL_AR4op
2502       copies an N x 3 RGB matrix into a 4N x 1 GL color array format
2503       F (Full) means that N is equal to all the nodes in the surface
2504       G (Glob) means an opacity is applied to the color values
2505       L (Local) means a local gain (per node) is applied to the color values
2507       SUMA_RGB_FGL_AR4op(RGBmat, glcolar, N, opacity, locgain, add)
2508       RGBmat (float **) N x 3 matrix of RGB values
2509       glcolar (GLfloat *) (4 N) x 1 vector
2510       opacity (float) an opacity factor applied to each color R, G, B values in the entire list before adding it
2511             to a pre-exising color opacity is not applied to the color of nodes that had not been colored thus far.
2512       locgain (float *) a N x 1 vector of gains applied to their respective nodes
2513       isColored (SUMA_Boolean) N_Nodes x 1 vector indicating that a node was colored. ONLY YUP/1 are placed
2515       *** Dec 04 03:
2516       Variant SUMA_RGB_FGL_AR4op2
2517       removed opacity from m_of and added clipping to 1.0
2518       *** Mar 17 04:
2519       Added the SUMA_RGBv versions using RGBvec instead of RGBmat.
2520    */
2522    #define SUMA_RGB_FGL_AR4op(RGBmat, glcolar, nrgb, opacity, locgain, isColored) {\
2523       int m_I, m_I4 = 0; \
2524       float m_of, m_of2;\
2525          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2526             if (isColored[m_I]) {   \
2527                m_of = locgain[m_I] * opacity; /* Dec 04 03 changed from locgain[m_I] * opacity; */\
2528                m_of2 = (1-opacity);\
2529                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBmat[m_I][0]; ++m_I4;\
2530                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBmat[m_I][1]; ++m_I4;\
2531                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBmat[m_I][2]; ++m_I4;\
2532             }  else { /* not yet colored */\
2533                glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBmat[m_I][0]; ++m_I4;\
2534                glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBmat[m_I][1]; ++m_I4;\
2535                glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBmat[m_I][2]; ++m_I4;\
2536                isColored[m_I] = YUP;\
2537             }  \
2538             ++m_I4;\
2539          }\
2540    }
2541    #define SUMA_RGBv_FGL_AR4op(RGBvec, glcolar, nrgb, opacity, locgain, isColored) {\
2542       int m_I, m_I4 = 0, m_I3 = 0; \
2543       float m_of, m_of2;\
2544          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2545             if (isColored[m_I]) {   \
2546                m_of = locgain[m_I] * opacity; /* Dec 04 03 changed from locgain[m_I] * opacity; */\
2547                m_of2 = (1-opacity);\
2548                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2549                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2550                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2551             }  else { /* not yet colored */\
2552                glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2553                glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2554                glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2555                isColored[m_I] = YUP;\
2556             }  \
2557             ++m_I4;\
2558          }\
2559    }
2560    #define SUMA_RGB_FGL_AR4op2(RGBmat, glcolar, nrgb, opacity, locgain, isColored) {\
2561       int m_I, m_I4 = 0; \
2562       float m_of, m_of2;\
2563          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2564             if (isColored[m_I]) {   \
2565                m_of = locgain[m_I]; /* Dec 04 03 changed from locgain[m_I] * opacity; */\
2566                m_of2 = (1-opacity);\
2567                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBmat[m_I][0]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4;\
2568                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBmat[m_I][1]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4;\
2569                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBmat[m_I][2]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4;\
2570             }  else { /* not yet colored */\
2571                glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBmat[m_I][0]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4;\
2572                glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBmat[m_I][1]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4;\
2573                glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBmat[m_I][2]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4;\
2574                isColored[m_I] = YUP;\
2575             }  \
2576             ++m_I4;\
2577          }\
2578    }
2579    #define SUMA_RGBv_FGL_AR4op2(RGBvec, glcolar, nrgb, opacity, locgain, isColored) {\
2580       int m_I, m_I4 = 0, m_I3=0; \
2581       float m_of, m_of2;\
2582          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2583             if (isColored[m_I]) {   \
2584                m_of = locgain[m_I]; /* Dec 04 03 changed from locgain[m_I] * opacity; */\
2585                m_of2 = (1-opacity);\
2586                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBvec[m_I3]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2587                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBvec[m_I3]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2588                glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBvec[m_I3]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2589             }  else { /* not yet colored */\
2590                glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBvec[m_I3]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2591                glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBvec[m_I3]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2592                glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBvec[m_I3]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2593                isColored[m_I] = YUP;\
2594             }  \
2595             ++m_I4;\
2596          }\
2597    }
2598    /*!
2599       This macro used to be called: SUMA_RGBmat_FullNoGlobLoc2_GLCOLAR4_opacity
2601       SUMA_RGB_FnGL_AR4op
2602       copies an N x 3 RGB matrix into a 4N x 1 GL color array format
2603       F (Full) means that N is equal to all the nodes in the surface
2604       nG (NoGlob) means no opacity is applied to the color values (fully opaque)
2605       L (Local) means a local gain (per node) is applied to the color values
2607       SUMA_RGB_FnGL_AR4op(RGBmat, glcolar, N, locgain, add)
2608       RGBmat (float **) N x 3 matrix of RGB values
2609       glcolar (GLfloat *) (4 N) x 1 vector
2610       locgain (float *) a N x 1 vector of gains applied to their respective nodes
2611       isColored (SUMA_Boolean) N_Nodes x 1 vector indicating that a node was colored. ONLY YUP/1 are placed
2612       *** Mar 17 04:
2613       Added the SUMA_RGBv versions using RGBvec instead of RGBmat.
2614    */
2616    #define SUMA_RGB_FnGL_AR4op(RGBmat, glcolar, nrgb, locgain, isColored) {\
2617       int m_I, m_I4 = 0; \
2618       float m_of;\
2619          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2620             glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBmat[m_I][0]; ++m_I4;\
2621             glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBmat[m_I][1]; ++m_I4;\
2622             glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBmat[m_I][2]; ++m_I4;\
2623             isColored[m_I] = YUP;\
2624             ++m_I4;\
2625          }\
2626    }
2627    #define SUMA_RGBv_FnGL_AR4op(RGBvec, glcolar, nrgb, locgain, isColored) {\
2628       int m_I, m_I4 = 0, m_I3=0; \
2629       float m_of;\
2630          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2631             glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2632             glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2633             glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2634             isColored[m_I] = YUP;\
2635             ++m_I4;\
2636          }\
2637    }
2638    /*!
2639       This macro used to be called: SUMA_RGBmat_PartNoGlobNoLoc2_GLCOLAR4_opacity
2640       SUMA_RGB_PnGnL_AR4op
2641       copies an N x 3 RGB matrix into a 4N x 1 GL color array format
2642       P (Part) means that colors are specified for some of the nodes only N < N_Nodes
2643       nG (NoGlob) means no opacity is applied to the color values (fully opaque)
2644       nL (NoLocal) means no local gain (per node) is applied to the color values
2646       SUMA_RGB_PnGnL_AR4op(RGBmat, NodeId, glcolar, N, isColored, N_Nodes)
2647       RGBmat (float **) N x 3 matrix of RGB values
2648       NodeId (int *) N x 1 vector containing indices of nodes for wich color is specified in RGBmat
2649       glcolar (GLfloat *) (4 N_Nodes) x 1 vector
2650       isColored (SUMA_Boolean) N_Nodes x 1 vector indicating that a node was colored. ONLY YUP/1 are placed
2651       when a node is assigned a color. Values of isColored for nodes that have not been visited remain unchanged
2652       *** Mar 17 04:
2653       Added the SUMA_RGBv versions using RGBvec instead of RGBmat.
2654    */
2656    #define SUMA_RGB_PnGnL_AR4op(RGBmat, NodeId, glcolar, nrgb, isColored, N_Node) {\
2657       int m_I, m_I4 = 0; \
2658          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2659                if (NodeId[m_I] < N_Node) {\
2660                   m_I4 = 4*NodeId[m_I]; \
2661                   glcolar[m_I4] = RGBmat[m_I][0]; ++m_I4;\
2662                   glcolar[m_I4] = RGBmat[m_I][1]; ++m_I4;\
2663                   glcolar[m_I4] = RGBmat[m_I][2]; ++m_I4;\
2664                   isColored[NodeId[m_I]] = YUP;\
2665                }\
2666             }\
2667    }
2669    #define SUMA_RGBv_PnGnL_AR4op(RGBvec, NodeId, glcolar, nrgb, isColored, N_Node) {\
2670       int m_I, m_I4 = 0, m_I3=0; \
2671          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2672                if (NodeId[m_I] < N_Node) {\
2673                   m_I4 = 4*NodeId[m_I]; \
2674                   m_I3 = 3*m_I;   \
2675                   glcolar[m_I4] = RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2676                   glcolar[m_I4] = RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2677                   glcolar[m_I4] = RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2678                   isColored[NodeId[m_I]] = YUP;\
2679                }\
2680             }\
2681    }
2682    /*!
2683       This macro used to be called: SUMA_RGBmat_PartGlobNoLoc2_GLCOLAR4_opacity
2684       SUMA_RGB_PGnL_AR4op
2685       copies an N x 3 RGB matrix into a 4N x 1 GL color array format
2686       P (Part) means that colors are specified for some of the nodes only N < N_Nodes
2687       G (Glob) means an opacity is applied to the color values
2688       nL (NoLocal) means no local gain (per node) is applied to the color values
2690       SUMA_RGB_PGnL_AR4op(RGBmat, NodeId, glcolar, N, isColored, opacity, N_Nodes)
2691       RGBmat (float **) N x 3 matrix of RGB values
2692       NodeId (int *) N x 1 vector containing indices of nodes for wich color is specified in RGBmat
2693       glcolar (GLfloat *) (4 N_Nodes) x 1 vector
2694       isColored (SUMA_Boolean) N_Nodes x 1 vector indicating that a node was colored. ONLY YUP/1 are placed
2695       when a node is assigned a color. Values of isColored for nodes that have not been visited remain unchanged
2696       opacity (float) an opacity factor applied to each color R, G, B values in the entire list before adding it
2697             to a pre-exising color opacity is not applied to the color of nodes that had not been colored thus far.
2699       *** Dec. 04 03:
2700       Variant SUMA_RGB_PGnL_AR4op2
2701          Instead of mixing like this: Col_new = (1 -  opacity)*Col_1 + opacity *Col_2;
2702          I am using Col_new = (1 -  opacity)*Col_1 +  Col_2; if (Col_new > 1) Col_new = 1
2703       *** Mar 17 04:
2704       Added the SUMA_RGBv versions using RGBvec instead of RGBmat.
2706    */
2708    #define SUMA_RGB_PGnL_AR4op(RGBmat, NodeId, glcolar, nrgb, isColored, opacity, N_Node) {\
2709       int m_I, m_I4 = 0, m_II; \
2710       float m_of;\
2711          m_of = (1 - opacity); \
2712          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2713             if (NodeId[m_I] < N_Node) {\
2714                if (!isColored[NodeId[m_I]]) { /* a new color, put it down as it is, Opacity gain should not be applied Wed Apr  2 17:31:33 EST 2003*/\
2715                   m_I4 = 4*NodeId[m_I]; \
2716                   glcolar[m_I4] = RGBmat[m_I][0]; ++m_I4;\
2717                   glcolar[m_I4] = RGBmat[m_I][1]; ++m_I4;\
2718                   glcolar[m_I4] = RGBmat[m_I][2]; ++m_I4;\
2719                   isColored[NodeId[m_I]] = YUP;\
2720                }else {/* mixing to be done */\
2721                   m_I4 = 4*NodeId[m_I]; \
2722                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + opacity * RGBmat[m_I][0];  ++m_I4;\
2723                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + opacity * RGBmat[m_I][1];  ++m_I4;\
2724                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + opacity * RGBmat[m_I][2];  ++m_I4;\
2725                }\
2726             }\
2727          }\
2728    }
2729    #define SUMA_RGBv_PGnL_AR4op(RGBvec, NodeId, glcolar, nrgb, isColored, opacity, N_Node) {\
2730       int m_I, m_I4 = 0, m_II, m_I3=0; \
2731       float m_of;\
2732          m_of = (1 - opacity); \
2733          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2734             if (NodeId[m_I] < N_Node) {\
2735                if (!isColored[NodeId[m_I]]) { /* a new color, put it down as it is, Opacity gain should not be applied Wed Apr  2 17:31:33 EST 2003*/\
2736                   m_I4 = 4*NodeId[m_I]; \
2737                   m_I3 = 3*m_I; \
2738                   glcolar[m_I4] = RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2739                   glcolar[m_I4] = RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2740                   glcolar[m_I4] = RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2741                   isColored[NodeId[m_I]] = YUP;\
2742                }else {/* mixing to be done */\
2743                   m_I4 = 4*NodeId[m_I]; \
2744                   m_I3 = 3*m_I; \
2745                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + opacity * RGBvec[m_I3];  ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2746                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + opacity * RGBvec[m_I3];  ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2747                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + opacity * RGBvec[m_I3];  ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2748                }\
2749             }\
2750          }\
2751    }
2753    #define SUMA_RGB_PGnL_AR4op2(RGBmat, NodeId, glcolar, nrgb, isColored, opacity, N_Node) {\
2754       int m_I, m_I4 = 0, m_II; \
2755       float m_of;\
2756          m_of = (1 - opacity); \
2757          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2758             if (NodeId[m_I] < N_Node) {\
2759                if (!isColored[NodeId[m_I]]) { /* a new color, put it down as it is, Opacity gain should not be applied Wed Apr  2 17:31:33 EST 2003*/\
2760                   m_I4 = 4*NodeId[m_I]; \
2761                   glcolar[m_I4] = RGBmat[m_I][0]; ++m_I4;\
2762                   glcolar[m_I4] = RGBmat[m_I][1]; ++m_I4;\
2763                   glcolar[m_I4] = RGBmat[m_I][2]; ++m_I4;\
2764                   isColored[NodeId[m_I]] = YUP;\
2765                }else {/* mixing to be done */\
2766                   m_I4 = 4*NodeId[m_I]; \
2767                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + RGBmat[m_I][0]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4;\
2768                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + RGBmat[m_I][1]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4;\
2769                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + RGBmat[m_I][2]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4;\
2770                }\
2771             }\
2772          }\
2773    }
2774    #define SUMA_RGBv_PGnL_AR4op2(RGBvec, NodeId, glcolar, nrgb, isColored, opacity, N_Node) {\
2775       int m_I, m_I4 = 0, m_II, m_I3=0; \
2776       float m_of;\
2777          m_of = (1 - opacity); \
2778          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2779             if (NodeId[m_I] < N_Node) {\
2780                if (!isColored[NodeId[m_I]]) { /* a new color, put it down as it is, Opacity gain should not be applied Wed Apr  2 17:31:33 EST 2003*/\
2781                   m_I4 = 4*NodeId[m_I]; \
2782                   m_I3 = 3*m_I; \
2783                   glcolar[m_I4] = RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2784                   glcolar[m_I4] = RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2785                   glcolar[m_I4] = RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2786                   isColored[NodeId[m_I]] = YUP;\
2787                }else {/* mixing to be done */\
2788                   m_I4 = 4*NodeId[m_I]; \
2789                   m_I3 = 3*m_I; \
2790                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + RGBvec[m_I3]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2791                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + RGBvec[m_I3]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2792                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of * glcolar[m_I4] + RGBvec[m_I3]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2793                }\
2794             }\
2795          }\
2796    }
2797    /*!
2798       This macro used to be called: SUMA_RGBmat_PartGlobLoc2_GLCOLAR4_opacity
2800       SUMA_RGB_PGL_AR4op
2801       copies an N x 3 RGB matrix into a 4N x 1 GL color array format
2802       P (Part) means that colors are specified for some of the nodes only N < N_Nodes
2803       G (Glob) means an opacity is applied to the color values
2804       L (Local) means a local gain (per node) is applied to the color values
2806       SUMA_RGB_PGL_AR4op(RGBmat, NodeId, glcolar, N, isColored, opacity, locgain, add, N_Nodes)
2807       RGBmat (float **) N x 3 matrix of RGB values
2808       NodeId (int *) N x 1 vector containing indices of nodes for wich color is specified in RGBmat
2809       glcolar (GLfloat *) (4 N_Nodes) x 1 vector
2810       isColored (SUMA_Boolean) N_Nodes x 1 vector indicating that a node was colored. ONLY YUP/1 are placed
2811       when a node is assigned a color. Values of isColored for nodes that have not been visited remain unchanged
2812       opacity (float) an opacity factor applied to each color R, G, B values in the entire list before adding it
2813             to a pre-exising color opacity is not applied to the color of nodes that had not been colored thus far.
2814       locgain (float *)  N x 1 vector of gains applied to their respective nodes
2816       *** Dec. 04 03:
2817       Variant SUMA_RGB_PGL_AR4op2
2818          Instead of mixing like this: Col_new = (1 -  opacity) *Col_1 + opacity * locgain *Col_2;
2819          I am using Col_new = (1 -  opacity)*Col_1 +  locgain * Col_2; if (Col_new > 1) Col_new = 1
2820        *** Mar 17 04:
2821       Added the SUMA_RGBv versions using RGBvec instead of RGBmat.
2823    */
2825    #define SUMA_RGB_PGL_AR4op(RGBmat, NodeId, glcolar, nrgb, isColored, opacity, locgain, N_Node) {\
2826       int m_I, m_I4 = 0; \
2827       float m_of, m_of2;\
2828          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2829             if (NodeId[m_I] < N_Node) {\
2830                if (!isColored[NodeId[m_I]]) { /* a new color, put it down as it is */\
2831                   m_I4 = 4*NodeId[m_I]; \
2832                   glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBmat[m_I][0]; ++m_I4;\
2833                   glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBmat[m_I][1]; ++m_I4;\
2834                   glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBmat[m_I][2]; ++m_I4;\
2835                   isColored[NodeId[m_I]] = YUP;\
2836                }else { /* mixing to be done */\
2837                   m_I4 = 4*NodeId[m_I]; \
2838                   m_of = (locgain[m_I]  * opacity); /* Dec. 04 03, changed from locgain[m_I] * opacity */\
2839                   m_of2 = (1 - opacity);\
2840                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBmat[m_I][0]; ++m_I4;\
2841                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBmat[m_I][1]; ++m_I4;\
2842                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBmat[m_I][2]; ++m_I4;\
2843                }\
2844             }\
2845          }\
2846    }
2847    #define SUMA_RGBv_PGL_AR4op(RGBvec, NodeId, glcolar, nrgb, isColored, opacity, locgain, N_Node) {\
2848       int m_I, m_I4 = 0, m_I3=0; \
2849       float m_of, m_of2;\
2850          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2851             if (NodeId[m_I] < N_Node) {\
2852                if (!isColored[NodeId[m_I]]) { /* a new color, put it down as it is */\
2853                   m_I4 = 4*NodeId[m_I]; \
2854                   m_I3 = 3*m_I; \
2855                   glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2856                   glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2857                   glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2858                   isColored[NodeId[m_I]] = YUP;\
2859                }else { /* mixing to be done */\
2860                   m_I4 = 4*NodeId[m_I]; \
2861                   m_I3 = 3*m_I; \
2862                   m_of = (locgain[m_I]  * opacity); /* Dec. 04 03, changed from locgain[m_I] * opacity */\
2863                   m_of2 = (1 - opacity);\
2864                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2865                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2866                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2867                }\
2868             }\
2869          }\
2870    }
2872    #define SUMA_RGB_PGL_AR4op2(RGBmat, NodeId, glcolar, nrgb, isColored, opacity, locgain, N_Node) {\
2873       int m_I, m_I4 = 0; \
2874       float m_of, m_of2;\
2875          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2876             if (NodeId[m_I] < N_Node) {\
2877                if (!isColored[NodeId[m_I]]) { /* a new color, put it down as it is */\
2878                   m_I4 = 4*NodeId[m_I]; \
2879                   glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBmat[m_I][0]; ++m_I4;\
2880                   glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBmat[m_I][1]; ++m_I4;\
2881                   glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBmat[m_I][2]; ++m_I4;\
2882                   isColored[NodeId[m_I]] = YUP;\
2883                }else { /* mixing to be done */\
2884                   m_I4 = 4*NodeId[m_I]; \
2885                   m_of = (locgain[m_I]); /* Dec. 04 03, changed from locgain[m_I] * opacity */\
2886                   m_of2 = (1 - opacity);\
2887                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBmat[m_I][0]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4;\
2888                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBmat[m_I][1]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4;\
2889                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBmat[m_I][2]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4;\
2890                }\
2891             }\
2892          }\
2893    }
2894    #define SUMA_RGBv_PGL_AR4op2(RGBvec, NodeId, glcolar, nrgb, isColored, opacity, locgain, N_Node) {\
2895       int m_I, m_I4 = 0, m_I3=0; \
2896       float m_of, m_of2;\
2897          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2898             if (NodeId[m_I] < N_Node) {\
2899                if (!isColored[NodeId[m_I]]) { /* a new color, put it down as it is */\
2900                   m_I4 = 4*NodeId[m_I]; \
2901                   m_I3 = 3*m_I; \
2902                   glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2903                   glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2904                   glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2905                   isColored[NodeId[m_I]] = YUP;\
2906                }else { /* mixing to be done */\
2907                   m_I4 = 4*NodeId[m_I]; \
2908                   m_I3 = 3*m_I; \
2909                   m_of = (locgain[m_I]); /* Dec. 04 03, changed from locgain[m_I] * opacity */\
2910                   m_of2 = (1 - opacity);\
2911                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBvec[m_I3]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2912                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBvec[m_I3]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2913                   glcolar[m_I4] = m_of2 * glcolar[m_I4] + m_of * RGBvec[m_I3]; SUMA_CLIP_UB(glcolar[m_I4], 1.0); ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2914                }\
2915             }\
2916          }\
2917    }
2919    /*!
2920       This macro used to be called: SUMA_RGBmat_PartNoGlobLoc2_GLCOLAR4_opacity
2921       SUMA_RGB_PnGL_AR4op
2922       copies an N x 3 RGB matrix into a 4N x 1 GL color array format
2923       P (Part) means that colors are specified for some of the nodes only N < N_Nodes
2924       nG (NoGlob) means no opacity is applied to the color values (fully opaque)
2925       L (Local) means a local gain (per node) is applied to the color values
2927       SUMA_RGB_PnGL_AR4op(RGBmat, NodeId, glcolar, N, isColored, locgain, add, N_Nodes)
2928       RGBmat (float **) N x 3 matrix of RGB values
2929       NodeId (int *) N x 1 vector containing indices of nodes for wich color is specified in RGBmat
2930       glcolar (GLfloat *) (4 N_Nodes) x 1 vector
2931       isColored (SUMA_Boolean) N_Nodes x 1 vector indicating that a node was colored. ONLY YUP/1 are placed
2932       when a node is assigned a color. Values of isColored for nodes that have not been visited remain unchanged
2933       locgain (float *)  N x 1 vector of gains applied to their respective nodes
2935       *** Mar 17 04:
2936       Added the SUMA_RGBv versions using RGBvec instead of RGBmat.
2937    */
2938    #define SUMA_RGB_PnGL_AR4op(RGBmat, NodeId, glcolar, nrgb, isColored,  locgain, N_Node) {\
2939       int m_I, m_I4 = 0; \
2940       float m_of;\
2941          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2942             if (NodeId[m_I] < N_Node) {\
2943                m_I4 = 4*NodeId[m_I]; \
2944                glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBmat[m_I][0]; ++m_I4;\
2945                glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBmat[m_I][1]; ++m_I4;\
2946                glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBmat[m_I][2]; ++m_I4;\
2947                isColored[NodeId[m_I]] = YUP;\
2948             }\
2949          }\
2950    }
2951    #define SUMA_RGBv_PnGL_AR4op(RGBvec, NodeId, glcolar, nrgb, isColored,  locgain, N_Node) {\
2952       int m_I, m_I4 = 0, m_I3=0; \
2953       float m_of;\
2954          for (m_I=0; m_I < nrgb; ++m_I) {\
2955             if (NodeId[m_I] < N_Node) {\
2956                m_I4 = 4*NodeId[m_I]; \
2957                m_I3 = 3*m_I; \
2958                glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2959                glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2960                glcolar[m_I4] = locgain[m_I] * RGBvec[m_I3]; ++m_I4; ++m_I3;\
2961                isColored[NodeId[m_I]] = YUP;\
2962             }\
2963          }\
2964    }
2966 /*!
2967    Change a 12 element 1D affine transform vector to a 3x4 double array format
2968 */
2969    #define SUMA_Xform1Dto2D(v,m){\
2970       m[0][0] = v[0]; m[0][1] = v[1]; m[0][2] = v[2]; m[0][3] = v[3]; \
2971       m[1][0] = v[4]; m[1][1] = v[5]; m[1][2] = v[6]; m[1][3] = v[7]; \
2972       m[2][0] = v[8]; m[2][1] = v[9]; m[2][2] = v[10]; m[2][3] = v[11]; \
2973    }
2977 #endif