1 /* Copyright 2007-2010,2012 IPB, Universite de Bordeaux, INRIA & CNRS
2 **
3 ** This file is part of the Scotch software package for static mapping,
4 ** graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering.
5 **
6 ** This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law
7 ** and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can
8 ** use, modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the
9 ** CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
10 ** URL: "http://www.cecill.info".
11 **
12 ** As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
13 ** modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided
14 ** only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of
15 ** the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
16 ** liability.
17 **
18 ** In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
19 ** with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
20 ** software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
21 ** that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
22 ** therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
23 ** professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
24 ** encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards
25 ** their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their
26 ** systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and
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28 **
29 ** The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
30 ** knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
31 */
32 /************************************************************/
33 /**                                                        **/
34 /**   NAME       : dgraph.h                                **/
35 /**                                                        **/
36 /**   AUTHOR     : Francois PELLEGRINI                     **/
37 /**                Francois CHATENET (P0.0)                **/
38 /**                Sebastien FOUCAULT (P0.0)               **/
39 /**                Nicolas GICQUEL (P0.1)                  **/
40 /**                Jerome LACOSTE (P0.1)                   **/
41 /**                Cedric CHEVALIER (v5.0)                 **/
42 /**                                                        **/
43 /**   FUNCTION   : These lines are the data declarations   **/
44 /**                for the distributed source graph        **/
45 /**                structure.                              **/
46 /**                                                        **/
47 /**   DATES      : # Version P0.0 : from : 01 apr 1997     **/
48 /**                                 to   : 20 jun 1997     **/
49 /**                # Version P0.1 : from : 07 apr 1998     **/
50 /**                                 to   : 20 jun 1998     **/
51 /**                # Version P0.2 : from : 11 may 1999     **/
52 /**                                 to   : 02 feb 2000     **/
53 /**                # Version P0.3 : from : 16 jun 2005     **/
54 /**                                 to   : 16 jun 2005     **/
55 /**                # Version 5.0  : from : 22 jul 2005     **/
56 /**                                 to   : 03 aug 2007     **/
57 /**                # Version 5.1  : from : 11 nov 2007     **/
58 /**                                 to   : 20 feb 2011     **/
59 /**                # Version 6.0  : from : 30 aug 2012     **/
60 /**                                 to   : 26 sep 2012     **/
61 /**                                                        **/
62 /************************************************************/
64 #define DGRAPH_H
66 #define PTSCOTCH_FOLD_DUP                         /* Activate folding on coarsening */
69 #define SCOTCH_COMM_PTOP_RAT        0.25          /* Percentage under which point-to-point is allowed */
70 #endif /* SCOTCH_COMM_PTOP_RAT */
72 /*
73 ** The defines.
74 */
76 /* Graph flags. */
78 #define DGRAPHNONE                  0x0000        /* No options set */
80 #define DGRAPHFREEPRIV              0x0001        /* Set if private arrays freed on exit */
81 #define DGRAPHFREECOMM              0x0002        /* MPI communicator has to be freed    */
82 #define DGRAPHFREETABS              0x0004        /* Set if local arrays freed on exit   */
83 #define DGRAPHFREEPSID              0x0008        /* Set if procsidtab freed on exit     */
84 #define DGRAPHFREEEDGEGST           0x0010        /* Set if edgegsttab freed on exit     */
85 #define DGRAPHHASEDGEGST            0x0020        /* Edge ghost array computed           */
86 #define DGRAPHVERTGROUP             0x0040        /* All vertex arrays grouped           */
87 #define DGRAPHEDGEGROUP             0x0080        /* All edge arrays grouped             */
89 #define DGRAPHCOMMPTOP              0x0100        /* Use point-to-point collective communication */
91 #define DGRAPHBITSUSED              0x01FF        /* Significant bits for plain distributed graph routines               */
92 #define DGRAPHBITSNOTUSED           0x0200        /* Value above which bits not used by plain distributed graph routines */
94 /* Used in algorithms */
96 #define COARPERTPRIME               31            /* Prime number */
97 #define COARHASHPRIME               179           /* Prime number */
99 /*
100 ** The type and structure definitions.
101 */
103 /* The graph basic types, which must be signed. */
105 #ifndef GNUMMAX                                   /* If graph.h not included */
106 typedef INT                 Gnum;                 /* Vertex or edge number   */
107 #define GNUMMAX                     (INTVALMAX)   /* Maximum Gnum value      */
108 #define GNUMSTRING                  INTSTRING     /* String to printf a Gnum */
109 #endif /* GNUMMAX */
111 #define GNUM_MPI                    COMM_INT      /* MPI type for Gnum is MPI type for INT */
113 #define GRAPHPART_MPI               COMM_BYTE     /* Raw byte type for graph parts */
115 /* Tags used for point-to-point communications. */
117 typedef enum DgraphTag_ {
118   TAGPROCVRTTAB = 0,                              /*+ procvrttab message       +*/
119   TAGVERTLOCTAB,                                  /*+ vertloctab message       +*/
120   TAGVENDLOCTAB,                                  /*+ vendloctab message       +*/
121   TAGVELOLOCTAB,                                  /*+ veloloctab message       +*/
122   TAGVNUMLOCTAB,                                  /*+ vnumloctab message       +*/
123   TAGVLBLLOCTAB,                                  /*+ vlblloctab message       +*/
124   TAGEDGELOCTAB,                                  /*+ edgeloctab message       +*/
125   TAGEDLOLOCTAB,                                  /*+ edloloctab message       +*/
126   TAGDATALOCTAB,                                  /*+ Generic data message     +*/
127   TAGOK,                                          /*+ Positive answer          +*/
128   TAGBAD,                                         /*+ Negative answer          +*/
129   TAGHALO    = 100,                               /*+ Tag class for halo       +*/
130   TAGCOARSEN = 200,                               /*+ Tag class for coarsening +*/
131   TAGMATCH   = 300,                               /*+ Tag class for matching   +*/
132   TAGFOLD    = 400,                               /*+ Tag class for folding    +*/
133   TAGBAND    = 500                                /*+ Tag class for band graph +*/
134 } DgraphTag;
136 /*+ The graph flag type. +*/
138 typedef int DgraphFlag;                           /*+ Graph property flags +*/
140 /*+ The vertex part type, in compressed form. From graph.h +*/
142 #ifndef GRAPH_H
143 typedef byte GraphPart;
144 #endif /* GRAPH_H */
146 /* The distributed graph structure. */
148 typedef struct Dgraph_ {
149   DgraphFlag                flagval;              /*+ Graph properties                                          +*/
150   Gnum                      baseval;              /*+ Base index for edge/vertex arrays                         +*/
151   Gnum                      vertglbnbr;           /*+ Global number of vertices                                 +*/
152   Gnum                      vertglbmax;           /*+ Maximum number of local vertices over all processes       +*/
153   Gnum                      vertgstnbr;           /*+ Number of local + ghost vertices                          +*/
154   Gnum                      vertgstnnd;           /*+ vertgstnbr + baseval                                      +*/
155   Gnum                      vertlocnbr;           /*+ Local number of vertices                                  +*/
156   Gnum                      vertlocnnd;           /*+ Local number of vertices + baseval                        +*/
157   Gnum *                    vertloctax;           /*+ Local vertex beginning index array [based]                +*/
158   Gnum *                    vendloctax;           /*+ Local vertex end index array [based]                      +*/
159   Gnum *                    veloloctax;           /*+ Local vertex load array if present                        +*/
160   Gnum                      velolocsum;           /*+ Local sum of all vertex loads                             +*/
161   Gnum                      veloglbsum;           /*+ Global sum of all vertex loads                            +*/
162   Gnum *                    vnumloctax;           /*+ Arrays of global vertex numbers in original graph         +*/
163   Gnum *                    vlblloctax;           /*+ Arrays of vertex labels (when read from file)             +*/
164   Gnum                      edgeglbnbr;           /*+ Global number of arcs                                     +*/
165   Gnum                      edgeglbmax;           /*+ Maximum number of local edges over all processes          +*/
166   Gnum                      edgelocnbr;           /*+ Number of local edges                                     +*/
167   Gnum                      edgelocsiz;           /*+ Size of local edge array (= edgelocnbr when compact)      +*/
168   Gnum                      edgeglbsmx;           /*+ Maximum size of local edge arrays over all processes      +*/
169   Gnum *                    edgegsttax;           /*+ Edge array holding local indices of neighbors [based]     +*/
170   Gnum *                    edgeloctax;           /*+ Edge array holding global neighbor numbers [based]        +*/
171   Gnum *                    edloloctax;           /*+ Edge load array                                           +*/
172   Gnum                      degrglbmax;           /*+ Maximum degree over all processes                         +*/
173   MPI_Comm                  proccomm;             /*+ Graph communicator                                        +*/
174   int                       prockeyval;           /*+ Communicator key value: folded communicators are distinct +*/
175   int                       procglbnbr;           /*+ Number of processes sharing graph data                    +*/
176   int                       proclocnum;           /*+ Number of this process                                    +*/
177   Gnum *                    procvrttab;           /*+ Global array of vertex number ranges [+1,based]           +*/
178   Gnum *                    proccnttab;           /*+ Count array for local number of vertices                  +*/
179   Gnum *                    procdsptab;           /*+ Displacement array with respect to proccnttab [+1,based]  +*/
180   int                       procngbnbr;           /*+ Number of neighboring processes                           +*/
181   int                       procngbmax;           /*+ Maximum number of neighboring processes                   +*/
182   int *                     procngbtab;           /*+ Array of neighbor process numbers [sorted]                +*/
183   int *                     procrcvtab;           /*+ Number of vertices to receive in ghost vertex sub-arrays  +*/
184   int                       procsndnbr;           /*+ Overall size of local send array                          +*/
185   int *                     procsndtab;           /*+ Number of vertices to send in ghost vertex sub-arrays     +*/
186   int *                     procsidtab;           /*+ Array of indices to build communication vectors (send)    +*/
187   int                       procsidnbr;           /*+ Size of the send index array                              +*/
188 } Dgraph;
190 /*
191 ** The function prototypes.
192 */
194 int                         dgraphInit          (Dgraph * const, MPI_Comm);
195 void                        dgraphExit          (Dgraph * const);
196 void                        dgraphFree          (Dgraph * const);
197 int                         dgraphLoad          (Dgraph * const, FILE * const, const Gnum, const DgraphFlag);
198 int                         dgraphSave          (Dgraph * const, FILE * const);
199 int                         dgraphBuild         (Dgraph * const, const Gnum, const Gnum, const Gnum, Gnum * const, Gnum * const, Gnum * const, Gnum * const, Gnum * const, const Gnum, const Gnum, Gnum * const, Gnum * const, Gnum * const);
200 int                         dgraphBuild2        (Dgraph * const, const Gnum, const Gnum, const Gnum, Gnum * const, Gnum * const, Gnum * const, const Gnum, Gnum * const, Gnum * const, const Gnum, const Gnum, Gnum * const, Gnum * const, Gnum * const, const Gnum);
201 int                         dgraphBuild3        (Dgraph * const, const Gnum, const Gnum, Gnum * const, Gnum * const, Gnum * const, const Gnum, Gnum * const, Gnum * const, const Gnum, const Gnum, Gnum * const, Gnum * const, Gnum * const, const Gnum);
202 int                         dgraphBuild4        (Dgraph * const);
203 int                         dgraphBuildHcub     (Dgraph * const, const Gnum, const Gnum, const Gnum);
204 int                         dgraphBuildGrid3D   (Dgraph * const, const Gnum, const Gnum, const Gnum, const Gnum, const Gnum, const int);
205 int                         dgraphCheck         (const Dgraph * const);
206 int                         dgraphView          (const Dgraph * const, FILE * const);
207 int                         dgraphGhst2         (Dgraph * const, const int);
208 int                         dgraphBand          (Dgraph * restrict const, const Gnum, Gnum * restrict const, const GraphPart * restrict const, const Gnum, const Gnum, Gnum, Dgraph * restrict const, Gnum * restrict * const, GraphPart * restrict * const, Gnum * const, Gnum * const, Gnum * const);
210 int                         dgraphFold          (const Dgraph * restrict const, const int, Dgraph * restrict const, const void * restrict const, void ** restrict const, MPI_Datatype);
211 int                         dgraphFold2         (const Dgraph * restrict const, const int, Dgraph * restrict const, MPI_Comm, const void * restrict const, void ** restrict const, MPI_Datatype);
212 int                         dgraphFoldDup       (const Dgraph * restrict const, Dgraph * restrict const, void * restrict const, void ** restrict const, MPI_Datatype);
213 int                         dgraphInduce2       (Dgraph * restrict const, Gnum (*) (Dgraph * restrict const, Dgraph * restrict const, const void * restrict const, Gnum * restrict const), const void * const, const Gnum, Gnum *, Dgraph * restrict const);
215 int                         dgraphInduceList    (Dgraph * const, const Gnum, const Gnum * const, Dgraph * const);
216 int                         dgraphInducePart    (Dgraph * const, const GraphPart * restrict const, const Gnum, const GraphPart, Dgraph * const);
217 #ifdef GRAPH_H
218 int                         dgraphGather        (const Dgraph * restrict const, Graph * restrict);
219 int                         dgraphGather2       (const Dgraph * restrict const, Graph * restrict, const int, const Gnum);
220 int                         dgraphGatherAll     (const Dgraph * restrict const, Graph * restrict);
221 int                         dgraphGatherAll2    (const Dgraph * restrict const, Graph * restrict, const Gnum, const int);
222 int                         dgraphScatter       (Dgraph * const, const Graph * const);
223 #endif /* GRAPH_H */
225 int                         dgraphHaloSync      (Dgraph * const, void * const, MPI_Datatype);
227 /*
228 **  The macro definitions.
229 */
231 #define dgraphGhst(grafptr)         dgraphGhst2 (grafptr, 0) /* Build ghost edge array in addition to local edge array */
232 #define dgraphGhstReplace(grafptr)  dgraphGhst2 (grafptr, 1) /* Replace local edge array by ghost edge array           */
233 #define dgraphHasGhst(grafptr)      (((grafptr)->flagval & DGRAPHHASEDGEGST) != 0) /* If graph has a ghost edge array  */