1#  ___________________________________________________________________________
3#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
4#  Copyright 2017 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
5#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
6#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
7#  rights in this software.
8#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
9#  ___________________________________________________________________________
11from __future__ import division
13import inspect
14import logging
15from copy import deepcopy
16from collections import deque
18logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.core')
20from .symbol_map import SymbolMap
21from . import expr_common as common
22from .expr_errors import TemplateExpressionError
23from pyomo.common.deprecation import deprecation_warning
24from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import (
25    nonpyomo_leaf_types,
26    native_numeric_types,
27    value,)
30# NOTE: This module also has dependencies on numeric_expr; however, to
31# avoid circular dependencies, we will NOT import them here.  Instead,
32# until we can resolve the circular dependencies, they will be injected
33# into this module by the .current module (which must be imported
34# *after* numeric_expr, logocal_expr, and this module.
39# Visitor Logic
43class StreamBasedExpressionVisitor(object):
44    """This class implements a generic stream-based expression walker.
46    This visitor walks an expression tree using a depth-first strategy
47    and generates a full event stream similar to other tree visitors
48    (e.g., the expat XML parser).  The following events are triggered
49    through callback functions as the traversal enters and leaves nodes
50    in the tree:
52      initializeWalker(expr) -> walk, result
53      enterNode(N1) -> args, data
54      {for N2 in args:}
55        beforeChild(N1, N2) -> descend, child_result
56          enterNode(N2) -> N2_args, N2_data
57          [...]
58          exitNode(N2, n2_data) -> child_result
59        acceptChildResult(N1, data, child_result) -> data
60        afterChild(N1, N2) -> None
61      exitNode(N1, data) -> N1_result
62      finalizeWalker(result) -> result
64    Individual event callbacks match the following signatures:
66   walk, result = initializeWalker(self, expr):
68        initializeWalker() is called to set the walker up and perform
69        any preliminary processing on the root node.  The method returns
70        a flag indicating if the tree should be walked and a result.  If
71        `walk` is True, then result is ignored.  If `walk` is False,
72        then `result` is returned as the final result from the walker,
73        bypassing all other callbacks (including finalizeResult).
75   args, data = enterNode(self, node):
77        enterNode() is called when the walker first enters a node (from
78        above), and is passed the node being entered.  It is expected to
79        return a tuple of child `args` (as either a tuple or list) and a
80        user-specified data structure for collecting results.  If None
81        is returned for args, the node's args attribute is used for
82        expression types and the empty tuple for leaf nodes.  Returning
83        None is equivalent to returning (None,None).  If the callback is
84        not defined, the default behavior is equivalent to returning
85        (None, []).
87    node_result = exitNode(self, node, data):
89        exitNode() is called after the node is completely processed (as
90        the walker returns up the tree to the parent node).  It is
91        passed the node and the results data structure (defined by
92        enterNode() and possibly further modified by
93        acceptChildResult()), and is expected to return the "result" for
94        this node.  If not specified, the default action is to return
95        the data object from enterNode().
97    descend, child_result = beforeChild(self, node, child, child_idx):
99        beforeChild() is called by a node for every child before
100        entering the child node.  The node, child node, and child index
101        (position in the args list from enterNode()) are passed as
102        arguments.  beforeChild should return a tuple (descend,
103        child_result).  If descend is False, the child node will not be
104        entered and the value returned to child_result will be passed to
105        the node's acceptChildResult callback.  Returning None is
106        equivalent to (True, None).  The default behavior if not
107        specified is equivalent to (True, None).
109    data = acceptChildResult(self, node, data, child_result, child_idx):
111        acceptChildResult() is called for each child result being
112        returned to a node.  This callback is responsible for recording
113        the result for later processing or passing up the tree.  It is
114        passed the node, result data structure (see enterNode()), child
115        result, and the child index (position in args from enterNode()).
116        The data structure (possibly modified or replaced) must be
117        returned.  If acceptChildResult is not specified, it does
118        nothing if data is None, otherwise it calls data.append(result).
120    afterChild(self, node, child, child_idx):
122        afterChild() is called by a node for every child node
123        immediately after processing the node is complete before control
124        moves to the next child or up to the parent node.  The node,
125        child node, an child index (position in args from enterNode())
126        are passed, and nothing is returned.  If afterChild is not
127        specified, no action takes place.
129    finalizeResult(self, result):
131        finalizeResult() is called once after the entire expression tree
132        has been walked.  It is passed the result returned by the root
133        node exitNode() callback.  If finalizeResult is not specified,
134        the walker returns the result obtained from the exitNode
135        callback on the root node.
137    Clients interact with this class by either deriving from it and
138    implementing the necessary callbacks (see above), assigning callable
139    functions to an instance of this class, or passing the callback
140    functions as arguments to this class' constructor.
142    """
144    # The list of event methods that can either be implemented by
145    # derived classes or specified as callback functions to the class
146    # constructor:
147    client_methods = ('enterNode','exitNode','beforeChild','afterChild',
148                      'acceptChildResult','initializeWalker','finalizeResult')
149    def __init__(self, **kwds):
150        # This is slightly tricky: We want derived classes to be able to
151        # override the "None" defaults here, and for keyword arguments
152        # to override both.  The hasattr check prevents the "None"
153        # defaults from overriding attributes or methods defined on
154        # derived classes.
155        for field in self.client_methods:
156            if field in kwds:
157                setattr(self, field, kwds.pop(field))
158            elif not hasattr(self, field):
159                setattr(self, field, None)
160        if kwds:
161            raise RuntimeError("Unrecognized keyword arguments: %s" % (kwds,))
163        # Handle deprecated APIs
164        _fcns = (('beforeChild',2), ('acceptChildResult',3), ('afterChild',2))
165        for name, nargs in _fcns:
166            fcn = getattr(self, name)
167            if fcn is None:
168                continue
169            _args = inspect.getfullargspec(fcn)
170            _self_arg = 1 if inspect.ismethod(fcn) else 0
171            if len(_args.args) == nargs + _self_arg and _args.varargs is None:
172                deprecation_warning(
173                    "Note that the API for the StreamBasedExpressionVisitor "
174                    "has changed to include the child index for the %s() "
175                    "method.  Please update your walker callbacks." % (name,),
176                    version='5.7.0')
177                def wrap(fcn, nargs):
178                    def wrapper(*args):
179                        return fcn(*args[:nargs])
180                    return wrapper
181                setattr(self, name, wrap(fcn, nargs))
184    def walk_expression(self, expr):
185        """Walk an expression, calling registered callbacks.
186        """
187        #
188        # This walker uses a linked list to store the stack (instead of
189        # an array).  The nodes of the linked list are 6-member tuples:
190        #
191        #    ( pointer to parent,
192        #      expression node,
193        #      tuple/list of child nodes (arguments),
194        #      number of child nodes (arguments),
195        #      data object to aggregate results from child nodes,
196        #      current child node index )
197        #
198        # The walker only needs a single pointer to the end of the list
199        # (ptr).  The beginning of the list is indicated by a None
200        # parent pointer.
201        #
202        if self.initializeWalker is not None:
203            walk, result = self.initializeWalker(expr)
204            if not walk:
205                return result
206        if self.enterNode is not None:
207            tmp = self.enterNode(expr)
208            if tmp is None:
209                args = data = None
210            else:
211                args, data = tmp
212        else:
213            args = None
214            data = []
215        if args is None:
216            if type(expr) in nonpyomo_leaf_types \
217                    or not expr.is_expression_type():
218                args = ()
219            else:
220                args = expr.args
221        if hasattr(args, '__enter__'):
222            args.__enter__()
223        node = expr
224        # Note that because we increment child_idx just before fetching
225        # the child node, it must be initialized to -1, and ptr[3] must
226        # always be *one less than* the number of arguments
227        child_idx = -1
228        ptr = (None, node, args, len(args)-1, data, child_idx)
230        try:
231            while 1:
232                if child_idx < ptr[3]:
233                    # Increment the child index pointer here for
234                    # consistency.  Note that this means that for the bulk
235                    # of the time, 'child_idx' will not match the value of
236                    # ptr[5].  This provides a modest performance
237                    # improvement, as we only have to recreate the ptr tuple
238                    # just before we descend further into the tree (i.e., we
239                    # avoid recreating the tuples for the special case where
240                    # beforeChild indicates that we should not descend
241                    # further).
242                    child_idx += 1
243                    # This node still has children to process
244                    child = ptr[2][child_idx]
246                    # Notify this node that we are about to descend into a
247                    # child.
248                    if self.beforeChild is not None:
249                        tmp = self.beforeChild(node, child, child_idx)
250                        if tmp is None:
251                            descend = True
252                            child_result = None
253                        else:
254                            descend, child_result = tmp
255                        if not descend:
256                            # We are aborting processing of this child node.
257                            # Tell this node to accept the child result and
258                            # we will move along
259                            if self.acceptChildResult is not None:
260                                data = self.acceptChildResult(
261                                    node, data, child_result, child_idx)
262                            elif data is not None:
263                                data.append(child_result)
264                            # And let the node know that we are done with a
265                            # child node
266                            if self.afterChild is not None:
267                                self.afterChild(node, child, child_idx)
268                            # Jump to the top to continue processing the
269                            # next child node
270                            continue
272                    # Update the child argument counter in the stack.
273                    # Because we are using tuples, we need to recreate the
274                    # "ptr" object (linked list node)
275                    ptr = ptr[:4] + (data, child_idx,)
277                    # We are now going to actually enter this node.  The
278                    # node will tell us the list of its child nodes that we
279                    # need to process
280                    if self.enterNode is not None:
281                        tmp = self.enterNode(child)
282                        if tmp is None:
283                            args = data = None
284                        else:
285                            args, data = tmp
286                    else:
287                        args = None
288                        data = []
289                    if args is None:
290                        if type(child) in nonpyomo_leaf_types \
291                           or not child.is_expression_type():
292                            # Leaves (either non-pyomo types or
293                            # non-Expressions) have no child arguments, so
294                            # are just put on the stack
295                            args = ()
296                        else:
297                            args = child.args
298                    if hasattr(args, '__enter__'):
299                        args.__enter__()
300                    node = child
301                    child_idx = -1
302                    ptr = (ptr, node, args, len(args)-1, data, child_idx)
304                else: # child_idx == ptr[3]:
305                    # We are done with this node.  Call exitNode to compute
306                    # any result
307                    if hasattr(ptr[2], '__exit__'):
308                        ptr[2].__exit__(None, None, None)
309                    if self.exitNode is not None:
310                        node_result = self.exitNode(node, data)
311                    else:
312                        node_result = data
314                    # Pop the node off the linked list
315                    ptr = ptr[0]
316                    # If we have returned to the beginning, return the final
317                    # answer
318                    if ptr is None:
319                        if self.finalizeResult is not None:
320                            return self.finalizeResult(node_result)
321                        else:
322                            return node_result
323                    # Not done yet, update node to point to the new active
324                    # node
325                    node, child = ptr[1], node
326                    data = ptr[4]
327                    child_idx = ptr[5]
329                    # We need to alert the node to accept the child's result:
330                    if self.acceptChildResult is not None:
331                        data = self.acceptChildResult(
332                            node, data, node_result, child_idx)
333                    elif data is not None:
334                        data.append(node_result)
336                    # And let the node know that we are done with a child node
337                    if self.afterChild is not None:
338                        self.afterChild(node, child, child_idx)
340        finally:
341            while ptr is not None:
342                if hasattr(ptr[2], '__exit__'):
343                        ptr[2].__exit__(None, None, None)
344                ptr = ptr[0]
346class SimpleExpressionVisitor(object):
348    """
349    Note:
350        This class is a customization of the PyUtilib :class:`SimpleVisitor
351        <pyutilib.misc.visitor.SimpleVisitor>` class that is tailored
352        to efficiently walk Pyomo expression trees.  However, this class
353        is not a subclass of the PyUtilib :class:`SimpleVisitor
354        <pyutilib.misc.visitor.SimpleVisitor>` class because all key methods
355        are reimplemented.
356    """
358    def visit(self, node):  #pragma: no cover
359        """
360        Visit a node in an expression tree and perform some operation on
361        it.
363        This method should be over-written by a user
364        that is creating a sub-class.
366        Args:
367            node: a node in an expression tree
369        Returns:
370            nothing
371        """
372        pass
374    def finalize(self):     #pragma: no cover
375        """
376        Return the "final value" of the search.
378        The default implementation returns :const:`None`, because
379        the traditional visitor pattern does not return a value.
381        Returns:
382            The final value after the search.  Default is :const:`None`.
383        """
384        pass
386    def xbfs(self, node):
387        """
388        Breadth-first search of an expression tree,
389        except that leaf nodes are immediately visited.
391        Note:
392            This method has the same functionality as the
393            PyUtilib :class:`SimpleVisitor.xbfs <pyutilib.misc.visitor.SimpleVisitor.xbfs>`
394            method.  The difference is that this method
395            is tailored to efficiently walk Pyomo expression trees.
397        Args:
398            node: The root node of the expression tree that is searched.
400        Returns:
401            The return value is determined by the :func:`finalize` function,
402            which may be defined by the user.  Defaults to :const:`None`.
403        """
404        dq = deque([node])
405        while dq:
406            current = dq.popleft()
407            self.visit(current)
408            #for c in self.children(current):
409            for c in current.args:
410                #if self.is_leaf(c):
411                if c.__class__ in nonpyomo_leaf_types or not c.is_expression_type() or c.nargs() == 0:
412                    self.visit(c)
413                else:
414                    dq.append(c)
415        return self.finalize()
417    def xbfs_yield_leaves(self, node):
418        """
419        Breadth-first search of an expression tree, except that
420        leaf nodes are immediately visited.
422        Note:
423            This method has the same functionality as the
424            PyUtilib :class:`SimpleVisitor.xbfs_yield_leaves <pyutilib.misc.visitor.SimpleVisitor.xbfs_yield_leaves>`
425            method.  The difference is that this method
426            is tailored to efficiently walk Pyomo expression trees.
428        Args:
429            node: The root node of the expression tree
430                that is searched.
432        Returns:
433            The return value is determined by the :func:`finalize` function,
434            which may be defined by the user.  Defaults to :const:`None`.
435        """
436        #
437        # If we start with a leaf, then yield it and stop iteration
438        #
439        if node.__class__ in nonpyomo_leaf_types or not node.is_expression_type() or node.nargs() == 0:
440            ans = self.visit(node)
441            if not ans is None:
442                yield ans
443            return
444        #
445        # Iterate through the tree.
446        #
447        dq = deque([node])
448        while dq:
449            current = dq.popleft()
450            #self.visit(current)
451            #for c in self.children(current):
452            for c in current.args:
453                #if self.is_leaf(c):
454                if c.__class__ in nonpyomo_leaf_types or not c.is_expression_type() or c.nargs() == 0:
455                    ans = self.visit(c)
456                    if not ans is None:
457                        yield ans
458                else:
459                    dq.append(c)
462class ExpressionValueVisitor(object):
463    """
464    Note:
465        This class is a customization of the PyUtilib :class:`ValueVisitor
466        <pyutilib.misc.visitor.ValueVisitor>` class that is tailored
467        to efficiently walk Pyomo expression trees.  However, this class
468        is not a subclass of the PyUtilib :class:`ValueVisitor
469        <pyutilib.misc.visitor.ValueVisitor>` class because all key methods
470        are reimplemented.
471    """
473    def visit(self, node, values):  #pragma: no cover
474        """
475        Visit a node in a tree and compute its value using
476        the values of its children.
478        This method should be over-written by a user
479        that is creating a sub-class.
481        Args:
482            node: a node in a tree
483            values: a list of values of this node's children
485        Returns:
486            The *value* for this node, which is computed using :attr:`values`
487        """
488        pass
490    def visiting_potential_leaf(self, node):    #pragma: no cover
491        """
492        Visit a node and return its value if it is a leaf.
494        Note:
495            This method needs to be over-written for a specific
496            visitor application.
498        Args:
499            node: a node in a tree
501        Returns:
502            A tuple: ``(flag, value)``.   If ``flag`` is False,
503            then the node is not a leaf and ``value`` is :const:`None`.
504            Otherwise, ``value`` is the computed value for this node.
505        """
506        raise RuntimeError("The visiting_potential_leaf method needs to be defined.")
508    def finalize(self, ans):    #pragma: no cover
509        """
510        This method defines the return value for the search methods
511        in this class.
513        The default implementation returns the value of the
514        initial node (aka the root node), because
515        this visitor pattern computes and returns value for each
516        node to enable the computation of this value.
518        Args:
519            ans: The final value computed by the search method.
521        Returns:
522            The final value after the search. Defaults to simply
523            returning :attr:`ans`.
524        """
525        return ans
527    def dfs_postorder_stack(self, node):
528        """
529        Perform a depth-first search in postorder using a stack
530        implementation.
532        Note:
533            This method has the same functionality as the
534            PyUtilib :class:`ValueVisitor.dfs_postorder_stack <pyutilib.misc.visitor.ValueVisitor.dfs_postorder_stack>`
535            method.  The difference is that this method
536            is tailored to efficiently walk Pyomo expression trees.
538        Args:
539            node: The root node of the expression tree
540                that is searched.
542        Returns:
543            The return value is determined by the :func:`finalize` function,
544            which may be defined by the user.
545        """
546        flag, value = self.visiting_potential_leaf(node)
547        if flag:
548            return self.finalize(value)
549        #_stack = [ (node, self.children(node), 0, len(self.children(node)), [])]
550        _stack = [ (node, node._args_, 0, node.nargs(), [])]
551        #
552        # Iterate until the stack is empty
553        #
554        # Note: 1 is faster than True for Python 2.x
555        #
556        while 1:
557            #
558            # Get the top of the stack
559            #   _obj        Current expression object
560            #   _argList    The arguments for this expression objet
561            #   _idx        The current argument being considered
562            #   _len        The number of arguments
563            #   _result     The return values
564            #
565            _obj, _argList, _idx, _len, _result = _stack.pop()
566            #
567            # Iterate through the arguments
568            #
569            while _idx < _len:
570                _sub = _argList[_idx]
571                _idx += 1
572                flag, value = self.visiting_potential_leaf(_sub)
573                if flag:
574                    _result.append( value )
575                else:
576                    #
577                    # Push an expression onto the stack
578                    #
579                    _stack.append( (_obj, _argList, _idx, _len, _result) )
580                    _obj                    = _sub
581                    #_argList                = self.children(_sub)
582                    _argList                = _sub._args_
583                    _idx                    = 0
584                    _len                    = _sub.nargs()
585                    _result                 = []
586            #
587            # Process the current node
588            #
589            ans = self.visit(_obj, _result)
590            if _stack:
591                #
592                # "return" the recursion by putting the return value on the end of the results stack
593                #
594                _stack[-1][-1].append( ans )
595            else:
596                return self.finalize(ans)
598def replace_expressions(expr,
599                        substitution_map,
600                        descend_into_named_expressions=True,
601                        remove_named_expressions=False):
602    """
604    Parameters
605    ----------
606    expr : Pyomo expression
607       The source expression
608    substitution_map : dict
609       A dictionary mapping object ids in the source to the replacement objects.
610    descend_into_named_expressions : bool
611       True if replacement should go into named expression objects, False to halt at
612       a named expression
613    remove_named_expressions : bool
614       True if the named expressions should be replaced with a standard expression,
615       and False if the named expression should be left in place
617    Returns
618    -------
619       Pyomo expression : returns the new expression object
620    """
621    new_expr = ExpressionReplacementVisitor(
622            substitute=substitution_map,
623            descend_into_named_expressions=descend_into_named_expressions,
624            remove_named_expressions=remove_named_expressions
625            ).dfs_postorder_stack(expr)
626    return new_expr
629class ExpressionReplacementVisitor(object):
630    """
631    Note:
632        This class is a customization of the PyUtilib :class:`ValueVisitor
633        <pyutilib.misc.visitor.ValueVisitor>` class that is tailored
634        to support replacement of sub-trees in a Pyomo expression
635        tree.  However, this class is not a subclass of the PyUtilib
636        :class:`ValueVisitor <pyutilib.misc.visitor.ValueVisitor>`
637        class because all key methods are reimplemented.
638    """
640    def __init__(self,
641                 substitute=None,
642                 descend_into_named_expressions=True,
643                 remove_named_expressions=False):
644        """
645        Contruct a visitor that is tailored to support the
646        replacement of sub-trees in a pyomo expression tree.
648        Args:
649            memo (dict): A dictionary mapping object ids to
650                objects.  This dictionary has the same semantics as
651                the memo object used with ``copy.deepcopy``.  Defaults
652                to None, which indicates that no user-defined
653                dictionary is used.
654        """
655        self.enter_named_expr = descend_into_named_expressions
656        self.rm_named_expr = remove_named_expressions
657        if substitute is None:
658            self.substitute = {}
659        else:
660            self.substitute = substitute
662    def visit(self, node, values):
663        """
664        Visit and clone nodes that have been expanded.
666        Note:
667            This method normally does not need to be re-defined
668            by a user.
670        Args:
671            node: The node that will be cloned.
672            values (list): The list of child nodes that have been
673                cloned.  These values are used to define the
674                cloned node.
676        Returns:
677            The cloned node.  Default is to simply return the node.
678        """
679        return node
681    def visiting_potential_leaf(self, node):    #pragma: no cover
682        """
683        Visit a node and return a cloned node if it is a leaf.
685        Note:
686            This method needs to be over-written for a specific
687            visitor application.
689        Args:
690            node: a node in a tree
692        Returns:
693            A tuple: ``(flag, value)``.   If ``flag`` is False,
694            then the node is not a leaf and ``value`` is :const:`None`.
695            Otherwise, ``value`` is a cloned node.
696        """
697        _id = id(node)
698        if _id in self.substitute:
699            return True, self.substitute[_id]
700        elif type(node) in nonpyomo_leaf_types or not node.is_expression_type():
701            return True, node
702        elif not self.enter_named_expr and node.is_named_expression_type():
703            return True, node
704        else:
705            return False, None
707    def finalize(self, ans):
708        """
709        This method defines the return value for the search methods
710        in this class.
712        The default implementation returns the value of the
713        initial node (aka the root node), because
714        this visitor pattern computes and returns value for each
715        node to enable the computation of this value.
717        Args:
718            ans: The final value computed by the search method.
720        Returns:
721            The final value after the search. Defaults to simply
722            returning :attr:`ans`.
723        """
724        return ans
726    def construct_node(self, node, values):
727        """
728        Call the expression create_node_with_local_data() method.
729        """
730        return node.create_node_with_local_data( tuple(values) )
732    def dfs_postorder_stack(self, node):
733        """
734        Perform a depth-first search in postorder using a stack
735        implementation.
737        This method replaces subtrees.  This method detects if the
738        :func:`visit` method returns a different object.  If so, then
739        the node has been replaced and search process is adapted
740        to replace all subsequent parent nodes in the tree.
742        Note:
743            This method has the same functionality as the
744            PyUtilib :class:`ValueVisitor.dfs_postorder_stack <pyutilib.misc.visitor.ValueVisitor.dfs_postorder_stack>`
745            method that is tailored to support the
746            replacement of sub-trees in a Pyomo expression tree.
748        Args:
749            node: The root node of the expression tree
750                that is searched.
752        Returns:
753            The return value is determined by the :func:`finalize` function,
754            which may be defined by the user.
755        """
756        if node.__class__ is LinearExpression:
757            _argList = [node.constant] + node.linear_coefs + node.linear_vars
758            _len = len(_argList)
759            _stack = [ (node, _argList, 0, _len, [False])]
760        else:
761            flag, value = self.visiting_potential_leaf(node)
762            if flag:
763                return value
764            _stack = [ (node, node._args_, 0, node.nargs(), [False])]
765        #
766        # Iterate until the stack is empty
767        #
768        # Note: 1 is faster than True for Python 2.x
769        #
770        while 1:
771            #
772            # Get the top of the stack
773            #   _obj        Current expression object
774            #   _argList    The arguments for this expression objet
775            #   _idx        The current argument being considered
776            #   _len        The number of arguments
777            #   _result     The 'dirty' flag followed by return values
778            #
779            _obj, _argList, _idx, _len, _result = _stack.pop()
780            #
781            # Iterate through the arguments, entering each one
782            #
783            while _idx < _len:
784                _sub = _argList[_idx]
785                _idx += 1
786                flag, value = self.visiting_potential_leaf(_sub)
787                if flag:
788                    if id(value) != id(_sub):
789                        _result[0] = True
790                    _result.append( value )
791                else:
792                    #
793                    # Push an expression onto the stack
794                    #
795                    _stack.append( (_obj, _argList, _idx, _len, _result) )
796                    _obj = _sub
797                    _idx = 0
798                    _result = [False]
799                    if _sub.__class__ is LinearExpression:
800                        _argList = [_sub.constant] + _sub.linear_coefs \
801                                   + _sub.linear_vars
802                        _len = len(_argList)
803                    else:
804                        _argList = _sub._args_
805                        _len = _sub.nargs()
806            #
807            # Finalize (exit) the current node
808            #
809            # If the user has defined a visit() function in a
810            # subclass, then call that function.  But if the user
811            # hasn't created a new class and we need to, then
812            # call the ExpressionReplacementVisitor.visit() function.
813            #
814            ans = self.visit(_obj, _result[1:])
815            if ans.is_named_expression_type():
816                if self.rm_named_expr:
817                    ans = _result[1]
818                    _result[0] = True
819                else:
820                    _result[0] = False
821                    assert(len(_result) == 2)
822                    ans.expr = _result[1]
823            elif _result[0]:
824                if ans.__class__ is LinearExpression:
825                    ans = _result[1]
826                    nterms = (len(_result)-2)//2
827                    for i in range(nterms):
828                        ans += _result[2+i]*_result[2+i+nterms]
829                if id(ans) == id(_obj):
830                    ans = self.construct_node(_obj, _result[1:])
831                if ans.__class__ is MonomialTermExpression:
832                    # CDL This code wass trying to determine if we needed to change the MonomialTermExpression
833                    # to a ProductExpression, but it fails for the case of a MonomialExpression
834                    # that has its rhs Var replaced with another MonomialExpression (and might
835                    # fail for other cases as well.
836                    # Rather than trying to update the logic to catch all cases, I am choosing
837                    # to execute the actual product operator code instead to ensure things are
838                    # consistent
839                    # See WalkerTests.test_replace_expressions_with_monomial_term  in test_expr_pyomo5.py
840                    # to see the behavior
841                    # if ( ( ans._args_[0].__class__ not in native_numeric_types
842                    #        and ans._args_[0].is_potentially_variable )
843                    #      or
844                    #      ( ans._args_[1].__class__ in native_numeric_types
845                    #        or not ans._args_[1].is_potentially_variable() ) ):
846                    #     ans.__class__ = ProductExpression
847                    ans = ans._args_[0] * ans._args_[1]
848                elif ans.__class__ in NPV_expression_types:
849                    # For simplicity, not-potentially-variable expressions are
850                    # replaced with their potentially variable counterparts.
851                    ans = ans.create_potentially_variable_object()
852            elif id(ans) != id(_obj):
853                _result[0] = True
855            if _stack:
856                if _result[0]:
857                    _stack[-1][-1][0] = True
858                #
859                # "return" the recursion by putting the return value on
860                # the end of the results stack
861                #
862                _stack[-1][-1].append( ans )
863            else:
864                return self.finalize(ans)
869# Functions used to process expression trees
873# =====================================================
874#  clone_expression
875# =====================================================
877def clone_expression(expr, substitute=None):
878    """A function that is used to clone an expression.
880    Cloning is equivalent to calling ``copy.deepcopy`` with no Block
881    scope.  That is, the expression tree is duplicated, but no Pyomo
882    components (leaf nodes *or* named Expressions) are duplicated.
884    Args:
885        expr: The expression that will be cloned.
886        substitute (dict): A dictionary mapping object ids to
887            objects. This dictionary has the same semantics as
888            the memo object used with ``copy.deepcopy``. Defaults
889            to None, which indicates that no user-defined
890            dictionary is used.
892    Returns:
893        The cloned expression.
895    """
896    clone_counter._count += 1
897    memo = {'__block_scope__': {id(None): False}}
898    if substitute:
899        memo.update(substitute)
900    return deepcopy(expr, memo)
903# =====================================================
904#  sizeof_expression
905# =====================================================
907def sizeof_expression(expr):
908    """
909    Return the number of nodes in the expression tree.
911    Args:
912        expr: The root node of an expression tree.
914    Returns:
915        A non-negative integer that is the number of
916        interior and leaf nodes in the expression tree.
917    """
918    def enter(node):
919        return None, 1
920    def accept(node, data, child_result, child_idx):
921        return data + child_result
922    return StreamBasedExpressionVisitor(
923        enterNode=enter,
924        acceptChildResult=accept,
925    ).walk_expression(expr)
927# =====================================================
928#  evaluate_expression
929# =====================================================
931class _EvaluationVisitor(ExpressionValueVisitor):
933    def __init__(self, exception):
934        self.exception = exception
936    def visit(self, node, values):
937        """ Visit nodes that have been expanded """
938        return node._apply_operation(values)
940    def visiting_potential_leaf(self, node):
941        """
942        Visiting a potential leaf.
944        Return True if the node is not expanded.
945        """
946        if node.__class__ in nonpyomo_leaf_types:
947            return True, node
949        if node.is_expression_type():
950            return False, None
952        if node.is_numeric_type():
953            return True, value(node, exception=self.exception)
954        elif node.is_logical_type():
955            return True, value(node, exception=self.exception)
956        else:
957            return True, node
962class FixedExpressionError(Exception):
964    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
965        super(FixedExpressionError, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
968class NonConstantExpressionError(Exception):
970    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
971        super(NonConstantExpressionError, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
974class _EvaluateConstantExpressionVisitor(ExpressionValueVisitor):
976    def visit(self, node, values):
977        """ Visit nodes that have been expanded """
978        return node._apply_operation(values)
980    def visiting_potential_leaf(self, node):
981        """
982        Visiting a potential leaf.
984        Return True if the node is not expanded.
985        """
986        if node.__class__ in nonpyomo_leaf_types:
987            return True, node
989        if node.is_expression_type():
990            return False, None
992        if node.is_numeric_type():
993            # Get the object value.  This will also cause templates to
994            # raise TemplateExpressionErrors
995            try:
996                val = value(node)
997            except TemplateExpressionError:
998                raise
999            except:
1000                # Uninitialized Var/Param objects should be given the
1001                # opportunity to map the error to a NonConstant / Fixed
1002                # expression error
1003                if not node.is_fixed():
1004                    raise NonConstantExpressionError()
1005                if not node.is_constant():
1006                    raise FixedExpressionError()
1007                raise
1009            if not node.is_fixed():
1010                raise NonConstantExpressionError()
1011            if not node.is_constant():
1012                raise FixedExpressionError()
1013            return True, val
1015        return True, node
1018def evaluate_expression(exp, exception=True, constant=False):
1019    """Evaluate the value of the expression.
1021    Args:
1022        expr: The root node of an expression tree.
1023        exception (bool): A flag that indicates whether
1024            exceptions are raised.  If this flag is
1025            :const:`False`, then an exception that
1026            occurs while evaluating the expression
1027            is caught and the return value is :const:`None`.
1028            Default is :const:`True`.
1029        constant (bool): If True, constant expressions are
1030            evaluated and returned but nonconstant expressions
1031            raise either FixedExpressionError or
1032            NonconstantExpressionError (default=False).
1034    Returns:
1035        A floating point value if the expression evaluates
1036        normally, or :const:`None` if an exception occurs
1037        and is caught.
1039    """
1040    if constant:
1041        visitor = _EvaluateConstantExpressionVisitor()
1042    else:
1043        visitor = _EvaluationVisitor(exception=exception)
1044    try:
1045        return visitor.dfs_postorder_stack(exp)
1047    except ( TemplateExpressionError, ValueError, TypeError,
1048             NonConstantExpressionError, FixedExpressionError ):
1049        # Errors that we want to be able to suppress:
1050        #
1051        #   TemplateExpressionError: raised when generating expression
1052        #      templates
1053        #   FixedExpressionError, NonConstantExpressionError: raised
1054        #      when processing expressions that are expected to be fixed
1055        #      (e.g., indices)
1056        #   ValueError: "standard" expression value errors
1057        #   TypeError: This can be raised in Python3 when evaluating a
1058        #      operation returns a complex number (e.g., sqrt(-1))
1059        if exception:
1060            raise
1061        return None
1064# =====================================================
1065#  identify_components
1066# =====================================================
1068class _ComponentVisitor(SimpleExpressionVisitor):
1070    def __init__(self, types):
1071        self.seen = set()
1072        if types.__class__ is set:
1073            self.types = types
1074        else:
1075            self.types = set(types)
1077    def visit(self, node):
1078        if node.__class__ in self.types:
1079            if id(node) in self.seen:
1080                return
1081            self.seen.add(id(node))
1082            return node
1085def identify_components(expr, component_types):
1086    """
1087    A generator that yields a sequence of nodes
1088    in an expression tree that belong to a specified set.
1090    Args:
1091        expr: The root node of an expression tree.
1092        component_types (set or list): A set of class
1093            types that will be matched during the search.
1095    Yields:
1096        Each node that is found.
1097    """
1098    #
1099    # OPTIONS:
1100    # component_types - set (or list) if class types to find
1101    # in the expression.
1102    #
1103    visitor = _ComponentVisitor(component_types)
1104    yield from visitor.xbfs_yield_leaves(expr)
1107# =====================================================
1108#  identify_variables
1109# =====================================================
1111class _VariableVisitor(SimpleExpressionVisitor):
1113    def __init__(self):
1114        self.seen = set()
1116    def visit(self, node):
1117        if node.__class__ in nonpyomo_leaf_types:
1118            return
1120        if node.is_variable_type():
1121            if id(node) in self.seen:
1122                return
1123            self.seen.add(id(node))
1124            return node
1126        if node.is_expression_type() and isinstance(node, LinearExpression):
1127            if id(node) in self.seen:
1128                return
1129            self.seen.add(id(node))
1131            def unique_vars_generator():
1132                for var in node.linear_vars:
1133                    if id(var) in self.seen:
1134                        continue
1135                    self.seen.add(id(var))
1136                    yield var
1137            return tuple(v for v in unique_vars_generator())
1140def identify_variables(expr, include_fixed=True):
1141    """
1142    A generator that yields a sequence of variables
1143    in an expression tree.
1145    Args:
1146        expr: The root node of an expression tree.
1147        include_fixed (bool): If :const:`True`, then
1148            this generator will yield variables whose
1149            value is fixed.  Defaults to :const:`True`.
1151    Yields:
1152        Each variable that is found.
1153    """
1154    visitor = _VariableVisitor()
1155    if include_fixed:
1156        for v in visitor.xbfs_yield_leaves(expr):
1157            if isinstance(v, tuple):
1158                yield from v
1159            else:
1160                yield v
1161    else:
1162        for v in visitor.xbfs_yield_leaves(expr):
1163            if isinstance(v, tuple):
1164                for v_i in v:
1165                    if not v_i.is_fixed():
1166                        yield v_i
1167            else:
1168                if not v.is_fixed():
1169                    yield v
1172# =====================================================
1173#  identify_mutable_parameters
1174# =====================================================
1176class _MutableParamVisitor(SimpleExpressionVisitor):
1178    def __init__(self):
1179        self.seen = set()
1181    def visit(self, node):
1182        if node.__class__ in nonpyomo_leaf_types:
1183            return
1185        # TODO: Confirm that this has the right semantics
1186        if (not node.is_variable_type() and node.is_fixed()
1187                and not node.is_constant()):
1188            if id(node) in self.seen:
1189                return
1190            self.seen.add(id(node))
1191            return node
1194def identify_mutable_parameters(expr):
1195    """
1196    A generator that yields a sequence of mutable
1197    parameters in an expression tree.
1199    Args:
1200        expr: The root node of an expression tree.
1202    Yields:
1203        Each mutable parameter that is found.
1204    """
1205    visitor = _MutableParamVisitor()
1206    yield from visitor.xbfs_yield_leaves(expr)
1209# =====================================================
1210#  polynomial_degree
1211# =====================================================
1213class _PolynomialDegreeVisitor(ExpressionValueVisitor):
1215    def visit(self, node, values):
1216        """ Visit nodes that have been expanded """
1217        return node._compute_polynomial_degree(values)
1219    def visiting_potential_leaf(self, node):
1220        """
1221        Visiting a potential leaf.
1223        Return True if the node is not expanded.
1224        """
1225        if node.__class__ in nonpyomo_leaf_types:
1226            return True, 0
1228        if node.is_expression_type():
1229            return False, None
1231        if node.is_numeric_type():
1232            return True, 0 if node.is_fixed() else 1
1233        else:
1234            return True, node
1237def polynomial_degree(node):
1238    """
1239    Return the polynomial degree of the expression.
1241    Args:
1242        node: The root node of an expression tree.
1244    Returns:
1245        A non-negative integer that is the polynomial
1246        degree if the expression is polynomial, or :const:`None` otherwise.
1247    """
1248    visitor = _PolynomialDegreeVisitor()
1249    return visitor.dfs_postorder_stack(node)
1252# =====================================================
1253#  _expression_is_fixed
1254# =====================================================
1256class _IsFixedVisitor(ExpressionValueVisitor):
1257    """
1258    NOTE: This doesn't check if combiner logic is
1259    all or any and short-circuit the test.  It's
1260    not clear that that is an important optimization.
1261    """
1263    def visit(self, node, values):
1264        """ Visit nodes that have been expanded """
1265        return node._is_fixed(values)
1267    def visiting_potential_leaf(self, node):
1268        """
1269        Visiting a potential leaf.
1271        Return True if the node is not expanded.
1272        """
1273        if node.__class__ in nonpyomo_leaf_types:
1274            return True, True
1276        elif node.is_expression_type():
1277            return False, None
1279        elif node.is_numeric_type():
1280            return True, node.is_fixed()
1282        return True, node
1285def _expression_is_fixed(node):
1286    """
1287    Return the polynomial degree of the expression.
1289    Args:
1290        node: The root node of an expression tree.
1292    Returns:
1293        A non-negative integer that is the polynomial
1294        degree if the expression is polynomial, or :const:`None` otherwise.
1295    """
1296    visitor = _IsFixedVisitor()
1297    return visitor.dfs_postorder_stack(node)
1300# =====================================================
1301#  expression_to_string
1302# =====================================================
1304class _ToStringVisitor(ExpressionValueVisitor):
1306    def __init__(self, verbose, smap, compute_values):
1307        super(_ToStringVisitor, self).__init__()
1308        self.verbose = verbose
1309        self.smap = smap
1310        self.compute_values = compute_values
1312    def visit(self, node, values):
1313        """ Visit nodes that have been expanded """
1314        tmp = []
1315        for i,val in enumerate(values):
1316            arg = node._args_[i]
1318            if arg is None:
1319                tmp.append('Undefined')                 # TODO: coverage
1320            elif arg.__class__ in native_numeric_types:
1321                tmp.append(val)
1322            elif arg.__class__ in nonpyomo_leaf_types:
1323                tmp.append("'{0}'".format(val))
1324            else:
1325                parens = False
1326                if not self.verbose and arg.is_expression_type():
1327                    if node._precedence() < arg._precedence():
1328                        parens = True
1329                    elif node._precedence() == arg._precedence():
1330                        if i == 0:
1331                            parens = node._associativity() != 1
1332                        elif i == len(node._args_)-1:
1333                            parens = node._associativity() != -1
1334                        else:
1335                            parens = True
1336                if parens:
1337                    tmp.append("({0})".format(val))
1338                else:
1339                    tmp.append(val)
1341        return node._to_string(tmp, self.verbose, self.smap, self.compute_values)
1343    def visiting_potential_leaf(self, node):
1344        """
1345        Visiting a potential leaf.
1347        Return True if the node is not expanded.
1348        """
1349        if node is None:
1350            return True, None                           # TODO: coverage
1352        if node.__class__ in nonpyomo_leaf_types:
1353            return True, str(node)
1355        if node.is_expression_type():
1356            return False, None
1358        if node.is_variable_type():
1359            if not node.fixed:
1360                return True, node.to_string(verbose=self.verbose, smap=self.smap, compute_values=False)
1361            return True, node.to_string(verbose=self.verbose, smap=self.smap, compute_values=self.compute_values)
1363        if hasattr(node, 'to_string'):
1364            return True, node.to_string(verbose=self.verbose, smap=self.smap, compute_values=self.compute_values)
1365        else:
1366            return True, str(node)
1369def expression_to_string(expr, verbose=None, labeler=None, smap=None, compute_values=False):
1370    """
1371    Return a string representation of an expression.
1373    Args:
1374        expr: The root node of an expression tree.
1375        verbose (bool): If :const:`True`, then the output is
1376            a nested functional form.  Otherwise, the output
1377            is an algebraic expression.  Default is :const:`False`.
1378        labeler:  If specified, this labeler is used to label
1379            variables in the expression.
1380        smap:  If specified, this :class:`SymbolMap <pyomo.core.expr.symbol_map.SymbolMap>` is
1381            used to cache labels.
1382        compute_values (bool): If :const:`True`, then
1383            parameters and fixed variables are evaluated before the
1384            expression string is generated.  Default is :const:`False`.
1386    Returns:
1387        A string representation for the expression.
1388    """
1389    verbose = common.TO_STRING_VERBOSE if verbose is None else verbose
1390    #
1391    # Setup the symbol map
1392    #
1393    if labeler is not None:
1394        if smap is None:
1395            smap = SymbolMap()
1396        smap.default_labeler = labeler
1397    #
1398    # Create and execute the visitor pattern
1399    #
1400    visitor = _ToStringVisitor(verbose, smap, compute_values)
1401    return visitor.dfs_postorder_stack(expr)