1 /** @file reken.c
2  *
3  *  This file contains the numerical routines.
4  *  The arithmetic in FORM is normally over the rational numbers.
5  *	Hence there are routines for dealing with integers and with rational
6  *	of 'arbitrary precision' (within limits)
7  *	There are also routines for that calculus modulus an integer.
8  *	In addition there are the routines for factorials and bernoulli numbers.
9  *	The random number function is currently only for internal purposes.
10  */
11 /* #[ License : */
12 /*
13  *   Copyright (C) 1984-2017 J.A.M. Vermaseren
14  *   When using this file you are requested to refer to the publication
15  *   J.A.M.Vermaseren "New features of FORM" math-ph/0010025
16  *   This is considered a matter of courtesy as the development was paid
17  *   for by FOM the Dutch physics granting agency and we would like to
18  *   be able to track its scientific use to convince FOM of its value
19  *   for the community.
20  *
21  *   This file is part of FORM.
22  *
23  *   FORM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
24  *   terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
25  *   Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
26  *   version.
27  *
28  *   FORM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
29  *   WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
30  *   FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
31  *   details.
32  *
33  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
34  *   with FORM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
35  */
36 /* #] License : */
37 /*
38   	#[ Includes : reken.c
39 */
41 #include "form3.h"
42 #include <math.h>
44 #ifdef WITHGMP
45 #include <gmp.h>
47 #endif
49 #define GCDMAX 3
51 #define NEWTRICK 1
52 /*
53   	#] Includes :
54   	#[ RekenRational :
55  		#[ Pack :			VOID Pack(a,na,b,nb)
57 	Packs the contents of the numerator a and the denominator b into
58 	one normalized fraction a.
60 */
Pack(UWORD * a,WORD * na,UWORD * b,WORD nb)62 VOID Pack(UWORD *a, WORD *na, UWORD *b, WORD nb)
63 {
64 	WORD c, sgn = 1, i;
65 	UWORD *to,*from;
66 	if ( (c = *na) == 0 ) {
67 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
68 		MesPrint("Caught a zero in Pack");
69 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
70 		return;
71 	}
72 	if ( nb == 0 ) {
73 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
74 		MesPrint("Division by zero in Pack");
75 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
76 		return;
77 	}
78 	if ( *na < 0 ) { sgn = -sgn; c = -c; }
79 	if ( nb < 0 ) { sgn = -sgn; nb = -nb; }
80 	*na = MaX(c,nb);
81 	to = a + c;
82 	i = *na - c;
83 	while ( --i >= 0 ) *to++ = 0;
84 	i = *na - nb;
85 	from = b;
86 	NCOPY(to,from,nb);
87 	while ( --i >= 0 ) *to++ = 0;
88 	if ( sgn < 0 ) *na = -*na;
89 }
91 /*
92  		#] Pack :
93  		#[ UnPack :			VOID UnPack(a,na,denom,numer)
95 	Determines the sizes of the numerator and the denominator in the
96 	normalized fraction a with length na.
98 */
UnPack(UWORD * a,WORD na,WORD * denom,WORD * numer)100 VOID UnPack(UWORD *a, WORD na, WORD *denom, WORD *numer)
101 {
102 	UWORD *pos;
103 	WORD i, sgn = na;
104 	if ( na < 0 ) { na = -na; }
105 	i = na;
106 	if ( i > 1 ) {		/* Find the respective leading words */
107 		a += i;
108 		a--;
109 		pos = a + i;
110 		while ( !(*a) ) { i--; a--; }
111 		while ( !(*pos) ) { na--; pos--; }
112 	}
113 	*denom = na;
114 	if ( sgn < 0 ) i = -i;
115 	*numer = i;
116 }
118 /*
119  		#] UnPack :
120  		#[ Mully :			WORD Mully(a,na,b,nb)
122 	Multiplies the rational a by the Long b.
124 */
Mully(PHEAD UWORD * a,WORD * na,UWORD * b,WORD nb)126 WORD Mully(PHEAD UWORD *a, WORD *na, UWORD *b, WORD nb)
127 {
129 	UWORD *d, *e;
130 	WORD i, sgn = 1;
131 	WORD nd, ne, adenom, anumer;
132 	if ( !nb ) { *na = 0; return(0); }
133 	else if ( *b == 1 ) {
134 		if ( nb == 1 ) return(0);
135 		else if ( nb == -1 ) { *na = -*na; return(0); }
136 	}
137 	if ( *na < 0 ) { sgn = -sgn; *na = -*na; }
138 	if ( nb < 0 ) { sgn = -sgn; nb = -nb; }
139 	UnPack(a,*na,&adenom,&anumer);
140 	d = NumberMalloc("Mully"); e = NumberMalloc("Mully");
141 	for ( i = 0; i < nb; i++ ) { e[i] = *b++; }
142 	ne = nb;
143 	if ( Simplify(BHEAD a+*na,&adenom,e,&ne) ) goto MullyEr;
144 	if ( MulLong(a,anumer,e,ne,d,&nd) ) goto MullyEr;
145 	b = a+*na;
146 	for ( i = 0; i < *na; i++ ) { e[i] = *b++; }
147 	ne = adenom;
148 	*na = nd;
149 	b = d;
150 	*na = nd;
151 	for ( i = 0; i < *na; i++ ) { a[i] = *b++; }
152 	Pack(a,na,e,ne);
153 	if ( sgn < 0 ) *na = -*na;
154 	NumberFree(d,"Mully"); NumberFree(e,"Mully");
155 	return(0);
156 MullyEr:
157 	MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
158 	MesCall("Mully");
159 	MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
160 	NumberFree(d,"Mully"); NumberFree(e,"Mully");
161 	SETERROR(-1)
162 }
164 /*
165  		#] Mully :
166  		#[ Divvy :			WORD Divvy(a,na,b,nb)
168 	Divides the rational a by the Long b.
170 */
Divvy(PHEAD UWORD * a,WORD * na,UWORD * b,WORD nb)172 WORD Divvy(PHEAD UWORD *a, WORD *na, UWORD *b, WORD nb)
173 {
175 	UWORD *d,*e;
176 	WORD i, sgn = 1;
177 	WORD nd, ne, adenom, anumer;
178 	if ( !nb ) {
179 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
180 		MesPrint("Division by zero in Divvy");
181 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
182 		return(-1);
183 	}
184 	d = NumberMalloc("Divvy"); e = NumberMalloc("Divvy");
185 	if ( nb < 0 ) { sgn = -sgn; nb = -nb; }
186 	if ( *na < 0 ) { sgn = -sgn; *na = -*na; }
187 	UnPack(a,*na,&adenom,&anumer);
188 	for ( i = 0; i < nb; i++ ) { e[i] = *b++; }
189 	ne = nb;
190 	if ( Simplify(BHEAD a,&anumer,e,&ne) ) goto DivvyEr;
191 	if ( MulLong(a+*na,adenom,e,ne,d,&nd) ) goto DivvyEr;
192 	*na = anumer;
193 	Pack(a,na,d,nd);
194 	if ( sgn < 0 ) *na = -*na;
195 	NumberFree(d,"Divvy"); NumberFree(e,"Divvy");
196 	return(0);
197 DivvyEr:
198 	MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
199 	MesCall("Divvy");
200 	MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
201 	NumberFree(d,"Divvy"); NumberFree(e,"Divvy");
202 	SETERROR(-1)
203 }
205 /*
206  		#] Divvy :
207  		#[ AddRat :			WORD AddRat(a,na,b,nb,c,nc)
208 */
AddRat(PHEAD UWORD * a,WORD na,UWORD * b,WORD nb,UWORD * c,WORD * nc)210 WORD AddRat(PHEAD UWORD *a, WORD na, UWORD *b, WORD nb, UWORD *c, WORD *nc)
211 {
213 	UWORD *d, *e, *f, *g;
214 	WORD nd, ne, nf, ng, adenom, anumer, bdenom, bnumer;
215 	if ( !na ) {
216 		WORD i;
217 		*nc = nb;
218 		if ( nb < 0 ) nb = -nb;
219 		nb *= 2;
220 		for ( i = 0; i < nb; i++ ) *c++ = *b++;
221 		return(0);
222 	}
223 	else if ( !nb ) {
224 		WORD i;
225 		*nc = na;
226 		if ( na < 0 ) na = -na;
227 		na *= 2;
228 		for ( i = 0; i < na; i++ ) *c++ = *a++;
229 		return(0);
230 	}
231 	else if ( b[1] == 1 && a[1] == 1 ) {
232 		if ( na == 1 ) {
233 			if ( nb == 1 ) {
234 				*c = *a + *b;
235 				c[1] = 1;
236 				if ( *c < *a ) { c[2] = 1; c[3] = 0; *nc = 2; }
237 				else { *nc = 1; }
238 				return(0);
239 			}
240 			else if ( nb == -1 ) {
241 				if ( *b > *a ) {
242 					*c = *b - *a; *nc = -1;
243 				}
244 				else if ( *b < *a ) {
245 					*c = *a - *b; *nc = 1;
246 				}
247 				else *nc = 0;
248 				c[1] = 1;
249 				return(0);
250 			}
251 		}
252 		else if ( na == -1 ){
253 			if ( nb == -1 ) {
254 				c[1] = 1;
255 				*c = *a + *b;
256 				if ( *c < *a ) { c[2] = 1; c[3] = 0; *nc = -2; }
257 				else { *nc = -1; }
258 				return(0);
259 			}
260 			else if ( nb == 1 ) {
261 				if ( *b > *a ) {
262 					*c = *b - *a; *nc = 1;
263 				}
264 				else if ( *b < *a ) {
265 					*c = *a - *b; *nc = -1;
266 				}
267 				else *nc = 0;
268 				c[1] = 1;
269 				return(0);
270 			}
271 		}
272 	}
273 	UnPack(a,na,&adenom,&anumer);
274 	UnPack(b,nb,&bdenom,&bnumer);
275 	if ( na < 0 ) na = -na;
276 	if ( nb < 0 ) nb = -nb;
277 	if ( na == 1 && nb == 1 ) {
278 		RLONG t1, t2, t3;
279 		t3 = ((RLONG)a[1])*((RLONG)b[1]);
280 		t1 = ((RLONG)a[0])*((RLONG)b[1]);
281 		t2 = ((RLONG)a[1])*((RLONG)b[0]);
282 		if ( ( anumer > 0 && bnumer > 0 ) || ( anumer < 0 && bnumer < 0 ) ) {
283 			if ( ( t1 = t1 + t2 ) < t2 ) {
284 				c[2] = 1;
285 				c[0] = (UWORD)t1;
286 				c[1] = (UWORD)(t1 >> BITSINWORD);
287 				*nc = 3;
288 			}
289 			else {
290 				c[0] = (UWORD)t1;
291 				if ( ( c[1] = (UWORD)(t1 >> BITSINWORD) ) != 0 ) *nc = 2;
292 				else *nc = 1;
293 			}
294 		}
295 		else {
296 			if ( t1 == t2 ) { *nc = 0; return(0); }
297 			if ( t1 > t2 ) {
298 				t1 -= t2;
299 			}
300 			else {
301 				t1 = t2 - t1;
302 				anumer = -anumer;
303 			}
304 			c[0] = (UWORD)t1;
305 			if ( ( c[1] = (UWORD)(t1 >> BITSINWORD) ) != 0 ) *nc = 2;
306 			else *nc = 1;
307 		}
308 		if ( anumer < 0 ) *nc = -*nc;
309 		d = NumberMalloc("AddRat");
310 		d[0] = (UWORD)t3;
311 		if ( ( d[1] = (UWORD)(t3 >> BITSINWORD) ) != 0 ) nd = 2;
312 		else nd = 1;
313 		if ( Simplify(BHEAD c,nc,d,&nd) ) goto AddRer1;
314 	}
315 /*
316 	else if ( a[na] == 1 && b[nb] == 1 && adenom == 1 && bdenom == 1 ) {
317 		if ( AddLong(a,na,b,nb,c,&nc) ) goto AddRer2;
318 		i = ABS(nc); d = c + i; *d++ = 1;
319 		while ( --i > 0 ) *d++ = 0 ;
320 		return(0);
321 	}
322 */
323 	else {
324 		d = NumberMalloc("AddRat"); e = NumberMalloc("AddRat");
325 		f = NumberMalloc("AddRat"); g = NumberMalloc("AddRat");
326 		if ( GcdLong(BHEAD a+na,adenom,b+nb,bdenom,d,&nd) ) goto AddRer;
327 		if ( *d == 1 && nd == 1 ) nd = 0;
328 		if ( nd ) {
329 			if ( DivLong(a+na,adenom,d,nd,e,&ne,c,nc) ) goto AddRer;
330 			if ( DivLong(b+nb,bdenom,d,nd,f,&nf,c,nc) ) goto AddRer;
331 			if ( MulLong(a,anumer,f,nf,c,nc) ) goto AddRer;
332 			if ( MulLong(b,bnumer,e,ne,g,&ng) ) goto AddRer;
333 		}
334 		else {
335 			if ( MulLong(a+na,adenom,b,bnumer,c,nc) ) goto AddRer;
336 			if ( MulLong(b+nb,bdenom,a,anumer,g,&ng) ) goto AddRer;
337 		}
338 		if ( AddLong(c,*nc,g,ng,c,nc) ) goto AddRer;
339 		if ( !*nc ) {
340 			NumberFree(g,"AddRat"); NumberFree(f,"AddRat");
341 			NumberFree(e,"AddRat"); NumberFree(d,"AddRat");
342 			return(0);
343 		}
344 		if ( nd ) {
345 			if ( Simplify(BHEAD c,nc,d,&nd) ) goto AddRer;
346 			if ( MulLong(e,ne,d,nd,g,&ng) ) goto AddRer;
347 			if ( MulLong(g,ng,f,nf,d,&nd) ) goto AddRer;
348 		}
349 		else {
350 			if ( MulLong(a+na,adenom,b+nb,bdenom,d,&nd) ) goto AddRer;
351 		}
352 		NumberFree(g,"AddRat"); NumberFree(f,"AddRat"); NumberFree(e,"AddRat");
353 	}
354 	Pack(c,nc,d,nd);
355 	NumberFree(d,"AddRat");
356 	return(0);
357 AddRer:
358 	NumberFree(g,"AddRat"); NumberFree(f,"AddRat"); NumberFree(e,"AddRat");
359 AddRer1:
360 	NumberFree(d,"AddRat");
361 /* AddRer2: */
362 	MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
363 	MesCall("AddRat");
364 	MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
365 	SETERROR(-1)
366 }
368 /*
369  		#] AddRat :
370  		#[ MulRat :			WORD MulRat(a,na,b,nb,c,nc)
372 	Multiplies the rationals a and b. The Gcd of the individual
373 	pieces is divided out first to minimize the chances of spurious
374 	overflows.
376 */
MulRat(PHEAD UWORD * a,WORD na,UWORD * b,WORD nb,UWORD * c,WORD * nc)378 WORD MulRat(PHEAD UWORD *a, WORD na, UWORD *b, WORD nb, UWORD *c, WORD *nc)
379 {
380 	WORD i;
381 	WORD sgn = 1;
382 	if ( *b == 1 && b[1] == 1 ) {
383 		if ( nb == 1 ) {
384 			*nc = na;
385 			i = ABS(na); i *= 2;
386 			while ( --i >= 0 ) *c++ = *a++;
387 			return(0);
388 		}
389 		else if ( nb == -1 ) {
390 			*nc = - na;
391 			i = ABS(na); i *= 2;
392 			while ( --i >= 0 ) *c++ = *a++;
393 			return(0);
394 		}
395 	}
396 	if ( *a == 1 && a[1] == 1 ) {
397 		if ( na == 1 ) {
398 			*nc = nb;
399 			i = ABS(nb); i *= 2;
400 			while ( --i >= 0 ) *c++ = *b++;
401 			return(0);
402 		}
403 		else if ( na == -1 ) {
404 			*nc = - nb;
405 			i = ABS(nb); i *= 2;
406 			while ( --i >= 0 ) *c++ = *b++;
407 			return(0);
408 		}
409 	}
410 	if ( na < 0 ) { na = -na; sgn = -sgn; }
411 	if ( nb < 0 ) { nb = -nb; sgn = -sgn; }
412 	if ( !na || !nb ) { *nc = 0; return(0); }
413 	if ( na != 1 || nb != 1 ) {
415 		UWORD *xd,*xe, *xf,*xg;
416 		WORD dden, dnumr, eden, enumr;
417 		UnPack(a,na,&dden,&dnumr);
418 		UnPack(b,nb,&eden,&enumr);
419 		xd = NumberMalloc("MulRat"); xf = NumberMalloc("MulRat");
420 		for ( i = 0; i < dnumr; i++ ) xd[i] = a[i];
421 		a += na;
422 		for ( i = 0; i < dden; i++ ) xf[i] = a[i];
423 		xe = NumberMalloc("MulRat"); xg = NumberMalloc("MulRat");
424 		for ( i = 0; i < enumr; i++ ) xe[i] = b[i];
425 		b += nb;
426 		for ( i = 0; i < eden; i++ ) xg[i] = b[i];
427 		if ( Simplify(BHEAD xd,&dnumr,xg,&eden) ||
428 		     Simplify(BHEAD xe,&enumr,xf,&dden) ||
429 		     MulLong(xd,dnumr,xe,enumr,c,nc) ||
430 		     MulLong(xf,dden,xg,eden,xd,&dnumr) ) {
431 			MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
432 			MesCall("MulRat");
433 			MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
434 			NumberFree(xd,"MulRat"); NumberFree(xe,"MulRat"); NumberFree(xf,"MulRat"); NumberFree(xg,"MulRat");
435 			SETERROR(-1)
436 		}
437 		Pack(c,nc,xd,dnumr);
438 		NumberFree(xd,"MulRat"); NumberFree(xe,"MulRat"); NumberFree(xf,"MulRat"); NumberFree(xg,"MulRat");
439 	}
440 	else {
441 		UWORD y;
442 		UWORD a0,a1,b0,b1;
443 		RLONG xx;
444 		y = a[0]; b1=b[1];
445 		do { a0 = y % b1; y = b1; } while ( ( b1 = a0 ) != 0 );
446 		if ( y != 1 ) {
447 			a0 = a[0] / y;
448 			b1 = b[1] / y;
449 		}
450 		else {
451 			a0 = a[0];
452 			b1 = b[1];
453 		}
454 		y=b[0]; a1=a[1];
455 		do { b0 = y % a1; y = a1; } while ( ( a1 = b0 ) != 0 );
456 		if ( y != 1 ) {
457 			a1 = a[1] / y;
458 			b0 = b[0] / y;
459 		}
460 		else {
461 			a1 = a[1];
462 			b0 = b[0];
463 		}
464 		xx = ((RLONG)a0)*b0;
465 		if ( xx & AWORDMASK ) {
466 			*nc = 2;
467 			c[0] = (UWORD)xx;
468 			c[1] = (UWORD)(xx >> BITSINWORD);
469 			xx = ((RLONG)a1)*b1;
470 			c[2] = (UWORD)xx;
471 			c[3] = (UWORD)(xx >> BITSINWORD);
472 		}
473 		else {
474 			c[0] = (UWORD)xx;
475 			xx = ((RLONG)a1)*b1;
476 			if ( xx & AWORDMASK ) {
477 				c[1] = 0;
478 				c[2] = (UWORD)xx;
479 				c[3] = (UWORD)(xx >> BITSINWORD);
480 				*nc = 2;
481 			}
482 			else {
483 				c[1] = (UWORD)xx;
484 				*nc = 1;
485 			}
486 		}
487 	}
488 	if ( sgn < 0 ) *nc = -*nc;
489 	return(0);
490 }
492 /*
493  		#] MulRat :
494  		#[ DivRat :			WORD DivRat(a,na,b,nb,c,nc)
496 	Divides the rational a by the rational b.
498 */
DivRat(PHEAD UWORD * a,WORD na,UWORD * b,WORD nb,UWORD * c,WORD * nc)500 WORD DivRat(PHEAD UWORD *a, WORD na, UWORD *b, WORD nb, UWORD *c, WORD *nc)
501 {
503 	WORD i, j;
504 	UWORD *xd,*xe,xx;
505 	if ( !nb ) {
506 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
507 		MesPrint("Rational division by zero");
508 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
509 		return(-1);
510 	}
511 	j = i = (nb >= 0)? nb: -nb;
512 	xd = b; xe = b + i;
513 	do { xx = *xd; *xd++ = *xe; *xe++ = xx; } while ( --j > 0 );
514 	j = MulRat(BHEAD a,na,b,nb,c,nc);
515 	xd = b; xe = b + i;
516 	do { xx = *xd; *xd++ = *xe; *xe++ = xx; } while ( --i > 0 );
517 	return(j);
518 }
520 /*
521  		#] DivRat :
522  		#[ Simplify :		WORD Simplify(a,na,b,nb)
524 	Determines the greatest common denominator of a and b and
525 	devides both by it. A possible sign is put in a. This is
526 	the simplification of the fraction a/b.
528 */
Simplify(PHEAD UWORD * a,WORD * na,UWORD * b,WORD * nb)530 WORD Simplify(PHEAD UWORD *a, WORD *na, UWORD *b, WORD *nb)
531 {
533 	UWORD *x1,*x2,*x3;
534 	UWORD *x4;
535 	WORD n1,n2,n3,n4,sgn = 1;
536 	WORD i;
537 	UWORD *Siscrat5, *Siscrat6, *Siscrat7, *Siscrat8;
538 	if ( *na < 0 ) { *na = -*na; sgn = -sgn; }
539 	if ( *nb < 0 ) { *nb = -*nb; sgn = -sgn; }
540 	Siscrat5 = NumberMalloc("Simplify"); Siscrat6 = NumberMalloc("Simplify");
541 	Siscrat7 = NumberMalloc("Simplify"); Siscrat8 = NumberMalloc("Simplify");
542 	x1 = Siscrat8; x2 = Siscrat7;
543 	if ( *nb == 1 ) {
544 		x3 = Siscrat6;
545 		if ( DivLong(a,*na,b,*nb,x1,&n1,x2,&n2) ) goto SimpErr;
546 		if ( !n2 ) {
547 			for ( i = 0; i < n1; i++ ) *a++ = *x1++;
548 			*na = n1;
549 			*b = 1;
550 		}
551 		else {
552 			UWORD y1, y2, y3;
553 			y2 = *b;
554 			y3 = *x2;
555 			do { y1 = y2 % y3; y2 = y3; } while ( ( y3 = y1 ) != 0 );
556 			if ( ( *x2 = y2 ) != 1 ) {
557 				*b /= y2;
558 				if ( DivLong(a,*na,x2,(WORD)1,x1,&n1,x3,&n3) ) goto SimpErr;
559 				for ( i = 0; i < n1; i++ ) *a++ = *x1++;
560 				*na = n1;
561 			}
562 		}
563 	}
564 #ifdef NEWTRICK
565 	else if ( *na >= GCDMAX && *nb >= GCDMAX ) {
566 		n1 = i = *na; x3 = a;
567 		NCOPY(x1,x3,i);
568 		x3 = b; n2 = i = *nb;
569 		NCOPY(x2,x3,i);
570 		x4 = Siscrat5;
571 		x2 = Siscrat6;
572 		x3 = Siscrat7;
573 		if ( GcdLong(BHEAD Siscrat8,n1,Siscrat7,n2,x2,&n3) ) goto SimpErr;
574 		n2 = n3;
575 		if ( *x2 != 1 || n2 != 1 ) {
576 			DivLong(a,*na,x2,n2,x1,&n1,x4,&n4);
577 			*na = i = n1;
578 			NCOPY(a,x1,i);
579 			DivLong(b,*nb,x2,n2,x3,&n3,x4,&n4);
580 			*nb = i = n3;
581 			NCOPY(b,x3,i);
582 		}
583 	}
584 #endif
585 	else {
586 		x4 = Siscrat5;
587 		n1 = i = *na; x3 = a;
588 		NCOPY(x1,x3,i);
589 		x3 = b; n2 = i = *nb;
590 		NCOPY(x2,x3,i);
591 		x1 = Siscrat8; x2 = Siscrat7; x3 = Siscrat6;
592 		for(;;){
593 			if ( DivLong(x1,n1,x2,n2,x4,&n4,x3,&n3) ) goto SimpErr;
594 			if ( !n3 ) break;
595 			if ( n2 == 1 ) {
596 				while ( ( *x1 = (*x2) % (*x3) ) != 0 ) { *x2 = *x3; *x3 = *x1; }
597 				*x2 = *x3;
598 				break;
599 			}
600 			if ( DivLong(x2,n2,x3,n3,x4,&n4,x1,&n1) ) goto SimpErr;
601 			if ( !n1 ) { x2 = x3; n2 = n3; x3 = Siscrat7; break; }
602 			if ( n3 == 1 ) {
603 				while ( ( *x2 = (*x3) % (*x1) ) != 0 ) { *x3 = *x1; *x1 = *x2; }
604 				*x2 = *x1;
605 				n2 = 1;
606 				break;
607 			}
608 			if ( DivLong(x3,n3,x1,n1,x4,&n4,x2,&n2) ) goto SimpErr;
609 			if ( !n2 ) { x2 = x1; n2 = n1; x1 = Siscrat7; break; }
610 			if ( n1 == 1 ) {
611 				while ( ( *x3 = (*x1) % (*x2) ) != 0 ) { *x1 = *x2; *x2 = *x3; }
612 				break;
613 			}
614 		}
615 		if ( *x2 != 1 || n2 != 1 ) {
616 			DivLong(a,*na,x2,n2,x1,&n1,x4,&n4);
617 			*na = i = n1;
618 			NCOPY(a,x1,i);
619 			DivLong(b,*nb,x2,n2,x3,&n3,x4,&n4);
620 			*nb = i = n3;
621 			NCOPY(b,x3,i);
622 		}
623 	}
624 	if ( sgn < 0 ) *na = -*na;
625 	NumberFree(Siscrat5,"Simplify"); NumberFree(Siscrat6,"Simplify");
626 	NumberFree(Siscrat7,"Simplify"); NumberFree(Siscrat8,"Simplify");
627 	return(0);
628 SimpErr:
629 	MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
630 	MesCall("Simplify");
631 	MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
632 	NumberFree(Siscrat5,"Simplify"); NumberFree(Siscrat6,"Simplify");
633 	NumberFree(Siscrat7,"Simplify"); NumberFree(Siscrat8,"Simplify");
634 	SETERROR(-1)
635 }
637 /*
638  		#] Simplify :
639  		#[ AccumGCD :		WORD AccumGCD(PHEAD a,na,b,nb)
641 		Routine takes the rational GCD of the fractions in a and b and
642 		replaces a by the GCD of the two.
643 		The rational GCD is defined as the rational that consists of
644 		the GCD of the numerators divided by the GCD of the denominators
645 */
648 {
650 	WORD nna,nnb,numa,numb,dena,denb,numc,denc;
651 	UWORD *GCDbuffer = NumberMalloc("AccumGCD");
652 	int i;
653 	nna = *na; if ( nna < 0 ) nna = -nna; nna = (nna-1)/2;
654 	nnb = nb;  if ( nnb < 0 ) nnb = -nnb; nnb = (nnb-1)/2;
655 	UnPack(a,nna,&dena,&numa);
656 	UnPack(b,nnb,&denb,&numb);
657 	if ( GcdLong(BHEAD a,numa,b,numb,GCDbuffer,&numc) ) goto AccErr;
658 	numa = numc;
659 	for ( i = 0; i < numa; i++ ) a[i] = GCDbuffer[i];
660 	if ( GcdLong(BHEAD a+nna,dena,b+nnb,denb,GCDbuffer,&denc) ) goto AccErr;
661 	dena = denc;
662 	for ( i = 0; i < dena; i++ ) a[i+nna] = GCDbuffer[i];
663 	Pack(a,&numa,a+nna,dena);
664 	*na = INCLENG(numa);
665 	NumberFree(GCDbuffer,"AccumGCD");
666 	return(0);
667 AccErr:
668 	MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
669 	MesCall("AccumGCD");
670 	MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
671 	NumberFree(GCDbuffer,"AccumGCD");
672 	SETERROR(-1)
673 }
675 /*
676  		#] AccumGCD :
677  		#[ TakeRatRoot:
678 */
TakeRatRoot(UWORD * a,WORD * n,WORD power)680 int TakeRatRoot(UWORD *a, WORD *n, WORD power)
681 {
682 	WORD numer,denom, nn;
683 	if ( ( power & 1 ) == 0 && *n < 0 ) return(1);
684 	if ( ABS(*n) == 1 && a[0] == 1 && a[1] == 1 ) return(0);
685 	nn = ABS(*n);
686 	UnPack(a,nn,&denom,&numer);
687 	if ( TakeLongRoot(a+nn,&denom,power) ) return(1);
688 	if ( TakeLongRoot(a,&numer,power) ) return(1);
689 	Pack(a,&numer,a+nn,denom);
690 	if ( *n < 0 ) *n = -numer;
691 	else          *n = numer;
692 	return(0);
693 }
695 /*
696  		#] TakeRatRoot:
697   	#] RekenRational :
698   	#[ RekenLong :
699  		#[ AddLong :		WORD AddLong(a,na,b,nb,c,nc)
701 	Long addition. Uses addition and subtraction of positive numbers.
703 */
AddLong(UWORD * a,WORD na,UWORD * b,WORD nb,UWORD * c,WORD * nc)705 WORD AddLong(UWORD *a, WORD na, UWORD *b, WORD nb, UWORD *c, WORD *nc)
706 {
707 	WORD sgn, res;
708 	if ( na < 0 ) {
709 		if ( nb < 0 ) {
710 			if ( AddPLon(a,-na,b,-nb,c,nc) ) return(-1);
711 			*nc = -*nc;
712 			return(0);
713 		}
714 		else {
715 			na = -na;
716 			sgn = -1;
717 		}
718 	}
719 	else {
720 		if ( nb < 0 ) {
721 			nb = -nb;
722 			sgn = 1;
723 		}
724 		else { return( AddPLon(a,na,b,nb,c,nc) ); }
725 	}
726 	if ( ( res = BigLong(a,na,b,nb) ) > 0 ) {
727 		SubPLon(a,na,b,nb,c,nc);
728 		if ( sgn < 0 ) *nc = -*nc;
729 	}
730 	else if ( res < 0 ) {
731 		SubPLon(b,nb,a,na,c,nc);
732 		if ( sgn > 0 ) *nc = -*nc;
733 	}
734 	else {
735 		*nc = 0;
736 		*c = 0;
737 	}
738 	return(0);
739 }
741 /*
742  		#] AddLong :
743  		#[ AddPLon :		WORD AddPLon(a,na,b,nb,c,nc)
745 	Adds two long integers a and b and puts the result in c.
746 	The length of a and b are na and nb. The length of c is returned in nc.
747 	c can be a or b.
748 */
AddPLon(UWORD * a,WORD na,UWORD * b,WORD nb,UWORD * c,WORD * nc)750 WORD AddPLon(UWORD *a, WORD na, UWORD *b, WORD nb, UWORD *c, WORD *nc)
751 {
752 	UWORD carry = 0, e, nd = 0;
753 	while ( na && nb ) {
754 		e = *a;
755 		*c = e + *b + carry;
756 		if ( carry ) {
757 			if ( e < *c ) carry = 0;
758 		}
759 		else {
760 			if ( e > *c ) carry = 1;
761 		}
762 		a++; b++; c++; nd++; na--; nb--;
763 	}
764 	while ( na ) {
765 		if ( carry ) {
766 			*c = *a++ + carry;
767 			if ( *c++ ) carry = 0;
768 		}
769 		else *c++ = *a++;
770 		nd++; na--;
771 	}
772 	while ( nb ) {
773 		if ( carry ) {
774 			*c = *b++ + carry;
775 			if ( *c++ ) carry = 0;
776 		}
777 		else *c++ = *b++;
778 		nd++; nb--;
779 	}
780 	if ( carry ) {
781 		nd++;
782 		if ( nd > (UWORD)AM.MaxTal ) {
783 			MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
784 			MesPrint("Overflow in addition");
785 			MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
786 			return(-1);
787 		}
788 		*c++ = carry;
789 	}
790 	*nc = nd;
791 	return(0);
792 }
794 /*
795  		#] AddPLon :
796  		#[ SubPLon :		VOID SubPLon(a,na,b,nb,c,nc)
798 	Subtracts b from a. Assumes that a > b. Result in c.
799 	c can be a or b.
801 */
SubPLon(UWORD * a,WORD na,UWORD * b,WORD nb,UWORD * c,WORD * nc)803 VOID SubPLon(UWORD *a, WORD na, UWORD *b, WORD nb, UWORD *c, WORD *nc)
804 {
805 	UWORD borrow = 0, e, nd = 0;
806 	while ( nb ) {
807 		e = *a;
808 		if ( borrow ) {
809 			*c = e - *b - borrow;
810 			if ( *c < e ) borrow = 0;
811 		}
812 		else {
813 			*c = e - *b;
814 			if ( *c > e ) borrow = 1;
815 		}
816 		a++; b++; c++; na--; nb--; nd++;
817 	}
818 	while ( na ) {
819 		if ( borrow ) {
820 			if ( *a ) { *c++ = *a++ - 1; borrow = 0; }
821 			else { *c++ = (UWORD)(-1); a++; }
822 		}
823 		else *c++ = *a++;
824 		na--; nd++;
825 	}
826 	while ( nd && !*--c ) { nd--; }
827 	*nc = (WORD)nd;
828 }
830 /*
831  		#] SubPLon :
832  		#[ MulLong :		WORD MulLong(a,na,b,nb,c,nc)
834 	Does a Long multiplication. Assumes that WORD is half the size
835 	of a LONG to work out the scheme! The number of operations is
836 	the canonical na*nm multiplications.
837 	c should not overlap with a or b.
839 */
MulLong(UWORD * a,WORD na,UWORD * b,WORD nb,UWORD * c,WORD * nc)841 WORD MulLong(UWORD *a, WORD na, UWORD *b, WORD nb, UWORD *c, WORD *nc)
842 {
843 	WORD sgn = 1;
844 	UWORD i, *ic, *ia;
845 	RLONG t, bb;
846 	if ( !na || !nb ) { *nc = 0; return(0); }
847 	if ( na < 0 ) { na = -na; sgn = -sgn; }
848 	if ( nb < 0 ) { nb = -nb; sgn = -sgn; }
849 	*nc = i = na + nb;
850 	if ( i > (UWORD)(AM.MaxTal+1) ) goto MulLov;
851 	ic = c;
852 /*
853   	#[ GMP stuff :
854 */
855 #ifdef WITHGMP
856 	if (na > 3 && nb > 3) {
857 /*		mp_limb_t res;  */
858 		UWORD *to, *from;
859 		int j;
861 		UWORD *DLscrat9 = NumberMalloc("MulLong"), *DLscratA = NumberMalloc("MulLong"), *DLscratB = NumberMalloc("MulLong");
862 #if ( GMPSPREAD != 1 )
863 		if ( na & 1 ) {
864 			from = a; a = to = DLscrat9; j = na; NCOPY(to, from, j);
865 			a[na++] = 0;
866 			++*nc;
867 		} else
868 #endif
869 		if ( (LONG)a & (sizeof(mp_limb_t)-1) ) {
870 			from = a; a = to = DLscrat9; j = na; NCOPY(to, from, j);
871 		}
873 #if ( GMPSPREAD != 1 )
874 		if ( nb & 1 ) {
875 			from = b; b = to = DLscratA; j = nb; NCOPY(to, from, j);
876 			b[nb++] = 0;
877 			++*nc;
878 		} else
879 #endif
880 		if ( (LONG)b & (sizeof(mp_limb_t)-1) ) {
881 			from = b; b = to = DLscratA; j = nb; NCOPY(to, from, j);
882 		}
884 		if ( ( *nc > (WORD)i ) || ( (LONG)c & (LONG)(sizeof(mp_limb_t)-1) ) ) {
885 			ic = DLscratB;
886 		}
887 		if ( na < nb ) {
888 			/* res = */
889 			mpn_mul((mp_ptr)ic, (mp_srcptr)b, nb/GMPSPREAD, (mp_srcptr)a, na/GMPSPREAD);
890 		} else {
891 			/* res = */
892 			mpn_mul((mp_ptr)ic, (mp_srcptr)a, na/GMPSPREAD, (mp_srcptr)b, nb/GMPSPREAD);
893 		}
894 		while ( ic[i-1] == 0 ) i--;
895 		*nc = i;
896 /*
897 		if ( res == 0 ) *nc -= GMPSPREAD;
898 		else if ( res <= WORDMASK ) --*nc;
899 */
900 		if ( ic != c ) {
901 			j = *nc; NCOPY(c, ic, j);
902 		}
903 		if ( sgn < 0 ) *nc = -(*nc);
904 		NumberFree(DLscrat9,"MulLong"); NumberFree(DLscratA,"MulLong"); NumberFree(DLscratB,"MulLong");
905 		return(0);
906 	}
907 #endif
908 /*
909   	#] GMP stuff :
910 */
911 	do { *ic++ = 0; } while ( --i > 0 );
912 	do {
913 		ia = a;
914 		ic = c++;
915 		t = 0;
916 		i = na;
917 		bb = (RLONG)(*b++);
918 		do {
919 			t = (*ia++) * bb + t + *ic;
920 			*ic++ = (WORD)t;
921 			t >>= BITSINWORD;		/* should actually be a swap */
922 		} while ( --i > 0 );
923 		if ( t ) *ic = (UWORD)t;
924 	} while ( --nb > 0 );
925 	if ( !*ic ) (*nc)--;
926 	if ( *nc > AM.MaxTal ) goto MulLov;
927 	if ( sgn < 0 ) *nc = -(*nc);
928 	return(0);
929 MulLov:
930 	MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
931 	MesPrint("Overflow in Multiplication");
932 	MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
933 	return(-1);
934 }
936 /*
937  		#] MulLong :
938  		#[ BigLong :		WORD BigLong(a,na,b,nb)
940 	Returns > 0 if a > b, < 0 if b > a and 0 if a == b
942 */
BigLong(UWORD * a,WORD na,UWORD * b,WORD nb)944 WORD BigLong(UWORD *a, WORD na, UWORD *b, WORD nb)
945 {
946 	a += na;
947 	b += nb;
948 	while ( na && !*--a ) na--;
949 	while ( nb && !*--b ) nb--;
950 	if ( nb < na ) return(1);
951 	if ( nb > na ) return(-1);
952 	while ( --na >= 0 ) {
953 		if ( *a > *b ) return(1);
954 		else if ( *b > *a ) return(-1);
955 		a--; b--;
956 	}
957 	return(0);
958 }
960 /*
961  		#] BigLong :
962  		#[ DivLong :		WORD DivLong(a,na,b,nb,c,nc,d,nd)
964 	This is the long division which knows a couple of exceptions.
965 	It uses therefore a recursive call for the renormalization.
966 	The quotient comes in c and the remainder in d.
967 	d may be overlapping with b. It may also be identical to a.
968 	c should not overlap with a, but it can overlap with b.
970 */
DivLong(UWORD * a,WORD na,UWORD * b,WORD nb,UWORD * c,WORD * nc,UWORD * d,WORD * nd)972 WORD DivLong(UWORD *a, WORD na, UWORD *b, WORD nb, UWORD *c,
973              WORD *nc, UWORD *d, WORD *nd)
974 {
975 	WORD sgna = 1, sgnb = 1, ne, nf, ng, nh;
976 	WORD i, ni;
977 	UWORD *w1, *w2;
978 	RLONG t, v;
979 	UWORD *e, *f, *ff, *g, norm, estim;
980 #ifdef WITHGMP
981 	UWORD *DLscrat9, *DLscratA, *DLscratB, *DLscratC;
982 #endif
983 	RLONG esthelp;
984 	if ( !nb ) {
985 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
986 		MesPrint("Division by zero");
987 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
988 		return(-1);
989 	}
990 	if ( !na ) { *nc = *nd = 0; return(0); }
991 	if ( na < 0 ) { sgna = -sgna; na = -na; }
992 	if ( nb < 0 ) { sgnb = -sgnb; nb = -nb; }
993 	if ( na < nb ) {
994 		for ( i = 0; i < na; i++ ) *d++ = *a++;
995 		*nd = na;
996 		*nc = 0;
997 	}
998 	else if ( nb == na && ( i = BigLong(b,nb,a,na) ) >= 0 ) {
999 		if ( i > 0 ) {
1000 			for ( i = 0; i < na; i++ ) *d++ = *a++;
1001 			*nd = na;
1002 			*nc = 0;
1003 		}
1004 		else {
1005 			*c = 1;
1006 			*nc = 1;
1007 			*nd = 0;
1008 		}
1009 	}
1010 	else if ( nb == 1 ) {
1011 		if ( *b == 1 ) {
1012 			for ( i = 0; i < na; i++ ) *c++ = *a++;
1013 			*nc = na;
1014 			*nd = 0;
1015 		}
1016 		else {
1017 			w1 = a+na;
1018 			*nc = ni = na;
1019 			*nd = 1;
1020 			w2 = c+ni;
1021 			v = (RLONG)(*b);
1022 			t = (RLONG)(*--w1);
1023 			while ( --ni >= 0 ) {
1024 				*--w2 = t / v;
1025 				t -= v * (*w2);
1026 				if ( ni ) {
1027 					t <<= BITSINWORD;
1028 					t += *--w1;
1029 				}
1030 			}
1031 			if ( ( *d = (UWORD)t ) == 0 ) *nd = 0;
1032 			if ( !*(c+na-1) ) (*nc)--;
1033 		}
1034 	}
1035 	else {
1037 /*
1038  		#[ GMP stuff :
1040 		We start with copying a and b.
1041 		Then we make space for c and d.
1042 		Next we call mpn_tdiv_qr
1043 		We adjust sizes and copy to c and d if needed.
1044 		Finally the signs are settled.
1045 */
1046 #ifdef WITHGMP
1047 		if ( na > 4 && nb > 3 ) {
1048 		  UWORD *ic, *id, *to, *from;
1049 		  int j = na - nb;
1050 		  DLscrat9 = NumberMalloc("DivLong"); DLscratA = NumberMalloc("DivLong");
1051 		  DLscratB = NumberMalloc("DivLong"); DLscratC = NumberMalloc("DivLong");
1053 #if ( GMPSPREAD != 1 )
1054 		  if ( na & 1 ) {
1055 			from = a; a = to = DLscrat9; i = na; NCOPY(to, from, i);
1056 			a[na++] = 0;
1057 		  } else
1058 #endif
1059 		  if ( (LONG)a & (sizeof(mp_limb_t)-1) ) {
1060 			from = a; a = to = DLscrat9; i = na; NCOPY(to, from, i);
1061 		  }
1063 #if ( GMPSPREAD != 1 )
1064 		  if ( nb & 1 ) {
1065 			from = b; b = to = DLscratA; i = nb; NCOPY(to, from, i);
1066 			b[nb++] = 0;
1067 		  } else
1068 #endif
1069 		  if ( ( (LONG)b & (sizeof(mp_limb_t)-1) ) != 0 ) {
1070 			from = b; b = to = DLscratA; i = nb; NCOPY(to, from, i);
1071 		  }
1072 		  if ( ( (LONG)c & (sizeof(mp_limb_t)-1) ) != 0 ) ic = DLscratB;
1073 		  else                                            ic = c;
1075 		  if ( ( (LONG)d & (sizeof(mp_limb_t)-1) ) != 0 ) id = DLscratC;
1076 		  else                                            id = d;
1077 		  mpn_tdiv_qr((mp_limb_t *)ic,(mp_limb_t *)id,(mp_size_t)0,
1078 			(const mp_limb_t *)a,(mp_size_t)(na/GMPSPREAD),
1079 			(const mp_limb_t *)b,(mp_size_t)(nb/GMPSPREAD));
1080 		  while ( j >= 0 && ic[j] == 0 ) j--;
1081 		  j++; *nc = j;
1082 		  if ( c != ic ) { NCOPY(c,ic,j); }
1083 		  j = nb-1;
1084 		  while ( j >= 0 && id[j] == 0 ) j--;
1085 		  j++; *nd = j;
1086 		  if ( d != id ) { NCOPY(d,id,j); }
1087 		  if ( sgna < 0 ) { *nc = -(*nc); *nd = -(*nd); }
1088 		  if ( sgnb < 0 ) { *nc = -(*nc); }
1089 		  NumberFree(DLscrat9,"DivLong"); NumberFree(DLscratA,"DivLong");
1090 		  NumberFree(DLscratB,"DivLong"); NumberFree(DLscratC,"DivLong");
1091 		  return(0);
1092 		}
1093 #endif
1094 /*
1095  		#] GMP stuff :
1096 */
1097 		/* Start with normalization operation */
1099 		e = NumberMalloc("DivLong"); f = NumberMalloc("DivLong"); g = NumberMalloc("DivLong");
1100 		if ( b[nb-1] == (FULLMAX-1) ) norm = 1;
1101 		else {
1102 			norm = (UWORD)(((ULONG)FULLMAX) / (ULONG)((b[nb-1]+1L)));
1103 		}
1104 		f[na] = 0;
1105 		if ( MulLong(b,nb,&norm,1,e,&ne) ||
1106 		     MulLong(a,na,&norm,1,f,&nf) ) {
1107 			NumberFree(e,"DivLong"); NumberFree(f,"DivLong"); NumberFree(g,"DivLong");
1108 			return(-1);
1109 		}
1110 		if ( BigLong(f+nf-ne,ne,e,ne) >= 0 ) {
1111 			SubPLon(f+nf-ne,ne,e,ne,f+nf-ne,&nh);
1112 			w1 = c + (nf-ne);
1113 			*nc = nf-ne+1;
1114 		}
1115 		else {
1116 			nh = ne;
1117 			*nc = nf-ne;
1118 			w1 = 0;
1119 		}
1120 		w2 = c; i = *nc; do { *w2++ = 0; } while ( --i > 0 );
1121 		nf = na;
1122 		ni = nf-ne;
1123 		esthelp = (RLONG)(e[ne-1]) + 1L;
1124 		while ( nf >= ne ) {
1125 			if ( (WORD)esthelp == 0 ) {
1126 				estim = (WORD)(((((RLONG)(f[nf]))<<BITSINWORD)+f[nf-1])>>BITSINWORD);
1127 			}
1128 			else {
1129 				estim = (WORD)(((((RLONG)(f[nf]))<<BITSINWORD)+f[nf-1])/esthelp);
1130 			}
1131 			/* This estimate may be up to two too small */
1132 			if ( estim ) {
1133 				MulLong(e,ne,&estim,1,g,&ng);
1134 				nh = ne + 1; if ( !f[ni+ne] ) nh--;
1135 				SubPLon(f+ni,nh,g,ng,f+ni,&nh);
1136 			}
1137 			else {
1138 				w2 = f+ni+ne; nh = ne+1;
1139 				while ( ( nh > 0 ) && !*w2 ) { nh--; w2--; }
1140 			}
1141 			if ( BigLong(f+ni,nh,e,ne) >= 0 ) {
1142 				estim++;
1143 				SubPLon(f+ni,nh,e,ne,f+ni,&nh);
1144 				if ( BigLong(f+ni,nh,e,ne) >= 0 ) {
1145 					estim++;
1146 					SubPLon(f+ni,nh,e,ne,f+ni,&nh);
1147 					if ( BigLong(f+ni,nh,e,ne) >= 0 ) {
1148 						MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1149 						MesPrint("Problems in DivLong");
1150 						AO.OutSkip = 3;
1151 						FiniLine();
1152 						i = na;
1153 						while ( --i >= 0 ) { TalToLine((UWORD)(*a++)); TokenToLine((UBYTE *)"  "); }
1154 						FiniLine();
1155 						i = nb;
1156 						while ( --i >= 0 ) { TalToLine((UWORD)(*b++)); TokenToLine((UBYTE *)"  "); }
1157 						AO.OutSkip = 0;
1158 						FiniLine();
1159 						MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1160 						NumberFree(e,"DivLong"); NumberFree(f,"DivLong"); NumberFree(g,"DivLong");
1161 						return(-1);
1162 					}
1163 				}
1164 			}
1165 			c[ni] = estim;
1166 			nf--;
1167 			ni--;
1168 		}
1169 		if ( w1 ) *w1 = 1;
1171 		/* Finish with the renormalization operation */
1173 		if ( nh > 0 ) {
1174 			if ( norm == 1 ) {
1175 				*nd = i = nh; ff = f;
1176 				NCOPY(d,ff,i);
1177 			}
1178 			else {
1179 				w1 = f+nh;
1180 				*nd = ni = nh;
1181 				w2 = d+ni;
1182 				v = norm;
1183 				t = (RLONG)(*--w1);
1184 				while ( --ni >= 0 ) {
1185 					*--w2 = t / v;
1186 					t -= v * (*w2);
1187 					if ( ni ) {
1188 						t <<= BITSINWORD;
1189 						t += *--w1;
1190 					}
1191 				}
1192 				if ( t ) {
1193 					MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1194 					MesPrint("Error in DivLong");
1195 					MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1196 					NumberFree(e,"DivLong"); NumberFree(f,"DivLong"); NumberFree(g,"DivLong");
1197 					return(-1);
1198 				}
1199 				if ( !*(d+nh-1) ) (*nd)--;
1200 			}
1201 		}
1202 		else { *nd = 0; }
1203 		NumberFree(e,"DivLong"); NumberFree(f,"DivLong"); NumberFree(g,"DivLong");
1204 	}
1205 	if ( sgna < 0 ) { *nc = -(*nc); *nd = -(*nd); }
1206 	if ( sgnb < 0 ) { *nc = -(*nc); }
1207 	return(0);
1208 }
1210 /*
1211  		#] DivLong :
1212  		#[ RaisPow :		WORD RaisPow(a,na,b)
1214 	Raises a to the power b. a is a Long integer and b >= 0.
1215 	The method that is used works with a bitdecomposition of b.
1216 */
RaisPow(PHEAD UWORD * a,WORD * na,UWORD b)1218 WORD RaisPow(PHEAD UWORD *a, WORD *na, UWORD b)
1219 {
1221 	WORD i, nu;
1222 	UWORD *it, *iu, c;
1223 	UWORD *is, *iss;
1224 	WORD ns, nt, nmod;
1225 	nmod = ABS(AN.ncmod);
1226 	if ( !*na || ( ( *na == 1 ) && ( *a == 1 ) ) ) return(0);
1227 	if ( !b ) {	*na=1; *a=1; return(0); }
1228 	is = NumberMalloc("RaisPow");
1229 	it = NumberMalloc("RaisPow");
1230 	for ( i = 0; i < ABS(*na); i++ ) is[i] = a[i];
1231 	ns = *na;
1232 	c = b;
1233 	for ( i = 0; i < BITSINWORD; i++ ) {
1234 		if ( !c ) break;
1235 		c /= 2;
1236 	}
1237 	i--;
1238 	c = 1 << i;
1239 	while ( --i >= 0 ) {
1240 		c /= 2;
1241 		if(MulLong(is,ns,is,ns,it,&nt)) goto RaisOvl;
1242 		if ( b & c ) {
1243 			if ( MulLong(it,nt,a,*na,is,&ns) ) goto RaisOvl;
1244 		}
1245 		else {
1246 			iu = is; is = it; it = iu;
1247 			nu = ns; ns = nt; nt = nu;
1248 		}
1249 		if ( nmod != 0 ) {
1250 			if ( DivLong(is,ns,(UWORD *)AC.cmod,nmod,it,&nt,is,&ns) ) goto RaisOvl;
1251 		}
1252 	}
1253 	if ( ( nmod != 0 ) && ( ( AC.modmode & POSNEG ) != 0 ) ) {
1254 		NormalModulus(is,&ns);
1255 	}
1256 	if ( ( *na = i = ns ) != 0 ) { iss = is; i=ABS(i); NCOPY(a,iss,i); }
1257 	NumberFree(is,"RaisPow"); NumberFree(it,"RaisPow");
1258 	return(0);
1259 RaisOvl:
1260 	MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1261 	MesCall("RaisPow");
1262 	MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1263 	NumberFree(is,"RaisPow"); NumberFree(it,"RaisPow");
1264 	SETERROR(-1)
1265 }
1267 /*
1268  		#] RaisPow :
1269  		#[ RaisPowCached :
1270 */
1272 /**  Computes power x^n and caches the value
1273  *
1274  *   Description
1275  *   ===========
1276  *   Calculates the power x^n and stores the results for caching
1277  *   purposes. The pointer c (i.e., the pointer, and not what it
1278  *   points to) is overwritten. What it points to should not be
1279  *   overwritten in the calling function.
1280  *
1281  *   Notes
1282  *   =====
1283  *   - Caching is done in AT.small_power[]. This array is extended
1284  *     if necessary.
1285  */
RaisPowCached(PHEAD WORD x,WORD n,UWORD ** c,WORD * nc)1286 VOID RaisPowCached (PHEAD WORD x, WORD n, UWORD **c, WORD *nc) {
1288 	int i,j;
1289 	WORD new_small_power_maxx, new_small_power_maxn, ID;
1290 	WORD *new_small_power_n;
1291 	UWORD **new_small_power;
1293 	/* check whether to extend the array */
1294 	if (x>=AT.small_power_maxx || n>=AT.small_power_maxn) {
1296 		new_small_power_maxx = AT.small_power_maxx;
1297 		if (x>=AT.small_power_maxx)
1298 			new_small_power_maxx = MaX(2*AT.small_power_maxx, x+1);
1300 		new_small_power_maxn = AT.small_power_maxn;
1301 		if (n>=AT.small_power_maxn)
1302 			new_small_power_maxn = MaX(2*AT.small_power_maxn, n+1);
1304 		new_small_power_n = (WORD*) Malloc1(new_small_power_maxx*new_small_power_maxn*sizeof(WORD),"RaisPowCached");
1305 		new_small_power = (UWORD **) Malloc1(new_small_power_maxx*new_small_power_maxn*sizeof(UWORD *),"RaisPowCached");
1307 		for (i=0; i<new_small_power_maxx * new_small_power_maxn; i++) {
1308 			new_small_power_n[i] = 0;
1309 			new_small_power  [i] = NULL;
1310 		}
1312 		for (i=0; i<AT.small_power_maxx; i++)
1313 			for (j=0; j<AT.small_power_maxn; j++) {
1314 				new_small_power_n[i*new_small_power_maxn+j] =	AT.small_power_n[i*AT.small_power_maxn+j];
1315 				new_small_power  [i*new_small_power_maxn+j] = AT.small_power  [i*AT.small_power_maxn+j];
1316 			}
1318 		if (AT.small_power_n != NULL) {
1319 			M_free(AT.small_power_n,"RaisPowCached");
1320 			M_free(AT.small_power,"RaisPowCached");
1321 		}
1323 		AT.small_power_maxx = new_small_power_maxx;
1324 		AT.small_power_maxn = new_small_power_maxn;
1325 		AT.small_power_n    = new_small_power_n;
1326 		AT.small_power      = new_small_power;
1327 	}
1329 	/* check whether the results is already calculated */
1330 	ID = x * AT.small_power_maxn + n;
1332 	if (AT.small_power[ID] == NULL) {
1334         AT.small_power[ID] = NumberMalloc("RaisPowCached");
1335         AT.small_power_n[ID] = 1;
1336         AT.small_power[ID][0] = x;
1337         RaisPow(BHEAD AT.small_power[ID],&AT.small_power_n[ID],n);
1338 #else
1339         UWORD *c = NumberMalloc("RaisPowCached");
1340         WORD i, k = 1;
1341 		c[0] = x;
1342         RaisPow(BHEAD c,&k,n);
1343 /*
1344         And now get the proper amount.
1345 */
1346         if ( AT.InNumMem < k ) {    /* We should start a new buffer */
1347             AT.InNumMem = 5*AM.MaxTal;
1348             AT.NumMem = (UWORD *)Malloc1(AT.InNumMem*sizeof(UWORD),"RaisPowCached");
1349 /*
1350 			MesPrint("  Got an extra %l UWORDS in RaisPowCached",AT.InNumMem);
1351 */
1352         }
1353         for ( i = 0; i < k; i++ ) AT.NumMem[i] = c[i];
1354         AT.small_power[ID] = AT.NumMem;
1355         AT.small_power_n[ID] = k;
1356         AT.NumMem += k;
1357         AT.InNumMem -= k;
1358         NumberFree(c,"RaisPowCached");
1359 #endif
1360 	}
1362 	/* return the result */
1363 	*c  = AT.small_power[ID];
1364 	*nc = AT.small_power_n[ID];
1365 }
1367 /*
1368  		#] RaisPowCached :
1369 	 	#[ RaisPowMod :
1371    Computes the power x^n mod m
1372  */
RaisPowMod(WORD x,WORD n,WORD m)1373 WORD RaisPowMod (WORD x, WORD n, WORD m) {
1374 	LONG y=1, z=x;
1375 	while (n) {
1376 		if (n&1) { y*=z; y%=m; }
1377 		z*=z; z%=m;
1378 		n /= 2;
1379 	}
1380 	return (WORD)y;
1381 }
1383 /*
1384   	#] RaisPowMod :
1385  		#[ NormalModulus :  int NormalModulus(UWORD *a,WORD *na)
1386 */
1387 /**
1388  *	Brings a modular representation in the range -p/2 to +p/2
1389  *	The return value tells whether anything was done.
1390  *	Routine made in the general modulus revamp of July 2008 (JV).
1391  */
NormalModulus(UWORD * a,WORD * na)1393 int NormalModulus(UWORD *a,WORD *na)
1394 {
1395 	WORD n;
1396 	if ( AC.halfmod == 0 ) {
1397 	  LOCK(AC.halfmodlock);
1398 	  if ( AC.halfmod == 0 ) {
1399 		UWORD two[1],remain[1];
1400 		WORD dummy;
1401 		two[0] = 2;
1402 		AC.halfmod = (UWORD *)Malloc1((ABS(AC.ncmod))*sizeof(UWORD),"halfmod");
1403 		DivLong((UWORD *)AC.cmod,(ABS(AC.ncmod)),two,1
1404 				,(UWORD *)AC.halfmod,&(AC.nhalfmod),remain,&dummy);
1405 	  }
1406 	  UNLOCK(AC.halfmodlock);
1407 	}
1408 	n = ABS(*na);
1409 	if ( BigLong(a,n,AC.halfmod,AC.nhalfmod) > 0 ) {
1410 		SubPLon((UWORD *)AC.cmod,(ABS(AC.ncmod)),a,n,a,&n);
1411 		if ( *na > 0 ) { *na = -n; }
1412 		else { *na = n; }
1413 		return(1);
1414 	}
1415 	return(0);
1416 }
1418 /*
1419  		#] NormalModulus :
1420  		#[ MakeInverses :
1421 */
1422 /**
1423  *	Makes a table of inverses in modular calculus
1424  *	The modulus is in AC.cmod and AC.ncmod
1425  *	One should notice that the table of inverses can only be made if
1426  *	the modulus fits inside a single FORM word. Otherwise the table lookup
1427  *	becomes too difficult and the table too long.
1428  */
MakeInverses()1430 int MakeInverses()
1431 {
1432 	WORD n = AC.cmod[0], i, inv2;
1433 	if ( AC.ncmod != 1 ) return(1);
1434 	if ( AC.modinverses == 0 ) {
1435 	  LOCK(AC.halfmodlock);
1436 	  if ( AC.modinverses == 0 ) {
1437 		AC.modinverses = (UWORD *)Malloc1(n*sizeof(UWORD),"modinverses");
1438 		AC.modinverses[0] = 0;
1439 		AC.modinverses[1] = 1;
1440 		for ( i = 2; i < n; i++ ) {
1441 			if ( GetModInverses(i,n,
1442 						(WORD *)(&(AC.modinverses[i])),&inv2) ) {
1443 				SETERROR(-1)
1444 			}
1445 		}
1446 	  }
1447 	  UNLOCK(AC.halfmodlock);
1448 	}
1449 	return(0);
1450 }
1452 /*
1453  		#] MakeInverses :
1454  		#[ GetModInverses :
1455 */
1456 /**
1457  *	Input m1 and m2, which are relative prime.
1458  *	determines a*m1+b*m2 = 1  (and 1 is the gcd of m1 and m2)
1459  *	then a*m1 = 1 mod m2 and hence im1 = a.
1460  *	and  b*m2 = 1 mod m1 and hence im2 = b.
1461  *	Set m1 = 0*m1+1*m2 = a1*m1+b1*m2
1462  *	    m2 = 1*m1+0*m2 = a2*m1+b2*m2
1463  *	If everything is OK, the return value is zero
1464  */
GetModInverses(WORD m1,WORD m2,WORD * im1,WORD * im2)1466 int GetModInverses(WORD m1, WORD m2, WORD *im1, WORD *im2)
1467 {
1468 	WORD a1, a2, a3;
1469 	WORD b1, b2, b3;
1470 	WORD x = m1, y, c, d = m2;
1471 	if ( x < 1 || d <= 1 ) goto somethingwrong;
1472 	a1 = 0; a2 = 1;
1473 	b1 = 1; b2 = 0;
1474 	for(;;) {
1475 		c = d/x; y = d%x; /* a good compiler makes this faster than y=d-c*x */
1476 		if ( y == 0 ) break;
1477 		a3 = a1-c*a2; a1 = a2; a2 = a3;
1478 		b3 = b1-c*b2; b1 = b2; b2 = b3;
1479 		d = x; x = y;
1480 	}
1481 	if ( x != 1 ) goto somethingwrong;
1482 	if ( a2 < 0 ) a2 += m2;
1483 	if ( b2 < 0 ) b2 += m1;
1484 	if (im1!=NULL) *im1 = a2;
1485 	if (im2!=NULL) *im2 = b2;
1486 	return(0);
1487 somethingwrong:
1488 	MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1489 	MesPrint("Error trying to determine inverses in GetModInverses");
1490 	MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1491 	return(-1);
1492 }
1493 /*
1494  		#] GetModInverses :
1495  		#[ GetLongModInverses :
1496 */
GetLongModInverses(PHEAD UWORD * a,WORD na,UWORD * b,WORD nb,UWORD * ia,WORD * nia,UWORD * ib,WORD * nib)1498 int GetLongModInverses(PHEAD UWORD *a, WORD na, UWORD *b, WORD nb, UWORD *ia, WORD *nia, UWORD *ib, WORD *nib) {
1500 	UWORD *s, *t, *sa, *sb, *ta, *tb, *x, *y, *swap1;
1501 	WORD ns, nt, nsa, nsb, nta, ntb, nx, ny, swap2;
1503 	s = NumberMalloc("GetLongModInverses");
1504 	ns = na;
1505 	WCOPY(s, a, ABS(ns));
1507 	t = NumberMalloc("GetLongModInverses");
1508 	nt = nb;
1509 	WCOPY(t, b, ABS(nt));
1511 	sa = NumberMalloc("GetLongModInverses");
1512 	nsa = 1;
1513 	sa[0] = 1;
1515 	sb = NumberMalloc("GetLongModInverses");
1516 	nsb = 0;
1518 	ta = NumberMalloc("GetLongModInverses");
1519 	nta = 0;
1521 	tb = NumberMalloc("GetLongModInverses");
1522 	ntb = 1;
1523 	tb[0] = 1;
1525 	x = NumberMalloc("GetLongModInverses");
1526 	y = NumberMalloc("GetLongModInverses");
1528 	while (nt != 0) {
1529 		DivLong(s,ns,t,nt,x,&nx,y,&ny);
1530 		swap1=s; s=y; y=swap1;
1531 		ns=ny;
1532 		MulLong(x,nx,ta,nta,y,&ny);
1533 		AddLong(sa,nsa,y,-ny,sa,&nsa);
1534 		MulLong(x,nx,tb,ntb,y,&ny);
1535 		AddLong(sb,nsb,y,-ny,sb,&nsb);
1537 		swap1=s; s=t; t=swap1;
1538 		swap2=ns; ns=nt; nt=swap2;
1539 		swap1=sa; sa=ta; ta=swap1;
1540 		swap2=nsa; nsa=nta; nta=swap2;
1541 		swap1=sb; sb=tb; tb=swap1;
1542 		swap2=nsb; nsb=ntb; ntb=swap2;
1543 	}
1545 	if (ia!=NULL) {
1546 		*nia = nsa*ns;
1547 		WCOPY(ia,sa,ABS(*nia));
1548 	}
1550 	if (ib!=NULL) {
1551 		*nib = nsb*ns;
1552 		WCOPY(ib,sb,ABS(*nib));
1553 	}
1555 	NumberFree(s,"GetLongModInverses");
1556 	NumberFree(t,"GetLongModInverses");
1557 	NumberFree(sa,"GetLongModInverses");
1558 	NumberFree(sb,"GetLongModInverses");
1559 	NumberFree(ta,"GetLongModInverses");
1560 	NumberFree(tb,"GetLongModInverses");
1561 	NumberFree(x,"GetLongModInverses");
1562 	NumberFree(y,"GetLongModInverses");
1564 	return 0;
1565 }
1567 /*
1568  		#] GetLongModInverses :
1569  		#[ Product :		WORD Product(a,na,b)
1571 	Multiplies the Long number in a with the WORD b.
1573 */
Product(UWORD * a,WORD * na,WORD b)1575 WORD Product(UWORD *a, WORD *na, WORD b)
1576 {
1577 	WORD i, sgn = 1;
1578 	RLONG t, u;
1579 	if ( *na < 0 ) { *na = -(*na); sgn = -sgn; }
1580 	if ( b < 0 ) { b = -b; sgn = -sgn; }
1581 	t = 0;
1582 	u = (RLONG)b;
1583 	for ( i = 0; i < *na; i++ ) {
1584 		t += *a * u;
1585 		*a++ = (UWORD)t;
1586 		t >>= BITSINWORD;
1587 	}
1588 	if ( t > 0 ) {
1589 		if ( ++(*na) > AM.MaxTal ) {
1590 			MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1591 			MesPrint("Overflow in Product");
1592 			MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1593 			return(-1);
1594 		}
1595 		*a = (UWORD)t;
1596 	}
1597 	if ( sgn < 0 ) *na = -(*na);
1598 	return(0);
1599 }
1601 /*
1602  		#] Product :
1603  		#[ Quotient :		UWORD Quotient(a,na,b)
1605 		Routine divides the long number a by b with the assumption that
1606 		there is no remainder (like while computing binomials).
1608 */
Quotient(UWORD * a,WORD * na,WORD b)1610 UWORD Quotient(UWORD *a, WORD *na, WORD b)
1611 {
1612 	RLONG v, t;
1613 	WORD i, j, sgn = 1;
1614 	if ( ( i = *na ) < 0 ) { sgn = -1; i = -i; }
1615 	if ( b < 0 ) { b = -b; sgn = -sgn; }
1616 	if ( i == 1 ) {
1617 		if ( ( *a /= (UWORD)b ) == 0 ) *na = 0;
1618 		if ( sgn < 0 ) *na = -*na;
1619 		return(0);
1620 	}
1621 	a += i;
1622 	j = i;
1623 	v = (RLONG)b;
1624 	t = (RLONG)(*--a);
1625 	while ( --i >= 0 ) {
1626 		*a = t / v;
1627 		t -= v * (*a);
1628 		if ( i ) {
1629 			t <<= BITSINWORD;
1630 			t += *--a;
1631 		}
1632 	}
1633 	a += j - 1;
1634 	if ( !*a ) j--;
1635 	if ( sgn < 0 ) j = -j;
1636 	*na = j;
1637 	return(0);
1638 }
1640 /*
1641  		#] Quotient :
1642  		#[ Remain10 :		WORD Remain10(a,na)
1644 	Routine devides a by 10 and gives the remainder as return value.
1645 	The value of a will be the quotient! a must be positive.
1647 */
Remain10(UWORD * a,WORD * na)1649 WORD Remain10(UWORD *a, WORD *na)
1650 {
1651 	WORD i;
1652 	RLONG t, u;
1653 	UWORD *b;
1654 	i = *na;
1655 	t = 0;
1656 	b = a + i - 1;
1657 	while ( --i >= 0 ) {
1658 		t += *b;
1659 		*b-- = u = t / 10;
1660 		t -= u * 10;
1661 		if ( i > 0 ) t <<= BITSINWORD;
1662 	}
1663 	if ( ( *na > 0 ) && !a[*na-1] ) (*na)--;
1664 	return((WORD)t);
1665 }
1667 /*
1668  		#] Remain10 :
1669  		#[ Remain4 :		WORD Remain4(a,na)
1671 	Routine devides a by 10000 and gives the remainder as return value.
1672 	The value of a will be the quotient! a must be positive.
1674 */
Remain4(UWORD * a,WORD * na)1676 WORD Remain4(UWORD *a, WORD *na)
1677 {
1678 	WORD i;
1679 	RLONG t, u;
1680 	UWORD *b;
1681 	i = *na;
1682 	t = 0;
1683 	b = a + i - 1;
1684 	while ( --i >= 0 ) {
1685 		t += *b;
1686 		*b-- = u = t / 10000;
1687 		t -= u * 10000;
1688 		if ( i > 0 ) t <<= BITSINWORD;
1689 	}
1690 	if ( ( *na > 0 ) && !a[*na-1] ) (*na)--;
1691 	return((WORD)t);
1692 }
1694 /*
1695  		#] Remain4 :
1696  		#[ PrtLong :		VOID PrtLong(a,na,s)
1698 	Puts the long number a in string s.
1700 */
PrtLong(UWORD * a,WORD na,UBYTE * s)1702 VOID PrtLong(UWORD *a, WORD na, UBYTE *s)
1703 {
1705 	WORD q, i;
1706 	UBYTE *sa, *sb;
1707 	UBYTE c;
1708 	UWORD *bb, *b;
1710 	if ( na < 0 ) {
1711 		*s++ = '-';
1712 		na = -na;
1713 	}
1715 	b = NumberMalloc("PrtLong");
1716 	bb = b;
1717 	i = na; while ( --i >= 0 ) *bb++ = *a++;
1718 	a = b;
1719 	if ( na > 2 ) {
1720 		sa = s;
1721 		do {
1722 			q = Remain4(a,&na);
1723 			*sa++ = (UBYTE)('0' + (q%10));
1724 			q /= 10;
1725 			*sa++ = (UBYTE)('0' + (q%10));
1726 			q /= 10;
1727 			*sa++ = (UBYTE)('0' + (q%10));
1728 			q /= 10;
1729 			*sa++ = (UBYTE)('0' + (q%10));
1730 		} while ( na );
1731 		while ( sa[-1] == '0' ) sa--;
1732 		sb = s;
1733 		s = sa;
1734 		sa--;
1735 		while ( sa > sb ) { c = *sa; *sa = *sb; *sb = c; sa--; sb++; }
1736 	}
1737 	else if ( na ) {
1738 		sa = s;
1739 		do {
1740 			q = Remain10(a,&na);
1741 			*sa++ = (UBYTE)('0' + q);
1742 		} while ( na );
1743 		sb = s;
1744 		s = sa;
1745 		sa--;
1746 		while ( sa > sb ) { c = *sa; *sa = *sb; *sb = c; sa--; sb++; }
1747 	}
1748 	else *s++ = '0';
1749 	*s = '\0';
1750 	NumberFree(b,"PrtLong");
1751 }
1753 /*
1754  		#] PrtLong :
1755  		#[ GetLong :		WORD GetLong(s,a,na)
1757 	Reads a long number from a string.
1758 	The string is zero terminated and contains only digits!
1760 	New algorithm: try to read 4 digits together before the result
1761 	is accumulated.
1762 */
GetLong(UBYTE * s,UWORD * a,WORD * na)1764 WORD GetLong(UBYTE *s, UWORD *a, WORD *na)
1765 {
1766 /*
1767 	UWORD digit;
1768 	*a = 0;
1769 	*na = 0;
1770 	while ( FG.cTable[*s] == 1 ) {
1771 		digit = *s++ - '0';
1772 		if ( *na && Product(a,na,(WORD)10) ) return(-1);
1773 		if ( digit && AddLong(a,*na,&digit,(WORD)1,a,na) ) return(-1);
1774 	}
1775 	return(0);
1776 */
1777 	UWORD digit, x = 0, y = 0;
1778 	*a = 0;
1779 	*na = 0;
1780 	while ( FG.cTable[*s] == 1 ) {
1781 		x = *s++ - '0';
1782 		if ( FG.cTable[*s] != 1 ) { y = 10; break; }
1783 		x = 10*x + *s++ - '0';
1784 		if ( FG.cTable[*s] != 1 ) { y = 100; break; }
1785 		x = 10*x + *s++ - '0';
1786 		if ( FG.cTable[*s] != 1 ) { y = 1000; break; }
1787 		x = 10*x + *s++ - '0';
1788 		if ( *na && Product(a,na,(WORD)10000) ) return(-1);
1789 		if ( ( digit = x ) != 0 && AddLong(a,*na,&digit,(WORD)1,a,na) )
1790 			return(-1);
1791 		y = 0;
1792 	}
1793 	if ( y ) {
1794 		if ( *na && Product(a,na,(WORD)y) ) return(-1);
1795 		if ( ( digit = x ) != 0 && AddLong(a,*na,&digit,(WORD)1,a,na) )
1796 			return(-1);
1797 	}
1798 	return(0);
1799 }
1801 /*
1802  		#] GetLong :
1803  		#[ GCD :			WORD GCD(a,na,b,nb,c,nc)
1805 	Algorithm to compute the GCD of two long numbers.
1806 	See Knuth, sec 4.5.2 algorithm L.
1808 	We assume that both numbers are positive
1810 	NOTE!!!!!. NumberMalloc gets called and it may not be freed
1811 */
1813 #ifdef EXTRAGCD
1815 #define Convert(ia,aa,naa) \
1816 	if ( (LONG)ia < 0 ) {        \
1817 		ia = (ULONG)(-(LONG)ia); \
1818 		aa[0] = ia;              \
1819 		if ( ( aa[1] = ia >> BITSINWORD ) != 0 ) naa = -2; \
1820 		else naa = -1;           \
1821 	}                            \
1822 	else if ( ia == 0 ) { aa[0] = 0; naa = 0; } \
1823 	else {                       \
1824 		aa[0] = ia;              \
1825 		if ( ( aa[1] = ia >> BITSINWORD ) != 0 ) naa = 2; \
1826 		else naa = 1;            \
1827 	}
GCD(UWORD * a,WORD na,UWORD * b,WORD nb,UWORD * c,WORD * nc)1829 VOID GCD(UWORD *a, WORD na, UWORD *b, WORD nb, UWORD *c, WORD *nc)
1830 {
1831 	int ja = 0, jb = 0, j;
1832 	UWORD *r,*t;
1833 	UWORD *x1, *x2, *x3;
1834 	WORD nd,naa,nbb;
1835 	ULONG ia,ib,ic,id,u,v,w,q,T;
1836 	UWORD aa[2], bb[2];
1837 /*
1838 	First eliminate easy powers of 2^...
1839 */
1840 	while ( a[0] == 0 ) { na--; ja++; a++; }
1841 	while ( b[0] == 0 ) { nb--; jb++; b++; }
1842 	if ( ja > jb ) ja = jb;
1843 	if ( ja > 0 ) {
1844 		j = ja;
1845 		do { *c++ = 0; } while ( --j > 0 );
1846 	}
1847 /*
1848 	Now arrange things such that a >= b
1849 */
1850 	if ( na < nb ) {
1851 		jb = na; na = nb; nb = jb;
1852 exch:
1853 		r = a; a = b; b = r;
1854 	}
1855 	else if ( na == nb ) {
1856 		r = a+na;
1857 		t = b+nb;
1858 		j = na;
1859 		while ( --j >= 0 ) {
1860 			if ( *--r > *--t ) break;
1861 			if ( *r < *t ) goto exch;
1862 		}
1863 		if ( j < 0 ) {
1864 out:
1865 			j = nb;
1866 			NCOPY(c,b,j);
1867 			*nc = nb+ja;
1868 			return;
1869 		}
1870 	}
1871 /*
1872 	{
1873 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1874 		MesPrint("Ordered input, ja = %d",(WORD)ja);
1875 		AO.OutSkip = 3;
1876 		FiniLine();
1877 		j = na; r = a;
1878 		while ( --j >= 0 ) { TalToLine((UWORD)(*r++)); TokenToLine((UBYTE *)"  "); }
1879 		FiniLine();
1880 		j = nb; r = b;
1881 		while ( --j >= 0 ) { TalToLine((UWORD)(*r++)); TokenToLine((UBYTE *)"  "); }
1882 		AO.OutSkip = 0;
1883 		FiniLine();
1884 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1885 	}
1886 */
1887 /*
1888 	We have now that A > B
1889 	The loop recognizes the case that na-nb >= 1
1890 	In that case we just have to divide!
1891 */
1892 	r = x1 = NumberMalloc("GCD"); t = x2 = NumberMalloc("GCD"); x3 = NumberMalloc("GCD");
1893 	j = na;
1894 	NCOPY(r,a,j);
1895 	j = nb;
1896 	NCOPY(t,b,j);
1898 	for(;;) {
1900 		while ( na > nb ) {
1901 toobad:
1902 			DivLong(x1,na,x2,nb,c,nc,x3,&nd);
1903 			if ( nd == 0 ) { b = x2; goto out; }
1904 			t = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = x3; x3 = t; na = nb; nb = nd;
1905 			if ( na == 2 ) break;
1906 		}
1907 /*
1908 	Here we can use the shortcut.
1909 */
1910 	if ( na == 2 ) {
1911 		v = x1[0] + ( ((ULONG)x1[1]) << BITSINWORD );
1912 		w = x2[0];
1913 		if ( nb == 2 ) w += ((ULONG)x2[1]) << BITSINWORD;
1914 #ifdef EXTRAGCD2
1915 		v = GCD2(v,w);
1916 #else
1917 		do { u = v%w; v = w; w = u; } while ( w );
1918 #endif
1919 		c[0] = (UWORD)v;
1920 		if ( ( c[1] = (UWORD)(v >> BITSINWORD) ) != 0 ) *nc = 2+ja;
1921 		else *nc = 1+ja;
1922 		NumberFree(x1,"GCD"); NumberFree(x2,"GCD"); NumberFree(x3,"GCD");
1923 		return;
1924 	}
1925 	if ( na == 1 ) {
1926 		UWORD ui, uj;
1927 		ui = x1[0]; uj = x2[0];
1928 #ifdef EXTRAGCD2
1929 		ui = (UWORD)GCD2((ULONG)ui,(ULONG)uj);
1930 #else
1931 		do { nd = ui%uj; ui = uj; uj = nd; } while ( nd );
1932 #endif
1933 		c[0] = ui;
1934 		*nc = 1 + ja;
1935 		NumberFree(x1,"GCD"); NumberFree(x2,"GCD"); NumberFree(x3,"GCD");
1936 		return;
1937 	}
1938 	ia = 1; ib = 0; ic = 0; id = 1;
1939 	u = ( ((ULONG)x1[na-1]) << BITSINWORD ) + x1[na-2];
1940 	v = ( ((ULONG)x2[nb-1]) << BITSINWORD ) + x2[nb-2];
1942 	while ( v+ic != 0 && v+id != 0 &&
1943 		 ( q = (u+ia)/(v+ic) ) == (u+ib)/(v+id) ) {
1944 		T = ia-q*ic; ia = ic; ic = T;
1945 		T = ib-q*id; ib = id; id = T;
1946 		T = u - q*v; u = v; v = T;
1947 	}
1948 	if ( ib == 0 ) goto toobad;
1949 	Convert(ia,aa,naa);
1950 	Convert(ib,bb,nbb);
1951 	MulLong(x1,na,aa,naa,x3,&nd);
1952 	MulLong(x2,nb,bb,nbb,c,nc);
1953 	AddLong(x3,nd,c,*nc,c,nc);
1954 	Convert(ic,aa,naa);
1955 	Convert(id,bb,nbb);
1956 	MulLong(x1,na,aa,naa,x3,&nd);
1957 	t = c; na = j = *nc; r = x1;
1958 	NCOPY(r,t,j);
1959 	MulLong(x2,nb,bb,nbb,c,nc);
1960 	AddLong(x3,nd,c,*nc,x2,&nb);
1961 	}
1962 }
1964 #endif
1966 /*
1967  		#] GCD :
1968  		#[ GcdLong :		WORD GcdLong(a,na,b,nb,c,nc)
1970 	Returns the Greatest Common Divider of a and b in c.
1971 	If a and or b are zero an error message will be returned.
1972 	The answer is always positive.
1973 	In principle a and c can be the same.
1974 */
1976 #ifndef NEWTRICK
1977 /*
1978   	#[ Old Routine :
1979 */
GcdLong(PHEAD UWORD * a,WORD na,UWORD * b,WORD nb,UWORD * c,WORD * nc)1981 WORD GcdLong(PHEAD UWORD *a, WORD na, UWORD *b, WORD nb, UWORD *c, WORD *nc)
1982 {
1984 	if ( !na || !nb ) {
1985 		if ( !na && !nb ) {
1986 			MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1987 			MesPrint("Cannot take gcd");
1988 			MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
1989 			return(-1);
1990 		}
1992 		if ( !na ) {
1993 			*nc = abs(nb);
1994 			NCOPY(c,b,*nc);
1995 			*nc = abs(nb);
1996 			return(0);
1997 		}
1999 		*nc = abs(na);
2000 		NCOPY(c,a,*nc);
2001 		*nc = abs(na);
2002 		return(0);
2003 	}
2004 	if ( na < 0 ) na = -na;
2005 	if ( nb < 0 ) nb = -nb;
2006 	if ( na == 1 && nb == 1 ) {
2007 #ifdef EXTRAGCD2
2008 		*c = (UWORD)GCD2((ULONG)*a,(ULONG)*b);
2009 #else
2010 		UWORD x,y,z;
2011 		x = *a;
2012 		y = *b;
2013 		do { z = x % y; x = y; } while ( ( y = z ) != 0 );
2014 		*c = x;
2015 #endif
2016 		*nc = 1;
2017 	}
2018 	else if ( na <= 2 && nb <= 2 ) {
2019 		RLONG lx,ly,lz;
2020 		if ( na == 2 ) { lx = (((RLONG)(a[1]))<<BITSINWORD) + *a; }
2021 		else { lx = *a; }
2022 		if ( nb == 2 ) { ly = (((RLONG)(b[1]))<<BITSINWORD) + *b; }
2023 		else { ly = *b; }
2024 #ifdef LONGWORD
2025 #ifdef EXTRAGCD2
2026 		lx = GCD2(lx,ly);
2027 #else
2028 		do { lz = lx % ly; lx = ly; } while ( ( ly = lz ) != 0 );
2029 #endif
2030 #else
2031           if ( lx < ly ) { lz = lx; lx = ly; ly = lz; }
2032 		do {
2033 			lz = lx % ly; lx = ly;
2034 		} while ( ( ly = lz ) != 0 && ( lx & AWORDMASK ) != 0 );
2035 		if ( ly ) {
2036 			do { *c = ((UWORD)lx)%((UWORD)ly); lx = ly; } while ( ( ly = *c ) != 0 );
2037 			*c = (UWORD)lx;
2038 			*nc = 1;
2039 		}
2040 		else
2041 #endif
2042 		{
2043 			*c++ = (UWORD)lx;
2044 			if ( ( *c = (UWORD)(lx >> BITSINWORD) ) != 0 ) *nc = 2;
2045 			else *nc = 1;
2046 		}
2047 	}
2048 	else {
2049 #ifdef EXTRAGCD
2050 		GCD(a,na,b,nb,c,nc);
2051 #else
2052 #ifdef NEWGCD
2053 		UWORD *x3,*x1,*x2, *GLscrat7, *GLscrat8;
2054 		WORD n1,n2,n3,n4;
2055 		WORD i, j;
2056 		x1 = c; x3 = a; n1 = i = na;
2057 		NCOPY(x1,x3,i);
2058 		GLscrat7 = NumberMalloc("GcdLong"); GLscrat8 = NumberMalloc("GcdLong");
2059 		x2 = GLscrat8; x3 = b; n2 = i = nb;
2060 		NCOPY(x2,x3,i);
2061 		x1 = c; i = 0;
2062 		while ( x1[0] == 0 ) { i += BITSINWORD; x1++; n1--; }
2063 		while ( ( x1[0] & 1 ) == 0 ) { i++; SCHUIF(x1,n1) }
2064 		x2 = GLscrat8; j = 0;
2065 		while ( x2[0] == 0 ) { j += BITSINWORD; x2++; n2--; }
2066 		while ( ( x2[0] & 1 ) == 0 ) { j++; SCHUIF(x2,n2) }
2067 		if ( j > i ) j = i;		/* powers of two in GCD */
2068 		for(;;){
2069 			if ( n1 > n2 ) {
2070 firstbig:
2071 				SubPLon(x1,n1,x2,n2,x1,&n3);
2072 				n1 = n3;
2073 				if ( n1 == 0 ) {
2074 					x1 = c;
2075 					n1 = i = n2; NCOPY(x1,x2,i);
2076 					break;
2077 				}
2078 				while ( ( x1[0] & 1 ) == 0 ) SCHUIF(x1,n1)
2079 				if ( n1 == 1 ) {
2080 					if ( DivLong(x2,n2,x1,n1,GLscrat7,&n3,x2,&n4) ) goto GcdErr;
2081 					n2 = n4;
2082 					if ( n2 == 0 ) {
2083 						i = n1; x2 = c; NCOPY(x2,x1,i);
2084 						break;
2085 					}
2086 #ifdef EXTRAGCD2
2087 					*c = (UWORD)GCD2((ULONG)x1[0],(ULONG)x2[0]);
2088 #else
2089 					{
2090 						UWORD x,y,z;
2091 						x = x1[0];
2092 						y = x2[0];
2093 						do { z = x % y; x = y; } while ( ( y = z ) != 0 );
2094 						*c = x;
2095 					}
2096 #endif
2097 					n1 = 1;
2098 					break;
2099 				}
2100 			}
2101 			else if ( n1 < n2 ) {
2102 lastbig:
2103 				SubPLon(x2,n2,x1,n1,x2,&n3);
2104 				n2 = n3;
2105 				if ( n2 == 0 ) {
2106 					i = n1; x2 = c; NCOPY(x2,x1,i);
2107 					break;
2108 				}
2109 				while ( ( x2[0] & 1 ) == 0 ) SCHUIF(x2,n2)
2110 				if ( n2 == 1 ) {
2111 					if ( DivLong(x1,n1,x2,n2,GLscrat7,&n3,x1,&n4) ) goto GcdErr;
2112 					n1 = n4;
2113 					if ( n1 == 0 ) {
2114 						x1 = c;
2115 						n1 = i = n2; NCOPY(x1,x2,i);
2116 						break;
2117 					}
2118 #ifdef EXTRAGCD2
2119 					*c = (UWORD)GCD2((ULONG)x2[0],(ULONG)x1[0]);
2120 #else
2121 					{
2122 						UWORD x,y,z;
2123 						x = x2[0];
2124 						y = x1[0];
2125 						do { z = x % y; x = y; } while ( ( y = z ) != 0 );
2126 						*c = x;
2127 					}
2128 #endif
2129 					n1 = 1;
2130 					break;
2131 				}
2132 			}
2133 			else {
2134 				for ( i = n1-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
2135 					if ( x1[i] > x2[i] ) goto firstbig;
2136 					else if ( x1[i] < x2[i] ) goto lastbig;
2137 				}
2138 				i = n1; x2 = c; NCOPY(x2,x1,i);
2139 				break;
2140 			}
2141 		}
2142 /*
2143 		Now the GCD is in c but still needs j powers of 2.
2144 */
2145 		x1 = c;
2146 		while ( j >= BITSINWORD ) {
2147 			for ( i = n1; i > 0; i-- ) x1[i] = x1[i-1];
2148 			x1[0] = 0; n1++;
2149 			j -= BITSINWORD;
2150 		}
2151 		if ( j > 0 ) {
2152 			ULONG a1,a2 = 0;
2153 			for ( i = 0; i < n1; i++ ) {
2154 				a1 = x1[i]; a1 <<= j;
2155 				a2 += a1;
2156 				x1[i] = a2;
2157 				a2 >>= BITSINWORD;
2158 			}
2159 			if ( a2 != 0 ) {
2160 				x1[n1++] = a2;
2161 			}
2162 		}
2163 		*nc = n1;
2164 		NumberFree(GLscrat7,"GcdLong"); NumberFree(GLscrat8,"GcdLong");
2165 #else
2166 		UWORD *x1,*x2,*x3,*x4,*c1,*c2;
2167 		WORD n1,n2,n3,n4,i;
2168 		x1 = c; x3 = a; n1 = i = na;
2169 		NCOPY(x1,x3,i);
2170 		x1 = c; c1 = x2 = NumberMalloc("GcdLong"); x3 = NumberMalloc("GcdLong"); x4 = NumberMalloc("GcdLong");
2171 		c2 = b; n2 = i = nb;
2172 		NCOPY(c1,c2,i);
2173 		for(;;){
2174 			if ( DivLong(x1,n1,x2,n2,x4,&n4,x3,&n3) ) goto GcdErr;
2175 			if ( !n3 ) { x1 = x2; n1 = n2; break; }
2176 			if ( DivLong(x2,n2,x3,n3,x4,&n4,x1,&n1) ) goto GcdErr;
2177 			if ( !n1 ) { x1 = x3; n1 = n3; break; }
2178 			if ( DivLong(x3,n3,x1,n1,x4,&n4,x2,&n2) ) goto GcdErr;
2179 			if ( !n2 ) {
2180 				*nc = n1;
2181 				NumberFree(x2,"GcdLong"); NumberFree(x3,"GcdLong"); NumberFree(x4,"GcdLong");
2182 				return(0);
2183 			}
2184 		}
2185 		*nc = i = n1;
2186 		NCOPY(c,x1,i);
2187 		NumberFree(x2,"GcdLong"); NumberFree(x3,"GcdLong"); NumberFree(x4,"GcdLong");
2188 #endif
2189 #endif
2190 	}
2191 	return(0);
2192 GcdErr:
2193 	MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2194 	MesCall("GcdLong");
2195 	MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2196 	SETERROR(-1)
2197 }
2198 /*
2199   	#] Old Routine :
2200 */
2201 #else
2203 /*
2204 	New routine for GcdLong that uses smart shortcuts.
2205 	Algorithm by J. Vermaseren 15-nov-2006.
2206 	It runs faster for very big numbers but only by a fixed factor.
2207 	There is no improvement in the power behaviour.
2208 	Improvement on the whole of hf9 (multiple zeta values at weight 9):
2209 		Better than a factor 2 on a 32 bits architecture and 2.76 on a
2210 		64 bits architecture.
2211 	On hf10 (MZV's at weight 10), 64 bits architecture: factor 7.
2213 	If we have two long numbers (na,nb > GCDMAX) we will work in a
2214 	truncated way. At the moment of writing (15-nov-2006) it isn't
2215 	clear whether this algorithm is an invention or a reinvention.
2216 	A short search on the web didn't show anything.
2218 	31-jul-2007:
2219 	A better search shows that this is an adaptation of the Lehmer-Euclid
2220 	algorithm, already described in Knuth. Here we can work without upper
2221 	and lower limit because we are only interested in the GCD, not the
2222 	extra numbers. Also it takes already some features of the double
2223 	digit Lehmer-Euclid algorithm of Jebelean it seems.
2225 	Maybe this can be programmed slightly better and we can get another
2226 	few percent speed increase. Further improvements for the assymptotic
2227 	case come from splitting the calculation as in Karatsuba and working
2228 	with FFT divisions and multiplications etc. But this is when hundreds
2229 	of words are involved at the least.
2231 	Algorithm
2233 	1: while ( na > nb || nb < GCDMAX ) {
2234 		if ( nb == 0 ) { result in a }
2235 		c = a % b;
2236 		a = b;
2237 		b = c;
2238 	   }
2239 	2: Make the truncated values in which a and b are the combinations
2240 	   of the top two words of a and b. The whole numbers are aa and bb now.
2241 	3: ma1 = 1; ma2 = 0; mb1 = 0; mb2 = 1;
2242 	4: A = a; B = b; m = a/b; c = a - m*b;
2243 	   c = ma1*a+ma2*b-m*(mb1*a+mb2*b) = (ma1-m*mb1)*a+(ma2-m*mb2)*b
2244 	   mc1 = ma1-m*mb1; mc2 = ma2-m*mb2;
2245 	5: a = b; ma1 = mb1; ma2 = mb2;
2246 	   b = c; mb1 = mc1; mb2 = mc2;
2247 	6: if ( b != 0 && nb >= FULLMAX ) goto 4;
2248 	7: Now construct the new quantities
2249 		ma1*aa+ma2*bb and mb1*aa+mb2*bb
2250 	8: goto 1;
2252 	The essence of the above algorithm is that we do the divisions only
2253 	on relatively short numbers. Also usually there are many steps 4&5
2254 	for each step 7. This eliminates many operations.
2255 	The termination at FULLMAX is that we make errors by not considering
2256 	the tail of the number. If we run b down all the way, the errors combine
2257 	in such a way that the new numbers may be of the same order as the old
2258 	numbers. By stopping halfway we don't get the error beyond halfway
2259 	either. Unfortunately this means that a >= FULLMAX and hence na > nb
2260 	which means that next we will have a complete division. But just once.
2261 	Running the steps 4-6 till a < FULLMAX runs already into problems.
2262 	It may be necessary to experiment a bit to obtain the optimum value
2263 	of GCDMAX.
2264 */
GcdLong(PHEAD UWORD * a,WORD na,UWORD * b,WORD nb,UWORD * c,WORD * nc)2266 WORD GcdLong(PHEAD UWORD *a, WORD na, UWORD *b, WORD nb, UWORD *c, WORD *nc)
2267 {
2269 	UWORD x,y,z;
2270 	UWORD *x1,*x2,*x3,*x4,*x5,*d;
2271 	UWORD *GLscrat6, *GLscrat7, *GLscrat8, *GLscrat9, *GLscrat10;
2272 	WORD n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,i;
2273 	RLONG lx,ly,lz;
2274 	LONG ma1, ma2, mb1, mb2, mc1, mc2, m;
2275 	if ( !na || !nb ) {
2276 		if ( !na && !nb ) {
2277 			MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2278 			MesPrint("Cannot take gcd");
2279 			MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2280 			return(-1);
2281 		}
2283 		if ( !na ) {
2284 			*nc = abs(nb);
2285 			NCOPY(c,b,*nc);
2286 			*nc = abs(nb);
2287 			return(0);
2288 		}
2290 		*nc = abs(na);
2291 		NCOPY(c,a,*nc);
2292 		*nc = abs(na);
2293 		return(0);
2294 	}
2295 	if ( na < 0 ) na = -na;
2296 	if ( nb < 0 ) nb = -nb;
2297 /*
2298   	#[ GMP stuff :
2299 */
2300 #ifdef WITHGMP
2301 	if ( na > 3 && nb > 3 ) {
2302 		int ii;
2303 		mp_limb_t *upa, *upb, *upc, xx;
2304 		UWORD *uw, *u1, *u2;
2305 		unsigned int tcounta, tcountb, tcounta1, tcountb1;
2306 		mp_size_t ana, anb, anc;
2308 		u1 = uw = NumberMalloc("GcdLong");
2309 		upa = (mp_limb_t *)u1;
2310 		ana = na; tcounta1 = 0;
2311 		while ( a[0] == 0 ) { a++; ana--; tcounta1++; }
2312 		for ( ii = 0; ii < ana; ii++ ) { *uw++ = *a++; }
2313 		if ( ( ana & 1 ) != 0 ) { *uw = 0; ana++; }
2314 		ana /= 2;
2316 		u2 = uw = NumberMalloc("GcdLong");
2317 		upb = (mp_limb_t *)u2;
2318 		anb = nb; tcountb1 = 0;
2319 		while ( b[0] == 0 ) { b++; anb--; tcountb1++; }
2320 		for ( ii = 0; ii < anb; ii++ ) { *uw++ = *b++; }
2321 		if ( ( anb & 1 ) != 0 ) { *uw = 0; anb++; }
2322 		anb /= 2;
2324 		xx = upa[0]; tcounta = 0;
2325 		while ( ( xx & 15 ) == 0 ) { tcounta += 4; xx >>= 4; }
2326 		while ( ( xx &  1 ) == 0 ) { tcounta += 1; xx >>= 1; }
2327 		xx = upb[0]; tcountb = 0;
2328 		while ( ( xx & 15 ) == 0 ) { tcountb += 4; xx >>= 4; }
2329 		while ( ( xx &  1 ) == 0 ) { tcountb += 1; xx >>= 1; }
2331 		if ( tcounta ) {
2332 			mpn_rshift(upa,upa,ana,tcounta);
2333 			if ( upa[ana-1] == 0 ) ana--;
2334 		}
2335 		if ( tcountb ) {
2336 			mpn_rshift(upb,upb,anb,tcountb);
2337 			if ( upb[anb-1] == 0 ) anb--;
2338 		}
2340 		upc = (mp_limb_t *)(NumberMalloc("GcdLong"));
2341 		if ( ( ana > anb ) || ( ( ana == anb ) && ( upa[ana-1] >= upb[ana-1] ) ) ) {
2342 			anc = mpn_gcd(upc,upa,ana,upb,anb);
2343 		}
2344 		else {
2345 			anc = mpn_gcd(upc,upb,anb,upa,ana);
2346 		}
2348 		tcounta = tcounta1*BITSINWORD + tcounta;
2349 		tcountb = tcountb1*BITSINWORD + tcountb;
2350 		if ( tcountb > tcounta ) tcountb = tcounta;
2351 		tcounta = tcountb/BITSINWORD;
2352 		tcountb = tcountb%BITSINWORD;
2354 		if ( tcountb ) {
2355 			xx = mpn_lshift(upc,upc,anc,tcountb);
2356 			if ( xx ) { upc[anc] = xx; anc++; }
2357 		}
2359 		uw = (UWORD *)upc; anc *= 2;
2360 		while ( uw[anc-1] == 0 ) anc--;
2361 		for ( ii = 0; ii < (int)tcounta; ii++ ) *c++ = 0;
2362 		for ( ii = 0; ii < anc; ii++ ) *c++ = *uw++;
2363 		*nc = anc + tcounta;
2364 		NumberFree(u1,"GcdLong"); NumberFree(u2,"GcdLong"); NumberFree((UWORD *)(upc),"GcdLong");
2365 		return(0);
2366 	}
2367 #endif
2368 /*
2369   	#] GMP stuff :
2370 */
2371 /*
2372   	#[ Easy cases :
2373 */
2374 	if ( na == 1 && nb == 1 ) {
2375 		x = *a;
2376 		y = *b;
2377 		do { z = x % y; x = y; } while ( ( y = z ) != 0 );
2378 		*c = x;
2379 		*nc = 1;
2380 		return(0);
2381 	}
2382 	else if ( na <= 2 && nb <= 2 ) {
2383 		if ( na == 2 ) { lx = (((RLONG)(a[1]))<<BITSINWORD) + *a; }
2384 		else { lx = *a; }
2385 		if ( nb == 2 ) { ly = (((RLONG)(b[1]))<<BITSINWORD) + *b; }
2386 		else { ly = *b; }
2387 		if ( lx < ly ) { lz = lx; lx = ly; ly = lz; }
2388 #if ( BITSINWORD == 16 )
2389 		do {
2390 			lz = lx % ly; lx = ly;
2391 		} while ( ( ly = lz ) != 0 );
2392 #else
2393 		do {
2394 			lz = lx % ly; lx = ly;
2395 		} while ( ( ly = lz ) != 0 && ( lx & AWORDMASK ) != 0 );
2396 		if ( ly ) {
2397 			x = (UWORD)lx; y = (UWORD)ly;
2398 			do { *c = x % y; x = y; } while ( ( y = *c ) != 0 );
2399 			*c = x;
2400 			*nc = 1;
2401 		}
2402 		else
2403 #endif
2404 		{
2405 			*c++ = (UWORD)lx;
2406 			if ( ( *c = (UWORD)(lx >> BITSINWORD) ) != 0 ) *nc = 2;
2407 			else *nc = 1;
2408 		}
2409 		return(0);
2410 	}
2411 /*
2412   	#] Easy cases :
2413 */
2414 	GLscrat6 = NumberMalloc("GcdLong"); GLscrat7 = NumberMalloc("GcdLong");
2415 	GLscrat8 = NumberMalloc("GcdLong");
2416 	GLscrat9 = NumberMalloc("GcdLong"); GLscrat10 = NumberMalloc("GcdLong");
2417 restart:;
2418 /*
2419   	#[ Easy cases :
2420 */
2421 	if ( na == 1 && nb == 1 ) {
2422 		x = *a;
2423 		y = *b;
2424 		do { z = x % y; x = y; } while ( ( y = z ) != 0 );
2425 		*c = x;
2426 		*nc = 1;
2427 	}
2428 	else if ( na <= 2 && nb <= 2 ) {
2429 		if ( na == 2 ) { lx = (((RLONG)(a[1]))<<BITSINWORD) + *a; }
2430 		else { lx = *a; }
2431 		if ( nb == 2 ) { ly = (((RLONG)(b[1]))<<BITSINWORD) + *b; }
2432 		else { ly = *b; }
2433 		if ( lx < ly ) { lz = lx; lx = ly; ly = lz; }
2434 #if ( BITSINWORD == 16 )
2435 		do {
2436 			lz = lx % ly; lx = ly;
2437 		} while ( ( ly = lz ) != 0 );
2438 #else
2439 		do {
2440 			lz = lx % ly; lx = ly;
2441 		} while ( ( ly = lz ) != 0 && ( lx & AWORDMASK ) != 0 );
2442 		if ( ly ) {
2443 			x = (UWORD)lx; y = (UWORD)ly;
2444 			do { *c = x % y; x = y; } while ( ( y = *c ) != 0 );
2445 			*c = x;
2446 			*nc = 1;
2447 		}
2448 		else
2449 #endif
2450 		{
2451 			*c++ = (UWORD)lx;
2452 			if ( ( *c = (UWORD)(lx >> BITSINWORD) ) != 0 ) *nc = 2;
2453 			else *nc = 1;
2454 		}
2455 	}
2456 /*
2457   	#] Easy cases :
2458   	#[ Original code :
2459 */
2460 	else if ( na < GCDMAX || nb < GCDMAX || na != nb ) {
2461 		if ( na < nb ) {
2462 			x2 = GLscrat8; x3 = a; n2 = i = na;
2463 			NCOPY(x2,x3,i);
2464 			x1 = c; x3 = b; n1 = i = nb;
2465 			NCOPY(x1,x3,i);
2466 		}
2467 		else {
2468 			x1 = c; x3 = a; n1 = i = na;
2469 			NCOPY(x1,x3,i);
2470 			x2 = GLscrat8; x3 = b; n2 = i = nb;
2471 			NCOPY(x2,x3,i);
2472 		}
2473 		x1 = c; x2 = GLscrat8; x3 = GLscrat7; x4 = GLscrat6;
2474 		for(;;){
2475 			if ( DivLong(x1,n1,x2,n2,x4,&n4,x3,&n3) ) goto GcdErr;
2476 			if ( !n3 ) { x1 = x2; n1 = n2; break; }
2477 			if ( n2 <= 2 ) { a = x2; b = x3; na = n2; nb = n3; goto restart; }
2478 			if ( n3 >= GCDMAX && n2 == n3 ) {
2479 				a = GLscrat9; b = GLscrat10; na = n2; nb = n3;
2480 				for ( i = 0; i < na; i++ ) a[i] = x2[i];
2481 				for ( i = 0; i < nb; i++ ) b[i] = x3[i];
2482 				goto newtrick;
2483 			}
2484 			if ( DivLong(x2,n2,x3,n3,x4,&n4,x1,&n1) ) goto GcdErr;
2485 			if ( !n1 ) { x1 = x3; n1 = n3; break; }
2486 			if ( n3 <= 2 ) { a = x3; b = x1; na = n3; nb = n1; goto restart; }
2487 			if ( n1 >= GCDMAX && n1 == n3 ) {
2488 				a = GLscrat9; b = GLscrat10; na = n3; nb = n1;
2489 				for ( i = 0; i < na; i++ ) a[i] = x3[i];
2490 				for ( i = 0; i < nb; i++ ) b[i] = x1[i];
2491 				goto newtrick;
2492 			}
2493 			if ( DivLong(x3,n3,x1,n1,x4,&n4,x2,&n2) ) goto GcdErr;
2494 			if ( !n2 ) { *nc = n1; goto normalend; }
2495 			if ( n1 <= 2 ) { a = x1; b = x2; na = n1; nb = n2; goto restart; }
2496 			if ( n2 >= GCDMAX && n2 == n1 ) {
2497 				a = GLscrat9; b = GLscrat10; na = n1; nb = n2;
2498 				for ( i = 0; i < na; i++ ) a[i] = x1[i];
2499 				for ( i = 0; i < nb; i++ ) b[i] = x2[i];
2500 				goto newtrick;
2501 			}
2502 		}
2503 		*nc = i = n1;
2504 		NCOPY(c,x1,i);
2505 	}
2506 /*
2507   	#] Original code :
2508   	#[ New code :
2509 */
2510 	else {
2511 /*
2512 		This is the new algorithm starting at step 3.
2514 	3: ma1 = 1; ma2 = 0; mb1 = 0; mb2 = 1;
2515 	4: A = a; B = b; m = a/b; c = a - m*b;
2516 	   c = ma1*a+ma2*b-m*(mb1*a+mb2*b) = (ma1-m*mb1)*a+(ma2-m*mb2)*b
2517 	   mc1 = ma1-m*mb1; mc2 = ma2-m*mb2;
2518 	5: a = b; ma1 = mb1; ma2 = mb2;
2519 	   b = c; mb1 = mc1; mb2 = mc2;
2520 	6: if ( b != 0 ) goto 4;
2521 */
2522 newtrick:;
2523 		ma1 = 1; ma2 = 0; mb1 = 0; mb2 = 1;
2524 		lx = (((RLONG)(a[na-1]))<<BITSINWORD) + a[na-2];
2525 		ly = (((RLONG)(b[nb-1]))<<BITSINWORD) + b[nb-2];
2526 		if ( ly > lx ) { lz = lx; lx = ly; ly = lz; d = a; a = b; b = d; }
2527 		do {
2528 			m = lx/ly;
2529 			mc1 = ma1-m*mb1; mc2 = ma2-m*mb2;
2530 			ma1 = mb1; ma2 = mb2; mb1 = mc1; mb2 = mc2;
2531 			lz = lx - m*ly; lx = ly; ly = lz;
2532 		} while ( ly >= FULLMAX );
2533 /*
2534 		Next the construction of the two new numbers
2536 	7: Now construct the new quantities
2537 		a = ma1*aa+ma2*bb and b = mb1*aa+mb2*bb
2538 */
2539 		x1 = GLscrat6;
2540 		x2 = GLscrat7;
2541 		x3 = GLscrat8;
2542 		x5 = GLscrat10;
2543 		if ( ma1 < 0 ) {
2544 			ma1 = -ma1;
2545 			x1[0] = (UWORD)ma1;
2546 			x1[1] = (UWORD)(ma1 >> BITSINWORD);
2547 			if ( x1[1] ) n1 = -2;
2548 			else         n1 = -1;
2549 		}
2550 		else {
2551 			x1[0] = (UWORD)ma1;
2552 			x1[1] = (UWORD)(ma1 >> BITSINWORD);
2553 			if ( x1[1] ) n1 = 2;
2554 			else         n1 = 1;
2555 		}
2556 		if ( MulLong(a,na,x1,n1,x2,&n2) ) goto GcdErr;
2557 		if ( ma2 < 0 ) {
2558 			ma2 = -ma2;
2559 			x1[0] = (UWORD)ma2;
2560 			x1[1] = (UWORD)(ma2 >> BITSINWORD);
2561 			if ( x1[1] ) n1 = -2;
2562 			else         n1 = -1;
2563 		}
2564 		else {
2565 			x1[0] = (UWORD)ma2;
2566 			x1[1] = (UWORD)(ma2 >> BITSINWORD);
2567 			if ( x1[1] ) n1 = 2;
2568 			else         n1 = 1;
2569 		}
2570 		if ( MulLong(b,nb,x1,n1,x3,&n3) ) goto GcdErr;
2571 		if ( AddLong(x2,n2,x3,n3,c,&n4) ) goto GcdErr;
2572 		if ( mb1 < 0 ) {
2573 			mb1 = -mb1;
2574 			x1[0] = (UWORD)mb1;
2575 			x1[1] = (UWORD)(mb1 >> BITSINWORD);
2576 			if ( x1[1] ) n1 = -2;
2577 			else         n1 = -1;
2578 		}
2579 		else {
2580 			x1[0] = (UWORD)mb1;
2581 			x1[1] = (UWORD)(mb1 >> BITSINWORD);
2582 			if ( x1[1] ) n1 = 2;
2583 			else         n1 = 1;
2584 		}
2585 		if ( MulLong(a,na,x1,n1,x2,&n2) ) goto GcdErr;
2586 		if ( mb2 < 0 ) {
2587 			mb2 = -mb2;
2588 			x1[0] = (UWORD)mb2;
2589 			x1[1] = (UWORD)(mb2 >> BITSINWORD);
2590 			if ( x1[1] ) n1 = -2;
2591 			else         n1 = -1;
2592 		}
2593 		else {
2594 			x1[0] = (UWORD)mb2;
2595 			x1[1] = (UWORD)(mb2 >> BITSINWORD);
2596 			if ( x1[1] ) n1 = 2;
2597 			else         n1 = 1;
2598 		}
2599 		if ( MulLong(b,nb,x1,n1,x3,&n3) ) goto GcdErr;
2600 		if ( AddLong(x2,n2,x3,n3,x5,&n5) ) goto GcdErr;
2601 		a = c; na = n4; b = x5; nb = n5;
2602 		if ( nb == 0 ) { *nc = n4; goto normalend; }
2603 		x4 = GLscrat9;
2604 		for ( i = 0; i < na; i++ ) x4[i] = a[i];
2605 		a = x4;
2606 		if ( na < 0 ) na = -na;
2607 		if ( nb < 0 ) nb = -nb;
2608 /*
2609 		The typical case now is that in a we have the last step to go
2610 		to loose the leading word, while in b we have lost the leading word.
2611 		We could go to DivLong now but we can also add an extra step that
2612 		is less wasteful.
2613 		In the case that the new leading word of b is extrememly short (like 1)
2614 		we make a rather large error of course. In the worst case the whole
2615 		will be intercepted by DivLong after all, but that is so rare that
2616 		it shouldn't influence any timing in a measurable way.
2617 */
2618 		if ( nb >= GCDMAX && na == nb+1 && b[nb-1] >= HALFMAX && b[nb-1] > a[na-1] ) {
2619 			lx = (((RLONG)(a[na-1]))<<BITSINWORD) + a[na-2];
2620 			x1[0] = lx/b[nb-1]; n1 = 1;
2621 			MulLong(b,nb,x1,n1,x2,&n2);
2622 			n2 = -n2;
2623 			AddLong(a,na,x2,n2,x4,&n4);
2624 			if ( n4 == 0 ) {
2625 				*nc = nb;
2626 				for ( i = 0; i < nb; i++ ) c[i] = b[i];
2627 				goto normalend;
2628 			}
2629 			if ( n4 < 0 ) n4 = -n4;
2630 			a = b; na = nb; b = x4; nb = n4;
2631 		}
2632 		goto restart;
2633 /*
2634   	#] New code :
2635 */
2636 	}
2637 normalend:
2638 	NumberFree(GLscrat6,"GcdLong"); NumberFree(GLscrat7,"GcdLong"); NumberFree(GLscrat8,"GcdLong");
2639 	NumberFree(GLscrat9,"GcdLong"); NumberFree(GLscrat10,"GcdLong");
2640 	return(0);
2641 GcdErr:
2642 	MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2643 	MesCall("GcdLong");
2644 	MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2645 	NumberFree(GLscrat6,"GcdLong"); NumberFree(GLscrat7,"GcdLong"); NumberFree(GLscrat8,"GcdLong");
2646 	NumberFree(GLscrat9,"GcdLong"); NumberFree(GLscrat10,"GcdLong");
2647 	SETERROR(-1)
2648 }
2650 #endif
2652 /*
2653  		#] GcdLong :
2654  		#[ GetBinom :		WORD GetBinom(a,na,i1,i2)
2655 */
GetBinom(UWORD * a,WORD * na,WORD i1,WORD i2)2657 WORD GetBinom(UWORD *a, WORD *na, WORD i1, WORD i2)
2658 {
2660 	WORD j, k, l;
2661 	UWORD *GBscrat3, *GBscrat4;
2662 	if ( i1-i2 < i2 ) i2 = i1-i2;
2663 	if ( i2 == 0 ) { *a = 1; *na = 1; return(0); }
2664 	if ( i2 > i1 ) { *a = 0; *na = 0; return(0); }
2665 	*a = i1; *na = 1;
2666 	GBscrat3 = NumberMalloc("GetBinom"); GBscrat4 = NumberMalloc("GetBinom");
2667 	for ( j = 2; j <= i2; j++ ) {
2668 		GBscrat3[0] = i1+1-j;
2669 		if ( MulLong(a,*na,GBscrat3,(WORD)1,GBscrat4,&k) ) goto CalledFrom;
2670 		GBscrat3[0] = j;
2671 		if ( DivLong(GBscrat4,k,GBscrat3,(WORD)1,a,na,GBscrat3,&l) ) goto CalledFrom;
2672 	}
2673 	NumberFree(GBscrat3,"GetBinom"); NumberFree(GBscrat4,"GetBinom");
2674 	return(0);
2675 CalledFrom:
2676 	MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2677 	MesCall("GetBinom");
2678 	MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2679 	NumberFree(GBscrat3,"GetBinom"); NumberFree(GBscrat4,"GetBinom");
2680 	SETERROR(-1)
2681 }
2683 /*
2684  		#] GetBinom :
2685  		#[ LcmLong :		WORD LcmLong(a,na,b,nb)
2687 		Computes the LCM of the long numbers a and b and puts the result
2688 		in c. c is allowed to be equal to a.
2689 */
LcmLong(PHEAD UWORD * a,WORD na,UWORD * b,WORD nb,UWORD * c,WORD * nc)2691 WORD LcmLong(PHEAD UWORD *a, WORD na, UWORD *b, WORD nb, UWORD *c, WORD *nc)
2692 {
2693 	WORD error = 0;
2694 	UWORD *d = NumberMalloc("LcmLong");
2695 	UWORD *e = NumberMalloc("LcmLong");
2696 	UWORD *f = NumberMalloc("LcmLong");
2697 	WORD nd, ne, nf;
2698 	GcdLong(BHEAD a, na, b, nb, d, &nd);
2699 	DivLong(a,na,d,nd,e,&ne,f,&nf);
2700 	if ( MulLong(b,nb,e,ne,c,nc) ) {
2701 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2702 		MesCall("LcmLong");
2703 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2704 		error = -1;
2705 	}
2706 	NumberFree(f,"LcmLong");
2707 	NumberFree(e,"LcmLong");
2708 	NumberFree(d,"LcmLong");
2709 	return(error);
2710 }
2712 /*
2713  		#] LcmLong :
2714  		#[ TakeLongRoot:	int TakeLongRoot(a,n,power)
2716 	Takes the 'power'-root of the long number in a.
2717 	If the root could be taken the return value is zero.
2718 	If the root could not be taken, the return value is 1.
2719 	The root will be in a if it could be taken, otherwise there will be garbage
2720 	Algorithm: (assume b is guess of root, b' better guess)
2721 		b' = (a-(power-1)*b^power)/(n*b^(power-1))
2722 	Note: power should be positive!
2723 */
TakeLongRoot(UWORD * a,WORD * n,WORD power)2725 int TakeLongRoot(UWORD *a, WORD *n, WORD power)
2726 {
2728 	int numbits, guessbits, i, retval = 0;
2729 	UWORD x, *b, *c, *d, *e;
2730 	WORD na, nb, nc, nd, ne;
2731 	if ( *n < 0 && ( power & 1 ) == 0 ) return(1);
2732 	if ( power == 1 ) return(0);
2733 	if ( *n < 0 ) { na = -*n; }
2734 	else          { na =  *n; }
2735 	if ( na == 1 ) {
2736 /*			Special cases that are the most frequent */
2737 		if ( a[0] == 1 ) return(0);
2738 		if ( power < BITSINWORD && na == 1 && a[0] == (UWORD)(1<<power) ) {
2739 			a[0] = 2; return(0);
2740 		}
2741 		if ( 2*power < BITSINWORD && na == 1 && a[0] == (UWORD)(1<<(2*power)) ) {
2742 			a[0] = 4; return(0);
2743 		}
2744 	}
2745 /*
2746 	Step 1: make a guess. We count the number of bits.
2747 	numbits will be the 1+2log(a)
2748 */
2749 	numbits = BITSINWORD*(na-1);
2750 	x = a[na-1];
2751 	while ( ( x >> 8 ) != 0 ) { numbits += 8; x >>= 8; }
2752 	if ( ( x >> 4 ) != 0 ) { numbits += 4; x >>= 4; }
2753 	if ( ( x >> 2 ) != 0 ) { numbits += 2; x >>= 2; }
2754 	if ( ( x >> 1 ) != 0 ) numbits++;
2755 	guessbits = numbits / power;
2756 	if ( guessbits <= 0 ) return(1); /* root < 2 and 1 we did already */
2757 	nb = guessbits/BITSINWORD;
2758 /*
2759 	The recursion is:
2760 	(b'-b) = (a/b^(power-1)-b)/n
2761 	       = (a/c-b)/n
2762 	       = (d-b)/n    (remainder of a/c is e)
2763 	       = c/n  (we reuse the scratch array c)
2764 	Termination can be tricky. When a/c has no remainder and = b we have a root.
2765 	When d = b but the remainder of a/c != 0, there is definitely no root.
2766 */
2767 	b = NumberMalloc("TakeLongRoot"); c = NumberMalloc("TakeLongRoot");
2768 	d = NumberMalloc("TakeLongRoot"); e = NumberMalloc("TakeLongRoot");
2769 	for ( i = 0; i < nb; i++ ) { b[i] = 0; }
2770 	b[nb] = 1 << (guessbits%BITSINWORD);
2771 	nb++;
2772 	for(;;) {
2773 		nc = nb;
2774 		for ( i = 0; i < nb; i++ ) c[i] = b[i];
2775 		if ( RaisPow(BHEAD c,&nc,power-1) ) goto TLcall;
2776 		if ( DivLong(a,na,c,nc,d,&nd,e,&ne) ) goto TLcall;
2777 		nb = -nb;
2778 		if ( AddLong(d,nd,b,nb,c,&nc) ) goto TLcall;
2779 		nb = -nb;
2780 		if ( nc == 0 ) {
2781 			if ( ne == 0 ) break;
2782 			retval = 1; break;
2783 /*
2784 			else {
2785 				NumberFree(b,"TakeLongRoot"); NumberFree(c,"TakeLongRoot");
2786 				NumberFree(d,"TakeLongRoot"); NumberFree(e,"TakeLongRoot");
2787 				return(1);
2788 			}
2789 */
2790 		}
2791 		DivLong(c,nc,(UWORD *)(&power),1,d,&nd,e,&ne);
2792 		if ( nd == 0 ) {
2793 			retval = 1;
2794 			break;
2795 /*
2796 			NumberFree(b,"TakeLongRoot"); NumberFree(c,"TakeLongRoot");
2797 			NumberFree(d,"TakeLongRoot"); NumberFree(e,"TakeLongRoot");
2798 			return(1);
2799 */
2800 /*
2801 			This code tries b+1 as a final possibility.
2802 			We believe this is not needed
2803 			UWORD one = 1;
2804 			if ( AddLong(b,nb,&one,1,c,&nc) ) goto TLcall;
2805 			if ( RaisPow(BHEAD c,&nc,power-1) ) goto TLcall;
2806 			if ( DivLong(a,na,c,nc,d,&nd,e,&ne) ) goto TLcall;
2807 			if ( ne != 0 ) return(1);
2808 			nb = -nb;
2809 			if ( SubLong(d,nd,b,nb,c,&nc) ) goto TLcall;
2810 			nb = -nb;
2811 			if ( nc != 0 ) {
2812 				NumberFree(b,"TakeLongRoot"); NumberFree(c,"TakeLongRoot");
2813 				NumberFree(d,"TakeLongRoot"); NumberFree(e,"TakeLongRoot");
2814 				return(1);
2815 			}
2816 			break;
2817 */
2818 		}
2819 		if ( AddLong(b,nb,d,nd,b,&nb) ) goto TLcall;
2820 	}
2821 	for ( i = 0; i < nb; i++ ) a[i] = b[i];
2822 	if ( *n < 0 ) *n = -nb;
2823 	else          *n =  nb;
2824 	NumberFree(b,"TakeLongRoot"); NumberFree(c,"TakeLongRoot");
2825 	NumberFree(d,"TakeLongRoot"); NumberFree(e,"TakeLongRoot");
2826 	return(retval);
2827 TLcall:
2828 	MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2829 	MesCall("TakeLongRoot");
2830 	MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
2831 	NumberFree(b,"TakeLongRoot"); NumberFree(c,"TakeLongRoot");
2832 	NumberFree(d,"TakeLongRoot"); NumberFree(e,"TakeLongRoot");
2833 	Terminate(-1);
2834 	return(-1);
2835 }
2837 /*
2838  		#] TakeLongRoot:
2839  		#[ MakeRational:
2841 		Makes the integer a mod m into a traction b/c with |b|,|c| < sqrt(m)
2842 		For the algorithm, see MakeLongRational.
2843 */
MakeRational(WORD a,WORD m,WORD * b,WORD * c)2845 int MakeRational(WORD a,WORD m, WORD *b, WORD *c)
2846 {
2847 	LONG x1,x2,x3,x4,y1,y2;
2848 	if ( a < 0 ) { a = a+m; }
2849 	if ( a <= 1 ) {
2850 		if ( a > m/2 ) a = a-m;
2851 		*b = a; *c = 1; return(0);
2852 	}
2853 	x1 = m; x2 = a;
2854 	if ( x2*x2 >= m ) {
2855 		y1 = x1/x2; y2 = x1%x2; x3 = 1; x4 = -y1; x1 = x2; x2 = y2;
2856 		while ( x2*x2 >= m ) {
2857 			y1 = x1/x2; y2 = x1%x2; x1 = x2; x2 = y2; y2 = x3-y1*x4; x3 = x4; x4 = y2;
2858 		}
2859 	}
2860 	else x4 = 1;
2861 	if ( x2 == 0 ) { return(1); }
2862 	if ( x2 > m/2 ) *b = x2-m;
2863 	else            *b = x2;
2864 	if ( x4 > m/2 ) { *c = x4-m; *c = -*c; *b = -*b; }
2865 	else if ( x4 <= -m/2 ) { x4 += m; *c = x4; }
2866 	else if ( x4 < 0 ) { x4 = -x4; *c = x4; *b = -*b; }
2867 	else            *c = x4;
2868 	return(0);
2869 }
2871 /*
2872  		#] MakeRational:
2873  		#[ MakeLongRational:
2875 		Converts the long number a mod m into the fraction b
2876 		One of the properties of b is that num,den < sqrt(m)
2877 		The algorithm: Start with:   m 0
2878 		                             a 1
2879 		Make now c=m%a, c1=m/a       c c2=0-c1*1
2880 		Make now d=a%c  d1=a/c       d d2=1-d1*c2
2881 		Make now e=c%d  e1=c/d       e e2=1-e1*d2
2882 			etc till in the first column we get a number < sqrt(m)
2883 			We have then f,f2 and the fraction is f/f2.
2884 		If at any moment we get a zero, m contained an unlucky prime.
2886 		Note that this can be made a lot faster when we make the same
2887 		improvements as in the GCD routine. That is something for later.
2889 */
2891 #define COPYLONG(x1,nx1,x2,nx2) { int i; for(i=0;i<ABS(nx2);i++)x1[i]=x2[i];nx1=nx2; }
MakeLongRational(PHEAD UWORD * a,WORD na,UWORD * m,WORD nm,UWORD * b,WORD * nb)2893 int MakeLongRational(PHEAD UWORD *a, WORD na, UWORD *m, WORD nm, UWORD *b, WORD *nb)
2894 {
2895 	UWORD *root = NumberMalloc("MakeRational");
2896 	UWORD *x1 = NumberMalloc("MakeRational");
2897 	UWORD *x2 = NumberMalloc("MakeRational");
2898 	UWORD *x3 = NumberMalloc("MakeRational");
2899 	UWORD *x4 = NumberMalloc("MakeRational");
2900 	UWORD *y1 = NumberMalloc("MakeRational");
2901 	UWORD *y2 = NumberMalloc("MakeRational");
2902 	WORD nroot,nx1,nx2,nx3,nx4,ny1,ny2,retval = 0;
2903 	WORD sign = 1;
2904 /*
2905 	Step 1: Take the square root of m
2906 */
2907 	COPYLONG(root,nroot,m,nm)
2908 	TakeLongRoot(root,&nroot,2);
2909 /*
2910 	Step 2: Set the start values
2911 */
2912 	if ( na < 0 ) { na = -na; sign = -sign; }
2913 	COPYLONG(x1,nx1,m,nm)
2914 	COPYLONG(x2,nx2,a,na)
2915 /*
2916 	x3[0] = 0, nx3 = 0;
2917 	x4[0] = 1, nx4 = 1;
2918 */
2919 /*
2920 	The start operation needs some special attention because of the zero.
2921 */
2922 	if ( BigLong(x2,nx2,root,nroot) <= 0 ) {
2923 		x4[0] = 1, nx4 = 1;
2924 		goto gottheanswer;
2925 	}
2926 	DivLong(x1,nx1,x2,nx2,y1,&ny1,y2,&ny2);
2927 	if ( ny2 == 0 ) { retval = 1; goto cleanup; }
2928 	COPYLONG(x1,nx1,x2,nx2)
2929 	COPYLONG(x2,nx2,y2,ny2)
2930 	x3[0] = 1; nx3 = 1;
2931 	COPYLONG(x4,nx4,y1,ny1)
2932 	nx4 = -nx4;
2933 /*
2934 	Now the loop.
2935 */
2936 	while ( BigLong(x2,nx2,root,nroot) > 0 ) {
2937 		DivLong(x1,nx1,x2,nx2,y1,&ny1,y2,&ny2);
2938 		if ( ny2 == 0 ) { retval = 1; goto cleanup; }
2939 		COPYLONG(x1,nx1,x2,nx2)
2940 		COPYLONG(x2,nx2,y2,ny2)
2941 		MulLong(y1,ny1,x4,nx4,y2,&ny2);
2942 		ny2 = -ny2;
2943 		AddLong(x3,nx3,y2,ny2,y1,&ny1);
2944 		COPYLONG(x3,nx3,x4,nx4)
2945 		COPYLONG(x4,nx4,y1,ny1)
2946 	}
2947 /*
2948 	Now we have the answer. It is x2/x4. It has to be packed into b.
2949 */
2950 gottheanswer:
2951 	if ( nx4 < 0 ) { sign = -sign; nx4 = -nx4; }
2952 	COPYLONG(b,*nb,x2,nx2)
2953 	Pack(b,nb,x4,nx4);
2954 	if ( sign < 0 ) *nb = -*nb;
2955 cleanup:
2956 	NumberFree(y2,"MakeRational");
2957 	NumberFree(y1,"MakeRational");
2958 	NumberFree(x4,"MakeRational");
2959 	NumberFree(x3,"MakeRational");
2960 	NumberFree(x2,"MakeRational");
2961 	NumberFree(x1,"MakeRational");
2962 	NumberFree(root,"MakeRational");
2963 	return(retval);
2964 }
2966 /*
2967 #endif
2968  		#] MakeLongRational:
2969  		#[ ChineseRemainder:
2970 */
2971 /**
2972  *		Routine takes a1 mod m1 and a2 mod m2 and returns a mod m1*m2 with
2973  *		a mod m1 = a1 and a mod m2 = a2
2974  *	Chinese remainder:
2975  *		a%(m1*m2) = q1*m1+a1
2976  *		a%(m1*m2) = q2*m2+a2
2977  *	Compute n1 such that (n1*m1)%m2 is one
2978  *	Compute n2 such that (n2*m2)%m1 is one
2979  *	Then (a1*n2*m2+a2*n1*m1)%(m1*m2) is a%(m1*m2)
2980  *
2981  */
ChineseRemainder(PHEAD MODNUM * a1,MODNUM * a2,MODNUM * a)2984 int ChineseRemainder(PHEAD MODNUM *a1, MODNUM *a2, MODNUM *a)
2985 {
2986 	UWORD *inv1 = NumberMalloc("ChineseRemainder");
2987 	UWORD *inv2 = NumberMalloc("ChineseRemainder");
2988 	UWORD *fac1 = NumberMalloc("ChineseRemainder");
2989 	UWORD *fac2 = NumberMalloc("ChineseRemainder");
2990 	UWORD two[1];
2991 	WORD ninv1, ninv2, nfac1, nfac2;
2992 	if ( a1->na < 0 ) {
2993 		AddLong(a1->a,a1->na,a1->m,a1->nm,a1->a,&(a1->na));
2994 	}
2995 	if ( a2->na < 0 ) {
2996 		AddLong(a2->a,a2->na,a2->m,a2->nm,a2->a,&(a2->na));
2997 	}
2998 	MulLong(a1->m,a1->nm,a2->m,a2->nm,a->m,&(a->nm));
3000 	GetLongModInverses(BHEAD a1->m,a1->nm,a2->m,a2->nm,inv1,&ninv1,inv2,&ninv2);
3001 	MulLong(inv1,ninv1,a1->m,a1->nm,fac1,&nfac1);
3002 	MulLong(inv2,ninv2,a2->m,a2->nm,fac2,&nfac2);
3004 	MulLong(fac1,nfac1,a2->a,a2->na,inv1,&ninv1);
3005 	MulLong(fac2,nfac2,a1->a,a1->na,inv2,&ninv2);
3006 	AddLong(inv1,ninv1,inv2,ninv2,a->a,&(a->na));
3008 	two[0] = 2;
3009 	MulLong(a->a,a->na,two,1,fac1,&nfac1);
3010 	if ( BigLong(fac1,nfac1,a->m,a->nm) > 0 ) {
3011 		a->nm = -a->nm;
3012 		AddLong(a->a,a->na,a->m,a->nm,a->a,&(a->na));
3013 		a->nm = -a->nm;
3014 	}
3015 	NumberFree(fac2,"ChineseRemainder");
3016 	NumberFree(fac1,"ChineseRemainder");
3017 	NumberFree(inv2,"ChineseRemainder");
3018 	NumberFree(inv1,"ChineseRemainder");
3019 	return(0);
3020 }
3022 #endif
3024 /*
3025  		#] ChineseRemainder:
3026   	#] RekenLong :
3027   	#[ RekenTerms :
3028  		#[ CompCoef :		WORD CompCoef(term1,term2)
3030 	Compares the coefficients of term1 and term2 by subtracting them.
3031 	This does more work than needed but this routine is only called
3032 	when sorting functions and function arguments.
3033 	(and comparing values
3034 */
3035 /* #define 64SAVE */
CompCoef(WORD * term1,WORD * term2)3037 WORD CompCoef(WORD *term1, WORD *term2)
3038 {
3040 	UWORD *c;
3041 	WORD n1,n2,n3,*a;
3042 	GETCOEF(term1,n1);
3043 	GETCOEF(term2,n2);
3044 	if ( term1[1] == 0 && n1 == 1 ) {
3045 		if ( term2[1] == 0 && n2 == 1 ) return(0);
3046 		if ( n2 < 0 ) return(1);
3047 		return(-1);
3048 	}
3049 	else if ( term2[1] == 0 && n2 == 1 ) {
3050 		if ( n1 < 0 ) return(-1);
3051 		return(1);
3052 	}
3053 	if ( n1 > 0 ) {
3054 		if ( n2 < 0 ) return(1);
3055 	}
3056 	else {
3057 		if ( n2 > 0 ) return(-1);
3058 		a = term1; term1 = term2; term2 = a;
3059 		n3 = -n1; n1 = -n2; n2 = n3;
3060 	}
3061 	if ( term1[1] == 1 && term2[1] == 1 && n1 == 1 && n2 == 1 ) {
3062 		if ( (UWORD)*term1 > (UWORD)*term2 ) return(1);
3063 		else if ( (UWORD)*term1 < (UWORD)*term2 ) return(-1);
3064 		else return(0);
3065 	}
3067 /*
3068 	The next call should get dedicated code, as AddRat does more than
3069 	strictly needed. Also more attention should be given to overflow.
3070 */
3071 	c = NumberMalloc("CompCoef");
3072 	if ( AddRat(BHEAD (UWORD *)term1,n1,(UWORD *)term2,-n2,c,&n3) ) {
3073 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
3074 		MesCall("CompCoef");
3075 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
3076 		NumberFree(c,"CompCoef");
3077 		SETERROR(-1)
3078 	}
3079 	NumberFree(c,"CompCoef");
3080 	return(n3);
3081 }
3083 /*
3084  		#] CompCoef :
3085  		#[ Modulus :		WORD Modulus(term)
3087 	Routine takes the coefficient of term modulus b. The answer
3088 	is in term again and the length of term is adjusted.
3090 */
Modulus(WORD * term)3092 WORD Modulus(WORD *term)
3093 {
3094 	WORD *t;
3095 	WORD n1;
3096 	t = term;
3097 	GETCOEF(t,n1);
3098 	if ( TakeModulus((UWORD *)t,&n1,AC.cmod,AC.ncmod,UNPACK) ) {
3099 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
3100 		MesCall("Modulus");
3101 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
3102 		SETERROR(-1)
3103 	}
3104 	if ( !n1 ) {
3105 		*term = 0;
3106 		return(0);
3107 	}
3108 	else if ( n1 > 0 ) {
3109 		n1 *= 2;
3110 		t += n1;		/* Note that n1 >= 0 */
3111 		n1++;
3112 	}
3113 	else if ( n1 < 0 ) {
3114 		n1 *= 2;
3115 		t += -n1;
3116 		n1--;
3117 	}
3118 	*t++ = n1;
3119 	*term = WORDDIF(t,term);
3120 	return(0);
3121 }
3123 /*
3124  		#] Modulus :
3125  		#[ TakeModulus :	WORD TakeModulus(a,na,cmodvec,ncmod,par)
3127 		Routine gets the rational number in a with reduced length na.
3128 		It is called when AC.ncmod != 0 and the number in AC.cmod is the
3129 		number wrt which we need the modulus.
3130 		The result is returned in a and na again.
3132 		If par == NOUNPACK we only do a single number, not a fraction.
3133 		In addition we don't do fancy. We want a positive number and
3134 		the input was supposed to be positive.
3135 		We don't pack the result. The calling routine is responsible for that.
3136 		This may not be a good idea. To be checked.
3137 */
TakeModulus(UWORD * a,WORD * na,UWORD * cmodvec,WORD ncmod,WORD par)3139 WORD TakeModulus(UWORD *a, WORD *na, UWORD *cmodvec, WORD ncmod, WORD par)
3140 {
3142 	UWORD *c, *d, *e, *f, *g, *h;
3143 	UWORD *x4,*x2;
3144 	UWORD *x3,*x1,*x5,*x6,*x7,*x8;
3145 	WORD y3,y1,y5,y6;
3146 	WORD n1, i, y2, y4;
3147 	WORD nh, tdenom, tnumer, nmod;
3148 	LONG x;
3149 	if ( ncmod == 0 ) return(0);		/* No modulus operation */
3150 	nmod = ABS(ncmod);
3151 	n1 = *na;
3152 	if ( ( par & UNPACK ) != 0 ) UnPack(a,n1,&tdenom,&tnumer);
3153 	else { tnumer = n1; }
3154 /*
3155 	We fish out the special case that the coefficient is short as well.
3156 	There is no need to make lots of calls etc
3157 */
3158 	if ( ( ( par & UNPACK ) == 0 ) && nmod == 1 && ( n1 == 1 || n1 == -1 ) ) {
3159 		goto simplecase;
3160 	}
3161 	else if ( nmod == 1 && ( n1 == 1 || n1 == -1 ) ) {
3162 		if ( a[1] != 1 ) {
3163 			a[1] = a[1] % cmodvec[0];
3164 			if ( a[1] == 0 ) {
3165 				MesPrint("Division by zero in short modulus arithmetic");
3166 				return(-1);
3167 			}
3168 			y1 = 0;
3169 			if ( ( AC.modinverses != 0 ) && ( ( par & NOINVERSES ) == 0 ) ) {
3170 				y1 = AC.modinverses[a[1]];
3171 			}
3172 			else {
3173 				GetModInverses(a[1],cmodvec[0],&y1,&y2);
3174 			}
3175 			x = a[0];
3176 			a[0] = (x*y1) % cmodvec[0];
3177 			a[1] = 1;
3178 		}
3179 		else {
3180 simplecase:
3181 			a[0] = a[0] % cmodvec[0];
3182 		}
3183 		if ( a[0] == 0 ) { *na = 0; return(0); }
3184 		if ( ( AC.modmode & POSNEG ) != 0 ) {
3185 			if ( a[0] > (UWORD)(cmodvec[0]/2) ) {
3186 				a[0] =  cmodvec[0] - a[0];
3187 				*na = -*na;
3188 			}
3189 		}
3190 		else if ( *na < 0 ) {
3191 			*na = 1; a[0] = cmodvec[0] - a[0];
3192 		}
3193 		return(0);
3194 	}
3195 	c = NumberMalloc("TakeModulus"); d = NumberMalloc("TakeModulus"); e = NumberMalloc("TakeModulus");
3196 	f = NumberMalloc("TakeModulus"); g = NumberMalloc("TakeModulus"); h = NumberMalloc("TakeModulus");
3197 	n1 = ABS(n1);
3198 	if ( DivLong(a,tnumer,(UWORD *)cmodvec,nmod,
3199 		c,&nh,a,&tnumer) ) goto ModErr;
3200 	if ( tnumer == 0 ) { *na = 0; goto normalreturn; }
3201 	if ( ( par & UNPACK ) == 0 ) {
3202 		if ( ( AC.modmode & POSNEG ) != 0 ) {
3203 			NormalModulus(a,&tnumer);
3204 		}
3205 		else if ( tnumer < 0 ) {
3206 			SubPLon((UWORD *)cmodvec,nmod,a,-tnumer,a,&tnumer);
3207 		}
3208 		*na = tnumer;
3209 		goto normalreturn;
3210 	}
3211 	if ( tdenom == 1 && a[n1] == 1 ) {
3212 		if ( ( AC.modmode & POSNEG ) != 0 ) {
3213 			NormalModulus(a,&tnumer);
3214 		}
3215 		else if ( tnumer < 0 ) {
3216 			SubPLon((UWORD *)cmodvec,nmod,a,-tnumer,a,&tnumer);
3217 		}
3218 		*na = tnumer;
3219 		i = ABS(tnumer);
3220 		a += i;
3221 		*a++ = 1;
3222 		while ( --i > 0 ) *a++ = 0;
3223 		goto normalreturn;
3224 	}
3225 	if ( DivLong(a+n1,tdenom,(UWORD *)cmodvec,nmod,c,&nh,a+n1,&tdenom) ) goto ModErr;
3226 	if ( !tdenom ) {
3227 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
3228 		MesPrint("Division by zero in modulus arithmetic");
3229 		if ( AP.DebugFlag ) {
3230 			AO.OutSkip = 3;
3231 			FiniLine();
3232 			i = *na;
3233 			if ( i < 0 ) i = -i;
3234 			while ( --i >= 0 ) { TalToLine((UWORD)(*a++)); TokenToLine((UBYTE *)"  "); }
3235 			i = *na;
3236 			if ( i < 0 ) i = -i;
3237 			while ( --i >= 0 ) { TalToLine((UWORD)(*a++)); TokenToLine((UBYTE *)"  "); }
3238 			TalToLine((UWORD)(*na));
3239 			AO.OutSkip = 0;
3240 			FiniLine();
3241 		}
3242 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
3243 		NumberFree(c,"TakeModulus"); NumberFree(d,"TakeModulus"); NumberFree(e,"TakeModulus");
3244 		NumberFree(f,"TakeModulus"); NumberFree(g,"TakeModulus"); NumberFree(h,"TakeModulus");
3245 		return(-1);
3246 	}
3247 	if ( ( AC.modinverses != 0 ) && ( ( par & NOINVERSES ) == 0 )
3248 	&& ( tdenom == 1 || tdenom == -1 ) ) {
3249 		*d = AC.modinverses[a[n1]]; y1 = 1; y2 = tdenom;
3250 		if ( MulLong(a,tnumer,d,y1,c,&y3) ) goto ModErr;
3251 		if ( DivLong(c,y3,(UWORD *)cmodvec,nmod,d,&y5,a,&tdenom) ) goto ModErr;
3252 		if ( y2 < 0 ) tdenom = -tdenom;
3253 	}
3254 	else {
3255 	  x2 = (UWORD *)cmodvec; x1 = c; i = nmod; while ( --i >= 0 ) *x1++ = *x2++;
3256 	  x1 = c; x2 = a+n1; x3 = d; x4 = e; x5 = f; x6 = g;
3257 	  y1 = nmod; y2 = tdenom; y4 = 0; y5 = 1; *x5 = 1;
3258 	  for(;;) {
3259 		if ( DivLong(x1,y1,x2,y2,h,&nh,x3,&y3) ) goto ModErr;
3260 		if ( MulLong(x5,y5,h,nh,x6,&y6) ) goto ModErr;
3261 		if ( AddLong(x4,y4,x6,-y6,x6,&y6) ) goto ModErr;
3262 		if ( !y3 ) {
3263 			if ( y2 != 1 || *x2 != 1 ) {
3264 				MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
3265 				MesPrint("Inverse in modulus arithmetic doesn't exist");
3266 				MesPrint("Denominator and modulus are not relative prime");
3267 				MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
3268 				goto ModErr;
3269 			}
3270 			break;
3271 		}
3272 		x7 = x1; x1 = x2; y1 = y2; x2 = x3; y2 = y3; x3 = x7;
3273 		x8 = x4; x4 = x5; y4 = y5; x5 = x6; y5 = y6; x6 = x8;
3274 	  }
3275 	  if ( y5 < 0 && AddLong((UWORD *)cmodvec,nmod,x5,y5,x5,&y5) ) goto ModErr;
3276 	  if ( MulLong(a,tnumer,x5,y5,c,&y3) ) goto ModErr;
3277 	  if ( DivLong(c,y3,(UWORD *)cmodvec,nmod,d,&y5,a,&tdenom) ) goto ModErr;
3278 	}
3279 	if ( !tdenom ) { *na = 0; goto normalreturn; }
3280 	if ( ( ( AC.modmode & POSNEG ) != 0 ) && ( ( par & FROMFUNCTION ) == 0 ) ) {
3281 		NormalModulus(a,&tdenom);
3282 	}
3283 	else if ( tdenom < 0 ) {
3284 		SubPLon((UWORD *)cmodvec,nmod,a,-tdenom,a,&tdenom);
3285 	}
3286 	*na = tdenom;
3287 	i = ABS(tdenom);
3288 	a += i;
3289 	*a++ = 1;
3290 	while ( --i > 0 ) *a++ = 0;
3291 normalreturn:
3292 	NumberFree(c,"TakeModulus"); NumberFree(d,"TakeModulus"); NumberFree(e,"TakeModulus");
3293 	NumberFree(f,"TakeModulus"); NumberFree(g,"TakeModulus"); NumberFree(h,"TakeModulus");
3294 	return(0);
3295 ModErr:
3296 	MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
3297 	MesCall("TakeModulus");
3298 	MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
3299 	NumberFree(c,"TakeModulus"); NumberFree(d,"TakeModulus"); NumberFree(e,"TakeModulus");
3300 	NumberFree(f,"TakeModulus"); NumberFree(g,"TakeModulus"); NumberFree(h,"TakeModulus");
3301 	SETERROR(-1)
3302 }
3304 /*
3305  		#] TakeModulus :
3306  		#[ TakeNormalModulus :  WORD TakeNormalModulus(a,na,par)
3308 		added by Jan [01-09-2010]
3309 */
TakeNormalModulus(UWORD * a,WORD * na,UWORD * c,WORD nc,WORD par)3311 WORD TakeNormalModulus (UWORD *a, WORD *na, UWORD *c, WORD nc, WORD par)
3312 {
3313 	WORD n;
3314 	WORD nhalfc;
3315 	UWORD *halfc;
3319 	/* determine c/2 by right shifting */
3320 	halfc = NumberMalloc("TakeNormalModulus");
3321 	nhalfc=nc;
3322 	WCOPY(halfc,c,nc);
3324 	for (n=0; n<nhalfc; n++) {
3325 		halfc[n] /= 2;
3326 		if (n+1<nc) halfc[n] |= c[n+1] << (BITSINWORD-1);
3327 	}
3329 	if (halfc[nhalfc-1]==0)
3330 		nhalfc--;
3332 	/* takes care of the number never expanding, e.g., -1(mod 100) -> 99 -> -1 */
3333 	if (BigLong(a,ABS(*na),halfc,nhalfc) > 0) {
3335 		TakeModulus(a,na,c,nc,par);
3337 		n = ABS(*na);
3338 		if (BigLong(a,n,halfc,nhalfc) > 0) {
3339 			SubPLon(c,nc,a,n,a,&n);
3340 			*na = (*na > 0 ? -n : n);
3341 		}
3342 	}
3344 	NumberFree(halfc,"TakeNormalModulus");
3345 	return(0);
3346 }
3348 /*
3349  		#] TakeNormalModulus :
3350  		#[ MakeModTable :	WORD MakeModTable()
3351 */
MakeModTable()3353 WORD MakeModTable()
3354 {
3355 	LONG size, i, j, n;
3356 	n = ABS(AC.ncmod);
3357 	if ( AC.modpowers ) {
3358 		M_free(AC.modpowers,"AC.modpowers");
3359 		AC.modpowers = NULL;
3360 	}
3361 	if ( n > 2 ) {
3362 		MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
3363 		MesPrint("&No memory for modulus generator power table");
3364 		MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
3365 		Terminate(-1);
3366 	}
3367 	if ( n == 0 ) return(0);
3368 	size = (LONG)(*AC.cmod);
3369 	if ( n == 2 ) size += (((LONG)AC.cmod[1])<<BITSINWORD);
3370 	AC.modpowers = (UWORD *)Malloc1(size*n*sizeof(UWORD),"table for powers of modulus");
3371 	if ( n == 1 ) {
3372 		j = 1;
3373 		for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) AC.modpowers[i] = 0;
3374 		for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
3375 			AC.modpowers[j] = (WORD)i;
3376 			j *= *AC.powmod;
3377 			j %= *AC.cmod;
3378 		}
3379 		for ( i = 2; i < size; i++ ) {
3380 			if ( AC.modpowers[i] == 0 ) {
3381 				MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
3382 				MesPrint("&improper generator for this modulus");
3383 				MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
3384 				M_free(AC.modpowers,"AC.modpowers");
3385 				return(-1);
3386 			}
3387 		}
3388 		AC.modpowers[1] = 0;
3389 	}
3390 	else {
3392 		WORD nScrat, n2;
3393 		UWORD *MMscrat7 = NumberMalloc("MakeModTable"), *MMscratC = NumberMalloc("MakeModTable");
3394 		*MMscratC = 1;
3395 		nScrat = 1;
3396 		j = size * 2;
3397 		for ( i = 0; i < j; i+=2 ) { AC.modpowers[i] = 0; AC.modpowers[i+1] = 0; }
3398 		for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
3399 			j = *MMscratC + (((LONG)MMscratC[1])<<BITSINWORD);
3400 			j *= 2;
3401 			AC.modpowers[j] = (WORD)(i & WORDMASK);
3402 			AC.modpowers[j+1] = (WORD)(i >> BITSINWORD);
3403 			MulLong((UWORD *)MMscratC,nScrat,(UWORD *)AC.powmod,
3404 			AC.npowmod,(UWORD *)MMscrat7,&n2);
3405 			TakeModulus(MMscrat7,&n2,AC.cmod,AC.ncmod,NOUNPACK);
3406 			*MMscratC = *MMscrat7; MMscratC[1] = MMscrat7[1]; nScrat = n2;
3407 		}
3408 		NumberFree(MMscrat7,"MakeModTable"); NumberFree(MMscratC,"MakeModTable");
3409 		j = size * 2;
3410 		for ( i = 4; i < j; i+=2 ) {
3411 			if ( AC.modpowers[i] == 0 && AC.modpowers[i+1] == 0 ) {
3412 				MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
3413 				MesPrint("&improper generator for this modulus");
3414 				MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
3415 				M_free(AC.modpowers,"AC.modpowers");
3416 				return(-1);
3417 			}
3418 		}
3419 		AC.modpowers[2] = AC.modpowers[3] = 0;
3420 	}
3421 	return(0);
3422 }
3424 /*
3425  		#] MakeModTable :
3426   	#] RekenTerms :
3427   	#[ Functions :
3428  		#[ Factorial :		WORD Factorial(n,a,na)
3430 	Starts with only the value of fac_(0).
3431 	Builds up what is needed and remembers it for the next time.
3433 	We have:
3434 		AT.nfac: the number of the highest stored factorial
3435 		AT.pfac: the array of locations in the array of stored factorials
3436 		AT.factorials: the array with stored factorials
3437 */
Factorial(PHEAD WORD n,UWORD * a,WORD * na)3439 int Factorial(PHEAD WORD n, UWORD *a, WORD *na)
3440 {
3442 	UWORD *b, *c;
3443 	WORD nc;
3444 	int i, j;
3445 	LONG ii;
3446 	if ( n > AT.nfac ) {
3447 		if ( AT.factorials == 0 ) {
3448 			AT.nfac = 0; AT.mfac = 50; AT.sfact = 400;
3449 			AT.pfac = (LONG *)Malloc1((AT.mfac+2)*sizeof(LONG),"factorials");
3450 			AT.factorials = (UWORD *)Malloc1(AT.sfact*sizeof(UWORD),"factorials");
3451 			AT.factorials[0] = 1; AT.pfac[0] = 0; AT.pfac[1] = 1;
3452 		}
3453 		b = a;
3454 		c = AT.factorials+AT.pfac[AT.nfac];
3455 		nc = i = AT.pfac[AT.nfac+1] - AT.pfac[AT.nfac];
3456 		while ( --i >= 0 ) *b++ = *c++;
3457 		for ( j = AT.nfac+1; j <= n; j++ ) {
3458 			Product(a,&nc,j);
3459 			if ( nc > AM.MaxTal ) {
3460 				MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
3461 				MesPrint("Overflow in factorial. MaxTal = %d",AM.MaxTal);
3462 				MesPrint("Increase MaxTerm in %s",setupfilename);
3463 				MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
3464 				return(-1);
3465 			}
3466 			if ( j > AT.mfac ) {  /* double the pfac buffer */
3467 				LONG *p;
3468 				p = (LONG *)Malloc1((AT.mfac*2+2)*sizeof(LONG),"factorials");
3469 				i = AT.mfac;
3470 				for ( i = AT.mfac+1; i >= 0; i-- ) p[i] = AT.pfac[i];
3471 				M_free(AT.pfac,"factorial pointers"); AT.pfac = p; AT.mfac *= 2;
3472 			}
3473 			if ( AT.pfac[j] + nc >= AT.sfact ) { /* double the factorials buffer */
3474 				UWORD *f;
3475 				f = (UWORD *)Malloc1(AT.sfact*2*sizeof(UWORD),"factorials");
3476 				ii = AT.sfact;
3477 				c = AT.factorials; b = f;
3478 				while ( --ii >= 0 ) *b++ = *c++;
3479 				M_free(AT.factorials,"factorials");
3480 				AT.factorials = f;
3481 				AT.sfact *= 2;
3482 			}
3483 			b = a; c = AT.factorials + AT.pfac[j]; i = nc;
3484 			while ( --i >= 0 ) *c++ = *b++;
3485 			AT.pfac[j+1] = AT.pfac[j] + nc;
3486 		}
3487 		*na = nc;
3488 		AT.nfac = n;
3489 	}
3490 	else if ( n == 0 ) {
3491 		*a = 1; *na = 1;
3492 	}
3493 	else {
3494 		*na = i = AT.pfac[n+1] - AT.pfac[n];
3495 		b = AT.factorials + AT.pfac[n];
3496 		while ( --i >= 0 ) *a++ = *b++;
3497 	}
3498 	return(0);
3499 }
3501 /*
3502  		#] Factorial :
3503  		#[ Bernoulli :		WORD Bernoulli(n,a,na)
3505 	Starts with only the value of bernoulli_(0).
3506 	Builds up what is needed and remembers it for the next time.
3507 	b_0 = 1
3508 	(n+1)*b_n = -b_{n-1}-sum_(i,1,n-1,b_i*b_{n-i})
3509 	The n-1 playes only a role for b_2.
3510 	We have hard coded b_0,b_1,b_2 and b_odd. After that:
3511 	(2n+1)*b_2n = -sum_(i,1,n-1,b_2i*b_{2n-2i})
3513 	We have:
3514 		AT.nBer: the number of the highest stored Bernoulli number
3515 		AT.pBer: the array of locations in the array of stored Bernoulli numbers
3516 		AT.bernoullis: the array with stored Bernoulli numbers
3517 */
Bernoulli(WORD n,UWORD * a,WORD * na)3519 int Bernoulli(WORD n, UWORD *a, WORD *na)
3520 {
3522 	UWORD *b, *c, *scrib, *ntop, *ntop1;
3523 	WORD i, i1, i2, nhalf, nqua, nscrib, nntop, nntop1, *oldworkpointer;
3524 	UWORD twee = 2, twonplus1;
3525 	int j;
3526 	LONG ii;
3527 	if ( n <= 1 ) {
3528 		if ( n == 0 ) { a[0] = a[1] = 1; *na = 3; }
3529 		else if ( n == 1 ) { a[0] = 1; a[1] = 2; *na = 3; }
3530 		return(0);
3531 	}
3532 	if ( ( n & 1 ) != 0 ) { a[0] = a[1] = 0; *na = 0; return(0); }
3533 	nhalf = n/2;
3534 	if ( nhalf > AT.nBer ) {
3535 		oldworkpointer = AT.WorkPointer;
3536 		if ( AT.bernoullis == 0 ) {
3537 			AT.nBer = 1; AT.mBer = 50; AT.sBer = 400;
3538 			AT.pBer = (LONG *)Malloc1((AT.mBer+2)*sizeof(LONG),"bernoullis");
3539 			AT.bernoullis = (UWORD *)Malloc1(AT.sBer*sizeof(UWORD),"bernoullis");
3540 			AT.pBer[1] = 0; AT.pBer[2] = 3;
3541 			AT.bernoullis[0] = 3; AT.bernoullis[1] = 1; AT.bernoullis[2] = 12;
3542 			if ( nhalf == 1 ) {
3543 				a[0] = 1; a[1] = 12; *na = 3; return(0);
3544 			}
3545 		}
3546 		while ( nhalf > AT.mBer ) {
3547 			LONG *p;
3548 			p = (LONG *)Malloc1((AT.mBer*2+1)*sizeof(LONG),"bernoullis");
3549 			i = AT.mBer;
3550 			for ( i = AT.mBer; i >= 0; i-- ) p[i] = AT.pBer[i];
3551 			M_free(AT.pBer,"factorial pointers"); AT.pBer = p; AT.mBer *= 2;
3552 		}
3553 		for ( n = AT.nBer+1; n <= nhalf; n++ ) {
3554 			scrib = (UWORD *)(AT.WorkPointer);
3555 			nqua = n/2;
3556 			if ( ( n & 1 ) == 1 ) {
3557 				nscrib = 0; ntop = scrib;
3558 			}
3559 			else {
3560 				b = AT.bernoullis + AT.pBer[nqua];
3561 				nscrib = *b++;
3562 				i = (WORD)(REDLENG(nscrib));
3563 				MulRat(BHEAD b,i,b,i,scrib,&nscrib);
3564 				ntop = scrib + 2*nscrib;
3565 				nqua--;
3566 			}
3567 			for ( j = 1; j <= nqua; j++ ) {
3568 				b = AT.bernoullis + AT.pBer[j];
3569 				c = AT.bernoullis + AT.pBer[n-j];
3570 				i1 = (WORD)(*b); i2 = (WORD)(*c);
3571 				i1 = REDLENG(i1);
3572 				i2 = REDLENG(i2);
3573 				MulRat(BHEAD b+1,i1,c+1,i2,ntop,&nntop);
3574 				Mully(BHEAD ntop,&nntop,&twee,1);
3575 				if ( nscrib ) {
3576 					i = (WORD)nntop; if ( i < 0 ) i = -i;
3577 					ntop1 = ntop + 2*i;
3578 					AddRat(BHEAD ntop,nntop,scrib,nscrib,ntop1,&nntop1);
3579 				}
3580 				else {
3581 					ntop1 = ntop; nntop1 = nntop;
3582 				}
3583 				nscrib = i1 = (WORD)nntop1;
3584 				if ( i1 < 0 ) i1 = - i1;
3585 				i1 = 2*i1;
3586 				for ( i = 0; i < i1; i++ ) scrib[i] = ntop1[i];
3587 				ntop = scrib + i1;
3588 			}
3589 			twonplus1 = 2*n+1;
3590 			Divvy(BHEAD scrib,&nscrib,&twonplus1,-1);
3591 			i1 = INCLENG(nscrib);
3592 			i2 = i1; if ( i2 < 0 ) i2 = -i2;
3593 			i = (WORD)(AT.bernoullis[AT.pBer[n-1]]);
3594 			if ( i < 0 ) i = -i;
3595 			AT.pBer[n] = AT.pBer[n-1]+i;
3596 			if ( AT.pBer[n] + i2 >= AT.sBer ) {
3597 				UWORD *f;
3598 				f = (UWORD *)Malloc1(AT.sBer*2*sizeof(UWORD),"bernoullis");
3599 				ii = AT.sBer;
3600 				c = AT.bernoullis; b = f;
3601 				while ( --ii >= 0 ) *b++ = *c++;
3602 				M_free(AT.bernoullis,"bernoullis");
3603 				AT.bernoullis = f;
3604 				AT.sBer *= 2;
3605 			}
3606 			c = AT.bernoullis + AT.pBer[n]; b = scrib;
3607 			*c++ = i1;
3608 			for ( i = 1; i < i2; i++ ) *c++ = *b++;
3609 		}
3610 		AT.nBer = nhalf;
3611 		AT.WorkPointer = oldworkpointer;
3612 	}
3613 	b = AT.bernoullis + AT.pBer[nhalf];
3614 	*na = i = (WORD)(*b++);
3615 	if ( i < 0 ) i = -i;
3616 	i--;
3617 	while ( --i >= 0 ) *a++ = *b++;
3618 	return(0);
3619 }
3621 /*
3622  		#] Bernoulli :
3623  		#[ NextPrime :
3624 */
3625 /**
3626  *	Gives the next prime number in the list of prime numbers.
3627  *
3628  *	If the list isn't long enough we expand it.
3629  *	For ease in ParForm and because these lists shouldn't be very big
3630  *	we let each worker keep its own list.
3631  *
3632  *	The list is cut off at MAXPOWER, because we don't want to get into
3633  *	trouble that the power of a variable gets larger than the prime number.
3634  */
3636 #if ( BITSINWORD == 32 )
StartPrimeList(PHEAD0)3638 void StartPrimeList(PHEAD0)
3639 {
3640 	int i, j;
3641 	AR.PrimeList[AR.numinprimelist++] = 3;
3642 	for ( i = 5; i < 46340; i += 2 ) {
3643 		for ( j = 0; j < AR.numinprimelist && AR.PrimeList[j]*AR.PrimeList[j] <= i; j++ ) {
3644 			if ( i % AR.PrimeList[j] == 0 ) goto nexti;
3645 		}
3646 		AR.PrimeList[AR.numinprimelist++] = i;
3647 nexti:;
3648 	}
3649 	AR.notfirstprime = 1;
3650 }
3652 #endif
NextPrime(PHEAD WORD num)3654 WORD NextPrime(PHEAD WORD num)
3655 {
3656 	int i, j;
3657 	WORD *newpl;
3658 	LONG newsize, x;
3659 #if ( BITSINWORD == 32 )
3660 	if ( AR.notfirstprime == 0 ) StartPrimeList(BHEAD0);
3661 #endif
3662 	if ( num > AT.inprimelist ) {
3663 		while ( AT.inprimelist < num ) {
3664 			if ( num >= AT.sizeprimelist ) {
3665 				if ( AT.sizeprimelist == 0 ) newsize = 32;
3666 				else newsize = 2*AT.sizeprimelist;
3667 				while ( num >= newsize ) newsize = newsize*2;
3668 				newpl = (WORD *)Malloc1(newsize*sizeof(WORD),"NextPrime");
3669 				for ( i = 0; i < AT.sizeprimelist; i++ ) {
3670 					newpl[i] = AT.primelist[i];
3671 				}
3672 				if ( AT.sizeprimelist > 0 ) {
3673 					M_free(AT.primelist,"NextPrime");
3674 				}
3675 				AT.sizeprimelist = newsize;
3676 				AT.primelist = newpl;
3677 			}
3678 			if ( AT.inprimelist < 0 ) { i = MAXPOSITIVE; }
3679 			else { i = AT.primelist[AT.inprimelist]; }
3680 			while ( i > MAXPOWER ) {
3681 				i -= 2; x = i;
3682 #if ( BITSINWORD == 32 )
3683 				for ( j = 0; j < AR.numinprimelist && AR.PrimeList[j]*(LONG)(AR.PrimeList[j]) <= x; j++ ) {
3684 					if ( x % AR.PrimeList[j] == 0 ) goto nexti;
3685 				}
3686 #else
3687 				for ( j = 3; j*((LONG)j) <= x; j += 2 ) {
3688 					if ( x % j == 0 ) goto nexti;
3689 				}
3690 #endif
3691 				AT.inprimelist++;
3692 				AT.primelist[AT.inprimelist] = i;
3693 				break;
3694 nexti:;
3695 			}
3696 			if ( i < MAXPOWER ) {
3697 				MLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
3698 				MesPrint("There are not enough short prime numbers for this calculation");
3699 				MesPrint("Try to use a computer with a %d-bits architecture",
3700 					(int)(BITSINWORD*4));
3701 				MUNLOCK(ErrorMessageLock);
3702 				Terminate(-1);
3703 			}
3704 		}
3705 	}
3706 	return(AT.primelist[num]);
3707 }
3709 /*
3710  		#] NextPrime :
3711  		#[ wranf :
3713 		A random number generator that generates random WORDs with a very
3714 		long sequence. It is based on the Knuth generator.
3716 		We take some care that each thread can run its own, but each
3717 		uses its own startup. Hence the seed includes the identity of
3718 		the thread.
3720 		For NPAIR1, NPAIR2 we can use any pair from the table on page 28.
3721 		Candidates are 24,55 (the example on the pages 171,172)
3722 		or (33,97) or (38,89)
3723 		These values are defined in fsizes.h and used in startup.c and threads.c
3724 */
3726 #define WARMUP 6
wranfnew(PHEAD0)3728 static void wranfnew(PHEAD0)
3729 {
3730 	int i;
3731 	LONG j;
3732 	for ( i = 0; i < AR.wranfnpair1; i++ ) {
3733 		j = AR.wranfia[i] - AR.wranfia[i+(AR.wranfnpair2-AR.wranfnpair1)];
3734 		if ( j < 0 ) j += (LONG)1 << (2*BITSINWORD-2);
3735 		AR.wranfia[i] = j;
3736 	}
3737 	for ( i = AR.wranfnpair1; i < AR.wranfnpair2; i++ ) {
3738 		j = AR.wranfia[i] - AR.wranfia[i-AR.wranfnpair1];
3739 		if ( j < 0 ) j += (LONG)1 << (2*BITSINWORD-2);
3740 		AR.wranfia[i] = j;
3741 	}
3742 }
iniwranf(PHEAD0)3744 void iniwranf(PHEAD0)
3745 {
3746 	int imax = AR.wranfnpair2-1;
3747 	ULONG i, ii, seed = AR.wranfseed;
3748 	LONG j, k;
3749 	ULONG offset = 12345;
3750 #ifdef PARALLELCODE
3751 	int id;
3752 #if defined(WITHPTHREADS)
3753 	id = AT.identity;
3754 #elif defined(WITHMPI)
3755 	id = PF.me;
3756 #endif
3757 	seed += id;
3758 	i = id + 1;
3759 	if ( i > 1 ) {
3760 		ULONG pow, accu;
3761 		pow = offset; accu = 1;
3762 		while ( i ) {
3763 			if ( ( i & 1 ) != 0 ) accu *= pow;
3764 			i /= 2; pow = pow*pow;
3765 		}
3766 		offset = accu;
3767 	}
3768 #endif
3769 	if ( seed < ((LONG)1<<(BITSINWORD-1)) ) {
3770 		j = ( (seed+31459L) << (BITSINWORD-2))+offset;
3771 	}
3772 	else if ( seed < ((LONG)1<<(BITSINWORD+10-1)) ) {
3773 		j = ( (seed+31459L) << (BITSINWORD-10-2))+offset;
3774 	}
3775 	else {
3776 		j = ( (seed+31459L) << 1)+offset;
3777 	}
3778 	if ( ( seed & 1 ) == 1 ) seed++;
3779 	j += seed;
3780 	AR.wranfia[imax] = j;
3781 	k = 1;
3782 	for ( i = 0; i <= (ULONG)(imax); i++ ) {
3783 		ii = (AR.wranfnpair1*i)%AR.wranfnpair2;
3784 		AR.wranfia[ii] = k;
3785 		k = ULongToLong((ULONG)j - (ULONG)k);
3786 		if ( k < 0 ) k += (LONG)1 << (2*BITSINWORD-2);
3787 		j = AR.wranfia[ii];
3788 	}
3789 	for ( i = 0; i < WARMUP; i++ ) wranfnew(BHEAD0);
3790 	AR.wranfcall = 0;
3791 }
wranf(PHEAD0)3793 UWORD wranf(PHEAD0)
3794 {
3795 	UWORD wval;
3796 	if ( AR.wranfia == 0 ) {
3797 		AR.wranfia = (ULONG *)Malloc1(AR.wranfnpair2*sizeof(ULONG),"wranf");
3798 		iniwranf(BHEAD0);
3799 	}
3800 	if ( AR.wranfcall >= AR.wranfnpair2) {
3801 		wranfnew(BHEAD0);
3802 		AR.wranfcall = 0;
3803 	}
3804 	wval = (UWORD)(AR.wranfia[AR.wranfcall++]>>(BITSINWORD-1));
3805 	return(wval);
3806 }
3808 /*
3809 	Returns a random UWORD in the range (0,...,imax-1)
3810 */
iranf(PHEAD UWORD imax)3812 UWORD iranf(PHEAD UWORD imax)
3813 {
3814 	UWORD i;
3815 	ULONG x = (LONG)1 << BITSINWORD, xmax = x - x%imax;
3816 	while ( ( i = wranf(BHEAD0) ) >= xmax ) {}
3817 	return(i%imax);
3818 }
3820 /*
3821  		#] wranf :
3822  		#[ PreRandom :
3824 		The random number generator of the preprocessor.
3825 		This one is completely different from the execution time generator
3826 		random_(number). In the preprocessor we generate a floating point
3827 		number in a string according to a distribution.
3828 		Currently allowed are:
3829 			RANDOM_(log,min,max)
3830 			RANDOM_(lin,min,max)
3831 		The return value is a string with the floating point number.
3832 */
PreRandom(UBYTE * s)3834 UBYTE *PreRandom(UBYTE *s)
3835 {
3837 	UBYTE *mode,*mins = 0,*maxs = 0, *outval;
3838 	float num;
3839 	double minval, maxval, value = 0;
3840 	int linlog = -1;
3841 	mode = s;
3842 	while ( FG.cTable[*s] <= 1 ) s++;
3843 	if ( *s == ',' ) { *s = 0; s++; }
3844 	mins = s;
3845 	while ( *s && *s != ',' ) s++;
3846 	if ( *s == ',' ) { *s = 0; s++; }
3847 	maxs = s;
3848 	while ( *s && *s != ',' ) s++;
3849 	if ( *s || *maxs == 0 || *mins == 0 ) {
3850 		MesPrint("@Illegal arguments in macro RANDOM_");
3851 		Terminate(-1);
3852 	}
3853 	if ( StrICmp(mode,(UBYTE *)"lin") == 0 ) {
3854 		linlog = 0;
3855 	}
3856 	else if ( StrICmp(mode,(UBYTE *)"log") == 0 ) {
3857 		linlog = 1;
3858 	}
3859 	else {
3860 		MesPrint("@Illegal mode argument in macro RANDOM_");
3861 		Terminate(-1);
3862 	}
3864 	sscanf((char *)mins,"%f",&num); minval = num;
3865 	sscanf((char *)maxs,"%f",&num); maxval = num;
3867 	/*
3868 	 * Note on ParFORM: we should use the same random number on all the
3869 	 * processes in the complication phase. The random number is generated
3870 	 * on the master and broadcast to the other processes.
3871 	 */
3872 	{
3873 		UWORD x;
3874 		double xx;
3875 #ifdef WITHMPI
3876 		x = 0;
3877 		if ( PF.me == MASTER ) {
3878 			x = wranf(BHEAD0);
3879 		}
3880 		x = (UWORD)PF_BroadcastNumber((LONG)x);
3881 #else
3882 		x = wranf(BHEAD0);
3883 #endif
3884 		xx = x/pow(2.0,(double)(BITSINWORD-1));
3885 		if ( linlog == 0 ) {
3886 			value = minval + (maxval-minval)*xx;
3887 		}
3888 		else if ( linlog == 1 ) {
3889 			value = minval * pow(maxval/minval,xx);
3890 		}
3891 	}
3893 	outval = (UBYTE *)Malloc1(64,"PreRandom");
3894 	if ( ABS(value) < 0.00001 || ABS(value) > 1000000. ) {
3895 		sprintf((char *)outval,"%e",value);
3896 	}
3897 	else if ( ABS(value) < 0.0001 ) { sprintf((char *)outval,"%10f",value); }
3898 	else if ( ABS(value) < 0.001 ) { sprintf((char *)outval,"%9f",value); }
3899 	else if ( ABS(value) < 0.01 ) { sprintf((char *)outval,"%8f",value); }
3900 	else if ( ABS(value) < 0.1 ) { sprintf((char *)outval,"%7f",value); }
3901 	else if ( ABS(value) < 1. ) { sprintf((char *)outval,"%6f",value); }
3902 	else if ( ABS(value) < 10. ) { sprintf((char *)outval,"%5f",value); }
3903 	else if ( ABS(value) < 100. ) { sprintf((char *)outval,"%4f",value); }
3904 	else if ( ABS(value) < 1000. ) { sprintf((char *)outval,"%3f",value); }
3905 	else if ( ABS(value) < 10000. ) { sprintf((char *)outval,"%2f",value); }
3906 	else { sprintf((char *)outval,"%1f",value); }
3907 	return(outval);
3908 }
3910 /*
3911  		#] PreRandom :
3912   	#] Functions :
3913 */