1 /*
2     This file is part of the Okteta Kasten Framework, made within the KDE community.
4     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010, 2011, 2012 Alex Richardson <alex.richardson@gmx.de>
6     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL
7 */
12 #include <QAbstractTableModel>
13 #include <QVector>
14 #include <QDebug>
15 #include <QTime>
17 class QIcon;
19 class DataInformation;
20 /** NOT THREAD SAFE! */
21 class ScriptLogger : public QAbstractTableModel
22 {
23     Q_DISABLE_COPY(ScriptLogger)
24     Q_OBJECT
26 public:
27     explicit ScriptLogger();
28     ~ScriptLogger() override;
30     enum Columns
31     {
32         ColumnTime = 0,
33         ColumnOrigin,
34         ColumnMessage,
35         COLUMN_COUNT
36     };
37     // fits into 2 bits
38     enum LogLevel
39     {
40         LogInvalid = 0,
41         LogInfo = 1,
42         LogWarning = 2,
43         LogError = 3
44     };
45     struct Data
46     {
47         inline Data() = default;
DataScriptLogger::Data48         inline Data(LogLevel lvl, const QString& o)
49             : level(lvl)
50             , origin(o)
51             , time(QTime::currentTime())
52         {}
53         inline Data(const Data& d) = default;
54         inline ~Data() = default;
55         ScriptLogger::LogLevel level = LogInvalid;
56         QString message;
57         QString origin;
58         QTime time;
59     };
60     QVariant data(const QModelIndex& index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
61     int rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent = QModelIndex()) const override;
62     int columnCount(const QModelIndex& parent = QModelIndex()) const override;
63     QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
info(const DataInformation * origin)65     inline QDebug info(const DataInformation* origin) { return log(LogInfo, origin); }
warn(const DataInformation * origin)66     inline QDebug warn(const DataInformation* origin) { return log(LogWarning, origin); }
error(const DataInformation * origin)67     inline QDebug error(const DataInformation* origin) { return log(LogError, origin); }
info(const QString & origin=QString ())68     inline QDebug info(const QString& origin = QString()) { return log(LogInfo, origin); }
warn(const QString & origin=QString ())69     inline QDebug warn(const QString& origin = QString()) { return log(LogWarning, origin); }
error(const QString & origin=QString ())70     inline QDebug error(const QString& origin = QString()) { return log(LogError, origin); }
71     /**
72      * @return a QDebug to write the message to.
73      * Do NOT save this object, since the string it writes to may become invalid!
74      * Just write the message using the << operators and do not touch it anymore after the line ends
75      */
76     QDebug log(LogLevel level, const DataInformation* origin);
77     QDebug log(LogLevel level, const QString& origin);
78     void clear();
79     /**
80      * @param minLevel the minimum level that the messages must have
81      * @return all the messages, mainly used for testing
82      */
83     QStringList messages(LogLevel minLevel = LogInfo) const;
84     /** whether to log to stdout instead of saving the messages */
setLogToStdOut(bool val)85     inline void setLogToStdOut(bool val) { mLogToStdOut = val; }
87     static QIcon iconForLevel(LogLevel level);
89 private:
90     QVector<Data> mData;
91     bool mLogToStdOut = false;
92 };
94 struct LoggerWithContext
95 {
96 public:
LoggerWithContextLoggerWithContext97     LoggerWithContext(ScriptLogger* l, const QString& s)
98         : logger(l)
99         , context(s)
100     {}
infoLoggerWithContext101     inline QDebug info() const { return logger ? logger->info(context) : qDebug(); }
warnLoggerWithContext102     inline QDebug warn() const { return logger ? logger->warn(context) : qWarning(); }
errorLoggerWithContext103     inline QDebug error() const { return logger ? logger->error(context) : qWarning(); }
105 private:
106     ScriptLogger* const logger;
107     QString context;
108 };