1{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
6module GHC.Parser.Annotation (
7  -- * Core Exact Print Annotation types
8  AnnKeywordId(..),
9  EpaComment(..), EpaCommentTok(..),
10  IsUnicodeSyntax(..),
11  unicodeAnn,
12  HasE(..),
14  -- * In-tree Exact Print Annotations
15  AddEpAnn(..),
16  EpaLocation(..), epaLocationRealSrcSpan, epaLocationFromSrcAnn,
17  DeltaPos(..), deltaPos, getDeltaLine,
19  EpAnn(..), Anchor(..), AnchorOperation(..),
20  spanAsAnchor, realSpanAsAnchor,
21  noAnn,
23  -- ** Comments in Annotations
25  EpAnnComments(..), LEpaComment, emptyComments,
26  getFollowingComments, setFollowingComments, setPriorComments,
27  EpAnnCO,
29  -- ** Annotations in 'GenLocated'
30  LocatedA, LocatedL, LocatedC, LocatedN, LocatedAn, LocatedP,
31  SrcSpanAnnA, SrcSpanAnnL, SrcSpanAnnP, SrcSpanAnnC, SrcSpanAnnN,
32  SrcSpanAnn'(..), SrcAnn,
34  -- ** Annotation data types used in 'GenLocated'
36  AnnListItem(..), AnnList(..),
37  AnnParen(..), ParenType(..), parenTypeKws,
38  AnnPragma(..),
39  AnnContext(..),
40  NameAnn(..), NameAdornment(..),
41  NoEpAnns(..),
42  AnnSortKey(..),
44  -- ** Trailing annotations in lists
45  TrailingAnn(..), addTrailingAnnToA, addTrailingAnnToL, addTrailingCommaToN,
47  -- ** Utilities for converting between different 'GenLocated' when
48  -- ** we do not care about the annotations.
49  la2na, na2la, n2l, l2n, l2l, la2la,
50  reLoc, reLocA, reLocL, reLocC, reLocN,
52  la2r, realSrcSpan,
54  -- ** Building up annotations
55  extraToAnnList, reAnn,
56  reAnnL, reAnnC,
57  addAnns, addAnnsA, widenSpan, widenAnchor, widenAnchorR, widenLocatedAn,
59  -- ** Querying annotations
60  getLocAnn,
61  epAnnAnns, epAnnAnnsL,
62  annParen2AddEpAnn,
63  epAnnComments,
65  -- ** Working with locations of annotations
66  sortLocatedA,
67  mapLocA,
68  combineLocsA,
69  combineSrcSpansA,
70  addCLocA, addCLocAA,
72  -- ** Constructing 'GenLocated' annotation types when we do not care
73  -- about annotations.
74  noLocA, getLocA,
75  noSrcSpanA,
76  noAnnSrcSpan,
78  -- ** Working with comments in annotations
79  noComments, comment, addCommentsToSrcAnn, setCommentsSrcAnn,
80  addCommentsToEpAnn, setCommentsEpAnn,
81  transferAnnsA, commentsOnlyA, removeCommentsA,
83  placeholderRealSpan,
84  ) where
86import GHC.Prelude
88import Data.Data
89import Data.Function (on)
90import Data.List (sortBy)
91import Data.Semigroup
92import GHC.Data.FastString
93import GHC.Types.Name
94import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
95import GHC.Utils.Binary
96import GHC.Utils.Outputable hiding ( (<>) )
97import GHC.Utils.Panic
100Note [exact print annotations]
102Given a parse tree of a Haskell module, how can we reconstruct
103the original Haskell source code, retaining all whitespace and
104source code comments?  We need to track the locations of all
105elements from the original source: this includes keywords such as
106'let' / 'in' / 'do' etc as well as punctuation such as commas and
107braces, and also comments.  We collectively refer to this
108metadata as the "exact print annotations".
112Intuitively, every AST element directly contains a bag of keywords
113(keywords can show up more than once in a node: a semicolon i.e. newline
114can show up multiple times before the next AST element), each of which
115needs to be associated with its location in the original source code.
117These keywords are recorded directly in the AST element in which they
118occur, for the GhcPs phase.
120For any given element in the AST, there is only a set number of
121keywords that are applicable for it (e.g., you'll never see an
122'import' keyword associated with a let-binding.)  The set of allowed
123keywords is documented in a comment associated with the constructor
124of a given AST element, although the ground truth is in GHC.Parser
125and GHC.Parser.PostProcess (which actually add the annotations).
129We associate comments with the lowest (most specific) AST element
130enclosing them
134There are three fields in PState (the parser state) which play a role
135with annotation comments.
137>  comment_q :: [LEpaComment],
138>  header_comments :: Maybe [LEpaComment],
139>  eof_pos :: Maybe (RealSrcSpan, RealSrcSpan), -- pos, gap to prior token
141The 'comment_q' field captures comments as they are seen in the token stream,
142so that when they are ready to be allocated via the parser they are
145The 'header_comments' capture the comments coming at the top of the
146source file.  They are moved there from the `comment_q` when comments
147are allocated for the first top-level declaration.
149The 'eof_pos' captures the final location in the file, and the
150location of the immediately preceding token to the last location, so
151that the exact-printer can work out how far to advance to add the
152trailing whitespace.
156The parser interacts with the lexer using the functions
158> getCommentsFor      :: (MonadP m) => SrcSpan -> m EpAnnComments
159> getPriorCommentsFor :: (MonadP m) => SrcSpan -> m EpAnnComments
160> getFinalCommentsFor :: (MonadP m) => SrcSpan -> m EpAnnComments
162The 'getCommentsFor' function is the one used most often.  It takes
163the AST element SrcSpan and removes and returns any comments in the
164'comment_q' that are inside the span. 'allocateComments' in 'Lexer' is
165responsible for making sure we only return comments that actually fit
166in the 'SrcSpan'.
168The 'getPriorCommentsFor' function is used for top-level declarations,
169and removes and returns any comments in the 'comment_q' that either
170precede or are included in the given SrcSpan. This is to ensure that
171preceding documentation comments are kept together with the
172declaration they belong to.
174The 'getFinalCommentsFor' function is called right at the end when EOF
175is hit. This drains the 'comment_q' completely, and returns the
176'header_comments', remaining 'comment_q' entries and the
177'eof_pos'. These values are inserted into the 'HsModule' AST element.
179The wiki page describing this feature is
184-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
186-- | Exact print annotations exist so that tools can perform source to
187-- source conversions of Haskell code. They are used to keep track of
188-- the various syntactic keywords that are not otherwise captured in the
189-- AST.
191-- The wiki page describing this feature is
192-- https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/wikis/api-annotations
193-- https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/implementing-trees-that-grow/in-tree-api-annotations
195-- Note: in general the names of these are taken from the
196-- corresponding token, unless otherwise noted
197-- See note [exact print annotations] above for details of the usage
198data AnnKeywordId
199    = AnnAnyclass
200    | AnnAs
201    | AnnAt
202    | AnnBang  -- ^ '!'
203    | AnnBackquote -- ^ '`'
204    | AnnBy
205    | AnnCase -- ^ case or lambda case
206    | AnnClass
207    | AnnClose -- ^  '\#)' or '\#-}'  etc
208    | AnnCloseB -- ^ '|)'
209    | AnnCloseBU -- ^ '|)', unicode variant
210    | AnnCloseC -- ^ '}'
211    | AnnCloseQ  -- ^ '|]'
212    | AnnCloseQU -- ^ '|]', unicode variant
213    | AnnCloseP -- ^ ')'
214    | AnnClosePH -- ^ '\#)'
215    | AnnCloseS -- ^ ']'
216    | AnnColon
217    | AnnComma -- ^ as a list separator
218    | AnnCommaTuple -- ^ in a RdrName for a tuple
219    | AnnDarrow -- ^ '=>'
220    | AnnDarrowU -- ^ '=>', unicode variant
221    | AnnData
222    | AnnDcolon -- ^ '::'
223    | AnnDcolonU -- ^ '::', unicode variant
224    | AnnDefault
225    | AnnDeriving
226    | AnnDo
227    | AnnDot    -- ^ '.'
228    | AnnDotdot -- ^ '..'
229    | AnnElse
230    | AnnEqual
231    | AnnExport
232    | AnnFamily
233    | AnnForall
234    | AnnForallU -- ^ Unicode variant
235    | AnnForeign
236    | AnnFunId -- ^ for function name in matches where there are
237               -- multiple equations for the function.
238    | AnnGroup
239    | AnnHeader -- ^ for CType
240    | AnnHiding
241    | AnnIf
242    | AnnImport
243    | AnnIn
244    | AnnInfix -- ^ 'infix' or 'infixl' or 'infixr'
245    | AnnInstance
246    | AnnLam
247    | AnnLarrow     -- ^ '<-'
248    | AnnLarrowU    -- ^ '<-', unicode variant
249    | AnnLet
250    | AnnLollyU     -- ^ The '⊸' unicode arrow
251    | AnnMdo
252    | AnnMinus -- ^ '-'
253    | AnnModule
254    | AnnNewtype
255    | AnnName -- ^ where a name loses its location in the AST, this carries it
256    | AnnOf
257    | AnnOpen    -- ^ '{-\# DEPRECATED' etc. Opening of pragmas where
258                 -- the capitalisation of the string can be changed by
259                 -- the user. The actual text used is stored in a
260                 -- 'SourceText' on the relevant pragma item.
261    | AnnOpenB   -- ^ '(|'
262    | AnnOpenBU  -- ^ '(|', unicode variant
263    | AnnOpenC   -- ^ '{'
264    | AnnOpenE   -- ^ '[e|' or '[e||'
265    | AnnOpenEQ  -- ^ '[|'
266    | AnnOpenEQU -- ^ '[|', unicode variant
267    | AnnOpenP   -- ^ '('
268    | AnnOpenS   -- ^ '['
269    | AnnOpenPH  -- ^ '(\#'
270    | AnnDollar          -- ^ prefix '$'   -- TemplateHaskell
271    | AnnDollarDollar    -- ^ prefix '$$'  -- TemplateHaskell
272    | AnnPackageName
273    | AnnPattern
274    | AnnPercent    -- ^ '%'  -- for HsExplicitMult
275    | AnnPercentOne -- ^ '%1' -- for HsLinearArrow
276    | AnnProc
277    | AnnQualified
278    | AnnRarrow -- ^ '->'
279    | AnnRarrowU -- ^ '->', unicode variant
280    | AnnRec
281    | AnnRole
282    | AnnSafe
283    | AnnSemi -- ^ ';'
284    | AnnSimpleQuote -- ^ '''
285    | AnnSignature
286    | AnnStatic -- ^ 'static'
287    | AnnStock
288    | AnnThen
289    | AnnThTyQuote -- ^ double '''
290    | AnnTilde -- ^ '~'
291    | AnnType
292    | AnnUnit -- ^ '()' for types
293    | AnnUsing
294    | AnnVal  -- ^ e.g. INTEGER
295    | AnnValStr  -- ^ String value, will need quotes when output
296    | AnnVbar -- ^ '|'
297    | AnnVia -- ^ 'via'
298    | AnnWhere
299    | Annlarrowtail -- ^ '-<'
300    | AnnlarrowtailU -- ^ '-<', unicode variant
301    | Annrarrowtail -- ^ '->'
302    | AnnrarrowtailU -- ^ '->', unicode variant
303    | AnnLarrowtail -- ^ '-<<'
304    | AnnLarrowtailU -- ^ '-<<', unicode variant
305    | AnnRarrowtail -- ^ '>>-'
306    | AnnRarrowtailU -- ^ '>>-', unicode variant
307    deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Show)
309instance Outputable AnnKeywordId where
310  ppr x = text (show x)
312-- | Certain tokens can have alternate representations when unicode syntax is
313-- enabled. This flag is attached to those tokens in the lexer so that the
314-- original source representation can be reproduced in the corresponding
315-- 'EpAnnotation'
316data IsUnicodeSyntax = UnicodeSyntax | NormalSyntax
317    deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Show)
319-- | Convert a normal annotation into its unicode equivalent one
320unicodeAnn :: AnnKeywordId -> AnnKeywordId
321unicodeAnn AnnForall     = AnnForallU
322unicodeAnn AnnDcolon     = AnnDcolonU
323unicodeAnn AnnLarrow     = AnnLarrowU
324unicodeAnn AnnRarrow     = AnnRarrowU
325unicodeAnn AnnDarrow     = AnnDarrowU
326unicodeAnn Annlarrowtail = AnnlarrowtailU
327unicodeAnn Annrarrowtail = AnnrarrowtailU
328unicodeAnn AnnLarrowtail = AnnLarrowtailU
329unicodeAnn AnnRarrowtail = AnnRarrowtailU
330unicodeAnn AnnOpenB      = AnnOpenBU
331unicodeAnn AnnCloseB     = AnnCloseBU
332unicodeAnn AnnOpenEQ     = AnnOpenEQU
333unicodeAnn AnnCloseQ     = AnnCloseQU
334unicodeAnn ann           = ann
337-- | Some template haskell tokens have two variants, one with an `e` the other
338-- not:
340-- >  [| or [e|
341-- >  [|| or [e||
343-- This type indicates whether the 'e' is present or not.
344data HasE = HasE | NoE
345     deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Show)
347-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
349data EpaComment =
350  EpaComment
351    { ac_tok :: EpaCommentTok
352    , ac_prior_tok :: RealSrcSpan
353    -- ^ The location of the prior token, used in exact printing.  The
354    -- 'EpaComment' appears as an 'LEpaComment' containing its
355    -- location.  The difference between the end of the prior token
356    -- and the start of this location is used for the spacing when
357    -- exact printing the comment.
358    }
359    deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Show)
361data EpaCommentTok =
362  -- Documentation annotations
363    EpaDocCommentNext  String     -- ^ something beginning '-- |'
364  | EpaDocCommentPrev  String     -- ^ something beginning '-- ^'
365  | EpaDocCommentNamed String     -- ^ something beginning '-- $'
366  | EpaDocSection      Int String -- ^ a section heading
367  | EpaDocOptions      String     -- ^ doc options (prune, ignore-exports, etc)
368  | EpaLineComment     String     -- ^ comment starting by "--"
369  | EpaBlockComment    String     -- ^ comment in {- -}
370  | EpaEofComment                 -- ^ empty comment, capturing
371                                  -- location of EOF
373  -- See #19697 for a discussion of EpaEofComment's use and how it
374  -- should be removed in favour of capturing it in the location for
375  -- 'Located HsModule' in the parser.
377    deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Show)
378-- Note: these are based on the Token versions, but the Token type is
379-- defined in GHC.Parser.Lexer and bringing it in here would create a loop
381instance Outputable EpaComment where
382  ppr x = text (show x)
384-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
386-- | Captures an annotation, storing the @'AnnKeywordId'@ and its
387-- location.  The parser only ever inserts @'EpaLocation'@ fields with a
388-- RealSrcSpan being the original location of the annotation in the
389-- source file.
390-- The @'EpaLocation'@ can also store a delta position if the AST has been
391-- modified and needs to be pretty printed again.
392-- The usual way an 'AddEpAnn' is created is using the 'mj' ("make
393-- jump") function, and then it can be inserted into the appropriate
394-- annotation.
395data AddEpAnn = AddEpAnn AnnKeywordId EpaLocation deriving (Data,Eq)
397-- | The anchor for an @'AnnKeywordId'@. The Parser inserts the
398-- @'EpaSpan'@ variant, giving the exact location of the original item
399-- in the parsed source.  This can be replaced by the @'EpaDelta'@
400-- version, to provide a position for the item relative to the end of
401-- the previous item in the source.  This is useful when editing an
402-- AST prior to exact printing the changed one. The list of comments
403-- in the @'EpaDelta'@ variant captures any comments between the prior
404-- output and the thing being marked here, since we cannot otherwise
405-- sort the relative order.
406data EpaLocation = EpaSpan !RealSrcSpan
407                 | EpaDelta !DeltaPos ![LEpaComment]
408               deriving (Data,Eq,Ord)
410-- | Spacing between output items when exact printing.  It captures
411-- the spacing from the current print position on the page to the
412-- position required for the thing about to be printed.  This is
413-- either on the same line in which case is is simply the number of
414-- spaces to emit, or it is some number of lines down, with a given
415-- column offset.  The exact printing algorithm keeps track of the
416-- column offset pertaining to the current anchor position, so the
417-- `deltaColumn` is the additional spaces to add in this case.  See
418-- https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/wikis/api-annotations for
419-- details.
420data DeltaPos
421  = SameLine { deltaColumn :: !Int }
422  | DifferentLine
423      { deltaLine   :: !Int, -- ^ deltaLine should always be > 0
424        deltaColumn :: !Int
425      } deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Data)
427-- | Smart constructor for a 'DeltaPos'. It preserves the invariant
428-- that for the 'DifferentLine' constructor 'deltaLine' is always > 0.
429deltaPos :: Int -> Int -> DeltaPos
430deltaPos l c = case l of
431  0 -> SameLine c
432  _ -> DifferentLine l c
434getDeltaLine :: DeltaPos -> Int
435getDeltaLine (SameLine _) = 0
436getDeltaLine (DifferentLine r _) = r
438-- | Used in the parser only, extract the 'RealSrcSpan' from an
439-- 'EpaLocation'. The parser will never insert a 'DeltaPos', so the
440-- partial function is safe.
441epaLocationRealSrcSpan :: EpaLocation -> RealSrcSpan
442epaLocationRealSrcSpan (EpaSpan r) = r
443epaLocationRealSrcSpan (EpaDelta _ _) = panic "epaLocationRealSrcSpan"
445epaLocationFromSrcAnn :: SrcAnn ann -> EpaLocation
446epaLocationFromSrcAnn (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed l) = EpaSpan (realSrcSpan l)
447epaLocationFromSrcAnn (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn anc _ _) _) = EpaSpan (anchor anc)
449instance Outputable EpaLocation where
450  ppr (EpaSpan r) = text "EpaSpan" <+> ppr r
451  ppr (EpaDelta d cs) = text "EpaDelta" <+> ppr d <+> ppr cs
453instance Outputable AddEpAnn where
454  ppr (AddEpAnn kw ss) = text "AddEpAnn" <+> ppr kw <+> ppr ss
456instance Ord AddEpAnn where
457  compare (AddEpAnn kw1 loc1) (AddEpAnn kw2 loc2) = compare (loc1, kw1) (loc2,kw2)
459-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
461-- | The exact print annotations (EPAs) are kept in the HsSyn AST for
462--   the GhcPs phase. We do not always have EPAs though, only for code
463--   that has been parsed as they do not exist for generated
464--   code. This type captures that they may be missing.
466-- A goal of the annotations is that an AST can be edited, including
467-- moving subtrees from one place to another, duplicating them, and so
468-- on.  This means that each fragment must be self-contained.  To this
469-- end, each annotated fragment keeps track of the anchor position it
470-- was originally captured at, being simply the start span of the
471-- topmost element of the ast fragment.  This gives us a way to later
472-- re-calculate all Located items in this layer of the AST, as well as
473-- any annotations captured. The comments associated with the AST
474-- fragment are also captured here.
476-- The 'ann' type parameter allows this general structure to be
477-- specialised to the specific set of locations of original exact
478-- print annotation elements.  So for 'HsLet' we have
480--    type instance XLet GhcPs = EpAnn AnnsLet
481--    data AnnsLet
482--      = AnnsLet {
483--          alLet :: EpaLocation,
484--          alIn :: EpaLocation
485--          } deriving Data
487-- The spacing between the items under the scope of a given EpAnn is
488-- normally derived from the original 'Anchor'.  But if a sub-element
489-- is not in its original position, the required spacing can be
490-- directly captured in the 'anchor_op' field of the 'entry' Anchor.
491-- This allows us to freely move elements around, and stitch together
492-- new AST fragments out of old ones, and have them still printed out
493-- in a precise way.
494data EpAnn ann
495  = EpAnn { entry   :: Anchor
496           -- ^ Base location for the start of the syntactic element
497           -- holding the annotations.
498           , anns     :: ann -- ^ Annotations added by the Parser
499           , comments :: EpAnnComments
500              -- ^ Comments enclosed in the SrcSpan of the element
501              -- this `EpAnn` is attached to
502           }
503  | EpAnnNotUsed -- ^ No Annotation for generated code,
504                  -- e.g. from TH, deriving, etc.
505        deriving (Data, Eq, Functor)
507-- | An 'Anchor' records the base location for the start of the
508-- syntactic element holding the annotations, and is used as the point
509-- of reference for calculating delta positions for contained
510-- annotations.
511-- It is also normally used as the reference point for the spacing of
512-- the element relative to its container. If it is moved, that
513-- relationship is tracked in the 'anchor_op' instead.
515data Anchor = Anchor        { anchor :: RealSrcSpan
516                                 -- ^ Base location for the start of
517                                 -- the syntactic element holding
518                                 -- the annotations.
519                            , anchor_op :: AnchorOperation }
520        deriving (Data, Eq, Show)
522-- | If tools modify the parsed source, the 'MovedAnchor' variant can
523-- directly provide the spacing for this item relative to the previous
524-- one when printing. This allows AST fragments with a particular
525-- anchor to be freely moved, without worrying about recalculating the
526-- appropriate anchor span.
527data AnchorOperation = UnchangedAnchor
528                     | MovedAnchor DeltaPos
529        deriving (Data, Eq, Show)
532spanAsAnchor :: SrcSpan -> Anchor
533spanAsAnchor s  = Anchor (realSrcSpan s) UnchangedAnchor
535realSpanAsAnchor :: RealSrcSpan -> Anchor
536realSpanAsAnchor s  = Anchor s UnchangedAnchor
538-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
540-- | When we are parsing we add comments that belong a particular AST
541-- element, and print them together with the element, interleaving
542-- them into the output stream.  But when editing the AST to move
543-- fragments around it is useful to be able to first separate the
544-- comments into those occuring before the AST element and those
545-- following it.  The 'EpaCommentsBalanced' constructor is used to do
546-- this. The GHC parser will only insert the 'EpaComments' form.
547data EpAnnComments = EpaComments
548                        { priorComments :: ![LEpaComment] }
549                    | EpaCommentsBalanced
550                        { priorComments :: ![LEpaComment]
551                        , followingComments :: ![LEpaComment] }
552        deriving (Data, Eq)
554type LEpaComment = GenLocated Anchor EpaComment
556emptyComments :: EpAnnComments
557emptyComments = EpaComments []
559-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
560-- Annotations attached to a 'SrcSpan'.
561-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
563-- | The 'SrcSpanAnn\'' type wraps a normal 'SrcSpan', together with
564-- an extra annotation type. This is mapped to a specific `GenLocated`
565-- usage in the AST through the `XRec` and `Anno` type families.
566data SrcSpanAnn' a = SrcSpanAnn { ann :: a, locA :: SrcSpan }
567        deriving (Data, Eq)
568-- See Note [XRec and Anno in the AST]
570-- | We mostly use 'SrcSpanAnn\'' with an 'EpAnn\''
571type SrcAnn ann = SrcSpanAnn' (EpAnn ann)
573type LocatedA = GenLocated SrcSpanAnnA
574type LocatedN = GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN
576type LocatedL = GenLocated SrcSpanAnnL
577type LocatedP = GenLocated SrcSpanAnnP
578type LocatedC = GenLocated SrcSpanAnnC
580type SrcSpanAnnA = SrcAnn AnnListItem
581type SrcSpanAnnN = SrcAnn NameAnn
583type SrcSpanAnnL = SrcAnn AnnList
584type SrcSpanAnnP = SrcAnn AnnPragma
585type SrcSpanAnnC = SrcAnn AnnContext
587-- | General representation of a 'GenLocated' type carrying a
588-- parameterised annotation type.
589type LocatedAn an = GenLocated (SrcAnn an)
592Note [XRec and Anno in the AST]
595The exact print annotations are captured directly inside the AST, using
596TTG extension points. However certain annotations need to be captured
597on the Located versions too.  While there is a general form for these,
598captured in the type SrcSpanAnn', there are also specific usages in
599different contexts.
601Some of the particular use cases are
6031) RdrNames, which can have additional items such as backticks or parens
6052) Items which occur in lists, and the annotation relates purely
606to its usage inside a list.
608See the section above this note for the rest.
610The Anno type family maps the specific SrcSpanAnn' variant for a given
615  type instance XRec (GhcPass p) a = GenLocated (Anno a) a
616  type instance Anno RdrName = SrcSpanAnnN
617  type LocatedN = GenLocated SrcSpanAnnN
619meaning we can have type LocatedN RdrName
623-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
624-- Annotations for items in a list
625-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
627-- | Captures the location of punctuation occuring between items,
628-- normally in a list.  It is captured as a trailing annotation.
629data TrailingAnn
630  = AddSemiAnn EpaLocation    -- ^ Trailing ';'
631  | AddCommaAnn EpaLocation   -- ^ Trailing ','
632  | AddVbarAnn EpaLocation    -- ^ Trailing '|'
633  | AddRarrowAnn EpaLocation  -- ^ Trailing '->'
634  | AddRarrowAnnU EpaLocation -- ^ Trailing '->', unicode variant
635  | AddLollyAnnU EpaLocation  -- ^ Trailing '⊸'
636  deriving (Data,Eq, Ord)
638instance Outputable TrailingAnn where
639  ppr (AddSemiAnn ss)    = text "AddSemiAnn"    <+> ppr ss
640  ppr (AddCommaAnn ss)   = text "AddCommaAnn"   <+> ppr ss
641  ppr (AddVbarAnn ss)    = text "AddVbarAnn"    <+> ppr ss
642  ppr (AddRarrowAnn ss)  = text "AddRarrowAnn"  <+> ppr ss
643  ppr (AddRarrowAnnU ss) = text "AddRarrowAnnU" <+> ppr ss
644  ppr (AddLollyAnnU ss)  = text "AddLollyAnnU"  <+> ppr ss
646-- | Annotation for items appearing in a list. They can have one or
647-- more trailing punctuations items, such as commas or semicolons.
648data AnnListItem
649  = AnnListItem {
650      lann_trailing  :: [TrailingAnn]
651      }
652  deriving (Data, Eq)
654-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
655-- Annotations for the context of a list of items
656-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
658-- | Annotation for the "container" of a list. This captures
659-- surrounding items such as braces if present, and introductory
660-- keywords such as 'where'.
661data AnnList
662  = AnnList {
663      al_anchor    :: Maybe Anchor, -- ^ start point of a list having layout
664      al_open      :: Maybe AddEpAnn,
665      al_close     :: Maybe AddEpAnn,
666      al_rest      :: [AddEpAnn], -- ^ context, such as 'where' keyword
667      al_trailing  :: [TrailingAnn] -- ^ items appearing after the
668                                    -- list, such as '=>' for a
669                                    -- context
670      } deriving (Data,Eq)
672-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
673-- Annotations for parenthesised elements, such as tuples, lists
674-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
676-- | exact print annotation for an item having surrounding "brackets", such as
677-- tuples or lists
678data AnnParen
679  = AnnParen {
680      ap_adornment :: ParenType,
681      ap_open      :: EpaLocation,
682      ap_close     :: EpaLocation
683      } deriving (Data)
685-- | Detail of the "brackets" used in an 'AnnParen' exact print annotation.
686data ParenType
687  = AnnParens       -- ^ '(', ')'
688  | AnnParensHash   -- ^ '(#', '#)'
689  | AnnParensSquare -- ^ '[', ']'
690  deriving (Eq, Ord, Data)
692-- | Maps the 'ParenType' to the related opening and closing
693-- AnnKeywordId. Used when actually printing the item.
694parenTypeKws :: ParenType -> (AnnKeywordId, AnnKeywordId)
695parenTypeKws AnnParens       = (AnnOpenP, AnnCloseP)
696parenTypeKws AnnParensHash   = (AnnOpenPH, AnnClosePH)
697parenTypeKws AnnParensSquare = (AnnOpenS, AnnCloseS)
699-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
701-- | Exact print annotation for the 'Context' data type.
702data AnnContext
703  = AnnContext {
704      ac_darrow    :: Maybe (IsUnicodeSyntax, EpaLocation),
705                      -- ^ location and encoding of the '=>', if present.
706      ac_open      :: [EpaLocation], -- ^ zero or more opening parentheses.
707      ac_close     :: [EpaLocation]  -- ^ zero or more closing parentheses.
708      } deriving (Data)
711-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
712-- Annotations for names
713-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
715-- | exact print annotations for a 'RdrName'.  There are many kinds of
716-- adornment that can be attached to a given 'RdrName'. This type
717-- captures them, as detailed on the individual constructors.
718data NameAnn
719  -- | Used for a name with an adornment, so '`foo`', '(bar)'
720  = NameAnn {
721      nann_adornment :: NameAdornment,
722      nann_open      :: EpaLocation,
723      nann_name      :: EpaLocation,
724      nann_close     :: EpaLocation,
725      nann_trailing  :: [TrailingAnn]
726      }
727  -- | Used for @(,,,)@, or @(#,,,#)#
728  | NameAnnCommas {
729      nann_adornment :: NameAdornment,
730      nann_open      :: EpaLocation,
731      nann_commas    :: [EpaLocation],
732      nann_close     :: EpaLocation,
733      nann_trailing  :: [TrailingAnn]
734      }
735  -- | Used for @()@, @(##)@, @[]@
736  | NameAnnOnly {
737      nann_adornment :: NameAdornment,
738      nann_open      :: EpaLocation,
739      nann_close     :: EpaLocation,
740      nann_trailing  :: [TrailingAnn]
741      }
742  -- | Used for @->@, as an identifier
743  | NameAnnRArrow {
744      nann_name      :: EpaLocation,
745      nann_trailing  :: [TrailingAnn]
746      }
747  -- | Used for an item with a leading @'@. The annotation for
748  -- unquoted item is stored in 'nann_quoted'.
749  | NameAnnQuote {
750      nann_quote     :: EpaLocation,
751      nann_quoted    :: SrcSpanAnnN,
752      nann_trailing  :: [TrailingAnn]
753      }
754  -- | Used when adding a 'TrailingAnn' to an existing 'LocatedN'
755  -- which has no Api Annotation (via the 'EpAnnNotUsed' constructor.
756  | NameAnnTrailing {
757      nann_trailing  :: [TrailingAnn]
758      }
759  deriving (Data, Eq)
761-- | A 'NameAnn' can capture the locations of surrounding adornments,
762-- such as parens or backquotes. This data type identifies what
763-- particular pair are being used.
764data NameAdornment
765  = NameParens -- ^ '(' ')'
766  | NameParensHash -- ^ '(#' '#)'
767  | NameBackquotes -- ^ '`'
768  | NameSquare -- ^ '[' ']'
769  deriving (Eq, Ord, Data)
771-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
773-- | exact print annotation used for capturing the locations of
774-- annotations in pragmas.
775data AnnPragma
776  = AnnPragma {
777      apr_open      :: AddEpAnn,
778      apr_close     :: AddEpAnn,
779      apr_rest      :: [AddEpAnn]
780      } deriving (Data,Eq)
782-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
783-- | Captures the sort order of sub elements. This is needed when the
784-- sub-elements have been split (as in a HsLocalBind which holds separate
785-- binds and sigs) or for infix patterns where the order has been
786-- re-arranged. It is captured explicitly so that after the Delta phase a
787-- SrcSpan is used purely as an index into the annotations, allowing
788-- transformations of the AST including the introduction of new Located
789-- items or re-arranging existing ones.
790data AnnSortKey
791  = NoAnnSortKey
792  | AnnSortKey [RealSrcSpan]
793  deriving (Data, Eq)
795-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
798-- | Helper function used in the parser to add a 'TrailingAnn' items
799-- to an existing annotation.
800addTrailingAnnToL :: SrcSpan -> TrailingAnn -> EpAnnComments
801                  -> EpAnn AnnList -> EpAnn AnnList
802addTrailingAnnToL s t cs EpAnnNotUsed
803  = EpAnn (spanAsAnchor s) (AnnList (Just $ spanAsAnchor s) Nothing Nothing [] [t]) cs
804addTrailingAnnToL _ t cs n = n { anns = addTrailing (anns n)
805                               , comments = comments n <> cs }
806  where
807    -- See Note [list append in addTrailing*]
808    addTrailing n = n { al_trailing = al_trailing n ++ [t]}
810-- | Helper function used in the parser to add a 'TrailingAnn' items
811-- to an existing annotation.
812addTrailingAnnToA :: SrcSpan -> TrailingAnn -> EpAnnComments
813                  -> EpAnn AnnListItem -> EpAnn AnnListItem
814addTrailingAnnToA s t cs EpAnnNotUsed
815  = EpAnn (spanAsAnchor s) (AnnListItem [t]) cs
816addTrailingAnnToA _ t cs n = n { anns = addTrailing (anns n)
817                               , comments = comments n <> cs }
818  where
819    -- See Note [list append in addTrailing*]
820    addTrailing n = n { lann_trailing = lann_trailing n ++ [t] }
822-- | Helper function used in the parser to add a comma location to an
823-- existing annotation.
824addTrailingCommaToN :: SrcSpan -> EpAnn NameAnn -> EpaLocation -> EpAnn NameAnn
825addTrailingCommaToN s EpAnnNotUsed l
826  = EpAnn (spanAsAnchor s) (NameAnnTrailing [AddCommaAnn l]) emptyComments
827addTrailingCommaToN _ n l = n { anns = addTrailing (anns n) l }
828  where
829    -- See Note [list append in addTrailing*]
830    addTrailing :: NameAnn -> EpaLocation -> NameAnn
831    addTrailing n l = n { nann_trailing = nann_trailing n ++ [AddCommaAnn l]}
834Note [list append in addTrailing*]
836The addTrailingAnnToL, addTrailingAnnToA and addTrailingCommaToN
837functions are used to add a separator for an item when it occurs in a
838list.  So they are used to capture a comma, vbar, semicolon and similar.
840In general, a given element will have zero or one of these.  In
841extreme (test) cases, there may be multiple semicolons.
843In exact printing we sometimes convert the EpaLocation variant for an
844trailing annotation to the EpaDelta variant, which cannot be sorted.
846Hence it is critical that these annotations are captured in the order
847they appear in the original source file.
849And so we use the less efficient list append to preserve the order,
850knowing that in most cases the original list is empty.
853-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
855-- |Helper function (temporary) during transition of names
856--  Discards any annotations
857l2n :: LocatedAn a1 a2 -> LocatedN a2
858l2n (L la a) = L (noAnnSrcSpan (locA la)) a
860n2l :: LocatedN a -> LocatedA a
861n2l (L la a) = L (na2la la) a
863-- |Helper function (temporary) during transition of names
864--  Discards any annotations
865la2na :: SrcSpanAnn' a -> SrcSpanAnnN
866la2na l = noAnnSrcSpan (locA l)
868-- |Helper function (temporary) during transition of names
869--  Discards any annotations
870la2la :: LocatedAn ann1 a2 -> LocatedAn ann2 a2
871la2la (L la a) = L (noAnnSrcSpan (locA la)) a
873l2l :: SrcSpanAnn' a -> SrcAnn ann
874l2l l = noAnnSrcSpan (locA l)
876-- |Helper function (temporary) during transition of names
877--  Discards any annotations
878na2la :: SrcSpanAnn' a -> SrcAnn ann
879na2la l = noAnnSrcSpan (locA l)
881reLoc :: LocatedAn a e -> Located e
882reLoc (L (SrcSpanAnn _ l) a) = L l a
884reLocA :: Located e -> LocatedAn ann e
885reLocA (L l a) = (L (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed l) a)
887reLocL :: LocatedN e -> LocatedA e
888reLocL (L l a) = (L (na2la l) a)
890reLocC :: LocatedN e -> LocatedC e
891reLocC (L l a) = (L (na2la l) a)
893reLocN :: LocatedN a -> Located a
894reLocN (L (SrcSpanAnn _ l) a) = L l a
896-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
898realSrcSpan :: SrcSpan -> RealSrcSpan
899realSrcSpan (RealSrcSpan s _) = s
900realSrcSpan _ = mkRealSrcSpan l l -- AZ temporary
901  where
902    l = mkRealSrcLoc (fsLit "foo") (-1) (-1)
904la2r :: SrcSpanAnn' a -> RealSrcSpan
905la2r l = realSrcSpan (locA l)
907extraToAnnList :: AnnList -> [AddEpAnn] -> AnnList
908extraToAnnList (AnnList a o c e t) as = AnnList a o c (e++as) t
910reAnn :: [TrailingAnn] -> EpAnnComments -> Located a -> LocatedA a
911reAnn anns cs (L l a) = L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) (AnnListItem anns) cs) l) a
913reAnnC :: AnnContext -> EpAnnComments -> Located a -> LocatedC a
914reAnnC anns cs (L l a) = L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) anns cs) l) a
916reAnnL :: ann -> EpAnnComments -> Located e -> GenLocated (SrcAnn ann) e
917reAnnL anns cs (L l a) = L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) anns cs) l) a
919getLocAnn :: Located a  -> SrcSpanAnnA
920getLocAnn (L l _) = SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed l
923getLocA :: GenLocated (SrcSpanAnn' a) e -> SrcSpan
924getLocA (L (SrcSpanAnn _ l) _) = l
926noLocA :: a -> LocatedAn an a
927noLocA = L (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed noSrcSpan)
929noAnnSrcSpan :: SrcSpan -> SrcAnn ann
930noAnnSrcSpan l = SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed l
932noSrcSpanA :: SrcAnn ann
933noSrcSpanA = noAnnSrcSpan noSrcSpan
935-- | Short form for 'EpAnnNotUsed'
936noAnn :: EpAnn a
937noAnn = EpAnnNotUsed
940addAnns :: EpAnn [AddEpAnn] -> [AddEpAnn] -> EpAnnComments -> EpAnn [AddEpAnn]
941addAnns (EpAnn l as1 cs) as2 cs2
942  = EpAnn (widenAnchor l (as1 ++ as2)) (as1 ++ as2) (cs <> cs2)
943addAnns EpAnnNotUsed [] (EpaComments []) = EpAnnNotUsed
944addAnns EpAnnNotUsed [] (EpaCommentsBalanced [] []) = EpAnnNotUsed
945addAnns EpAnnNotUsed as cs = EpAnn (Anchor placeholderRealSpan UnchangedAnchor) as cs
947-- AZ:TODO use widenSpan here too
948addAnnsA :: SrcSpanAnnA -> [TrailingAnn] -> EpAnnComments -> SrcSpanAnnA
949addAnnsA (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn l as1 cs) loc) as2 cs2
950  = SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn l (AnnListItem (lann_trailing as1 ++ as2)) (cs <> cs2)) loc
951addAnnsA (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed loc) [] (EpaComments [])
952  = SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed loc
953addAnnsA (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed loc) [] (EpaCommentsBalanced [] [])
954  = SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed loc
955addAnnsA (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed loc) as cs
956  = SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor loc) (AnnListItem as) cs) loc
958-- | The annotations need to all come after the anchor.  Make sure
959-- this is the case.
960widenSpan :: SrcSpan -> [AddEpAnn] -> SrcSpan
961widenSpan s as = foldl combineSrcSpans s (go as)
962  where
963    go [] = []
964    go (AddEpAnn _ (EpaSpan s):rest) = RealSrcSpan s Nothing : go rest
965    go (AddEpAnn _ (EpaDelta _ _):rest) = go rest
967-- | The annotations need to all come after the anchor.  Make sure
968-- this is the case.
969widenRealSpan :: RealSrcSpan -> [AddEpAnn] -> RealSrcSpan
970widenRealSpan s as = foldl combineRealSrcSpans s (go as)
971  where
972    go [] = []
973    go (AddEpAnn _ (EpaSpan s):rest) = s : go rest
974    go (AddEpAnn _ (EpaDelta _ _):rest) =     go rest
976widenAnchor :: Anchor -> [AddEpAnn] -> Anchor
977widenAnchor (Anchor s op) as = Anchor (widenRealSpan s as) op
979widenAnchorR :: Anchor -> RealSrcSpan -> Anchor
980widenAnchorR (Anchor s op) r = Anchor (combineRealSrcSpans s r) op
982widenLocatedAn :: SrcSpanAnn' an -> [AddEpAnn] -> SrcSpanAnn' an
983widenLocatedAn (SrcSpanAnn a l) as = SrcSpanAnn a (widenSpan l as)
985epAnnAnnsL :: EpAnn a -> [a]
986epAnnAnnsL EpAnnNotUsed = []
987epAnnAnnsL (EpAnn _ anns _) = [anns]
989epAnnAnns :: EpAnn [AddEpAnn] -> [AddEpAnn]
990epAnnAnns EpAnnNotUsed = []
991epAnnAnns (EpAnn _ anns _) = anns
993annParen2AddEpAnn :: EpAnn AnnParen -> [AddEpAnn]
994annParen2AddEpAnn EpAnnNotUsed = []
995annParen2AddEpAnn (EpAnn _ (AnnParen pt o c) _)
996  = [AddEpAnn ai o, AddEpAnn ac c]
997  where
998    (ai,ac) = parenTypeKws pt
1000epAnnComments :: EpAnn an -> EpAnnComments
1001epAnnComments EpAnnNotUsed = EpaComments []
1002epAnnComments (EpAnn _ _ cs) = cs
1004-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1005-- sortLocatedA :: [LocatedA a] -> [LocatedA a]
1006sortLocatedA :: [GenLocated (SrcSpanAnn' a) e] -> [GenLocated (SrcSpanAnn' a) e]
1007sortLocatedA = sortBy (leftmost_smallest `on` getLocA)
1009mapLocA :: (a -> b) -> GenLocated SrcSpan a -> GenLocated (SrcAnn ann) b
1010mapLocA f (L l a) = L (noAnnSrcSpan l) (f a)
1012-- AZ:TODO: move this somewhere sane
1014combineLocsA :: Semigroup a => GenLocated (SrcAnn a) e1 -> GenLocated (SrcAnn a) e2 -> SrcAnn a
1015combineLocsA (L a _) (L b _) = combineSrcSpansA a b
1017combineSrcSpansA :: Semigroup a => SrcAnn a -> SrcAnn a -> SrcAnn a
1018combineSrcSpansA (SrcSpanAnn aa la) (SrcSpanAnn ab lb)
1019  = case SrcSpanAnn (aa <> ab) (combineSrcSpans la lb) of
1020      SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed l -> SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed l
1021      SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn anc an cs) l ->
1022        SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (widenAnchorR anc (realSrcSpan l)) an cs) l
1024-- | Combine locations from two 'Located' things and add them to a third thing
1025addCLocA :: GenLocated (SrcSpanAnn' a) e1 -> GenLocated SrcSpan e2 -> e3 -> GenLocated (SrcAnn ann) e3
1026addCLocA a b c = L (noAnnSrcSpan $ combineSrcSpans (locA $ getLoc a) (getLoc b)) c
1028addCLocAA :: GenLocated (SrcSpanAnn' a1) e1 -> GenLocated (SrcSpanAnn' a2) e2 -> e3 -> GenLocated (SrcAnn ann) e3
1029addCLocAA a b c = L (noAnnSrcSpan $ combineSrcSpans (locA $ getLoc a) (locA $ getLoc b)) c
1031-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1032-- Utilities for manipulating EpAnnComments
1033-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1035getFollowingComments :: EpAnnComments -> [LEpaComment]
1036getFollowingComments (EpaComments _) = []
1037getFollowingComments (EpaCommentsBalanced _ cs) = cs
1039setFollowingComments :: EpAnnComments -> [LEpaComment] -> EpAnnComments
1040setFollowingComments (EpaComments ls) cs           = EpaCommentsBalanced ls cs
1041setFollowingComments (EpaCommentsBalanced ls _) cs = EpaCommentsBalanced ls cs
1043setPriorComments :: EpAnnComments -> [LEpaComment] -> EpAnnComments
1044setPriorComments (EpaComments _) cs            = EpaComments cs
1045setPriorComments (EpaCommentsBalanced _ ts) cs = EpaCommentsBalanced cs ts
1047-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1048-- Comment-only annotations
1049-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1051-- TODO:AZ I think EpAnnCO is not needed
1052type EpAnnCO = EpAnn NoEpAnns -- ^ Api Annotations for comments only
1054data NoEpAnns = NoEpAnns
1055  deriving (Data,Eq,Ord)
1057noComments ::EpAnnCO
1058noComments = EpAnn (Anchor placeholderRealSpan UnchangedAnchor) NoEpAnns emptyComments
1060-- TODO:AZ get rid of this
1061placeholderRealSpan :: RealSrcSpan
1062placeholderRealSpan = realSrcLocSpan (mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString "placeholder") (-1) (-1))
1064comment :: RealSrcSpan -> EpAnnComments -> EpAnnCO
1065comment loc cs = EpAnn (Anchor loc UnchangedAnchor) NoEpAnns cs
1067-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1068-- Utilities for managing comments in an `EpAnn a` structure.
1069-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1071-- | Add additional comments to a 'SrcAnn', used for manipulating the
1072-- AST prior to exact printing the changed one.
1073addCommentsToSrcAnn :: (Monoid ann) => SrcAnn ann -> EpAnnComments -> SrcAnn ann
1074addCommentsToSrcAnn (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed loc) cs
1075  = SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor (realSrcSpan loc) UnchangedAnchor) mempty cs) loc
1076addCommentsToSrcAnn (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn a an cs) loc) cs'
1077  = SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn a an (cs <> cs')) loc
1079-- | Replace any existing comments on a 'SrcAnn', used for manipulating the
1080-- AST prior to exact printing the changed one.
1081setCommentsSrcAnn :: (Monoid ann) => SrcAnn ann -> EpAnnComments -> SrcAnn ann
1082setCommentsSrcAnn (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed loc) cs
1083  = SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor (realSrcSpan loc) UnchangedAnchor) mempty cs) loc
1084setCommentsSrcAnn (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn a an _) loc) cs
1085  = SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn a an cs) loc
1087-- | Add additional comments, used for manipulating the
1088-- AST prior to exact printing the changed one.
1089addCommentsToEpAnn :: (Monoid a)
1090  => SrcSpan -> EpAnn a -> EpAnnComments -> EpAnn a
1091addCommentsToEpAnn loc EpAnnNotUsed cs
1092  = EpAnn (Anchor (realSrcSpan loc) UnchangedAnchor) mempty cs
1093addCommentsToEpAnn _ (EpAnn a an ocs) ncs = EpAnn a an (ocs <> ncs)
1095-- | Replace any existing comments, used for manipulating the
1096-- AST prior to exact printing the changed one.
1097setCommentsEpAnn :: (Monoid a)
1098  => SrcSpan -> EpAnn a -> EpAnnComments -> EpAnn a
1099setCommentsEpAnn loc EpAnnNotUsed cs
1100  = EpAnn (Anchor (realSrcSpan loc) UnchangedAnchor) mempty cs
1101setCommentsEpAnn _ (EpAnn a an _) cs = EpAnn a an cs
1103-- | Transfer comments and trailing items from the annotations in the
1104-- first 'SrcSpanAnnA' argument to those in the second.
1105transferAnnsA :: SrcSpanAnnA -> SrcSpanAnnA -> (SrcSpanAnnA,  SrcSpanAnnA)
1106transferAnnsA from@(SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed _) to = (from, to)
1107transferAnnsA (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn a an cs) l) to
1108  = ((SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn a mempty emptyComments) l), to')
1109  where
1110    to' = case to of
1111      (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed loc)
1112        ->  SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor (realSrcSpan loc) UnchangedAnchor) an cs) loc
1113      (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn a an' cs') loc)
1114        -> SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn a (an' <> an) (cs' <> cs)) loc
1116-- | Remove the exact print annotations payload, leaving only the
1117-- anchor and comments.
1118commentsOnlyA :: Monoid ann => SrcAnn ann -> SrcAnn ann
1119commentsOnlyA (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed loc) = SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed loc
1120commentsOnlyA (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn a _ cs) loc) = (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn a mempty cs) loc)
1122-- | Remove the comments, leaving the exact print annotations payload
1123removeCommentsA :: SrcAnn ann -> SrcAnn ann
1124removeCommentsA (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed loc) = SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed loc
1125removeCommentsA (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn a an _) loc)
1126  = (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn a an emptyComments) loc)
1128-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1129-- Semigroup instances, to allow easy combination of annotaion elements
1130-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1132instance (Semigroup an) => Semigroup (SrcSpanAnn' an) where
1133  (SrcSpanAnn a1 l1) <> (SrcSpanAnn a2 l2) = SrcSpanAnn (a1 <> a2) (combineSrcSpans l1 l2)
1134   -- The critical part about the location is its left edge, and all
1135   -- annotations must follow it. So we combine them which yields the
1136   -- largest span
1138instance (Semigroup a) => Semigroup (EpAnn a) where
1139  EpAnnNotUsed <> x = x
1140  x <> EpAnnNotUsed = x
1141  (EpAnn l1 a1 b1) <> (EpAnn l2 a2 b2) = EpAnn (l1 <> l2) (a1 <> a2) (b1 <> b2)
1142   -- The critical part about the anchor is its left edge, and all
1143   -- annotations must follow it. So we combine them which yields the
1144   -- largest span
1146instance Ord Anchor where
1147  compare (Anchor s1 _) (Anchor s2 _) = compare s1 s2
1149instance Semigroup Anchor where
1150  Anchor r1 o1 <> Anchor r2 _ = Anchor (combineRealSrcSpans r1 r2) o1
1152instance Semigroup EpAnnComments where
1153  EpaComments cs1 <> EpaComments cs2 = EpaComments (cs1 ++ cs2)
1154  EpaComments cs1 <> EpaCommentsBalanced cs2 as2 = EpaCommentsBalanced (cs1 ++ cs2) as2
1155  EpaCommentsBalanced cs1 as1 <> EpaComments cs2 = EpaCommentsBalanced (cs1 ++ cs2) as1
1156  EpaCommentsBalanced cs1 as1 <> EpaCommentsBalanced cs2 as2 = EpaCommentsBalanced (cs1 ++ cs2) (as1++as2)
1159instance (Monoid a) => Monoid (EpAnn a) where
1160  mempty = EpAnnNotUsed
1162instance Semigroup AnnListItem where
1163  (AnnListItem l1) <> (AnnListItem l2) = AnnListItem (l1 <> l2)
1165instance Monoid AnnListItem where
1166  mempty = AnnListItem []
1169instance Semigroup AnnList where
1170  (AnnList a1 o1 c1 r1 t1) <> (AnnList a2 o2 c2 r2 t2)
1171    = AnnList (a1 <> a2) (c o1 o2) (c c1 c2) (r1 <> r2) (t1 <> t2)
1172    where
1173      -- Left biased combination for the open and close annotations
1174      c Nothing x = x
1175      c x Nothing = x
1176      c f _       = f
1178instance Monoid AnnList where
1179  mempty = AnnList Nothing Nothing Nothing [] []
1181instance Semigroup NameAnn where
1182  _ <> _ = panic "semigroup nameann"
1184instance Monoid NameAnn where
1185  mempty = NameAnnTrailing []
1188instance Semigroup AnnSortKey where
1189  NoAnnSortKey <> x = x
1190  x <> NoAnnSortKey = x
1191  AnnSortKey ls1 <> AnnSortKey ls2 = AnnSortKey (ls1 <> ls2)
1193instance Monoid AnnSortKey where
1194  mempty = NoAnnSortKey
1196instance (Outputable a) => Outputable (EpAnn a) where
1197  ppr (EpAnn l a c)  = text "EpAnn" <+> ppr l <+> ppr a <+> ppr c
1198  ppr EpAnnNotUsed = text "EpAnnNotUsed"
1200instance Outputable Anchor where
1201  ppr (Anchor a o)        = text "Anchor" <+> ppr a <+> ppr o
1203instance Outputable AnchorOperation where
1204  ppr UnchangedAnchor   = text "UnchangedAnchor"
1205  ppr (MovedAnchor d)   = text "MovedAnchor" <+> ppr d
1207instance Outputable DeltaPos where
1208  ppr (SameLine c) = text "SameLine" <+> ppr c
1209  ppr (DifferentLine l c) = text "DifferentLine" <+> ppr l <+> ppr c
1211instance Outputable (GenLocated Anchor EpaComment) where
1212  ppr (L l c) = text "L" <+> ppr l <+> ppr c
1214instance Outputable EpAnnComments where
1215  ppr (EpaComments cs) = text "EpaComments" <+> ppr cs
1216  ppr (EpaCommentsBalanced cs ts) = text "EpaCommentsBalanced" <+> ppr cs <+> ppr ts
1218instance (NamedThing (Located a)) => NamedThing (LocatedAn an a) where
1219  getName (L l a) = getName (L (locA l) a)
1221instance Outputable AnnContext where
1222  ppr (AnnContext a o c) = text "AnnContext" <+> ppr a <+> ppr o <+> ppr c
1224instance Outputable AnnSortKey where
1225  ppr NoAnnSortKey    = text "NoAnnSortKey"
1226  ppr (AnnSortKey ls) = text "AnnSortKey" <+> ppr ls
1228instance Outputable IsUnicodeSyntax where
1229  ppr = text . show
1231instance Binary a => Binary (LocatedL a) where
1232  -- We do not serialise the annotations
1233    put_ bh (L l x) = do
1234            put_ bh (locA l)
1235            put_ bh x
1237    get bh = do
1238            l <- get bh
1239            x <- get bh
1240            return (L (noAnnSrcSpan l) x)
1242instance (Outputable a) => Outputable (SrcSpanAnn' a) where
1243  ppr (SrcSpanAnn a l) = text "SrcSpanAnn" <+> ppr a <+> ppr l
1245instance (Outputable a, Outputable e)
1246     => Outputable (GenLocated (SrcSpanAnn' a) e) where
1247  ppr = pprLocated
1249instance Outputable AnnListItem where
1250  ppr (AnnListItem ts) = text "AnnListItem" <+> ppr ts
1252instance Outputable NameAdornment where
1253  ppr NameParens     = text "NameParens"
1254  ppr NameParensHash = text "NameParensHash"
1255  ppr NameBackquotes = text "NameBackquotes"
1256  ppr NameSquare     = text "NameSquare"
1258instance Outputable NameAnn where
1259  ppr (NameAnn a o n c t)
1260    = text "NameAnn" <+> ppr a <+> ppr o <+> ppr n <+> ppr c <+> ppr t
1261  ppr (NameAnnCommas a o n c t)
1262    = text "NameAnnCommas" <+> ppr a <+> ppr o <+> ppr n <+> ppr c <+> ppr t
1263  ppr (NameAnnOnly a o c t)
1264    = text "NameAnnOnly" <+> ppr a <+> ppr o <+> ppr c <+> ppr t
1265  ppr (NameAnnRArrow n t)
1266    = text "NameAnnRArrow" <+> ppr n <+> ppr t
1267  ppr (NameAnnQuote q n t)
1268    = text "NameAnnQuote" <+> ppr q <+> ppr n <+> ppr t
1269  ppr (NameAnnTrailing t)
1270    = text "NameAnnTrailing" <+> ppr t
1272instance Outputable AnnList where
1273  ppr (AnnList a o c r t)
1274    = text "AnnList" <+> ppr a <+> ppr o <+> ppr c <+> ppr r <+> ppr t
1276instance Outputable AnnPragma where
1277  ppr (AnnPragma o c r) = text "AnnPragma" <+> ppr o <+> ppr c <+> ppr r