1 /*
2  * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
3  * Copyright (C) 2005-2014, Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org>
4  *
5  * Version: MPL 1.1
6  *
7  * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
8  * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
9  * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
11  *
12  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
14  * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
15  * License.
16  *
17  * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
18  *
19  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
20  * Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org>
21  * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
22  * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
23  *
24  * Contributor(s):
25  *
26  * Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org>
27  * Eliot Gable <egable@gmail.com>
28  *
29  * switch_apr.h -- APR includes header
30  *
31  */
32 /*! \file switch_apr.h
33     \brief APR includes header
35 	The things powered by APR are renamed into the switch_ namespace to provide a cleaner
36 	look to things and helps me to document what parts of APR I am using I'd like to take this
37 	opportunity to thank APR for all the awesome stuff it does and for making my life much easier.
39 */
40 #ifndef SWITCH_APR_H
41 #define SWITCH_APR_H
45 SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_status_is_timeup(int status);
47 #ifdef WIN32
48 typedef DWORD switch_thread_id_t;
49 #else
50 #include <pthread.h>
51 typedef pthread_t switch_thread_id_t;
52 #endif
54 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_thread_id_t) switch_thread_self(void);
56 /*! \brief Compare two thread ids
57  *  \param tid1 1st Thread ID to compare
58  *  \param tid2 2nd Thread ID to compare
59 */
60 SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_thread_equal(switch_thread_id_t tid1, switch_thread_id_t tid2);
63 /*
64    The pieces of apr we allow ppl to pass around between modules we typedef into our namespace and wrap all the functions
65    any other apr code should be as hidden as possible.
66 */
67 /**
68  * @defgroup switch_apr Brought To You By APR
69  * @ingroup FREESWITCH
70  * @{
71  */
72 /**
73  * @defgroup switch_memory_pool Memory Pool Functions
74  * @ingroup switch_apr
75  * @{
76  */
77 /** The fundamental pool type */
78 /* see switch types.h 	typedef struct apr_pool_t switch_memory_pool_t;*/
79 /**
80  * Clear all memory in the pool and run all the cleanups. This also destroys all
81  * subpools.
82  * @param pool The pool to clear
83  * @remark This does not actually free the memory, it just allows the pool
84  *         to re-use this memory for the next allocation.
85  * @see apr_pool_destroy()
86  */
87 SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_pool_clear(switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
89 /** @} */
91 /**
92  * @defgroup switch_string String Handling funcions
93  * @ingroup switch_apr
94  * @{
95  */
97 SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_snprintf(_Out_z_cap_(len)
98 									char *buf, _In_ switch_size_t len, _In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ const char *format, ...);
100 SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_vasprintf(_Out_opt_ char **buf, _In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ const char *format, _In_ va_list ap);
102 SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_vsnprintf(char *buf, switch_size_t len, const char *format, va_list ap);
104 SWITCH_DECLARE(char *) switch_copy_string(_Out_z_cap_(dst_size)
105 										  char *dst, _In_z_ const char *src, _In_ switch_size_t dst_size);
107 /** @} */
109 #if 0
110 /**
111  * @defgroup apr_hash Hash Tables
112  * @ingroup switch_apr
113  * @{
114  */
116 /** Abstract type for hash tables. */
117 	 typedef struct apr_hash_t switch_hash_t;
119 /** Abstract type for scanning hash tables. */
120 	 typedef struct apr_hash_index_t switch_hash_index_t;
122 /**
123  * When passing a key to switch_hashfunc_default, this value can be
124  * passed to indicate a string-valued key, and have the length compute automatically.
125  *
126  */
127 #define SWITCH_HASH_KEY_STRING     (-1)
129 /**
130  * Start iterating over the entries in a hash table.
131  * @param p The pool to allocate the switch_hash_index_t iterator. If this
132  *          pool is NULL, then an internal, non-thread-safe iterator is used.
133  * @param ht The hash table
134  * @remark  There is no restriction on adding or deleting hash entries during
135  * an iteration (although the results may be unpredictable unless all you do
136  * is delete the current entry) and multiple iterations can be in
137  * progress at the same time.
139  */
140 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_hash_index_t *) switch_core_hash_first(switch_memory_pool_t *pool, switch_hash_t *ht);
142 /**
143  * Continue iterating over the entries in a hash table.
144  * @param ht The iteration state
145  * @return a pointer to the updated iteration state.  NULL if there are no more
146  *         entries.
147  */
148 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_hash_index_t *) switch_core_hash_next(switch_hash_index_t *ht);
150 /**
151  * Get the current entry's details from the iteration state.
152  * @param hi The iteration state
153  * @param key Return pointer for the pointer to the key.
154  * @param klen Return pointer for the key length.
155  * @param val Return pointer for the associated value.
156  * @remark The return pointers should point to a variable that will be set to the
157  *         corresponding data, or they may be NULL if the data isn't interesting.
158  */
159 SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_core_hash_this(switch_hash_index_t *hi, const void **key, switch_ssize_t *klen, void **val);
163 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_memory_pool_t *) switch_hash_pool_get(switch_hash_t *ht);
165 /** @} */
168 #endif
170 /**
171  * The default hash function.
172  * @param key pointer to the key.
173  * @param klen the key length.
174  *
175  */
176 SWITCH_DECLARE(unsigned int) switch_hashfunc_default(const char *key, switch_ssize_t *klen);
178 SWITCH_DECLARE(unsigned int) switch_ci_hashfunc_default(const char *char_key, switch_ssize_t *klen);
181  /**
182  * @defgroup switch_time Time Routines
183  * @ingroup switch_apr
184  * @{
185  */
187  /** number of microseconds since 00:00:00 january 1, 1970 UTC */
188 	 typedef int64_t switch_time_t;
190  /** number of microseconds in the interval */
191 	 typedef int64_t switch_interval_time_t;
193 /**
194  * a structure similar to ANSI struct tm with the following differences:
195  *  - tm_usec isn't an ANSI field
196  *  - tm_gmtoff isn't an ANSI field (it's a bsdism)
197  */
198 	 typedef struct switch_time_exp_t {
199 	/** microseconds past tm_sec */
200 		 int32_t tm_usec;
201 	/** (0-61) seconds past tm_min */
202 		 int32_t tm_sec;
203 	/** (0-59) minutes past tm_hour */
204 		 int32_t tm_min;
205 	/** (0-23) hours past midnight */
206 		 int32_t tm_hour;
207 	/** (1-31) day of the month */
208 		 int32_t tm_mday;
209 	/** (0-11) month of the year */
210 		 int32_t tm_mon;
211 	/** year since 1900 */
212 		 int32_t tm_year;
213 	/** (0-6) days since sunday */
214 		 int32_t tm_wday;
215 	/** (0-365) days since jan 1 */
216 		 int32_t tm_yday;
217 	/** daylight saving time */
218 		 int32_t tm_isdst;
219 	/** seconds east of UTC */
220 		 int32_t tm_gmtoff;
221 	 } switch_time_exp_t;
223 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_time_t) switch_time_make(switch_time_t sec, int32_t usec);
225 /**
226  * @return the current time
227  */
228 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_time_t) switch_time_now(void);
230 /**
231  * Convert time value from human readable format to a numeric apr_time_t that
232  * always represents GMT
233  * @param result the resulting imploded time
234  * @param input the input exploded time
235  */
236 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_time_exp_gmt_get(switch_time_t *result, switch_time_exp_t *input);
238 /**
239  * formats the exploded time according to the format specified
240  * @param s string to write to
241  * @param retsize The length of the returned string
242  * @param max The maximum length of the string
243  * @param format The format for the time string
244  * @param tm The time to convert
245  */
246 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_strftime(char *s, switch_size_t *retsize, switch_size_t max, const char *format, switch_time_exp_t *tm);
248 /**
249  * formats the exploded time according to the format specified (does not validate format string)
250  * @param s string to write to
251  * @param retsize The length of the returned string
252  * @param max The maximum length of the string
253  * @param format The format for the time string
254  * @param tm The time to convert
255  */
256 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_strftime_nocheck(char *s, switch_size_t *retsize, switch_size_t max, const char *format, switch_time_exp_t *tm);
258 /**
259  * switch_rfc822_date formats dates in the RFC822
260  * format in an efficient manner.  It is a fixed length
261  * format which requires the indicated amount of storage,
262  * including the trailing NUL terminator.
263  * @param date_str String to write to.
264  * @param t the time to convert
265  */
266 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_rfc822_date(char *date_str, switch_time_t t);
268 /**
269  * convert a time to its human readable components in GMT timezone
270  * @param result the exploded time
271  * @param input the time to explode
272  */
273 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_time_exp_gmt(switch_time_exp_t *result, switch_time_t input);
275 /**
276  * Convert time value from human readable format to a numeric apr_time_t
277  * e.g. elapsed usec since epoch
278  * @param result the resulting imploded time
279  * @param input the input exploded time
280  */
281 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_time_exp_get(switch_time_t *result, switch_time_exp_t *input);
283 /**
284  * convert a time to its human readable components in local timezone
285  * @param result the exploded time
286  * @param input the time to explode
287  */
288 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_time_exp_lt(switch_time_exp_t *result, switch_time_t input);
290 /**
291  * convert a time to its human readable components in a specific timezone with offset
292  * @param result the exploded time
293  * @param input the time to explode
294  */
295 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_time_exp_tz(switch_time_exp_t *result, switch_time_t input, switch_int32_t offs);
297 /**
298  * Sleep for the specified number of micro-seconds.
299  * @param t desired amount of time to sleep.
300  * @warning May sleep for longer than the specified time.
301  */
302 SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_sleep(switch_interval_time_t t);
303 SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_micro_sleep(switch_interval_time_t t);
305 /** @} */
307 /**
308  * @defgroup switch_thread_mutex Thread Mutex Routines
309  * @ingroup switch_apr
310  * @{
311  */
313 /** Opaque thread-local mutex structure */
314 	 typedef struct apr_thread_mutex_t switch_mutex_t;
316 /** Lock Flags */
317 #define SWITCH_MUTEX_DEFAULT	0x0	/**< platform-optimal lock behavior */
318 #define SWITCH_MUTEX_NESTED		0x1	/**< enable nested (recursive) locks */
319 #define	SWITCH_MUTEX_UNNESTED	0x2	/**< disable nested locks */
321 /**
322  * Create and initialize a mutex that can be used to synchronize threads.
323  * @param lock the memory address where the newly created mutex will be
324  *        stored.
325  * @param flags Or'ed value of:
326  * <PRE>
327  *           SWITCH_THREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT   platform-optimal lock behavior.
328  *           SWITCH_THREAD_MUTEX_NESTED    enable nested (recursive) locks.
329  *           SWITCH_THREAD_MUTEX_UNNESTED  disable nested locks (non-recursive).
330  * </PRE>
331  * @param pool the pool from which to allocate the mutex.
332  * @warning Be cautious in using SWITCH_THREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT.  While this is the
333  * most optimial mutex based on a given platform's performance charateristics,
334  * it will behave as either a nested or an unnested lock.
335  *
336 */
337 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_mutex_init(switch_mutex_t ** lock, unsigned int flags, switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
340 /**
341  * Destroy the mutex and free the memory associated with the lock.
342  * @param lock the mutex to destroy.
343  */
344 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_mutex_destroy(switch_mutex_t *lock);
346 /**
347  * Acquire the lock for the given mutex. If the mutex is already locked,
348  * the current thread will be put to sleep until the lock becomes available.
349  * @param lock the mutex on which to acquire the lock.
350  */
351 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_mutex_lock(switch_mutex_t *lock);
353 /**
354  * Release the lock for the given mutex.
355  * @param lock the mutex from which to release the lock.
356  */
357 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_mutex_unlock(switch_mutex_t *lock);
359 /**
360  * Attempt to acquire the lock for the given mutex. If the mutex has already
361  * been acquired, the call returns immediately with APR_EBUSY. Note: it
362  * is important that the APR_STATUS_IS_EBUSY(s) macro be used to determine
363  * if the return value was APR_EBUSY, for portability reasons.
364  * @param lock the mutex on which to attempt the lock acquiring.
365  */
366 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_mutex_trylock(switch_mutex_t *lock);
368 /** @} */
370 /**
371  * @defgroup switch_atomic Multi-Threaded Adtomic Operations Routines
372  * @ingroup switch_apr
373  * @{
374  */
376 /** Opaque type used for the atomic operations */
377 #ifdef apr_atomic_t
378     typedef apr_atomic_t switch_atomic_t;
379 #else
380     typedef uint32_t switch_atomic_t;
381 #endif
383 /**
384  * Some architectures require atomic operations internal structures to be
385  * initialized before use.
386  * @param pool The memory pool to use when initializing the structures.
387  */
388 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_atomic_init(switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
390 /**
391  * Uses an atomic operation to read the uint32 value at the location specified
392  * by mem.
393  * @param mem The location of memory which stores the value to read.
394  */
395 SWITCH_DECLARE(uint32_t) switch_atomic_read(volatile switch_atomic_t *mem);
397 /**
398  * Uses an atomic operation to set a uint32 value at a specified location of
399  * memory.
400  * @param mem The location of memory to set.
401  * @param val The uint32 value to set at the memory location.
402  */
403 SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_atomic_set(volatile switch_atomic_t *mem, uint32_t val);
405 /**
406  * Uses an atomic operation to add the uint32 value to the value at the
407  * specified location of memory.
408  * @param mem The location of the value to add to.
409  * @param val The uint32 value to add to the value at the memory location.
410  */
411 SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_atomic_add(volatile switch_atomic_t *mem, uint32_t val);
413 /**
414  * Uses an atomic operation to increment the value at the specified memroy
415  * location.
416  * @param mem The location of the value to increment.
417  */
418 SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_atomic_inc(volatile switch_atomic_t *mem);
420 /**
421  * Uses an atomic operation to decrement the value at the specified memroy
422  * location.
423  * @param mem The location of the value to decrement.
424  */
425 SWITCH_DECLARE(int)  switch_atomic_dec(volatile switch_atomic_t *mem);
427 /** @} */
429 /**
430  * @defgroup switch_thread_rwlock Thread Read/Write lock Routines
431  * @ingroup switch_apr
432  * @{
433  */
435 /** Opaque structure used for the rwlock */
436 	 typedef struct apr_thread_rwlock_t switch_thread_rwlock_t;
438 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_thread_rwlock_create(switch_thread_rwlock_t ** rwlock, switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
439 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_thread_rwlock_destroy(switch_thread_rwlock_t *rwlock);
440 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_memory_pool_t *) switch_thread_rwlock_pool_get(switch_thread_rwlock_t *rwlock);
441 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_thread_rwlock_rdlock(switch_thread_rwlock_t *rwlock);
442 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_thread_rwlock_tryrdlock(switch_thread_rwlock_t *rwlock);
443 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_thread_rwlock_wrlock(switch_thread_rwlock_t *rwlock);
444 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_thread_rwlock_trywrlock(switch_thread_rwlock_t *rwlock);
445 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_thread_rwlock_trywrlock_timeout(switch_thread_rwlock_t *rwlock, int timeout);
446 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_thread_rwlock_unlock(switch_thread_rwlock_t *rwlock);
448 /** @} */
450 /**
451  * @defgroup switch_thread_cond Condition Variable Routines
452  * @ingroup switch_apr
453  * @{
454  */
456 /**
457  * Note: destroying a condition variable (or likewise, destroying or
458  * clearing the pool from which a condition variable was allocated) if
459  * any threads are blocked waiting on it gives undefined results.
460  */
462 /** Opaque structure for thread condition variables */
463 	 typedef struct apr_thread_cond_t switch_thread_cond_t;
465 /**
466  * Create and initialize a condition variable that can be used to signal
467  * and schedule threads in a single process.
468  * @param cond the memory address where the newly created condition variable
469  *        will be stored.
470  * @param pool the pool from which to allocate the mutex.
471  */
472 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_thread_cond_create(switch_thread_cond_t ** cond, switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
474 /**
475  * Put the active calling thread to sleep until signaled to wake up. Each
476  * condition variable must be associated with a mutex, and that mutex must
477  * be locked before  calling this function, or the behavior will be
478  * undefined. As the calling thread is put to sleep, the given mutex
479  * will be simultaneously released; and as this thread wakes up the lock
480  * is again simultaneously acquired.
481  * @param cond the condition variable on which to block.
482  * @param mutex the mutex that must be locked upon entering this function,
483  *        is released while the thread is asleep, and is again acquired before
484  *        returning from this function.
485  */
486 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_thread_cond_wait(switch_thread_cond_t *cond, switch_mutex_t *mutex);
488 /**
489  * Put the active calling thread to sleep until signaled to wake up or
490  * the timeout is reached. Each condition variable must be associated
491  * with a mutex, and that mutex must be locked before calling this
492  * function, or the behavior will be undefined. As the calling thread
493  * is put to sleep, the given mutex will be simultaneously released;
494  * and as this thread wakes up the lock is again simultaneously acquired.
495  * @param cond the condition variable on which to block.
496  * @param mutex the mutex that must be locked upon entering this function,
497  *        is released while the thread is asleep, and is again acquired before
498  *        returning from this function.
499  * @param timeout The amount of time in microseconds to wait. This is
500  *        a maximum, not a minimum. If the condition is signaled, we
501  *        will wake up before this time, otherwise the error APR_TIMEUP
502  *        is returned.
503  */
504 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_thread_cond_timedwait(switch_thread_cond_t *cond, switch_mutex_t *mutex, switch_interval_time_t timeout);
506 /**
507  * Signals a single thread, if one exists, that is blocking on the given
508  * condition variable. That thread is then scheduled to wake up and acquire
509  * the associated mutex. Although it is not required, if predictable scheduling
510  * is desired, that mutex must be locked while calling this function.
511  * @param cond the condition variable on which to produce the signal.
512  */
513 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_thread_cond_signal(switch_thread_cond_t *cond);
515 /**
516  * Signals all threads blocking on the given condition variable.
517  * Each thread that was signaled is then scheduled to wake up and acquire
518  * the associated mutex. This will happen in a serialized manner.
519  * @param cond the condition variable on which to produce the broadcast.
520  */
521 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_thread_cond_broadcast(switch_thread_cond_t *cond);
523 /**
524  * Destroy the condition variable and free the associated memory.
525  * @param cond the condition variable to destroy.
526  */
527 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_thread_cond_destroy(switch_thread_cond_t *cond);
529 /** @} */
531 /**
532  * @defgroup switch_UUID UUID Handling
533  * @ingroup switch_apr
534  * @{
535  */
537 /** we represent a UUID as a block of 16 bytes. */
539 	 typedef struct {
540 		 unsigned char data[16];
541 							/**< the actual UUID */
542 	 } switch_uuid_t;
544 /** UUIDs are formatted as: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF */
547 #define SWITCH_MD5_DIGESTSIZE 16
550 /**
551  * Format a UUID into a string, following the standard format
552  * @param buffer The buffer to place the formatted UUID string into. It must
553  *               be at least APR_UUID_FORMATTED_LENGTH + 1 bytes long to hold
554  *               the formatted UUID and a null terminator
555  * @param uuid The UUID to format
556  */
557 SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_uuid_format(char *buffer, const switch_uuid_t *uuid);
559 /**
560  * Generate and return a (new) UUID
561  * @param uuid The resulting UUID
562  */
563 SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_uuid_get(switch_uuid_t *uuid);
565 /**
566  * Parse a standard-format string into a UUID
567  * @param uuid The resulting UUID
568  * @param uuid_str The formatted UUID
569  */
570 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_uuid_parse(switch_uuid_t *uuid, const char *uuid_str);
572 /**
573  * MD5 in one step
574  * @param digest The final MD5 digest
575  * @param input The message block to use
576  * @param inputLen The length of the message block
577  */
578 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_md5(unsigned char digest[SWITCH_MD5_DIGESTSIZE], const void *input, switch_size_t inputLen);
579 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_md5_string(char digest_str[SWITCH_MD5_DIGEST_STRING_SIZE], const void *input, switch_size_t inputLen);
581 /** @} */
583 /**
584  * @defgroup switch_FIFO Thread Safe FIFO bounded queue
585  * @ingroup switch_apr
586  * @{
587  */
589 /** Opaque structure used for queue API */
590 	 typedef struct apr_queue_t switch_queue_t;
592 /**
593  * create a FIFO queue
594  * @param queue The new queue
595  * @param queue_capacity maximum size of the queue
596  * @param pool a pool to allocate queue from
597  */
598 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_queue_create(switch_queue_t ** queue, unsigned int queue_capacity, switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
600 /**
601  * pop/get an object from the queue, blocking if the queue is already empty
602  *
603  * @param queue the queue
604  * @param data the data
605  * @returns APR_EINTR the blocking was interrupted (try again)
606  * @returns APR_EOF if the queue has been terminated
607  * @returns APR_SUCCESS on a successfull pop
608  */
609 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_queue_pop(switch_queue_t *queue, void **data);
611 /**
612  * pop/get an object from the queue, blocking if the queue is already empty
613  *
614  * @param queue the queue
615  * @param data the data
616  * @param timeout The amount of time in microseconds to wait. This is
617  *        a maximum, not a minimum. If the condition is signaled, we
618  *        will wake up before this time, otherwise the error APR_TIMEUP
619  *        is returned.
620  * @returns APR_TIMEUP the request timed out
621  * @returns APR_EINTR the blocking was interrupted (try again)
622  * @returns APR_EOF if the queue has been terminated
623  * @returns APR_SUCCESS on a successfull pop
624  */
625 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_queue_pop_timeout(switch_queue_t *queue, void **data, switch_interval_time_t timeout);
627 /**
628  * push/add a object to the queue, blocking if the queue is already full
629  *
630  * @param queue the queue
631  * @param data the data
632  * @returns APR_EINTR the blocking was interrupted (try again)
633  * @returns APR_EOF the queue has been terminated
634  * @returns APR_SUCCESS on a successfull push
635  */
636 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_queue_push(switch_queue_t *queue, void *data);
638 /**
639  * returns the size of the queue.
640  *
641  * @warning this is not threadsafe, and is intended for reporting/monitoring
642  * of the queue.
643  * @param queue the queue
644  * @returns the size of the queue
645  */
646 SWITCH_DECLARE(unsigned int) switch_queue_size(switch_queue_t *queue);
648 /**
649  * pop/get an object to the queue, returning immediatly if the queue is empty
650  *
651  * @param queue the queue
652  * @param data the data
653  * @returns APR_EINTR the blocking operation was interrupted (try again)
654  * @returns APR_EAGAIN the queue is empty
655  * @returns APR_EOF the queue has been terminated
656  * @returns APR_SUCCESS on a successfull push
657  */
658 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_queue_trypop(switch_queue_t *queue, void **data);
660 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_queue_interrupt_all(switch_queue_t *queue);
662 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_queue_term(switch_queue_t *queue);
664 /**
665  * push/add a object to the queue, returning immediatly if the queue is full
666  *
667  * @param queue the queue
668  * @param data the data
669  * @returns APR_EINTR the blocking operation was interrupted (try again)
670  * @returns APR_EAGAIN the queue is full
671  * @returns APR_EOF the queue has been terminated
672  * @returns APR_SUCCESS on a successfull push
673  */
674 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_queue_trypush(switch_queue_t *queue, void *data);
676 /** @} */
678 /**
679  * @defgroup switch_file_io File I/O Handling Functions
680  * @ingroup switch_apr
681  * @{
682  */
684 /** Structure for referencing files. */
685 	 typedef struct apr_file_t switch_file_t;
687 	 typedef int32_t switch_fileperms_t;
688 	 typedef int switch_seek_where_t;
690 	 /**
691  * @defgroup apr_file_seek_flags File Seek Flags
692  * @{
693  */
695 /* flags for apr_file_seek */
696 /** Set the file position */
698 /** Current */
700 /** Go to end of file */
702 /** @} */
705 /**
706  * @defgroup switch_file_permissions File Permissions flags
707  * @ingroup switch_file_io
708  * @{
709  */
711 #define SWITCH_FPROT_USETID 0x8000			/**< Set user id */
712 #define SWITCH_FPROT_UREAD 0x0400			/**< Read by user */
713 #define SWITCH_FPROT_UWRITE 0x0200			/**< Write by user */
714 #define SWITCH_FPROT_UEXECUTE 0x0100		/**< Execute by user */
716 #define SWITCH_FPROT_GSETID 0x4000			/**< Set group id */
717 #define SWITCH_FPROT_GREAD 0x0040			/**< Read by group */
718 #define SWITCH_FPROT_GWRITE 0x0020			/**< Write by group */
719 #define SWITCH_FPROT_GEXECUTE 0x0010		/**< Execute by group */
721 #define SWITCH_FPROT_WSTICKY 0x2000
722 #define SWITCH_FPROT_WREAD 0x0004			/**< Read by others */
723 #define SWITCH_FPROT_WWRITE 0x0002			/**< Write by others */
724 #define SWITCH_FPROT_WEXECUTE 0x0001		/**< Execute by others */
726 #define SWITCH_FPROT_OS_DEFAULT 0x0FFF		/**< use OS's default permissions */
728 /* additional permission flags for apr_file_copy  and apr_file_append */
729 #define SWITCH_FPROT_FILE_SOURCE_PERMS 0x1000	/**< Copy source file's permissions */
730 /** @} */
732 /* File lock types/flags */
733 /**
734  * @defgroup switch_file_lock_types File Lock Types
735  * @{
736  */
738 #define SWITCH_FLOCK_SHARED        1	   /**< Shared lock. More than one process
739                                            or thread can hold a shared lock
740                                            at any given time. Essentially,
741                                            this is a "read lock", preventing
742                                            writers from establishing an
743                                            exclusive lock. */
744 #define SWITCH_FLOCK_EXCLUSIVE     2	   /**< Exclusive lock. Only one process
745                                            may hold an exclusive lock at any
746                                            given time. This is analogous to
747                                            a "write lock". */
749 #define SWITCH_FLOCK_TYPEMASK      0x000F  /**< mask to extract lock type */
750 #define SWITCH_FLOCK_NONBLOCK      0x0010  /**< do not block while acquiring the
751                                            file lock */
753  /** @} */
755 /**
756  * @defgroup switch_file_open_flags File Open Flags/Routines
757  * @ingroup switch_file_io
758  * @{
759  */
760 #define SWITCH_FOPEN_READ				0x00001		/**< Open the file for reading */
761 #define SWITCH_FOPEN_WRITE				0x00002		/**< Open the file for writing */
762 #define SWITCH_FOPEN_CREATE				0x00004		/**< Create the file if not there */
763 #define SWITCH_FOPEN_APPEND				0x00008		/**< Append to the end of the file */
764 #define SWITCH_FOPEN_TRUNCATE			0x00010		/**< Open the file and truncate to 0 length */
765 #define SWITCH_FOPEN_BINARY				0x00020		/**< Open the file in binary mode */
766 #define SWITCH_FOPEN_EXCL				0x00040		/**< Open should fail if APR_CREATE and file exists. */
767 #define SWITCH_FOPEN_BUFFERED			0x00080		/**< Open the file for buffered I/O */
768 #define SWITCH_FOPEN_DELONCLOSE			0x00100		/**< Delete the file after close */
769 #define SWITCH_FOPEN_XTHREAD			0x00200		/**< Platform dependent tag to open the file for use across multiple threads */
770 #define SWITCH_FOPEN_SHARELOCK			0x00400		/**< Platform dependent support for higher level locked read/write access to support writes across process/machines */
771 #define SWITCH_FOPEN_NOCLEANUP			0x00800		/**< Do not register a cleanup when the file is opened */
772 #define SWITCH_FOPEN_SENDFILE_ENABLED	0x01000		/**< Advisory flag that this file should support apr_socket_sendfile operation */
773 #define SWITCH_FOPEN_LARGEFILE			0x04000		/**< Platform dependent flag to enable large file support */
774 /** @} */
776 /**
777  * Open the specified file.
778  * @param newf The opened file descriptor.
779  * @param fname The full path to the file (using / on all systems)
780  * @param flag Or'ed value of:
781  * <PRE>
782  *         SWITCH_FOPEN_READ				open for reading
783  *         SWITCH_FOPEN_WRITE				open for writing
784  *         SWITCH_FOPEN_CREATE				create the file if not there
785  *         SWITCH_FOPEN_APPEND				file ptr is set to end prior to all writes
786  *         SWITCH_FOPEN_TRUNCATE			set length to zero if file exists
787  *         SWITCH_FOPEN_BINARY				not a text file (This flag is ignored on
788  *											UNIX because it has no meaning)
789  *         SWITCH_FOPEN_BUFFERED			buffer the data.  Default is non-buffered
790  *         SWITCH_FOPEN_EXCL				return error if APR_CREATE and file exists
791  *         SWITCH_FOPEN_DELONCLOSE			delete the file after closing.
792  *         SWITCH_FOPEN_XTHREAD				Platform dependent tag to open the file
793  *											for use across multiple threads
794  *         SWITCH_FOPEN_SHARELOCK			Platform dependent support for higher
795  *											level locked read/write access to support
796  *											writes across process/machines
797  *         SWITCH_FOPEN_NOCLEANUP			Do not register a cleanup with the pool
798  *											passed in on the <EM>pool</EM> argument (see below).
799  *											The apr_os_file_t handle in apr_file_t will not
800  *											be closed when the pool is destroyed.
801  *         SWITCH_FOPEN_SENDFILE_ENABLED	Open with appropriate platform semantics
802  *											for sendfile operations.  Advisory only,
803  *											apr_socket_sendfile does not check this flag.
804  * </PRE>
805  * @param perm Access permissions for file.
806  * @param pool The pool to use.
807  * @remark If perm is SWITCH_FPROT_OS_DEFAULT and the file is being created,
808  * appropriate default permissions will be used.
809  */
810 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_file_open(switch_file_t ** newf, const char *fname, int32_t flag, switch_fileperms_t perm,
811 												 switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
814 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_file_seek(switch_file_t *thefile, switch_seek_where_t where, int64_t *offset);
817 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_file_copy(const char *from_path, const char *to_path, switch_fileperms_t perms, switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
819 /**
820  * Close the specified file.
821  * @param thefile The file descriptor to close.
822  */
823 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_file_close(switch_file_t *thefile);
825 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_file_trunc(switch_file_t *thefile, int64_t offset);
827 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_file_lock(switch_file_t *thefile, int type);
829 /**
830  * Delete the specified file.
831  * @param path The full path to the file (using / on all systems)
832  * @param pool The pool to use.
833  * @remark If the file is open, it won't be removed until all
834  * instances are closed.
835  */
836 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_file_remove(const char *path, switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
838 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_file_rename(const char *from_path, const char *to_path, switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
840 /**
841  * Read data from the specified file.
842  * @param thefile The file descriptor to read from.
843  * @param buf The buffer to store the data to.
844  * @param nbytes On entry, the number of bytes to read; on exit, the number
845  * of bytes read.
846  *
847  * @remark apr_file_read will read up to the specified number of
848  * bytes, but never more.  If there isn't enough data to fill that
849  * number of bytes, all of the available data is read.  The third
850  * argument is modified to reflect the number of bytes read.  If a
851  * char was put back into the stream via ungetc, it will be the first
852  * character returned.
853  *
854  * @remark It is not possible for both bytes to be read and an APR_EOF
855  * or other error to be returned.  APR_EINTR is never returned.
856  */
857 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_file_read(switch_file_t *thefile, void *buf, switch_size_t *nbytes);
859 /**
860  * Write data to the specified file.
861  * @param thefile The file descriptor to write to.
862  * @param buf The buffer which contains the data.
863  * @param nbytes On entry, the number of bytes to write; on exit, the number
864  *               of bytes written.
865  *
866  * @remark apr_file_write will write up to the specified number of
867  * bytes, but never more.  If the OS cannot write that many bytes, it
868  * will write as many as it can.  The third argument is modified to
869  * reflect the * number of bytes written.
870  *
871  * @remark It is possible for both bytes to be written and an error to
872  * be returned.  APR_EINTR is never returned.
873  */
874 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_file_write(switch_file_t *thefile, const void *buf, switch_size_t *nbytes);
875 SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_file_printf(switch_file_t *thefile, const char *format, ...);
877 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_file_mktemp(switch_file_t ** thefile, char *templ, int32_t flags, switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
879 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_size_t) switch_file_get_size(switch_file_t *thefile);
881 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_file_exists(const char *filename, switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
883 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_directory_exists(const char *dirname, switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
885 /**
886 * Create a new directory on the file system.
887 * @param path the path for the directory to be created. (use / on all systems)
888 * @param perm Permissions for the new direcoty.
889 * @param pool the pool to use.
890 */
891 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_dir_make(const char *path, switch_fileperms_t perm, switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
893 /** Creates a new directory on the file system, but behaves like
894 * 'mkdir -p'. Creates intermediate directories as required. No error
895 * will be reported if PATH already exists.
896 * @param path the path for the directory to be created. (use / on all systems)
897 * @param perm Permissions for the new direcoty.
898 * @param pool the pool to use.
899 */
900 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_dir_make_recursive(const char *path, switch_fileperms_t perm, switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
902 	 typedef struct switch_dir switch_dir_t;
904 	 struct switch_array_header_t {
905 	/** The pool the array is allocated out of */
906 		 switch_memory_pool_t *pool;
907 	/** The amount of memory allocated for each element of the array */
908 		 int elt_size;
909 	/** The number of active elements in the array */
910 		 int nelts;
911 	/** The number of elements allocated in the array */
912 		 int nalloc;
913 	/** The elements in the array */
914 		 char *elts;
915 	 };
916 	 typedef struct switch_array_header_t switch_array_header_t;
918 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_dir_open(switch_dir_t ** new_dir, const char *dirname, switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
919 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_dir_close(switch_dir_t *thedir);
920 SWITCH_DECLARE(const char *) switch_dir_next_file(switch_dir_t *thedir, char *buf, switch_size_t len);
921 SWITCH_DECLARE(uint32_t) switch_dir_count(switch_dir_t *thedir);
923 /** @} */
925 /**
926  * @defgroup switch_thread_proc Threads and Process Functions
927  * @ingroup switch_apr
928  * @{
929  */
931 /** Opaque Thread structure. */
932 	 typedef struct apr_thread_t switch_thread_t;
934 /** Opaque Thread attributes structure. */
935 	 typedef struct apr_threadattr_t switch_threadattr_t;
937 /**
938  * The prototype for any APR thread worker functions.
939  * typedef void *(SWITCH_THREAD_FUNC *switch_thread_start_t)(switch_thread_t*, void*);
940  */
941 	 typedef void *(SWITCH_THREAD_FUNC * switch_thread_start_t) (switch_thread_t *, void *);
943 //APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_threadattr_stacksize_set(apr_threadattr_t *attr, switch_size_t stacksize)
944 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_threadattr_stacksize_set(switch_threadattr_t *attr, switch_size_t stacksize);
946 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_threadattr_priority_set(switch_threadattr_t *attr, switch_thread_priority_t priority);
949 /**
950  * Create and initialize a new threadattr variable
951  * @param new_attr The newly created threadattr.
952  * @param pool The pool to use
953  */
954 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_threadattr_create(switch_threadattr_t ** new_attr, switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
956 /**
957  * Set if newly created threads should be created in detached state.
958  * @param attr The threadattr to affect
959  * @param on Non-zero if detached threads should be created.
960  */
961 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_threadattr_detach_set(switch_threadattr_t *attr, int32_t on);
963 /**
964  * Create a new thread of execution
965  * @param new_thread The newly created thread handle.
966  * @param attr The threadattr to use to determine how to create the thread
967  * @param func The function to start the new thread in
968  * @param data Any data to be passed to the starting function
969  * @param cont The pool to use
970  */
971 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_thread_create(switch_thread_t ** new_thread, switch_threadattr_t *attr,
972 													 switch_thread_start_t func, void *data, switch_memory_pool_t *cont);
974 /** @} */
976 /**
977  * @defgroup switch_network_io Network Routines
978  * @ingroup switch_apr
979  * @{
980  */
982 #define SWITCH_SO_LINGER 1
984 #define SWITCH_SO_DEBUG 4
985 #define SWITCH_SO_NONBLOCK 8
986 #define SWITCH_SO_REUSEADDR 16
987 #define SWITCH_SO_SNDBUF 64
988 #define SWITCH_SO_RCVBUF 128
990 #define SWITCH_SO_TCP_NODELAY 512
991 #define SWITCH_SO_TCP_KEEPIDLE 520
995  /**
996  * @def SWITCH_INET
997  * Not all platforms have these defined, so we'll define them here
998  * The default values come from FreeBSD 4.1.1
999  */
1000 #define SWITCH_INET     AF_INET
1001 #ifdef AF_INET6
1002 #define SWITCH_INET6    AF_INET6
1003 #else
1004 #define SWITCH_INET6 0
1005 #endif
1007 /** @def SWITCH_UNSPEC
1008  * Let the system decide which address family to use
1009  */
1010 #ifdef AF_UNSPEC
1012 #else
1013 #define SWITCH_UNSPEC   0
1014 #endif
1016 /** A structure to represent sockets */
1017 	 typedef struct apr_socket_t switch_socket_t;
1019 /** Freeswitch's socket address type, used to ensure protocol independence */
1020 	 typedef struct apr_sockaddr_t switch_sockaddr_t;
1022 	 typedef enum {
1023 		 SWITCH_SHUTDOWN_READ,	   /**< no longer allow read request */
1024 		 SWITCH_SHUTDOWN_WRITE,	   /**< no longer allow write requests */
1025 		 SWITCH_SHUTDOWN_READWRITE /**< no longer allow read or write requests */
1026 	 } switch_shutdown_how_e;
1028 /**
1029  * @defgroup IP_Proto IP Protocol Definitions for use when creating sockets
1030  * @{
1031  */
1032 #define SWITCH_PROTO_TCP       6   /**< TCP  */
1033 #define SWITCH_PROTO_UDP      17   /**< UDP  */
1034 #define SWITCH_PROTO_SCTP    132   /**< SCTP */
1035 /** @} */
1037 /* function definitions */
1039 /**
1040  * Create a socket.
1041  * @param new_sock The new socket that has been set up.
1042  * @param family The address family of the socket (e.g., SWITCH_INET).
1043  * @param type The type of the socket (e.g., SOCK_STREAM).
1044  * @param protocol The protocol of the socket (e.g., SWITCH_PROTO_TCP).
1045  * @param pool The pool to use
1046  */
1047 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_socket_create(switch_socket_t ** new_sock, int family, int type, int protocol, switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
1049 /**
1050  * Shutdown either reading, writing, or both sides of a socket.
1051  * @param sock The socket to close
1052  * @param how How to shutdown the socket.  One of:
1053  * <PRE>
1054  *            SWITCH_SHUTDOWN_READ         no longer allow read requests
1055  *            SWITCH_SHUTDOWN_WRITE        no longer allow write requests
1056  *            SWITCH_SHUTDOWN_READWRITE    no longer allow read or write requests
1057  * </PRE>
1058  * @see switch_shutdown_how_e
1059  * @remark This does not actually close the socket descriptor, it just
1060  *      controls which calls are still valid on the socket.
1061  */
1062 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_socket_shutdown(switch_socket_t *sock, switch_shutdown_how_e how);
1064 /**
1065  * Close a socket.
1066  * @param sock The socket to close
1067  */
1068 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_socket_close(switch_socket_t *sock);
1070 /**
1071  * Bind the socket to its associated port
1072  * @param sock The socket to bind
1073  * @param sa The socket address to bind to
1074  * @remark This may be where we will find out if there is any other process
1075  *      using the selected port.
1076  */
1077 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_socket_bind(switch_socket_t *sock, switch_sockaddr_t *sa);
1079 /**
1080  * Listen to a bound socket for connections.
1081  * @param sock The socket to listen on
1082  * @param backlog The number of outstanding connections allowed in the sockets
1083  *                listen queue.  If this value is less than zero, the listen
1084  *                queue size is set to zero.
1085  */
1086 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_socket_listen(switch_socket_t *sock, int32_t backlog);
1088 /**
1089  * Accept a new connection request
1090  * @param new_sock A copy of the socket that is connected to the socket that
1091  *                 made the connection request.  This is the socket which should
1092  *                 be used for all future communication.
1093  * @param sock The socket we are listening on.
1094  * @param pool The pool for the new socket.
1095  */
1096 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_socket_accept(switch_socket_t ** new_sock, switch_socket_t *sock, switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
1098 /**
1099  * Issue a connection request to a socket either on the same machine
1100  * or a different one.
1101  * @param sock The socket we wish to use for our side of the connection
1102  * @param sa The address of the machine we wish to connect to.
1103  */
1104 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_socket_connect(switch_socket_t *sock, switch_sockaddr_t *sa);
1106 /**
1107  * Get socket fd for the switch socket passed
1108  * @param sock The socket we wish to have fd
1109  */
1110 SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_socket_fd_get(switch_socket_t *sock);
1112 SWITCH_DECLARE(uint16_t) switch_sockaddr_get_port(switch_sockaddr_t *sa);
1113 SWITCH_DECLARE(const char *) switch_get_addr(char *buf, switch_size_t len, switch_sockaddr_t *in);
1114 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_getnameinfo(char **hostname, switch_sockaddr_t *sa, int32_t flags);
1115 SWITCH_DECLARE(int32_t) switch_sockaddr_get_family(switch_sockaddr_t *sa);
1116 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_sockaddr_ip_get(char **addr, switch_sockaddr_t *sa);
1117 SWITCH_DECLARE(int) switch_sockaddr_equal(const switch_sockaddr_t *sa1, const switch_sockaddr_t *sa2);
1120 /**
1121  * Create apr_sockaddr_t from hostname, address family, and port.
1122  * @param sa The new apr_sockaddr_t.
1123  * @param hostname The hostname or numeric address string to resolve/parse, or
1124  *               NULL to build an address that corresponds to or ::
1125  * @param family The address family to use, or SWITCH_UNSPEC if the system should
1126  *               decide.
1127  * @param port The port number.
1128  * @param flags Special processing flags:
1129  * <PRE>
1130  *       APR_IPV4_ADDR_OK          first query for IPv4 addresses; only look
1131  *                                 for IPv6 addresses if the first query failed;
1132  *                                 only valid if family is APR_UNSPEC and hostname
1133  *                                 isn't NULL; mutually exclusive with
1134  *                                 APR_IPV6_ADDR_OK
1135  *       APR_IPV6_ADDR_OK          first query for IPv6 addresses; only look
1136  *                                 for IPv4 addresses if the first query failed;
1137  *                                 only valid if family is APR_UNSPEC and hostname
1138  *                                 isn't NULL and APR_HAVE_IPV6; mutually exclusive
1139  *                                 with APR_IPV4_ADDR_OK
1140  * </PRE>
1141  * @param pool The pool for the apr_sockaddr_t and associated storage.
1142  */
1143 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_sockaddr_info_get(switch_sockaddr_t ** sa, const char *hostname,
1144 														 int32_t family, switch_port_t port, int32_t flags, switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
1146 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_sockaddr_create(switch_sockaddr_t **sa, switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
1148 /**
1149  * Send data over a network.
1150  * @param sock The socket to send the data over.
1151  * @param buf The buffer which contains the data to be sent.
1152  * @param len On entry, the number of bytes to send; on exit, the number
1153  *            of bytes sent.
1154  * @remark
1155  * <PRE>
1156  * This functions acts like a blocking write by default.  To change
1157  * this behavior, use apr_socket_timeout_set() or the APR_SO_NONBLOCK
1158  * socket option.
1159  *
1160  * It is possible for both bytes to be sent and an error to be returned.
1161  *
1162  * APR_EINTR is never returned.
1163  * </PRE>
1164  */
1165 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_socket_send(switch_socket_t *sock, const char *buf, switch_size_t *len);
1167 /**
1168  * @param sock The socket to send from
1169  * @param where The apr_sockaddr_t describing where to send the data
1170  * @param flags The flags to use
1171  * @param buf  The data to send
1172  * @param len  The length of the data to send
1173  */
1174 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_socket_sendto(switch_socket_t *sock, switch_sockaddr_t *where, int32_t flags, const char *buf,
1175 													 switch_size_t *len);
1177 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_socket_send_nonblock(switch_socket_t *sock, const char *buf, switch_size_t *len);
1179 /**
1180  * @param from The apr_sockaddr_t to fill in the recipient info
1181  * @param sock The socket to use
1182  * @param flags The flags to use
1183  * @param buf  The buffer to use
1184  * @param len  The length of the available buffer
1185  *
1186  */
1187 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_socket_recvfrom(switch_sockaddr_t *from, switch_socket_t *sock, int32_t flags, char *buf, size_t *len);
1189 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_socket_atmark(switch_socket_t *sock, int *atmark);
1191 /**
1192  * Read data from a network.
1193  * @param sock The socket to read the data from.
1194  * @param buf The buffer to store the data in.
1195  * @param len On entry, the number of bytes to receive; on exit, the number
1196  *            of bytes received.
1197  * @remark
1198  * <PRE>
1199  * This functions acts like a blocking read by default.  To change
1200  * this behavior, use apr_socket_timeout_set() or the APR_SO_NONBLOCK
1201  * socket option.
1202  * The number of bytes actually received is stored in argument 3.
1203  *
1204  * It is possible for both bytes to be received and an APR_EOF or
1205  * other error to be returned.
1206  *
1207  * APR_EINTR is never returned.
1208  * </PRE>
1209  */
1210 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_socket_recv(switch_socket_t *sock, char *buf, switch_size_t *len);
1212 /**
1213  * Setup socket options for the specified socket
1214  * @param sock The socket to set up.
1215  * @param opt The option we would like to configure.  One of:
1216  * <PRE>
1217  *            APR_SO_DEBUG      --  turn on debugging information
1218  *            APR_SO_KEEPALIVE  --  keep connections active
1219  *            APR_SO_LINGER     --  lingers on close if data is present
1220  *            APR_SO_NONBLOCK   --  Turns blocking on/off for socket
1221  *                                  When this option is enabled, use
1222  *                                  the APR_STATUS_IS_EAGAIN() macro to
1223  *                                  see if a send or receive function
1224  *                                  could not transfer data without
1225  *                                  blocking.
1226  *            APR_SO_REUSEADDR  --  The rules used in validating addresses
1227  *                                  supplied to bind should allow reuse
1228  *                                  of local addresses.
1229  *            APR_SO_SNDBUF     --  Set the SendBufferSize
1230  *            APR_SO_RCVBUF     --  Set the ReceiveBufferSize
1231  * </PRE>
1232  * @param on Value for the option.
1233  */
1234 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_socket_opt_set(switch_socket_t *sock, int32_t opt, int32_t on);
1236 /**
1237  * Query socket timeout for the specified socket
1238  * @param sock The socket to query
1239  * @param t Socket timeout returned from the query.
1240  * <PRE>
1241  *   t > 0  -- read and write calls return APR_TIMEUP if specified time
1242  *             elapsess with no data read or written
1243  *   t == 0 -- read and write calls never block
1244  *   t < 0  -- read and write calls block
1245  * </PRE>
1246  */
1247 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_socket_timeout_get(switch_socket_t *sock, switch_interval_time_t *t);
1249 /**
1250  * Setup socket timeout for the specified socket
1251  * @param sock The socket to set up.
1252  * @param t Value for the timeout.
1253  * <PRE>
1254  *   t > 0  -- read and write calls return APR_TIMEUP if specified time
1255  *             elapsess with no data read or written
1256  *   t == 0 -- read and write calls never block
1257  *   t < 0  -- read and write calls block
1258  * </PRE>
1259  */
1260 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_socket_timeout_set(switch_socket_t *sock, switch_interval_time_t t);
1262 /**
1263  * Join a Multicast Group
1264  * @param sock The socket to join a multicast group
1265  * @param join The address of the multicast group to join
1266  * @param iface Address of the interface to use.  If NULL is passed, the
1267  *              default multicast interface will be used. (OS Dependent)
1268  * @param source Source Address to accept transmissions from (non-NULL
1269  *               implies Source-Specific Multicast)
1270  */
1271 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_mcast_join(switch_socket_t *sock, switch_sockaddr_t *join, switch_sockaddr_t *iface, switch_sockaddr_t *source);
1273 /**
1274  * Set the Multicast Time to Live (ttl) for a multicast transmission.
1275  * @param sock The socket to set the multicast ttl
1276  * @param ttl Time to live to Assign. 0-255, default=1
1277  * @remark If the TTL is 0, packets will only be seen by sockets on the local machine,
1278  *     and only when multicast loopback is enabled.
1279  */
1280 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_mcast_hops(switch_socket_t *sock, uint8_t ttl);
1282 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_mcast_loopback(switch_socket_t *sock, uint8_t opt);
1283 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_mcast_interface(switch_socket_t *sock, switch_sockaddr_t *iface);
1285 /** @} */
1287 	 typedef enum {
1288 		 SWITCH_NO_DESC,		   /**< nothing here */
1289 		 SWITCH_POLL_SOCKET,	   /**< descriptor refers to a socket */
1290 		 SWITCH_POLL_FILE,		   /**< descriptor refers to a file */
1291 		 SWITCH_POLL_LASTDESC	   /**< descriptor is the last one in the list */
1292 	 } switch_pollset_type_t;
1294 	 typedef union {
1295 		 switch_file_t *f;		   /**< file */
1296 		 switch_socket_t *s;	   /**< socket */
1297 	 } switch_descriptor_t;
1299 	 struct switch_pollfd {
1300 		 switch_memory_pool_t *p;		  /**< associated pool */
1301 		 switch_pollset_type_t desc_type;
1302 									   /**< descriptor type */
1303 		 int16_t reqevents;	/**< requested events */
1304 		 int16_t rtnevents;	/**< returned events */
1305 		 switch_descriptor_t desc;	 /**< @see apr_descriptor */
1306 		 void *client_data;		/**< allows app to associate context */
1307 	 };
1311 /**
1312  * @defgroup apr_poll Poll Routines
1313  * @ingroup switch_apr
1314  * @{
1315  */
1316 /** Poll descriptor set. */
1317 	 typedef struct switch_pollfd switch_pollfd_t;
1319 /** Opaque structure used for pollset API */
1320 	 typedef struct apr_pollset_t switch_pollset_t;
1322 /**
1323  * Poll options
1324  */
1325 #define SWITCH_POLLIN 0x001			/**< Can read without blocking */
1326 #define SWITCH_POLLPRI 0x002			/**< Priority data available */
1327 #define SWITCH_POLLOUT 0x004			/**< Can write without blocking */
1328 #define SWITCH_POLLERR 0x010			/**< Pending error */
1329 #define SWITCH_POLLHUP 0x020			/**< Hangup occurred */
1330 #define SWITCH_POLLNVAL 0x040		/**< Descriptior invalid */
1332 /**
1333  * Setup a pollset object
1334  * @param pollset  The pointer in which to return the newly created object
1335  * @param size The maximum number of descriptors that this pollset can hold
1336  * @param pool The pool from which to allocate the pollset
1337  * @param flags Optional flags to modify the operation of the pollset.
1338  *
1339  * @remark If flags equals APR_POLLSET_THREADSAFE, then a pollset is
1340  * created on which it is safe to make concurrent calls to
1341  * apr_pollset_add(), apr_pollset_remove() and apr_pollset_poll() from
1342  * separate threads.  This feature is only supported on some
1343  * platforms; the apr_pollset_create() call will fail with
1344  * APR_ENOTIMPL on platforms where it is not supported.
1345  */
1346 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_pollset_create(switch_pollset_t ** pollset, uint32_t size, switch_memory_pool_t *pool, uint32_t flags);
1348 /**
1349  * Add a socket or file descriptor to a pollset
1350  * @param pollset The pollset to which to add the descriptor
1351  * @param descriptor The descriptor to add
1352  * @remark If you set client_data in the descriptor, that value
1353  *         will be returned in the client_data field whenever this
1354  *         descriptor is signalled in apr_pollset_poll().
1355  * @remark If the pollset has been created with APR_POLLSET_THREADSAFE
1356  *         and thread T1 is blocked in a call to apr_pollset_poll() for
1357  *         this same pollset that is being modified via apr_pollset_add()
1358  *         in thread T2, the currently executing apr_pollset_poll() call in
1359  *         T1 will either: (1) automatically include the newly added descriptor
1360  *         in the set of descriptors it is watching or (2) return immediately
1361  *         with APR_EINTR.  Option (1) is recommended, but option (2) is
1362  *         allowed for implementations where option (1) is impossible
1363  *         or impractical.
1364  */
1365 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_pollset_add(switch_pollset_t *pollset, const switch_pollfd_t *descriptor);
1367 /**
1368  * Remove a descriptor from a pollset
1369  * @param pollset The pollset from which to remove the descriptor
1370  * @param descriptor The descriptor to remove
1371  * @remark If the pollset has been created with APR_POLLSET_THREADSAFE
1372  *         and thread T1 is blocked in a call to apr_pollset_poll() for
1373  *         this same pollset that is being modified via apr_pollset_remove()
1374  *         in thread T2, the currently executing apr_pollset_poll() call in
1375  *         T1 will either: (1) automatically exclude the newly added descriptor
1376  *         in the set of descriptors it is watching or (2) return immediately
1377  *         with APR_EINTR.  Option (1) is recommended, but option (2) is
1378  *         allowed for implementations where option (1) is impossible
1379  *         or impractical.
1380  */
1381 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_pollset_remove(switch_pollset_t *pollset, const switch_pollfd_t *descriptor);
1383 /**
1384  * Poll the sockets in the poll structure
1385  * @param aprset The poll structure we will be using.
1386  * @param numsock The number of sockets we are polling
1387  * @param nsds The number of sockets signalled.
1388  * @param timeout The amount of time in microseconds to wait.  This is
1389  *                a maximum, not a minimum.  If a socket is signalled, we
1390  *                will wake up before this time.  A negative number means
1391  *                wait until a socket is signalled.
1392  * @remark The number of sockets signalled is returned in the third argument.
1393  *         This is a blocking call, and it will not return until either a
1394  *         socket has been signalled, or the timeout has expired.
1395  */
1396 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_poll(switch_pollfd_t *aprset, int32_t numsock, int32_t *nsds, switch_interval_time_t timeout);
1398 /**
1399  * Block for activity on the descriptor(s) in a pollset
1400  * @param pollset The pollset to use
1401  * @param timeout Timeout in microseconds
1402  * @param num Number of signalled descriptors (output parameter)
1403  * @param descriptors Array of signalled descriptors (output parameter)
1404  */
1405 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_pollset_poll(switch_pollset_t *pollset, switch_interval_time_t timeout, int32_t *num, const switch_pollfd_t **descriptors);
1407 /*!
1408   \brief Create a set of file descriptors to poll from a socket
1409   \param poll the polfd to create
1410   \param sock the socket to add
1411   \param flags the flags to modify the behaviour
1412   \param pool the memory pool to use
1413   \return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS when successful
1414 */
1415 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_socket_create_pollset(switch_pollfd_t ** poll, switch_socket_t *sock, int16_t flags, switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
1417 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_interval_time_t) switch_interval_time_from_timeval(struct timeval *tvp);
1420 /*!
1421   \brief Create a pollfd out of a socket
1422   \param pollfd the pollfd to create
1423   \param sock the socket to add
1424   \param flags the flags to modify the behaviour
1425   \param client_data custom user data
1426   \param pool the memory pool to use
1427   \return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS when successful
1428 */
1429 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_socket_create_pollfd(switch_pollfd_t **pollfd, switch_socket_t *sock, int16_t flags, void *client_data, switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
1430 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_match_glob(const char *pattern, switch_array_header_t ** result, switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
1431 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_os_sock_get(switch_os_socket_t *thesock, switch_socket_t *sock);
1432 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_os_sock_put(switch_socket_t **sock, switch_os_socket_t *thesock, switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
1433 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_socket_addr_get(switch_sockaddr_t ** sa, switch_bool_t remote, switch_socket_t *sock);
1434 /**
1435  * Create an anonymous pipe.
1436  * @param in The file descriptor to use as input to the pipe.
1437  * @param out The file descriptor to use as output from the pipe.
1438  * @param pool The pool to operate on.
1439  */
1440 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_file_pipe_create(switch_file_t ** in, switch_file_t ** out, switch_memory_pool_t *pool);
1442 /**
1443  * Get the timeout value for a pipe or manipulate the blocking state.
1444  * @param thepipe The pipe we are getting a timeout for.
1445  * @param timeout The current timeout value in microseconds.
1446  */
1447 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_file_pipe_timeout_get(switch_file_t *thepipe, switch_interval_time_t *timeout);
1449 /**
1450  * Set the timeout value for a pipe or manipulate the blocking state.
1451  * @param thepipe The pipe we are setting a timeout on.
1452  * @param timeout The timeout value in microseconds.  Values < 0 mean wait
1453  *        forever, 0 means do not wait at all.
1454  */
1455 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_file_pipe_timeout_set(switch_file_t *thepipe, switch_interval_time_t timeout);
1458 /**
1459  * stop the current thread
1460  * @param thd The thread to stop
1461  * @param retval The return value to pass back to any thread that cares
1462  */
1463 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_thread_exit(switch_thread_t *thd, switch_status_t retval);
1465 /**
1466  * block until the desired thread stops executing.
1467  * @param retval The return value from the dead thread.
1468  * @param thd The thread to join
1469  */
1470 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_thread_join(switch_status_t *retval, switch_thread_t *thd);
1472 /**
1473  * Return a human readable string describing the specified error.
1474  * @param statcode The error code the get a string for.
1475  * @param buf A buffer to hold the error string.
1476  * @bufsize Size of the buffer to hold the string.
1477  */
1479 SWITCH_DECLARE(char *) switch_strerror(switch_status_t statcode, char *buf, switch_size_t bufsize);
1483 /** @} */
1486 #endif
1487 /* For Emacs:
1488  * Local Variables:
1489  * mode:c
1490  * indent-tabs-mode:t
1491  * tab-width:4
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1493  * End:
1494  * For VIM:
1495  * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 noet:
1496  */