1 /*
2  * manager.h
3  *
4  * OPAL system manager.
5  *
6  * Open Phone Abstraction Library (OPAL)
7  * Formally known as the Open H323 project.
8  *
9  * Copyright (c) 2001 Equivalence Pty. Ltd.
10  *
11  * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
12  * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
13  * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
14  * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
15  *
16  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
17  * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
18  * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
19  * under the License.
20  *
21  * The Original Code is Open Phone Abstraction Library.
22  *
23  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Equivalence Pty. Ltd.
24  *
25  * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
26  *
27  * $Revision: 27984 $
28  * $Author: rjongbloed $
29  * $Date: 2012-07-10 03:24:24 -0500 (Tue, 10 Jul 2012) $
30  */
35 #ifdef P_USE_PRAGMA
36 #pragma interface
37 #endif
39 #include <opal/buildopts.h>
41 #include <opal/pres_ent.h>
42 #include <opal/call.h>
43 #include <opal/connection.h> //OpalConnection::AnswerCallResponse
44 #include <opal/guid.h>
45 #include <codec/silencedetect.h>
46 #include <codec/echocancel.h>
47 #include <ptclib/pstun.h>
48 #include <ptclib/url.h>
51 #include <ptlib/videoio.h>
52 #endif
54 class OpalEndPoint;
55 class OpalMediaPatch;
58 /**This class is the central manager for OPAL.
59    The OpalManager embodies the root of the tree of objects that constitute an
60    OPAL system. It contains all of the endpoints that make up the system. Other
61    entities such as media streams etc are in turn contained in these objects.
62    It is expected that an application would only ever have one instance of
63    this class, and also descend from it to override call back functions.
65    The manager is the eventual destination for call back indications from
66    various other objects. It is possible, for instance, to get an indication
67    of a completed call by creating a descendant of the OpalCall and overriding
68    the OnClearedCall() virtual. However, this could quite unwieldy for all of
69    the possible classes, so the default behaviour is to call the equivalent
70    function on the OpalManager. This allows most applications to only have to
71    create a descendant of the OpalManager and override virtual functions there
72    to get all the indications it needs.
73  */
74 class OpalManager : public PObject
75 {
76     PCLASSINFO(OpalManager, PObject);
77   public:
78   /**@name Construction */
79   //@{
80     /**Create a new manager.
81      */
82     OpalManager();
84     /**Destroy the manager.
85        This will clear all calls, then delete all endpoints still attached to
86        the manager.
87      */
88     ~OpalManager();
89   //@}
91   /**@name Endpoint management */
92   //@{
93     /**Attach a new endpoint to the manager.
94        This is an internal function called by the OpalEndPoint constructor.
96        Note that usually the endpoint is automatically "owned" by the manager.
97        They should not be deleted directly. The DetachEndPoint() command
98        should be used to do this.
99       */
100     void AttachEndPoint(
101       OpalEndPoint * endpoint,    ///< EndPoint to add to the manager
102       const PString & prefix = PString::Empty()  ///< Prefix to use, if empty uses endpoint->GetPrefixName()
103     );
105     /**Remove an endpoint from the manager.
106        This will delete the endpoint object.
107       */
108     void DetachEndPoint(
109       const PString & prefix
110     );
111     void DetachEndPoint(
112       OpalEndPoint * endpoint
113     );
115     /**Find an endpoint instance that is using the specified prefix.
116       */
117     OpalEndPoint * FindEndPoint(
118       const PString & prefix
119     );
121     /**Get the endpoints attached to this manager.
122       */
123     PList<OpalEndPoint> GetEndPoints() const;
125     /**Shut down all of the endpoints, clearing all calls.
126        This is synchonous and will wait till everything is shut down.
127        This will also assure no new calls come in whilein the process of
128        shutting down.
129       */
130     void ShutDownEndpoints();
131   //@}
133   /**@name Call management */
134   //@{
135     /**Set up a call between two parties.
136        This is used to initiate a call. Incoming calls are "answered" using a
137        different mechanism.
139        The A party and B party strings indicate the protocol and address of
140        the party to call in the style of a URL. The A party is the initiator
141        of the call and the B party is the remote system being called. See the
142        MakeConnection() function for more details on the format of these
143        strings.
145        The token returned is a unique identifier for the call that allows an
146        application to gain access to the call at later time. This is necesary
147        as any pointer being returned could become invalid (due to being
148        deleted) at any time due to the multithreaded nature of the OPAL
149        system.
150      */
151     virtual PSafePtr<OpalCall> SetUpCall(
152       const PString & partyA,       ///<  The A party of call
153       const PString & partyB,       ///<  The B party of call
154       void * userData = NULL,       ///<  user data passed to Call and Connection
155       unsigned options = 0,         ///<  options passed to connection
156       OpalConnection::StringOptions * stringOptions = NULL ///< Options to pass to connection
157     );
158     virtual PBoolean SetUpCall(
159       const PString & partyA,       ///<  The A party of call
160       const PString & partyB,       ///<  The B party of call
161       PString & token,              ///<  Token for call
162       void * userData = NULL,       ///<  user data passed to Call and Connection
163       unsigned options = 0,         ///<  options passed to connection
164       OpalConnection::StringOptions * stringOptions = NULL ///< Options to pass to connection
165     );
167     /**Determine if a call is active.
168        Return true if there is an active call with the specified token. Note
169        that the call could clear any time (even milliseconds) after this
170        function returns true.
171       */
HasCall(const PString & token)172     virtual PBoolean HasCall(
173       const PString & token  ///<  Token for identifying call
174     ) { return activeCalls.FindWithLock(token, PSafeReference) != NULL; }
176     /**Return the number of active calls.
177       */
GetCallCount()178     PINDEX GetCallCount() const { return activeCalls.GetSize(); }
180     /**Get all tokens for active calls.
181       */
GetAllCalls()182      PArray<PString> GetAllCalls() const { return activeCalls.GetKeys(); }
184     /**Find a call with the specified token.
185        This searches the manager database for the call that contains the token
186        as provided by functions such as SetUpCall().
188        Note the caller of this function MUST call the OpalCall::Unlock()
189        function if this function returns a non-NULL pointer. If it does not
190        then a deadlock can occur.
191       */
192     PSafePtr<OpalCall> FindCallWithLock(
193       const PString & token,  ///<  Token to identify connection
194       PSafetyMode mode = PSafeReadWrite ///< Lock mode
195     ) { return activeCalls.FindWithLock(token, mode); }
197     /**A call back function whenever a call is completed.
198        In telephony terminology a completed call is one where there is an
199        established link between two parties.
201        This called from the OpalCall::OnEstablished() function.
203        The default behaviour does nothing.
204       */
205     virtual void OnEstablishedCall(
206       OpalCall & call   ///<  Call that was completed
207     );
209     /**Determine if a call is established.
210        Return true if there is an active call with the specified token and
211        that call has at least two parties with media flowing between them.
212        Note that the call could clear any time (even milliseconds) after this
213        function returns true.
214       */
215     virtual PBoolean IsCallEstablished(
216       const PString & token  ///<  Token for identifying call
217     );
219     /**Clear a call.
220        This finds the call by using the token then calls the OpalCall::Clear()
221        function on it. All connections are released, and the connections and
222        call are disposed of. Note that this function returns quickly and the
223        disposal happens at some later time in a background thread. It is safe
224        to call this function from anywhere.
226        If \p sync is not NULL then it is signalled when the calls are cleared.
227       */
228     virtual PBoolean ClearCall(
229       const PString & token,    ///<  Token for identifying connection
230       OpalConnection::CallEndReason reason = OpalConnection::EndedByLocalUser, ///<  Reason for call clearing
231       PSyncPoint * sync = NULL  ///<  Sync point to wait on.
232     );
234     /**Clear a call.
235        This finds the call by using the token then calls the OpalCall::Clear()
236        function on it. All connections are released, and the connections and
237        caller disposed of. Note that this function waits until the call has
238        been cleared and all responses timeouts etc completed. Care must be
239        used as to when it is called as deadlocks may result.
240       */
241     virtual PBoolean ClearCallSynchronous(
242       const PString & token,    ///<  Token for identifying connection
243       OpalConnection::CallEndReason reason = OpalConnection::EndedByLocalUser ///<  Reason for call clearing
244     );
246     /**Clear all current calls.
247        This effectively executes OpalCall::Clear() on every call that the
248        manager has active.
249        This function can not be called from several threads at the same time.
250       */
251     virtual void ClearAllCalls(
252       OpalConnection::CallEndReason reason = OpalConnection::EndedByLocalUser, ///<  Reason for call clearing
253       PBoolean wait = true   ///<  Flag to wait for calls to e cleared.
254     );
256     /**A call back function whenever a call is cleared.
257        A call is cleared whenever there is no longer any connections attached
258        to it. This function is called just before the call is deleted.
259        However, it may be used to display information on the call after
260        completion, eg the call parties and duration.
262        Note that there is not a one to one relationship with the
263        OnEstablishedCall() function. This function may be called without that
264        function being called. For example if MakeConnection() was used but
265        the call never completed.
267        The default behaviour removes the call from the activeCalls dictionary.
268       */
269     virtual void OnClearedCall(
270       OpalCall & call   ///<  Connection that was established
271     );
273     /**Create a call object.
274        This function allows an application to have the system create
275        desccendants of the OpalCall class instead of instances of that class
276        directly. The application can thus override call backs or add extra
277        information that it wishes to maintain on a call by call basis.
279        The default behavious returns an instance of OpalCall.
280       */
281     virtual OpalCall * CreateCall(
282       void * userData            ///<  user data passed to SetUpCall
283     );
284     OpalCall * InternalCreateCall();
286     /**Destroy a call object.
287        This gets called from background thread that garbage collects all calls
288        and connections. If an application has object lifetime issues with the
289        threading, it can override this function and take responsibility for
290        deleting the object at some later time.
292        The default behaviour simply calls "delete call".
293       */
294     virtual void DestroyCall(
295       OpalCall * call
296     );
298     /**Get next unique token ID for calls or connections.
299        This is an internal function called by the OpalCall and other
300        constructors.
301       */
302     virtual PString GetNextToken(char prefix);
303   //@}
305   /**@name Presence management */
306   //@{
307     /**Add a presentity.
308        If the presentity is already present, a new one is not added, and the
309        existing instance is returned.
311        Returns a Read/Write locked pointer to presentity.
312       */
313     virtual PSafePtr<OpalPresentity> AddPresentity(
314       const PString & presentity  ///< Presentity URI
315     );
317     /**Get a presentity.
318       */
319     virtual PSafePtr<OpalPresentity> GetPresentity(
320       const PString & presentity,         ///< Presentity URI
321       PSafetyMode mode = PSafeReference   ///< Safety mode for presentity
322     );
324     /**Get all presentities.
325       */
326     virtual PStringList GetPresentities() const;
328     /**Remove a presentity.
329       */
330     virtual bool RemovePresentity(
331       const PString & presentity  ///< Presentity URI
332     );
333   //@}
335   /**@name Instant Messaging management */
336   //@{
337     /**Send an IM to a remote party.
338      */
339     virtual PBoolean Message(
340       const PString & to,
341       const PString & body
342     );
343     virtual PBoolean Message(
344       const PURL & to,
345       const PString & type,
346       const PString & body,
347       PURL & from,
348       PString & conversationId
349     );
350     virtual PBoolean Message(
351       OpalIM & message
352     );
354     /**Called when text message received
355      */
356     virtual void OnMessageReceived(
357       const OpalIM & message
358     );
360   //@}
362   /**@name Connection management */
363   //@{
364     /**Set up a connection to a remote party.
365        An appropriate protocol (endpoint) is determined from the party
366        parameter. That endpoint is then called to create a connection and that
367        connection is attached to the call provided.
369        If the endpoint is already occupied in a call then the endpoints list
370        is further searched for additional endpoints that support the protocol.
371        For example multiple pstn endpoints may be present for multiple LID's.
373        The general form for this party parameter is:
375             [proto:][alias@][transport$]address[:port]
377        where the various fields will have meanings specific to the endpoint
378        type. For example, with H.323 it could be "h323:Fred@site.com" which
379        indicates a user Fred at gatekeeper size.com. Whereas for the PSTN
380        endpoint it could be "pstn:5551234" which is to call 5551234 on the
381        first available PSTN line.
383        The default for the proto is the name of the protocol for the first
384        endpoint attached to the manager. Other fields default to values on an
385        endpoint basis.
387        This function usually returns almost immediately with the connection
388        continuing to occur in a new background thread.
390        If false is returned then the connection could not be established. For
391        example if a PSTN endpoint is used and the associated line is engaged
392        then it may return immediately. Returning a non-NULL value does not
393        mean that the connection will succeed, only that an attempt is being
394        made.
396        The default behaviour is pure.
397      */
398     virtual PSafePtr<OpalConnection> MakeConnection(
399       OpalCall & call,                   ///<  Owner of connection
400       const PString & party,             ///<  Party to call
401       void * userData = NULL,            ///<  user data to pass to connections
402       unsigned int options = 0,          ///<  options to pass to conneciton
403       OpalConnection::StringOptions * stringOptions = NULL ///< Options to pass to connection
404     );
406     /**Call back for a new connection has been constructed.
407        This is called after CreateConnection has returned a new connection.
408        It allows an application to make any custom adjustments to the
409        connection before it begins to process the protocol. behind it.
410       */
411     virtual void OnNewConnection(
412       OpalConnection & connection   ///< New connection just created
413     );
415     /**Call back for answering an incoming call.
416        This function is used for an application to control the answering of
417        incoming calls.
419        If true is returned then the connection continues. If false then the
420        connection is aborted.
422        Note this function should not block for any length of time. If the
423        decision to answer the call may take some time eg waiting for a user to
424        pick up the phone, then AnswerCallPending or AnswerCallDeferred should
425        be returned.
427        If an application overrides this function, it should generally call the
428        ancestor version to complete calls. Unless the application completely
429        takes over that responsibility. Generally, an application would only
430        intercept this function if it wishes to do some form of logging. For
431        this you can obtain the name of the caller by using the function
432        OpalConnection::GetRemotePartyName().
434        The default behaviour is to call OnRouteConnection to determine a
435        B party for the connection.
437        If the call associated with the incoming call already had two parties
438        and this connection is a third party for a conference call then
439        AnswerCallNow is returned as a B party is not required.
440      */
441     virtual PBoolean OnIncomingConnection(
442       OpalConnection & connection,   ///<  Connection that is calling
443       unsigned options,              ///<  options for new connection (can't use default as overrides will fail)
444       OpalConnection::StringOptions * stringOptions ///< Options to pass to connection
445     );
447     /**Route a connection to another connection from an endpoint.
449        The default behaviour gets the destination address from the connection
450        and translates it into an address by using the routeTable member
451        variable and uses MakeConnection() to start the B-party connection.
452       */
453     virtual bool OnRouteConnection(
454       PStringSet & routesTried,     ///< Set of routes already tried
455       const PString & a_party,      ///< Source local address
456       const PString & b_party,      ///< Destination indicated by source
457       OpalCall & call,              ///< Call for new connection
458       unsigned options,             ///< Options for new connection (can't use default as overrides will fail)
459       OpalConnection::StringOptions * stringOptions ///< Options to pass to connection
460     );
462     /**Call back for remote party is now responsible for completing the call.
463        This function is called when the remote system has been contacted and it
464        has accepted responsibility for completing, or failing, the call. This
465        is distinct from OnAlerting() in that it is not known at this time if
466        anything is ringing. This indication may be used to distinguish between
467        "transport" level error, in which case another host may be tried, and
468        that finalising the call has moved "upstream" and the local system has
469        no more to do but await a result.
471        If an application overrides this function, it should generally call the
472        ancestor version for correct operation.
474        The default behaviour calls the OnProceeding() on the connection's
475        associated OpalCall object.
476      */
477     virtual void OnProceeding(
478       OpalConnection & connection   ///<  Connection that is proceeeding
479     );
481     /**Call back for remote party being alerted on outgoing call.
482        This function is called after the connection is informed that the
483        remote endpoint is "ringing". This function is generally called
484        some time after the MakeConnection() function was called.
486        If false is returned the connection is aborted.
488        If an application overrides this function, it should generally call the
489        ancestor version for correct operation. An application would typically
490        only intercept this function if it wishes to do some form of logging.
491        For this you can obtain the name of the caller by using the function
492        OpalConnection::GetRemotePartyName().
494        The default behaviour calls the OnAlerting() on the connection's
495        associated OpalCall object.
496      */
497     virtual void OnAlerting(
498       OpalConnection & connection   ///<  Connection that was established
499     );
501     /**Call back for answering an incoming call.
502        This function is called after the connection has been acknowledged
503        but before the connection is established
505        This gives the application time to wait for some event before
506        signalling to the endpoint that the connection is to proceed. For
507        example the user pressing an "Answer call" button.
509        If AnswerCallDenied is returned the connection is aborted and the
510        connetion specific end call PDU is sent. If AnswerCallNow is returned
511        then the connection proceeding, Finally if AnswerCallPending is returned then the
512        protocol negotiations are paused until the AnsweringCall() function is
513        called.
515        The default behaviour simply returns AnswerNow.
516      */
517     virtual OpalConnection::AnswerCallResponse OnAnswerCall(
518       OpalConnection & connection,    ///<  connection that is being answered
519        const PString & caller         ///<  caller
520     );
522     /**A call back function whenever a connection is "connected".
523        This indicates that a connection to an endpoint was connected. That
524        is the endpoint received acknowledgement via whatever protocol it uses
525        that the connection may now start media streams.
527        In the context of H.323 this means that the CONNECT pdu has been
528        received.
530        The default behaviour calls the OnConnected() on the connections
531        associated OpalCall object.
532       */
533     virtual void OnConnected(
534       OpalConnection & connection   ///<  Connection that was established
535     );
537     /**A call back function whenever a connection is "established".
538        This indicates that a connection to an endpoint was established. This
539        usually occurs after OnConnected() and indicates that the connection
540        is both connected and has media flowing.
542        In the context of H.323 this means that the CONNECT pdu has been
543        received and either fast start was in operation or the subsequent Open
544        Logical Channels have occurred. For SIP it indicates the INVITE/OK/ACK
545        sequence is complete.
547        The default behaviour calls the OnEstablished() on the connection's
548        associated OpalCall object.
549       */
550     virtual void OnEstablished(
551       OpalConnection & connection   ///<  Connection that was established
552     );
554     /**A call back function whenever a connection is released.
555        This function can do any internal cleaning up and waiting on background
556        threads that may be using the connection object.
558        Classes that override this function should make sure they call the
559        ancestor version for correct operation.
561        An application will not typically call this function as it is used by
562        the OpalManager during a release of the connection.
564        The default behaviour calls OnReleased() on the connection's
565        associated OpalCall object. This indicates to the call that the
566        connection has been released so it can release the last remaining
567        connection and then returns true.
568       */
569     virtual void OnReleased(
570       OpalConnection & connection   ///<  Connection that was established
571     );
573     /**A call back function whenever a connection is "held" or "retrieved".
574        This indicates that a connection to an endpoint was held, or
575        retrieved, either locally or by the remote endpoint.
577        The default behaviour does nothing.
578       */
579     virtual void OnHold(
580       OpalConnection & connection,   ///<  Connection that was held/retrieved
581       bool fromRemote,               ///<  Indicates remote has held local connection
582       bool onHold                    ///<  Indicates have just been held/retrieved.
583     );
584     virtual void OnHold(OpalConnection & connection); // For backward compatibility
586     /**A call back function whenever a connection is forwarded.
588        The default behaviour does nothing.
589       */
590     virtual PBoolean OnForwarded(
591       OpalConnection & connection,  ///<  Connection that was held
592       const PString & remoteParty         ///<  The new remote party
593     );
595     /**A call back function to monitor the progress of a transfer.
596        When a transfer operation is initiated, the Transfer() function will
597        generally return immediately and the transfer may take some time. This
598        call back can give an indication to the application of the progress of
599        the transfer.
600        the transfer.
602        For example in SIP, the OpalCall::Transfer() function will have sent a
603        REFER request to the remote party. The remote party sends us NOTIFY
604        requests about the progress of the REFER request.
606        An application can now make a decision during the transfer operation
607        to short circuit the sequence, or let it continue. It can also
608        determine if the transfer did not go through, and it should "take back"
609        the call. Note no action is required to "take back" the call other than
610        indicate to the user that they are back on.
612        A return value of false will immediately disconnect the current call.
614        The exact format of the \p info parameter is dependent on the protocol
615        being used. As a minimum, it will always have a values info["result"]
616        and info["party"].
618        The info["party"] indicates the part the \p connection is playing in
619        the transfer. This will be:
620           "A"   party being transferred
621           "B"   party initiating the transfer of "A"
622           "C"   party "A" is being transferred to
624        The info["result"] will be at least one of the following:
625           "success"     Transfer completed successfully (party A or B)
626           "incoming"    New call was from a transfer (party C)
627           "started"     Transfer operation has started (party A)
628           "progress"    Transfer is in progress (party B)
629           "blind"       Transfer is blind, no further notification (party B)
630           "error"       Transfer could not begin (party B)
631           "failed"      Transfer started but did not complete (party A or B)
633        For SIP, there may be an additional info["state"] containing the NOTIFY
634        subscription state, an info["code"] entry containing the 3 digit
635        code returned in the NOTIFY body and info["Referred-By"] indicating the
636        URI of party B. Other fields may also be present.
638        The default behaviour returns false if info["result"] == "success".
639       */
640     virtual bool OnTransferNotify(
641       OpalConnection & connection,  ///< Connection being transferred.
642       const PStringToString & info  ///< Information on the transfer
643     );
644   //@}
647   /**@name Media Streams management */
648   //@{
649     /**Get common media formats.
650        This is called by various places to get common media formats for the
651        basic connection classes.
653        The default behaviour uses the mediaFormatOrder and mediaFormatMask
654        member variables to adjust the mediaFormats list.
655       */
656     virtual OpalMediaFormatList GetCommonMediaFormats(
657       bool transportable,  ///< Include transportable media formats
658       bool pcmAudio        ///< Include raw PCM audio media formats
659     ) const;
661     /**Adjust media formats available on a connection.
662        This is called by a connection after it has called
663        OpalCall::GetMediaFormats() to get all media formats that it can use so
664        that an application may remove or reorder the media formats before they
665        are used to open media streams.
667        The default behaviour uses the mediaFormatOrder and mediaFormatMask
668        member variables to adjust the mediaFormats list.
669       */
670     virtual void AdjustMediaFormats(
671       bool local,                         ///<  Media formats a local ones to be presented to remote
672       const OpalConnection & connection,  ///<  Connection that is about to use formats
673       OpalMediaFormatList & mediaFormats  ///<  Media formats to use
674     ) const;
676     /**See if the media can bypass the local host.
677      */
678     virtual PBoolean IsMediaBypassPossible(
679       const OpalConnection & source,      ///<  Source connection
680       const OpalConnection & destination, ///<  Destination connection
681       unsigned sessionID                  ///<  Session ID for media channel
682     ) const;
684     /**Call back when opening a media stream.
685        This function is called when a connection has created a new media
686        stream according to the logic of its underlying protocol.
688        The usual requirement is that media streams are created on all other
689        connections participating in the call and all of the media streams are
690        attached to an instance of an OpalMediaPatch object that will read from
691        one of the media streams passing data to the other media streams.
693        The default behaviour achieves the above using the FindMatchingCodecs()
694        to determine what (if any) software codecs are required, the
695        OpalConnection::CreateMediaStream() function to open streams and the
696        CreateMediaPatch() function to create a patch for all of the streams
697        and codecs just produced.
698       */
699     virtual PBoolean OnOpenMediaStream(
700       OpalConnection & connection,  ///<  Connection that owns the media stream
701       OpalMediaStream & stream    ///<  New media stream being opened
702     );
704     /**Create an RTP session.
705        This function allows an application to have the system create descendant
706        class versions of the RTP_UDP class. The application could use this to
707 	   modify the default RTP transfer behaviour.
708 	   This is called when a connection determines that RTP is required for
709 	   transporting media.
710        The default behaviour returns a new RTP_UDP.
711       */
712 	virtual RTP_UDP * CreateRTPSession (const RTP_Session::Params & params);
714 	/**Callback from the RTP session for statistics monitoring.
715        This is called every so many packets on the transmitter and receiver
716        threads of the RTP session indicating that the statistics have been
717        updated.
719        The default behaviour does nothing.
720       */
721     virtual void OnRTPStatistics(
722       const OpalConnection & connection,  ///<  Connection for the channel
723       const RTP_Session & session         ///<  Session with statistics
724     );
726     /**Indicate is a local RTP connection.
727        This is called when a new media stream has been created and it has been
728        detected that media will be flowing between two RTP sessions within the
729        same process. An application could take advantage of this by optimising
730        the transfer in some way, rather than the full media path of codecs and
731        sockets which might not be necessary.
733        Note this is the complement to SetMediaPassThrough() as this function stops
734        RTP data from being sent/received, while SetMediaPassThrough() transfers
735        RTP data between the two endpoints.
737        The default behaviour returns false.
739        @return true if the application is going to execute some form of
740                bypass, and the media patch threads should not be started.
741       */
742     virtual bool OnLocalRTP(
743       OpalConnection & connection1, ///< First connection
744       OpalConnection & connection2, ///< Second connection
745       unsigned sessionID,           ///< Session ID of RTP session
746       bool opened                   ///< Media streams are opened/closed
747     ) const;
749     /**Set pass though mode for media.
751        Bypass the internal media handling, passing RTP data directly from
752        one call/connection to another.
754        This can be useful for back to back calls that happen to be the same
755        media format and you wish to avoid double decoding and encoding of
756        media. Note this scenario is not the same as two OpalConnections within
757        the same OpalCall, but two completely independent OpalCall where one
758        connection is to be bypassed. For example, two OpalCall instances might
759        have two SIPConnection instances and two OpalMixerConnection instances
760        connected via a single OpalMixerNode. Now while there are ONLY two
761        calls in the node, it is a waste to decode the audio, add to mixer and
762        re-encode it again. In practice this is identical to just bypassing the
763        mixer node completely, until a third party is added, then we need to
764        switch back to normal (non-pass-through) operation.
766        Note this is the complement to OnLocalRTP() as this function transfers
767        RTP data directly between the two endpoints, while OnLocalRTP() stops
768        the RTP data from being sent/received.
770        @return true if pass through is started/stopped, false if there was no
771                such call/connection/stream, the streams are incompatible formats
772                or a conflicting bypass is already in place.
773       */
774     bool SetMediaPassThrough(
775       const PString & token1, ///< First calls token
776       const PString & token2, ///< Second calls token
777       bool bypass,            ///< Bypass the media
778       unsigned sessionID = 0, ///< Session ID of media stream, 0 indicates all
779       bool network  = true    ///< Pass through the network connections of the calls only
780     );
781     static bool SetMediaPassThrough(
782       OpalConnection & connection1, ///< First connection
783       OpalConnection & connection2, ///< Second connection
784       bool bypass,                  ///< Bypass the media
785       unsigned sessionID = 0        ///< Session ID of media stream, 0 indicates all
786     );
788     /**Call back for closed a media stream.
790        The default behaviour does nothing.
791       */
792     virtual void OnClosedMediaStream(
793       const OpalMediaStream & stream     ///<  Stream being closed
794     );
796 #if OPAL_VIDEO
797     /**Create a PVideoInputDevice for a source media stream.
798       */
799     virtual PBoolean CreateVideoInputDevice(
800       const OpalConnection & connection,    ///<  Connection needing created video device
801       const OpalMediaFormat & mediaFormat,  ///<  Media format for stream
802       PVideoInputDevice * & device,         ///<  Created device
803       PBoolean & autoDelete                     ///<  Flag for auto delete device
804     );
806     /**Create an PVideoOutputDevice for a sink media stream or the preview
807        display for a source media stream.
808       */
809     virtual PBoolean CreateVideoOutputDevice(
810       const OpalConnection & connection,    ///<  Connection needing created video device
811       const OpalMediaFormat & mediaFormat,  ///<  Media format for stream
812       PBoolean preview,                         ///<  Flag indicating is a preview output
813       PVideoOutputDevice * & device,        ///<  Created device
814       PBoolean & autoDelete                     ///<  Flag for auto delete device
815     );
816 #endif
818     /**Create a OpalMediaPatch instance.
819        This function allows an application to have the system create descendant
820        class versions of the OpalMediPatch class. The application could use
821        this to modify the default behaviour of a patch.
823        The default behaviour returns an instance of OpalMediaPatch.
824       */
825     virtual OpalMediaPatch * CreateMediaPatch(
826       OpalMediaStream & source,         ///<  Source media stream
827       PBoolean requiresPatchThread = true  ///< The patch requires a thread
828     );
830     /**Call back for a media patch thread starting.
831        This function is called within the context of the thread associated
832        with the media patch.
834        The default behaviour does nothing
835       */
836     virtual void OnStartMediaPatch(
837       OpalConnection & connection,  ///< Connection patch is in
838       OpalMediaPatch & patch        ///< Media patch being started
839     );
841     /**Call back when media stream patch thread stops.
842       */
843     virtual void OnStopMediaPatch(
844       OpalConnection & connection,  ///< Connection patch is in
845       OpalMediaPatch & patch        ///< Media Patch being stopped
846     );
847   //@}
849   /**@name User indications */
850   //@{
851     /**Call back for remote endpoint has sent user input as a string.
853        The default behaviour call OpalConnection::SetUserInput() which
854        saves the value so the GetUserInput() function can return it.
855       */
856     virtual void OnUserInputString(
857       OpalConnection & connection,  ///<  Connection input has come from
858       const PString & value         ///<  String value of indication
859     );
861     /**Call back for remote enpoint has sent user input as tones.
862        If duration is zero then this indicates the beginning of the tone. If
863        duration is non-zero then it indicates the end of the tone output.
865        The default behaviour calls the OpalCall function of the same name.
866       */
867     virtual void OnUserInputTone(
868       OpalConnection & connection,  ///<  Connection input has come from
869       char tone,                    ///<  Tone received
870       int duration                  ///<  Duration of tone
871     );
873     /**Read a sequence of user indications from connection with timeouts.
874       */
875     virtual PString ReadUserInput(
876       OpalConnection & connection,        ///<  Connection to read input from
877       const char * terminators = "#\r\n", ///<  Characters that can terminte input
878       unsigned lastDigitTimeout = 4,      ///<  Timeout on last digit in string
879       unsigned firstDigitTimeout = 30     ///<  Timeout on receiving any digits
880     );
881   //@}
883   /**@name Other services */
884   //@{
885     /// Message waiting sub-types
886     enum MessageWaitingType {
887       NoMessageWaiting,
888       VoiceMessageWaiting,
889       FaxMessageWaiting,
890       PagerMessageWaiting,
891       MultimediaMessageWaiting,
892       TextMessageWaiting,
893       NumMessageWaitingTypes
894     };
896     /**Callback called when Message Waiting Indication (MWI) is received.
897        Multiple callbacks may occur with each MessageWaitingType. A \p type
898        of NumMessageWaitingTypes indicates the server is unable to distinguish
899        the message type.
901        The \p extraInfo parameter is generally of the form "a/b" where a and b
902        unsigned integers representing new and old message count. However, it
903        may be a simple "yes" or "no" if the remote cannot provide a message
904        count.
905      */
906     virtual void OnMWIReceived(
907       const PString & party,    ///< Name of party MWI is for
908       MessageWaitingType type,  ///< Type of message that is waiting
909       const PString & extraInfo ///< Addition information on the MWI
910     );
913     class RouteEntry : public PObject
914     {
915         PCLASSINFO(RouteEntry, PObject);
916       public:
917         RouteEntry(const PString & pat, const PString & dest);
918         void PrintOn(ostream & strm) const;
919         PString            pattern;
920         PString            destination;
921         PRegularExpression regex;
922     };
923     PARRAY(RouteTable, RouteEntry);
925     /**Add a route entry to the route table.
927        The specification string is of the form:
929                  pattern '=' destination
930        where:
932             pattern      regular expression used to select route
934             destination  destination for the call
936        The "pattern" string regex is compared against routing strings that are built
937        as follows:
939                  a_party '\\t' b_party
941        where:
943             a_party      name associated with a local connection i.e. "pots:vpb:1/2" or
944                          "h323:myname@myhost.com".
946             b_party      destination specified by the call, which may be a full URI
947                          or a simple digit string
949        Note that all "pattern" strings have an implied '^' at the beginning and
950        a '$' at the end. This forces the "pattern" to match the entire source string.
951        For convenience, the sub-expression ".*\\t" is inserted immediately after
952        any ':' character if no '\\t' is present.
954        Route entries are stored and searched in the route table in the order they are added.
956        The "destination" string is determines the endpoint used for the outbound
957        leg of the route, when a match to the "pattern" is found. It can be a literal string,
958        or can be constructed using various meta-strings that correspond to parts of the source.
959        See below for a list of the available meta-strings
961        A "destination" starting with the string 'label:' causes the router to restart
962        searching from the beginning of the route table using the new string as the "a_party".
963        Thus, a route table with the folllwing entries:
965                   "label:speeddial=h323:"
966                   "pots:26=label:speeddial"
968        will produce the same result as the single entry "pots:26=h323:".
970        If the "destination" parameter is of the form \@filename, then the file
971        is read with each line consisting of a pattern=destination route
972        specification.
974        "destination" strings without an equal sign or beginning with '#' are ignored.
976        Pattern Regex Examples:
977        -----------------------
979        1) A local H.323 endpoint with with name of "myname@myhost.com" that receives a
980           call with a destination h323Id of "boris" would generate:
982                           "h323:myname@myhost.com\\tboris"
984        2) A local SIP endpoint with with name of "fred@nurk.com" that receives a
985           call with a destination of "sip:fred@nurk.com" would generate:
987                           "sip:fred@nurk.com\\tsip:fred@nurk.com"
989        3) Using line 0 of a PhoneJACK handset with a serial # of 01AB3F4 to dial
990           the digits 2, 6 and # would generate:
992                           "pots:Quicknet:01AB3F4:0\\t26"
995        Destination meta-strings:
996        -------------------------
998        The available meta-strings are:
1000          <da>    Replaced by the "b_party" string. For example
1001                  "pc:.*\\t.* = sip:<da>" directs calls to the SIP protocol. In
1002                  this case there is a special condition where if the original
1003                  destination had a valid protocol, eg h323:fred.com, then
1004                  the entire string is replaced not just the <da> part.
1006          <db>    Same as <da>, but without the special condtion.
1008          <du>    Copy the "user" part of the "b_party" string. This is
1009                  essentially the component after the : and before the '@', or
1010                  the whole "b_party" string if these are not present.
1012          <!du>   The rest of the "b_party" string after the <du> section. The
1013                  protocol is still omitted. This is usually the '@' and onward.
1014                  Note if there is already an '@' in the destination before the
1015                  <!du> and what is abour to replace it also has an '@' then
1016                  everything between the @ and the <!du> (inclusive) is deleted,
1017                  then the substitution is made so a legal URL can result.
1019          <dn>    Copy all valid consecutive E.164 digits from the "b_party" so
1020                  pots:0061298765\@vpb:1/2 becomes sip:0061298765@carrier.com
1022          <dnX>   As above but skip X digits, eg <dn2> skips 2 digits, so
1023                  pots:00612198765 becomes sip:61298765@carrier.com
1025          <!dn>   The rest of the "b_party" after the <dn> or <dnX> sections.
1027          <dn2ip> Translate digits separated by '*' characters to an IP
1028                  address. e.g. 10*0*1*1 becomes, also
1029                  1234*10*0*1*1 becomes 1234\@ and
1030                  1234*10*0*1*1*1722 becomes 1234\@
1033        Returns true if an entry was added.
1034       */
1035     virtual PBoolean AddRouteEntry(
1036       const PString & spec  ///<  Specification string to add
1037     );
1039     /**Parse a route table specification list for the manager.
1040        This removes the current routeTable and calls AddRouteEntry for every
1041        string in the array.
1043        Returns true if at least one entry was added.
1044       */
1045     PBoolean SetRouteTable(
1046       const PStringArray & specs  ///<  Array of specification strings.
1047     );
1049     /**Set a route table for the manager.
1050        Note that this will make a copy of the table and not maintain a
1051        reference.
1052       */
1053     void SetRouteTable(
1054       const RouteTable & table  ///<  New table to set for routing
1055     );
1057     /**Get the active route table for the manager.
1058       */
GetRouteTable()1059     const RouteTable & GetRouteTable() const { return m_routeTable; }
1061     /**Route the source address to a destination using the route table.
1062        The source parameter may be something like pots:vpb:1/2 or
1063        sip:fred\@nurk.com.
1065        The destination parameter is a partial URL, it does not include the
1066        protocol, but may be of the form user\@host, or simply digits.
1067       */
1068     virtual PString ApplyRouteTable(
1069       const PString & source,      ///< Source address, including endpoint protocol
1070       const PString & destination, ///< Destination address read from source protocol
1071       PINDEX & entry               ///< Index into table to start search
1072     );
1073   //@}
1076   /**@name Call recording */
1077   //@{
1078     /**Start recording a call.
1079        Current version saves to a WAV file. It may either mix the receive and
1080        transmit audio stream to a single mono file, or the streams are placed
1081        into the left and right channels of a stereo WAV file.
1083        Returns true if the call exists and there is no recording in progress
1084                for the call.
1085       */
1086     virtual PBoolean StartRecording(
1087       const PString & callToken,  ///< Call token for call to record
1088       const PFilePath & filename, ///< File into which to record
1089       const OpalRecordManager::Options & options = false ///< Record mixing options
1090     );
1092     /**Indicate if recording is currently active on call.
1093       */
1094     virtual bool IsRecording(
1095       const PString & callToken   ///< Call token for call to check if recording
1096     );
1098     /** Stop a recording.
1099         Returns true if the call does exists, that recording is active is
1100                 not indicated.
1101       */
1102     virtual bool StopRecording(
1103       const PString & callToken   ///< Call token for call to stop recording
1104     );
1106   //@}
1107 #endif
1109   /**@name Member variable access */
1110   //@{
1111     /**Get the product info for all endpoints.
1112       */
GetProductInfo()1113     const OpalProductInfo & GetProductInfo() const { return productInfo; }
1115     /**Set the product info for all endpoints.
1116       */
1117     void SetProductInfo(
1118       const OpalProductInfo & info, ///< New information
1119       bool updateAll = true         ///< Update all registered endpoints
1120     );
1122     /**Get the default username for all endpoints.
1123       */
GetDefaultUserName()1124     const PString & GetDefaultUserName() const { return defaultUserName; }
1126     /**Set the default username for all endpoints.
1127       */
1128     void SetDefaultUserName(
1129       const PString & name,   ///< New name
1130       bool updateAll = true   ///< Update all registered endpoints
1131     );
1133     /**Get the default display name for all endpoints.
1134       */
GetDefaultDisplayName()1135     const PString & GetDefaultDisplayName() const { return defaultDisplayName; }
1137     /**Set the default display name for all endpoints.
1138       */
1139     void SetDefaultDisplayName(
1140       const PString & name,   ///< New name
1141       bool updateAll = true   ///< Update all registered endpoints
1142     );
1144 #if OPAL_VIDEO
1146     //
1147     // these functions are deprecated and used only for backwards compatibility
1148     // applications should use OpalConnection::GetAutoStart() to check whether
1149     // a specific media type can be auto-started
1150     //
1152     /**See if should auto-start receive video channels on connection.
1153      */
CanAutoStartReceiveVideo()1154     bool CanAutoStartReceiveVideo() const { return (OpalMediaType::Video().GetAutoStart()&OpalMediaType::Receive) != 0; }
1156     /**Set if should auto-start receive video channels on connection.
1157      */
SetAutoStartReceiveVideo(bool can)1158     void SetAutoStartReceiveVideo(bool can) { OpalMediaType::Video().GetDefinition()->SetAutoStart(OpalMediaType::Receive, can); }
1160     /**See if should auto-start transmit video channels on connection.
1161      */
CanAutoStartTransmitVideo()1162     bool CanAutoStartTransmitVideo() const { return (OpalMediaType::Video().GetAutoStart()&OpalMediaType::Transmit) != 0; }
1164     /**Set if should auto-start transmit video channels on connection.
1165      */
SetAutoStartTransmitVideo(bool can)1166     void SetAutoStartTransmitVideo(bool can) { OpalMediaType::Video().GetDefinition()->SetAutoStart(OpalMediaType::Transmit, can); }
1168 #endif
1170     /**Determine if the address is "local", ie does not need any address
1171        translation (fixed or via STUN) to access.
1173        The default behaviour checks if remoteAddress is a RFC1918 private
1174        IP address: 10.x.x.x, 172.16.x.x or 192.168.x.x.
1175      */
1176     virtual PBoolean IsLocalAddress(
1177       const PIPSocket::Address & remoteAddress
1178     ) const;
1180     /**Determine if the RTP session needs to accommodate a NAT router.
1181        For endpoints that do not use STUN or something similar to set up all the
1182        correct protocol embeddded addresses correctly when a NAT router is between
1183        the endpoints, it is possible to still accommodate the call, with some
1184        restrictions. This function determines if the RTP can proceed with special
1185        NAT allowances.
1187        The special allowance is that the RTP code will ignore whatever the remote
1188        indicates in the protocol for the address to send RTP data and wait for
1189        the first packet to arrive from the remote and will then proceed to send
1190        all RTP data back to that address AND port.
1192        The default behaviour checks the values of the physical link
1193        (localAddr/peerAddr) against the signaling address the remote indicated in
1194        the protocol, eg H.323 SETUP sourceCallSignalAddress or SIP "To" or
1195        "Contact" fields, and makes a guess that the remote is behind a NAT router.
1196      */
1197     virtual PBoolean IsRTPNATEnabled(
1198       OpalConnection & connection,            ///< Connection being checked
1199       const PIPSocket::Address & localAddr,   ///< Local physical address of connection
1200       const PIPSocket::Address & peerAddr,    ///< Remote physical address of connection
1201       const PIPSocket::Address & signalAddr,  ///< Remotes signaling address as indicated by protocol of connection
1202       PBoolean incoming                       ///< Incoming/outgoing connection
1203     );
1205     /**Provide address translation hook.
1206        This will check to see that remoteAddress is NOT a local address by
1207        using IsLocalAddress() and if not, set localAddress to the
1208        translationAddress (if valid) which would normally be the router
1209        address of a NAT system.
1210      */
1211     virtual PBoolean TranslateIPAddress(
1212       PIPSocket::Address & localAddress,
1213       const PIPSocket::Address & remoteAddress
1214     );
1216     /**Get the translation host to use for TranslateIPAddress().
1217       */
GetTranslationHost()1218     const PString & GetTranslationHost() const { return translationHost; }
1220     /**Set the translation host to use for TranslateIPAddress().
1221       */
1222     bool SetTranslationHost(
1223       const PString & host
1224     );
1226     /**Get the translation address to use for TranslateIPAddress().
1227       */
GetTranslationAddress()1228     const PIPSocket::Address & GetTranslationAddress() const { return translationAddress; }
1230     /**Set the translation address to use for TranslateIPAddress().
1231       */
1232     void SetTranslationAddress(
1233       const PIPSocket::Address & address
1234     );
1236     /**Return the NAT method to use.
1237        Returns NULL if address is a local address as per IsLocalAddress().
1238        Always returns the NAT method if address is zero.
1239        Note, the pointer is NOT to be deleted by the user.
1240       */
1241     virtual PNatMethod * GetNatMethod(
1242       const PIPSocket::Address & remoteAddress = PIPSocket::GetDefaultIpAny()
1243     ) const;
1245     /**Set the STUN server address, is of the form host[:port]
1246        Note that if the STUN server is found then the translationAddress
1247        is automatically set to the router address as determined by STUN.
1248       */
1249     PSTUNClient::NatTypes SetSTUNServer(
1250       const PString & server
1251     );
1253     /**Get the current host name and optional port for the STUN server.
1254       */
GetSTUNServer()1255     const PString & GetSTUNServer() const { return stunServer; }
1257     /**Return the STUN client instance in use.
1258       */
GetSTUNClient()1259     PSTUNClient * GetSTUNClient() const { return stun; }
1261     /**Get the TCP port number base for H.245 channels
1262      */
GetTCPPortBase()1263     WORD GetTCPPortBase() const { return tcpPorts.base; }
1265     /**Get the TCP port number base for H.245 channels.
1266      */
GetTCPPortMax()1267     WORD GetTCPPortMax() const { return tcpPorts.max; }
1269     /**Set the TCP port number base and max for H.245 channels.
1270      */
1271     void SetTCPPorts(unsigned tcpBase, unsigned tcpMax);
1273     /**Get the next TCP port number for H.245 channels
1274      */
1275     WORD GetNextTCPPort();
1277     /**Get the UDP port number base for RAS channels
1278      */
GetUDPPortBase()1279     WORD GetUDPPortBase() const { return udpPorts.base; }
1281     /**Get the UDP port number base for RAS channels.
1282      */
GetUDPPortMax()1283     WORD GetUDPPortMax() const { return udpPorts.max; }
1285     /**Set the TCP port number base and max for H.245 channels.
1286      */
1287     void SetUDPPorts(unsigned udpBase, unsigned udpMax);
1289     /**Get the next UDP port number for RAS channels
1290      */
1291     WORD GetNextUDPPort();
1293     /**Get the UDP port number base for RTP channels.
1294      */
GetRtpIpPortBase()1295     WORD GetRtpIpPortBase() const { return rtpIpPorts.base; }
1297     /**Get the max UDP port number for RTP channels.
1298      */
GetRtpIpPortMax()1299     WORD GetRtpIpPortMax() const { return rtpIpPorts.max; }
1301     /**Set the UDP port number base and max for RTP channels.
1302      */
1303     void SetRtpIpPorts(unsigned udpBase, unsigned udpMax);
1305     /**Get the UDP port number pair for RTP channels.
1306      */
1307     WORD GetRtpIpPortPair();
1309     /**Get the IP Type Of Service byte for media (eg RTP) channels.
1310      */
GetMediaTypeOfService()1311     BYTE GetMediaTypeOfService() const { return m_defaultMediaTypeOfService; }
1313     /**Set the IP Type Of Service byte for media (eg RTP) channels.
1314      */
SetMediaTypeOfService(unsigned tos)1315     void SetMediaTypeOfService(unsigned tos) { m_defaultMediaTypeOfService = (BYTE)tos; }
1317     // For backward compatibility
GetRtpIpTypeofService()1318     BYTE P_DEPRECATED GetRtpIpTypeofService() const { return m_defaultMediaTypeOfService; }
SetRtpIpTypeofService(unsigned tos)1319     void P_DEPRECATED SetRtpIpTypeofService(unsigned tos) { m_defaultMediaTypeOfService = (BYTE)tos; }
1321     /**Get the IP Type Of Service byte for media (eg RTP) channels.
1322      */
1323     BYTE GetMediaTypeOfService(const OpalMediaType & type) const;
1325     /**Set the IP Type Of Service byte for media (eg RTP) channels.
1326      */
1327     void SetMediaTypeOfService(const OpalMediaType & type, unsigned tos);
1329     /**Get the maximum transmitted RTP payload size.
1330        Defaults to maximum safe MTU size (576 bytes as per RFC879) minus the
1331        typical size of the IP, UDP an RTP headers.
1332       */
GetMaxRtpPayloadSize()1333     PINDEX GetMaxRtpPayloadSize() const { return rtpPayloadSizeMax; }
1335     /**Get the maximum transmitted RTP payload size.
1336        Defaults to maximum safe MTU size (576 bytes as per RFC879) minus the
1337        typical size of the IP, UDP an RTP headers.
1338       */
1339     void SetMaxRtpPayloadSize(
1340       PINDEX size,
1341       bool mtu = false
1342     ) { rtpPayloadSizeMax = size - (mtu ? (20+16+12) : 0); }
1344     /**Get the maximum received RTP packet size.
1345        Defaults to 2048.
1346       */
GetMaxRtpPacketSize()1347     PINDEX GetMaxRtpPacketSize() const { return rtpPacketSizeMax; }
1349     /**Get the maximum transmitted RTP payload size.
1350        Defaults to 2048.
1351       */
SetMaxRtpPacketSize(PINDEX size)1352     void SetMaxRtpPacketSize(
1353       PINDEX size
1354     ) { rtpPacketSizeMax = size; }
1356     /**Get the default maximum audio jitter delay parameter.
1357        Defaults to 50ms
1358      */
GetMinAudioJitterDelay()1359     unsigned GetMinAudioJitterDelay() const { return minAudioJitterDelay; }
1361     /**Get the default maximum audio jitter delay parameter.
1362        Defaults to 250ms.
1363      */
GetMaxAudioJitterDelay()1364     unsigned GetMaxAudioJitterDelay() const { return maxAudioJitterDelay; }
1366     /**Set the maximum audio jitter delay parameter.
1368        If minDelay is set to zero then both the minimum and maximum will be
1369        set to zero which will disable the jitter buffer entirely.
1371        If maxDelay is zero, or just less that minDelay, then the maximum
1372        jitter is set to the minimum and this disables the adaptive jitter, a
1373        fixed value is used.
1374      */
1375     void SetAudioJitterDelay(
1376       unsigned minDelay,   ///<  New minimum jitter buffer delay in milliseconds
1377       unsigned maxDelay    ///<  New maximum jitter buffer delay in milliseconds
1378     );
1380     /**Get the default media format order.
1381      */
GetMediaFormatOrder()1382     const PStringArray & GetMediaFormatOrder() const { return mediaFormatOrder; }
1384     /**Set the default media format order.
1385      */
1386     void SetMediaFormatOrder(
1387       const PStringArray & order   ///< New order
1388     );
1390     /**Get the default media format mask.
1391        The is the default list of media format names to be removed from media
1392        format lists bfeore use by a connection.
1393        See OpalMediaFormatList::Remove() for more information.
1394      */
GetMediaFormatMask()1395     const PStringArray & GetMediaFormatMask() const { return mediaFormatMask; }
1397     /**Set the default media format mask.
1398        The is the default list of media format names to be removed from media
1399        format lists bfeore use by a connection.
1400        See OpalMediaFormatList::Remove() for more information.
1401      */
1402     void SetMediaFormatMask(
1403       const PStringArray & mask   //< New mask
1404     );
1406     /**Set the default parameters for the silence detector.
1407      */
SetSilenceDetectParams(const OpalSilenceDetector::Params & params)1408     virtual void SetSilenceDetectParams(
1409       const OpalSilenceDetector::Params & params
1410     ) { silenceDetectParams = params; }
1412     /**Get the default parameters for the silence detector.
1413      */
GetSilenceDetectParams()1414     const OpalSilenceDetector::Params & GetSilenceDetectParams() const { return silenceDetectParams; }
1416 #if OPAL_AEC
1417     /**Set the default parameters for the echo cancelation.
1418      */
SetEchoCancelParams(const OpalEchoCanceler::Params & params)1419     virtual void SetEchoCancelParams(
1420       const OpalEchoCanceler::Params & params
1421     ) { echoCancelParams = params; }
1423     /**Get the default parameters for the silence detector.
1424      */
GetEchoCancelParams()1425     const OpalEchoCanceler::Params & GetEchoCancelParams() const { return echoCancelParams; }
1426 #endif
1428 #if OPAL_VIDEO
1430     /**Set the parameters for the video device to be used for input.
1431        If the name is not suitable for use with the PVideoInputDevice class
1432        then the function will return false and not change the device.
1434        This defaults to the value of the PVideoInputDevice::GetInputDeviceNames()
1435        function.
1436      */
1437     virtual PBoolean SetVideoInputDevice(
1438       const PVideoDevice::OpenArgs & deviceArgs ///<  Full description of device
1439     );
1441     /**Get the parameters for the video device to be used for input.
1442        This defaults to the value of the PSoundChannel::GetInputDeviceNames()[0].
1443      */
GetVideoInputDevice()1444     const PVideoDevice::OpenArgs & GetVideoInputDevice() const { return videoInputDevice; }
1446     /**Set the parameters for the video device to be used to preview input.
1447        If the name is not suitable for use with the PVideoOutputDevice class
1448        then the function will return false and not change the device.
1450        This defaults to the value of the PVideoInputDevice::GetOutputDeviceNames()
1451        function.
1452      */
1453     virtual PBoolean SetVideoPreviewDevice(
1454       const PVideoDevice::OpenArgs & deviceArgs ///<  Full description of device
1455     );
1457     /**Get the parameters for the video device to be used for input.
1458        This defaults to the value of the PSoundChannel::GetInputDeviceNames()[0].
1459      */
GetVideoPreviewDevice()1460     const PVideoDevice::OpenArgs & GetVideoPreviewDevice() const { return videoPreviewDevice; }
1462     /**Set the parameters for the video device to be used for output.
1463        If the name is not suitable for use with the PVideoOutputDevice class
1464        then the function will return false and not change the device.
1466        This defaults to the value of the PVideoInputDevice::GetOutputDeviceNames()
1467        function.
1468      */
1469     virtual PBoolean SetVideoOutputDevice(
1470       const PVideoDevice::OpenArgs & deviceArgs ///<  Full description of device
1471     );
1473     /**Get the parameters for the video device to be used for input.
1474        This defaults to the value of the PSoundChannel::GetOutputDeviceNames()[0].
1475      */
GetVideoOutputDevice()1476     const PVideoDevice::OpenArgs & GetVideoOutputDevice() const { return videoOutputDevice; }
1478 #endif
DetectInBandDTMFDisabled()1480     PBoolean DetectInBandDTMFDisabled() const
1481       { return disableDetectInBandDTMF; }
1483     /**Set the default H.245 tunneling mode.
1484       */
DisableDetectInBandDTMF(PBoolean mode)1485     void DisableDetectInBandDTMF(
1486       PBoolean mode ///<  New default mode
1487     ) { disableDetectInBandDTMF = mode; }
1489     /**Get the amount of time with no media that should cause a call to clear
1490      */
GetNoMediaTimeout()1491     const PTimeInterval & GetNoMediaTimeout() const { return noMediaTimeout; }
1493     /**Set the amount of time with no media that should cause a call to clear
1494      */
1495     PBoolean SetNoMediaTimeout(
1496       const PTimeInterval & newInterval  ///<  New timeout for media
1497     );
1499     /**Get the default ILS server to use for user lookup.
1500       */
GetDefaultILSServer()1501     const PString & GetDefaultILSServer() const { return ilsServer; }
1503     /**Set the default ILS server to use for user lookup.
1504       */
SetDefaultILSServer(const PString & server)1505     void SetDefaultILSServer(
1506       const PString & server
1507     ) { ilsServer = server; }
1508   //@}
1510     // needs to be public for gcc 3.4
1511     void GarbageCollection();
1513 #ifdef OPAL_ZRTP
1514     virtual bool GetZRTPEnabled() const;
1515 #endif
1517     virtual void OnApplyStringOptions(
1518       OpalConnection & conn,
1519       OpalConnection::StringOptions & stringOptions
1520     );
1522   protected:
1523     // Configuration variables
1524     OpalProductInfo productInfo;
1526     PString       defaultUserName;
1527     PString       defaultDisplayName;
1529     BYTE                     m_defaultMediaTypeOfService;
1530     map<OpalMediaType, BYTE> m_mediaTypeOfService;
1532     PINDEX        rtpPayloadSizeMax;
1533     PINDEX        rtpPacketSizeMax;
1534     unsigned      minAudioJitterDelay;
1535     unsigned      maxAudioJitterDelay;
1536     PStringArray  mediaFormatOrder;
1537     PStringArray  mediaFormatMask;
1538     PBoolean          disableDetectInBandDTMF;
1539     PTimeInterval noMediaTimeout;
1540     PString       ilsServer;
1542     OpalSilenceDetector::Params silenceDetectParams;
1543 #if OPAL_AEC
1544     OpalEchoCanceler::Params echoCancelParams;
1545 #endif
1547 #if OPAL_VIDEO
1548     PVideoDevice::OpenArgs videoInputDevice;
1549     PVideoDevice::OpenArgs videoPreviewDevice;
1550     PVideoDevice::OpenArgs videoOutputDevice;
1551 #endif
1553     struct PortInfo {
1554       void Set(
1555         unsigned base,
1556         unsigned max,
1557         unsigned range,
1558         unsigned dflt
1559       );
1560       WORD GetNext(
1561         unsigned increment
1562       );
1564       PMutex mutex;
1565       WORD   base;
1566       WORD   max;
1567       WORD   current;
1568     } tcpPorts, udpPorts, rtpIpPorts;
1570     class InterfaceMonitor : public PInterfaceMonitorClient
1571     {
1572       PCLASSINFO(InterfaceMonitor, PInterfaceMonitorClient);
1574       enum {
1575         OpalManagerInterfaceMonitorClientPriority = 100,
1576       };
1577       public:
1578         InterfaceMonitor(OpalManager & manager);
1580       protected:
1581         virtual void OnAddInterface(const PIPSocket::InterfaceEntry & entry);
1582         virtual void OnRemoveInterface(const PIPSocket::InterfaceEntry & entry);
1584         OpalManager & m_manager;
1585     };
1587     PString            translationHost;
1588     PIPSocket::Address translationAddress;
1589     PString            stunServer;
1590     PSTUNClient      * stun;
1591     InterfaceMonitor * interfaceMonitor;
1593     RouteTable m_routeTable;
1594     PMutex     m_routeMutex;
1596     // Dynamic variables
1597     PReadWriteMutex     endpointsMutex;
1598     PList<OpalEndPoint> endpointList;
1599     std::map<PString, OpalEndPoint *> endpointMap;
1601     PAtomicInteger lastCallTokenID;
1603     class CallDict : public PSafeDictionary<PString, OpalCall>
1604     {
1605       public:
CallDict(OpalManager & mgr)1606         CallDict(OpalManager & mgr) : manager(mgr) { }
1607         virtual void DeleteObject(PObject * object) const;
1608         OpalManager & manager;
1609     } activeCalls;
1611     PSafeDictionary<PString, OpalPresentity> m_presentities;
1613     PAtomicInteger m_clearingAllCallsCount;
1614     PMutex         m_clearingAllCallsMutex;
1615     PSyncPoint     m_allCallsCleared;
1616     void InternalClearAllCalls(OpalConnection::CallEndReason reason, bool wait, bool first);
1618     PThread    * garbageCollector;
1619     PSyncPoint   garbageCollectExit;
1620     bool         garbageCollectSkip;
1621     PDECLARE_NOTIFIER(PThread, OpalManager, GarbageMain);
1623 #ifdef OPAL_ZRTP
1624     bool zrtpEnabled;
1625 #endif
1627     friend OpalCall::OpalCall(OpalManager & mgr);
1628     friend void OpalCall::InternalOnClear();
1630   private:
1631     P_REMOVE_VIRTUAL(OpalCall *,CreateCall(), 0);
1632     P_REMOVE_VIRTUAL(PBoolean, OnIncomingConnection(OpalConnection &, unsigned), false);
1633     P_REMOVE_VIRTUAL(PBoolean, OnIncomingConnection(OpalConnection &), false);
1634     P_REMOVE_VIRTUAL(PBoolean, OnStartMediaPatch(const OpalMediaPatch &), false);
1635     P_REMOVE_VIRTUAL_VOID(AdjustMediaFormats(const OpalConnection &, OpalMediaFormatList &) const);
1636     P_REMOVE_VIRTUAL_VOID(OnMessageReceived(const PURL&,const PString&,const PURL&,const PString&,const PString&,const PString&));
1639 #ifdef OPAL_HAS_IM
1640   public:
GetIMManager()1641     OpalIMManager & GetIMManager() { return *m_imManager; }
1643   protected:
1644     OpalIMManager * m_imManager;
1645 #endif
1646 };
1649 PString  OpalGetVersion();
1650 unsigned OpalGetMajorVersion();
1651 unsigned OpalGetMinorVersion();
1652 unsigned OpalGetBuildNumber();
1655 #endif // OPAL_OPAL_MANAGER_H
1658 // End of File ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////