1 /* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (C) 2013, Openismus GmbH
4  *
5  * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6  * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation.
8  *
9  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
10  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
11  * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
12  * for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
15  * along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16  *
17  * Authors: Tristan Van Berkom <tristanvb@openismus.com>
18  */
20 #ifndef DATA_TEST_UTILS_H
21 #define DATA_TEST_UTILS_H
23 #include <libedata-book/libedata-book.h>
27 /* This legend shows the add order, and various sort order of the sorted
28  * vcards. The UIDs of these contacts are formed as 'sorted-1', 'sorted-2' etc
29  * and the numbering of the contacts is according to the 'N' column in the
30  * following legend.
31  *
32  * The Email column indicates whether the contact has a .com email address
33  * (in order to test filtered cursor results) and corresponds to the natural
34  * order in the 'N' column.
35  *
36  * +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
37  * | N   | Email | Last Name   | en_US_POSIX    | en_US / de_DE  | fr_CA          | de_DE          |
38  * |     |       |             |                |                |                | (phonebook)    |
39  * +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
40  * | 1   | Yes   | bad         |             11 |             11 |             11 |             11 |
41  * | 2   | Yes   | Bad         | Bad         2  | bad         1  | bad         1  | bad         1  |
42  * | 3   | Yes   | Bat         | Bäd         6  | Bad         2  | Bad         2  | Bad         2  |
43  * | 4   | No    | bat         | Bat         3  | bäd         5  | bäd         5  | bäd         5  |
44  * | 5   | Yes   | bäd         | Bät         8  | Bäd         6  | Bäd         6  | Bäd         6  |
45  * | 6   | No    | Bäd         | bad         1  | bat         4  | bat         4  | bät         7  |
46  * | 7   | No    | bät         | bäd         5  | Bat         3  | Bat         3  | Bät         8  |
47  * | 8   | Yes   | Bät         | bat         4  | bät         7  | bät         7  | bat         4  |
48  * | 9   | Yes   | côté        | bät         7  | Bät         8  | Bät         8  | Bat         3  |
49  * | 10  | Yes   | C           | black-bird  15 | black-bird  15 | black-bird  15 | black-bird  15 |
50  * | 11  | Yes   |             | black-birds 17 | black-birds 17 | black-birds 17 | black-birds 17 |
51  * | 12  | Yes   | coté        | blackbird   16 | blackbird   16 | blackbird   16 | blackbird   16 |
52  * | 13  | No    | côte        | blackbirds  18 | blackbirds  18 | blackbirds  18 | blackbirds  18 |
53  * | 14  | Yes   | cote        | C           10 | C           10 | C           10 | C           10 |
54  * | 15  | No    | black-bird  | cote        14 | cote        14 | cote        14 | cote        14 |
55  * | 16  | Yes   | blackbird   | coté        12 | coté        12 | côte        13 | coté        12 |
56  * | 17  | Yes   | black-birds | côte        13 | côte        13 | coté        12 | côte        13 |
57  * | 18  | Yes   | blackbirds  | côté        9  | côté        9  | côté        9  | côté        9  |
58  * | 19  | No    | Muffler     | Muffler     19 | Muffler     19 | Muffler     19 | Müller      20 |
59  * | 20  | No    | Müller      | Müller      20 | Müller      20 | Müller      20 | Muffler     19 |
60  * +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
61  *
62  * See this ICU demo to check additional sort ordering by ICU in various locales:
63  *     http://demo.icu-project.org/icu-bin/locexp?_=en_US&d_=en&x=col
64  */
66 void	data_test_utils_read_args	(gint argc,
67 					 gchar **argv);
69 /* 13 contacts in the test data have an email address ending with ".com" */
70 #define N_FILTERED_CONTACTS  13
71 #define N_SORTED_CONTACTS    20
73 typedef ESourceBackendSummarySetup * (* EbSqlSetupSummary) (void);
75 typedef struct {
76 	EBookSqlite *ebsql;
78 	GHashTable  *contacts;
79 	gint         n_add_changes;
80 	gint         n_locale_changes;
81 } EbSqlFixture;
83 typedef struct {
84 	gboolean           without_vcards;
85 	EbSqlSetupSummary  setup_summary;
86 } EbSqlClosure;
88 typedef struct {
89 	EbSqlFixture     parent_fixture;
91 	EbSqlCursor     *cursor;
92 	EContact        *contacts[N_SORTED_CONTACTS];
93 	EBookQuery      *query;
95 	guint            own_id;
96 } EbSqlCursorFixture;
98 typedef struct {
99 	EbSqlClosure          parent;
101 	const gchar          *locale;
102 	EBookCursorSortType   sort_type;
103 } EbSqlCursorClosure;
105 typedef struct {
106 	/* A locale change */
107 	gchar *locale;
109 	/* count argument for move */
110 	gint count;
112 	/* An array of 'ABS (counts[i])' expected contacts */
113 	gint expected[N_SORTED_CONTACTS];
114 } StepAssertion;
116 typedef struct {
117 	EbSqlCursorClosure parent;
118 	gchar *path;
120 	GList *assertions;
122 	/* Whether this is a filtered test */
123 	gboolean filtered;
124 } StepData;
126 /* Base fixture */
127 void     e_sqlite_fixture_setup              (EbSqlFixture     *fixture,
128 					      gconstpointer     user_data);
129 void     e_sqlite_fixture_teardown           (EbSqlFixture *fixture,
130 					      gconstpointer     user_data);
131 ESourceBackendSummarySetup *setup_empty_book (void);
133 /* Cursor fixture */
134 void     e_sqlite_cursor_fixture_setup       (EbSqlCursorFixture *fixture,
135 					      gconstpointer       user_data);
136 void     e_sqlite_cursor_fixture_teardown    (EbSqlCursorFixture *fixture,
137 					      gconstpointer       user_data);
138 void     e_sqlite_cursor_fixture_set_locale  (EbSqlCursorFixture *fixture,
139 					      const gchar        *locale);
141 /* Filters contacts with E_CONTACT_EMAIL ending with '.com' */
142 void     e_sqlite_cursor_fixture_filtered_setup (EbSqlCursorFixture *fixture,
143 						 gconstpointer       user_data);
145 gchar    *new_vcard_from_test_case         (const gchar *case_name);
146 EContact *new_contact_from_test_case       (const gchar *case_name);
148 void      add_contact_from_test_case       (EbSqlFixture *fixture,
149 					    const gchar *case_name,
150 					    EContact **ret_contact);
151 void     assert_contacts_order_slist       (GSList      *results,
152 					    GSList      *uids);
153 void     assert_contacts_order             (GSList      *results,
154 					    const gchar *first_uid,
155 					    ...) G_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED;
157 void     print_results                     (GSList      *results);
159 /*  Step test helpers */
160 void      step_test_add_assertion          (StepData    *data,
161 					    gint         count,
162 					    ...);
163 void      step_test_change_locale          (StepData    *data,
164 					    const gchar *locale,
165 					    gint         expected_changes);
167 StepData *step_test_new                    (const gchar *test_prefix,
168 					    const gchar *test_path,
169 					    const gchar *locale,
170 					    gboolean     store_vcards,
171 					    gboolean     empty_book);
172 StepData *step_test_new_full               (const gchar         *test_prefix,
173 					    const gchar         *test_path,
174 					    const gchar         *locale,
175 					    gboolean             store_vcards,
176 					    gboolean             empty_book,
177 					    EBookCursorSortType  sort_type);
179 void      step_test_add                    (StepData    *data,
180 					    gboolean     filtered);
184 #endif /* DATA_TEST_UTILS_H */