1#  ___________________________________________________________________________
3#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
4#  Copyright 2017 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
5#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
6#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
7#  rights in this software.
8#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
9#  ___________________________________________________________________________
10"""Utility functions and classes for the GDPopt solver."""
12from __future__ import division
14import logging
15from contextlib import contextmanager
16from math import fabs
18from pyomo.common import deprecated, timing
19from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentSet, Bunch
20from pyomo.contrib.fbbt.fbbt import compute_bounds_on_expr
21from pyomo.contrib.gdpopt.data_class import GDPoptSolveData
22from pyomo.contrib.mcpp.pyomo_mcpp import mcpp_available, McCormick
23from pyomo.core import (Block, Constraint,
24                        Objective, Reals, Var, minimize, value, ConstraintList)
25from pyomo.core.expr.current import identify_variables
26from pyomo.gdp import Disjunct, Disjunction
27from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory, SolverResults
28from pyomo.opt.results import ProblemSense
29from pyomo.util.model_size import build_model_size_report
32class _DoNothing(object):
33    """Do nothing, literally.
35    This class is used in situations of "do something if attribute exists."
36    """
38    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
39        pass
41    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
42        pass
44    def __getattr__(self, attr):
45        def _do_nothing(*args, **kwargs):
46            pass
48        return _do_nothing
51class SuppressInfeasibleWarning(object):
52    """Suppress the infeasible model warning message from solve().
54    The "WARNING: Loading a SolverResults object with a warning status" warning
55    message from calling solve() is often unwanted, but there is no clear way
56    to suppress it.
58    This is modeled on LoggingIntercept from pyomo.common.log,
59    but different in function.
61    """
63    class InfeasibleWarningFilter(logging.Filter):
64        def filter(self, record):
65            return not record.getMessage().startswith(
66                "Loading a SolverResults object with a warning status into model=")
68    warning_filter = InfeasibleWarningFilter()
70    def __enter__(self):
71        logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.core')
72        logger.addFilter(self.warning_filter)
74    def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback):
75        logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.core')
76        logger.removeFilter(self.warning_filter)
79def presolve_lp_nlp(solve_data, config):
80    """If the model is an LP or NLP, solve it directly.
82    """
83    m = solve_data.working_model
84    GDPopt = m.GDPopt_utils
86    # Handle LP/NLP being passed to the solver
87    prob = solve_data.results.problem
88    if (prob.number_of_binary_variables == 0 and
89            prob.number_of_integer_variables == 0 and
90            prob.number_of_disjunctions == 0):
91        config.logger.info('Problem has no discrete decisions.')
92        obj = next(m.component_data_objects(Objective, active=True))
93        if (any(c.body.polynomial_degree() not in (1, 0) for c in GDPopt.constraint_list) or
94                obj.expr.polynomial_degree() not in (1, 0)):
95            config.logger.info(
96                "Your model is an NLP (nonlinear program). "
97                "Using NLP solver %s to solve." % config.nlp_solver)
98            results = SolverFactory(config.nlp_solver).solve(
99                solve_data.original_model, **config.nlp_solver_args)
100            return True, results
101        else:
102            config.logger.info(
103                "Your model is an LP (linear program). "
104                "Using LP solver %s to solve." % config.mip_solver)
105            results = SolverFactory(config.mip_solver).solve(
106                solve_data.original_model, **config.mip_solver_args)
107            return True, results
109    # TODO if any continuous variables are multipled with binary ones, need
110    # to do some kind of transformation (Glover?) or throw an error message
111    return False, None
114def process_objective(solve_data, config, move_linear_objective=False, use_mcpp=True, updata_var_con_list=True):
115    """Process model objective function.
117    Check that the model has only 1 valid objective.
118    If the objective is nonlinear, move it into the constraints.
119    If no objective function exists, emit a warning and create a dummy objective.
121    Parameters
122    ----------
123    solve_data (GDPoptSolveData): solver environment data class
124    config (ConfigBlock): solver configuration options
125    move_linear_objective (bool): if True, move even linear
126        objective functions to the constraints
128    """
129    m = solve_data.working_model
130    util_blk = getattr(m, solve_data.util_block_name)
131    # Handle missing or multiple objectives
132    active_objectives = list(m.component_data_objects(
133        ctype=Objective, active=True, descend_into=True))
134    solve_data.results.problem.number_of_objectives = len(active_objectives)
135    if len(active_objectives) == 0:
136        config.logger.warning(
137            'Model has no active objectives. Adding dummy objective.')
138        util_blk.dummy_objective = Objective(expr=1)
139        main_obj = util_blk.dummy_objective
140    elif len(active_objectives) > 1:
141        raise ValueError('Model has multiple active objectives.')
142    else:
143        main_obj = active_objectives[0]
144    solve_data.results.problem.sense = ProblemSense.minimize if main_obj.sense == 1 else ProblemSense.maximize
145    solve_data.objective_sense = main_obj.sense
147    # Move the objective to the constraints if it is nonlinear
148    if main_obj.expr.polynomial_degree() not in (1, 0) \
149            or move_linear_objective:
150        if move_linear_objective:
151            config.logger.info("Moving objective to constraint set.")
152        else:
153            config.logger.info(
154                "Objective is nonlinear. Moving it to constraint set.")
156        util_blk.objective_value = Var(domain=Reals, initialize=0)
157        if mcpp_available() and use_mcpp:
158            mc_obj = McCormick(main_obj.expr)
159            util_blk.objective_value.setub(mc_obj.upper())
160            util_blk.objective_value.setlb(mc_obj.lower())
161        else:
162            # Use Pyomo's contrib.fbbt package
163            lb, ub = compute_bounds_on_expr(main_obj.expr)
164            if solve_data.results.problem.sense == ProblemSense.minimize:
165                util_blk.objective_value.setlb(lb)
166            else:
167                util_blk.objective_value.setub(ub)
169        if main_obj.sense == minimize:
170            util_blk.objective_constr = Constraint(
171                expr=util_blk.objective_value >= main_obj.expr)
172        else:
173            util_blk.objective_constr = Constraint(
174                expr=util_blk.objective_value <= main_obj.expr)
175        # Deactivate the original objective and add this new one.
176        main_obj.deactivate()
177        util_blk.objective = Objective(
178            expr=util_blk.objective_value, sense=main_obj.sense)
179        # Add the new variable and constraint to the working lists
180        if main_obj.expr.polynomial_degree() not in (1, 0) or (move_linear_objective and updata_var_con_list):
181            util_blk.variable_list.append(util_blk.objective_value)
182            util_blk.continuous_variable_list.append(util_blk.objective_value)
183            util_blk.constraint_list.append(util_blk.objective_constr)
184            util_blk.objective_list.append(util_blk.objective)
185            if util_blk.objective_constr.body.polynomial_degree() in (0, 1):
186                util_blk.linear_constraint_list.append(util_blk.objective_constr)
187            else:
188                util_blk.nonlinear_constraint_list.append(
189                    util_blk.objective_constr)
192def a_logger(str_or_logger):
193    """Returns a logger when passed either a logger name or logger object."""
194    if isinstance(str_or_logger, logging.Logger):
195        return str_or_logger
196    else:
197        return logging.getLogger(str_or_logger)
200def copy_var_list_values(from_list, to_list, config,
201                         skip_stale=False, skip_fixed=True,
202                         ignore_integrality=False):
203    """Copy variable values from one list to another.
205    Rounds to Binary/Integer if neccessary
206    Sets to zero for NonNegativeReals if neccessary
207    """
208    for v_from, v_to in zip(from_list, to_list):
209        if skip_stale and v_from.stale:
210            continue  # Skip stale variable values.
211        if skip_fixed and v_to.is_fixed():
212            continue  # Skip fixed variables.
213        try:
214            v_to.set_value(value(v_from, exception=False))
215            if skip_stale:
216                v_to.stale = False
217        except ValueError as err:
218            err_msg = getattr(err, 'message', str(err))
219            var_val = value(v_from)
220            rounded_val = int(round(var_val))
221            # Check to see if this is just a tolerance issue
222            if ignore_integrality \
223                    and v_to.is_integer():  # not v_to.is_continuous()
224                v_to.value = value(v_from, exception=False)
225            elif v_to.is_integer() and (fabs(var_val - rounded_val) <= config.integer_tolerance):  # not v_to.is_continuous()
226                v_to.set_value(rounded_val)
227            elif 'is not in domain NonNegativeReals' in err_msg and (
228                    fabs(var_val) <= config.zero_tolerance):
229                v_to.set_value(0)
230            else:
231                raise
234def is_feasible(model, config):
235    """Checks to see if the algebraic model is feasible in its current state.
237    Checks variable bounds and active constraints. Not for use with
238    untransformed GDP models.
240    """
241    disj = next(model.component_data_objects(
242        ctype=Disjunct, active=True), None)
243    if disj is not None:
244        raise NotImplementedError(
245            "Found active disjunct %s. "
246            "This function is not intended to check "
247            "feasibility of disjunctive models, "
248            "only transformed subproblems." % disj.name)
250    config.logger.debug('Checking if model is feasible.')
251    for constr in model.component_data_objects(
252            ctype=Constraint, active=True, descend_into=True):
253        # Check constraint lower bound
254        if (constr.lower is not None and (
255                value(constr.lower) - value(constr.body)
256                >= config.constraint_tolerance
257        )):
258            config.logger.info('%s: body %s < LB %s' % (
259                constr.name, value(constr.body), value(constr.lower)))
260            return False
261        # check constraint upper bound
262        if (constr.upper is not None and (
263                value(constr.body) - value(constr.upper)
264                >= config.constraint_tolerance
265        )):
266            config.logger.info('%s: body %s > UB %s' % (
267                constr.name, value(constr.body), value(constr.upper)))
268            return False
269    for var in model.component_data_objects(ctype=Var, descend_into=True):
270        # Check variable lower bound
271        if (var.has_lb() and
272                value(var.lb) - value(var) >= config.variable_tolerance):
273            config.logger.info('%s: value %s < LB %s' % (
274                var.name, value(var), value(var.lb)))
275            return False
276        # Check variable upper bound
277        if (var.has_ub() and
278                value(var) - value(var.ub) >= config.variable_tolerance):
279            config.logger.info('%s: value %s > UB %s' % (
280                var.name, value(var), value(var.ub)))
281            return False
282    config.logger.info('Model is feasible.')
283    return True
286def build_ordered_component_lists(model, solve_data):
287    """Define lists used for future data transfer.
289    Also attaches ordered lists of the variables, constraints, disjuncts, and
290    disjunctions to the model so that they can be used for mapping back and
291    forth.
293    """
294    util_blk = getattr(model, solve_data.util_block_name)
295    var_set = ComponentSet()
296    setattr(
297        util_blk, 'constraint_list', list(
298            model.component_data_objects(
299                ctype=Constraint, active=True,
300                descend_into=(Block, Disjunct))))
301    # print(util_blk.constraint_list)
302    setattr(
303        util_blk, 'linear_constraint_list', list(c for c in model.component_data_objects(
304            ctype=Constraint, active=True, descend_into=(Block, Disjunct))
305            if c.body.polynomial_degree() in (0, 1)))
306    # print(util_blk.linear_constraint_list)
307    setattr(
308        util_blk, 'nonlinear_constraint_list', list(c for c in model.component_data_objects(
309            ctype=Constraint, active=True, descend_into=(Block, Disjunct))
310            if c.body.polynomial_degree() not in (0, 1)))
311    # print(util_blk.nonlinear_constraint_list)
312    setattr(
313        util_blk, 'disjunct_list', list(
314            model.component_data_objects(
315                ctype=Disjunct, active=True,
316                descend_into=(Block, Disjunct))))
317    setattr(
318        util_blk, 'disjunction_list', list(
319            model.component_data_objects(
320                ctype=Disjunction, active=True,
321                descend_into=(Disjunct, Block))))
322    setattr(
323        util_blk, 'objective_list', list(
324            model.component_data_objects(
325                ctype=Objective, active=True,
326                descend_into=(Block))))
328    # Identify the non-fixed variables in (potentially) active constraints and
329    # objective functions
330    for constr in getattr(util_blk, 'constraint_list'):
331        for v in identify_variables(constr.body, include_fixed=False):
332            var_set.add(v)
333    for obj in model.component_data_objects(ctype=Objective, active=True):
334        for v in identify_variables(obj.expr, include_fixed=False):
335            var_set.add(v)
336    # Disjunct indicator variables might not appear in active constraints. In
337    # fact, if we consider them Logical variables, they should not appear in
338    # active algebraic constraints. For now, they need to be added to the
339    # variable set.
340    for disj in getattr(util_blk, 'disjunct_list'):
341        var_set.add(disj.binary_indicator_var)
343    # We use component_data_objects rather than list(var_set) in order to
344    # preserve a deterministic ordering.
345    var_list = list(
346        v for v in model.component_data_objects(
347            ctype=Var, descend_into=(Block, Disjunct))
348        if v in var_set)
349    setattr(util_blk, 'variable_list', var_list)
350    discrete_variable_list = list(
351        v for v in model.component_data_objects(
352            ctype=Var, descend_into=(Block, Disjunct))
353        if v in var_set and v.is_integer())
354    setattr(util_blk, 'discrete_variable_list', discrete_variable_list)
355    continuous_variable_list = list(
356        v for v in model.component_data_objects(
357            ctype=Var, descend_into=(Block, Disjunct))
358        if v in var_set and v.is_continuous())
359    setattr(util_blk, 'continuous_variable_list', continuous_variable_list)
362def setup_results_object(solve_data, config):
363    """Record problem statistics for original model."""
364    # Create the solver results object
365    res = solve_data.results
366    prob = res.problem
367    res.problem.name = solve_data.original_model.name
368    res.problem.number_of_nonzeros = None  # TODO
369    # TODO work on termination condition and message
370    res.solver.termination_condition = None
371    res.solver.message = None
372    res.solver.user_time = None
373    res.solver.system_time = None
374    res.solver.wallclock_time = None
375    res.solver.termination_message = None
377    num_of = build_model_size_report(solve_data.original_model)
379    # Get count of constraints and variables
380    prob.number_of_constraints = num_of.activated.constraints
381    prob.number_of_disjunctions = num_of.activated.disjunctions
382    prob.number_of_variables = num_of.activated.variables
383    prob.number_of_binary_variables = num_of.activated.binary_variables
384    prob.number_of_continuous_variables = num_of.activated.continuous_variables
385    prob.number_of_integer_variables = num_of.activated.integer_variables
387    config.logger.info(
388        "Original model has %s constraints (%s nonlinear) "
389        "and %s disjunctions, "
390        "with %s variables, of which %s are binary, %s are integer, "
391        "and %s are continuous." %
392        (num_of.activated.constraints,
393         num_of.activated.nonlinear_constraints,
394         num_of.activated.disjunctions,
395         num_of.activated.variables,
396         num_of.activated.binary_variables,
397         num_of.activated.integer_variables,
398         num_of.activated.continuous_variables))
401# def validate_disjunctions(model, config):
402#     """Validate that the active disjunctions on the model are satisfied
403#     by the current disjunct indicator_var values."""
404#     active_disjunctions = model.component_data_objects(
405#         ctype=Disjunction, active=True, descend_into=(Block, Disjunct))
406#     for disjtn in active_disjunctions:
407#         sum_disj_vals = sum(disj.indicator_var.value
408#                             for disj in disjtn.disjuncts)
409#         if disjtn.xor and fabs(sum_disj_vals - 1) > config.integer_tolerance:
410#             raise ValueError(
411#                 "Expected disjunct values to add up to 1 "
412#                 "for XOR disjunction %s. "
413#                 "Instead, values add up to %s." % (disjtn.name, sum_disj_vals))
414#         elif sum_disj_vals + config.integer_tolerance < 1:
415#             raise ValueError(
416#                 "Expected disjunct values to add up to at least 1 for "
417#                 "OR disjunction %s. "
418#                 "Instead, values add up to %s." % (disjtn.name, sum_disj_vals))
421def constraints_in_True_disjuncts(model, config):
422    """Yield constraints in disjuncts where the indicator value is set or fixed to True."""
423    for constr in model.component_data_objects(Constraint):
424        yield constr
425    observed_disjuncts = ComponentSet()
426    for disjctn in model.component_data_objects(Disjunction):
427        # get all the disjuncts in the disjunction. Check which ones are True.
428        for disj in disjctn.disjuncts:
429            if disj in observed_disjuncts:
430                continue
431            observed_disjuncts.add(disj)
432            if fabs(disj.binary_indicator_var.value - 1) \
433               <= config.integer_tolerance:
434                for constr in disj.component_data_objects(Constraint):
435                    yield constr
439def time_code(timing_data_obj, code_block_name, is_main_timer=False):
440    """Starts timer at entry, stores elapsed time at exit
442    If `is_main_timer=True`, the start time is stored in the timing_data_obj,
443    allowing calculation of total elapsed time 'on the fly' (e.g. to enforce
444    a time limit) using `get_main_elapsed_time(timing_data_obj)`.
445    """
446    start_time = timing.default_timer()
447    if is_main_timer:
448        timing_data_obj.main_timer_start_time = start_time
449    yield
450    elapsed_time = timing.default_timer() - start_time
451    prev_time = timing_data_obj.get(code_block_name, 0)
452    timing_data_obj[code_block_name] = prev_time + elapsed_time
455def get_main_elapsed_time(timing_data_obj):
456    """Returns the time since entering the main `time_code` context"""
457    current_time = timing.default_timer()
458    try:
459        return current_time - timing_data_obj.main_timer_start_time
460    except AttributeError as e:
461        if 'main_timer_start_time' in str(e):
462            raise e from AttributeError(
463                "You need to be in a 'time_code' context to use `get_main_elapsed_time()`."
464            )
468    "'restore_logger_level()' has been deprecated in favor of the more "
469    "specific 'lower_logger_level_to()' function.",
470    version='5.6.9')
472def restore_logger_level(logger):
473    old_logger_level = logger.level
474    yield
475    logger.setLevel(old_logger_level)
479def lower_logger_level_to(logger, level=None):
480    """Increases logger verbosity by lowering reporting level."""
481    if level is not None and logger.getEffectiveLevel() > level:
482        # If logger level is higher (less verbose), decrease it
483        old_logger_level = logger.level
484        logger.setLevel(level)
485        yield
486        logger.setLevel(old_logger_level)
487    else:
488        yield  # Otherwise, leave the logger alone
492def create_utility_block(model, name, solve_data):
493    created_util_block = False
494    # Create a model block on which to store GDPopt-specific utility
495    # modeling objects.
496    if hasattr(model, name):
497        raise RuntimeError(
498            "GDPopt needs to create a Block named %s "
499            "on the model object, but an attribute with that name "
500            "already exists." % name)
501    else:
502        created_util_block = True
503        setattr(model, name, Block(
504            doc="Container for GDPopt solver utility modeling objects"))
505        solve_data.util_block_name = name
507        # Save ordered lists of main modeling components, so that data can
508        # be easily transferred between future model clones.
509        build_ordered_component_lists(model, solve_data)
510    yield
511    if created_util_block:
512        model.del_component(name)
516def setup_solver_environment(model, config):
517    solve_data = GDPoptSolveData()  # data object for storing solver state
518    solve_data.config = config
519    solve_data.results = SolverResults()
520    solve_data.timing = Bunch()
521    min_logging_level = logging.INFO if config.tee else None
522    with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'total', is_main_timer=True), \
523            lower_logger_level_to(config.logger, min_logging_level), \
524            create_utility_block(model, 'GDPopt_utils', solve_data):
526        # Create a working copy of the original model
527        solve_data.original_model = model
528        solve_data.working_model = model.clone()
529        setup_results_object(solve_data, config)
530        solve_data.active_strategy = config.strategy
531        util_block = solve_data.working_model.GDPopt_utils
533        # Save model initial values.
534        # These can be used later to initialize NLP subproblems.
535        solve_data.initial_var_values = list(
536            v.value for v in util_block.variable_list)
537        solve_data.best_solution_found = None
539        # Integer cuts exclude particular discrete decisions
540        util_block.integer_cuts = ConstraintList(doc='integer cuts')
542        # Set up iteration counters
543        solve_data.master_iteration = 0
544        solve_data.mip_iteration = 0
545        solve_data.nlp_iteration = 0
547        # set up bounds
548        solve_data.LB = float('-inf')
549        solve_data.UB = float('inf')
550        solve_data.iteration_log = {}
552        # Flag indicating whether the solution improved in the past
553        # iteration or not
554        solve_data.feasible_solution_improved = False
556        yield solve_data  # yield setup solver environment
558        if (solve_data.best_solution_found is not None
559                and solve_data.best_solution_found is not solve_data.original_model):
560            # Update values on the original model
561            copy_var_list_values(
562                from_list=solve_data.best_solution_found.GDPopt_utils.variable_list,
563                to_list=solve_data.original_model.GDPopt_utils.variable_list,
564                config=config)
566    # Finalize results object
567    solve_data.results.problem.lower_bound = solve_data.LB
568    solve_data.results.problem.upper_bound = solve_data.UB
569    solve_data.results.solver.iterations = solve_data.master_iteration
570    solve_data.results.solver.timing = solve_data.timing
571    solve_data.results.solver.user_time = solve_data.timing.total
572    solve_data.results.solver.wallclock_time = solve_data.timing.total
575def indent(text, prefix):
576    """This should be replaced with textwrap.indent when we stop supporting python 2.7."""
577    return ''.join(prefix + line for line in text.splitlines(True))