1 /****************************  converters.h   ********************************
2 * Author:        Agner Fog
3 * Date created:  2006-07-15
4 * Last modified: 2008-05-25
5 * Project:       objconv
6 * Module:        converters.h
7 * Description:
8 * Header file for file conversion classes.
9 *
10 * Copyright 2006-2008 GNU General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses
11 *****************************************************************************/
13 /*******************************   Classes   ********************************
15 This header file declares various classes for interpreting and converting
16 different types of object files. These classes are all derived from the
17 container class CFileBuffer, declared in containers.h.
19 See containers.h for an explanation of the container classes and the
20 operators >> and << which can transfer a data buffer from an object of one
21 class to an object of another class.
23 *****************************************************************************/
25 #ifndef CONVERTERS_H
26 #define CONVERTERS_H
29 // Structure for string index entry in library
30 struct SStringEntry {
31    uint32_t String;                      // Offset to string
32    uint32_t Member;                      // Library member
33 };
36 // Class CResponseFileBuffer is used for storage of a command line response file
37 class CResponseFileBuffer : public CFileBuffer {
38 public:
39    CResponseFileBuffer(char const * filename);   // Constructor
40    ~CResponseFileBuffer();                       // Destructor
41    CResponseFileBuffer * next;                   // Linked list if more than one buffer
42 };
45 // Class for deciding what to do with input file
46 // Its memory buffer contains the input file and later the output file
47 class CMain : public CFileBuffer {
48 public:
49    CMain();                            // Constructor
50    void Go();                          // Do whatever the command line parameters say
51 };
54 // Class CConverter is used for converting or dumping a file of any type
55 class CConverter : public CFileBuffer {
56 public:
57    CConverter();                       // Constructor
58    void Go();                          // Do whatever the command line parameters say
59 protected:
60    void DumpCOF();                     // Dump PE/COFF file
61    void DumpELF();                     // Dump ELF file
62    void DumpMACHO();                   // Dump Mach-O file
63    void DumpOMF();                     // Dump OMF file
64    void ParseMACUnivBin();             // Dump Mac universal binary
65    void COF2COF();                     // Make changes in PE file
66    void COF2ELF();                     // Convert PE/COFF to ELF file
67    void COF2OMF();                     // Convert PE/COFF to OMF file
68    void ELF2ELF();                     // Make changes in ELF file
69    void ELF2COF();                     // Convert ELF to PE file
70    void ELF2MAC();                     // Convert ELF to Mach-O file
71    void OMF2COF();                     // Convert OMF file to PE/COFF
72    void COF2ASM();                     // Disassemble PE/COFF file
73    void ELF2ASM();                     // Disassemble ELF file
74    void MAC2ELF();                     // Convert Mach-O file to ELF file
75    void MAC2MAC();                     // Make changes in Mach-O file
76    void MAC2ASM();                     // Disassemble Mach-O file
77    void OMF2ASM();                     // Disassemble OMF file
78 };
80 // Class for interpreting and dumping PE/COFF files
81 class CCOFF : public CFileBuffer {
82 public:
83    CCOFF();                                      // Default constructor
84    void ParseFile();                             // Parse file buffer
85    void Dump(int options);                       // Dump file
86    void PrintSymbolTable(int symnum);            // Dump symbol table entries
87    void PrintImportExport();                     // Print imported and exported symbols
88    static void PrintSegmentCharacteristics(uint32_t flags); // Print segment characteristics
89    char const * GetSymbolName(char* Symbol);     // Get symbol name from 8 byte entry
90    char const * GetSectionName(const char* Symbol);    // Get section name from 8 byte entry
91    const char * GetFileName(SCOFF_SymTableEntry *);    // Get file name from records in symbol table
92    const char * GetShortFileName(SCOFF_SymTableEntry*);// Same as above. Strips path before filename
93    char const * GetStorageClassName(uint8_t sc);   // Get storage class name
94    void PublicNames(CMemoryBuffer * Strings, CSList<SStringEntry> * Index, int m); // Make list of public names
95    int  GetImageDir(uint32_t n, SCOFF_ImageDirAddress * dir); // Find address of image directory for executable files
96 protected:
97    CArrayBuf<SCOFF_SectionHeader> SectionHeaders;// Copy of section headers
98    int NSections;                                // Number of sections
99    SCOFF_FileHeader * FileHeader;                // File header
100    SCOFF_SymTableEntry * SymbolTable;            // Pointer to symbol table (for object files)
101    char * StringTable;                           // Pointer to string table (for object files)
102    uint32_t StringTableSize;                       // Size of string table (for object files)
103    int NumberOfSymbols;                          // Number of symbol table entries (for object files)
104    uint64_t ImageBase;                             // Image base (for executable files)
105    SCOFF_OptionalHeader * OptionalHeader;        // Optional header (for executable files)
106    SCOFF_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY * pImageDirs;      // Pointer to image directories (for executable files)
107    uint32_t NumImageDirs;                          // Number of image directories (for executable files)
108    uint32_t EntryPoint;                            // Entry point (for executable files)
109 };
112 // Class for interpreting and dumping ELF files. Has templates for 32 and 64 bit version
113 template <class TFileHeader, class TSectionHeader, class TSymbol, class TRelocation>
114 class CELF : public CFileBuffer {
115 public:
116    CELF();                                       // Default constructor
117    void ParseFile();                             // Parse file buffer
118    void Dump(int options);                       // Dump file
119    void PublicNames(CMemoryBuffer * Strings, CSList<SStringEntry> * Index, int m); // Make list of public names
120 protected:
121    const char * SymbolName(uint32_t index);        // Get name of symbol
122    TFileHeader FileHeader;                       // Copy of file header
123    char * SecStringTable;                        // Section header string table
124    uint32_t SecStringTableLen;                     // Length of section header string table
125    uint32_t NSections;                             // Number of sections
126    int SectionHeaderSize;                        // Size of each section header
127    CArrayBuf<TSectionHeader> SectionHeaders;     // Copy of section headers
128    uint32_t SymbolTableOffset;                     // Offset to symbol table
129    uint32_t SymbolTableEntrySize;                  // Entry size of symbol table
130    uint32_t SymbolTableEntries;                    // Number of symbols
131    uint32_t SymbolStringTableOffset;               // Offset to symbol string table
132    uint32_t SymbolStringTableSize;                 // Size of symbol string table
133 };
136 // Class for interpreting and dumping Mach-O files
137 class COMF : public CFileBuffer {
138 public:
139    COMF();                                       // Default constructor
140    void ParseFile();                             // Parse file buffer
141    void Dump(int options);                       // Dump file
142    void PublicNames(CMemoryBuffer * Strings, CSList<SStringEntry> * Index, int m); // Make list of public names
143 protected:
144    uint32_t NumRecords;                            // Number of records
145    CSList<SOMFRecordPointer> Records;            // Record pointers (List is 0-based)
146    CMemoryBuffer NameBuffer;                     // Store segment names and symbol names
147    CSList<uint32_t> LocalNameOffset;               // Offset into NameBuffer of segment names by name index
148    CSList<uint32_t> SegmentNameOffset;             // Offset into NameBuffer of segment names by segment index
149    CSList<uint32_t> SymbolNameOffset;              // Offset into NameBuffer of external symbol names
150    CSList<uint32_t> GroupNameOffset;               // Offset into NameBuffer of group names
151    char * GetLocalName(uint32_t i);                // Get segment name by name index
152    uint32_t GetLocalNameO(uint32_t i);               // Get segment name by converting name index offset into NameBuffer
153    const char * GetSegmentName(uint32_t i);        // Get segment name by segment index
154    const char * GetSymbolName(uint32_t i);         // Get external symbol name
155    const char * GetGroupName(uint32_t i);          // Get group name by index
156    static const char * GetRecordTypeName(uint32_t i);// Get OMF record type name
157    void DumpRecordTypes();                       // Dump summary of records
158    void DumpNames();                             // Dump local names records
159    void DumpSymbols();                           // Dump public and external names records
160    void DumpSegments();                          // Dump segment records
161    void DumpRelocations();                       // Dump fixup records
162    void DumpComments();                          // Dump coment records
163 };
165 // Class for interpreting and dumping Mach-O files. Has templates for 32 and 64 bit version
166 template <class TMAC_header, class TMAC_segment_command, class TMAC_section, class TMAC_nlist, class MInt>
167 class CMACHO : public CFileBuffer {
168 public:
169    CMACHO();                                     // Default constructor
170    void ParseFile();                             // Parse file buffer
171    void Dump(int options);                       // Dump file
172    void PublicNames(CMemoryBuffer * Strings, CSList<SStringEntry> * Index, int m); // Make list of public names
173 protected:
174    TMAC_header FileHeader;                       // Copy of file header
175    uint64_t ImageBase;                             // Image base for executable file
176    uint32_t SegmentOffset;                         // File offset of segment
177    uint32_t SegmentSize;                           // Size of segment
178    uint32_t SectionHeaderOffset;                   // File offset of section headers
179    uint32_t NumSections;                           // Number of sections
180    uint32_t SymTabOffset;                          // File offset of symbol table
181    uint32_t SymTabNumber;                          // Number of entries in symbol table
182    uint32_t StringTabOffset;                       // File offset of string table
183    uint32_t StringTabSize;                         // Size of string table
184    uint32_t ilocalsym;	                            // index to local symbols
185    uint32_t nlocalsym;	                            // number of local symbols
186    uint32_t iextdefsym;	                         // index to public symbols
187    uint32_t nextdefsym;	                         // number of public symbols
188    uint32_t iundefsym;	                            // index to external symbols
189    uint32_t nundefsym;	                            // number of external symbols
190    uint32_t IndirectSymTabOffset;                  // file offset to the indirect symbol table
191    uint32_t IndirectSymTabNumber;                  // number of indirect symbol table entries
192 };
194 // Class for parsing Macintosh universal binary
195 class CMACUNIV : public CFileBuffer {
196 public:
197    CMACUNIV();                                   // Default constructor
198    void Go(int options);                         // Apply command line options to all components
199 };
202 // class CCOF2ELF handles conversion from PE/COFF file to ELF file. Has templates for 32 and 64 bit version
203 template <class TELF_Header, class TELF_SectionHeader, class TELF_Symbol, class TELF_Relocation>
204 class CCOF2ELF : public CCOFF {
205 public:
206    CCOF2ELF();                                    // Constructor
207    void Convert();                                // Do the conversion
208 protected:
209    void MakeSegments();                           // Convert subfunction: Segments
210    void MakeSymbolTable();                        // Convert subfunction: Symbol table and string tables
211    void MakeRelocationTables();                   // Convert subfunction: Relocation tables
212    void MakeBinaryFile();                         // Convert subfunction: Putting sections together
213    int symtab;                                    // Symbol table section number
214    int shstrtab;                                  // Section name string table section number
215    int strtab;                                    // Object name string table section number
216    int stabstr;                                   // Debug string table section number
217    int NumSectionsNew;                            // Number of sections generated for 'to' file
218    int MaxSectionsNew;                            // Number of section buffers allocated for 'to' file
219    CArrayBuf<CMemoryBuffer> NewSections;          // Buffers for building each section
220    CArrayBuf<TELF_SectionHeader> NewSectionHeaders;// Buffer for temporary section headers
221    CArrayBuf<int> NewSectIndex;                   // Buffers for array of new section indices
222    CArrayBuf<int> NewSymbolIndex;                 // Buffers for array of new symbol indices
223    CFileBuffer ToFile;                            // File buffer for ELF file
224    TELF_Header NewFileHeader;                     // New file header
225 };
228 // class CCOF2OMF handles conversion from PE/COFF file to OMF file
229 class CCOF2OMF : public CCOFF {
230 public:
231    CCOF2OMF();                                    // Constructor
232    void Convert();                                // Do the conversion
233 protected:
234    void MakeSegmentList();                        // Make temporary segment conversion list
235    void MakeSymbolList();                         // Make temporary symbol conversion list
236    void MakeRelocationsList();                    // Make temporary list of relocations (fixups) and sort it
237    void MakeLNAMES();                             // Make THEADR and LNAMES records
238    void MakeSEGDEF();                             // Make SEGDEF and GRPDEF records
239    void MakeEXTDEF();                             // Make EXTDEF records
240    void MakePUBDEF();                             // Make PUBDEF records
241    void MakeLEDATA();                             // Make LEDATA, LIDATA and FIXUPP records
242    void MakeMODEND();                             // Make MODEND record and finish file
243    CArrayBuf<SOMFSegmentList> SectionBuffer;      // Summarize old sections. Translate section index to segment index
244    CArrayBuf<SOMFSymbolList> SymbolBuffer;        // Translate old symbol index to new public/external index
245    CSList<SOMFRelocation> RelocationBuffer;       // Summarize and sort relocations
246    CMemoryBuffer NameBuffer;                      // Temporary storage of text strings
247    COMFFileBuilder ToFile;                        // File buffer for new OMF file
248    int  NumSegments;                              // Number of segments in new file
249    int  SectionBufferNum;                         // Number of entries in SectionBuffer
250    uint32_t NumPublicSymbols;                       // Number of public symbols in new file
251    uint32_t NumExternalSymbols;                     // Number of external symbols in new file
252    uint32_t NumRelocations;                         // Number of entries in RelocationBuffer
253 };
256 // class COMF2COF handles conversion from OMF file to PE/COFF file
257 class COMF2COF : public COMF {
258 public:
259    COMF2COF();                                    // Constructor
260    void Convert();                                // Do the conversion
261 protected:
262    // Convert subfunctions:
263    void MakeFileHeader();                        // File header
264    void MakeSymbolTable1();                      // Make symbol table and string table entries for file and segments
265    void MakeSymbolTable2();                      // Make symbol table and string table entries for external symbols
266    void MakeSymbolTable3();                      // Make symbol table and string table entries for public symbols
267    void MakeSymbolTable4();                      // Make symbol table and string table entries for communal symbols
268    void MakeSymbolTable5();                      // Make symbol table and string table entries for local symbols
269    void MakeSections();                          // Make sections and relocation tables
270    void MakeBinaryFile();                        // Putting sections together
271    void CheckUnsupportedRecords();               // Make warnings if file containes unsupported record types
272    int  NumSectionsNew;                          // Number of sections in new file
273    CFileBuffer ToFile;                           // File buffer for PE/COFF file
274    CSList<SCOFF_SymTableEntry> NewSymbolTable;   // New symbol table entries
275    CSList<SCOFF_SectionHeader> NewSectionHeaders;// New section headers
276    CMemoryBuffer NewStringTable;                 // Buffer for building new string table
277    CMemoryBuffer NewData;                        // Raw data for each section in new file and its relocation table
278    CSList<uint32_t> SegmentTranslation;            // Translate old segment number to new symbol table index
279    CSList<uint32_t> ExtdefTranslation;             // Translate old external symbol number to new symbol table index
280    CSList<SOMFLocalSymbol> LocalSymbols;         // List for assigning names to unnamed local symbols
281    SCOFF_FileHeader NewFileHeader;               // New file header
282 };
285 // class CELF2COF handles conversion from ELF file to PE/COFF file. Has templates for 32 and 64 bit version
286 template <class TELF_Header, class TELF_SectionHeader, class TELF_Symbol, class TELF_Relocation>
287 class CELF2COF : public CELF<ELFSTRUCTURES> {
288 public:
289    CELF2COF();                                   // Constructor
290    void Convert();                               // Do the conversion
291 protected:
292    void MakeFileHeader();                        // Convert subfunction: File header
293    void MakeSectionsIndex();                     // Convert subfunction: Make section index translation table
294    void MakeSections();                          // Convert subfunction: Make sections and relocation tables
295    void MakeSymbolTable();                       // Convert subfunction: Symbol table and string tables
296    void HideUnusedSymbols();                     // Convert subfunction: Hide unused symbols
297    void MakeBinaryFile();                        // Convert subfunction: Putting sections together
298    int NumSectionsNew;                           // Number of sections in new file
299    CArrayBuf<int32_t> NewSectIndex;                // Array of new section indices
300    CArrayBuf<int32_t> SymbolsUsed;                 // Array of new symbol indices
301    CSList<int32_t> NewSymbolIndex;                 // Buffer for array of new symbol indices
302    CMemoryBuffer NewSymbolTable;                 // Buffer for building new symbol table
303    CMemoryBuffer NewStringTable;                 // Buffer for building new string table
304    CMemoryBuffer NewRawData;                     // Buffer for building new raw data area
305    uint32_t RawDataOffset;                         // File offset for raw data
306    CFileBuffer ToFile;                           // File buffer for PE/COFF file
307    SCOFF_FileHeader NewFileHeader;               // New file header
308 };
311 // class CELF2MAC handles conversion from ELF file to Mach-O file
312 template <class TELF_Header, class TELF_SectionHeader, class TELF_Symbol, class TELF_Relocation,
313           class TMAC_header, class TMAC_segment_command, class TMAC_section, class TMAC_nlist, class MInt>
314 class CELF2MAC : public CELF<ELFSTRUCTURES> {
315 public:
316    CELF2MAC();                         // Constructor
317    void Convert();                     // Do the conversion
318 protected:
319    void MakeFileHeader();              // Convert subfunction: File header
320    void MakeSectionsIndex();           // Convert subfunction: Make section index translation table
321    void MakeSections();                // Convert subfunction: Make sections and relocation tables
322    void MakeSymbolTable();             // Convert subfunction: Symbol table and string tables
323    void FindUnusedSymbols();           // Convert subfunction: Check if symbols used, remove unused symbols
324    void MakeBinaryFile();              // Convert subfunction: Putting sections together
325    // Translate relocations, seperate function for 32 and 64 bits:
326    void Elf2MacRelocations(Elf32_Shdr &, MAC_section_32 &, uint32_t NewRawDataOffset, uint32_t oldsec);
327    void Elf2MacRelocations(Elf64_Shdr &, MAC_section_64 &, uint32_t NewRawDataOffset, uint32_t oldsec);
328    int  GetImagebaseSymbol();          // Symbol table index of __mh_execute_header
329    CFileBuffer   ToFile;               // File buffer for new Mach-O file
330    CMemoryBuffer NewRawData;           // Buffer for building new raw data area
331    CMemoryBuffer NewRelocationTab;     // Buffer for new relocation tables
332    CMemoryBuffer NewStringTable;       // Buffer for building new string table
333    CMemoryBuffer UnnamedSymbolsTable;  // Buffer for assigning names to unnamed symbols
334    CArrayBuf<int> NewSectIndex;        // Array of new section indices
335    CArrayBuf<MInt> NewSectOffset;      // Array of new section offsets
336    CArrayBuf<int> OldSymbolScope;      // Table of symbol bindings: 0 = local, 1 = public, 2 = external
337    CArrayBuf<int> OldSymbolUsed;       // Check if symbol is used
338    MacSymbolTableBuilder<TMAC_nlist, MInt> NewSymTab[3]; // New symbol tables for local, public, external symbols
339    uint32_t NumSymbols[4];               // Accumulated number of entries in each NewSymTab[]
340    uint32_t NewSectHeadOffset;           // File offset to first section header
341    uint32_t NewSymtabOffset;             // File offset to symtab command
342    int NumSectionsNew;                 // Number of sections in new file
343    uint32_t RawDataOffset;               // Offset to raw data in old file
344    uint32_t NumOldSymbols;               // Number of symbols in old file
345    uint32_t CommandOffset;               // Offset to first load command = segment header
346 };
348 // class MAC2ELF handles conversion from Mach-O file to ELF file
349 template <class TMAC_header, class TMAC_segment_command, class TMAC_section, class TMAC_nlist, class MInt,
350           class TELF_Header, class TELF_SectionHeader, class TELF_Symbol, class TELF_Relocation>
352 public:
353    CMAC2ELF();                         // Constructor
354    void Convert();                     // Do the conversion
355 protected:
356    void MakeSegments();                           // Convert subfunction: Segments
357    void MakeSymbolTable();                        // Convert subfunction: Symbol table and string tables
358    void MakeRelocationTables(MAC_header_32&);     // Convert subfunction: Relocation tables, 32-bit version
359    void MakeRelocationTables(MAC_header_64&);     // Convert subfunction: Relocation tables, 64-bit version
360    void MakeImportTables();                       // Convert subfunction: Fill import tables
361    void MakeBinaryFile();                         // Convert subfunction: Putting sections together
362    void TranslateAddress(MInt addr, uint32_t & section, uint32_t & offset); // Translate address to section + offset
363    uint32_t MakeGOTEntry(int symbol);               // Make entry in fake GOT for symbol
364    void MakeGOT();                                // Make fake Global Offset Table
365    int symtab;                                    // Symbol table section number
366    int shstrtab;                                  // Section name string table section number
367    int strtab;                                    // Object name string table section number
368    int stabstr;                                   // Debug string table section number
369    uint32_t NumSectionsNew;                         // Number of sections generated for 'to' file
370    uint32_t MaxSectionsNew;                         // Number of section buffers allocated for 'to' file
371    uint32_t HasGOT;                                 // Contains references to global offset table
372    int FakeGOTSection;                            // Fake GOT section number
373    int FakeGOTSymbol;                             // Symbol index for fake GOT
374    TELF_Header NewFileHeader;                     // New file header
375    CArrayBuf<CMemoryBuffer> NewSections;          // Buffers for building each section
376    CArrayBuf<TELF_SectionHeader> NewSectionHeaders;// Array of temporary section headers
377    CArrayBuf<int> NewSectIndex;                   // Array of new section indices
378    CArrayBuf<int> NewSymbolIndex;                 // Array of new symbol indices
379    CArrayBuf<int> SectionSymbols;                 // Array of new symbol indices for sections
380    CFileBuffer ToFile;                            // File buffer for ELF file
381    CSList<int> GOTSymbols;                        // List of symbols needing GOT entry
382 };
385 // class CCOF2COF handles symbol changes in a PE/COFF file
386 class CCOF2COF : public CCOFF {
387 public:
388    CCOF2COF();                                   // Constructor
389    void Convert();                               // Do the conversion
390 protected:
391    void MakeSymbolTable();                       // Convert subfunction: Symbol table and string tables
392    void MakeBinaryFile();                        // Convert subfunction: Putting sections together
393    CMemoryBuffer NewSymbolTable;                 // Buffers for building new symbol table
394    CMemoryBuffer NewStringTable;                 // Buffers for building new string table
395    CFileBuffer ToFile;                           // File buffer for modified PE file
396 };
399 // class CELF2ELF handles symbol changes in ELF file. Has templates for 32 and 64 bit version
400 template <class TELF_Header, class TELF_SectionHeader, class TELF_Symbol, class TELF_Relocation>
401 class CELF2ELF : public CELF<ELFSTRUCTURES> {
402 public:
403    CELF2ELF();                                   // Constructor
404    void Convert();                               // Do the conversion
405 protected:
406    void MakeSymbolTable();                       // Convert subfunction: Symbol table and string tables
407    void ChangeSections();                        // Convert subfunction: Change section names if needed
408    void MakeBinaryFile();                        // Convert subfunction: Putting sections together
409    uint32_t isymtab[2];                            // static and dynamic symbol table section number
410    uint32_t istrtab[4];                            // string table section number: symbols, dynamic symbols, sections, debug
411    CMemoryBuffer NewSymbolTable[2];              // Buffers for building new symbol tables: static, dynamic
412    CMemoryBuffer NewStringTable[4];              // Buffers for building new string tables: symbols, dynamic symbols, sections, debug
413    CArrayBuf<uint32_t> NewSymbolIndex;             // Array for translating old to new symbol indices
414    uint32_t NumOldSymbols;                         // Size of NewSymbolIndex table
415    uint32_t FirstGlobalSymbol;                     // Index to first global symbol in .symtab
416    CFileBuffer ToFile;                           // File buffer for modified PE file
417 };
420 // class CMAC2MAC handles symbol changes in Mach-O file. Has templates for 32 and 64 bit version
421 template <class TMAC_header, class TMAC_segment_command, class TMAC_section, class TMAC_nlist, class MInt>
423 public:
424    CMAC2MAC();                                   // Constructor
425    void Convert();                               // Do the conversion
426 protected:
427    void MakeSymbolTable();                       // Convert subfunction: Symbol table and string tables
428    void ChangeSegments();                        // Convert subfunction: Change segment names if needed
429    void ChangeSections(uint32_t HeaderOffset, uint32_t Num);// Convert subfunction: Change section names and relocation records if needed
430    void ChangeImportTable(uint32_t FileOffset, uint32_t Num);// Convert subfunction: Change symbol indices in import table if needed
431    void MakeBinaryFile();                        // Convert subfunction: Putting sections together
432    int  NewSymbolIndex(int OldIndex);            // Convert subfunction: Translate old to new symbol index
433    uint32_t NewFileOffset(uint32_t OldOffset);       // Convert subfunction: Translate old to new file offset
434    MacSymbolTableBuilder<TMAC_nlist, MInt> NewSymbols[3];// Buffers for building new symbol tables: local, public, external
435    CMemoryBuffer NewSymbolTable;                 // Buffer for building new symbol table
436    CMemoryBuffer NewStringTable;                 // Buffer for building new string table
437    CFileBuffer ToFile;                           // File buffer for modified PE file
438    uint32_t NumOldSymbols;                         // Size of NewSymbolIndex table
439    uint32_t NewIlocalsym;	                         // index to local symbols
440    uint32_t NewNlocalsym;	                         // number of local symbols
441    uint32_t NewIextdefsym;	                      // index to public symbols
442    uint32_t NewNextdefsym;	                      // number of public symbols
443    uint32_t NewIundefsym;	                         // index to external symbols
444    uint32_t NewNundefsym;	                         // number of external symbols
445    uint32_t NewSymtabOffset;                       // Offset to new symbol table
446    uint32_t NewStringtabOffset;                    // Offset to new string table
447    uint32_t NewStringtabEnd;                       // Offset to end of new string table
448    uint32_t OldTablesEnd;                          // End of old symbol table and string table
449    int32_t  SizeDifference;                        // Size of new file minus size of old file
450 };
453 // class CCOF2ASM handles disassembly of PE/COFF file
454 class CCOF2ASM : public CCOFF {
455 public:
456    CCOF2ASM();                                   // Constructor
457    void Convert();                               // Do the conversion
458 protected:
459    CDisassembler Disasm;                         // Disassembler
460    void MakeSectionList();                       // Make Sections list and Relocations list in Disasm
461    void MakeSymbolList();                        // Make Symbols list in Disasm
462    void MakeDynamicRelocations();                // Make dynamic base relocations for executable files
463    void MakeImportList();                        // Make imported symbols for executable files
464    void MakeExportList();                        // Make exported symbols for executable files
465    void MakeListLabels();                        // Attach names to all image directories
466 };
468 // class CELF2ASM handles disassembly of ELF file
469 template <class TELF_Header, class TELF_SectionHeader, class TELF_Symbol, class TELF_Relocation>
470 class CELF2ASM : public CELF<ELFSTRUCTURES> {
471 public:
472    CELF2ASM();                                   // Constructor
473    void Convert();                               // Do the conversion
474 protected:
475    CDisassembler Disasm;                         // Disassembler
476    CArrayBuf<int32_t>SectionNumberTranslate;       // Translate section numbers in source file to section numbers in asm file
477    CArrayBuf<uint32_t>SymbolTableOffset;           // Addend to add to symbol number for each symbol table
478    int64_t ImageBase;                              // Image base if executable file
479    uint32_t ExeType;                               // File type: 0 = object, 1 = DLL/shared object, 2 = executable
480    uint32_t NumSymbols;                            // Number of symbols defined
481    void FindImageBase();                         // Find image base
482    void MakeSectionList();                       // Make Sections list in Disasm
483    void MakeSymbolList();                        // Make Symbols list in Disasm
484    void MakeRelocations();                       // Make relocations for object and executable files
485    void MakeImportList();                        // Make imported symbols for executable files
486    void MakeExportList();                        // Make exported symbols for executable files
487    void MakeListLabels();                        // Attach names to all image directories
488 };
490 // class CMAC2ASM handles disassembly of Mach-O file
491 template <class TMAC_header, class TMAC_segment_command, class TMAC_section, class TMAC_nlist, class MInt>
493 public:
494    CMAC2ASM();                                   // Constructor
495    void Convert();                               // Do the conversion
496 protected:
497    void MakeSectionList();                       // Make Sections list in Disasm
498    void MakeSymbolList();                        // Make Symbols list in Disasm
499    void MakeRelocations();                       // Make relocation list in Disasm
500    void MakeImports();                           // Make symbol entries for imported symbols
501    CDisassembler Disasm;                         // Disassembler
502    CMemoryBuffer StringBuffer;                   // Buffer for making section names
503    CSList<MAC_SECT_WITH_RELOC> RelocationQueue;  // List of relocation tables
504    CSList<TMAC_section*> ImportSections;          // List of sections needing extra symbols: import tables, literals, etc.
505 };
507 // class COMF2ASM handles disassembly of OMF object files
508 class COMF2ASM : public COMF {
509 public:
510    COMF2ASM();                                   // Constructor
511    void Convert();                               // Do the conversion
512 protected:
513    void CountSegments();                         // Make temporary Segments table
514    void MakeExternalSymbolsTable();              // Make external symbols in Disasm
515    void MakePublicSymbolsTable();                // Make symbol table entries for public symbols
516    void MakeCommunalSymbolsTable();              // Make symbol table entries for communal symbols
517    void MakeGroupDefinitions();                  // Make segment group definitions
518    void MakeSegmentList();                       // Make Segments list in Disasm
519    void MakeRelocations(int32_t Segment, uint32_t RecNum, uint32_t SOffset, uint32_t RSize, uint8_t * SData);// Make relocation list in Disasm
520    CDisassembler Disasm;                         // Disassembler
521    CSList<SOMFSegment> Segments;                 // Name, size, etc. of all segments
522    CSList<uint32_t> ExtdefTranslation;             // Translate old external symbol number to disasm symbol table index
523    CSList<uint32_t> PubdefTranslation;             // Translate old public symbol number to disasm symbol table index
524    CMemoryBuffer SegmentData;                    // Binary segment data
525    int32_t NumSegments;                            // Number of segments
526    int32_t FirstComDatSection;                     // First COMDAT section. All sections before this are SEGDEF segments
527 };
529 #endif // #ifndef CONVERTERS_H