1 /*#define TEST*/
2 /*#define DEBUG_3*/
3 #ifdef DEBUG_1
4    #define DEBUG_2
5    #define DEBUG_3
6 #endif
8 /* Header FILES */
10 #include "SUMA_suma.h"
12 /* CODE */
16 /*!**
17 File : SUMA_SurfNorm.c
18 \author Ziad Saad
19 Date : Thu Jan 3 14:46:55 EST 2002
21 Purpose :
22    Calculate the polygon and node normals making up a surface
23    It is assumed that FaceSetList does NOT contain an index >= N_NodeList
25 Usage :
26    RetStrct =   SUMA_SurfNorm (NodeList, N_NodeList, FaceSetList,  N_FaceSetList );
29 Input paramters :
30 \param  NodeList (float *): N_NodeList x 3 vector containing the XYZ coordinates of each node
31 \param  N_NodeList (int): number of nodes in NodeList
32 \param  FaceSetList (int *): [N_FaceSetList x 3] vector (matrix prior to SUMA 1.2) of node indices forming each triangular facet (FaceSets).
33                               The indices must be relative to NodeList
34 \param  N_FaceSetList (int): 1st dimension of FaceSetList
37 Returns :
38 \return   RetStrct, a structure of the type SUMA_SURF_NORM with the following fields
39    N_Node (int) Number of nodes, 1st dim of NodeNormList
40    N_Face (int) Number of facesets, 1st dim of FaceNormList
41    FaceNormList (float *) N_Face x 3 vector (was matrix prior to SUMA 1.2) containing normalized normal vectors for each triangular faceset
42    NodeNormList (float *) N_Node x 3 vector (was matrix prior to SUMA 1.2) containing normalized normal vectors for each node
44 Support :
45 \sa SUMA_MemberFaceSets
46 \sa
48 Side effects :
49    to free memory from RetStrct
50    if (RetStrct.FaceNormList) SUMA_free(RetStrct.FaceNormList);
51    if (RetStrct.NodeNormList) SUMA_free(RetStrct.NodeNormList);
53 The node normals are obtained by averaging the normals of the surrounding facesets (ie facesets containing the node).
54 This is an approximation and in special cases like a cube with a particular tesselation, the normals could be biased
55 in direction if the node is a member of more triangles on one side of the object than the other sides.
56 See Lab-book NIH-2, page 142 for an illustration or this miserable ascii rendition.
58             -------------------
59            *             ##    *          Here, Node I will have its normal biased towards the direction of N2 and N3
60           *          ##       * |         because node I is part of two triangles from one side and one triangle in
61          *       ##    N1    *  |         each of the other 2 sides.
62         *    ##             *   |
63        *##              I  * N3 |
64        ------------------ *     |
65        |##               |######|
66        |  ##     N4      |     *
67        |     ##          | N2 *
68        |        ##       |   *
69        |           ##    |  *
70        |              ## | *
71        ------------------
72 ***/
73 static int surf_norm_quiet = 0;
set_surf_norm_quiet(int v)74 void set_surf_norm_quiet(int v) { surf_norm_quiet=v; }
SUMA_SurfNorm(float * NodeList,int N_NodeList,int * FaceSetList,int N_FaceSetList)75 SUMA_SURF_NORM SUMA_SurfNorm (float *NodeList, int N_NodeList,
76                               int *FaceSetList, int N_FaceSetList )
77 {/*SUMA_SurfNorm*/
78    static char stmp[200], FuncName[]={"SUMA_SurfNorm"};
79    float d1[3], d2[3], d, nrm;
80    SUMA_SURF_NORM RetStrct;
81    int *Index, *N_Memb, i, j, maxind, NotMember, id, id2, ND, ip, NP;
82    SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;
86    ND = 3;
87    NP = 3;
88    RetStrct.N_Node = N_NodeList; /* redundant, for clean up outside function */
89    RetStrct.N_Face = N_FaceSetList;
91    /* allocate space */
92    if (LocalHead)
93       fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: %d %d\n", FuncName, N_NodeList, N_FaceSetList);
94    RetStrct.FaceNormList =
95                (float *)SUMA_calloc (N_FaceSetList * NP, sizeof(float));
96    RetStrct.NodeNormList = (float *)SUMA_calloc (N_NodeList * ND, sizeof(float));
97    Index = (int *)SUMA_calloc (N_NodeList, sizeof(int));
98    N_Memb = (int *)SUMA_calloc (N_NodeList, sizeof(int));
99    if (!RetStrct.FaceNormList || !RetStrct.NodeNormList || !Index || !N_Memb)
100       {
101          SUMA_alloc_problem (FuncName);
102          SUMA_RETURN (RetStrct);
103       }
105    /* calculate and normalize triangle normals */
106    maxind = N_NodeList -1;
107    for (i=0; i < N_FaceSetList; i++) {
108       ip = NP * i;
109       for (j=0; j < 3; j++) {
110          d1[j] =  NodeList[(ND*FaceSetList[ip])+j] -
111                   NodeList[(ND*FaceSetList[ip+1])+j];
112          d2[j] =  NodeList[(ND*FaceSetList[ip+1])+j] -
113                   NodeList[(ND*FaceSetList[ip+2])+j];
114       }
115       RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip  ] = d1[1]*d2[2] - d1[2]*d2[1];
116       RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip+1] = d1[2]*d2[0] - d1[0]*d2[2];
117       RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip+2] = d1[0]*d2[1] - d1[1]*d2[0];
118       d = sqrt(RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip]*RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip]+
119                RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip+1]*RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip+1]+
120                RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip+2]*RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip+2]);
121       if (d == 0.0) {
122          /* I used to return here with a nasty message,
123          but it seems that FreeSurfer surfaces contain such conditions
124          So, now I just set the normal to 1.0 in that case */
125          /*SUMA_error_message (FuncName,"Zero length vector, returning",1);
126          if (RetStrct.FaceNormList) SUMA_free(RetStrct.FaceNormList);
127          if (RetStrct.NodeNormList) SUMA_free(RetStrct.NodeNormList);
128          if (Index) SUMA_free(Index);
129          if (N_Memb) SUMA_free(N_Memb);
130          SUMA_RETURN (RetStrct); */
131          RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip] = 1.0;
132          RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip+1] = 1.0;
133          RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip+2] = 1.0;
135       } else {
136          RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip] /= d;
137          RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip+1] /= d;
138          RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip+2] /= d;
139       }
141       #if 0
142          /* a test for the function SUMA_TriNorm */
143          {
144             float test_norm[3];
145             SUMA_TriNorm (&(NodeList[(ND*FaceSetList[ip])]), &(NodeList[(ND*FaceSetList[ip+1])]), &(NodeList[(ND*FaceSetList[ip+2])]), test_norm);
146             if (test_norm[0] != RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip] || test_norm[1] != RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip+1] || test_norm[2] != RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip+2]) {
147                fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Error %s: Test of SUMA_TriNorm failed, difference in norms. Exiting.\n", FuncName);
148                exit(1);
149             }
150             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,".");
151          }
153       #endif
155          /*each node making up the FaceSet will get its normal vector updated*/
156          if (FaceSetList[ip] > maxind || FaceSetList[ip+1] > maxind || FaceSetList[ip+2] > maxind) {
157             SUMA_error_message (FuncName,"FaceSetList contains indices >= N_NodeList",1);
158             if (RetStrct.FaceNormList) SUMA_free(RetStrct.FaceNormList);
159             if (RetStrct.NodeNormList) SUMA_free(RetStrct.NodeNormList);
160             if (Index) SUMA_free(Index);
161             if (N_Memb) SUMA_free(N_Memb);
162             SUMA_RETURN (RetStrct);
163          }
166          id2 = ND * FaceSetList[ip];
167          RetStrct.NodeNormList[id2] += RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip];
168          RetStrct.NodeNormList[id2+1] += RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip+1];
169          RetStrct.NodeNormList[id2+2] += RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip+2];
170          ++N_Memb[FaceSetList[ip]];
171          id2 = ND * FaceSetList[ip+1];
172          RetStrct.NodeNormList[id2] += RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip];
173          RetStrct.NodeNormList[id2+1] += RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip+1];
174          RetStrct.NodeNormList[id2+2] += RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip+2];
175          ++N_Memb[FaceSetList[ip+1]];
176          id2 = ND * FaceSetList[ip+2];
177          RetStrct.NodeNormList[id2] += RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip];
178          RetStrct.NodeNormList[id2+1] += RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip+1];
179          RetStrct.NodeNormList[id2+2] += RetStrct.FaceNormList[ip+2];
180          ++N_Memb[FaceSetList[ip+2]];
181    }
182       SUMA_LH("Normalizing");
183       /*Now normalize NodeNormList*/
184       NotMember = 0;
185       for (i=0; i<N_NodeList; ++i)
186          {
187             id = ND * i;
188             if (N_Memb[i])
189             {
190                /* fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Node %d, Normal (pre scale) %f %f %f\n", FuncName, i, RetStrct.NodeNormList[id], RetStrct.NodeNormList[id+1], RetStrct.NodeNormList[id+2]); */
191                RetStrct.NodeNormList[id] /= N_Memb[i];
192                RetStrct.NodeNormList[id+1] /= N_Memb[i];
193                RetStrct.NodeNormList[id+2] /= N_Memb[i];
194                /* normalize */
195                nrm = sqrt(RetStrct.NodeNormList[id]*RetStrct.NodeNormList[id] + RetStrct.NodeNormList[id+1]*RetStrct.NodeNormList[id+1] + RetStrct.NodeNormList[id+2]*RetStrct.NodeNormList[id+2]);
196                if (nrm) { /* at times nrm is 0. This happened once on a flat surface that was not consistently wound. Nodes that were
197                               members of two triangles of opposed normals ended up with a normal (and nrm) of 0 */
198                   RetStrct.NodeNormList[id] /= nrm;
199                   RetStrct.NodeNormList[id+1] /= nrm;
200                   RetStrct.NodeNormList[id+2] /= nrm;
201                }
203                /* fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Node %d, N_Memb[i] = %d, nrm = %f\n"
204                                        , FuncName, i, N_Memb[i], nrm); */
205             }
206             else
207             {
208                ++NotMember;
209                /*
210                For some patches (Free Surfer's) such conditions
211                are frequent, spitting out that message becomes old too quick */
212                /*
213                fprintf(stdout,
214                         "\n%s Warning: Node %d is not a member of any FaceSets,"
215                         " returning unit vector as normal.\n", FuncName, i);
216                */
217                RetStrct.NodeNormList[id] =
218                   RetStrct.NodeNormList[id+1] =
219                      RetStrct.NodeNormList[id+2] = 1.0;
220             }
221          }
222       if (NotMember && !surf_norm_quiet) {
223          sprintf (stmp, "(IGNORE for surfaces with cuts\n"
224                         "%d nodes (%f%% of total) are\n"
225                         "not members of any FaceSets.\n"
226                         "Their normals are set to the\n"
227                         "unit vector.\n",
228                         NotMember, (float)NotMember/(float)N_NodeList*100.0);
229          SUMA_SL_Note("%s",stmp);
230       }
232    if (N_Memb) SUMA_free(N_Memb);
233    if (Index) SUMA_free(Index);
234    SUMA_RETURN (RetStrct);
235 }/*SUMA_SurfNorm*/
237 /*!
238    Try to guess the direction of the surface normals
239    0 = dunno
240    1 = out
241    -1 = inwards
243 */
SUMA_SurfNormDir(SUMA_SurfaceObject * SO)244 int SUMA_SurfNormDir (SUMA_SurfaceObject *SO)
245 {
246    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_SurfNormDir"};
247    int in, cntneg, cntpos;
248    float *a, *b, dot, d, U[3];
249    SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;
251    SUMA_ENTRY;
253    if (!SO->N_Node) {
254       SUMA_S_Err("No Nodes!");
255       SUMA_RETURN(0);
256    }
257    if (!SO->NodeNormList) {
259    }
261    cntneg = 0;
262    cntpos = 0;
264    for (in=0; in<SO->N_Node; ++in) {
265       a = &(SO->NodeList[3*in]);
266       SUMA_UNIT_VEC(SO->Center, a , U, d); /* original distance from center */
267       b = &(SO->NodeNormList[3*in]);
268       SUMA_DOTP_VEC(U, b, dot, 3, float, float); /* dot product with normal at node*/
269       if (dot < 0) {
270          ++cntneg;
271       } else {
272          ++cntpos;
273       }
274    }
276    if (cntneg < cntpos) {
277       if (LocalHead) fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: %.2f%% sure that normals point outwards.\n", FuncName, (cntpos-cntneg)/(float)SO->N_Node*100.0);
278       SUMA_RETURN(1);
279    } else if (cntneg > cntpos) {
280       if (LocalHead) fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: %.2f%% sure that normals point inwards.\n", FuncName, (cntneg-cntpos)/(float)SO->N_Node*100.0);
281       SUMA_RETURN(-1);
282    } else {
283       if (LocalHead) fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Not sure where node normals point!\n", FuncName);
284       SUMA_RETURN(0);
285    }
287    SUMA_RETURN(0);
288 }
292 /*!**
293 File : SUMA_MemberFaceSets.c
294 \author Ziad Saad
295 Date : Thu Jan 3 12:01:49 EST 2002
297 Purpose :
298    Determines for each Node Index, from 0 to Nind-1 the indices of the FaceSets to which the node belongs.
300 Usage :
301    RetStruct = SUMA_MemberFaceSets (int Nind, int * FaceSetList, int nFace, int FaceSetDim);
303 Input paramters :
304 \param  Nind (int) : Total number of nodes in Index. ( No value (node index) in FaceSetList can be > Nind-1 )
305 \param  FaceSetList (int *) : The FaceSetList vector (used to be matrix, prior to SUMA 1.2), [nFace x FaceSetDim]
306 \param  nFace (int) : number of FaceSets in FaceSetList
307 \param FaceSetDim (int): column (2nd) dimension of FaceSetList (usually 3 or 4)
309 Returns :
310 \return  RetStruct : a SUMA_MEMBER_FACE_SETS  type structure with the following fields
311 NodeMemberOfFaceSet (int **) a matrix containing the indices of the FaceSets containing the nodes.
312                          Each row i in NodeMemberOfFaceSet lists all FaceSets containing the
313                          node i. The list is delimited by a -1 entry
314                          for all but the node that has a max of N_Memb_max members.
315                          the size of NodeMemberOfFaceSet is [Nind x N_Memb_max];
316    N_Memb (int *) the number of 1st order neighbors for each node in Index
317    N_Memb_max (int) the second dimension of NodeMemberOfFaceSet, also represents
318                           the maximum number of FaceSets that
319                           any node belongs to.
320    Nnode (int) : it's equal to Nind but it is kept here so that the structure can contain enough info to
321              free memory that is allocated to it.
324 if (RetStruct.NodeMemberOfFaceSet == NULL) then an error occurred in the function
326 Support :
327 \sa  MemberFaceSets.c and .m for methods that work when the search is required for a few nodes only
329 Example:
330 FaceSetList is:
331 1 4 6
332 6 4 2
333 6 1 3
335 and Nind is:
336 7
338 Then RetStruct.NodeMemberOfFaceSet is:
339 -1   0   0 ( Node 0 is not used in FaceSetList )
340 0   2   -1   (Node 1 is used in Facesets 0 & 2 )
341 1   -1   0   (Node 2 is used in Faceset 1)
342 2   -1   0   (Node 3 is used in Faceset 2)
343 0   1   -1   (Node 4 is used in Facesets 0 & 1)
344 -1   0   0   (Node 5 in not used in FaceSetList)
345 0   1   2   (Node 6 is used in all Facesets)
347 and RetStruct.N_Memb is:
348 0   2   1   1   2   0   3
350 Side effects :
351    To free RetStruct, use:
352    if (RetStruct.NodeMemberOfFaceSet) SUMA_free2D((char **)RetStruct.NodeMemberOfFaceSet, Nind);
353    if (RetStruct.N_Memb) SUMA_free(RetStruct.N_Memb);
354    if (RetStruct) SUMA_free(RetStrct);
357 ***/
SUMA_MemberFaceSets(int Nind,int * FaceSetList,int nFr,int FaceDim,char * ownerid)358 SUMA_MEMBER_FACE_SETS *SUMA_MemberFaceSets (int Nind, int * FaceSetList,
359                                           int nFr , int FaceDim, char *ownerid)
360 {/*SUMA_MemberFaceSets*/
361    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_MemberFaceSets"};
363    int **tmpMember;
364    int i, inode, iface, ip , NP;
365    byte *filled=NULL;
366    SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;
368    SUMA_ENTRY;
370    SUMA_LHv("Nind=%d, nFr=%d, FaceDim=%d\n", Nind, nFr, FaceDim);
372    NP = FaceDim;
373    RetStrct = (SUMA_MEMBER_FACE_SETS *)
374                   SUMA_malloc(sizeof(SUMA_MEMBER_FACE_SETS));
375    RetStrct->idcode_str = NULL;
376    SUMA_NEW_ID(RetStrct->idcode_str, NULL);
377    RetStrct->N_links = 0;
378    if (ownerid) sprintf(RetStrct->owner_id, "%s", ownerid);
379    else RetStrct->owner_id[0] = '\0';
380    RetStrct->LinkedPtrType = SUMA_LINKED_MEMB_FACE_TYPE;
381    RetStrct->do_type = not_DO_type;
383    RetStrct->N_Memb_max = RetStrct->Nnode = 0;
384    RetStrct->N_Memb = NULL;
385    RetStrct->NodeMemberOfFaceSet = NULL;
387    /* Allocate return variables */
388    tmpMember = (int **) SUMA_allocate2D (Nind,
389                            SUMA_MAX_MEMBER_FACE_SETS ,sizeof(int));
390    RetStrct->N_Memb = (int *) SUMA_calloc (Nind, sizeof(int));
391    filled = (byte *)SUMA_calloc(Nind, sizeof(int));
392    if (!tmpMember || !RetStrct->N_Memb)
393       {
394          SUMA_S_Err("Failed to allocate for tmpMember or RetStrct->N_Memb");
395          SUMA_RETURN (RetStrct);
396       }
398    /* loop through all facesets and tag nodes that make up FaceSets*/
399    for (iface=0; iface<nFr; ++iface) {/*iface*/
400       i = 0;
401       ip = NP * iface;
402       do {
403          inode = FaceSetList[ip + i];
404          if (inode > Nind) {
405             SUMA_S_Err("FaceSetList contains node indices >= Nind");
406             SUMA_RETURN (RetStrct);
407          }
408          if (RetStrct->N_Memb[inode] >= SUMA_MAX_MEMBER_FACE_SETS) {
409             if (!filled[inode]){
410                SUMA_S_Errv("Node %d is member of (%d FaceSets) more than"
411                         " SUMA_MAX_MEMBER_FACE_SETS (%d)\n"
412                         "Skipping remaining facets\n",
413                   inode, RetStrct->N_Memb[inode], SUMA_MAX_MEMBER_FACE_SETS);
414             }
415             filled[inode]=1;
416          } else {
417             tmpMember[inode][RetStrct->N_Memb[inode]] = iface;
418             ++RetStrct->N_Memb[inode];
419          }
420          if (RetStrct->N_Memb[inode] > RetStrct->N_Memb_max)
421             RetStrct->N_Memb_max = RetStrct->N_Memb[inode];
422          ++i;
423       } while (i < FaceDim);
424    }
426    /*allocate just enough for returning variables */
427    RetStrct->NodeMemberOfFaceSet =
428       (int **) SUMA_allocate2D (Nind, RetStrct->N_Memb_max ,sizeof(int));
429    if (!RetStrct->NodeMemberOfFaceSet)
430       {
431          SUMA_S_Err("Failed to allocate for RetStrct->NodeMemberOfFaceSet\n");
432          SUMA_RETURN (RetStrct);
433       }
435    /* loop through all nodes,
436       cp results into RetStrct->NodeMemberOfFaceSet and seal with -1 */
437    for (inode = 0; inode < Nind; ++inode) {
438       i = 0;
439       while (i < RetStrct->N_Memb[inode]) {
440          RetStrct->NodeMemberOfFaceSet[inode][i] = tmpMember[inode][i];
441          ++i;
442       }
443       /*seal with -1 */
444       if (RetStrct->N_Memb[inode] < RetStrct->N_Memb_max)
445                RetStrct->NodeMemberOfFaceSet[inode][i] = -1;
446    }
448    /* Clean up time */
449    if (tmpMember) SUMA_free2D((char **)tmpMember, Nind);
450    if (filled) SUMA_free(filled); filled = NULL;
452    RetStrct->Nnode = Nind;
453    SUMA_RETURN (RetStrct);
455 }/*SUMA_MemberFaceSets*/
457 /*! Free a SUMA_MEMBER_FACE_SETS structure */
460 {
461    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_Free_MemberFaceSets"};
462    SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;
464    SUMA_ENTRY;
465    if (!MF) { SUMA_RETURN (YUP); }
466    if (MF->N_links) {
467       SUMA_LH("Just a link release");
468       MF = (SUMA_MEMBER_FACE_SETS *)SUMA_UnlinkFromPointer((void *)MF);
469       SUMA_RETURN (YUP);
470    }
472    SUMA_LH("No more links, here we go");
473    if (MF->idcode_str) SUMA_free(MF->idcode_str);
474    if (MF->NodeMemberOfFaceSet) SUMA_free2D((char **)MF->NodeMemberOfFaceSet, MF->Nnode);
475    if (MF->N_Memb) SUMA_free(MF->N_Memb);
476    if (MF) SUMA_free(MF);
478 }