1 /*
2 * Simd Library (http://ermig1979.github.io/Simd).
3 *
4 * Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Yermalayeu Ihar,
5 *               2014-2016 Antonenka Mikhail,
6 *               2019-2019 Facundo Galan.
7 *
8 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
9 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
10 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
11 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
12 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
13 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
14 *
15 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
16 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
17 *
25 */
27 #ifndef __SimdLib_h__
28 #define __SimdLib_h__
30 #include "Simd/SimdConfig.h"
32 #include <stddef.h>
34 #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__CODEGEARC__)
36 #define SIMD_INLINE __forceinline
38 #elif defined(__GNUC__)
40 #define SIMD_INLINE inline __attribute__ ((always_inline))
42 #else
44 #error This platform is unsupported!
46 #endif
48 #if defined(__GNUC__) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1600)) || (defined(__CODEGEARC__) && (__CODEGEARC__ >= 1840))
49 #include <stdint.h>
50 #else
51 #  if (_MSC_VER < 1300)
52 typedef signed char       int8_t;
53 typedef signed short      int16_t;
54 typedef signed int        int32_t;
55 typedef unsigned char     uint8_t;
56 typedef unsigned short    uint16_t;
57 typedef unsigned int      uint32_t;
58 #  else
59 typedef signed __int8     int8_t;
60 typedef signed __int16    int16_t;
61 typedef signed __int32    int32_t;
62 typedef unsigned __int8   uint8_t;
63 typedef unsigned __int16  uint16_t;
64 typedef unsigned __int32  uint32_t;
65 #  endif
66 typedef signed __int64    int64_t;
67 typedef unsigned __int64  uint64_t;
68 #endif
70 /*! @ingroup c_types
71     Describes boolean type.
72 */
73 typedef enum
74 {
75     SimdFalse = 0, /*!< False value. */
76     SimdTrue = 1, /*!< True value. */
77 } SimdBool;
79 /*! @ingroup c_types
80     Describes types of compare operation.
81     Operation compare(a, b) is
82 */
83 typedef enum
84 {
85     /*! equal to: a == b */
86     SimdCompareEqual,
87     /*! equal to: a != b */
88     SimdCompareNotEqual,
89     /*! equal to: a > b */
90     SimdCompareGreater,
91     /*! equal to: a >= b */
92     SimdCompareGreaterOrEqual,
93     /*! equal to: a < b */
94     SimdCompareLesser,
95     /*! equal to: a <= b */
96     SimdCompareLesserOrEqual,
97 } SimdCompareType;
99 /*! @ingroup c_types
100     Describes type of information which can return function ::SimdCpuInfo.
101 */
102 typedef enum
103 {
104     SimdCpuInfoSockets,/*!< A number of sockets. */
105     SimdCpuInfoCores, /*!< A number of psysical CPU cores. */
106     SimdCpuInfoThreads, /*!< A number of logical CPU cores. */
107     SimdCpuInfoCacheL1, /*!< A size of level 1 data cache. */
108     SimdCpuInfoCacheL2, /*!< A size of level 2 cache. */
109     SimdCpuInfoCacheL3, /*!< A size of level 3 cache. */
110     SimdCpuInfoSse, /*!< Availability of SSE (x86). */
111     SimdCpuInfoSse2, /*!< Availability of SSE2 (x86). */
112     SimdCpuInfoSse3, /*!< Availability of SSE3 (x86). */
113     SimdCpuInfoSsse3, /*!< Availability of SSSE3 (x86). */
114     SimdCpuInfoSse41, /*!< Availability of SSE4.1 (x86). */
115     SimdCpuInfoSse42, /*!< Availability of SSE4.2 (x86). */
116     SimdCpuInfoAvx, /*!< Availability of AVX (x86). */
117     SimdCpuInfoAvx2, /*!< Availability of AVX2 (x86). */
118     SimdCpuInfoAvx512f, /*!< Availability of AVX-512F (x86). */
119     SimdCpuInfoAvx512bw, /*!< Availability of AVX-512BW (x86). */
120     SimdCpuInfoVmx, /*!< Availability of VMX or Altivec (PowerPC). */
121     SimdCpuInfoVsx, /*!< Availability of VSX (PowerPC). */
122     SimdCpuInfoNeon, /*!< Availability of NEON (ARM). */
123     SimdCpuInfoMsa, /*!< Availability of MSA (MIPS). */
124 } SimdCpuInfoType;
126 /*! @ingroup c_types
127     Describes types of binary operation between two images performed by function ::SimdOperationBinary8u.
128     Images must have the same format (unsigned 8-bit integer for every channel).
129 */
130 typedef enum
131 {
132     /*! Computes the average value for every channel of every point of two images. \n Average(a, b) = (a + b + 1)/2. */
133     SimdOperationBinary8uAverage,
134     /*! Computes the bitwise AND between two images. */
135     SimdOperationBinary8uAnd,
136     /*! Computes the bitwise OR between two images. */
137     SimdOperationBinary8uOr,
138     /*! Computes maximal value for every channel of every point of two images. */
139     SimdOperationBinary8uMaximum,
140     /*! Computes minimal value for every channel of every point of two images. */
141     SimdOperationBinary8uMinimum,
142     /*! Subtracts unsigned 8-bit integer b from unsigned 8-bit integer a and saturates (for every channel of every point of the images). */
143     SimdOperationBinary8uSaturatedSubtraction,
144     /*! Adds unsigned 8-bit integer b from unsigned 8-bit integer a and saturates (for every channel of every point of the images). */
145     SimdOperationBinary8uSaturatedAddition,
146     /*! Subtracts unsigned 8-bit integer b from unsigned 8-bit integer a (for every channel of every point of the images). */
147     SimdOperationBinary8uSubtraction,
148     /*! Adds unsigned 8-bit integer b from unsigned 8-bit integer a (for every channel of every point of the images). */
149     SimdOperationBinary8uAddition,
150 } SimdOperationBinary8uType;
152 /*! @ingroup c_types
153     Describes pixel format types of an image.
154     In particular this type is used in functions ::SimdBayerToBgr, ::SimdBayerToBgra, ::SimdBgraToBayer and ::SimdBgrToBayer.
155     \note This type is corresponds to C++ type Simd::View::Format.
156 */
157 typedef enum
158 {
159     /*! An undefined pixel format. */
160     SimdPixelFormatNone = 0,
161     /*! A 8-bit gray pixel format. */
162     SimdPixelFormatGray8,
163     /*! A 24-bit (3 8-bit channels) BGR (Blue, Green, Red) pixel format. */
164     SimdPixelFormatBgr24,
165     /*! A 32-bit (4 8-bit channels) BGRA (Blue, Green, Red, Alpha) pixel format. */
166     SimdPixelFormatBgra32,
167     /*! A single channel 16-bit integer pixel format. */
168     SimdPixelFormatInt16,
169     /*! A single channel 32-bit integer pixel format. */
170     SimdPixelFormatInt32,
171     /*! A single channel 64-bit integer pixel format. */
172     SimdPixelFormatInt64,
173     /*! A single channel 32-bit float point pixel format. */
174     SimdPixelFormatFloat,
175     /*! A single channel 64-bit float point pixel format. */
176     SimdPixelFormatDouble,
177     /*! A 8-bit Bayer pixel format (GRBG). */
178     SimdPixelFormatBayerGrbg,
179     /*! A 8-bit Bayer pixel format (GBRG). */
180     SimdPixelFormatBayerGbrg,
181     /*! A 8-bit Bayer pixel format (RGGB). */
182     SimdPixelFormatBayerRggb,
183     /*! A 8-bit Bayer pixel format (BGGR). */
184     SimdPixelFormatBayerBggr,
185     /*! A 24-bit (3 8-bit channels) HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) pixel format. */
186     SimdPixelFormatHsv24,
187     /*! A 24-bit (3 8-bit channels) HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) pixel format. */
188     SimdPixelFormatHsl24,
189     /*! A 24-bit (3 8-bit channels) RGB (Red, Green, Blue) pixel format. */
190     SimdPixelFormatRgb24,
191 } SimdPixelFormatType;
193 /*! @ingroup c_types
194     Describes type of algorithm used for image reducing (downscale in 2 times) (see function Simd::ReduceGray).
195 */
196 enum SimdReduceType
197 {
198     SimdReduce2x2, /*!< Using of function ::SimdReduceGray2x2 for image reducing. */
199     SimdReduce3x3, /*!< Using of function ::SimdReduceGray3x3 for image reducing. */
200     SimdReduce4x4, /*!< Using of function ::SimdReduceGray4x4 for image reducing. */
201     SimdReduce5x5, /*!< Using of function ::SimdReduceGray5x5 for image reducing. */
202 };
204 /*! @ingroup resizing
205     Describes resized image channel types.
206 */
207 typedef enum
208 {
209     /*! 8-bit integer channel type.  */
210     SimdResizeChannelByte,
211     /*! 32-bit float channel type.  */
212     SimdResizeChannelFloat,
213 } SimdResizeChannelType;
215 /*! @ingroup resizing
216     Describes methods used in oreder to resize image.
217 */
218 typedef enum
219 {
220     /*! Bilinear method. */
221     SimdResizeMethodBilinear,
222     /*! caffe::interp compatible method. */
223     SimdResizeMethodCaffeInterp,
224     /*! Area method. */
225     SimdResizeMethodArea,
226 } SimdResizeMethodType;
228 // ViSP custom SIMD code
229 typedef enum
230 {
231     /*! 4-connexity. */
232     SimdImageConnexity4,
233     /*! 8-connexity. */
234     SimdImageConnexity8
235 } SimdImageConnexityType;
237 //#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(SIMD_STATIC)
238 //#  ifdef SIMD_EXPORTS
239 //#    define SIMD_API __declspec(dllexport)
240 //#  else//SIMD_EXPORTS
241 //#    define SIMD_API __declspec(dllimport)
242 //#  endif//SIMD_EXPORTS
243 //#else //WIN32
244 //#    define SIMD_API
245 //#endif//WIN32
247 #define SIMD_API
249 #ifdef __cplusplus
250 extern "C"
251 {
252 #endif//__cplusplus
254     /*! @ingroup info
256         \fn const char * SimdVersion();
258         \short Gets version of %Simd Library.
260         \return string with version of %Simd Library (major version number, minor version number, release number, number of SVN's commits).
261     */
262     SIMD_API const char * SimdVersion();
264     /*! @ingroup info
266         \fn const char *SimdPerformanceStatistic();
268         \short Gets internal performance statistics of %Simd Library.
270         \note %Simd Library have to be build with defined SIMD_PERFORMANCE_STATISTIC macro.
272         \return string with internal performance statistics of %Simd Library.
273     */
274     SIMD_API const char * SimdPerformanceStatistic();
276     /*! @ingroup memory
278         \fn void * SimdAllocate(size_t size, size_t align);
280         \short Allocates aligned memory block.
282         \note The memory allocated by this function is must be deleted by function ::SimdFree.
284         \param [in] size - a size of memory block.
285         \param [in] align - a required alignment of memory block.
287         \return a pointer to allocated memory.
288     */
289     SIMD_API void * SimdAllocate(size_t size, size_t align);
291     /*! @ingroup memory
293         \fn void SimdFree(void * ptr);
295         \short Frees aligned memory block.
297         \note This function frees a memory allocated by function ::SimdAllocate.
299         \param [in] ptr - a pointer to the memory to be deleted.
300     */
301     SIMD_API void SimdFree(void * ptr);
303     /*! @ingroup memory
305         \fn size_t SimdAlign(size_t size, size_t align);
307         \short Gets aligned size.
309         \param [in] size - an original size.
310         \param [in] align - a required alignment.
312         \return an aligned size.
313     */
314     SIMD_API size_t SimdAlign(size_t size, size_t align);
316     /*! @ingroup memory
318         \fn size_t SimdAlignment();
320         \short Gets alignment required for the most productive work of the Simd Library.
322         \return a required alignment.
323     */
324     SIMD_API size_t SimdAlignment();
326     /*! @ingroup memory
328         \fn void SimdRelease(void * context);
330         \short Releases context created with using of Simd Library API.
332         \note This function releases a context created by functions ::SimdDetectionLoadA and ::SimdDetectionInit.
334         \param [in] context - a context to be released.
335     */
336     SIMD_API void SimdRelease(void * context);
338     /*! @ingroup cpu_flags
340         \fn SimdBool SimdGetFastMode();
342         \short Gets current CPU Flush-To-Zero (FTZ) and Denormals-Are-Zero (DAZ) flags. It is used in order to process subnormal numbers.
344         \return current 'fast' mode.
345     */
346     SIMD_API SimdBool SimdGetFastMode();
348     /*! @ingroup cpu_flags
350         \fn void SimdSetFastMode(SimdBool value);
352         \short Sets current CPU Flush-To-Zero (FTZ) and Denormals-Are-Zero (DAZ) flags. It is used in order to process subnormal numbers.
354         \param [in] value - a value of 'fast' mode.
355     */
356     SIMD_API void SimdSetFastMode(SimdBool value);
358     /*! @ingroup bgra_conversion
360         \fn void SimdBgraToBgr(const uint8_t * bgra, size_t width, size_t height, size_t bgraStride, uint8_t * bgr, size_t bgrStride);
362         \short Converts 32-bit BGRA image to 24-bit BGR image.
364         All images must have the same width and height.
366         \note This function has a C++ wrapper Simd::BgraToBgr(const View<A>& bgra, View<A>& bgr).
368         \param [in] bgra - a pointer to pixels data of input 32-bit BGRA image.
369         \param [in] width - an image width.
370         \param [in] height - an image height.
371         \param [in] bgraStride - a row size of the bgra image.
372         \param [out] bgr - a pointer to pixels data of output 24-bit BGR image.
373         \param [in] bgrStride - a row size of the bgr image.
374     */
375     SIMD_API void SimdBgraToBgr(const uint8_t * bgra, size_t width, size_t height, size_t bgraStride, uint8_t * bgr, size_t bgrStride);
377     /*! @ingroup bgra_conversion
379         \fn void SimdBgraToGray(const uint8_t * bgra, size_t width, size_t height, size_t bgraStride, uint8_t * gray, size_t grayStride);
381         \short Converts 32-bit BGRA image to 8-bit gray image.
383         All images must have the same width and height.
385         \note This function has a C++ wrapper Simd::BgraToGray(const View<A>& bgra, View<A>& gray).
387         \param [in] bgra - a pointer to pixels data of input 32-bit BGRA image.
388         \param [in] width - an image width.
389         \param [in] height - an image height.
390         \param [in] bgraStride - a row size of the bgra image.
391         \param [out] gray - a pointer to pixels data of output 8-bit gray image.
392         \param [in] grayStride - a row size of the gray image.
393     */
394     SIMD_API void SimdBgraToGray(const uint8_t * bgra, size_t width, size_t height, size_t bgraStride, uint8_t * gray, size_t grayStride);
396     /*! @ingroup bgra_conversion
398         \fn void SimdRgbaToGray(const uint8_t * rgba, size_t width, size_t height, size_t rgbaStride, uint8_t * gray, size_t grayStride);
400         \short Converts 32-bit RGBA image to 8-bit gray image.
402         All images must have the same width and height.
404         \param [in] rgba - a pointer to pixels data of input 32-bit RGBA image.
405         \param [in] width - an image width.
406         \param [in] height - an image height.
407         \param [in] rgbaStride - a row size of the rgba image.
408         \param [out] gray - a pointer to pixels data of output 8-bit gray image.
409         \param [in] grayStride - a row size of the gray image.
410     */
411     SIMD_API void SimdRgbaToGray(const uint8_t * rgba, size_t width, size_t height, size_t rgbaStride, uint8_t * gray, size_t grayStride);
413     /*! @ingroup bgr_conversion
415         \fn void SimdBgrToBgra(const uint8_t * bgr, size_t width, size_t height, size_t bgrStride, uint8_t * bgra, size_t bgraStride, uint8_t alpha);
417         \short Converts 24-bit BGR image to 32-bit BGRA image.
419         All images must have the same width and height.
421         \note This function has a C++ wrapper Simd::BgrToBgra(const View<A>& bgr, View<A>& bgra, uint8_t alpha).
423         \param [in] bgr - a pointer to pixels data of input 24-bit BGR image.
424         \param [in] width - an image width.
425         \param [in] height - an image height.
426         \param [in] bgrStride - a row size of the bgr image.
427         \param [out] bgra - a pointer to pixels data of output 32-bit BGRA image.
428         \param [in] bgraStride - a row size of the bgra image.
429         \param [in] alpha - a value of alpha channel.
430     */
431     SIMD_API void SimdBgrToBgra(const uint8_t * bgr, size_t width, size_t height, size_t bgrStride, uint8_t * bgra, size_t bgraStride, uint8_t alpha);
433     /*! @ingroup bgr_conversion
435         \fn void SimdBgrToRgba(const uint8_t * bgr, size_t width, size_t height, size_t bgrStride, uint8_t * rgba, size_t rgbaStride, uint8_t alpha);
437         \short Converts 24-bit BGR image to 32-bit RGBA image.
439         All images must have the same width and height.
441         \param [in] bgr - a pointer to pixels data of input 24-bit BGR image.
442         \param [in] width - an image width.
443         \param [in] height - an image height.
444         \param [in] bgrStride - a row size of the bgr image.
445         \param [out] rgba - a pointer to pixels data of output 32-bit BGRA image.
446         \param [in] rgbaStride - a row size of the bgra image.
447         \param [in] alpha - a value of alpha channel.
448     */
449     SIMD_API void SimdBgrToRgba(const uint8_t * bgr, size_t width, size_t height, size_t bgrStride, uint8_t * rgba, size_t rgbaStride, uint8_t alpha);
451     /*! @ingroup bgr_conversion
453         \fn void SimdBgraToRgba(const uint8_t * bgra, size_t width, size_t height, size_t bgraStride, uint8_t * rgba, size_t rgbaStride);
455         \short Converts 32-bit BGRA image to 32-bit RGBA image.
457         All images must have the same width and height.
459         \param [in] bgra - a pointer to pixels data of input 32-bit BGRA image.
460         \param [in] width - an image width.
461         \param [in] height - an image height.
462         \param [in] bgraStride - a row size of the bgra image.
463         \param [out] rgba - a pointer to pixels data of output 32-bit RGBA image.
464         \param [in] rgbaStride - a row size of the rgba image.
465         \param [in] alpha - a value of alpha channel.
466     */
467     SIMD_API void SimdBgraToRgba(const uint8_t * bgra, size_t width, size_t height, size_t bgraStride, uint8_t * rgba, size_t rgbaStride);
469     /*! @ingroup other_conversion
471         \fn void SimdBgr48pToBgra32(const uint8_t * blue, size_t blueStride, size_t width, size_t height, const uint8_t * green, size_t greenStride, const uint8_t * red, size_t redStride, uint8_t * bgra, size_t bgraStride, uint8_t alpha);
473         \short Converts 48-bit planar BGR image to 32-bit BGRA image.
475         All images must have the same width and height.
477         \note This function has a C++ wrapper Simd::Bgr48pToBgra32(const View<A>& blue, const View<A>& green, const View<A>& red, View<A>& bgra, uint8_t alpha).
479         \param [in] blue - a pointer to pixels data of input 16-bit image with blue color plane.
480         \param [in] blueStride - a row size of the blue image.
481         \param [in] width - an image width.
482         \param [in] height - an image height.
483         \param [in] green - a pointer to pixels data of input 16-bit image with green color plane.
484         \param [in] greenStride - a row size of the blue image.
485         \param [in] red - a pointer to pixels data of input 16-bit image with red color plane.
486         \param [in] redStride - a row size of the red image.
487         \param [out] bgra - a pointer to pixels data of output 32-bit BGRA image.
488         \param [in] bgraStride - a row size of the bgra image.
489         \param [in] alpha - a value of alpha channel.
490     */
491     SIMD_API void SimdBgr48pToBgra32(const uint8_t * blue, size_t blueStride, size_t width, size_t height,
492         const uint8_t * green, size_t greenStride, const uint8_t * red, size_t redStride, uint8_t * bgra, size_t bgraStride, uint8_t alpha);
494     /*! @ingroup bgr_conversion
496         \fn void SimdBgrToGray(const uint8_t * bgr, size_t width, size_t height, size_t bgrStride, uint8_t * gray, size_t grayStride);
498         \short Converts 24-bit BGR image to 8-bit gray image.
500         All images must have the same width and height.
502         \note This function has a C++ wrapper Simd::BgrToGray(const View<A>& bgr, View<A>& gray).
504         \param [in] bgr - a pointer to pixels data of input 24-bit BGR image.
505         \param [in] width - an image width.
506         \param [in] height - an image height.
507         \param [in] bgrStride - a row size of the bgr image.
508         \param [out] gray - a pointer to pixels data of output 8-bit gray image.
509         \param [in] grayStride - a row size of the gray image.
510     */
511     SIMD_API void SimdBgrToGray(const uint8_t * bgr, size_t width, size_t height, size_t bgrStride, uint8_t * gray, size_t grayStride);
513     /*! @ingroup bgr_conversion
515         \fn void SimdRgbToGray(const uint8_t * rgb, size_t width, size_t height, size_t rgbStride, uint8_t * gray, size_t grayStride);
517         \short Converts 24-bit RGB image to 8-bit gray image.
519         All images must have the same width and height.
521         \param [in] rgb - a pointer to pixels data of input 24-bit BGR image.
522         \param [in] width - an image width.
523         \param [in] height - an image height.
524         \param [in] rgbStride - a row size of the bgr image.
525         \param [out] gray - a pointer to pixels data of output 8-bit gray image.
526         \param [in] grayStride - a row size of the gray image.
527     */
528     SIMD_API void SimdRgbToGray(const uint8_t * rgb, size_t width, size_t height, size_t rgbStride, uint8_t * gray, size_t grayStride);
530     /*! @ingroup bgr_conversion
532         \fn void SimdBgrToRgb(const uint8_t * bgr, size_t bgrStride, size_t width, size_t height, uint8_t * rgb, size_t rgbStride);
534         \short Converts 24-bit BGR image to 24-bit RGB image (also it performs backward conversion).
536         All images must have the same width and height.
538         \note This function has a C++ wrapper Simd::BgrToRgb(const View<A> & bgr, View<A> & rgb).
540         \param [in] bgr - a pointer to pixels data of input 24-bit BGR image.
541         \param [in] bgrStride - a row size of the bgr image.
542         \param [in] width - an image width.
543         \param [in] height - an image height.
544         \param [out] rgb - a pointer to pixels data of output 24-bit RGB image.
545         \param [in] rgbStride - a row size of the rgb image.
546     */
547     SIMD_API void SimdBgrToRgb(const uint8_t * bgr, size_t bgrStride, size_t width, size_t height, uint8_t * rgb, size_t rgbStride);
549     /*! @ingroup copying
551         \fn void SimdCopy(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcStride, size_t width, size_t height, size_t pixelSize, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstStride);
553         \short Copies pixels data of image from source to destination.
555         All images must have the same width, height and format.
557         \note This function has a C++ wrapper Simd::Copy(const View<A> & src, View<B> & dst).
559         \param [in] src - a pointer to pixels data of source image.
560         \param [in] srcStride - a row size of the src image.
561         \param [in] width - an image width.
562         \param [in] height - an image height.
563         \param [in] pixelSize - a size of the image pixel.
564         \param [out] dst - a pointer to pixels data of destination image.
565         \param [in] dstStride - a row size of the dst image.
566     */
567     SIMD_API void SimdCopy(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcStride, size_t width, size_t height, size_t pixelSize, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstStride);
569     /*! @ingroup copying
571         \fn void SimdCopyFrame(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcStride, size_t width, size_t height, size_t pixelSize, size_t frameLeft, size_t frameTop, size_t frameRight, size_t frameBottom, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstStride);
573         \short Copies pixels data of image from source to destination except for the portion bounded frame.
575         All images must have the same width, height and format.
577         \note This function has a C++ wrapper Simd::CopyFrame(const View<A>& src, const Rectangle<ptrdiff_t> & frame, View<A>& dst).
579         \param [in] src - a pointer to pixels data of source image.
580         \param [in] srcStride - a row size of the src image.
581         \param [in] width - an image width.
582         \param [in] height - an image height.
583         \param [in] pixelSize - a size of the image pixel.
584         \param [in] frameLeft - a frame left side.
585         \param [in] frameTop - a frame top side.
586         \param [in] frameRight - a frame right side.
587         \param [in] frameBottom - a frame bottom side.
588         \param [out] dst - a pointer to pixels data of destination image.
589         \param [in] dstStride - a row size of the dst image.
590     */
591     SIMD_API void SimdCopyFrame(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcStride, size_t width, size_t height, size_t pixelSize,
592         size_t frameLeft, size_t frameTop, size_t frameRight, size_t frameBottom, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstStride);
594     /*! @ingroup other_conversion
596         \fn void SimdDeinterleaveBgr(const uint8_t * bgr, size_t bgrStride, size_t width, size_t height, uint8_t * b, size_t bStride, uint8_t * g, size_t gStride, uint8_t * r, size_t rStride);
598         \short Deinterleaves 24-bit BGR interleaved image into separated 8-bit Blue, Green and Red planar images.
600         All images must have the same width and height.
602         \note This function has a C++ wrapper Simd::DeinterleaveBgr(const View<A>& bgr, View<A>& b, View<A>& g, View<A>& r).
604         \param [in] bgr - a pointer to pixels data of input 24-bit BGR interleaved image.
605         \param [in] bgrStride - a row size of the bgr image.
606         \param [in] width - an image width.
607         \param [in] height - an image height.
608         \param [out] b - a pointer to pixels data of 8-bit Blue planar image.
609         \param [in] bStride - a row size of the b image.
610         \param [out] g - a pointer to pixels data of 8-bit Green planar image.
611         \param [in] gStride - a row size of the g image.
612         \param [out] r - a pointer to pixels data of 8-bit Red planar image.
613         \param [in] rStride - a row size of the r image.
614     */
615     SIMD_API void SimdDeinterleaveBgr(const uint8_t * bgr, size_t bgrStride, size_t width, size_t height,
616         uint8_t * b, size_t bStride, uint8_t * g, size_t gStride, uint8_t * r, size_t rStride);
618     /*! @ingroup other_conversion
620         \fn void SimdDeinterleaveBgra(const uint8_t * bgra, size_t bgraStride, size_t width, size_t height, uint8_t * b, size_t bStride, uint8_t * g, size_t gStride, uint8_t * r, size_t rStride, uint8_t * a, size_t aStride);
622         \short Deinterleaves 32-bit BGRA interleaved image into separated 8-bit Blue, Green, Red and Alpha planar images.
624         All images must have the same width and height.
626         \note This function has a C++ wrapper Simd::DeinterleaveBgra(const View<A>& bgra, View<A>& b, View<A>& g, View<A>& r, View<A>& a).
628         \param [in] bgra - a pointer to pixels data of input 32-bit BGRA interleaved image.
629         \param [in] bgraStride - a row size of the bgra image.
630         \param [in] width - an image width.
631         \param [in] height - an image height.
632         \param [out] b - a pointer to pixels data of 8-bit Blue planar image.
633         \param [in] bStride - a row size of the b image.
634         \param [out] g - a pointer to pixels data of 8-bit Green planar image.
635         \param [in] gStride - a row size of the g image.
636         \param [out] r - a pointer to pixels data of 8-bit Red planar image.
637         \param [in] rStride - a row size of the r image.
638         \param [out] a - a pointer to pixels data of 8-bit Alpha planar image.
639         \param [in] aStride - a row size of the a image.
640     */
641     SIMD_API void SimdDeinterleaveBgra(const uint8_t * bgra, size_t bgraStride, size_t width, size_t height,
642         uint8_t * b, size_t bStride, uint8_t * g, size_t gStride, uint8_t * r, size_t rStride, uint8_t * a, size_t aStride);
644     /*! @ingroup gaussian_filter
646         \fn void SimdGaussianBlur3x3(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcStride, size_t width, size_t height, size_t channelCount, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstStride);
648         \short Performs Gaussian blur filtration with window 3x3.
650         For every point:
651         \verbatim
652         dst[x, y] = (src[x-1, y-1] + 2*src[x, y-1] + src[x+1, y-1] +
653                     2*(src[x-1, y] + 2*src[x, y] + src[x+1, y]) +
654                     src[x-1, y+1] + 2*src[x, y+1] + src[x+1, y+1] + 8) / 16;
655         \endverbatim
657         All images must have the same width, height and format (8-bit gray, 16-bit UV, 24-bit BGR or 32-bit BGRA).
659         \note This function has a C++ wrapper Simd::GaussianBlur3x3(const View<A>& src, View<A>& dst).
661         \param [in] src - a pointer to pixels data of source image.
662         \param [in] srcStride - a row size of the src image.
663         \param [in] width - an image width.
664         \param [in] height - an image height.
665         \param [in] channelCount - a channel count.
666         \param [out] dst - a pointer to pixels data of destination image.
667         \param [in] dstStride - a row size of the dst image.
668     */
669     SIMD_API void SimdGaussianBlur3x3(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcStride, size_t width, size_t height,
670         size_t channelCount, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstStride);
672     /*! @ingroup gaussian_filter
673         \fn void * SimdGaussianBlurInit(size_t width, size_t height, size_t channels, const float * sigma, const float* epsilon);
674         \short Creates Gaussian blur filter context.
675         In particular calculates Gaussian blur coefficients:
676         \verbatim
677         half = floor(sqrt(log(1/epsilon)) * sigma);
678         weight[2*half + 1];
679         for(x = -half; x <= half; ++x)
680             weight[x + half] = exp(-sqr(x / sigma) / 2);
681         sum = 0;
682         for (x = -half; x <= half; ++x)
683             sum += weight[x + half];
684         for (x = -half; x <= half; ++x)
685             weight[x + half] /= sum;
686         \endverbatim
687         \param [in] width - a width of input and output image.
688         \param [in] height - a height of input and output image.
689         \param [in] channels - a channel number of input and output image. Its value must be in range [1..4].
690         \param [in] sigma - a pointer to sigma parameter (blur radius). MIts value must be greater than 0.000001.
691         \param [in] epsilon - a pointer to epsilon parameter (permissible relative error).
692                               Its value must be greater than 0.000001. Pointer can be NULL and by default value 0.001 is used.
693         \return a pointer to filter context. On error it returns NULL.
694                 This pointer is used in functions ::SimdGaussianBlurRun.
695                 It must be released with using of function ::SimdRelease.
696     */
697     SIMD_API void* SimdGaussianBlurInit(size_t width, size_t height, size_t channels, const float * sigma, const float* epsilon);
699     /*! @ingroup gaussian_filter
700         \fn void SimdGaussianBlurRun(const void* filter, const uint8_t* src, size_t srcStride, uint8_t* dst, size_t dstStride);
701         \short Performs image Gaussian bluring.
702         Bluring algorithm for every point:
703         \verbatim
704         sum = 0;
705         for(x = -half; x <= half; ++x)
706         {
707             sx = min(max(0, dx + x), width - 1);
708             for(y = -half; y <= half; ++y)
709             {
710                 sy = min(max(0, dy + y), height - 1);
711                 sum += src[sx, sy]*weight[x + half]*weight[y + half];
712             }
713         }
714         dst[dx, dy] = sum;
715         \endverbatim
716         \param [in] filter - a filter context. It must be created by function ::SimdGaussianBlurInit and released by function ::SimdRelease.
717         \param [in] src - a pointer to pixels data of the original input image.
718         \param [in] srcStride - a row size (in bytes) of the input image.
719         \param [out] dst - a pointer to pixels data of the filtered output image.
720         \param [in] dstStride - a row size (in bytes) of the output image.
721     */
722     SIMD_API void SimdGaussianBlurRun(const void* filter, const uint8_t* src, size_t srcStride, uint8_t* dst, size_t dstStride);
724     /*! @ingroup gray_conversion
726         \fn void SimdGrayToBgr(const uint8_t * gray, size_t width, size_t height, size_t grayStride, uint8_t * bgr, size_t bgrStride);
728         \short Converts 8-bit gray image to 24-bit BGR image.
730         All images must have the same width and height.
732         \note This function has a C++ wrapper Simd::GrayToBgr(const View<A>& gray, View<A>& bgr).
734         \param [in] gray - a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit gray image.
735         \param [in] width - an image width.
736         \param [in] height - an image height.
737         \param [in] grayStride - a row size of the gray image.
738         \param [out] bgr - a pointer to pixels data of output 24-bit BGR image.
739         \param [in] bgrStride - a row size of the bgr image.
740     */
741     SIMD_API void SimdGrayToBgr(const uint8_t *gray, size_t width, size_t height, size_t grayStride, uint8_t *bgr, size_t bgrStride);
743     /*! @ingroup gray_conversion
745         \fn void SimdGrayToBgra(const uint8_t * gray, size_t width, size_t height, size_t grayStride, uint8_t * bgra, size_t bgraStride, uint8_t alpha);
747         \short Converts 8-bit gray image to 32-bit BGRA image.
749         All images must have the same width and height.
751         \note This function has a C++ wrapper Simd::GrayToBgra(const View<A>& gray, View<A>& bgra, uint8_t alpha).
753         \param [in] gray - a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit gray image.
754         \param [in] width - an image width.
755         \param [in] height - an image height.
756         \param [in] grayStride - a row size of the gray image.
757         \param [out] bgra - a pointer to pixels data of output 32-bit BGRA image.
758         \param [in] bgraStride - a row size of the bgra image.
759         \param [in] alpha - a value of alpha channel.
760     */
761     SIMD_API void SimdGrayToBgra(const uint8_t *gray, size_t width, size_t height, size_t grayStride,
762         uint8_t *bgra, size_t bgraStride, uint8_t alpha);
764     /*! @ingroup other_conversion
766         \fn void SimdInterleaveBgr(const uint8_t * b, size_t bStride, const uint8_t * g, size_t gStride, const uint8_t * r, size_t rStride, size_t width, size_t height, uint8_t * bgr, size_t bgrStride);
768         \short Interleaves 8-bit Blue, Green and Red planar images into one 24-bit BGR interleaved image.
770         All images must have the same width and height.
772         \note This function has a C++ wrapper Simd::InterleaveBgr(const View<A>& b, const View<A>& g, const View<A>& r, View<A>& bgr).
774         \param [in] b - a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit Blue planar image.
775         \param [in] bStride - a row size of the b image.
776         \param [in] g - a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit Green planar image.
777         \param [in] gStride - a row size of the g image.
778         \param [in] r - a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit Red planar image.
779         \param [in] rStride - a row size of the r image.
780         \param [in] width - an image width.
781         \param [in] height - an image height.
782         \param [out] bgr - a pointer to pixels data of output 24-bit BGR interleaved image.
783         \param [in] bgrStride - a row size of the bgr image.
784     */
785     SIMD_API void SimdInterleaveBgr(const uint8_t * b, size_t bStride, const uint8_t * g, size_t gStride, const uint8_t * r, size_t rStride,
786         size_t width, size_t height, uint8_t * bgr, size_t bgrStride);
788     /*! @ingroup other_conversion
790         \fn void SimdInterleaveBgra(const uint8_t * b, size_t bStride, const uint8_t * g, size_t gStride, const uint8_t * r, size_t rStride, const uint8_t * a, size_t aStride, size_t width, size_t height, uint8_t * bgra, size_t bgraStride);
792         \short Interleaves 8-bit Blue, Green, Red and Alpha planar images into one 32-bit BGRA interleaved image.
794         All images must have the same width and height.
796         \note This function has a C++ wrapper Simd::InterleaveBgra(const View<A>& b, const View<A>& g, const View<A>& r, const View<A>& a, View<A>& bgra).
798         \param [in] b - a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit Blue planar image.
799         \param [in] bStride - a row size of the b image.
800         \param [in] g - a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit Green planar image.
801         \param [in] gStride - a row size of the g image.
802         \param [in] r - a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit Red planar image.
803         \param [in] rStride - a row size of the r image.
804         \param [in] a - a pointer to pixels data of input 8-bit Alpha planar image.
805         \param [in] aStride - a row size of the a image.
806         \param [in] width - an image width.
807         \param [in] height - an image height.
808         \param [out] bgra - a pointer to pixels data of output 32-bit BGRA interleaved image.
809         \param [in] bgraStride - a row size of the bgr image.
810     */
811     SIMD_API void SimdInterleaveBgra(const uint8_t * b, size_t bStride, const uint8_t * g, size_t gStride, const uint8_t * r, size_t rStride, const uint8_t * a, size_t aStride,
812         size_t width, size_t height, uint8_t * bgra, size_t bgraStride);
814     /*! @ingroup other_filter
816         \fn void SimdMeanFilter3x3(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcStride, size_t width, size_t height, size_t channelCount, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstStride);
818         \short Performs an averaging with window 3x3.
820         For every point:
821         \verbatim
822         dst[x, y] = (src[x-1, y-1] + src[x, y-1] + src[x+1, y-1] +
823                      src[x-1, y] + src[x, y] + src[x+1, y] +
824                      src[x-1, y+1] + src[x, y+1] + src[x+1, y+1] + 4) / 9;
825         \endverbatim
827         All images must have the same width, height and format (8-bit gray, 16-bit UV, 24-bit BGR or 32-bit BGRA).
829         \note This function has a C++ wrapper Simd::MeanFilter3x3(const View<A>& src, View<A>& dst).
831         \param [in] src - a pointer to pixels data of source image.
832         \param [in] srcStride - a row size of the src image.
833         \param [in] width - an image width.
834         \param [in] height - an image height.
835         \param [in] channelCount - a channel count.
836         \param [out] dst - a pointer to pixels data of destination image.
837         \param [in] dstStride - a row size of the dst image.
838     */
839     SIMD_API void SimdMeanFilter3x3(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcStride, size_t width, size_t height,
840         size_t channelCount, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstStride);
842     /*! @ingroup median_filter
844         \fn void SimdMedianFilterRhomb3x3(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcStride, size_t width, size_t height, size_t channelCount, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstStride);
846         \short Performs median filtration of input image (filter window is a rhomb 3x3).
848         All images must have the same width, height and format (8-bit gray, 16-bit UV, 24-bit BGR or 32-bit BGRA).
850         \note This function has a C++ wrappers: Simd::MedianFilterRhomb3x3(const View<A>& src, View<A>& dst).
852         \param [in] src - a pointer to pixels data of original input image.
853         \param [in] srcStride - a row size of src image.
854         \param [in] width - an image width.
855         \param [in] height - an image height.
856         \param [in] channelCount - a channel count.
857         \param [out] dst - a pointer to pixels data of filtered output image.
858         \param [in] dstStride - a row size of dst image.
859     */
860     SIMD_API void SimdMedianFilterRhomb3x3(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcStride, size_t width, size_t height,
861         size_t channelCount, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstStride);
863     /*! @ingroup median_filter
865         \fn void SimdMedianFilterRhomb5x5(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcStride, size_t width, size_t height, size_t channelCount, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstStride);
867         \short Performs median filtration of input image (filter window is a rhomb 5x5).
869         All images must have the same width, height and format (8-bit gray, 16-bit UV, 24-bit BGR or 32-bit BGRA).
871         \note This function has a C++ wrappers: Simd::MedianFilterRhomb5x5(const View<A>& src, View<A>& dst).
873         \param [in] src - a pointer to pixels data of original input image.
874         \param [in] srcStride - a row size of src image.
875         \param [in] width - an image width.
876         \param [in] height - an image height.
877         \param [in] channelCount - a channel count.
878         \param [out] dst - a pointer to pixels data of filtered output image.
879         \param [in] dstStride - a row size of dst image.
880     */
881     SIMD_API void SimdMedianFilterRhomb5x5(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcStride, size_t width, size_t height,
882         size_t channelCount, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstStride);
884     /*! @ingroup median_filter
886         \fn void SimdMedianFilterSquare3x3(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcStride, size_t width, size_t height, size_t channelCount, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstStride);
888         \short Performs median filtration of input image (filter window is a square 3x3).
890         All images must have the same width, height and format (8-bit gray, 16-bit UV, 24-bit BGR or 32-bit BGRA).
892         \note This function has a C++ wrappers: Simd::MedianFilterSquare3x3(const View<A>& src, View<A>& dst).
894         \param [in] src - a pointer to pixels data of original input image.
895         \param [in] srcStride - a row size of src image.
896         \param [in] width - an image width.
897         \param [in] height - an image height.
898         \param [in] channelCount - a channel count.
899         \param [out] dst - a pointer to pixels data of filtered output image.
900         \param [in] dstStride - a row size of dst image.
901     */
902     SIMD_API void SimdMedianFilterSquare3x3(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcStride, size_t width, size_t height,
903         size_t channelCount, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstStride);
905     /*! @ingroup median_filter
907         \fn void SimdMedianFilterSquare5x5(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcStride, size_t width, size_t height, size_t channelCount, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstStride);
909         \short Performs median filtration of input image (filter window is a square 5x5).
911         All images must have the same width, height and format (8-bit gray, 16-bit UV, 24-bit BGR or 32-bit BGRA).
913         \note This function has a C++ wrappers: Simd::MedianFilterSquare5x5(const View<A>& src, View<A>& dst).
915         \param [in] src - a pointer to pixels data of original input image.
916         \param [in] srcStride - a row size of src image.
917         \param [in] width - an image width.
918         \param [in] height - an image height.
919         \param [in] channelCount - a channel count.
920         \param [out] dst - a pointer to pixels data of filtered output image.
921         \param [in] dstStride - a row size of dst image.
922     */
923     SIMD_API void SimdMedianFilterSquare5x5(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcStride, size_t width, size_t height,
924         size_t channelCount, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstStride);
926     /*! @ingroup operation
928         \fn void SimdOperationBinary8u(const uint8_t * a, size_t aStride, const uint8_t * b, size_t bStride, size_t width, size_t height, size_t channelCount, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstStride, SimdOperationBinary8uType type);
930         \short Performs given operation between two images.
932         All images must have the same width, height and format (8-bit gray, 16-bit UV (UV plane of NV12 pixel format), 24-bit BGR or 32-bit BGRA).
934         \note This function has a C++ wrappers: Simd::OperationBinary8u(const View<A>& a, const View<A>& b, View<A>& dst, SimdOperationBinary8uType type).
936         \param [in] a - a pointer to pixels data of the first input image.
937         \param [in] aStride - a row size of the first image.
938         \param [in] b - a pointer to pixels data of the second input image.
939         \param [in] bStride - a row size of the second image.
940         \param [in] width - an image width.
941         \param [in] height - an image height.
942         \param [in] channelCount - a channel count.
943         \param [out] dst - a pointer to pixels data of output image.
944         \param [in] dstStride - a row size of dst image.
945         \param [in] type - a type of operation (see ::SimdOperationBinary8uType).
946     */
947     SIMD_API void SimdOperationBinary8u(const uint8_t * a, size_t aStride, const uint8_t * b, size_t bStride,
948         size_t width, size_t height, size_t channelCount, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstStride, SimdOperationBinary8uType type);
950     /*! @ingroup resizing
952         \fn void SimdReduceColor2x2(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcWidth, size_t srcHeight, size_t srcStride, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstWidth, size_t dstHeight, size_t dstStride, size_t channelCount);
954         \short Performs reducing and Gaussian blurring (in two time) a 8-bit channel color image with using window 2x2.
956         For input and output image must be performed: dstWidth = (srcWidth + 1)/2,  dstHeight = (srcHeight + 1)/2.
958         For all points:
959         \verbatim
960         dst[x, y, c] = (src[2*x, 2*y, c] + src[2*x, 2*y + 1, c] + src[2*x + 1, 2*y, c] + src[2*x + 1, 2*y + 1, c] + 2)/4;
961         \endverbatim
963         \note This function has a C++ wrappers: Simd::Reduce2x2(const View<A> & src, View<A> & dst).
965         \param [in] src - a pointer to pixels data of the original input image.
966         \param [in] srcWidth - a width of the input image.
967         \param [in] srcHeight - a height of the input image.
968         \param [in] srcStride - a row size of the input image.
969         \param [out] dst - a pointer to pixels data of the reduced output image.
970         \param [in] dstWidth - a width of the output image.
971         \param [in] dstHeight - a height of the output image.
972         \param [in] dstStride - a row size of the output image.
973         \param [in] channelCount - a nmber of channels for input and output images.
974     */
975     SIMD_API void SimdReduceColor2x2(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcWidth, size_t srcHeight, size_t srcStride,
976         uint8_t * dst, size_t dstWidth, size_t dstHeight, size_t dstStride, size_t channelCount);
978     /*! @ingroup resizing
980         \fn void SimdReduceGray2x2(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcWidth, size_t srcHeight, size_t srcStride, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstWidth, size_t dstHeight, size_t dstStride);
982         \short Performs reducing and Gaussian blurring (in two time) a 8-bit gray image with using window 2x2.
984         For input and output image must be performed: dstWidth = (srcWidth + 1)/2,  dstHeight = (srcHeight + 1)/2.
986         For all points:
987         \verbatim
988         dst[x, y] = (src[2*x, 2*y] + src[2*x, 2*y + 1] + src[2*x + 1, 2*y] + src[2*x + 1, 2*y + 1] + 2)/4;
989         \endverbatim
991         \note This function has a C++ wrappers: Simd::ReduceGray2x2(const View<A>& src, View<A>& dst).
993         \param [in] src - a pointer to pixels data of the original input image.
994         \param [in] srcWidth - a width of the input image.
995         \param [in] srcHeight - a height of the input image.
996         \param [in] srcStride - a row size of the input image.
997         \param [out] dst - a pointer to pixels data of the reduced output image.
998         \param [in] dstWidth - a width of the output image.
999         \param [in] dstHeight - a height of the output image.
1000         \param [in] dstStride - a row size of the output image.
1001     */
1002     SIMD_API void SimdReduceGray2x2(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcWidth, size_t srcHeight, size_t srcStride,
1003         uint8_t * dst, size_t dstWidth, size_t dstHeight, size_t dstStride);
1005     /*! @ingroup resizing
1007         \fn void SimdReduceGray3x3(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcWidth, size_t srcHeight, size_t srcStride, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstWidth, size_t dstHeight, size_t dstStride, int compensation);
1009         \short Performs reducing and Gaussian blurring (in two time) a 8-bit gray image with using window 3x3.
1011         For input and output image must be performed: dstWidth = (srcWidth + 1)/2,  dstHeight = (srcHeight + 1)/2.
1013         For every point:
1014         \verbatim
1015         dst[x, y] = (src[2*x-1, 2*y-1] + 2*src[2*x, 2*y-1] + src[2*x+1, 2*y-1] +
1016                   2*(src[2*x-1, 2*y]   + 2*src[2*x, 2*y]   + src[2*x+1, 2*y]) +
1017                      src[2*x-1, 2*y+1] + 2*src[2*x, 2*y+1] + src[2*x+1, 2*y+1] + compensation ? 8 : 0) / 16;
1018         \endverbatim
1020         \note This function has a C++ wrappers: Simd::ReduceGray3x3(const View<A>& src, View<A>& dst, bool compensation).
1022         \param [in] src - a pointer to pixels data of the original input image.
1023         \param [in] srcWidth - a width of the input image.
1024         \param [in] srcHeight - a height of the input image.
1025         \param [in] srcStride - a row size of the input image.
1026         \param [out] dst - a pointer to pixels data of the reduced output image.
1027         \param [in] dstWidth - a width of the output image.
1028         \param [in] dstHeight - a height of the output image.
1029         \param [in] dstStride - a row size of the output image.
1030         \param [in] compensation - a flag of compensation of rounding.
1031     */
1032     SIMD_API void SimdReduceGray3x3(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcWidth, size_t srcHeight, size_t srcStride,
1033         uint8_t * dst, size_t dstWidth, size_t dstHeight, size_t dstStride, int compensation);
1035     /*! @ingroup resizing
1037         \fn void SimdReduceGray4x4(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcWidth, size_t srcHeight, size_t srcStride, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstWidth, size_t dstHeight, size_t dstStride);
1039         \short Performs reducing and Gaussian blurring (in two time) a 8-bit gray image with using window 4x4.
1041         For input and output image must be performed: dstWidth = (srcWidth + 1)/2,  dstHeight = (srcHeight + 1)/2.
1043         For every point:
1044         \verbatim
1045         dst[x, y] = (src[2*x-1, 2*y-1] + 3*src[2*x, 2*y-1] + 3*src[2*x+1, 2*y-1] + src[2*x+2, 2*y-1]
1046                   3*(src[2*x-1, 2*y]   + 3*src[2*x, 2*y]   + 3*src[2*x+1, 2*y]   + src[2*x+2, 2*y]) +
1047                   3*(src[2*x-1, 2*y+1] + 3*src[2*x, 2*y+1] + 3*src[2*x+1, 2*y+1] + src[2*x+2, 2*y+1]) +
1048                      src[2*x-1, 2*y+2] + 3*src[2*x, 2*y+2] + 3*src[2*x+1, 2*y+2] + src[2*x+2, 2*y+2] + 32) / 64;
1049         \endverbatim
1051         \note This function has a C++ wrappers: Simd::ReduceGray4x4(const View<A>& src, View<A>& dst).
1053         \param [in] src - a pointer to pixels data of the original input image.
1054         \param [in] srcWidth - a width of the input image.
1055         \param [in] srcHeight - a height of the input image.
1056         \param [in] srcStride - a row size of the input image.
1057         \param [out] dst - a pointer to pixels data of the reduced output image.
1058         \param [in] dstWidth - a width of the output image.
1059         \param [in] dstHeight - a height of the output image.
1060         \param [in] dstStride - a row size of the output image.
1061     */
1062     SIMD_API void SimdReduceGray4x4(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcWidth, size_t srcHeight, size_t srcStride,
1063         uint8_t * dst, size_t dstWidth, size_t dstHeight, size_t dstStride);
1065     /*! @ingroup resizing
1067         \fn void SimdReduceGray5x5(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcWidth, size_t srcHeight, size_t srcStride, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstWidth, size_t dstHeight, size_t dstStride, int compensation);
1069         \short Performs reducing and Gaussian blurring (in two time) a 8-bit gray image with using window 5x5.
1071         For input and output image must be performed: dstWidth = (srcWidth + 1)/2,  dstHeight = (srcHeight + 1)/2.
1073         For every point:
1074         \verbatim
1075         dst[x, y] = (
1076                src[2*x-2, 2*y-2] + 4*src[2*x-1, 2*y-2] + 6*src[2*x, 2*y-2] + 4*src[2*x+1, 2*y-2] + src[2*x+2, 2*y-2] +
1077             4*(src[2*x-2, 2*y-1] + 4*src[2*x-1, 2*y-1] + 6*src[2*x, 2*y-1] + 4*src[2*x+1, 2*y-1] + src[2*x+2, 2*y-1]) +
1078             6*(src[2*x-2, 2*y]   + 4*src[2*x-1, 2*y]   + 6*src[2*x, 2*y]   + 4*src[2*x+1, 2*y]   + src[2*x+2, 2*y]) +
1079             4*(src[2*x-2, 2*y+1] + 4*src[2*x-1, 2*y+1] + 6*src[2*x, 2*y+1] + 4*src[2*x+1, 2*y+1] + src[2*x+2, 2*y+1]) +
1080                src[2*x-2, 2*y+2] + 4*src[2*x-1, 2*y+2] + 6*src[2*x, 2*y+2] + 4*src[2*x+1, 2*y+2] + src[2*x+2, 2*y+2] +
1081             compensation ? 128 : 0) / 256;
1082         \endverbatim
1084         \note This function has a C++ wrappers: Simd::ReduceGray5x5(const Viewc<A>& src, View<A>& dst, bool compensation).
1086         \param [in] src - a pointer to pixels data of the original input image.
1087         \param [in] srcWidth - a width of the input image.
1088         \param [in] srcHeight - a height of the input image.
1089         \param [in] srcStride - a row size of the input image.
1090         \param [out] dst - a pointer to pixels data of the reduced output image.
1091         \param [in] dstWidth - a width of the output image.
1092         \param [in] dstHeight - a height of the output image.
1093         \param [in] dstStride - a row size of the output image.
1094         \param [in] compensation - a flag of compensation of rounding.
1095     */
1096     SIMD_API void SimdReduceGray5x5(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcWidth, size_t srcHeight, size_t srcStride,
1097         uint8_t * dst, size_t dstWidth, size_t dstHeight, size_t dstStride, int compensation);
1099     /*! @ingroup resizing
1101         \fn void SimdResizeBilinear(const uint8_t *src, size_t srcWidth, size_t srcHeight, size_t srcStride, uint8_t *dst, size_t dstWidth, size_t dstHeight, size_t dstStride, size_t channelCount);
1103         \short Performs resizing of input image with using bilinear interpolation.
1105         All images must have the same format (8-bit gray, 16-bit UV, 24-bit BGR or 32-bit BGRA).
1107         \note This function has a C++ wrappers: Simd::ResizeBilinear(const View<A>& src, View<A>& dst).
1109         \param [in] src - a pointer to pixels data of the original input image.
1110         \param [in] srcWidth - a width of the input image.
1111         \param [in] srcHeight - a height of the input image.
1112         \param [in] srcStride - a row size of the input image.
1113         \param [out] dst - a pointer to pixels data of the reduced output image.
1114         \param [in] dstWidth - a width of the output image.
1115         \param [in] dstHeight - a height of the output image.
1116         \param [in] dstStride - a row size of the output image.
1117         \param [in] channelCount - a channel count.
1118     */
1119     SIMD_API void SimdResizeBilinear(const uint8_t *src, size_t srcWidth, size_t srcHeight, size_t srcStride,
1120         uint8_t *dst, size_t dstWidth, size_t dstHeight, size_t dstStride, size_t channelCount);
1122     /*! @ingroup resizing
1124         \fn void * SimdResizerInit(size_t srcX, size_t srcY, size_t dstX, size_t dstY, size_t channels, SimdResizeChannelType type, SimdResizeMethodType method);
1126         \short Creates resize context.
1128         \param [in] srcX - a width of the input image.
1129         \param [in] srcY - a height of the input image.
1130         \param [in] dstX - a width of the output image.
1131         \param [in] dstY - a height of the output image.
1132         \param [in] channels - a channel number of input and output image.
1133         \param [in] type - a type of input and output image channel.
1134         \param [in] method - a method used in order to resize image.
1135         \return a pointer to resize context. On error it returns NULL.
1136                 This pointer is used in functions ::SimdResizerRun.
1137                 It must be released with using of function ::SimdRelease.
1138     */
1139     SIMD_API void * SimdResizerInit(size_t srcX, size_t srcY, size_t dstX, size_t dstY, size_t channels, SimdResizeChannelType type, SimdResizeMethodType method);
1141     /*! @ingroup resizing
1143         \fn void SimdResizerRun(const void * resizer, const uint8_t * src, size_t srcStride, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstStride);
1145         \short Performs image resizing.
1147         \param [in] resizer - a resize context. It must be created by function ::SimdResizerInit and released by function ::SimdRelease.
1148         \param [in] src - a pointer to pixels data of the original input image.
1149         \param [in] srcStride - a row size (in bytes) of the input image.
1150         \param [out] dst - a pointer to pixels data of the resized output image.
1151         \param [in] dstStride - a row size (in bytes) of the output image.
1152     */
1153     SIMD_API void SimdResizerRun(const void * resizer, const uint8_t * src, size_t srcStride, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstStride);
1155     /*! @ingroup resizing
1157         \fn void SimdStretchGray2x2(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcWidth, size_t srcHeight, size_t srcStride, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstWidth, size_t dstHeight, size_t dstStride);
1159         \short Stretches input 8-bit gray image in two times.
1161         \note This function has a C++ wrappers: Simd::StretchGray2x2(const View<A>& src, View<A>& dst).
1163         \param [in] src - a pointer to pixels data of the original input image.
1164         \param [in] srcWidth - a width of the input image.
1165         \param [in] srcHeight - a height of the input image.
1166         \param [in] srcStride - a row size of the input image.
1167         \param [out] dst - a pointer to pixels data of the stretched output image.
1168         \param [in] dstWidth - a width of the output image.
1169         \param [in] dstHeight - a height of the output image.
1170         \param [in] dstStride - a row size of the output image.
1171     */
1172     SIMD_API void SimdStretchGray2x2(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcWidth, size_t srcHeight, size_t srcStride,
1173         uint8_t * dst, size_t dstWidth, size_t dstHeight, size_t dstStride);
1175     /* ViSP custom SIMD code */
1176     // vpImageMorphology::erosion()
1177     SIMD_API void SimdImageErosion(uint8_t * img, const uint8_t * buff, size_t width, size_t height, SimdImageConnexityType connexityType);
1179     // vpImageMorphology::dilatation
1180     SIMD_API void SimdImageDilatation(uint8_t * img, const uint8_t * buff, size_t width, size_t height, SimdImageConnexityType connexityType);
1182     // vpColVector::sum()
1183     SIMD_API double SimdVectorSum(const double * vec, size_t size);
1185     // vpColVector::sumSquare()
1186     SIMD_API double SimdVectorSumSquare(const double * vec, size_t size);
1188     // vpColVector::stdev()
1189     SIMD_API double SimdVectorStdev(const double * vec, size_t size, bool useBesselCorrection);
1191     // vpColVector::hadamard(const vpColVector &v)
1192     SIMD_API void SimdVectorHadamard(const double * src1, const double * src2, size_t size, double * dst);
1194     // vpMatrix::operator*(const vpVelocityTwistMatrix &V)
1195     SIMD_API void SimdMatMulTwist(const double * mat, size_t rows, const double * twist, double * dst);
1197     // vpMatrix::transpose(vpMatrix &At)
1198     SIMD_API void SimdMatTranspose(const double * mat, size_t rows, size_t cols, double * dst);
1200     // vpImageTools::imageDifference
1201     SIMD_API void SimdImageDifference(const unsigned char * img1, const unsigned char * img2, size_t size, unsigned char * imgDiff);
1203     // vpImageTools::normalizedCorrelation
1204     SIMD_API void SimdNormalizedCorrelation(const double * img1, double mean1, const double * img2, double mean2, size_t size,
1205                                             double& a2, double& b2, double& ab, bool useOptimized);
1207     // vpImageTools::normalizedCorrelation
1208     SIMD_API void SimdNormalizedCorrelation2(const double * img1, size_t width1, const double * img2,
1209                                              size_t width2, size_t height2, size_t i0, size_t j0, double& ab);
1211     // vpImageTools::remap()
1212     SIMD_API void SimdRemap(const unsigned char * src, size_t channels, size_t width, size_t height, size_t offset,
1213                             const int * mapU, const int * mapV, const float * mapDu, const float * mapDv, unsigned char * dst);
1215     // vpMbTracker::computeJTR(const vpMatrix &interaction, const vpColVector &error, vpColVector &JTR)
1216     SIMD_API void SimdComputeJtR(const double * J, size_t rows, const double * R, double * dst);
1218 #ifdef __cplusplus
1219 }
1220 #endif // __cplusplus
1222 #endif//__SimdLib_h__