1 // =============================================================================
2 // PROJECT CHRONO - http://projectchrono.org
3 //
4 // Copyright (c) 2019 projectchrono.org
5 // All rights reserved.
6 //
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
8 // in the LICENSE file at the top level of the distribution and at
9 // http://projectchrono.org/license-chrono.txt.
10 //
11 // =============================================================================
12 // Authors: Conlain Kelly, Nic Olsen, Dan Negrut, Radu Serban
13 // =============================================================================
15 #pragma once
17 #include <cstddef>
18 #include <functional>
19 #include <string>
20 #include <vector>
21 #include <algorithm>
22 #include <cmath>
24 #include "chrono_gpu/ChApiGpu.h"
25 #include "chrono_gpu/ChGpuDefines.h"
26 #include "chrono_gpu/physics/ChGpuBoundaryConditions.h"
27 #include "chrono_gpu/cuda/ChGpuCUDAalloc.hpp"
29 typedef unsigned char not_stupid_bool;
31 namespace chrono {
32 namespace gpu {
34 /// <summary>
35 /// ChSolverStateData contains information that pertains the solver, at a certain point in time. It contains
36 /// information about the current sim time, current time step, max number of spheres in each SD, etc.
37 /// This is the type of information that changes (or not) from time step to time step.
38 /// </summary>
39 class ChSolverStateData {
40   private:
41     /// variable stores at each time step the largest number of spheres in any domain; this is useful when deciding
42     /// on the number of threads in a block for a kernel call. It is also useful to settle once and for all whether
43     /// we exceed the threshold MAX_COUNT_OF_SPHERES_PER_SD. Avoids having these checks in the kernel. Stored in
44     /// managed memory.
45     unsigned int* pMaxNumberSpheresInAnySD;
46     unsigned int crntMaxNumberSpheresInAnySD;  // redundant with info above, but info above is on the device
47     unsigned int largestMaxNumberSpheresInAnySD_thusFar;
49     /// vector of unsigned int that lives on the device; used by CUB or by anybody else that needs scrap space.
50     /// Please pay attention to the type the vector stores.
51     std::vector<char, cudallocator<char>> deviceScratchSpace;
53     /// current integration time step
54     float crntStepSize_SU;  // DN: needs to be brought here from GranParams
55     float crntSimTime_SU;   // DN: needs to be brought here from GranParams
56   public:
ChSolverStateData()57     ChSolverStateData() {
58         cudaMallocManaged(&pMaxNumberSpheresInAnySD, sizeof(unsigned int));
59         largestMaxNumberSpheresInAnySD_thusFar = 0;
60     }
~ChSolverStateData()61     ~ChSolverStateData() { cudaFree(pMaxNumberSpheresInAnySD); }
pMM_maxNumberSpheresInAnySD()62     inline unsigned int* pMM_maxNumberSpheresInAnySD() {
63         return pMaxNumberSpheresInAnySD;  ///< returns pointer to managed memory
64     }
65     /// keep track of the largest number of spheres that touched an SD thus far into the simulation
recordCrntMaxNumberSpheresInAnySD(unsigned int someVal)66     inline void recordCrntMaxNumberSpheresInAnySD(unsigned int someVal) {
67         crntMaxNumberSpheresInAnySD = someVal;
68         if (someVal > largestMaxNumberSpheresInAnySD_thusFar)
69             largestMaxNumberSpheresInAnySD_thusFar = someVal;
70     }
71     /// reports the largest number of spheres that touched any SD thus far into the simulation
MaxNumberSpheresInAnySDThusFar()72     inline unsigned int MaxNumberSpheresInAnySDThusFar() const { return largestMaxNumberSpheresInAnySD_thusFar; }
73     /// reports the largest number of spheres that touched any SD at the most recent broadphase CD function call
currentMaxNumberSpheresInAnySD()74     inline unsigned int currentMaxNumberSpheresInAnySD() const { return crntMaxNumberSpheresInAnySD; }
76     /// return raw pointer to swath of device memory that is at least "sizeNeeded" large
pDeviceMemoryScratchSpace(size_t sizeNeeded)77     inline char* pDeviceMemoryScratchSpace(size_t sizeNeeded) {
78         if (deviceScratchSpace.size() < sizeNeeded) {
79             deviceScratchSpace.resize(sizeNeeded, 0);
80         }
81         return deviceScratchSpace.data();
82     }
83 };
85 // Underlying implementation of the Chrono::Gpu system.
86 // used to control and dispatch the GPU sphere-only solver.
87 class ChSystemGpu_impl {
88   public:
89     virtual ~ChSystemGpu_impl();
91   protected:
92     /// Structure with simulation parameters for sphere-based granular dynamics.
93     /// This structure is stored in CUDA unified memory so that it can be accessed from both host and device.
94     struct GranParams {
95         float stepSize_SU;  ///< Timestep in SU
97         CHGPU_FRICTION_MODE friction_mode;      ///< Which friction mode is active for the simulation
98         CHGPU_ROLLING_MODE rolling_mode;        ///< Which rolling resistance model is active
99         CHGPU_TIME_INTEGRATOR time_integrator;  ///< Which time integrator is active
101         /// Ratio of normal force to peak tangent force, also arctan(theta) where theta is the friction angle
102         /// sphere-to-sphere
103         float static_friction_coeff_s2s;
104         /// Ratio of normal force to peak tangent force, also arctan(theta) where theta is the friction angle
105         /// sphere-to-wall
106         float static_friction_coeff_s2w;
108         float rolling_coeff_s2s_SU;  ///< Coefficient of rolling resistance sphere-to-sphere
109         float rolling_coeff_s2w_SU;  ///< Coefficient of rolling resistance sphere-to-wall
111         float spinning_coeff_s2s_SU;  ///< Coefficient of spinning resistance sphere-to-sphere
112         float spinning_coeff_s2w_SU;  ///< Coefficient of spinning resistance sphere-to-wall
114         float Gamma_n_s2s_SU;  ///< sphere-to-sphere normal contact damping coefficient, expressed in SU
115         float Gamma_n_s2w_SU;  ///< sphere-to-wall normal contact damping coefficient, expressed in SU
116         float Gamma_t_s2s_SU;  ///< sphere-to-sphere tangent contact damping coefficient, expressed in SU
117         float Gamma_t_s2w_SU;  ///< sphere-to-wall tangent contact damping coefficient, expressed in SU
119         float K_n_s2s_SU;  ///< sphere-to-sphere normal contact stiffness, expressed in SU
120         float K_n_s2w_SU;  ///< sphere-to-wall normal contact stiffness, expressed in SU
121         float K_t_s2s_SU;  ///< sphere-to-sphere tangent contact stiffness, expressed in SU
122         float K_t_s2w_SU;  ///< sphere-to-wall tangent contact stiffness, expressed in SU
124         /// use material-based property
125         bool use_mat_based = false;
127         /// effective sphere-to-sphere youngs modulus, expressed in SU
128         float E_eff_s2s_SU;
129         /// effective sphere-to-wall youngs modulus, expressed in SU
130         float E_eff_s2w_SU;
132         /// effective sphere-to-sphere shear modulus, expressed in SU
133         float G_eff_s2s_SU;
134         /// effective sphere-to-wall shear modulus, expressed in SU
135         float G_eff_s2w_SU;
137         /// effective sphere-to-sphere coefficient of restitution, expressed in SU
138         float COR_s2s_SU;
139         /// effective sphere-to-wall coefficient of restitution, expressed in SU
140         float COR_s2w_SU;
142         unsigned int sphereRadius_SU;  ///< Radius of the sphere, expressed in SU
143         float sphereInertia_by_r;      ///< Moment of inertia of a sphere, normalized by the radius, expressed in SU
145         unsigned int SD_size_X_SU;  ///< X-dimension of each subdomain box, expressed in SU
146         unsigned int SD_size_Y_SU;  ///< Y-dimension of each subdomain box, expressed in SU
147         unsigned int SD_size_Z_SU;  ///< Z-dimension of each subdomain box, expressed in SU
149         unsigned int nSpheres;  ///< Total number of spheres in system, used for boundary condition multistep friction
150         unsigned int nSDs;      ///< Total number of subdomains
152         unsigned int nSDs_X;  ///< X-dimension of the big domain box in multiples of subdomains
153         unsigned int nSDs_Y;  ///< Y-dimension of the big domain box in multiples of subdomains
154         unsigned int nSDs_Z;  ///< Z-dimension of the big domain box in multiples of subdomains
156         int64_t max_x_pos_unsigned;  ///< Maximum X dimension in the big domain frame ((int64_t)SD_size_X_SU * nSDs_X)
157         int64_t max_y_pos_unsigned;  ///< Maximum Y dimension in the big domain frame ((int64_t)SD_size_Y_SU * nSDs_Y)
158         int64_t max_z_pos_unsigned;  ///< Maximum Z dimension in the big domain frame ((int64_t)SD_size_Z_SU * nSDs_Z)
160         float gravAcc_X_SU;  ///< X gravity in SU
161         float gravAcc_Y_SU;  ///< Y gravity in SU
162         float gravAcc_Z_SU;  ///< Z gravity in SU
164         int64_t BD_frame_X;  ///< The bottom-left corner xPos of the big domain
165         int64_t BD_frame_Y;  ///< The bottom-left corner yPos of the big domain
166         int64_t BD_frame_Z;  ///< The bottom-left corner zPos of the big domain
168         int64_t BD_offset_X;  /// X offset of big domain from its original frame; allows the subdomain to move
169         int64_t BD_offset_Y;  /// Y offset of big domain from its original frame; allows the subdomain to move
170         int64_t BD_offset_Z;  /// Z offset of big domain from its original frame; allows the subdomain to move
172         float cohesionAcc_s2s;  ///< Constant acceleration of sphere-to-sphere cohesion
173         float adhesionAcc_s2w;  ///< Accleration of adhesion
175         double LENGTH_UNIT;  ///< 1 / C_L. Any length expressed in SU is a multiple of LENGTH_UNIT
176         double TIME_UNIT;    ///< 1 / C_T. Any time quantity in SU is measured as a positive multiple of TIME_UNIT
177         double MASS_UNIT;    ///< 1 / C_M. Any mass quantity is measured as a positive multiple of MASS_UNIT
179         /// Make clear that the underlying assumption is unit SU mass
180         constexpr static float sphere_mass_SU = 1.f;
182         /// Used as a safety check to determine whether a system has lost stability
183         float max_safe_vel = (float)UINT_MAX;
185         bool recording_contactInfo = false;  ///< recording contact info
186     };
188     /// Structure of pointers to kinematic quantities of the ChSystemGpu_impl.
189     /// These pointers must be in device-accessible memory.
190     struct SphereData {
191         int* sphere_local_pos_X;  ///< X position relative to owner subdomain in unified memory
192         int* sphere_local_pos_Y;  ///< Y position relative to owner subdomain in unified memory
193         int* sphere_local_pos_Z;  ///< Z position relative to owner subdomain in unified memory
195         float* pos_X_dt;  ///< X velocity in unified memory
196         float* pos_Y_dt;  ///< Y velocity in unified memory
197         float* pos_Z_dt;  ///< Z velocity in unified memory
199         float* sphere_Omega_X;  ///< X angular velocity in unified memory. Only used if friction is present
200         float* sphere_Omega_Y;  ///< Y angular velocity in unified memory. Only used if friction is present
201         float* sphere_Omega_Z;  ///< Z angular velocity in unified memory. Only used if friction is present
203         float* sphere_acc_X;  ///< X angular acceleration in unified memory
204         float* sphere_acc_Y;  ///< Y angular acceleration in unified memory
205         float* sphere_acc_Z;  ///< Z angular acceleration in unified memory
207         float* sphere_ang_acc_X;  ///< X angular acceleration in unified memory
208         float* sphere_ang_acc_Y;  ///< Y angular acceleration in unified memory
209         float* sphere_ang_acc_Z;  ///< Z angular acceleration in unified memory
211         float* sphere_acc_X_old;  ///< Previous step X acceleration for multistep integrators
212         float* sphere_acc_Y_old;  ///< Previous step Y acceleration for multistep integrators
213         float* sphere_acc_Z_old;  ///< Previous step Z acceleration for multistep integrators
215         float* sphere_ang_acc_X_old;  ///< Previous step X angular acceleration for multistep integrators
216         float* sphere_ang_acc_Y_old;  ///< Previous step Y angular acceleration for multistep integrators
217         float* sphere_ang_acc_Z_old;  ///< Previous step Z angular acceleration for multistep integrators
219         not_stupid_bool* sphere_fixed;  ///< Flags indicating whether or not a sphere is fixed
221         float* sphere_stats_buffer;  ///< A buffer array that can store any quantity that the user wish to reduce
223         unsigned int* contact_partners_map;   ///< Contact partners for each sphere. Only in frictional simulations
224         not_stupid_bool* contact_active_map;  ///< Whether the frictional contact at an index is active
225         float3* contact_history_map;  ///< Tangential history for a given contact pair. Only for multistep friction
226         float* contact_duration;      ///< Duration of persistent contact between pairs
228         float3* normal_contact_force;       ///< Track normal contact force
229         float3* tangential_friction_force;  ///< Track sliding friction force
230         float3* rolling_friction_torque;    ///< Track rolling friction force
231         float* char_collision_time;         ///< Track characteristic collision time
232         float3* v_rot_array;                ///< Track v_rot array
234         unsigned int* SD_NumSpheresTouching;         ///< Number of particles touching each subdomain
235         unsigned int* SD_SphereCompositeOffsets;     ///< Offset of each subdomain in the big composite array
236         unsigned int* SD_SphereCompositeOffsets_SP;  ///< like SD_SphereCompositeOffsets, scratch pad (SP) used
237         unsigned int* spheres_in_SD_composite;       ///< Big composite array of sphere-subdomain membership
239         unsigned int* sphere_owner_SDs;  ///< List of owner subdomains for each sphere
240     };
242     // The system is not default-constructible
243     ChSystemGpu_impl() = delete;
245     /// Construct Chrono::Gpu system with given sphere radius, density, big domain dimensions and the frame origin.
246     ChSystemGpu_impl(float sphere_rad, float density, float3 boxDims, float3 O);
248     /// Create big domain walls out of plane boundary conditions
249     void CreateWallBCs();
251     /// Create an axis-aligned sphere boundary condition
252     size_t CreateBCSphere(float center[3], float radius, bool outward_normal, bool track_forces, float mass);
254     /// Create an z-axis aligned cone boundary condition
255     size_t CreateBCConeZ(float cone_tip[3],
256                          float slope,
257                          float hmax,
258                          float hmin,
259                          bool outward_normal,
260                          bool track_forces);
262     /// Create plane boundary condition
263     /// Instead of always push_back, you can select a position in vector to store the BC info: this is for reserved BCs
264     /// (box domain BCs) only. And if the position is SIZE_MAX then the behavior is push_back.
265     size_t CreateBCPlane(float plane_pos[3], float plane_normal[3], bool track_forces, size_t position = SIZE_MAX);
267     /// Create customized bc plate
268     size_t CreateCustomizedPlate(float plate_pos_center[3], float plate_normal[3], float hdim_y);
270     /// Create an z-axis aligned cylinder boundary condition
271     size_t CreateBCCylinderZ(float center[3], float radius, bool outward_normal, bool track_forces);
273     /// Disable a boundary condition by its ID, returns false if the BC does not exist
DisableBCbyID(size_t BC_id)274     bool DisableBCbyID(size_t BC_id) {
275         size_t max_id = BC_params_list_SU.size();
276         if (BC_id >= max_id) {
277             printf("ERROR: Trying to disable invalid BC ID %zu\n", BC_id);
278             return false;
279         }
281         if (BC_id <= NUM_RESERVED_BC_IDS - 1) {
282             printf("ERROR: Trying to modify reserved BC ID %zu\n", BC_id);
283             return false;
284         }
285         BC_params_list_UU.at(BC_id).active = false;
286         BC_params_list_SU.at(BC_id).active = false;
287         return true;
288     }
290     /// Enable a boundary condition by its ID, returns false if the BC does not exist
EnableBCbyID(size_t BC_id)291     bool EnableBCbyID(size_t BC_id) {
292         size_t max_id = BC_params_list_SU.size();
293         if (BC_id >= max_id) {
294             printf("ERROR: Trying to enable invalid BC ID %zu\n", BC_id);
295             return false;
296         }
297         if (BC_id <= NUM_RESERVED_BC_IDS - 1) {
298             printf("ERROR: Trying to modify reserved BC ID %zu\n", BC_id);
299             return false;
300         }
301         BC_params_list_UU.at(BC_id).active = true;
302         BC_params_list_SU.at(BC_id).active = true;
303         return true;
304     }
306     /// Enable a boundary condition by its ID, returns false if the BC does not exist
SetBCOffsetFunction(size_t BC_id,const GranPositionFunction & offset_function)307     bool SetBCOffsetFunction(size_t BC_id, const GranPositionFunction& offset_function) {
308         size_t max_id = BC_params_list_SU.size();
309         if (BC_id >= max_id) {
310             printf("ERROR: Trying to set offset function for invalid BC ID %zu\n", BC_id);
311             return false;
312         }
313         if (BC_id <= NUM_RESERVED_BC_IDS - 1) {
314             printf("ERROR: Trying to modify reserved BC ID %zu\n", BC_id);
315             return false;
316         }
317         BC_offset_function_list.at(BC_id) = offset_function;
318         BC_params_list_UU.at(BC_id).fixed = false;
319         BC_params_list_SU.at(BC_id).fixed = false;
320         return true;
321     }
323     /// Prescribe the motion of the big domain, allows wavetank-style simulations
setBDWallsMotionFunction(const GranPositionFunction & pos_fn)324     void setBDWallsMotionFunction(const GranPositionFunction& pos_fn) {
325         BDOffsetFunction = pos_fn;
326         BC_offset_function_list.at(BD_WALL_ID_X_BOT) = pos_fn;
327         BC_offset_function_list.at(BD_WALL_ID_X_TOP) = pos_fn;
328         BC_offset_function_list.at(BD_WALL_ID_Y_BOT) = pos_fn;
329         BC_offset_function_list.at(BD_WALL_ID_Y_TOP) = pos_fn;
330         BC_offset_function_list.at(BD_WALL_ID_Z_BOT) = pos_fn;
331         BC_offset_function_list.at(BD_WALL_ID_Z_TOP) = pos_fn;
332     }
334     // Copy back the subdomain device data and save it to a file for error checking on the priming kernel
335     //// RADU: is this function going to be implemented?!?
336     ////void checkSDCounts(std::string ofile, bool write_out, bool verbose) const;
338     /// Get the max z position of the spheres, allows easier co-simulation. True for getting max Z, false for getting
339     /// minimum Z.
340     double GetMaxParticleZ(bool getMax = true);
342     /// Return the total kinetic energy of all particles.
343     float ComputeTotalKE();
345     /// Return the squared sum of the 3 arrays.
346     float computeArray3SquaredSum(std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>>& arrX,
347                                   std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>>& arrY,
348                                   std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>>& arrZ,
349                                   size_t nSpheres);
351     /// Return particle position.
352     float3 GetParticlePosition(int nSphere) const;
354     /// Set particle position
355     void SetParticlePosition(int nSphere, double3 position);
357     /// return absolute velocity
358     float getAbsVelocity(int nSphere);
360     // whether or not the particle is fixed
361     bool IsFixed(int nSphere) const;
363     /// Return particle linear velocity.
364     float3 GetParticleLinVelocity(int nSphere) const;
366     /// Return particle angular velocity.
367     float3 GetParticleAngVelocity(int nSphere) const;
369     /// Return particle acceleration
370     float3 GetParticleLinAcc(int nSphere) const;
372     /// Return number of particle-particle contacts.
373     int GetNumContacts() const;
375     /// Return position of BC plane.
376     float3 GetBCPlanePosition(size_t plane_id) const;
378     /// return position of BC sphere
379     float3 GetBCSpherePosition(size_t bc_id) const;
381     /// set bc sphere position
382     void SetBCSpherePosition(size_t bc_id, const float3 pos);
384     /// set bc sphere vleocity
385     void SetBCSphereVelocity(size_t bc_id, const float3 velo);
387     /// return velocity of BC sphere
388     float3 GetBCSphereVelocity(size_t bc_id) const;
390     /// Get the reaction forces on a boundary by ID, returns false if the forces are invalid (bad BC ID)
391     bool GetBCReactionForces(size_t BC_id, float3& force) const;
393     /// Set initial particle positions. MUST be called only once and MUST be called before initialize
394     void SetParticles(const std::vector<float3>& points,
395                       const std::vector<float3>& vels = std::vector<float3>(),
396                       const std::vector<float3>& ang_vels = std::vector<float3>());
398     /// set particle velocity, can be called during the simulation
399     void SetParticleVelocity(int id, const double3& velocity);
401     void SetBCPlaneRotation(size_t plane_id, double3 rotation_center, double3 rotation_omega);
403     /// Advance simulation by duration in user units, return actual duration elapsed
404     /// Requires initialize() to have been called
405     virtual double AdvanceSimulation(float duration);
407     /// This method figures out how big a SD is, and how many SDs are going to be necessary
408     /// in order to cover the entire BD.
409     /// Nomenclature: BD: Big domain, SD: Sub-domain.
410     void partitionBD();
412     /// Copy constant sphere data to device
413     void copyConstSphereDataToDevice();
415     /// Reset binning and broadphase info
416     void resetBroadphaseInformation();
417     /// Reset sphere accelerations
418     void resetSphereAccelerations();
420     /// Reset sphere-wall forces
421     void resetBCForces();
423     /// Collect all the sphere data into the member struct
424     void packSphereDataPointers();
426     /// Run the first sphere broadphase pass to get things started
427     void runSphereBroadphase();
429     /// Wrap the device helper function
430     int3 getSDTripletFromID(unsigned int SD_ID) const;
432     /// Create a helper to do sphere initialization
433     void initializeSpheres();
435     /// Sorts particle positions spatially in order to improve memory efficiency
436     void defragment_initial_positions();
438     /// Sorts the user-provided contact history array in the order determined by defragment_initial_positions(),
439     /// if that is called
440     void defragment_friction_history(unsigned int history_offset);
442     /// Setup sphere data, initialize local coords
443     void setupSphereDataStructures();
445     /// Helper function to convert a position in UU to its SU representation while also changing data type
446     template <typename T1, typename T2>
convertToPosSU(T2 val)447     T1 convertToPosSU(T2 val) {
448         return (T1)(val / gran_params->LENGTH_UNIT);
449     }
451     /// convert all BCs from UU to SU
452     void convertBCUnits();
454     /// Max velocity of all particles in system
455     float get_max_vel() const;
457     /// Get the maximum stiffness term in the system
458     virtual double get_max_K() const;
460     /// This method defines the mass, time, length Simulation Units. It also sets several other constants that enter the
461     /// scaling of various physical quantities set by the user.
462     virtual void switchToSimUnits();
464     /// combine material properties of two types to get effective ones
465     void combineMaterialSurface();
467     /// Set the position function of a boundary condition and account for the offset
468     void setBCOffset(const BC_type&,
469                      const BC_params_t<float, float3>& params_UU,
470                      BC_params_t<int64_t, int64_t3>& params_SU,
471                      double3 offset_UU);
473     /// Update positions of each boundary condition using prescribed functions
474     void updateBCPositions();
476     /// Write particle positions, vels and ang vels to a file stream (based on a format)
477     void WriteRawParticles(std::ofstream& ptFile) const;
478     void WriteCsvParticles(std::ofstream& ptFile) const;
479     void WriteChPFParticles(std::ofstream& ptFile) const;
480 #ifdef USE_HDF5
481     void WriteH5Particles(H5::H5File& ptFile) const;
482 #endif
484     /// Write contact info file
485     void WriteContactInfoFile(const std::string& outfilename) const;
487     /// Get rolling friction torque between body i and j, return 0 if not in contact
488     float3 getRollingFrictionTorque(int i, int j);
490     /// get rolling friction v_rot
491     float3 getRollingVrot(int i, int j);
493     /// get rolling characterisitc contact time
494     float getRollingCharContactTime(int i, int j);
496     /// Get tangential friction force between body i and j, return 0 if not in contact
497     float3 getSlidingFrictionForce(int i, int j);
499     /// Get normal friction force between body i and j, return 0 if not in contact
500     float3 getNormalForce(int i, int j);
502     /// get list of neighbors in contact with particle ID
503     void getNeighbors(int ID, std::vector<int>& neighborList);
505     /// Rough estimate of the total amount of memory used by the system.
506     size_t EstimateMemUsage() const;
508     // Conversion factors from SU to UU
509     /// 1 / C_L. Any length expressed in SU is a multiple of SU2UU
510     double LENGTH_SU2UU;
511     /// 1 / C_T. Any time quantity in SU is measured as a positive multiple of TIME_SU2UU
512     double TIME_SU2UU;
513     /// 1 / C_M. Any mass quantity is measured as a positive multiple of MASS_SU2UU.
514     double MASS_SU2UU;
515     /// 1 / C_F. Any force quantity is measured as a multiple of FORCE_SU2UU.
516     double FORCE_SU2UU;
517     /// 1 / C_tau. Any torque quantity is measured as a multiple of TORQUE_SU2UU.
518     double TORQUE_SU2UU;
519     /// 1 / C_v. Any velocity quantity is measured as a multiple of VEL_SU2UU.
520     double VEL_SU2UU;
522     // Tuning for non-dimensionalization
523     /// Safety factor on simulation time
524     unsigned int psi_T;
526     /// Safety factor on space adim
527     unsigned int psi_L;
529     /// Fraction of sphere radius which gives an upper bound on the length unit
530     float psi_R;
532     /// Holds the sphere and big-domain-related params in unified memory
533     GranParams* gran_params;
535     /// Holds system degrees of freedom
536     SphereData* sphere_data;
538     /// Contains information about the status of the granular simulator (solver)
539     ChSolverStateData stateOfSolver_resources;
541     /// Allows the code to be very verbose for debugging
542     CHGPU_VERBOSITY verbosity;
544     /// If dividing the longest box dimension into INT_MAX pieces gives better resolution than the deformation-based
545     /// scaling, do that.
546     bool use_min_length_unit;
548     /// If true, on Initialize(), the order of particles will be re-arranged so those in the same SD locate close to
549     /// each other
550     bool defragment_on_start = true;
552     /// Bit flags indicating what fields to write out during WriteParticleFile
553     /// Set with the CHGPU_OUTPUT_FLAGS enum
554     unsigned int output_flags;
556     /// How to write the output files?
557     /// Default is CSV
558     CHGPU_OUTPUT_MODE file_write_mode;
560     /// Number of discrete elements
561     unsigned int nSpheres;
562     /// Number of subdomains
563     unsigned int nSDs;
565     // Use CUDA allocator written by Colin Vanden Heuvel
566     // Could hit system performance if there's not a lot of RAM
567     // Makes somewhat faster memcpys
568     /// Store X positions relative to owner subdomain in unified memory
569     std::vector<int, cudallocator<int>> sphere_local_pos_X;
570     /// Store Y positions relative to owner subdomain in unified memory
571     std::vector<int, cudallocator<int>> sphere_local_pos_Y;
572     /// Store Z positions relative to owner subdomain in unified memory
573     std::vector<int, cudallocator<int>> sphere_local_pos_Z;
574     /// Store X velocity in unified memory
575     std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>> pos_X_dt;
576     /// Store Y velocity in unified memory
577     std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>> pos_Y_dt;
578     /// Store Z velocity in unified memory
579     std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>> pos_Z_dt;
581     /// Store X angular velocity (axis and magnitude in one vector) in unified memory
582     std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>> sphere_Omega_X;
583     /// Store Y angular velocity (axis and magnitude in one vector) in unified memory
584     std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>> sphere_Omega_Y;
585     /// Store Z angular velocity (axis and magnitude in one vector) in unified memory
586     std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>> sphere_Omega_Z;
588     /// Store X acceleration in unified memory
589     std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>> sphere_acc_X;
590     /// Store Y acceleration in unified memory
591     std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>> sphere_acc_Y;
592     /// Store Z acceleration in unified memory
593     std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>> sphere_acc_Z;
595     /// Store X angular acceleration (axis and magnitude in one vector) in unified memory
596     std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>> sphere_ang_acc_X;
597     /// Store Y angular acceleration (axis and magnitude in one vector) in unified memory
598     std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>> sphere_ang_acc_Y;
599     /// Store Z angular acceleration (axis and magnitude in one vector) in unified memory
600     std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>> sphere_ang_acc_Z;
602     /// X acceleration history used for the Chung integrator in unified memory
603     std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>> sphere_acc_X_old;
604     /// Y acceleration history used for the Chung integrator in unified memory
605     std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>> sphere_acc_Y_old;
606     /// Z acceleration history used for the Chung integrator in unified memory
607     std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>> sphere_acc_Z_old;
608     /// X angular acceleration history used for the Chung integrator in unified memory
609     std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>> sphere_ang_acc_X_old;
610     /// Y angular acceleration history used for the Chung integrator in unified memory
611     std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>> sphere_ang_acc_Y_old;
612     /// Z angular acceleration history used for the Chung integrator in unified memory
613     std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>> sphere_ang_acc_Z_old;
615     /// Fixity of each sphere
616     std::vector<not_stupid_bool, cudallocator<not_stupid_bool>> sphere_fixed;
618     /// A buffer array that can store any derived quantity from particles. When users quarry a quantity (such as kinetic
619     /// energy using GetParticleKineticEnergy), this array is used to store that particle-wise quantity, and then
620     /// potentially reduced via CUB.
621     std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>> sphere_stats_buffer;
623     /// Set of contact partners for each sphere. Only used in frictional simulations
624     std::vector<unsigned int, cudallocator<unsigned int>> contact_partners_map;
625     /// Whether the frictional contact at an index is active
626     std::vector<not_stupid_bool, cudallocator<not_stupid_bool>> contact_active_map;
627     /// Tracks the tangential history vector for a given contact pair. Only used in multistep friction
628     std::vector<float3, cudallocator<float3>> contact_history_map;
629     /// Tracks the duration of contact between contact pairs. Only used in multistep friction
630     std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>> contact_duration;
631     /// Tracks the normal contact force for a given contact pair
632     std::vector<float3, cudallocator<float3>> normal_contact_force;
633     /// Tracks the tangential contact force for a given contact pair
634     std::vector<float3, cudallocator<float3>> tangential_friction_force;
635     /// Tracks the rolling resistance for a given contact pair
636     std::vector<float3, cudallocator<float3>> rolling_friction_torque;
637     /////////////////////DEBUG PURPOSE///////////////////////////
638     /// Tracks the characteristic contact time for a given contact pair
639     std::vector<float, cudallocator<float>> char_collision_time;
640     /// Tracks v_rot
641     std::vector<float3, cudallocator<float3>> v_rot_array;
643     /// X gravity in user units
644     float X_accGrav;
645     /// Y gravity in user units
646     float Y_accGrav;
647     /// Z gravity in user units
648     float Z_accGrav;
650     /// Entry "i" says how many spheres touch subdomain i
651     std::vector<unsigned int, cudallocator<unsigned int>> SD_NumSpheresTouching;
652     ///  Entry "i" says where spheres touching ith SD are stored in the big composite array (the offset)
653     std::vector<unsigned int, cudallocator<unsigned int>> SD_SphereCompositeOffsets;
654     /// Scratch area, needed to populate data in the big composite array
655     std::vector<unsigned int, cudallocator<unsigned int>> SD_SphereCompositeOffsets_ScratchPad;
656     /// Array with the IDs of the spheres touching each SD associated with the box; organized SD after SD
657     std::vector<unsigned int, cudallocator<unsigned int>> spheres_in_SD_composite;
659     /// List of owner subdomains for each sphere
660     std::vector<unsigned int, cudallocator<unsigned int>> sphere_owner_SDs;
662     /// User provided timestep in UU
663     float stepSize_UU;
665     /// SU (adimensional) value of time step
666     float stepSize_SU;
668     /// how is the system integrated through time?
669     CHGPU_TIME_INTEGRATOR time_integrator;
671     /// Total time elapsed since beginning of simulation
672     float elapsedSimTime;
674     /// Normal stiffness for sphere-to-sphere contact (Hertzian spring constant)
675     double K_n_s2s_UU;
677     /// Normal stiffness for sphere-to-wall contact (Hertzian spring constant)
678     double K_n_s2w_UU;
680     /// Normal damping for sphere-to-sphere
681     double Gamma_n_s2s_UU;
683     /// Normal damping for sphere-to-wall
684     double Gamma_n_s2w_UU;
686     /// Tangential stiffness for sphere-to-sphere (Hertzian spring constant
687     double K_t_s2s_UU;
689     /// Tangential stiffness for sphere-to-wall (Hertzian spring constant
690     double K_t_s2w_UU;
692     /// Tangential damping for sphere-to-sphere
693     double Gamma_t_s2s_UU;
695     /// Tangential damping for sphere-to-wall
696     double Gamma_t_s2w_UU;
698     /// material based property: youngs modulus, poisson ratio, cor
699     bool use_mat_based = false;
701     double YoungsModulus_sphere_UU;
702     double YoungsModulus_wall_UU;
703     double YoungsModulus_mesh_UU;
705     double COR_sphere_UU;
706     double COR_wall_UU;
707     double COR_mesh_UU;
709     double PoissonRatio_sphere_UU;
710     double PoissonRatio_wall_UU;
711     double PoissonRatio_mesh_UU;
713     /// Rolling friction coefficient for sphere-to-sphere
714     double rolling_coeff_s2s_UU;
716     /// Rolling friction coefficient for sphere-to-wall
717     /// Units and use are dependent on the rolling friction model used
718     double rolling_coeff_s2w_UU;
720     /// Spinning friction coefficient for sphere-to-sphere
721     double spinning_coeff_s2s_UU;
723     /// Spinning friction coefficient for sphere-to-wall
724     /// Units and use are dependent on the spinning friction model used
725     double spinning_coeff_s2w_UU;
727     /// Store the ratio of the acceleration due to cohesion vs the acceleration due to gravity, makes simple API
728     float cohesion_over_gravity;
730     /// Store the ratio of the acceleration due to adhesion vs the acceleration due to gravity
731     float adhesion_s2w_over_gravity;
733     /// The reference point for UU to SU local coordinates
734     int64_t3 BD_rest_frame_SU;
736     /// List of generalized boundary conditions that constrain sphere motion
737     std::vector<BC_type, cudallocator<BC_type>> BC_type_list;
738     /// Sim-unit (adimensional) details of boundary conditions
739     std::vector<BC_params_t<int64_t, int64_t3>, cudallocator<BC_params_t<int64_t, int64_t3>>> BC_params_list_SU;
740     /// User-unit (dimensional) details of boundary conditions
741     std::vector<BC_params_t<float, float3>, cudallocator<BC_params_t<float, float3>>> BC_params_list_UU;
742     /// Offset motions functions for boundary conditions -- used for moving walls, wavetanks, etc.
743     std::vector<GranPositionFunction> BC_offset_function_list;
745     /// User defined radius of the sphere
746     float sphere_radius_UU;
747     /// User defined density of the sphere
748     float sphere_density_UU;
750     /// X-length of the big domain; defines the global X axis located at the CM of the box (as default)
751     float box_size_X;
752     /// Y-length of the big domain; defines the global Y axis located at the CM of the box (as default)
753     float box_size_Y;
754     /// Z-length of the big domain; defines the global Z axis located at the CM of the box (as default)
755     float box_size_Z;
757     /// XYZ coordinate of the center of the big box domain in the user-defined frame. Default is (0,0,0).
758     float user_coord_O_X;
759     float user_coord_O_Y;
760     float user_coord_O_Z;
762     /// User-provided sphere positions in UU
763     std::vector<float3> user_sphere_positions;
765     /// User-provided sphere velocities in UU
766     std::vector<float3> user_sphere_vel;
768     /// User-provided sphere angular velocities in UU
769     std::vector<float3> user_sphere_ang_vel;
771     /// User-provided sphere fixity as bools
772     std::vector<bool> user_sphere_fixed;
774     /// User-provided sphere contact pair information
775     std::vector<unsigned int> user_partner_map;
777     /// User-provided sphere (contact pair) friction history information in UU
778     std::vector<float3> user_friction_history;
780     /// The offset function for the big domain walls
781     GranPositionFunction BDOffsetFunction;
783     /// Allow the user to set the big domain to be fixed, ignoring any given position functions
784     bool BD_is_fixed = true;
786   public:
787     // Do two things: make the naming nicer and require a const pointer everywhere
789     /// Get handle for the gran params that skips namespacing and enforces const-ness
790     typedef const ChSystemGpu_impl::GranParams* GranParamsPtr;
792     /// Get handle for the sphere data that skips namespacing and enforces const-ness
793     typedef const ChSystemGpu_impl::SphereData* GranSphereDataPtr;
795     friend class ChSystemGpu;
796     friend class ChSystemGpuMesh;
797 };
799 }  // namespace gpu
800 }  // namespace chrono