2--  Framework.Language.Shared_Keys - Package specification          --
3--                                                                  --
4--  This software  is (c) The European Organisation  for the Safety --
5--  of Air  Navigation (EUROCONTROL) and Adalog  2004-2005. The Ada --
6--  Controller  is  free software;  you can redistribute  it and/or --
7--  modify  it under  terms of  the GNU  General Public  License as --
8--  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or --
9--  (at your  option) any later version.  This  unit is distributed --
10--  in the hope  that it will be useful,  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; --
11--  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS --
12--  FOR A  PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU  General Public License --
13--  for more details.   You should have received a  copy of the GNU --
14--  General Public License distributed  with this program; see file --
15--  COPYING.   If not, write  to the  Free Software  Foundation, 59 --
16--  Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.           --
17--                                                                  --
18--  As  a special  exception, if  other files  instantiate generics --
19--  from the units  of this program, or if you  link this unit with --
20--  other files  to produce  an executable, this  unit does  not by --
21--  itself cause the resulting executable  to be covered by the GNU --
22--  General  Public  License.   This  exception  does  not  however --
23--  invalidate any  other reasons why the executable  file might be --
24--  covered by the GNU Public License.                              --
25--                                                                  --
26--  This  software is  distributed  in  the hope  that  it will  be --
27--  useful,  but WITHOUT  ANY  WARRANTY; without  even the  implied --
28--  warranty  of  MERCHANTABILITY   or  FITNESS  FOR  A  PARTICULAR --
29--  PURPOSE.                                                        --
32-- Adalog
34   Thick_Queries;
36-- Adacontrol
38   Framework.Language;
39pragma Elaborate (Framework.Language);
40-- We must "with" our parent, because the pragma Elaborate is required
41-- here, as for any unit that instantiates a generic from Framework.Language
42package Framework.Language.Shared_Keys is
44   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
45   -- Scope_Places
46   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
48   type Scope_Places is (S_All, S_Block,   S_Library, S_Local,
49                         S_Own, S_Private, S_Public,  S_In_Generic, S_Task_Body);
50   package Scope_Places_Utilities is new Modifier_Utilities (Scope_Places, "S_");
52   type Places_Set is private;
53   Everywhere : constant Places_Set;
54   No_Places  : constant Places_Set;
55   function Get_Places_Set_Modifiers (Allow_All : Boolean := True) return Places_Set;
56   function Is_Applicable (Expected_Places : Places_Set) return Boolean;
57   -- Checks if Current_Scope matches all Scope_Places in Expected_Places
59   function Image (Set     : Places_Set;
60                   Default : Places_Set := No_Places) return Wide_String;
62   procedure Help_On_Scope_Places (Header   : Wide_String := "";
63                                   Expected : Scope_Places_Utilities.Modifier_Set  := Scope_Places_Utilities.Full_Set);
65   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
66   -- Min_Max
67   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
69   type Bounds_Values is
70      record
71         Min : Thick_Queries.Biggest_Int;
72         Max : Thick_Queries.Biggest_Int;
73      end record;
74   Unlimited_Bounds : constant Bounds_Values := (Min => Thick_Queries.Biggest_Int'First,
75                                                 Max => Thick_Queries.Biggest_Int'Last);
76   function Get_Bounds_Parameters (Rule_Id      : Wide_String;
77                                   Bound_Min    : Thick_Queries.Biggest_Int := 0;
78                                   Bound_Max    : Thick_Queries.Biggest_Int := Thick_Queries.Biggest_Natural'Last;
79                                   Allow_Single : Boolean                   := False)
80                                   return Bounds_Values;
81   -- Gets Min and Max parameters in the form min <val>, max <val> (in any order)
82   -- or the Bound_Min (resp Bound_Max) value for unspecified bounds
83   -- If Allow_Single, a single value (without specifying Min or Max) is allowed and
84   -- returned in both Min and Max
86   function Is_In (Val : Thick_Queries.Biggest_Int; Bounds : Bounds_Values) return Boolean;
88   function Bound_Image (Bounds : Language.Shared_Keys.Bounds_Values) return Wide_String;
89   -- Basically, prints an message like "not in Min .. Max", but adjusts the message
90   -- if only one bound has been specified.
92   procedure Help_On_Bounds (Header : Wide_String  := "");
95   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
96   -- Categories
97   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
99   type Categories is (Cat_Any,
100                       Cat_Enum,  Cat_Range,   Cat_Mod,    Cat_Delta,     Cat_Digits,
101                       Cat_Array, Cat_Record,  Cat_Tagged, Cat_Extension, Cat_Access,
102                       Cat_New,   Cat_Private, Cat_Task,   Cat_Protected);
103   package Categories_Utilities is new Modifier_Utilities (Categories,
104                                                           Prefix   => "CAT_",
105                                                           Box_Pos  => 0,
106                                                           Pars_Pos => 1);
107   subtype Categories_Set is Categories_Utilities.Modifier_Set;
109   subtype Discrete_Categories is Categories range Cat_Enum  .. Cat_Mod;
110   subtype Integer_Categories  is Categories range Cat_Range .. Cat_Mod;
111   Discrete_Set : constant Categories_Set := (Discrete_Categories => True, others => False);
112   Integer_Set  : constant Categories_Set := (Integer_Categories  => True, others => False);
114   function Value (Spec : Wide_String)          return Categories;
115   function Value (Spec : Entity_Specification) return Categories;
116   -- If Spec kind is a Regular_Id that matches the image of a category (or "()"),
117   -- return that category.
118   -- Return Cat_Any otherwise.
120   function Matches (Elem               : in Asis.Element;
121                     Cat                : in Categories;
122                     Follow_Derived     : in Boolean := False;
123                     Privacy            : in Thick_Queries.Privacy_Policy := Thick_Queries.Stop_At_Private;
124                     Separate_Extension : in Boolean := False)
125                     return Boolean;
126   -- See Thick_Queries.Type_Category for details of parameters Follow_Derived, Privacy, and Separate_Extension
127   --
128   -- Appropriate Element_Kinds for Elem:
129   --       A_Declaration
130   --       A_Definition
131   --       A_Defining_Name
132   --       An_Expression
133   -- Appropriate Declaration_Kinds:
134   --       An_Ordinary_Type_Declaration
135   --       A_Task_Type_Declaration
136   --       A_Protected_Type_Declaration
137   --       A_Private_Type_Declaration
138   --       A_Private_Extension_Declaration
139   --       A_Subtype_Declaration
140   --       A_Formal_Type_Declaration
141   -- Appropriate Definition_Kinds:
142   --       A_Type_Definition
143   --       A_Task_Definition
144   --       A_Protected_Definition
146   function Matching_Category (Elem               : in Asis.Element;
147                               From_Cats          : in Categories_Utilities.Unconstrained_Modifier_Set;
148                               Follow_Derived     : in Boolean := False;
149                               Privacy            : in Thick_Queries.Privacy_Policy := Thick_Queries.Stop_At_Private;
150                               Separate_Extension : in Boolean := False)
151                               return Categories;
152   -- Appropriate Element_Kinds for Elem:
153   -- Same as Matches above
154   --
155   -- Return the category of Elem if it is in From_Cats, Cat_Any otherwise
157   function Image (Item : Thick_Queries.Type_Categories) return Wide_String;
158   -- Image of a type category, in upper case
161   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
162   -- Aspects
163   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
165   type Aspects is (Representation, Pack, Size, Component_Size);
166   type Aspect_Presence is (Unspecified, Present, Absent);
167   type Aspects_Set is array (Aspects) of Aspect_Presence;
168   No_Aspect : constant Aspects_Set := (others => Unspecified);
169   package Aspects_Utilities is new Flag_Utilities (Aspects);
171   function Get_Aspects_Parameter (Rule_Id  : Wide_String;
172                                   Expected : Aspects_Set := (others => Present)) return Aspects_Set;
173   -- with pre => (for all E of Expected => E /= Unspecified);
175   function Corresponding_Aspects_Set (Elem : Asis.Element) return Aspects_Set;
176   -- with post => (for all E of Corresponding_Aspects_Set'Result => E /= Unspecified)
177   -- Return the aspects that apply (or not) to Elem
178   -- Appropriate Element_Kinds for Elem:
179   --       A_Declaration
180   --       A_Definition
181   --       An_Expression
182   --       A_Defining_Name
183   -- Appropriate Declaration_Kinds:
184   --       An_Ordinary_Type_Declaration
185   --       A_Task_Type_Declaration
186   --       A_Protected_Type_Declaration
187   --       A_Private_Type_Declaration
188   --       A_Private_Extension_Declaration
189   --       A_Subtype_Declaration
190   --       A_Formal_Type_Declaration
191   -- Appropriate Definition_Types:
192   --       A_Type_Definition
193   --       A_Task_Definition
194   --       A_Protected_Definition
195   -- Appropriate Expression_Kinds
196   --       An_Identifier
197   --       A_Selected_Name (applies to selector)
200   type Places_Set is
201      record
202         Specified : Scope_Places_Utilities.Modifier_Set;
203         Presence  : Scope_Places_Utilities.Modifier_Set;
204      end record;
205   Everywhere : constant Places_Set := (Specified => (S_All => True, others => False),
206                                        Presence  => Scope_Places_Utilities.Full_Set);
207   No_Places  : constant Places_Set := (Specified => Scope_Places_Utilities.Empty_Set,
208                                        Presence  => Scope_Places_Utilities.Empty_Set);
210end Framework.Language.Shared_Keys;