1package emoji
3// Code generated by github.com/enescakir/emoji/internal/generator DO NOT EDIT.
5// Source: https://unicode.org/Public/emoji/13.0/emoji-test.txt
6// Create at: 2020-03-08T15:58:37+03:00
8var (
10	// GROUP: Smileys & Emotion
11	// SUBGROUP: face-smiling
12	GrinningFace                Emoji = "\U0001f600" // grinning face
13	GrinningFaceWithBigEyes     Emoji = "\U0001f603" // grinning face with big eyes
14	GrinningFaceWithSmilingEyes Emoji = "\U0001f604" // grinning face with smiling eyes
15	BeamingFaceWithSmilingEyes  Emoji = "\U0001f601" // beaming face with smiling eyes
16	GrinningSquintingFace       Emoji = "\U0001f606" // grinning squinting face
17	GrinningFaceWithSweat       Emoji = "\U0001f605" // grinning face with sweat
18	RollingOnTheFloorLaughing   Emoji = "\U0001f923" // rolling on the floor laughing
19	FaceWithTearsOfJoy          Emoji = "\U0001f602" // face with tears of joy
20	SlightlySmilingFace         Emoji = "\U0001f642" // slightly smiling face
21	UpsideDownFace              Emoji = "\U0001f643" // upside-down face
22	WinkingFace                 Emoji = "\U0001f609" // winking face
23	SmilingFaceWithSmilingEyes  Emoji = "\U0001f60a" // smiling face with smiling eyes
24	SmilingFaceWithHalo         Emoji = "\U0001f607" // smiling face with halo
25	// SUBGROUP: face-affection
26	SmilingFaceWithHearts      Emoji = "\U0001f970"   // smiling face with hearts
27	SmilingFaceWithHeartEyes   Emoji = "\U0001f60d"   // smiling face with heart-eyes
28	StarStruck                 Emoji = "\U0001f929"   // star-struck
29	FaceBlowingAKiss           Emoji = "\U0001f618"   // face blowing a kiss
30	KissingFace                Emoji = "\U0001f617"   // kissing face
31	SmilingFace                Emoji = "\u263a\ufe0f" // smiling face
32	KissingFaceWithClosedEyes  Emoji = "\U0001f61a"   // kissing face with closed eyes
33	KissingFaceWithSmilingEyes Emoji = "\U0001f619"   // kissing face with smiling eyes
34	SmilingFaceWithTear        Emoji = "\U0001f972"   // smiling face with tear
35	// SUBGROUP: face-tongue
36	FaceSavoringFood        Emoji = "\U0001f60b" // face savoring food
37	FaceWithTongue          Emoji = "\U0001f61b" // face with tongue
38	WinkingFaceWithTongue   Emoji = "\U0001f61c" // winking face with tongue
39	ZanyFace                Emoji = "\U0001f92a" // zany face
40	SquintingFaceWithTongue Emoji = "\U0001f61d" // squinting face with tongue
41	MoneyMouthFace          Emoji = "\U0001f911" // money-mouth face
42	// SUBGROUP: face-hand
43	HuggingFace           Emoji = "\U0001f917" // hugging face
44	FaceWithHandOverMouth Emoji = "\U0001f92d" // face with hand over mouth
45	ShushingFace          Emoji = "\U0001f92b" // shushing face
46	ThinkingFace          Emoji = "\U0001f914" // thinking face
47	// SUBGROUP: face-neutral-skeptical
48	ZipperMouthFace       Emoji = "\U0001f910" // zipper-mouth face
49	FaceWithRaisedEyebrow Emoji = "\U0001f928" // face with raised eyebrow
50	NeutralFace           Emoji = "\U0001f610" // neutral face
51	ExpressionlessFace    Emoji = "\U0001f611" // expressionless face
52	FaceWithoutMouth      Emoji = "\U0001f636" // face without mouth
53	SmirkingFace          Emoji = "\U0001f60f" // smirking face
54	UnamusedFace          Emoji = "\U0001f612" // unamused face
55	FaceWithRollingEyes   Emoji = "\U0001f644" // face with rolling eyes
56	GrimacingFace         Emoji = "\U0001f62c" // grimacing face
57	LyingFace             Emoji = "\U0001f925" // lying face
58	// SUBGROUP: face-sleepy
59	RelievedFace Emoji = "\U0001f60c" // relieved face
60	PensiveFace  Emoji = "\U0001f614" // pensive face
61	SleepyFace   Emoji = "\U0001f62a" // sleepy face
62	DroolingFace Emoji = "\U0001f924" // drooling face
63	SleepingFace Emoji = "\U0001f634" // sleeping face
64	// SUBGROUP: face-unwell
65	FaceWithMedicalMask Emoji = "\U0001f637" // face with medical mask
66	FaceWithThermometer Emoji = "\U0001f912" // face with thermometer
67	FaceWithHeadBandage Emoji = "\U0001f915" // face with head-bandage
68	NauseatedFace       Emoji = "\U0001f922" // nauseated face
69	FaceVomiting        Emoji = "\U0001f92e" // face vomiting
70	SneezingFace        Emoji = "\U0001f927" // sneezing face
71	HotFace             Emoji = "\U0001f975" // hot face
72	ColdFace            Emoji = "\U0001f976" // cold face
73	WoozyFace           Emoji = "\U0001f974" // woozy face
74	DizzyFace           Emoji = "\U0001f635" // dizzy face
75	ExplodingHead       Emoji = "\U0001f92f" // exploding head
76	// SUBGROUP: face-hat
77	CowboyHatFace Emoji = "\U0001f920" // cowboy hat face
78	PartyingFace  Emoji = "\U0001f973" // partying face
79	DisguisedFace Emoji = "\U0001f978" // disguised face
80	// SUBGROUP: face-glasses
81	SmilingFaceWithSunglasses Emoji = "\U0001f60e" // smiling face with sunglasses
82	NerdFace                  Emoji = "\U0001f913" // nerd face
83	FaceWithMonocle           Emoji = "\U0001f9d0" // face with monocle
84	// SUBGROUP: face-concerned
85	ConfusedFace              Emoji = "\U0001f615"   // confused face
86	WorriedFace               Emoji = "\U0001f61f"   // worried face
87	SlightlyFrowningFace      Emoji = "\U0001f641"   // slightly frowning face
88	FrowningFace              Emoji = "\u2639\ufe0f" // frowning face
89	FaceWithOpenMouth         Emoji = "\U0001f62e"   // face with open mouth
90	HushedFace                Emoji = "\U0001f62f"   // hushed face
91	AstonishedFace            Emoji = "\U0001f632"   // astonished face
92	FlushedFace               Emoji = "\U0001f633"   // flushed face
93	PleadingFace              Emoji = "\U0001f97a"   // pleading face
94	FrowningFaceWithOpenMouth Emoji = "\U0001f626"   // frowning face with open mouth
95	AnguishedFace             Emoji = "\U0001f627"   // anguished face
96	FearfulFace               Emoji = "\U0001f628"   // fearful face
97	AnxiousFaceWithSweat      Emoji = "\U0001f630"   // anxious face with sweat
98	SadButRelievedFace        Emoji = "\U0001f625"   // sad but relieved face
99	CryingFace                Emoji = "\U0001f622"   // crying face
100	LoudlyCryingFace          Emoji = "\U0001f62d"   // loudly crying face
101	FaceScreamingInFear       Emoji = "\U0001f631"   // face screaming in fear
102	ConfoundedFace            Emoji = "\U0001f616"   // confounded face
103	PerseveringFace           Emoji = "\U0001f623"   // persevering face
104	DisappointedFace          Emoji = "\U0001f61e"   // disappointed face
105	DowncastFaceWithSweat     Emoji = "\U0001f613"   // downcast face with sweat
106	WearyFace                 Emoji = "\U0001f629"   // weary face
107	TiredFace                 Emoji = "\U0001f62b"   // tired face
108	YawningFace               Emoji = "\U0001f971"   // yawning face
109	// SUBGROUP: face-negative
110	FaceWithSteamFromNose  Emoji = "\U0001f624"   // face with steam from nose
111	PoutingFace            Emoji = "\U0001f621"   // pouting face
112	AngryFace              Emoji = "\U0001f620"   // angry face
113	FaceWithSymbolsOnMouth Emoji = "\U0001f92c"   // face with symbols on mouth
114	SmilingFaceWithHorns   Emoji = "\U0001f608"   // smiling face with horns
115	AngryFaceWithHorns     Emoji = "\U0001f47f"   // angry face with horns
116	Skull                  Emoji = "\U0001f480"   // skull
117	SkullAndCrossbones     Emoji = "\u2620\ufe0f" // skull and crossbones
118	// SUBGROUP: face-costume
119	PileOfPoo    Emoji = "\U0001f4a9" // pile of poo
120	ClownFace    Emoji = "\U0001f921" // clown face
121	Ogre         Emoji = "\U0001f479" // ogre
122	Goblin       Emoji = "\U0001f47a" // goblin
123	Ghost        Emoji = "\U0001f47b" // ghost
124	Alien        Emoji = "\U0001f47d" // alien
125	AlienMonster Emoji = "\U0001f47e" // alien monster
126	Robot        Emoji = "\U0001f916" // robot
127	// SUBGROUP: cat-face
128	GrinningCat                Emoji = "\U0001f63a" // grinning cat
129	GrinningCatWithSmilingEyes Emoji = "\U0001f638" // grinning cat with smiling eyes
130	CatWithTearsOfJoy          Emoji = "\U0001f639" // cat with tears of joy
131	SmilingCatWithHeartEyes    Emoji = "\U0001f63b" // smiling cat with heart-eyes
132	CatWithWrySmile            Emoji = "\U0001f63c" // cat with wry smile
133	KissingCat                 Emoji = "\U0001f63d" // kissing cat
134	WearyCat                   Emoji = "\U0001f640" // weary cat
135	CryingCat                  Emoji = "\U0001f63f" // crying cat
136	PoutingCat                 Emoji = "\U0001f63e" // pouting cat
137	// SUBGROUP: monkey-face
138	SeeNoEvilMonkey   Emoji = "\U0001f648" // see-no-evil monkey
139	HearNoEvilMonkey  Emoji = "\U0001f649" // hear-no-evil monkey
140	SpeakNoEvilMonkey Emoji = "\U0001f64a" // speak-no-evil monkey
141	// SUBGROUP: emotion
142	KissMark          Emoji = "\U0001f48b"                             // kiss mark
143	LoveLetter        Emoji = "\U0001f48c"                             // love letter
144	HeartWithArrow    Emoji = "\U0001f498"                             // heart with arrow
145	HeartWithRibbon   Emoji = "\U0001f49d"                             // heart with ribbon
146	SparklingHeart    Emoji = "\U0001f496"                             // sparkling heart
147	GrowingHeart      Emoji = "\U0001f497"                             // growing heart
148	BeatingHeart      Emoji = "\U0001f493"                             // beating heart
149	RevolvingHearts   Emoji = "\U0001f49e"                             // revolving hearts
150	TwoHearts         Emoji = "\U0001f495"                             // two hearts
151	HeartDecoration   Emoji = "\U0001f49f"                             // heart decoration
152	HeartExclamation  Emoji = "\u2763\ufe0f"                           // heart exclamation
153	BrokenHeart       Emoji = "\U0001f494"                             // broken heart
154	RedHeart          Emoji = "\u2764\ufe0f"                           // red heart
155	OrangeHeart       Emoji = "\U0001f9e1"                             // orange heart
156	YellowHeart       Emoji = "\U0001f49b"                             // yellow heart
157	GreenHeart        Emoji = "\U0001f49a"                             // green heart
158	BlueHeart         Emoji = "\U0001f499"                             // blue heart
159	PurpleHeart       Emoji = "\U0001f49c"                             // purple heart
160	BrownHeart        Emoji = "\U0001f90e"                             // brown heart
161	BlackHeart        Emoji = "\U0001f5a4"                             // black heart
162	WhiteHeart        Emoji = "\U0001f90d"                             // white heart
163	HundredPoints     Emoji = "\U0001f4af"                             // hundred points
164	AngerSymbol       Emoji = "\U0001f4a2"                             // anger symbol
165	Collision         Emoji = "\U0001f4a5"                             // collision
166	Dizzy             Emoji = "\U0001f4ab"                             // dizzy
167	SweatDroplets     Emoji = "\U0001f4a6"                             // sweat droplets
168	DashingAway       Emoji = "\U0001f4a8"                             // dashing away
169	Hole              Emoji = "\U0001f573\ufe0f"                       // hole
170	Bomb              Emoji = "\U0001f4a3"                             // bomb
171	SpeechBalloon     Emoji = "\U0001f4ac"                             // speech balloon
172	EyeInSpeechBubble Emoji = "\U0001f441\ufe0f\u200d\U0001f5e8\ufe0f" // eye in speech bubble
173	LeftSpeechBubble  Emoji = "\U0001f5e8\ufe0f"                       // left speech bubble
174	RightAngerBubble  Emoji = "\U0001f5ef\ufe0f"                       // right anger bubble
175	ThoughtBalloon    Emoji = "\U0001f4ad"                             // thought balloon
176	Zzz               Emoji = "\U0001f4a4"                             // zzz
178	// GROUP: People & Body
179	// SUBGROUP: hand-fingers-open
180	WavingHand             EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f44b@")                           // waving hand
181	RaisedBackOfHand       EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f91a@")                           // raised back of hand
182	HandWithFingersSplayed EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f590@").withDefaultTone("\ufe0f") // hand with fingers splayed
183	RaisedHand             EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\u270b@")                               // raised hand
184	VulcanSalute           EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f596@")                           // vulcan salute
185	// SUBGROUP: hand-fingers-partial
186	OkHand         EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f44c@")                       // OK hand
187	PinchedFingers EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f90c@")                       // pinched fingers
188	PinchingHand   EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f90f@")                       // pinching hand
189	VictoryHand    EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\u270c@").withDefaultTone("\ufe0f") // victory hand
190	CrossedFingers EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f91e@")                       // crossed fingers
191	LoveYouGesture EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f91f@")                       // love-you gesture
192	SignOfTheHorns EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f918@")                       // sign of the horns
193	CallMeHand     EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f919@")                       // call me hand
194	// SUBGROUP: hand-single-finger
195	BackhandIndexPointingLeft  EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f448@")                       // backhand index pointing left
196	BackhandIndexPointingRight EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f449@")                       // backhand index pointing right
197	BackhandIndexPointingUp    EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f446@")                       // backhand index pointing up
198	MiddleFinger               EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f595@")                       // middle finger
199	BackhandIndexPointingDown  EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f447@")                       // backhand index pointing down
200	IndexPointingUp            EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\u261d@").withDefaultTone("\ufe0f") // index pointing up
201	// SUBGROUP: hand-fingers-closed
202	ThumbsUp        EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f44d@") // thumbs up
203	ThumbsDown      EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f44e@") // thumbs down
204	RaisedFist      EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\u270a@")     // raised fist
205	OncomingFist    EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f44a@") // oncoming fist
206	LeftFacingFist  EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f91b@") // left-facing fist
207	RightFacingFist EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f91c@") // right-facing fist
208	// SUBGROUP: hands
209	ClappingHands   EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f44f@") // clapping hands
210	RaisingHands    EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f64c@") // raising hands
211	OpenHands       EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f450@") // open hands
212	PalmsUpTogether EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f932@") // palms up together
213	Handshake       Emoji         = "\U0001f91d"                    // handshake
214	FoldedHands     EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f64f@") // folded hands
215	// SUBGROUP: hand-prop
216	WritingHand EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\u270d@").withDefaultTone("\ufe0f") // writing hand
217	NailPolish  EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f485@")                       // nail polish
218	Selfie      EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f933@")                       // selfie
219	// SUBGROUP: body-parts
220	FlexedBiceps      EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f4aa@") // flexed biceps
221	MechanicalArm     Emoji         = "\U0001f9be"                    // mechanical arm
222	MechanicalLeg     Emoji         = "\U0001f9bf"                    // mechanical leg
223	Leg               EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9b5@") // leg
224	Foot              EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9b6@") // foot
225	Ear               EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f442@") // ear
226	EarWithHearingAid EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9bb@") // ear with hearing aid
227	Nose              EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f443@") // nose
228	Brain             Emoji         = "\U0001f9e0"                    // brain
229	AnatomicalHeart   Emoji         = "\U0001fac0"                    // anatomical heart
230	Lungs             Emoji         = "\U0001fac1"                    // lungs
231	Tooth             Emoji         = "\U0001f9b7"                    // tooth
232	Bone              Emoji         = "\U0001f9b4"                    // bone
233	Eyes              Emoji         = "\U0001f440"                    // eyes
234	Eye               Emoji         = "\U0001f441\ufe0f"              // eye
235	Tongue            Emoji         = "\U0001f445"                    // tongue
236	Mouth             Emoji         = "\U0001f444"                    // mouth
237	// SUBGROUP: person
238	Baby                EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f476@")                   // baby
239	Child               EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d2@")                   // child
240	Boy                 EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f466@")                   // boy
241	Girl                EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f467@")                   // girl
242	Person              EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@")                   // person
243	PersonWithBlondHair EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f471@")                   // person: blond hair
244	Man                 EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@")                   // man
245	ManWithBeard        EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d4@")                   // man: beard
246	ManWithRedHair      EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\U0001f9b0")   // man: red hair
247	ManWithCurlyHair    EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\U0001f9b1")   // man: curly hair
248	ManWithWhiteHair    EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\U0001f9b3")   // man: white hair
249	ManBald             EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\U0001f9b2")   // man: bald
250	Woman               EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@")                   // woman
251	WomanWithRedHair    EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\U0001f9b0")   // woman: red hair
252	PersonWithRedHair   EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f9b0")   // person: red hair
253	WomanWithCurlyHair  EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\U0001f9b1")   // woman: curly hair
254	PersonWithCurlyHair EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f9b1")   // person: curly hair
255	WomanWithWhiteHair  EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\U0001f9b3")   // woman: white hair
256	PersonWithWhiteHair EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f9b3")   // person: white hair
257	WomanBald           EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\U0001f9b2")   // woman: bald
258	PersonBald          EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f9b2")   // person: bald
259	WomanWithBlondHair  EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f471@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f") // woman: blond hair
260	ManWithBlondHair    EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f471@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f") // man: blond hair
261	OlderPerson         EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d3@")                   // older person
262	OldMan              EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f474@")                   // old man
263	OldWoman            EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f475@")                   // old woman
264	// SUBGROUP: person-gesture
265	PersonFrowning    EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f64d@")                   // person frowning
266	ManFrowning       EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f64d@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f") // man frowning
267	WomanFrowning     EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f64d@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f") // woman frowning
268	PersonPouting     EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f64e@")                   // person pouting
269	ManPouting        EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f64e@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f") // man pouting
270	WomanPouting      EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f64e@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f") // woman pouting
271	PersonGesturingNo EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f645@")                   // person gesturing NO
272	ManGesturingNo    EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f645@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f") // man gesturing NO
273	WomanGesturingNo  EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f645@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f") // woman gesturing NO
274	PersonGesturingOk EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f646@")                   // person gesturing OK
275	ManGesturingOk    EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f646@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f") // man gesturing OK
276	WomanGesturingOk  EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f646@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f") // woman gesturing OK
277	PersonTippingHand EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f481@")                   // person tipping hand
278	ManTippingHand    EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f481@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f") // man tipping hand
279	WomanTippingHand  EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f481@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f") // woman tipping hand
280	PersonRaisingHand EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f64b@")                   // person raising hand
281	ManRaisingHand    EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f64b@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f") // man raising hand
282	WomanRaisingHand  EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f64b@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f") // woman raising hand
283	DeafPerson        EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9cf@")                   // deaf person
284	DeafMan           EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9cf@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f") // deaf man
285	DeafWoman         EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9cf@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f") // deaf woman
286	PersonBowing      EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f647@")                   // person bowing
287	ManBowing         EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f647@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f") // man bowing
288	WomanBowing       EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f647@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f") // woman bowing
289	PersonFacepalming EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f926@")                   // person facepalming
290	ManFacepalming    EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f926@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f") // man facepalming
291	WomanFacepalming  EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f926@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f") // woman facepalming
292	PersonShrugging   EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f937@")                   // person shrugging
293	ManShrugging      EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f937@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f") // man shrugging
294	WomanShrugging    EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f937@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f") // woman shrugging
295	// SUBGROUP: person-role
296	HealthWorker            EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\u2695\ufe0f")                           // health worker
297	ManHealthWorker         EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\u2695\ufe0f")                           // man health worker
298	WomanHealthWorker       EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\u2695\ufe0f")                           // woman health worker
299	Student                 EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f393")                             // student
300	ManStudent              EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\U0001f393")                             // man student
301	WomanStudent            EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\U0001f393")                             // woman student
302	Teacher                 EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f3eb")                             // teacher
303	ManTeacher              EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\U0001f3eb")                             // man teacher
304	WomanTeacher            EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\U0001f3eb")                             // woman teacher
305	Judge                   EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\u2696\ufe0f")                           // judge
306	ManJudge                EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\u2696\ufe0f")                           // man judge
307	WomanJudge              EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\u2696\ufe0f")                           // woman judge
308	Farmer                  EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f33e")                             // farmer
309	ManFarmer               EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\U0001f33e")                             // man farmer
310	WomanFarmer             EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\U0001f33e")                             // woman farmer
311	Cook                    EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f373")                             // cook
312	ManCook                 EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\U0001f373")                             // man cook
313	WomanCook               EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\U0001f373")                             // woman cook
314	Mechanic                EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f527")                             // mechanic
315	ManMechanic             EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\U0001f527")                             // man mechanic
316	WomanMechanic           EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\U0001f527")                             // woman mechanic
317	FactoryWorker           EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f3ed")                             // factory worker
318	ManFactoryWorker        EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\U0001f3ed")                             // man factory worker
319	WomanFactoryWorker      EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\U0001f3ed")                             // woman factory worker
320	OfficeWorker            EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f4bc")                             // office worker
321	ManOfficeWorker         EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\U0001f4bc")                             // man office worker
322	WomanOfficeWorker       EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\U0001f4bc")                             // woman office worker
323	Scientist               EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f52c")                             // scientist
324	ManScientist            EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\U0001f52c")                             // man scientist
325	WomanScientist          EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\U0001f52c")                             // woman scientist
326	Technologist            EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f4bb")                             // technologist
327	ManTechnologist         EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\U0001f4bb")                             // man technologist
328	WomanTechnologist       EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\U0001f4bb")                             // woman technologist
329	Singer                  EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f3a4")                             // singer
330	ManSinger               EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\U0001f3a4")                             // man singer
331	WomanSinger             EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\U0001f3a4")                             // woman singer
332	Artist                  EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f3a8")                             // artist
333	ManArtist               EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\U0001f3a8")                             // man artist
334	WomanArtist             EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\U0001f3a8")                             // woman artist
335	Pilot                   EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\u2708\ufe0f")                           // pilot
336	ManPilot                EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\u2708\ufe0f")                           // man pilot
337	WomanPilot              EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\u2708\ufe0f")                           // woman pilot
338	Astronaut               EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f680")                             // astronaut
339	ManAstronaut            EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\U0001f680")                             // man astronaut
340	WomanAstronaut          EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\U0001f680")                             // woman astronaut
341	Firefighter             EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f692")                             // firefighter
342	ManFirefighter          EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\U0001f692")                             // man firefighter
343	WomanFirefighter        EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\U0001f692")                             // woman firefighter
344	PoliceOfficer           EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f46e@")                                             // police officer
345	ManPoliceOfficer        EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f46e@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f")                           // man police officer
346	WomanPoliceOfficer      EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f46e@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f")                           // woman police officer
347	Detective               EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f575@").withDefaultTone("\ufe0f")                   // detective
348	ManDetective            EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f575@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f").withDefaultTone("\ufe0f") // man detective
349	WomanDetective          EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f575@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f").withDefaultTone("\ufe0f") // woman detective
350	Guard                   EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f482@")                                             // guard
351	ManGuard                EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f482@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f")                           // man guard
352	WomanGuard              EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f482@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f")                           // woman guard
353	Ninja                   EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f977@")                                             // ninja
354	ConstructionWorker      EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f477@")                                             // construction worker
355	ManConstructionWorker   EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f477@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f")                           // man construction worker
356	WomanConstructionWorker EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f477@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f")                           // woman construction worker
357	Prince                  EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f934@")                                             // prince
358	Princess                EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f478@")                                             // princess
359	PersonWearingTurban     EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f473@")                                             // person wearing turban
360	ManWearingTurban        EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f473@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f")                           // man wearing turban
361	WomanWearingTurban      EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f473@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f")                           // woman wearing turban
362	PersonWithSkullcap      EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f472@")                                             // person with skullcap
363	WomanWithHeadscarf      EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d5@")                                             // woman with headscarf
364	PersonInTuxedo          EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f935@")                                             // person in tuxedo
365	ManInTuxedo             EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f935@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f")                           // man in tuxedo
366	WomanInTuxedo           EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f935@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f")                           // woman in tuxedo
367	PersonWithVeil          EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f470@")                                             // person with veil
368	ManWithVeil             EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f470@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f")                           // man with veil
369	WomanWithVeil           EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f470@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f")                           // woman with veil
370	PregnantWoman           EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f930@")                                             // pregnant woman
371	BreastFeeding           EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f931@")                                             // breast-feeding
372	WomanFeedingBaby        EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\U0001f37c")                             // woman feeding baby
373	ManFeedingBaby          EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\U0001f37c")                             // man feeding baby
374	PersonFeedingBaby       EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f37c")                             // person feeding baby
375	// SUBGROUP: person-fantasy
376	BabyAngel         EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f47c@")                   // baby angel
377	SantaClaus        EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f385@")                   // Santa Claus
378	MrsClaus          EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f936@")                   // Mrs. Claus
379	MxClaus           EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f384")   // mx claus
380	Superhero         EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9b8@")                   // superhero
381	ManSuperhero      EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9b8@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f") // man superhero
382	WomanSuperhero    EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9b8@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f") // woman superhero
383	Supervillain      EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9b9@")                   // supervillain
384	ManSupervillain   EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9b9@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f") // man supervillain
385	WomanSupervillain EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9b9@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f") // woman supervillain
386	Mage              EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d9@")                   // mage
387	ManMage           EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d9@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f") // man mage
388	WomanMage         EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d9@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f") // woman mage
389	Fairy             EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9da@")                   // fairy
390	ManFairy          EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9da@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f") // man fairy
391	WomanFairy        EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9da@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f") // woman fairy
392	Vampire           EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9db@")                   // vampire
393	ManVampire        EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9db@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f") // man vampire
394	WomanVampire      EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9db@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f") // woman vampire
395	Merperson         EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9dc@")                   // merperson
396	Merman            EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9dc@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f") // merman
397	Mermaid           EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9dc@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f") // mermaid
398	Elf               EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9dd@")                   // elf
399	ManElf            EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9dd@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f") // man elf
400	WomanElf          EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9dd@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f") // woman elf
401	Genie             Emoji         = "\U0001f9de"                                      // genie
402	ManGenie          Emoji         = "\U0001f9de\u200d\u2642\ufe0f"                    // man genie
403	WomanGenie        Emoji         = "\U0001f9de\u200d\u2640\ufe0f"                    // woman genie
404	Zombie            Emoji         = "\U0001f9df"                                      // zombie
405	ManZombie         Emoji         = "\U0001f9df\u200d\u2642\ufe0f"                    // man zombie
406	WomanZombie       Emoji         = "\U0001f9df\u200d\u2640\ufe0f"                    // woman zombie
407	// SUBGROUP: person-activity
408	PersonGettingMassage        EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f486@")                           // person getting massage
409	ManGettingMassage           EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f486@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f")         // man getting massage
410	WomanGettingMassage         EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f486@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f")         // woman getting massage
411	PersonGettingHaircut        EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f487@")                           // person getting haircut
412	ManGettingHaircut           EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f487@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f")         // man getting haircut
413	WomanGettingHaircut         EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f487@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f")         // woman getting haircut
414	PersonWalking               EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f6b6@")                           // person walking
415	ManWalking                  EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f6b6@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f")         // man walking
416	WomanWalking                EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f6b6@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f")         // woman walking
417	PersonStanding              EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9cd@")                           // person standing
418	ManStanding                 EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9cd@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f")         // man standing
419	WomanStanding               EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9cd@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f")         // woman standing
420	PersonKneeling              EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9ce@")                           // person kneeling
421	ManKneeling                 EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9ce@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f")         // man kneeling
422	WomanKneeling               EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9ce@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f")         // woman kneeling
423	PersonWithWhiteCane         EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f9af")           // person with white cane
424	ManWithWhiteCane            EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\U0001f9af")           // man with white cane
425	WomanWithWhiteCane          EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\U0001f9af")           // woman with white cane
426	PersonInMotorizedWheelchair EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f9bc")           // person in motorized wheelchair
427	ManInMotorizedWheelchair    EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\U0001f9bc")           // man in motorized wheelchair
428	WomanInMotorizedWheelchair  EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\U0001f9bc")           // woman in motorized wheelchair
429	PersonInManualWheelchair    EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f9bd")           // person in manual wheelchair
430	ManInManualWheelchair       EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f468@\u200d\U0001f9bd")           // man in manual wheelchair
431	WomanInManualWheelchair     EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f469@\u200d\U0001f9bd")           // woman in manual wheelchair
432	PersonRunning               EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f3c3@")                           // person running
433	ManRunning                  EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f3c3@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f")         // man running
434	WomanRunning                EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f3c3@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f")         // woman running
435	WomanDancing                EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f483@")                           // woman dancing
436	ManDancing                  EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f57a@")                           // man dancing
437	PersonInSuitLevitating      EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f574@").withDefaultTone("\ufe0f") // person in suit levitating
438	PeopleWithBunnyEars         Emoji         = "\U0001f46f"                                              // people with bunny ears
439	MenWithBunnyEars            Emoji         = "\U0001f46f\u200d\u2642\ufe0f"                            // men with bunny ears
440	WomenWithBunnyEars          Emoji         = "\U0001f46f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f"                            // women with bunny ears
441	PersonInSteamyRoom          EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d6@")                           // person in steamy room
442	ManInSteamyRoom             EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d6@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f")         // man in steamy room
443	WomanInSteamyRoom           EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d6@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f")         // woman in steamy room
444	PersonClimbing              EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d7@")                           // person climbing
445	ManClimbing                 EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d7@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f")         // man climbing
446	WomanClimbing               EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d7@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f")         // woman climbing
447	// SUBGROUP: person-sport
448	PersonFencing          Emoji         = "\U0001f93a"                                                                // person fencing
449	HorseRacing            EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f3c7@")                                             // horse racing
450	Skier                  Emoji         = "\u26f7\ufe0f"                                                              // skier
451	Snowboarder            EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f3c2@")                                             // snowboarder
452	PersonGolfing          EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f3cc@").withDefaultTone("\ufe0f")                   // person golfing
453	ManGolfing             EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f3cc@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f").withDefaultTone("\ufe0f") // man golfing
454	WomanGolfing           EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f3cc@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f").withDefaultTone("\ufe0f") // woman golfing
455	PersonSurfing          EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f3c4@")                                             // person surfing
456	ManSurfing             EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f3c4@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f")                           // man surfing
457	WomanSurfing           EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f3c4@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f")                           // woman surfing
458	PersonRowingBoat       EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f6a3@")                                             // person rowing boat
459	ManRowingBoat          EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f6a3@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f")                           // man rowing boat
460	WomanRowingBoat        EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f6a3@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f")                           // woman rowing boat
461	PersonSwimming         EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f3ca@")                                             // person swimming
462	ManSwimming            EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f3ca@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f")                           // man swimming
463	WomanSwimming          EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f3ca@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f")                           // woman swimming
464	PersonBouncingBall     EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\u26f9@").withDefaultTone("\ufe0f")                       // person bouncing ball
465	ManBouncingBall        EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\u26f9@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f").withDefaultTone("\ufe0f")     // man bouncing ball
466	WomanBouncingBall      EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\u26f9@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f").withDefaultTone("\ufe0f")     // woman bouncing ball
467	PersonLiftingWeights   EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f3cb@").withDefaultTone("\ufe0f")                   // person lifting weights
468	ManLiftingWeights      EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f3cb@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f").withDefaultTone("\ufe0f") // man lifting weights
469	WomanLiftingWeights    EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f3cb@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f").withDefaultTone("\ufe0f") // woman lifting weights
470	PersonBiking           EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f6b4@")                                             // person biking
471	ManBiking              EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f6b4@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f")                           // man biking
472	WomanBiking            EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f6b4@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f")                           // woman biking
473	PersonMountainBiking   EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f6b5@")                                             // person mountain biking
474	ManMountainBiking      EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f6b5@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f")                           // man mountain biking
475	WomanMountainBiking    EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f6b5@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f")                           // woman mountain biking
476	PersonCartwheeling     EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f938@")                                             // person cartwheeling
477	ManCartwheeling        EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f938@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f")                           // man cartwheeling
478	WomanCartwheeling      EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f938@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f")                           // woman cartwheeling
479	PeopleWrestling        Emoji         = "\U0001f93c"                                                                // people wrestling
480	MenWrestling           Emoji         = "\U0001f93c\u200d\u2642\ufe0f"                                              // men wrestling
481	WomenWrestling         Emoji         = "\U0001f93c\u200d\u2640\ufe0f"                                              // women wrestling
482	PersonPlayingWaterPolo EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f93d@")                                             // person playing water polo
483	ManPlayingWaterPolo    EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f93d@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f")                           // man playing water polo
484	WomanPlayingWaterPolo  EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f93d@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f")                           // woman playing water polo
485	PersonPlayingHandball  EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f93e@")                                             // person playing handball
486	ManPlayingHandball     EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f93e@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f")                           // man playing handball
487	WomanPlayingHandball   EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f93e@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f")                           // woman playing handball
488	PersonJuggling         EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f939@")                                             // person juggling
489	ManJuggling            EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f939@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f")                           // man juggling
490	WomanJuggling          EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f939@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f")                           // woman juggling
491	// SUBGROUP: person-resting
492	PersonInLotusPosition EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d8@")                   // person in lotus position
493	ManInLotusPosition    EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d8@\u200d\u2642\ufe0f") // man in lotus position
494	WomanInLotusPosition  EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d8@\u200d\u2640\ufe0f") // woman in lotus position
495	PersonTakingBath      EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f6c0@")                   // person taking bath
496	PersonInBed           EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f6cc@")                   // person in bed
497	// SUBGROUP: family
498	PeopleHoldingHands        EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f91d\u200d\U0001f9d1@", "\U0001f9d1@\u200d\U0001f91d\u200d\U0001f9d1@") // people holding hands
499	WomenHoldingHands         EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f46d@", "\U0001f469@\u200d\U0001f91d\u200d\U0001f469@")                                  // women holding hands
500	WomanAndManHoldingHands   EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f46b@", "\U0001f469@\u200d\U0001f91d\u200d\U0001f468@")                                  // woman and man holding hands
501	MenHoldingHands           EmojiWithTone = newEmojiWithTone("\U0001f46c@", "\U0001f468@\u200d\U0001f91d\u200d\U0001f468@")                                  // men holding hands
502	Kiss                      Emoji         = "\U0001f48f"                                                                                                     // kiss
503	KissWomanMan              Emoji         = "\U0001f469\u200d\u2764\ufe0f\u200d\U0001f48b\u200d\U0001f468"                                                   // kiss: woman, man
504	KissManMan                Emoji         = "\U0001f468\u200d\u2764\ufe0f\u200d\U0001f48b\u200d\U0001f468"                                                   // kiss: man, man
505	KissWomanWoman            Emoji         = "\U0001f469\u200d\u2764\ufe0f\u200d\U0001f48b\u200d\U0001f469"                                                   // kiss: woman, woman
506	CoupleWithHeart           Emoji         = "\U0001f491"                                                                                                     // couple with heart
507	CoupleWithHeartWomanMan   Emoji         = "\U0001f469\u200d\u2764\ufe0f\u200d\U0001f468"                                                                   // couple with heart: woman, man
508	CoupleWithHeartManMan     Emoji         = "\U0001f468\u200d\u2764\ufe0f\u200d\U0001f468"                                                                   // couple with heart: man, man
509	CoupleWithHeartWomanWoman Emoji         = "\U0001f469\u200d\u2764\ufe0f\u200d\U0001f469"                                                                   // couple with heart: woman, woman
510	Family                    Emoji         = "\U0001f46a"                                                                                                     // family
511	FamilyManWomanBoy         Emoji         = "\U0001f468\u200d\U0001f469\u200d\U0001f466"                                                                     // family: man, woman, boy
512	FamilyManWomanGirl        Emoji         = "\U0001f468\u200d\U0001f469\u200d\U0001f467"                                                                     // family: man, woman, girl
513	FamilyManWomanGirlBoy     Emoji         = "\U0001f468\u200d\U0001f469\u200d\U0001f467\u200d\U0001f466"                                                     // family: man, woman, girl, boy
514	FamilyManWomanBoyBoy      Emoji         = "\U0001f468\u200d\U0001f469\u200d\U0001f466\u200d\U0001f466"                                                     // family: man, woman, boy, boy
515	FamilyManWomanGirlGirl    Emoji         = "\U0001f468\u200d\U0001f469\u200d\U0001f467\u200d\U0001f467"                                                     // family: man, woman, girl, girl
516	FamilyManManBoy           Emoji         = "\U0001f468\u200d\U0001f468\u200d\U0001f466"                                                                     // family: man, man, boy
517	FamilyManManGirl          Emoji         = "\U0001f468\u200d\U0001f468\u200d\U0001f467"                                                                     // family: man, man, girl
518	FamilyManManGirlBoy       Emoji         = "\U0001f468\u200d\U0001f468\u200d\U0001f467\u200d\U0001f466"                                                     // family: man, man, girl, boy
519	FamilyManManBoyBoy        Emoji         = "\U0001f468\u200d\U0001f468\u200d\U0001f466\u200d\U0001f466"                                                     // family: man, man, boy, boy
520	FamilyManManGirlGirl      Emoji         = "\U0001f468\u200d\U0001f468\u200d\U0001f467\u200d\U0001f467"                                                     // family: man, man, girl, girl
521	FamilyWomanWomanBoy       Emoji         = "\U0001f469\u200d\U0001f469\u200d\U0001f466"                                                                     // family: woman, woman, boy
522	FamilyWomanWomanGirl      Emoji         = "\U0001f469\u200d\U0001f469\u200d\U0001f467"                                                                     // family: woman, woman, girl
523	FamilyWomanWomanGirlBoy   Emoji         = "\U0001f469\u200d\U0001f469\u200d\U0001f467\u200d\U0001f466"                                                     // family: woman, woman, girl, boy
524	FamilyWomanWomanBoyBoy    Emoji         = "\U0001f469\u200d\U0001f469\u200d\U0001f466\u200d\U0001f466"                                                     // family: woman, woman, boy, boy
525	FamilyWomanWomanGirlGirl  Emoji         = "\U0001f469\u200d\U0001f469\u200d\U0001f467\u200d\U0001f467"                                                     // family: woman, woman, girl, girl
526	FamilyManBoy              Emoji         = "\U0001f468\u200d\U0001f466"                                                                                     // family: man, boy
527	FamilyManBoyBoy           Emoji         = "\U0001f468\u200d\U0001f466\u200d\U0001f466"                                                                     // family: man, boy, boy
528	FamilyManGirl             Emoji         = "\U0001f468\u200d\U0001f467"                                                                                     // family: man, girl
529	FamilyManGirlBoy          Emoji         = "\U0001f468\u200d\U0001f467\u200d\U0001f466"                                                                     // family: man, girl, boy
530	FamilyManGirlGirl         Emoji         = "\U0001f468\u200d\U0001f467\u200d\U0001f467"                                                                     // family: man, girl, girl
531	FamilyWomanBoy            Emoji         = "\U0001f469\u200d\U0001f466"                                                                                     // family: woman, boy
532	FamilyWomanBoyBoy         Emoji         = "\U0001f469\u200d\U0001f466\u200d\U0001f466"                                                                     // family: woman, boy, boy
533	FamilyWomanGirl           Emoji         = "\U0001f469\u200d\U0001f467"                                                                                     // family: woman, girl
534	FamilyWomanGirlBoy        Emoji         = "\U0001f469\u200d\U0001f467\u200d\U0001f466"                                                                     // family: woman, girl, boy
535	FamilyWomanGirlGirl       Emoji         = "\U0001f469\u200d\U0001f467\u200d\U0001f467"                                                                     // family: woman, girl, girl
536	// SUBGROUP: person-symbol
537	SpeakingHead      Emoji = "\U0001f5e3\ufe0f" // speaking head
538	BustInSilhouette  Emoji = "\U0001f464"       // bust in silhouette
539	BustsInSilhouette Emoji = "\U0001f465"       // busts in silhouette
540	PeopleHugging     Emoji = "\U0001fac2"       // people hugging
541	Footprints        Emoji = "\U0001f463"       // footprints
543	// GROUP: Component
544	// SUBGROUP: skin-tone
545	LightSkinTone       Emoji = "\U0001f3fb" // light skin tone
546	MediumLightSkinTone Emoji = "\U0001f3fc" // medium-light skin tone
547	MediumSkinTone      Emoji = "\U0001f3fd" // medium skin tone
548	MediumDarkSkinTone  Emoji = "\U0001f3fe" // medium-dark skin tone
549	DarkSkinTone        Emoji = "\U0001f3ff" // dark skin tone
550	// SUBGROUP: hair-style
551	RedHair   Emoji = "\U0001f9b0" // red hair
552	CurlyHair Emoji = "\U0001f9b1" // curly hair
553	WhiteHair Emoji = "\U0001f9b3" // white hair
554	Bald      Emoji = "\U0001f9b2" // bald
556	// GROUP: Animals & Nature
557	// SUBGROUP: animal-mammal
558	MonkeyFace   Emoji = "\U0001f435"                   // monkey face
559	Monkey       Emoji = "\U0001f412"                   // monkey
560	Gorilla      Emoji = "\U0001f98d"                   // gorilla
561	Orangutan    Emoji = "\U0001f9a7"                   // orangutan
562	DogFace      Emoji = "\U0001f436"                   // dog face
563	Dog          Emoji = "\U0001f415"                   // dog
564	GuideDog     Emoji = "\U0001f9ae"                   // guide dog
565	ServiceDog   Emoji = "\U0001f415\u200d\U0001f9ba"   // service dog
566	Poodle       Emoji = "\U0001f429"                   // poodle
567	Wolf         Emoji = "\U0001f43a"                   // wolf
568	Fox          Emoji = "\U0001f98a"                   // fox
569	Raccoon      Emoji = "\U0001f99d"                   // raccoon
570	CatFace      Emoji = "\U0001f431"                   // cat face
571	Cat          Emoji = "\U0001f408"                   // cat
572	BlackCat     Emoji = "\U0001f408\u200d\u2b1b"       // black cat
573	Lion         Emoji = "\U0001f981"                   // lion
574	TigerFace    Emoji = "\U0001f42f"                   // tiger face
575	Tiger        Emoji = "\U0001f405"                   // tiger
576	Leopard      Emoji = "\U0001f406"                   // leopard
577	HorseFace    Emoji = "\U0001f434"                   // horse face
578	Horse        Emoji = "\U0001f40e"                   // horse
579	Unicorn      Emoji = "\U0001f984"                   // unicorn
580	Zebra        Emoji = "\U0001f993"                   // zebra
581	Deer         Emoji = "\U0001f98c"                   // deer
582	Bison        Emoji = "\U0001f9ac"                   // bison
583	CowFace      Emoji = "\U0001f42e"                   // cow face
584	Ox           Emoji = "\U0001f402"                   // ox
585	WaterBuffalo Emoji = "\U0001f403"                   // water buffalo
586	Cow          Emoji = "\U0001f404"                   // cow
587	PigFace      Emoji = "\U0001f437"                   // pig face
588	Pig          Emoji = "\U0001f416"                   // pig
589	Boar         Emoji = "\U0001f417"                   // boar
590	PigNose      Emoji = "\U0001f43d"                   // pig nose
591	Ram          Emoji = "\U0001f40f"                   // ram
592	Ewe          Emoji = "\U0001f411"                   // ewe
593	Goat         Emoji = "\U0001f410"                   // goat
594	Camel        Emoji = "\U0001f42a"                   // camel
595	TwoHumpCamel Emoji = "\U0001f42b"                   // two-hump camel
596	Llama        Emoji = "\U0001f999"                   // llama
597	Giraffe      Emoji = "\U0001f992"                   // giraffe
598	Elephant     Emoji = "\U0001f418"                   // elephant
599	Mammoth      Emoji = "\U0001f9a3"                   // mammoth
600	Rhinoceros   Emoji = "\U0001f98f"                   // rhinoceros
601	Hippopotamus Emoji = "\U0001f99b"                   // hippopotamus
602	MouseFace    Emoji = "\U0001f42d"                   // mouse face
603	Mouse        Emoji = "\U0001f401"                   // mouse
604	Rat          Emoji = "\U0001f400"                   // rat
605	Hamster      Emoji = "\U0001f439"                   // hamster
606	RabbitFace   Emoji = "\U0001f430"                   // rabbit face
607	Rabbit       Emoji = "\U0001f407"                   // rabbit
608	Chipmunk     Emoji = "\U0001f43f\ufe0f"             // chipmunk
609	Beaver       Emoji = "\U0001f9ab"                   // beaver
610	Hedgehog     Emoji = "\U0001f994"                   // hedgehog
611	Bat          Emoji = "\U0001f987"                   // bat
612	Bear         Emoji = "\U0001f43b"                   // bear
613	PolarBear    Emoji = "\U0001f43b\u200d\u2744\ufe0f" // polar bear
614	Koala        Emoji = "\U0001f428"                   // koala
615	Panda        Emoji = "\U0001f43c"                   // panda
616	Sloth        Emoji = "\U0001f9a5"                   // sloth
617	Otter        Emoji = "\U0001f9a6"                   // otter
618	Skunk        Emoji = "\U0001f9a8"                   // skunk
619	Kangaroo     Emoji = "\U0001f998"                   // kangaroo
620	Badger       Emoji = "\U0001f9a1"                   // badger
621	PawPrints    Emoji = "\U0001f43e"                   // paw prints
622	// SUBGROUP: animal-bird
623	Turkey               Emoji = "\U0001f983"       // turkey
624	Chicken              Emoji = "\U0001f414"       // chicken
625	Rooster              Emoji = "\U0001f413"       // rooster
626	HatchingChick        Emoji = "\U0001f423"       // hatching chick
627	BabyChick            Emoji = "\U0001f424"       // baby chick
628	FrontFacingBabyChick Emoji = "\U0001f425"       // front-facing baby chick
629	Bird                 Emoji = "\U0001f426"       // bird
630	Penguin              Emoji = "\U0001f427"       // penguin
631	Dove                 Emoji = "\U0001f54a\ufe0f" // dove
632	Eagle                Emoji = "\U0001f985"       // eagle
633	Duck                 Emoji = "\U0001f986"       // duck
634	Swan                 Emoji = "\U0001f9a2"       // swan
635	Owl                  Emoji = "\U0001f989"       // owl
636	Dodo                 Emoji = "\U0001f9a4"       // dodo
637	Feather              Emoji = "\U0001fab6"       // feather
638	Flamingo             Emoji = "\U0001f9a9"       // flamingo
639	Peacock              Emoji = "\U0001f99a"       // peacock
640	Parrot               Emoji = "\U0001f99c"       // parrot
641	// SUBGROUP: animal-amphibian
642	Frog Emoji = "\U0001f438" // frog
643	// SUBGROUP: animal-reptile
644	Crocodile  Emoji = "\U0001f40a" // crocodile
645	Turtle     Emoji = "\U0001f422" // turtle
646	Lizard     Emoji = "\U0001f98e" // lizard
647	Snake      Emoji = "\U0001f40d" // snake
648	DragonFace Emoji = "\U0001f432" // dragon face
649	Dragon     Emoji = "\U0001f409" // dragon
650	Sauropod   Emoji = "\U0001f995" // sauropod
651	TRex       Emoji = "\U0001f996" // T-Rex
652	// SUBGROUP: animal-marine
653	SpoutingWhale Emoji = "\U0001f433" // spouting whale
654	Whale         Emoji = "\U0001f40b" // whale
655	Dolphin       Emoji = "\U0001f42c" // dolphin
656	Seal          Emoji = "\U0001f9ad" // seal
657	Fish          Emoji = "\U0001f41f" // fish
658	TropicalFish  Emoji = "\U0001f420" // tropical fish
659	Blowfish      Emoji = "\U0001f421" // blowfish
660	Shark         Emoji = "\U0001f988" // shark
661	Octopus       Emoji = "\U0001f419" // octopus
662	SpiralShell   Emoji = "\U0001f41a" // spiral shell
663	// SUBGROUP: animal-bug
664	Snail      Emoji = "\U0001f40c"       // snail
665	Butterfly  Emoji = "\U0001f98b"       // butterfly
666	Bug        Emoji = "\U0001f41b"       // bug
667	Ant        Emoji = "\U0001f41c"       // ant
668	Honeybee   Emoji = "\U0001f41d"       // honeybee
669	Beetle     Emoji = "\U0001fab2"       // beetle
670	LadyBeetle Emoji = "\U0001f41e"       // lady beetle
671	Cricket    Emoji = "\U0001f997"       // cricket
672	Cockroach  Emoji = "\U0001fab3"       // cockroach
673	Spider     Emoji = "\U0001f577\ufe0f" // spider
674	SpiderWeb  Emoji = "\U0001f578\ufe0f" // spider web
675	Scorpion   Emoji = "\U0001f982"       // scorpion
676	Mosquito   Emoji = "\U0001f99f"       // mosquito
677	Fly        Emoji = "\U0001fab0"       // fly
678	Worm       Emoji = "\U0001fab1"       // worm
679	Microbe    Emoji = "\U0001f9a0"       // microbe
680	// SUBGROUP: plant-flower
681	Bouquet       Emoji = "\U0001f490"       // bouquet
682	CherryBlossom Emoji = "\U0001f338"       // cherry blossom
683	WhiteFlower   Emoji = "\U0001f4ae"       // white flower
684	Rosette       Emoji = "\U0001f3f5\ufe0f" // rosette
685	Rose          Emoji = "\U0001f339"       // rose
686	WiltedFlower  Emoji = "\U0001f940"       // wilted flower
687	Hibiscus      Emoji = "\U0001f33a"       // hibiscus
688	Sunflower     Emoji = "\U0001f33b"       // sunflower
689	Blossom       Emoji = "\U0001f33c"       // blossom
690	Tulip         Emoji = "\U0001f337"       // tulip
691	// SUBGROUP: plant-other
692	Seedling             Emoji = "\U0001f331"   // seedling
693	PottedPlant          Emoji = "\U0001fab4"   // potted plant
694	EvergreenTree        Emoji = "\U0001f332"   // evergreen tree
695	DeciduousTree        Emoji = "\U0001f333"   // deciduous tree
696	PalmTree             Emoji = "\U0001f334"   // palm tree
697	Cactus               Emoji = "\U0001f335"   // cactus
698	SheafOfRice          Emoji = "\U0001f33e"   // sheaf of rice
699	Herb                 Emoji = "\U0001f33f"   // herb
700	Shamrock             Emoji = "\u2618\ufe0f" // shamrock
701	FourLeafClover       Emoji = "\U0001f340"   // four leaf clover
702	MapleLeaf            Emoji = "\U0001f341"   // maple leaf
703	FallenLeaf           Emoji = "\U0001f342"   // fallen leaf
704	LeafFlutteringInWind Emoji = "\U0001f343"   // leaf fluttering in wind
706	// GROUP: Food & Drink
707	// SUBGROUP: food-fruit
708	Grapes      Emoji = "\U0001f347" // grapes
709	Melon       Emoji = "\U0001f348" // melon
710	Watermelon  Emoji = "\U0001f349" // watermelon
711	Tangerine   Emoji = "\U0001f34a" // tangerine
712	Lemon       Emoji = "\U0001f34b" // lemon
713	Banana      Emoji = "\U0001f34c" // banana
714	Pineapple   Emoji = "\U0001f34d" // pineapple
715	Mango       Emoji = "\U0001f96d" // mango
716	RedApple    Emoji = "\U0001f34e" // red apple
717	GreenApple  Emoji = "\U0001f34f" // green apple
718	Pear        Emoji = "\U0001f350" // pear
719	Peach       Emoji = "\U0001f351" // peach
720	Cherries    Emoji = "\U0001f352" // cherries
721	Strawberry  Emoji = "\U0001f353" // strawberry
722	Blueberries Emoji = "\U0001fad0" // blueberries
723	KiwiFruit   Emoji = "\U0001f95d" // kiwi fruit
724	Tomato      Emoji = "\U0001f345" // tomato
725	Olive       Emoji = "\U0001fad2" // olive
726	Coconut     Emoji = "\U0001f965" // coconut
727	// SUBGROUP: food-vegetable
728	Avocado    Emoji = "\U0001f951"       // avocado
729	Eggplant   Emoji = "\U0001f346"       // eggplant
730	Potato     Emoji = "\U0001f954"       // potato
731	Carrot     Emoji = "\U0001f955"       // carrot
732	EarOfCorn  Emoji = "\U0001f33d"       // ear of corn
733	HotPepper  Emoji = "\U0001f336\ufe0f" // hot pepper
734	BellPepper Emoji = "\U0001fad1"       // bell pepper
735	Cucumber   Emoji = "\U0001f952"       // cucumber
736	LeafyGreen Emoji = "\U0001f96c"       // leafy green
737	Broccoli   Emoji = "\U0001f966"       // broccoli
738	Garlic     Emoji = "\U0001f9c4"       // garlic
739	Onion      Emoji = "\U0001f9c5"       // onion
740	Mushroom   Emoji = "\U0001f344"       // mushroom
741	Peanuts    Emoji = "\U0001f95c"       // peanuts
742	Chestnut   Emoji = "\U0001f330"       // chestnut
743	// SUBGROUP: food-prepared
744	Bread            Emoji = "\U0001f35e" // bread
745	Croissant        Emoji = "\U0001f950" // croissant
746	BaguetteBread    Emoji = "\U0001f956" // baguette bread
747	Flatbread        Emoji = "\U0001fad3" // flatbread
748	Pretzel          Emoji = "\U0001f968" // pretzel
749	Bagel            Emoji = "\U0001f96f" // bagel
750	Pancakes         Emoji = "\U0001f95e" // pancakes
751	Waffle           Emoji = "\U0001f9c7" // waffle
752	CheeseWedge      Emoji = "\U0001f9c0" // cheese wedge
753	MeatOnBone       Emoji = "\U0001f356" // meat on bone
754	PoultryLeg       Emoji = "\U0001f357" // poultry leg
755	CutOfMeat        Emoji = "\U0001f969" // cut of meat
756	Bacon            Emoji = "\U0001f953" // bacon
757	Hamburger        Emoji = "\U0001f354" // hamburger
758	FrenchFries      Emoji = "\U0001f35f" // french fries
759	Pizza            Emoji = "\U0001f355" // pizza
760	HotDog           Emoji = "\U0001f32d" // hot dog
761	Sandwich         Emoji = "\U0001f96a" // sandwich
762	Taco             Emoji = "\U0001f32e" // taco
763	Burrito          Emoji = "\U0001f32f" // burrito
764	Tamale           Emoji = "\U0001fad4" // tamale
765	StuffedFlatbread Emoji = "\U0001f959" // stuffed flatbread
766	Falafel          Emoji = "\U0001f9c6" // falafel
767	Egg              Emoji = "\U0001f95a" // egg
768	Cooking          Emoji = "\U0001f373" // cooking
769	ShallowPanOfFood Emoji = "\U0001f958" // shallow pan of food
770	PotOfFood        Emoji = "\U0001f372" // pot of food
771	Fondue           Emoji = "\U0001fad5" // fondue
772	BowlWithSpoon    Emoji = "\U0001f963" // bowl with spoon
773	GreenSalad       Emoji = "\U0001f957" // green salad
774	Popcorn          Emoji = "\U0001f37f" // popcorn
775	Butter           Emoji = "\U0001f9c8" // butter
776	Salt             Emoji = "\U0001f9c2" // salt
777	CannedFood       Emoji = "\U0001f96b" // canned food
778	// SUBGROUP: food-asian
779	BentoBox           Emoji = "\U0001f371" // bento box
780	RiceCracker        Emoji = "\U0001f358" // rice cracker
781	RiceBall           Emoji = "\U0001f359" // rice ball
782	CookedRice         Emoji = "\U0001f35a" // cooked rice
783	CurryRice          Emoji = "\U0001f35b" // curry rice
784	SteamingBowl       Emoji = "\U0001f35c" // steaming bowl
785	Spaghetti          Emoji = "\U0001f35d" // spaghetti
786	RoastedSweetPotato Emoji = "\U0001f360" // roasted sweet potato
787	Oden               Emoji = "\U0001f362" // oden
788	Sushi              Emoji = "\U0001f363" // sushi
789	FriedShrimp        Emoji = "\U0001f364" // fried shrimp
790	FishCakeWithSwirl  Emoji = "\U0001f365" // fish cake with swirl
791	MoonCake           Emoji = "\U0001f96e" // moon cake
792	Dango              Emoji = "\U0001f361" // dango
793	Dumpling           Emoji = "\U0001f95f" // dumpling
794	FortuneCookie      Emoji = "\U0001f960" // fortune cookie
795	TakeoutBox         Emoji = "\U0001f961" // takeout box
796	// SUBGROUP: food-marine
797	Crab    Emoji = "\U0001f980" // crab
798	Lobster Emoji = "\U0001f99e" // lobster
799	Shrimp  Emoji = "\U0001f990" // shrimp
800	Squid   Emoji = "\U0001f991" // squid
801	Oyster  Emoji = "\U0001f9aa" // oyster
802	// SUBGROUP: food-sweet
803	SoftIceCream Emoji = "\U0001f366" // soft ice cream
804	ShavedIce    Emoji = "\U0001f367" // shaved ice
805	IceCream     Emoji = "\U0001f368" // ice cream
806	Doughnut     Emoji = "\U0001f369" // doughnut
807	Cookie       Emoji = "\U0001f36a" // cookie
808	BirthdayCake Emoji = "\U0001f382" // birthday cake
809	Shortcake    Emoji = "\U0001f370" // shortcake
810	Cupcake      Emoji = "\U0001f9c1" // cupcake
811	Pie          Emoji = "\U0001f967" // pie
812	ChocolateBar Emoji = "\U0001f36b" // chocolate bar
813	Candy        Emoji = "\U0001f36c" // candy
814	Lollipop     Emoji = "\U0001f36d" // lollipop
815	Custard      Emoji = "\U0001f36e" // custard
816	HoneyPot     Emoji = "\U0001f36f" // honey pot
817	// SUBGROUP: drink
818	BabyBottle            Emoji = "\U0001f37c" // baby bottle
819	GlassOfMilk           Emoji = "\U0001f95b" // glass of milk
820	HotBeverage           Emoji = "\u2615"     // hot beverage
821	Teapot                Emoji = "\U0001fad6" // teapot
822	TeacupWithoutHandle   Emoji = "\U0001f375" // teacup without handle
823	Sake                  Emoji = "\U0001f376" // sake
824	BottleWithPoppingCork Emoji = "\U0001f37e" // bottle with popping cork
825	WineGlass             Emoji = "\U0001f377" // wine glass
826	CocktailGlass         Emoji = "\U0001f378" // cocktail glass
827	TropicalDrink         Emoji = "\U0001f379" // tropical drink
828	BeerMug               Emoji = "\U0001f37a" // beer mug
829	ClinkingBeerMugs      Emoji = "\U0001f37b" // clinking beer mugs
830	ClinkingGlasses       Emoji = "\U0001f942" // clinking glasses
831	TumblerGlass          Emoji = "\U0001f943" // tumbler glass
832	CupWithStraw          Emoji = "\U0001f964" // cup with straw
833	BubbleTea             Emoji = "\U0001f9cb" // bubble tea
834	BeverageBox           Emoji = "\U0001f9c3" // beverage box
835	Mate                  Emoji = "\U0001f9c9" // mate
836	Ice                   Emoji = "\U0001f9ca" // ice
837	// SUBGROUP: dishware
838	Chopsticks            Emoji = "\U0001f962"       // chopsticks
839	ForkAndKnifeWithPlate Emoji = "\U0001f37d\ufe0f" // fork and knife with plate
840	ForkAndKnife          Emoji = "\U0001f374"       // fork and knife
841	Spoon                 Emoji = "\U0001f944"       // spoon
842	KitchenKnife          Emoji = "\U0001f52a"       // kitchen knife
843	Amphora               Emoji = "\U0001f3fa"       // amphora
845	// GROUP: Travel & Places
846	// SUBGROUP: place-map
847	GlobeShowingEuropeAfrica  Emoji = "\U0001f30d"       // globe showing Europe-Africa
848	GlobeShowingAmericas      Emoji = "\U0001f30e"       // globe showing Americas
849	GlobeShowingAsiaAustralia Emoji = "\U0001f30f"       // globe showing Asia-Australia
850	GlobeWithMeridians        Emoji = "\U0001f310"       // globe with meridians
851	WorldMap                  Emoji = "\U0001f5fa\ufe0f" // world map
852	MapOfJapan                Emoji = "\U0001f5fe"       // map of Japan
853	Compass                   Emoji = "\U0001f9ed"       // compass
854	// SUBGROUP: place-geographic
855	SnowCappedMountain Emoji = "\U0001f3d4\ufe0f" // snow-capped mountain
856	Mountain           Emoji = "\u26f0\ufe0f"     // mountain
857	Volcano            Emoji = "\U0001f30b"       // volcano
858	MountFuji          Emoji = "\U0001f5fb"       // mount fuji
859	Camping            Emoji = "\U0001f3d5\ufe0f" // camping
860	BeachWithUmbrella  Emoji = "\U0001f3d6\ufe0f" // beach with umbrella
861	Desert             Emoji = "\U0001f3dc\ufe0f" // desert
862	DesertIsland       Emoji = "\U0001f3dd\ufe0f" // desert island
863	NationalPark       Emoji = "\U0001f3de\ufe0f" // national park
864	// SUBGROUP: place-building
865	Stadium              Emoji = "\U0001f3df\ufe0f" // stadium
866	ClassicalBuilding    Emoji = "\U0001f3db\ufe0f" // classical building
867	BuildingConstruction Emoji = "\U0001f3d7\ufe0f" // building construction
868	Brick                Emoji = "\U0001f9f1"       // brick
869	Rock                 Emoji = "\U0001faa8"       // rock
870	Wood                 Emoji = "\U0001fab5"       // wood
871	Hut                  Emoji = "\U0001f6d6"       // hut
872	Houses               Emoji = "\U0001f3d8\ufe0f" // houses
873	DerelictHouse        Emoji = "\U0001f3da\ufe0f" // derelict house
874	House                Emoji = "\U0001f3e0"       // house
875	HouseWithGarden      Emoji = "\U0001f3e1"       // house with garden
876	OfficeBuilding       Emoji = "\U0001f3e2"       // office building
877	JapanesePostOffice   Emoji = "\U0001f3e3"       // Japanese post office
878	PostOffice           Emoji = "\U0001f3e4"       // post office
879	Hospital             Emoji = "\U0001f3e5"       // hospital
880	Bank                 Emoji = "\U0001f3e6"       // bank
881	Hotel                Emoji = "\U0001f3e8"       // hotel
882	LoveHotel            Emoji = "\U0001f3e9"       // love hotel
883	ConvenienceStore     Emoji = "\U0001f3ea"       // convenience store
884	School               Emoji = "\U0001f3eb"       // school
885	DepartmentStore      Emoji = "\U0001f3ec"       // department store
886	Factory              Emoji = "\U0001f3ed"       // factory
887	JapaneseCastle       Emoji = "\U0001f3ef"       // Japanese castle
888	Castle               Emoji = "\U0001f3f0"       // castle
889	Wedding              Emoji = "\U0001f492"       // wedding
890	TokyoTower           Emoji = "\U0001f5fc"       // Tokyo tower
891	StatueOfLiberty      Emoji = "\U0001f5fd"       // Statue of Liberty
892	// SUBGROUP: place-religious
893	Church       Emoji = "\u26ea"       // church
894	Mosque       Emoji = "\U0001f54c"   // mosque
895	HinduTemple  Emoji = "\U0001f6d5"   // hindu temple
896	Synagogue    Emoji = "\U0001f54d"   // synagogue
897	ShintoShrine Emoji = "\u26e9\ufe0f" // shinto shrine
898	Kaaba        Emoji = "\U0001f54b"   // kaaba
899	// SUBGROUP: place-other
900	Fountain             Emoji = "\u26f2"           // fountain
901	Tent                 Emoji = "\u26fa"           // tent
902	Foggy                Emoji = "\U0001f301"       // foggy
903	NightWithStars       Emoji = "\U0001f303"       // night with stars
904	Cityscape            Emoji = "\U0001f3d9\ufe0f" // cityscape
905	SunriseOverMountains Emoji = "\U0001f304"       // sunrise over mountains
906	Sunrise              Emoji = "\U0001f305"       // sunrise
907	CityscapeAtDusk      Emoji = "\U0001f306"       // cityscape at dusk
908	Sunset               Emoji = "\U0001f307"       // sunset
909	BridgeAtNight        Emoji = "\U0001f309"       // bridge at night
910	HotSprings           Emoji = "\u2668\ufe0f"     // hot springs
911	CarouselHorse        Emoji = "\U0001f3a0"       // carousel horse
912	FerrisWheel          Emoji = "\U0001f3a1"       // ferris wheel
913	RollerCoaster        Emoji = "\U0001f3a2"       // roller coaster
914	BarberPole           Emoji = "\U0001f488"       // barber pole
915	CircusTent           Emoji = "\U0001f3aa"       // circus tent
916	// SUBGROUP: transport-ground
917	Locomotive             Emoji = "\U0001f682"       // locomotive
918	RailwayCar             Emoji = "\U0001f683"       // railway car
919	HighSpeedTrain         Emoji = "\U0001f684"       // high-speed train
920	BulletTrain            Emoji = "\U0001f685"       // bullet train
921	Train                  Emoji = "\U0001f686"       // train
922	Metro                  Emoji = "\U0001f687"       // metro
923	LightRail              Emoji = "\U0001f688"       // light rail
924	Station                Emoji = "\U0001f689"       // station
925	Tram                   Emoji = "\U0001f68a"       // tram
926	Monorail               Emoji = "\U0001f69d"       // monorail
927	MountainRailway        Emoji = "\U0001f69e"       // mountain railway
928	TramCar                Emoji = "\U0001f68b"       // tram car
929	Bus                    Emoji = "\U0001f68c"       // bus
930	OncomingBus            Emoji = "\U0001f68d"       // oncoming bus
931	Trolleybus             Emoji = "\U0001f68e"       // trolleybus
932	Minibus                Emoji = "\U0001f690"       // minibus
933	Ambulance              Emoji = "\U0001f691"       // ambulance
934	FireEngine             Emoji = "\U0001f692"       // fire engine
935	PoliceCar              Emoji = "\U0001f693"       // police car
936	OncomingPoliceCar      Emoji = "\U0001f694"       // oncoming police car
937	Taxi                   Emoji = "\U0001f695"       // taxi
938	OncomingTaxi           Emoji = "\U0001f696"       // oncoming taxi
939	Automobile             Emoji = "\U0001f697"       // automobile
940	OncomingAutomobile     Emoji = "\U0001f698"       // oncoming automobile
941	SportUtilityVehicle    Emoji = "\U0001f699"       // sport utility vehicle
942	PickupTruck            Emoji = "\U0001f6fb"       // pickup truck
943	DeliveryTruck          Emoji = "\U0001f69a"       // delivery truck
944	ArticulatedLorry       Emoji = "\U0001f69b"       // articulated lorry
945	Tractor                Emoji = "\U0001f69c"       // tractor
946	RacingCar              Emoji = "\U0001f3ce\ufe0f" // racing car
947	Motorcycle             Emoji = "\U0001f3cd\ufe0f" // motorcycle
948	MotorScooter           Emoji = "\U0001f6f5"       // motor scooter
949	ManualWheelchair       Emoji = "\U0001f9bd"       // manual wheelchair
950	MotorizedWheelchair    Emoji = "\U0001f9bc"       // motorized wheelchair
951	AutoRickshaw           Emoji = "\U0001f6fa"       // auto rickshaw
952	Bicycle                Emoji = "\U0001f6b2"       // bicycle
953	KickScooter            Emoji = "\U0001f6f4"       // kick scooter
954	Skateboard             Emoji = "\U0001f6f9"       // skateboard
955	RollerSkate            Emoji = "\U0001f6fc"       // roller skate
956	BusStop                Emoji = "\U0001f68f"       // bus stop
957	Motorway               Emoji = "\U0001f6e3\ufe0f" // motorway
958	RailwayTrack           Emoji = "\U0001f6e4\ufe0f" // railway track
959	OilDrum                Emoji = "\U0001f6e2\ufe0f" // oil drum
960	FuelPump               Emoji = "\u26fd"           // fuel pump
961	PoliceCarLight         Emoji = "\U0001f6a8"       // police car light
962	HorizontalTrafficLight Emoji = "\U0001f6a5"       // horizontal traffic light
963	VerticalTrafficLight   Emoji = "\U0001f6a6"       // vertical traffic light
964	StopSign               Emoji = "\U0001f6d1"       // stop sign
965	Construction           Emoji = "\U0001f6a7"       // construction
966	// SUBGROUP: transport-water
967	Anchor        Emoji = "\u2693"           // anchor
968	Sailboat      Emoji = "\u26f5"           // sailboat
969	Canoe         Emoji = "\U0001f6f6"       // canoe
970	Speedboat     Emoji = "\U0001f6a4"       // speedboat
971	PassengerShip Emoji = "\U0001f6f3\ufe0f" // passenger ship
972	Ferry         Emoji = "\u26f4\ufe0f"     // ferry
973	MotorBoat     Emoji = "\U0001f6e5\ufe0f" // motor boat
974	Ship          Emoji = "\U0001f6a2"       // ship
975	// SUBGROUP: transport-air
976	Airplane          Emoji = "\u2708\ufe0f"     // airplane
977	SmallAirplane     Emoji = "\U0001f6e9\ufe0f" // small airplane
978	AirplaneDeparture Emoji = "\U0001f6eb"       // airplane departure
979	AirplaneArrival   Emoji = "\U0001f6ec"       // airplane arrival
980	Parachute         Emoji = "\U0001fa82"       // parachute
981	Seat              Emoji = "\U0001f4ba"       // seat
982	Helicopter        Emoji = "\U0001f681"       // helicopter
983	SuspensionRailway Emoji = "\U0001f69f"       // suspension railway
984	MountainCableway  Emoji = "\U0001f6a0"       // mountain cableway
985	AerialTramway     Emoji = "\U0001f6a1"       // aerial tramway
986	Satellite         Emoji = "\U0001f6f0\ufe0f" // satellite
987	Rocket            Emoji = "\U0001f680"       // rocket
988	FlyingSaucer      Emoji = "\U0001f6f8"       // flying saucer
989	// SUBGROUP: hotel
990	BellhopBell Emoji = "\U0001f6ce\ufe0f" // bellhop bell
991	Luggage     Emoji = "\U0001f9f3"       // luggage
992	// SUBGROUP: time
993	HourglassDone    Emoji = "\u231b"           // hourglass done
994	HourglassNotDone Emoji = "\u23f3"           // hourglass not done
995	Watch            Emoji = "\u231a"           // watch
996	AlarmClock       Emoji = "\u23f0"           // alarm clock
997	Stopwatch        Emoji = "\u23f1\ufe0f"     // stopwatch
998	TimerClock       Emoji = "\u23f2\ufe0f"     // timer clock
999	MantelpieceClock Emoji = "\U0001f570\ufe0f" // mantelpiece clock
1000	TwelveOClock     Emoji = "\U0001f55b"       // twelve o’clock
1001	TwelveThirty     Emoji = "\U0001f567"       // twelve-thirty
1002	OneOClock        Emoji = "\U0001f550"       // one o’clock
1003	OneThirty        Emoji = "\U0001f55c"       // one-thirty
1004	TwoOClock        Emoji = "\U0001f551"       // two o’clock
1005	TwoThirty        Emoji = "\U0001f55d"       // two-thirty
1006	ThreeOClock      Emoji = "\U0001f552"       // three o’clock
1007	ThreeThirty      Emoji = "\U0001f55e"       // three-thirty
1008	FourOClock       Emoji = "\U0001f553"       // four o’clock
1009	FourThirty       Emoji = "\U0001f55f"       // four-thirty
1010	FiveOClock       Emoji = "\U0001f554"       // five o’clock
1011	FiveThirty       Emoji = "\U0001f560"       // five-thirty
1012	SixOClock        Emoji = "\U0001f555"       // six o’clock
1013	SixThirty        Emoji = "\U0001f561"       // six-thirty
1014	SevenOClock      Emoji = "\U0001f556"       // seven o’clock
1015	SevenThirty      Emoji = "\U0001f562"       // seven-thirty
1016	EightOClock      Emoji = "\U0001f557"       // eight o’clock
1017	EightThirty      Emoji = "\U0001f563"       // eight-thirty
1018	NineOClock       Emoji = "\U0001f558"       // nine o’clock
1019	NineThirty       Emoji = "\U0001f564"       // nine-thirty
1020	TenOClock        Emoji = "\U0001f559"       // ten o’clock
1021	TenThirty        Emoji = "\U0001f565"       // ten-thirty
1022	ElevenOClock     Emoji = "\U0001f55a"       // eleven o’clock
1023	ElevenThirty     Emoji = "\U0001f566"       // eleven-thirty
1024	// SUBGROUP: sky & weather
1025	NewMoon                   Emoji = "\U0001f311"       // new moon
1026	WaxingCrescentMoon        Emoji = "\U0001f312"       // waxing crescent moon
1027	FirstQuarterMoon          Emoji = "\U0001f313"       // first quarter moon
1028	WaxingGibbousMoon         Emoji = "\U0001f314"       // waxing gibbous moon
1029	FullMoon                  Emoji = "\U0001f315"       // full moon
1030	WaningGibbousMoon         Emoji = "\U0001f316"       // waning gibbous moon
1031	LastQuarterMoon           Emoji = "\U0001f317"       // last quarter moon
1032	WaningCrescentMoon        Emoji = "\U0001f318"       // waning crescent moon
1033	CrescentMoon              Emoji = "\U0001f319"       // crescent moon
1034	NewMoonFace               Emoji = "\U0001f31a"       // new moon face
1035	FirstQuarterMoonFace      Emoji = "\U0001f31b"       // first quarter moon face
1036	LastQuarterMoonFace       Emoji = "\U0001f31c"       // last quarter moon face
1037	Thermometer               Emoji = "\U0001f321\ufe0f" // thermometer
1038	Sun                       Emoji = "\u2600\ufe0f"     // sun
1039	FullMoonFace              Emoji = "\U0001f31d"       // full moon face
1040	SunWithFace               Emoji = "\U0001f31e"       // sun with face
1041	RingedPlanet              Emoji = "\U0001fa90"       // ringed planet
1042	Star                      Emoji = "\u2b50"           // star
1043	GlowingStar               Emoji = "\U0001f31f"       // glowing star
1044	ShootingStar              Emoji = "\U0001f320"       // shooting star
1045	MilkyWay                  Emoji = "\U0001f30c"       // milky way
1046	Cloud                     Emoji = "\u2601\ufe0f"     // cloud
1047	SunBehindCloud            Emoji = "\u26c5"           // sun behind cloud
1048	CloudWithLightningAndRain Emoji = "\u26c8\ufe0f"     // cloud with lightning and rain
1049	SunBehindSmallCloud       Emoji = "\U0001f324\ufe0f" // sun behind small cloud
1050	SunBehindLargeCloud       Emoji = "\U0001f325\ufe0f" // sun behind large cloud
1051	SunBehindRainCloud        Emoji = "\U0001f326\ufe0f" // sun behind rain cloud
1052	CloudWithRain             Emoji = "\U0001f327\ufe0f" // cloud with rain
1053	CloudWithSnow             Emoji = "\U0001f328\ufe0f" // cloud with snow
1054	CloudWithLightning        Emoji = "\U0001f329\ufe0f" // cloud with lightning
1055	Tornado                   Emoji = "\U0001f32a\ufe0f" // tornado
1056	Fog                       Emoji = "\U0001f32b\ufe0f" // fog
1057	WindFace                  Emoji = "\U0001f32c\ufe0f" // wind face
1058	Cyclone                   Emoji = "\U0001f300"       // cyclone
1059	Rainbow                   Emoji = "\U0001f308"       // rainbow
1060	ClosedUmbrella            Emoji = "\U0001f302"       // closed umbrella
1061	Umbrella                  Emoji = "\u2602\ufe0f"     // umbrella
1062	UmbrellaWithRainDrops     Emoji = "\u2614"           // umbrella with rain drops
1063	UmbrellaOnGround          Emoji = "\u26f1\ufe0f"     // umbrella on ground
1064	HighVoltage               Emoji = "\u26a1"           // high voltage
1065	Snowflake                 Emoji = "\u2744\ufe0f"     // snowflake
1066	Snowman                   Emoji = "\u2603\ufe0f"     // snowman
1067	SnowmanWithoutSnow        Emoji = "\u26c4"           // snowman without snow
1068	Comet                     Emoji = "\u2604\ufe0f"     // comet
1069	Fire                      Emoji = "\U0001f525"       // fire
1070	Droplet                   Emoji = "\U0001f4a7"       // droplet
1071	WaterWave                 Emoji = "\U0001f30a"       // water wave
1073	// GROUP: Activities
1074	// SUBGROUP: event
1075	JackOLantern        Emoji = "\U0001f383"       // jack-o-lantern
1076	ChristmasTree       Emoji = "\U0001f384"       // Christmas tree
1077	Fireworks           Emoji = "\U0001f386"       // fireworks
1078	Sparkler            Emoji = "\U0001f387"       // sparkler
1079	Firecracker         Emoji = "\U0001f9e8"       // firecracker
1080	Sparkles            Emoji = "\u2728"           // sparkles
1081	Balloon             Emoji = "\U0001f388"       // balloon
1082	PartyPopper         Emoji = "\U0001f389"       // party popper
1083	ConfettiBall        Emoji = "\U0001f38a"       // confetti ball
1084	TanabataTree        Emoji = "\U0001f38b"       // tanabata tree
1085	PineDecoration      Emoji = "\U0001f38d"       // pine decoration
1086	JapaneseDolls       Emoji = "\U0001f38e"       // Japanese dolls
1087	CarpStreamer        Emoji = "\U0001f38f"       // carp streamer
1088	WindChime           Emoji = "\U0001f390"       // wind chime
1089	MoonViewingCeremony Emoji = "\U0001f391"       // moon viewing ceremony
1090	RedEnvelope         Emoji = "\U0001f9e7"       // red envelope
1091	Ribbon              Emoji = "\U0001f380"       // ribbon
1092	WrappedGift         Emoji = "\U0001f381"       // wrapped gift
1093	ReminderRibbon      Emoji = "\U0001f397\ufe0f" // reminder ribbon
1094	AdmissionTickets    Emoji = "\U0001f39f\ufe0f" // admission tickets
1095	Ticket              Emoji = "\U0001f3ab"       // ticket
1096	// SUBGROUP: award-medal
1097	MilitaryMedal    Emoji = "\U0001f396\ufe0f" // military medal
1098	Trophy           Emoji = "\U0001f3c6"       // trophy
1099	SportsMedal      Emoji = "\U0001f3c5"       // sports medal
1100	FirstPlaceMedal  Emoji = "\U0001f947"       // 1st place medal
1101	SecondPlaceMedal Emoji = "\U0001f948"       // 2nd place medal
1102	ThirdPlaceMedal  Emoji = "\U0001f949"       // 3rd place medal
1103	// SUBGROUP: sport
1104	SoccerBall         Emoji = "\u26bd"       // soccer ball
1105	Baseball           Emoji = "\u26be"       // baseball
1106	Softball           Emoji = "\U0001f94e"   // softball
1107	Basketball         Emoji = "\U0001f3c0"   // basketball
1108	Volleyball         Emoji = "\U0001f3d0"   // volleyball
1109	AmericanFootball   Emoji = "\U0001f3c8"   // american football
1110	RugbyFootball      Emoji = "\U0001f3c9"   // rugby football
1111	Tennis             Emoji = "\U0001f3be"   // tennis
1112	FlyingDisc         Emoji = "\U0001f94f"   // flying disc
1113	Bowling            Emoji = "\U0001f3b3"   // bowling
1114	CricketGame        Emoji = "\U0001f3cf"   // cricket game
1115	FieldHockey        Emoji = "\U0001f3d1"   // field hockey
1116	IceHockey          Emoji = "\U0001f3d2"   // ice hockey
1117	Lacrosse           Emoji = "\U0001f94d"   // lacrosse
1118	PingPong           Emoji = "\U0001f3d3"   // ping pong
1119	Badminton          Emoji = "\U0001f3f8"   // badminton
1120	BoxingGlove        Emoji = "\U0001f94a"   // boxing glove
1121	MartialArtsUniform Emoji = "\U0001f94b"   // martial arts uniform
1122	GoalNet            Emoji = "\U0001f945"   // goal net
1123	FlagInHole         Emoji = "\u26f3"       // flag in hole
1124	IceSkate           Emoji = "\u26f8\ufe0f" // ice skate
1125	FishingPole        Emoji = "\U0001f3a3"   // fishing pole
1126	DivingMask         Emoji = "\U0001f93f"   // diving mask
1127	RunningShirt       Emoji = "\U0001f3bd"   // running shirt
1128	Skis               Emoji = "\U0001f3bf"   // skis
1129	Sled               Emoji = "\U0001f6f7"   // sled
1130	CurlingStone       Emoji = "\U0001f94c"   // curling stone
1131	// SUBGROUP: game
1132	DirectHit          Emoji = "\U0001f3af"       // direct hit
1133	YoYo               Emoji = "\U0001fa80"       // yo-yo
1134	Kite               Emoji = "\U0001fa81"       // kite
1135	Pool8Ball          Emoji = "\U0001f3b1"       // pool 8 ball
1136	CrystalBall        Emoji = "\U0001f52e"       // crystal ball
1137	MagicWand          Emoji = "\U0001fa84"       // magic wand
1138	NazarAmulet        Emoji = "\U0001f9ff"       // nazar amulet
1139	VideoGame          Emoji = "\U0001f3ae"       // video game
1140	Joystick           Emoji = "\U0001f579\ufe0f" // joystick
1141	SlotMachine        Emoji = "\U0001f3b0"       // slot machine
1142	GameDie            Emoji = "\U0001f3b2"       // game die
1143	PuzzlePiece        Emoji = "\U0001f9e9"       // puzzle piece
1144	TeddyBear          Emoji = "\U0001f9f8"       // teddy bear
1145	Pinata             Emoji = "\U0001fa85"       // piñata
1146	NestingDolls       Emoji = "\U0001fa86"       // nesting dolls
1147	SpadeSuit          Emoji = "\u2660\ufe0f"     // spade suit
1148	HeartSuit          Emoji = "\u2665\ufe0f"     // heart suit
1149	DiamondSuit        Emoji = "\u2666\ufe0f"     // diamond suit
1150	ClubSuit           Emoji = "\u2663\ufe0f"     // club suit
1151	ChessPawn          Emoji = "\u265f\ufe0f"     // chess pawn
1152	Joker              Emoji = "\U0001f0cf"       // joker
1153	MahjongRedDragon   Emoji = "\U0001f004"       // mahjong red dragon
1154	FlowerPlayingCards Emoji = "\U0001f3b4"       // flower playing cards
1155	// SUBGROUP: arts & crafts
1156	PerformingArts Emoji = "\U0001f3ad"       // performing arts
1157	FramedPicture  Emoji = "\U0001f5bc\ufe0f" // framed picture
1158	ArtistPalette  Emoji = "\U0001f3a8"       // artist palette
1159	Thread         Emoji = "\U0001f9f5"       // thread
1160	SewingNeedle   Emoji = "\U0001faa1"       // sewing needle
1161	Yarn           Emoji = "\U0001f9f6"       // yarn
1162	Knot           Emoji = "\U0001faa2"       // knot
1164	// GROUP: Objects
1165	// SUBGROUP: clothing
1166	Glasses             Emoji = "\U0001f453"       // glasses
1167	Sunglasses          Emoji = "\U0001f576\ufe0f" // sunglasses
1168	Goggles             Emoji = "\U0001f97d"       // goggles
1169	LabCoat             Emoji = "\U0001f97c"       // lab coat
1170	SafetyVest          Emoji = "\U0001f9ba"       // safety vest
1171	Necktie             Emoji = "\U0001f454"       // necktie
1172	TShirt              Emoji = "\U0001f455"       // t-shirt
1173	Jeans               Emoji = "\U0001f456"       // jeans
1174	Scarf               Emoji = "\U0001f9e3"       // scarf
1175	Gloves              Emoji = "\U0001f9e4"       // gloves
1176	Coat                Emoji = "\U0001f9e5"       // coat
1177	Socks               Emoji = "\U0001f9e6"       // socks
1178	Dress               Emoji = "\U0001f457"       // dress
1179	Kimono              Emoji = "\U0001f458"       // kimono
1180	Sari                Emoji = "\U0001f97b"       // sari
1181	OnePieceSwimsuit    Emoji = "\U0001fa71"       // one-piece swimsuit
1182	Briefs              Emoji = "\U0001fa72"       // briefs
1183	Shorts              Emoji = "\U0001fa73"       // shorts
1184	Bikini              Emoji = "\U0001f459"       // bikini
1185	WomanSClothes       Emoji = "\U0001f45a"       // woman’s clothes
1186	Purse               Emoji = "\U0001f45b"       // purse
1187	Handbag             Emoji = "\U0001f45c"       // handbag
1188	ClutchBag           Emoji = "\U0001f45d"       // clutch bag
1189	ShoppingBags        Emoji = "\U0001f6cd\ufe0f" // shopping bags
1190	Backpack            Emoji = "\U0001f392"       // backpack
1191	ThongSandal         Emoji = "\U0001fa74"       // thong sandal
1192	ManSShoe            Emoji = "\U0001f45e"       // man’s shoe
1193	RunningShoe         Emoji = "\U0001f45f"       // running shoe
1194	HikingBoot          Emoji = "\U0001f97e"       // hiking boot
1195	FlatShoe            Emoji = "\U0001f97f"       // flat shoe
1196	HighHeeledShoe      Emoji = "\U0001f460"       // high-heeled shoe
1197	WomanSSandal        Emoji = "\U0001f461"       // woman’s sandal
1198	BalletShoes         Emoji = "\U0001fa70"       // ballet shoes
1199	WomanSBoot          Emoji = "\U0001f462"       // woman’s boot
1200	Crown               Emoji = "\U0001f451"       // crown
1201	WomanSHat           Emoji = "\U0001f452"       // woman’s hat
1202	TopHat              Emoji = "\U0001f3a9"       // top hat
1203	GraduationCap       Emoji = "\U0001f393"       // graduation cap
1204	BilledCap           Emoji = "\U0001f9e2"       // billed cap
1205	MilitaryHelmet      Emoji = "\U0001fa96"       // military helmet
1206	RescueWorkerSHelmet Emoji = "\u26d1\ufe0f"     // rescue worker’s helmet
1207	PrayerBeads         Emoji = "\U0001f4ff"       // prayer beads
1208	Lipstick            Emoji = "\U0001f484"       // lipstick
1209	Ring                Emoji = "\U0001f48d"       // ring
1210	GemStone            Emoji = "\U0001f48e"       // gem stone
1211	// SUBGROUP: sound
1212	MutedSpeaker        Emoji = "\U0001f507" // muted speaker
1213	SpeakerLowVolume    Emoji = "\U0001f508" // speaker low volume
1214	SpeakerMediumVolume Emoji = "\U0001f509" // speaker medium volume
1215	SpeakerHighVolume   Emoji = "\U0001f50a" // speaker high volume
1216	Loudspeaker         Emoji = "\U0001f4e2" // loudspeaker
1217	Megaphone           Emoji = "\U0001f4e3" // megaphone
1218	PostalHorn          Emoji = "\U0001f4ef" // postal horn
1219	Bell                Emoji = "\U0001f514" // bell
1220	BellWithSlash       Emoji = "\U0001f515" // bell with slash
1221	// SUBGROUP: music
1222	MusicalScore     Emoji = "\U0001f3bc"       // musical score
1223	MusicalNote      Emoji = "\U0001f3b5"       // musical note
1224	MusicalNotes     Emoji = "\U0001f3b6"       // musical notes
1225	StudioMicrophone Emoji = "\U0001f399\ufe0f" // studio microphone
1226	LevelSlider      Emoji = "\U0001f39a\ufe0f" // level slider
1227	ControlKnobs     Emoji = "\U0001f39b\ufe0f" // control knobs
1228	Microphone       Emoji = "\U0001f3a4"       // microphone
1229	Headphone        Emoji = "\U0001f3a7"       // headphone
1230	Radio            Emoji = "\U0001f4fb"       // radio
1231	// SUBGROUP: musical-instrument
1232	Saxophone       Emoji = "\U0001f3b7" // saxophone
1233	Accordion       Emoji = "\U0001fa97" // accordion
1234	Guitar          Emoji = "\U0001f3b8" // guitar
1235	MusicalKeyboard Emoji = "\U0001f3b9" // musical keyboard
1236	Trumpet         Emoji = "\U0001f3ba" // trumpet
1237	Violin          Emoji = "\U0001f3bb" // violin
1238	Banjo           Emoji = "\U0001fa95" // banjo
1239	Drum            Emoji = "\U0001f941" // drum
1240	LongDrum        Emoji = "\U0001fa98" // long drum
1241	// SUBGROUP: phone
1242	MobilePhone          Emoji = "\U0001f4f1"   // mobile phone
1243	MobilePhoneWithArrow Emoji = "\U0001f4f2"   // mobile phone with arrow
1244	Telephone            Emoji = "\u260e\ufe0f" // telephone
1245	TelephoneReceiver    Emoji = "\U0001f4de"   // telephone receiver
1246	Pager                Emoji = "\U0001f4df"   // pager
1247	FaxMachine           Emoji = "\U0001f4e0"   // fax machine
1248	// SUBGROUP: computer
1249	Battery         Emoji = "\U0001f50b"       // battery
1250	ElectricPlug    Emoji = "\U0001f50c"       // electric plug
1251	Laptop          Emoji = "\U0001f4bb"       // laptop
1252	DesktopComputer Emoji = "\U0001f5a5\ufe0f" // desktop computer
1253	Printer         Emoji = "\U0001f5a8\ufe0f" // printer
1254	Keyboard        Emoji = "\u2328\ufe0f"     // keyboard
1255	ComputerMouse   Emoji = "\U0001f5b1\ufe0f" // computer mouse
1256	Trackball       Emoji = "\U0001f5b2\ufe0f" // trackball
1257	ComputerDisk    Emoji = "\U0001f4bd"       // computer disk
1258	FloppyDisk      Emoji = "\U0001f4be"       // floppy disk
1259	OpticalDisk     Emoji = "\U0001f4bf"       // optical disk
1260	Dvd             Emoji = "\U0001f4c0"       // dvd
1261	Abacus          Emoji = "\U0001f9ee"       // abacus
1262	// SUBGROUP: light & video
1263	MovieCamera                Emoji = "\U0001f3a5"       // movie camera
1264	FilmFrames                 Emoji = "\U0001f39e\ufe0f" // film frames
1265	FilmProjector              Emoji = "\U0001f4fd\ufe0f" // film projector
1266	ClapperBoard               Emoji = "\U0001f3ac"       // clapper board
1267	Television                 Emoji = "\U0001f4fa"       // television
1268	Camera                     Emoji = "\U0001f4f7"       // camera
1269	CameraWithFlash            Emoji = "\U0001f4f8"       // camera with flash
1270	VideoCamera                Emoji = "\U0001f4f9"       // video camera
1271	Videocassette              Emoji = "\U0001f4fc"       // videocassette
1272	MagnifyingGlassTiltedLeft  Emoji = "\U0001f50d"       // magnifying glass tilted left
1273	MagnifyingGlassTiltedRight Emoji = "\U0001f50e"       // magnifying glass tilted right
1274	Candle                     Emoji = "\U0001f56f\ufe0f" // candle
1275	LightBulb                  Emoji = "\U0001f4a1"       // light bulb
1276	Flashlight                 Emoji = "\U0001f526"       // flashlight
1277	RedPaperLantern            Emoji = "\U0001f3ee"       // red paper lantern
1278	DiyaLamp                   Emoji = "\U0001fa94"       // diya lamp
1279	// SUBGROUP: book-paper
1280	NotebookWithDecorativeCover Emoji = "\U0001f4d4"       // notebook with decorative cover
1281	ClosedBook                  Emoji = "\U0001f4d5"       // closed book
1282	OpenBook                    Emoji = "\U0001f4d6"       // open book
1283	GreenBook                   Emoji = "\U0001f4d7"       // green book
1284	BlueBook                    Emoji = "\U0001f4d8"       // blue book
1285	OrangeBook                  Emoji = "\U0001f4d9"       // orange book
1286	Books                       Emoji = "\U0001f4da"       // books
1287	Notebook                    Emoji = "\U0001f4d3"       // notebook
1288	Ledger                      Emoji = "\U0001f4d2"       // ledger
1289	PageWithCurl                Emoji = "\U0001f4c3"       // page with curl
1290	Scroll                      Emoji = "\U0001f4dc"       // scroll
1291	PageFacingUp                Emoji = "\U0001f4c4"       // page facing up
1292	Newspaper                   Emoji = "\U0001f4f0"       // newspaper
1293	RolledUpNewspaper           Emoji = "\U0001f5de\ufe0f" // rolled-up newspaper
1294	BookmarkTabs                Emoji = "\U0001f4d1"       // bookmark tabs
1295	Bookmark                    Emoji = "\U0001f516"       // bookmark
1296	Label                       Emoji = "\U0001f3f7\ufe0f" // label
1297	// SUBGROUP: money
1298	MoneyBag               Emoji = "\U0001f4b0" // money bag
1299	Coin                   Emoji = "\U0001fa99" // coin
1300	YenBanknote            Emoji = "\U0001f4b4" // yen banknote
1301	DollarBanknote         Emoji = "\U0001f4b5" // dollar banknote
1302	EuroBanknote           Emoji = "\U0001f4b6" // euro banknote
1303	PoundBanknote          Emoji = "\U0001f4b7" // pound banknote
1304	MoneyWithWings         Emoji = "\U0001f4b8" // money with wings
1305	CreditCard             Emoji = "\U0001f4b3" // credit card
1306	Receipt                Emoji = "\U0001f9fe" // receipt
1307	ChartIncreasingWithYen Emoji = "\U0001f4b9" // chart increasing with yen
1308	// SUBGROUP: mail
1309	Envelope                     Emoji = "\u2709\ufe0f"     // envelope
1310	EMail                        Emoji = "\U0001f4e7"       // e-mail
1311	IncomingEnvelope             Emoji = "\U0001f4e8"       // incoming envelope
1312	EnvelopeWithArrow            Emoji = "\U0001f4e9"       // envelope with arrow
1313	OutboxTray                   Emoji = "\U0001f4e4"       // outbox tray
1314	InboxTray                    Emoji = "\U0001f4e5"       // inbox tray
1315	Package                      Emoji = "\U0001f4e6"       // package
1316	ClosedMailboxWithRaisedFlag  Emoji = "\U0001f4eb"       // closed mailbox with raised flag
1317	ClosedMailboxWithLoweredFlag Emoji = "\U0001f4ea"       // closed mailbox with lowered flag
1318	OpenMailboxWithRaisedFlag    Emoji = "\U0001f4ec"       // open mailbox with raised flag
1319	OpenMailboxWithLoweredFlag   Emoji = "\U0001f4ed"       // open mailbox with lowered flag
1320	Postbox                      Emoji = "\U0001f4ee"       // postbox
1321	BallotBoxWithBallot          Emoji = "\U0001f5f3\ufe0f" // ballot box with ballot
1322	// SUBGROUP: writing
1323	Pencil      Emoji = "\u270f\ufe0f"     // pencil
1324	BlackNib    Emoji = "\u2712\ufe0f"     // black nib
1325	FountainPen Emoji = "\U0001f58b\ufe0f" // fountain pen
1326	Pen         Emoji = "\U0001f58a\ufe0f" // pen
1327	Paintbrush  Emoji = "\U0001f58c\ufe0f" // paintbrush
1328	Crayon      Emoji = "\U0001f58d\ufe0f" // crayon
1329	Memo        Emoji = "\U0001f4dd"       // memo
1330	// SUBGROUP: office
1331	Briefcase         Emoji = "\U0001f4bc"       // briefcase
1332	FileFolder        Emoji = "\U0001f4c1"       // file folder
1333	OpenFileFolder    Emoji = "\U0001f4c2"       // open file folder
1334	CardIndexDividers Emoji = "\U0001f5c2\ufe0f" // card index dividers
1335	Calendar          Emoji = "\U0001f4c5"       // calendar
1336	TearOffCalendar   Emoji = "\U0001f4c6"       // tear-off calendar
1337	SpiralNotepad     Emoji = "\U0001f5d2\ufe0f" // spiral notepad
1338	SpiralCalendar    Emoji = "\U0001f5d3\ufe0f" // spiral calendar
1339	CardIndex         Emoji = "\U0001f4c7"       // card index
1340	ChartIncreasing   Emoji = "\U0001f4c8"       // chart increasing
1341	ChartDecreasing   Emoji = "\U0001f4c9"       // chart decreasing
1342	BarChart          Emoji = "\U0001f4ca"       // bar chart
1343	Clipboard         Emoji = "\U0001f4cb"       // clipboard
1344	Pushpin           Emoji = "\U0001f4cc"       // pushpin
1345	RoundPushpin      Emoji = "\U0001f4cd"       // round pushpin
1346	Paperclip         Emoji = "\U0001f4ce"       // paperclip
1347	LinkedPaperclips  Emoji = "\U0001f587\ufe0f" // linked paperclips
1348	StraightRuler     Emoji = "\U0001f4cf"       // straight ruler
1349	TriangularRuler   Emoji = "\U0001f4d0"       // triangular ruler
1350	Scissors          Emoji = "\u2702\ufe0f"     // scissors
1351	CardFileBox       Emoji = "\U0001f5c3\ufe0f" // card file box
1352	FileCabinet       Emoji = "\U0001f5c4\ufe0f" // file cabinet
1353	Wastebasket       Emoji = "\U0001f5d1\ufe0f" // wastebasket
1354	// SUBGROUP: lock
1355	Locked        Emoji = "\U0001f512"       // locked
1356	Unlocked      Emoji = "\U0001f513"       // unlocked
1357	LockedWithPen Emoji = "\U0001f50f"       // locked with pen
1358	LockedWithKey Emoji = "\U0001f510"       // locked with key
1359	Key           Emoji = "\U0001f511"       // key
1360	OldKey        Emoji = "\U0001f5dd\ufe0f" // old key
1361	// SUBGROUP: tool
1362	Hammer          Emoji = "\U0001f528"       // hammer
1363	Axe             Emoji = "\U0001fa93"       // axe
1364	Pick            Emoji = "\u26cf\ufe0f"     // pick
1365	HammerAndPick   Emoji = "\u2692\ufe0f"     // hammer and pick
1366	HammerAndWrench Emoji = "\U0001f6e0\ufe0f" // hammer and wrench
1367	Dagger          Emoji = "\U0001f5e1\ufe0f" // dagger
1368	CrossedSwords   Emoji = "\u2694\ufe0f"     // crossed swords
1369	Pistol          Emoji = "\U0001f52b"       // pistol
1370	Boomerang       Emoji = "\U0001fa83"       // boomerang
1371	BowAndArrow     Emoji = "\U0001f3f9"       // bow and arrow
1372	Shield          Emoji = "\U0001f6e1\ufe0f" // shield
1373	CarpentrySaw    Emoji = "\U0001fa9a"       // carpentry saw
1374	Wrench          Emoji = "\U0001f527"       // wrench
1375	Screwdriver     Emoji = "\U0001fa9b"       // screwdriver
1376	NutAndBolt      Emoji = "\U0001f529"       // nut and bolt
1377	Gear            Emoji = "\u2699\ufe0f"     // gear
1378	Clamp           Emoji = "\U0001f5dc\ufe0f" // clamp
1379	BalanceScale    Emoji = "\u2696\ufe0f"     // balance scale
1380	WhiteCane       Emoji = "\U0001f9af"       // white cane
1381	Link            Emoji = "\U0001f517"       // link
1382	Chains          Emoji = "\u26d3\ufe0f"     // chains
1383	Hook            Emoji = "\U0001fa9d"       // hook
1384	Toolbox         Emoji = "\U0001f9f0"       // toolbox
1385	Magnet          Emoji = "\U0001f9f2"       // magnet
1386	Ladder          Emoji = "\U0001fa9c"       // ladder
1387	// SUBGROUP: science
1388	Alembic          Emoji = "\u2697\ufe0f" // alembic
1389	TestTube         Emoji = "\U0001f9ea"   // test tube
1390	PetriDish        Emoji = "\U0001f9eb"   // petri dish
1391	Dna              Emoji = "\U0001f9ec"   // dna
1392	Microscope       Emoji = "\U0001f52c"   // microscope
1393	Telescope        Emoji = "\U0001f52d"   // telescope
1394	SatelliteAntenna Emoji = "\U0001f4e1"   // satellite antenna
1395	// SUBGROUP: medical
1396	Syringe         Emoji = "\U0001f489" // syringe
1397	DropOfBlood     Emoji = "\U0001fa78" // drop of blood
1398	Pill            Emoji = "\U0001f48a" // pill
1399	AdhesiveBandage Emoji = "\U0001fa79" // adhesive bandage
1400	Stethoscope     Emoji = "\U0001fa7a" // stethoscope
1401	// SUBGROUP: household
1402	Door             Emoji = "\U0001f6aa"       // door
1403	Elevator         Emoji = "\U0001f6d7"       // elevator
1404	Mirror           Emoji = "\U0001fa9e"       // mirror
1405	Window           Emoji = "\U0001fa9f"       // window
1406	Bed              Emoji = "\U0001f6cf\ufe0f" // bed
1407	CouchAndLamp     Emoji = "\U0001f6cb\ufe0f" // couch and lamp
1408	Chair            Emoji = "\U0001fa91"       // chair
1409	Toilet           Emoji = "\U0001f6bd"       // toilet
1410	Plunger          Emoji = "\U0001faa0"       // plunger
1411	Shower           Emoji = "\U0001f6bf"       // shower
1412	Bathtub          Emoji = "\U0001f6c1"       // bathtub
1413	MouseTrap        Emoji = "\U0001faa4"       // mouse trap
1414	Razor            Emoji = "\U0001fa92"       // razor
1415	LotionBottle     Emoji = "\U0001f9f4"       // lotion bottle
1416	SafetyPin        Emoji = "\U0001f9f7"       // safety pin
1417	Broom            Emoji = "\U0001f9f9"       // broom
1418	Basket           Emoji = "\U0001f9fa"       // basket
1419	RollOfPaper      Emoji = "\U0001f9fb"       // roll of paper
1420	Bucket           Emoji = "\U0001faa3"       // bucket
1421	Soap             Emoji = "\U0001f9fc"       // soap
1422	Toothbrush       Emoji = "\U0001faa5"       // toothbrush
1423	Sponge           Emoji = "\U0001f9fd"       // sponge
1424	FireExtinguisher Emoji = "\U0001f9ef"       // fire extinguisher
1425	ShoppingCart     Emoji = "\U0001f6d2"       // shopping cart
1426	// SUBGROUP: other-object
1427	Cigarette  Emoji = "\U0001f6ac"   // cigarette
1428	Coffin     Emoji = "\u26b0\ufe0f" // coffin
1429	Headstone  Emoji = "\U0001faa6"   // headstone
1430	FuneralUrn Emoji = "\u26b1\ufe0f" // funeral urn
1431	Moai       Emoji = "\U0001f5ff"   // moai
1432	Placard    Emoji = "\U0001faa7"   // placard
1434	// GROUP: Symbols
1435	// SUBGROUP: transport-sign
1436	AtmSign          Emoji = "\U0001f3e7" // ATM sign
1437	LitterInBinSign  Emoji = "\U0001f6ae" // litter in bin sign
1438	PotableWater     Emoji = "\U0001f6b0" // potable water
1439	WheelchairSymbol Emoji = "\u267f"     // wheelchair symbol
1440	MenSRoom         Emoji = "\U0001f6b9" // men’s room
1441	WomenSRoom       Emoji = "\U0001f6ba" // women’s room
1442	Restroom         Emoji = "\U0001f6bb" // restroom
1443	BabySymbol       Emoji = "\U0001f6bc" // baby symbol
1444	WaterCloset      Emoji = "\U0001f6be" // water closet
1445	PassportControl  Emoji = "\U0001f6c2" // passport control
1446	Customs          Emoji = "\U0001f6c3" // customs
1447	BaggageClaim     Emoji = "\U0001f6c4" // baggage claim
1448	LeftLuggage      Emoji = "\U0001f6c5" // left luggage
1449	// SUBGROUP: warning
1450	Warning            Emoji = "\u26a0\ufe0f" // warning
1451	ChildrenCrossing   Emoji = "\U0001f6b8"   // children crossing
1452	NoEntry            Emoji = "\u26d4"       // no entry
1453	Prohibited         Emoji = "\U0001f6ab"   // prohibited
1454	NoBicycles         Emoji = "\U0001f6b3"   // no bicycles
1455	NoSmoking          Emoji = "\U0001f6ad"   // no smoking
1456	NoLittering        Emoji = "\U0001f6af"   // no littering
1457	NonPotableWater    Emoji = "\U0001f6b1"   // non-potable water
1458	NoPedestrians      Emoji = "\U0001f6b7"   // no pedestrians
1459	NoMobilePhones     Emoji = "\U0001f4f5"   // no mobile phones
1460	NoOneUnderEighteen Emoji = "\U0001f51e"   // no one under eighteen
1461	Radioactive        Emoji = "\u2622\ufe0f" // radioactive
1462	Biohazard          Emoji = "\u2623\ufe0f" // biohazard
1463	// SUBGROUP: arrow
1464	UpArrow                      Emoji = "\u2b06\ufe0f" // up arrow
1465	UpRightArrow                 Emoji = "\u2197\ufe0f" // up-right arrow
1466	RightArrow                   Emoji = "\u27a1\ufe0f" // right arrow
1467	DownRightArrow               Emoji = "\u2198\ufe0f" // down-right arrow
1468	DownArrow                    Emoji = "\u2b07\ufe0f" // down arrow
1469	DownLeftArrow                Emoji = "\u2199\ufe0f" // down-left arrow
1470	LeftArrow                    Emoji = "\u2b05\ufe0f" // left arrow
1471	UpLeftArrow                  Emoji = "\u2196\ufe0f" // up-left arrow
1472	UpDownArrow                  Emoji = "\u2195\ufe0f" // up-down arrow
1473	LeftRightArrow               Emoji = "\u2194\ufe0f" // left-right arrow
1474	RightArrowCurvingLeft        Emoji = "\u21a9\ufe0f" // right arrow curving left
1475	LeftArrowCurvingRight        Emoji = "\u21aa\ufe0f" // left arrow curving right
1476	RightArrowCurvingUp          Emoji = "\u2934\ufe0f" // right arrow curving up
1477	RightArrowCurvingDown        Emoji = "\u2935\ufe0f" // right arrow curving down
1478	ClockwiseVerticalArrows      Emoji = "\U0001f503"   // clockwise vertical arrows
1479	CounterclockwiseArrowsButton Emoji = "\U0001f504"   // counterclockwise arrows button
1480	BackArrow                    Emoji = "\U0001f519"   // BACK arrow
1481	EndArrow                     Emoji = "\U0001f51a"   // END arrow
1482	OnArrow                      Emoji = "\U0001f51b"   // ON! arrow
1483	SoonArrow                    Emoji = "\U0001f51c"   // SOON arrow
1484	TopArrow                     Emoji = "\U0001f51d"   // TOP arrow
1485	// SUBGROUP: religion
1486	PlaceOfWorship       Emoji = "\U0001f6d0"       // place of worship
1487	AtomSymbol           Emoji = "\u269b\ufe0f"     // atom symbol
1488	Om                   Emoji = "\U0001f549\ufe0f" // om
1489	StarOfDavid          Emoji = "\u2721\ufe0f"     // star of David
1490	WheelOfDharma        Emoji = "\u2638\ufe0f"     // wheel of dharma
1491	YinYang              Emoji = "\u262f\ufe0f"     // yin yang
1492	LatinCross           Emoji = "\u271d\ufe0f"     // latin cross
1493	OrthodoxCross        Emoji = "\u2626\ufe0f"     // orthodox cross
1494	StarAndCrescent      Emoji = "\u262a\ufe0f"     // star and crescent
1495	PeaceSymbol          Emoji = "\u262e\ufe0f"     // peace symbol
1496	Menorah              Emoji = "\U0001f54e"       // menorah
1497	DottedSixPointedStar Emoji = "\U0001f52f"       // dotted six-pointed star
1498	// SUBGROUP: zodiac
1499	Aries       Emoji = "\u2648" // Aries
1500	Taurus      Emoji = "\u2649" // Taurus
1501	Gemini      Emoji = "\u264a" // Gemini
1502	Cancer      Emoji = "\u264b" // Cancer
1503	Leo         Emoji = "\u264c" // Leo
1504	Virgo       Emoji = "\u264d" // Virgo
1505	Libra       Emoji = "\u264e" // Libra
1506	Scorpio     Emoji = "\u264f" // Scorpio
1507	Sagittarius Emoji = "\u2650" // Sagittarius
1508	Capricorn   Emoji = "\u2651" // Capricorn
1509	Aquarius    Emoji = "\u2652" // Aquarius
1510	Pisces      Emoji = "\u2653" // Pisces
1511	Ophiuchus   Emoji = "\u26ce" // Ophiuchus
1512	// SUBGROUP: av-symbol
1513	ShuffleTracksButton Emoji = "\U0001f500"   // shuffle tracks button
1514	RepeatButton        Emoji = "\U0001f501"   // repeat button
1515	RepeatSingleButton  Emoji = "\U0001f502"   // repeat single button
1516	PlayButton          Emoji = "\u25b6\ufe0f" // play button
1517	FastForwardButton   Emoji = "\u23e9"       // fast-forward button
1518	NextTrackButton     Emoji = "\u23ed\ufe0f" // next track button
1519	PlayOrPauseButton   Emoji = "\u23ef\ufe0f" // play or pause button
1520	ReverseButton       Emoji = "\u25c0\ufe0f" // reverse button
1521	FastReverseButton   Emoji = "\u23ea"       // fast reverse button
1522	LastTrackButton     Emoji = "\u23ee\ufe0f" // last track button
1523	UpwardsButton       Emoji = "\U0001f53c"   // upwards button
1524	FastUpButton        Emoji = "\u23eb"       // fast up button
1525	DownwardsButton     Emoji = "\U0001f53d"   // downwards button
1526	FastDownButton      Emoji = "\u23ec"       // fast down button
1527	PauseButton         Emoji = "\u23f8\ufe0f" // pause button
1528	StopButton          Emoji = "\u23f9\ufe0f" // stop button
1529	RecordButton        Emoji = "\u23fa\ufe0f" // record button
1530	EjectButton         Emoji = "\u23cf\ufe0f" // eject button
1531	Cinema              Emoji = "\U0001f3a6"   // cinema
1532	DimButton           Emoji = "\U0001f505"   // dim button
1533	BrightButton        Emoji = "\U0001f506"   // bright button
1534	AntennaBars         Emoji = "\U0001f4f6"   // antenna bars
1535	VibrationMode       Emoji = "\U0001f4f3"   // vibration mode
1536	MobilePhoneOff      Emoji = "\U0001f4f4"   // mobile phone off
1537	// SUBGROUP: gender
1538	FemaleSign        Emoji = "\u2640\ufe0f" // female sign
1539	MaleSign          Emoji = "\u2642\ufe0f" // male sign
1540	TransgenderSymbol Emoji = "\u26a7\ufe0f" // transgender symbol
1541	// SUBGROUP: math
1542	Multiply Emoji = "\u2716\ufe0f" // multiply
1543	Plus     Emoji = "\u2795"       // plus
1544	Minus    Emoji = "\u2796"       // minus
1545	Divide   Emoji = "\u2797"       // divide
1546	Infinity Emoji = "\u267e\ufe0f" // infinity
1547	// SUBGROUP: punctuation
1548	DoubleExclamationMark   Emoji = "\u203c\ufe0f" // double exclamation mark
1549	ExclamationQuestionMark Emoji = "\u2049\ufe0f" // exclamation question mark
1550	QuestionMark            Emoji = "\u2753"       // question mark
1551	WhiteQuestionMark       Emoji = "\u2754"       // white question mark
1552	WhiteExclamationMark    Emoji = "\u2755"       // white exclamation mark
1553	ExclamationMark         Emoji = "\u2757"       // exclamation mark
1554	WavyDash                Emoji = "\u3030\ufe0f" // wavy dash
1555	// SUBGROUP: currency
1556	CurrencyExchange Emoji = "\U0001f4b1" // currency exchange
1557	HeavyDollarSign  Emoji = "\U0001f4b2" // heavy dollar sign
1558	// SUBGROUP: other-symbol
1559	MedicalSymbol             Emoji = "\u2695\ufe0f" // medical symbol
1560	RecyclingSymbol           Emoji = "\u267b\ufe0f" // recycling symbol
1561	FleurDeLis                Emoji = "\u269c\ufe0f" // fleur-de-lis
1562	TridentEmblem             Emoji = "\U0001f531"   // trident emblem
1563	NameBadge                 Emoji = "\U0001f4db"   // name badge
1564	JapaneseSymbolForBeginner Emoji = "\U0001f530"   // Japanese symbol for beginner
1565	HollowRedCircle           Emoji = "\u2b55"       // hollow red circle
1566	CheckMarkButton           Emoji = "\u2705"       // check mark button
1567	CheckBoxWithCheck         Emoji = "\u2611\ufe0f" // check box with check
1568	CheckMark                 Emoji = "\u2714\ufe0f" // check mark
1569	CrossMark                 Emoji = "\u274c"       // cross mark
1570	CrossMarkButton           Emoji = "\u274e"       // cross mark button
1571	CurlyLoop                 Emoji = "\u27b0"       // curly loop
1572	DoubleCurlyLoop           Emoji = "\u27bf"       // double curly loop
1573	PartAlternationMark       Emoji = "\u303d\ufe0f" // part alternation mark
1574	EightSpokedAsterisk       Emoji = "\u2733\ufe0f" // eight-spoked asterisk
1575	EightPointedStar          Emoji = "\u2734\ufe0f" // eight-pointed star
1576	Sparkle                   Emoji = "\u2747\ufe0f" // sparkle
1577	Copyright                 Emoji = "\u00a9\ufe0f" // copyright
1578	Registered                Emoji = "\u00ae\ufe0f" // registered
1579	TradeMark                 Emoji = "\u2122\ufe0f" // trade mark
1580	// SUBGROUP: keycap
1581	KeycapHash     Emoji = "#\ufe0f\u20e3" // keycap: #
1582	KeycapAsterisk Emoji = "*\ufe0f\u20e3" // keycap: *
1583	Keycap0        Emoji = "0\ufe0f\u20e3" // keycap: 0
1584	Keycap1        Emoji = "1\ufe0f\u20e3" // keycap: 1
1585	Keycap2        Emoji = "2\ufe0f\u20e3" // keycap: 2
1586	Keycap3        Emoji = "3\ufe0f\u20e3" // keycap: 3
1587	Keycap4        Emoji = "4\ufe0f\u20e3" // keycap: 4
1588	Keycap5        Emoji = "5\ufe0f\u20e3" // keycap: 5
1589	Keycap6        Emoji = "6\ufe0f\u20e3" // keycap: 6
1590	Keycap7        Emoji = "7\ufe0f\u20e3" // keycap: 7
1591	Keycap8        Emoji = "8\ufe0f\u20e3" // keycap: 8
1592	Keycap9        Emoji = "9\ufe0f\u20e3" // keycap: 9
1593	Keycap10       Emoji = "\U0001f51f"    // keycap: 10
1594	// SUBGROUP: alphanum
1595	InputLatinUppercase           Emoji = "\U0001f520"       // input latin uppercase
1596	InputLatinLowercase           Emoji = "\U0001f521"       // input latin lowercase
1597	InputNumbers                  Emoji = "\U0001f522"       // input numbers
1598	InputSymbols                  Emoji = "\U0001f523"       // input symbols
1599	InputLatinLetters             Emoji = "\U0001f524"       // input latin letters
1600	AButtonBloodType              Emoji = "\U0001f170\ufe0f" // A button (blood type)
1601	AbButtonBloodType             Emoji = "\U0001f18e"       // AB button (blood type)
1602	BButtonBloodType              Emoji = "\U0001f171\ufe0f" // B button (blood type)
1603	ClButton                      Emoji = "\U0001f191"       // CL button
1604	CoolButton                    Emoji = "\U0001f192"       // COOL button
1605	FreeButton                    Emoji = "\U0001f193"       // FREE button
1606	Information                   Emoji = "\u2139\ufe0f"     // information
1607	IdButton                      Emoji = "\U0001f194"       // ID button
1608	CircledM                      Emoji = "\u24c2\ufe0f"     // circled M
1609	NewButton                     Emoji = "\U0001f195"       // NEW button
1610	NgButton                      Emoji = "\U0001f196"       // NG button
1611	OButtonBloodType              Emoji = "\U0001f17e\ufe0f" // O button (blood type)
1612	OkButton                      Emoji = "\U0001f197"       // OK button
1613	PButton                       Emoji = "\U0001f17f\ufe0f" // P button
1614	SosButton                     Emoji = "\U0001f198"       // SOS button
1615	UpButton                      Emoji = "\U0001f199"       // UP! button
1616	VsButton                      Emoji = "\U0001f19a"       // VS button
1617	JapaneseHereButton            Emoji = "\U0001f201"       // Japanese “here” button
1618	JapaneseServiceChargeButton   Emoji = "\U0001f202\ufe0f" // Japanese “service charge” button
1619	JapaneseMonthlyAmountButton   Emoji = "\U0001f237\ufe0f" // Japanese “monthly amount” button
1620	JapaneseNotFreeOfChargeButton Emoji = "\U0001f236"       // Japanese “not free of charge” button
1621	JapaneseReservedButton        Emoji = "\U0001f22f"       // Japanese “reserved” button
1622	JapaneseBargainButton         Emoji = "\U0001f250"       // Japanese “bargain” button
1623	JapaneseDiscountButton        Emoji = "\U0001f239"       // Japanese “discount” button
1624	JapaneseFreeOfChargeButton    Emoji = "\U0001f21a"       // Japanese “free of charge” button
1625	JapaneseProhibitedButton      Emoji = "\U0001f232"       // Japanese “prohibited” button
1626	JapaneseAcceptableButton      Emoji = "\U0001f251"       // Japanese “acceptable” button
1627	JapaneseApplicationButton     Emoji = "\U0001f238"       // Japanese “application” button
1628	JapanesePassingGradeButton    Emoji = "\U0001f234"       // Japanese “passing grade” button
1629	JapaneseVacancyButton         Emoji = "\U0001f233"       // Japanese “vacancy” button
1630	JapaneseCongratulationsButton Emoji = "\u3297\ufe0f"     // Japanese “congratulations” button
1631	JapaneseSecretButton          Emoji = "\u3299\ufe0f"     // Japanese “secret” button
1632	JapaneseOpenForBusinessButton Emoji = "\U0001f23a"       // Japanese “open for business” button
1633	JapaneseNoVacancyButton       Emoji = "\U0001f235"       // Japanese “no vacancy” button
1634	// SUBGROUP: geometric
1635	RedCircle              Emoji = "\U0001f534"   // red circle
1636	OrangeCircle           Emoji = "\U0001f7e0"   // orange circle
1637	YellowCircle           Emoji = "\U0001f7e1"   // yellow circle
1638	GreenCircle            Emoji = "\U0001f7e2"   // green circle
1639	BlueCircle             Emoji = "\U0001f535"   // blue circle
1640	PurpleCircle           Emoji = "\U0001f7e3"   // purple circle
1641	BrownCircle            Emoji = "\U0001f7e4"   // brown circle
1642	BlackCircle            Emoji = "\u26ab"       // black circle
1643	WhiteCircle            Emoji = "\u26aa"       // white circle
1644	RedSquare              Emoji = "\U0001f7e5"   // red square
1645	OrangeSquare           Emoji = "\U0001f7e7"   // orange square
1646	YellowSquare           Emoji = "\U0001f7e8"   // yellow square
1647	GreenSquare            Emoji = "\U0001f7e9"   // green square
1648	BlueSquare             Emoji = "\U0001f7e6"   // blue square
1649	PurpleSquare           Emoji = "\U0001f7ea"   // purple square
1650	BrownSquare            Emoji = "\U0001f7eb"   // brown square
1651	BlackLargeSquare       Emoji = "\u2b1b"       // black large square
1652	WhiteLargeSquare       Emoji = "\u2b1c"       // white large square
1653	BlackMediumSquare      Emoji = "\u25fc\ufe0f" // black medium square
1654	WhiteMediumSquare      Emoji = "\u25fb\ufe0f" // white medium square
1655	BlackMediumSmallSquare Emoji = "\u25fe"       // black medium-small square
1656	WhiteMediumSmallSquare Emoji = "\u25fd"       // white medium-small square
1657	BlackSmallSquare       Emoji = "\u25aa\ufe0f" // black small square
1658	WhiteSmallSquare       Emoji = "\u25ab\ufe0f" // white small square
1659	LargeOrangeDiamond     Emoji = "\U0001f536"   // large orange diamond
1660	LargeBlueDiamond       Emoji = "\U0001f537"   // large blue diamond
1661	SmallOrangeDiamond     Emoji = "\U0001f538"   // small orange diamond
1662	SmallBlueDiamond       Emoji = "\U0001f539"   // small blue diamond
1663	RedTrianglePointedUp   Emoji = "\U0001f53a"   // red triangle pointed up
1664	RedTrianglePointedDown Emoji = "\U0001f53b"   // red triangle pointed down
1665	DiamondWithADot        Emoji = "\U0001f4a0"   // diamond with a dot
1666	RadioButton            Emoji = "\U0001f518"   // radio button
1667	WhiteSquareButton      Emoji = "\U0001f533"   // white square button
1668	BlackSquareButton      Emoji = "\U0001f532"   // black square button
1670	// GROUP: Flags
1671	// SUBGROUP: flag
1672	ChequeredFlag   Emoji = "\U0001f3c1"                         // chequered flag
1673	TriangularFlag  Emoji = "\U0001f6a9"                         // triangular flag
1674	CrossedFlags    Emoji = "\U0001f38c"                         // crossed flags
1675	BlackFlag       Emoji = "\U0001f3f4"                         // black flag
1676	WhiteFlag       Emoji = "\U0001f3f3\ufe0f"                   // white flag
1677	RainbowFlag     Emoji = "\U0001f3f3\ufe0f\u200d\U0001f308"   // rainbow flag
1678	TransgenderFlag Emoji = "\U0001f3f3\ufe0f\u200d\u26a7\ufe0f" // transgender flag
1679	PirateFlag      Emoji = "\U0001f3f4\u200d\u2620\ufe0f"       // pirate flag
1680	// SUBGROUP: country-flag
1681	FlagForAscensionIsland                     Emoji = "\U0001f1e6\U0001f1e8" // flag: Ascension Island
1682	FlagForAndorra                             Emoji = "\U0001f1e6\U0001f1e9" // flag: Andorra
1683	FlagForUnitedArabEmirates                  Emoji = "\U0001f1e6\U0001f1ea" // flag: United Arab Emirates
1684	FlagForAfghanistan                         Emoji = "\U0001f1e6\U0001f1eb" // flag: Afghanistan
1685	FlagForAntiguaAndBarbuda                   Emoji = "\U0001f1e6\U0001f1ec" // flag: Antigua & Barbuda
1686	FlagForAnguilla                            Emoji = "\U0001f1e6\U0001f1ee" // flag: Anguilla
1687	FlagForAlbania                             Emoji = "\U0001f1e6\U0001f1f1" // flag: Albania
1688	FlagForArmenia                             Emoji = "\U0001f1e6\U0001f1f2" // flag: Armenia
1689	FlagForAngola                              Emoji = "\U0001f1e6\U0001f1f4" // flag: Angola
1690	FlagForAntarctica                          Emoji = "\U0001f1e6\U0001f1f6" // flag: Antarctica
1691	FlagForArgentina                           Emoji = "\U0001f1e6\U0001f1f7" // flag: Argentina
1692	FlagForAmericanSamoa                       Emoji = "\U0001f1e6\U0001f1f8" // flag: American Samoa
1693	FlagForAustria                             Emoji = "\U0001f1e6\U0001f1f9" // flag: Austria
1694	FlagForAustralia                           Emoji = "\U0001f1e6\U0001f1fa" // flag: Australia
1695	FlagForAruba                               Emoji = "\U0001f1e6\U0001f1fc" // flag: Aruba
1696	FlagForAlandIslands                        Emoji = "\U0001f1e6\U0001f1fd" // flag: Åland Islands
1697	FlagForAzerbaijan                          Emoji = "\U0001f1e6\U0001f1ff" // flag: Azerbaijan
1698	FlagForBosniaAndHerzegovina                Emoji = "\U0001f1e7\U0001f1e6" // flag: Bosnia & Herzegovina
1699	FlagForBarbados                            Emoji = "\U0001f1e7\U0001f1e7" // flag: Barbados
1700	FlagForBangladesh                          Emoji = "\U0001f1e7\U0001f1e9" // flag: Bangladesh
1701	FlagForBelgium                             Emoji = "\U0001f1e7\U0001f1ea" // flag: Belgium
1702	FlagForBurkinaFaso                         Emoji = "\U0001f1e7\U0001f1eb" // flag: Burkina Faso
1703	FlagForBulgaria                            Emoji = "\U0001f1e7\U0001f1ec" // flag: Bulgaria
1704	FlagForBahrain                             Emoji = "\U0001f1e7\U0001f1ed" // flag: Bahrain
1705	FlagForBurundi                             Emoji = "\U0001f1e7\U0001f1ee" // flag: Burundi
1706	FlagForBenin                               Emoji = "\U0001f1e7\U0001f1ef" // flag: Benin
1707	FlagForStBarthelemy                        Emoji = "\U0001f1e7\U0001f1f1" // flag: St. Barthélemy
1708	FlagForBermuda                             Emoji = "\U0001f1e7\U0001f1f2" // flag: Bermuda
1709	FlagForBrunei                              Emoji = "\U0001f1e7\U0001f1f3" // flag: Brunei
1710	FlagForBolivia                             Emoji = "\U0001f1e7\U0001f1f4" // flag: Bolivia
1711	FlagForCaribbeanNetherlands                Emoji = "\U0001f1e7\U0001f1f6" // flag: Caribbean Netherlands
1712	FlagForBrazil                              Emoji = "\U0001f1e7\U0001f1f7" // flag: Brazil
1713	FlagForBahamas                             Emoji = "\U0001f1e7\U0001f1f8" // flag: Bahamas
1714	FlagForBhutan                              Emoji = "\U0001f1e7\U0001f1f9" // flag: Bhutan
1715	FlagForBouvetIsland                        Emoji = "\U0001f1e7\U0001f1fb" // flag: Bouvet Island
1716	FlagForBotswana                            Emoji = "\U0001f1e7\U0001f1fc" // flag: Botswana
1717	FlagForBelarus                             Emoji = "\U0001f1e7\U0001f1fe" // flag: Belarus
1718	FlagForBelize                              Emoji = "\U0001f1e7\U0001f1ff" // flag: Belize
1719	FlagForCanada                              Emoji = "\U0001f1e8\U0001f1e6" // flag: Canada
1720	FlagForCocosKeelingIslands                 Emoji = "\U0001f1e8\U0001f1e8" // flag: Cocos (Keeling) Islands
1721	FlagForCongoKinshasa                       Emoji = "\U0001f1e8\U0001f1e9" // flag: Congo - Kinshasa
1722	FlagForCentralAfricanRepublic              Emoji = "\U0001f1e8\U0001f1eb" // flag: Central African Republic
1723	FlagForCongoBrazzaville                    Emoji = "\U0001f1e8\U0001f1ec" // flag: Congo - Brazzaville
1724	FlagForSwitzerland                         Emoji = "\U0001f1e8\U0001f1ed" // flag: Switzerland
1725	FlagForCoteDIvoire                         Emoji = "\U0001f1e8\U0001f1ee" // flag: Côte d’Ivoire
1726	FlagForCookIslands                         Emoji = "\U0001f1e8\U0001f1f0" // flag: Cook Islands
1727	FlagForChile                               Emoji = "\U0001f1e8\U0001f1f1" // flag: Chile
1728	FlagForCameroon                            Emoji = "\U0001f1e8\U0001f1f2" // flag: Cameroon
1729	FlagForChina                               Emoji = "\U0001f1e8\U0001f1f3" // flag: China
1730	FlagForColombia                            Emoji = "\U0001f1e8\U0001f1f4" // flag: Colombia
1731	FlagForClippertonIsland                    Emoji = "\U0001f1e8\U0001f1f5" // flag: Clipperton Island
1732	FlagForCostaRica                           Emoji = "\U0001f1e8\U0001f1f7" // flag: Costa Rica
1733	FlagForCuba                                Emoji = "\U0001f1e8\U0001f1fa" // flag: Cuba
1734	FlagForCapeVerde                           Emoji = "\U0001f1e8\U0001f1fb" // flag: Cape Verde
1735	FlagForCuracao                             Emoji = "\U0001f1e8\U0001f1fc" // flag: Curaçao
1736	FlagForChristmasIsland                     Emoji = "\U0001f1e8\U0001f1fd" // flag: Christmas Island
1737	FlagForCyprus                              Emoji = "\U0001f1e8\U0001f1fe" // flag: Cyprus
1738	FlagForCzechia                             Emoji = "\U0001f1e8\U0001f1ff" // flag: Czechia
1739	FlagForGermany                             Emoji = "\U0001f1e9\U0001f1ea" // flag: Germany
1740	FlagForDiegoGarcia                         Emoji = "\U0001f1e9\U0001f1ec" // flag: Diego Garcia
1741	FlagForDjibouti                            Emoji = "\U0001f1e9\U0001f1ef" // flag: Djibouti
1742	FlagForDenmark                             Emoji = "\U0001f1e9\U0001f1f0" // flag: Denmark
1743	FlagForDominica                            Emoji = "\U0001f1e9\U0001f1f2" // flag: Dominica
1744	FlagForDominicanRepublic                   Emoji = "\U0001f1e9\U0001f1f4" // flag: Dominican Republic
1745	FlagForAlgeria                             Emoji = "\U0001f1e9\U0001f1ff" // flag: Algeria
1746	FlagForCeutaAndMelilla                     Emoji = "\U0001f1ea\U0001f1e6" // flag: Ceuta & Melilla
1747	FlagForEcuador                             Emoji = "\U0001f1ea\U0001f1e8" // flag: Ecuador
1748	FlagForEstonia                             Emoji = "\U0001f1ea\U0001f1ea" // flag: Estonia
1749	FlagForEgypt                               Emoji = "\U0001f1ea\U0001f1ec" // flag: Egypt
1750	FlagForWesternSahara                       Emoji = "\U0001f1ea\U0001f1ed" // flag: Western Sahara
1751	FlagForEritrea                             Emoji = "\U0001f1ea\U0001f1f7" // flag: Eritrea
1752	FlagForSpain                               Emoji = "\U0001f1ea\U0001f1f8" // flag: Spain
1753	FlagForEthiopia                            Emoji = "\U0001f1ea\U0001f1f9" // flag: Ethiopia
1754	FlagForEuropeanUnion                       Emoji = "\U0001f1ea\U0001f1fa" // flag: European Union
1755	FlagForFinland                             Emoji = "\U0001f1eb\U0001f1ee" // flag: Finland
1756	FlagForFiji                                Emoji = "\U0001f1eb\U0001f1ef" // flag: Fiji
1757	FlagForFalklandIslands                     Emoji = "\U0001f1eb\U0001f1f0" // flag: Falkland Islands
1758	FlagForMicronesia                          Emoji = "\U0001f1eb\U0001f1f2" // flag: Micronesia
1759	FlagForFaroeIslands                        Emoji = "\U0001f1eb\U0001f1f4" // flag: Faroe Islands
1760	FlagForFrance                              Emoji = "\U0001f1eb\U0001f1f7" // flag: France
1761	FlagForGabon                               Emoji = "\U0001f1ec\U0001f1e6" // flag: Gabon
1762	FlagForUnitedKingdom                       Emoji = "\U0001f1ec\U0001f1e7" // flag: United Kingdom
1763	FlagForGrenada                             Emoji = "\U0001f1ec\U0001f1e9" // flag: Grenada
1764	FlagForGeorgia                             Emoji = "\U0001f1ec\U0001f1ea" // flag: Georgia
1765	FlagForFrenchGuiana                        Emoji = "\U0001f1ec\U0001f1eb" // flag: French Guiana
1766	FlagForGuernsey                            Emoji = "\U0001f1ec\U0001f1ec" // flag: Guernsey
1767	FlagForGhana                               Emoji = "\U0001f1ec\U0001f1ed" // flag: Ghana
1768	FlagForGibraltar                           Emoji = "\U0001f1ec\U0001f1ee" // flag: Gibraltar
1769	FlagForGreenland                           Emoji = "\U0001f1ec\U0001f1f1" // flag: Greenland
1770	FlagForGambia                              Emoji = "\U0001f1ec\U0001f1f2" // flag: Gambia
1771	FlagForGuinea                              Emoji = "\U0001f1ec\U0001f1f3" // flag: Guinea
1772	FlagForGuadeloupe                          Emoji = "\U0001f1ec\U0001f1f5" // flag: Guadeloupe
1773	FlagForEquatorialGuinea                    Emoji = "\U0001f1ec\U0001f1f6" // flag: Equatorial Guinea
1774	FlagForGreece                              Emoji = "\U0001f1ec\U0001f1f7" // flag: Greece
1775	FlagForSouthGeorgiaAndSouthSandwichIslands Emoji = "\U0001f1ec\U0001f1f8" // flag: South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands
1776	FlagForGuatemala                           Emoji = "\U0001f1ec\U0001f1f9" // flag: Guatemala
1777	FlagForGuam                                Emoji = "\U0001f1ec\U0001f1fa" // flag: Guam
1778	FlagForGuineaBissau                        Emoji = "\U0001f1ec\U0001f1fc" // flag: Guinea-Bissau
1779	FlagForGuyana                              Emoji = "\U0001f1ec\U0001f1fe" // flag: Guyana
1780	FlagForHongKongSarChina                    Emoji = "\U0001f1ed\U0001f1f0" // flag: Hong Kong SAR China
1781	FlagForHeardAndMcdonaldIslands             Emoji = "\U0001f1ed\U0001f1f2" // flag: Heard & McDonald Islands
1782	FlagForHonduras                            Emoji = "\U0001f1ed\U0001f1f3" // flag: Honduras
1783	FlagForCroatia                             Emoji = "\U0001f1ed\U0001f1f7" // flag: Croatia
1784	FlagForHaiti                               Emoji = "\U0001f1ed\U0001f1f9" // flag: Haiti
1785	FlagForHungary                             Emoji = "\U0001f1ed\U0001f1fa" // flag: Hungary
1786	FlagForCanaryIslands                       Emoji = "\U0001f1ee\U0001f1e8" // flag: Canary Islands
1787	FlagForIndonesia                           Emoji = "\U0001f1ee\U0001f1e9" // flag: Indonesia
1788	FlagForIreland                             Emoji = "\U0001f1ee\U0001f1ea" // flag: Ireland
1789	FlagForIsrael                              Emoji = "\U0001f1ee\U0001f1f1" // flag: Israel
1790	FlagForIsleOfMan                           Emoji = "\U0001f1ee\U0001f1f2" // flag: Isle of Man
1791	FlagForIndia                               Emoji = "\U0001f1ee\U0001f1f3" // flag: India
1792	FlagForBritishIndianOceanTerritory         Emoji = "\U0001f1ee\U0001f1f4" // flag: British Indian Ocean Territory
1793	FlagForIraq                                Emoji = "\U0001f1ee\U0001f1f6" // flag: Iraq
1794	FlagForIran                                Emoji = "\U0001f1ee\U0001f1f7" // flag: Iran
1795	FlagForIceland                             Emoji = "\U0001f1ee\U0001f1f8" // flag: Iceland
1796	FlagForItaly                               Emoji = "\U0001f1ee\U0001f1f9" // flag: Italy
1797	FlagForJersey                              Emoji = "\U0001f1ef\U0001f1ea" // flag: Jersey
1798	FlagForJamaica                             Emoji = "\U0001f1ef\U0001f1f2" // flag: Jamaica
1799	FlagForJordan                              Emoji = "\U0001f1ef\U0001f1f4" // flag: Jordan
1800	FlagForJapan                               Emoji = "\U0001f1ef\U0001f1f5" // flag: Japan
1801	FlagForKenya                               Emoji = "\U0001f1f0\U0001f1ea" // flag: Kenya
1802	FlagForKyrgyzstan                          Emoji = "\U0001f1f0\U0001f1ec" // flag: Kyrgyzstan
1803	FlagForCambodia                            Emoji = "\U0001f1f0\U0001f1ed" // flag: Cambodia
1804	FlagForKiribati                            Emoji = "\U0001f1f0\U0001f1ee" // flag: Kiribati
1805	FlagForComoros                             Emoji = "\U0001f1f0\U0001f1f2" // flag: Comoros
1806	FlagForStKittsAndNevis                     Emoji = "\U0001f1f0\U0001f1f3" // flag: St. Kitts & Nevis
1807	FlagForNorthKorea                          Emoji = "\U0001f1f0\U0001f1f5" // flag: North Korea
1808	FlagForSouthKorea                          Emoji = "\U0001f1f0\U0001f1f7" // flag: South Korea
1809	FlagForKuwait                              Emoji = "\U0001f1f0\U0001f1fc" // flag: Kuwait
1810	FlagForCaymanIslands                       Emoji = "\U0001f1f0\U0001f1fe" // flag: Cayman Islands
1811	FlagForKazakhstan                          Emoji = "\U0001f1f0\U0001f1ff" // flag: Kazakhstan
1812	FlagForLaos                                Emoji = "\U0001f1f1\U0001f1e6" // flag: Laos
1813	FlagForLebanon                             Emoji = "\U0001f1f1\U0001f1e7" // flag: Lebanon
1814	FlagForStLucia                             Emoji = "\U0001f1f1\U0001f1e8" // flag: St. Lucia
1815	FlagForLiechtenstein                       Emoji = "\U0001f1f1\U0001f1ee" // flag: Liechtenstein
1816	FlagForSriLanka                            Emoji = "\U0001f1f1\U0001f1f0" // flag: Sri Lanka
1817	FlagForLiberia                             Emoji = "\U0001f1f1\U0001f1f7" // flag: Liberia
1818	FlagForLesotho                             Emoji = "\U0001f1f1\U0001f1f8" // flag: Lesotho
1819	FlagForLithuania                           Emoji = "\U0001f1f1\U0001f1f9" // flag: Lithuania
1820	FlagForLuxembourg                          Emoji = "\U0001f1f1\U0001f1fa" // flag: Luxembourg
1821	FlagForLatvia                              Emoji = "\U0001f1f1\U0001f1fb" // flag: Latvia
1822	FlagForLibya                               Emoji = "\U0001f1f1\U0001f1fe" // flag: Libya
1823	FlagForMorocco                             Emoji = "\U0001f1f2\U0001f1e6" // flag: Morocco
1824	FlagForMonaco                              Emoji = "\U0001f1f2\U0001f1e8" // flag: Monaco
1825	FlagForMoldova                             Emoji = "\U0001f1f2\U0001f1e9" // flag: Moldova
1826	FlagForMontenegro                          Emoji = "\U0001f1f2\U0001f1ea" // flag: Montenegro
1827	FlagForStMartin                            Emoji = "\U0001f1f2\U0001f1eb" // flag: St. Martin
1828	FlagForMadagascar                          Emoji = "\U0001f1f2\U0001f1ec" // flag: Madagascar
1829	FlagForMarshallIslands                     Emoji = "\U0001f1f2\U0001f1ed" // flag: Marshall Islands
1830	FlagForNorthMacedonia                      Emoji = "\U0001f1f2\U0001f1f0" // flag: North Macedonia
1831	FlagForMali                                Emoji = "\U0001f1f2\U0001f1f1" // flag: Mali
1832	FlagForMyanmarBurma                        Emoji = "\U0001f1f2\U0001f1f2" // flag: Myanmar (Burma)
1833	FlagForMongolia                            Emoji = "\U0001f1f2\U0001f1f3" // flag: Mongolia
1834	FlagForMacaoSarChina                       Emoji = "\U0001f1f2\U0001f1f4" // flag: Macao SAR China
1835	FlagForNorthernMarianaIslands              Emoji = "\U0001f1f2\U0001f1f5" // flag: Northern Mariana Islands
1836	FlagForMartinique                          Emoji = "\U0001f1f2\U0001f1f6" // flag: Martinique
1837	FlagForMauritania                          Emoji = "\U0001f1f2\U0001f1f7" // flag: Mauritania
1838	FlagForMontserrat                          Emoji = "\U0001f1f2\U0001f1f8" // flag: Montserrat
1839	FlagForMalta                               Emoji = "\U0001f1f2\U0001f1f9" // flag: Malta
1840	FlagForMauritius                           Emoji = "\U0001f1f2\U0001f1fa" // flag: Mauritius
1841	FlagForMaldives                            Emoji = "\U0001f1f2\U0001f1fb" // flag: Maldives
1842	FlagForMalawi                              Emoji = "\U0001f1f2\U0001f1fc" // flag: Malawi
1843	FlagForMexico                              Emoji = "\U0001f1f2\U0001f1fd" // flag: Mexico
1844	FlagForMalaysia                            Emoji = "\U0001f1f2\U0001f1fe" // flag: Malaysia
1845	FlagForMozambique                          Emoji = "\U0001f1f2\U0001f1ff" // flag: Mozambique
1846	FlagForNamibia                             Emoji = "\U0001f1f3\U0001f1e6" // flag: Namibia
1847	FlagForNewCaledonia                        Emoji = "\U0001f1f3\U0001f1e8" // flag: New Caledonia
1848	FlagForNiger                               Emoji = "\U0001f1f3\U0001f1ea" // flag: Niger
1849	FlagForNorfolkIsland                       Emoji = "\U0001f1f3\U0001f1eb" // flag: Norfolk Island
1850	FlagForNigeria                             Emoji = "\U0001f1f3\U0001f1ec" // flag: Nigeria
1851	FlagForNicaragua                           Emoji = "\U0001f1f3\U0001f1ee" // flag: Nicaragua
1852	FlagForNetherlands                         Emoji = "\U0001f1f3\U0001f1f1" // flag: Netherlands
1853	FlagForNorway                              Emoji = "\U0001f1f3\U0001f1f4" // flag: Norway
1854	FlagForNepal                               Emoji = "\U0001f1f3\U0001f1f5" // flag: Nepal
1855	FlagForNauru                               Emoji = "\U0001f1f3\U0001f1f7" // flag: Nauru
1856	FlagForNiue                                Emoji = "\U0001f1f3\U0001f1fa" // flag: Niue
1857	FlagForNewZealand                          Emoji = "\U0001f1f3\U0001f1ff" // flag: New Zealand
1858	FlagForOman                                Emoji = "\U0001f1f4\U0001f1f2" // flag: Oman
1859	FlagForPanama                              Emoji = "\U0001f1f5\U0001f1e6" // flag: Panama
1860	FlagForPeru                                Emoji = "\U0001f1f5\U0001f1ea" // flag: Peru
1861	FlagForFrenchPolynesia                     Emoji = "\U0001f1f5\U0001f1eb" // flag: French Polynesia
1862	FlagForPapuaNewGuinea                      Emoji = "\U0001f1f5\U0001f1ec" // flag: Papua New Guinea
1863	FlagForPhilippines                         Emoji = "\U0001f1f5\U0001f1ed" // flag: Philippines
1864	FlagForPakistan                            Emoji = "\U0001f1f5\U0001f1f0" // flag: Pakistan
1865	FlagForPoland                              Emoji = "\U0001f1f5\U0001f1f1" // flag: Poland
1866	FlagForStPierreAndMiquelon                 Emoji = "\U0001f1f5\U0001f1f2" // flag: St. Pierre & Miquelon
1867	FlagForPitcairnIslands                     Emoji = "\U0001f1f5\U0001f1f3" // flag: Pitcairn Islands
1868	FlagForPuertoRico                          Emoji = "\U0001f1f5\U0001f1f7" // flag: Puerto Rico
1869	FlagForPalestinianTerritories              Emoji = "\U0001f1f5\U0001f1f8" // flag: Palestinian Territories
1870	FlagForPortugal                            Emoji = "\U0001f1f5\U0001f1f9" // flag: Portugal
1871	FlagForPalau                               Emoji = "\U0001f1f5\U0001f1fc" // flag: Palau
1872	FlagForParaguay                            Emoji = "\U0001f1f5\U0001f1fe" // flag: Paraguay
1873	FlagForQatar                               Emoji = "\U0001f1f6\U0001f1e6" // flag: Qatar
1874	FlagForReunion                             Emoji = "\U0001f1f7\U0001f1ea" // flag: Réunion
1875	FlagForRomania                             Emoji = "\U0001f1f7\U0001f1f4" // flag: Romania
1876	FlagForSerbia                              Emoji = "\U0001f1f7\U0001f1f8" // flag: Serbia
1877	FlagForRussia                              Emoji = "\U0001f1f7\U0001f1fa" // flag: Russia
1878	FlagForRwanda                              Emoji = "\U0001f1f7\U0001f1fc" // flag: Rwanda
1879	FlagForSaudiArabia                         Emoji = "\U0001f1f8\U0001f1e6" // flag: Saudi Arabia
1880	FlagForSolomonIslands                      Emoji = "\U0001f1f8\U0001f1e7" // flag: Solomon Islands
1881	FlagForSeychelles                          Emoji = "\U0001f1f8\U0001f1e8" // flag: Seychelles
1882	FlagForSudan                               Emoji = "\U0001f1f8\U0001f1e9" // flag: Sudan
1883	FlagForSweden                              Emoji = "\U0001f1f8\U0001f1ea" // flag: Sweden
1884	FlagForSingapore                           Emoji = "\U0001f1f8\U0001f1ec" // flag: Singapore
1885	FlagForStHelena                            Emoji = "\U0001f1f8\U0001f1ed" // flag: St. Helena
1886	FlagForSlovenia                            Emoji = "\U0001f1f8\U0001f1ee" // flag: Slovenia
1887	FlagForSvalbardAndJanMayen                 Emoji = "\U0001f1f8\U0001f1ef" // flag: Svalbard & Jan Mayen
1888	FlagForSlovakia                            Emoji = "\U0001f1f8\U0001f1f0" // flag: Slovakia
1889	FlagForSierraLeone                         Emoji = "\U0001f1f8\U0001f1f1" // flag: Sierra Leone
1890	FlagForSanMarino                           Emoji = "\U0001f1f8\U0001f1f2" // flag: San Marino
1891	FlagForSenegal                             Emoji = "\U0001f1f8\U0001f1f3" // flag: Senegal
1892	FlagForSomalia                             Emoji = "\U0001f1f8\U0001f1f4" // flag: Somalia
1893	FlagForSuriname                            Emoji = "\U0001f1f8\U0001f1f7" // flag: Suriname
1894	FlagForSouthSudan                          Emoji = "\U0001f1f8\U0001f1f8" // flag: South Sudan
1895	FlagForSaoTomeAndPrincipe                  Emoji = "\U0001f1f8\U0001f1f9" // flag: São Tomé & Príncipe
1896	FlagForElSalvador                          Emoji = "\U0001f1f8\U0001f1fb" // flag: El Salvador
1897	FlagForSintMaarten                         Emoji = "\U0001f1f8\U0001f1fd" // flag: Sint Maarten
1898	FlagForSyria                               Emoji = "\U0001f1f8\U0001f1fe" // flag: Syria
1899	FlagForEswatini                            Emoji = "\U0001f1f8\U0001f1ff" // flag: Eswatini
1900	FlagForTristanDaCunha                      Emoji = "\U0001f1f9\U0001f1e6" // flag: Tristan da Cunha
1901	FlagForTurksAndCaicosIslands               Emoji = "\U0001f1f9\U0001f1e8" // flag: Turks & Caicos Islands
1902	FlagForChad                                Emoji = "\U0001f1f9\U0001f1e9" // flag: Chad
1903	FlagForFrenchSouthernTerritories           Emoji = "\U0001f1f9\U0001f1eb" // flag: French Southern Territories
1904	FlagForTogo                                Emoji = "\U0001f1f9\U0001f1ec" // flag: Togo
1905	FlagForThailand                            Emoji = "\U0001f1f9\U0001f1ed" // flag: Thailand
1906	FlagForTajikistan                          Emoji = "\U0001f1f9\U0001f1ef" // flag: Tajikistan
1907	FlagForTokelau                             Emoji = "\U0001f1f9\U0001f1f0" // flag: Tokelau
1908	FlagForTimorLeste                          Emoji = "\U0001f1f9\U0001f1f1" // flag: Timor-Leste
1909	FlagForTurkmenistan                        Emoji = "\U0001f1f9\U0001f1f2" // flag: Turkmenistan
1910	FlagForTunisia                             Emoji = "\U0001f1f9\U0001f1f3" // flag: Tunisia
1911	FlagForTonga                               Emoji = "\U0001f1f9\U0001f1f4" // flag: Tonga
1912	FlagForTurkey                              Emoji = "\U0001f1f9\U0001f1f7" // flag: Turkey
1913	FlagForTrinidadAndTobago                   Emoji = "\U0001f1f9\U0001f1f9" // flag: Trinidad & Tobago
1914	FlagForTuvalu                              Emoji = "\U0001f1f9\U0001f1fb" // flag: Tuvalu
1915	FlagForTaiwan                              Emoji = "\U0001f1f9\U0001f1fc" // flag: Taiwan
1916	FlagForTanzania                            Emoji = "\U0001f1f9\U0001f1ff" // flag: Tanzania
1917	FlagForUkraine                             Emoji = "\U0001f1fa\U0001f1e6" // flag: Ukraine
1918	FlagForUganda                              Emoji = "\U0001f1fa\U0001f1ec" // flag: Uganda
1919	FlagForUsOutlyingIslands                   Emoji = "\U0001f1fa\U0001f1f2" // flag: U.S. Outlying Islands
1920	FlagForUnitedNations                       Emoji = "\U0001f1fa\U0001f1f3" // flag: United Nations
1921	FlagForUnitedStates                        Emoji = "\U0001f1fa\U0001f1f8" // flag: United States
1922	FlagForUruguay                             Emoji = "\U0001f1fa\U0001f1fe" // flag: Uruguay
1923	FlagForUzbekistan                          Emoji = "\U0001f1fa\U0001f1ff" // flag: Uzbekistan
1924	FlagForVaticanCity                         Emoji = "\U0001f1fb\U0001f1e6" // flag: Vatican City
1925	FlagForStVincentAndGrenadines              Emoji = "\U0001f1fb\U0001f1e8" // flag: St. Vincent & Grenadines
1926	FlagForVenezuela                           Emoji = "\U0001f1fb\U0001f1ea" // flag: Venezuela
1927	FlagForBritishVirginIslands                Emoji = "\U0001f1fb\U0001f1ec" // flag: British Virgin Islands
1928	FlagForUsVirginIslands                     Emoji = "\U0001f1fb\U0001f1ee" // flag: U.S. Virgin Islands
1929	FlagForVietnam                             Emoji = "\U0001f1fb\U0001f1f3" // flag: Vietnam
1930	FlagForVanuatu                             Emoji = "\U0001f1fb\U0001f1fa" // flag: Vanuatu
1931	FlagForWallisAndFutuna                     Emoji = "\U0001f1fc\U0001f1eb" // flag: Wallis & Futuna
1932	FlagForSamoa                               Emoji = "\U0001f1fc\U0001f1f8" // flag: Samoa
1933	FlagForKosovo                              Emoji = "\U0001f1fd\U0001f1f0" // flag: Kosovo
1934	FlagForYemen                               Emoji = "\U0001f1fe\U0001f1ea" // flag: Yemen
1935	FlagForMayotte                             Emoji = "\U0001f1fe\U0001f1f9" // flag: Mayotte
1936	FlagForSouthAfrica                         Emoji = "\U0001f1ff\U0001f1e6" // flag: South Africa
1937	FlagForZambia                              Emoji = "\U0001f1ff\U0001f1f2" // flag: Zambia
1938	FlagForZimbabwe                            Emoji = "\U0001f1ff\U0001f1fc" // flag: Zimbabwe
1939	// SUBGROUP: subdivision-flag
1940	FlagForEngland  Emoji = "\U0001f3f4\U000e0067\U000e0062\U000e0065\U000e006e\U000e0067\U000e007f" // flag: England
1941	FlagForScotland Emoji = "\U0001f3f4\U000e0067\U000e0062\U000e0073\U000e0063\U000e0074\U000e007f" // flag: Scotland
1942	FlagForWales    Emoji = "\U0001f3f4\U000e0067\U000e0062\U000e0077\U000e006c\U000e0073\U000e007f" // flag: Wales